#i’ve also been crying thinking about my brothers kids going to school and possibly getting bullied
cerberin · 2 months
sometimes you need to cry. all day. for no real reason and every reason at exactly the same time
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mysicklove · 8 months
do you have any more headcanons about big brother sakuna? cause your ficlet gave me so much brainrot and I've just been thinking about how big brother sakuna would react to big brother choso
my mind is PLAGUED with them so i def will be writing more, once my followers stop putting me to work with kinktober 😔😔😔 (joking ofc lol)
these r all some of the things i’m planning to add to my fics (guys pretty pls don’t steal my ideas 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫)
obviously i think sukuna rough houses with yuuji a lot, like i’ve mentioned before. but yuuji loves all the attention so he doesn’t mind lolol
sukuna often gets jealous of the kid bc you coddle him so much, and takes time away from you. but also at the same time, he hates to admit but he lovessss seeing you interact with yuuji. finds it sickenly sweet
sukuna is yuujis number one role model. wants to be just like him. draws pictures of him in class and shows everyoneeeee bc how cool his big brother is. sukuna teases him and calls him a clingy pest, but it just makes yuuji laugh even more.
megumi, yuujis best friend, hates sukuna. he sometimes will see you dropping off yuuji by yourself at preschool, and megumi rushes over to the two of you of and tries to create an escape plan to leave him LOL.
gojo, megumis, cartaker flirts with you when you pick and drop off the kids and it drives sukuna insane. literally have to drag sukuna out before he yells at him in front of a bunch of four year olds. yuuji saw gojo flirting with you the one time when sukuna wasnt around, and he started to cry about how you were going to leave them and go join megumis family. he screamed for his brother to come back and stop you, and only stopped crying when you picked him up and reassured him that you weren’t going anywhere. you were also forced to call sukuna.
yuuji learned how to swim by sukuna throwing him in the pool and hoping for the best. he swam almost instinctually.
yuuji craves physical touch in every way possible, and especially when he is tired. so often times he ends up in the two of your shared bed, literally sprawled out on top of the two of you. sukuna often wakes up to being kicked in the face by the kid. he’s not happy.
ooooooh big brother choso is not rlly been thought about. but maybe he is gone most of the time, and when he comes home, he spoils yuuji rotten. buys him whatever he wants and plays with him (much gentler than sukuna) all day. you love it because yuuji literally vibrates with joy when he is around. he admires choso almost as much as sukuna, but bc he doesn’t see him as much, he doesn’t get to express it.
sukuna, on the other hand, suspiciously carries yuuji more in public. and often coaxes the boy to tell him what he drew in class that day in front of chose (which always involves sukuna one way or the other). mentions more about “annoyed” he is that the kid looks just like him. and finds himself picking yuuji up from school, just 10 minutes before choso can get there.
choso is a trooper through it all, peeved as hell, but you apologize for sukunas strange behavior. he always ends up having the last witty remark, that sends sukuna spiraling, before he hops on a plane and leaves for another couple of weeks. yuuji cries for hours, and ends up getting another pass to sleep in your bed that night.
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judgeanon · 2 years
Plastic Skies - Model 1: MiG 21
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Alright, here’s part 1 of the proper How I Got Back Into Aircraft Model Kits journal. You can find all the setup over HERE if you missed that, but don’t worry, there’s still a bit of setup left before we get flying.
So after my fourth or fifth run through AC7′s campaign, and with my birthday coming soon, I decided to just go for it. I reached into my memory and plucked the location of a hobby shop near my old high school that I used to walk past a lot of times, and on a cool Saturday morning, head over there with a simple plan: I’d grab the cheapest model I could find, put it on the counter and tell the store owner to just give me everything I needed to get it done. To get it ALL done. Paints and all. It was go time.
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The owner perfectly understood where I was coming from and led me to a scalpel-style blade for cutting the parts off the sprue and shaving leftover plastics, a bottle of modeller’s glue, two pencils (one wide and one point) and the main event: a couple of Revell acrylic paints, black and gray. Or to be more precise, “Mausgrau 36147″ and “Anthrazit 36109″. Looking back, I wish I’d picked a lighter shade of gray, but this was a test run and I was more than open to suggestions.
Those suggestions also gave me my first revelation about this hobby: model kits have been around for a while and there’s an entire host of tools made exclusively for it, in both simple and fascinating ways. So for example, the modeller’s glue I bought (which I’m still using) comes with a tiny metal tube for putting the glue into the small places, and is also made with some kind of weird chemical make-up that makes it impossible for my fingers to get stuck. It’s universes away from the store-bought general use glue we used as kids.
The paints were also something of a revelation. Their tiny boxes come with a little bowl on the inside of the cover, which means you can flip the box over closed, wait a few moments, then flip it back up, open it and have enough paint on the bowl to get cracking (after putting some water for thinning, as the owner explained). It was and still is deeply interesting, but more importantly, it made me feel very confident about the possibility of Doing This Thing. These were not complex tools with mysterious uses, these were facilitators. They existed to make things easier. And it took me actually seeing them to realize that.
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As for the model itself, the shop had a whole bunch of cheap kits for about six to nine dollars each, which was exactly what I was looking for. I figured, if I was going to absolutely ruin a model with clumsy rookie mistakes, it was better to waste less than ten bucks on it. Plus, I’ve always liked the good ol’ MiG-21, and I’d just come out of a very fun run with it in AC7. And looking back, I think it’s also interesting that it was very much NOT a model me or my brother had built during our first run. It wasn’t something I was thinking about when I bought it, but in hindsight, the spirit of “I wanna try a new thing” was there.
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Building the model was mercifully easy. There were very few parts to it, and I’d already learned the value of painting the small ones directly on the sprue first. I did mess up a couple of key things, like the cockpit which ended up a little too much to one side, which in turn messed up the landing gear. In fact, all the landing gears ended up looking pretty clunky. And I also did an absolute shit job of gluing the tail stabilizers, which means looking at the plane from the front or the back makes me want to cry a little.
But once that was done, it was time to face my demons and paint the damn thing. And that was when a decision was made, one that revealed one of the key aspects of the hobby that are incredibly obvious but I guess I still needed to experience for myself. See, the owner had given me two paints, with the intention that I use gray for the fuselage and black for wheels and maybe some inner parts. But once I had the thing mostly assembled, I looked at my two options and thought... why not? Why not follow Mick Jagger’s advice? Why not paint it, black?
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That was, I think, where everything finally started to click with me. In one fell swoop I learned two important lessons. One, that model kits are for you, that they can be about trying to mimic reality as closely as possible if you want, but they can also be about painting a MiG in the blackest black possible just because you think it’d be cool. And two, that painting was way, way, waaaaaay easier than I’d ever feared. Watching paint dry might be boring, but seeing all the little details in the fuselage slowly reappear after a coat that I was terrified had drowned them was a weird kind of thrill. As was seeing the finished product and realizing the plastic looked like it was black to begin with. I even took the trouble of painting the wheels and the tires in different colors, a clumsy attempt that still ended up looking shockingly OK. It was riveting. It was a mess and there’s still a couple of places where you can see my inexperience, but that meant nothing in the face of the increasingly cool shape my little plane was taking on.
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And that was, in a very conscious way, the secondary objective of this whole idea. I wanted to get back into modeling because I was falling back in love with planes, sure, but I also thought it’d help me deal with a bit of a mental hurdle I’ve been working on for a while now. It’s that particular brand of perfectionism that a lot of people share where I try something for the first time, and if I fail at it in any way, I immediately lose all motivation to keep trying. My brain just puts it in the “Welp, we suck at that, let’s never try that again” cabinet and padlocks it away. It’s something that had kept me away from trying a lot of new things, but during 2022 I’d been slowly trying to find ways to overcome it, to learn to live with failures both big and small, to be more patient with myself and the process of gaining experience. And above all, to internalize the value of something done 90% or 80% or even just 70% well. To be happy with imperfection.
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And that MiG-21 was hella imperfect. Especially once I tried decaling. It only had eight decals, six of which were red stars, and I hilariously misplaced all of them. To my credit, none were destroyed, and the numbers on the side of the nose were pretty OK, but the rest are just all over the place and I didn’t have the courage to try to dampen them and try again. I chose to accept them in all their messy glory. The one error I couldn’t accept, though, was that the construction had left this MiG very tail-heavy, to the point where every time I laid it down, it’d pop a wheelie.
The problem turned out to be an easy and even fun little fix that, again, taught me two important lessons: one, every issue you ever face while building a model has at least twenty tutorials on how to fix it online, and two, making model kits involves a frankly ridiculous mix of extremely specific tools made for this task and this task only, and then a bunch of homemade recipes and random items for everything else. In my case, I went down to a fishing store and bought ten tiny balls of lead, then glued like five of those inside the MiG’s nose. Which was kinda overkill and led to an ugly warping of plastic, but whatever, yay imperfections!
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And that’s how I finished my first new model, which I completed on the exact morning of my birthday. I showed some pictures of it to my family, who already knew I was planning to get back into it and were all pretty supportive of it. To my great pleasure, my older brother really liked what he saw. It made me happy to see him reunite by proxy with what had once been his hobby as well. But I also admit, there was a small part of me that was also inordinately proud that I’d “beat” him at finishing a model, paints and all. We’ve never been competitive, him and I, but on this very small, decades-old contest that we never knew even existed, I’d overtaken him. And I’m still in first place.
As for the MiG, it sits snugly on my shelf, the first of several, full of mistakes and imperfections but still somewhat impressive in its anthracite coat. I’d go back to it a couple of times once I learned a few more tricks, but for now I was satisfied with it. I was happy. And the best part of it was that I wanted more.
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ibitsunahaato · 2 years
The Brightest Star 166: Heart
Time: Late at night.
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Hiiro: (...)
(The stars really cannot be seen tonight.)
(Since stars are the only things that are the same even in my hometown, I thought seeing them would bring me peace.)
(I thought that this other-worldly city I know nothing about may then seem like land adjoining my hometown and hence part of the same world—)
(Then, I would have been able to use some of the things I’ve learnt and acquired in my hometown. I wouldn’t have thought that everything was for naught and become perplexed.)
(...I wonder if Nii-san has already gone back home. Yeah, Nii-san always works fast.)
(Which is exactly why, at the very least, I didn’t want to be shaken off and lose sight of Nii-san’s back… But even when I thought I was trying my very best.)
Aira: He~y, you singing, dancing caveman over there.
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Hiiro: …Aira.
Wh-What happened? You mustn’t walk around during these late hours. Since dangerous wild animals emerge in the middle of the night, you know?
Aira: Yeah, like Hiro-kun, for example. He~y Hiro-kun, you seem to think of me like a little kid, huh?
This is still inside Seisoukan’s grounds, so a little stroll is fine, right?
Hiiro: …Umu. The city seems to operate on the basis of a structure known as democracy, so each and every person is a monarch.
As long as you do not violate the laws, you have the freedom to do whatever you want—But…
Aira: Hm… You were also taking a walk, Hiro-kun?
Hiiro: Umu. When I stay still under the covers, I start thinking about various things and get anxious.
I’m sorry, I should have been resting my body in order to prepare for MDM.
Aira: Even if you apologise to me, I’ve also been wandering around in the middle of the night just like you.
But I’m glad. Since you sneaked away from your bed at night… I thought you were going back to your hometown for real?
Hiiro: ? I’m not going back. My hometown is no longer a place I can return to.
Hiiro: I’ve been disowned, you see. Nii-san even said something about destroying me if I returned.
Aira: You brothers… Why are all your word choices so disturbing?
Hiiro: But even if you say that… In my hometown, I’ve never had many personal conversations—or anything beyond what was necessary for survival—with anyone except Nii-san.
I think Nii-san’s vocabulary naturally influenced me.
Aira: Hmm~ Hiro-kun’s always nonsensically saying stuff like “Let’s be friends!” so I thought you had plenty of friends in your hometown.
Hiiro: Mmm~ I also had a position back home, so I don’t think I had any friends on equal footing.
Hiiro: However, if a ‘friend’ is ‘someone who is not an enemy’, almost everyone was my friend.
Aira: Wait, no. Mmm~... Do you know the meaning of the word ‘friend’?
Hiiro: Do you know, Aira?
Aira: Huh? H-Hmm~... But I was a loner throughout elementary and middle school?
It wasn't that I didn't trust people, but I feel like I gave up thinking that even if I made friends, we’d get separated soon anyway?
That’s why, y’know, I was actually so happy… When Hiro-kun went “Let’s be friends!” right when we first met…
I was so worn out till then, but I felt like I was given something.
No. I felt like something was about to start… I was excited.
To be honest—Ever since then, every day has been like living in a dream. Everyday, unpleasant things and scary things have happened, but it’s been so much fun and I’m so happy.
If possible, I don’t want these days to ever end. Of course, that doesn’t mean that I want to be a dropout forever…
But I want to keep being able to sing and dance; cry, laugh and get mad; with everyone in ALKALOID just like this.
Although it hasn’t been long since we met—It feels strange to even me, but—I love you all.
So I want to stay together forever. I want to be friends forever. I want to be companions forever—
I don’t know how to put it, but I’m glad that you’re still with us, Hiro-kun.
Earlier in the evening, the Hiro-kun who stood stock still in the Hanging Gardens, he looked like he’d disappear if I took my eyes off of him.
Hiiro: …
Aira: And even now, you know? Lots of terrible stuff has happened and the pain and anxiety may make you want to disappear… But don’t go anywhere, Hiro-kun.
I’d be lonely if you disappeared.
Hiiro: —Aira, do you need me?
Aira: You keep saying that… But ‘need’ feels kinda calculating, and I don’t really like it.
We’re friends, so I want us to stay together. At least, I do.
So I’ll work hard not to lose this. Compared to you all, I’m totally useless with no real talent or strength, but I’ll do everything to protect this place where I belong.
I’ll do my best as a part of ALKALOID even on the real MDM stage. Just like what Tattsun-senpai said… Crazy:B’s in a state of ruin right now.
The position we were given as a trump card has also basically come to nothing.
But it’s not like I wanted to be the protagonist of that story or anything.
You see, ever since I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to be an idol.
Hiiro: …
Aira: Which is why, I’ll sing and dance on stage. I’ll make the people who find us have so much fun. I’ll make them smile… I’ll give them the happiest time possible.
Since I was given the same thing by idols.
—What about you, Hiro-kun? What do you want to do?
How do you want to live?
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Rinne: Hiiro, what kind of adult do you want to be in the future?
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Hiiro: …
Aira: Not because someone ordered you to, or because that’s how it was in your hometown—Think and decide by yourself.
If it’s something you decide by yourself, then we’ll respect it for sure.
We’ll help you with everything we have—No, we’ll work together with you.
So… tell me your honest feelings. You don’t have to worry so much about hurting me or anything—
You’re always trying to protect me… But I’m only a year apart from you, y’know?
You don’t have to play big brother and protect me.
Hiiro: …
…Umu. Yeah, it’s exactly as Aira says.
‘Protecting’ is like—
Aira: Hm? What’s up, Hiro-kun? You’re being kinda slow to react… Wanna go beddy-bye after all?
Even I’m getting sleepy from all the rambling—*yawns*♪
Hiiro: Aira, I…
Aira: Hm? Sorry, just a sec. My phone’s vibrating… Who could it be this late at night?
Huh, it’s not from HallHands, but from my social media account.
This account was still around, huh… Seems to have been automatically linked—And I have a notif about a new message.
Hmm? This icon…?
Ah, I see… ‘That kid’ who felt kinda nostalgic~ Actually, I feel like I should’ve realised much sooner… I’m such an idiot.
Hiiro: ? What do you mean… What is this about?
Aira: Hmm~ Just that I got a message after a long time, from a friend who shouldn’t have been around.
Hiiro: …?
Writer: Akira
story masterlist
EN Proofing: alishanshan_
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greatdamecygnus · 2 years
(11/21) Many countries, no home
I’ve been down about my ethnic background a little lately. 
When I was heading back home from Ohio a couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to watch some in-flight movies that I’ve been meaning to get to. The first one I watched and that hit me the hardest during the flight was Selena. With Edward James Olmos playing Selena’s father, a line that I took away was a personal struggle that I’ve always faced, even as an adult: “We have to be more Mexican than the Mexicans and more American than the Americans, both at the same time! It’s exhausting!”
For those who haven’t seen the movie or who haven’t watched it in a very long time, he refers to needing to be “twice as perfect”, and that you’re never enough for both cultures if you’re of mixed descent. Selena is Mexican-American. I am Japanese-Mexican-Polish-American. And something that’s been bothering me quite a bit to the point of tears a couple of weeks ago is still continued lack of belonging. I’ve carried a lot of this since I was a kid.
Growing up, I had never fit into any crowd. And honestly, I still don’t. I wasn’t “Japanese” enough because, like Selena, growing up I didn’t know the language or follow all the cultural standards or social conventions -- long dark hair, quiet and conserved, ridiculously polite, excelling at everything and anything (although that is also just very much an asian thing). I wasn’t “White” enough because, well, I didn’t look white. I think the only one I have never really been criticized for, funny enough, is being Hispanic: between me having very expansive knowledge of some food, cultural traditions, and influences, it’s never been an issue. In terms of being able to speak the language, I used to be able to speak Spanish okay after taking it in school for so long, but now it’s piecemeal.
I love my friends a lot. I love my partner a lot. But none of them are ever going to understand what it’s like being multiple races at once, and never fitting into any one place. I think my brother probably felt (and maybe still feels) the same way too. My friends are homogenized in that they rarely stray from their own circles, whether they recognize it or not. The thing is too, none of them are going to be a part of an eternal guessing-game when you get introduced.
“What are you?” I get. I tell people my ethnicities. They find it interesting.
Unfortunately, my anxiety brain made a conclusion (which is very well possible) that for some people, I’m not their type because I don’t fit into their cultural circle. And that pains me because it means that, at least lately, I will never be white or “whiter”. I don’t think people realize that it’s a constant struggle for me. 
Two weeks ago, I got to meet a music artist and producer who is born and raised Japanese and who could barely speak English. A lot of us had a good laugh when some of the people who attended this event that this producer was at got “nihongo jouzu’d”. For those not particularly in the know, it’s a joke from an American who is fluent in Japanese (with correct inflections which is super difficult to train) who mentions that most Japanese people from Japan will say condescendingly “nihongo jouzu desu ne?” (You’re Japanese is good) toward foreigners trying to speak the language. 
I ended up getting that line from him, and for three seconds, I wanted to burst out crying in utter embarassment, but then he had said in Japanese after saying that line, (my comprehension is much better than my speaking), “out of everyone I’ve talked to so far, your Japanese is ACTUALLY good”. It was one of the very few affirmations I’ve ever really gotten from a cultural perspective.
It sure as hell quelled the constant anxiety of “tu espanol es muy malo” or “your eyes are slanted, though” or even “anata wa nihonjin ja nai”. 
I know my parents had imparted onto me to reject conformity and to forge my own path. I don’t (really) regret what I’ve become, but the road is really lonely and it gets hard at times. I love me, but it is also difficult at times to be me.
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moonflowerdamie · 2 years
i’ve just finished vol 1 of stranger things and i’m gonna rant about my thoughts so:
holy shit it was incredible! the vibe, the plot, the characters, all *chefs kiss* perfection. it was all amazing tbh, but i’m just gonna talk about my personal favourite things from the season.
• ep 4–‘dear billy’:
holy mother of god this episode. this fucking episode. possibly the best stranger things episode ever, if i’m honest. max’s storyline this season was brilliant, dealing with the loss of her abuser/brother, high school, a fading friend group—it was a dark twist for the character, but one that felt gritty in such a natural way. billy didn’t get a redemption arc (thank god) but max still dealt with the loss in a very real, very raw way that felt so genuine—big pat on the back for the duffer brothers there.
this episode, though. we got to see max’s true feelings; her isolation, her grief, her suicidal thoughts and feelings. it was a real exploration of her character that made me love her all the more.
and i can’t not talk about that end scene. holy. fucking. shit. the cinematography, the song choice, the way it swelled as max rose from the ground, the tension, the suspense, the goddamn flashbacks. all of it was just fucking breathtaking. i was crying and shaking the whole time. max’s determination to get back to her family, the way she collapses in lucas’s arms. absolutely the best scene in stranger things history, and one of my favourite scenes of all time in anything ever. chills. every time. and sadie sink deserves all the awards for her performance, i’ll stand by that. icon behaviour.
• the vecna/001 storyline:
this had me gripped from the start. honestly, i was so intrigued the whole time—and it was played out incredibly well.
from the first scene making us think eleven killed those kids, to the big reveal that 001 had been behind it all along, to eleven blasting him into the upside down and creating vecna. phew. was on the edge of my seat from the start.
it also makes sense in a way that’s not too perfect, but just perfect enough. it’s a reason for all previous seasons, a perfect storm. it felt like the stuff of epics, the final enemy, the final battle. mwah, i loved it.
• eddie, steve and dustin:
i loved them this season. best boys 4 life.
we got the steve and dustin best bros dynamic back, plus seeing how much they mean to each other through eddie coming between them. perfection. i love those little doofuses.
and eddie himself was great. brilliant character, comedic and interesting. good job joe quinn.
i’d never really hated or loved this ship before season 4. i mean, it was kinda cute, but i never got all the hype surrounding it. now, i think i do.
their angst this season was just 😤. the way you can so clearly see that they still care for each other, the way they still need each other. lucas being max’s safe haven. max being the one lucas is vulnerable around. amazing, spectacular. it’s clear they love each other, they just need to figure some stuff out first. my second fav ship of the season.
and here we go, my favourite thing from stranger things season 4 vol 1:
oh. my. god. these two stole the show for me.
their dynamic was just immaculate the whole way through—from bickering strangers to grudging allies to genuine friendship. it was exactly what i imagined for them and natalia and maya played it so well. their scenes were honestly my favourite. and whilst i love them as friends, i’m a feral ronance shipper—and lemme tell you, i was FED.
firstly, robin tells steve in the video store that she rambles around the girls she likes. cut to robin talking non-stop around nancy in the library. ROBIN I KNOW UR SECRET BABE.
then, we see tammy thompson (finally), who could be a carbon copy of nancy wheeler, from the style down to the heart eyes for steve. SHIT robin, do you have a type—popular pretty girl who falls for the preppy pretty boy? just admit you like nancy already oh my god.
robin’s obsession with having nancy like her?? the fucking lesbianism of it! like, wanting this other girl so desperately to think you’re cool that you end up being so annoying she has to shut you up with mystery and monsters? the gay agenda. needing to be her friend but you don’t know why until—oh shit, that’s why.
the way they just complete each other!!! they bounce off each other so easily, coming up with all the plans and the genius ideas and basically saving the whole group together. the way they play off each other in the asylum, convincing the guy to let them see victor (and holy shit the way nancy looks at robin during her speech). they save max’s life together, and are the only reason the group can save themselves from vecna and i just think that’s neat.
finally, to address the stancy plot line. it’s clear the duffers are trying to make it seem like steve and nancy will get back together, and who knows, maybe they will. but i think (i hope) the duffers are smarter than that.
nancy and steve are the characters who have had the most development over the course of the show. they’ve both grown into themselves, become different and better people. and to have them get back together would completely defeat their respective arcs. i can see them being good friends, but i don’t think they’d realistically work as a couple again.
for one reason, it was made clear in nancy’s vecna vision that her biggest fear, the thing that haunts her most, is that she killed barb, that barb died because she slept with steve. that shit still fucks with 3 years later. and i think she’ll always associate that guilt with him, no matter what. i don’t think she’ll move past that enough to have a healthy relationship with him.
for another, steve clearly doesn’t know what he wants—and i think he needs to figure that out on his own. he’s desperate for love, that’s obvious, and he’s latched onto nancy because she’s his ex who’s showing interest. i think he needs to come into himself a little more before he thinks of trying a relationship.
finally, it’d be pretty cruel of the duffer brothers to have nancy do what she did to steve with jonathan to jonathan with steve. it’d be unoriginal and disappointing, and it wouldn’t really make sense. at least have nancy and jonathan break up officially first, you know?
so no, i don’t think steve and nancy will get back together. and i also think jonathan and nancy will break up when she realises they don’t need each other anymore. they were trauma-bonded, that’s true, but she’s doing well on her own, and they want to take separate paths in life. so that leaves nancy a single pringle.
and who’s right there with her? robin motherfucking buckley.
robin, who annoyed the shit out of her at first, who is frustratingly clever and infuriatingly funny. robin, who saved max’s life, who tried to help nancy, unselfishly, with her love life when they barely even knew each other. robin, who’s become the closest thing she has to a friend since barb.
robin, who i think is gonna save her life.
last time we saw nancy, she was under vecna’s curse. and we all know the only way to break the trance is to play that person’s favourite song. and sure, steve might know it and that’ll be that, but what if he doesn’t? what if he can’t save her?
robin will step in. we saw her routing through nancy’s draws in her room, and we saw her holding some of nancy’s tapes. i don’t think that was a coincidence. i think robin knows nancy’s favourite song and is going to save her life with it.
and boom. just like that, robin stops being the annoying new friend. robin becomes the life-saver, the ally, the rock in the middle of the hurricane. and nancy starts to fall for her.
but what do i know, eh?
anyways, those are my thoughts on season 4 volume 1!!!! i’d love to hear yours—just send me an ask, some of your ideas about what’s gonna happen in vol 2, what your thoughts about the first volume are—love you guys :)
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Could you write a Draco Malfoy x Slytherin !Potter!reader. Y/N and Draco have been dating since first year but haven’t told anyone because people think she might be the only “good slytherin” and to prevent Harry from freaking out they stay quiet till the Quitage World Cup where she goes with Draco and his father and spent the summer with them rather than the weasles . Pansy and Blaise know about Y/N and Draco because the 4 of them became best friends through the years (and reader won’t be only friends with Harry’s friends) . Harry and Y/N get into an argument when they return to Hogwarts the summer of the Triwizard cup and how she’s a traitor (EVEN tho that’s her house) and a disgrace for being with him. So she accepted that and that he hates her so she spends the next year mainly with her house giving the trio the cold shoulder and when the war happened draco and his mother protected her and hid her so Harry was looking for her that time but she was gon so after the war the 4 (Draco Pansy and blasé) walk into the great hall and the golden trio see that Y/N is engaged to Draco and Harry just apologizes and they catch up after all those years.
The Potter Twins
A/n: This has got to be one of the best requests I've ever seen anyone answer. I'm so gratefully you asked me to write it!! Thank you. Also, I did use lines from the book just to make the story work. I could have probably written a whole series so this is very long, I'm sorry. @loxbbg
"Y/n Potter." Professor McGonagall's shrill voice boomed. Just like that, the whole school's attention was on Y/n.
So many students, so much older than her, all focused on her. Probably, she had only just discovered, because of her last name.
The girl and the boy who lived. Apparently, they were famous.
On their 11th birthday, she hadn't expected a giant wizard man to come and whisk the twins away from the horrible Dursleys. But, he was nice and he knew their parents.
Y/n was always treated better than Harry. Aunt Petunia seemed to love her more, even letting her have a big bedroom.
Hagrid, she found out, had taken them shopping and brought them ice cream. While she thought it was all a hallucination when she was able to run through a wall, she knew something strange was happening.
After that, she had met a redhead, Ron. He was dorky but kind to the siblings. And, he seemed to know a lot about the wizarding world.
Y/n took a few tentative steps before sitting on the stool. She was hyperaware of the fact everyone was watching, not able to keep the blush off her cheeks.
The heavy hat was draped onto her head, weighing her down.
"Hmm, the other Potter. You would do good in Gryffindor." The hat whispered to her, making her widen her eyes. She hadn't expected it to talk. It was an object. How could it possibly talk?
Y/n was amazed at the whole thing. It still felt like a dream. The great hall was phenomenal, and she couldn't wait to explore the castle. It was unreal.
Y/n flicked her eyes to her brother. He was already sitting at the Gryffindor table, smiling at her. She hoped she would get to be with him, even though she didn't grasp the house concept. Plus, he was near the other girl, Hermione.
Hermione seemed to know a lot about wizards, and Y/n wanted to be informed. It was like she had finally discovered her missing part.
"I remember your parents. I think you could do just like them." The hat continued. Y/n kept hoping. Hoping she wouldn't go without Harry. The thought of her parents made her heartache, she knew so little about them, but she had heard so much about them in the last few days.
"Slytherin!" The hat roared. Y/n's eyes instantly widened, looking frantically at her brother. How was it possible? The hat had decided she would do good in Gryffindor. She wanted to be with her brother and Ron and Hermione.
Just like that, the hat was off her head. Y/n was speechless as she wandered over to the Slytherin table. Somehow, they all looked mean.
She hadn't noticed who she sat next to until the boy spoke. "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He introduced himself, puffing out his chest proudly.
"Y/n Potter." Y/n introduced, despite knowing he already knew.
"I'm Pansy Parkinson." A girl with short black hair interrupted their conversation. "We're going to be sleeping in the same dorm, do you want to be friends?" She asked. A picture of confidence.
Y/n didn't know what to do but nod. "Yeah."
"Now shove off, Parkinson. We're talking." Draco interrupted the girls.
Y/n looked concerned at Pansy, but she didn't look offended at all. "Don't worry. Dracie and I have been friends since we were kids. He doesn't mean it." She reassured the girl, noticing her surprised look. The nickname made Y/n giggle, recognising the look on Draco's face as disgust.
"We're not friends." Draco joked, stoic face. Pansy hit him on the arm.
Y/n liked them already. She could tell they would be good friends. Plus, they filled the gap she was missing, not having Harry next to her.
Harry managed to get a chance to talk to Y/n after the feast. He quickly wrapped her in his arms, comforting his sister.
"I'm sorry we're not in the same house," Y/n told him, feeling guilty.
Harry shook his head. "It's not your fault. It's that weird hat's."
"It's strange, isn't it?" Y/n giggled, not feeling like crying anymore. "I don't know what so much of this means." She continued, feeling nervous about the whole situation.
"I know." Harry agreed with a nod. "We'll get through it together. I just want to know more about mum and dad, and it's good if we don't have to stay with Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon." Y/n nodded to that. They were horrible people. "We should go to our rooms now. It'll be okay." He comforted her.
She gave him another quick hug. "Thanks, Harry." She told him before turning around to walk off.
"Wait, Y/n!" Harry called, she spun back around to face him. "I've heard Malfoy is bad news, be careful." He warned. Y/n nodded, reassuring him she'd be cautious.
She didn't believe it, though, as she skipped off to the common room.
It was only a week into classes when Y/n figured out not everyone at Hogwarts was nicer than the Dursley's. Mainly Professor Snape. For no reason, he seemed to hate Harry. They dissected it later in Hagrid's cottage.
"'S 'cause yeh look like yer mum." Hagrid offered as an explanation. That confused the twins and Ron, who came with them. Hagrid sighed, realising he had to explain it. "Snape loved her, way back, but she married yer dad. He couldn' stand yer dad. Anyway, tha''s all history now. Unfortunately, he's one to hold a grudge. Don' let it bother yeh." He told the children.
Harry just sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Okay, I'm used to Dudley, anyway." He figured Hogwarts was a lot better than the Dursley's house.
"What about yeh, Y/n, how's Slytherin? They're not pickin' on yeh?" Hagrid asked, switched his attention to the small girl.
"It's alright. I've made lots of friends." Y/n had actually had a rather good week. She'd befriended Pansy and a girl named Daphne. As well as Draco, with who she was very close. That was just in her house. Somehow, she'd managed to sit next to Hermione in a class, Lavender too, and a girl named Hannah Abbot from Hufflepuff.
"Good." Hagrid nodded. "Yeh best be off now." He told them, taking the last sip of his drink.
The 3 of them nodded, getting up and leaving the cottage.
"You know, we've got our first flying lesson next week?" Ron asked the twins, trying to brighten the mood. He could tell they were both thinking about their parents.
Y/n did know. Draco had talked about it nonstop. He was beyond excited.
Harry nodded as well. "I'm not sure I'm going to be any good." He mentioned, lightly blushing.
"I'm sure you'll both be fine. It is in your blood." Ron told them. Y/n and Harry both looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, confused about what he meant. However, he didn't elaborate.
Y/n went to watch Harry's first Quidditch practise, despite him telling her not to. He said it was a waste of time when it was just practice. But she was extremely proud of him. She knew their parents would be proud too.
So she hid in the Slytherin bleaches, hoping Harry wouldn't spot her.
It was slightly chilly, the night wind whipping at her skin. That's when she felt the drape on a coat on her shoulder.
Y/n whipped her head around to see who it was, only to be met with the blonde's features. She definitely had a bit of a crush on him. He was cute and the first boy who had ever paid her attention.
Draco took a seat next to her, giving her a smile. "Hi." He whispered.
"Hi, Dray." It was a nickname she had quickly picked up, noticing how it made him blush. "You don't have to sit out here." She assured him.
"I want to," Draco confirmed.
Y/n knew he was jealous. Draco had done nothing but talk about how much he loved Quidditch. And Harry, who he thought was a blood traitor, had gotten all his success. So it was big that he wanted to sit with her.
They watched in silence before Draco spoke. "Did you know Pansy is dating Blaise?" He asked her.
Y/n shook her head rapidly. "I thought she liked you."
Draco stuck his tongue out in disgust. "No, I hope not. I did have a question though..." He trailed off, cheeks heating pink. He was bouncing his knee up and down nervously.
Y/n had never seen him like that. "What is it?" She asked.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Draco asked hesitantly. Y/n immediately nodded, accepting the offer. She had never felt happier and more relieved.
"Of course, Dray." She agreed immediately his face relaxed. Y/n reached over and laced her fingers in his, not concerned about how sweaty his palms were. "We can't tell Harry though." She suddenly realised, remembering her brother's words. Draco had never been kind to any of the Gryffindor's, despite them being her friends.
Draco nodded. "Okay." He accepted. Y/n was very thankful he agreed to her request.
3rd year was the most stressful yet, for Y/n. She and Draco were still secretly dating, much to Blaise and Pansy's surprise. They couldn't believe how long it had lasted. But Y/n and Draco were drawn to each other, as friends and lovers.
Summer break was also difficult for Y/n. Aunt Marge's visit had ruined the twins birthday. On top of that, apparently, a psychotic wizard had escaped. The Dursley's didn't understand what that would mean. But Y/n and Harry saw just what dark magic could do to Ginny Weasly last year. It was devastating and powerful.
Y/n ran away with Harry when he blew up Aunt Marge. Aunt Petunia had started being much meaner to her, the older she got. While Y/n didn't know Lily, she thought it might have been the reason Aunt Petunia started shunning her.
So, she stayed at the leaky cauldron with Harry. It was the first time she felt happy to not have parents, there were no rules.
Y/n was hiding something. All the letter her owl, Edwige, was bringing her. All from Draco. She figured Harry was too tied up in his own life to think anything was odd. He probably assumed it was Hermione.
The whole train ride all Harry, Ron and Hermione wanted to talk about was terrifying Sirius Black who was trying to murder the twins.
The train's sudden stop frightened Y/n. As the compartment grew cold, she thought it was Sirius, there to kill them. When the Dementor's bony fingers slide open the door, her heart raced, almost beating out of her chest.
This was it. She was going to die from a faceless ghost. It started to suck the life out of Harry and she froze, not knowing how to help her brother.
Thankfully, the cloaked figure in the corner sprung up, scaring the spirit away.
Y/n rushed to get to Harry, but he had already fainted. He was dazed and confused when he woke, Lupin, as Y/n had come to known, handing him some chocolate.
Once Lupin had re-explained what happened, to Harry, he left.
The Potter twins connection let Y/n feel the fear Harry was in, despite being the braver.
Y/n was more than happy to get off the train, being able to sit next to her boyfriend. The Gryffindor table couldn't see them, so they were free to subtly hold hands.
It didn't feel the same that year. Draco was much darker and meaner. He was mean to Hermione and Hagrid, two of Y/n's companions. She didn't understand it.
Their relationship issues came to a head on the date of Buckbeaks execution. Draco and Y/n didn't agree on the situation but it got worse as she roamed the castle with Harry, Hermione and Ron.
As soon as Y/n saw Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle hiding behind that rock she knew today was going to be her breaking point. She didn't understand why he couldn't just shut his mouth and not say anything.
"Have you ever seen anything quite as pathetic?" said Malfoy. "And he’s supposed to be our teacher!" The look on his face was pure disgust. His eyes flicked up to meet Y/n's, not back down from the remarks he'd made as she stared him down.
It was then she realised it. He cared more about maintaining his arrogant reputation than he did his own girlfriend. The thought broke her heart.
Harry and Ron both marched to him, with Hermione one step ahead. Y/n awkwardly stood there, not knowing how to come between her secret boyfriend and friends.
Hermione got to him first, landing a solid punch to his nose. It was as hard as she could, landing a solid sound.
Draco stumbled back, Crabbe and Goyle rushing to hold him up. He gave Y/n a final look as he ran past her.
Y/n's eyes were already filling with tears. Hermione noticed. "Are you alright?" She asked.
She quickly thought up a lie. "I'm sorry... It's just all of this with Buckbeard is difficult. Can you tell Hagrid I'm really sorry?" She stuttered out, the tears streaming down her cheeks.
They all brought the lie, Harry wrapping her in a hug before they walked off. She stood there and cried for a few minutes, all alone. Like no one in the world cared about her.
It quickly turned to anger, her blood boiling. She stormed off to the Slytherin common room, knowing Draco was too proud to go to the hospital wing.
She found him there, on the couch, Crabbe and Goyle at his side.
"I can't believe Granger," Draco exclaimed, not noticing Y/n. "She's a filthy mudblood I could easily get expelled."
"Tell your father." Goyle prompted. Crabbe and Goyle were the best henchmen, dumb and wanting to cause trouble.
"Goyle, Crabbe, I need to speak to Malfoy," Y/n announced. They didn't understand what she meant. "Alone." They finally understood, scurrying out of the room.
Draco didn't look concerned, his eyes challenging her. "What do you want? Hanging out with your idiot twin, that poor, blood traitor Weaslbee and mudblood Granger." He was just as pissed as Y/n was. Maybe, it was the anger for Granger he was taking out on Y/n.
She couldn't hide it anymore. "We're done." She told him. "I cannot be with you when you hate everyone that loves me."
"Fine." Draco shrugged. "I don't care."
That was the last thing Y/n heard from him as she stormed to her dorm room, a sobbing mess. Pansy quickly wrapped her in a hug, not needing to know what happened.
It was the end of term before Y/n even looked in Draco's direction again. She spent all those nights silently sobbing. The slight silver lining was she had gotten much closer to Harry, Hermione and Ron, no longer spending hours with Draco.
He'd trapped her when she was alone in the bleachers, just like he did on their first week.
He didn't place a jacket on her, rather some sunglasses. "Hi." He murmured, hesitantly sitting next to her. Draco was sure Y/n hated him.
"Hey." She replied. The truth was, she missed him. Draco was a part of her, they had grown up in love. They were never meant to fall out of it.
"Enjoying your last day?" Draco asked awkwardly. They felt like they were back in their first year, acting self-consciously.
She nodded, not interested in his small talk. "Yeah, I'm all packed as well." She still refused to look at him.
"I'm sorry." It came tumbling out like he didn't know how to say it. That made her turn her attention to him.
Y/n couldn't help but love him. She never wanted to break up, ever. "Me too." She replied.
Y/n wrapped her arms around him, pulling him in for a hug. He just looked so precious.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Draco asked, the question was phrased differently this time but it still reminded her of the shy first year.
"Yes." Y/n agreed. She had never known heartbreak like being without Draco.
"Also... I want it to be real this time." That made Y/n worry. She didn't want Harry to find out yet. There was no one Harry hated more. "Will you stay with us these holidays? And come to the Quidditch World Cup?" He asked shyly. That was the bashful boy she adored.
So far, Y/n's plans were to go to the Durley's. She'd just lie to them and say she was staying with Pansy. They wouldn't care because they didn't love her.
'Yes." Y/n told him. "I'm terrified to meet your parents." She admitted.
Draco took her hand in his. "Love, you have nothing to worry about." He assured her. In truth, he also had doubts about his father. Y/n was a Potter.
Once they left the bleachers, Y/n went to see Harry. The trio was in the courtyard.
"Oh Y/n, we were looking for you." Ron pipped up as she took a seat next to them. She tried to not blush too much. "Do you want to come to the Quidditch World Cup with us?" He asked. Uh oh.
"I'm really sorry. I told Pansy I'd go with her family." Y/n lied once again. She felt terrible doing it but she had to. Plus, they weren't going to find out.
"That's fine. Are staying with her the whole summer?" Harry asked. Y/n hated to have to nod. She knew they were keeping a brave face on but they were disappointed.
Y/n's lie worked. She made it to out of the station with Draco without anyone seeing.
They got in the car and, from there, they travelled to the manor. It was fabulous. Better than she could ever imagine. Pointed towers and perfectly done gardens, she was in another world.
"Hey, it'll be okay," Draco assured her, taking his hand in hers as they made it to the door. She had already met their house-elf, who carried the bags.
Draco knocked on the door, trying to seem brave. Narcissa swung it open, arms wide open to pull Draco in. Y/n admired how close they were. She had seen Narcissa once before when she came to see Draco. They weren't introduced but Y/n admired how elegant she looked.
"Y/n Potter, right?" Narcissa asked once she had let her boy go.
"Yes, Mrs Malfoy. It's a pleasure to meet you." Y/n politely said.
Narcissa giggled, shaking her head. "Don't be silly, you can call me Narcissa." She said before opening her arms up for the girl. She hugged for just as long as she hugged Draco, making Y/n feel very comfortable.
Lucius walked over, making Y/n's heart race.
"Draco." He greeted his son with a handshake, much less warm than his mother.
Then he turned to Y/n, staring down his nose at her. She had never felt as small. "You must be Y/n Potter?" He held out his hand.
"Yes, sir," Y/n replied, shaking his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
Lucius just scowled. Narcissa interrupted the tension. "Come, kids, we can talk in the living room." Just like that, she was part of the family.
The Malfoy tent at the Quidditch world cup was impressive. It was grand and dark like the manor.
Her summer with Draco was the best of her life, not that the others were much to compare to. Narcissa was the kindest woman she'd ever know. When she realised Y/n's birthday was the 31st of July, she insisted on throwing a large party.
She let Y/n pick out all the decorations, taking her on a shopping spree to Diagon Alley. Then, they had a spa day and afternoon tea party with Pansy and Daphne and some of Narcissa's friends. As much as she wanted to, Y/n figured it wasn't right to invite Hermione and Ginny.
That night, they had dinner out with the girls, Draco, Theo and Blaise. It was the best day of her life. It only got better when a massive cake was wheeled out, and a cart for of gifts. She was sure it was more than Dudley had ever gotten.
Draco's was the most special. It was a necklace, a traditional Black family one. On it was their initials.
Y/n made sure to stay in contact with Harry, but things had started to slip. She figured he was just busy but she missed him, and their other friends.
It was difficult for Y/n to get along with Lucius, knowing how close he was to Voldemort, the man who was trying to kill her. Somehow, they just didn't talk about it.
"Are you ready to go?" Draco asked, adjusting his black blazer. She couldn't believe how good he looked, a full black suit. His blonde hair parted in the middle. He had grown into his looks majorly over the summer.
"Yeah." Y/n nodded, putting her last earing in. They were a gift from Narcissa, real emeralds. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach she was trying to shake off as anticipation.
"Okay, Mum has already gone to our box. We're going in with my Father." He told her, walking over to grab her hand. Physical contact was something the couple had gotten used to. It was no longer awkward.
Y/n took his hand, lacing their fingers as they walked out of the tent. Draco was taller than her now, he hadn't been in first year. His slim thumb traced over her knuckles mindlessly.
Lucius didn't seem to mind the two of them being so close. The sky had darkened, and the crowds were already cheering. While Y/n had never been to a muggle sports game, she thought this was better. It was noisy but spectacular.
Draco and Y/n talked as they walked, him occasionally bumping into her shoulder. It always made her giggle.
When she heard Lucius' cruel voice, she looked back at him. He was looking up. Y/n followed his eye line. The Weasley's. Hermione. Harry.
Her brain stopped working, and she froze. The look on Harry's face was pure fury. He was looking between her and Draco rapidly, but it was obvious. They were holding hands, and they had just been giggling together.
Those smiles were long gone. The atmosphere had immediately blackened.
Lucius' threat to Harry made her wince. Harry didn't even look bothered, just furious at her. Betrayed. It physically hurt her, and she gripped Draco's hand.
The Weasley group turned to walk off so did Lucius. Draco pulled Y/n closer to him, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
"Hey, don't worry. It'll be okay. Harry will calm down." Draco told her. She just hoped it was true. Harry didn't like to be deceived, and she had lied so much. Plus, Draco was never nice to Harry, Hermione and Ron. They probably hated her by association. "My father really shouldn't have said that." He grimaced. That's made her confident in her decision. Draco had changed.
Y/n nodded, trying to choke back the tears welling in her eyes. "Yeah, I know."
Draco stopped in the middle of the bridge. He took her face in his hands. "Hey, I love you." He reminded her before leaning down to kiss her. It was soft and filled her back up with warmth, making the chilling look Harry had sent her go away. She just hoped Harry still loved her.
Y/n tried to put Harry in the back of her mind the rest of the break. She did write him a few letters, but he didn't reply.
Harry was too busy to talk to Y/n on the first day of school. She hoped Hermione and Ron weren't giving her the cold shoulder, but they did.
So she spent the welcome feast with Pansy and Daphne. And, of course, her boyfriend.
He confronted her on the second day of school.
Y/n was in the courtyard when Draco and Harry had their quarrel. She always knew Draco was short-tempered, but she couldn't believe the things he was saying to Harry about their mother.
Y/n's shock grew when Harry spat back, knocking Narcissa. He didn't know her like she did. Narcissa had been nothing but kind to Y/n. That was when she knew she couldn't let Harry get away with it.
"Harry!" Y/n yelled, his attention flicked to her. His eyes were even more outraged than they were with Draco.
"What do you want, traitor?" Harry demanded, his voice was angry too.
"You can't say those things about Narcissa," Y/n demanded. Now she knew how mad Draco felt. Her jaw was clenched like her fits. "And, I'm not a traitor. I'm a Slytherin, that wasn't my choice."
Harry rolled his eyes and huffed. "You're sickening. Did you not hear what he said about our mother!?" He lectured her. "I don't know how you could be with someone so vile."
"Draco isn't who you think he is." Y/n defended. Draco loved her. He'd never given up on her like Harry had.
"He hates you!" Harry spat. He was closer to her now, towering over her. She had never seen anyone that mad. "You're not a Potter. You don't belong in our family." He said so lowly it made her shiver.
Harry was so close she thought he was going to hit her. That's when Draco jumped in the middle of the twins, pushing Harry back and shielding Y/n.
"Watch it, Potter." Draco threatened, glaring down at Harry. He was only an inch taller.
Harry scoffed, fists clench, ready for a fight. He looked around Draco, at Y/n. "Mum and Dad would have despised you. You're just like all those other awful Slytherins. I don't understand how you could be with someone as low as Malfoy." His words sat deep in her heart, and he didn't stop them from coming. "You're not a Potter." With that, he left, not looking back.
Y/n immediately burst out in tears. She couldn't stop it. Draco spun around to her, holding her so she wouldn't collapse.
"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay." Draco told her, wrapping her in his arms so tightly. He just held her. "You know they would be proud of you, Y/n. You're so strong and clever." He comforted her, his hands stroking her back.
Y/n shook her head. "No, I'm a Slytherin. They were all brave Gryffindors." She choked out.
"It doesn't matter what house you're in. You're so kind and talented." Draco reassured her. His heart was breaking, seeing his girlfriend in such a bad state. All he wanted to do was stop her from hurting. "I know how important Harry is to you. We can take a break until this all blows over." He reassured her.
Y/n shook her head, clinging to her chest. "No, no, please, Dray." She said as she cried out. "You're the last good thing I have left."
"Baby." He cooed, tracing her cheekbones. "I'll never leave you." He promised.
Draco stayed true to his word. He supported her throughout the whole year. Y/n was always worried for Harry. Despite the shunning, he inflicted on her.
It didn't stop with Harry. Y/n lost half of her friends that day. Hermione, the Weasley's and most muggle-borns refused to talk to her. She was always so kind that it troubled her.
Draco took her to the Yule ball, naturally. She saw Harry that night. They even made eye contact, but he didn't comment on her forest green dress. It matched her eyes perfectly, though, and Harry couldn't stop thinking about one photo of his mother he'd seen. They looked so similar.
She spent the Christmas break at the Malfoy's, receiving a sweater from Molly Weasley. That meant the world to her, despite none of them speaking to her.
When they got back to Hogwarts, Y/n figured out how irrelevant she was to Harry. Ron was the one that was taken for the second task. Everyone noticed. Not his own twin, his friend.
Y/n still remained close with Sirius. They wrote letters to each other throughout the year. He knew how worried she was about Harry.
The truth was, Sirius felt bad, James and Lily were his best friends and he knew they'd be disappointed to see the twins split up. Sirius was also worried for Y/n, he knew what it was like being part of the Black family.
He had hatched a few plans to get them to talk, but none worked. Not due to Y/n's lack of trying.
The third task was the worst thing Y/n had been through at Hogwarts. She could feel something bad was happening to Harry. When he came back through the portkey, she saw it. And it was distressing.
Voldermort was reborn, whether everyone believed it or not. Y/n could feel it was true.
5th year was exciting.
Y/n celebrated her 15th birthday before it started. This time, they had dinner with her friends. She didn't write to Harry.
Sirius sent her gifts, and he was starting to ask whether Narcissa was okay.
Just after her birthday, in August, Draco Malfoy and Y/n Potter were made prefects. They both read the letters at the breakfast table.
Narcissa was overjoyed for both of them.
At 11am, on the 1st of September, they got on the train to Hogwarts.
The rest of that year went on normally, apart from Umbridge's rules.
Christmas break was a sign that a darker power was brewing. Y/n heard the whispers under the door and she assumed the other side of the war also had meetings.
Y/n was shocked when Death Eaters escaped from Azkaban. After the Umbridge drama died down, they had to sit their O.W.L.s. That was rough.
One terrible day of June was Sirius' last. Y/n cried in Draco's arms for days over the death. She always thought Sirius was the only person who was going to be able to reunite the twins. And now he was gone.
Y/n knew something was very wrong during the summer. Draco told her he was a death eater. They cried about it together all night. The weeks following were stressful, and they weren't even back at Hogwarts. The war had started.
Draco and Narcissa kept Y/n hidden from Lucius' guests. O.W.L results were the first good thing that summer.
Y/n's 16th birthday was smaller than her last. Y/n, Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Theo were all hyperaware of the dementor attacks.
That weekend, they visited Diagon Alley with Narcissa. Y/n was at Draco's side the whole time, unfortunately, that meant she had a run-in with Harry and the Weasleys. It was awkward, to say the least. Her own twin still wouldn't acknowledge her.
Draco's task started at the beginning of the year. Y/n was the only one who knew about it, besides Snape.
Then Christmas, with even more death eater meetings. Y/n barely saw Draco. Narcissa had made her promise to take care of him, but it was difficult to get him to eat.
Draco continued his task during the second semester. Y/n knew that Harry knew about Draco. Their twin insight gave him the power to just know things.
It was getting difficult between Y/n and Draco. They didn't talk as honestly as they used to. He wanted to protect her. And she knew he needed to open up.
One day in May, Y/n rushed to see Draco in the hospital wing, concerned about how he could have gotten there. Did something go wrong with the vanishing cabinet?
"Draco!" She cried as she saw him lying on a hospital bed looking pale.
Draco waved at her, a little smile on his face.
"Potter." Snape hissed, looking down at the girl. Y/n didn't care he was there as she wrapped her arms around Draco. Snape was nicer to Y/n this year, which she didn't understand.
From a photo Sirius had given her, she knew she looked more like Lily than ever. She always kept the picture near her. It was the Potter parents holding up their twins, smiling.
"He's fine," Snape told her. "As for your brother, he's going to be in huge trouble." He continued before walking out of the hospital wing.
"What happened?" Y/n demanded, holding Draco's face in her hands. His cheekbones were more prominent now, and his eyes were more overcast.
Draco playfully huffed. "I was, uh, in the bathroom. Potter came in and used the bloody Sectumsempra spell on me." He complained, his eyes now angrier. She couldn't believe Harry would do something like that. But, then again, she didn't really know him.
Y/n noticed the way his voice faded when he talked about where he was. "Why were you in the bathroom?" She knew him well enough to push for an answer."
"Uh, talking." Draco offered an explanation. It wasn't good enough for Y/n to accept.
"To who?" She asked.
Draco groaned, rolling his eyes. He finally gave in. "Fine, I was crying to Moaning Myrtle." He admitted. His cheeks were pink with blush and he looked guilty.
"Dray." Y/n cooed, reaching down to hold his hand. "You can talk to me about anything you need to, any time." She assured him.
Draco nodded, thankfully. "He's going to get detention for the rest of the year." He told her, a self-satisfied smirk on his lips.
Narcissa was one of the last people Y/n expected to see walk into the Hospital Wing. She was in a black pantsuit.
"Mother." Draco greeted her, trying to move in the bed to get up.
"Stay put, you," Narcissa told him with a smile. She walked right over and hugged Y/n. "Are you okay?" She asked. Y/n just nodded. She knew a storm was brewing, but nothing had happened yet. It was only a matter of time. Then she turned to Draco. "Are you?" She asked him.
Draco already had a witty reply, clearly feeling like himself again. "Aside from my own mother preferring my girlfriend to me." He complained, a faux pout on his face.
Narcissa just rolled her eyes, like mother like son. "I can't help it. You get into too much trouble." She told him with a pointed look.
Draco scoffed. "Wasn't my fault." He complained quietly. The girls just gave him a look he knew too well. "Honestly, what are you doing here?" He asked. When Narcissa widened her eyes, he followed the question up with a statement. "Not that I'm not pleased to see you."
"I've actually come for Y/n." She explained.
Both Y/n and Draco looked at her in shock. "What? Why?" Y/n asked, most concerned.
Narcissa looked to Draco who sighed out an 'oh' and then back to Y/n before speaking. "You know about the cabinet." Y/n nodded. "They need it. The Death Eaters. To get into Hogwarts." That made Y/n worry. They weren't coming in to have dinner.
"You don't know this." Draco started, making Y/n's attention turn to him. "My task is to kill Dumbledore." Y/n's mouth gawked open. She could feel her hands shaking. More than anything, she couldn't believe someone would make a kid do that.
Narcissa grimaced. "It's all about to start." Y/n didn't need to ask what 'it' was. "So I'm taking Y/n away." She told them.
"Wait... for how long?" Draco asked quickly, gripping her hand.
"Draco, you sit in those meetings," Narcissa told him. "You know the plan is for them to take over the Ministry of Magic and persecute muggle-borns." That made Y/n wince. "It's not safe for Y/n to stay at Hogwarts, don't be silly about this." She strictly told him.
Draco sighed but nodded. He knew Narcissa was always right. "Can I still see her?" He asked, now thinking rationally. Y/n didn't like that she didn't have any say in the matter.
"Yes." At least there was that. "No one is going to know where she is apart from Lucius, you and I," Narcissa told them.
"Do I get any say in this?" Y/n finally spat out.
Narcissa turned her attention to Y/n with a pleading look. "You know we have to."
"I've still got a month of school left," Y/n argued.
"I know and I'm sorry we have to do this." Narcissa apologised. "It's all going to happen next month."
"Can't I stay until then?" Y/n asked.
Narcissa shook her head. "I promise you, if I thought you could, I would let you. You're a big part of what you-know-who wants, Harry more, but you must stay far away from this." She told her.
Y/n couldn't not agree. "Alright. We're leaving now?" She asked.
"Yes," Narcissa told her. "All of your things have been packed. Draco can come and see you once it's over." She promised.
Draco wrapped his arms around Y/n as he kissed her. It was one of the things she knew she was going to miss. She also knew it was time to go.
"Bye, I love you," Draco told her, waving from his hospital bed.
"I love you too," Y/n replied before walking out of the wing with Narcissa.
From there, they went out a secret passage, making sure no one saw. Professor Snape knew Y/n had to go, so he was coming up with the cover story.
Narcissa and Y/n finally reached a Slytherin scarf, which took them to a house she'd never been to. "Where are we?" Y/n asked, still holding on to the portkey.
"The South of England," Narcissa told her, making her brows furrow and eyes widen. "It's an old Black family house." She explained, opening the door. It was just as grand as the Manor, smaller, though.
Inside it looked just as gorgeous. All the decor was French country vintage. It screamed old money.
"It's beautiful," Y/n told Narcissa, having a look around the inside. There was so much light streaming into the room with wooden details.
"I'll make some tea. Your room is on the second floor, first door." Narcissa told her. Y/n nodded, walking up the stairs to find the room. It was decorated like royalty belonged there. There was a massive window that looked right out onto the coast.
It was then she realised the house was on a cliff. Y/n hadn't seen it from the angle the entryway was at. But it was spectacular. Lonely.
Y/n could spend her whole life there. She set her bags down and strolled around the room. It was smaller than Draco's was, at the manor. But it was much lighter. Almost the complete opposite of the Malfoy family home.
Once she had finished looking around, she went back downstairs to see Narcissa setting tea up on the coffee table. When she walked into the living room she saw the massive windows, showing the ocean.
"Sit," Narcissa commanded and Y/n did so right away. She poured tea for both of them before also sitting down. They sat in silence for a while, Y/n not knowing what to say. "I can tell you have questions." Narcissa prompted.
"Why is Snape protecting Draco and I?" Y/n asked quickly.
Narcissa sighed before answering. "Do you know what an Unbreakable Vow is?" She asked, and Y/n nodded. "Severus and I made one. He vowed to watch over Draco." Y/n nodded again. That vow must have expended to Y/n.
Y/n suddenly had more questions. "You need a Bonder, right?"
"Yes, Bellatrix was ours," Narcissa replied. Y/n was familiar with Draco's strange aunt. They had never met, out of Bellatrix's loyalty to Voldermort.
"Are you going to stay here with me?" She asked, concerned about being alone.
Narcissa shook her head. "I'm sorry. I can only be here sometimes. The story is you ran away, and no one knows where you are, so I can't be here too much." Y/n didn't know that before. Everyone was going to think she'd left by choice. Pansy, Daphne, Blaise, Theo. Harry, if he cared. She knew none of them were going to be able to know why she was gone.
"Am I safe here?" Y/n asked, now worrying about how she would be safe alone. The tea they were sipping seemed to calm her down.
"Yes, there are charms on the house so no one can get in. But, I'm also giving you this." Narcissa stopped what she was saying and pulled out a necklace. It was a heart-shaped gold locket. Narcissa placed it in her hand. Y/n looked at it. That's when she noticed the initials on it. Draco's and hers.
Y/n thanked her. "That's not it. If you open it like this." Narcissa instructed, opening the heart. Y/n noticed the emerald gemstone. "This stone is a portkey, right to the Manor." So Y/n would be able to get back to the Manor.
"I can't thank you enough, and I don't want to intrude, but I do have a personal question." Y/n was hesitant about what she was going to ask. But she needed to know. "You said before, in the hospital wing, that Mr Malfoy knew where I was staying. And I have a lot of respect for him, so I don't want this to come off badly." Y/n could tell she was rambling. Narcissa could as well, she slid a hand onto Y/n's to calm her down. "Why is it safe for him to know? He's you-know-who's number 2. Eventually, he's going to want me dead." It broke Y/n's heart, she knew it was going to ruin Draco's life. But, his father was going to have to kill her.
"Slow down." Narcissa smiled softly. That comforted Y/n a little. "Do you remember when we met, the summer before the World Cup?" She asked. Y/n nodded in agreement, not sure where it was going. "The night we met you, I knew. I knew Draco was in love with you. And, I knew Voldermort was going to come back and try to kill the Potter twins." Y/n's heart started to race at the mention of her parents' death. "I made Lucius make an unbreakable vow. Snape was the Bonder." Oh, it made sense. Lucius couldn't hurt Y/n, Narcissa had protected her.
She just didn't understand why so she asked. "Why? I mean, I appreciate it more than anything. But you risked your whole marriage." It was true, and Narcissa knew that.
"I've never thought you or Harry should be persecuted. My parents raised me as pureblood supremacists, but killing is wrong." Narcissa told her. Y/n was thankful for her honesty. She filled the place Lily had left, and Petunia hadn't tried to fill. "I love Draco, more than anything in the world. The only thing I've ever wanted is to see him happy. I knew he was happy with you." Y/n understood Narcissa's unconditional love for Draco, she felt the same.
"He's lucky to have you," Y/n mentioned, trying not to think about her parents.
"I don't know if I've ever told you this, but I'm very sorry about your parents," Narcissa told her. Y/n could feel the tears in her eyes.
She let a few of them fall. "Did you, uh, know them?"
"My last two years at Hogwarts, they were there. James was only 11 but he was loud and brave. He would even stand up to me with Sirius." Hearing both their names made Y/n cry more. She was crying for the dad she never knew, and the uncle she only had for a short time. "I noticed you at Hogwarts, I think during second year, and I had deja vu. You looked so similar to Lily. She always wore her hair just like you did." Y/n remembered seeing Narcissa but she didn't remember Narcissa seeing her.
"Would they be disappointed in me?" Y/n couldn't help but ask. Narcissa felt her pain, running deep. She immediately wrapped the girl in a hug, letting her cry.
"No, never for a moment." She confirmed. "I know it's not the same, but I'm proud of you." It wasn't the same, but it meant just as much.
"Thank you." Y/n thanked her again.
"No thanks are necessary. I should go back though." Narcissa stated, looking at her watch.
Y/n nodded, gently opening the necklace so she wouldn't touch the emerald. Narcissa held it, and just like that, she was gone.
Y/n found a good amount of things to do. There were movies and music. She still had some of her textbooks. Plus, exploring the house was fun.
But she did miss Draco. And the rest of her friends. Instead of using an owl, she decided to send letters by muggle post to the Malfoy residence, so Narcissa could send them to Hogwarts.
There was a knock on the door a couple of weeks after Y/n moved in.
She peaked out the window before seeing a tuff of blonde hair. It was Draco.
Quickly, she swung the door open, embarrassing him in her arms.
Draco hugged her back, lifting her off the ground and twirling her around.
"Dray, I missed you." She cooed, head buried in his shoulder.
"I missed you too, my girl." He replied, pulling her even closer. It was so tight she felt like she couldn't breathe.
When she pulled back, she had a thought. "How did you manage to come? Don't you have classes?"
Draco shook his head. "Quidditch match. It's Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw, so I came here instead." Y/n was very grateful for Quidditch that day.
They only had a few hours before people would notice he was gone. But they baked cookies together while Draco filled her in on everything she'd missed. As well as lots of kissing.
When it came time for him to leave, she was upset. But Draco made her promise not to cry.
Draco came back after the battle of the tower. Y/n knew there was something wrong. He didn't grin as wide when he met her at the beach.
There were already tears forming in his eyes, and it was late.
"Dray, talk to me, baby." Y/n pleaded as they lay together on the couch. It was far past midnight. Y/n was on Draco's chest and they were a tangle of limbs. She had her fingers running through his hair.
Draco sighed. "I couldn't do it." He sobbed out. "I couldn't kill him. Snape had to do it. It was so horrible, Y/n." He continued, tears still falling. "My father was so mad. He cares more about appeasing Voldermort than me." Y/n's heart clenched as she heard his words.
"Draco, he loves you." Y/n tried to reassure him.
Draco tried to accept it, but it was difficult. "I'm scared for what's going to happen." He told her.
"Me too," Y/n admitted. "How's it all going to end?" She asked him.
The truth was Draco didn't know. And she knew that. "They're talking over the Manor." He didn't want to be the one telling her the bad news. "They're going to go after anyone and everyone associated with Muggleborns. I'm not going to get to be here much." He hesitantly admitted.
"You've done what they needed you to do, though!" Y/n exclaimed, feeling outraged.
"I know. I'm not sure what they're going to do with me. Father lectured me and I just came here." Draco explained. It reassured her there might be some hope he could spend the summer there. "It'll be okay, Y/n."
She tried to retain that. "Can you come back on my birthday, at least?" Y/n asked.
"Of course, baby." Draco quickly replied. That brought Y/n some relief.
Draco was busy a lot of the summer. Despite having completed the task he was given, he was still Lucius's son.
He told Y/n all about how the Manor had been taken over by death eaters. It worried her. She also spent a lot of time worried about Harry. He was the only blood connection she had left in the world, and she had no idea where he was.
Draco came back on her birthday like he promised. He had more flowers than she'd ever seen in her life. That wasn't where the gifts ended. Jewellery, new shoes, perfume and a big cake.
Narcissa made it as well for dinner. She even insisted Draco stay the night.
By nighttime, they were lying in bed together. Draco's arms wrapped around her tightly. As usual, she lay against his chest. Draco stroking her hair.
When she looked up at him, she knew something was wrong. After all their years together, she could read him like a book. "What is it?"
"What do you mean?" He asked. His voice was a slightly higher pitch. Y/n recognised that as a sign he was hiding something.
"I can tell something bothering you," Y/n explained. "Let me in, Dray." She pleaded.
Draco knew he had to. "I have to leave early tomorrow morning."
Y/n knew that wasn't it. "I need the whole truth." Draco groaned, knowing she knew him better than he knew himself.
"I have to go early so I can be at the takeover of the ministry," Draco revealed to her. "They're going after Scrimgeour because he knows where Harry is." Oh. That wasn't good. Either the minister would give up Harry's location, and her twin brother would be killed. Or, the Ministry of Magic would be run by Death Eaters. Either way, their power was growing. Y/n knew Harry only had a matter of time. Then she would be next.
"So, no one knows where Harry is?" Y/n asked hopefully. Even if he hated her, she would rather he was alive.
Draco shook his head. "He's hunting the Horcruxes, I'd guess. Scrimgeour knows and maybe a few members of the Ministry." That made Y/n relieved, although she wasn't sure how good Harry's survival skills were.
"Am I going to be okay?" Y/n asked, fearing the worst.
Draco took a deep breath as he prepared an answer. "I'm never going to let him get to you, I promise. My Father's vow will make sure he can't either. No one else knows you're here." He reassured her. Y/n just hoped it was true, Draco could read that.
"So you're going back to Hogwarts?" Y/n couldn't help but ask.
Draco nodded. "I think Snape is going to be appointed Headmaster. I'll be safe there." That reassured Y/n to no end. He chuckled slightly, a smile on his face. "We were going to be Head boy and girl." He explained. Y/n's face dropped as she tried not to cry. "Hey, hey, hey." Draco noticed. "It's just the way it happened."
"I know." She nodded. "It just could have been the best year ever."
"When this is all over, we're going to have the best year." He assured her. Y/n tried to hang onto that.
It got difficult the further the year dragged on. Y/n barely saw Draco. She did receive letters about how horrible things had gotten. Hogwarts was gloomier, no one could find Harry, Snape's regime was intense. Y/n was thankful she was away from the whole mess.
Just before Christmas, she found out Luna Lovegood had been kidnapped. Draco had started to detest the cause he was fighting for. He never said so, but she could infer it from what he wrote.
In March, she discovered Harry had been captured. Draco was the one who had to identify him, and he felt horrible about it. He cried on her shoulder, begging her to forgive him when he came to see her. Y/n was never mad at Draco. She was smart enough to know he had to do it. And, deep down, she could feel that Harry was okay.
Draco was in a worse state when they escaped. Not because he wanted Harry to be killed. Because his own aunt had murdered Dobby. While he was taught to hate the house-elves, Dobby was almost his younger sibling.
All Draco could feel was split, unsure of what to do.
Draco told her it was all going to happen on May 1st. The battle of Hogwarts. Y/n spent the whole day riddled with anxiety. She spent a whole 3 days wide awake, waiting for news.
She felt a cursing pain through her head at some point on the 2nd of May. Then the visions started, of Harry and Dumbledore at a train station. She realised she was seeing inside Harry's vision. When he made the choice to return to his body, Y/n knew everything would be alright.
Y/n anxious sat on the couch until 3 people appeared. It was only the early hours of the morning. She immediately ran to Draco wrapping her arms around him. He was unkempt, and his hair was a mess. He hugged her back, pulling her into his chest. She had never seen him looking as disturbed.
"What happened?" Y/n asked, turning to give Narcissa a hug. Much to her surprise, Lucius shook her hand. It was the first time they'd ever done something like that.
"We left," Lucius told her. That was also the first time he'd ever properly talked to her. She didn't understand.
They explained it all to her. How Harry sacrificed himself, how he died, more importantly how Narcissa discovered he was alive. Y/n hung on every word as Narcissa told her how she had lied to Voldermort. She also told Y/n Harry asked if she was still alive. Harry still cared about her.
By that point Draco, Narcissa and Y/n were all crying.
The sun had just started rising when Y/n realised it.
Suddenly, she had a massive headache. The kind she knew Harry used to have. And she knew what it meant.
"Voldermort's dead," Y/n announced, causing all of their eyes to widen. "I just know. I can feel it. Harry killed him." She felt more connected to Harry than she had in years, but she knew.
There were no words any of them said as they hugged. She could feel her head beating rapidly, the same as Draco's.
"Who died?" Y/n finally asked the question she was terrified to ask. Harry was the only one she knew was alive from the good side.
"Bellatrix." Narcissa sobbed out, Lucius immediately pulling her into a hug. It was one of the first times Y/n had seen them acting so intimately.
Draco continued giving Y/n the list. Every second felt like an hour as she hoped none of her friends died. "Fred Weasley." She could only think about the heartbreak that would have caused her brother and his friends. "Snape too." Draco let a few tears fall and Y/n rushed to wipe them. "Lupin and Tonks." Lupin was the last person alive who really knew her parents. Now her chances of knowing about them were over. "There were a lot of others too but everyone else we are close to is okay."
"Good." Y/n nodded before wrapping him in a hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes. Both couples holding each other, all feeling extremely grateful.
"We should go back home," Narcissa told them, glancing at the clock on the wall. "We'll have breakfast." She promised.
Draco enthusiastically nodded. "I'm starving." He mentioned.
Narcissa reached out to grab his hand. "You haven't eaten in days."
Y/n quickly turned her attention to Draco. "Dray." She told him, hitting his arm. "You can't do that."
"I won't, ever again." He promised, his hand wrapping around her waist. "As long as you're there to cook for me." He cheekily quipped, looking at Y/n with a grin. It was the first one she had seen in a while.
Narcissa and Lucius both laughed at the younger couple who reminded them of themselves. "You're dreaming," Y/n replied, bumping into his shoulder. Y/n opened her necklace.
Narcissa, Draco, Lucius and Y/n all touched the emerald. Just like that, they arrived in the Manor living room. It was like Y/n remembered, still as dark. She did feel better about being there, knowing no death eaters were trying to kill her brother.
Over pancakes, they laughed and talked. The world finally felt peaceful again. It was the first time Y/n had been happy in weeks.
An owl knocked at the window, around midday and Y/n took the two letters out of its mouth.
"Dray." She told him, handing his one over to him. "It's from Hogwarts." She told Narcissa and Lucius. They both opened their letters and read them. "In June, they're having an end of year feast," Y/n explained.
"So, we've got a month off school?" Draco looked thrilled by the news.
Narcissa chuckled. "What does it say about your exams?" She asked.
Draco read further down. "Mine says my grades from last year will be considered my grades for this year and I can become an Aurora. Or I can go back to Hogwarts." There was hopefulness in his voice Y/n had missed.
"Draco!" Narcissa cheered, jumping up to hug him. "Congratulations."
"Mine says the same." Y/n realised. "But how is that possible?" She asked, looking at Narcissa.
"I'm not sure." The woman replied, looking just as confused.
"I may have a few words with the acting Ministry when Voldermort was in charge," Lucius reported. All 3 of them were shocked by the confession.
Y/n was overcome with appreciation. "Thank you, sir."
"Please, Lucius is fine." That surprised Y/n but it was nice to hear he might not have hated her as much as she thought. It was the first time Y/n had seen a smile on his face. "What are you two planning on doing with your time off?" He asked the younger couple.
Draco and Y/n met each other's eyes, they hadn't thought about it. "What are we meant to do?" Draco asked.
"The house on the cliff is empty, if you want to spend more time there, Y/n," Narcissa mentioned. Draco grinned widely, nodding his head. He accepted the offer. "Slow down, Y/n?" Narcissa asked, turning her attention to Y/n.
"Yes, I'd love to. Thank you." Y/n affirmed her boyfriend's acceptance.
"When can we go?" Draco asked.
Lucius chuckled. "You don't want to spend time with your parents, son?" He joked. Another first. "You're going of age now, Draco. Y/n too. I think you've both earned the privilege of being treated like adults." He told them.
"You have to be back for your birthday, Draco. We're going to throw a party." Narcissa instructed, raising her eyebrows at him.
"So I'm not an adult?" Draco quipped back.
Narcissa turned to Y/n. "Will you make sure he comes back?" Y/n nodded. "Then you are both free to leave after I get a hug." She informed them, opening her arms up. Draco hugged her first, standing much taller than her.
Then he left to get his stuff. Lucius followed him up the stairs. Y/n walked over to Narcissa, embracing her.
"Thank you, for everything." Y/n mentioned in her arms.
"It's never a problem, sweetness," Narcissa replied, kissing the girl on the forehead.
Y/n and Draco took a different portkey to the house. Both of them were buzzing to have a month together after being apart for so long. They finally felt free and independent.
For a few weeks, they just hung out, reacquainting with each other. They spent time in London, seeing muggle sights and shopping. As well as the small, nearby muggle town. It had the cutest cafe.
Draco and Y/n also hung out with Pansy, Theo and Blaise again. They were all thrilled to see her. She explained the whole situation to them and they completely understood.
Between them, it was like no time was lost.
One summer evening, Draco had insisted on cooking Y/n dinner. He explained it was a date. She was to dress up nice like they were going out. Draco was in a full black suit, matching Y/n's sparkling black dress.
He even set the outdoor table, making Y/n sit there and wait for him to bring out dinner.
It was a pasta dish. The same one Narcissa had made the first time Y/n met the Malfoy family.
"Thank you, Dray," Y/n said as they sat, looking out at the view. The sun was just setting and the whole sky was painted pinks and oranges. In the distance, there was the sound of waves breaking on the cliff.
Draco looked nervous, she hadn't seen him like that for a long time. "Uh, I had a question for you." He stuttered out, cheeks turning pink.
Y/n sent him a soft smile, trying to help him calm down. His nerves were worrying her. What could he possibly ask her? Y/n knew exactly what was about to happen when Draco slid off his chair and down onto one knee. Her hands immediately came over her mouth. Tears were already pricking her eyes. He reached into his back pocket, producing a green velvet box.
"I've, uh, I've thought about doing this for a really long time. When we first met I knew you were the one who was always going to hold a special part of my heart. It was everything about you. I never believed in love at first sight until I met you." Y/n was full-on sobbing at Draco's words. They were the sweetest thing anyone had ever said. "I knew from when I met you that I'd always love you. But I had no idea you'd bear to be around me for long enough. I was kind of insufferable." Y/n and Draco both chuckled. "I'm so grateful I even got the chance to know someone as clever, kind, funny and ambitious as you. Once I'd asked you out, I knew I needed you to be mine forever." Draco let a few tears out, stopping to wipe them. "I've done a lot of stupid things, hurt a lot of people and you're far too good for me, I know that. But, I swear, I'm going to spend every day making it up however I can. I'm going to spend every day making it up to you too. If you let me. I think I knew you before I understood myself. You truly are my best friend and the most important person to me in the world." Neither of them could stop the uncontrollable tears they let out. "So, uh, I've got to ask now. Y/n Potter, will you do me the honours of marrying me?" Draco opened the ring box, revealing a huge diamond ring. It looked vintage and the prettiest thing Y/n had ever seen.
Y/n wiped a few stray tears off her cheeks, leaning down to do that same to Draco. "Yes, Draco. A million times yes." He was grinning as wide as she'd ever seen as he slipped the ring on her finger.
He stood up, holding her face in his hands. "I love you." He told her, leaning down to kiss her gently.
"I love you too," Y/n replied, eyes closed with her forehead intimately pressed against Draco's. When she moved her eyes she looked down at the ring. "It's so beautiful, Dray."
Draco nodded before explaining the story. "It's, um, a Black family heirloom. If Mum, Aunt Bella or Aunt Andromeda were boys, they would have gotten it. Luckily for me, it skipped a generation."
"It's stunning." Y/n leant back up to place a kiss on his lips. "Now, what have you cooked for dessert?" She asked, giggling lightly.
Draco rolled his eyes. "Your favourite, of course, but only because you said yes." He revelled.
Y/n woke Draco up on his birthday with an assortment of gifts. After they ate breakfast and unwrapped presents, they went to the Manor.
Y/n knocked on the door happily. Draco's left hand entwined with her right one. Narcissa swung it open and embarrassed Y/n in an enthusiastic hug. She quickly grabbed Y/n's left hand, looking at the ring.
"I knew it would look perfect on you," Narcissa mentioned, tracing over the ring. Y/n grinned at her.
"It is perfect," Y/n said, grinning at Draco.
"You're perfect." Draco simply replied. Narcissa chuckled at the two of them. "Can I have my hug?" He asked Narcissa.
Narcissa dropped Y/n's hand hesitantly to pull him in. "18 but you're still acting like a petulant child." She joked making Draco pull a face of mock offence. "Happy birthday, Draco."
"Are you keeping them in here, Sissy?" Lucius asked, walking around the corner. Narcissa rolled her eyes at him. "Happy birthday, son." He said, wrapping Draco in a hug. "Y/n." Lucius turned to her.
"Mr Malfoy." Y/n greeted. She thought she was in trouble when he raised his eyebrows and shot her a pointed look. The smile on his lips assured her she wasn't about to be told off. "Lucius." She corrected herself.
Y/n held out a hand to shake his but he shook his head, opening his arms. "You're my future daughter-in-law, come here." He insisted, and Y/n hugged him, trying to avoid showing her shock.
After they had lunch and Draco opened more presents, Pansy, Daphne, Theo, Blaise, other friends and several Malfoy and Black family members came over. It was a phenomenal party.
Pansy raced right over to Y/n, flinging her arms around the girl.
"Hi Pansy, it's actually my birthday." Draco sarcastically greeted her.
Pansy rolled her eyes. "Happy birthday, you big baby." She said, giving him a hug too. "I'm sorry I missed my best friend." Draco faked offence.
Theo, Blaise and Daphne all came to hug the couple as well. Neither Y/n nor Draco had realised they didn't know about the engagement.
They all quickly got flutes of champagne, raising them to toast each Draco.
That's when Pansy saw it. "Oh, Merlin. Is that an engagement ring!?" Pansy shouted, grabbing Y/n's left hand.
Both Y/n and Draco awkwardly laughed. "Yes," Y/n confirmed as Pansy admired the ring, showing Y/n's hand to Daphne and the boys.
"That's not just any ring. That's a Black Family ring." Blaise noticed.
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. "How did you know that?" She asked, looking back at Draco.
He was blushing pink. "Loverboy, here, has been talking about giving it to you since 1st year," Theo informed Y/n. "He wouldn't shut up about it most nights." Her eyes widened as she looked at a red-faced Draco.
"You never told me that," Y/n mentioned, nudging his chest. Draco groaned, wrapping his arm around Y/n's waist.
"Because it's really embarrassing." Draco quietly stated.
Daphne pattered Draco's arm. "Y/n used to talk about you in her sleep." Daphne declared. That made Y/n's cheeks heat. Draco and the rest of the friend group burst out laughing.
It was finally the day of the final Hogwarts feast. Y/n didn't ever think, at 11 years old, it was going to end like this. In 7 years, she had learnt so much more than most people learnt in their lifetime.
"Pans, Blaise." Y/n opened the door of the Black's seaside house to invite Pansy and Blaise in.
Pansy and Blaise were both dressed in formal clothing as they hugged Y/n. She was wearing a deep green dress that matched Draco's suit's tie.
"You look lovely." Pansy complimented her.
"Pansy, look at you!" Y/n returned the compliment, instructing Pansy to do a spin of her silver dress.
"Are we ready to go?" Draco asked, walking down the stairs. He was in a full black suit aside from his green tie. He bro-hugged Blaise and gave Pansy a hug before wrapping an arm around Y/n's waist.
Y/n nodded. "Let's do it."
Y/n hadn't seen how destructed Hogwarts was, but it now looked just like when she left. She couldn't help but feel sad at the tragedy that had occurred a month ago.
"It's odd being back," Pansy spoke what they were all thinking. Everyone gave her a nod of agreement.
The two couples walked into the great hall, hand in hand. Everyone was surprised to see Y/n. They still had no explanation for why she was gone.
Naturally, Y/n's eyes met her brother. She noticed how faded his lightning-bold scar looked. But she didn't go over to him, she just went to her house table.
McGonagall spoke, about the losses they had faced and how good always won in the end. Her speech was inspiring. Everyone was still distraught about the battle, it was evident on their faces.
They ate, laughing at their tables as the sky fell dark. Y/n had missed being at Hogwarts, it was like home to her. The couple finally made their way through the castle to go home when it was late.
"Y/n!" That was a voice she hadn't expected to hear. She hadn't heard him say her name in years. Harry. His voice was much deeper now.
Y/n stopped in her tracks, quickly turned around to look at him. She still looked like she remembered. "Hi." She greeted him, awkwardly rocking on her feet.
"I'll give you a moment," Draco mentioned, unlacing his hand with Y/n's and walking off.
Now, neither of them knew what to say. They were family but so disconnected.
"How are you?" Harry finally asked.
Y/n softly smiled. "I'm alright. And you?"
"Good." Harry stuttered. Silence fell again. "I'm so sorry." He blurted out. "I never should have said the things I did in 4th year. I was so angry about what Malfoy was saying and I couldn't believe it."
Y/n nodded. "I know, Harry, you don't need to explain it or be sorry."
"No, I do. I shouldn't have refused to talk to you for 3 years. It was childish and hurt you." Harry insisted. It made Y/n feel like the weight was off her shoulders. A weight she had been hauling for years. "I looked for you when I left Hogwarts for a whole year."
That was new information but it warmed Y/n's heart. "Harry, I had no idea." She replied, tears swelling in her eyes. "Narcissa told me you asked about me."
"I felt the worst I had ever felt. I was immature, and mum and dad would have been disappointed." Harry admitted.
Y/n shook her head, finally letting the tears fall at the thought of her parents. "Harry, no, please. They would be so proud of you for everything. I'm so sorry about everything I said as well. I just need to know if you hate me." She begged, looking into his matching eyes.
"I never hated you, not for a minute. I was mad but I was also stupid and prejudice." Harry told her, finally allowing her to relax. Y/n pulled him in for a hug without thinking about it. "I missed you so much." Harry was sobbing too, hot tears on Y/n's back.
"I missed you too. Ron and Hermione and the Weasley's too." Y/n told him, pulling back. "Would you maybe want to hang out sometime. Talk?"
Harry couldn't nod quick enough. "Yes, please. I'd really like that. We've missed a lot of time."
Y/n pulled him back in for another hug. It was like the two puzzle pieces were finally together. The part of her heart that was missing was now filled.
"Is your scar okay?" Y/n asked, running her left forefinger over Harry's forehead.
Harry nodded, glancing up at her finger. He noticed the ring. Harry grabbed Y/n's hand, examining it in front of her. "Oh my." He exclaimed.
"Please don't be mad." Y/n winced, breath shortening.
"No, not at all," Harry told her. "I just want to be a part of your life. Draco's as well." He told her honestly. Y/n had never felt better than she did right then.
"Thank you," Y/n told him. "Are you with Ginny?" She couldn't help but ask.
Harry smiled as he nodded. "Yeah. This ring is phenomenal though." Harry mentioned, smiling as he met Y/n's eyes.
"I know." Y/n agreed a giddy smile on her face.
Today just might have been the best day of her life. She had a twin brother she spoke to and an amazing fiancee. Life was perfect.
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
I wonder what would happen if Y/N had a really bad day and just decided to pick a sibling from the Yan!Todoroki clan like a cat would pick its person and just?? Sit in their lap?? They'd say 'I had a terrible day, no torture today please' before taking their well-deserved nap lookin' all cute and peaceful. Then the sibling would be so proud and confused at the same time but really really happy like 'omg for real? Me? What's happening?? 🥺'. Bonus points if it's Dabi just having the widest grin on his face while staring straight at the rest of the fam seething with jealousy.
I saw your works btw and been inhalin em all cause they're all so good *chef's kiss*
-Vibin' anon
Yandere Dabi comforting sister reader
This is so cute omg. Thank u Vibin anon!
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere Dabi:
Shotou had come to pick you up from school today. Even though he had a busy schedule himself, he still made time for you, just like the rest if your family.
"How was school?" He asked.
"Just fine? Wasn't your result supposed to come today?"
You nodded. "It did. I passed."
Shotoy smiled. "Thats great. Did you get your report card?"
You knew he was going to ask for it. You also knew that he already knew what grades you got.
You nodded and handed him the report card from your bag.
Shotou's face lit up when he saw your grades.
"You're first again. I'm so proud of you." He patted your head.
You smiled. "Thanks."
By the time you guys reached home, you already knew that your entire family was home. They always were when your result came. You knew the principal had already informed Enji of your grades, she always does.
When you entered the house, your family yelled "surprise!" You feigned shock as they hugged you and congratulated you on your achievement.
Rei had prepared a little feast for you, everything was made from scratch. Enji was beaming with joy, he was so proud of his little girl. Rei had made your favourite cake, kissing your cheek as you cut it. Enji had gotten you beautiful diamond necklace. Natsuo, Shotou and Fuyumi had gotten you some gifts as well, stuff you had vaguely mentioned about. Dabi wasn't home, but you didn't mind his absence.
Your family had planned to spend the night on the couch cuddling and doing a movie marathon, but when you asked them to excuse you for the night because you were feeling tired, they became a but worried. You reassured them that you just had a long day at school as well, and now that you were stuffed with Rei's delicious food, sleep was inevitable. They nodded, a bit sad that you wouldn't be joining, but understanding nonetheless.
You went up the stairs to your room, and as soon as you closed the door, the smile you had been displaying all night was wiped off.
You sat on your bed and recalled the events of the day. Tears pricked your eyes, but you kept yourself quiet. They're not worthy crying over, you reminded yourself. Still, you couldn't help but crumple up your report card and throw it in the dustbin.
Silent tears fell from your eyes, no longer being able to hold them in. God, its infuriating.
Suddenly, you heard someone knock on your bedroom door. You looked at the clock. 12 am.
Its Dabi.
You couldn't deal with him tonight. You remained silent, hoping he'd leave you alone.
But of course not.
You quickly turned away from the door as soon as you heard it open. Wiping your tears quickly, you heard Dabi come in.
"You brat. Why didn't you answer when I knocked?" He asked, pushing the door close with his foot.
"Leave me alone, Dabi." You were trying hard to stabilise your voice.
"Huh?! Is that anyway to talk to your favourite brother?" Dabi mocked as he pulled at your ponytail. You yelped before turning around to push him away.
Dabi was about to laugh at you when he suddenly noticed the your face. Your eyes were full of tears, lashes heavy with them. Your face was flush, your nostrils flared, your lips in a pulled in a tight scowl. Had you been crying? Or did he make you cry?
"Hey, I'm sorry-"
"Just leave me alone." You said as you angrily wiped the tears from your face.
Dabi was shocked to see you like this. He had never seen you cry, not even when he took his teasing a little too far. So, to see you react like this, it worried him a bit.
"Have you been crying? What's the matter? Did you fail or something?" His voice actually held some concern.
You shook your head, pulling your ponytail loose. "Its nothing. Just leave."
Dabi could see the pain in your eyes. What happened? He plopped down on your bed next to you. "Come on. Tell me." He poked your shoulder. "You know I won't leave until you tell me."
"Its nothing, really." You sniffled, avoiding his gaze.
"Did Enji say something?" Dabi asked, his voice taking a dangerous tone. "Look at me. Did he do something?" He's going to kill that bastard if he-
"What? No. God, just go."
Dabi let out a huff. He'll have to use another strategy. "Fine. Don't tell me. I'll just tell Shotou you have been crying, and then you can answer to him."
Shotou? God, he would just overthink everything and do something stupid.
You caught his wrist just as he was about to leave. "Do you have to be such a jerk every single day?" You glared daggers at him.
Dabi smirked before pulling his wrist away and plopping on the bed next to you. "Yes. Big brother privileges." He poked your cheek. "Now spill."
You looked at him, hoping he'd just get blasted magically. Idiot.
You inhaled deeply before closing your eyes. "Its stupid, really." Dabi stared at you, signalling for you to continue. "Something... happened at school." You paused. "Just a couple of assholes."
Dabi was attentive now. "Go on."
You looked down at your lap, playing with your fingers. "Some kids in my class... they said mean things about me."
"Bullying?" Dabi quirked an eyebrow.
You shook your head. "I- I don't think so. They just said that I only get the highest grade in class because of my dad. Like Enji bribes the school into giving me good marks." You sniffled. "They undermine me. They say I'm not good enough to be in their school, and that the only reason I got in was because of my surname."
Tears dripped down your face slowly, almost as if they were ashamed to fall.
You wiped them away harshly. "And it doesn't matter what I say. I've tried to befriend them, I've tried to get along with them, but they still ridicule me. Its frustrating. They... they don't understand that my only option is to be the best." You whispered the last part, but Dabi heard you loud and clear.
He sat up and gently gripped your chin, turning your face towards him as he narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean 'its your only option'?"
You rolled your eyes. "You know what I mean. I know that no one in the family cares if I get the highest marks or not but...I still have to live up to the family name. What will people say if the number 1 hero's kid is both quirkless and dumb?" Your lips wobbled.
Oh. Ohhhh.
You don't want to let down the Todoroki name; you don't want to let down Enji.
He already knew it was that shithead's fault.
Dabi sighed before pulling you close to him. Placing an arm around your shoulders while his other hand wiped your tears away.
Wanting to prove your worth, that you're a valuable asset to the family. Dabi never thought he'd see himself in you, or his younger self really.
"You're an idiot." Dabi began, carding his fingers through your hair. "You don't have to be the best. You're not expected to. You know, the family knows, hell even I know how hard you worked to get in that school. I've seen how you'd do all nighters, how many times you've turned down going out so that you could do well in your exams. But you don't have to do that." He tilted your chin up, staring into your glossy eyes. "We don't care what the public thinks of us. We won't care if you fail. We don't care you're quirkless. You're not expected to be anything but a good girl." He squished your cheeks together, making you look like a fish. "You just need to be safe. Do you understand?"
You sniffled as you nodded. "Yes. Thank you."
Dabi smiled. "Why didn't you tell anyone before?" You shrugged in response. "You know what would've happened if I said anything. They're already hesitant to let me go to school, this would just give them another reason to homeschool me. Besides, I didn't let their words get to me before, so it really wasn't a big deal." Before? You were about to continue but then kept your mouth shut. But Dabi saw that. He pulled you away from him, his eyes turning sharp as he raised his eyebrows. "But something else happened today as well?"
You averted his scrutinising gaze, keeping your lips sealed as you shook your head no. "Do not lie to me. Or I'll tell Shotou and Enji and then they can handle-"
Your eyes widened. "Do you ever stop making threats?" Rolling your eyes, you told him what happened. "It wasn't anything serious. One of those jerks... thought it'd be funny to try and kiss me. When he tried to force me, I slapped him. Really hard. My handprint still on his face." You smiled at that. "He said the only reason he wasn't using his quirk on me was because I was Todorokis charity case. Then he said that I should be grateful that he was going to kiss me, especially since no one cares about a quirkless, frigid bitch like me." You let out a humourless laugh, but Dabi could see the pain in your eyes. You gave a small smile. "Dont worry. I already know what they said isn't true."
Thats it.
Dabi was already planning murder. He's going to make those little shits pay for what they did to you. The nerve to not only bully you, but make you cry, and then touch you? Dabi is gonna make sure they get tortured in every way possible before he incinerates them-
Your soft voice pulled him out of his violent thoughts.
"Can you... stay the night?"
He looked at your tear stricken face, your eyes were still laden with tear drops, your nose red from all the sniffling.
How could he say no to you? You looked ugly.
"Its okay. You don't have to-" you were cut off by a pillow hitting your face.
"Move over, brat." He climbed in the bed with you, covering you both with the blanket. "And don't put your cold feet on mine." You smiled cheekily at that.
"Don't hog the blanket- why do you need it anyway?"you yanked the blanket.
Dabi pushed another pillow on your face, laughing as you punched his shoulder. "You're insufferable."you mumbled.
It took a while to get comfortable on your single bed, but it ended up with your head on his chest, while Dabi propped himself against the headboard.
"Thank you." You whispered.
Dabi hummed. "Dont think I don't know why you're doing this."
You smiled softly. He caught on to why you were keeping him home that night; you knew he would do something terrible to those guys. "Promise me you won't hurt them?"
Dabi remained silent. You pulled your head away to look up at him. "Dabi. Promise."
When he didn't reply, tears started forming your eyes. He sighed, before shoving your face back into his chest. "Fine, crybaby. I won't hurt them. Promise." You're such a brat, stopping him from doing his big brother duties.
You went back to snuggling him, not taking long for you to finally go to sleep. Once Dabi made sure you were asleep, he pulled out his phone and texted Toga.
"Need a favour. Up 4 stabbing?"
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animefankotaro · 2 years
South Park Trans Karen One Shot
There was another fight going on at the McCormick's house. Stuart and Carol were yelling at each other as the kids tried not to listen. This time they were fighting over who's' fought it was that their son Kristian was wearing girls cloths and playing with a doll.
“All's I wanna know is how he got those!” Stuart yelled.
“How the hell should I know? Unlike you I'm actually trying to run things around here. I can't keep en eye on the kids all the damn time!” Carol also yelled.
“Well he had to get them somewhere. If he stole them then we'll be in some deep shit!”
“We've been in deep shit for years now. This place is a dump and so are our lives!”
Kristian couldn't take it anymore. He ran out the room crying into his and Kevin's room.
“Oh great. So he's a cry baby too.” Stuart put his arms in the air.
“Maybe it's your fought that you ran out of testosterone for the kids.”
Kenny shook his head and followed his little brother to his room. When he entered he didn't see him at first but then he heard a cry coming from the closet. He opened the closet and Kristian looked up scared. When he saw it was Kenny he calmed down. Kenny saw what he was scared about. He was wearing a dress again and clutching the doll. Kenny sat by him and rubbed his head.
“Mommy and daddy hate me.” Kristian said still crying.
“No. No they don't hate you. They're just a little shocked is all. That and all the stress and drinking too.”
“Do you think mommy and daddy will get a divorce?”
“No. Even though they can't stand each other at times they both know they can't live apart. They need each other.”
“I wish are families were like some of the others. Kyle seems to have a nice family.” Kenny chuckled a little. Sure, they were nice overall but his family was probably crazier then theirs. If anything their family were more of the more rational ones. Kenny tried to think of the more level headed people here. Possibly Heidi and her parents. The Testaburger's weren't that weird. He wasn't sure about Wendy though. Tokens family as well. He tried to think of more but was interrupted by his brother.
“Kenny.” Kristian said wiping some tears away.
“Hmm.” Kenny looked at him.
“Do you think I would be a good sister?” Kenny raised an eyebrow.
“A good sister?” Kristian nodded. “Yeah. I think you would. You would be a great sister.”
“Would I be a good daughter?” Kenny thinks he knows where this is going now. He nodded.
“Yes. You would.”
“Would...would I make a good girl?”
“You are a good girl.”
“I-I don't wanna be a boy. I think I'm a girl.” Kenny smiled.
“You know what. I think you're a girl too.”
“Really?” Kristian looked at his brother surprised.
“You were always more of a sister anyway. I think you're right. You are a girl.”
“I didn't steal these too. My friend at school let me borrow them. She knows I'm a girl.”
“Who?” Kenny asked.
“Tricia. My best friend.” Kristian smiled.
Oh yes, Craig's little sister. Kenny never talked or saw her that much. He was happy to know she was willing to help her friend. He wondered it this had anything to do with Craig and Tweek being a couple. “Kenny.” Kristian interrupted his thoughts again.
“Are you like me too?”
“What do you mean?”
“I've seen you wear a dress too. That Princess Zelda dress. Do you want to be a girl too?”
Kenny only wore that dress when he was playing with the guys. Stan and Kyle found it amusing though Cartman made fun of him at first. Kenny reminded him the times he's cross-dressed like when he did it on TV saying “I do want I want.” That shut him up.
“No. Not really. I like to wear them at times. But I'm happy as a boy.”
“Too bad. I really wanted a sister.” Kenny laughed.
“You know. If you really want to be a girl you have to tell mom, dad, and Kevin at one point.”
“But I'm scared.”
I know. You should be. But mom and dad do love you. It might take them some time to adjust but they're see you as their daughter at one point. If you never tell them you will always have to be a boy. You face it like you face death. With dignity. God knows I've done that enough.”
“Huh?” Kristian tilted his head at the last part.
“Nothing.” Kenny forgot no ones knows of his deaths. Even his little brother, or well sister. “By the way. If you're a girl now then you have to have a girls name.”
“I have one. My name is Karen. Tricia helped me on it.” Kenny smiled.
“My sister Karen. Well then come on Karen. I'll make you some nice warn pancakes.” Karen smiled and nodded. They got up but before they want Kenny took out some bands and put Karens hair into pigtails. Her hair was already rather long.
“There. Now your truly Karen.”
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑓!𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐴𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦
Warnings: Aged up/Older Ateez but age differences are still within legal boundaries. Suggestive scenarios only, no actual NSFW content.
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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"Hongjoong!" You continuously poked at his arm rather harshly, trying to get him to look away from the phone in his hands.
"What-what?!" He freaked out and accidentally dropped his phone on the floor.
When he saw you peeking over to see what had gotten him so interested, he quickly scrambled to pick it up before hiding it in his lap. That made you even more suspicious.
"What are you trying to hide?" You squinted your eyes at him.
Hongjoong gulped nervously, which made your anxiety rise up.
"No-nothing... " But obviously there was something if his eyes refused to look at you. The longer you stared at him, the more Hongjoong seemed to recoil back in his chair, looking like he was..... guilty? Ashamed?
Dropping your fork on the table, you held up an accusatory finger at him.
"I'm warning you right now Kim Hongjoong, if you're fucking cheating on me I will cut off your penis while you're sleeping!" You threatened him.
The color drained from Hongjoong's face but nonetheless he got up to go over and calm you down.
"No no babe! I'm not cheating on you! I swear." He promised you, even getting on his knees in front of you.
"Then what were you looking at that you didn't want me to see?"
Sighing softly, Hongjoong took out his phone and pulled up the picture that he was looking at: it was a really cute and girly crib with a pink bed setting. You had to admit you were surprised that it would be something he was so intently looking at.
"And tell me why you were so distracted by this? Who were you planning on buying this for? Our son is already 3 and I don't think he'll appreciate the frilly pink in his room." You tried reasoning with him.
"No it's not for him. I've just been seeing so many nursery ideas for baby girls and it kinda got me thinking...." He paused and layed a hand on your stomach as he bit down on his lip, hoping you'd catch on to what he was trying to say.
And you most certainly did.
"Hongjoong- are you telling me you actually want another baby?" You weren't put off by the idea but it was so sudden and unexpected that you didn't know how to react.
Standing upright, Hongjoong squeezed your cheeks and softly pecked your lips.
"I do. I want an adorable and beautiful little girl... just like you. " He chuckled adoringly as he pressed more kisses to your cheek, trying to coerce you into saying yes.
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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"Dang, could you imagine raising 6 kids?" You asked Seonghwa as you cuddled up closer to him, your hand stroking the little patch of skin that was peeking out of his pajama shirt while you two watched the old sitcom The Brady Bunch play on your tv.
"Well you'd never have a boring day for sure." He chuckled, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You hummed softly, eyes never leaving the screen in front of you.
"True...but to think how exhausting it must be. We only have two and they take up most of our time."
Seonghwa laughed at how true your words were, your twins already nearing 5 years of age and boy were they a handful. If you weren't making sure they were doing well in school, you almost always had to deal with the boy pranking his sister or causing all kinds of mischief or you had your daughter coming up to you with the darnest of questions, one after another.
"But you can't deny they're adorable and they make our life happier." He reminded you, and you had to agree. Like Seonghwa said, there was never a boring day with your two munchkins around.
Feeling Seonghwa's fingers idly tap along your hip, you knew his mind was elsewhere and not on the show playing on the tv.
"Penny for your thoughts?" You asked him.
Seonghwa wondered whether it would be a good idea to say something but ultimately decided 'screw it.' Turning off the tv, he sat up and looked you straight in the eye.
"How would you feel about adding another member to the family?" He straight out blurted it out.
Although you knew what he meant, you decided to play like you didn't understand.
"I thought you said no pets because they make a mess." You giggled which caused Seonghwa to flick your head.
"You know that's not what I meant." He huffed out.
"I know, I know love...."
Grabbing the collar of his shirt, your fingers slowly began undoing the buttons.
"So.... you want another baby?"
Seonghwa felt himself hardening when he looked at your suggestive eyes.
"Yes." He breathed out, tongue swiping over his lips when you brought your face close to his.
"Wanna fuck another baby into me?" You smirked as you layed down on the bed and pulled him on top of you.
"Hell yeah-"
Your moment was interrupted when you heard the screeching of your daughter as she called out for you, ratting out her brother in his new prank. Seonghwa sighed loudly as he got up.
"Guess we're trying this another night."
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Picking his son up from school, Yunho watched as the little boy waved goodbye to his friends who in turn ran to their respective parents. He noticed how the boy seemed to look with great curiosity at some of them, particularly when they would hug or mess around with the sibling that was accompanying their dad or mom. Even during the car ride home, Yunho would peer through the rear view mirror and saw the little boy fidgeting his tiny hands.
"What's up buddy? Something on your mind?" He asked.
His son looked around nervously before blurting out:
"Dad how come all of my friends have brothers or sisters but I don't?"
Yunho had to steady his grip on the steering wheel to keep from swerving onto the opposite lane. He was not prepared to be asked such a question by his son.
"I well umm..... mommy and I didn't know you'd want a sibling...."
Yunho looked back at his son through the rear view mirror, hesitating on his words.
"Do you want a brother or sister?"
The reaction on the boy's face was immediate, eyes growing big and sparkling.
"Yes! I want someone to play with every day too!" He squealed.
Yunho chuckled at his son's excitement. Getting out his phone, being careful not to take his eyes off the road, he made a quick call to Mingi and asked him if he could babysit for a couple hours, which his friend was more than happy to do. Yunho immensely thanked him and hung up.
"Well buddy, for today please settle for Mingi's daughter. Maybe this time you'll actually beat her in climbing up a tree faster."
Happy at getting his boy content and with entertained for a few hours, Yunho dropped him off at Mingi's place, the latter promising to take good care of him, which Yunho didn't doubt one bit. Getting back inside the car, he nearly drove over the speed limit just so he could get home as fast as possible. You were just finishing up setting up the table for lunch when Yunho came running inside.
"Hey, where's-"
You slightly gasped when Yunho cupped your face and began kissing you hungrily, his mouth devouring yours as his hands went to the back of your thighs so he could pick you up and wrap your legs around his waist.
"Yunho what has gotten into you? Where's my baby?" You finally asked when you were able to catch your breath.
"He's over with Mingi and he'll be there for a couple hours, perfect if you ask me."
You couldn't help the blush that spread across your cheeks when Yunho kicked open the door to your room and proceeded to lay you on the bed.
"Our son is lonely, he wants someone to play with and keep him company."
You giggled when you caught onto his meaning, tilting your head when he began peppering kisses along your jaw.
"So let's try and make him a sibling."
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Yeosang and you calmly laid out the food on top of the picnic blanket, one of you looking over every once in a while at the pair of kids running around the park, making sure neither of them got hurt, which they didn't. You two merely exchanged amused looks when you heard their playful bantering.
"Hey! No fair! You cheated!" Your son accused his older half sister, face frowning at having lost in their game of hide and seek.
"Did not! You're just a sore loser." Eunbin called out.
Huffing loudly, your son stomped his tiny 4 year old feet away from her, but stopping midway to turn around dramatically.
"I liked you better when you'd let me win!" He exclaimed.
"And I liked you better when you couldn't talk and still needed to be changed. You were a lot cuter back then!" Eunbin replied, half snorting at her statement.
You and Yeosang tried not to burst out laughing right then and there, preferring to keep quiet, knowing they'd be friends again in 5 minutes and forget they even got mad at each other. You went back to your task of peeling fruit, so engrossed that you almost didn't hear Yeosang start talking.
"He was incredibly adorable as a baby, Eunbin isn't lying." He commented.
"Yeah he was. He looked like a little cherub. Squishy cheeks and button nose." You faintly squealed as you recalled all the times you'd stay by his crib and watched him sleep.
Yeosang also began reminiscing about those times, his mind starting to get ideas.
"What if we had another one?" He asked so casually.
"Another baby?" You raised your head to look at him.
"Yeah.... I mean... I kinda miss all those sleepless nights of crying, endless feeding, rocking them to sleep and changing diapers." Yeosang admitted.
"I did most of it though." You reminded him.
"I mean.... I helped didn't I?" Yeosang tried to argue.
"Actually Damian helped out, even if he was grouchy about it." You rolled your eyes.
Yeosang huffed. "So I take it this means no baby?"
"Now hold on, I didn't say that. I'm very open to the idea, but you know this isn't a decision to make ourselves."
Calling for your children over, they speedily made their way to you two, each of them sitting next to their favorite parent, Eunbin next to her father while your son scooted over with you, resting his head on your lap.
"Hey kids, what do you guys think about mommy and I getting you guys a brother or sister?"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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"There you go princess. All nice and pretty like always. Remember to behave at school ok? And be nice...."
Looking over to make sure you weren't within earshot, San leaned in and whispered to his daughter.
"But if anyone is being mean to you, remember to do that thing I taught you."
The tiny pig tailed girl held up her tiny fists and proceeded to lift her foot up and kick the air, just like her father had secretly taught her to do when you weren't around.
"That's my girl! Love you."
Kissing the top of her head, he watched her get in the car that also contained Wooyoung's daughter, their mom waving from the driver's side before taking them both to school. As usual, San stayed by the doorstep and waited a couple minutes before heading back inside. He joined you in the kitchen, where you were busy washing dishes from breakfast. Feeling your husband hug you from behind, you looked over and pecked his cheek.
"What's wrong?" You asked when you saw his pouty face.
"I'm worried about our princess. What if something happens to her?" He was starting once more with his overprotective dad mode.
"San she's going to be fine." You assured him.
"How do we know for sure? We say that now but what about later in life? Soon she'll start growing up, start making her own decisions and- Oh my God! Boys! Some boy will try to take her away from me!" He screeched, pure panic on his face.
"And that's normal. She will attract boys, she will date, will get her heartbroken-"
"Oh no no no, anyone breaks her heart, I'll break their necks." He cracked his knuckles to get his point across.
"You can't spy on her 24/7 you know. You might not even know when someone is interested in her or if she's interested in someone." You tried explaining to him.
"Hmmm true....we need someone else to do the job.."
Turning you around, San had a mischievous look in his eyes as he began untying your robe.
"Maybe someone like a little brother to report to me anything that goes on in her life."
You scoffed at him. "Choi San, are you suggesting we have a kid merely so they'll become your little accomplice?"
San chuckled as he pulled your body against his.
"That and it's getting pretty gloomy in the house without our daughter. Another baby might cheer us up."
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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Mingi and you cooed at the tiny baby that was in Yunho's arms.
"He's so adorable." You squeaked when he brought it closer to you so you could get a better look at his tiny face
"And big." Mingi pointed out
"Yep, his mom felt that too while pushing him out." Yunho grimaced as he recalled the excruciating hours inside the delivery room.
"But it was all worth it in the end. We brought another healthy precious boy into the world and our son won't be so lonely anymore." Yunho continued as he looked over towards his son and your daughter who were currently immersed in their favorite tv show.
"Here, wanna hold him?"
Of course you did. Carefully taking the baby from his arms, you rocked him in your embrace, your heart nearly bursting out of your chest from how cute he was.
"Oh my god Mingi! He's the cutest thing ever." You whisper yelled, not wanting to cause the baby to cry or anything.
"I know. Doesn't it make you want another one?"
You whipped your head over at Mingi, who looked shocked that he actually said that.
"I mean- if you don't want to that's fine. I understand. After all, we already have our lovely daughter and I wouldn't want you to go through another pregnancy if you weren't up to it..." His babbling started to trail off, throat clearing as he felt embarrassed about what he said.
"Well look at that, he needs to be fed. Maybe it'll give you two time to talk." Yunho laughed slightly as he took the baby away and went to go prepare a bottle.
When Mingi looked back, you had your arms crossed over your chest, foot tapping against the floor. Your stare made him nervous.
"Song Mingi....do you want another baby?" You raised an eyebrow.
"I mean....I would but if you don't, I won't-"
You silenced him by pressing a kiss on his lips.
"I do. I think it'd be nice to grow our tiny family a little more." Your reply brought a smile to his face.
"Really? You mean it?"
You nodded immediately, giggling when he pressed more kisses on your lips.
"Can we start trying tonight?"
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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"Y/N, I need your opinion on something." Wooyoung called out for you.
Walking into the room, you saw him face deep on his laptop, scrolling the mouse down.
"What?" You asked as you came up behind him.
"You know how we've been talking about moving to a different area?" You nodded at his question. Indeed, you had both been discussing about moving to a neighborhood that was close to your daughter's school.
"Well I found a few options and I wanted to see if you liked any of them."
Hunching over slightly, you started looking at all the different houses Wooyoung found. They all looked pretty cozy and very spacious.. a little too big though.
"Ooh! That's the one I liked! It has this huge backyard and I was thinking maybe we could install a playground for our daughter out there. With swings and a slide. Or maybe a trampoline!" He excitedly poured out his ideas.
"Wooyoung these are all 4 bedroom houses though." You pointed out.
"Yeah. So?" He shrugged.
"It's literally just 3 of us, what on earth are we going to do with 2 spare rooms?" You questioned him.
"Well I mean....what if..it wasn't just us 3? What if 3 became 4...or even more?" He looked up at you as he bit down on his lip, his hands coming up to caress your hips in a suggestive manner.
Smiling fondly at him, you cupped his cheeks and hummed.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" You smirked at him.
"Are you going to say yes?" He looked at you with a hopeful smile.
You pretended to think about it, but eventually sighed and gave in.
Wooyoung jumped up from his seat and crushed you in a tight embrace, his lips attacking your cheek with pecks that felt more aggresive than grateful.
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" He repeated over and over again.
Running out of the room, he barged into your daughter's bedroom where he proceeded to pick her up and spin her around, the poor girl confused.
"Guess what babygirl?! We're moving to a new house and you're going to get a sibling!"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Jongho steadied the tiny girl on his lap who was bouncing out of emotion while watching the soccer game.
"Ok ok honey, settle down. I don't want you falling off or something." He said as his strong hands kept her in place.
You and your daughter proudly cheered for Hongjoong's son and his team as they continued to score goal after goal, eventually winning over the other team which sent all of the spectators into a frenzy.
"Oh my god! They actually won!" You clapped.
Overflowing with excitement, your daughter hopped off her dad's lap and ran full speed into the field where she proceeded to latch onto Hongjoong's son, her tiny arms clinging to him while the poor boy was looking scared and nudged for someone to help him.
"Of course she'd run over to him." Jongho let out a sigh.
"Upset that your little girl already has her first crush?" You teased.
"No- well yes, but no actually."
Sensing that something was the matter with him, you inched yourself closer to Jongho, your hand reaching out to hold his.
"Is something wrong?"
It took a while for Jongho to muster his thoughts, but he eventually laid out his worries to you.
"No, it's just.... don't get me wrong, I love our daughter very much, she's my whole world along with you. But I can't help but feel jealous of my friends with their sons. Taking them to soccer matches every weekend, teaching them how to kick a ball, score a goal, you know, activities for father son bonding times."
You understood what he was talking about and although he could very well try to teach those things to your daughter, she was much too delicate and girly for such things, not to mention she didn't have much of an interest in sports. Resting your head on his shoulder, you smiled as you suggested:
"Maybe we should start trying for a boy then. I think it'd be nice don't you?"
Jongho whipped his head at you, questioning if you were being serious or not. You grinned and kissed his nose, effectively letting him know you were indeed being serious. Giggling, he pulled you against him and kissed your forehead.
"I love you so much."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners
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guqin-and-flute · 3 years
Episode 73: Koala Chlamydia Is A Problem [My Brothers, My Sister and Me Excerpt]
[MBMSAM AU] [First Installment] [Podfics!] [Ao3 Link]
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Jin Zixuan: Do we want another question?
Qin Su: Sure, yeah, got one right here. 'When I was younger, I was really skinny and weak'--hey! Hey, now, negative body talk, much! That's super judgmental of yourself!
Mo Xuanyu: And of us people who are skinny and weak right now! [teasing] Right, Yao-gege?
Meng Yao: [calmly] I'm not affiliated with you.
[crosstalk] Mo Xuanyu: [cackles]
Qin Su: 'When I was a kid, I was really skinny and weak, so I made it my mission to get as jacked as possible so people would take me seriously. I put in a lot of hard work, changed my exercise routine and diet and it worked. But now, as an adult I'm a 6 foot 7 dude--'
Jin Zixuan: [incredulous] 6 foot 7 ?
Qin Su: Just a mountain of a man. '--6 foot 7 dude with serious muscle mass--'
[crosstalk] Jin Zixuan: [sotto voce] Good God .
Qin Su: '-- and a pretty intense resting face. I routinely make children cry just by existing and everyone shoots me nervous looks in the grocery store. It gets to me sometimes. I’m not a bad guy! I just look scary. What are some ways that I can make myself less intimidating?’
Mo Xuanyu: Huh.
Qin Su: I mean, let’s see...puppies are unintimidating. Can you devise a system where you carry a few around with you at all times? Maybe in some saddle bags, everywhere you go?
Mo Xuanyu: The movies, the gym, on dates… .
Jin Zixuan: Sure, until they start pissing down your legs. Then you’re not just unintimidating, you’re the guy no one wants to stand next to at the bus stop.
Meng Yao: I mean, it still does the job, doesn’t it?
Mo Xuanyu: You could get a butterfly tattoo, like, directly on your forehead.
Meng Yao: Okay, please explain to me your thought process on how exactly that would make anyone more approachable.
Qin Su: They still want to be able to navigate human society, A-Yu.
Mo Xuanyu: Ew, why? 
Jin Zixuan: Let’s see...what makes someone approachable….Who is the least intimidating of all of us?
Qin Su: [immediately] You.
Meng Yao: [affirming] Mm.
[crosstalk] Jin Zixuan: [incredulous] What?
[crosstalk] Mo Xuanyu: Oh yeah, you’re like...you’re like a poodle. Or a--
Jin Zixuan: [highly offended] Excuse me! I'm the oldest and definitely the tallest one here!
[crosstalk] Meng Yao: [ill concealed snort]
[crosstalk] Qin Su: [pityingly] Oh, da- ge .
[crosstalk] Mo Xuanyu: Or a golden retriever.
Qin Su: Please don't tell me you think that being tall translates into you actually being scary. You’re tallest by, like, 3 inches. At most, that’s just part of the equation of being scary.
Meng Yao: And the rest of Zixuan’s equation is just filled with collared polo shirts. Which absolutely tanks the intimidation ratio.
Mo Xuanyu: That doesn't tank yours, though.
Meng Yao: I wear button downs. It’s not the same. [Vaguely disgusted undertone] Collared polos.
Jin Zixuan: Excuse you, polos are weekend wear and there is nothing wrong-- I can be intimidating!
Qin Su: [doubtfully] Ehhhhh…
[crosstalk] Mo Xuanyu: [badly stifled snickers]
[crosstalk]Jin Zixuan: I can! Just because I’ve never had to intimidate you --
Qin Su: Let's just say; citation needed
Mo Xuanyu: Please, jiejie has you beat.
Jin Zixuan: [indignant] Wha--
[crosstalk] Qin Su: He's right, gege; an unopened jar of mayonnaise has you beat. And I'm no unopened jar of mayonnaise. 
Mo Xuanyu: That shit is opened .
Meng Yao: That’s a Tinder profile quote.
Qin Su: What? 'Spicier than mayo?'
Mo Xuanyu: [half singing, half chanting] ‘My mayo brings all the boys to the yard, and they’re like-- [normal voice] this is really underwhelming.’
Meng Yao: [musing] ‘Saltier than soy sauce, spicier than mayo….’
Qin Su: Why do we always come back to food? Are our Skype calls haunted by starving Victorian ghost children? Are we possessed?
Mo Xuanyu: [mournful, high pitched, bad British accent] ‘My name is Bartholemew and I’m starving. Please, spare some mayo.’
Meng Yao: It’s your own fault if none of you bother to eat before we record. You all had the schedule.
Mo Xuanyu: [crunches loudly near mic]
Meng Yao: [falsely happy] Hey, thanks! Thank you so much, A-Yu, love the level spike on that one. Editing mouth noises out of our podcast makes my day brighter.
Jin Zixuan: [under his breath] Just...unbelievable….You all….
Qin Su: [smiling] I think we broke him.
Meng Yao: [laughing] Zixuan is limping behind the conversation indignantly, brandishing his cane….
Mo Xuanyu: [sympathetically] Awww.
Jin Zixuan: I--! I am a high powered businessman! I am trained in martial arts and archery and swordsmanship --
Mo Xuanyu: [mouth full] Oh please, gege, you’re a pod caster.
Jin Zixuan: [forcefully] I am a CEO--
[crosstalk] Qin Su: [ignoring him] I think Yao-gege is somehow the most and least intimidating out of all of us at the same time, if we're all being completely honest with ourselves and our place in the world.
Mo Xuanyu: Aww, I thought I was at least a contender!
Qin Su: Honey, you're feral. There's a difference.
Mo Xuanyu: What does a kid have to do around here to be intimidating?
Meng Yao: Learn how to chew with your mouth closed, for one.
Jin Zixuan: [indignantly] A-Yao? Are you not going to deny this?
[Brief silence]
Meng Yao: [calmly] I don't think I'm scary.
Qin Su & Mo Xuanyu: [instant uproarious laughter]
Jin Zixuan: Oh, come on! He's like...a little koala bear or something! How is that scary!
Meng Yao: [offended] Excuse me--
[crosstalk] Mo Xuanyu: [still laughing] I’m gonna pee --
Meng Yao: -- koalas have smooth brains and eat poisonous leaves all day. Are you calling me a poisonous idiot bear?
Qin Su: [wheezes] Only in private.
Mo Xuanyu: [laughter trailing off] Wait, wait, hold on. Don’t all koalas have chlamydia or something?
Qin Su: [renewed laughter]
[crosstalk] Meng Yao: [startled laugh] What?
Mo Xuanyu: Chlamydia! I think that I read--!
[crosstalk] Jin Zixuan: Oh my god, I think I’ve actually heard that. The plague, the bubonic plague, isn’t it? Or that--Some sort of--that disease people used to get where bits of you fall off?
Qin Su: Beheadings?
Meng Yao: [voice strangled from laughter] Yes, A-Su, that ancient disease the French Revolution that all koalas have--
[crosstalk] Jin Zixuan: [snickering]
Mo Xuanyu: [loud and close to mic] LEPROSY .
[crosstalk] Qin Su: Ow--
[crosstalk] Jin Zixuan: Holy shit--
Mo Xuanyu: It’s leprosy and you’re thinking of armadillos, da-ge. 
Jin Zixuan: [muttering] Aren’t we all….
Qin Su: [solemnly]  Armadillos and guillotines. Every damn minute of every damn day.
Mo Xuanyu: And I googled it, I’m right; koala chlamydia is a problem.
Meng Yao: And we’ve just found the title of this episode.
Qin Su: If most koalas have chlamydia, I feel like they have other problems they have to deal with.
Mo Xuanyu: Those pesky, promiscuous koalas!
Qin Su: Get them some damn sex ed! Use those eucalyptus leaves for protection!
Meng Yao: [pleasantly] That’s just about the worst thing I’ve heard all day.
Mo Xuanyu: Eugh, that menthol, though. Like Vicks for your dicks!
Meng Yao: I hate it.
[crosstalk]Jin Zixuan: [pained] PSA: don’t do that. Ever.
Qin Su: The voice of experience?
Jin Zixuan: I don’t think you actually want an answer to that, meimei.
Meng Yao: You people make me hate learning and also knowing things.
Mo Xuanyu: Also I've been looking it up and mountain lions are the ones that can have the bubonic plague.
Meng Yao: Choose your fighter; chlamydia ridden koala, leprosy ridden armadillo, or mountain lion with the Black Death.
Qin Su: Well, at least the mountain lion could inflict some damage. Use it like a poison delivery system, like an anthrax letter to secretly infect people.
Meng Yao: [patient teacher tone] ‘A mountain lion is to an anthrax letter, like a koala is to a…?’
Qin Su: [mock frustration] Oh, man, I know this one….
Mo Xuanyu: 'I can't come into school today, I got attacked by a mountain lion.'
Qin Su: [acting concerned] 'Oh my God, are you okay? Are you gonna have scars?'
Mo Xuanyu: 'Worse. The Plague .'
Jin Zixuan:  Okay, glad we got our animal infections all sorted out--back to what we were talking about. So, riddle me this--
[crosstalk] Mo Xuanyu: [delighted, Riddlemancer voice] Rrrriddle Me Piss, kids--!
[crosstalk] Meng Yao & Qin Su: NO!
[crosstalk] Jin Zixuan: Oh my god --
Mo Xuanyu: [laughing] I don't actually have anything today--
[crosstalk] Meng Yao: A blessing .
Mo Xuanyu: --but I'll get you next time.
Jin Zixuan: No, I need to know, genuinely, this is not a bit-- why do you think A-Yao scarier than me?
Qin Su: I mean, what's not scary about a smooth brained bear full of toxins and chlamydia?
Meng Yao: [disgruntled] Uh huh.
Mo Xuanyu: Technically, they’re not bears, they're marsupials! And I think Yao-gege is more of an armadillo--hard on the outside--
[slight crosstalk] Qin Su: --And full of leprosy on the inside. 
Meng Yao: [further from mic, keyboard tapping] 'And to Mo Xuanyu...and Qin Su...I leave... absolutely nothing, except...this bag of dog shit and...spiders…..'
[crosstalk] Mo Xuanyu: [laughing]
[crosstalk] Qin Su: Awww, A-Yu, we're being written out of his will again!
Jin Zixuan: Listeners, am I wrong? Am I crazy? He’s the size of a toddler--
[slight crosstalk] Meng Yao: [still away from mic, keyboard tapping] ‘And to Jin Zixuan...I leave--’
Jin Zixuan: He looks like a sugar glider baby that got turned into a human man--
[slight crosstalk] Meng Yao: ‘This box...of useless...tetanus filled screws….’
Qin Su: Da-ge--
[crosstalk] Meng Yao: ‘--that i...encourage him to use…--’
[crosstalk] Mo Xuanyu: [snickering]
Meng Yao: ‘As acupuncture needles.’ There. Sent to the notary. Now, what were we talking about, again?
Qin Su: Da-ge, all those things might be true--
[crosstalk] Meng Yao: [flatly] Wow.
Qin Su: But here’s a test. What would you do to someone picking on A-Yu in school?
Jin Zixuan: [immediate, sounding businesslike and slightly aggressive] I would contact their parents and set up a meeting with the school officials and make it very clear that they are never to do that again.
Qin Su: [grinning] Okay. Yao-gege, what would you do to someone picking on A-Yu in school?
Meng Yao: [calmly] Absolutely nothing you could prove in a court of law.
Mo Xuanyu: [bursts out laughing]
[crosstalk] Qin Su: I mean--
[crosstalk] Jin Zixuan: Uhhhh--
Qin Su: You see? Also-- [quick sing-song voice] 🎵 This is a joke, for legal reasons, this is a joke 🎵 [normal voice] He’s got that--that--
[crosstalk] Mo Xuanyu: [lingering laughter] Yeah, it's that menace. Da-ge, you’re like--you’re like if a duckling--okay, you remember when I brought you to Hot Topic? You were like a duckling at a Death Metal concert.
Jin Zixuan: [defensively] The music was so loud--
[crosstalk] Meng Yao: [pityingly] Oh, Zixuan.
Qin Su: You're like if a golf course got turned into a human. 
Meng Yao You're what would happen if you gave mac and cheese a social security card and keys to a lamborghini.
Jin Zixuan: [unamused] Okay.
Mo Xuanyu: [laughing] You're the lightly salted almonds of people. 
Qin Su: You're like a wholesome Hallmark movie fucked the concept of the suburbs.
Jin Zixuan: [unamused] Sure. Sure.
Meng Yao: You emanate the peril of a box of lethargic kittens.
Jin Zixuan: Wow. My own family. This is coming from the physical manifestation of a My Chemical Romance song--
[crosstalk] Mo Xuanyu: [smug] You say that like it’s a bad thing.
Jin Zixuan: -- and the woman who cries at the Land Before Time every time she watches it. I think this is a case of glass houses, here. Let ye who are intimidating... 
Qin Su: Oh, so we’re not roasting Yao-gege back?
Meng Yao: Not sure how me being compared to a STD riddled marsupial for about 5 minutes straight escaped your notice, A-Su, but alright. 
Jin Zixuan: I feel that you are all being...heinously short sighted, here. Are you seriously trying to tell me that A-Yu is scarier than me, a full grown man?
Meng Yao: I would certainly be more warranted in my concern about him stabbing me than I would about you.
Mo Xuanyu: Oh my God, gege, that was like 5 years ago and I already said I was sorry--
[crosstalk] Jin Zixuan: [loudly] What--
[crosstalk] Qin Su: Did we actually help this person? I mean--
Mo Xuanyu: We always help, jiejie.
[crosstalk] Jin Zixuan: Hold on--
Qin Su: We learned a lot about exactly how disturbing the animal kingdom is, but….
[crosstalk] Jin Zixuan: No, go back--
[slight crosstalk] Meng Yao: Dress like a middle aged accountant, share minion memes on Facebook, and buy your son a puppy so you have an excuse to talk to the dog and not people. There you go. Done.
Jin Zixuan: No, rewind--Xuanyu, you stabbed our brother? 
[brief silence]
Qin Su: [brightly] Well, that's going to do it for us today, folks--!
Jin Zixuan: A-Yu!
[crosstalk] Mo Xuanyu: It was only a little!
Jin Zixuan: How can you stab someone a little ?! 
[crosstalk] Qin Su: Thank you so much for listening in this week--
Jin Zixuan: With what ? Why?!
Mo Xuanyu: It honestly wasn’t that bad, he made it sound like--
[crosstalk] Jin Zixuan: That's not an answer --
[crosstalk] Meng Yao: [begins laughing]
Jin Zixuan: A-Yao--!
[crosstalk] Meng Yao: [still laughing]
Qin Su: [brightly]  We hope you enjoyed our enlightening romp, here! We want to thank Sister Sledge for the use of the song We Are Family. A-Yu, how about that last Yahoo?
[crosstalk] Meng Yao: [farther from mic, clearly grinning] Ohhh, boy. 
Mo Xuanyu: Okay, okay--anonymous Yahoo Answers user asks….[exaggerated, desperate voice] ‘I can’t afford a freezer. Where do I put my deer meat?’
[Outro music begins quietly]
Qin Su: [laughs] I’m Qin Su.
Jin Zixuan: [sighs, disgruntled] I’m Jin Zixuan.
Meng Yao: [grinning] I’m Meng Yao.
Mo Xuanyu: [sheepish] I’m Mo Xuanyu.
Qin Su: And this has been My Brothers, My Sister, And Me! Thank you to everyone, see you next week and remember; send your trash dad straight to jail!
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marauderundercover · 3 years
This Side of Normal Ch. 6
Jason walks into the hospital room, heart breaking at the sight. Adrien, a huge bandage covering what was left of his arm and part of his shoulder. And next to him… This wasn’t supposed to happen. He was supposed to be there to make sure the kids didn’t get hurt. Instead, Ladybug- no, Marinette, he reminded himself. She had told him her name through sobs as he held her on the roof after they gave their statements to the police. Marinette blamed herself. He could see it in everything she did, the way she responded to people, her body language around Adrien and Jason. He knew she blamed herself. But she shouldn’t. She wasn’t the one who had been trained to fight villains like that. Villains willing to kill kids to get ahead. But Jason was trained. He was supposed to be prepared and know what to do. But now, Adrien would have to relearn how to do everything with just one arm. Sure, he could get a prosthetic, but that wouldn’t be for several weeks. And even if he chooses to get a prosthetic, he’d have to relearn everything. Again. And it was all because Jason couldn’t save him. He couldn’t save anyone. Jason turns to leave, not ready to talk to the boy who lost an arm because Jason wasn’t fast enough.
“Jay?” A soft voice from the bed calls, making Jason freeze. Whirling around, he rushes over to the bed, immediately looking the boy over to see if he’s okay. 
“Hey kiddo, how ya feeling? Are you- I’m so sorry.” Jason rambles, falling onto the spare chair next to Adrien’s bed. A chair that should’ve held a parent. If Gabriel wasn’t a piece of shit supervillain who cut off his own son’s arm and kept his wife’s corpse in a hidden basement. Yeah, that investigation must’ve sucked. 
“It’s weird.” He says, and Jason frowns at the tears filling the boy’s eyes. “My arm hurts, Jay. Really bad. But every time I try to hold it, or move it to a position that doesn’t hurt- it’s not there.” 
“Oh kid.” Jason clamps his mouth shut, determined to not let the kid hear his voice cracks, determined not to let the kid see him cry. What did he have to cry about? He’s the one that wasn’t good enough to protect these kids. Jason leans forward and gently wraps his arms around Adrien, letting the boy sob into his shoulder. Holding onto a sobbing Adrien, Jason’s able to see Marinette wake up and instantly leap into a fighting position. When she notices him, she relaxes slightly, until she sees the crying boy. Then her face morphs into pain and she backs up away from the bed, wrapping her arms around herself. 
“Mari?” Adrien says, pulling away from Jason and sniffling. 
“I’m so sorry Adrien. It’s, it’s all my fault.” She says, still keeping her distance. Jason sighs and stands, moving across the room in two large strides and wrapping her into a hug. She stiffens for a moment before basically collapsing in his arms. Jason just holds her and lets her cry, just as he let her on the roof two nights ago. After years of not being able to feel anything other than happy, Jason would support these kids and encourage them to feel. Even if it hurt. They deserved to feel. 
Sitting and talking to Adrien about anything and everything after school had become a daily occurrence for Marinette. Jason walking her from school to the hospital had also become a daily occurrence. So walking by herself was weird. Doable, because she was Ladybug and could walk across Paris alone, but still weird. Especially since Jason was so insistent on her being more careful now that Hawkmoth- Gabriel- was behind bars. Jay was convinced that that meant that the regular, run of the mill bad guys would come back out of the woodwork now that they didn’t have to deal with possible akumas. Regardless, that hadn’t happened yet and she could easily walk by herself. It was still weird though. Walking into the hospital, Marinette frowns at Jason who was pacing and rapidly arguing with someone on the phone in English. Quickly reminding herself that, no he wouldn’t be akumatized, and yes, he was allowed to have negative feelings, she moves so that she’s in his line of sight. Making eye contact with him, she raises an eyebrow as a silent question. He frowns, but doesn’t do anything else except nod towards Adrien’s room. Rolling her eyes in annoyance at his avoidance, Marinette lets herself into Adrien’s room, smiling softly at her friend. The first two days after the battle, she could barely look at him. She blamed herself completely and didn’t feel like she was worthy of being his friend anymore. Now, almost a week after the battle, she still blamed herself. But it was easier to look at him, easier to talk to him.  
“Hey kitty.” She says, walking over and sitting in the chair on the left side of his bed. 
“Hey bug. Jay still on the phone?” He asks, and that’s when she notices the tell-tale signs of worry on his face. 
“Yeah...how long has he been on the phone?” She asks, frowning at his wince. 
“Well, he tried to ignore the person the first three times they called. And then he finally answered, said ‘leave me alone’ and hung up. And then they called again, and that’s when the yelling and arguing started and he left the room. That was…” He trails off, looking towards the clock on the wall. “Almost two hours ago.” “Two hours? On the phone? You don’t think he’s in trouble, do you? I mean, I know he has a life back where he lives, and I’m sure his boss is probably getting frustrated with him. But-” Marinette stops herself, not wanting to say something selfish. She knew that Jason had a life outside of Paris. But he was the only grown up to care that Ladybug and Chat Noir were just kids, that they needed help. He was the one to make sure they weren’t spending too much time being heroes and not enough time sleeping and doing homework. He was their big brother, and she wasn’t ready to say bye yet. Even if they could still call him. It wasn’t the same.
Jason Todd was livid, and for the millionth time that week, thankful that Gabriel Agreste was rotting in a prison cell instead of manipulating people who were having a bad day. Cause this was not a good day. 
“B, I’m not sure what you want from me.” He finally huffs out, glancing towards Adrien’s shut door. 
“I just want to know why you haven’t returned. Dick informed me of the flooding your first day, and how things seemed to magically fix themselves. You told us that everything was taken care of, and then you stopped answering any questions about the situation. Seeing as there is apparently no immediate danger to anyone there, I think it’s time you returned home. You have responsibilities here, Jason. Your family is here.” Bruce says simply, and Jason has to bite his tongue from arguing. How was he supposed to tell Bruce about these kids who needed support that they weren’t getting anywhere else. That there were two young superheroes in Paris who needed someone to understand what they were going through, since they couldn’t (or wouldn’t) tell anyone else? Bruce would have adoption papers written up in minutes, and taking the two from their city didn’t seem right. Plus he would never let Bruce adopt them, the kids had enough emotional baggage to deal with without being a Wayne. 
“I just haven’t, Bruce. I’m a grown man. I-” “You have responsibilities, Jason. I let you take this vacation because I could see you needed it. But now we need you. I- your brothers miss you.” Bruce says, and Jason rolls his eyes at the man’s inability to be emotional. He would’ve done great in Hawkmoth’s Paris. 
“Okay, I’ll start looking for a ticket. I should be home in two or three weeks-”
“I’ve already ordered a ticket for you. Your flight leaves Paris at noon tomorrow. See you then.” Bruce says, hanging up before Jason has the chance to argue more. Not that he had the energy after going back and forth between arguing with Dick and Bruce for two goddamned hours. Resisting the urge to throw his phone against the wall, Jason takes a couple deep breaths to ground himself. No need to upset Mari and Adrien and if he goes in there pissed off, they’re gonna get upset. Shaking his head to try and clear it, Jason throws open Adrien’s door, grinning at the two, sitting side by side on Adrien’s bed. 
“Pixie Pop, you’re gonna piss off the nurse if she sees you up there again.” He says, walking over to his usual chair. 
“You’re upset.” She says, instead of arguing and reminding him that she can take anything the nurses can dish out (they’d had the exact conversation yesterday….and the day before.) Jason blinks, acting confused. 
“Don’t even try and act like you’re not Jay. Mari’s scary good at reading people.” Adrien says with a frown. Jason huffs and rolls his eyes. 
“Yeah, okay, I’m pissed.” He admits, slumping back in his chair and crossing his arms. Marinette turns to Adrien and whispers something to him, Adrien nodding before she turns back to look at him. 
“You’re gonna need our phone numbers.” She says, and Jason frowns in actual confusion this time. 
“Gonna need a little more than that, Pix.” He says. 
“Well, we knew that you’re not from here. And that eventually you’d have to go back. I mean, I’m sure your boss wasn’t planning on you taking a vacation quite this long. But-” Marinette pauses and lets out a shaky breath. “But neither of us want to lose you. You care about both sides of us, and you’re the only one. You’re our big brother, Jay, but we both know that you have another life somewhere else. And I’m sure those people miss you too. I mean, you’re kinda cool or whatever.” Marinette teases, but he can tell behind the smirk that she’s close to tears. Jason sighs and stands, bringing both of them into a big hug. 
“I don’t wanna leave, ya know.” He mumbles, frowning when he feels his shirt getting wet from tears. 
“I know. But you have to. And that’s okay. It’s not goodbye forever.” Marinette says, her voice breaking as she holds onto him tighter. 
“Expect a lot of calls and face times. Especially once I get my arm. I have so many jokes to make, you’re gonna be sick of it.” Adrien says, and despite the joke, Jason can tell the boy is crying too. Jason squeezes a little tighter, accepting the fact that he’d be leaving. And that he wasn’t sure when he’d see the two again.
Tag list (open): @toodaloo-kangaroo @laurcad123 @kittenmywaythrulife @lost-in-the-world-of-maribat 
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shyestofhearts · 3 years
Hi Shy~
Sooo, I have this headcanon that Damian is like this wonderful child prodigy genius. Like, super smart. So smart, that when Bruce tries to enroll him in Gotham academy, they tell him that Damian has tests for college level. Which, Damian just rolls his eyes at, because duh. After discussing it with professionals and yada yada, Damian gets enrolled into college. He’s like, twelve-ish. He is STILL bored in class, and knows most of the information they are trying to teach. His advisor is so sweet and invested into Damian though. And observant. After noticing Damian lack of enthusiasm, he asks Damian what the problem. Nothing interests him, none of his classes.this advisor is an old timer, in my opinion, and has seen so many kids pushed to do things they never wanted to do, and decides he can’t let that happen with Damian. So the Advisor pulls out every department, every major, and goes through it with Damian. After a few hours, because it takes a while to convince Damian that it is alright to do anything he wants, Damian has his majors narrowed down to a few things. Art and pre-med. Damian’s advisor suggests he visit a few of the clubs on campus to really get a feel of what he wants. Thing is, even after going to the students’ art club gallery and one of the pre-med club meetings, neither really speak to him. It’s a Saturday night, and he’s alone on campus. Damian is about to call Alfred, when a student from Damian’s organic chemistry class spots him.
“Damian!” Jace, a slightly round student with soft curly hair smiles at Damian. “Are you here for the show?”
“Show?” Damian scowls?
“Yeah, the fashion show. This year’s theme is sustainability,” Jace smiles. They one of the few people who never ogled at Damian for being a Wayne or looked down on him for his age. They are just genuinely nice, and Damian knows that.
“I didn’t know we had a fashion show,”
“Really? I swear I thought I mentioned it,” Jace says, surprised. Jace may have mentioned that, but Damian probably was zoned out during the time.“Tickets are $15, if you wanna come”
“Oh,” Damian frowns, “I used all the money I brought with me for the art gallery and lunch earlier,” He says, cursing internally for not bringing more cash with him.
“If you want to go, I’ll cover you.” Jace smiles, “Think of it as payment for help on our last exam” Damian would usually say no, but Jace is just so nice,
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah! Besides,” Jace smiles, turning towards the stadium, “I have a feeling you’re going to love it”
And Damian did love it. The designs were amazing, some more haute couture while others were casual, and each designer explained how their designs involved sustainability. Some were statement pieces, designed to address political issues, others were just to demonstrate that sustainability could still be cute, and while others highlighted affordability and sustainability.
Damian wanted to do this. Running through his head were endless possibilities. Perhaps he can enlist the help of Poison Ivy to create a vegan leather that was also bullet resistant, or…
The next Monday he is waiting for his advisor at 7 in the morning, because he spent the rest of the weekend coming up with ideas, sketches, creating a portfolio, and practicing hypothetical arguments as to why Damian should go into fashion. At 7:15 his advisor sees him, and can tell by the light in Damian’s eyes, determination on his face, and the way he’s clutching his sketchbook, Damian has found it.
“I want into the fashion program!” Damian all but bursts, unconsciously on his tippy toes in excitement.
“Okay,” His advisor smiles, ushering him into his office. “Let’s make it happen”
“Just like that?” Damian asks, eyes wide, voice surprisingly small. His advisor smiles at him kindly.
“I’ll do whatever I can to make it happen.”
It takes a bit before Damian can actually get into the program, he has to work on some prerequisites, and also create a better portfolio with samples, but Damian is determined. By the end of the school year, he has been accepted.
Damian doesn’t tell his family, not in the beginning. He actually doesn’t want to tell his friends either, unsure of how they’d react. He is still insecure, and just entering his teen years. He worries about what any or everyone will say. Eventually, though he tells Jon and Colin, swearing them to secrecy. They both are excited for him, asking if he’d design their costumes for them. Damian blushes but says,
“Tt, like you can afford me”
He eventually tells Alfred as well, because he needs help learning how to use a sewing machine, and fast. Sure, he can stitch someone up flawlessly, but sewing machines weren’t part of the League’s lessons. Alfred is in charge of the one at the Manor, so it only makes sense to ask him. Even so, Damian is reluctant. When he does finally ask, he nearly gives himself an attack, worrying about being scolded for not using his “full potential”. Alfred simply squeezes Damian’s shoulder, and agrees with a kind smile. The young Master finally seemed passionate about something besides vigilante work and violence. Alfred would do everything in his power to foster that.
“Just,” Damian looks down, hands clenching into fists at his side, “Do not tell the others. I would prefer this between us,” He looks at Alfred, unsuccessfully trying to hide the vulnerability in his wide emerald eyes. Alfred agrees, for now. On the conditions that Damian would have to tell his father and siblings himself, and not to far in the future either.
Damian impresses everyone with his designs, and people learn he is actually quite adorable when he’s doing something he enjoys. His classmates and professors encourage him to join the fall fashion show, which is covering “multiculturalism and the media”. Damian hesitantly agrees, though he has been making designs since the theme was announced. His room is full of crumbled paper on his floor, designs he deigned not good enough. Many of his designs are heavily influenced by his Arab culture, but he also has some Chinese-influenced designs as well. His statement piece is the hardest to get right. It involves a hijab and beautiful colors, but he just can’t get the right patter. Ripping another page and crumpling it,Damian is too concentrated to realized Tim and Dick have been creeping into his room.
“What’s this Dames?” Dick asks, startling Damian, as he looks at some of the rejected designs. Panic makes Damian defensive as he yells at them to get out, frustration fueling the dread of his family seeing such unsatisfactory work. Tim flinches, shocked by the emotion coming off of Damian, rushing out with a few crumpled papers he snuck from the floor. Damian is literally trying to shove Dick out the door. Dick turns around, because he can hear the panic in his little brother’s voice. In his Robin’ voice. “Damian,” he says softly, easily deflecting Damian. “It’s okay,” he says, wrapping his arms around Damian, reversing the situation. “What’s wrong, why are you reacting like this?” After a few minutes of struggling, Damian gives up. Slowly,he explains the situation, how he’s in the fashion program and the fashion show coming up, all the pressure to do well, the frustration of not having his statement piece yet. Dick listens, his hold turning into a hug. “From what I’ve seen,” Dick says softly, “these are all wonderful designs,Dami. Whatever you end up making will look amazing, if they look anything like your sketches.”
“It’s not enough!” Damian complains, eyes burning, but he refuses to cry. “You don’t understand!” He says, frustrated.
“Then explain it to me, why is this so important?”
“Because it is about me!” Damian’s voice cracks ask he turns away rosiness his eyes harshly. “When I was introduced to the public, as “Bruce Wayne’s biological son”, do you not remember how the newspapers reacted? They didn’t know me, or my mother, but because—because of my skin, the country I was born, I was mistrusted. Scorned. Yeah, maybe I’ve killed people, but that isn’t because of my skin color or my culture or the language I speak. I have this opportunity to speak out against that!” Damian turns to look at Dick, “I’ve tried to become better, to do better. It’s hard and unfair that none of that matters, because guests are invited to galas hosted in the house that I live in, only to make snide racist comments about “nukes” or the desert or bombs whenever Father and you all aren’t around me. How can I be better, when I’m not given the chance because people can’t see past my skin?” Dick wraps Damian into a tight hug, as wetness drips down Damian’s cheeks. “I’ve been here nearly four years—and it still happens” Damian whispers.
“Why didn’t you say anything Dami?”
“What could I say?” Damian whispers back,
“Invites these people because they are important to Wayne Enterprise.” He scoffs. “What could you do, especially if I have no proof?”
“Believe me, Damian,” Dick says seriously, pulling back to look into Damian’s eyes. “Bruce won’t invite anyone who’s racist or derogatory towards his children, back to a gala, let alone do business with him again.” He smiles a hard somewhat vicious smile. “I know because when I was first adopted, he did that for me” Damian’s eyes widen. “And if Bruce can’t defend you, you can bet your brothers will,” Damian looks unsure, but nods. “But I get it now. You’ve always used art to vent and express yourself. This design is something that would allow you to address what the media has done to and said about you.”
“It’s been,” Damian shrugs, looking down, “therapeutic. In a way I never imagined it would be.”
“Well, I think, whatever you end up designing will be amazing,” Dick smiles, and Damian looks up at the sincerity, giving his own smile smile in response. “And I expect an invitation to the fashion show!” He chuckles, causing Damian to blush. “And I bet the whole family would want to come as well,” Damian blushes, looking away once more.
“Tickets are $15 each, and available online,” Damian replies, making Dick belly laugh. “You can invite the others, if you’d like” Damian mumbles.
“Hmm,how ‘bout I invite the siblings while you invite your dad,” Damian grumbles, but agrees. “Great! Now, take a break. One night not designing won’t hurt you.” Dick says, wrapping his arm around Damian’s shoulder. ‘Might do you some good, in fact.”
Things get better after that, because after his talk with Dick, Damian gets an idea for his design. Ziba, a Persian student Damian met in his Literature class, agreed to be his model for his statement piece. She wore her hijab proudly, a solid black color, which helped with the down-to-business look the rest of the outfit screamed. Ziba’s makeup was beautiful, as Damian was putting the last touches on her. They both were quiet, nervous excitement pulsing through them both. Ziba had on white trousers that flared out a bit, to give an almost flowy feel, with black basic vegan leather square pointed toe mule flat accented by a silver buckle. Damian had made the top a cross between a tunic, a blazer, and a cape. It is white, and goes over a plain solid black turtleneck. Printed on both the buttoned blazer tunic top and the trousers are past racist articles written about Damian. In red graffiti styled letters sprayed across the news paper articles are phrases like “Lies” “Warped Perception” “Western POV” “Racist” “I was only 10”. The red paint matches the red lipstick Ziba is wearing.
Damian was nervous with his family in the audience, everyone including Alfred was there. Apparently Superman and Superboy were in attendance too, as civilians of course. Colin was there too. Damian had told his father about the fashion show, and was surprised to see how supportive he was about it. Of course that may have been the shock, as Damian had told him that morning before leaving for school. Bruce blinked, stood up and hugged Damian, before saying he couldn’t wait for the show.
Damian’s set is the last, ask the show is in alphabetical order according to last names. When it’s his turn, all of his model’s line up, and Damian is running around making sure everything is perfect. He hears the speaker introduce his collection, inviting Damian to join him on stage. Damian rushes out, brown cheeks turn red. Together they introduce all seven outfits of the collection one by one, as Damian describes his designs, the material, and the inspiration behind each one. When it get’s to Ziba’s turn, Damian’s nearly choked up. He manages to discuss this piece and it’s significance to him. At the end, Damian received a standing ovation from nearly everyone. Looking over at his family, he has to duck from hiding his flamed cheeks. All his siblings were cheering for him, while Bruce and Dick dab their eyes. Alfred has a proud look on his face, and Damian couldn’t have been happier.
He ends up getting second place, but also his own work room at the Manor. Damian begins selling his work after getting it patented (Tim demanded it), and is surprised when a number of orders are for the galas around Gotham. Dick told Bruce and the others about all the things Damian has been hearing at Galas, and they are justifiably angry. Duke begins chants of “Eat the Rich” every time he hears someone says something problematic about Damian, and that because Tim’s signal on who to take down next.
Damian’s designs become more widely popular as his family starts wearing them, as they love talking about it and how he uses sustainable methods and materials. This earns him big named clients, who start wearing Damian’s designs on the Red Carpet and premiers . Damian also likes to do work for charity, often donating dresses to high schoolers who cannot afford prom dresses or making clothes out of extra material to donate to shelters so people have clothes for job interviews and such.
(He also makes his pets clothes when he’s bored, so it’s normal to see Titus wearing a doggy hoodie with slits in it for his ears)
ANYWAYS, this is my headcanon lol
What do think about it?
Headcanon?? Bestie this a whole ass au!
As for my thoughts-
💳 💥💥 💳 💥💥💥 💳 💥💥💥💥
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Misplaced Promises
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Eddie Diaz x Sister!Reader
Warnings: sibling arguing, general protectiveness, a few swear words and that’s it I think ? 
Category: angst/fluff
Word Count: 3.6k
Author’s Note: This one mostly focuses how Eddie tries his best to keep promises he makes and be a good brother but he keeps fucking up. I also tried my best for this to follow a timeline and make it make sense with canon but idk, I made shit up go with it. // 
14 years old // 19 years old. 
The 2 of you were 5 years apart but you were attached at the hip. Eddie was your big brother, the guy you looked up to the most, the person you went to when you didn’t know what to do. You had 2 sisters but what you and Eddie had was different. Sophia and Adriana were the two older ones, they stuck together and they included you but it wasn't the same. 
The day before Eddie announced that he enlisted, he had been quiet, shifty and weird all day. He avoided you at all costs. You needed him to look over a project for you - seeing that you ended up with the same English teacher he had in high school but he kept coming up with excuses as to why he couldn't help you. 
“Running to the store to pick up something for mom, I'll check when I get back” 
“Going to play some ball with the guys, remind me when I get back” 
“Gonna shower, I'll do it after” 
“Let me go see Shan for a bit, I'll check it when I come home” 
Excuse after excuse, he was up to something and knew you would be able to tell so he ignored you at all costs. The next morning at breakfast, he announced that he was enlisting, Shannon was at breakfast too and she didn’t seem shocked at all. 
Your father asked him why, your mother began crying and your sisters wished him good luck and hoped that he would be safe. You on the other hand, had your eyes glued to Shannon. 
“You knew?” your question directed straight at her. 
She nodded, “he told me last night” 
“Huh,” you scoff, getting up. “you told her before you told us ?” looking towards your brother. 
“y/n, don’t” his look pleading you not to start and you didn’t, simply walking away and going to your bedroom. You can hear bits of the conversation from your room, Eddie telling your parents that he’s only going to do one tour just until he finds what he really wants to do. 
It was a while before someone came looking for you and no surprise, it was Eddie. 
“Can I check the paper for you now?” he sticks his head in from the doorway, waiting for your answer- his way of hoping that you’d talk to him. 
“Sure” nodding toward the computer on the desk. Eddie made himself comfortable in the chair and began going over the paper. The keyboard clicking as he edited the paper and your sighing were the only sounds to be heard. 
Everyone had been dealing with the news differently. Your father had turned to whatever project he was building in the backyard, your mother had stepped out- probably to go to the store to get stuff to make one last proper meal for him before he left and your sisters seemed to be handling it well, you could hear them bickering in the hallway over who would get his room as they passed by. 
It’s not that they didn’t love him, they just had a different version of the world and of love. 
The whole family did.  
Sophia and Adriana were the first two, all the love and support of your parents was what they basked in. 
Eddie was the only boy, automatically gaining him an in as a mama’s boy and his father’s only son, someone to show off- he was their pride and joy. 
That left you, not that they loved you any less because they ‘love all their children the same’ but you never got the parental love and affection that your siblings did. Your parents were busy working and now that you were in high school and capable of looking after yourself, you saw them even less. Eddie had always been there, at the recitals, school concerts, whenever you learnt a new trick and was looking for someone to show, he was there. 
In some way, Eddie raised you more than your parents did. 
That’s why you couldn’t wrap your head around it. 
“Couldn't just find a job here like every other lost kid after high school ? You had to go sign up to get yourself killed?” sitting up, you look towards him. 
Eddie sighed, leaning back into the chair and looking at you. He looked sad, almost hurt. “I didn’t ‘sign up to get myself killed’” he tells you, “I can’t sit around watching Soph and Adriana get their lives together meanwhile I'm still living with mom and dad and I have no idea what to do” 
“So what? you take a little longer to get your life together, that’s not the end of the world.” 
“I’m supposed to know what I want to do, I've been out of high school for a year and a half. Most people have already moved out of their parents’ houses” 
“God you’re so stupid” you groan, falling back onto the bed.
“Excuse me?” he looks at you, obviously offended. You get up off the end, pacing the room for a moment, trying to gather your thoughts. 
“Just because you’re lost doesn't mean you sign up for the fricking army! Eddie, you could die” your voice breaks at the end of the sentence. Then and only then did Eddie really see how upset you were, you really thought he could die- yes there was that possibility but he knew that when he signed up. He gets up off the chair, you were now facing the window, not wanting him to see the tears that were forming. His hand resting gently on your shoulder. 
“I’m not gonna die” he whispers, pulling your shoulder towards him which caused you to turn. “You better not, I'll kill you” 
“But I'll be de-” “shut up” you give him a look, he chuckles and pulls you in for a hug. “I promise I'll come home, who else is going to keep you in check?” he teased which earned him a smack to the side, “more like who’s gonna keep you in check” you rebutted, a smile on your face now. Eddie kissed the top of your head, his cheek now resting atop of head - abuela’s words ringing in his head. 
“Don’t make promises you can't keep Edmundo” 
She had scolded him for promising to give his sister her candy back after he knew he was going to eat it (and he did, but that’s besides the point) 
He promised to come home but he didn’t know if he would. 
17 years old // 22 years old 
“We’re having a baby!” Eddie’s arm around Shannon as they announce the second piece of exciting news for that evening to the family.
Eddie had finally returned from his first tour with the announcement that he and Shannon were getting married all while they were expecting as well. Your parents were the first up to go congratulate the love birds, your sisters are next and you follow last. Hugging Shannon who was already beaming with happiness and then your brother who hugs you for a second longer than needed, whispering that he wants to talk to you afterwards. Humming, you step back and go to help your mother set up for dinner. 
The rest of the evening is spent talking about when the baby is arriving, the plans for the wedding and whatever other exciting things are happening for them at that moment. You tuned out about halfway through the conversation, only replying with the simplest answers to make it seem like you were actually listening. 
Your sisters, mother and Shannon were in the kitchen all gossiping and making plans for the wedding. A big church wedding, ‘do it right’ as your mother would say because ‘if you do it right the first time, you don’t need to do it again.’
The whole big wedding thing was a scam- a pile of bullshit that you wanted no part of. Don’t let that fool you, you were beyond happy for your brother, becoming a husband and a father- those were things the two of you used to joke about, thinking that it was such a long time from then yet here you are. 
The door slammed as it shut, Eddie sitting beside you on the porch. He set a bottle on the step beside you. You glance at the bottle and then at him, brows furrowed. 
“Thought you could use a drink after all the exciting news” he hums, taking a sip out of his own bottle. 
You let out a dry chuckle, taking a sip yourself. “Yeah, congrats dude. Husband and baby daddy in one go ? You got the guys around here beat” jokingly nudging him with your shoulder. Eddie laughs, “yeah.” the word kind of trailed off, there was more to the answer than he was letting on. 
“What's wrong ?” 
“Are you really happy for me ?” he turns to you, “I know you weren't exactly happy when I left, especially that I told Shannon first. I just.. you’re my little sister and it means so much that you’re on board with everything-” your hand rests on his. 
“You always were kind of an idiot huh?” you pat his hand, Eddie looking clearly offended again. “Of course I'm happy for you. You’re my brother and no matter how much we fight, there’s no way I wouldn't be there for you. Eddie, you’re going to be an amazing dad, you know that right ?” 
“Yeah ? You think so ?” 
“Mhm hm, know how I know?” 
“Do tell” 
“Because you raised me and I turned out just fine” you smiled and so did Eddie, shaking his head. 
23 years old // 28 years old 
Eddie’s place was covered in boxes, the fight with your parents was the last button to be pushed. He packed up the remnants of his life in El Paso and was on his way out to the door.  
Christopher was sitting on the couch, his favourite show on tv as you were packing up the last of the dishes in the kitchen. Eddie had just stepped back in after taking some boxes out to the truck. You leant against the counter, looking at him. He knew you weren't the biggest fan of his plan but you supported him nonetheless because that’s what siblings do. 
“What? Why do you keep staring ?” he snapped. 
“Jesus, who pissed in your coffee?” rolling your eyes at your brother.  
“Sorry, I'm just ready to get out of here” he tosses a few things into a box. There had been unspoken words between the two of you since he mentioned that he wanted to move. You didn’t say anything, just listened and helped pack boxes but all of that stops now. 
“Are you sure this is the smartest thing?” 
“What do you mean?” he stops what he was doing and turns his attention to you. 
“I know mom and dad were in the wrong for asking- telling you that Chris should move in with them, that’s bullshit. He’s not their kid, he’s your kid but why are you running Eddie ? You have family there besides them, Sophia and Adriana and me. I’m here Eddie, I've always been here, helping you with Chris since Shannon left.” 
“That’s exactly the point, Shannon left. She upped and left us y/n, left me to raise Chris by myself.” 
“So did you.” you tell him what you had been waiting to tell him since Christoper was a baby. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” the anger visible on his face. 
“You left. You upped and left Shannon when she needed you the most, she needed a partner that was here and not thousands of miles away. She just had a baby- your baby and you left her to go to the fucking desert! you risked your life for what ?! you had a family Eddie! You promised just one tour but you just had to go back, you had a family that needed you!” 
“Exactly! I had a family that needed me! That’s why I left, I had to provide for them.” 
“Don’t give me that shit. You wanna know why mom and dad walk all over you when it comes to raising Chris ? Because you left! You fucking left when the mother of your child, your wife and your child needed you! He needed a father and you left Eddie! Do you know what that does to a child?!” 
“Don’t tell me how to raise my child and you sure as hell don't get a say in where my marriage went wrong!” the two of you stood in the kitchen shouting at each other. 
The things you said were nothing but what you felt was the truth - he did leave Shannon after she had Chris, when she needed him to be there. You weren't siding with her but you weren't picking up for him either- someone had to let him straight and your parents would never dare say the things you would say to him. Although they didn’t like his approach to raising Christoper, they would never say that because Eddie was their son. They much rather half ass suggest things and beat around the bush than tell Eddie straight what they felt. 
The rest of the night was quiet, nothing left to be said between the two of you. Tucking Chris into bed one last time before they leave, you spend the night because you promised Chris you’d be there when they left. 
The morning comes and Eddie is quiet, no surprise there. Chris is attached to your hip and the 2 of you stood outside the house, saying goodbye. You crouch down in front of your nephew, “will you come visit?” he asks you sweetly, your heart breaks a little knowing that you won’t be visiting anytime soon but you put on a smile for him. “Of course, only if we stay up late and eat all the candy we can find” you tickle his side, earning a full belly laugh- your favourite sound. 
“I love you always, you know that right ?” you look up at the little boy who's nodding. “I love you” he smiles, his finger tapping your nose, yours comes up to mirror his action. 
“Okay, give me a big hug and you be good for your dad, he’s a good guy. He just bugs out sometimes” you hug Christoper, his arms wrapped around your neck as you pick him up, carrying him to the trunk. 
Eddie comes out just as you’re putting Chris in. He hands you the keys to the house as he checks to make sure Chris is buckled in properly. 
The two of you standing there awkwardly before Eddie mumbles bye and walks around the truck. Stepping back, you watch as they pull you, Christoper waving to you from the window. 
25 years old // 30 years old
El Paso had treated you well, growing up there and going to school but you needed a change now. Applying to teaching jobs all over the country, you hear back from two- one is Minnesota and one in LA but you couldn't handle the cold so LA it was. 
The staff at the school were sweet and welcoming, you had arrived just in time for the new school year. The woman at the front desk was asking you some standard questions when she came across your name on the form.
“Miss, is it l/n or Diaz for your last name ? You have both listed here” she looks to you for an answer. You stared at the paper in front of you- l/n was your mother’s last name and Diaz was your father’s. All your legal documents had Diaz on it but you weren’t sure if you wanted to go by it or not, maybe make something for yourself with the Diaz family name attached to you.
“Miss ?” She asked again, looking at you.
“Diaz. Y/n Diaz is fine” 
Classes start and you’re getting settled in nicely, there’s still some shuffling around in terms of students and you get a finalized class list at the end of the week. Not really looking over it, you set it on the desk until the next morning when you say hello to your new class.
You begin writing your name on the board as the children set in.  
Ms. Diaz in big bold letters. 
“Hey! We have the same last name!” a little boy calls out- voice almost identical to your Chris’ voice. 
Turning, there he was sitting n the middle of the class, your nephew Christopher - except no one knows he’s your nephew nor did he seem to remember that you were his aunt. 5 years without a phone call or a visit is a long time, you wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't remember you and he doesn’t. You treat him as you would treat the rest of your students. 
The end of the day rolls around, Chris is the last student waiting with you. It was getting a bit chilly so the two of you headed into the classroom. Christoper tells you about his dad- unknowing to him that Eddie is your brother and talks about how he’s a firefighter and all the cool things he got to do when he visited the station. 
A blonde man, tall and built in stature comes running into your classroom. “Chris! Buddy!” he heads over to the boy, giving him a hug. “Buck!” the boy smiles, returning the gesture. It was obvious that he knew Chris, the man noticed you watching them. 
“Hi, I'm Ms. Diaz, y/n. Christopher’s teacher” you introduce yourself. The man smiles, “I'm Buck, I work with Christopher’s dad” 
“He sent you to pick up Chris ?” 
“Oh no, he's parking, I just came in to find him because we didn’t see anyone outside. Sorry about that, work ran late” he apologizes. 
“No worries, Chris is a great kid. oh buddy, I was supposed to give you a sticker for your work today hold on” you leave Chris and Buck by the door as you go back to your desk, looking for a sticker sheet. When you returned, Eddie was there with Buck, both men had their backs turned to you. 
“Yeah! She has the same last name as us dad, there is she” the boy smiled, waving at you. “Ms. Diaz!” he shouts as you make your way over. You don't look at the men instead you step past them, crouching down in front of Chris showing him the sticker sheet. 
“Which one would you like?” showing him the sheet, Christopher picks out a little green star with a smiley face on it. Peeling it from the sheet, you stick it on his shirt. 
“Can dad and Buck have matching ones too ?” he asks sweetly and who were you to turn down such a cute face.
“Of course,” smiling at him, you stand and turn to Buck. “Can I ?” he nods, watching as you repeat the process and stick the green star to his shirt. 
When it comes Eddie’s turn, you can feel Buck’s eyes on you and you see him move to Eddie as well. As for Eddie himself, his eyes were wide, he hadn't spoken to you in almost 5 years and his parents refused to tell him anything other than ‘she’s fine’ when he asked. You didn’t ask him, you just stuck the sticker on him, on his forehead to be exact. 
Eddie pulled you in for a hug, a well needed yet weird one. Buck and Chris are whispering behind the two of you. 
“I’m sorry” Eddie whispers, his arms still around you. 
“I’m the one that said all that shit” you tell him, he shakes his head and lets you go. 
“You were right. I’m sorry. I know sorry isn't going to fix it but you’re here and I- I just wanna fix things. I miss my sister and I know Chris misses his aunt” 
“Yeah, you’re an ass but you’re still my brother. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try” 
Buck goes “oh” behind you, you’re now standing beside Eddie- arms folded and brows furrowed, the same expression on both of you. 
“Yeah, I see it now” Buck mumbles, “I’m starving, what’s for dinner ?” he asks, him and Chris walking towards the door together.
 You and Eddie follow them out, “why don't you join us for dinner ?” Eddie turns to you, you give him a look. “I can’t crash your time with your boyfriend, y’all are probably-” “my what ?” once again, Eddie had a stupid look on his face. 
“So you’re telling me that wonderful human ball of joy isn't your boyfriend ?” looking at your brother, the stupid look still on his face. 
“No, why would you think that ?” hearing the genuine confusion in his voice, you laugh. 
“No reason, but if you’re not gonna date him, I might.” Giving your brother a smile, his head tilts and a look you know all too well on his face. 
“Don’t” his finger pointed at you, you were now biting back a laugh. 
“Hey Buck!” you shout, running towards him, Eddie running behind you and shouting for you to stop. 
Things were going to fall back into place pretty easily. 
taglist: @advicefromnixxxx @keenmarvellover​ @beth-winchester21​ @fernandaweasley2​ @yikesyikesyikes95​ @hotchsdarling​ @duhbar1975​@hailsstormthings @averyhotchner​ @captainxholmes​ 
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leedee013 · 2 years
Heartstopper (Netflix)
Oh boy oh BOY am I overjoyed to finally see this show!!!!
I’ve been following the comic fairly religiously since 2020, and the fact that the Netflix adaptation was so true to the original content was fantastic.
Because let me tell you, when I say that I watched the entire show while smiling like an IDIOT, I’m not lying. I was worried my face would be sore. It’s like, me watching Heartstopper was literally Nick when he’s watching Charlie play the drums UGH it was so good
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I simply am so happy that something like this series exists. That it CAN exist. I’ve watched shows progressively open up to portraying LGBTQIA+ people as ACTUAL PEOPLE and I can’t even begin to tell you all how different my life would be and would have been if this had come out eight years ago. I never got these experiences in high school. I could have, but I was too afraid. I'm just happy that shows like these might make it possible for more people going through the same/similar stage in life to be able to accept themselves more readily. Back when I was in high school, That Steven Universe Episode and idk, Night Vale? were about the epitome of representation that I saw in media. But I think that Heartstopper is my favorite, for a lot of reasons.
For starters, the story of Nick and Charlie warms my whole heart. There’s a lot of love packed into it, and I have to be honest, I’ve read it so many times but I still feel like crying from how beautiful this is every time. To see 1. Trans 2. Bisexual 3. Questioning representation that’s so explicit and well done is rare. And that’s not even brushing on the topic of the diversity we see in these characters as well, considering that these characters are not only part of the alphabet mafia, but several are black, asian, mixed race, etc. as well.
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As a fan of the webcomics and books, I’m really looking forward to how the rest of the series will be! If there’s another season, I know we’re in for some really heavy topics, and I’m curious to see how Netflix will handle it.
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Also, can I just say that I ADORE the little animations of leaves or sparks or hearts that appear every now and then???! It’s such a great homage to the source material and makes the whole show radiate with that softer, more lively feeling. Also, WE SEE NELLIE?!!!!!
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I also have to admit that I love how the show digs into other characters outside of Charlie and Nick. We get to see more of Tara and Darcy and more of Elle and Tao!!!! I love these sidelines, and I appreciate how they all mesh together so well. I really don’t appreciate the erasure of Charlie’s little brother so far, especially since it’s such a cool detail about him (middle child represent!) and I’m still confused about why Imogen is in there? Maybe I’m just forgetting her from the comics? She's a sweet human and I think her little crush on Nick is adorable (would it be possible for anyone in her shoes to NOT have a crush on him?????), and I really like how she's understanding and doesn't push Nick after he asks to stay friends.
I cannot stress enough how much I love this series and this show. It would have changed my life DRAMATICALLY if I had read this when I was 15, and I’m still finding myself changing because of it now. And that’s because I can see myself in every single one of the focal characters. For me, seeing Nick be an openly questioning kid who doesn’t want to announce that he’s questioning until he understands himself better? And then the recognition and acceptance of his bisexuality? That’s mind blowing and also so wild to see represented. I went through that. To see Tao’s fear of being left behind and out of the loop? I feel that. I had a friend of mine actually abandon me for “romance”. I put that in quotation marks because, to make a very long story short, it was an incredibly unhealthy foundation for a relationship. But both her and her boyfriend used my fear of being abandoned against me and gaslit me for a year. She stopped talking to any other person and eventually became so disconnected from everyone else at our school that she transferred. I lived Tao’s nightmare, and I can understand why he was so afraid for and protective of Charlie. I understand Charlie’s feelings of being a waste of space, or an unnecessary burden for others. There was a long stretch of time where it was my dream to just run away and be alone forever so that I couldn’t hurt anyone else. And part of me still wishes for that. I’ve been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety, and I understand all too well that desire to remove myself from the equation or being too sick with myself to eat. Tara and her discomfort in how the way people treat her changes after she comes out. Hell, I can relate to Charlie's dad because there have been plenty of times when I've picked up friends from bad situations.
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^my actual face while watching this show (minus the times when I'm casually sobbing)
So please, for the LOVE OF ALL THINGS GOOD, watch this show, read the comics, and take care of yourself. 🍂🍂🍂
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Not Blood But Family
Word Count: 1,922
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (brief), Sam Winchester (mentioned), OC Character, Reader
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, some slight fluff
A/N: me: hey i should post at least once a week   also me: hey guys i’m back from a random ass hiatus
A/N 2: enjoy the dog poop
A/N 3: lisa’s daughter btw
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You shot your eyes around the darkened room, squinting as you tried to make out any figure, seeing if there was anyone who was being held captive with you. Unfortunately for you, you were all alone. You could barely make out the bruises on your wrists, the rope burns caused by being tied up for days. 
“Hey!” you yelled.
“Hey! I know you can hear me! What the hell do you want from me?!” you screamed as loud as you could, more annoyed than scared.  
Ever since you found both your mother and younger brother dead, you’d given up any emotion you could show, mainly numb inside.  
“Ugh,” you groaned softly, laying your head back against the wall as you leaned against it, closing your eyes for a moment. 
Everyone always warned you, don’t hitchhike, and now you’ve learned your lesson.
“Did you just take a picture of me?” you squinted your eyes, sitting chained up to a chair as you saw a bright light flash.
“Freak,” you scoffed.
He ignored your comments, grabbing a fistful of your hair, pulling it up as you grunted, clenching your jaw.
 He just chuckled, pushing you back. You could feel the blood trickling from your forehead as you breathed heavily.
“If you’re trying to sell me, no one’s gonna buy me. I’m a pain in the ass,” you struggled against your chains.
You were met with a blank expression from the man, having not said a single word to you. 
“If you’re planning on killing me, at least give me the decency of some good conversation,” you laid back in your chair.
You heard his phone ring as he turned his back to you, picking it up.
“Yes, sir. I have (Y/N) with me. I’ve sent a picture to you to send to Dean Winchester,” you poked your head up, hearing an unfamiliar name before be hung up.
“Who’s Dean Winchester,” you asked.
“You’ll find out soon enough... or not,” he shrugged.
You could feel a slight panic in your chest as you stiffened, seeing him walk towards you while clutching a knife.
“Keep that away from me,” you tried and tried to pull your chains, trying to stay away as he grabbed you, pressing the knife against your shoulder.
“Let's have some fun.”
“Hey. Hey!” you groaned as you squinted your eyes, hearing someone calling your name in a distance.
“Wake up, (Y/N), please,” you felt him out a hand on your shoulder, cutting open the ropes tying you down.
“Hmm, who are you?” you winced softly, your body ached from all the miniature cuts all over it.
“I’m… I’m here to help,” Dean said. He debated whether or not to tell who he was, pushing your arm around his shoulder.
“How do you know who I am?” you groaned. You blinked your eyes, fading in and out of consciousness.
“Just stay quiet. Come on,” you breathed heavily as you took a step forward, falling onto him completely.
“Holy shit!” you groaned, sitting up in the bed as you looked around cautiously.
“(Y/N),” you tensed slightly as Dean wrapped his arms around you tightly.
You felt a sense of relief washing over you, feeling a safety that you haven't felt in a long time as you exhaled softly.
“W-Wait, who are you?” you asked.
He stood up, sitting in front of you at the side of your bed.
“You don't remember me, but I knew your mom, a-and your brother,” your face dropped, frowning as you scooted a little away from him.
“Who are you,” you asked again.
“My name is Dean Winchester,” he said.
You thought back for a minute, trying to think where you heard that name before.
You remembered, hearing the man saying his name.
“That… guy mentioned you,” you started.
“Well, I have some bad blood with his boss and they were trying to use you to get to me,” he explained.
You stayed quiet for a moment, before talking again.
“Why me? I don’t even know you,” you shook your head.
His face dropped slightly, looking at you as you ran your fingers through your hair, slightly nervous.
“My friend is coming, everything will be cleared up, okay?” Dean asked.
You nodded, wrapped your arms around your legs as you exhaled sharply, laying your head on your lap.
You heard the noise of something fluttering, as you frowned, looking up. You jumped back, seeing a man appear in front of you.
You could feel your heart racing as the man reached two fingers on your forehead, his eyes glowing blue.
You felt a sense of warmth over you, feeling warmth in your body as it healed. You gasped softly, seeing visions with Dean inside your head. Everything from the years that past came back to you as you pulled away from Castiel, pushing yourself off the bed.
“Dean,” you remembered.
“Yeah, it’s me,” he took a step forward, walking to you.
You shook your head, stepping backward. He turned his head to the side, slightly in shock.
“You’re Castiel,” you said.
“So then where’s Sam,” you asked softly.
“Sam’s at this place we live at. This bunker,” Dean replied.
You continued to stand there quietly, running your fingers through your hair as you turned your head away from Dean.
“I heard that… Lisa’s gone,” you tensed as your mom’s name fell from his mouth.
“Yeah, so is Ben,” you kept your emotions of both anger and grief hidden.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry-” he started.
“Shut up,” you glared at him.
“(Y/N), I-” he tried to speak again, only for you to cut him off once more.
“I said shut up, Dean. Thanks for the help, I’ll be on my way,” you began heading for the door as Dean stopped you.
“Why are you acting like this?” he asked.
“Like what?” you rolled your eyes.
“Why are you acting so cold? So different?”  he crossed his arms.
“Don’t start with me, Dean,” you scoffed, crossing your arms.
Dean motioned to Castiel, telling him to leave as he nodded.
“What happened?” he asked.
“What happened? My family is dead, Dean,” you spat.
“I know, I-I’m sorry-” 
“Saying sorry won't bring them back. It was your choice to leave, you had to know that this was a possibility,” you crossed your arms as you glared at Dean.
“The only reason I left was because I wanted to keep the three of you safe. I couldn't have done that if you guys were with me,” he tried to explain while you kept ignoring his words.
“You don't owe me an explanation. You’re not my dad you don't owe me anything,” you could see the look in his eyes fade away.
“I know I’m not your real dad, but that doesn't mean we're not family,” he started.
“You're just a guy that lived with us for a year, who had a past,” you knew you were hurting him, and hurting yourself while at it. 
You couldn't let your guard down and you knew it. Even if Dean was there for you when you needed someone the most, when you had boy problems, school problems, things somehow your mom didn't understand, he always helped you. With all the late nights you spent crying, trying to convince yourself that you don’t need help, he was always there by your side. 
Not that you would ever admit that. Dean was the only person your mom dated who cared about you and Ben.
“You know that it’s deeper than that, (Y/N). I’m sorry I left, I’m sorry I erased your memory of me. I was just trying to keep you safe,” he said.
“Stop apologizing,” you shook your head.
“Will you come back with me?” he asked after a moment of silence.
“W-What?” you were slightly taken aback by his question, not sure why you were so surprised.
“We have a home now. A sort of home, it’s a bunker. But we live there, and there's more than enough room for you to live with us,” he explained.
“Are you… even after everything I just said?” you frowned.
“Yes. You're still 17, you still, technically need a legal guardian. I know that you’re not happy with me, but I’m gonna fix that. Come live with us,” he said.
“What if I say no?” you raised an eyebrow.
“I know you’re not going to. You hate being alone,” he replied.
“I’ve been alone for a year, I can-”
“I’m sorry you had to be alone for so long. Please, come with me,” he begged again.
You could feel your eyes watering slightly as you frowned, biting your lip nervously.
“Dean, please stop,” you wiped your face with your hands, closing your eyes as you took a deep breath.
“Stop what?” he asked, frowning slightly.
“Why do you care about me?” you whispered softly.
“What do you mean?” he crossed his arms, taking a step closer to you.
You looked up at him, your eyes red and watery as his face dropped.
“I’m not… I’m not your kid o-or anything, why do you always try to take care of me?” you closed your eyes, feeling a tear escape down your cheek.
“(Y/N), listen to me,” he put his hand on your cheek, wiping your tear away. 
“I know I’m not blood, kid, but I’m still your dad, you’re still my kid. Nothing’s gonna change that, no matter what. I love you so much, kid. I’m still your family and you’re still mine. I would never leave you, I-I would never hurt you,” he continued to stroke your cheek, while you kept your tears at bay.  
“My real dad didn’t want me,” you whispered.
“That’s cuz he’s an idiot. Come here,” he wrapped his arm around you tightly as you shut your eyes, letting your tears fall freely while you let out a shaky cry, holding onto him tightly.
He kissed your forehead softly, then rested his chin on the top of your head. 
“I got you, you’re safe now,” he said softly.
“You’re okay now.”
You shot up in your bed, looking around cautiously as your breathing was labored. You looked around, before remembering that you were at the bunker as you let out a breath of relief. 
Maybe I should tell Dean
No stop bothering him and just try to sleep
Nightmares weren’t uncommon for you, whether it was about Lisa and Ben, or about any event that happened to you in the past year. You were alone, nothing was ever easy, and most people were the absolute worst. 
You found yourself trying to stop your hands from shaking as you rested your head on your lap, hearing the door open as you looked up.
“Dean?” you asked. 
“What are you doing up? I thought you went to sleep hours ago,” he sat down next to you on the bed. 
“Well, I did, it’s just…” your voice drifted off, trying to figure out how to explain your nightmares without Dean having pity on you. He already gave you a home, a place to feel safe.
“Your nightmares?” he asked.
“How did you know?” you frowned.
“Because it’s normal. Come on, I’m staying with you tonight,” he laid down in the bed, wrapping his arm around you in a protective manner. 
You yawned softly, snuggling up into Dean’s side as you closed your eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep. 
“Thank you, Dad.”
Dean smiled softly, kissing your forehead.
“Anything for you, kiddo.”
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