#he's so complex it's hard to fit him into the lil boxes
ilsanslut · 7 months
you said male reader and I appear
anyway, I’d love for your fave blue lock boys getting spanked by male reader
and I disappear now
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♰ featuring: kaiser michael. shidou ryusei. [blue lock + separate]
♰ note: when i saw this pop up in my ask box i JUMPED into my desk chair with the most devious laugh ever LIKEE the joker could never. anyway, here are my baby boys getting their asses handed to them, as well as my first-ever male!reader work. (honestly i might make this into a lil series because i literally love too many blue lock characters-) enjoy!
sypnosis: naughty boys deserve to get spankings. content/trigger warning(s): 18+. smut. masc/male-bodied!reader. dominant/top!reader. bratty bottoms. minor dub-con? (kaiser). forced masturabation (kaiser). spanking. one cock-stepping moment (shidou). masochism (shidou). ryusei has daddy issues. one-time usage of the word ‘daddy’ (shidou). hair-pulling. cursing. degradation. punishments w/ no actual penetration. ꒷꒦
There were numerous things that irritated you about your teammate Kaiser: his superiority complex, the way he talked down to others who he saw as inferior, his inhuman skill that rivaled some of our generation's greatest, and his ridiculously good looks. But you had no idea how you of all people had become his number one target on his shitlist. It began cordially enough—or as cordial as you could be when dealing with Kaiser—but things quickly devolved into vile territory. He would annoy you to no end, from bumping into you in the hallway to stealing your towels as you were getting out of the shower, to making patronizing comments about you during practice, and even enabling his lapdog Ness to steal the ball from you during what should have been obvious goals at your games.
He was always meticulous about his appearance, so you knew he was taking extra time in the shower to get rid of the hard work he had done today to make your life as miserable as possible. You headed for the showers, which were nearly empty, but for one in the middle, front and center, fit for an emperor, with the curtain closed and the water running. You heard the faintest tune hummed in German from behind the curtain, and, without warning, you fisted the curtain in your hand and snatched it open. Panic overcame Kaiser's handsome face as he saw you, his eyes widening in response to being leered at in his most vulnerable state. There was a fleeting look of fear in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a smug glare and a pinch of his eyebrows.
“R-Really, Y/N?” Even with the sneer in his tone, you could tell it was merely a ploy to cover up the tremble in his voice. “I didn’t take you for the perverted type who—”
You did not even wait for him to finish before stepping into the shower yourself, unconcerned about getting soaked while still fully clothed, and snatching the curtain closed behind you. Seeing the look of a silent fury twisting your features, Kaiser’s expression dropped. However, before he could attempt to make a break to safety, you were shoving him against the ceramic walls cheek-first while your body and sheer mass pinned him there from behind. He grunted, struggling against your overwhelming strength as your forearm pinned itself across his shoulder blades, firmly pinning him there.
“W-What are you doing?! Get off of m—”
You silenced him with a sharp swat to his, surprisingly, bubbly ass, the sound of the hit echoing off the walls around you two, and effectively quarreling whatever rebuttal he was about to spew your way.
“I’ve had enough of your shit, Kaiser.” You snarled, emphasizing your words with two well-placed smacks on both of his ass cheeks, making him yelp with each one. You held him taut, fisting the back of his dyed hair and pulling his head back until his ear was right next to your lips. Even then, you could see the faintest trace of horror and what looked like yearning in his wide, blue eyes. For what? You didn’t know, nor did you care, right now.
“You berate me on the field—”
“Thrownin’ off my obvious fuckin’ goals—”
“And stick your dumb little lapmutt onto me, just because you know you can’t devour me on your own—!”
Kaiser’s teeth were gritted as he tried to hold back his sharp grunts and ill-timed moans, but no sound could be hidden from your ears within the confines of the echoing chamber. You gave him the briefest moments of reprieve, groping his abused cheeks in your large palm as your hand shook with poorly contained malice. Your hand that was in his hair jerked his head back more, pulling him slightly off of the wall so that you could peer over his shoulder, only to confirm your suspicions that yes, Kaiser was hard, and yes he was getting off to this.
“Dirty bitch,” You snarled in his ear amidst your amused chuckle. “Are you really getting off to this? Getting your pretty lil’ cock hard over being spanked like a disobedient slut you are in the showers, huh?”
“O-Oh, fuck you, Y/N. I am not—AH~!”
Kaiser let out a high-pitched, sultry squeal as you gave him another well-earned smack on his ass, feeling the pleasure shoot through his veins and making his cock jump. His face was flushing red, just like his posterior, and it was not from the heat from the shower.
“Yeah?” You breathed haughtily in his ear. “Go on then, jerk your cock for me, baby. I know a desperate thing like you is just aching to cum all over these walls, aren’t you?”
His fists balled at his sides as his teeth gritted against one another, not wanting to give you the satisfaction of letting you have your way. You merely clicked your tongue at his behavior, releasing his grip on his hair to instead wrap your large palm around his throbbing shaft and pump him yourself instead.
Grasping at your shorts with one fist to maintain balance, he choked on his own groans, his knees weakening as his body shook against your powerful one. He twisted around in your grip, trying to struggle free from your sneaky fingers, but it was no use.
“Y-Y/N, you f-fucking, ngh! S-Stop that!” He spat half-heartedly, despite the fact that his hips were practically fucking themselves into your deft digits.
You didn’t respond to him verbally, instead giving him another smack on the ass, just to witness his hips jolt and his cock twitch in your palm, drawing a sadistic cackle from your lips.
“What kind of whore gets off on being spanked, huh? You some kind of masochist of somethin’, Micha’?”
He didn’t reply—he couldn’t reply. His vision blurred and his mind went numb from the pleasure of having his rival fist his cock and dominate him completely when he was at his most vulnerable. He looked so pretty like this, with his hues rolled behind his half-lidded lids, his jaw dropped and gaping to release a steady string of moans, a line of drool pooling from his lips while his cheeks flushed a deep red from the humiliation of it all—he was perfect.
His groans grew shrill, and, before you knew it, he was utilizing your body as a rock to stay upright while his legs trembled under him. In an instant, hot, thick ropes of sticky cum spewed from his throbbing shaft and over himself and the shower walls. His body convulsed in your hand as a barrage of obscenities and things you could not make out in German fell from his lips. You laughed at him, cackled at his humiliation, the exact same way he would do to you when he would knock you down.
You didn’t stop there. You continued to pump his cock until he was well into overstimulation and fighting to escape your grasp. He eventually triumphed over you with a forceful shove, sending you reeling a few paces behind him as his weakness caused him to fall to the ground. There on his knees, he gazed up at you, his lips parted and panting, his semi-hard cock twitching languidly against his thigh, his pupils blown wide. He was a beautiful wreck, and it was all your fault.
“Yeah, nah.” You huffed, observing how his unfocused eyes suddenly widened and his lips drew in a sharp gasp as he watched you reach into your shorts with a near-feral grin on your face.
“I’m not finished with you, yet.”
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You know what happens when you feed a gremlin after midnight? That was Ryusei, except every day and 24/7. So much so that he was frequently a well-deserved victim of Blue Lock’s “Anti-Riot” electric shock. Today was one of those instances where, once again, Ryusei and Rin couldn’t see eye-to-eye on the field, leading to the two getting into a physical altercation initiated by the former. This time, they both were electrocuted, but instead of having additional staff handle Ryusei, you effortlessly scooped the male up and over your shoulder, walking off of the practice field with him. No one else on PXG dared to question it, not even Julian Loki, who just watched on with a heavy sigh and a shake of his head.
You made your way to the locker room, kicking the door open with your foot before setting Ryusei’s semi-conscious and lethargic form down on one of the benches against a set of lockers. Picking up a stray water bottle, you aimed the nozzle at your boyfriend before squeezing mercilessly, allowing a continuous spray of water to pelt against the blonde’s face. He gasped and spluttered as he awoke with a start, using his coughs to try and resist your water assault.
“Y/N?! W-What the hell is your problem? Cut that shit out!” He all but snarled at you, spitting some of the water out of his mouth.
Releasing your grip on the bottle, you stared at him impassively, thoroughly unamused by both his behavior and his language. Using the collar of his shirt to wipe his face, Ryusei took a moment to get his bearings and realized that the two of you were in the locker room and not on the field.
“. . . What happe—”
“You know exactly what the fuck happened, Ryusei.” Your sharp tone cut him off, your eyes narrowing on his now-widened fuschia ones. He looked a bit taken aback by your tone, but as he took in your demeanor and the way you were sitting with your elbows on your knees while glowering at him through your lashes, he understood that you were pissed at him.
“We talked about this, Ryu. It doesn’t matter how pissed off you get, you can’t just start swinging on your teammates whenever they annoy you!” You berated him, standing up now as you threaded your hands through your hair in exasperation.
All the while, your boyfriend sat there, scratching at his ear with his pinky and blowing off the excess nonchalantly as though you were boring him.
“Jeez, this is why you brought me here? You’re starting to sound like my old man.”
You paused, hands dropping by your sides as you felt a vein pulsating just above your eyebrow.
Is he serious right now?
Ryusei stood up abruptly, thrusting his hands into his pockets and assuming his usual slouching stance. His lips were pulled into a frown, and his expression was uninterested, as if he couldn’t care less about what you were saying right now.
Taking a step closer to you, he would say, “Y’know, lecturing me isn’t going to do either of us any good, babe. I’m going to continue to do my own thing, and you’re going to continue doing yours. There is no need to waste any of our breaths.” A sly, joker-like grin formed on his face, a hand leaving his pocket to rise to your face, rudely flicking a strand of hair above your eye, “Kapeesh?”
You were silent, fists balled by your sides, as you resisted the urge to strangle the forward where he stood. Taking your silence as compliance, Ryusei rolled his eyes and began to stroll out of the locker room, done with the conversation. That is, if you had not prevented his departure by lunging your fist forward and balling up the back of his shirt from behind. On instinct, the blonde whipped around with the intention of landing one of his infamous kicks on the side of your head, which you easily countered by grabbing the front of his shirt in one hand and his face in the other and slammed him down onto the floor.
Like a hyena trapped in a poacher's net, he struggled fiercely beneath you, hissing, spitting, biting, and snarling at you. But you persisted in your silence, pressing harder with your hand on his jaw until you were forcefully smushing his cheek against the ground, forcing him to finally submit under your brute strength. The two of you lay there for a while, Ryusei panting heavily beneath you and you glowering him down with every inch of your being, before it was you who broke the silence.
“I’m sick of your shit, Ryusei.” For emphasis, you pressed down harder on his face, relishing in the whimper that emitted from his lips while you did so. “Talking about how I ‘sound like your old man’, well, maybe I should act like him and knock some fuckin’ sense into you, huh?”
Ryusei’s eyes flashed for a brief moment, full of indignation and trepidation, but you were unyielding.
“ . . . Do it, pus—”
You didn’t hesitate to give him a quick pop on the mouth to shut him up, much to his astonishment. Before he could react, you captured fistfuls of his spiked locks in your hand, dragging him over to the benches until you could sit down and lug your 185cm boyfriend over your muscular thighs. As the reality of the situation began to settle in on him, he immediately began to struggle as a slew of curses spat from his scowling brims. However, you quickly subdued him by pinning the wrist that was farthest from you behind his back and your own leg over the back of his calves, preventing him from moving anywhere.
“Y-Y/N, you can’t be serious!”
And you were. Without a word to him, your dominant hand rose into the air before delivering a swift swat to his rear. You didn’t hold back either, knowing that with his blue lock body suit and practice uniform on, the blow was well-cushioned. Ryusei lurched on your lap, his free hand dragging his blunt nails against the bench with a startled cry. His jaw clenched, extending his free arm as far as it could go before bringing it back unforgivingly to jab it into your side.
“Let me go, you fucking sadistic bastard!”
Sadistic, huh? You seized the top of his shorts and the bottom of his bodysuit in one swift motion, yanking them down his toned thighs to expose his equally caramlized cheeks. You struck his cheeks with a series of enraged blows, striking each one with a hard spank from your thick, callused hands. In an instant, his ass was turning a vivid red, and instead of attempting to resist you, he was concentrating on preparing for each of your relentless blows. However, your pace was unpredictable. Some swats were fast and in rapid succession of the latter, while others were slow and calculated, almost as though you were trying to soothe the skin in between hits. It was abundantly evident that you were trying to teach him a lesson and venting your anger toward him. Aside from the occasional grunt or whimper from your now-silent boyfriend, this was the quietest you had heard him all week.
You gave your boyfriend a moment of respite, making sure he had not fainted on your lap. You massaged his sore ass in your palm while releasing his limp arm to grab his hair and pull his head back so you could look him in the eye.
Ryusei's normally keen eyes were now unfocused and brimming with tears, rolling into the back of his head; his cheeks were flushed a fierce red, smeared with the few tears that had escaped his eyes; and his pink lips were parted, gasping as strands of crystalline drool pooled over his bottom lip.
You had ruined him.
“Oh, Ryusei. . .” You cooed mockingly, bringing both of your hands to his face to cup his cheeks gently. As you gently shook his face back and forth to get him to focus on you, he sank to his knees between your thighs. “C’mon, pretty boy. Stay w’me.”
It took a moment, but you could finally see the life resorting in his fuschia hues, just as you felt something sticky on your calf. Glancing past the ruined face of your boyfriend, you discovered that his slender cock was hard and pulsating, its red tip drooling with pre as it adhered to your leg and soaked a tiny puddle in the material of your bodysuit. Poor mutt. He had been so turned on by this that he nearly came right into your lap, and you hadn’t even realized it.
Then it hit you. That’s why he had gone quiet—not because he was focusing on prepping himself for your swats, but because he was focusing on trying not to cum.
“Aren’t you just pathetic, Ryu? Nuthin’ more than a dumb painslut who only thinks about fighting and getting a nut off.”
His brows furrowed from your degrading words, but he couldn’t help the way his cock jumped against your calf from having you be so, so mean to him.
“You wanna get off? Wanna cum all over your pretty self, hm?”
He gave a desperate nod, babbling out whatever few unintelligible words his stupid mind could manage, but they seemed to be in needy plea to cum. With a maniacal smile on your face, you violently wrenched your partner away from you while he looked up at you with those wide, desire-filled eyes.
“Y-Yes, fuck. Y/N please. .”
You silently moved your leg between his knees, pressing the top of your cleats against his balls, observing as he practically doubled-over your leg with a high-pitched whine, his cheek pressed against your knee as his arms wrapped around your calf. Already, his thighs were quivering around your foot as he tried not to cum right then and there from the stimulation.
“Fuck yourself on my shoe, Ryusei.” You demanded, watching as he gawked at you incredulously, but your expression was unchanging. “You wanna cum, don’t you?” You quipped, folding your arms over your chest and quirking an eyebrow at him, to which he nodded desperately once more. “Then hump my leg like the dirty mutt you are.”
With a muffled groan, he did as you demanded of him, albeit with a slight bit of hesitation. He made sure he was situated well enough, the underside of his cock pressed up against your laces as he gave a few testing thrusts of his hips, each one brushing against your shin every time. He gradually increased his speed before descending into complete degeneracy. Desperate to chase his release that had been building over time, he was fucking himself against your leg while huffing, panting, grunting, and groaning. Your partner, possessed by his untamed desire, was drooling over your thigh while you watched from above. Your own cock twitched in your shorts as you admired the already fucked-out and near pornographic expression on his face.
Aiding the little masochist further, you leaned over him to place yet another swat against his reddened ass, causing a cry of pleasure and pain to emit from his lips and his hips to sputter against you.
“You like being spanked like this, don’t you, painslut?” You growled into his ear, causing a high-pitched whine to sound from his drooling brims.
“Y-Yes! Yes! Hit me more! Ngh, p-please, Daddy!”
You hissed, your cock straining against the tight confines of the bodysuit you were trapped in, but you did not touch yourself just yet. This was about Ryusei, not you, after all.
“Yeah? Gonna make a mess over Daddy’s leg? Gonna cum all over his cleats? Hm, baby?”
“Hah, sh-shit! Yes, yes, yes! I-I’m gonna—mm’fuck~! C-Cum!”
A sadistic grin arose on your features, swatting another well-placed smack on his ass before leaning back on the bench, glowering down at Ryusei from over your nose. His fucked-out gaze could barely meet your own as the movement of his hips grew sloppy and his thighs quivered around your leg from the way you looked at him. He huffed, panting and drooling against your thigh as a slew of curses escaped his lips—he was close.
However, before he could enjoy the sweet, sweet euphoria of finally reaching his high, your hand threaded itself into his locks, peeled him off of you, and pushed him back into an opposing bench behind him. Ryusei gawked at you, utterly dumbfounded, as he slouched back against the bench, processing what had just happened. His cock, which was an angry red and throbbing, twitched against his thigh, thoroughly messy with pre. It took a moment, but his surprise soon gave way to frustration, and his face twisted with rage. Did you really just deny him?
“Y-Y/N, what the fu—”
“—Did you seriously think that you deserved to cum after the shit you pulled both on the field and in here, huh, Ryusei? Oh, don’t tell me you forgot that this was a punishment, babe.”
At your faux pout and mocking tone, he went silent, his face burning with indignation as his lips pressed themselves into a thin line. His eyes, despite being clouded by desire, had the faintest hints of vexation and desperation in them, which you picked up on. You rose to your feet, laughing at Ryusei's angrily pleading gaze, still desperate for his release but enraged that you refused to give it to him.
You bent over at the waist, grabbing his jaw in your palm, forcing your heated gazes to meet.
“Clean yourself up and get your ass back on that field, Ryu—and don’t you dare touch yourself, got it?”
Ryusei did not say anything in response; he just stared at you with that same disgruntled expression on his pretty face. Before long, he nodded, albeit not without the faintest of pouts appearing on his lips as he did so. You leaned in and gave his disheveled brims a quick peck before straightening up once more.
“Good. Now, hurry up,” You ordered as you began to make your way out of the locker room, however, not without casting a salacious stare over your shoulder in his direction. He was watching you go with his fists balled at his sides, his eyes begging for you to come back and let you finish. You didn’t.
“Don’t you worry your pretty lil’ head, Ryu. I’m dealing with you once practice is over.”
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ⓒ vampiie 2023 — all rights reserved. please do not repost my work outside of tumblr, modify, or translate my work in any form/means. please do not share my work to tiktok or any other site.
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strangeswift · 2 years
I already know I'm not gonna be able to articulate this well but here goes nothing. This is my half baked opinion on Mike as a mini Munson.
I've seen a lot of people saying they didn't like Mike being a mini Munson S4 and I half agree. I completely agree that the style isn't him at all. And I don't think he should continue to dress that way going forward.
But here's why I kind of liked it for season 4:
Mike's a complex character. On one hand he's anticonformist. He joins Hellfire, he criticizes Lucas for joining the basketball team solely because he thinks Lucas is conforming.
But! We also know that in other aspects cough sexuality cough Mike is trying very hard to conform. It's an interesting dichotomy.
And the mini Munson thing is interesting because he's mimicking the style of an anticonformist role model. But he's still mimicking a style which is completely different from his own. Which is a different type of conformity in itself? By dressing like Eddie, he may feel like he's not conforming. But really, he kind of is. He's just putting himself in a different box.
He's leaving behind his old style which he probably views as "childish" now (we all know how ST has intertwined the themes of growing up and queerness).
Sure, Mike didn't go off and join the basketball team like Lucas did. But it's also worth mentioning that he can't. He's not athletic. Mike claims he doesnt care about fitting in, but he did find a clique in the Hellfire club. Not only did he find a clique, but he idolizes the leader of that clique enough to emulate his style.
Don't get me wrong, I think the party joined Hellfire because they like DND, not just to have a group to fit into. But I think having a group to fit into is part of it. In High School you gotta find your group, that's how you survive. And Hellfire is theirs.
Dustin wears his Hellfire shirt, and yet he keeps his old style, unlike Mike. He's not trying to leave himself behind, he's unapologetically himself. Which Mike claims to be, but is he?
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Basically, to me Mike's new look is a visual representation of his cognitive dissonance regarding conformity, and by extension his sexuality.
Bonus take: It's maybe also a subtle nod to Mike maybe having a lil crush on Eddie? I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't, but that's just my take. (And before you say I'm projecting because I like Eddie, I'm a lesbain and also I have very little emotional attachment to his character at this point because some of the stans kinda ruined him for me a little.)
Anyway, this might make 0% sense so feel free to tear me to shreds, but this is just my interpretation.
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soukouku · 2 years
“ what are your hands made for ? ” uquiz you don’t have an answer for ‘my hands were never meant to live past 14, they do not heal, they do not hold, they do not even smite, they grip the blade i point at myself and they tremble when i think of who i would let down by plunging it into my chest’
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slidewhistlebj · 4 years
TUA Season 2 is finally here! I think it was a really cool season with some really awesome potential, but there are some parts that I think really didn’t work and this is how i think they should have been fixed
(Spoilers for Season 2 of the Umbrella Academy. Obviously)
i think landing the siblings in different years was amazing, they got time to explore themselves and we could see their personalities through what they did
On the other hand, they didnt devote enough time to those storylines so it never felt like they had a solid purpose (for most of the siblings), it was more to show “time has passed”
How did Luther end up boxing under a gangster? How is he adjusting to no dad, no academy?? He was alone on the moon, He was left behind by his siblings in the academy, now he is alone and in a whole other *time* like i wanna hear about that!
Klaus has mansion and a cult and had a girlfriend benefactor lady?? Like: lets get into that! if the show wants humor that can be amazing
but it can also be really interesting and deep for exploring klaus’s need for both personal space (physically and somewhat emotionally) yet also his need for positive attention from whoever will give it to him!
More on that alone now track: the opening scene with their fighting was built to get us hyped
it fucking worked, that shit was amazing
but along with wishing that we saw more of their individual stories, i wish some of their growth had been gradual
like Klaus should have been showing off ghost stuff with his cult which is part of why they follow him which would set up his new ability to summon and conjure multiple ghosts at a time
instead of it being a throw away scene at the end where he gets caught
or Diego could have been shown in his ‘alone in dallas’ storyline to be trying to escape multiple times from the asylum and in that, figuring out his ability to start affecting other peoples shots at him, etc
Stuff like that would have been a great way to both dive into the characters *and* ramp up their abilities
Moving onto The Commission who i absolutely love so so much 
Hell yeah u funky lil time-space assassins
I think that the Handler should have stayed dead
her return to the show while awesome (because she is played so well by her actress) continues this problem for the show of seemingly running in place where things dont have consequences like they should
I also think her return made a very campy feel to certain parts which is fine, the story should have fun! but it doesnt fit with the vibe very well with the other more serious plots
Imagine a storyline where the Handler is replaced by Carmichael, a competent replacement with no close personal relationship to Five
A head to head show down throughout the season of Five trying to outthink and outwit Carmichael and Commission Agents to get a briefcase 
The misdirects! 
The drama! 
The action sequences and reveals!
More Screen Time for the Cool Ass Talking Fish 2k20!
All of which culminates in the board of directors scene but now with real weight behind it for the audience because we have been watching these two face off with one another for a season of build up
Giving that scene to the handler was the worst part of the whole season, u cant change my mind bros
This would also open up Lila to be more of her own person
Her storyline would change without the Handler there so that instead of being actively manipulated by the Handler, she has gone rogue from the commission to kill Five for her parents deaths due to previous planning and programming from her mother
(its only been 14 days for Five, a very normal turn around for him to desert, have the Handler tell Lila her version of the story, get killed, and have Lila get ready to take him down)
its generally the same plot, but Lila is more in the drivers seat
Going from tagging along with Diego in the hopes that Five returns for him to questioning some of her commitment to her mission as she spending time with them, etc
it could culminate in a reveal of her mother to Five and Diego and then a redemption where she helps them get a case from Carmichael in someway, looping her into the main plot in an important way with generally the same story
but skipping the pretty basic “obviously evil character is obviously evil but hero doesn't see it” trope that they fell into
I think that Luther’s arc in this season was awesome 10/10 gold standard
he was still him, but this storyline showcases the softer side of his loyalty and lets him grow from season 1 mistakes which is everything I hoped for
Comforting Vanya? Check
Being there for Five? Check
Being a voice of reason but still being a dumbass? Cheeeeeck
Diegos arc this season fell flat for me which was hard because he was such a main part of the plot 
This whole season had a build-up trying to break down Diego’s need to be a hero (which they turned to a fucking 11 from last season?? he was not *this* intense last season, im not quite sure why they made the switch), telling him that he isnt / cant be the hero
I assumed this was leading to Diego having a big moment or sacrifice that proved that hero or not, he cares and the effort that he puts into all of these different things matters
But it just didnt??
He didnt stop the president from being assassinated, he didnt save vanya, at the farm he got trapped under a tractor
it just felt like the point was “haha see he isnt a hero”
which,,,,,,okay? What the point of that??
His involvement with the Commision was weird too, i didnt care for him being a part of that storyline very much, it just didnt add anything
Allison’s arc was just on the edge of greatness for me
it was an awesome choice to put in her in a position where she wasnt treated equally and show exactly what kind of person she is by how she fights back
her not using her rumors also seems very genuine and character based here like: 10/10 character motivations and work
My one complaint, like with just about all the partners in this season, is that she fell in love with a man and just had to leave him 
which makes sense and they talk about it but like: she loves him, its hard to picture someone as loving and loyal as Allison just leaving her husband behind forever 
Klaus’s arc just needed more *time*
He is a hella deep character but all of his story lines needed more time to be able to address that complexity 
Show us more of the cult and his ghost powers being used there to trick and amaze and how he has been handling being cut off from the family again
I,,,,,,I understand,,,dave’s storyline
I get the time period
but fuck
that just hurts
I think Klaus not trying to rekindle his relationship with a younger Dave, but trying to protect him from the war was an amazing angle and it needed more time to get the full punch of klaus pulling out all the stops to save him but failing to really land it
My Son
My Trash Boy
I feel like his job as ‘leader of the stop the apocalypse’ movement is good but that was his whole story this time around
He should have gotten more to play off of with the Commission (*cough cough* Carmichael) in his fight to get a briefcase instead of what felt like 10 hours of Five trying to herd his siblings and them just fucking up in someway or another
Five and Older Five was a cool dynamic and im glad they brought him in but again, it just felt like another long storyline attempt that didnt have a purpose as they ended the scene without the case or anything new
Ben’s arc was,,,,,strange
I love Ben and i think his interplay with Klaus is really cool!
But the writers made him fall in love which someone so they could give him a reason to want to possess Klaus which i feel like didnt need to happen
The possession was a good part of the season and could have been taken to some awesome places
It was rough and the ‘consent’ wasnt run entirely well but i think the possession is supposed to be on the line and not quite black and white 
its Ben asking to take control of Klaus! That can be conflict! Thats good stuff right there! Ben is selfish! so is Klaus! thats a cool story to get into between them and see how they try to work it out
Ben wanting to connect with his other siblings after the small taste of being corporeal that he got and pushing Klaus for more and more of that freedom into possession territory would be A+ shit
and Finally: Vanya!
I think most amnesia plots are lazy and just a way to stall progress and reset a character so you can run a very similar plot again but this one seemed to genuinely grow Vanya’s character, even when she remembered 
She definitely has more personality in this season
And while shes quiet, thats just who she is, she isnt as afraid to take space and speak up which is awesome!
And this stays when she gets her memory back which is very good, i dont want to see backsliding for no reason! Give me growth!
I have two complaints about her storyline though
 First Sissy and Harlan
I love both of them and I think they are really cool characters!
Theyre pretty similar to vanya season 1, taking whatever is thrown at them which places Vanya in a more assertive position where she wants to protect them which i loved!
but their ending doesn't sit entirely right with me, just like Raymonds
These characters are in love and they all just leave each other so that the siblings can have a clean, no characters permanently added slate for the next season
it just makes me tired and i really want season 3 to have little to no romance if the only way the show can go about it is to do a love interest per season
My second problem gets its own section because it is the culmination of everything else i have said 
episode ten
Vanya is strong af so any writer that wants big final fight needs to very carefully weigh out how to give each sibling their appropriately sized struggle so they get equal ability to contribute
Instead of doing that though, they did my least favorite trope: Evil Character secretly can do everything the heros can but better and without a problem or ***training***
It meant that they could do whatever they wanted with throwing commission agents at them because Luther, Allison, and Klaus were completely added on just to react to things
Five sort of got to do some fighting (<3 thats my lil geriatric 13 year old) but it was minor, he was mainly there to very obviously turn back time when the big bad shoot out happened
Diego got the most to do out of the siblings and it was suddenly knowing a new ability and doing it a little bit
I dont want a final fight to be trying to woo a bad guy to the good side because theyre too strong to fight 
I want there to be stakes and drama as the siblings show off exactly what the season was all about, what they learned, how they grew together and apart, etc and to take down the big bad which could have very easily been the united front of the Commission instead of 18% Vanya, 15% Harlan, 30% Lila and the Handler, 20% the Swede(s), etc
Lila’s turn to good could have been to help them sneak attack the commission, maybe in their base so as to shrink the fighting to manageable bites for each character?
That would have allowed five’s killing of the board to draw the fighting to a close, a hard decision for him as he is trying to move away from killing but does so to save his family, always to save his family :’( 
Luther could protect his siblings from hits like they showed at the beginning in a way that mirrors how he has been doing that emotionally all season
etc etc etc for all of the siblings so that they each get to show off and have their moment in the spotlight as heros
I loved the season even though i just ranted for like 3 pages, and it has some of the best one liners and line readings ever (”Thats where you come in Five” “Nope. No it isnt”) I just wish that some parts of it had been given some more thought / care so they could really show of the amazing cast, effects, sets, etc without writing in the way
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deathlikesdeep-dish · 4 years
The Razr (Zoro AU Scenario)
Hi guys!
I’m so flattered that I’ve had some people join me here on this fun writing journey!! I truly truly do a little happy dance every time I get a follow. :D 
I keep meaning to just sit down and write a quick lil somethin somethin, but it always ends up longer than I intend 😅
This is a headcanon I came up with about Zoro having a crazy outdated flip phone that he refused to get rid of and his friends finally forced him to get a smartphone so he could use GPS. 
It turned out a little more serious and emotional than I originally intended, but I’m pretty pleased with it!! Would love to get y’alls feedback. 
Warnings: obscene amounts of fluff, language 
Word Count: 1862
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“Zoro, where the fuck are you??” Nami yelled on the other end of the phone. He could hear the irritation in her voice.
He groaned and rubbed his hand over his face in frustration. “I really don’t know, Nami. I think I made a wrong turn,” He paused and sighed. “Or two? Shit, I don’t know.”
Zoro could hear Nami yelling on the other end of the line, and he placed his phone in the cup holder, knowing that this might be a while. He hit his head a few times on the steering wheel of his car, closing his eyes as he waited for her to finish screeching. He was used to this. He knew that he wasn’t the most directionally adept member of his friend group, but he got by….when others were around.
What made matters worse is that Zoro absolutely refused to get rid of his ancient, bulky flip phone, a fact that Nami never failed to bring up in situations just like this. He didn’t see a point in getting a new phone when his old one worked just fine. He thought back to a conversation he’d had about it just the other day with his friends.
“Bro, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” Their newest friend Franky said upon seeing Zoro pull his phone out of his pocket. “A fucking Motorola Razr? That thing has gotta be 10 years old!”
“It’s actually 12 years old,” Luffy chimed in with a laugh. “It was Kuina’s before it was Zoro’s.”
“Kuina? Who’s Kuina?” Franky asked. Zoro tensed up at the mention of her name, and the room went silent. Even Luffy noticed that he’d made a mistake in bringing her up. Zoro squeezed the phone tightly in his pocket.
Kuina was Zoro’s older sister. Five years his senior, Kuina had used the phone as her own for several years before she upgraded and passed it to Zoro. At first, he resented that she always got the newest stuff, and that he got the hand-me-downs. Now, he wouldn’t dream of letting it go. Kuina had died in a tragic accident just a couple years back. She was only 25. This phone was one of the only things that she had ever given him that was hers, along with the family katana that had been passed down for generations.
“Sorry, Zoro,” Luffy murmured, stuffing a bite of food into his mouth uncomfortably. Zoro simply grumbled in response with a shrug.
“Still,” Nami ventured tentatively. “Maybe it would be helpful for you to get a smartphone sometime soon. They all come with GPS systems built in.”
“And what’s wrong with a map?” Zoro snapped back.
“Well, nothing…” Nami said.
“Unless you can’t actually read it!” Luffy shouted out, not able to help himself. He cackled. Zoro shot him a glare, and he laughed even more. He crossed his arms over his broad chest.
“Yeah, well whatever. Next time I get lost, I’ll get a fucking smartphone. Deal?” Zoro said, to get them off his back more than anything.
Nami’s eyes lit up conspiratorially. “Don’t say stuff like that unless you mean it, Zoro.”
Zoro waved her off. They all knew that he certainly wasn’t going to purchase his own phone, so it was a moot point. It worked perfectly fine. Plus, it was hers. He’d keep it as long as it worked.
He was pulled from his reverie by Nami yelling his name.
“ZORO,” She yelled. He picked his phone back up and placed it at his ear.
“Goddamn it, Nami. I fucking know I suck at directions, please stop bitching at me,” He growled.
She started to say something, but stopped herself with a sigh. “Ugh. You exhaust me.” She replied.
“What else is new?” He snapped back.
“Whatever, Zoro. I just can’t believe you got lost on the way to your own birthday party.”
“Like I even care about this shit anyway,” He said. “It’s you and Luffy that always insist on throwing a party in the first place.”
“Hey man, don’t pretend like you don’t like eating food and getting shit-faced.”
He rolled his eyes, but didn’t say anything. He knew he didn’t have an argument there.
“Can you see a street sign anywhere?” Nami finally asked after a few moments when there was no reply.
Zoro looked up towards the streetlight and squinted at a sign in the distance. “Yeah, it looks like I’m at the corner of Alabasta and Logue Town drive.”
“Thank Christ,” Nami sighed. “You’re not that far. I’ll send Franky and Sanji to go get you.”
Zoro groaned. “Why does Sanji have to come? Doesn’t he have a fucking cake to bake or something?”
“They need to go out and get a few things from the store,” Nami said. “Listen, you’re the one that’s lost. Suck it up.”
“Ugh. Fine. See you soon.” He hung up, not wanting to hear anything else.
It took Franky and Sanji about 10 minutes to get to him.Thankfully, they just decided to have Zoro follow behind them in his car rather than ride together. Zoro wasn’t sure he could stop himself from punching that jackass directly in the face if he said anything to him.
They finally got back to Robin’s house where they were having the party. Robin was for sure the most adult out of any of them. She’d already bought this crazy historic home and had a job at an archeology firm while everybody else was living in shitty, thrown-together apartment complexes, eating pizza rolls and beer for every meal.
Sanji had looked like he was going to start some shit when they got out of the car, but decided against it when Zoro gave him a look. Plus, Sanji thought, it’s the guy’s birthday. Probably should lay off for one night.
Everyone was pleased to see him, and only gave him a moderately hard time about getting lost on the way to his own party. And despite himself, Zoro gave in to the jovial atmosphere. A few beers certainly helped. By the time he and Luffy had teamed up to play beer pong against Law and Usopp (“Sniper-king, my ass,” Zoro had thought to himself on Usopp’s third consecutive loss), Zoro was feeling pretty damn good. These were his people. They’d been the ones that were there for him. Even when new friends were added to the group, they’d always fit in. Luffy was the usual recruiter, and he somehow managed to find some cool-ass people.
The best time to give Zoro any gifts, Nami had discovered, was when he was sufficiently plastered enough to not object to them. Zoro was always more affectionate and willing to be the recipient of attention when he was drunk.
“Alright!” Nami announced over the blare of the music. “It’s present time, you degenerates! Sit your asses down!”
Franky turned the music down from his smartwatch, lowering it to a dull roar. Zoro was feeling warm and smiley, so he didn’t object when Robin lead him to the couch in the middle of the living room to receive his gift.
“What did y’all fuckers get me this time?” Zoro laughed, slurring a bit as he talked.
Nami rolled her eyes and Luffy just bounced excitedly from the armchair across the room. No matter how much he had to drink, it would seem, Luffy was always one big ball of energy.
“Remember,” Nami said, handing him a small, delicately wrapped box. “You promised.”
Zoro furrowed his brow, confusedly. “I promised?” He started to open the box, a bit nervous all of a sudden about what he would find under the shiny paper.
When he finally finished unwrapping the box, he froze. In his hand, he found a brand new iPhone. He looked up at his friends, knowing how much something like this cost.
“Guys, this is ridiculous,” He said, not knowing exactly how he felt.
“Stop,” Nami said, holding a hand up.
“Yeah, we all pitched in! Even Sanji!” Luffy grinned from his chair. “So no take backsies!”
He looked up at the room full of expectant faces, flushed from the alcohol and the good company. There was a pit in his stomach. On the one hand, he was angry. They knew how he felt about his phone. They knew what it meant to him. It wasn’t just a stupid phone. On the other hand, he was touched. Touched that his friends had come together to help him out. He found himself putting his hand in his pocket, thumbing over the ancient flip-phone that had once been hers.
“Guys, my phone works perfectly well,” He managed after swallowing. “This is completely unnecessary.”
“C’mon man,” Usopp clapped his hand on his shoulder. “You know it isn’t unnecessary. Do you need a reminder that you got lost on the way to your own party tonight?” He laughed.
Zoro remained silent, one hand gripping the new phone, and the other deep in the pocket of his pants.
“So, of course, we figured that you’d feel this way,” Robin chimed in. “So, that’s only one part of the gift.”
Zoro snapped his head towards Robin, the crease in his brow deepening. She pulled out another box from behind her back and handed it to him. This one was slightly larger, and a bit heavier. He peeled back the wrapping paper.
“It’s a shadow box,” Franky said. “So you can still keep your old phone, too.”
“Just on display on the shelf,” Nami said. “Instead of in your pocket.”
“We know how much it means to you, mosshead,” Sanji grumbled from the doorway. “You don’t have to get rid of the old phone. So, just accept the gift already.”
Zoro felt himself get teary-eyed. He told himself it was the alcohol as he wiped his hand over his eyes before tears could fall down his cheeks. “Thanks guys,” Was all he could manage.
Knowing that he needed the attention off of him, his friends just laughed and cheered, turning the music up to get back to the party. Franky spent the rest of the evening helping set up Zoro’s phone and showing him all of the functions that he would have access to. Zoro was still so overwhelmed, but he tried to make himself pay attention. Finally, and most importantly, Franky downloaded Google Maps and showed him how to use it. Zoro pocketed the phone with a slight smile and a ‘thank you.’ It felt heavy and big in the back pocket of his jeans. His heart felt heavy too. He couldn’t help but feel like this was the end of something. But somewhere, he knew that Kuina would be looking down on him, so happy that he had found such thoughtful friends.
Luffy raised his glass for a toast. “To Zoro! And never getting lost again!”
The rest of them raised their glasses, looking over to Zoro expectantly as they waited for him to raise his glass too. He reached for his beer and raised it slightly with a smirk.
“You motherfuckers are gonna regret this,” He grinned finally. “Getting lost was my only character defect. Now I’ll be unstoppable.”
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ebonybow · 5 years
SO uh @blacktofade​ had a craving for shyanara and uh, specifically, ryan being loved and taken care of, and i had approximately a million ideas about that. i also had most of these written from planning a different fic that went a whole other direction. so here is some not-actually-fic i threw together, enjoy!!
(warnings: mentions of breakups. alcohol. brief sex mention.)
-the night the big blowout happens, late march, ryan leaves the apartment because he doesn’t know what else to do. for a while he sits in his car to gather his thoughts, but then he keeps looking up and seeing the light on in the apartment. knowing she’s up there, and knowing she doesn’t want him anymore— fuck, it’s the worst feeling in the world, so he turns the key in the engine and starts driving
-somehow, he ends up outside shane and sara’s complex
-he could have gone anywhere but he came here, because he needs... something
-shane opens the door and takes one look at ryan and he knows (because he knows ryan’s relationship has been on the rocks for a while now. he just opens the door wider to let ryan in)
-sara’s in the kitchen, about to open a bottle of wine. when she sees ryan, she stops, and she pulls out some whiskey instead (it’s leftover from christmas, and now she’s glad she didn’t throw it away)
-ryan doesn’t say anything, just sits on the couch with them while they watch some youtube stuff and maybe some netflix. eventually shane puts his arm around ryan and squeezes when he notices him shaking just a little bit
-sara has to go to bed, because she’s working in the morning, but she wakes again near 2am and she can hear them in the sitting room, talking, ryan crying sometimes, and it makes her so mad, so upset. she wants him to stop hurting, and she knows it’s going to take a long time for him to get better after this, but she also knows she and shane are going to do their best to help whatever way they can
-shane comes to bed when the sun is coming up, cuddles into sara for the hour before her alarm goes off and thinks about how lucky he is to have her
-ryan is asleep on the couch when sara gets up for work, blanket draped over him, glasses on the coffee table. she almost wants to go over there, touch his hair, kiss his forehead. she doesn’t
-that afternoon shane takes ryan and drives over to scott’s to pick up the twin bed he’s been trying to pawn off on shane for months now. when they get the pieces of the frame loaded into the car, ryan asks "what’s that for?” and shane says “for you, buddy,” and ryan looks like he’s about to cry again so shane just hugs him and says “if you need it.”
-they go to ryan’s apartment when there’s no one home and pack some of his things. it’s already looking strange and empty. no one is being forced out, there’s just too many memories for either of them to stay there
-he stays at sara and shane’s, slowly emptying out the old apartment into boxes that just get stacked up in what used to be sara’s office
-ryan feels so guilty about taking up her space, and she swears it’s fine, but he tells her that she can use it anyway while he’s out for the day
-sara wants to be able to give him privacy and his own space, but there’s also something really nice about working in there, surrounded by ryan’s things and the scent of his aftershave mixed with shane’s
-some nights the three of them curl up together on the sofa to watch movies, and shane gets too sleepy off the wine and slinks off to bed early
-sara doesn’t come to bed
-in the middle of the night shane finds ryan and sara snuggled up on the couch, empty wine bottles tucked down the side of the cushions. he drapes a blanket over them and leaves them some water for the morning
-they looks cute together but he doesn’t think too hard about it, because it makes his stomach feel funny
-shane and sara have date nights on a wednesday, they go out for dinner and whatever else takes their fancy
-usually they come back early-ish in the evening and just join ryan for some video games or tv, sometimes it’s later and they’re tipsy and giggly and want to talk until all hours. it’s rare that they come home so late that ryan’s already in bed, but it happens sometimes. he still hears them come in though, the walls in the apartment are thin enough
-they’re usually pretty quiet when they have sex and ryan’s used to having roommates from back in college. they’re all adults here, it doesn’t really bother him. sometimes he hears them laughing and that’s when he feels his own loneliness the most intensely. he misses a body next to him in bed
-one night, however, they're louder than usual
-they’d been dressed up even nicer than usual when leaving the house, came back drunk and clumsy. he hears sara falling out of her shoes in the hallway and shane laughing as he scoops her up. there’s a thump outside ryan’s bedroom door as someone careens into the wall, and sara hisses “shhh we’ll wake him”
-ryan rolls over, sticks his head under the pillow and tries to sleep, but he can hear them, and now he’s wide awake, and hard too because his stupid dick doesn’t know how to chill the fuck out (and also, he hasn’t gotten laid in. a long time. since months before the break up)
-but, god, sara sounds so fucking pretty and he’s gonna think about it for months to come (heh), he just knows it
-shane and sara are very hungover in the morning, but they’re glowing and happy, and sara shyly tells ryan it’s their anniversary. ryan kind of wants to cry
-he’s always looking for an apartment to move into but he’s not sure if he can afford something on his own and it’s so hard to find a roommate who isn’t a freak. he pays a portion of sara and shane’s rent, and he’s tidy, and they’re not complaining for the time being
-ryan’s pretty handy to have around too, likes tinkering with things and fixing things — and there are a lot of gadgets in the apartment that need fixing. ryan repairs a wobbly light switch in sara’s closet and she’s so pleased with him that he starts messing with other things, like shane’s speakers and maybe sara’s favorite fairy-lights in the bedroom, and their old slightly-broken coffee-maker
-shane looks so impressed when the coffee maker works for the first time in months, and even ruffles ryan’s hair a little about it
-he can’t fix all the broken things in the apartment (because he’s kind of scared of the landlord), but he really, really wishes he could
-towards the end of july ryan gets one of those ridiculous middle-of-summer viruses, and he’s burning up a fever. on the worst day, shane has to go into the office to talk about unsolved (because ryan’s sick and can’t be there for the meeting, at least one of them has to be) so sara stays home for the day to keep and eye on him. she makes him her mother’s soup, and watches him eat carefully while he’s all wrapped up in blankets and a little sweaty. sara lets herself pet his hair this time, kisses his forehead when he falls asleep as she tidies up
-half asleep and delirious, ryan says “thanks baby,” when she tucks him in, so she kisses him again, on the cheek this time
-when he wakes up in the evening he’s feeling much better, having sweated out most of his fever. sara sends him into the shower and orders his favourite thai food for dinner, and then shane arrives home too
-ryan gets out of the shower and dresses in the coziest clothes he can find. he walks out in sweatpants that are far too long, rolled up around the ankle, and shane does a double take, but he doesn’t say anything, just smiles and pats the couch cushion next to him for ryan to come join him
-clothes sharing becomes a free for all
-sara goes to work in ryan’s giant orange hoodie when the weather starts getting cooler (she still has to take it off in the middle of the day because it’s too warm, but in the morning and evening she’s grateful to stay toasty. plus, it smells good)
-shane and ryan wear pretty much the same size t-shirt (medium, they just fit a little differently on shane’s shoulders and ryan’s chest) so everything gets thrown in together
-on a wednesday night, shane asks if ryan wants to see a movie and ryan says yes without thinking. it isn’t until he’s sitting on sara’s left, shane on her right, that he realises it’s wednesday my dudes ahhhhhhhhhh
-he spends the whole night feeling guilty about it until they get home, and sara’s like “what’s eating ya, ry guy?" while taking off her jacket and ryan’s looking at her pretty dress, thinking about how she still dressed like it was a date night.
-ryan may have also dressed nicely for the occasion, without a second thought. he’s definitely second guessing it now
-he admits why he was acting weird, and shane’s like “hey man, we wouldn’t have asked you out if we didn’t want you there” and sara takes ryan’s hand and says “we promise, you’re never third wheeling with us” and shane makes some dumb joke about three wheels being sturdier than two and sara’s like “speaking of wheels, i know we just ate but i gotta order donuts” and that’s that
-they keep doing dinner and movies on a wednesday night
-ryan realizes he’s so much more deeply intwined in their daily routine than he ever thought. they have a groupchat where they decide what to have for dinner. they have a laundry rota (and ryan’s seen all of sara’s delicates, she doesn’t even care), even obi knows when it’s ryan’s turn to feed him
-speaking of obi, ryan’s allergies are a lot less severe now thanks to exposure. he even maybe loves the lil orange dude now
-one day shane catches ryan looking at apartment listings and he’s like “actually we wanted to talk to you about something”
-sara comes in and sits down too, and it’s all very serious, and ryan has this pit in his stomach and doesn’t know why until sara says “our lease will be up soon and this place is falling apart, we were thinking of looking for a bigger place, like a house maybe”
-ryan is thinking, ah, it was nice while it lasted, right until shane says “maybe with a pool, i know you’d love that”
-ryan’s brain does a record scratch
-he’s like “y-yeah, i would. i would love that”
-sara’s looking at him kind of funny, puts her hand over his and says “but we have a dilemma here, maybe we can sort this out now”
-ryan is still frozen. shane and sara are both looking at him, both looking nervous, and it feels like Too Much Attention
-shane says “hypothetically, if you were living with a couple who you also knew wanted to date you, would that be weird for you?”
-ryan’s like ?!!??!?!?!???? but manages a relatively chill “hypothetically?”
-sara sighs and spills the beans like “we’re asking you now, so you don’t get trapped. if you want to find an apartment for yourself, that’s fine. if you want to keep living with us that’s even better. we just want to lay everything down on the table so that you can make an informed decision”
-ryan must sit there for like, thirty seconds in silence. he can see sara getting antsy and anxious but he can’t make his brain work any faster
-“you guys are a couple”
-shane says, “ideally we wanna be a throuple,” and sara smacks him in the arm and hisses “shane” at him, and ryan just starts laughing, still has his hand in sara’s as he covers his stupid grinning mouth with the other
-“i— i’ve never dated two people at once”
-sara squeezes his hand and says “it’s ok we’ll take it slow”
-shane says “well. as slow as moving into a house together can be considered”
-and when ryan thinks about it, he can’t imagine this happening any other way. sara and shane were the ones he went to when he needed comfort the most. he didn’t even have to think about it, he just ended up at their door, knowing he’d be welcome
-it might have taken a them a slightly convoluted journey to get where they are, but ryan wouldn’t have done it any other way
-he’s really excited about the pool
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honeyhenry · 4 years
A Saga of Sweaters
inspired of course by the incredible knitted sweater chris wears in Knives Out! However this is still a Chris fic, not a Ransom one (as I have yet to see the movie!)
word count: 1.5k+
warnings: a lot of fluff, smut if you squint/nsfw descriptives
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the first instance in which you met, was just after Christmastime. it was in the new year where the coldest January on record meant that his thick knitted sweaters were a staple piece of your outings together, once if not twice a week
a new year, a new start with a new love for one man who made you smile for so many reasons
he wore The Sweater, now your favourite, for your first official date
a thick fisherman’s sweater knitted and twisted into various complex patterns that gave it its own character, and matched every expensive coat he had in his wardrobe
it’s a statement piece of his and you wondered, if things were to go further, that one day you’d get to pull it over your own head and wear it yourself. it looked so damn cosy.
he soon became the cosiest, warmest person in your life, giving you that feeling from the top of your head to the tip of your toes, capturing your heart and filling it with joy
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if you ever decided to put fashion over common sense in the cold weather, forgoing a proper jacket for the chance to look your best for him, he’d sigh and roll his eyes while grinning at how ridiculous you were
“you know, we’re on the sixth date. you don’t have to freeze to death to keep me around”
he’d give you his coat, insisting that his sweater keeps him warm enough
and after a couple more dates, the sweater ends up on the floor, as he takes you to bed, finding a much better way to warm you up
and you’d get your secret wish finally, as you wear the sweater the following morning, with some soft pyjama shorts
he really likes the sight of you wearing his huge thick sweater, Dodger in your lap as you read a copy of a book he had on his nightstand
it smells of him which you adore
you catch him staring at you from the bathroom and you don’t even look up from the words on the page that you're reading, nor pause stroking Dodger’s fur to say;
“i hope you know you're not getting this back”
“it’s okay” he’d replied “i dont mind the sweater stealing, i love whats underneath”
making you giggle when he rushes to you, his hands reaching to crawl up the inside of the sweater where you’re wearing nothing underneath
he makes plans to buy you one for yourself but it’s no secret that you only love the sweater because it reminds you of him
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he wears a different sweater when you go to meet his family
he’s not about to wear a sweater that you’ve recently been wearing along with nothing else
seeing that sweater can now really get him going just thinking about you in it.  it makes him twitch with want for you.
his family adore you, admiring how happy chris is with you, and how cosy and coupley you are, connected and drawn to each other somewhat magnetically
you know that those perceptions are true, however the ‘coupley’ vibes had only been enhanced by chris’ absolute need to bone you the moment you get back to his place
Christmas would come around again, bringing even more sweaters that you realise that he only keeps for the festive season 
it inspires you to buy him one that lights up with the press of a button
its cheesy and he loves it, and wears it for the entirety of Christmas day
it’s hard to ignore, but somehow you manage to when he drags your attention away only to ask if you’ll move in with him
you say yes and it’s definitely too hot in the bedroom to be wearing anything that evening
you move in, halving the amount of space chris has for his clothes, but he installs a closet elsewhere in the house, fit for all his winter wear
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as the year bleeds from cold, dark nights, to a warmer spring, then to a humid summer, the sweaters stay put in the drawers and closets
however, nestled between the bottom two rows of sweaters in Chris’ drawer, is an velvet box he’s waiting to give you at just the right time
the right time comes when he finds you at home, dancing to the radio in one of his sweaters and a pair of shorts, making dinner
finally it’s cold enough to wear warmer items of clothing and he loves that its already that time of year again
he also panics slightly because the sweater you're wearing was kept only one or two inches from where the silver engagement ring lay in his drawer
and he realises, whats the point of waiting anyway? he wants you dancing in the kitchen in his clothes while playing with Dodger and making the dinner, forever
and so he waits until after dinner, after all the washing up is done and you finally sit down on the sofa ready to relax with him
that’s when he does it
you’re so shocked but ridiculously overwhelmed with happiness that you cry out your “yes!” and he’s placing the ring on your finger as you press kisses to his face
“i’m sorry it wasn’t fancier-”
“it’s perfect”
the ring glints as you hold up your hand, pulling up the sleeves of the sweater you’re wearing to take a proper look
takes a picture of it and sends it to family with “congratulations” following
and an extra message from Scott: “so she’s still adamant on wearing your clothes huh”
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you have your wedding and then honeymoon, and for the latter you wear practically nothing - truly not missing the sweaters in the hot weather that begs for nudity, sweet cocktails, sea-swept hair, and sex on the balcony 
you spend 3 weeks there before flying back and spending autumn and winter in Boston
as newly weds, you have matching rings now, shiny and beautiful and it distracts you so much at one point that you spill coffee all over the sweater of his you're wearing
he calls you a teasing name and all you can reply is “well you married me!”
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the sweaters make their return soon enough, and it’s first year of your soon to be traditional Christmas card, nearly 3 years since you first met
you, him and Dodger wear matching sweaters so you can send out a cheesy christmas card ‘with love from, The Evans Family”
it’s taken in your apartment and Dodger has to be bribed with treats for a good picture to be taken of the three of you
you’ve never been happier, your smiles so genuine and warm
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a year later and not much has changed except the location of your home
you’ve bought a bigger house in Boston, with a lovely porch and 5 bedrooms to fill
so the second year of your Christmas card picture tradition, you all sit on the gorgeous Christmassy decorated staircase
(Dodger still needs a couple of treats before cooperating)
you take the picture 3 weeks before christmas
it just so happens that it’s 3 weeks later is when you tell Chris that there was actually a fourth person in the picture, a new addition to “The Evans Family” underneath your sweater
you present him with a tiny matching sweater “we’ll have someone around to wear this for next year”
“babe if this is you telling me we should get another dog-”
“it’s not for a dog”
he pauses and looks at you, his eyes full of hope but still slightly doubting
he’s scared to assume but you finally show him little sonogram pictures
“they’ll be 4 or 5 months old next Christmas”
he kisses you so softly and passionately by the Christmas tree, his hands on your hips, smiling into your lips as you brush away his tears, and then your own
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after that, you wearing his sweaters means even more
keeping Baby Evans as your little secret while going out in public, is the most important thing for you, and so to hide any hint, you wear his sweaters
it’s his favourite thing in the world - to see you grow his baby, while you wear his sweaters even in the springtime
they can hide a tiny swell in January, but are unable to cover the bump as you hit 5 months in April
“Hi meatball” he’d smooth his hand over the sweet swell that he’s so drawn to
he puts his hands up inside the sweater, making you giggle
“i told you before,” you murmur “you won’t be getting this back”
“and as i said, i dont mind the sweater stealing, i love whats underneath”
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you can bet that next Christmas, he’s got Baby Evans on his lap, wearing their own little Christmas sweater, with drool all over it and the sleeves rolled up twice so you can see their tiny hands
Chris’ hands take up their whole tummy, and Baby gives a little lopsided smile that everyone receiving of a card coos at
(Chris can definitely claim that the smile was gas)
and it had all started with the hope that one day you’d get to be in his life to try on his fisherman sweater
now, you’ve gained a lot more from Chris - love, and warm morning cuddles, safety, and a family
sweater weather would forever be the sweetest time of the year
@katiew1973​ @thevelvetseries​
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jammyjess · 5 years
Hey friends!
I found King Falls AM at a time in my life where I felt scared, hopeless and alone. I didn’t want to be here at all, and I thought for the most part I’d never be happy again. I’m still most of those things, but every day in King Falls makes that a little easier to be okay with. I thought long and hard about what I could manage for this, but most of all, I just wanted to say thank you. So. Here goes.
Thank you for Sammy Stevens, who is my favourite kind of character. He’s sassy and pretty and humble and full of love.Thank you for his cynicism and snark, but also for his ability to push aside his own beliefs and ideas and wants when it matters. Also, for letting him Suplex Grisham, because that was pretty neat! Thank you for the way he relates to the people around him, but especially to Lily. For a character who makes mistakes and actually tries to learn from them - he doesn’t always get it right, but he tries, and that’s so important. He’s made me laugh, he’s made me cry, he’s made me want to scream. I adore his backstory, it means more to me than I can say, but also thank you for the way you handled the events around 75. It was so meaningful. I love him with everything I have, which is why it hurts me to thank you for his pain, which is so unbelievably relatable to my own. For my own hurt that comes out of his mouth. The kind of hurt that transcends circumstances. I was in a dark place before this show, and parts of me are still there, but watching Sammy grow, and change and heal has meant everything to me. It gives me hope for better days. For Sammy, and for me too. Thank you for giving him the courage to stick around, and for giving him hope. Thank you for Benny Arnold. Who I can’t write about coherently without bursting into tears. He’s messy and flawed and just absolutely gorgeous. Seeing him grow through the years has been an absolute joy, but most of all, I love his ability to remain untainted by the horrors he’s been through. He’s still got the same heart, and it’s the best heart there is. I love his passion, his hope, his resilience. His belief in everybody around him. He remains unapologetically himself through everything, and I adore him. He is The Good, and I’m so glad we have him. Noah brings such complexity to him too, and I can listen a thousand times to a single episode and continue to feel all the things. 
Thank you for Emily. For making a strong, intelligent, badass women who’s also soft and desirable and loving. For letting her write her own story and for letting her be more than a prize to be won. She’s so good natured and considerate and thoughtful, and even in her worst moments she never loses that. Every moment she appears is wonderful and Jess KILLS IT every time! I’ve especially enjoyed phase two Emily, as her relationships with other characters become more integral to the story. Thank you for speaking out against the Frickards of the world through her, because it hurts and it’s hard but it’s so important. Using your audience for good means so much. Thank you for the thoughtfulness and care with which you consistently apply to sensitive subjects. For day-to-day happiness, for happy places and for months of quiet kindness without ever being asked. 
Thank you for Jack Wright. For the reminder to choose love (even when it’s hard. Maybe especially when it’s hard.) For the reminder that we’re all worthy of love, in all its forms. The affirmation that nobody corners the market on sadness, but also that we don’t always have to go it alone. That grief is universal, and that’s not always a bad thing. For quiet moments of humanity in the midst of absolute tragedy. For vulnerability, for heartbreak and moving forward together. For forgiveness and acceptance, and humility. 
Thank you for Dwayne Libbydale, who’s a special kind of chaos. I am again lost for words, but I love him, I love him, I love him. 
Thank you for Pete Escobar Ed Edwards Yardboy Myers and his funyuns and disdain and snark (even if me saying I love him means he’ll never listen to this show again.) Thank you for PHENOMENAL journalist Lily Wright, who is an absolute delight! She feels like the personification of grief, loss and trauma, but at the same time so, so real. Her reluctant acceptance of King Falls as home is beautiful, and I hope she gets ALL THE HUGS really soon. She’s not afraid to speak her mind, even if it means alienating the people she loves. Her shaky vulnerability with Sammy, Ben and Emily is so good, and I’m so excited to see where the future of Lily Wright lays. King Falls Chronicles was some KILLER story telling, and Candace was the icing on the cake. The acting chemistry she has with everybody is absolutely on point. I’m so glad we get to keep Lily. That she’s found home. Thank you for #DeputyDead. His unwavering optimism and willingness to see the good in everything and everybody is absolutely wonderful. 
Thank you for Debbie and RoboTim, who I still believe in, despite all evidence pointing to ‘don’t do that.’ Thank you for Maggie Masterson, an Actual Icon. And for our Man’s Man’s Man and his lil Kingsie Bab. For Regan who is a sweetheart and Chet who I hate to love.
Thank you for villains that fill me with white hot rage. Who’s actions are explained, but never excused. For Frickards and Gundersons and ShadowFUCKS and HFB3’s and Leland Hills and Ernies and Grishams. They’re different levels of despicable, and I adore hate them all. 
Thank you for ridiculous caricatures ; the Gwendolyns and the Cynthias and the Jacob Williams. Thank you for SPORTSBALL (CHOP. DAT. WOOD.) and WALL CRABS and GARBAGE BEARS and DANGER NOODLES  and every other ridiculous Benism. 
Thank you for Teareal and serendipity and redrum roses and for the inability to see the word ‘ghost’ and not correcting it to APPARITION. Thank you for Dan & Larry and boy band battles and Doyle’s Conspiracy Cavern and Devon Hamptonframptonshire. For Golden Owl, Finn and Gator Jack and Alvin and every other ridiculously loveable character you’ve created. Some of them barely last longer than an episode, but their chaos will fuel me for a lifetime. 
Thank you for Mary Jensen, who is the mom I wish I had. All moms are champs, but Mary is perfect. Thank you for Betty and Nancy and Loretta and Marigold. All who I expect deserve the praise they’re given. 
Thank you for Herschel and Cecil, who are cranky old bastards and who probably shouldn’t fit together, but they do so effortlessly. The care and compassion they have for each other is inspiring, and I too hope to have a friend like that someday. Trent is wickedly skilled, and I’m sure he hears it so often but!!!! 
Thank you for BE WELL BUDDIES and silly puns in the titles, and short jokes and RoboTim mixups and Science Institute break-ins with vigilante superheroes and mysterious callers. Thank you for love through overnight oats and moustache talk and non-binary pals. For a willingness to grow and change and learn and laugh. For the electrolocaust and my favourite threesome and for sammiversarys. For Ben posting Sammy’s bail, and heart-to-hearts in jail cells. For stupid bets and bensplosions and the fucking kickball story. For creepy dreams and technical terms, for badly timed BEEPS for awkward flirting and on-air confessions. For idiots who can’t keep secrets, let alone not talk about them on air for more than five minutes. For missing hikers and weird shadow tornados and notebooks and shooting down UFOs and death by damnation. For the SECOND BEST small town in American Celebration, for Christmas Gifts for Ben’s Mom and Jupiter Jaundice. For Ben’s monopoly tactics and Sammy’s audible eye rolls, for prophecies and ‘legend-has-it’s and for love and love and love.
Thank you for the mysteries, and for the constant need for MORE. You do cliffhangers so wonderfully, and I feel like I’ve never anticipated anything so keenly in my life. Tim Jensen, The Dark, Merv, Death by Damnation, The Rainbow Lights, The Zombies. 
Thank you for Cameron Chambers??? How does he do it?? I have no idea, but I hope he keeps doing it. Especially all them Christmas BOPS. Legendary. Jazz-Hands worthy! 
Thank you for making Zombies the F- plot. 
Thank you for the Eagle Screech in the DALE’S DOLLAR TREE ad. And all the other ads too, I guess. I don’t understand The Fucky List, but thanks for that too! Thank you for JACK IN THE BOX JESUS which has caused my internet to constantly recommend me eat at Jack in the Box, despite the closest one being literal continents away.
Thank you for continuing to choose this. For being open to sharing so much of yourselves with us. Thank you for fan interactions and live listens, Q&As and twitter replies and twitch streams and retweets and Beyond the Falls. Thank you for the love and care you show us all, which above all feels genuine. 
Thank you for being the catalyst for a community where I finally feel like I belong. Like I’m important. Like I matter. Thank you for being the reason for hours and days and weeks and months of in-jokes and teasing and theories and head canons and screaming and food talk and love. For so much kindness. And acceptance. For a space to be myself without fear. For people I feel like I’ve known lifetimes, and for whom I hope I can love for lifetimes more. For people to cheer on, and cry with, and poke fun at. For stupid nickname changes, and memes and words in reactions. For making me feel like i’m part of something much bigger than me. For a place to be passionate without judgement. For a place to just be. For friends. For family.
Thank you for the push I’ve needed to create again. And for all the others you’ve inspired too. 
Every moment inside King Falls have been an absolute blessing, but the impact it’s had on my life outside of it is absolutely everything.
Congratulations on (almost) 100 episodes. What an adventure it’s been. I’m so excited for everything the future of King Falls holds, but most of all; Thank you for making this fuckin’ mean something.
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nyanzaya · 4 years
@scgirlsstories replied to your post:
I’m not an izuo person, but tbh I think the fact that ppl fight about it is dumb. Like, I get where ppl come from tbh .-. Like, it’s a fictional ship…why do people get so butthurt about it? I’ll read a fanfiction and get surprised when izaya tops, but like…that’s cool I guess. Just not my preference. Besides, Izaya’s got that top energy attitude cuz he’s a lil bitch xD
It is kind of silly that people were fighting about it for sure. It is a fictional ship and it’s hard for me to also understand why some get butthurt about it. Fundamentally, I can understand why at the base “Izuo =/= Shizaya” but at the same time it’s still “Izuo=Shizaya” Because it’s the same characters but reversed.
This whole thing started because....there was a headcanon about them switching. Where sometimes Izaya tops and Shizuo bottoms or vise versa. 
Someone sent an anon ask saying: Here. It was marked as Shizaya even though, if it’s vise versa then of course Shizuo would top sometimes and Izaya would bottom? And I’m not sure if they didn’t understand but that was literally the whole post lol. Here’s the original post for some context: Here then what happened was....she got an ask telling her to not tag it as Izuo and Shizaya? That post was only made in response to how Izaya’s character gets diminished and he is turned into a full on uke and let’s Shizuo push him around, let alone other characters pushing him around when Izaya himself is far too prideful and much stronger than to let anyone push him around and tell him what to do. 
I can understand why some don’t do Izuo, like it’s not that hard to understand. Some prefer for the “bad guy” to be the bottom (even though Izaya isn’t even really the bad guy he’s just an conniving guy LOL) and for the “hero” type to be the top(Even though Shizuo isn’t even really a hero) I personally don’t like to label them because that would defeat the purpose of their complex character. None of the characters can be labeled as one thing if you were to think about it. All of them don’t fit into a mold or a box that some want them too.
Essentially, if it’s being argued about it’s almost saying that Izuo is not good and Shizaya is okay. At least in my eyes. But, lets be real, A lot of Izuo content also gets marked as Shizaya so why can’t the reverse happen to? 
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musekicker · 5 years
So a lot of people are putting out their Ducktales secret santa’s early so I thought I will too. It honestly makes sense with the stuff going on with tumblr anyways.
So I got @tinybunbunn who I really hope likes their gift. (Fun fact, I actually wrote two fic because I felt the first didn’t really fit as well into what they like to see. I’m sure it would had been liked, but hey, want to do my best.)
Happy holidays to just everyone in the ducktales secret santa and thank you to the people who put it together.
Shopping brick and mortar was a complete nightmare in Gyro Gearloose's opinion. Why anyone would want to subject themselves to such a thing was something Gyro himself could never figure out.
Masses of people. Loud voices often right next to Gyro. Kids crying.
Just a complete and utter nightmare.
Before Gyro would not had bothered much with the holidays and stayed out of major shopping areas for the season. This year was very different. Yet here he was, out shopping at the most busy shopping time of the year.
And all this with sub par coffee he made at the lab earlier from the elderly coffee maker there that was on it's last legs. Should had stopped at Starducks.
Of course now already in the middle of the mall he knew that was too late now. Yes, the mall had a Starducks too. But he would not brave that crowd even for coffee.
The things Gyro did for love.
Love was the only thing that would ever push Gyro to do this. Fenton of course had politely given him an out to not join him in finishing off some Christmas shopping. Old Gyro would had taken that out.
Actually, old Gyro would had given a death glare at the suggestion in the first place. But time and getting close to Fenton had softened him.
Not too soft when it came to dealing with the crowds. Gyro's height was helpful when in the middle of crowds. Fenton would not lose sight of him and it made him more of an somewhat intimidating form.
No one pushed Fenton around on his watch. One wrong move from a fellow shopper and Gyro would give them a glare that promised that Gyro would be a force to be reckoned with if anyone so much as dared to even to shove Fenton.
So with that boon his height gave him, shopping was going smoother then he thought it would.
The two had just stepped out of a store with their purchases from that particular store. The place was still filled with many other shoppers. Gyro was glad to be done with that store.
"That store was pretty tough to get through." Fenton said almost apologetically. "I think someone threatened to bite someone in there."
"That was me. This guy kept elbowing me." Gyro said.
"Ah. I thought that voice sounded familiar." Fenton said. "I'm glad you didn't have to actually bite anyone."
"As far as you know." Gyro replied.
Only the hint of a smile on his beak told Fenton that Gyro was joking. It was nice to see Gyro getting better at making the occasional joke. He found that Gyro's general sense of humor was getting better since they first started dating.
Gyro looked back to Fenton.
"Who else do you need to get gifts for?" Gyro asked.
Fenton glanced at his list. Gyro did notice that a good percent of the names on the list were crossed out, obviously already have been bought for at the moment.
"Just a few more. I need to get a gift for some other family members. I already got M'ma's present so I don't need to worry about that.  In fact, I think I only need to get one more gift." Fenton said.
"Oh thank goodness." Gyro groaned.
Fenton thought that reaction was fair.
"I need to get something for you too." Fenton said. "If you don't mind, I should probably search for that gift on my own. Meet up back at the fountain?"
"Okay. I have to do some on my own shopping too." Gyro admitted.
They had gone in opposite directions. So Gyro didn't even see what store Fenton went into. Which was more then fine with him. It also meant Fenton wouldn't see what store he was going into.
Not that would really ruin the surprise of Gyro's gift.
He knew what he was getting him.  In fact, he had ordered the last part of the gift a week ago and was going to pick it up in store now.
Pick up was easy enough despite the smaller but still a crowd in the store. And getting out of this store was faster then it took both he and Fenton to get out of the other stores.
He finally had the last piece to his gift to Fenton. He would just have to make sure he finished setting up the gift soon and keep it hidden from Fenton in the meantime.
Fenton would love this.
He hoped.
Christmas eve had come. And gifts were being passed around in the lab. Though Fenton knew he be seeing Gyro at the Christmas dinner with his family, Gyro has insisted on exchanging gifts here too.
Not a bad idea though. Manny and Lil' Bulb needed their gifts too after all.
Both the creatures in question were giving gifts too.  Or rather cards. It was not as if the two had money after all.
Manny was giving out home made cards. A feat considering that it was really hard to write with hooves. Manny made do, and signed the cards with a hoof print.
Lil' Bulb had given Gyro and Fenton his own cards, with scribble drawings and writing on them. Gyro thought to himself that his robot creation needed drawing lessons. But he kept that thought to himself and thanked lil' Bulb.
Fenton and Gyro did not give cards for their part. They had both worked together to come up with gifts for the two other members of team science.
Lil' Bulb was happy with with his new  brand new light blinks to text translator. Something to make communicating with others besides those in the lab easier.
Fenton and Gyro had wanted to get a similar translator ready for Manny in time, but that had a few other issues he needed to work out. So for now Manny had gotten a hoof pick tool to clean his hooves when he needed it.
Manny tapped his hoof in appreciation.
Now was the moment where Gyro and Fenton would exchange their presents.
"I hope you like it." Fenton said bringing over his gift.
Gyro opened the gift.
Inside the box was a new coffee maker. More complex and sure to work better then the old model of coffee maker the lab had up until now.
The old coffee maker was also what Gyro was coming to think of as evil (not his fault this time, he hadn't made it.) . It had caused many a burn and gross coffee batch.
So the gift of a new coffee maker was greatly appreciated.
"I knew you needed a new one. And you always need your coffee in the morning." Fenton said.
"I love it, thank you." Gyro said. "Manny, go throw the old coffee maker in the trash., would you?"
The old coffee maker did not go out entirely without a fight as it exhaled a small jet of steam towards Manny. Manny swept it off the table and into a trash can, coffee and all.
Now was Gyro's turn to give his gift to Fenton. Gyro stood up.
"Your gift I couldn't wrap. Come with me." Gyro said.
Fenton was curious, tilting his head slightly. He let Gyro lead him out back towards where his "office" was. They stopped a door right before that room.
"Close your eyes." Gyro said.
Fenton did so. The sound of the door being opened was heard and the click of a light switch.
"Okay, you can open them."
Eyes open, Fenton looked ahead. It looked very much like a smaller version of the main lab. And at first Fenton was confused. Then he realized that the gift was the room itself.
It was a lot more spacious then his old so called office. A lot cleaner and stocked with more tools too.
Looking closer Fenton saw some of the items already in the room were items he knew already. Everything from the bathroom "office" was set up in here. Minus the stuff that was suppose to be in a bathroom of course.
There were also some personalized items. Such as a mug with his name on it , on one of his tables.
Fenton was shocked into silence for a short while.
"Gyro... I don't know what to say." Fenton said finally.
Given Fenton's tone and the fond expression Gyro could tell that the gift was a success.
"I also had a sign made for your own lab area. I couldn't put it up because that would had ruined the surprise. Want to help me put it up?" Gyro asked.
Fenton nodded. Then before they got to work on installing the sign, he gave Gyro a quick kiss.
They spent longer on the sign installation then they should of perhaps after that.
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seluandthecrow-blog · 5 years
The entertainment industry in America is imbued with racist ideology, and gaps in representation and wages between actors of color and white actors are reigning free. Black actors are sometimes more successful than their white counterparts, but even then they’re not being recognized or compensated in the same way. I observe this from a privileged lens as a white person, and though I have struggled economically and still do, I have the privilege that comes with whiteness. Here I will attempt to communicate some of what I see as disparities and racist ideologies in the American entertainment industry today.
  I saw the most recent Star Wars movie “Solo” when it came out on Netflix. Alden Ehrenreich plays Han Solo, our lovable, orphaned, thief-but-for-the-right-reasons protagonist. He’s moving up through the ranks, stealing for the noble cause of one day being reunited with his adolescent crush Qi’ra (Emilia Clarke).  Donald Glover plays Lando Calrissian, the owner of the Millennium Falcon. His methods for acquisition of the Falcon are under constant scrutiny, and he is portrayed as the crook, with little back story. When white writers Jonathan and Lawrence Kasdan created this story, did they intend to cast Lando as a black man, or was it perhaps the casting agency who thought Glover would be good for this supporting role?
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When Donald Glover was offered the job, he faced a choice. Did he want to be in the new Star Wars movie if he played a thief? There is a sacrifice made when an activist musician and comedian takes a high caliber role that potentially stereotypes him based on race. Certainly the circumstances are unique for each actor, but when a black entertainer is given an opportunity to succeed, but there is a wage gap between black and white entertainers, as well as male and female actors, and intersections of these different categories work like a confusing math problem that becomes easy to distill: there is disparity.
Sure, films like Black Panther are working against subjugation by taking black characters into the forefront of the picture, but what goes on behind the scenes is still inequity. It is generally stated that Chad Boseman who plays Black Panther earned $500,000 for his appearance in the film, and around 2-3 Million for Avengers, Infinity War. Robert Downey Jr. however, earned $500,000 for the first Iron Man, and earned a sickening $40-$50 Million for Infinity War. (QUORA.COM, 2019) (MENXP.COM, 2019) 
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Entertainers with more weight in the industry based on previous successes gain more creative independence and move up in the income ranks based on that success. But roles and incomes are limited for black actors in the mainstream, and when you see a black actor or hear a black musician, what parts of their blackness are being commodified and to what end can they be undervalued as artists when their bodies and voices are being harnessed to entertain?
According to Forbes, Black Panther grossed over 1.3 Billion Dollars, more than Titanic, one of the highest grossing films to date (Forbes, 2018), Whereas the first Iron Man grossed less than half that, close to 318 Million. (Box Office Mojo, 2019). There are some lurking variables affecting the difference in Boseman and Downy Jr.’s salaries in Infinity War, like that fact that Downey Jr. has appeared in more films than Boseman (IMBD, 2019), but the key factor in the wage gap here is clearly white privilege. This phenomenon is hard to name because acknowledging it opens up hundreds of years of dialogue on oppression and dispossession which is painful to talk about, but it is impossible to ignore if you want it to change.  
Coincidentally, Donald Glover’s hit song This is America was co-written by Swedish computer Ludwig Göransson , who also wrote the score for Black Panther. Göransson  speaks to that experience in an interview with Complex.com last year:
“What I’ve been working with, and really trying to be aware of, is how you take traditional music from these different countries and put electronics and big orchestra on top of that while keeping the same sounds,” he said. “It’s been really challenging. I went to west Africa and South Africa for a month to do research and record a bunch of different musicians for the score. I brought that back to my studio and, for the past year, I’ve been figuring out ways to preserve the essence of that music and try to make it cinematic to fit this superhero universe.” (COMPLEX.COM, 2018)
So where are these nameless musicians from Africa credited in information on this blockbuster’s soundtrack? Nowhere that I could find. Were they paid anywhere close to what Göransson received as the Composer for the film?Do they receive royalties from their performances?
Michelle Alexander speaks to new manifestations of racism in her book The New Jim Crow, a book which according to a 2018 article in The New York Times is banned in prisons in North Carolina and Florida. (Bromwich, 2018)
“In the era of colorblindness, it is no longer socially permissible to use race, explicitly, as a justification for discrimination, exclusion, and social contempt. So, we don’t. Rather than reply on race, we use our criminal justice system to label people of color “criminals” and then engage in all the practices we supposedly left behind. Today is it perfectly legal to discriminate against criminals in nearly all the ways that it was once legal to discriminate against African Americans…we have not ended the racial caste in America; we have merely redesigned it.“ (Alexander, 2012)
  And that’s exactly what is going on in the entertainment industry today. We are redesigning racism with wage gaps, divisions of screen time and biased survival in apocalyptic pictures (Infinity Wars,) and portraying black actors as thieves and sidekicks (Solo,) while black rappers in the mainstream sing about prison time, womanizing, gold chains, and street drugs, perpetuating these images to the public. In Lil Baby’s song Pure Cocaine, which is #24 on the Billboard rap charts as of April 5th, 2019, he says:
“When your wrist like this, you don't check the forecast/Every day it's gon' rain (every day it's gon' rain), yeah/Made a brick through a brick, I ain't whip up shit/This pure cocaine (this pure cocaine), yeah/From the streets, but I got a little sense/But I had to go coupe, no brain, coupe no brain/I ain't worried 'bout you, I'ma do what I do/And I do my thing, do my thing”
  Chris Holmlund makes observations of the entertainment industry’s racist ideology flattening the Whoopi Goldberg into a tool for the white protagonists to connect in the movie Ghost in his book Impossible Bodies:
“Garishly dressed and made up, Oda Mae [the crook turned accessory to the white protagonist’s happiness, played by Goldberg] looks ridiculous when she visits Molly at Sam’s urging. “I don’t see what’s wrong with what I’m wearing,” she complains, voice off over a bird’s eye shot of Manhattan. 
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The next shot shows her striding along, resplendent in a badly fitting rose-colored jacket, black flounced skirt, black stockings, white net gloves, bouffant black wig, and rakish hat. Her legs splay apart awkwardly above spike heels. In African leggings she later seems more at ease, but she never looks as deliciously fragile as Molly [Demi Moore] does in her pixie haircut, baggy sweaters, and spaghetti strap T-shirts.
            No wonder, then, that Oda Mae lends her body to the dead Sam when he wants to hold and kiss his wife one last time. “O.K., O.K., you can use me,” she says, “You can use my body. Just do it quick before I change my mind.” Orlando at least submersed himself in her, before reemerging in ghostly superimposition to hear his wife’s response. Sam simply replaces her, obviating the lesbianism implicit in a first, teaser, closeup of Molly’s white hands held by Oda Mae’s black ones, by suddenly appearing in medium shot to wrap his strong arms protectively around his tremblingly eager widow’s torso.” (Holmlund, 2002)
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This example from the 1990 film may show that movies have come some way in representation of black characters, but Lando’s role in connecting Han Solo with his love Qi’ra seems to follow a similar trajectory. Epigenesis is painful, and there are many steps back accompanying each step forward in how ideologies can be reshaped. In 2010 there was one such instance of painful steps backward which instigate change in the 15th annual broadcast of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, which aired on CBS. A summation of the event from The Color Complex by Kathy Russell-Cole, and Drs. Midge Wilson and Ronald Hall follows:
“Over 9 million viewers, the largest audience yet, tuned in to watch thirty-four female models, six of whom were women of color, parade around in lingerie and little else. The display of wares was organized around six differently themes sets, and in each, even the country-themes one featuring a barn and blond wigs, the subset of “girls” participating was racially integrated-with one notable exception. The single themed presentation in which the producers saw fit to showcase only the six models of color was the segment entitled “Wild Thing.” The setting was a jungle and the models entered wearing nothing more than African wraps on bodies covered in tribal body paint. From the African-American community could be heard a collective moan: “Seriously? Again, you put us back in the jungle?”
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Since before the Civil War, the dominant White culture has abused and manipulated images of African Americans, usually for the purposes of fear, humor (i.e. what Whites thought was amusing,) and marketing.” (Russel-Cole/Wilson/Hall, 2013)
Awareness of these disparities is the key to unwinding what large entertainment corporations are continuously feeding to the public. I encourage you to question the lyrics on the radio, and ask yourself who is writing them, who is singing them, and for what reason. Watch the behaviors of actors. What are they promoting? Mainstream media is engineered by corporations to succeed with awareness of what consumers will buy into. It’s your responsibility as the consumer to shape the reality of the entertainment industry, and equality on and off-screen. 
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occultsleutha · 6 years
❛ At least I’ve chosen a side. ❜
superhero sentences / @farmboyalien
 Ever since John found himself tangled in this unlikely relationship with Clark Kent, he has always been looking for reasons to leave; an argument gone wrong, a conflict in interest, a growing intolerance for secondhand smoke. And logically, he knows that those things have always been there, waiting beneath the blanket of new beginnings for a later date where it can rear it’s ugly head and ruin everything John lied to himself about to even last this long. He’s always been good at playing along to the sound of his own bullshit, humoring himself against a universe that has never and will never give two flying fucks about his happiness or anything close to it. But sometimes he believes his own lies a little too much, falls a little too deep and—what’s new, John? What’s new.
There’s an immediate silence after Clark’s words, an aftershock of a weight making a crater into the apartment floor. John goes deathly still initially, cigarette smoke trailing up in a fine, straight line towards the ceiling as his expression becomes cold and hard. Then he stands abruptly from his seat at the kitchen table, a hand slamming violently against the surface with an exploding anger that surprises even him. He hadn’t thought he’d get so angry so fast, especially when he expects this kind of judgement; it’s one he’s crafted all on his own, because it’s true, but there’s something about hearing it from someone that has spent months telling him the opposite that really sets him off. He also realizes his pain comes from the fact that - despite all poor attempts at fighting it - he really does like Clark. 
It’s got to be a cruel irony that this time John’s the one being had by the heart-breaker.
“So the truth finally comes out, dunnit? That’s all you bloody superheroes do, muckin’ about with yer superiority complexes because you don’t have a fuckin’ clue about the struggles of everyday blokes like me! How could you, Clark? Or is Kal-El better? What would a bloody Kyrptonian know about the real world on this hell of an Earth? You can live here all you bloody want, but you ‘aven’t got a clue. Everything’s just well n’ dandy for you, innit? Dear ol’ Superman bein’ perfect, bein’ indestructible, bein’ a cardboard cut-out of what everyone wishes they could be! And y’know what? I may not be flawless like you, an’ me track record ain’t the most reputable, but I do what I can—a helluva lot more than the whole lot of you could do if you didn’t have your bullshit powers. While you’re babblin’ on about Justice and Honor and all that other Good vs. Evil rubbish, it’s people like me left t’ scrape up the grays of your black n’ white ideologies, the real truths, the shadow of humanity that you’ll never soddin’ understand n’ don’t care to be honest about, because it don’t bloody fit the neat lil’ box you’ve all fit yourselves in. I can’t stand any of you!” 
How many times had they talked about this? How many times had John put out the disclaimers about dealing with someone like him? The death count, the dangers of magic, and all the other baggage attached? And how many times had Clark insisted it was okay, that he understood, that some of it just wasn’t his fault. John had always had a suspicion that behind that acceptance was an unvoiced resistance to his lifestyle, muttered in secret among the rest of his colleagues who never approved of the damn relationship in the first place. 
This is exactly what he gets for thinking he could turn himself into a team player.
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“To hell with you and the rest of your capes and cowls crew, playin’ sleepover in space camp, while everyone waits on hand n’ foot like you’re Gods! Well let me tell ya, you’re no better than all of ‘em combined!” John finally takes one long pull of his wasted cigarette before tossing the butt onto the tile floor and smothering it with the bottom of his shoe. “I don’t ‘ave time for this—” Snatching his trench coat off the back of the chair he begins his leave. He stops halfway to the door, catching a glance with Clark for one moment too long for his liking and tears it away before the anger melts into something too vulnerable for what he’s about to do…
“You want me to choose a side, well this is me choosin’ a bloody side.” 
The door slams behind him, and he’s gone.
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cyberstabbing · 7 years
Band AUs
Meaning that at least one of them is in a band, but it’s not My Chem. 
Sing For Me, Pretty - Frank Iero is a known name in the rock music scene. He was the frontman for the hugely successful Pencey Prep. After Pencey Prep split, Frank spent his time and energy with his label, Skeleton Crew. He was introduced to LeATHERMOUTH through his label, and the band offered him the position of frontman for them. With this band, Frank has propelled himself to superstardom. But with superstardom comes risks and consequences. One of those risks is psycho stalker fans. 37k
Redeemer - Gerard is a complete asshole to pretty much everyone but himself. He’s rich and privileged and doesn’t care if he steps on other people’s dreams. After a night with some guy he met at one of his clubs, in which Gerard ends up under a young punk rocker’s care, he may be changing his act. 20k
An Emergency Of The Heart - Gerard’s fat fucking birds have fat fucking asses. 13k 
Cute lil’ cinderella au, franks in a band and gerard works for CN. its So. Sweet. I couldn’t stop smiling in class.
Coin Toss Girl - Frankie thinks she’s got it together, she’s fronting a band, playing shows, finally living away from her mom, working a shitty job and attending college. Not to mention the slightly okay girls she brings home. Slightly okay girls who never seem to actually call her… and yeah, maybe her life isn’t as together as she thought it was, especially after meeting some random dude at a party who turned out to be her flatmates brother and not a complete jerk. Takeout is consumed, arguments are had, pining is contagious and sexualities questioned. 16k
You Will Leave a Mark - Gerard is twenty-two, drunk, lonely, and really, really needs to get out of the basement. 24k
Ass-Kickin’ Chick Music - She’s not someone’s girlfriend. She’s not anyone’s anything. She’s a fucking force. Gee doesn’t know if she wants to be her or fuck her. 20k
Small Cells and Fibers - Tuesdays were finger-painting days. Frank made sure to wear his oldest pair of jeans, because even with his full-length apron and his constant reminders that paint belongs on paper and not on clothing, he always ended up with tiny, multi-colored handprints all over his clothes. There wasn’t a thing he could do about it, so he just wore pants from 1995. 7k
Frank’s a preschool teacher and is in a band !! Gerard’s daughter goes to Frank’s preschool. V important fic.
High School Never Ends - “There’s a guy standing in front of him, and he has to be the hottest guy Gerard has ever seen. Dark sweeping fringe over one eye, the side of his head shaved and dyed blonde, tattoos peeking out from under his shirt and – is that one on his neck? Gerard feels his mind go blank – he is way too drunk to be in this situation.” 4k
Sleepover - Jamia died in May, so in two months it would be three years. Xavier was born in March, so today he was turning six. He’d had a party, which was fun, but now Daddy was feeling sad again, so Xavier was holding him tight. “We’re gonna move,” Frank said. Ray just nodded. “I think maybe I need to get out of this town.” Frank had been poking around the tri-state area, trying to figure out where they could go. He wanted a small community with friendly people where his neighbors wouldn’t constantly try to set him up with their sisters. He chose Fire Island. 6k
Natural Disaster - It happens like this: Frank needs a roommate. Apparently, independent record stores and garage bands don’t pay the bills. Or, not all of them at any rate. So he asks around and it turns out Mikey’s brother needs a place to live that is not their parents’ basement or Mikey’s couch. 5k
Mixed Bathing at Home - ​AU which can best be described thus:
Bex: it is a pointless AU where gerard writes comics and frank is in leathermouth, but there is no mcr Wax: mmh, aggro leathermouth frank meets gentle frustrated comics gerard? Bex: uh….no Bex: gerard gets his toe stuck in a faucet and frank rescues him. Wax: … Bex: it’s the stupidest thing in the world. Wax: how… how do you– nevermind, I’ll just read it. 7k
Someone … maybe babylynz wrote this description? Anyway, here: 
Gerard is a hot mess of a comic book artist; Frankie’s semi-famous for Leathermouth, but filling in for his friend-the-apartment-super when Gerard gets his toe stuck in a faucet. So fucking cute, and heartfelt, plus bonus points for high school reunion: Gerard kept thinking about it, kept looking at Frank, who was solid and confident and covered in tattoos and played in a rock band and could go to dinner with three strangers and how it seemed impossible that he would ever have been picked on or marginalized or scared in his whole life. Suddenly all the lyrics about hating everyone made a lot more sense. "You never really know,” he said, and then realized it had been out loud. Frank was giving him an amused look, but Mikey and Alicia didn’t even blink. 
'Til I Find a Place - Gerard had finally done what he had to do. He'd gotten out of the basement, and now he had a booth to himself at the Blue Moon Diner, where he could sit and drink coffee all night and calm his jittery hands enough to draw. It was perfect. 12k
​Transatlanticism - Gerard’s a comic book writer living in London. Frank works for a record label and has a band in New York. The problem with meeting in the middle is there’s a whacking great ocean there. 20k
Measured Against the Regrets - AU where the band never happened and Gerard quit his job at Cartoon Network to paint instead. After hitting rock bottom and going to rehab, he's back at home, struggling with a vicious creative block and trying to figure out his next move. When he reconnects with Frank at a Leathermouth show, the attraction is instant. Frank inspires Gerard more than anyone or anything has in a long time, but it's up to Gerard to turn that inspiration into a second chance. 17k
Shadows In The Parking Lot - In which there’s a mass grave under Frank and Ray’s apartment complex, Frank doesn’t believe in ghosts, & Frank’s ex-boyfriend is, conveniently, a paranormal consultant. For Milo. 61k
Well, I just stayed up until 4AM to finish this masterpiece. I love love love the characterization, and the whole “we used to be a thing years ago.” Which I haven’t really read much of, but it worked SO well for this fic and it might be my new thing. Not to mention the spookyness! It was so awesome, especially how nonchalant Frank was about ghosts in the beginning, which seemed to be more confusing to Gerard than if Frank just straight up was a firm non-believer. lol. Will definitely reread around Halloween! :D Also, the author said that they’re working on a sequel!!!!
A Fate Worse Than Death [Spells] - “Can I help you find anything?” an employee had asked. Frank just waved them off. “A box I can fit my ex-boyfriend’s body in.” had hardly seemed like an appropriate response.
~ Or, The story of how Frank Iero became a vampire slayer in the worst possible state to wake up a vampire. A daydream on ‘The Taste Of Ink’ by The Used. 59k
Hot damn. Love how Frank took down those vamps for G. And that graveyard scene! Good stuff. Felt like I was reading a comic at times because I could visualize everything so clearly.
A Milkshake With Two Straws - Somewhere along the way Frank just started appearing in the studio doorway, sometimes with flyers for his band, sometimes - very, very awesome times - with coffee. Of course, when Gerard's In The Studio his head is in a creative place, not a talking and remembering place, so he can't really be expected to know what he has or has not told Frank. 2k
Gerard is a spacey art school student. Frank’s pinning and frustrated by Gerard’s obliviousness. Short & sweet! Side note, Oblivious!Gerard is in my all time top five tropes and it will never get old.
On Measuring Life With Coffee Spoons - “Venti mocha frappuccino, no whipped cream,” Frank said with a grin. Gerard noticed he was wearing the nametag with the little blue vampire drawn next to the K. It was Gerard’s favorite. Barista!AU featuring socially awkward! Gerard and trying-too-hard! Frank. 7k
Obligatory “I’m not usually one for coffee shop aus but this was great.” Because it’s the truth.
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