#i'm going to die help i'm rolling on the floor squealing this is so good to hear this is like hashtag CAREER GOALS
noirandchocolate · 5 months
A judge just called me because she's working on the opinion for a case I did the research memo on. And she asked me. If I could heavily edit what she'd written because. She's read my memos before as well as this one and finds my writing excellent. And because. Her presiding judge told her to rely on me. Because he's done so in the past and I am 'brilliant' apparently. And also because. Other judges she's worked with have raved about me. And she knows they have copy-pasted my work to make their opinions. And she doesn't want to do that, because she's new to the job and wants to improve her own writing style before she starts using shortcuts. But she hopes I will help her out. With that.
Because my writing is just so good and she wishes she could write like me.
My heart is so full of niceness now.
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anxious-lee-ler · 8 months
An Unusual Form of Interrogation
Tw// can be considered non-con, intense tickles, tickling until short-circuiting (passing out), and electrocution
Solar woke up with a migraine. Where the hell was he? All he remembered was hearing yelling as he arrived at the daycare and then ringing in a vast of bright white light. He looked around the cold area. A cell…? A damp one at that. The smell of mildew and water… and was that blood? He shook his head trying to convince himself otherwise. Where were Sun and Mo-
His thoughts were interrupted by a loud british and deranged voice. "Oh splendid~! You've finally awoken!"
Solar groaned at the loudness of the voice. The gears in his head grinded even more. "Mmngh… God…" He looks at the figure standing at the cell door. "Oh. Great… You must be Ruin." There was a bitterness in his tone.
"Yes! It is I! And why that tone, hm~?" Ruin smiled, unlocking and entering the cell. "Are you not happy to see me?! I'm offended…!" He dramatically placed a hand on his chest.
"I'm sure you are…" Solar mumbled, and shifted in his spot, feeling a bit uncomfortable in the amalgam's presence. "What do you want with me?"
"Oh? Did that explosion make you forget?" Ruin taunted, "Might I remind you that Sun and Moon seem to be alive. And I know that you have contacted them recently~! So where are they?"
"And why would I tell you that," Solar sneered.
This proved to be a mistake as Ruin stared before starting to smirk. "Oh, joyous~! I knew you would say that! I've been dying to try this new technique~!" He let his voice drop for effect.
"What the hell are you-" Solar was caught off guard as Ruin proceeded to pull a feather out of… actually Solar wasn't quite sure, but he assumed his hat. His eyes widened. Oh no.
"Quite the reaction there, dear Solar~! You wouldn't perhaps be…" Ruin gasped "Ticklish would you~?!"
"No… I'm not," Solar tried to lie, but between his hesitation and slightly flushed face, Ruin wasn't convinced. In fact, it just made the thing cackle.
"OH~! Lying won't get you anywhere, Solar~!" Ruin sung. "Now~ I know that you're going to fight me! So let's change that, shall we?"
Before Solar could question what he meant, a painful shock jolted through his body. He let out a cry, clawing at his arms as he hugged himself on the floor. This caused Ruin to chuckle and grab Solar after the electrocution and chain his hands together, then hang them on the wall.
"Wonderful~! Now you can't do anything! All I have to do is sit in your lap~" Ruin cheered.
"L… like hell you… you are…" Solar strained out. He'd never been electrocuted before… It felt worse than going through the portal of the daycare.
"You have no choice." Ruin growled, actually sounding frustrated. But he huffed and smiled once more, plopping himself on Solar's lap.
Solar felt too weak to fight him after the shock. And he had a feeling things were about to get worse. His thoughts were interrupted by Ruin. "Hmmm~ Where to first~? I can't pick, there's so many fun places~!"
"J-just choose-"
"Quiet you! I'm trying to think! What do you think, sir feather?"
Solar rolled his eyes before feeling a soft touch on his stomach, making him jump with a muffled squeak.
"Oh~? The tummy hmmm~? Perfect!"
Upon hearing this, Solar wished for death. If he didn't die from embarrassment, anyway. "AHA! FUHUCK!" He tried to jerk his body away from the feather, already squealing and giggling his head off. It didn't help that a feather was on his stomach, and a clawed hand met his side. While those claws were incredibly tickly, he knew that they could shred him like paper. "Gehehet ohahahaff!!"
"My goodness, you're as rowdy as a bull! Too bad I'm not stopping this until you talk~!"
"If you say so~ Oh, this feather is boring me. I hope you don't mind claws~"
With this, Ruin quickly tossed aside the feather, just letting it drift to the floor. He wasted no time, clawing at Solar's ribs, stomach, sides, hell even his underarms. "STAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIT!! AAAHAHAHEEE!"
"Your screams are so delightful~! But I reeeally need that information~!"
"GOHOHO TO HEHEHEHELL!! AAA!" Solar shrieked as he felt the rapid clawing on his back. It felt even more ticklish than the rest.
Ruin chuckled, slowing down his hands to simply just dragging. This made it worse, and Ruin seemed to know this. Maybe from experience, or maybe from Solar's constant arching of his back and swaying.
"Just tell me where Sun and Moon are, and I'll happily go to Hell~!"
"Bihihihite meeheheEEEE!"
"I can if you want~!"
"Fine, fine~! Hmm~ I wonder~"
Ruin pulled away, and Solar slumped over to let his fans try to internally cool him down. This was intense; he was so used to Lunar and Earth giving him soft tickles. He jolted at his shoes being taken off. "Wait-"
"Oh~? Do you have news~?"
Solar tensed up. He could feel the tingles going through his feet already. It made him start giggling, much to his dismay. "Ihehe- Fahahaha-!"
"Curious~ I'm not even doing anything~! Though, it seems as if you still don't want to talk… Shame."
Solar went to protest but claws dug into the padding on his feet, making him shriek and burst into shrill laughs and cackles. He could feel himself overheating. He was never tickled for this long, and he knew that this thing wouldn't accept mercy as an answer.
Before long, Solar short circuited. Ruin whined and stood up, having heard the pop from the eclipse animatronic's core. "Such a shame… Oh well… This was fun~! I'll have to do this again when he wakes again~!"
Ruin left the cell once more, locking the door behind him. And leaving Solar to eventually wake once more. He found this tickling thing fun! Maybe he could use it on someone… Maybe he could test it on the little nuisance that was Lunar? Yees… This would be fun. Oh so very fun indeed~
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daydreamingmia · 1 month
Walker Scobell X Reader | Series | You Belong With Me🔱 Part 20
You woke up to the sound of a lady saying the plane is landing. You sat up from Walker's lap and looked around. 
"Morning Annabeth" Walker smiles to you
"Morning Percy....wait isn't it like 5 pm?" You ask
"Well...yeah but it's morning for you" He replies
You grab your things and start walking off the plane when you suddenly stop
 "WHERE IS MY PHONE?! SOMEBODY STOLE MY PHONE...WALKER" you looks at him suspiciously
"Hey I'm innocent this time" Walker says with his hands up
You roll your eyes and go back to your seat and see it fell on the floor
"FOUND IT!" you annouce
"See!! I. AM. A. PERFECT. ANGEL." He says smiling a goofy smile
"Sure you are" You pat him on the head as he rolls his eyes
You get to the hotel. The man at the front desk is giving you your keys
"Here are your room keys. You are all in one suite but there are 3 rooms. Mz. Goodjohn and Mr. Bushnell will be in the dual bedroom. Mr. Simhadri you will be in the queen room. Finally Mz. Y/l/n and Mr. Scobell will be in the king room-
"What?! I don't wanna share a room with him! He snores!" You say a little loud
Walker just looks at you with fake offended expression
"Don't make that face" you say annoyed
"What face?" He says like he doesn't know
"That one-oh wait it's just your face" you joke
"Well now I'm gonna make this face until we both die" He says
"Well if you do...that day might come a lot sooner for you than you think!" You jokingly threaten
"You heard it everyone! She is plotting against me" Walker yells
Suddenly you hear squeals from about 50 feet away
"Oh no" You mumble
"Ahhhh it's Walker Scobell!!" The girls all squeal in unison taking videos
"Good job idiot now everyone knows we are here" You say annoyed
"Oops" He says under his breath
One of the girl runs up to the two of you
"Omg!! Can I get a picture?" She asks
"Sure" you and Walker say together
You stand to Walker's right and the girl was on his left. Suddenly she shoves you out of the picture and cuddles up really close to him. You fall down she pushes you so hard. 
"Are you okay?" Walker asks you and immediately runs to your side (ruining the picture) followed by Aryan, Dior and Charlie
"Yeah" you say as he helps you up
He hugs you as the girl just glares at you
Apparently she didn't care that you were bffs with Taylor Swift. Apparently she didn't care that you were 10 times as famous as Walker. (No offense to Walker)
"You moved and ruined the picture. Lets take another" She demands rudely
"The nerve of some people" Dior rolls her eyes
"NO" Walker says flatly and walks away with his hand on your waist
"No?! What do you mean no?!" The girl screams at the two of you
"You just shoved my girlfriend out of the picture then said it was blurry. That seems like your problem." He says and pulls you in tighter as the two of you walk away
"What about you guys?!" She says (on the verge of a hissy fit) to Dior, Aryan and Charlie
The three just start laughing hysterically at the idiocy of the girl as you smile
Walker notices this and kisses the top of your head
"I love you" He says sweetly
"I love you more" You reply
You were now up to your room
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This is the suite⬆️
You look around and see only one bed.
"Oh ain't no way I'm sharing a bed with you too!" You protest
Walker just shrugs
"You're sleeping on the floor" you say to Walker
"What?! No I'm not!" He replies
"Yes you are" you repeat
"No I'm not"
"Yes you are!
"Goodness just share!" Aryan rolled his eyes
"Fine! But if you are annoying in any way shape or form I will kick you out of the bed. And I mean it! I will kick you!" You threaten
"Does she think she's in charge?" Walker says to Aryan
"Did you think she wouldn't be? Come on she's Annabeth" Aryan laughs
You were ignoring Walker and just thinking which side of the bed you wanted. 
"Dior which side of the bed do you think I'm less likely to be murdered in?" You ask her
Walker just turns around confused as Aryan and Charlie walk off laughing
"Hmmm...well I would think the one by the window because the murderer would probably use the door." She replies
"Wait wha-" Walker gets cut off
"Yes but what if he climbs in the window" You point out
"True. Hmmm...honestly i would go with the one by the window." Dior says
"Okay!" You smile
"Wait should I be offended you want me to be closer to the murderer?" Walker asks
"Yes" You reply with no emotion
"Well...RUDE" He laughs
It was raining outside
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Idk I had trouble finding an outfit this time 😭 feel free to change it pookies😘
You all were playing board games all night (well so far it was only 10pm)
Dior was the banker
Aryan and Charlie voted Walker to be the banker while you and Dior voted Dior. 😝
You threatened Walker to vote for Dior so he reluctantly did hehe
Walker was sitting to your left, Dior to your right and Aryan was next to her and Charlie next to Walker. 
"Oh no" Walker grumbles
"Ha! Yes! You owe me $1000 seaweed brain" you say smugly
"How do you have so much money? I have $1500 left and you're taking $1000!" He complains counting the money
"I don't know. I think you're just a terrible Monopoly player" you laugh 
As Walker was distracted counting his money Dior (secretly) handed you a thousand dollars🤫
You wink at her
"Here. $1000 stupid girl" Walker rolls his eyes
"You mean wise girl" Dior says
"Nope" He smirks
"Idiot" You roll your eyes
"My turn!" You smile
You land on Dior's property
"How much?" You ask
"Uhhh...$50" She hesitates
"Okay!" You grin and start to hand her the money
"Hold on!" Walker says
"Uh oh" You mumble under your breath
"$50 for the boardwalk with a hotel on it?!" He questions as he quickly stands up and snaches the card from Dior
"Hey!-" She complains
"Ha! This says $2000!" He slams the card down on the table
"CHEATERS!" He points at the two of you
"Fine" you roll your eyes and attempt to hand Dior the money
"Hold on a second" Walker says and takes the money from your hand
"This is $200" He waves the money in your face
"Can't blame a girl for trying" You laugh
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It was about 10 minutes later...
Walker was looking around himself and under things
"What are you looking for?" You ask confused
 "Some of my money is missing" He says still looking
"Did you look behind you?" You question innocently
He turns around and starts looking behind him as you reach over and grab some MORE of his money
Suddenly Walker's hand grabs yours and he turns around with an mischievous smile
"You really think I'm that stupid?" He smirks
"Yeah" you giggle
"Theif!" He yells
"I don't know what you're talking about" You say innocently with his money still in your hand
"What do you mean?! The money you stole from me is in your hand!" He holds your hand up to show you
"How did that get there!" You gasp as if you didn't know
"You're a cheater!" He says
"And? Did you expect me not to be?" You giggle
"I hate you" He replies
"I hate you more!" You reply 
"And you two!" He suddenly yells at Charlie and Aryan
"You two saw all this and let it happen!" He accuses
"They were giving us a cut" Aryan shrugs
Walker looks over at you fake shocked as you nod smugly
"YOU ARE THE WORST AND-" Walker yells at you then gets cut off by the lights going out
Hi everyone!! Thank you to each and every one of you for reading!! I appreciate you so much!! I hope you liked this chapter!! What has been your favorite part of this story so far? Let me know!! Please vote and comment!! Love you all soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!! 💓😘💞💓😘💞💓😘💞🫶😘💓🫶😘💓
P.S. HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY ARYAN!! WE LOVE YOU!! (I know he won't see it but still lol)😝
Tags: @noajakah236482 @the-tortured-poets-depxrtment @yeeteddemigod @walker-scobell-obsessed @callsignwidow @froggyflower264
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Omg pleaseee (if you can of course hehe) continue prompt 204 it’s so freaking good
Been dealing with some pretty serious health problems for the last little bit. Sorry for not posting.
But here is a continuation!!!
Taglist: @arealphrooblem, @xynthevoid, @honorata2021
If you want to get added let me know!!!
Thought #204.5
Warnings: claustrophobia, bones being broken, swearing
Hero crawled through the vents.
She had her eyes shut and was moving as fast as she could. She felt a vent at her fingertips. She opened her eyes and looked all the way down at Sidekick.
Sidekick was lounging on his chair drinking his fifth soda and laughing at his phone.
"Finally found someone who wants to go on a date with you yet asshole?" She yelled through the grate.
Sidekick rolled his eyes and took a sip from his drink. "Ready to give up yet princess?"
Hero scoffed and kicked out the grate. She wiggled out of it and landed on top of the vents below her.
Sidekick stood fast.
She leaned back on her hands and shrugged. "Nah, I think I'll sit up here for a while. I actually don't mind this punishment."
He started walking towards the vents.
"Good luck." She sang. "Pretty sure I can out run you."
He stepped back and glared at her. "Get down. Now."
She smiled down at him. "Make me."
"You bitch. Why can't you just..."
"Conform to the rules?" She spit back. "Become a robot in this fucked up group." She stood. "Get sent on missions to steal, murder and cause terror and havoc. So Villain can become richer and more powerful?" She crossed her arms and looked down at him. "I would rather die."
"Bitch." Sidekick yelled. "Get down from there."
Hero sat down. "No. I think I'm going to live up here. You can't control me. I don't have to do anything. I can just wait out my contract and then I can leave."
Sidekick laughed as the door opened. "Number one you would die because you don't have food. Number two you actually aren't holding up your end of the contract. And number three..."
Someone walked into the room.
"We have people here that can help solve these problems."
The person standing next to Sidekick disappeared and appeared next to Hero.
She squealed and stood fast. She recognized them. The resident teleporter. The asshole that was everywhere and was always called to set people right.
She ran across the vent and found the one she had crawled out of and jumped into it scrambling back inside.
Well tried.
Teleporter grabbed her ankle and started pulling her back.
She kicked at them and held onto the vent for dear life.
"Come on Hero. You're just making this harder for yourself." They said pulling on her ankle again.
She scoffed and kicked out again.
Teleporter laughed and grabbed her other ankle pulling her out of the vent in one swift movement.
She squealed as Teleporter caught her. "You never could get away from me."
They smiled down at her and teleported back to Sidekick's side.
Hero scowled at both of them. "Assholes. Both of you. Why can't you just leave me alone?"
Telporter dropped her to the floor and shrugged. "I just do what I'm told."
Hero threw back her head and collapsed to the ground.
Sidekick grabbed her arm and bent over her. "Now why would I do such a thing?"
He pulled her to her feet. "It's my job I'm just going to keep doing what I need to to get you in line."
Hero pushed him back and flipped him off with her free hand.
Sidekick grabbed her wrist tightly. He pulled her close and looked at Teleporter.
"You can go." He said through clenched teeth.
Teleporter nodded and disappeared.
His gaze dropped to hers. "You don't get to treat me like this. I am your mentor. I don't care if you want that. I don't care if you hate me. I don't care about you."
He tightened his grip on her wrist. She let out a small whimper.
"The only thing I care about is making Villain happy. He wants you to be, as you so kindly put it, a robot in this fucked up group."
She glared at him and pulled against his grip.
"If that's your plan, then I am going to do everything to make it harder." She said with fire behind her eyes. "They already tried for 9 months and nothing happened. What could you possibly do in 3?"
Sidekick took a deep breath. "I won't believe you when you pretend to be following the rules. And..."
He bent her wrist back until there was a snap.
Hero screamed and pulled against Sidekick.
He let go of her and she fell to her knees cradling her wrist.
He crouched in front of her. "I'm not afraid to hurt you. The others were because Villain, for some unknown reason, wants you to be on his team."
He grabbed her chin and pulled it up until their eyes met.
"He wants me to do anything and everything to get you on that team. Even if that includes breaking a few bones."
She glared at him through tears. "If you think that's going to change anything, you're crazy."
Sidekick smiled and pulled her to her feet. "It's worth a try."
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animeomegas · 2 years
I had this really great idea! But I'm not very Good at writing even if my life depended on it and I wanted to hear your thoughts on this story idea that I had. And since you seem to recently write domestic stuff I thought you might like this.
The alpha is at home alone with the children/child and they would like to tidy up the house. They tell their children/child that all they have to do is tidy up their room and their toys. In order to get them to do it voluntarily, the Alpha bribes their children/child. It could happen like this:
"Cleaning up sucks!" "And it's boring!" your children told you. You want to tidy up the house and you want your children to start helping out. They should only clean their room and clean up their toys in the hallway. But as children are, they make it unnecessarily complicated. "All you have to do is make your room! I'll do the rest of the house and wash our clothes. I'd just like some help... I have an idea! What if I set a timer for 1 hour, since there are two of you and your room isn't very big, if you guys finish before the timer ends, you can decide tomorrow's lunch and dessert. What do you say? Do you agree?" Maybe you shouldn't bribe your kids, but you really wanna start cleaning the house while your Omega is still at work. You'd rather be finished when he gets home. Luckily, your kids love a good challenge and accept it. You start the timer and they start running into their room to start tidying up their room while you collect the laundry. After you have collected the laundry you make your way to the laundry room. When you reach the stairs and want to go down, you slip on your children's little ball, which you didn't see. You squeal in surprise and then feel yourself rolling down the stairs. Damn it! That's a great start. When you want to get up, you feel a sharp pain in your right leg and you bite your lip to not start shouting again. Damn it again! Before you can think about what to do next, you hear little feet running down the stairs and sobbing before you see your children start crying out loud as if you were about to die. They are clearly very worried and you are trying to calm them down. Producing a calming sent and calmly assuring them that you are okay. With success! After half an hour. But with success! You tell them to go to your neighbor and ask for a doctor. They start crying again, but this time you calmed them down much quicker and they both run out of the house while you sit on the floor in pain, and disappointed that cleaning up will have to wait. You write a small note to your partner in which you describe the situation briefly and say where you and the children are so that he can come and pick you up. Clearly stressed, your omega slams open the door to see your kids painting on your cast. He calms down by seeing that his family is doing well. Of course he scolds you that you should be more careful and scolds the children for leaveing their toys in the way. Your kids are already blaming themselves and let a soft whimper out. They apologize to you and their Oma. After the doctor is done with his check-ups. And explained to you how the healing process will go, you are allowed to go home. The hospital gives you crutches to help you walk. Arriving home, it is already late and after a delicious dinner, everyone goes to bed. Less than ten minutes after your partner has put the children to bed, there is a knock on the door and your sweet little babies ask very quietly and a little embarrassed if they can sleep with you. Your omega makes a soft purring sound and you all snuggle up to each other. During the time of the injury your children read to you instead of you to them and you get delicious food brought to you in bed.
I’m really bad at explaining, sorry ;-;
Aww, this is a very sweet idea!! Thank you so much for sharing it with me <3333
I love little pup stories, and the idea of them worrying over their parent is so cute. Like, reader is in so much pain but they have to keep calm and soothe the pups so they can get help, that's a bittersweet scene.
And of course the omega bursts into the hospital room XD I can think of some omegas who would probably knock the door off its hinges XD
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vgucciking · 2 years
Jealousy's A Disease
6 Chapter "The Local Dead Kids"
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Jumping out of the shower I wrapped a towel around me, and walked into my room.
Getting into my Pyjamas I payed on my bed, just thinking. I just made friends. Five of them too. And then I also have an stalker. Ones good and ones...creepy.
Rolling around in bed while frustratingly sighing. I huffed. Hopefully tomorrow-
Sitting up I looked around the room. What was that? Sitting there I just sighed, probably just the floor boards.
"I should get some sleep" with that I hoped into bed, turning to my side and closing my eyes.
Just as I was about to sleep I got interrupted.
What the actual hell. Sitting up I looked over to my window, as I did so, I saw a rock flying towards the glass.
Who the?! Getting out of bed completely, I stomped my way over to the window. Looking outside of it, I saw nothing but trees. Freaking kids. Just as I went to turn back around, something hit the window again.
GRIFFIN!? He was just below me, staring up at me with that same smile he gave just before school ended. What the actual fu-
Smacking the floor below me with a scream, I looked back in fear. It was now raining, a lightening had struck just right outside my house. Scaring me.
Crumbling up to my feet again, I looked back outside to see if Griffin was okay. Hopefully he didn't just die. But as I looked I couldn't see him anywhere.
Not even a body just laying around. Jesus thank god he got away. I'm glad he got scared, don't have to deal with him stalking me.
When I turned around I squealed once again. FREAKING JJ!! He was standing right behind me. "What the hells. Wrong with you!?" He just laughed even harder than what he was before.
"Go trip over a knife" I grumbled out, walking over to my bed again and plopping myself onto it. He followed and did the same actions, still chuckling.
"How was school huh?" He finally asked, looking at him I gently smiled "it was fun, since you weren't there." Before he could speak I said "but seriously, it was good. I made five friends, some bullies, and a stalker" I said doing the thumbs up sign.
"Bullies? Stalker? Who the heck do I need to drown?" God. He can seriously be over protective. "It's fine, I'm handling them. And the thunders helping too!" He looked confused but shrugged it off.
"Well I just wanted to come and tell you that, I might be going back to Outer Banks." What? He was gonna leave me here?
"Look I know what it sounds like, but y/n, I miss them." I looked at him with an accusing gaze "and you don't think I do too!?" He shook his head "no no! I just, I just." He sighed in defeat.
"I'll just go for 3 days okay?" Now it was my time to sigh in defeat "yeah okay, whatever." Silence overcame us "can you get out now? I'm really tired"
He widened his eyes and quickly jumped off the bed. "Yeah! Yeah...Um see you in three days" nodding he walked out the door. Sometimes you make me feel like shit, JJ.
I woke up gasping for air. What was the time!? Looking I saw it was 7:12am. Shit! School!
Throwing on whatever clothes could fit me, I grabbed an apple and walked out the door, checking the time it was now 7:20am. Good, enough time for me to get to school.
Walking into the school I saw Billy at his locker. Going over to him I said hi. "Hey y/n. How are you?" He asked, shoving some books into his locker. "I'm fine. I have a question" hearing this he looked at me before nodding his head with a "go on"
"Well do you know...Griffin?" Billy immediately stopped. "What about him?" His voice was suddenly very cold. "Uh well, I just wanted to know who he was. Nothing special" Turning to me, I could already see the unpleasantness.
"He's one of us....but we don't talk to him." Curiosity got the best of me "Why?" "Because he's bad news. Just, keep your distance with him. He's different" with that Billy walked away from me.
Uhm ok then! Just walk away like Robin. Rolling my eyes I made my way to chemistry. Walking in, I smiled as I saw Bruce. But he was with some other girl.
I saw Griffin right in front of him, with a free seat next to him. The only free seat. For the love of god. He's probably gonna start sniffing my hair next.
Walking to the chair, I put on a fake happy expression "HEY GRIFFIN!" Plopping down next to him, I felt someone's eyes on the back of my head.
Griffin gave that same damn smile he had given yesterday. "Hey...y/n" of course he knew my name, stalkers always know their victims names.
"Good morning class." The teacher greeted as she wrote chemistry on the black board. "Today we'll be studying what chemistry is." She finished turning to us with a bright smile, that showed her wrinkles.
"So please get your books and pens out, as you'll be needing them this lesson" Hearing the rustles of paper and pens clattering together from other students, I followed.
While I grabbed my books from my bag, I caught a glimpse of Bruce glaring Griffin. Jesus, what did this kid do to get so much hate? Oh wait, stalker, remember y/n?
Placing the items on the table, i felt a cold, vey cold hand rest upon mine. Looking, Griffin was sat smiling "I was wondering if you wanted to be friends?" He asked quietly, yet loud enough for you to hear.
Slowly and cautiously taking your hand away from his, you cringed with a small smile. "Ah sure. I don't mind-" Bruce leaned over his own table and was now leaning in between us.
Blocking my full eyesight of Griffin, and seeing the back of Bruce's head, as he was looking at Griffin. "Sorry, but y/n already has lots of friends." He spat through gritted teeth.
Griffin poked his head from the side, smiling so sweetly at you. "She wouldn't mind just one more, right y/n?" Wanting to get to know this boy even more, and what history they have together I said "no, I wouldn't!"
Bruce then leaned back a little, disappointed at the choice I've made. Griffin smiled more "see. You shouldn't say who she can and can't hangout with Bruce. It's rude"
Not saying anything at all, Bruce slumped right back into the seat he choose. Was he seriously mad at the me hanging out with Griffin?
As class went on, Bruce would make little side remarks from behind. If we laughed he'd scoff, if we had something in common, which is creepy, he'd mock us quietly, and if Griffin complemented me, he'd say something negative.
"Bruce, I'd say you seem very Jealous" Griffin accused without looking behind him. Hearing a screech from the chair, Bruce had stood up. Now furious "be careful with what you say" Bruce seethed out, glaring at the Ginger haired boy.
"No Bruce. You be careful. Jealousy's a disease, and it's not attractive" Chuckling afterwards, we see Bruce storm out of class, the teacher not caring at all.
The bell had rung for the end of class. Griffin stood up and held his hand out for me. "Wow. A gentleman I see" I joked as I took his hand, and stood as well. "Only for you" he playfully replied.
You both walked out of class and to your locker, opening it, he leaned against the locker next to yours. "Hey. How come you were following me yesterday? Hmm." He looked down and had a blank expression.
"Sorry. It was creepy of me." I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it was." "Look, those boys are crazy. They might seem nice in the outside, but their not on the in." Looking at him confused he let out a big sigh and held my shoulder with a firm grip.
"Just listen to me," wait for him to carry on, he took the signal and did so. "Whatever you do, don't trust them. Whatever they tell you, don't believe it. And whatever happens, don't tell ANYONE."
He looked at me seriously, awaiting my response. "I-" I felt a hand slither around my waist and a presence behind me.
"Y/n, Bruce told me you made a new friend. Didn't know it was Griffin..." and that was Robin. Hissing silently at this awkward interaction, an sympathetic expression crept onto my face.
Griffin shook his head with a smile and then looked at me. "Remember what I said." Before walking he looked at Robin with a distaste look.
"Nice friend...Y/n"
Instagram ~ V_Guccciking Tiktok~ im_okie
Chapter 7
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whimsicallyreading · 3 years
You Don’t Even Go Here
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Day Two for Rowaelin Month
A college AU
Aelin grins mischievously as she walks up the stairs of the men's dorm at Terresan University. The teal-blue waffle iron clutched under her arm.
Aedion didn't really need it. It had been on the fifty-percent-off rack at the supermarket, and he'd simply thrown it in the cart for good measure. Yet, when Aelin saw the box for it laying the hall, she'd seen opportunity.
It had hit her harder than she'd thought. Aedion leaving. They'd been raised like siblings but grew up something closer to best friends. It wasn't fair that he was nearly three years older and ready to leave when she wasn't prepared for him to go.
Aelin had cried the whole car ride home. Then when they finally got back to the house, she'd called him right away. He could hear how teary she was and happily obliged her call. Narrating his actions as he went about setting up his dorm room. He teased her about missing him, but she could tell that he missed her too.
So, armed with an excuse to visit him, Aelin made the hour-long drive to visit her cousin.
Aelin was halfway up the stairs but not paying too much attention to her surroundings. She was too busy repeating Aedion's room number over in her head because no matter how many times she checked her phone, it just wouldn't stick in her head. Maybe if she'd focused a little more on the things happening around her, she wouldn't have crashed into a half-naked man.
A solid and calloused hand darts out and grips her shoulder before she can go tumbling down the stairs. Its twin desperately clutching the towel wrapped around his waist.
Aelin looks up apologetically, and her jaw nearly falls to the floor. His white hair was still damp from the shower and swooped over the top of his head, and his biceps were too large for Aelin to wrap both hands around. An intricate tattoo coils elegantly from a cheekbone and down the length of his body.
He was a man indeed. Nothing like Chaol or Dorian or any of her junior friends. This was a new breed of man. The apex kind. Aelin is pretty sure she looks like a deer in the headlights, and she's too busy ogling him to understand the words he'd been repeating to her.
"Are you okay?" His eyebrows are furrowed as if he's afraid he'd literally struck her stupid. Aelin felt that wasn't far from the truth.
"Yes, sorry," she apologizes as she steps back, suddenly very aware of how in his personal space she was. "I wasn't paying attention. You just caught me by surprise."
Aelin was definitely panicking. Where was her swagger when she needed it most? Why would it choose now to abandon her?
By some miracle, he doesn't seem off-put by her awkwardness. In fact, a smile curls the edges of his lips, revealing a set of dimples that made her heart stumble.
Gods he had dimples.
"No, I ran into you. It's my fault. My name is Rowan.”
He holds out a hand, and Aelin shakes it clumsily. "I'm Aelin."
"Aelin." She loves the way her name rolls off his tongue. "I haven't seen you around before. Are you a freshman?"
Oh no. Aelin's eyes widen, but she recovers swiftly and smooths her features out. Rowan thinks she's a student. Not some crazy high schooler too emotionally dependent on her cousin.
"I'm actually a junior," Aelin laughs at his perplexed expression. "I don't go here, though. I'm just stopping by to drop off some things my cousin forgot."
White lies. What was a white lie worth? Aelin likely wouldn't ever see him again, and is it so wrong for a girl to enjoy some harmless attention? If Aelin spent more time thinking about it, she probably wouldn't like the answers she'd come up with, but that was neither here nor there.
"Is that a waffle maker?" Rowan's green eyes glint with amusement.
"My cousin loves to eat. What year are you?" Aelin crosses her fingers that he's the same age as Aedion and not a senior or something. Her cousin would murder her if he found out she flirted with a man five years older.
"Don't we all? I'm a sophomore, a bit younger than you, I suppose." Rowan drags a hand through his hair. "Listen, I know you came to see your cousin, but maybe I could get your number, and we could get a cup of coffee before you head out?"
Was this really happening? Aelin inwardly squealed with excitement. Lysandra would die when she recounted this story later. "Sure."
Just as she pulled her phone from her pocket, an all too familiar voice materialized behind her. "Aelin?"
Aedion smiles as he lays eyes on his beloved cousin. He takes a couple steps down the stairs, and that grin quickly fades as he sees the naked man.
Oops, she'd forgotten that detail.
"Rowan?" Aedion's eyes harden as they lock on Rowan. "Why the hell are you ogling my cousin with no clothes on?"
"You know him?" Aelin swears under her breath. She cannot believe her luck.
Aedion laughs coldly as he sizes up Rowan, "He's my roommate, but he's about to be a corpse. Why are you perving on my seventeen-year-old cousin?"
Rowan's looks between the bewildered. "You said you were a junior?"
Aedion laughs harshly as Aelin blushes. "I am...just in highschool. Not college. I told you I didn't go here."
"I didn't realize I was rooming with a pedophile," Aedion grabs Aelin and pulls her to his chest. "Was he bothering you?"
"Pedophile?" Rowan's dimples have disappeared, and he looks at Aedion disturbed. "I'm only nineteen!"
Aelin shoves away from Aedion's boorish grip. "The only one bothering me is you."
Rowan's cheeks are flushed red as the full impact of the situation they were found in dawns on him. Damn it if Aelin didn't find his blush endearing. He is a solid chunk of muscle. How is everything he does so cute?
"Look, I just got out of the shower, and I bumped into Aelin. It was an accident. She was just on her way to give you your waffle maker-"
"You brought my waffle maker?" Aedion cuts Rowan off, eyeing the box under her arm.
That's when Aelin sees it. The twinkle of mischief in his eye and the forced concern. Aedion was playing her. He obviously knew Rowan wasn't a creep and saw the perfect opportunity to cause chaos. Aelin scowls at him, and that spark grows brighter. It's moments like this she wonders why she ever missed her cousin in the first place.
Aedion tugs the box out of her grasp and smiles. "Wow. This is perfect timing. Vaughn and Fen were just talking about making breakfast for dinner." He looks at Aelin and forces a frown. "If I'd known you were coming, I would have invited you, but it would kind of be rude to bring a guest now."
"What?" Aelin sputters. She drove all this way, and he was really going to ditch her? It was embarrassing, but tears prickled at the edges of her eyes. He was an ass, but she obviously came because she missed him, and he didn't even care? She really thought they were closer than that.
"Yeah. Sorry, Lin." Aedion points at Rowan, who was just standing to the side, thoroughly uncomfortable. Yet, despite the awkwardness, he hadn't left. "Hey, you owe me one for creeping on my little cousin. Earn my trust back and see that she has something for dinner and gets to her car safely? She has my phone number, one bad text, and your ass is grass."
Aedion tosses her a wink, and it's all Aelin can do to keep from outright gaping. Rowan looks stunned, his eyes darting between the two Ashryvver's. They settle on Aelin for a moment too long. Some of the tension eases from his shoulders, and he smiles. "I think I can manage that."
"Good." Aedion turns back up the stairs pats the box. "Thanks for bringing it to me, Lin. I'll call you tomorrow, don't send me to voicemail."
Just like that, her cousin, a walking, talking agent-of-chaos, disappears back to wherever he came from.
"So," Rowan starts, "If you want, I know a perfect Italian place we could swing by, my treat seeing as I plowed into you."
Aelin frowns and fiddles with the end of her necklace. "You aren't upset that I lied?"
"You didn't lie." Rowan chuckles, a deep sound that sends a shiver of delight down Aelin's spine. "You don't go here."
Aelin tilts her head as if she's deeply considering the offer. "I suppose it couldn't hurt. What's good there?"
"They have an awesome kabob." Rowan tugs his towel tighter. "It's my favorite."
It's Aelin's turn to laugh. "Isn't that just meat on a stick?"
"Let's go, and I can show you how profoundly wrong you are," he moves to take a step down, but Aelin stops him with a hand to the shoulder. "What is it?"
Aelin points to his towel, "I don't think they will serve guests without pants."
The flush that Aelin loves his back full force as he scrambles the other direction up the stairs. "Shit. Give me five minutes. I'll be right back. Aedion better have not locked out or I swear-"
Rowan's embarrassed tirade quiets as he charges up to his dorm to change. Aelin smiling as he goes. She can't believe she's going out to dinner with a guy like that.
Opening her phone, she sends a quick heart emoji to her cousin. He instantly replies back with one of his own. Aedion may have moved to college, but he still had her back at the end of the day. Even if it wasn't in the most ideal way.
Rowan comes back down the stairs moments later, and she's not disappointed by what she sees. He took the time to put on a flannel shirt and comb some gel through his hair. While the view without clothes had been pleasant, Aelin could definitely appreciate this look too.
"I'm ready if you are," Rowan extends an arm to help her down the stairs.
It's such a fussy, old-man move, and she loves it.
"Let's go."
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Play Pretend
Summary: When the chance comes to escape you're are going to play it smart to make sure you get away.
Trigger Warnings: Murder, gun usage, abuse, violence, kidnapping, imprisonment.
It's been about a week since Jungkook locked you in. Only now were the bruises on your ribs going down. And no matter how quickly he shifted back to normal and calmed down the damage was done, he’d shown you a truly terrifying side of himself and you knew he couldn’t be trusted anymore. The worst of it was that he never even feigned an apology. He didn’t think he was in the wrong to react like he did. He just went from one day to the next like nothing was different.
You felt so stupid. You had thought there was something not right with him the first time you met him. But instead of trusting your gut, you got swept up in his good looks and charm. And that lack of discernment is the reason why you've been trapped in his house for a week now. You tried to tell him that people would be looking for your eventually. But with full certainty, he assured you that wouldn’t be the case. You weren’t sure why or how, but you knew that he 100% believed it. And that made your situation even more despondent.
This evening, for the first time in 8 days, Jungkook finally left the house.  You had thought it might be a chance for you to look for an escape, but to your disappointment, he left one of his ‘employees’ with you.  You still can't pinpoint what he does exactly, but all of the people you have seen with Junkook have a similar dangerous vibe. This one is no exception. Tall, strong, large and mean-looking. It completely dashed your hopes of getting away.  That was until you heard the clear and threatening order Jungkook gave him.  For the second time, you were seeing this sweet kind young man have men double his age, who were larger and tougher looking than him, look weak and fearful. The exact wording slipped your mind, but the gist of it was if anything happens to you while he is gone, Jungkook will violently kill your guard.
After a few hours of stirring, half hesitant to try and half trying to perfect the idea, you finally decide you need to at least attempt a prison break.
Calling the guard, you drop to the bedroom floor, curling yourself tight, clutching your ribs. You knew your bruises were still purple and black there, so it would be the most convincing place to say you had pain.  After a few screams, the man dashes in his face draining at seeing you writhing on the floor in agony.
“What happened?” He barks.
“I fell. It hurts.” You wheeze, knowing it's best to keep your details simple to maintain the act.
He bends to help you up and you wail a faked cry of pain, applying your years of watching dramas into practice. You’re not sure how believable your act is, but the man is so swept up in the panic of the moment, it doesn’t really matter.  As he gets you onto the bed, you pull up your shirt slightly exposing your marks and bruises and it's the tipping point.  He goes from worried to frantic.
"Sh-" he whispers the exclamation under his breath. He looks to ponder his options, and you hope your theory is right and that he is too afraid to call Jungkook first. "Alright, you need to go to the hospital." He declares. You have to lean more into the pained acting to stop a smile from coming onto your face, thankful that your plan is so far working.
The guard picks you up bridal style and carries you downstairs with an urgent patter to his steps. Getting you into the back seat of the car, he rushes into the front and begins driving. Despite his craze, you're surprised to see him driving so steadily and rationally. Abiding the road rules and sticking to the speed limits.
You think your best, or only option would be to get some privacy with Doctor at the hospital and tell him everything. Beg him to call the police. The one risk for going to the hospital is the possibility of the guard not leaving you to talk to the Doctor.
"Fuck." The man hisses under his breath as his phone begins to ring.
The call connects to the cars Bluetooth as he answers, blasting Jungkooks voice in surround sound.
"I'm at home, but you're not. Where are you?" He questions with an ominous tone. The drivers head flicks back to you, his uncertainty flashing through his eyes as he decides what or how much of the truth to tell.
"She hurt herself. Her chest. So I am taking her to the hospital." He reveals everything with a shake in his voice.
Jungkook bursts into a sharp laugh, the sudden piercing of it through the speakers making both of you jump. "She's fine. Bring her back now."
You spring upright, eyes wide. The car rolls to a stop at the traffic light, the man's gaze meeting yours in the rear-view mirror. Jungkook knows! He knows you're faking it. He's going to hurt you again when you get back. You can't let him take you back.
The second the car stops, you don't pause to think, yanking on the door handle and throwing yourself out of the car. Because it is nearly midnight, the suburban area is desolate, but there are a few houses that still have lights on. You know your best option is one of those.
Breaking into a sprint you run across the main road over the island and towards the first house you can see any sign of life in. In a mad frenzy, you begin to pound on the door, calling and screaming for help, begging for them to open. Behind you, you can feel the guard quickly catching up and your pleading gets more desperate.
Giving you pure relief, the front door opens on a middle-aged man looking nearly as petrified as you. You don't wait to explain or discuss anything instead barge past him, hurling yourself through the open door. You spin on your heels, slamming the entrance closed. It doesn't shut though. The full body of the guard powers through the door colliding into you and the homeowner, knocking you both onto the ground in a painful blow.
With a heavy breath and a wild look in his eyes, he stalks over top of you, sealing you all in. The guard pulls a gun and his phone from his pocket, the call to Jungkook seeing to still be active. "Alright, I have h-" he speaks into the receiver, pointing the weapon at the man, rendering him frozen.
"Where are you?!" Jungkook yells, making the guard pull the phone from his ear. Even from a few meters away you can hear his hostile voice loudly and clearly.
For 10 minutes you are sat in the living room numb with fear. You could hear how furious Jungkook was. You can see how mad and nervous your guard is, and you can feel how confused and terrorised the older man is. Without movement, the three of you are stuck in a tense stare off, none able to speak.
On the 11th minute, there is a knock on the front door. The guard peers through the side window and his breath catches in his throat.
You start to physically shake as Jungkook comes in with two more men at his back, looking like an uneven, unsettling mix of calm and intense. Walking in with his hands in his pockets, he takes the size of all three people in the room.
"You left the car in the middle of the road?" He asks the guard, his gaze staying fixed on you.
"Yes. I had to chase her down." He tries to explain shortly.
"Ah," Junkook muses with a click of his tongue. "Get rid of it." He orders one of the other men who came in with him.
The guy nods, rushing to follow the instruction. As the door slams shut, Jungkook walks towards you squatting to your level. "Your ribs hurt Kitten?" he asks with a faked sweetness. He leans down digging his forefinger and thumb into your ribcage. It brings back the true pain of your injuries, making you squeal and writhe while trying to get away from him. His hand wraps around your side, keeping you in place and pushing you to the floor, crushing and gripping your wounds, bringing shortness to your breath and tears to your eyes.
After tormenting you for a few miserable minutes, Jungkook scoffs out a short laugh, standing back up nearly stepping on top of you. "Pick him up" He orders your guard, gesturing toward the homeowner on the floor behind you. He does so, having to hold a lot of the man's weight to get him to his feet. "Anyone else in the house?"
"No, I don't think so." The guard replies with uncertainty.
"Well you're not exactly reliable, are you?" Jungkook sneers.
You jump as two incredibly loud bangs echo out. One after the other, both the guard and the older man drop to the floor. Looking up at Jungkook horrified, he is standing over you holding a gun having just shot the two men. Your stomach is churning at the realization of what he just did. There is only a weak grunt and then silence from the older man, his body slumping still and lifeless. But from the other, there are continued struggled and gasped moans. Jungkook coolly walks to him, another shot firing and the pained sounds stop. Only silence and the pulsing ringing in your ears from the sudden blasts remain.
You're motionless. Panting broken breaths. Too in shock to move. Too scared to do anything. You can't believe this is happening. You're sure you're about to die.
"Go check the house." Jungkook kneels down beside you again, throwing the order to the second man that came with him.
With just the two of you left in the room, he comes closer, speaking lowly and gruffly in your ear. "See what you did Y/n." He motions to the side of you, to the murderous and violent display. You can't bring yourself to look. You know the sounds of those two men will haunt you for the rest of your life. You don't want to add the gruesome image of it as well. "Do want to play? You want to pretend to be in pain?" His hand roughly brushes the hair from off your face. He switches the gun from one hand to the other, his now free left hand digging tightly into your jaw, turning you to him. "Well, we're going home Kitten. And you won't need to pretend when I'm done with you."
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heytherejulietx · 4 years
K. ~ Fred Weasley
Requests are CLOSED
Notes - Hi! So this is my own entry to my writing challenge. I found this song literally yesterday and after listening to the lyrics I had to use it. Originally I was going to use the song Dear True Love by Sleeping At Last but when I heard this I had to write it. So yeah, I hope you enjoy it as mich as I do! Please leave some nice feedback, I’m a slut for validation.
Warnings - A few hot moments, though no actual smut.
Word count - 4.2k.
Harry Potter tag list - @idont-knowrn @weasleysflowr @angelinathebook @msmimimerton @durmstrange @kashishwrites
Twins tag list - @whizbangs-78
If you’d like to be added to any tag list please just tell me!
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I remember when I first noticed that you liked me back
We were sitting down in a restaurant waiting for the check
Fred couldn't really distinguish the line that was drawn between when he was friends with Y/N and when he first started liking her. They had been best friends since their first year at Hogwarts; himself, George, and her. They were inseparable. The three did everything together, and the only time they really were apart was when they had to head off into their separate dormitories for the night. As they got older, Fred started to view her as more of a friend. Though if someone was to ask him when he started feeling that way, he couldn't give an answer. Fondness turned into adoration, friendliness turned into flirtatiousness, and friendship turned into a crush. Though Fred never did anything about it throughout his schooling years. He thought she didn't like him in that way, and whilst being bound in the agonising friend-zone hurt him, he respected her decision and just wanted to get happy.
Though, there was still never a day where he looked at her and didn't think she was beautiful. There was never a day when he didn't want to gather her in his arms and never let go of her. There was never a day where he didn't want to pull her closer by the belt-loops on her trousers and kiss her until they were breathless. Sometimes George teased him about how whipped he was, though instead of getting offended he just agreed. He most definitely was whipped, but he loved it.
When the twins had left Hogwarts to start up their shop, Y/N had remained at the school to finish off her year and complete her exams. And whilst the twins - but mostly Fred - missed her horribly for those months - on the day after the summer she'd finished school before, she turned up at the door of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, asking for a job. And since that point on, it was like they were at school again. They were inseparable. And Fred was more in love with her than ever before.
Though he had never felt more in love with her than he did one early Sunday morning. The shop was closed for some maintenance that was being done, so whilst George was snoozing in his apartment, Fred and Y/N had gone out for breakfast at a muggle café in London. They had already eaten all of their food and were waiting for the check so that they could leave. In that moment Y/N was laughing at something that Fred had said, and he just looked over at her with such adoration and love, only one thought going through his mind.
"I bloody love this woman."
We had made love earlier that day with no strings attached
But I could tell that something had changed how you looked at me then
Fred could remember the night before that morning so clearly. He couldn't get it out of his head, the way she looked in his bed, clothes discarded over the bedroom floor and her hair splayed out over his pillow, whispering his name breathily as she pulled him impossibly closer. He would die a happy man if that was his last thought. She was just so beautiful, simply the thought of it made butterflies swirl in his stomach and a fond smile to sweep across his lips.
The night before hadn't been planned. At first she had just been coming over Fred's place for dinner as George was busy on his own date with Angelina, though the atmosphere between them was so different that night. Y/N kept shifting in her seat the whole dinner, and whenever they made eye contact, it was intense. Intense in a way that it had never been before. He couldn't remember what he had said to her, but after the dinner was over she flung herself at him mid-conversation and kissed him with a passion that he didn't realise she had.
"Please." She had whined through the kiss, both of them stumbling through the hallway towards Fred's bedroom. "Just tonight, Freddie. No strings attached."
And whilst the promise of no strings attached stung a little, the attraction and lust that had filled him in that moment was undeniable.
Fred looked back up and across the table at Y/N, pulling himself out of the love-driven trance that he had found himself in. When he met her gaze he pulled a half-smile onto his lips when looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, and seeing the way she was looking at him.
She was looking at him the same way he looked at her multiple times a day. With such a fondness that his heart started racing in his chest and his palms became sweaty. 
She liked him back.
Kristen, come right back
I've been waiting for you to slip back in bed
When you light the candle
Fred groaned as he rolled over in the bed and stretched his arm out for his lover, though felt nothing but pillows and the quilt, and not the beautiful girl who belonged there. He pat around the space another few times, just to make sure her frame really wasn't there, before pouting as he flipped over to lay on his back.
"Darling!" He groaned, and didn't miss the distinct giggle across the room from his lover. "Come back, I miss you too much. I can hear my heart breaking more and more with every moment that you're away."
"Stop being so dramatic, I'm just lighting a candle." She scoffed fondly, followed by the click of a lighter being lit.
"You left me to light a bloody candle?" Fred sat up and had to squint his eyes to see her in the dimly lit room. When he spotted her, stood on the other side of the room by their dresser with a now-lit candle, he couldn't help but smile despite the false annoyance he was trying to portray. She was stood there in just her underwear, her hair messy and a bit knotted, but to him she looked perfect. She caught his gaze across the room and sent him a wink, before shrugging her shoulders at his previously spoken statement.
"Hey, they smell nice. This is the one that reminds me of your mum's house." She explained with a soft smile as she put the lighter away in the top drawer of their dresser.
"Why? Because it's in an orange jar?" Fred joked with a small entertained smirk when he watched her roll her eyes.
"No." She giggled. "It smells like cinnamon, like her cooking whenever we go to visit them." 
Fred watched as she approached the bed with the candle in her hand, and waited until she had put it down on their bedside table before he smirked and moved his arms around her waist, tugging her into the bed.
"Fred!" She squealed, laughing once he had rolled them so he was leaning over her, his legs bracketing hers as his hands moved down to her waist to start tickling her. She only laughed harder, the noise making him smile fondly as he kept running his fingers across her ribs, pushing away her hands that made a futile attempt at getting him to stop. He kept at it until he could see that she was running out of breath, despite still laughing loudly. In one fluid movement he caught each of her wrists in one of his hands and pinned them above her head against the pillow, his other hand resting on her hip, his thumb brushing along the waistband of her underwear.
"I hate you." She groaned, a slight giggle in her words at the ghosting of his tickles. 
"No you dont." Fred smirked, looking down at her with a shit-eating grin. "You love me."
"Yeah, I guess I do." She sighed dramatically, just giggling when Fred had rolled his eyes at her dramatics.
"You guess?" Fred raised an eyebrow at her before lowering his head to her neck, leaving light kisses along the already marked skin. He felt her hands wiggle in his grip, though he kept her wrists pressed into the pillows.
"Mhm." She hummed, another quiet giggle leaving her lips. 
Fred just smirked against her neck before tilting his head a little, leaving open-mouthed kisses at the base of her throat instead. He felt an especially smug feeling wash over him when he heard her breath catch in her throat once he'd lightly sucked on the exposed skin there, her hands wriggling again.
"Still guess so?" He asked smugly against her neck, being answered with a quiet whine instead of a sarcastic remark.
"Freddie." She whined, pulling against his hand. "Stop being such a tease."
Fred only chuckled, pulling back from her neck to lift his head and meet her lips with his instead, breathing in her exhale once she had sighed into his mouth. "Sorry, love." He muttered, releasing her wrists to rest his hands on her hips, feeling her's immediately find a place in his fiery locks. "Can't help myself."
And on the Lower East Side you're dancing with me now
And I'm taking pictures of you with flowers on the wall
One of her favourite things to do was dance. She danced all the time; when she was working, when she was cooking, when she was getting changed. She was always in such a good mood, it was astonishing to him that one person could hold so much happiness in them. Which was why it was so obvious to Fred when she was in a bad mood. She became very quiet, and almost drained.
Fred noticed this when he came home from work on one of the days she had off, and noticed her sat on the sofa with their cat Percy (Fred thought that naming their cat after his older brother was an absolutely hilarious idea, especially since Percy hated cats) still in her pyjamas, which was odd because even if she wasn't going anywhere she would still get dressed for the day.
She greeted him when he had come home, looking over at him as he took his shoes off with a small smile, and Fred could definitely tell that something was wrong when the smile didn't quite meet her eyes as it usually did.
"Hey, love." Fred said softly as he walked into the room, moving to crouch in front of her and gently took her hands. "Are you alright?"
Y/N sighed, shrugging as she looked down at their hands. "I had an argument with my mum this morning when she called. And we just never really argue a lot, so it kind of upset me a bit."
Fred frowned and let go of her hands to wrap his arms around her waist, standing with her so they could hug properly. "I'm sorry, darling." He said softly, leaving a kiss against her hairline as he held her tighter when feeling her grip on him tighten. 
They kept stood like that for a while in silence, with Fred leaving kisses against whatever part of her he could reach as he gently rubbed her back, trying to offer whatever sort of comfort he could give her that would make her feel even just a little bit better. He noticed that as the minutes passed her grip on him subtly got looser and looser, until she was simply holding him normally.
After a few minutes Fred pulled away from the hug with a soft smile, and leaned down to her height so he could press a soft kiss against her lips, and couldn't help but feel a bit better when he felt her smile against his lips. When he'd pulled away she smiled at him softly and pressed a gentle kiss against his cheek, before returning to her spot on the sofa beside Percy, who was now asleep.
Though she still didn't look too happy, so after a moment of thought Fred smiled and moved across the room to their muggle CD player - an invention that she had introduced to him a few months back, and since then had loved it so much to be collecting muggle CDs of music that he liked. He found one of their favourite CDs to listen to together and put the disk in before he turned back towards Y/N as the music started floating across the room.
"Could you do me the honour of dancing with me, my love?" Fred bowed before her with one hand stretched out towards her, his words spoken in an over-the-top posh accent.
"Of course, my darling." She giggled, taking his hand and letting him pull her out of her seat to the middle of the room.
Fred's hands fell to rest on her waist as her arms loosely wrapped around his shoulders, the two of them swaying to the music together as they kept each other held close. Her head leaned to rest against his chest and she sighed softly, before Fred felt her relax against him. They danced for a while, long enough and peacefully enough for the rest of the world to blur away, and to just be left with the two of them there, the music a beautiful ambience in the background as the two swayed together lovingly.
"I love you, Freddie." She whispered softly, tilting her head to look at him with an expression that made him melt.
"I love you too, sweetheart." He leaned down to capture her soft lips with his own, a warm feeling bubbling in his stomach at the simplest touch from her.
Once he had pulled away, he removed one of his hands from her waist and reached to take one of her's instead, his smile growing as he gently spun her twice. Y/N giggled as she spun, falling back into Fred's chest with a light laugh as her hand gently squeezed his. Their dancing soon became almost silly, with her trying to spin Fred a few times - which was only successful when Fred helped her out by ducking since he was a considerable amount taller than her - and Fred dipping Y/N whenever a song ended. They ended up dancing for so long that before they knew it the album had ended. At the end of the song Fred dipped Y/N which caused her to giggle and smile at him - an expression that always made him fall in love with her all over again. Instead of letting her back up he leaned down with her to kiss her instead, smiling against her lips when she had wrapped both arms around his shoulders to pull herself closer and deepen the kiss.
By the evening, when the light outside was a beautiful orange glow that cast an amazing light through their windows, they were both in the bedroom, wrapped up in each other's embrace underneath the sheets.
"Freddie." Y/N whispered, only getting a hum from the man who had his face pressed against the soft skin of her neck, his arms wrapped around her gently. "I need to get up, I'm staying at my sister's to help with the baby."
Fred groaned, holding onto her tighter which made her giggle as she lightly slapped his shoulder. "Come on, please? I can't be late, you know what she's like."
Fred sighed heavily though despite his reluctance to let her go he unwound his arms from her waist and rolled over, pouting when she had turned to look at him, whereas she just giggled quietly at his expression before getting out of bed. 
"I'll be back tomorrow afternoon, love. We've got that double date with George and Angelina, remember?"
Though Fred wasn't really listening to her, instead his attention was her moving around the room to get her underwear, his eyes never leaving her body as she put them on. He sat up when she'd walked past the wall parallel to the window which had flowers painted over it, holding a hand up, despite her still only in her underwear. "Hold still for a moment."
"Fred, I really need to-"
"No no no, it'll only take a moment." Fred searched the draw of his bedside table for a moment before he smiled as he pulled out what he had been looking for - a polaroid camera. It had been a gift from one of their muggle friends the previous christmas, and Fred had been obsessed with it since they had gotten it. He took every opportunity to take a photo of her, and that was a lot of the time.
"Fred, I look awful." She groaned.
"Awfully gorgeous, my love, now stand still for a moment, will you?" He asked, smiling when she had sighed though leaned against the wall and kept still. He raised the camera to his eye, a fond smile crossing his lips at the beauty he was met with - the orange glow of the evening light casting over her exposed skin, making her look like an angel. "Beautiful." He complimented once he had snapped the picture, watching as it was printed at the top of the camera.
"Thank you." She smiled almost bashfully. "Can I get dressed now, love?"
Think I like you best when you're dressed in black from head to toe
Think I like you best when you're just with me
And no one else
Fred always thought she was beautiful. The word ugly or unattractive just wasn't in his vocabulary whenever she was around. Every outfit looked good on her, every colour looked good on her - though his favourite colour on her had to be black. To Fred, it was the colour that made her features stand out the most. It made her eyes seem brighter than ever before. It made her hair shine and almost glow whenever it was under any sort of light. It made every beauty mark and freckle stand out. It made him fall in love with her even more, if that were possible. 
Though Y/N didn't always see that, and for the life of him Fred couldn't understand why. She was so beautiful and he thought that it was so obvious, but to her it wasn't.
"Freddie?" She had asked him once from their bedroom, whilst he had been in the kitchen cooking dinner. "Can you come in here for a moment? I need to ask you something."
Fred frowned, noticing almost a hint of nervousness in her voice, though he was almost stunned when he walked into the bedroom and saw what she was wearing. She was dressed in a vintage style button-down  black dress, that had a neckline that dipped down low enough so that he could see her collarbones and the top part of her chest, and was short enough so that he could see above her knees to her mid-thigh.
"Do you think this looks alright?" She asked, looking at herself in their bedroom mirror, turning to different angles as she frowned at herself critically. "I got it for that party we're going on but I'm not too sure about it."
Fred shook his head, moving over to stand behind her and moved his arms around her waist, tucking her head underneath his chin as he met her gaze in the mirror. "You look beautiful, darling." He said softly, gently squeezing her in his hold. "You could never look anything less than gorgeous, okay?" 
He watched as she smiled bashfully and nodded her head, looking at herself in the mirror again as she leaned against him. "Thank you, Freddie."
"It's no problem, love." He smiled softly, leaning down to press a gentle kiss against her neck as she closed her eyes and sighed in content.
Kristen, come right back
I've been waiting for you to slip back in bed
When you light the candle
Fred groaned as he collapsed back onto the bed, watching as Y/N moved across the room to light a few of the many candles she had collected over time. "You're not leaving me for those bloody candles again, are you?" He huffed, watching her, in nothing but her underwear, light the candles like he'd seen her do many times.
"Hey!" She whined, pouting as she turned to look down at him. "Candles are romantic. And they smell nice."
"I'm romantic and I smell nice, what's your point?" He asked with a small smirk, only getting a scoff in return. "Darling come back, I want you now." He groaned overdramatically, flopping back over the bed with a loud sigh.
"You have a left hand, don't you?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. "Use it if you're that impatient." She giggled when turning and seeing his bewildered expression, as he had definitely not expected that sentence to leave her mouth so casually.
"Okay, that's it." Fred moved to get up and crossed the bedroom to be standing behind her, before he wound his arms around her waist and picked her up.
"Fred!" She giggled the complaint as he carried her across the bedroom towards the bed. "No wait, I didn't finish lighting the candles!"
He simply ignored her and gently tossed her onto the bed, which caused her to laugh a lot harder as he got onto the bed and situated himself over her.
"Oh yeah, that's terribly romantic, Freddie." She teased with another giggle as she pushed some of his hair out of his eyes.
"Oh, just shut up and kiss me, will you?"
And I'm kissing you lying in my room
Holding you until you fall asleep
Fred adored every single aspect of being with Y/N. He could spend the whole day in one of her hugs, or dancing with her, or even just talking with her. And maybe he was a little biased considering he loved her to the moon and back anyways, but everything about her just pulled him in deeper and deeper, like a siren leading a sailor into the deep dark waters. Though one of his favourite moments with her was probably when they shared lazy kisses, whether that was first thing in the morning or the last thing at night. If it was the latter, then that usually entailed after-sex kisses, which Fred adored as much as the sex itself. There was nothing better than soft and light kisses after deep and passionate ones had been shared.
Y/N sighed into Fred's mouth as he rolled them over so she was underneath him, peppering her flushed and sweaty skin with light kisses once he had pulled away, nothing in contrast to what he had previously been leaving against her skin.
"I love you." Fred whispered against her pink cheek, before tilting his head to capture her lips in a soft and gentle kiss, despite it's lightness, still managed to take Fred's breath away.
"I love you too." She smiled softly, and when Fred pulled away enough to look at her he could see her eyes were half closed, and he could see how tired she was.
In one careful movement Fred rolled off of her and curled his arm around her waist, pulling her smaller frame into his larger one so her back would be flush against his chest. He felt her body relax against his as he pulled the covers over the both of them, and tightened his arm around her waist subtly.
"Night Freddie." She whispered, her eyes closing when Fred had left a gentle kiss against her exposed shoulder.
"Goodnight, darling." He whispered, leaving another kiss against her skin before relaxing against the pillows, holding her until she fell asleep.
And it's just as good as I knew it would be
Stay with me I don't want you to leave
Fred often found himself staying up longer than Y/N, though he loved those moments he got to admire her beauty in it's rawest form. He thought she was absolutely stunning, inside and out, and really couldn't have asked for a better person to spend the rest of his life with. Of course, back in Hogwarts when he was crushing on her like crazy, he often imagined what it would be like to be with her intimately. He imagined late night walks by the lake, candlelit dinners, late nights up talking. He had thought at that moment in time that nothing could possibly be better than that. Though he was so so wrong, because the real thing was so much better. She was so much better than whatever version of her he had imagined. Sure, she was probably the best friend he could have asked for in Hogwarts, though her friendship was absolutely nothing compared to her love.
That was one of many reasons why in the bottom of Fred's bedside table was a small red velvet box in, with a small silver diamond ring in. He wanted her to be his forever and he wanted to be her's. He never wanted her to leave.
Kristen, come right back
I've been waiting for you to slip back in bed
When you light the candle
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fanficparker · 3 years
“They agreed with each other violently and disagreed with each other pleasurably.” - A Suitable Boy, Seth
(Frenemies to Lovers! Mob AU! ) Harrison Osterfield x Fem!OC
Word count: 2.13k words
Warning: Swearing, guns, knives.
Synopsis: After the sudden death of his uncle and the eccentric multi-millionaire mafia king Lufian Clarke, Harrison Osterfield’s almost decent life is mostly devastated especially when half of what should be rightfully his fortune is transferred to their immediate rival for reasons he doesn’t know. What’s remaining is him trying to figure out how to deal with this collaboration of two rival corporations that don’t belong together and work on the side of the woman he never knew would ever be referred to as his partner in crime while they are dragged into a mess bigger than what they were trained to handle.
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"Who let you enter my private study?"
Harrison asked, stopping with one step inside his office, fixing the watch on his wrist. His eyes focused on the uninvited guest.
"My ability to walk." A smirk played over Sandhya's lips as she flipped a page in the file she was holding, twirling the ball pen between her fingers. The base of the pen rested below her lip as she lifted her eyelid to catch a glimpse of Harrison's irritable face. And damn he indeed was irritated.
"No one comes here without my permission." He hissed, striding into the centre of the room, staring at her furtively until his gaze landed on the other parts of his office. His office was a mess. Not anywhere near how he left it. His file cabinet was open and at least twenty files were lying on the sofa and a few over his desk. There were two on Sandhya's lap as she sat with her legs crossed over each other, leaning back leisurely in one of the chairs, skimming through the papers. An empty plate and a coffee mug were also sitting on his desk. The mug wasn't even placed over a coaster. He could even see some bread crumbs scattered on the wood.
He barely managed to not lash out at her, clenching his fists. Drawing in a shallow breath, he opened his mouth in an attempt to reason with her but she was the first one to speak.
"Can you log into the system? I need to look up something." She pointed the tip of the pen at the computer placed on his desk. Her voice was far from that of requesting even if she framed it as a question.
Harrison's brows pinched, "Are you serious?!" His voice sounded so pitchy, almost resembling a train wreck about to happen.
That's all? His stomach rumbled with anger. She didn't even look up at him. That bland yes twisted like a snake in his gut. He was past taking orders, especially from her. So, he walked up to her, swallowing his building rage and snatched the file she was holding.
"Hey!" She squealed, trying to take it back as he pushed it over his head and out of her reach.
She rose from the chair, about to grab it when he dropped the file on the floor behind his back, scattering the papers.
"Why would you--"
"Because it's my office and those are my files! And fucking," he seethed, trying to keep his voice casual, lifting the mug from the table, "We don't eat in the study, let alone dump the scraps on the desk. Also, you didn't even use a coaster!" He groaned upon noticing the ring the liquid left on the wood before he settled the mug again on the table, only this time there was a coaster beneath it.
Her eyebrows pulled together, disbelief roaring through her head, "You are worried about the coaster--"
"The white oak---"
"The uncle was murdered in this house and the nephew is more interested in coffee stains." She squinted her eyes, shaking her head.
Harrison bit back a groan. Her words had managed to flip his stomach. He sighed keeping his conduct civil.
"As much as I am curious about Clarke's mysterious death," he spoke as calmly as he could, meeting her eyes, "We aren't even sure if he was murdered in the first place."
"You gotta be kidding me!"
"I am not kidding you!" He bit back, "And anyway, get out of here. I don't like outsiders touching my stuff," he shifted his gaze to the side, hands folded across his chest.
She scoffed, almost scornfully. "Says the one who had no problem sleeping together."
Harrison's neck snapped at the words, his temper reaching new heights. Gritting his teeth, he took a step forward, looking down at her face. "If I had known it was you, I would have never--"
"Exactly!" She snapped, "You didn't know who you were sleeping with, how do I ensure you know about the people working here?"
"That's bullshit."
Sandhya exhaled, failing to reason with him. It was harder than she had expected. So, she tried the gentler way, trying to make her words sound closer to a request, "I need you to give me access to your computer." For no avail--
"What made you think I would do that? You have already seen enough." His hands dropped from his chest and she fought back the urge to roll her eyes.
The last attempt at asking and being gentle, "Look Harrison," her voice was sweeter as if she had accepted her defeat, moving to the last resort, "You have already ruined my Plan A and now I need to know about certain things to come up with a Plan B."
"You really think you're some kind of mastermind in planning? Don't you?"
"Harrison, that was my job back then--"
"Oh. I thought your job was to seduce strangers and sleep with them." He didn't hesitate but when the words finally parted his lips, he noticed the light in her eyes dimming for a brief second, the little grin on her lips fading. His heart thumped in his throat. Perhaps, he went too far.
But what he said wasn't a lie. Perhaps, it was okay. He didn't care anyway, yet his eyes moved to her neck, somewhere-anywhere, away from her face.
Those scars on her throat fell into his line of sight. Fine red lines, shallow, peeking off from her pink hoodie. He hadn't paid much attention before but she looked cute in the outfit, a way he had never expected her to look. Her expression defied the notion though, driving his brain back to the thick air that engulfed them.
Her hand came to cover her throat, gently rubbing across the marks. He swallowed. His eyes flickered back to hers and she averted her gaze to the side. Probably, that was the closest he would ever get at marking her.
He was waiting for a reply, a sharp hit back. Instead, the air between them seemed to hum quietly. Harrison had hit the mark so blatantly, Sandhya didn't even bother refuting it. And that somehow bothered him.
She tore her gaze from him, turning on her heel. He felt the urgent need to cut the silence.
"I don't support the idea of a murderer walking among us." He spoke slowly.
He heard her sigh heavily.
"Well enough," she made up her mind, walking away from him and picking up the file, he had previously dropped, "You live in your protected shell, dreaming about sunshine and rainbows while someone stabs you in your sleep," her voice was still without heat or anger, "But you know what..."
She turned to face him again, eyes hardening, "I don't want to die or lose what I have earned so, I'm going to do something about it."
"Good luck." He muttered, eyes never leaving her figure as she stormed off the room.
The day was heavy on Sandhya. Checking up all the records of the people Clarke had ever worked with was more time consuming than she had thought, especially considering how her initial plan of dividing the work with Harrison went amiss.
She had navigated through whatever documents he had in his room, along with Clarke's and had taken the help of Holly to get access to their server. It would have been nicer to have her in person than on a phone but she was indeed helpful, although, Sandhya hadn't found anything game-changing. There was at least a compact list of people she had her suspicions on, though.
The library was bigger than what it appeared from afar. Probably they could shoot a Jurassic Park movie in here. Or Night at the Museum or library or whatever. She had laughed at the thought. She had also walked through all three tiers of the magnificent space, analyzing the delicately carved rosewood shelves carrying books older than time. They even had some of the original manuscripts of the classics. Unbelievable.
But now she was tired. It was over six hours, she was sitting there, skimming through all the information she could get her hands on. The mob business was full of mischief. Interacting with people you should definitely keep a six feet distance from was customary .
She sighed, shutting the library computer and keeping the files aside. Untying her hair and pressing her fingers against the pulsing side of her head, she tried to relax. A gasp left her lips. She bet she saw a shadow move outside.
Her heart stopped for a moment when the lights flickered. There was definitely someone who shouldn't be here.
Slowly, carefully, she rose from her seat, ducking down the table. Then she heard it. Footsteps. She scrambled forward, keeping low, hiding behind a pillar, drawing the knife from her clothes. She waited and waited, breathing through her nose. But no one came for her. And then it hit her.
They could be here for Harrison.
She risked a peek, looking outside the library. There was still no one in sight. The alleyway seemed dark, dead; enough to accelerate her pulse. She climbed down the stairs, one foot at a time, letting her eyes wander around the hall. Stopping and hiding behind an intersected wall, she saw it: A guy in all black, twisting the knob to Harrison's room, the haft helpless in the vice of his grip. He entered inside.
Sandhya swallowed. Her throat felt dry. She only had a knife on herself right now. Protecting Harrison at all costs was a requisite. Even when he was an insufferable jerk.
He was a team.
And she hated teamwork.
She also hated jerks.
Harrison turned in his sleep, lying over the left side of his body, hugging the silk sheets that covered him. His room was pitch black, with curtains all drawn shut. He preferred sleeping in the dark and maybe that was the reason why the silver light shining over his thin eyelids discomforted him. He wasn't a heavy sleeper and little sounds managed to bother him.
He had somehow grown accustomed to the noise his clock made. His mind erratically jumped between disconnected, unwanted thoughts whenever he sensed other sounds in his proximity. Sounds that didn't match the rhythm of his clock.
Noises of shallow breathing.
Noises of out of tune footfalls.
Out of tune...
His eyes flew open, wide, fixed on the dagger that stood three feet above his chest, reflecting the minimal amount of light his window shades failed to conceal.
He tried to kick off his sheets but the dagger lunged forward swiftly like a wild animal. He squirmed, unable to move, waiting for the impact. Only that he never felt the object pierce his body. The guy groaned, his steps faltering backwards.
Harrison unspooled himself from the sheets, quickly switching on the lamp. Leaping from the bed, hands first, he landed on his toes, squatting.
Sandhya's arms were crossed around the guy's neck from the back. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she tried to push him back.
"Don't just stand there!" She cried, struggling to hold the big guy as she pulled him backwards, pressing her forearms against his throat.
Harrison shook his head, jumping forward. His heart pounded in his chest as he hit the man over his shoulder. The guy with his face blocked out with a black woollen mask, wailed, stumbling on his feet. He slammed Sandhya's back against the window, dropping both his weapon and the whimpering girl on the floor.
Harrison tried to catch him but he ran, pushing him back, storming off the door. His eyes roamed at the door and then at Sandhya. He sighed, giving out his hand. Grabbing it, she pulled herself on her feet.
"Don't say it." He mumbled, jutting his tongue out of his compressed lips.
"Told you so." She said anyway, voice so low that only he could hear, flashing him a small grin, more of a grimace, actually. His own mouth twisted but then his eye caught the sight of his window, the shades drawn away because of the rustling. His slight frown turned into a scowl.
"Watch out--" He grabbed Sandhya by her waist, pulling her down with him, capturing her body beneath his as a gunshot blasted the window of his room, crashing, shattering the glass over them.
A moment passed in silence as they tried catching up their breath.
"Are we even?" He mouthed, manoeuvring his eye line back up to her face. She was horrified, her chest rising and falling.
"We'll see..."
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zawasscarf · 3 years
Void - Keigo Takami/Hawks One-shot
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Warnings : none/ reader is gender-neutral.
Genre: angst! i got inspired from a tiktok I saw, the link for it is here.
Prespective: second person
Synopsis: Hawk's and you have been broken up after villians revealed his secrets to you, but having no time to drown in sadness, he forces himself to attend a press conference, where he reunites with you...but it doesn't go as well as imagined.
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Void. Empty. Still. That's how he would describe the feeling in his heart when he woke up to his empty, cold bed. He could feel his heart beating in his chest, pumping blood into his veins, reminding him that he was alive for another day. That he had to suffer for another day. That he was just existing, barely even alive.
He lazily rolled from one side to another, his eyes gazing up at the alarm clock he had knocked off the counter in a fit of frustration when it started ringing early in the morning. Normally, he wouldn't need an alarm clock, knowing that you'd wake him up by peppering kisses all over his face. Knowing that you'd lay on top of him, and whisper sweet nothings into his ear until he is fully awake and motivated for the day. But you weren't there. You weren't, so he had to use this stupid, lifeless machine to wake him up. It displayed the hour. 12:30. He had to go. He was already late for the conference he had to be attending. So he got up, and headed to the bathroom, dodging the empty bottles of sake on the ground and the dirty laundry piles that were looking more like mountains. The apartment was never left in such a messy, dirty state before. Carpets stained, laundry gone unwashed for days, bed un-tidy, used plates in the sink, piling on top of one another. Hawks was for-sure forgetful when it came to his laundry and his chorus, but you would always remind him. And with you it was easy to do his chorus, even if you would be doing most of the work, while he sat there, distracting you rather than helping.
Hastily, he splashed water across his face and brushed his teeth. Then he looked into the mirror, and ran a hand into his hair. He looked miserable. Facial hair untrimmed, overgrown blonde hair on the top of his head, eyes worn-out, wings a dull colour of red. He couldn't remember the last time he looked presentable. He wasn't the only one who noticed this, the press also did. They noticed everything, that's why he didn't want to be seen in public. That's why he has been locked in his skyline complex for days, only going out in complete disguise to buy food or get groceries.
He dragged himself out of the bathroom, and moved to the way-too small pile of clothes thrown on the floor. Getting dressed in his hero outfit, he put his hand on his back to reach for the zipper.
"What are you doing?"
"Trying to zip up my bodysuit, baby bird. What does it look like?"
"It looks like a chicken is flailing trying to scratch it's back."
"Well, if you stop being so sassy and help me, I wouldn't be flailing. Come on, I'm going to be late for work."
"Maybe I want you to be late.."
He found himself staring at his messy bed. Where you would stare up at him, wearing nothing but his shirt, trying to get him back to bed even though you were the one to wake him up. For a moment, he could vividly see you. See both of you. Sitting on the bed as you helped him with his zipper, laughing when he pulled you into his lap to kiss you, to tickle you and shower you with love. He could still feel your tender hands on his tinted cheeks, caressing them oh so softly, telling him that he was the world's most wonderful boyfriend, that you would love him until the stars die, until the sky falls, until the world ends, and maybe even then, you wouldn't stop loving him.
His heart clenched, making it hard to breath. His eyes were on the verge of welling up with tears. "No," He thought, putting on his pants and his matching jacket. He had to go and say something. He couldn't hide like this any longer. Endeavor wasn't good with the press, and as the number two pro hero, as the charming one, he had to make up for it. The one that could handel all the talk, while also being an inspiration to everyone. He had to pull himself together. It's been too long. He had to accept that he isn't going to see you anymore.
Slipping on his black sturdy boots and fixing his hair and eyeliner, he opened the window and flew out, a few of his long red feathers fell, leaving a trace of him on every inch of the city. He looked down. The streets were busy, but peaceful. Buzzing with open shops, with traffic, kids were laughing, it was so tranquil, considering there was a villian attack on this part of town only two days ago. He bit his lip. He wasn't able to help that day. Too drunken and heartbroken to even pick up his cellphone. He felt like such a failure. He failed the pro heros that day. He failed the civilians. He failed you. He failed you, and now he was living in a limbo. A limbo that only you could get him out of, but you wouldn't. And he wouldn't blame you. He deserved this. He was a selfish bastard. He was too secretive. He was. And god, if he could just turn back time..for just one day..
Kids pointed up at the blue sky at the winged hero. They wore shirts with his face on it, one of them was even wearing a costume like his. They were waving, waving and waving, praying that he notices them. Hawks waved back with a slight smile on his sleep-deprived face. Like little chipmunks, they squealed, being noticed by him was a dream of theirs.
"Hey, would you ever want kids?"
"With you?"
"Of course with me. Anyone else you're seeing behind my back that's offering you to have kids?"
"Shut up," You laughed whole-heartedly, and put a hand on his chest, letting him carry you as both of you flew over the glimmering city. "But the answer is yes. I would love to have kids with you. Maybe a baby girl or a baby boy. It'll be our little cozy family."
"Little? I was thinking maybe we could have seven kids. I am ready to give you an entire football team."
"That doesn't sound very pleasant, Keigo."
"The process would be worth it, though."
His smile fell. The memories. The talks you shared when he picked you up and flew you over the city. God, they always meant so much to him. He always tried to linger a little longer in the sky, to share a few more laughs. To share a few more conversations. He lived for moments like that. Moments where it felt like time stopped. Where it was only you and him that existed in this vast universe. Moments where he could hold you close to his chest, breath in your scent and perfume. Fly with you up in the sky. Fluster you. Cuddle you. Hug you. Kiss you.
Forcing himself out of his misery, he landed down on the roof of the building he was suppose to be interviewed infront of. The press were already huddled up at the front door. There were civilians too, waiting for him to appear. He could see Miruko, Snipe, Endeavour and Gang Orca, all ignoring the press asking them about his whereabouts. Miruko had her phone pressed against one of her bunny ears. She was calling him. Hawks swiped left on the call, and took in a deep breath. He could do this. He just had to forget about you for an hour. Forget about how his heart was in shreds, how his rib cage was suffocating his lungs, how his brain felt all jumbled. He fixed his wings, calling all his feathers back to him, and then he flew down to the side of the building.
The camera shutters increased when he emerged from the shadows of the alleyway. Journalists squeezed each other, all spewing out questions for him already. Microphones were shoved at his face, but he deflected them, doing his best to give them his infamous million-dollar worthy smile, trying to pretend that the sadness in his eyes wasn't as visible as the sun on this summer day.
"Where were you?" The booming voice of Endevour cut his tracks. He looked up at the larger, much taller pro hero, and his smile disappeared. "I over-slept." His answer short and dry. That made the line of standing pro-heros all tense up. This wasn't like him. He would usually tease Endeavour. Tell him to take it easy. That the press wouldn't go anywhere even if he appeared three hours later. Not today.
Hawks made his way up the stage, and stood infront of the mic. His playful voice was dull, and he looked far more serious than when he first walked in.
"Alright, folks. I'll be taking all your questions today, but in order. I won't know what to answer if you all throw your questions at me." Hawk's sharp, golden rhinestone eyes scanned the crowd. So many people. So many people wouldn't make him anxious, but he could feel something was off. He felt..watched. Like someone was staring right through his soul. Goosebumps raised on the nape of his neck, but he chose to ignore it. It had to be nothing, everyone was staring at him all the time anyway. "Okay," He pointed at a reporter with dark hair in the very front. "let's start with you. Go ahead—"
"Hawks, if it's not a bother, can you tell us why you did not assist with the fire attacks two days ago?"
He tensed up. Not from the question. From a feeling. He felt something rumble in the pit of his stomach. Maybe it was because he didnt have a bite to eat. There was no way he was feeling uncomfortable just because a bunch of reporters were looking at him. Or maybe it was the three glasses sake he had yesterday before heading to bed. "Uh," He paused, trying to think of a quick excuse. "I was..out of town."
Lying. That what he resorted to. No wonder you left him. He lied to you. He lied to you and hid everything about himself from you. He hid everything, and now you were gone.
"Next question." He pointed at another reporter. "Who do you think is the suspect of these attacks, Hawks?"
"The League of Villians." The answer came short and quick. He knew who was behind those attacks. "They may not seem much of a threat as Overhaul or the nomus Endeavour and I fought, but they are a dangerous organisation and I am sure they had something to do with this." Moving to a question to another, he answered almost a hundred questions, all of them filled with lies and excuses. He couldn't go through two questions without lying. What could he do? Tell them that the reason he has been MIA is that he was on his floor every morning, sobbing his heart out on his lost love, that he searched the streets every night for his lover to apologise. To make you come home, to him.
Hawks pointed at a tall man, who had his hand raised at the back. Oddly enough, the man wore a dark hoodie and sunglasses. The hood was up, and he was looking at the ground, as if to hide his identity. He didn't have a camera, a crew, or even a microphone, but his voice was still loud for Hawks to hear his question.
"You haven't been seen with the Pro Hero: Light Monarch for a few weeks now. Nor has they been seen in public. Mind telling us why..." The man looked up. Hawk's face fell, as he saw those fiery, glowing blue eyes staring back at him. His breathing rapidly increased, his chest rose and fell in unrythmic ways. His hands clenched the sides of the microphone stand, until his knuckles turned white. "..wing hero, Hawks?" The mockery in his voice. He was enraging him on purpose. He was mocking him. Mocking him for being unable to protect your relationship. For being unable to protect you.
Other reporters picked up his question and started twisting it into different questions. Ranging from 'Has your relationship fell apart?' to 'Is Light Monarch even a hero?', but all he could focus on was Dabi. Dabi, who was secretly recording all of this. Dabi, who was the main reason your realtionship fell apart. Dabi, who he strived to make suffer for what he did to him. Hawk's eyes were so fixated on Dabi, that when someone nudged him away, he immediately looked over to them.
They were wearing the villain's long coat, along with a hoodie similar to Dabi's. They were nudging him away, trying to make him move out the crowd. Dabi only put an arm around them, pulling them close to his lean body. That's when Hawks caught a glimpse of their face.
And that's when everyone saw the winged hero unfold.
He leaned into the mic, and closed his eyes. Possibilities flooding his mind, clouding his senses. Why were you here? Why were you wearing Dabi's coat? Did you come here just to see him? Why was Dabi holding you so close to him? Why does he have his arms on you like that?
"Because I'm an idiot." He spoke into the mic. A hush fell on the crowd, and you looked up. Both your eyes met, you could sense the hurt in his eyes, you could see the tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. "Because I hid information about myself that I shouldn't have. Because I slipped and everyone was watching me. Because everyone just couldn't let us be." Hawks closed his eyes.
For a moment, a flash appeared before his eyes. It was you. You in all your beauty and grace. You comforting him after a long day of work. You smiling and laughing at his corny jokes. You running your fingers through hair and untangling it for him. You kissing his bruises. You sitting on his bed, tinkering with something you found in his house. You holding him after a nightmare. You. All he could think about was you. How your lips felt against his. How your foreheads touched whenever you finished kissing. How your hands felt so warm holding his. How he was a lucky bastard.
"So.." head raised, the first few strand of his hair falling into his tear filled eyes. He choked on air, his lip quivering. "So, baby bird, I am sorry for being such a selfish bastard." His voice was shaking. His hands were shaking. You were staring at him with those beautiful eyes of yours. The eyes that he would stare at for hours, without feeling a hint of boredom. "I am sorry for hiding the truth. "His voice got louder, louder and louder until he was yelling. "I am sorry for letting you go so easily. I am sorry for hurting you!"
"Bastards, all of you." He spat out, looking directly at Dabi and the frozen crowd of shocked journalists. They were the reason. They were the reason you weren't with him. They were the reason your laugh and your smile were stolen away from him. If they could've just let him explain.
"Songbird, I love you." Your breath hitched in your throat, your eyes that were full to the brim with tears were now spilling your emotions into view. Dabi only noticed when your figure started shaking in his arms. "Hey, let's go.." He tried to drag you away, but you wouldn't budge. Keigo was staring right at you, unfolding into a mess, a crumb of a man he once was. Tears streaming down his handsome face, eyeliner ruined. Your heart felt crushed. Like it was an ornament that was knocked down by a carless child. You couldn't imagine what he was feeling, but you were sure that he wouldn't be able to handel all that pain alone. So you stepped to the front subconciously, and if it weren't for Dabi's hands around your waist, you would've ran right over and reunited with your lover.
"I love you." He repeated, desperate. Memories were flashing right before his eyes. Your first meeting in that grocery store infront of UA. Your first kiss under the moonlight during a patrol. Your first dance. Your first date. Your cuddles on the couch in winter. Your odd sleeping positions in summer. Moments. The way you would lean into his chest when he sat you on his lap. The way you liked him to tuck his wings around your body because it felt warm and you like the feeling of feathers against your skin. "I love you! I love you!"
"Let's get out of here." Dabi grabbed your hand and squeezed just a bit, not too forcefully. You were surprised by his gentleness, but you couldn't take your eyes off him. "I love you. I love you.." He was staring at you with such desperation, such longing, such regret. You didn't want to forgive him, you tried not to. But you couldn't. You couldn't, because he made it so hard. He made it so hard to hate him.
"Till the stars die and till the sky falls, remember?" His voice was much lower now. He was leaning over the stand so much that it almost fell over. You clasped a hand on your mouth, and let out a silent sob. You could feel everyone's eyes on you. Cameras were pointed at you. That's when you looked away, after giving Keigo a long, parting look. That's when you followed Dabi into the crowd.
Hawks watched as you walked away, back given to him. He wanted to move, he wanted to follow you, he was telling every limb on his body to move, but he couldn't. He looked down at his body. It was glowing. Glowing with a white aura around it. You. You were using your quirk on him, forcing him in place, not letting him move and rescue you.
He didn't understand why. Why didn't you want him to rescue you now that you found each other again? Did you really loathe him that much? Did he really mess up that badly?
So, all he could do was helplessly watch you go. Watch you as you disappear into the crowd, with the flame user by your side, knowing that one day, you might reunite again.
And then when that time comes, he won't mess it up.
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a/n: aaaaah! my first oneshot on tumblr. i hope you liked it. posting this is basically testing the waters, but i enjoyed it so i think I will keep writing on here!
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denqis · 4 years
friends with benefits x bakubros
this is x fem! reader
warnings: smut, 18+, choking, unprotected sex
kaminari denki
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- you and denki have known each other since kindergarten
- you never thought of him as anything but a good childhood friend
- you used to hang out a lot together, getting drunk
- you usually talked a lot about sex, sexual preferences, your kinks etc.
- you get very horny when you're drunk
- every time the topic would come up, he'd just listen and watch with risen brows and a little smirk
- you were so kinky, he liked it
- then, at kirishima's birthday party the two of you constantly stole glances
- you didn't know what was going on, you suddenly felt butterflies everywhere when you looked at him
- as the night progressed you sat closer and closer to him
- all of the sudden you felt his hand on your thigh, butterflies literally exploding in your stomach
- he was very careful at first, unsure of what to do
- but then you put your hand on top of his and he knew
- one hand was intertwined with yours while the other crept closer and closer to your core, drawing circles on your inner thigh
- you felt kiri's stare on you and felt really embarrassed, this was a guy you had known since you can remember
- the night neared it's end and you were one of the last two leaving
- your dad picked both of you up, you getting in in front, him right behind you
- it was awkward, until you suddenly felt his hand reaching through the small opening between door and seat
- you held hands the whole ride home until he got dropped off
- you lived two blocks from each other
- you were super tired and got ready for bed, when he called
- the call was very very awkward because you didn't know what to do
- in the end you climbed through a window and ran to his place
- he greeted you with a hungry kiss
- as soon as you were in his room he continued kissing you, y'all made out for a solid five minutes
- suddenly he lifted you up, making you squeal
- he dropped you onto his bed where he continued kissing you
- "shit, you kiss so good?"
- he was breathless and you just continued kissing him, a sly smile on your face
- he knew you were a virgin and he knew you didn't feel confident in your body from all the drunk deep talk
- he explored your body and praised it
- "you're so hot."
- dry humps you and you FEEL it
- he then continues exploring your body, massaging your tits and choking you
- you lean into his touch, "more"
- he tightens his grip, a smirk on his face
- "more.."
- he fucked you, hard
- it was amazing, he knew what you wanted and how you liked it
- he wanted you to sleep over at his but since you climbed through the damn window you had to return home
- y'all meet up frequently to fuck
- exchanging knowing glances at school, during class
- sneaky touches in gym class
- this is basically my personal experience but pssh
kirishima eijirou
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- you and eiji hit it off almost immediately after getting into ua
- you once accidentally stepped into the boy's bathroom
- ok fine it was a dare from the other girls and they guaranteed you that no one would be in there
- well, they were wrong
- you went in there in just an oversized shirt and panties, your basic sleeping attire
- that's just how the girls hung out
- the shirt was white and had your favorite pokemon printed on it
- just your luck, kirishima was in there too
- the boy takes steaming hot baths
- the steam immediately making your shirt cling to your body
- "y/n?!"
- oh my god this was so embarrassing, he had free vision on your nipples
- but he's a gentleman so he just stared at the floor, asking you why in the world you were there in the first place
- "i got lost.."
- you bit your lip, kirishima's muscles were deliciously defined and bulky
- you took a few steps towards him, admiring his build
- he visibly shivered and stared right into your eyes
- "what are you doing?"
- he was whispering and it was so god damn hot
- "enjoying the view?"
- you were unusually bold but if you were being honest, he had caught your eyes long before
- you'd be lying if you hadn't fantasized about him dominating you
- "we shouldn't be doing this, what if someone walks in?"
- he was panicking, but once his eyes caught your hard nipples his primal instincts took over
- "we're not doing anything though?"
- you played innocent and he was loving it
- "not yet anyways."
- he had you against a wall and started kissing down your neck, his huge hands playing with your boobs and flicking your nipples
- you were about to moan when his lips latched onto yours
- "you brought this upon yourself."
- you completely forgot about the girls waiting for you to return and just melted into his touch
- i don't think kiri could hide the fact that you've had sex
- so yeah the whole squad knows by the end of the week
- you text him a lot, wanting more and he always gets this smile and blush that gives it away
- bakugou is so annoyed by it
- "i bet that she'd be all over me too."
- but you aren't
- you love kirishima's body and god his stroke game and oral skills are to die for
- you're awfully obvious that something's going on
- you almost meet daily at this point
- i feel like he's quick to harbor feelings tho
- so unless you want your fuck-buddy to turn into your boyfriend i don't think he'd stick around for long
- it'd hurt him too much
sero hanta
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- bitch
- this boy is so touch-deprived
- you knew, the whole class knew
- but he never dared to come onto anyone, let alone you
- you were best friends and he trusted you with everything
- one night you showed up at his room, sobbing
- he knew why, you had planned on confessing to your crush that day
- apparently he had rejected you
- he opened his door and you jumped into his arms, his face buried between your boobs
- "hanta.."
- you were miserable, sobbing but somehow the scent of his hair and his incredibly strong grip around your thighs calmed you down
- you leaned back a bit, sniffling and looking down on his blushed cheeks
- "y/n, i'll always be here for you."
- he tried to remain calm but deep down he just tried to prevent a boner from popping at such a inconvenient time
- you wanted to sleep over, he was okay with it
- you had slept over a countless amount of times already
- "you want the hammock or my bed?"
- "can we sleep together?"
- he almost choked, you didn't mean it like that, surely
- "sure!"
- he laid down, breathing calmly
- until you crawled on top of his chest, blushed a deep red
- "i.. haven't touched myself in weeks."
- ok???? his heart almost dropped out of his ass
- "could you?"
- you took his hand and guided it down your pants
- "we really shouldn't y/n."
- "are you going to reject me too? am i that disgusting?"
- holy fuck that broke his heart
- he sits up and pulls you in for the most loving kiss ever
- "you're great."
- he flips you over and finally lets loose
- he fingered you for HOURS, he had you screaming his name
- if it wasn't for his tape across your mouth the whole dorm would've known
- hammers into you relentlessly
- after that night he's scared that you won't be able to return to how you were before
- but both of you handled it surprisingly well
- "thanks for the other day."
- both of you are too shy to directly ask for a second time but if there's enough tension and maybe weed/alcohol i'm sure something is to happen again
bakugou katsuki
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- you had been clashing with him for a long time
- every time he'd insult you or your friends you'd talk back at him
- he had threatened to beat you up so many times but never actually went through with it
- today was just like the other days, shoto said something and bakugou just had to comment on it
- "oh someone suffers from small dick syndrome? how unfortunate."
- "shut the fuck up before-"
- "before what? you bash my face in?"
- you rolled your eyes and focused on the work in front of you
- you were about to leave when bakugou jumped up and slammed you against a wall
- your lungs almost collapsed from the impact as you gasped for air
- "what the fuck is wrong with you?!"
- he stared at you, not saying anything
- his fiery stare made you blush, up close he was really really good looking
- "fucking bitch."
- he sneered and let you go
- usually you'd fire back an insult at him but his caramel scent and face still clouded your mind
- that night you couldn't fall asleep for various reasons and decided to take a stroll around campus
- "what are you doing here?"
- his deep, raspy voice came from the kitchen and your core clenched at the sound
- you shouldn't be like that, you couldn't just let him win you over like that
- "i asked you something didn't i?!"
- his voice suddenly was right at your ear, sending shivers down your entire body
- he took your hair into his hand and pulled your head back
- the strain on your neck made you hiss
- "not so tough now, huh?"
- his free hand wrapped around your throat as his body pressed you against the nearest wall
- you gasped when you felt his erection press against your ass
- "bakugou, stop it. i'll kill you."
- your voice was squeaky and strained
- he chuckled and roamed his hands down your backside, toying with the hem of your joggers
- "go on, try and kill me."
- two of his fingers rubbed over your clothed slit roughly, elicting a low moan
- "fuck bakugou."
- "that's more like it, no, brat?"
- he roughly turned you around and ripped your joggers down your legs in another swift movement
- heat shot to your cheeks, you weren't wearing any panties and your light grey pants already showed your wetness
- "so you're enjoying this?"
- he just took your left leg and wrapped it around his waist, plunging two fingers at once in
- you cried out and threw your head back
- "shut the fuck up, we don't want to wake anyone up."
- he scissored his fingers a few times and curled them up against your g-spot
- you came all over his fingers
- "holy shit, bakugou more."
- he's wearing the cockiest smile ever
- and when he gets out his hard cock you just can't help but moan out loudly
- "what was that again about my cock being small?"
- he didn't hesitate and pushed into you, burying himself to the hilt
- you were trying your best to stay quiet but as soon as he started moving you lost it
- you were a moaning, whimpering mess
- "i told you to shut up."
- your eyes are glassy and your mouth hangs wide open and he suddenly feels so drawn to kissing you, so he just does
- you were surprised but hungrily kissed back
- he came inside and you wanted to kill him, but once he pulled out and took a step back you fell to the floor
- "if you're always this wrecked after one round i don't think we can carry on doing this, princess."
- he carries you to your room aw
- after sex bakugou is surprisingly soft
- both of you got addicted to each other after this ngl
- you loved having no strings attached
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Ello! I dont know where to request since i'm stupid but i usually use this place to request! I saw those two 1A scenarios/drabbles and since i loved them, can you please make another 1a (with the characters Bakugou/Tokoyami/Mina/Todoroki and Aizawa plus Monoma) scenario/drabble with fem!reader where Monoma keeps pranking her and one time it got to reader and almost killed him, but BTMTA (the characters) stop her and calmed her down and Monoma got scolded! ❤️❤️ Love your writing btw 😌
Hiya lovely! You’re not stupid, this is exactly where you send requests! I’m glad you liked them and I really hope you liked this one! Ugh, I love a sassy reader at times xD Thank you so much!! Btw, I aged them up here, so they’re all 3rd years because Baku needs work before he’d ever be this friendly lmao.
Length: 1.9k words
Warnings: Mild swearing
Your Name: (y/f/n)
Quirk: (y/q) - preferably one that increases strength and speed.
Age: 17
“Good morning, (n/n),” Tokoyami greeted as (f/n) walked towards him with a bright smile.
“Morning, Fumi! Sleep well?” She inquired, making him nod. She walked around to her desk and pulled her chair out.
“I did, yourself?”
“Eh, could’ve been better. You know-” As she went to sit, the legs of the chair broke, making her squeal as she fell flat on her butt. The loud racket garnered more attention as worried classmates ran to her, including Bakugou and Mina.
“(f/n)!” Todoroki and Tokoyami yelled as they ran to her, making (f/n) groan as they helped her stand.
“What happened?!” Mina exclaimed, her hands landing on (f/n)’s shoulder.
“Th-the legs broke,” (f/n) explained, rubbing her back, “h-how? I thought these were brand new chairs…”
“What happened?” Aizawa’s voice came through as he walked into the classroom and saw the broken chair with a few students gathered around (f/n).
“(f/n) went to go sit, but the chair broke!” Mina explained, turning to her teacher who was now approaching them. His tired eyes gazed at the chair for a moment before he sighed.
“Class B should have extras. They’re next door, go get one.” (f/n) nodded and quickly left her class to get another chair. When she walked into their classroom, she had to embarrassingly explain that she needed to borrow an extra chair due to hers breaking. She did NOT miss Monoma’s pathetic attempt to cover up his laughter.
“Oh, you’re breaking chairs now? What a surprise, class A has no regard for our school’s reputation or supplies.” He muttered as she walked past him.
“Shove it,” (f/n) glared as she quickly grabbed her chair and left the classroom, returning to her own.
Turns out, Monoma had been responsible for her chair breaking. But that’s not where his stupid pranks ended. For example, her project went missing and she had to completely redo an entire week’s worth of work. He changed the locks on her dorm room so she couldn’t get in until Bakugou broke her door down. Let’s not forget the camp incident (heh), he was also the reason all her white clothes turned blue in the wash making her buy a new shirt for her uniform, and he also sent mean texts from HER PHONE to Bakugou, Mina, Todoroki, and Tokoyami. She had a difficult time explaining those texts weren’t her.
Now, it was starting to get too much. There was no way (f/n) could prove what happened was exactly Monoma’s fault. She never caught him in the act nor did he ever outright admit to pulling those pranks. He’d always make sly comments like towards her situation, but those weren’t enough. She had zero proof.
However, (f/n) was 100% sure that Monoma was behind all of these dumbass pranks and she was starting to get furious. However… that could wait because…
“OI! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!” (f/n) immediately screamed and covered her eyes as she turned away. She was positive this was the girl’s bathroom.
“S-Suki! I-I’m sorry!” (f/n) ran outside, pulling the door shut behind her. Her eyes flew to the sign next to the bathroom and widened. Girl’s bathroom? She backed up, looking around the hall and realized the girl’s bathroom was on the other side. Someone switched the signs?
She frowned and rubbed her eyes. She had been training with Todoroki and Mina all day, so she was a bit tired. She hadn’t even noticed she was on the wrong side of the building. Monoma came all the way to their DORMS to mess with her? Well… it wasn’t the first time. Her frown quickly melted into a look of anger.
“Monoma, I’m gonna kick your ass. Prank me one more time…” She muttered to no one in particular.
“Hey, (n/n)!” Mina chirped, slinging her arm around (f/n)’s shoulder. (f/n) smiled at her and gave her a side hug.
“Hello, Mina! Sleep well, I take it?”
“Maaaybe! Hey! Wanna go out for dinner tonight? Fumi and Sho are coming too! Not so sure about Suki.”
“Sure! Sounds fun, I’ll talk to Suki and see what he says.”
“Gosh, I’m jealous of that little soft spot he has for you.” Mina pouted. “But then again! A cutie like you probably gets all the dudes, huh?” (f/n) laughed and moved away from Mina, who’d started tickling her sides.
“You’d be surprised. By the way, you’re early today.”
“Yeah, Kiri woke me up early this morning. So, I decided to get ready instead of laying in bed.” (f/n) squinted at her.
“Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” She teased, making Mina giggle and place her hands on her hips.
“I am Pinky! Or wait, no! Alien Queen! Bow before me mortal!” (f/n) giggled and gave her a little curtsey.
“Hello, your highness. Welcome to the halls of UA! Oh! May I introduce you to sir Peppermint?” Mina turned around and saw Todoroki approaching them with an amused look.
“Hello, your majesty. I am sir Peppermint, a pleasure to meet you.”
“Hello! Sir Peppermint! Oh! Who’s that?” Mina feigned innocence and pointed behind (f/n). The (h/c) haired girl turned around and saw Tokoyami and Bakugou approaching them.
“Oh! That’s sir Tsukuyomi and Knight Kacchan.” Bakugou’s eyes almost popped out of his head.
“The hell did you call me?!”
“Ooh! Hello, Knight Kacchan!” Mina greeted making him groan. As much as Bakugou liked to pretend he hated that nickname, deep down… he didn’t. Especially when it came from his… friends.
“What are you idiots doing?” He asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“Well Mina here is Alien royalty and thus, must be treated as such.” (f/n) said, matter-of-factly.
“You’re a royal pain in the ass, that’s for sure,” Bakugou responded, making Mina pout and Todoroki laugh a bit.
“We all know you don’t mean it, Kacchan.” Todoroki teased, making Bakugou glare at him.
“Listen here, you half-n-half bastard, I’m go-” Bakugou was interrupted by (f/n), who shrieked when she opened her locker. The second she opened it, her entire uniform was covered in blue paint. Some speckles even landed on her cheeks, mouth, forehead, and hair. Everyone froze as the paint slowly dripped down her now dirty clothes.
They all turned their heads when they heard laughter and saw Monoma doubled over trying to keep his laughter in. (f/n)’s shock turned into a death glare. She clenched her fists, ready to pummel him into the floor.
“I didn’t know you wanted to die today, YOU LITTLE SHIT!” Before anyone could do anything, (f/n) sprinted to Monoma and tackled him down, spreading the paint to him as well. He let out a scream as they both collided with the floor, the paint smearing beneath them.
“KICK HIS ASS, (N/N)!” Bakugou encouraged her, however,  Todoroki, Tokoyami, and Mina tried to stop her. Knowing he’d just copy her quirk, (f/n) settled for simple hand to hand combat.
“L-LET G-GO!” Monoma strained as (f/n)’s arm wrapped around his throat in a chokehold. (f/n) ignored him as her arm tightened around his neck. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he fell on his back, leaning his weight on her. He struggled, trying to stand up but to no avail.
“(f/n), you have to let go!” Todoroki yelled, as he and Tokoyami attempted to pull (f/n)’s arms off of Monoma, but she had a good grip. Todoroki pulled both (f/n) and Monoma up so they would stand. “Bakugou! Help!” The blond rolled his eyes, but complied, coming up behind (f/n) to pull her off. Ideally, he’d let (f/n) beat the shit outta him, but he also didn’t want (f/n) getting in trouble.
All the commotion caused their classmates to pile up at the doorway to watch the fight. Most of them were on (f/n)’s side.
“Goddammit, woman! LET GO!” Bakugou yelled, struggling to pull her off. Monoma was starting to see spots and his vision was getting hazy due to the lack of oxygen. Both Tokoyami and Todoroki noticed, making them pry harder.
“Let go, (f/n)!” Tokoyami yelled as Dark Shadow joined in. He tried to wrap around her, much like he would with Tokoyami, in an attempt to make her loosen her grip.
“NO!” (f/n) yelled back, making Mina’s eyes light up as she got an idea. She quickly ran behind Bakugou, slid her arms around him and tickled (f/n)’s sides. It took a few seconds, but their friend let go, making Todoroki and Tokoyami stand in her way, grabbing her arms and pressing their sides against her as Bakugou held her waist.
(f/n) was a strong fighter and here was proof, 3 fully grown men having to hold her back. Monoma felt his soul leave his body at the sight.
“STOP IT!” Bakugou yelled as she struggled against him.
“Let go of me! Let go of me right now, Kacchan! I’m kicking his ass!” Monoma was currently leaning against the lockers trying to catch his breath as he watched the furious girl attempt to… kill him?! She wanted to kill him! She was trying to choke him to death!
“ENOUGH!” Everyone froze at the booming voice and (f/n) shrank against Bakugou when she saw her teacher standing there with his hair and scarf floating. Her hands reached out to grab Tokoyami and Todoroki’s arms. His red eyes glared at the group demanding answers.
“She tried to kill me!” Monoma yelled, holding his throat. (f/n)’s eyes widened and shot to Aizawa.
“This jerk’s been pranking me for the last three weeks! Everything that’s gone wrong is his fault!”
“You have no proof of that!” Monoma argued, glaring at her.
“No pro- you’re always laughing at me and making snide comments! I know for a fact it’s you, asshole! Don’t even act like your innocent!”
“I am innocent, asshole!” (f/n) shoved Bakugou off and slipped in between Todoroki and Tokoyami, running towards Monoma when Aizawa’s scarf quickly wrapped around her.
“Out of your entire class, you’re the only one who hates us, dumbass!” (f/n) retaliated as she struggled against her teacher’s bindings. “Let me fight him, Mr. Aizawa! LET ME KICK HIS ASS!”
“That’s enough!” Aizawa interrupted their petty squabbling as he approached them. His eyes stopped glowing and his hair fell down. (f/n) was still wrapped around in his scarf but was no longer struggling. “Have you been pranking (l/n) this whole time?” Aizawa asked the blond.
“NO!” The hallway was so quiet, one could hear a pin drop. Aizawa glared at Monoma as he grabbed his arm and made him stand up.
“You’re lying.” The scarf loosened around (f/n) and fell off, returning to Aizawa as he looked at the students. Bakugou, Todoroki, Monoma, (f/n), and Tokoyami- not to mention his scarf- were covered in the blue paint. “Go clean yourselves up and come back, we’ll discuss your punishment for starting the fight later, (l/n). For now, I’ll be handling this one.” With that, Aizawa took Monoma away leaving everyone in awkward silence.
Until Kaminari broke it.
“Damn, (n/n)!  You really kicked his ass! That was awesome!”
“I think you’re rubbing off on her,” Tokoyami said, looking at Bakugou who smirked proudly.
“And the problem with that is?”
“We’ll have another you to deal with.” Todoroki responded, flatly.
“What’s wrong with me, IcyHot?!” 
“You guys are awesome!” Mina giggled, wrapping her arms around both Bakugou and Todoroki. “(f/n)! Get in here! You too, Fumi!”
“I’ll get the paint over you,” (f/n) muttered, looking down at herself.
“Either you come here or I’ll give you a bear hug.”
“You just want to go back to your room so you can lay in bed.” (f/n) argued, as she and Fumi joined the little group hug.
Later that day, Aizawa had met up with (f/n) and explained that her punishment was going to be detention for 3 days, as well as cleaning up the dorms. Although Monoma got something similar, it was worse.
However, whenever their classes were paired up for sparring matches or mock fights, Aizawa always did his best to pair (f/n) against Monoma, so she could teach him a lesson. Properly.
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keeztickles · 4 years
•The Creative Lers Strike•
TW! Remus and Janus!
Ler!Roman, Ler!Remus, Ler!Logan for 2 seconds, Lee!Logan, Lee!Virgil, Lee!Patton, Lee!Janus/Deceit
Remus and Roman were both in Ler moods, and unlike anything they usually do, these two work together when it comes to tickling the shit out of the other sides. Get ready to die a million times from these little shits!
SMASH SMASH SMASH! "Guess who's hereeeee!" That was simply Remus with a tambourine, which he immediately threw to the ground.
"Remus! It seems the tickle tickle lers are out to play!" Roman's excitement could be seen from the moon and farther, maybe pluto saw the ler boi!
"Reeeeeeally now? I hadn't noticed!" Remus faked surprise, giggling immensely as he watched the other sides.
"Look at all those lees scattering, what do you wanna do about that?" Roman pointed out the scattering sides who were realizing what was about to happen to them.
"Who shall we attack first, dear brother?" Remus asked, crossing his arms, though the question was useless, as only one side was even in the room anymore.
~Virgil Segment!~
"Well despite being Fight or Flight, Virgie doesn't seem to be flighting." The twins simply jogged over to the emo who seemed to "accidentally" fall on the floor in his efforts to escape. Roman and Remus easily pinned him down.
"Another lee mood? Didn't I stomp that out yesterday?" Remus asked, one of his fingernails gently trailed down Virgil's stomach, making it start to spaz with trapped laughter. "Clearly our power combined makes all the giggly lees appear!" Roman deducted, he summoned a paint brush, and went after Virgil's ticklish neck.
They currently weren't planning on murdering him with tickles all day, they had 3 other little lees to catch, and all three of them were very good at pretending to be lers when they we truly very giggly lees! So the future is scarily exciting for the two creative twins!
Virgil continued his attempts to not let out any laugher, but his breaths got increasingly panicky as Remus's gentle fingers inched closer and closer to the current giggly sides belly button.
"The walker walks around the hole! Wondering how it came, he goes to the edge.."
"Remus NO!"
"And checks it out..."
"aND FALLS ONCE IT CAME!" Remus digged both of of his hands into Virgil's mystical belly button, while Roman's fingers trailed everywhere else, his neck, his stomach and sides, his thighs and feet, the two princes were having a ride, leaving verbal teases all over the air for the very laughable emo.
Though the teases were also excruciatingly flustering, since these cute twins were very creative! We love some unstoppable tickly twins!
"Look Virgil! Are you seeing how much your tummy is jumping? You must be loving this!" Remus cooed, watching the emo's stomach.
"Virgil! I've forgotten how much you loved being tickled! Especially on your cute little thighssss!" Roman cooed, delighted to find out that Virgil' blushy face became even more flustered.
"Tickle Tickle Tickle Virgieeee!" The two lers happily cooed as they smirked down at the laughing lee, who was getting closer and closer to his breaking point.
Roman looked to Remus, and they both nodded, completely stopping their attacks, they went to each side of Virgil's stomach, keeping their smirk up. "And now, for our final act.."
Virgil, in his out of breath state, tensed up, watching the boys with a large grin on his face. The two leaned down at the same time, creating a raspberry on both sides of his stomach, making the boy in question laugh like hell.
"AHAHOHHOHOHOSHIHIHIHITFUHUHCKKYOUGUHUHUHYS" Virgil basically screamed out a bunch of cursed, before finally reaching his limit. "SANDERSS!"
Remus and Roman immediately pulled away, rubbed away the excess ticklee feelings, and summoned a bottle of water for the now very exhausted boy. "You go start up frozen two! We gotta go catch 3 other cuties!" Roman affectionately left a kiss on Virgil's forehead, as Remus gently picked Virgil up, and left him on the couch.
~Patton Segment!~
The twins left the room, going to where they saw the other sides run off too. "Who's ready to be tickled! You can't run from it cuties!" They continued to sing teases as they searched for a few more minutes, finally, they heard a little giggle, which they immediately froze by.
"..That sounds like a Patton!"
"Absolutely, Padreeee! Come out and play! We'll find you soon anyway cutie!" Remus was completely joking, but Patton came out of the cupboard, completely red faced, he grinned softly, immediately raising his hands above his head.
"Awww! Do you want the tickles? I think he wants the tickles Remus!" Roman quickly went over to the boy, gently rubbing the father fingers neck with the tips of his fingers, making him let out soft giggles.
"Absolutelyyyy!" Remus wasted no time, immediately digging his fingers into Patton's thighs. Making Patton squeal loudly and fall into happy and giddy laughter, Patton immediately pulled himself to the floor, feeling his legs become shaky.
Roman chuckled softly as he quickly took the liberty of tickling Patton's neck and ribs, making the boy squeal in very ticklish delight. "ROOOHOHOHOHO!" Roman titled his head, giving Patton a silly face. "Whaaaaaat? I'm simply giving you what you clearly asked for! The tickly tickly tickles!" Roman cooed, leaving a small raspberry on Patton's neck, which made Patton into a happy snorting mess.
"Squeezy Squeezy! Squeezeeeeeee!" Remus happily sang, dancing slightly as he continued his attack on Patton's legs. "Dance your legs for me you pretty leee!" Remus smirked, gesturing to the kicking legs he was currently tickling the heck out of.
"Sanders!" Patton squeaked out, which the best beans immediately stopped their playful attack, retrieving water for the bean. He wanted soft tickles today, and that's what he got!
"You okay padre?" Roman gently asked, rubbing his back and happily helping him to sit up. "Yee! Thank you cuties for this experience." Patton giggled softly before taking a sip of his water. "Of course Patty!" Remus exclaimed, leaving a gentle kiss on Patton's forehead.
"Now, go join Virgil in watching frozen."
"On it!" Patton giggled, before jumping up and going into the living room.
The boys happily went deeper into the castle, knowing their next threat wouldn't be so easy to conquer. Remus had his slimy tentacles on standby, just in case they came into contact with 6 gloved hands.
But perhaps those tentacles were needed sooner then the duke thought.
~Logan Segment!~
Suddenly, the boys stepped into a room and were immediately caught in a trap, fully spread in the middle of the room, they yelped loudly, scanning around for Janus and sighing in relief when it was only Logan.
"My apologies, my dear twins, but you two are on a particular rampage that must be stopped." The teacher stood in between the two of them with a collection of items commonly used for tickling, Roman gulped.
"Logie you've been in a lee mood all week! I've literally seen you without shoes! That's a rarity bud!" Remus retorted, smirking as he saw Logan's face turn into a red tomato.
"Whatever sensitive feelings I obtained this week are currently meaningless, you two need to be dealt with." Logan stated simply, pulling up Roman's shirt, smirking at the trapped boy. "L-Logan! We can talk about th-THIS!"
Roman squeaked loudly, falling into happy and giddy laughter, quickly attempting to escape the bonds and attempted to protest in attempt in trying to keep his ler mood up, he knew Remus would save them. He just wondered if he was such a little shit that Remus would choose to save them after Logan was done with Roman.
"Awww, look at you now princey! Giggling up a very cute storm! If Virgil and Pat-" Logan squeaked as his hands were pulled away from Roman by some slimy tentacles, and was pushed to the floor.
"Y-You saved me?!" Roman let out a deep breath and looked at his brother in wonder, who was currently being untied by a tentacle. Remus rolled his eyes, rubbing his wrists after being untied. "Ro, this is our day, im not letting some bitchass nerd tickle you to death! Now! Let's tickle a little lee!"
Roman nodded, letting himself get out of the small lee mood he put himself in, and smirked as he felt his ler mood arrive back in full force. He gave the tentacle a small pat and dove to Logan's body, who Remus was already leaving very furious tickles on the teachers bare sides.
"Hi, bitch!" Roman affectionately cooed, kissing the laughing sides cheek before crawling down to Logan's feet, smirking as he summoned a feather. "So you decided you were gonna try to split us up, yes? Fat chance for that Logie! When together, the creative twins are absolutely unstoppable!" Roman cheered, giving a high five to his brother.
Roman leaned down, gently wiggling a feather on the ball of Logan's feet. He chuckled softly as he immediately heard a loud squeal of laughter followed by a very pleading nerd.
"Roman, R-Roman please don't, Roman im sorry!r-ROMAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHHAHAN!" The nerd squealed loudly, making both boys giggle softly. "Logie! I'm not even touching your toes! And yet your still screeching like a wounded animal!" Roman pointed out. "You must be reaaaaaaally ticklish Logie!"
"I'm nohohohohohohohohohohohot!" Logan squeals out, thrashing in an attempt to get the tentacle off of him, though to be noted, the tentacle, was able to be easily removed, Logan was clearly failing on purpose.
"Oh? You aren't? Then why is the usually stoic Logic laughing so much? you wouldn't mind if I tickled the tips of your feet then!" Logan's eyes widened in an instant before pleading as Roman took his hand away from the balls of his feet.
"Wait, roman please don't, I will do your laundry for a week, I won't criticise your writing, I will do the dishes without complaint, roMAN!" Roman glanced up at Remus, who had stopped his own actions and was just letting Roman have his own revenge, aw.
He smirked, and quickly started rapidly scratching Logan's toes, and the padded part of the foot, humming softly as the nerd under Roman went absolutely ballistic.
"SHITTTTTIHIHIIHIHIHIHIHIHIT!" The male screamed, giggling and laughing madly as he basically pleaded for his life. "PLEAHEHEEHEHEHEHEEHEEHEEHEESEEEUEHE!" Along with a favorite of Romans, "FUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHCK YOHOHOHOHOHOHOYOUOHUE!"
Truly, Logan was having an amazing time today, but sadly, all giggly men must have to end at some point! Logan endured a few more seconds of his favorite torture, before he practically screamed.
"SANDERS!" Logan called and Roman immediately stopped, and the tentacle disappeared, Logan happily took the water he was given, giggling happily from after giggles. "Thahahank you!"
"Of course you ticklish little cutie, go join Patton and Virgil, alright?" Logan nodded, and both the brothers stood up, glancing at each other. "Thank you guys!" The twins giggled and gave a loving nod before the nerd left.
"You know what comes next, right?"
"He's had all this time to prepare, why didn't we go for him first?
"Because Virgil is cute!"
[Janus segment!]
"-Boys, Boys, Boys, I believe it's time for you two to lay down and submit defeat, or else I shall personally show you how." Janus walked into the room, all 6 of his hands were out, and on show.
The twins spun around, immediately getting into defensive positions of both defensive and offensive.
"Janus! It is not us who shall be submitting ourselves to the tickle attacks today! It shall be you!" Roman made a grand gesture to hide his nervous insides.
"I'm afraid not, Roman, I have a few tricks up my sleeves, because you two are a mighty force for all tickling kind, if you truly wished to absolutely wreck someone, you could, you both are the creative people here, you could summon anything with a blink of an eye." Janus explained, stepping closer to the mighty twins.
"So with that said.." Janus clicked his fingers, and suddenly the twins didn't seem to have powers anymore. "Let's make this an even fight, shall we dearies?" Janus smirked at the boys, wiggling all the gloved fingers.
The twins turned to each other and gulped, but Remus smirked, pulling a button out of his pocket, he did plan for Janus and his mischievous tricks!
"Sorry Jan, but we are the creative twins, we have plans for your plans!" Remus giggles, tapping the button and immediately all 6 arms were trapped, as well as suddenly the twins had their powers back. "Thanks Logan!"
Janus immediately attempted to get out of the restraints, trying his hardest. "Now boys, let's think about this!" Remus rolled his eyes, summoning two small tentacles and placed them in one of the sets of armpits, Remus placed them in the least sensitive part so that the only thing that emerged from the now swirling tentacles was soft giggles and snorts.
Roman viewed the tied up snek man, and giggled slightly, placing a individually mobile feather on one of his scaley melt spots, before happily tickling both of his individual arm pits with scratches and pokes. "Aww Janus! You are so adorableeeee!" Roman cooed the the tied up loud snek man.
"You are way too soft with him, he can take it, trust me, I've lived with the bitch for 20+ years!" Remus grins and starts to mercilessly tickle the armpits he was given, grinning madly when Janus's squeals go up and octave or three.
Roman watches Remus and nods, copying his brothers actions along with his own spark of genuine roman love.
"BOYOHOHOGOHOHOHOHOHOYSSSSSS!" Janus calls in an attempt to plead for his freedom.
"No can do Jan!"
"You wanted to try to destroy us! We ain't letting that happen!"
"Never! Tickle tickle tickle Jannnn!"
"Aw he isn't even fighting back anymore!"
"That's absolutely adorable."
Immediately, the binds were down, the tentacles and feathers were gone, and immediate cuddles and water were given to the giggly side.
"You did amazing."
"Better then usual!"
"Anyway, lets go give the boys a lovely night of frozen, shall we?"
The two twins waddled into the living room, letting a small gigle out at seeing all the tuckered out lees.
"We will get you tomorrow."
"Sureeeeee, keep telling yourself that Virge!"
Oh boy, this is a long ass fic, I hope y'all like it-? Thank you for reading, pls reblog and like if u like it, thank u, I am new to the community, and im tryna be a nice human!
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bnhababyyyy · 4 years
Bro’s before that kinda bro
Todoroki x reader
Part: 1/?
Summary: You have a crush on your friend but he just doesn’t get your feelings. It’s up to you to figure out how to woo him.
You loved Todoroki.
And he loved you just as much……
As a friend possibly could.
He obliviously missed all the signs you had been giving him, poor boy couldn’t even tell when you were flirting with him. Any other sane person would be able to tell what you had been doing all this time. Every attempt, shot down innocently because he truly didn’t know what you were hinting at.
You thought one of these days you were going to break and just straight up confess to him because of how unnoticed your efforts went. It took every piece of your being to not outright confess your feelings for him and make out with him on the spot.
It was especially bad when one night your cravings for some sweet snacks got the best of you making you reluctantly go to the kitchen. You were surprised to see Todoroki sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone with a cup of tea on the table. He didn’t seem to notice you coming down the stairs, making you decide to scare him a little.
You covered your mouth to hold back any giggles as you tip toed over to his unguarded position. You stood behind him for a beat of a moment before abruptly grabbing both of his shoulders. He whipped around and grabbed one of your arms before you could even pull back.
He looked up and dropped his shoulders just an inch with a small glare being shot your way. “I didn’t know I should be on my guard at night too,” he yawned.
You ran your hand through your hair as you let out an awkward laugh “Well, think about it, I’m preparing you for any sneak attacks!”
He went back to his phone rolling his eyes.
You began walking to the kitchen before you got the chance to forget those snacks. “But hey what are you doing up this late? It’s like almost 12.” you asked as you raided the pantry for a cookie or anything of the sort.
He turned his head over to where you were, “I… couldn’t sleep,” he said in a lower tone shifting uncomfortably, “What about you?”
You had known Todoroki long enough to know that two things were weird about what he said, first his tone was off and second he never stays up this late. You peeked your head over the pantry door with a cookie in your mouth, “What do you mean you couldn’t sleep? Did something happen?” You asked ignoring his question.
He averted your gaze to his lap, “No it’s nothing, don't worry about it.”
You gave him a concerned look before sighing and squeezing yourself between him and the couch’s armrest.“Scoot! Something’s obviously bothering you and I wanna help you out.” You said wiggling a bit on your side .
He shuffled over giving you a small smile that literally took your breath away. You tried your best to calm your now heightened heart beat. You cleared your throat, “Take as long as you need though. I’ll listen ok?”
He nodded looking back down at his hands in his lap, “I had an odd dream. Something that freaked me out.” You cocked your head silently asking him to continue.
He glanced at you before looking away again, “It was about Endeavor. More like a memory I guess… He was arguing with my mom and she said that I,” he took in a breath, “that I was going to be just like him. That I am like him and how she didn’t want to look at me because of how I just keep growing more and more similar to him.”
You sat there shocked at what he said, before you could comfort him and give your apologies he continued.
“And then I looked in the mirror and I looked exactly like him, or I was him. The reflection in the mirror mocked me saying I couldn’t escape him and I’d be wanting to be better but would end up hurting others and destroying everyone else’s relationships with myself just like he did. That I’d end up being hated, never achieving my dreams that I’d die alone and he would always be there to haunt me. I woke up after that and I just…”
You nodded understandingly feeling extremely shocked at how his PTSD from childhood had manifested into such a scary nightmare as a teenager. You felt incredibly heartbroken at what kind of dream he had. His father damaged him so badly as a kid Todoroki was still dealing with the trauma.
He looked so broken in front of you. You wanted to reassure him that he had just had a bad dream. That he resembled nothing of his father.
But the words just didn’t form and you sat there not knowing what to say. It was completely silent. You both dwelled in the freshly expressed emotions quietly. Neither of you moved, you both continued to look at the ground. You glanced up at Todoroki, opened your mouth to speak, and decided not to. Instead you hesitantly put our hand on top of his. He jerked his hand a little and moved his head to look at you.
“Todoroki, thank you for telling me what happened,” you looked up at him, rubbing small circles on his hand. “I know it was hard for you to do that. You’re nothing like your father though I… I never saw him in you. You’ve proven to be so much better than him. If no one else is proud of you for that then I am. I’m proud of how much you are yourself and you strive to be better.” You gave a heartfelt smile at his shocked expression.
He looked away and you swore that if you squinted he had a slight slight slight slight blush and a HINT!!!! Of a smile. You died on spot he was just so lovely.
“Thank you.” He mumbled giving your hand a tight squeeze. Wow did he know what he was doing to you? You internally wheezed and felt your heart beat so loud you couldn’t tell if Todoroki was talking still.
‘I wish we were more than friends. Why are you doing this to me.’ You thought to yourself. Well at least you thought you thought that thought to yourself. He looked up at you confused.
“What do you mean (y/l/n)?” He asked with furrowed brows.
Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped to the floor. No way did you just say that out loud. The absolute love of your life, your amor, your crush, just heard you confess that you basically like him. You felt your face heat up and you retracted your hand from his as you suddenly felt abnormally sweaty.
You silently freaked out too shocked to even move. “Uhm I-I didn’t mean to say that out loud I’m so sorry I don’t know what I’m talking about!” You rambled.
He cocked his head to the side. “Did you want to be best friends? I don’t know why you’d be sorry about that. We can be best friends if you want that.”
You sat there even more shocked. He. was. so. dense. You sighed rubbing your temple. You didn’t know whether you should feel disappointed or saved. You shook your head taking it in as a good thing he was so dense.
“Uhm yeah. I’d like that a lot actually,” You smiled.
He nodded his head returning the smile. “Good. I’d like that too.”
“Well I’m glad we got that out the way!” You got up brushing yourself of any crumbs. “Uhm talk to me if anything else starts to bother you again alright?” He nodded back. You stood there staring at him.
“Did you need me to walk you back?”
“Oh No! No it’s fine really! I can go back myself! Uhm alright good night see you in class!”
“Goodnight to you too.”
You hurried back to the girls dorms and into your room before you could blurt out any more confessions. You laid in bed completely shocked about everything. He was so oblivious to your feelings. But you didn’t want to ruin your friendship. I mean yeah being best friends is great. For people who want to STAY FRIENDS. Not for people like you who have been crawling out the friend zone hole forever.
You tossed and turned in bed. Sighing you decided to text your bakusquad chat about what had just happened.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Your hand wavered over the call button for him. You didn’t want to bother him, but at the same time what Mina said is true. If he truly didn’t want to answer he wouldn’t. So no harm in trying right?
You gathered all the courage you possibly could and pressed on his contact. You waited as you heard the facetime ringtone go on over and over. Until it stopped and his face popped up on the screen. You audibly gasped in surprise to see that he even picked up the phone.
“Hey. I didn’t know you’d answer.” You said, still thoroughly surprised.
He smiled that smile that makes your heart topple over itself. “No I wouldn’t ignore your calls. What’s wrong?”
You we’re so mesmerized by the angle of his face that the camera showed off. He held it in his hand at a bit of a low angle really detailing his jaw line. He was probably sitting at a desk or something because he kept putting his phone down into his lap to do something.
“No no nothings wrong, I'm good!”
“Then why’d you call?”
“Oh right! I needed help with the test tomorrow. Did you know what would be on it?”
He finally shifted the phone onto his desk so that it was sitting up on something. You could fully see his face and torso. His room was dimly lit and he had a book and papers on his desk. So he was studying too.
“Yes I’m working on it now, did you want me to send you the answers?” He asked while flipping through what seemed like a math book.
You nodded, “Please! I didn’t know we had a test until 2 minutes ago! I’m looking at the study guide now but I cannot think of the answers.” You knew you’d be pulling an all nighter, so him sending you answers would help a ton. You decided that you’d have to pay him back somehow tomorrow.
After he sent the answers you two occasionally talked here and there but often sat in silence. It felt nice not needing to talk to him to fill the silence. Another thing that made you fall for him even more, you felt way more comfortable being around him than a normal friend would feel. You tiredly moved your eyes towards the clock to see the number 3:25 AM across the alarm.
“Oh god it’s 3 already. Are you pulling a-“ you yawned. “An all nighter too Todo?” You asked, stretching your arms out.
No response
You quirked your brow and switched your screen from the photos he sent to the facetime call. You internally squealed at the sight in front of you. He was passed out on his desk, his face laid sideways with his arm under it as a headrest. You couldn’t really see his face but you thought he still looked cute.
“Goodnight,” You whispered as you ended the call. You then rolled up your sleeves taking a shot from an energy drink Mina had given to you in case of ‘Dire emergencies’. You decided to seriously get to work and finish your studying for at least a passing grade.
You passed out 15 minutes later.
Master list — Next
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How about 8 and 28? I haven't seen a lot of Clemsim so I'm naturally pretty curious about these two! And I hope you can find some peace soon, lord knows we could all use some! 😵😵😵
“Clemsim babysit a child together. Shenanigans ensue.” 
Read on AO3
Lucy’s giggle is the most annoying thing Aasim has ever heard. 
Nails on chalkboards are mere ambiance noise compared to the high-pitched giggle muffled behind the wooden door. 
Aasim grips the doorknob once more, twisting with all his might while banging against the wood with his free hand. 
“Lucy, I’m not messing around!” He snaps. “Open the door!”
“Nope!” Lucy titters, mimicking his knock from the other side. 
Aasim bounces his forehead off the door, squeezing his eyes shut in an attempt to find his inner calm. 
Lucy kicks the door. 
“Damn i- Dang it, Lucy-!”
“You swore! You swore! I’m telling my mom! You swore!”
“No!” Aasim argues. “I said ‘dang’ it!”
“You said a bad word! I heard it!” 
“Oh yeah?” Aasim grits his teeth. “Well, when your mom gets home, you’re going to be in even more trouble for locking yourself in her room!”
“Nu-uh!” Lucy taps back on the door. “Not if I tell her you locked me in here!”
“She won’t believe you!”
“Yes, she will!” 
He’s going to punch a hole in the damn door. 
He’s actually going to step back and kick it down himself. Then, he’s going to tear that ugly baby doll from her chubby hands, rip it to shreds, set it on fire and make her watch it burn-
Aasim steps back from the door, fingers raking through his already tousled hair. He can’t remember the last time he was so frustrated that he could just cry. 
This was supposed to be an easy evening with an easy thirty dollars earned towards his new bookcase. Mr. and Mrs. Hawker were nice people who always helped Aasim and his family when they needed it. He couldn’t imagine having better neighbors.
When they called his mother up asking if he wanted to earn some cash, Aasim jumped on it without a second thought. For months, he’s had his eye on a nice wooden bookshelf in one of the used shops in town. Huge and made of thick, sturdy wood, it would fit perfectly along his wall, taking up more than half of it. 
Aasim could fit all of his books, notebooks, and even his movies on it. Then he wouldn’t have to keep his books stacked along his wall where they could fall and get damaged if anyone walked near them. 
The only problem was the bookcase was expensive.
But, not as expensive as a brand new one. 
So, Aasim took up doing extra jobs around the house to raise his allowance, as well as jumping at every opportunity to earn cash from helping out the Hawkers. 
Thirty dollars would put his twenty away from his goal, and everything was going smoothly. 
Until Lucy asked him to play hide n’ seek. 
Which was fine- Aasim didn’t mind playing a game with the toddler.
Then she locked herself in her parent’s room and now Aasim might not get that money. Of course, if she completely destroys the room, Aasim might never get another job from the Hawkers. 
“Lucy, please-”
The chime of his phone goes off. Aasim yanks the phone from his jacket pocket. 
Clementine’s picture fills the screen- the one he took of her in the library.
Glancing back at the door, he steps back down the hall to answer with, “Hey.”
“Hey yourself,” she says. “Did you get my text?”
“Uh, no, sorry. I’m… occupied.”
“Oh yeah? Well, just so you know, Louis did get the part in the spring musical!”
“Oh shit, really?” Aasim slaps a hand over his mouth, turning back towards the door. Lucy doesn’t say anything, so he should be in the clear. “That’s great!”
“Yeah! We kept telling him he’d do great. Anyway, to celebrate, we’re all meeting at Omar’s tomorrow for breakfast. Mind if I hitch a ride?”
“What time?”
“Around eight.”
Aasim scoffs. 
“Louis’ll be up and ready by then?”
“Probably not,” Clementine laughs. There’s a brief pause when Aasim hears something fall over from within the bedroom, followed by Lucy’s insufferable giggle. 
“So, what has you occupied?” Clementine finally asks. “You sound distracted.”
“I have, uh… a situation.”
“A situation?”
“Babysitting,” Aasim sighs. “Mr. and Mrs. Hawker went to dinner, so they asked me to watch Lucy until they get back, right? Simple enough?”
“Except the little-” Aasim glances back at the door, hushing his voice, “-brat locked herself in her parents room and I can’t get her to come out.”
“Did you try asking politely?”
“Did I try- Clementine.”
‘What?” Clementine chuckles lightly. “Sometimes you can be very rude-”
“Oh my god.”
“-and as a result, children won’t listen to you. Because you’re rude.” 
“I’ll have you know that I asked super nicely if she’d open the door and she wouldn’t do it!” 
“Well, what do you do when Aamirah won’t listen to you?”
“I never have that problem with Aamirah because she’s a good kid who knows how to listen!”
Another crash emits from the bedroom, muffled by the walls. 
“She is tearing the place apart and if I break down the door, then I’ll have to fix it before they get home!” Aasim says, pulling at his hair. “I don’t know how to fix a door! And even if I do fix it, she’ll just squeal to her parents that I broke the door down! And that I swore! Which I didn’t mean to do! It just came out!”
Clementine goes silent. 
“You’re just next door, right?”
“I’m on my way!”
“What? No, Clem-”
“See you soon!”
She already hung up. 
Aasim stares at his phone, mouth agape. 
No, no, no…! 
Clementine cannot be here! 
The Hawkers made it clear that no one else was to be in the house! Especially his girlfriend!
Lucy pokes her head out from the bedroom, grinning ear to ear as she waves at him.
Aasim stumbles as he turns himself around, dashing towards the room.
He doesn’t make it. 
Lucy’s already locking the door by the time he grabs the knob. 
“This isn’t funny!” 
Not even twenty minutes later, the doorbell rings. At the same time, his phone buzzes with a little “Here!” message from Clementine. 
Rushing down the stairs, he throws the door open, blocking the doorway. 
Clementine stares up at him with wide eyes, taking in his disheveled appearance. She bites back a grin. 
“Clem, not to be rude-” she raises a brow at him “-but you can’t be here. If they find out you were here, I’m dead. Please leave.” 
She rolls her eyes, moving up the steps anyway. 
“I can see why you’re having trouble.”
He doesn’t stop her- she’s not supposed to be here, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t happy to see her. If anything, Clementine’s the one good sight he’s had all evening. 
She gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before ducking past him. 
“She still won’t come out?”
“No,” Aasim sighs, rubbing at his eyes. “I’ve tried asking nicely, I’ve tried bribing her, threatening to call her parents, begging- I’ve tried everything except breaking the door down.”
Clementine hums, reaching for his hand, smiling, “C’mon.”
Hand in hand, he leads her up the stairs and right to the door. 
Aasim knocks, calling out, “Lucy? Your parents will be home soon! Don’t you want to come out and get ready for bed?”
“Nope!” Lucy giggles. “Nope! Nope! Nope!”
Aasim shoots Clementine an exasperated look, which she returns with an amused grin. Giving his hand a final squeeze, she approaches the door. 
However, she doesn’t knock, nor does she say anything. 
Instead, she pulls her backpack off, unzipping the front pocket. Finding what she’s looking for, Clementine kneels down on the floor, and begins fiddling with the doorknob.
“Woah, what are you-”
…Is she-
Clementine smirks up at him. 
She’s lock-picking the damn door. 
How is she lock-picking the god damn door?
A soft clicking is heard. 
Triumphant, Clementine bounces back to her feet. Aasim knows he must look foolish gawking at her the way he is, but it gets worse when she pulls a dress out of her bag. 
Before he knows it, Aasim’s holding her jacket as she slips the dress over her head, smoothing it out of her clothes. It’s a classic Snow White dress, one you’d see around Halloween time. 
He has no words. 
Still smirking, Clementine opens the door. 
“Hey!” Lucy’s high-pitched voice brings an ache to his ears. 
“Oh my!” Clementine says, voice changed so dramatically that Aasim almost bursts out laughing. “There she is! Safe and sound!
Lucy drops from her parents bed, hurrying to the door to stare up at Clementine in wonder. 
“Who are you?”
“I’m Princess Clementine.”
Lucy gasps, gripping her baby doll close to her chest as she looks over Clementine’s dress.
“You’re… a princess?”
“Why, yes I am!” Clementine smiles, brushing the blond curls away from Lucy’s face. “We were so worried that you’d be trapped in there forever!”
“How’d you get the door open?” Lucy demands. “It was locked!”
Clementine leans close, whispering, “Magic!”
Oh god.
Aasim wishes he had his phone pulled out to record this. 
Lucy eats it up, though, staring at Clementine with those big, blue eyes. 
“Thank goodness Prince Aasim told me you were trapped!” 
“Prince…Aasim?” Lucy turns her gaze to him. 
Clementine shoots him a look. 
“Uh, yes!” he clears his throat, deepening his voice. “I, Prince Aasim, sent for Princess Clementine to free you from this… bedroom…trap place.”
Lucy eats it up, marveling at the both of them. 
Clementine peeks into the bedroom with a frown. 
“Oh dear,” she says. “It seems that this place it quite messy?”
Oh shit-
Aasim steps forward, heart dropping at the sight off loose drawers dumped onto he ground, pillows tossed everywhere, and a lamp on the floor. 
Oh shit, oh shit-
“Lucy,” Clementine places her hands delicately on the girls shoulders. “Would you like to be a princess, too?”
Lucy squeals, and Aasim wants to die. 
“Yes! Yes! Yes!”
“Then you must help me and Prince Aasim clean this mess up,” Clementine smiles. “Once we’re finished, I will make you a real princess! How does that sound?”
“Yes! Yes!” 
Lucy jumps up and down, grabbing Clementine’s hands to drag her into the room. 
The clean up is much easier than it looked. The hardest part was putting the drawers back together, but other than that, the bedroom looked tidy within the hour. 
Once finished, Clementine escorted the toddler to her room, tucking her into bed and making her pinky promise to treat Prince Aasim with respect, and to not tell her parents about what happened. If her parents find out, “all magic will leave this world!”
Aasim can only laugh. 
Exhaustion from all the stress and frustration has him plopping down on the living room couch. He owes Clementine big time. 
He’s going to plan a special date for her. He doesn’t know what it’ll consist of yet, but they’ll make a whole day of it. He’ll take her to the fanciest restaurant he can afford, he’ll write her sappy poetry and read it to her in the moonlight, he’ll sit through one of the gory, action-packed thrillers that she likes so much, he’ll-
Clementine comes down the stairs, grinning to herself as she sits beside him and grabs his hand once more. 
After a moment, Aasim looks to her.
They share a brief gaze before he reaches over, hand slipping behind her head as he brings his lips to hers. She grins, kissing him back with just as much enthusiasm. 
When they break apart, Aasim sighs. 
“I have so many questions.”
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