#i tried to show the different areas of flexibility
yourozness · 11 months
So I know a lot of you have seen Ms.demeanor’s post about passwords and how you should have a password manager. And you 100% should. But let’s say you can’t have one for some reason, or you’re trying to help someone who can’t have one. I have developed hmmm a method that allows you to use fewer passwords while also keeping everything safe.
So you need to sort all your apps, accounts, etc into at least 3 different categories based on how screwed you'd be if a hacker got into that account.
Level 1
These are low threat level accounts and generally accounts where you were forced to make an account for a one time thing. Like for example you wanted to download a knitting pattern but they forced you to make an account. These accounts do not matter. If a hacker gets in it should have the same impact as someone picking up a penny found on the ground near your house. You could put streaming sites in this category if you wish. Maybe also your wifi password.
Level 2
These accounts are ones that you use often but that won't ruin you financially if someone gets into them. This should contain stuff like social media, maybe streaming, and maybe your phone bill if you're feeling spicy. It is very important that social media passwords be different from the highest level of security passwords. Social media passwords are more likely to be shared with people or could be stolen like the fb data scrape from years ago.
This is also where you'd probably include anything school related if you're still in school: blackboard, quizlet, grade book, etc. Or work related: email, slack, etc. You could also make a separate level just for school/work related accounts.
Level 3
This is the oh-i'm-absolutely-fucked level if someone got into your account. This is like if someone found the code for a safe in your bedroom. This is anything that contains sensitive info: medical, SSN, etc. Or deals with money. This is the level for bank accounts, taxes, government websites, paypal/cashapp, loans, etc.
I go back and forth about whether or not I would include email in this level. Especially if you're using gmail which is just sooooo great at not stealing your data. But in the end, with access to your email account, someone can reset passwords on all your shit (which is why you should have multiple emails as well).
Creating Passwords
Now you need to create a password for each level, which you can do using an anchor point. Luckily for you, you are on the shipping-AU-fandom website so it'll be easier. I'm gonna use supernatural as an anchor point. You can of course use different fandoms/ships for each level (I recommend this)
Level 1
This should be a simple easy to type, easy to remember password. It should contain at least numbers and letters with maybe an exclamation mark. This can contain words from the dictionary. Since this is a basic password, use something you think is basic and then the year it was invented or the year you really noticed it. It should be two words so you can get at least two capital letters.
For example, I think spn fans are pretty basic (i'm allowed to say this, I used to be one) and I think they started becoming A Thing in 2012 so for this level the password would be SPNGirlie2012
Level 2
This is where we get more tricky and want to add in words that aren't in the dictionary. We want to include numbers AND symbols.
Let's go with the beloathed ship of this website - Destiel - which is not a word in the dictionary. And then an AU you have seen that then stuck in your brain. Then the year you saw it or got into it or it was created.
For example, the idea of destiel being news anchors saying the news in the i love you meme is hilarious to me. So we have Anchor!Destiel2023 but that's still a bit too comprehensible soooo Anch0r!De$tiel and changing the number to a different year than the current one so 08 to represent when that angel first arrived and later doomed this website to being incomprehensible :)
Level 3
This should not contain recognizable words. If someone reads it they should be SO confused. This is where you use very niche AUs that get their own names. You use quotes that crushed you or lyrics from that one AMV that is stuck in your head at the moment. Very important, it should make people cry if they were told to type it in on a tv screen with a remote.
If you go the AU route it should be something like oh Sam was being too bitchy so he got cursed into a cabbage and has to learn how to become nice so it's called the Cabitch AU. Then we spice it up with some numbers and symbols. (@B1tch!$am!@U5 (CaBitch!Sam!AU5) and a number at the end maybe signifying how many of you even know about this au in the first place.
Or you can go the quote/lyrics route. Which follows recommendation of another tumblr post (also ms.demeanor?) Let's use the infamous destiel meeting quote "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition."
so you take the first letter of each word = ITOWGYTARYFP make 'the' 'and' 'from' lowercase = ItOWGYTaRYfP substitute letters = |t0WGY7aRYfP Add in a significant number (page, episode, timestamp, etc) = |t0WGY7aRYfP_4.01
And tada you have a password that saw would use in a saw trap with an apple tv remote.
And there you have it, how to sort and make your account passwords safe in technically 6 easy steps. I know there are a lot of you who use the same password for everything or bemoan your difficulties with remembering passwords. But like data protection is SO important, y'all don't realize just how much can be dug up with the simplest of information. I leave you with this horror story that made me make this post.
So my friend was getting harassed over text message by an unknown number. She thought it was her shitty ex bf so she decided to do some digging. First she went on her fb to see if he had his phone number public, but because she blocked him she couldn't see it. But you see dear reader, he gave her his fb password while they were dating. Friends, they broke up over FIVE YEARS AGO. For shits and giggles she tried to log in and WHOOPS IT WORKED! She couldn't find his phone number and that was going to be the end of it, but she got more texts for yet another number so she investigated more.
She was able to log into his email attached to his FB, where she was able to you know, actually read his emails. Turns out one of his doctors was NOT practicing proper patient confidentiality because he wrote an email with the guy's MENTAL ILLNESS DIAGNOSIS! Which my friend was able to see! She also found his SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER!
If you aren't American, that means she could take out a loan in his name no questions asked. She could have ruined his credit score. Oh what's that? That's right! He used the same email and password for his BANK ACCOUNT! and turns out his credit was already bad. She could have transferred all his MONEY to her!!!! She dated him for a while, if there were security questions, she probably would have known them.
So because this guy gave an 18 year old his fb password, 7 years ago, his ex (who hates him btw) found out his SSN, his diagnoses, his phone number, AND his bank account info. Thankfully she's not a shitty person and doesn't hate him enough to ruin his life 5 years after they broke up, but like she could have! She could have left his life in ruins!!!!!!!
Which is why I made this post.
don't use the same password for everything
The end, hope this helps, change your passwords.
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rroechan · 3 months
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The Thorny Spider
'Flying Devil'? 'Spider from Hell'? That's just your terrifying friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man on the prowl!
lots of yapping below
Super late for the spiderverse trend but i've been reading an unfortunate amount of peter parker fics and i couldn't help but pull this guy up from memory
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Spider-Thorn? Horned Spider? Spider-Fiend?
His name is Piers Lang, born and raised to kick your ass. With both parents dead at the ripe age of 8, kiddo found himself going from his home in M'sia to living with his aunt and uncle all the way in USA 🫡🦅🇺🇸
his abilities are about the same as OG spiderman, like spider-proportional strength, speed, stickiness etc etc. There's only one thing that's vastly different from the others is his enhanced senses
So like, enhanced hearing, scent, that sort of thing. If it was already bad for Peter in his day to dau life, imagine what this guy's goin' through
due to a mix of nature and nuture, his senses, particularly his sorta 'area awareness' is higher than the average spidey
He grew up with terrible vision and in a rough neighbourhood so his senses has always been fairly attuned to his surroundings. A bit like a 6th sense or a natural instinct one would naturally gain over time. The bite basically strengthened all these features except his eyesight (most spider species have poor eyesight. only some have it good. i thought that was funny)
that scene in spider-man: far from home where spidey relies entirely on his spider sense to fight mysterio's drones? Yeah THAT but 10 fold
even when totally blinded, he can use this specific ability to make like a fully 3d mental map of the area around him. Basically seeing everything around him 360 with his eyes closed. So he can fully fight no issue in the dark (basically Daredevil's radar sense)
sometimes he purposely fights with eyes closed cause it helps prevent him from being overwhelmed (even pre-bite he had issues with sensory overloads)
For the hearing and smelling, i tried to see if OG spiderman had any upper limit at all to the distance of his abilities but there's nothing solid :// My guy in particular, I like to think there's no true limit to his sense, like he could track a whole city of people if he wanted but he'd have to be meditating and in a super focused state to do so + overuse of his senses makes his head hurt a lot
Out of the suit, he has a habit of wearing earplugs or earphones constantly playing some genre of white noise. And some strong smelling balm on his upper lip (idk whats the actual english name of it)
Aside from that, he has a few spidery traits (got the idea from a fic, no I do not remember what its name is). The spider he was bitten by had all sorts of different spider dna weaved into it.
He sometimes chirps or purrs when in a good mood or just, when he's comfortable enough to not hide his spidery traits. Has stare offs with actual spiders for dominance. Absurdly flexibles and can get into wild contortionist-like poses and calls them comfortable. Likes smoothies. Gets sleepy when cold. Salvatory glands produce a very mild venom. Yada yada
About the suit
He didn't design it, his man-in-the-chair did. Though he did do all the wiring, engineering etc and was the one who suggested to base the suit design off an orb weaver spider
The red of his suit glows with exposure to UV. Adding on the fact that he mainly patrols at night makes it worse for baddies because imagine you're in the middle of crime-ing and from out the darkness, Satan himself comes to be your reckoning.
The suit being majority black adds the challenge of making sure his poses are readable so that's Fun.
of his 8 'eyes' only 2 of them actually function which are the main ones in the upper front. the others are for show.
The horns are where all the business is at. They all have a solid exterior so he fully can use em to shoulder check, headbutt, etc baddies but their main purpose is to act as antennas. Both for his comms so he can go super long distances without worry as well as help hone and focus his senses to his surrounding area
See, usually his senses is like a motion detector but across a super big area so without earplugs and the smelling balm, his senses are extremely scattered and kinda blurred.
He figured out fairly quick that with antennas connected to his main 'sensory points' on his body help focus his senses to his immediate area instead of being fragmented (does this make sense? im fully bullshitting at this point)
Not illustrated but under the suit he has this network of connected patches (like those they put on you during surgery) to track his stats and junk alongside the whole spidey sense honing thing
Moving on, the spider on the back of his head is actually a later addition cause ppl keep thinking he's supposed to be a demon (him not realising ppl aren't entomology nerds like him)
The spikes on his knuckles are purely for combat and is entirely inspired by his favourite sonic character: Knuckles.
The baggy pants, body suit and hood are all one piece. Only the mask and the utility belt are removable
The whole front of the mask is a solid piece under the fabric. So he can't fold the mask halfway up to his nose and kiss someone upside-down but he can remove one of the lower eye panel thing to eat or drink if he needs to.
the utility belt mostly has his burner phone, zipties, few first aid necessities and cereal bars
I wanted to add a brief telling of his backstory here as well as his ascociation to the spiderverse gang but this post is long enough orz
Ill definitely post abt this guy again though, that's for sure. I'm more a manga fan but I have some plans on mimicking american comics style for some 'fake' comic pages for this guy and his main villain
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ros3ybabe · 9 months
Do you have any study tips for people who find it hard to concentrate for long periods of time, or just struggle to even sit down and focus?
Hi! I'm so sorry for the late answer, I've been busy with classwork, curating my schedule for the next few weeks, and just life in general.
I myself struggle to sit down and focus and have trouble concentrating for long periods of time. Everyone works differently and some things may not be helpful to everyone, just a disclaimer!
Something I do that really helps me is to have a set "ritual" I do every time I need to or at least know I need to do school work or productive things that I personally want to do.
My current "ritual" includes the following, in order:
Make a cup of my preferred drink (currently iced coffee with one sweet n low and French vanilla creamer) + grab a glass or bottle of water
Set out all my necessary materiales (studying ex: textbooks, stationary, technology, planner, etc)
Take a deep breath
Write out a todo list that is managable for what I want/need to accomplish
Flick on my desk lamp
Begin the first step for the first talk (open textbook, go to website, write out note title, etc)
My brain got into the habit of "lamp flicks on, sip of coffee, time to work" and it became very automated.
Lately, I've tried to spread out my necessary tasks out throughout a week (within necessary due dates) with daily planning for flexibility of my schedule and whatever things pop up. I believe being flexible with scheduling tasks helps a lot because sometimes I have more energy on some days than others, and other times, I need to allocate energy to other priorities.
For concentrating for long periods of time, I try to figure out my limits, and do whatever I can to work with myself and not against myself. I have severe unmedicated ADHD (as well as other things mentally) and I've learned to listen to my brain and body as best I can.
I can not concentrate if my phone is not near me or within eyesight when I study. I will be too preoccupied thinking about my phone and any missed notifications if I can't see my phone. Answering texts and calls while doing homework does not interfere with my productivity as it takes me a few seconds to type out a message and hit send or answer a call and listen/explain that I'm busy. (it's usually my dad who calls me, and I have no problem stopping my work to talk to my dad).
I need caffiene to give me that push to start. Once I taste my coffee, I know it's time to crack down on my assignments and start focusing on my work.
Background noise!! Very rarely can I listen to music when working at home, so I usually have a comfort show or some youtube video playing in the background while I do work. When I'm on campus, I listen to a specific playlist while doing schoolwork, usually more mellow music like Lana Del Ray, The Neighborhood, Chase Atlantic, MARINA, Mitski, Arctic Monkeys, Mother Mother, Cigarettes After Sex, beebadoobee, Taylor Swift etc. I normally listen to K-pop, but my favorite songs are too upbeat for getting work done.
I try not to watch the clock or set a timer because I never really know how long some assignments will take and if I'm watching the time pass I tend to get anxious and then my mind will wander from the task at hand.
Water!! I have to remind myself all the time, but having water at my desk or study area keeps me hydrated, which keeps me focused and awake.
I try not to eat big meals right before I do work. If I do eat something substantial before I need to work, I always wait 30 to 60 minutes so I can perk back up and properly focus on my work.
Never push past my physical energy limits. If I'm falling asleep at my desk, if I'm yawning uncontrollably, if my body feels heavy with fatigue, I will not push myself past exhaustion as that is no longer healthily productive.
Sleep is a priority!! If I'm sleepy and tired and groggy, I can't work properly. When I'm low on sleep, I also tend to over do the caffiene and overeat, which makes me both uncontrollably anxious and shaky while also making me more lethargic, thus inhibiting my work ability.
Listening to my body and learning how I work best has been the most helpful in my concentration and productivity abilities. I know when I'm feeling off, how to determine what I need in order to feel more regulated and functional. Good, healthy habits and a little self intuition go a long way for me.
I hope this was helpful in some way. I didn't want to give generic or basic tips because this is not a one size fits all topic. I'm open to any other questions!!
Til next time, lovelies!! 🩷
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eternitas · 20 days
Just follow the rules
A Oneshot about Sergey giving new recruits a small tour and introducing them to Lorenzo and Ava.
"Aaand Silvio di Noia?"
The young recruit lifted his hand with an assertive "here!" when he heard his name being called. The man that had just listed all the new Rain Division members nodded and then put the list away into his pocket.
"Great! So again for everybody: My name is Sergey Shouta. I am one of the two Second in Command of the Rain Division. I will be your main person of contact for any and all questions or reports. I'll quickly show you around HQ and tell you the different rules we have. And I mean the unwritten ones. For the codex you have the booklets you were given after passing your evaluation. Anyone who hasn't received one, see me after class. Allright! Let's get moving, andiamo!"
The small group started to move and Sergey explained them the functions of each different area. The kitchen, the breakrooms, the quarters, report rooms, research and libraries, the archive, meeting rooms, the infirmary- while listing a myriad of rather mundane trivia and regulations.
"Make sure to plan in time for putting your stuff away, when you use the kitchen, people WILL be annoyed and come for you. It's also always good to keep your most valuable ingredients in your room, you'll have a fridge there. The fridge and pantry in the kitchen just have the usual regular ingredients, locally sourced."
"Keep the breakrooms clean, it's just a matter of respect. Also first come first serve, so if someone is already using the breakroom you'll have to find another place, especially when someone is resting. However we do have a ranking and seniority system, so if a squadron needs the space for mission briefing you'll have to move."
"The breakrooms also have the liquor cabinet, but I suggest you to keep your hands off of there, since it's usually used by the officers and Second in Comand. The boss has his own cabinet."
"Breakroom 3 also has gaming consoles. Oh yeah and don't even think about stealing. We are completely wired and each community room is surveiled. If you try something, you'll be lucky if you just lose a limb. Also don't just fucking steal from us? We're paying pretty well, there is no reason for that."
As they approached the quarters two very loud voices could be heard fighting.
Sergey seemed to ignore that and passed a corner only to stop in his tracks, when he realized the hall was blocked by two men. A young man with light blue hair and a taller guy with dark red hair.
"-absolutely insufferable!"
They were both wildly using their hands and whole arms as they argued as well.
"You just need to fucking deal with the fact, that I and everyone else in the storm division don't give a shit about that!"
"Well you should give a shit considering this is entirely your fault that is then hindering everybody elses work!"
"It's not my fault you don't seem to be flexible enough to work around that!"
Sergey nodded and turned on his heel, as someone raised his voice in protest.
"Why are we leaving? Let's just pass th-"
Before the newbie could finish his sentance a throwing knife flew straight towards his forhead and would've made a clean landing if Sergey hadn't caught it midair, just in time.
The shorter man grew even angrier.
"That's our members, you jackass!"
"Well, how about you teach them some fucking manners?!"
"We're already leaving! We're already leaving." Sergey loudly, but calmly said, gently placing the knife on a nearby windowsill, before he lead everyone back from where they came.
"Don't take it personal." He tried to sooth the new guy who was now completely pale which looked unnatural on his tanned skin.
"The guy who threw the knife was Lorenzo Rodriguez, Second in Comand of the Storm Division, I'd suggest you don't piss him off, he's short tempered when he is stressed. And he is always stressed. The other one was our second Second in Command, Ava Muramasa. He's pretty chill, but Lorenzo really manages to push his buttons. When you see those two arguing just make a 360 turn and moonwalk away."
The rest of the tour was rather uneventful. Sergey was a cool guy, funny and his explanations were understandable and pretty lighthearted. If you cut out their encounter with Ava and Lorenzo, then this place wasn't that much different than any other work. It almost seemed too casual for a place full of assassines.
Once the tour was done and they had also been able to visit the quarters, luckily now free of the two fighting men, the group slowly disperesed. Silvio stayed however and fidgeted a bit before he looked towards Sergey, who noticed the stare and gave an encouraging smile.
"What's up?"
"I was just wondering... why does the Rain Division have two Second in Command?"
Sergey nodded at the question and gestured for Silvio to follow him as he talked.
"The Rain Division is the one that needs to be most self sufficient. While the other officers can be rather absent and more or less capable of leading their division, Captain Squalo is the Second in Comand of the entire organisation. He is the biggest fish here right after the boss, pun fully intended, and is usually busy with handling a lot of the things that come up for the officers. He's kind of the general manager of everything and has his work everywhere at once. So he decided to put two of us in charge, people he can trust and who can hold their own in a fight."
"The way you caught that knife was amazing." Sergey laughed warmly.
"Thanks! But Lorenzo didn't mean to kill Alonso. If he had wanted to, he wouldn't have made it so easy for me to interfere. He was just annoyed that someone was butting in." He hummed.
"I suppose their arguing is some sort of twisted foreplay."
"Foreplay?!" Silvio felt his cheeks flush, issuing another laugh from Sergey.
"You'd never imagine, but those two have great synergy. They work better together than even Ava and I do. Lorenzo is the only one that knows how to rile Ava up and in turn Ava helps Lorenzo with his stress."
"That doesn't sound healthy..."
"It isn't! Never said it was!" Sergey laughed again. "But can you really expect healthy relationships from a bunch of murderers?"
The young recruit didn't know what to answer to that. And before he had realized it they were at the kitchen.
"Grab a bite and then clock in for the night. Tomorrow at 8 you can check the mission board. Oh and one more thing!"
Sergey grinned widely.
"Welcome to the Varia, Silvio!"
It was 20 minutes after 1 o'clock in the night when Ava managed to finish up his daily tasks, making his way towards the breakroom on the first floor to unwind, before he went to bed. He opened one of the heavy doors to the breakroom and hesitated for a moment, when he saw the light still on. A quick look over the room and he noticed someone laying on the couch. An unmistakable figure. His mood dropped as he recognized Lorenzo, but something else caught his eye and he decided to quietly enter the room.
On the table in the back he found a stack of reports. All pre-mission reports and follow ups from the Storm Division, worked over and corrected. While still not completely up to standart it was leagues better than what Ava had to deal with prior. For the amount and timeframe he had done this in, this was rather impressive. And it's all the reports that involve the Rain Division too....
Ava looked up and towards the sofa where Lorenzo was resting with a towel over his eyes. Ava approached him quietly to stare at his face and then noticed the few papers scattered on the floor and the remaining few trapped between his fingers and his torso. The red hair was falling back, but Ava saw a few strands straying away. Mindlessly he reached out and tried to stroke them out of Lorenzos face, when he felt the sudden bloodlust.
A hand grabbed Avas wrist and twisted him to lose footing, crashing against the suddenly empty couch. In the next moment, Lorenzo had Ava pinned down onto the couch, hands tightly on his wrists.
"What do you think you're doing?" Lorenzo said lowly before he registered the tucked leg between his own torso and Avas. One swift jerk and he'd have a foot in his groin and would be pushed back. Not that he truly had expected Ava to let himself be manhandled like that.
"I had planned to rework the reports. But you already did that. Thank you." Ava said calmly, but with assertiveness. His look and voice became softer.
"I... truly appreciate it. Let me take over your morning shift. You should get some rest."
Lorenzo didn't answer and instead let his hands wander from Avas wrists to his hands, intertwining their fingers and squeezing. It felt hot all of asudden and he noticed Ava moving his tucked leg to the side, to give Lorenzo space to move.
Was he... giving him permission?
He noticed the faint blush on Avas cheeks and a deep pull in his chest to come closer. There was such a deep desire for him to taste those lips that seemed to wait for his own. He could just go for it now. This was probably the most opportune timing. Slowly Lorenzo leaned more down-
The door opened with a hefty swing then stopped. Lorenzo looked behind him, seeing the guy from this afternoon who he had thrown a knife at. He grew pale again and quickly retreated back, closing the door- before opening it again to loudly whisper a quick "my apologies!" and letting it fall into its lock once more.
Lorenzo sighed and drew back. Ava tried to reach for him.
"Thanks for taking over my shift." he said simply and got up grabbing his uniform jacket, throwing it over his shoulder.
"Another time." He said earnestly and Ava properly sat up, watching Lorenzos back. The storm smirked and looked back over his shoulder.
"And next time I'll make sure we won't be interrupted."
He couldn't help a girn, before he turned back around towards the door and left, the image of Ava blushing madly up to his ears making his heart skip a beat. Oh he'd def imagine all kinds of things back in his room-
"You seem in a good mood~"
Lorenzo jolted at Sergeys sudden voice, jumping to the side. God damn it, this guy was too good at hiding his presence! Sergey grinned widely and Lorenzo felt annoyance build up inside of him.
"Shut up. I'm going to bed."
"Good niight~"
And like that another uneventful day ended.
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k-s-morgan · 11 months
Do you think Harry has the potential to become one of the greatest wizards in the wizarding world? In discussions, fandom insists on comparing Harry to Voldemort, Dumbledore, and Snape but seems to forget that these three are already adults, they have knowledge that Harry has no way of knowing. I myself am terrible at debate but I found an answer that perfectly clarifies the potential of the book!Harry. I'll send it to you to read next.
2/2: Harry wasn’t studious, and unlike Hermione didn’t try to be the best at every spell he was asked to do but he was naturally a much better wizard than most. Compared to Snape, Voldemort and Dumbledore he wasn’t that good, but then he had only had 7 years to learn what these people had their whole lives to learn.Harry certainly had skills far beyond his classmates, he summoned a patronus in his 3rd year of even knowing what a wizard was, a feat that managed to impress even the Wizengamot who was attempting to convict him. He also was one of the best Quidditch players in the school and it all started with his first time on a broom in which he managed to convince McGonagall he was a good seeker. He also managed to hold his own against many foes, Voldemort, many death eaters, several creatures from Dragons to Skrewts, and managed to fight off the Imperius curse and see into Snape’s mind, quite possibly the best occlumens and legilimens in the wizard world. He may not have been able to last in different scenarios but he could hold his own where many, including famed aurors, had failed.Harry may not have known every spell in the book and he may not have been able to defeat the greats alone, but for a teenager he showed ability that very few others could exhibit, and with age and overcoming his shortcomings he had the potential to be great.
Hello! Thank you for sharing this submission. This is actually one of the things that I love about Harry as a character: he's extremely flexible. You can make him average and you can make him powerful, and both directions are supported by canon.
Personally, I tend to see Harry as an average wizard who is very talented in some areas but only adequate in others. This is what makes him fascinating and beloved to me: he manages to win repeatedly not because of his powers, but because of other qualities. Like, I wouldn't say he really held his own against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. With Voldemort, he was saved by the fact that their wands are similar; then it helped that he was the Master of Death and Voldemort tried to attack him with the Elder wand. In TOotP, Death Eaters had orders not to harm Harry as they could have because of the Prophecy that they wanted to grab from him and because Voldemort wanted to be the one to kill him.
However, Harry thinks on his feet; he’s athletic, which helps him in fights, he’s brave beyond measure and he’s ready to sacrifice himself for the benefit of others. He’s capable of deep love. All of this makes him a perfect counterpart to Voldemort. He’s a character who proves that you don’t always need to be great to do great things.
Meanwhile, it’s entirely possible to see Harry as extremely powerful, too. Like the post you shared mentioned, he conjured a brilliant Patronus at a very young age, managing to chase away hundreds of Dementors. He can throw off Imperio, even when it comes from a wizard of Voldemort’s level, and the whole murky business with him surviving the Killing Curse can be interpreted as a part of his powers, too.
I actually plan to mix these two versions in my new story because canon Harry is a well of opportunities!
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healinghamster · 2 years
self care resources and tips
so as long as i started being on tumblr i have been into recovery and spoonie blogs. i found a lot of wonderful resources here but now i think i am ready to give back to the community. here are some of the things that help get through life as a depressed, anxious adhd person with ptsd and some chronic pains.
!!! TW: mentions of depression, selfharm, food !!!
self-care app that is very flexible and forgiving!
you take care of a small cute penguin by taking care of yourself - it can be anything from just getting through the day to doing big things
loggin your mood in a non-bearing way, breathing excercises, journaling with promts and a lot of cute clothes for the birb included!
there is a free and a paid version but i had no issues with using only the free version - the differences are minimal!
i highly recommend this because it doesn't have a punishment system (like habitica, for example) and you can use it inconsistently without any worries. the main goal is to take care of yourself but even if you don't log it in - totally ok!
App for IOS
App for Android
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Pokémon Smile
for all of my fellow neurodivergent people who struggle with brushing your teeth!
you help cleaning a dark pokemon by brushing your teeth AND you are doing it with a cute hat on!
you can complete a pokedex just like in a normal pokemon game
the app shows you how to brush your teeth thoroughly and has hints and a timer so you don't have to think about it
i personally use this on low spoons days and when i am too brain foggy to manage something like this. or on bad depression days, when i have no motivation because pokemon is my hyperfixation. i also recommended this app to a lot of younger neurodivergent kids and teens and they all found it super helpful!
App for IOS
App for Android
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Calm harm
if you are struggling with selfharm it is a pretty good app for grounding yourself
you choose from many excercises depending of what helps you personally and then try to ground yourself
it is very customizable so I found it very easy to use even in public places (i.e. tasks like find colors are perfect for when you discreetly need to calm down)
it is also very bright and colorful AND you can choose your companions! i have animals because they are cute :)
App for IOS
App for Android
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Real life tricks
10 minute cleaning
this is not a new method but still a very useful one
if you struggle with cleaning or motivation or lack of energy this is a very good one! especially if you have a combo of adhd and depression
so have you ever tried to clean "by areas"? it takes so much time, it is exhausting to even think about it, it is so...hard
that's how i feel so i started a very simple and spoonie-friendly method: if i have one extra spoon (or more) i clean for 10 minutes
whatever i can do in those 10 minutes - put two things away or clean the whole table - doesn't matter!
the main goal is to just spend 10 minutes tidying up
some days i can't do it and it's ok, some days i do more than 10 minutes - it is not about checkmarks but slowly making your living space more comfy over time
it helps with not stressing over "finishing" something, trying to perfectly clean every nook and cranny or even get hyperfixated on cleaning and get tired
snacks in breaks
important: this is not using food as a reward! if you struggle with ed or similar things, please be very careful with this method! food is not a reward, it is a neccesity
this is something my counsellor adviced me to do when i don't enjoy other things because of depression
i personally use it for when i get too much hyperfocus moments along with pomodoro tecnhique
if you have a favourite snack (or drink! preferably sweet) that can be divided into parts, use one part in every break you take while you are working
this method keeps you not hungry and/or hydrated, serves as a distraction because of the change of activity (chewing/drinking) and a new sensory stimuli
try to be mindful about it! savour the taste, imagine you are remi who is trying the cheese and strawberry together
you can do more in your break, of course! but if you are too hyperfocused and everything else seems boring snacks are a good way to prevent a massive burnout
so far this is all i wanted to share! if this helps a lot of people i will try to make more posts with my coping strategies because oh boy do i have a lot
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Hiii, I was wondering if you could help me out a bit on how do I make shoes (to walk in city environments) for digitigrade characters :’) I have a few sketches that might be ok-ish but none of them feel really good
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Idk, it just seems like it’s a lot of waste of shoe to have it go to the first articulation? But also, it doesn’t seem very secure on just the toes, help :((
Ah yes, the struggle of making shoes for non-human feet. I often avoid it by making everyone barefoot, but that's not always a possibility.
I think what you have here looks pretty good! I might suggest not having the shoe come in between the toes so much, because that looks a little uncomfortable. Digitigrade toes tend to have a bit more connection between them. If you have a dog or cat that's chill with having their feet handled, you can see this for yourself very easily. So having the shoe come down closed over the toes or have an opening for all the toes instead of separating them, that would work a little better I think. Maybe just one center bit like on a flip flop sandal, if you think the shoe needs it. You can have it be adjustable at the top and right over the toes, so it can be tightened down properly. But also, the joint of the toes is the part of the foot that needs the most flexibility, so dont make it too stiff there. I've tried to make some diagrams here of how you might make this work.
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(Image description: a few pen drawings on paper showing a dog-like foot with a simplified shoe outline from a few different angles. Notes on the drawing point to areas like the toes, ankle, and sole with little remarks about them. These notes say: "weight support higher on the foot", "more sole near toes", "tighter at the top", "little more space in the middle" and "sole support can be segmented for flexibility". Some notes also point out where the shoe can be stiff or flexible, and label one drawing as "closed toes" while the other two are "open toes". End description)
These drawings are more focused on the running shoe style, but you can adapt it to have a thinner sole for other shoe styles. The main areas of flexibility are the toes and the ankle, so as long as those areas aren't stiff it should be fine. You can of course also make the shoe taller. And for real life examples, you can look at dog booties, especially for sled dogs. Sled dogs do a lot of running in snow, and people have been putting booties on them for generations to protect their feet.
For the most part, with the naturally tough soles and toe beans, paw feet don't need shoes as much as our feet do. They may need them for specialized activities and fashion reasons. For fashion-only shoes, they could be more like jewelry than functional shoes. Just soft fabrics, metal decorations, etc.
Hopefully that helps!
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writers-requiem · 7 months
I have another scenario/headcanon:single dad 94 tas Eddie Brock/Venom with a baby girl who is a symbiont hybrid (this is based on the character of april Parker) Eddie does his best to take care of child even if he never had a good childhood and slowly shows his gentle side
Okay, but after this I'm turning Asks off for a while so that I don't get constant requests that may end up being a lot more for me to handle. And this will be as headcannons for simplicity.
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My dad is Venom (1994 Venom x Fem! Child Reader headcannons)
Okay, first off. He is definitely rough around the edges at first.
This whole parenting thing is still new to him, and it doesn't help that the symbiote doesn't know what decent parents on earth are like.
At first he's very distant physically, but not emotionally.
Having grown up in a toxic environment most of his life, he tries his hardest to be the best dad ever while still being the Lethal Protector, Venom.
Over time he begins to slowly open up to you physically, giving you head pats and quick pecks on the cheek, the wholesome stuff.
Once or twice he noticed you were about to be caught in the crossfire when Spider-Man saved you every time.
He hated it, but was ultimately grateful for him saving you.
If you're in your teen years, he is definitely a bit more strict but still flexible enough. He may be a tad psycho, but he still has a heart of gold underneath that slimy alien exterior.
I imagine he'd be the kind of dad that will scare the shit out of anyone that tries to harass you.
He also seems like the kind of dad that would make you a sack lunch with some of your favorite foods as snacks for later.
If Spider-Man or Peter Parker are in the area, he's a little angry but doesn't hold it against him.
Once you both find out about your natural Symbiote powers, he confronts Venom about it and they agree to train you with those powers, for with great power comes great responsibility.
Once he becomes comfortable enough around you, he begins to act differently.
In front of his enemies he's all gruff and tough.
But in front of you? He becomes a sweet little cupcake.
Once he was fighting Carnage, with Spidey to back him (Venom) up and you tossed him a Molotov to burn the Carnage symbiote alive.
After that fight he would take every chance he had to brag that his little girl saved New York from the wrath of Cletus Kassidy. Proud papa bear, or spider...thing.
I could see him throwing a small tantrum if he loses to you in a game like chess.
You: "Checkmate!" :D, Eddie/Venom: "GnyAAAAA" D:<
He'd be the kind of dad to spoil you rotten if he could get away with it.
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katlakitty · 7 months
N7Month Challenge - Day 5: Elcor
Nora was fascinated by the new species that had discovered space travel not too long ago. No species had ever left such an impression on the other races as the humans did. They were at war with the Turians first, but they already had an embassy on the Citadel. It didn't seem fair to Nora, that the Elcor still had to share an embassy with the Volus while the humans had their own. But humans just like Salarians were always busy and running around. They were always in a rush.
The streets on Dekuuna were always busy, but it was nothing compared to the busy streets on planet earth. Nora had yet to meet a human in person, but she couldn't wait. They were fascinating. They looked so different from every other species except the Asari. But her friends had just laughed at her when she said it, because the Asari were blue and didn't have any hair. Nora disagreed with them, just because human hair was more flexible and came in different shapes and colors didn't mean it was different from the Asari equivalent.
Another point she and her friends disagreed about was her departure from Dekuuna. Nora was eager to leave her homeworld, she wanted to see and explore other planets, walk along the fields of Earth or the streets of Thessia. She wanted to meet other species and learn, there was so much to learn from other species especially in person.
So she set out to explore and bought a ticket off the planet on a space cruiser. They tried to make her comfortable, but Nora was too big for most of the hallways. Ironic, really, since she was considered rather small among her kind. It was comfortable enough in the cargo hold though, the Salarians had made sure she had some privacy and a safe place to stay. Nora notes with some amusement that Salarians were even more jumpy than she had thought, always busy and always in a hurry. She pitied them a little, 30 years of life expectancy wasn't much time. She herself was only 120 years old, still young for Elcor standards. Yet the technician she spent some time talking to was only 18 years old. 18 didn't seem to her like an age he should have any responsibility on a ship.
Nora was excited and impatient when the cruiser docked at the Citadel. This was it. Now she would be able to communicate with every species and learn. Maybe she could get a job at the embassy, they could use all the help they could get.
Nora walked off the ramp with a happy swing in her step. She had only just entered the area where she had to show her ID and wait to be allowed inside when she heard fast footsteps approaching. She didn't have time to react and the human collided with her side. The human fell backwards and landed on the ground.
"Shocked and concerned," Nora remembered to voice her feelings. "Are you hurt?"
"My pride is," the human said and looked up at her.
"Visible relief: I am glad to hear you are not hurt," Nora said honestly.
The human got back up on their feet. "I didn't look where I was going."
"Amused: This has never happened to me."
"Get used to it here, no-one pays attention to anything," the human grinned. "Is it your first time on the Citadel?"
"Happily chatting: It is," Nora grinned.
"I can show you around, if you want." The human offered.
Nora wasn't sure if it was a genuine offer. "Hesitant: Are you sure?"
"Of course!" The human grinned.
"Happy: I will follow you."
"What's your name?" The human started to slowly walk towards emigration.
"Politely: My name is Nora," she introduced herself.
"Nice to meet you, Nora." The human nodded. "I'm Conrad, Conrad Verner, and you couldn't have asked for a better guide."
You can find a collection of all my N7 Month drabbles on AO3.
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Meet the Cast: Bandana Waddle Dee
Our next one in the Meet the Cast section is Bandana Waddle Dee. This one is actually fun to write, especially playing a guy who secretly has anxiety but doesn't let that stop him from staying loyal, to friends or to family.
"Well, my turn isn't it? Let's get this done."
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Basic Information
Name: Bandana Servician
Age: 12 [by the start of Planet Robobot]
Gender: Male
Orientation: Questioning
Hometown: Archeon Town, West Area, Neo Star
Species: Waddle Dee
Ability: Spear
Job: Servant to King Dedede, adventurer
Other names: The Loyal Servant, Bandee ("This nickname was started by His Majesty... then everyone starts calling me like that. I'm fine with that, actually, in fact, I like it!"), Shortass ("Robobot used to call me this. I hate this name. If anyone outside them tries calling me this, I swear...")
Alignment: Lawful Good
One of Kirby's closest sidekicks who willingly joined him after being rescued in a different war, he's always there whenever Kirby gets into shenanigans without absence, whether it's to help His Majesty King Dedede or to give back-up to his best friend. It's usually both. While he probably doesn't initially show it to strangers, he is as loyal and fierce when it comes to his duties to help. His spearmanship is one of the best amongst other waddle dees, and thanks to a small upgrade on his spear and some magnetic gloves his long range lets him to get away with commencing or defending ambushes from the front and back. It also helps that he is the nimblest member of the team, making him the team’s go-to stealth person. 
Detailed Information
Goals/Motivation: "I want to keep up with everyone and be as beneficial as I can to the community. Look, I get that I shouldn't overwork myself, Kirby and Robobot complained about it, but hey, I want to be able to stand on my own when I'm alone, and I HATE having to hold everyone back! I need to be the best I can be, so I can keep helping people along the way."
Hobby: "Cooking - it's something I always do at home. I love trying out new recipes from time to time, it definitely helps during travels when your choices are more limited. Especially when His Majesty and Kirby both enjoys food. Also, watching as people enjoy my cooking makes me feel warm."
Favorite Food: "I love apples. They are healthy and some say they keep the doctors away, but mostly, they are quite flexible! I can use it in a lot of ways, like apple juice, apple pie, apple cake, apple wine, apple candy, the list goes on. I love working with this ingredient too when I'm cooking! Definitely a must-have for me."
Least Favorite Food: "I don't have many preferences, but if there's one ingredient I find it hard and scary to work with, it's bitter melon. I am yet to find something that is good and acceptable by all with that specific plant, really..."
Favorite Game Type: "I don't play games often, but I find cooking games actually relaxing. I also enjoy puzzles from time to time!"
Habits: Uses softer censor of words [fiddlesticks, fudge, etc], tends to avoid using his bandana to clean himself ("Hey, I don't want my bandana to get dirty on purpose!"), tends to hide items in his bandana for use
Other Liked Things: "My bandana is a gift from His Majesty King Dedede! He said that it'd look cute on me. It was a honor to wear it everyday. I also have a pin that Captain Waddle Doo gave me to keep the bandana tight and well-kept. Also, I had to give the bandana some ornaments so that in case there are impostors, they will find it harder to mimic me and my no-longer plain bandana..."
Secret: Tends to sneak out to train by himself outside when no one is looking. Robobot Armor tends to come with him sometimes to spar together, but they are a wild card and sometimes reports it to everyone else anyways. He also tends to steal food from Dedede's Castle during incidents, something which Dedede actually knows but decided not to tell anyone, which means that yes, Bandee doesn't know his king knew what he did.
Best Friends: "Kirby is my first friend, so he counts. Then Robobot Armor joined us. Honestly, both are equal, just like how he sees both of us the same way. Though, I still prefer Kirby around since I stuck with him the most!"
Rivals: "Is it funny that my rival was Robobot Armor too? Well, we used to be bitter rivals, it's a long story, but now we're cool with each other. We still show some... friendlier shades of that, but it didn't stop us from working together as a team!"
Enemies: "Any enemy to my friends and the king is an enemy of mine too! Also, I don't really like Marx."
Family: "I do have a family, since I was raised in Neo Star. I have 2 siblings and a mom. My dad passed away when I was very, very young, so I don't remember him as much. Though, they are all nice! I do send them letters once a week when no incident happens..."
Crush/Love Interest: "With confidence, I can say I don't have any... yet. Kirby, on the other hand... Well, let's just say EVERYONE CAN SEE IT KIRBY! You don't have to lie~!"
Skills and Abilities
Bandana Waddle Dee has practically the Spear ability moveset. However, there's an explaination for all that spear-throwing and pulling this time. After a certain incident in the war, Kirby slotted steel on Bandee's spear's handle to make it magnetic, which he can control with his (admittedly stolen) magnetic gloves. As the result, his range was made bigger than ever. He tends to act as the team's walking spy as he is pretty nimble and runs faster than everyone else by far.
Strength: Bandana's speed and stealth skills become invaluable for the team in various ways. He can run around and do precise attacks, and since his weapon is, well, long, he made sure he can use it to his advantage such as propelling himself to high places, disarming opponents ahead of time, or just cause sudden ambushes. He also can do a fair bit of acrobatics to back it up.
Weakness: While he is fast and experienced in causing opponents to stop and think for a second on how he can be that quick to put opponents down, he is prone to attacks that hit hard. One mistake and he could suffer from the amount of damage he gets in one go. He also finds it hard dealing with machinery-based foes unless Kirby directs him to their weak points to expose.
"It's nice to meet you, by the way. Do you need anything? I'll be glad to help in that case!"
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gender-buddies · 2 years
Artist Commentary Post
Let's talk about Phase One and where I got the inspiration for the very first set of Gender Buddies.
Agender - This one needed to be something not animal-like not for ambiguity, but a sense of unalignment. The original idea was just a rocky little critter who was an Earth type that could camouflage, and it was literally just a rock without the body segments. Then it slowly turned into having the ability camouflage in volcanic areas, but I wasn't sure how that green color would fit in with the design. I went with sulfur and changed the Buddy to a Fire type to better match its environment and balance out the many Earth types yet to be released. The body segments and random other details were added later because it looked a little too plain even for a Level 1 Buddy.
Nonbinary - This was originally a blobby slime creature that would stick to everything and then that idea became a slug that would leave nonbinary-colored slime everywhere - the slime color was changed to one color because it looked better. The sluggy body was meant to be sort of ambiguous, like a liquid but not quite. I wanted it to be flexible. Then as I was actually sketching it out digitally and looking at references to get the slug shape just right, I saw this cute little snail terrarium on Etsy where the plants were inside a clear shell. The liquid-filled clear shell was an obvious choice for design, especially if I were to keep the Water typing. It almost became a Plant type with plants inside the shell, but this set already had two Plant types scheduled for release. If I decide on a variant, like using a recolored nonbinary flag or making it nonbinaryflux or something, I may bring back that idea.
Ambigender - I knew right away that this Buddy would have two bodies merged together, but this slot in the phase was actually supposed to be for Maverique - it would have been a Fire type as well. But I'm having trouble finalizing the design for Maverique, so I replaced that with another Fire type. The color and pattern took some thinking because I wanted it to be seen as two separate critters rather than having a perfect blend between them to show the static nature of the ambigender identity. I made sure to have an obvious split between the two and make sure each half had its own color palette - one blue and one red. I have no idea why I came up with a salamander, but fiery salamanders are a pretty obvious go-to in art and design. The patterns are based on a tiger salamander and a spotted salamander, but the final design ended up looking more like a cartoony dinosaur.
Genderera - This one is based on my redesign of the genderera flag and is a counterpart to gendervir in its design and coloration. The difference is the big flower on the head and the lack of belly color, which is hard to see with its pose. It also has more spots. I really tried not to make it a warm-color replica of the gendervir design. Why I went with a froggy critter is beyond me. It just seemed to look really cute.
Gendervir - This was the first Buddy I ever designed, first on paper and then digitally when I was ready to start the project. I wanted it to have much more foliage on the body and even a leafy tail, which is where the Plant typing came from. Nonbinary was already a Water type, so I didn't end up changing this one's typing to fit the frog look. The tongue and feet webbing almost didn't make it into the final design, and the spots and belly color were a very last-minute addition. Gendervir is an important term for me so I wanted to make this critter before the others and really make the design something unique. The colors are based on my redesign of the gendervir flag.
Neutrois - This sounds bad but I didn't like this one! I knew I wanted it to look robot-like but I didn't know how I wanted the face or details to look. It originally had plain circular eyes and simple round ears, which made it look like a bear almost. Then I started trying to incorporate neutrois symbols into it - you'll notice it has eyes that look like one type of symbol and antennas on the head that look like another. The electrical nature of the critter just made sense, so it's always had the wire tail and magnet since I sketched it out on paper. The mouth looks almost ghoulish so if there's ever a chance to make something like... maybe neutroisfluid, I kind of want it to look like there's a ghost-like thing inside the body, which is hollow. It'd be fun to play around with.
Abinary - For some reason, I was so determined to make this a Light type and it took a while for me to figure out how to make it work. I almost went entirely ambiguous and made it look like some alien creature no one has ever seen before - basically a little fuzzy sprite. It didn't look interesting enough, so I kept adding buggy body parts to try and figure out something that looked cute. Eventually I landed on an aphid, which fits with the word "aphorian" (another word for abinary.) Aphids are known to make honeydew, so I gave it a big honeydew drop on its back. The antennae were going to be pointed forward with glowing balls on the ends, but then I leaned more into the aphid design and changed the antennae accordingly.
Cassgender - When imagining indifference, I simply thought about sleeping. This turned into the idea of sleeping with a teddy bear. I really wanted it to look comfy and cozy and really cutesy, which really works well with how soft the cassgender flag looks. Making it a Lunar type would have been too obvious (since bears are tied to the moon) and I'm lacking in Shadow types, so it made sense to make it a type that reflects the nighttime rather than the moon.
Magigender - Magigender manekineko! That's the lucky cat from Japanese culture that brings fortune and luck. I wanted so badly to make a lucky cat somewhere in this project and thought that the magi- in magigender reminded me of magic, so the manekineko was used here. I imagined it being a Metal type because of gold and silver, so that's the type I went with. Gold and metal works well with the magigender flag. I was determined to write the kanji on the belly myself instead of just finding an image, and I needed a shorter phrase so that I could write it properly. I went with "shine" (or "brilliance") to reflect (heh) the shining quality of metals. The fan in its hand spells "nya", the Japanese word for the sound a cat makes. The fan is one of the few times I added my own color, made to be orange instead of the Japan-flag-red because it fit the palette better. I almost combined the manekineko with the daruma doll, an item Japanese people use to make wishes by painting eyes on it, but I am going to reserve the daruma doll for another Buddy in the future.
Aesthetigender - For aesthetigender, I wanted to actually choose one aesthetic to represent but I didn't want it to be aesthetically pleasing if that makes sense? I really love pastels, and I like music, so I originally chose the city pop aesthetic as a basis (which may not sound familiar to some people, but it's the predecessor to the vaporwave aesthetic.) It needed to be something urban, so I went with both a rat and a pigeon, and I wanted to make it nocturnal. I really wanted the city pop aesthetic to be the main part of this design, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make the star into that iconic vaporwave sun. The heart-shaped thingy on the pigeon beak was turned into a cool visor to make it kind of tech-ish. With it being another night-themed critter, I chose for it to be a Shadow type. I almost made it into a tanuki because I was watching Pom Poko when I was sketching it, but I'll save that for another critter design.
Outherine - I've always had a space critter design that is very rodent-like in its design and I wanted to find a spot for it, so I just went with it on a whim. It ties in gerbil and rat body parts with a whimsical space aesthetic on top. The starry eyes made me think of stargazing and I thought it was really cute, so I made it the Stellar type instead of the more obvious Cosmic type. That type comes in the next phase!
Omnigray - As with all Mythical Buddies, this one is a term I coined myself. When thinking of shades of gray, I thought of something kind of cold and stormy. This design was almost a Storm type but I feel that I have too many of those right now, and this was an easy way to introduce the Air type. I thought of mythical creatures that call on storms and landed on the peacock, which is how phoenixes are usually depicted. This one, however, needed to catch followers by surprise. Fire peacocks are just too obvious, so I went to the exact opposite. The idea of ice and storms made it easy to figure out that I wanted this critter to sit on a dark cloud. As a Mythical Buddy, it needed to look majestic and beautiful, so I really leaned into the flowy look of peacock feathers. It has a sort of Elizabethan style to its "dress", which you can see by the feathery collar.
That's all! I think this phase had plenty of healthy stumbling as I figured out how I wanted it to turn out. If I could, I would totally redesign a lot of these Buddies - maybe in the future if I turn this into a huge, long-running project that I dedicate more time to! I'm excited for the next batch of Buddies to be released and there are so many of them that I want to draw RIGHT NOW, but I really need to stay on track and do these in the proper order. Let me know what you thought!
- 💜
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90363462 · 2 years
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Tired Of The Bed? 8 Places You Should Get It In At Instead
If any time, any place is the vibe, these are the selections that come to mind.
Kiarra Sylvester
Jun. 03, 2022 05:00PM EST
The bedroom can bore you quickly if you’re someone who lives for change and resents routine. However, new positions aren’t always the way to switch things up, especially because they’re typically unrealistic unless you have a certain level of flexibility and youth on your side. They simply aren’t for everybody. It literally becomes a case of “if it ain’t broke” because no one wants to be caught up in an episode of Sex Brought Me to the ER with broken genitals (penis, pubic bone, etc).
But the one thing you can switch up that makes a helluva difference is the location! As realtors say (I think) location, location, location. It makes all the difference. The same studio apartment in a better area will change your f*cking world. This is a much more simple fix to break up routine in the bedroom if you ask me! But, there are some things to keep in mind for sure. You want to make sure that you know the laws in your area or know that there’s a chance that getting caught could potentially lead to some cuffs (and not the fun ones). Personally, I hate researching so it’s just going to be a “YOLO” mindset.
The other thing is that you want to ensure that both you and your partner are relaxed and comfortable. With consideration of those two points above, I really tried to make a list that was realistic and yet still bold enough to shake things up. 
Here are 8 places for you to try having sex that give the “any time, any place” vibes you’re looking for.
1. The Club
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Though I only recommend having sex at a traditional club in a VIP section or the restroom (unless you can fathom a sneakier way to keep out of jail), I think either can still be just the right amount of adventure to spice things up. On the flip side, you can go to a swinger’s club in your area or out of town. While you may think this is a downgrade, it actually allows you to upgrade your experience as you’re able to take on voyeurs, and if you feel comfortable, add some extra hands to the body party.
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2. Beach Cabana
It’s a bed, so let's start there! Additionally, you get the calmness of the water surrounding you, be it the pool, the ocean, or wherever. Just be sure to put something down because I know with little to no doubt that others have the same thought. With that in mind, I really don’t think they sanitize those things even remotely close enough.
3. Hood of Car
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Not just any ol’ where in the car but specifically on the hood or even the roof of the car. You can pull off to a nice little park or a drive-in movie if your city is still fortunate enough to have one. But, the best part about the hood is that you’re not crammed into the back of the car like a Vienna sausage.
4. Balcony
Buck naked with a balcony view has become the new airplane bathroom fantasy. Honestly, I prefer it! Far more space and a much better view for those of us that are a) claustrophobic b) germaphobes or c) all of the above. If you’re at home, the view may not be as luxurious but you are able to add privacy panels to your balcony to make for a more private show. On vacation, where no one knows you, you may want to go crazy – show ‘em what you got!
5. Ferris Wheel
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Hear me out! While the scene in Insecure really had me intrigued – you know the one where Issa and Nathan had sex on the Ferris wheel, in my experience the ride is far too quick for even the quickest of quickies. Now, if you can make that work, by all means, do your thing! But, I think oral sex on a Ferris wheel would be spectacular. Consider the Ferris wheel your foreplay.
6. The Office/Workspace
You don’t have to have a private office for this, just a lot of nerve! I, personally have tried this in an open workspace, and though my partner at the time couldn’t stay hard because he was too afraid of getting caught, I did get some good head out of the deal. Nevertheless, keep in mind that open spaces in offices do have cameras in use at times, so proceed with caution or get a private room in your office space.
7. Boat
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Summer is near and here in some places, which means boats have been unparked! If you have access to a boat this seems like a 10 out of 10 experience no matter how you cut it – I really wouldn’t care if it were in a rowboat.Rock it.
8. Movie in a Park 
On one of the cooler nights, bring out the blankets and find a space in the cut but still with a reasonable view of the movie because we’re setting the mood here! Unlike the regular movie theater, this allows for adventure and romance.
And if you’re into it, you can even add other elements such as role-play – meeting your partner at a bar with a planned scenario or impromptu. Either way, you’re fully prepared to go out into the world because it’s your oyster and your bedroom. 
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Kiarra Sylvester
Motor City native, Atlanta living. Sagittarius. Writer. Sexpert. Into all things magical, mystical, and unknown. I'll try anything at least once but you knew that the moment I revealed that I was a Sag.
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hazel-blogs · 2 days
How DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com Helped Me Master Relational Databases
As a computer science student, one of the most challenging aspects of my coursework has been mastering relational databases. The concepts, while incredibly important, often felt overwhelming. That is until I discovered DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com. With their assistance, I found the perfect Relational Database homework helper who not only made the subject manageable but also enjoyable.
My journey with relational databases began in my second year of college. Initially, I was excited about diving into database management systems, understanding data models, SQL queries, and normalization. However, as the semester progressed, the complexity of the assignments increased, and my initial enthusiasm started to wane. The turning point came when we were assigned a project to design and implement a relational database from scratch, complete with ER diagrams, normalization, and advanced SQL queries.
The first few weeks of the project were a nightmare. I spent countless hours in the library, surrounded by textbooks, yet I couldn't seem to make sense of the intricacies of database normalization or the nuances of crafting efficient SQL queries. The more I tried to figure it out on my own, the more frustrated I became. That's when I realized I needed help, and after some online research, I stumbled upon DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com.
The first thing that caught my eye about DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com was their promise of providing expert assistance in various areas of database management, especially relational databases. I was skeptical at first, but the testimonials from other students convinced me to give it a try. I signed up and was quickly matched with a Relational Database homework helper who was an absolute lifesaver.
From the moment we started, it was clear that my helper was not only knowledgeable but also an excellent teacher. He began by breaking down the project requirements and helping me understand each component step-by-step. We started with the basics, revisiting the fundamental concepts of relational databases, which I realized I needed a refresher on. My helper used real-world examples to explain complex concepts, making them much easier to grasp.
One of the biggest challenges I faced was normalization. The process of organizing data to reduce redundancy seemed daunting. However, my homework helper explained it in such a simple and logical way that it finally clicked. He used practical examples and guided me through the process of normalizing a sample database, which gave me the confidence to tackle my project.
When it came to designing the ER diagram, I was completely lost. My helper walked me through the entire process, explaining how to identify entities, attributes, and relationships. He showed me how to translate the requirements of my project into a well-structured ER diagram. This visual representation made it much easier to understand the overall structure of the database and how different entities interacted with each other.
Writing SQL queries was another area where I struggled. I had a basic understanding of SELECT statements, but when it came to more complex queries involving joins, subqueries, and aggregate functions, I was out of my depth. My homework helper provided clear and detailed explanations for each type of query, demonstrating how to approach and solve different problems. He also gave me exercises to practice, which significantly improved my SQL skills.
One of the most valuable aspects of working with DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com was the personalized attention I received. My helper was patient and took the time to address all my questions and concerns. He provided feedback on my work, pointing out mistakes and suggesting improvements. This iterative process was incredibly beneficial, as it allowed me to learn from my errors and gradually build my confidence.
Another great feature of DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com is their flexibility. As a student, my schedule can be quite unpredictable, but my helper was always accommodating. We scheduled sessions at times that were convenient for me, which made it easier to balance my coursework with other commitments.
Beyond just helping me complete my assignments, my helper also provided valuable insights into best practices for database design and management. He shared tips and tricks that are not typically covered in textbooks or lectures, which gave me a deeper understanding of the subject. This knowledge will undoubtedly be useful in my future career as a software developer.
Looking back, I can confidently say that working with DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com was a turning point in my academic journey. The support and guidance I received from my Relational Database homework helper not only helped me ace my project but also reignited my interest in databases. I went from dreading my database course to genuinely enjoying it, and I now have a solid foundation in relational databases that I can build upon.
In conclusion, if you're a student struggling with relational database assignments, I highly recommend DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com. Their expert helpers are not only knowledgeable but also skilled at teaching complex concepts in a way that makes them easy to understand. The personalized support, flexibility, and practical insights they offer are invaluable. Thanks to DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com, I have not only improved my grades but also developed a passion for databases that I am excited to pursue further.
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scasuallypursuits · 2 months
#16: Heatwave.
Major heat coming through our areas here. Making me not want to do anything before 5pm. Still continued my art and programming thing.
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Art finished this week is my commission again and reworking my Dialogue System.
Spent most of time finishing these 2 commission.
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They look great, don't they? Really liking the red the Kero's hair is giving. Plus the textured background really makes everything pop. It was based on this panel by my client's comic. The texture in there plus the bnw really inspired me to do something similar. Even did a perspective change so that they can be a pair together.
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Also made this cute GIF as an extra. The line boil is really cute. Though maybe next, I should lower the framerate but do all the lines for a better hanging out feel. Hmmmm.
If you're waiting for the Zelink art. I'm still doing it. Just focused all my effort on these 2 commission you see.
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Let me tell you, getting that pillow was quite something. I never drew something soft before really. I drew clothes on hard body and also drew boobs getting squished but never both never both at the same time really so it took a lot of tries and help to get it right. Plus the grab too was quite something. I love how it turned out. It's a combination of a design theory "small, medium, large" for those wrinkles and triangle to show points of tension. Hopefully, the hand look as intense as I wanted it to be..
Though most of this week has been spent on programming. Project? A dialogue system. Reviving it from last year. Needed something to stimulate my brain differently from art. And man has it grabbed a hold on me yet again. But not with put problems. The biggest one is that, my project depends on a addon, Dialogue Manager, to handle Dialogue internally while I handle showing it. It had a feature that I needed but since my version was so far apart form latest, it broke the project.
Thankfully I use git so it was'nt much of a problem but goddamn did it took a lot of time. Eventually, in the end, I decided to restart my project. I was scared taking long again to build but I realised that the only reason it took so long was because of designing the system. That's what originally took so long. So now all of I have to do just write the code. Took like a day, not like a 1 month I was expecting. Now I reached where I was before, I'm back with designing the system again. Specifically, how to store and retrive 3 layers of a sprite that are interchangeable while maintaining scalability and flexibility.
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modifyeddigital11 · 3 months
Real Estate SEO Consultant In Delhi: Ultimate Guide to Improve Search
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Has investing in real estate ever crossed your mind? You're not alone if you have experienced this. Real estate agents in the United States are at an all-time high as of this writing, with many having joined in the previous few years. Simultaneously, there are historically few residences for sale. Which way do you interpret that? I have a method that can help you stay ahead of the competition, so that's good. Real estate SEO is the term for it. Applying search engine optimisation (SEO) to your real estate website means making it more visible to search engines, which in turn increases online traffic. As a result, you are able to reach your intended audience. Increased traffic, leads, and conversions are possible with proper real estate SEO implementation with real estate SEO consultant in Delhi.
Why Do Real Estate Professionals Need SEO?
If you work in real estate, you might be wondering why SEO is so important. Ultimately, shouldn't your website come up when someone searches for houses in your neighbourhood? That is what would ideally occur.
Nevertheless, your listings could not be seen by the individuals who genuinely want to see them if you don't implement a real estate/realtor SEO plan.SET UP A PHONE CAL
There are a tonne of people actively looking for homes on the internet. Statistics show that 99 percent of house purchasers between the ages of 23 and 56 look for properties online.
You must so employ real estate SEO. You want your target audience to find you since there are so many people looking. When your content and website are optimised, you get:
Possibility of differentiating yourself from the competition Possibility of expanding your business Possibility of generating more leads
All of it adds up to increased revenue and sales. Real estate brokers that spend money on SEO really generate two to three times as many sales per month as those who don't. Even while it might not seem like much, that might add up to hundreds of dollars. Naturally, SEO for real estate with real estate SEO consultant in Delhi differs slightly from SEO for other areas, even if many of the same concepts still hold true. Let's look at the important distinctions in the next section.
What Separates Real Estate SEO from Other Industries
For realtors, search engine optimisation is distinct in a few respects because of the nature of their business and the method in which consumers look for properties. Here are a few variations in real estate marketing:
Because of its complexity, the customer journey takes longer. Before focusing on particular regions, buyers first do a broad search. Real estate SEO consultant in Delhi need to provide material often on social media and blogs in order to attract the interest of potential buyers. But as part of the real estate purchasing process, customers also need to concentrate on suburb summaries, property photos and listings, and market analyses.
SEO is a continuous endeavour for realtors. Keywords and content need to be changed often since, while all industries must adjust to trends, few are as flexible as the real estate market. Additionally, agents need to constantly review and tweak their off-site and on-site SEO. The difficulty of ranking for both local and national keywords in real estate SEO is another. Most of the time, companies concentrate on ranking for keywords associated with their location or area.
Planned real estate marketing cannot exist without real estate SEO consultant in Delhi. This tried-and-true strategy is a great approach to stand out from the competition and draw in more local clients. You may raise your website's exposure in search engine results pages and increase the number of leads it generates by using the techniques and strategies in this article. It is crucial to bear in mind that outcomes may not always materialise immediately, therefore you must continuously monitor and assess your real estate SEO approach with Modifyed Digital until it is optimised.
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xboomk · 6 months
Divulging the DJI Move 3: Lifting Flying Imaging Higher than ever
DJI, a trailblazer in the space of modernized flying vehicles (UAVs), has begun doubt and energy with the farewell of its latest turn of events, the DJI Inspire 3 Drone features . This cutting edge flying stage watches out for the completion of picked research, ability to plan, and client driven plan, setting one more benchmark for skilled robot movement. In this article, we research the bewildering features and confines that depict the DJI Enliven 3, and chipping away at raised imaging and cinematography potential.
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I. Certain level Abilities to picture At the point of convergence of the DJI Drive 3 lies its awe inspiring imaging limits, custom fitted to fulfill the necessities of master film makers, content creators, and airborne cinematography darlings. The robot is outfitted with a future, immense standard camera including a more essential sensor and revived optics, attracting stunning 8K video recording, conveying show off out reach, and getting muddled nuances with unparalleled clearness. The blend of state of the art gimbal change and imaging improvement ensures smooth, creative film that satisfies serious solid areas for the of master filmmaking.
II. Gifted Grade Flight Execution The DJI Push 3 sets one more standard for flight execution, joining availability, security, and excitement to win in gathered airborne circumstances. Its invigorated drive structure and smoothed out plan interface with quick and wary portability, making it genuine for dynamic filmmaking shots and complex flight tries. With expanded flight time and further made battery the load up, the Affect 3 draws in clients to find clearing scenes and execute jumbled flying moves without consenting to less on creativity.
III. Renamed Control and Affiliation Consolidating the latest improvements in transparency and control, the DJI Drive 3 components an upgraded distant controller with a brand name connection point, giving strong and responsive command over the robot's flight and imaging systems. The introduction of OcuSync 3.0 improvement ensures strong, long-range transmission of first class live video feed and telemetry data, offering unrivaled situational care and tirelessness for flying practices in testing conditions.
IV. Astute Flight Modes and Creative Versatility The DJI Vivify 3 should upgrade the inventive adaptability of aeronautical film makers and content producers, introducing new sharp flight modes and imaging features. Certain level endpoints like DynamicTrack, Characteristic of gathering (POI), and precision flight control draw in clients to execute complex camera types of progress and catch dynamic shots really, working with the confirmation of imaginative dreams in innovative portraying and ethereal cinematography.
V. Evaluated Plan and Master Flexibility Worked with a disengaged and flexible arrangement, the DJI Drive 3 offers capable versatility by supporting a level of pragmatic payloads and additional things, overseeing different industry needs and inventive desires. From fit grade cinematography to current applications like investigating, coordinating, and evaluation, the Mix 3's cognizant quality considers strong put down some a reasonable compromise of express payloads and accomplices to open extra doorways in ethereal imaging and data grouping.
End The noteworthy of the DJI Push 3 suggests a goliath get out ahead in fit robot improvement, reconsidering the likely results of flying cinematography, current applications, and creative explanation. With its state of the art imaging limits, capable grade flight execution, sharp flight modes, and isolated plan, the Move 3 features DJI's commitment to broadening the constraints of flying turn of events and drawing in specialists to find hypnotizing visuals with firm precision and quality.
As the Mix 3 takes off, it encapsulates DJI's obligation to raising the specialty of ethereal imaging, setting one more standard for capable robots that reliably blend top tier movement in with conventional client experience. The introduction of this significant ethereal stage commitments to move and connect with film makers, industry prepared experts, and raised fans to open new creative and utilitarian expected results, presenting some other season of progress in airborne imaging and cinematography.
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