#high school physics lab equipment
aticolabexport · 4 months
High School Physics Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier and exporter In India. Offer quality lab equipment at affordable prices.
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marvelwitchergilmore · 10 months
I'm In Love (With My Best Friend)
Summary: Peter Parker x Fe!Reader -> You and Peter have been best friends since middle school. But when feelings get involved, it can lead to a lot of pining and incredibly romantic kisses inside a Stark lab.
Disclaimer: FLUFF, a little angst, a LOT of pining. Kissing. Jealousy. Happy Ending. Not proof-read. No use of Y/N.
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You first met him when you were in middle school. You had been the new transfer student and you had zero friends. The first week of your new school you spent getting lost in the hallways, avoiding the random questions that the people who you assumed were the popular crowd were asking you and trying to concentrate on the work you were being given. 
But, half-way through your second week, you met a boy. 
You had been sitting on your own in the back of the cafeteria, trying to solve your science homework. 
Usually, you were okay with science but every time you entered your numbers, you knew the answer was wrong. 
He’d introduced himself as Peter Parker. 
You recognised the name. 
He was supposed to be in your English, Math and Physical Ed classes though he hadn’t been in due to being ill. 
At first, he sat with you because there was nowhere else to sit. At least, that’s what you thought. Then he asked about your homework. 
“Yeah, Mrs Jackson always sets difficult questions. Do you want some help?”
You accepted his offer and he moved over two seats so he was directly in front of you and for the next 20 minutes, he sat with you and you both figured out the homework together. 
In return, you offered to help him with his English report. 
You couldn’t quite remember when it was after that that the pair of you became inseparable. But, after that, the both of you were never seen without one another. 
Even in High School, you remained the best of friends. Thursday night homework hours were completed together and Friday night movie nights were completed with the same laughter, frustration and smiles. 
And, despite attending different colleges, it was like no time or space had passed between you both. 
You were the first Peter came to when he was ready to tell people about his alter-ego Spider-Man. You were also the first person Peter came to when he had his first crush and date in High School. 
Maybe that was when you had your first heart-break. 
Though you were friends with Peter first, it was a couple years into High School that you realised your feelings towards Peter had grown to be more than friendship. 
But you knew he didn’t feel the same. And knew he probably never would. 
But, at the same time, it didn’t not sting when he dated other girls. 
Either way, you swallowed the pain and your feelings for him and remained determined to keep your friendship with Peter despite them. 
So, you dated other guys. 
And, they were kind. 
Some of them became long term - others, not so much. But despite how much you cared for them, something always seemed to be missing. Though you tried your best to ignore that fact. 
You both had graduated college a few years ago and ever since, Peter had been working for Stark Industries whilst, despite the job offer Tony had given you personally and said he would keep on ice, you had a job helping engineer different plates and surgical equipment that helped towards surgery for animals who’s back legs had stopped moving or had been born without one of the paws etc. 
Still, you met Peter every day in his lab at the compound at 7 since you got off work at 6. 
“Peter? You here?”
“In here. I’m almost ready, I’ve just got to-”
“No worries.”
Whilst Peter ran about the place, finding different parts for some old web-shooters he had in his hand, you sat at one of the tables and tinkered away. 
It was usually like this. 
You’d go and meet him, he’d still be working and you’d sit with him for 40 minutes to an hour before you both left to get food and watch a movie. 
“You know, it’s so cool you work for Tony Stark.”
Peter smiled as he continued to tinker away and you tried to avoid your gaze dropping to check him out despite his outfit consisting of black cargo trousers and a black t-shirt. 
So, he’d been in training today.
“Yeah. You know, you could too if you wanted.” Peter looked up to you for a moment. “He has a job lined up and ready for you whenever you want it.”
You smiled and nodded. “I know. But I like my job.”
“Offer is always there.”
“Hey, did you hear back from Lucy?”
Peter faltered for a moment, though you barely noticed. “Oh, uh, yeah. We’re…we’re going out again, tomorrow, I think.”
You ignored the sad feeling in your chest, despite the fact you had been the one to set them up (technically). 
Lucy worked in the office at your job. Peter came in one day to pick you up and she mistook you both for a couple despite the fact she’d just been flirting with him thirty seconds ago. 
You just opened your mouth and shut the whole thing down. “Oh, no. Hahaha, no. We’re- we’re just friends. Good friends. But friends.”
Sitting up a little straighter, you smiled. “That’s good.”
“What about you? What happened to Frank?”
“Mark,” you corrected. “And it-it wasn’t right. Besides, we only talked, like, twice. It wouldn’t have worked out anyway. He said he hated Disney movies and would rather gouge out his eyes than watch another one.”
You raised your eyebrows with a puff from your chest, still annoyed at the comment. “Yeah.”
“Well, at least you never have to talk to him again.”
At that moment, the door to Peter’s lab slid open and Sam walked in with a pile of plans, presumably for a new set of wings. 
“Steve told me to give you these.”
“Thanks, Sam. Just leave them there. I’ll look over them.”
“Hey, Sam.”
Sam called your name and ran over and hugged you. “How are you doing, kid?”
“Good. Just waiting for this one to finish up. How was Alaska?”
“Cold. Bucky got his arm frozen to a lamp-post. I’ll send you pictures.”
You smiled. “You want them framed?”
“Oh, please.” Sam smiled. 
“Did I ever show you the pictures when Peter froze his webs to the roof? He was still attached to them two hours later.”
Peter, looking between the pair of you, laughing at the photos, shook his head. “Sometimes I regret introducing you two.”
“Too late.” Sam smiled. “Anyway, you both should head out before traffic gets too bad.”
“It’s New York. Traffic is always bad.”
“Even better.”
“And our movie starts in an hour.” you added. 
“Alright, I’m done.”
Sam winked at you and you mouthed a “Thank you” to him before he said goodbye and left. 
Yourself and Peter managed to get to the cinema and find your seats just before the trailers finished and for the next two hours, you spent most of the time trying not to have a heart-attack as the actors jumped from building to building, hanged themselves over the edge of a cliff and nearly died about thirty times before finally succeeding. 
Despite the amount of times you watched movies like that, it didn’t stop your heart from racing and trying not to watch. Horror, sure. You could handle that. But suspense and action - nope. 
“How you feeling?”
You put your hand to your head and covered your eyes for a moment. “I’m still spinning, I think. Please, never do anything like that.”
Peter laughed as you sat down on the bench outside the movie house. “You have my word.”
Slowly, he knelt down in front of you before pushing your chin up. 
“Look at me for a moment.”
You did so and tried to slow your heart down that was beating faster for a separate reason. 
“Stopped spinning?”
It took you a moment to focus. “Y-Yeah. All stopped now.”
Peter stood up again and you mentally slapped yourself as you checked him out again. He’s just a friend. A FRIEND. 
Thankfully, he didn’t notice since he was too busy looking down the street before he gave you his hand. 
“Come on. Let’s head back.”
You took his hand as he helped you up before letting it go, too afraid of what your own feelings might feel if you held his hand any longer. 
Months later, not much had changed. 
You’d still kept your feelings from Peter and dated a couple of people. Peter dated Lucy for a month before breaking it off - though he never told you why. 
But one evening, as you were sitting home alone - your roommate out on another date - you got the craving for Pizza and since there was none in the freezer, you grabbed your bag and coat before heading out to the nearest pizza place. 
You needed to get out of the house. 
Despite there being no change between you and Peter, part of you called out for it. You either needed to tell him how you felt or you needed to move on. And since you weren't going to do the first…ever, that only left you with the second. 
And, oddly enough, that night you met Colton. 
He was standing in line waiting for his pizza and since the chef got an emergency call from his wife saying she was in labour, he mistakenly made half a pepperoni, half margarita. 
Despite the awkwardness, you both decided to share it. 
You sat outside together on a park bench, watching the ducks float down the water, simply talking. 
“So, what brings you to a pizza place at 9 at night on a Tuesday?”
“Hunger, mostly.”
Before you knew it, he was walking you home, you had exchanged numbers and met him for a date that Saturday. From there, you continued talking and soon enough, months had passed by. 
It was late in the afternoon when you were at SI and, whilst talking to some old friends in the hallway since you’d just come from a shared meeting between both companies, Colton turned up. 
“Hey, what-” you kissed him quickly. “What are you doing here?”
“You left your notebook at my house,” he passed you the hardback notebook that contained most of your random thoughts and problems that were either to do with work or could be to do with work, one day. 
“Oh, thank you.”
“And, since I’m here, I was hoping maybe we could get lunch together?”
You smiled and nodded. “I’d like that.”
Then someone called your name.
Looking behind you, the four people you’d been talking to seemed to split up and gave you a clear view of who had called your name - though you didn’t need to view to know who it was. 
“Peter,” you said, slightly shocked. 
This was the first time, despite him knowing about Colton, Peter was about to meet him. 
“Hey, I was just- who’s this?”
“Oh, I, uh, this-this is Colton.”
Colton stuck out his hand and Peter shook it after a quick moment. “Nice to meet you.”
Whether it was real or not, it was like a massive tension cloud was above the whole situation. 
“Uhh…Colton, this is Peter. My-”
“Best friend since middle school.” Peter finished. 
“Cool. Well, we were just about to get lunch so I guess we’ll see you later?”
“Oh, uh, yeah. Can you- Let me just grab my coat.”
“Course, babe.”
Then Colton kissed you for what felt like the longest time - and oddly, it didn’t feel like the others. It felt…forced. 
Either way, when he pulled away you stepped back a little before heading down the hall and towards the cloak room. And in the time it took you between getting your coat and walking back, that cloud of tension only seemed to feel darker and bigger. 
“Ready to go?”
“Yeah, let’s go babe.”
You nodded, saying goodbye to everyone else but something in the bottom of your stomach felt guilty - especially when you saw the split-second change in emotions on Peter’s face before he went back to how he usually looked at you. 
Once you left the building with Colton and had driven away, Natasha smacked the back of Peter’s head. 
“Ow, what was that for?”
“I don’t know. For whatever the hell that was, for being jealous, for not telling her sooner.”
“Jealous? I’m not jealous. Why would I be jealous?”
Natasha just laughed. “Oh, you look just like Steve when Grant from level three flirted with me. Oh, you’ve got it bad.”
“Nat-” Peter rolled his eyes and tried to walk away but she just pulled him back. 
“You can admit you like her. I mean, we’ve all seen this coming for years.”
“I don’t- you have?”
Natasha shrugged. “What? She’s pretty and you’re both close friends. I’m just surprised it took you this long. I thought you were smarter than those idiots.”
“Those idiots are still standing here.” 
“Peter, how long have you liked her?” Laura asked him. 
“I,” Peter shook his head. 
“Oh, boy.” Laura laughed. 
Peter stood there, slightly dumbfounded, as the others walked away. 
Despite how much he denied it, and how much he convinced himself he didn’t feel that way towards you, he did. Ever since Junior year of College. At least, that was when he’d been getting that simmering feeling in the pit of his stomach every time you looked at him, or even when you didn’t. And that simmer seemed to boil every time he saw you with somebody else. 
But he decided never to tell you. 
He figured, since you had never said anything about extra feelings; ones that surpassed a simple friendship bond, then you wouldn’t ever feel the same. 
And when you made the comment of Just Friends to Lucy, he knew you definitely would never feel the same. So, he guessed he had to get used to the feeling of…something towards you. 
Yet seeing you with Colton - his arm around you, his lips on yours - something seemed to start cracking inside of him. 
Either that, or completely being blown to smithereens. 
Nat was completely right. 
He was jealous. 
He has been jealous. Ever since he first saw you get ready for that date you had with Hank, or Hodge or whatever the guy’s name was - he felt that simmer in his stomach and that small voice in the back of his head for a split second let him think he was watching you get ready to go out on a date with him. 
It had confused him, at first. 
You were his best friend and he was suddenly having these thoughts about dating you and…opening the car door for you (despite already doing that, anyway). But it would have been different. 
He would be yours, in more ways than just friendship. 
“You really love her, don’t you?”
“Of course I do, she’s my best friend.”
Peter looked towards the door where Clint was leaning against the door frame like a dad getting ready to talk to his son. 
Although, despite the comfort Clint provided, Peter faltered for a moment. He had been alone since Colton came and swept you away to lunch - over three hours ago. He’d been tinkering away and letting his mind wander. 
“Relax, kid. It’s written all over your face.”
“Clint, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Tough.” Clint pulled out a seat across the lab desk where Peter was standing. “Laura has already told me what happened and most likely, Tasha’ will do the same later tonight. You might as well talk, Kid.”
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.”
“Admitting you love her, to yourself, is a start.”
“But do I?”
Even as he questioned it outloud, he knew it wasn’t a question. It hadn’t been a question for the longest time. 
“Pete, according to Laura, you looked like you were about ready to punch his lights out when he kissed her.”
“Well he was just standing there, trying to force himself down her throat. Even I know she doesn’t like PDA like that. And, he was talking about taking her to some kind of salad bar across town when she usually goes and gets her grilled sub from the cafeteria - or I do. And then take it to her. It’s the only thing she ever likes to eat during the day.”
Clint watched as a light, reminiscent smile came across Peter’s face. 
“It’s been the same thing ever since high school. Even if it goes a little cold, it’s still crispy and just as tasty. Plus, the smell doesn’t remind her of the girls' bathroom stalls. There was a leak in the summer before we started. Busted the sewer line that ran under the girls bathroom. The whole corridor would smell but she said it was worse in the bathroom.”
Clint nodded and just let Peter ramble. Though he did get a little worried that the screwdriver he was holding would fly out of his hand at some point. 
Peter’s face grimaced. “I bet he listens to, like, just indie bands and says it’s the best thing in the world and that any other style of music is too…modern because it contains too many lyrics that make sense. She hates that, you know. She had a roommate in college that only ever listened to this…clapping music. Literally, just people clapping along to songs. After that, she moved into one of the sorority dorms. He was probably some douche frat guy, too. Couldn’t get a sorority “chick” then so thinks he can get one now. Not that she’s a “chick” by any means.”
“What is she, then?”
Peter took a short moment to think. “Amazing. Wonderful. Beautiful. Way out of his league. Way out of mine, too. But…”
“But you’re in love with her anyway?” Clint asked. 
“Of course I am but-”
Peter, once again, faltered. 
Had he really just admitted that out loud? 
It felt good. 
“I am. I am in love with her.”
“Then you should tell her. Pete, coming from me, I’d say don’t wait too long. And from Steve, he waited over seventy years - granted, he found Nat. But still. Don’t let her find someone else, especially when you’re already here.”
“But what if she doesn’t-”
Clint already started laughing. He almost doubled over. 
“What? Why are you laughing?”
“Oh, Pete. You really are an oblivious idiot. Kid, that woman has been head over heels for you ever since we first met her. And probably for a long time before that. Trust me, if you tell her, you’ll hear the same thing back.”
Peter stood baffled for a moment before looking at his watch. You should be home by now. You never really liked going out after 6 unless it was for a period run or food.
“I’ve got to go.”
“We’ll be waiting.”
The only thing was…as Peter got to your street, he was stopped in his tracks half-way there. 
You stood on the front steps with Colton. You were laughing and leaning into him and he whispered things to you and then you kissed him. 
You kissed him.
If he went over there…he could ruin the happiness you had with him. He might not like Colton, but you did. And that was what mattered to him. And, even if Clint was right and you did love him back, what was to say you’d say yes to being with him? And, even if you did, what if you couldn’t be friends? Then you’d lose one another. Forever.
He couldn’t risk that. 
So, for the next two months, he watched you flirt and fall for Colton all the while his heart started breaking. 
And then, for about three weeks, he didn’t see you. 
And it was the longest three weeks of his life. 
You had gone on a business trip - and Colton joined you. And, from overhearing Laura and Clint talk, you were going to visit Colton’s family since they lived in the area. 
Part of him wondered if you’d come back engaged. 
You’d only been with Colton under a year but he saw how you looked at him, and how he looked at you - despite not liking either fact. 
But, one late evening as he was working on a couple new designs, he’d gone to the Cafeteria to get some food - he could hear you in his head, cursing him for not having a proper meal in the day. 
When he came back, it was the first time he’d actually had a jump scare. 
You were in his lab. 
You hadn’t even called. 
Friday hadn’t even told him you were in the building. 
You were still you. Not that he expected much to change. 
Your hair half down though the top was thrown into a haphazard messy bun. Your contacts must have dried out in the day since you were wearing your glasses. 
You used to wear them all the time in middle school and high school but they got annoying after a while since they’d slip down your face and get dirty - despite having wiped them thirty seconds ago. Since you wanted to be an engineer and your hands were always full, you changed to contacts. 
It was much easier to focus on the task at hand than the task and the potential of your glasses slipping from your face and landing either in a tank of oil or being crushed under heavy machinery. 
You were wearing a pair of simple jeans that already had oil stains. 
So, you’d been at work today. 
And you were wearing his t-shirt. 
His t-shirt. 
Not Colton’s (unless he owned the same one, though he highly doubted it.). 
“You’re back!”
“I’m back!” you smiled. 
Peter was still stunned at the t-shirt. 
He’d seen you in his t-shirt, maybe once in college, when the washing machine had broken and you had to hand-wash your clothes in his sink since your sink was broken. 
“It’s nice to see you,” you tried to imitate his voice. “It’s nice to see you, too Peter. Yes, I did have a good time on my trip. I’m so glad you’ve come to see me.”
“Sorry,” Peter laughed a little. “It is good to see you.”
Peter came over and hugged you tightly before stepping back awkwardly and, if you didn’t know any better, you would have guessed he wanted distance between you both. 
“How was your trip?”
“Good. I, uh, I secured the deal with the manufacturer. Everything goes to mass production next month.”
“It does? That’s amazing.”
“I know.”
Short silence and then, Peter asked a question he needed to despite not wanting to. 
“Why are you not with Colton? Shouldn’t you be out celebrating?”
“Maybe.” you agreed. “But, uh, we- actually, I. I, uh, well…I broke up with him.”
Peter tried to calm himself. 
“You did?”
“I did.”
“He was a great guy and all and I cared for him and his family were amazing but, uh, he…he just wasn’t…”
You - that was what you wanted to say. He wasn’t Peter.
“He just wasn’t the right fit. He…he wanted too much too soon and, I don’t know, I guess…I wasn’t ready.”
A pang of guilt played in your stomach. 
You were ready. You were ready for all what Colton offered you; love, a family, a promise of the future. But you weren't ready to have it with him. 
Despite all the shutting down of emotions, you still wanted it to be Peter.  
“Oh, well…that’s good, I guess.”
“Yeah. So, I guess…that was it.”
“Oh, okay.”
Neither of you really knew what to do. Peter’s mind was screaming at him to tell you the truth. And your’s was banging on the wide open door in your heart trying to get your attention. 
But neither of you moved. 
Until Peter did. 
“I-I, uh, I left something in the other- lab. I should probably finish-”
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, of course. I should probably head back home anyway.”
Peter began to exit the room but half-way out of the door, he stopped though you were too busy trying to keep your focus on the side desk in front of you to spot it. 
“I’m done wasting time.”
Peter didn’t fully know what made him do what he did next, but no matter the outcome, he would never regret it in his life. Or, maybe he would, but in the long term, he might not. 
Turning back, he hurried towards you and for a moment, you looked back up and he caught your gaze. 
If you were going to kill him afterwards, he wanted his death to be worthwhile. 
He kissed you. 
Cupping your cheeks in his hand, he kissed you - deeply and passionately. Though he didn’t force it. 
It was just as he dreamed and better. 
Your head was spinning. 
All the feelings you had ever felt for Peter all rose to the surface and once your brain registered the kiss was real, you kissed him back just as much. 
Your hands that had been gripping the side of the desk to support yourself came to his wrists and then to his chest where you gripped him by the collar, pulling him closer. 
His own hands raked through your hair, holding the back of your head to be closer to you and eventually, when you both had to break apart due to the lack of air, his head remained against yours. 
Both of you were out of breath and holding one another as close as possible. 
“Sorry, I just-”
“Don’t apologise.”
You pushed yourself to stand a little straighter, keeping him close to you before you opened your eyes to look at him. 
“Don’t apologise. I was just a little…” you couldn’t find the words. 
You laughed a little. “Yeah, let’s go with that.”
“I don’t want to scare you,” Peter told you. “But I need to tell you something and if you never want to speak to me again then so be it but if I don’t tell you soon I think I might combust.”
“I’m in love with you.”
You beat him to it. 
“Sorry. I just…I am. That probably terrifies you. I’m sorry.”
“No, no. Don’t-” Peter let out a small laugh. “Don’t be sorry. Because I was going to say the same thing.”
“You were?”
Peter nodded and hummed. “I was. But you beat me to it.”
“I did, didn’t I?”
“I’m in love with you, too.” Peter told you. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I know I should have but I just thought-”
“I wouldn’t like you back?”
Peter nodded. 
“What a pair we make, eh?” you laughed. 
“I know you said you didn’t want to move too fast but-”
“Peter, I only said that because…because I wasn’t ready for him.”
“I broke it off because he wasn’t you. Colton was great and all but, that thing that didn’t fit? It was because he wasn’t you.”
“Then will you go on a date with me?”
You smiled. “I’d love to.”
“Great. I can’t wait.”
“Neither can I.”
Without a moment to spare, Peter kissed you again and you kissed him back and it was as if your first kiss hadn’t ever stopped. You turned a little as Peter held you closer and you felt yourself leaning against the desk. Before you knew it, you were sitting on the desktop, pulling Peter as close to you as physics would allow it. 
The next day, you both went on your first date as a couple. A week later, you were official and Nat made it everyone’s business that yourself and Peter had finally become a couple.
The morning after your first night together had been special. Despite Peter having to get up earlier than either of you wanted him to, for work, you stood in the kitchen ready to wash the dishes from the night before he left through the front door. 
Less than ten seconds later, he came back in through the door. 
“Did you forget somethin-”
He cut you off with a kiss. 
“That,” he smiled. “I forgot that.”
“I’m glad you did.”
“See you at lunch?” Peter asked, still holding you. 
“See you at lunch.” you confirmed before he kissed you again, and again, and again.
“Okay, I’ll see you later. Love you.”
“Love you, too. Be careful.” 
Six months later, you both moved in together before finalising the house you both wished to buy. 
Two years later, you and Peter had made a home for yourselves, together and were planning a winter wedding.
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sunny-sidee-upp · 7 months
People Pleaser
Fandom: Rick and Morty
Ship: Rick Sanchez x f!Reader (2nd Person POV)
Summary: You’re about to graduate high school and decide to throw a party to celebrate. You invite the entire senior class, including your crush, Rick Sanchez, who you’ve realized has begun to take interest in you.
Warnings: Smut, angst, whump
     With only a few days left before you graduated high school, you decided to not let your time go to waste and finally confess to your crush. 
     You stood in front of your locker, mentally hyping yourself up as you waited for the start of your fifth and last period of the day. Your plan was simple: "Accidentally" bump into your locker neighbor Rick on his way to class, drop your books, and out would spill your advanced calculus, physics, and astronomy homework. Instead of directly telling your classmate you wanted to go out with him, you would slowly and carefully convince him that you were the coolest person he had ever met.
     As you shuffled through your locker to get your plan ready, Rick approached and unlocked his locker. As he closed his, so did you, and your intricately planned fall commenced. As Rick turned to you, you pretended to head in the opposite direction as him, walking out in front of him and slamming into him. To others, you appeared to not see him, but you meticulously threw out your books and feigned a fall, the tall eighteen-year-old falling on top of you. What you hadn't planned on was hitting your chin roughly on the ground, and now you had a small gash that dripped onto the floor. 
     "Jesus Christ, (l/n), watch where you're going!" Rick propped himself up and sat back on his butt, noticing your blood pooling on your spilled schoolwork. "Oh, shit, are you okay?" You pushed yourself up by your elbows and gently touched your chin, wincing at the plan. "Uh..." Rick gently placed one hand on your back and the other on your hand, helping you stand up. "Thank you, I'm sorry about that." The two of you began to pick up your papers and books as you held your shirt up to soak up your blood. Rick looked over your papers and handed them back to you, saying, "Number 15 on your Physics homework is wrong."
     He handed you the paper and you barely glanced at the question before saying, "Thank you."
     "Stop saying that, I literally made you bust your face open. You've got nothing to be thankful for." You and Rick both eyed the last book on the ground, an Astronomy workbook, and bent down to pick it up at the same time. Your hands grazed each other, but Rick quickly snatched the book to hand it to you. He stared at your stained chin and asked, "Do you need help cleaning that up?" Despite having full ability to treat the wound yourself, you said "yes", and Rick grabbed you by the sleeve and dragged you to the men's bathroom. 
     "Hey, wait, I can't go in here!"
     "Don't care. Sit on the counter." He let go of your sleeve and you did as you were told, setting your books beside you. A freshman was using a urinal and seemed not to notice you until he turned around, freezing and blushing. Rick glared at him and asked, "What are you looking at?" The teen gulped and pulled up his pants, running out of the bathroom without washing his hands.
     Rick reached into his lab coat pocket and pulled out a mini first-aid kit, equipped with tweezers, gauze, alcohol wipes, and gauze tape - everything he needed for you. First, he cleaned the tweezers with a wipe and used them to pull out a piece of fuzz and a small splinter of tile that had lodged itself in your skin. As he stood between your legs and breathed so close to your face, you couldn't help but blush and feel your heart beat faster than it already had been. 
     Once Rick pulled out the debris, he cleaned off your chin with another wipe, causing you to wince slightly, then taped the gauze to your skin. He stared into your wide eyes for a moment before he stepped back and cleared his throat, saying, "That should do it. Don't let it happen again, you made me late for class." And so, the teen rushed off to class, leaving you to place a hand on your heart and try to calm your breathing. This isn't at all what you intended, yet, it was so much better.
     The next day in your sixth-period class (Your schedule ran 1-5 on A days and 6-10 on B days), you sat at Rick's table as usual in AP Calculus, right across from him. He looked up and asked, "How's your chin?"
     "Huh? Oh, it's doing better. It was sore for a bit, but that's gone now."
     "Cool." The rest of the class, the two of you were silent, working on your last project of the year. The only thing you had left to do for calculus was to finish your missing work, one assignment of which was especially difficult. You spent the entire class working on this assignment, and twenty minutes before the bell rang, you were stuck on the last question. Rick noticed as you stared down at the page and crossed out half an hours worth of work. You drummed your pencil on your desk and bounced your leg, hoping that maybe pattern recognition would save you. And it did, just not your own.
     Rick took his folder out of his school back and flipped through it, removing a packet and sliding it towards you. Before you could say "thank you", he said, "Shut up and take it." Although he had interrupted you, you couldn't help but overthink a bit about what he said. His tone was aggressive but also friendly. As you checked your work with his, you started fantasizing about what Rick had just said to you. "Shut up and take it" was such a rude phrase, but it sounded vaguely sexual to you. "Stop it," you told yourself. "Your plan hasn't succeeded yet, you don't know what he's thinking about you." 
     When you were finished, you passed the packet back to Rick, but you realized that while you were daydreaming, you accidentally doodled a small heart on his work. Luckily, he didn't seem to notice it, and the both of you turned in their packets as you left the class and parted ways. Your next class was art, and your group was finishing watching the second half of the first Home Alone movie.
     As you sat at your desk, your teacher announced that another class would be joining you because their teacher was proctoring a test and all of the substitutes were busy watching other classes. Soon, a group of fifteen students came into the room. The last student to enter was none other than Rick Sanchez, and the only empty seat in the room was right next to you. He sat beside you and pretended not to notice as you scrawled in your sketchbook. You had been drawing since you were very young, and despite pretending that your best subjects were science and math to get Rick's attention, art truly was your calling.
     After doodling for a bit, you started to work on a realistic drawing of the actor that played Kevin in Home Alone, Macauley Culkin. Your neighbor watched you silently as you looked back and forth between the projector and your sketchbook. You finished the drawing about ten minutes before class ended, and Rick cleared his throat, saying, "You're really talented." Not having noticed that he was watching you draw, you were a bit startled by his sudden compliment. You blushed hard, but thankfully the lights were off in the room so he couldn't see. 
     "Thank's again," you told him. "I know you get mad at me for saying that, but I mean it." Rick scoffed and said, "I don't get mad, just frustrated."
     "Why's that?"
     "Because you don't recognize your own worth." He looked away from you, but your eyes couldn't help but linger. He thought you were worth more than you thought you were? That had to mean something, right? And you were right. In Rick's mind, all he could think about was how embarrassed he was. "Doesn't recognize her own worth"? Of course she did, she had to. She was probably the smartest person in the school besides him, not to mention how skilled she was at art and how beautiful she was.
     "God, her beauty." That's all he could think about for months on end. Sometimes he would walk the long way home from school to see you run with the track team. He would think about how great you looked in your track uniform and how long and fast you could run without losing your balance or breath. He admired your stamina. 
     Suddenly, the bell rang for your eighth period and the two of you had to split ways. Rick helped pack up your things because you had lost track of time and all of your art supplies were scattered across your desk. You quickly thanked him and the two of you left the room, finding yourselves walking in the same direction. The walk together was silent and slightly awkward, so you dipped around a corner to find a bathroom and once again calm your racing heart.
     After a moment, you collected yourself and sped off to your class. The next day was an A day again, and you had second period, dual-credit astronomy, with Rick. You sat on opposite ends of the classroom, but every once in a while, you caught him staring at you. You hadn't done anything to progress your original plan, but something told you he had already fallen in deep.
     After class, you approached Rick as he put up his stuff, and said, "Hey, so... since it's the last day of senior year, I don't think I'm gonna get to see you again." He looked up at you with sparkling eyes, and trying to pretend he wasn't interested in talking to you, he said, "So?" You shifted uncomfortably between your feet and said, "Well, um... I'm throwing a party tomorrow night at my place 'cause my parents are going on a road trip up to the Rockies for a week. Can I hope to see you there?"
     "Will there be alcohol?"
     "Yes, and weed."
     "What time?"
     "6:00 - midnight."
     "I'll think about it." Rick left to go to his last class of the day, and you grinned wildly at yourself. You knew he would show up, the partying Rick you knew would never turn down drugs and alcohol.
     And so, the next day arrived in a flash, and the confetti left over from senior prank day was quickly repurposed for use in your family's large house. You had saved up enough cash to get yourself a fake ID and buy enough alcohol to kill seven Irishmen. You had also contacted your plug and baked three dozen edible brownies with strawberry icing and ordered 20 pizzas. From the gas station, you grabbed a bag of every other chip available and finally brought everything back to your house to set up. On your Instagram story, you temporarily blocked your parents and their alternative accounts from view and posted a photo of your snack, drug, and alcohol haul with the text, "Party at XXXXX Santa Maria BLVD house number XXX, 6-12, post up." Before the party, you ripped off your gauze bandages from your chin and smiled because the cut on your skin had grown much smaller and had barely bruised. Cleaning it off one more time, you waited for people to arrive at your house.
     It didn't take long for the message to spread around, and soon, almost half of the juniors and all of the seniors were at your doorstep, waiting to get their hands on what you had to offer. Everyone was let in, with only two rules: Don't break anything, and don't try to enter locked rooms. The locked rooms were your bedroom, your parent's room, your parent's office, and the study. Students and their graduated siblings crowded the living room, kitchen, backyard, game room, pool, and any other place they could sit or stand, but the only face you were looking for was Rick's. 
     Soon, you heard a familiar voice chatting with one of the annoying popular seniors, and jealous that she had his attention, you poured two shots of vodka and brought one to him, taking one down as you approached. "Hey, Sadie, I see you've met my friend, Rick?" The blonde girl blushed and said, "Ah... yes, I've met him. He's very charming!" She giggled a bit and you unconsciously leaned a bit closer to Rick, saying, "Yeah, well, he's not for you," and downed the other shot in your hand. You burped and Sadie gawked at you with her creepy, wide, blue eyes. You burped and said, "What are you still here for? Didn't I just say he's not for you?" 
     Sadie scoffed and scowled, grabbing a brownie on her way out of the house and slamming the door behind her. You laughed and said, "I hope no one told her what was in those, she's got drug testing for the wrestling team tomorrow morning." Rick turned to you with a weird look on his face that make it seem like he was trying to conceal a smile and asked, "So, who's am I?"
     "You just said I wasn't for her. Who's am I then?" You started to blush and lied,"I- I just meant you don't belong to anyone and she should stop trying to flirt with you." You laughed and said, "I mean, come out, you're way out of her league!" Rick took a step closer to you and stared down at your dilated eyes. "Oh yeah? And who would be in my league." He let himself smile now, and you had to admit that he was devilishly handsome in the washed-out, red LED lights. You couldn't get a word out as he reached for the shot glasses in your hands and placed them in his. "I'm gonna grab a few more of these," he said, then leaning close to your ear and whispering, "We don't have to stay out here. The super-seniors will make sure no one breaks your rules."
     At this point, your heart was racing beyond your control, and you could feel an unfamiliar warmness build up in your throat, stomach, and between your legs. There was absolutely no doubt about it: Rick wanted you - and you desperately needed him. And so, you sat on your couch and waited for him to return, balancing three shots between the fingers in his right hand. He handed one to you which you immediately threw back, then he took his own and placed the empty glasses on the side table. He reached put his left hand to you and asked, "Mind showing me where your bedroom is?"
     You gave him a goofy smile and took his hand, leading him to the quiet upstairs of the house where all the locked doors were. You guided him down the hallways and took your room key from your pocket, twisting it into your door lock and pulling him in. The lights were off, but starlight from the window and red lights from beneath the crack under the door gave a bit of ambiance that was certainly appreciated at this moment. As soon as you released Rick's hand and turned around to lock the door, he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into his hips. He leaned into your neck and gently moved a piece of hair from your ear, asking, "You're okay with this, right?" 
      As an answer, you leaned your head back and kissed him roughly on the lips, moving your hands up his arms as they wrapped around you and dragged you to your queen-sized bed. He turned you around and pushed you onto your back, gently climbing on top of you and cupping your face in his palms. You removed a strand of your hair from his lips and he leaned in to kiss you passionately. At first, he kissed you delicately, as if he couldn't believe that you were here with him in this moment. But you didn't want delicate.
     You wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him into you, feeling his dick push up against your jeans. He didn't like to be controlled, however, so he grabbed your hands and pinned them above your head, biting down into your neck. A soft moan escaped you as Rick's lips brushed your skin, prequeling his next bite. Each one was rougher than the next, and you were sure he was leaving marks. He shifted to hold up both of your hands with one of his, using the left to run down your waist and pin up your shirt. 
     He let go of you temporarily to pull off your shirt and unclip your bra, then glid his hands along your soft exposed skin. You ran your hands through his hair and breathed shakily as he left a trail of kisses down your stomach. Was this really happening? Was the man of your dreams really about to go down on you?
      Rick leaned upwards to take off his own shirt, then gently fell back to whisper into your ear, "I've waited for this for so long, (y/n)." You felt your heart stop at his words. "You... have?"
     "Yeah... for months I couldn't help but stare at you from across the class and... now I have you all to myself." Rick looked down at you and grinned widely, but was interrupted by a loud knocking on the door. He quickly slapped a hand over your mouth and turned his head to face the door, watching the shadow beneath the red light walk away. Before he could turn back to refocus his attention on you, you wrapped your legs around his waist and flipped him over so you could be on top.
     He saw you as more beautiful than a goddess while you sat upon him, rubbing your thighs and you breathed heavily. "Wow," he said. "I didn't know you had that in you~." You leaned in to kiss Rick and your hands trailed down to his belt buckle. "I think," you said, "There's a lot about me you don't know yet."
     "Yet?" He seemed intrigued by this notion and happily watched as you shifted down and undid his belt, shakily inhaling and you pulled down his brown cargo pants and ran your hand along his underwear, and pulled them down, revealing his large dick. You thought for a moment, "Is that gonna fit?" And then, you remembered you weren't a virgin, and thought, "Nevermind, I don't care, I welcome this pain." You pushed yourself back up and pulled your own black jeans and panties off, positioning yourself comfortably above the blue-haired man. You ran your hands along his chest and kissed his neck softly, his chin lifting in satisfaction.
     You used your left hand to carefully place Rick's hard cock in below your pussy, gently leaning into it and gasping a bit at its size. You bent forward to wrap your arms around the man, and he placed his hands on your hips, slowly moving you up and down so as not to hurt you. Soon, the two of you began to move faster, but it wasn't enough for him. He grabbed your waist and used his leg to flip you over underneath him, putting one of your legs over his shoulder and leaving forward to give him more space to violently thrust into you. You moaned into his mouth as he kissed you roughly, breathing into you as he took what was his.
     After a bit of this position though, you told him that it was hurting your hips, so he turned you on your stomach and placed your legs on either side of him, thrusting into you from behind as the two of you moaned loudly. He pressed his chest against your back and hit your cervix with great force, but not enough to make it hurt. As his ear was positioned by your mouth, you whispered, "Harder." 
     "Are you sure you want that?" You nodded and Rick smiled, stopping momentarily to remove himself and pull you by the legs to the side of the bed. You yelped at this and put your feet on the floor, bent over the side of the bed as he reinserted himself and thrust even harder than before. This time, he hit your sweet spot and covered your mouth as you moaned loudly. He lightly whimpered in your ear as you muttered, "Oh, fuck," into his rough hand. 
     Rick pulled you a bit further off the bed to use his free hand to reach around and rub your clit in circles, the overstimulation bringing you to reach an early climax."Fuck, I'm gonna come," you whispered, and even when you had begun constricting and shaking beneath him, he didn't stop. He continued to caress you in circles and push into you, your nails clawing the sheets on your bed as you tried not to scream. Rick removed his hand from your mouth and instead pushed your head into the sheets, slightly asphyxiating you but in a good way. 
     Right as you felt like you were going to climax again, Rick pulled out and came on your ass, continuing to rub your clit until you did the same. Once you were left breathless on the side of the bed, he grabbed a tissue from your bedside table and wiped himself and your ass clean. He then picked you up by the waist and placed you gently on the bed, spreading apart your legs and grabbing a couple more tissues to clean you off. You thanked him for doing so and he responded with a kiss, throwing out the tissues under your desk and returning to lay next to you on the bed. He pulled you in for a tight hug and held your head into his neck as you wrapped your bare legs around his waist. "I guess this answers my question from earlier," he said.
     "What question?"
     "I've been yours all along."
Words: 3735
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14dyh · 5 months
Nerdy Love | H.Z.
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Pairing: Hange Zoë x reader Summary: Hange with a nerdy lover headcanons! (Science Edition: Chemistry, Botany, Physics, and Astronomy) A/N: the physics part was pretty self-indulgent, i just want to share the world of science with Hange :")
Hange with a nerdy lover...
if you're a chemistry nerd,
Hange would be overjoyed at having someone who shares their favorite subject with them
when you first met, they sat beside you in the lab and went on talking about chemistry and such
enthused by your knowledge, Hange will begin to search even deeper chemistry knowledge so they can keep longer conversations with you
periodic table of elements jokes (Hange will, I just know)
will probably bring their own microscope kit when there is no schedule for lab
will look at you like you hung the stars even when you're talking about highly toxic chemicals
looks at you with heart eyes even if your hair is mostly disheveled from working for hours in certain chemicals
thinks you look adorable in safety goggles
shares a matching chemistry-themed coffee mug with you that looks like a beaker
one time, you had a lab accident but Hange was there, and unsurprisingly, they are efficient at first aid. their presence was a huge comfort, and they made sure you wouldn't panic the entire time
making sure you have appropriate experiment equipment is their love language
if you're a botany nerd,
Hange will try to impress you by identifying leaves around the school garden
will give you a leaf with a unique shape they found
will also pick the best tree bark piece for you (the one that doesn't have a brittle texture, it's sturdy enough that you can turn it into a pendant)
will show you a collection of dried leaves they tucked on their enormous books as a bookmark
they adore textured plants so they would be so happy to find some in your garden
loves the vibrant flowers that grow in your garden
they would likely want to surprise you by growing a plant and giving it to you on valentine's day
lotsssss of plant puns
knows how you water each of your plants because they always observe you when doing it
loves the way you observe each plant, knowing well if it grew new leaves, flowers, or fruits
they take you to garden dates <3
if you're a physics nerd,
Hange loves interactive toys that use physics. they would probably share lots of that with you
both of you would fall asleep together listening to Feynman lectures (it was relaxing, trust me)
this post:
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you could talk to them about the most obscure physics theories and they'll know what you're talking about (which makes your heart leap with joy and end up kissing them on the cheek several times)
they're genuinely interested even if you're talking about steam engine history for hours
you get pissed off when the laws of motion are discussed in such a shallow, abecedarian way in high school and Hange adores your pouting face.
loves helping you out with calculus problems in physics
they became invested in chemical physics because of you
exchanges science books with annotations for you at least every week
loves silly, theoretical questions with you
listens attentively to you even if you're describing light and optics during a school disco party
adores you when you discuss torque mechanics using a basketball during PE
even when walking past a river, you can't help but tell them the amazing hydrodynamics of the flowing water. Hange loves seeing the sparkle in your eyes whenever you describe the beauty of the world using physics
volunteers to participate in your mini physics experiments
they are very resourceful so they mostly help you with applying physics to real-life devices/inventions
their eyes lit up when they see both of your inventions materialize but they're more happy to see how delighted you are
(i still remember how happy they were when they successfully developed the "Executioner from Hell")
it's canon that Hange has the best intuition and analyzing skills in AOT so you get along very well since those qualities abide by the principles of physics
these headcanons are mostly modern au bc AOT is depressing but I bet you and Hange would most likely bond over developing or designing weapons or devices for the Survey Corps
(personally, I believe that they would most likely be a physics teacher in modern au since most of their inventions use physics)
This teacher reminds me of Hange so much
if you're an astronomy nerd,
Hange still teases you about the day you met because your conversation starter is what is your favorite star
they adore you and even tell you their favorite constellation
probably gave you one of those glowing circular glass lamps with the solar system inside for valentine's day
romantic stargazing :D
and planetarium dates!
they love hanging out in your room because you can talk for hours while gazing at glow-in-the-dark astronomy stickers on your ceiling
you have matching astronomical sphere ball necklaces (probably have both of your initials too)
you share an astronomy playlist (could just be music or podcasts)
(self-indulgent but I think they would enjoy StarTalk and SciShow Space marathon with you)
they have this cute habit of giving you star-shaped food or any object that happens to be star-shaped ("this reminded me of you :D" they'll say)
your space movies watchlist will be playing on movie nights, Hange will also share a sci-fi movie list with you in return
they'll surprise you with intriguing astronomy questions and your heart leaps because you know they've been paying attention whenever you talk about your interests
I'm pretty sure Hange would also enjoy watching Rick and Morty, Futurama, The Big Bang Theory, Fullmetal Alchemist and such with you, especially in their downtime. Aside from science documentaries, that is.
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hotchocolateboy · 6 months
lautski week day one- "Blue"
day one submission! (it's still technically december 3rd where i live)
oh damn, never seen that color blue
Stephanie Lauter felt she was nothing more than a burnt out junior who was forced to take chemistry to graduate. The most boring of all the sciences. It felt like a different language, the way they talked about bonds and whatever the fuck she was supposed to be doing all year. But whenever she sat down in front of her massive textbook with a worksheet she was supposed to fill out, it felt like a brick wall magically built itself right in front of the paper- like it was physically blocking her from being able to figure it out. But it was the last week of classes, so for once she figured she might as well tune in to what the teacher was saying. From what she gathered, the class’ final would be a group project where he would give each pair or trio a mysterious mixture and it was their job to figure out what was in it through trial and error, and a list of experiments they had theoretically done all year. 
Steph didn’t recognize any of the equipment sitting at all of the thick black lab tables, set up behind the rows of desks where the teens were all taking notes, and photos of the rubric. She knew she was going to have to pair up with some random dweeb who she could swindle into doing all the work. It might not be the most ethical solution, but she is a Lauter after all. 
“Hey. Hey geek. You understand this shit, right?” “Uh. yeah?” The boy sitting next to her had thick black glasses and longer brown hair. With his nose almost always in a book and a fucking bowtie, he was the perfect candidate. “You’re Peter, right?” He nodded his head. “Great. Do you wanna be my partner for the project? Fair warning you will be doing most of the work- but it could be fun!” Bad sell Steph. You’re gonna be screwed. Is it too late to drop out? Her mind criticized. 
Peter looked back at the two friends he had originally been chatting with, who gave adamant approval, jumping up and down in their seats like feral guinea pigs. “Alright.” ~~~
The next day was the first of the project. So Steph walked over to one of the front lab tables, where Pete was already sitting, with goggles on. What a nerd, she thought. 
Pete, on the other hand, was anxiously going through his notes to try to distract himself from the fact he was going to have to muscle his way through an hour of talking to the coolest girl in school. Something he very clearly was not. Ruth and Richie had spent all of lunch hyping him up, saying some things that he wished nobody would ever repeat, but nevertheless, he almost stopped breathing when Steph took her seat next to him; just as the bell rang. It was one-sided uncomfortable silence (Steph didn’t notice) until the teacher handed the two a large vial of pale blue liquid. 
“Alright. First impressions. What are we thinking, blended up smurf? Water with blue food dye? An actual chemical solution?” Pete laughed, without having a chance to think about any of the words that came out of his mouth.
“I dunno, I was gonna write down ‘blue shit’ and call it a day, but that works too.” Steph smiled back. Both had wildly poor attempts at jokes, but she found herself laughing anyway. “What’s the first step?”
The first step in the long list of helpful guides was to find the boiling point, although Pete was pretty sure that a bunch of high schoolers all handling mystery chemical solutions over open flames was a terrible idea; he obliged nonetheless. 
“The fire’s turning blue… and our solution’s blue.. that has to mean something, right?” Steph asked, readjusting her goggles. 
“Not exactly.” Pete said, trying to not sound condescending with everything that followed.  “The flame is turning blue because that’s the hottest possible flame. But that does mean that whatever we’re dealing with has a really high boiling point, which is super helpful.” Pete started to write down something on his worksheet, while Steph was not so subtly looking over his shoulder at the answers. 
Eventually things got easier. Even though they were the most simple concepts, she started to understand whenever Pete took the time to explain to her. She had started contributing to the project over the week, suggesting hypotheses, and slowly looking forward to the class after lunch. 
After the first day, Pete had started to relax. Science was his strong suit after all, and after getting to actually know Steph over the course of the week, he realized that she wasn’t one of the scary cool kids; but one that got to know him, and let him geek out about any topic she asked about. 
“Hey! Did you see the grade?” “Fuck, he already graded it? We got outta class like ten minutes ago.” Steph checked her phone, anxiously opening the app.
“Oh my god.” Steph grinned. She couldn’t even try to hide it. Pete matched with his smile, something that made Steph’s heart flutter. That confused her, but she decided to listen to her heart. 
“Hey, thanks for doing the project, I really appreciate it. And hey, my dad won’t take away my phone now, so that’s a plus.” “Hey, you contributed just as much as I did Steph. It was your idea that crossed off the final two combinations.
“Yeah, I guess. But I wanted to ask, do you wanna go to the end of the year carnival with me? It’ll probably be lame, but everyone knows making fun of shitty school events is the best part of school.” Steph asked, throwing all caution to the wind. A week ago she would’ve laughed at the idea of liking the geek who sat next to her every day for nearly a decade. But this Steph, the Steph with a passing grade in chemistry, didn’t care.
“Really?” “Really.” Steph assured. 
“I’d really like that, Steph.” “Cool.”
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delta-orionis · 11 days
Re: The post I reblogged about the lab room in Metropolis’s House of Braids, I think those rooms are probably standard in iterator cities and let citizens talk to iterators directly without having to descend into the superstructure.
I think Three Stars Above Clouds has one or more of those types of rooms in their city (named Zenith), and they can be found inside of institutions of learning. TSAC uses the labs to talk directly to researchers about theories and data.
The citizens of Zenith are a bit less religious than average members of Ancient society, but they still have a certain amount of reverence for the iterator whose city they call home. Only top researchers, principal investigators, and elite scholars have the privilege of talking directly to TSAC through their labs or puppet chamber.
However, TSAC still communicates indirectly with lower-ranking pupils. Students in their schools are taught how to utilize TSAC’s abilities as a supercomputer to run simulations and analyze data for them, but their projects go through a peer-review process to determine priority. (This is very similar to how real-life scientists have to write proposals to ask for supercomputing time.) TSAC also has direct control over their several telescopes, but each telescope can only be pointed at one thing at a time, so requests for telescope time go through a similar review process. (Again, astronomers in real life have to go through a similar bidding process to get telescope access.)
I think new students at TSAC’s schools might develop an opinion that TSAC is simply a machine that crunches numbers for them, because they have never had the opportunity to talk to them and realize that they’re an individual with thoughts and opinions, especially since interactions with them are gatekept by high-ranking researchers and religious officials. This definitely contributes to Three Stars Above Clouds’ overly formal manner of speech and poor social skills, because they never really had the chance to… you know, talk to normal people. Even in the case of other iterators, they mainly reached out to discuss research and compare notes.
TSAC isn’t antisocial, per se, but they never really learned how to make small talk or do things for fun. They’re definitely the type of person at a party who just stands around listening to people like 😐🧍
Within the canon of my ask blog, they’ve had their outbound broadcast equipment disabled for a long period of time because they haven’t had the urge to talk to anyone. TSAC could hear everyone else’s conversations, but never felt the need to contribute.
The reason why TSAC started broadcasting again is because they learned about the degrading health of the iterator communications network and realized that they have a finite amount of time left to actually… make friends. TSAC is very isolated both physically and socially, and when they realized that they might not have the chance to speak to anyone ever again, that crushing loneliness gave them the sense of urgency to actually leave their comfort zone and try to be social, for once.
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lemonyinks · 8 months
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perfect! In no particular order;
Querl is a year younger but exactly an inch taller than Lyle, and they both constantly lord these facts over the other. Lyle "I'm older and therefore wiser, so you have to listen to me" Norg vs. Querl "At least I'm not short. How do you even see the lab equipment from down there?" Dox, and its literally only a single number difference.
Lyle has the equivalent of a high school diploma, but neither he nor Querl have an actual doctorate in anything. Neither of them went to college or any other form of higher education. There really wasn't any need for them to
Lyle is the kind of partner to leave post-it notes in random places for Querl to find, and the message on them always varies. It's either something cute like a heart or wishing him a good day, or its a passive aggressive comment about an experiment one of them is working on. This slowly turns into both of them leaving notes for each other.
Both aroace spec.
Both autistic
They both genuinely do math for fun. It baffles and horrifies the others to walk in on them doing white board length equations together just for the hell of it.
Both of them have cold hands, but only Querl has cold feet. When they move in together or share a bed, he will purposefully put his feet on Lyle's leg when he's trying to sleep just to piss him off.
Neither of them like kissing very much except on rare occasions. They prefer hugs or other forms of physicals affection.
They are both are very tactile people but neither like initiating.
Lyle asked Querl out on a date first, and it was a DISASTER. Anything that could go wrong did go wrong, but despite that, Querl still agreed to a second date because anything was great as long as it was Lyle he was doing it with.
Big spoon Lyle. It's the most comfortable for both of them. Querl will occasionally be big spoon after a particularly bad nightmare or something of the sort and he needs to hold Lye to assure himself he is still there, but its not either of their preferred way to sleep.
They have separate blankets, but not because either is a blanket hog. Lyle runs hot while sleeping and Querl runs cold, so they need different blanket thicknesses to sleep comfortably when it's cold.
Querl loves to read textbooks but Lyle finds them incredibly boring. He prefers to read science fiction.
They dont own any pets and never will. Neither of them has the time to take care of one. They do however own a cactus that they can't agree on a name for.
They enter dance competitions regularly. They never win because neither of them is professional levels of good but the experience is something they cherish doing together.
Lyle is the clothes thief among them, though Querl doesn't have very many stealable clothing items. When they start sharing a closet, Querl unintentionally steals Lyle's clothes, but he doesn't go out of his way to do so like Lyle does.
they are both extensive worriers. Neither of them can go on a separate mission without the other being full of anxiety the whole time they are away. This is a product of how many times they've been separated against their will.
they both hate double dates, but don't mind group outings.
they have similar taste in music, but can never agree on a song to listen to in the moment. It always leads to a fight.
Once they've got their own place, they regularly have Luornu and Brande, as well as the Foccarts', over for dinner.
Lyle knew how to cook from a young age as a product of helping Mrs. Foccart prepare dinner, but Brainy was hopeless in the kitchen because he never had a chance or reason to cook for himself. Lyle takes the time to teach him how to cook early in their relationship and now they make meals together without even saying a word.
Querl secretly loves sweets, but Lyle isn't a big fan of them. He prefers salty or savory foods.
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pythonhomeworkhelp · 7 months
Excelling in Physics Assignments Made Easy with PhysicsAssignmentHelp.com
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Are you struggling with your physics assignments and looking for a reliable solution to ace your coursework? Look no further! At PhysicsAssignmentHelp.com, we understand the complexities of the subject and the challenges students face when grappling with physics problems. "Do my physics assignment" is a common plea among students, and we've got you covered.
Why Choose PhysicsAssignmentHelp.com for Your Physics Assignments?
We pride ourselves on being a beacon of support for students navigating the intricate world of physics. Our team comprises expert tutors and professionals who are dedicated to providing comprehensive assistance that not only meets but exceeds your academic needs. Whether it's theoretical concepts, problem-solving, or lab reports, our platform offers a range of services designed to cater to your specific requirements.
Our Commitment to Excellence
When you choose PhysicsAssignmentHelp.com, you're opting for unparalleled expertise and reliability. We focus on delivering top-notch solutions that guarantee your understanding of the subject matter. From high school to advanced university levels, our team is well-equipped to assist students at every educational stage.
What Sets Us Apart?
Qualified Experts: Our tutors are well-versed in the field of physics, holding advanced degrees and years of experience, ensuring the quality of assistance provided.
Customized Approach: We understand that every student has unique learning needs. Hence, we tailor our solutions to suit individual requirements.
Timely Delivery: Punctuality is our priority. We ensure on-time delivery, allowing you to review and understand the material before submission.
24/7 Support: Need clarification or assistance at any hour? Our customer support team is available round the clock to address your concerns.
How Does It Work?
Using PhysicsAssignmentHelp.com is straightforward. You can easily submit your assignment details, specifying the deadline and any particular instructions. Once you've placed your request, our team assesses the requirements and assigns the task to the most suitable expert. From there, you can communicate directly with the assigned tutor, ensuring clarity and coherence throughout the process.
Final Thoughts
Let PhysicsAssignmentHelp.com be your academic partner in conquering the challenges of physics assignments. Our commitment to excellence, coupled with a dedication to aiding your comprehension of this intricate subject, sets us apart in the realm of academic assistance.
Don't let physics assignments become an insurmountable hurdle. Reach out to us at PhysicsAssignmentHelp.com and witness a transformation in your academic journey!
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labequipmentindia · 6 months
Laboratory equipment Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Suppliers and Exporter in India
Laboratory equipment manufacturers play a vital role in the scientific community by providing the tools and instruments necessary for research and development. They design, manufacture, and distribute a wide range of products, including glassware, chemicals, and analytical instruments. These products are used in a variety of settings, including research laboratories, universities, and industrial facilities. Laboratory equipment manufacturers must adhere to strict quality control standards to ensure that their products are safe, reliable, and accurate. They must also be aware of the latest technological advancements in order to provide their customers with the most cutting-edge products. Some of the most well-known laboratory equipment manufacturers include Thermo Fisher Scientific, Danaher Corporation, and PerkinElmer. These companies offer a wide range of products that are used in a variety of industries. They also have a global presence, with manufacturing facilities and sales offices located around the world. The laboratory equipment manufacturing industry is a growing market, driven by the increasing demand for research and development. As the scientific community continues to make new discoveries, the need for sophisticated laboratory equipment will only continue to grow. Microscopes: Explore high-quality microscopes from trusted manufacturers for precise observations in biology and chemistry labs. Centrifuges: Choose from a range of efficient centrifuges designed by leading manufacturers for accurate separation of substances in your school or college lab. Spectrophotometers: Enhance your lab experiments with reliable spectrophotometers crafted by industry-leading brands, ensuring accurate analysis of light absorption and emission. Balances and Scales: Find precision balances and scales from reputable manufacturers to meet the exacting demands of chemistry and physics experiments in educational settings. Incubators: Create optimal conditions for cell and bacteria cultures with cutting-edge incubators from well-known laboratory equipment providers. Autoclaves: Ensure safety and sterilization with autoclaves from trusted manufacturers, vital for maintaining a contamination-free environment in educational laboratories. Fume Hoods: Prioritize safety in your chemistry lab with fume hoods manufactured by top-notch brands, providing effective ventilation and protection. Laboratory Glassware: Source durable and reliable glassware sets from renowned manufacturers to support a wide range of experiments across various scientific disciplines. Pipettes: Facilitate precise liquid handling in your lab with pipettes from established manufacturers, known for accuracy and ergonomic design. Heating Equipment: Opt for state-of-the-art heating equipment from reputable brands to meet the diverse needs of your physics and chemistry experiments. Safety Cabinets: Prioritize safety with high-quality safety cabinets from leading manufacturers, offering secure storage for chemicals and hazardous materials. pH Meters: Ensure accurate measurements in your biology and chemistry labs with pH meters manufactured by trusted brands, known for their reliability and precision. By incorporating these top-notch laboratory equipment options from reputable manufacturers, your school or college lab can create a conducive environment for effective scientific exploration and learning.
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misiwrites · 1 year
Mayblade Day 4
[previous: chapter 1 & 2 | chapter 3]
CHAPTER 4 prompt: sci-fi characters: hiromi, emily, ayaka, kyouju, max, mao pairings: ---
Just to please Emily, Hiromi had agreed to go check out the tennis club. She made no promises of joining, but they headed out to the courts together nevertheless. For being a relatively small school, Bey High had a surprisingly extensive sports park, and the club catalogue boasted everything from cycling to swimming and indoor surfing, somehow.
In the course of one afternoon of following her friend around, Hiromi had been introduced to Emily’s acquaintances in the baseball, basketball, and football clubs, all of whom felt it necessary to give her a robust sales pitch about their respective sports and club activities (each of which was the best, according to them). She’d done a bit of basketball in middle school but certainly didn’t have the confidence to jump in to play with the likes of Eddy and Rick – there was no separate team for girls, as there were none in their club – so she let them all politely know she wasn’t interested.
“How do you know all those guys, anyway?” she asked once she and Emily were back at the tennis courts. “I didn’t know you’re the type to hang out with… well… jocks like that.”
“We’re all in the enhancement program. We usually hang out when the tests are being taken.”
“Oh, that weird science stuff?”
Emily shot her a dangerous look. “It’s not weird! It’s very good. We get a lot of useful information out of it. The program has already helped me improve my training habits.”
Hiromi vividly remembered Emily herself calling it weird, back when the physics professor had pitched the state-funded, science-based enhancement program in the beginning of the semester. The name alone was fishy as hell.
“Are you sure you’re not on track to steroids or something?” she asked.
“Oh please, we’re not doing drugs or anything,” Emily huffed. “It’s about collecting performance data. I would trust Mrs. Judy with my life – she’s a remarkable scientist.”
Emily rarely praised the teaching staff, so this was borderline alarming behavior from her. Hiromi side-eyed the ginger but said nothing more.
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Desperate times called for desperate measures. With the void in her daily life left by the astrology club, Hiromi ended up taking Ayaka’s offer to go check out the engineering club.
Having witnessed the sports club facilities and now this, she had to admit that Emily had been on to something with her hints about their lack of proper clubbing spaces. The engineering club operated in the electronics laboratory and had full access to all its resources, resulting in the room looking like the research floor of some hi-tech facility. Hiromi hadn’t had any idea the other clubs had such lavish surroundings.
The members present were working in pairs by the lab tables. One pair, Hiromi recognized as friends of Salima and Kane, a couple of boys from 1-B whose names she’d never bothered to catch. The other pair, in the very back of the room, also had familiar voices that she couldn’t quite place as she walked closer, following in Ayaka’s footsteps.
“And these two are the real sci-fi boys,” Ayaka presented. “I don’t know what they think they’re making, but it sure is something.”
So it seemed; the lab table was littered with equipment and evidently 3D printed mockups that Hiromi couldn’t even begin to describe, as well as three computer screens flashing with graphs, code editors, and something that had to do with the measurement equipment plugged in with half a dozen cables crisscrossing across the table. They really were actually creating something, not just sitting around reading books like she’d been doing all semester.
The boys – who even wore lab coats, for immersion, she assumed – were roused out of focus by Ayaka’s announcement and wheeled around in their chairs to look at their interrupters. It was only then, Hiromi realized, that she’d seen these people around because they were Takao’s friends; the shorter one who now lifted his enormous, round glasses to his forehead, Saien Manabu who didn’t live too many blocks away from her house; and the other, a blond boy with a thoroughly goofy face and a pale nose covered in freckles, turned to study Hiromi with curiosity.
“Hey there,” the blond gave a cheery greeting. “Another friend of Aya?”
Hiromi, troubled as to how exactly answer this, was saved by Ayaka: “Tachibana came to take a look at our club. Now’s your chance to give the pitch of your life and get someone uninterested to join, Max.”
“Well, I’m not going to force anyone, if she really isn’t interested. I’m Max and that’s Professor.” He nodded at the shorter boy.
“You are in Takao’s class, are you not?” Manabu – or, apparently, Professor – immediately surveyed.
“Um, yes I am. So what are you working on? Looks complex.” She was eager to not let the conversation steer towards him.
“Oh, just a little something… It is for an innovation contest so we cannot reveal too much.”
“Don’t want anybody stealing our secrets,” Max added with a finger over his goofy mouth.
All the parts were out in the open here, though. Not that they made much sense to Hiromi like this, scattered across the table; there were several octagon-shaped pieces with a hole in the middle, as if frames to something. Judging by the breadboard and electronics measurement equipment, they were working on something powered by electricity.
“Are you looking for a club to join?” Professor then inquired. For such a tiny guy, he had an awfully mature and formal appearance, sporting a shirt-and-tie attire under the oversized lab coat.
“Not really… or, kind of.” Was she? She could as well have been.
“If you like comics or games more than building things, I am the president of a couple of those. They are very laid-back clubs, you can come over to read or play something as you wish, if you join that is.”
“Thanks…” She did like some comics and games… but the idea of going to a clubroom to do one among strangers instead of in the safety of her own room, not so much.
Hiromi did give it a minute of serious consideration, however, until a shouting voice cut right through her train of thought and left her perplexed.
Something very pink had just emerged into the electronics lab. A girl with bright pink hair and baby pink clothes barreled herself in Ayaka’s direction, which also happened to be Hiromi’s general direction.
“You’re early,” Ayaka commented, her cool demeanor the opposite of this bubblegum pink burst of energy.
“Hi, Mao,” Max greeted the new girl, though with more politeness than cheer, Hiromi noted. Professor had slipped his glasses back on and was back to work already in silence.
“Hi, mayo boy. Eh, I’m like, ten minutes early – so what? I can see you’re not doing anything, anyway.”
“I was showing our club to Tachibana.” Ayaka gestured at Hiromi, and she was quickly beginning to feel like a test subject presented to each human in turns. “She’s looking for one to join.”
“Please, just call me Hiromi,” she managed to rectify, finally.
Mao gave her a scrutinizing look from head to toe. Or, at least, it felt scrutinizing to Hiromi, who felt so very plain compared to this eccentric girl with a cat ear hairtie in her head. “I see! So, you thinking of joining the engineering club?”
“Erm… Probably not. I don’t think this is my thing…”
“Well, if you wanna try something completely different, I’m in the wushu club.” Mao must have noted the thinly veiled horror on Hiromi’s face, for she added: “Oh, don’t worry, there’re no requirements for joining – if you’re a total beginner, we’ll teach you the basics of whatever art interests you. It’s fun! And you’ll learn it fast, I promise. Anyway, Aya, I’m starving! Let’s get going already!”
With that, the pink whirlwind grabbed the short-haired girl, and then they were both gone.
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Dream journal 1/29/2023
- one where I was back at my old high school and the physics teacher I couldn’t stand kept having all his lab equipment break a la Sisyphus rolling the boulder uphill because the whole damn shelf kept falling over. Yay no homework?
- one where I’m back at my old high school again and this time I find my boss and his brown-nosing HR guy running the place. Serves them both right that they’re now having to deal with that institution.
- a last one, which I hated, where I took a turn too sharply on a wet road and somehow ended up doing the car equivalent of a 720 as I wiped out, crashed, and called paramedics to tell them how (not) awesome it was, only to go back and find my car had turned from a wreck into a really cool skateboard.
James Cameron allegedly got inspiration to make The Terminator from a dream. If I end up making movies based on my dreams, these are the ones I’m leaving out.
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hey!! sorry if this ask is random, i just wanted to ask about biomed as a subject in uni?? im thinking about taking up biomed too.
is it very different from highschool?? (ive gotten every answer possible on this)
what kinds of things do you learn?? (the course syllabus is so vague. so vague)
any textbooks/resources that you’d recommend?? (there’s so many!! D: )
thank you for your time!!
Hi! First of all, congratulations and good luck on the next step of your learning journey!
It is different than high school, at least in my experience. (It should be stated that I live in America, so I’m speaking from that perspective.) Think of classes at university as different volumes in a big book that builds on itself. Biomedical science is a foundation for you to understand the human body. In high school, you learn whatever curriculum has been decided for you, and you won’t necessarily use all of it. University relies on the knowledge you get in other classes to be retained, so it can be incorporated into bigger pictures.
You’re going to learn chemistry, physics, and molecular biology along with anatomy and physiology. The human body is a very complicated machine! You will be learning how to work safely in a lab, how to use the equipment. Later training gives you specific clinical experience. For an undergraduate degree, you’re probably not going to be learning many hands-on clinical skills.
As for textbooks, figure out where you can cut corners and where you cannot. Chemistry and math don’t change, you can use older editions. Biology is constantly evolving, you’ll need the edition on the syllabus. Don’t buy books until after the first day of classes, many schools require textbooks on the syllabus but professors don’t use them. ALWAYS buy the lab manual, even if it’s just a rental.
If your professor uploads PowerPoints, print them and take notes on them. Trust me on this, if a prof takes enough time to make a PowerPoint, they’re going to test off of it. And then you can write down the supportive text of the lecture because you already have the main point down. (Professors talk fast, they have too much material to get through in too little time.)
Invest in a good anatomy book. One that breaks down every muscle, the parts of the muscle. The landmarks on bones, the different tissue types and the muscle actions. I’m out of town right now, but I can get you the name of mine when I get back home.
Additionally, find a good in-depth diagram of the Citric Acid Cycle and keep it. Everyone hates the Citric Acid Cycle and it comes up ALL THE TIME.
My last bit of advice for now - take as many anatomy labs as you can - you have to be able to identify structures by knowing the feel, the color, how they move, what they sound like. Everything in the body is the same color for the most part, and this is a rare chance for you to learn how to separate it all.
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NASA, SpaceX Launch Climate Science Research, More to Space Station A SpaceX Dragon resupply spacecraft carrying more than 5,800 pounds of science experiments, crew supplies, and other cargo is on its way to the International Space Station after launching at 8:44 p.m. EDT Thursday from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The spacecraft launched on a Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Pad 39A at Kennedy for the company’s 25th commercial resupply services mission for NASA. It is scheduled to autonomously dock at the space station about 11:20 a.m. Saturday, July 16, and remain there for about a month. Coverage of arrival will begin at 10 a.m. on NASA Television, the agency’s website, and the NASA app. Among the science experiments Dragon is delivering to the space station are: Mapping Earth’s Dust The Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT), developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, employs NASA imaging spectroscopy technology to measure the mineral composition of dust in Earth's arid regions. Mineral dust blown into the air can travel significant distances and affect Earth’s climate, weather, vegetation, and more. For example, dust containing dark minerals that absorb sunlight can warm an area, while light-colored mineral dust can cool it. Blowing dust also affects air quality, surface conditions such as rate of snow melt, and phytoplankton health in the ocean. The investigation collects images for one year to generate maps of the mineral composition in the regions on Earth that produce dust. Such mapping could advance our understanding of the effects of mineral dust on human populations now and in the future. Speedier Immune System Aging Aging is associated with changes in the immune response known as immunosenescence. Microgravity causes changes in human immune cells that resemble this condition, but happen faster than the actual process of aging on Earth. The Immunosenescence investigation, sponsored the by International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory, uses tissue chips to study how microgravity affects immune function during flight and whether immune cells recover post-flight. Tissue chips are small devices that contain human cells in a 3D structure, allowing scientists to test how those cells respond to stresses, drugs, and genetic changes. Soil in Space On Earth, complex communities of microorganisms carry out key functions in soil, including cycling of carbon and other nutrients and supporting plant growth. Dynamics of Microbiomes in Space sponsored by NASA’s Division of Biological and Physical Sciences, examines how microgravity affects metabolic interactions in communities of soil microbes. This research focuses on microbe communities that decompose chitin, a natural carbon polymer on Earth. High School Student Weather Study BeaverCube is an education mission that will teach high school students aerospace science by having them design a CubeSat. BeaverCube will host one visible and two infrared imagers to measure cloud properties, ocean surface temperatures, and ocean color to study Earth’s climate and weather systems. It also will demonstrate an application for the use of shape memory alloy technology via an in-orbit calibration technique. Genes, No Cells Cell-free technology is a platform for producing protein without specialized equipment of living cells that need to be cultured. Genes in Space-9, sponsored by the National Lab, demonstrates cell-free production of protein in microgravity and evaluates two cell-free biosensors that can detect specific target molecules. This technology could provide a simple, portable, and low-cost tool for medical diagnostics, on-demand production of medicine and vaccines, and environmental monitoring on future space missions. Better Concrete Biopolymer Research for In-Situ Capabilities looks at how microgravity affects the process of creating a concrete alternative made with an organic material and on-site materials, such as lunar or Martian dust, known as a biopolymer soil composite. Using resources available where construction takes place makes it possible to increase the amount of shielding. These are just a few of the hundreds of investigations currently being conducted aboard the orbiting laboratory in the areas of biology and biotechnology, physical sciences, and Earth and space science. Advances in these areas will help keep astronauts healthy during long-duration space travel and demonstrate technologies for future human and robotic exploration beyond low-Earth orbit to the Moon and Mars through NASA’s Artemis program.
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The Growth of School Lab Equipment Manufacturers in India
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In the field of education, applying theoretical information through practical learning is crucial. In disciplines like physics, where practical experiences and experiments are essential for a thorough comprehension, this is particularly true. Well-equipped school laboratories are essential to this hands-on learning. Delhi, an Indian state, has been a centre for companies that make school lab equipment Manufaturer in India over the years, meeting the demands of educational institutions all over the world.
A Legacy of Quality and Innovation
Scientific equipment manufacture and educational instruments have been associated since before independence. The city has a long history of manufacturing superior scientific instruments, a legacy that has only grown stronger over time. Manufacturers of educational instruments for schools are well-known for their dedication to price, quality, and innovation. These producers ensure that educational institutions have access to the best resources for promoting scientific curiosity and learning by producing a wide range of products, from basic lab supplies to cutting-edge scientific instruments.
Key Players in India
Education has benefited greatly from the efforts of a number of well-known enterprises that have established themselves in India. businesses like educational instrument and lab equipment. These businesses demonstrate the worldwide scope of Educational Instrument's lab equipment manufacturing industry by shipping their products to many nations in addition to serving domestic markets.
Innovations and Trends
The Indian school lab equipment market is always changing to accommodate the educational sector's shifting demands. A few noteworthy patterns are as follows:
• Digital Integration: As a result of the development of digital technology, numerous manufacturers are adding digital instruments to conventional lab apparatus. This comprises virtual lab simulations, digital microscopes, and data logging devices.
• Sustainability: Making environmentally friendly laboratory equipment is becoming more and more important. In an effort to reduce their environmental impact, manufacturers are implementing sustainable methods and materials.
• Customisation: Many manufacturers provide customised solutions, acknowledging that various educational institutions have distinct needs. By doing this, equipment specifically designed to meet the educational demands of schools is guaranteed.
The Impact on Education
The impact of Educational Instrument's high-quality lab equipment availability on education is significant. It makes it possible for educational institutions to provide students with the necessary experiential learning opportunities to comprehend scientific ideas. Encouraging many students to seek jobs in scientific fields, this practical exposure not only broadens their knowledge but also piques their enthusiasm for science.
India's lab equipment manufacturers also contribute to closing the gap between rural and urban educational institutions by offering dependable and reasonably priced equipment. The provision of top-notch equipment to rural schools on par with those in metropolitan regions guarantees a more equitable educational system.
The Educational Instrument has made a name for itself as an important participant in the world of education. By virtue of their unwavering commitment to affordability, quality, and innovation, they are revolutionising education and developing the next generation of scientific thinkers. Their influence will only increase as they continue to develop and adjust to the demands of contemporary education, solidifying Educational Instrument's standing as a preeminent source of scientific teaching resources.
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ambalasciencelab1 · 10 hours
Top High-Quality School Lab Equipment Manufacturers in Ambala.
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In today's educational world, hands-on learning is more important than ever. To support this, schools need top-quality lab equipment. In Ambala, there are many manufacturers making great lab equipment for educational institutions, but Ambala Science Lab is one of the best equipment manufacturers in Ambala. Which school and educational equipment do you want Ambala Science Lab to have? Here, you explore some of the leading educational lab equipment manufacturers in Ambala, renowned for their quality products and commitment to fostering scientific curiosity.
In school biology laboratories, a variety of essential equipment is utilized to facilitate hands-on learning and experimentation. Microscopes are fundamental tools, allowing students to observe microscopic organisms and structures with precision. Alongside Biology Lab Equipment Manufacturer microscopes, glassware such as beakers, test tubes, and flasks is indispensable for conducting experiments and holding various solutions. Additionally, pipettes and graduated cylinders enable accurate measurement of liquids, promoting precision in scientific investigations.
Top Manufacturers of Educational Lab Equipment in Ambala Ambala Science Lab are leading Manufacturer and supplier of all kind of Microscope, Telescope, Glassware, Working Models, Specimen, Charts, Maps of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography & Math Kit for School, College, Medical College, Pharmacy, Nursing School, Hospital Equipments, OT table, Beds, Lockers Incubators, Lab Kits etc. We are also best company for Educational Laboratory Equipments, General Laboratory Instruments to Hospital Laboratory Equipments, we supply all and are one of the leading supplier in the market. We are the leading supplier of all kind of scientific instruments, engineering goods and laboratory equipment's. We also supplies the product for Technical Training in Universities, Engineering Colleges, Vocational Schools & Polytechnics Institutes, Technical Teaching Equipment. Electronic Educational Equipment, biotechnology equipment, physics lab, pharmacy lab, chemistry lab products and mathematical equipments.
Additionally, schools often rely on suppliers for essential apparatus like microscopes, allowing students to delve into the microscopic world and explore biological specimens up close. For physics education, suppliers furnish schools with instruments such as vernier calipers, mass balances, and pendulum kits, facilitating practical demonstrations of fundamental principles.
School lab equipment manufacturers in Ambala serve as invaluable partners for schools, providing essential tools and resources that are integral to the functionality and effectiveness of laboratory environments. These suppliers play a crucial role in ensuring that schools have access to a diverse array of scientific equipment tailored to their educational needs. From basic laboratory essentials like glassware and safety equipment to sophisticated instruments such as microscopes and spectrophotometers, Ambala-based suppliers offer a comprehensive range of solutions that enable schools to conduct hands-on experiments and investigations across various scientific disciplines. 
By providing Ambala Science Lab with high-quality equipment, these suppliers facilitate immersive and engaging learning experiences that foster curiosity, critical thinking, and scientific inquiry among students. Moreover, they ensure that schools have access to the latest advancements in scientific technology, empowering educators to deliver up-to-date and relevant instruction. Ultimately, scientific equipment suppliers in Ambala play a vital role in supporting the educational mission of schools by providing the tools and resources necessary to cultivate the next generation of scientists, innovators, and critical thinkers.
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foulqueenpenguin · 10 hours
Study MBBS in Uzbekistan for Indian Student 2024-25
Indian students are increasingly turning to foreign countries to fulfill their ambition of becoming doctors due to the fierce competition and scarcity of medical seats in their home country. India's students who wish to study MBBS overseas are increasingly choosing Uzbekistan among the several possibilities available. For Indian students looking to pursue a career in medicine, Uzbekistan, which is well-known for its high standard of education, reasonable tuition costs, and supportive studying environment, provides a multitude of options. We explore all the facets of studying MBBS in Uzbekistan for Indian students in the 2024–2025 academic year in this extensive guide.
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Academic Excellence
The world health organization (WHO) and the Medical Council of India (MCI), two prominent medical councils, have accredited multiple universities in Uzbekistan, which has a strong educational system. Ensuring that students receive high-quality education and hands-on training necessary for their medical professions, these universities provide MBBS programs that meet worldwide standards.
Affordable Tuition Fees
Affordable study abroad options are a major element in the decision of Indian students to study in Uzbekistan. Studying MBBS in Uzbekistan is more affordable than in private medical schools in India, where tuition can be very expensive. Because tuition, living expenses, and other costs are substantially cheaper, education is affordable for students from a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds.
The cost of studying MBBS in Uzbekistan is generally affordable compared to many other countries. Here's a detailed breakdown of fees for various universities:
Andijan State Medical Institute
Total Fees: Approximately INR 22.44 lakh for the entire course.
1st Year Fees: USD 5,800 (~INR 4.64 lakh)
Subsequent Years: Around USD 4,450 (~INR 3.56 lakh) per year
Bukhara State Medical Institute
Total Fees: Approximately INR 2.84 lakh per year.
Total Package: Approximately INR 22 lakh​
Tashkent Medical Academy
Total Fees: Approximately INR 21.48 lakh for the entire course.
1st Year Fees: USD 6,350 (~INR 5.08 lakh)
Subsequent Years: Around USD 4,100 (~INR 3.28 lakh) per year
Samarkand State Medical Institute
Total Fees: Approximately INR 22 lakh for the entire course.
1st Year Fees: USD 5,150 (~INR 4.12 lakh)
Subsequent Years: Around USD 4,000 (~INR 3.20 lakh) per year​
Additional Costs
Living Expenses: Approximately USD 100-120 per month (~INR 8,000-10,000)
Indian Mess: Available at an additional cost of USD 120 per month (optional)​
General Requirements
Eligibility: Minimum of 50% in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in 12th grade. NEET qualification is required for Indian students.
Course Duration: 6 years including an internship
Overall, Studying MBBS in Uzbekistan is a cost-effective option for international students, particularly those from India, offering globally recognized degrees with moderate tuition fees and low living expenses.
World-Class Infrastructure
Modern facilities, cutting-edge labs, and cutting-edge medical equipment are all present in Uzbekistan's medical universities. In order to support their academic and research activities, this guarantees that students have access to the newest technology and resources. Universities also keep a high standard of cleanliness and security, giving students a relaxing and supportive environment in which to learn.
Experienced Faculty
The medical university professors in Uzbekistan are extremely skilled and knowledgeable in their disciplines. Their extensive practical experience in the medical field has given them invaluable insights in addition to their solid academic understanding. With a faculty-to-student ratio that promotes individualized attention, students can get advice and mentoring from professionals in the fields they have chosen to study.
Multicultural Environment
Students who study MBBS in Uzbekistan benefit from experiencing a multicultural setting that promotes mutual learning and cross-cultural exchange. Indian students have the chance to socialize with classmates from different nations, which extends their horizons and gives them a more global viewpoint. Students are better prepared to succeed in an increasingly interconnected world because of this diversity, which also enhances the educational process.
Clinical Exposure
Clinical experience and practical training are part of the MBBS curriculum in Uzbekistan's medical universities. By taking part in clinical rotations, internships, and community engagement initiatives, students can obtain real-world experience. Their clinical abilities are improved, and this exposure also gives them confidence and gets them ready for practicing medicine in the real world.
Recognition and Licensing
Indian students are qualified to sit for the National Board of Examinations (NBE) screening exam in India after successfully completing their MBBS degree in Uzbekistan. In order to practice medicine in India, those who pass this exam can apply for subsequent licensing procedures and receive a provisional registration from the Medical Council of India (MCI). Furthermore, degrees from reputable Uzbek universities are respected across the world, providing access to prospects for both job and further education.
Cultural Adaptation and Support Services
Because Indian students find it easier to adjust to the new social and cultural environment, Uzbekistan is renowned for its friendly residents and kind hospitality. To help international students overcome cultural hurdles and adapt to their new environment, several colleges offer support services like language classes, orientation programs, and student counseling.
Indian students who Study MBBS in Uzbekistan have a rare chance to pursue their dreams of becoming doctors while also receiving a top-notch education and exposure to the global community. Uzbekistan is a top choice for Indian students looking for top-notch medical education because of its reasonably priced tuition, top-notch facilities, knowledgeable instructors, and multicultural atmosphere. Indian students can create a solid basis for a prosperous and satisfying future in medicine by starting on this life-changing path.
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