#if you guys really need a reward for doing the BARE MINIMUM
frostbitedoesart · 3 months
Not the like to reblog ratio being so frustrating that I'm considering doing free YCHs in exchange for reblogs.....
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jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
percy’s version | leo’s version | frank’s version | travis’ version | luke’s version
in which in a world of boys, he's a gentleman
pairing jason grace x fem!reader
warnings reader is implied to not be a child of the big three + a greek
When Taylor Swift said, “in a world of boys, he’s a gentleman,” she was talking about Jason. That whole song is just about Jason
This man is so respectful and considerate and just really wonderful. He feels too good to be true! Which is why you don’t let yourself fall for him at first. He’s literally the most perfect guy you’ve ever met 
Meanwhile, Jason’s thinking the same about you. To him, you’re a breath of fresh air from all the rigidness and strict lines he’s been forced into not only as a Roman but as a son of Jupiter. Why would you want to be stuck with someone as boring as him?
So you just spent your days longingly gazing at each other when the other wasn’t looking while also avoiding each other in public spaces because both of you were slightly intimidated by the other’s gorgeous presence 
Your first proper interaction must’ve been orchestrated by Hera and Aphrodite themselves considering how adamant you two were on being 6ft apart at all times, and surprisingly, it was in the mortal world
You were spending the day at your favourite library because you missed it and liked to pretend your life was normal by blending in with mortals, and also because you had studying you needed to do since quests left ample time for schoolwork
Jason was there because he’d been cooped up at camp for as long as he could remember and wanted to see what life away from the Gods and their schemes was like, and what better place to figure that out than a library?
You breathed a sigh of relief as you finally finished the essay you’d been working on since you arrived at the library. It had been weighing on your mind for days but you couldn’t find time for it until today. As a reward for your hard work, you decided to get yourself a sweet treat (me too girl) before continuing your studies
Haphazardly packing up your stuff, you quickly got up, practically drooling at the thought of the new menu item you were finally going to get after craving for weeks
You were a little too excited. As you turned, you bumped into someone, dropping some of your papers
“Gods, I’m so sorry,” the person you bumped into said, quickly bending down to gather all your stuff
You knew that voice. You could recognise it anywhere
“Jason? What’re you doing here?” You said, suddenly feeling awfully hot for no particular reason
That was the day you really befriended Jason Grace. He decided to accompany you to the cafe you planned to go to, paid for your order and spent the rest of the day there with you. Away from all the craziness of demigod life, you and Jason finally got to truly know each other
After a while of getting closer, you two begin to date, and it might just be the most beautiful relationship known to man. The way Jason acted before you began dating was nothing compared to now. That was just the bare minimum
You literally never have to lift a finger around him as he insists on doing everything for you. He opens doors for you, pulls your chairs out and takes your coats off for you. If you’re on a quest and you need to sleep, he makes sure you always get the comfier place and takes first watch
He also always leaves you notes. Sometimes they’re notes of motivation, sometimes they’re small poems about how much he loves you and sometimes they’re just really random
Jason is a big fan of taking polaroid pictures with you. After Hera stripped him of his whole life, he’s always had a fear of waking up one day with the same feeling he had on that wilderness school bus, so he takes pictures with all the people he loves and keeps journals and has a box full of all the things that are important to him in case it happens
He keeps one in his wallet at all times to ensure his immediate remembrance of you if his memories get taken again
(As if he’d forget you in the first place. Hera would have to pry the memories of you out of his cold, dead hands)
Your siblings love him so much too! They were a little stressed at first because he’s a child of Zeus, the God notorious for breaking the hearts of his lovers and cheating on his eternal wife, but he showed up at your cabin door to pick you up for a date with a bouquet of flowers for the cabin and then walked you back himself, staying outside until the very second the door was shut and now they love him LOL
Sometimes you think they love him more than you because they’re always asking about him
You spend a lot of time at his cabin. He disguises it as just really wanting to spend time with you and while that is true, secretly it's also because the Zeus cabin gets super cold and lonely and is also kind of scary at night, even though he sleeps in the one space away from the gaze of his father
“Honey,” Jason says, wrapping an arm around your waist. The campfire sing along had ended which signified the end of the day, and all around you, campers were wishing their friends goodnight as they headed to their cabins. You suppressed a giggle, knowing exactly what Jason wanted from the tone of his voice
You hummed, giving your boyfriend a bleary-eyed smile as you waited for him to voice his request. It was cute how even though you’d done this many times before, he still got shy at the idea of you two sleeping in the same room, on the same bed
“Would you maybe wanna spend the night at my cabin? I missed you today, and I can’t even begin to imagine how hot it must be in your cabin, with all your siblings in it, y’know.”
“Are you asking because you missed me or because you’re scared of daddy dearest?” You quipped, unable to contain yourself as his face turned bright red
“I’m kidding, Jase, of course I’ll spend the night with you!”
Later on in your relationship, when he’s sure you’re the one for life, he shows you around New Rome. He grew up with a peaceful life in the city being the goal, so it only made sense for him to show you around
Loves the way you light up at everything around you. He’d known New Rome for his whole life and could draw a map of it blind, but you make it feel brand new
Is ecstatic when you tell him you also want to start a life with him in New Rome. The moment you utter those words he’s already signed papers for an apartment and is drawing punnett squares to figure out what your kids would look like (I hate punnett squares they are the bane of my existence)
You know the part in The Notebook where the girl’s describing the house she wants? That’s what Jason showing u around New Rome reminds you of
Years later, you reminisce on the way you’d avoid each other as you tell your kids about your lives as teens in your lovely house in New Rome because he definitely did not die <3
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thelostmagicians · 11 months
Booksmart | Steve Harrington
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Summary: Steve Harrington’s head may be full of air, but his heart is full of love. [4.4k]
Fluff, comfort, slight angst, insecure Steve
Steve Harrington isn’t a genius. He barely passed his classes in high school, couldn’t get into college, and can barely keep his minimum wage job. He’s been belittled by his parents too many times to care about their opinion and he knows compared to his friends he isn’t as clever or witty, but he’s okay with it - at least he thinks he is. It might sting when Robin and Eddie tease him for being too slow or when Dustin sighs in frustration because he can’t keep up, but the ache dissipates when they look at him in adoration. 
He blames his failing love life on his lack of intelligence. Although girls find his himbo-ness endearing, his relationships never last long.  Most of the dates he goes on end up as dirty hookups in the backseat of his car and on the off chance a girl stays longer than a month he can slowly see the irritation replace the endearment in her eyes. He was just something to do during the inbetween phase of graduation and moving out of Hawkins, a trophy to conquer - to finally have slept with the previously known King. He used to be okay with that at the beginning, he got his needs met while girls crossed him off their list, but over time he craved more. He saw how Nancy looked at Jonathan, how Joyce laughed with Hopper, and how Robin blushed around Vickie. He was desperate for that feeling of being wanted and loved. 
Even though he's surrounded by people who love and accept him as he is, he can't help but wonder if things would’ve been different if he was just a little smarter. 
“Robin I’m telling you she started speaking a different language halfway through dinner,” Steve grumbles as he’s shelving the horror section. 
Robin rolls her eyes at him, “Just because you don’t understand the words she’s using doesn’t mean she was speaking a different language, Steven. I don’t even think she knows anything but English. 
Steve sighs under his breath. 
He had gone on another date last night, but didn’t even make it past the appetizers before he made up an emergency and left. The night started off great, the Indiana summer evening had a cool breeze, he opened the door for her, and was rewarded with a kiss on his cheek when he presented her with  flowers. Valerie had been nice, beautiful, and smart - maybe a little too smart for Steve. Don’t get him wrong, Steve loves strong, smart, and capable women. He loved hearing Valerie speak about physics and graphing linear equations, he loved learning about what interested her, but as the night went on he could see the light in her eyes fading as he kept asking her questions. The final straw had been when he told her he hasn’t read a book since high school and she laughed lightly before saying “you really are only a pretty face.” 
“Maybe, I’m just destined to be alone, or like a back up plan for girls who come back to Hawkins after giving up on their big city dreams.”
Robin sighs and gives him a reassuring pat, “Steve, you’re a good man. You’ll find your one, trust me on this.”
Before he can say more the bell jingles as a gust of hot air is let in. Steve groans as he spots Dustin’s mop of curly hair and hears the chatter of 6 other teens. He holds the door open with his arm as he sees Lucas struggling with Max’s wheelchair. 
“You guys can’t keep coming in here, Robin and I actually have work to do you know.”
“We wanted to pick a movie for movie night,” Max says. 
He sighs softly as he meets her eyes. Steve’s always had a soft spot for Max ever since they’ve met and it’s only gotten softer since then, everyone knows this, but the kids tend to take advantage of this and use Max to get their way. 
“Alright two movies max and no rated r ones.”
As he hears the bell jingle again he starts his greeting in a monotone voice, “Welcome to Family Video, my name is St—” he chokes. 
“Oh my god, are you okay?” you ask softly. 
He’s still coughing and panting slightly as he tries to give you a reassuring nod. Robin makes her way to the front to hand Steve some water and finish introductions. 
“What he means to say is his name is Steve and I’m Robin. You can come get us if you have any questions.”
You nod politely, finally tearing your gaze away from Steve as you start browsing through the racks. Steve, however, can’t seem to stop looking at you. He’s seen a lot of beautiful women in his life, but none of them held a candle to you. Everything about you was just perfect to him and he didn’t even know you yet. His eyes repeatedly traced the slope of your nose, down to your plush lips, and back to your furrowed eyebrows as you read the back of a tape. 
You lift your head up and he blushes as you make eye contact. 
“Do you have any recommendations for sci-fi, I just moved to town and need something to keep me from getting bored?” you ask shyly. 
“Err- We have a sci-fi section over there” Steve points to the rack behind him where the kids are gathered and quietly arguing over which movie to pick. 
You speak as you make your way over, “Yeah, but do you have any recommendations for me? I feel like I’ve seen all the good ones already.”
Steve's face falls as he tries to come up with an answer. 
“Have you seen Star Wars?” Dustin speaks up
Max and El groan loudly as you shake your head. 
“I tend to stay away from franchises, but what’s it about?”
Before Dustin can answer, Mike beats him to it, “It’s about galactic adventures of these characters, it’s pretty cool.”
“We were planning on watching it tonight, we always have movie nights at Steve’s on Friday. You should join us!” Dustin exclaims as he tries to shoot Steve a sly wink. 
Your eyes grow wide at the sudden invitation as Steve rests his head in his hands too embarrassed to speak. 
“Is that alright with you, Steve?” You ask kindly. 
Steve’s breath hitches as he hears you say his name, he slowly meets your gaze as he gives you a slight nod trying to avoid choking on air again.
Robin smirks at Steve as she hands you a post-it, “Here’s Steve’s address. Movie starts at 7 and bring as many snacks as you’d like!”
You grab the post-it and shoot everyone a small wave “I’ll see you guys then!”
Steve feels like he can finally breathe after he hears the soft slam of the door behind you. 
“I can’t believe you would do that, just invite a stranger to my home like that,” Steve groans as he fixes his hair, again, in the hallway mirror. He glances down at his polo debating if he should change his shirt for the fourth time. 
“Steve, she agreed to come while seeing you in a Family Video vest, I don’t think your outfit is what you should be worried about,” Jonathan teases him as he passes him a coke. 
Steve shoots him a sarcastic smile before checking his watch. It’s 7:02, you should’ve shown up 2 minutes ago and he’s a nervous wreck. He sees your headlights before anyone else does and trips over Will’s backpack as he waits to open the door on the very first knock. 
“Sorry I’m late, the petit fours took longer than expected.” You smile at him holding out a large container filled with small cakes. 
He gives you a confused look too embarrassed to ask what petit fours are, so instead he takes the container and waves you in. 
“What brings you to Hawkins?” Eddie asks.
“I actually came here for work, Hawkins laboratory needed another scientist to look at all the crazy stuff that’s happened here.”
Everyone basks in the uncomfortable silence as you mention the lab before Nancy speaks up, “You work as a scientist? You seem pretty young.”
You hesitate slightly, folding your hands in your lap, “I am young, but I graduated college at 16 and recently got my PhD and my advisor recommended me for this job, so here I am.”
Steve’s heart falls to his stomach, you were a genius, a child prodigy of some sort and you’ve accomplished so much at such a young age. There was no way you would even be slightly interested in him, but part of him was willing to take that risk - be okay with whatever you spared him because it was better than not having you in his life at all. 
The movie is ignored as everyone pays more attention to you and your genius-ness. He hears voices all at once but all he can focus on is yours. The way your laugh ends in a higher pitch than it starts in, the way you softly reassure Nancy that college isn’t hard, but his favorite is when you say his name when you ask for his opinion on the theories the kids present to you. It makes him feel important like you care about what he has to say and you value his thoughts just as much as you would anyone else’s. 
Steve might’ve only met you today, but he was already enamored. You might’ve knowingly opened the door only to Family Video, but you also unknowingly opened the door to his heart and started to fill every corner of it with you. 
Steve doesn’t think he’s read this much in his entire existence as he has this month.
The first thing he did the morning after movie night was go to the library and check out as many books as he could about everything that sounded smart. He’s inhaled almost every book on poetry (specifically Shakespeare), astrophysics and European history. You’ve come to every movie night since the first one and you try your best to visit Family Video after work just to chat with Steve and Robin. He was slowly falling in love with you and he wasn’t going to let his dumb brain be the reason he lost you. He forcefully read every book from cover to cover, prying his eyes open with the memory of your impressed smile anytime he fell asleep. He’s made countless flashcards and pesters Robin to quiz them during their shift. 
After two months of revising and memorizing he thinks he finally finds the courage to ask you out. You’re the last one to leave tonight, helping Steve clean up after everyone either left or claimed a spare room. 
Steve’s hands are clammy as he ties the trash bag into a pretty bow, “I was wondering if… I mean you don’t have to… but umm, like if you wanted to go out. With me, I mean.”
Your eyes trace his face as you clench the empty red vines wrapper, “You mean like a date?”
Steve nods, unsure of your reaction. Part of him hopes you’ll say no and put him out of his misery, so he can finally stop learning, but a bigger part of him hopes you’ll give him a chance. 
Your lips upturn in a shy smile as you fiddle your thumbs, “Yeah, I’d like that a lot. What did you have in mind?”
“How about next Friday, we ditch the losers and have our movie night? I’ll pick you up at 7 and we can catch a movie?”
You respond with a quick kiss on his cheek as you grab your purse and head out. Steve rests his head on the back of the door as he pumps his fist in the air and tries his hardest to not  wake Robin and Eddie with his cheering. 
You’re nervous as you pace in front of your door. Steve makes you nervous, but you don’t hate the feeling. You’ve never felt this way about a boy before, boys always had a competition with you, a majority of your dates ended up with the two of you trying to up each other with accomplishments, but with Steve everything is different. Even though the facts he tells are wrong, it was still endearing to watch him try. 
You’re broken out of your thoughts with a knock on your door. You smooth down your dress and look in the mirror once more before swinging the door open. Steve stands there in all his glory, hair perfectly done, snug jeans, and a bouquet of flowers covering his stupidly handsome face. 
“These are for you,” he pushes the bouquet towards you with a surprise force that you have to step back to avoid them pressing into your nose. 
“Thanks Steve, they’re beautiful.” You set them down gently at the nearby table mentally making a note to find a vase after you come back home. 
He opens his car door for you, waiting until you’re settled in before jogging back to his side. “There’s a French movie playing tonight, I think it’s about Marie - Annette, you know the queen who liked cake?” 
You giggle quietly but opt to ignore his mistake because he just looked too fucking cute with furrowed eyebrows and a nervous smile. 
“And after the movie I was thinking we can stop by somewhere for a late night snack?”
You nod excitedly eager to finally spend time with him far away from the eyes of your prying friends, “I didn’t know you knew French?”
“Uh, yeah.”
The movie was… boring and bland. Steve didn’t understand anything happening so instead spent the entire time admiring you, the furrow of your eyebrows, the tilt of your head, and the gentle bite of your lip. He remembered you mentioning to Robin that you were fluent in French, so thought a foreign film would be a good idea for a first date, but now he regrets his choice especially since you spent the drive to the diner asking him questions about the movie. Questions he didn’t know the answer to. Steve has charmed his way through life, but he wasn’t sure how much longer his charm would last with you, he had an inkling that sooner or later you would be able to see through his facade and you would see him as a disappointment.
You had a hunch that Steve was lying about knowing French and your hunch was confirmed when his shoulders tensed as the ticket guy told him the movie didn’t have English subtitles. He played it off with a laugh and a wave of his hand, but you could tell it made him nervous. You thought the movie was alright, but your favorite part was feeling Steve’s eyes on you. You try to be mindful when asking him questions, keeping them vague and more about opinions rather than asking him questions that have a right or wrong answer. He responds as vaguely as possible, gauging your reaction to see if you’re pleased with his answer or if he needs to backtrack and fix his opinion. 
Your conversation at the diner starts to get more personal as you ask each other about your likes and dislikes. You learn that Steve broke his arm learning to ride a bike, his favorite color is green, and he’s always wanted a dog. Everything you learn about Steve just makes you like him even more and the potential of falling in love with him makes you giddy with happiness. Your hands brush occasionally as you walk back to his car. He bites his lip hesitating to grab your hand as he peeks at you from the corner of his eye. You make the decision for the both of you and take a hold of his hand swinging both your arms as he blushes. 
“You’re really cute Steve Harrington,” you say as you force him to face you before gently pushing your lips to his. 
You spend every free time you have with Steve now. It’s been a month since your first date and since then you’ve gone out plenty of times and if you’re not physically together then you’re talking for hours on the phone. Steve’s able to open up to you more than he has to anyone else and it’s only been a few months of knowing you but he knows he’s in love, yet he can’t ask you to be his girlfriend. He does everything a boyfriend should do, calling you during breaks, kissing your bad days away, and hugging you just right when you’re on the verge of tears, but he still can’t find the courage to ask you to be his, officially. 
You express your concern to Nancy and Robin at an impromptu girls night, thrown together after a rough week for all of you. 
“I just don’t know why he won’t ask me, I always want to ask him myself before I see him, but then I lose my nerve. Maybe he doesn’t even like me like that and I’m just reading into things,” you whine as you smear a homemade face mask on Robin's face. 
“Trust me, Steve is a goner for you,” Nancy replies as she squints to make sure her brushes on the nail polish perfectly. 
“Nance is right, Steve is in love with you, but you just make him nervous.”
“I don’t understand why though, how do I make him nervous when he’s Steve Harrington,” you sigh dreamily. 
Nancy and Robin giggle as they see the childish frown on your face. You push your face into a pillow whining into it like a petulant child. 
Nancy rubs your back gently, “Look it’s not my place to say, but Steve isn’t the smartest tool academically. And you’re this child prodigy and that makes him nervous.”
Robin nods in agreement, “Yeah, you do know he spent months reading all sorts of books just to impress you right? He isn’t actually as smart as he pretends to be. He just memorizes a bunch of stuff the days leading up to your date.”
You huff in annoyance, “Yeah, I knew that on our first date when he took me to that French film. But I don’t love him because he can tell me facts about the mesozoic era. I love him because he’s him.”
Nancy and Robin share a knowing look.
“You love him?” Robin whispers.
“You just said you love him,” Nancy clarifies.
You breathe in deeply before letting it out, the weight of what you said finally sinking in. “Yeah, I do. I really do.”
Both girls squeal as they pull you into a hug, face masks and nail polish quickly forgotten. 
You fall asleep that night knowing the next time you see Steve you’ll tell him. Tell him how much you love him and how he means to you.
Unfortunately for you and Steve, you aren’t able to spend any time alone lately. Work is crazy for the both of you and any time you have off it’s spent with the group. While you love spending time with your friends, you’re dying for a second alone with Steve. A second that only you both can cherish when you finally tell him how you feel. 
You’re hoping you can finally catch a moment alone with Steve at the summer bonfire by Lover’s Lake. Almost every young adult in Hawkins comes out of hiding for this annual bonfire, usually thrown by college kids as a final hurrah before summer break is officially over. You hung out with Nancy and Robin for a while and meet some new people, but you’re aren’t able to find the one person you want to see. You finally spot him parking his car and hurriedly shoving his family video vest in the trunk, but before you call out to him you’re blocked by a freckled boy wearing a smug smile. 
“Well if it isn’t the new genius of Hawkins,” the boy teases, voice filled with malice.
You smile politely, “I’m sorry you’re–”
“I’m Hagan. Tommy Hagan, surprised Steve hasn’t mentioned me considering we used to be the best of friends before he became a loser.”
You’ve heard about Tommy, mostly through passing from Nancy and Jonathan and based on Steve’s disgruntled face every time his name was mentioned, you decided Tommy Hagan wasn’t worth your time. 
“How can I help you?” You ask in a monotone voice to show how disinterested you are. 
Before Tommy can start you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist and lips brush against the side of your head. You turn to see Steve’s grimace at Tommy before his eyes soften landing on you. 
“Hi hon,” he whispers gently, his left arm moving from caressing your hip to soothing the ache in your shoulder. 
“Hey baby.” For a second it’s just the two of you lost in each other’s eyes, you wonder if everyone else can see how lovesick you are for Steve. Before you can whisk him away for yourself Tommy interrupts again.
“Damn, Harrington. Didn’t think I’d see you go all soft again after what Wheeler did to you.”
You rolled your eyes at the mention of Nancy. It’s been years, both Steve and Nancy were over it, being happy for each other and supporting each other as friends. Yet everyone still brought it up because they had no other dirt on Steve. 
“Didn’t know you were home for the summer Tommy,” Steve replies ready to end the conversation with his former friend. 
At this point you see Jonathan and Eddie glancing from their spot near the fire. Both of them looking at Steve, silently asking him if he needed them. Steve shakes his head at them and squeezes your shoulder readying to lead you away. 
“Yeah, summer is the only time I have off now. Between college and my internship. It’s hard out there man, but you wouldn’t know that, would you?” Tommy smirks knowingly as he pushes Steve’s buttons. He knows college has always been a sore spot for Steve especially since he was still stuck working at Family Video. 
Steve grunts in response hoping his disinterest is enough to stray Tommy away from the both of you, but with Steve’s luck Tommy turns his attention to you. 
“Surprised he can keep up with a genius like you sweetheart.”
You wrinkled your nose in disgust, the term of endearment turning sour coming from a mouth other than Steve’s.
Tommy continues to go on, swaying from the few too many drinks he’s had. “Did he tell you he barely passed high school? His dad complained to mine about how much of a disappointment he turned out to be. Can’t even get a job at his dad’s firm with the brain he has.”
Steve loosens his grip around your shoulder, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. 
“You’re telling me your girl hasn’t caught on to the kind of screw up you are Harrington? You sure she’s a genius, or maybe you found someone that aligns with your IQ.”
At this point everyone is watching the words fly out of Tommy’s mouth, some snickering others shooting Steve looks of pity. Tommy Hagan is ripping him to shreds in front of everyone and yet all he can focus on is you. A look of disappointment mixed with frustration glazing over your otherwise sweet disposition. He sees his friends pushing their way through the crowd but before they could defend him he hears your honey like voice calling out for Tommy. 
“What university did you say you go to, Tommy?” you ask sweetly.
“Indiana University of Business,” he smirks behind his beer.
“And I’m assuming your daddy paid for it? Cause you sure as hell didn’t get into school by your merit, considering you spent most of high school with your head so far up people’s asses that you couldn’t get enough oxygen to your brain. Hence, why you and your stupid ass are still playing into high school politics at your grown ass age.”
The smugness on Tommy’s face disappears. 
“And what do you want to do with your future Tommy? Join daddy’s business? Turn out exactly like him? Cause last I heard he spends more time with his new family than he does with you. Maybe he finally got a child he actually loves.”
You knew it was a low blow, bringing up Tommy’s family issues, but you couldn’t care less. After everything he said to Steve, he had it coming and you only wish you were around in high school so you could’ve put him in his place earlier. 
You heard a low whistle from Eddie, “Well guess the shows over folks. And looks like we have a clear winner.”
People start clearing out going back to mind their own business and you grab Steve’s arm leading him far away from Tommy’s frozen stance. 
“Guess the secret’s out,” Steve mumbles.
“Now you know I’m not really smart, so..” he trails off.
You smile, arms twisting around his waist pulling him close. “You know, I’ve met a lot of smart people in my life, but don't you dare, even for a second take Tommy’s words to heart. Because I know you, and I know that you’re the greatest person I’ve ever met.”
Steve pinches your chin, holding your gaze before whispering out a shy “yeah?” 
You hear the insecurity laced in his voice as you nod fervently. “I kinda figured you weren’t as smart as you let on from our first date, but I said yes because even though you aren’t a brainiac you have a heart of gold. I see the way you take care of the kids, how you take care of your friends. And I love how you take care of me. I love you and everything about you, Steve Harrington.”
Steve blushes, his cheeks turn a rosy hue as he grabs your waist pressing his lips to yours in a kiss so sweet you think you’ll get a toothache. 
“You really love me?”
“I really do.”
Steve presses another kiss before murmuring out an I love you against your lips.
Yeah, Steve Harrington is stupid. Stupidly in love with you. 
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
I misread one word, ONE (1) WORD, and now my head is full of anal training AU again. 😩 It's been too long, anyway.
Human AU, student!Hob, rich who-knows-what!Dream. So, Hob has a sexual awakening when he signs up to a sugar baby website (he's putting himself through college, working as a dishwasher AND at a gas station, and he is still short on money and tired all the time) and makes a mistake, accidentally signing up for daddies instead of mommies. He never took the time to think deeply about the fact that he finds men attractive as much as he does women. But when a gorgeous older man messages him and asks whether he'd be alright with regular dates so the "daddy" can make sure Hob is really studying and not blowing his money on alcohol and parties, Hob realises that he'd really like to suck this man's cock under the table of some expensive restaurant. He says yes and accepts the offer.
Dream spoils Hob. Like, absolutely spoils him. Expensive foods ("no, little one, you cannot eat ramen six times a week"), buying schoolbooks for him, pretty clothes and jewelry, and all he asks for most of the time is a date, 1-2 hours of Hob's time. Sometimes, Hob is told to get on his knees - in a toilet stall, on the floor of Dream's limousine, in Hob's own room if all his roommates are gone for the night - and he quickly learns how to suck Dream's cock in a way that makes him groan and tug at Hob's hair. But mostly, it seems like Dream just wants company.
That all changes when Dream learns that Hob is a virgin when it comes to butt stuff. After having his brain blue screen and reboot seven times in a row, Dream offers to buy Hob any car he chooses if he lets Dream fuck him and pop his proverbial cherry. Hob, who at this point is head over heels about his mysterious and charming sugar daddy, says he doesn't need a car but he'd like Dream to be his first. And as the "price" for that, he conveniently suggests they could take a short vacation at some luxurious resort. A nice rental cottage with full service where they'd be comfortable but have a lot of space to themselves. Dream readily agrees to that and books such a place for the first week after finals are over.
That's one month away. And that has to be enough time to prepare Hob to be the best anal slut that has ever walked the Earth. Of course Dream's cock is above average and Hob's slims waist speaks about how tight he'll be. So, Dream supplies Hob with silver, gem-decorated butt plugs and has him wear them to their dates or even just during the day, increasing their size day by day. Of course, Hob doesn't have to wear them to his finals, but he actually... really likes being full while taking a test. It keeps him grounded. And it reminds him that if he gets good grades, Dream will reward him handsomely.
- 🚒
I do so adore sugar baby Hob. He's the cutest little himbo, isn't he? Thank goodness he's got Dream to take care of him now.
I just love thinking about Hob getting absolutely spoiled by Dream. He's never had any luxuries but Dream takes him to designer boutiques and has clothes tailored just for him! Hob is absolutely shook by how confident and attractive he feels in clothes literally made for him. He gains a bit of healthy weight, now he's eating better and Dream has given him the use of an entire private gym. Dream takes huge pride in showing him off to all his fancy friends/colleagues.
Hob does feel like he owes Dream for all this, but... apart from that, he feels this massive affection for the guy who's just meant to be his sugar daddy. He's got a major crush on Dream at the bare minimum. He wants to please him and make him happy. He's also absolutely feral about losing his anal virginity to Dream. He's secretly hoping that if he makes it the most amazing night ever and performs to absolute perfection, maybe this can be the start of an arrangement that will go beyond sugar-dating and into real dating.
Hob is very book smart and surprisingly, training his hole fits in very well with his studying regime. He smashes his way through his exams with his tight little hole clenching around the gorgeous plug Dream lovingly wiggled into him in the morning. With his last test finished he heads straight to the bathroom and snaps a picture of his arse for Dream - with the jewel winking between his cheeks.
Hob is a little shy when he turns up for their getaway. Dream has booked a gorgeous cottage (it's so big it looks more like a mansion, but it's still cozy) with a small but private stretch of beach. But he quickly loses his inhibitions and is soon shedding his clothes and playing in the waves. Dream watches (and paddles a bit) and enjoys the excellent view of Hob’s very gorgeous arse. He's seen a lot of it lately with all the training, but that view is never going to get old.
Hob gets to have his first time bottoming in an enormous, beautiful bed surrounded by twinkling strings of lights. There may also be rose petals. Dream is a romantic at heart, and he really wants this to be special. Something that Hob will look back on and remember with true happiness.
And of course his hole is just perfect. It's been perfectly stretched to accommodate Dream’s size, but it still remains amazingly tight. Hob doesn't hold back his noises as Dream fucks deep inside and slowly jerks his cock at the same time. Its like a perfect embodiment of how Hob feels when he's with Dream: safe, content, and more well taken care of than he's ever been before. If Hob accidentally squeaks out a little "I love you" when he cums on Dream’s cock for the first time, who can blame him?
(Dream is honestly just relieved because he's organised so many romantic activities for their time away together and it might be a little bit embarrassing to declare his love for his sugar baby over champagne and caviar only to be rejected. Dream knows he can be a bit much. Luckily he's starting to work out that Hob loves it when he's too much <3)
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monty-glasses-roxy · 4 months
I can see Gregory throughing a squeaky toy and Roxy/Roxanne wolf would case it.
But then he see cassie.
So roxy little sister dasent react to squicky toy?
I may be a Wolf like my big sister Roxy but I do not react to dog toys !.
Humm. Let me think here. Fazbare...
* Wait *
* a evil grin appears on Gregory face as he pull out a dog whistle and uses it *
* I can see fazbare reusing roxy ears on cassie animatronics body to save at least a little bit of money *
* Roxy/Roxanne wolf and cassie both cover there ears and growl at Gregory win the dog whistle was used *
Oh my god a dog whistle...
I just looked it up and apparently they don't typically hurt the dog or cause any damage so long as they're used properly and not like... Directly in their ear and stuff. Apparently they're used for recall training and stuff which is neat! And with another look, there's sheepdog whistles used for training herding dogs which I really should have known since I've seen them do that before, but I didn't realise it was a specific kind of whistle. That's pretty cool! The more you know!
Honestly, at this point, all I can imagine is management or the Plex staff getting so annoyed at Roxy being Roxy and trying everything to try and get her to do as she's told for once. Like the manager assigns a handler to her who's whole job is try using the dog side of her brain against her by using dog training techniques on her. So some guy is trying to get her to do things on the whistle for a reward of some kind and it works, sure, but she's also not a dog. Like, she can figure out what they're doing here and find loopholes or just straight up steal the whistle. She can just take the reward when they're not looking cause she knows where they're kept and keeping it on a high shelf doesn't work with an animatronic wolf lmao
Maybe after several attempts going South, it's deemed a lost cause and now the whistle is only used to get her attention when she's ignoring all the messages they're sending her again. Or maybe to wake her up from a nap when she doesn't wanna cooperate or something I dunno but I love the mental image of management fucking chasing her around with a dog whistle, a clicker and a chew toy to try and get her to do stuff she doesn't wanna do lmao
If this starts happening in the Fazcade, DJ plays Yakity Sax every time. It's become free entertainment for the animatronics and staff members to watch management try every trick in the book on her and nothing ever works... It would be pretty funny if it worked in unintended ways though. Like, Roxy hears the whistle from across the Plex and in her brain, that means someone has something for her so she shows up immediately. She gets something, sure, but they also give her several commands or jobs to do that she may or may not do. It might give her something to do if she's bored, but I bet a lot of times she just shows up, takes the reward for showing up and leaves lmao
If the manager is particularly good at dog training, they might be trying so hard not to get frustrated with this. A dog is more likely to learn if they do it willingly and can leave if they want to, so if Roxy isn't willing, trying to force her will have the opposite effect. And they've come so far! She shows up for the whistle! And sometimes she does what she's asked to do! If they start trying to force her into things or start severely punishing lack of cooperation, she's just gonna go back on all of this! So they can't force her! No matter how much they want to just grab her by the nose and drag her where she needs to be! It's driving them insane but look how far they've come!
Roxy playing fucking mind games here. Shows up when whistled for, gets her reward and then sometimes does just enough of what they ask her to do to keep them thinking they're making progress, stringing them along as long as possible. It means she keeps getting rewarded for the absolute bare minimum she loves it
Of course, Roxy does everything she's supposed to anyway, but if they're going the dog training route, they've probably figured out she's bored most of the time. So now they're trying to keep her out of trouble with other things and this is the only one that's shown any semblance of success lmao she's so fucking lucky she's become the boardroom's favourite and is too expensive to replace now. Like as soon as she knows that, there's just no hope anymore.
I dunno that could be pretty funny maybe
Anyway, I know this isn't what you were asking about so... Imagine Roxy standing there, frozen solid, eyes closed, arms crossed, ears flat back and jaw tightly shut, because Gregory is trying to get her to chase a squeaky ball. He has a whole bag full of them. Roxy is struggling so hard with all the squeaks and she wants to just leave so badly but she knows if she moves even an inch, she's gonna break into zooms and she can't have that... So she's spamming Cassie with messages to come and save her right the fuck now.
Cassie shows up, sees what's going on and immediately drags Gregory out and confiscates all the squeaky balls. The door shuts behind him, she turns to Roxy. "Heehee he's gone!" and Roxy gives her the biggest puppy eyes ever. "You ready?" Cassie asks her as she holds a ball up. Roxy makes a little dog noise of affirmation, and in a flash, the ball is squeaked and thrown across the Raceway as far as Cassie could manage.
Roxy is fucking gone. Cassie can't keep up with her. All you can hear in the empty Raceway is excited squeaking and laughter. Roxy is zooming around the place so fast she puts her go-karts to shame, squeaking the ball like crazy, jumping off the walls and flying over the railings, while Cassie keeps picking up more squeaky balls, squeaking them for Roxy's attention, and throwing them for her as far as possible again. She's curious how many Roxy will try to chew and squeak at once. If the Minis are here, they're helping grab and throw more of them, sometimes drawing her in three directions at once so she doesn't know who to run to first.
This is Roxy enrichment of the highest level! Her favourite game ever! Her brain just switches off and all that's going through her head is squeaks and the need to run even faster! She's having an absolute blast and a half! The game only ends once she's ran out of steam and flops over on the floor for a rest. Her tail does not stop wagging and the squeaking may slow down, but also won't stop at all for at least another hour lmao
It just hits the perfect spot in the dog half of her programming, it's so much fun for her and the most effective way to de-stress she's ever found. And of course, Cassie loves it too. It's so fun to play these kinds of games and to see how excited Roxy gets. If Cassie is an animatronic dog here too in the scenarios you've created? Sure, she doesn't wanna chase the ball too, but even humans roughhouse. There's no way Roxy doesn't crash into her and start a play fight, or that Cassie doesn't try and wrestle the ball away from her sometimes. And if it's a squeaky bear or something? Well there's always tug of war!
Only problem is Roxy getting too carried away and accidentally hurting Cassie a little bit. It's not usually that bad, and sometimes Cassie returns the favour in the next game by also getting carried away, but it upsets Roxy every single time. But she's still very much in her dog brain usually so she comes over to Cassie, eyes all big and pathetic, whining and nudging her with her nose all sad and apologetic... Cassie hugs her every time, says it's fine, she's not hurt that bad, it was an accident, it happens... And then grabs the squeaky ball from behind Roxy and brings the fun back by insisting they keep playing with a lot of squeaks lmao
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freuleinanna · 2 years
a short queen
Characters: Kaitlyn Ka, reader
Short summary: Just a little something to lighten the mood, a cute request I had about the reader making fun of Kaitlyn's height :D
Word count: 1139
Tags: @liferszz, @althea-tavalas and all the Kaitlyn squad around!
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You’ve been at it for weeks. What started as an ice-breaking comment to Dylan turned into a running joke that followed you through half your stay in the camp.
It was the first day, and you were all getting to meet each other, so when Dylan went over to introduce himself, you nodded a tad awkwardly, partly because he was visibly shy, too, and said: ‘Got it. I guess, I’m just gonna call you Shorty.’ A light-hearted laugh you got out of this 6-feet statue of freaking liberty worked like a charm, bonding not only you two, but everyone else as well. From that moment on, you exclusively referred to Dylan as Tiny, Shrimpy, Hobbit, or by other equally mismatching nicknames.
It wasn’t the end of it, though. All scales have their maximum and minimum values. And some of them were much less happy about being a target for the height jokes than the others.
‘Incoming! Off the starboard, Chewie!’ you’d say brushing past Kaitlyn as she’d be walking somewhere, minding her own business.
‘Wow, hila-arious, ha-ha,’ she’d reply in a snarky tone, not missing a chance to try and kick you slightly for good measure. ‘Big tall wookie, coming through!’
Needless to say, the payback was a bitch, especially so, that you and Kaitlyn had become sort of a couple. Sort of, because one evening you’d sneak away for some alone time, and then the next day she’d be chasing you down the porch screaming ‘I FREAKING DARE YOU, Y/N! FIGHT ME! COME HERE AND FIGHT ME RIGHT NOW!’ In your defense, she never seemed genuinely upset by the nicknames. It didn’t stop her from finding petty ways to pay you back in spades, though. When Kaitlyn stepped on the war-path, there were no survivors.
Her pointing out that the Star Wars’ giant was particularly dangerous and not above tearing someone’s arm off didn’t really work. And so it went: ‘Oi, Bigfoot, sit down, you’re blocking the view!’
And: ‘Yeah, I’m with Eiffel Tower on this one.’
And: ‘Yo, Avatar, what’s the time?’
And even: ‘Guys, this is gonna be our memories some day! Just us, like we are now. Me, Emma, Ryan, Jacob, Nick, Abi, Tyrion Lannister over there, and our very own Long Tall Sally.’
Just earlier today, she got caught flipping you a finger and spent the next half-hour explaining to the kids why this gesture was for grown-ups only. At some point, you’re pretty sure you heard real threats. And as it happens, a bit later she handed you the day’s program with a broad smile and a kiss on the cheek, only for you to find out that instead of the lake festival you were given an extra kitchen duty. Having an activities coordinator with certain power in the camp for a girlfriend had its dangers.
That’s why now you were returning from the kitchen with an ache making a cozy nest in your lower back, and in desperate need of some reward. A pack of Oreos from the storage room would do. Destiny, however, decided to give you a gift beyond your wildest hopes.
It was Kaitlyn, alright. Kaitlyn who, as you walked into the room, was standing on a small stool, on the tips of her toes, and reaching for the top shelf with extra towels. She glanced over her shoulder hearing the steps and froze. Literally every emotion existent in the universe ran over her face. You leaned against the doorpost with hands crossed over your chest.
She jumped down from the stool staring you down. For someone barely over 5 feet tall, she did that surprisingly well.
‘Well, well.’
‘Oh, no,’ the threatening tone didn’t bother you one bit.
‘Ain’t that priceless.’
‘Don’t you even-’
‘Too late, mental picture taken. I’ll cherish it forever,’ you shook the head at her defeat.
Your eyebrows almost flew right off your face feigning utter surprise.
‘I am of average height,’ she hissed.
‘One word, and your ass will only see the light of day through the kitchen window.’
‘Uh-huh,’ you nodded again with enthusiasm, unable to wipe the smirk off your face.
‘I’ll deny everything and you don’t have proof.’
‘Oh, for sure!’
‘You’re never letting it go, are you?’
‘Oh, sweetie. No,’ the sheer frustration on her face made you laugh. Kaitlyn propped her fists on her hips, hoping yet to find a reasonable argument and failing to.
‘May I remind you, Y/N,’ she snarked finally, ‘that short people are literally full of rage. It’s the only thing that keeps us going.’
She ran her fingers through her hair and gave you a stern, defiant look. Laughter was bubbling inside you trying to find a way out, and she saw it just as clearly as you saw her. With an exasperated sigh, she rolled her eyes.
‘Did I say anything?’
‘Oh, come on!’
You walked over doing your best to act innocent and even slightly offended by such distrust. She was eyeing you up cautiously, but there was nothing to save her from what came next. You leaned on her with the sliest of grins, putting an elbow on her shoulder and regarding the top shelf, speaking sideways.
‘Alright, go ahead.’
‘I seriously do not understand what you mean, Kait.’
You didn’t have much choice but to put your hands up palms forward, stepping aside.
‘But if the lady, mayhaps, needs some help with the towels…’
‘The lady is gonna go feral if you don’t quit it!’ she shook your arm off, caving in and sliding away from underneath it. ‘And if the lady goes feral, you go a week without as much as a hello.’
There was a moment when she was scrutinizing you, prepared to jump right back to action at the mere glimpse of mockery, but it wasn’t there. She gave you the last stern look and shrugged. Her voice, when she spoke, sounded almost plaintively.
‘Fair point. Don’t be mad.’
‘Don’t make me mad,’ Kaitlyn shot right back. Still, with a disaster blown away, she, too, got a bit more relaxed.
‘Want me to grab ‘em for you?’
‘Actually, yeah. They’re, like, really high up. Some of us aren’t giants.’
You chuckled, then hugged her with one arm. With the other, you reached to the top shelf to grab a pile of towels and handed them to Kaitlyn.
She still managed to give you a push with the shoulder as you were leaving the room. A little push, careful enough not to break your half-hug.
‘You know what they say, every friend group needs a short queen,’ you gave her a peck on the hair and slowly tugged her away from the shelves.
‘Honestly, Y/N, I don’t know why I’m putting up with you.’
‘That’s ‘cause you like me, Big Ben.’
‘Unfortunately for me, I really do.’
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thegeminisage · 11 months
back at it in zelda. i complain about the western half of the map but one region i do really like is tabantha, esp around the canyon. everything is very tall and pretty. im grabbing a few korok seeds here while i do shrines as a treat before i move on to satori mountain
flame gleeok where the "stop following me" memory was!! at least i'm equipped to fight them now
i figured out why flame armor doesn't work. you need hot weather armor ie gerudo clothes. wtf
TUNIC OF AWAKENING!!! gr8 reward
SHOOTING STAR!!!!! i didnt see it fall but i can see the light tower from here. it landed directly on the peak of satori mountain and i have no way to fast travel there. it's almost 3am, even with the bike there's no way i can make it. ugh!!! :(
geez i forgot how good the foraging was here. so many mushrooms......
wah. the ruins at the little horse shoe shaped area with the statue. there was a memory here too iirc!
wait...there's water flowing here! wasn't it dry in the last game?? wtf zelda has been at work restoring things AAAAAA
satori mountain cave is cool as hell. all these little guys running around and every time i think i've got to the end there's more of it. i keep going the wrong way on purpose so i can see everything lol
okay! i did some math and if i wanted to get every shrine and still have time to beat the game before pikmin 4, i'd need bare minimum to get 3 shrines per day. but i want FOUR shrines per day so i also have a bit of time to fuck around. today i've gotten the two on satori mountain and it is OFFICIALLY cleaned out. i didn't plan to get all the korok seeds, but they were RIGHT THERE, so.
not sure what shrines im getting next...maybe the horrible hand one by the tower just to get it out of the way lol. i can't believe i walked past those hands 3000 times w/o knowing they were close by. augh
break for now for Stuff tho.
break over. going to the scary shrine before i can chicken out :(
lindors brow cave, for the curious
im so scared im so scared Im So Scared
ok. the good news is. i think if i fly over this Big Pit That Looks Like An Arena i'll miss them. the bad news is. i don't get my frog if i do that. so i gotta spawn them and THEN run. i don't get out of this without spawning them.
spawned them by ACCIDENT while flying over. good fucking god. im waiting for them to despawn now but its taking forever. idw fight them bc then they'll just spawn phantom ganon
well. they are not leaving.
i'm not going down there. fuck that. i'm shooting them from up here til phantom ganon shows up to kick my ass
my hands are shaking. that was horrible. oh my god
ok. wheres that damn frog.
at least its a raurus blessing shrine. imagine having to do all that and THEN they hit u with puzzles
you know though i feel really lucky in some respects though bc. there are places on this map that indicate hand presence. and i remember being in those places and not running into hands there. a brush with fucking death and i didn't even know it
like i swear i walked RIGHT over their spawnpoint in maritta exchange ruins and...nope. nothing.
the biggest chunk of ground shrines i havent gotten yet are in hebra or gerudo desert, both areas i HATE bc of the walking speed debuff. might as well swipe a few more hebra ones and make it easier for future me
oops, i did this shrine quest out of order, i killed a talus which had a crystal on it and now i have to take it to a shrine which means dragging it behind me while i explore this whole cave. smh. at least i can cheat with my map to tell me where the shrine was tho lol
wtf how am i supposed to get it up this big tunnel...dont say hot air balloon.......
(im using a hot air balloon)
this is so harrowing. this is the worst cave, oh my god
ANOTHER vertical air column? for the love of god
i guess i have to make another balloon. i only have 1 floating platform and im saving it for worse emergencies than this :/
wait. i think i just went in a big circle?? IS THE SHRINE NOT IN THE CAVE?
oh my god it LITERALLY wasnt in the cave i dragged it around that whole time and made those annoying wonky hot air balloons for NOTHING!!! the beam didnt show up until i tried to pick it up with my hands (which didnt happen until near the end of the cave exploration), so i just assumed...
jesus goddamn christ. fucking bullshit lmao i'm an idiot
OKAY. shrine get.
another shrine which was some eventide bullshit. i wish you could keep the items from those i want arrows :(
ok. im back. gonna see whats in that big fuckoff hole (my map says a shrine)
i always feel so bad for addison when i find him in rough climates. he's shivering!! go home, buddy!!!
this froggy armor fucking sucks. i've got the whole set and i still slip on the ice >:(
ok, i got...5?? 6?? shrines today so well ahead of schedule lol. tomorrow i'm doing ANYTHING but hebra
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ambiguouspuzuma · 2 years
Code Red
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You had to have a code. You know, even if only because it sounds good when you say it out loud. People are suckers for that sort of thing. I kill people. Oh no! But I have a code. Oh, that's all right then. It doesn't really matter what it is: some vague banalities, a handful of platitudes that everybody follows anyway. It gives the impression that your work is underpinned by some veneer of morality, or at least the rules of civilisation. That's good. Nobody wants to hire a savage.
With a code under your belt, you aren't just a soulless murderer who would do anything for the right price. Of course, the irony is that talking about the code is great for business, like a USP to differentiate yourself from the common or garden hitmen out there, to make your clients think they're getting a more prestigious service. A killer with discretion. Somebody they could trust, even though the whole thing is basically a scam.
No children or animals. That's always a good one. As if anyone would hire you to off the neighbour's chihuahua, even if it was being particularly yappy. Few people have any desire to hurt someone's kids or pets - and even if they did, they're pretty easy prey without professional help. Nobody hires a high-level assassin for that kind of job, and so the rule is never actually tested. That's the beauty of making a big deal about your code. You can get rewarded for the stuff that you were doing anyway.
The rules can be as arbitrary as you like. I don't hurt innocents is another one of mine, like anyone's itching to shell out five figures to bump someone who hasn't done anything wrong. I'm not looking to kill any saints, or martyr any new ones, but I've never actually been asked to. There's always a reason behind the hit, always some real or imagined guilt, even if the client's verdict wouldn't exactly stand up in a court of law. I never said I had the same burden of proof.
Only quick, clean deaths is another one that makes me sound like a world-class empath, when really I just like to get the job done as efficiently as possible. I'm not about to make a mess when I can shoot the target in the head. Why would I? That's just piling more risk onto my own back. I'm not doing the dead guy any favours in making it quick, removing any chance for him to defend himself, to raise the alarm for the police, or get my DNA under his fingernails. I'm only being merciful to myself.
Nothing less than $10k is just me looking after my bank account, but it does help to present yourself as exclusive. People want a premium service. They might have been happy to pay that anyway, but not as keen to commission a clean, professional hit from somebody who's also a back-alley butcher for those clients on a budget. I know, it's messed up, but I don't make the rules. Or I only make my own ones. You know what people are like. If it exists, customers will be snobs about it.
Then there are the weird ones, just to pad out the list. No jobs on Sundays. I'm not even religious, but it really adds that extra façade of dignity, doesn't it? Nobody over retirement age. That just brings some symmetry to the kid thing. There's definitely a market of people wanting old-timers dead, but it's not a massive chunk of the business, and I'm happy enough to let nature take its course. No veterans. It's good to seem like a patriot. Besides, I'm always less keen to go after a guy with combat experience.
But then I got the offer. It came in a letter, unsigned, promising $100k on completion of the job - ten times my minimum rate, and enough to keep me in ammunition for the foreseeable future. In fact, I would barely need to use any more for a while. But the job itself was weird. Some old major from the Navy, with specific instructions to hit him on his way to church on Easter Sunday, two weeks from now.
That's a handful of my rules in tatters all at once. One or two might be an accident, clients who forgot a detail or didn't bother to read my terms, but the three least important ones, the ones I'd simply made up, and none of the rest? I don't see many jobs like this, with that level of specificity, coming around by coincidence. Somebody has asked me this on purpose - with that price calculated to tempt me just enough to bend the code I claim to keep. Like they're seeing what I'll say. Like it's some sort of test.
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kissitallbetter1 · 9 months
Ugh. Need a space to vent. All I want is to help dog rescues and shelters. I volunteer so much and donate a lot of money. My husband constantly says no to fostering or adopting. We already have two rescues. My heart is sad because dogs are being euthanized every damn day in this country and he won’t let me at the bare minimum foster. One of our dogs is dog selective so we’d have make sure our foster fits in with our family. It just feels like he doesn’t understand how passionate I am about helping these dogs. I work in accounting and remote full time and we have a 6 ft privacy fence. I would be a great candidate for fostering. Because of my work in accounting my job is fucking meaningless. I am not rewarded or feel good about my job. It has little to no meaning to me. Every time I bring it up, he says, “no why do you constantly make me the bad guy by making me say no every time?” That enrages me more. Helping these dogs gives me purpose. I know I can do more for them than just volunteering to walk dogs, clean kennels, etc. I can provide a safe and temporary home for these dogs. I’ve only been married a year, but I didn’t know I would start to resent my husband. Every time he says no, I feel so fucking powerless in my relationship. Why does a man’s word have more value than a woman’s? Any advice? Because right now my love for dogs seems more than my love for my husband, which isn’t right and makes me really depressed.
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lenny-zaim-sucks · 1 year
Update 06/12/2022
The liar is still here. The deal was that he’d be my lodger till September but he has of course extended his stay with further excuses, oh and the joke is that his supposed student finance still hasn’t come through a whole year on! I really am a mug aren’t I? I really hope God rewards me for giving this homeless man somewhere to live for free and that it won’t be classed as sinning since he’s a non-mahrem. Sigh, Lord knows I’ve wanted him gone for a long time. I just want my money and to never know him again.
We’ve tried this fake friendship thing for a year but lets be real, the guy’s a piece of shit. He still lies to women which ain’t my business but it’s like he hasn’t learnt from the past at all. It basically goes to show he’s still a liar, a thing which I hate most. I think due to this he will be forever destined to wind up alone despite his desperation for a wife because he curses himself with the karma of his lies and he’ll accuse me of interfering when no woman is interested or it ends in divorce lol as if he’s not a fuck up.
The loser is already accusing me of snooping on his conversations with women, flattering himself into thinking i give af. I can’t even hear when he’s on the phone from my bedroom. He clearly doesn’t want me to hear cos he’s blatantly lying to them about stuff lol after all he’s not shy about talking to his friends in front of me.
He’s causing up a stink saying I’m mean because I don’t want to be his friend. If you’ve read this entire blog you know exactly why I don’t want to be his friend. He literally doesn’t see it. So typical of the self proclaimed nice guy. Does he not know that it’s a universal truth well acknowledged that a man who claims to be the nice guy is in fact not the nice guy!
He likes to play victim and the more he talks the more I see how he views things from his warped perspective which I frankly don’t agree with. He’s still spewing his age old trope about how I was intimate with other men during the talking stage with him, as if it equates to his transgressions of full on lying and cheating. I don’t think he even considers anything he did as cheating.. surprise surprise.
Lil buddy needs to give it a rest now and seriously grow the fuck up cos what kind of posessive psycho expects loyalty from the jump when they’re not even truthful and loyal themselves.. How after 3 years does he still not get that?? Lol he’s so fucking weird! Firstly I didn’t see no ring on my finger so he really wanted husband level commitment at not even the boyfriend stage.. thats the bare minimum! He’s really saying the talking stage where there’s no labels lmao. To me he was nothing more than a young dumb foreign hook up but he had to love bomb me.
He’s also trying to act like sex is an intimate meaningful act as if this fool hasn’t slept with hookers, wasn’t out having casual sex and his dick in a few mouths literally from the moment I met him lol i cannot. He’s so entitled it’s laughable. Like did he not do the same thing to his tramp ex? He spoke seriously with her about marriage while fucking other women and then he wants to lecture me ffs!
I can’t be friends with someone like that. They’re just nonsensical and that level of stupidity bothers my spirit. He gots ta gooo!!!
0 notes
staticinmybrain · 2 years
I like drawing. I like giving gifts.
I've spent hundreds of hours making gift art. Over a hundred pieces. I get species currency for it. I'm rewarded somehow. But I still wish I could receive a gift, sometimes.
One hour, three hours, ten hours, sixteen hours, on and on.
I usually receive nothing more than thank-you's and compliments. And because of gratitude for those compliments, I feel moved to make gift art for those who thank me. And so I sink more hours for nothing more than words. And practice, I guess. These are gifts, not trades, but I still wish. Some say they'll draw my characters back. They still haven't. I try not to keep my hopes up. These are gifts, not trades. I think they're happy to receive gifts. I'd be happy, certainly.
I don't know why I want praise so much. Why I'd value a little thank-you or compliment to the degree I'd keep this cycle going. I don't know why I expect so much. Maybe it's my environment. Maybe it's the culture I'm used to, being in a collectivist country. Maybe it's because I believe in the golden rule. As if that's a binding thing on anyone, really.
I have horrible luck in chains. A drawing chain stopped after I did my piece, so I'm not getting anything out of that, anymore, other than the currency I get from the piece I made for the person above me. Before that, the piece I did get in the chain was the bare minimum requirement. It's hard to not be a little bitter.
I still like drawing. That's why I can sink so much time into it so easily. If nothing else, it's practice. Practice is good.
I still like giving gifts. I'd like to receive gifts, even if that likely won't happen.
It happened a few times though. A few mass drawings with my characters in it. Other art fight things. Someone practicing a simple comm. Someone trying to get through all the characters in the group at least once. So gifts, not really for me specifically though, just for the sake of drawing my characters, to tick off a number on the list, or an obligation for the team.
All my actual gifts are from one person. A cute pencil sketch. A ticket. Interaction doodles. They make me want to cry a little, because they're so unexpected.
Everyone wants free art. Post open request and people flock to it. Reply to a request, and receive nothing ever.
It makes me tired and frustrated. Then I feel bad for feeling that way.
Look on the bright side. More practice for me. More currency to make characters that only I will ever draw.
Maybe I should only do trades from now on, but that won't feel the same. It's not really about the art. It's about people caring about my things and characters. I'd like a gift. Something with effort and care to balance out this give/receive ratio.
That's too much to ask though. It would be rude. It would be naggy.
"Hey, could you care please? A little? I don't need a surprise party, like those cartoon episodes where everyone hides from the mc and the mc gets sad until it's revealed at the end. It would be nice, but I know that's unrealistic. Could you just, do more than say thank you? Something more substantial than words, after it's been months? A little sketch? A dumb meme? Please?"
"Hey, I don't think you guys care enough. I think you're all horrible, greedy people who want to milk me for free mediocre art! I think I deserve to be a valued member, be special, because I do stuff that no one asked me too! Because my words and intentions don't match and I want you to be able to read my mind! So show you actually care! Feed my ego! You can do that at least, you lazy freeloaders!"
I don't want to be misinterpreted. I don't want to sound anything like the latter. Think I will, if I say something. Maybe I'm overthinking.
I'm grateful to that one person. I'm very grateful. But some other people would be nice. Anyone would think so, I think. I hope.
It's my fault too. My instinctual response is to tell people, "It's fine! You don't have to give me anything back!"
I mean it. I really really mean it. Because these are gifts, not trades. Because I keep gambling with hope even if I try not to. Because if they give me something anyway, it means they care to surprise me back.
I'd see a piece despite me saying it's unneccessary as a gift. Maybe they just see it as pushing an unwanted thing onto me? I'm not insulting their styles when I say, "you don't have to." Do they think I am? Because context variances? Culture clashes? I don't know.
I know this will probably keep going on though. Because I love the species, and that friend, and my characters, and the people who show interest, or thank me. So I'll keep making gifts with a vain hope of receiving them, and be elated whenever I receive anything from that friend or in a mass attack, and I just have to work on the gambling problem, I guess.
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honeykpopgirl · 2 years
Hiiiii there, my lovely bees~ I have some news for you guys. This update will be the biggest and longest one yet, so thank you for reading, if you choose to~
Good news, I'll be having way more free time to be here and write more content for you, so feel free to send in requests! However, the bad news is that my hours at work have been reduced to a minimum, due to my recent medical condition. My doctor has given me work limitations so I don't end up straining myself and making things worse for me. I've talked with my boss about having more hours or having a different position that can accommodate my current status, at least so I can still earn a decent amount of income, but my request has gone unfulfilled. 😭 I'm barely getting 10 hours a week and that's only if I'm lucky. These past few weeks, I've only been receiving 6 hours each week. ;(
I'm not quite sure what is wrong with me but I suffered a back injury and supposedly it's something that's been building over the years. I went to a doctor and after taking some Xrays and examinations, he believe it is my spine that has shifted and is now causing most of the strains and pain at my back, as well as the slight immobility in my right arm/hand. Although, he did mention he is not exactly sure what is going on because it seems like it could be a deeper issue, but he would like to do some adjustments and physical therapy to see what happens first, before doing any more, so we'll see what happens next. In order for me to continue seeing a doctor, however, I would need a more steady income than what I am receiving. (TT)
As much as I don't want to, I've been turning to my older sisters (I also have an older brother who I could turn to but he's struggling as well, ever since he suffered throat cancer and he has a family of his own, so I don't want to make it any harder for him...) for financial help, as well as selling my kpop merch, and although I'm truly grateful for them, if I can help it, I'd really rather establish myself more by doing things I can do because all of this codependency really scares me. I don't mean to complain to my dear followers and readers, but I honestly feel like I have no where else to turn these thoughts to.
I've been majorly thinking about this and have been constantly debating on whether or not I would share this news with everyone here. It's been a ride and honestly, I'm at a lost of what else I could do, except what I can do right now. I've been applying to jobs with no call backs or interviews (or if I do, they don't hire me, whether it's because of my medical condition or not, I'm not sure...🥲), so I've literally racked my brain about how I'm going to make ends meet. I was sharing with my one of my sisters and she mentioned about how I could start earning tips here on Tumblr! I was hesitant on doing it, because I don't want to seem like I'm not "working for my own money" but I'm doing what I can and what I can do right now is create content for you guys~ So I decided to research into it and give it a try, because you never know, right? I know it is a hard time for everyone, but each and every support is much appreciated! With the options I'm given, I'll do my best to deliver to all of my lovely bees~ ^_^
I've added the tipping option to my posts and if you would like and choose to, I would greatly appreciate your support~ Every penny counts! Maybe in the future, and depending on how successful this blog becomes, I'll start a patreon with reward tiers for you guys~
If you have read this far, thank you so so much~ It was a long read, I know, 😂 I love you guys! Until the next update~! 💜
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0 notes
challenge accepted- j.m.k
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pairing: josh kiszka x reader
warnings: SMUT, (f.receiving) oral, very unprotected sex, arguing with a lot of strong language.
author’s note: …..enjoy.
“what, like ever?”
you shake your head solemnly, raising your eyebrows as your friend giggles and slaps a hand on your knee.
“i’m being serious, kate. no man has ever made me cum- thus, my conclusion: men aren’t worth shit.” you say, only half-joking.
kate snorts another laugh and her reaction pulls your lips into a reluctant smile. you were being harsh on purpose, knowing how funny your friends would find it, but your words were one hundred percent true. no man had ever made you cum, and you couldn’t help but feel pushed further and further away from your attraction to them with every disappointment of a night.
“c’mon, y/n. you gotta give them more credit than that, they try!” another friend chimes in, causing you to roll your eyes.
“but that’s the problem- why should we reward them for doing the bare minimum? in my opinion, if a guy can’t make a girl cum, he isn’t worth any kind of time. think about how much effort we put into getting ready for a date, just to lie there like a dead fish and let them finish in two minutes flat- it’s bullshit! god, i fucking hate men.” you rant, hands waving around to emphasise your impassioned speech.
your friends hum in agreement, nodding their heads. you take a long sip of your drink as you try to formulate more points to rant about, eyes travelling around the busy room.
you didn’t really know why you were here, in all honesty. your older brother was hosting, and you honestly felt childish for sitting around at a house party at the ripe age of 22. this kind of thing was from your teens: bad beer, too-loud music, and your brother’s friends everywhere.
swallowing your drink down in one, you begin ranting again.
“and that’s the point: if we don’t tell them they’re shit at sex, they’ll never learn will they? it’s just basic logic- though it’s not like any of them listen, they’d probably just ignore you and tell-“
“-can you shut the fuck up? for like, two minutes? i’ll literally pay you.”
a voice interrupts you, belonging to the curly haired man sitting on the edge of the couch. you had tried to ignore him when he sat down initially, and you had succeeded. you completely forgot he was even sat there, listening to you complain.
“and who the fuck do you think you are, josh? watch your mouth, asshole.” you spit back, the alcohol maybe taking control of your tongue more than you would normally allow it to.
“i’m just sick of hearing you bitch and moan- we get it, no one has fucked you good enough. ever think it’s because you’re insufferable?”
you scoffed loudly, scrunching your face up with anger.
“fuck off, josh. just because you know i’m right, doesn’t mean you can be so rude. i bet you couldn’t make a girl cum if you had a fucking manual.”
he rolls his eyes at the easy target, but you could tell you had actually got under his skin. he huffs and stands up, slamming his drink against the coffee table; you mirror his actions, not quite finished with this conversation yet. following him through the house until you were pushing the back door he slammed in your face open, out into the cold night air. your thin dress didn’t protect you from the chill, and you hugged yourself as you looked at the man pacing around your garden.
“what the fuck is your problem, josh?”
“oh, she’s come to continue her whining! how lucky am i?” he shouts out into the night, clenching his fists and turning away from you.
“wooooow, i really got under your skin, didn’t i? feeling a little insecure, joshie?”
“y/n, shut up.”
“no, no. was i just a little too accurate? did it upset you? good. i’d like to see you try and make me cum, i need a laugh.”
“is that a challenge?” he turns his head and look at you, nostrils flared and an unknown glint in his eye.
“sure, why not. it’s not like you could actually do it.” you say with a shrug, turning on your heel to leave, finished with the argument.
a hand grabs the back of your dress, forcing you backwards. josh catches you with his arms and pulls you against his front, gripping your hips through the thin fabric of your dress.
“who said you could leave, y/n?” his breath was hot against your ear, and you could smell the joint he smoked earlier on his clothes.
“me.” you breathe, grabbing at the hands digging into the fleshy part of your hips.
“too bad.”
“what do you think is gonna happen, josh? what’s your next move?” you ask with a teasing voice, smiling when you press your ass into him.
“you think because you’ve had bad experiences, every man is the same.”
“let’s change that.”
josh moves his hand to your arm and makes towards the door, pulling you into the house, through the kitchen and into the hallway, knowing where your room was from the many times he came to visit your brother.
he pushes you into your own room, nodding towards the bed for you to sit on.
all of the anger you felt for him had dissipated- you hadn’t expected him to actually take it seriously; all your attitude was left back in the garden the moment he grabbed your hips.
“sit back.” he commands, standing above you.
“what are you gonna do?” whispering, you were unable to find your voice, pure adrenaline running through your veins with the way he was looking at you.
“just sit back and take your panties off.”
you let your body fall against the comforter and uncertainly trail your hands to the hem of your dress, looking into his eyes for confirmation. he nods softly, eyes watching you with an intensity you weren’t used to. gently pulling the panties down, you’re shocked to feel how wet you already are- being that riled up clearly did something for you.
josh moves to his knees, stroking up the entirety of your leg and moving around to your hips, pulling your body until you were almost hanging off the edge of the bed. he moved his hands back up to your knees, pulling your legs open slowly, revealing yourself to him. when he finally slotted his head in between your legs, you could feel his cool breath on your sensitive skin and shivered.
after his tongue presses to your clit, you suck a breath in and stiffen. he licks a languid stripe against your skin, humming softly when your hands brush his hair out of his face and tangle with the curls on top. his hands were gripping your thighs and digging into the soft flesh.
his tongue circled your clit a few times and you feel your mouth begin to hang open, letting a long sigh out and looking to the ceiling. this feeling was completely foreign to you- no man had ever paid this kind of attention to you.
a moan finally leaves your mouth when he sucks on your skin, eyes squeezing shut. he wasn’t moving too fast or too slowly, just right to get your hips bucking against his face and an even louder moan piercing the room. the lewd sounds of him lapping against your core make your cheeks flush, and you hoped no one would be able to hear from outside.
your hips buck again, grinding you against his mouth. something like a growl sounds in the back of your throat when he slips two fingers into you, beginning to pump in and out of you quickly. his fingers brush your g-spot and you squeak, not used to this kind of stimulation- you pull on his hair softly, pushing his mouth harder against you and begin moving your hips in time with his fingers.
“f-fuck, josh. i think i’m gonna-“
he hums loudly, wordlessly urging you on and speeding up his fingers. your legs lift up, and you feel your hands gripping josh’s head tightly- you’re still grinding against his mouth, barely contained moans becoming trapped when you clamp your mouth shut. he continues sucking and licking at your clit, pushing you further and further to the point of no return.
“josh, fuck! i’m-oh fuck.” your voice trails off into a whisper, the force of your orgasm knocking the air out of your chest. your whole body stiffens as you topple over the edge, and you’re reduced to silence when he keeps moving his fingers through your high.
you finally gain the energy to gasp loudly, the air feeling good in your lungs once more. he slows his fingers when you start to clench tightly around them.
josh licks your clit one last time before pulling out and away from you completely, standing back on his feet and reaching down to press against his hard cock straining in his pants. you watch him lazily, trying to catch your breath and process what just happened.
“did i prove you wrong?” he asks smugly, palming himself now.
“…shut up”
he laughs, pressing his free hand against his chest. you smile reluctantly, breathing a laugh through your nose. snaking your hand between your legs, you touch your clit again and shudder, still sensitive; watching this, josh’s eyes darken and the smile drops off his face.
“on your front, ass up.” he demands, and you oblige.
the clink of josh’s belt catches your attention, the sound of his zipper going down sending a shiver up your spine. he prods a finger back into you, making you jump gently.
“ready for me, y/n?”
“please, josh.” you whisper against the comforter.
his cock presses into you and you groan, feeling him stretch you out. you fist the sheets below you. he takes a deep breath in when you grind back into him, moving your hips in circles and letting a moan out. he begins rocking his hips into you, stroking the skin of your ass and squeezing.
josh leans down to press his chest against you, the fabric of his shirt brushing your shoulders- the new angle hitting you even deeper inside. a hand brushes your hair over your shoulder, exposing your face to him.
“you look so pretty like this, baby”
you can only whimper in response, feeling a bead of sweat rolling down your forehead. his thrusts get harder, your bodies sliding and slapping together in a mix of sweat and pleasure.
“can’t believe i made you cum, guess it means you were wrong. did it feel good, pretty girl?”
“mhm, so good. so good inside me, josh, keep going.” you moan, gasping shuddering breaths through your mouth.
“that’ll teach you to argue with me like that again. y’know, you can always just ask me to fuck you next time- we don’t have to yell.”
“shut the fuck up.”
instead of replying, josh bunches your dress up with his hands and uses it as an anchor for him, pulling on it pound into you harder. an especially deep thrust sends electricity to your toes, an involuntary clench around him eliciting a deep moan from behind you- the sound sending more fire to your stomach.
“tell me how good i feel, josh. tell me.” you gasp out, angling your head to look at his face, twisted into a sinful expression.
“so fucking good, y/n. so. so. so. good.” he enunciated each “so” with a thrust and squeeze of your ass.
you can feel your body starting to get floppy, legs unable to support your weight much longer as your second orgasm fast approaches, body shuddering with overwhelm while he reaches round and presses a finger to your clit, circling it tightly to help tip you over the edge again.
“such a good girl, are you gonna cum on my cock like you did on my fingers?”
“yes-fuck, josh.”
a low moan signals that josh is almost there too, hips beginning to fall out of pace and his breathing becoming erratic. you let the sensations wash over your body, feeling transported to somewhere other than your room- the feeling of josh’s cock twitching inside of you being the only thing grounding you to the bed.
you let out a strangled moan as his fingers and cock push you into your second orgasm, letting your legs collapse as you convulse with overwhelm. josh fucks even harder into you, chasing his own high, until he finishes deep inside of you. he moans loudly, throwing his head back and biting his lip, eyes squeezed shut.
he pulls out, pressing a kiss to your shoulder before helping you get off the bed. using a t-shirt you had thrown over your desk chair, he cleans you both up and throws it into the laundry basket.
“let’s go back out, they’re still partying out there.”
“i just need to find my panties, did you see them anywhere?”
josh smiles a smug smile, patting his pocket and beginning to open the door. your mouth gapes open and you scramble after him, pulling him back into the room.
“you can’t tell anyone this happened, my brother will kill us if he finds out.” you whisper, holding his head with both hands and forcing him to look you in the eye. he flicks down to look at your lips, licking his own.
“our little secret, pretty girl.”
he presses a kiss to your lips, gripping your chin with one hand and pulling you against his body with the other. after breaking away, he faces the door and hesitates for a moment to throw over his shoulder:
“just don’t let your brother see my cum running down your leg- that might blow our cover pretty quickly.”
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Hello! How are you, and I have a request if you wish to do it. So I was thinking of a College AU with Shinsou working there as a part-time employee, then one day fem! reader comes in and at first he is like “Pfft whatever” but then he brings dropping his tsunade behavior and beings growing soft for her while he got to know her and he has seen her rescue a kitten in which he asked to help co-parent their child. He is doing it to get to know her more because he fell for her, but she is a bit oblivious when it comes to ✨feelings✨. I thought this would make a cute HC/ Drabble, however you wish to do it, of how their relationship began to bloom at the local coffee shop.
Happy Birthday to Shinsou Hitoshi!💜
The most adorable, handsome, and overall best purple headed boy on the show (Fuck off Mineta).
To Take Care of a Stray: Shinsou Headcanons
Barista! Shinsou x F! Reader
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As any college student would tell you, cheap caffeinated drinks were a must.
Coffee specifically was a must.
Shinsou was honestly debating if he needed his 3rd cup of coffee that morning or if he could just wing it and go on with an empty tank.
He procrastinated when it came to his assigned project, plus his project partner ditched him, so he was practically all alone figuring his shit out.
And thats how he found himself working at his local coffee shop.
He hated every single customer that would come in at any hour of the day that he work on.
They all demanded his attention and honestly, some days he wished he could just scream in their faces that "No, i don't give a fuck about your pet bird speaking back to you. I'm only here to make you your coffee and take your money."
The cheap coffee was worth it though, so he keeps the complaining to a minimum.
Retail is honestly a "no reward" type of job. The amount of entitlement that some people have baffles him at times.
Around his second year in college he ends up working the late shift to make some extra cash. It also meant less people coming in and demanding an overly complicated drink. Score!
The sound of the rain pouring down helped calm his nerves and allowed him to relax for moment before the door of the shop swung open.
"Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to do that." The first time you walked into the shop you accidentally pulled the door with too much force that it ended up slamming into the wall.
Shinsou immediately didn't like you.
Who the fuck was this woman?
You went up the counter and told him your order taking out your money and handing it to him.
Clean and simple. Nothing special.
Then you came back again a few days later. That really fucked with him.
Most customers came in and never bothered to talk to him. He wanted their money while they wanted the shitty coffee they sold. Easy, right?
Nope, not with you apparently. You came in and asked about his day, how his studies were going, and if anything interesting happened in the shop.
He would respond with brief answers and immediately ignored you afterwards.
You were just so annoying.
..Ok, maybe not.
You were funny, the way you fumbled and played it off as you being intentional.
The way your mouth would widen into a smile anytime he spoke back to you.
You weren't overly energetic, nor overly happy. You were just nice, nice to him.
He wasn't use to that.
You fascinated him just because you existed and he wanted to learn more about you.
He got his chance on the 5th time you came in.
You usually came in at a specific time, always when there was barely any customers, but today you didnt' show up at all.
He wont admit it but he got concerned and would keep looking at the clock on the wall and back to the door of the coffee shop.
When you finally came in, you had scratches on your hand and on your cheek.
"What the fuck happened to you?" He leaned onto his hand that was placed on the counter top. His body relaxed and only showed boredom.
In reality he was terrified, you had scratches on your hands and red streaks too. Why?
"Oh, i was just- i fell into a bush." You gave him a smile that made his heart flutter and legs go weak.
He was so happy he was leaning on the counter because he hadn't he would have fallen onto the floor.
Your smile just had that affect on him.
"How stupid can you be? Look were your going next time."
"Aww, thanks sir!"
Good mood was gone. He told you not to treat him like your friend, thats not what you both are.
...But he really hated that you took that very literally and didn't bother to at least call him by his last name.
"Hmm." He gave you your usual and answered the questions you had for him that day.
You started to come in 4 times a week and every time you did he would notice new scratches on you.
The scratches weren't that bad, he thought maybe you were one those "adventures" types, but the red marks were concerning him.
When he would ask you about them you always had a different excuse for them.
"My backpacks straps are bit rough."
"I placed my arm wrong on the table"
It was this or that but never a concrete answer.
It was happening every time you came in so something had to be wrong.
He gathered up the little cuarage he had and decided to ask you what you were doing.
"Why do have so many scratches on you?" You werent expecting him to be so blunt but you happily told him to meet you after his shift at the nearby alleyway.
He was suspicious of you but he was also curious, he desperately needed answers because the concern for your wellbeing was getting to be too much for him.
He followed your instructions and walked towards the alleyway you directed him to.
When he turned the corner he saw the most beautiful scene in the world.
You were surrounded by cats...and you were giving them food.
He could die happily then and there.
"W- this is why you show us with scratches all over you!?" You nodded but got up and walked over to a cardboard box that was tucked under a bigger box.
You told him to follow and when he crouched down to see what was in it he saw two huge eyes staring back at him.
"You've been- this little thing is the reason for your scratches?"
He laughed at you and helped you feed all of the cats.
When the two of you finished up, you picked up the box that the small kitten was tucked in and gave it a pat on the head.
"What are you going to do with the kitten?" Shinsou asked you.
"Well, i wish i could take it with me but i don't think i'd be able to take care of it since i work early in the morning and have classes late at night."
Shinsou's mind started planning.
He really liked you and wanted to be around you more often.
Shit, if he was brutally honest he had a crush on you.
"Well, i have classes early morning while i work at night. So...why don't we co-pa-... i mean co-care for the little guy?" He knows his ears were red, he knows his face was starting to turn red as well.
But he wasn't about to admit that he really wanted you to say "yes".
"Uh, ok. Sure!"
Shinsou was over the moon with this and it was all going so perfectly as well.
The kitten would spend the mornings with you and in the afternoons the two of you would meet up to take care of it together.
You both decided to name the kitten Mieko.
""Beautiful blessing child", thats a cute name! Why do you want to call him that?"
"Because...i want to- y-you idiot. Stop asking so many questions!" You just laughed at him and gave him a pat on the shoulder.
Shinsou melts.
Shinsou would bring the kitten with him to work since his boss had a soft spot for animals.
Imagine how exited he was when you first invited him into your own apartment.
"You have your own place? Color me impressed."
"Thanks Shin." Shinsou blushed a little at the nickname. It had been over a month that you both agreed to take care of the kitten together.
The more time he spent with you the more he fell.
"I hope you like the umm...book." This was another thing that started after the two of you began to co-parent the kitten. He would bring you gifts and act like it meant nothing.
Reality is that he was courting you.
He expected you to make a comment on his gifts but you glossed over them like nothing.
It was getting on his nerves.
"Aah, hey. Do you want to take Mieko out for a walk...again."
"Was that a question or a demand?" You laughed at him
You made it look easy with how much you make him blush.
The more time you both spent with each other, the more Shinsou realized he was truly in love with you and wanted you to be by his side.
But he was facing a problem. You.
You wouldn't pick up on the hints he was dropping on you. His interest on you.
So one day he decides to just tell up upfront if you would like to go on a date with him.
"Hey Shin, do you want to go on a date with me?"
Shinsou. exe has stopped operations
"I'm joking buddy! But seriously do you want to go out to eat? I think Mieko would-"
"W-WHaT!? F-fuck no!" That upset you because you thought he might like free lunch.
"You could've just said no." He was losing you, again.
"N-no wait! What i wanted to say was umm, would you like to go out with me? Like a date! N-not like friends."
You both just stared at each other for a moment, the silence only making the situation worse.
Mieko, your child, just blinked at the two of you.
"These two ridiculous humans are my parents, great." At least this lead to Shinsou moving in with you and Mieko having a permanent home now.
Double the pats for the two new people in your home, double the purring sounds, double the angry and grouchy cats begging for your attention.
Who wold trade this? You got to cuddle with the two most adorable people in this world.
"I'm not fucking adorable Y/n!"
"Shush Toshi or you're not getting cuddles and kisses."
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
The Escape Room
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requested by anon (lol although I know who it is now 👀👀) - a picture of your request will be at the bottom of the post! thanks for the fun prompt!
Pairing: Jin x reader
Premise: Three words: competitive. escape. room.
Warnings: none. what you are about to witness is pure fluff. 
"JEON JUNGKOOK GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME!” You shout as you watch the maknae of the group scrambling from one end of the room to the other. “You too, Seokjin! I’m not about to spend my paycheck buying someone’s dinner!”
Taehyung cackles, giving you a high-five as you run past him, carrying a small portrait in your hands and hanging it up on the opposite wall. You stare at it for a moment before rotating it 90 degrees. An audible click sounds in the small room, and Jungkook lets out a shout of triumph. 
In the escape room next door you can hear Yoongi, Namjoon, Hobi, and Jimin collectively groaning in annoyance. 
It’s like music to your ears. 
You grin, rushing to the door that has just unlocked. It looks like there's only one room left, which is all the better. There’s no way you’re going to be roped into buying dinner for the opposing team. Not when you barely make above minimum wage and have sold your soul to the devil that is higher education. 
Jin isn’t displaying quite the same amount of vigor the other two boys are, instead he’s caught in the middle of the room while the rest of you rush out, making you turn back to him with an arched brow. He’s staring at you with wide eyes, clearly lost inside him own head.
Ears turning a little red at being caught staring, Jin clears his throat and follows after you into the next room. Together, the four of you begin to scour the room for clues. 
Jin grins at your enthusiasm, making a mental note to thank Sejin for bailing at the last second on their afternoon together. As an apology he sent you in his stead, claiming that you were sure to put Namjoon’s team in their place once and for all. 
“Tae, can you reach that book up there?” You ask so politely that it has Jin wondering if you’re the same person that was just shouting orders mere seconds ago. 
Either way, Jin doesn’t care. The only thing he knows is that he’s a goner. 
“I-I’ll get it,” Jin curses himself for his nervous stutter, but brushes it off. “Which book?”
Taehyung and Jungkook share a knowing look, grinning like school children. What neither you nor Jin know is that Sejin didn’t “accidentally bail”. No, he sent you as a part of a larger plot. 
For weeks, Sejin has been going on and on about you and how you’re a perfect match for the eldest member of BTS. He’d wanted to prove it, so naturally he’d created the perfect scenario.
You, and all seven members of BTS at an escape room. Competing against each other. 
And somehow ending up on the same team as an unsuspecting Seokjin who had immediately turned a little red when you greeted him. 
Needless to say, Taehyung and Jungkook knew that things were going along quite nicely. 
“Here you go,” Jin says, passing you the red book you had immediately set your eye on. You smile up at him tentatively, overjoyed when he returns the smile with his own dazzling one. 
Together the two of you bring the book over to the table in the middle of the room and begin leafing through it while Jungkook and Taehyung busy themselves with other tasks. 
Jin doesn’t want to admit that he hasn’t looked at a single page of this book. He’s been too busy marveling at the way your eyes light up and what it does to his heart. Without even thinking about it, he stands a little closer to you. Hopefully you won’t notice. 
You definitely do, but you’re not complaining. Especially not as Jin leans down to point something out on the page and he almost completely covers you with his body.
“You see, this page looks like a map of the room,” Jin says quietly, for your ears only. “Do you think it might have some hints hidden in it?”
You suck on your lower lip, nodding along. “Ooh, very smart Seokjin. But...why are we whispering?”
Jin smiles, the action enough to nearly knock you off of your feet. “Well...how about we team up? Just the two of us? We’ll split the reward.”
Rolling your eyes, you turn to face him, heart rate picking up at the way Jin’s eyes slowly trace the lines of your face. He’s close enough that all it would take is getting up on your tippy-toes - 
“If you wanted to ask her out to dinner, just say it hyung.”
The spell is broken by Jungkook’s giggles as Taehyung smirks at his brother from the opposite end of the table. As though dunked in freezing water, the both of you jump back. 
“What?” Jin gasps, feigning innocence. “Why were you two listening in on our conversation?! I get no respect-”
“Hyung,” Jungkook interrupts. “You do realize that we’re in a very small room, right?”
“Yeah, but-”
“Anyways,” you cut in, “Let’s finish this thing and win! Hurry up, Jungkook. Haven’t you guys found anything?”
It takes another agonizing eight minutes to bust out of the room, Taehyung and Jungkook running through the door at lightning speed. You laugh at their reaction, falling into step beside Jin and walking at a leisurely pace. 
You’re about three steps away from the door and sweet, sweet victory when Jungkook jumps up and closes it on you.
Jin leaps forward, pounding at the door and laughing. “Yah! Open up!”
Jungkook’s muffled voice is heard from the other side. “Not until you ask her out like a man!”
If you could melt through the floor, you would. You laugh awkwardly, putting your head in your hands. Jin continues knocking on the door, slowly losing his original vigor. 
Once he falls silent in his pleas you look up to see him already looking at you. The expression on his face makes him look a little lost, but he swallows thickly before speaking with assumed confidence. 
“I...there’s really no pressure, but if you wanted to, I’d love to-”
The sounds of the other group exiting their escape room cuts Jin off, making him turn an even brighter shade of red. 
“Where’s the rest of your team?” Hobi asks. Taehyung and Jungkook laugh darkly. 
“Spending some alone time on the other side of that door.”
Jin whips around, prepared to knock the door down. “Taehyung-ah! You take that back right now or so help me I’ll....I’ll...” He turns to you with a shocked expression. “Quick, I need something intimidating.”
Stepping up beside Jin, you join him in pounding the door. “Or we’ll cut holes into all of your socks!”
Jin laughs, the sound making you laugh along with him. “Yeah! Watch it!”
Looking up at Jin, you give him a little nudge. “Hey.”
He pauses for a moment, his face red from the exertion. “Yeah?”
“Aren’t you gonna ask me out?”
Tension dissolving from his body in an instant, Jin gives you a genuine smile. A little timid at first, but growing until he can no longer contain his glee. 
“Oh, definitely. What are you doing after this?”
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kaitycole · 3 years
dopamine and epinephrine, just don’t mix
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Summary: Kuroo thinks back on his relationship with Y/N. How will those memories hold up to reality? 
Pairing: Kuroo x fem!reader, Bokuto x fem!reader (platonic)
Word Count: 5351
Warnings: Angst. Toxic behaviors. Cheating allegations. Adult language.
A/N: A special thank you to @twilightwrites​ for this prompt.
Side note: I know the drinking age in Japan is 20, I realized as I was writing the last paragraph of this that I messed up, so we are just gonna let it slide because my head hurts lol
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September – 2013
“Kuroo-san, do you understand what I’ve just explained?” He just nods, the meaning of the words is known, it’s just the weight of them that just hasn’t hit him yet. It not until he’s walking across campus, his feet dragging against the sidewalk, that the weight of his advisor’s words land on his shoulders.
You failed to maintain proper grades to continue not just in this department, but in this university. Your enrollment has been terminated.
Kuroo shakes his head, how exactly would he explain this to his grandmother? She was so proud of him for getting into university in the first place. He really was great at disappointing those he cared for lately.
*                      * The sidewalks are busier than he’s used to, he was always in class at this time and he ends up brushing against a few people as he maneuvers his way to the nearest convenience store. The dinging of the welcome bell draws him from the jumble of thoughts he was having. The cool air from the refrigerated unit, grabbing several cans of lemon flavored chūhai. It was cheap, didn’t taste all that great, but he didn’t care.
There are three empty cans piled next to his foot, his hand tightens around the fourth one, it caves under his fingertips. The blend of alcohol on an empty stomach has Kuroo on the verge of tipsiness.
He hears a soft laugh and feels himself stiffen when he sees (h/c) hair as his mind blanks. It’s been almost a year since he’s seen her, a flash of the malice words exchanged and the sound the door made as it was slammed crosses his mind.
Suddenly he’s self-conscious of how he looks, quickly running his fingers through his unruly hair (not that that would help) and scrabbles to pick the cans up and cram them into his bag. He doesn’t fully hear the name, but enough to know it wasn’t her, making him feel a bit ridiculous.
Dopamine: hormone and neurotransmitter that's an important part of your brain's reward system; associated with happiness and pleasure.
June – 2010
“Can you tell me where Ko-chan is?”
Kuroo turned to see an unfamiliar face staring back up at him. She tucked a stray piece of her (h/c) hair behind her ear, nervously biting her bottom lip, and Kuroo instantly thought she was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. So much, that instead of answering her, he just stood there, staring.
“Bokuto-san is this way, L/N-san.” Akaashi said as he walked up behind her.
She smiled at Kuroo, apologizing for bothering him before following Akaashi over to where the rowdy ace of Fukurōdani was. Once Bokuto’s eyes fell onto the girl, he ran towards her, wrapping her into a tight hug, thanking her repeatedly for bringing his extra gym bag all the way to the training camp.
Kuroo waited until Bokuto was alone before he made his way over, trying to figure out how to work in his question. “Bokuto, who is that?” Bo looked over to Akaashi who was talking to this mystery girl before looking back at Kuroo with a sloppy grin on his face. “Why? Interested?”
Kuroo felt his head getting fuzzy, like when he held it over the edge of his bed for too long, “I was…uhm…just wondering.”
“That’s Y/N. We grew up together, but in fifth grade she moved away, just recently moved back.”
That explained why Kuroo didn’t know her even though her and Bo came off extremely close.
“She’s single.”
Kuroo felt his face start to burn, embarrassment covering it as he tried to speak, but all that came out were broken parts of a sentence. “Oh, well…I don’t…bother…just…yeah.”
** Y/N was standing in the doorway of the gym, watching as Bokuto hit down each practice set Akaashi sent his way, he truly had gotten even more powerful since they were children. She rubbed her hands against her arms, trying to warm up, she tensed when she felt a slight bit of weight on her shoulders.
She turned around to see a messy raven-haired boy standing behind her, his oversized red jacket draped over her shoulders. “Rooster boy!”
“Huh?” Kuroo raised an eyebrow, unsure of how to really respond.
“Ko-chan told me to call you that.” She smiled up innocently at Kuroo and he felt himself get weak in the knees.
He mumbled something to the effect of ‘horned owl bastard’ underneath his breath which seemed to make her laugh just a little bit. He ran his fingers through his hair, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious about the state of his hair.
She turned back around, eyes wide in awe as Bokuto slammed another ball onto the other side of the court, Kuroo couldn’t help but wonder what it’d be like if she looked at him like that, but blocking wasn’t as flashy as spikes were and he didn’t want to get ahead of himself. He turned around on his heel, getting ready to head back to where the rest of his team is.
“Are you trying to play hard to get?” “Huh?” He looked back at her, she had spun around, a devilish smirk on her smirk.
“You gave me your jacket even though you only have a t-shirt on, but you don’t tell me your name or ask if I want go somewhere to talk.”
“Oh, I thought you wanted to watch Bo play, I…uh…didn’t want to bother you.”
She slipped her arms into his jacket, zipping it up, “nah, I can see Bo play at school.”
“Did you want to go talk somewhere?” “I don’t go places with strangers.” She tilted her head, giving him a knowing look.
He shook his head, “I’m Kuroo Tetsurō, nice to meet you…?” “L/N F/N. Likewise Tetsu-chan!” She grabbed his hand, “c’mon, let’s go!”
He felt the blood rush to his cheeks as his feet moved on their own, following this mystery girl and he already knew that he was gonna have his hands full, not that he really cared.
*                      * December – 2010
The two of them were in Kuroo’s room, something they did often on the weekends, sometimes working on school work, other times just enjoying each other’s company. She’s flipping through a magazine, her chin rested on her palms as she looked over her shoulder at the middle blocker, a smile on her face. Kuroo was leaning against his headboard and couldn’t help but forget what he was about to say.
“Are you a carbon sample?” He smirked when she gave him a puzzled look, “because I want to date you.” Her face lit up as she pushed herself up, sitting up while crossing her legs as she faced Kuroo. “Oh! Oh! Oh! I have one too!” She clapped her hands in excitement, “you look sweeter than 3.14!”
He laughed before he shook his head, “no, Y/N, I’m asking you out.”
“You’re asking me out using a science pun?” His face went completely red, cheek burned as he rubbed the back of his head. “…yeah.”
“You’re such a dork!” She started laughing, falling over to the side as her giggles filled the now empty room. When she finally composed her, wiping the tears that had fallen down her cheeks, she smiled up at him, “but I guess that means you’re my dork.” “That a yes?” Kuroo held his breath, worried that she was about to reject him because looking back on it, it was kinda lame, even for him.
She crawled up to Kuroo side, leaning into it as he wrapped his arm around her waist, “it’s a proton positive?”
*                      * September – 2013
Kuroo staggers up the stairs, thankful that he only lives on the second floor of his apartment building. He drops his bag near the door while he kicks off his shoes as he makes his way to the closet in his room.
The apartment is pretty bare for someone to be living there. The furniture that’s there is just what’s needed, the bare minimum through the apartment. A bed and night stand in the bedroom, couch and TV in the living room area and the only reason he had a TV stand was because Kenma almost had a heart attack when he saw Kuroo had it sitting on the floor.
Y/N was supposed to decorate it, that had been their deal when the subject of moving in together came up. The plan was to get an apartment between the universities they had planned to attend and she could decorate it however she wanted, all Kuroo cared about was getting to come home to her. But it was obvious that day never happened, they didn’t even make it searching for apartments together before things fell apart and Kuroo picked an apartment closest to his school.
He’s rummaging through the bedroom closet before pulling out an old tin box, the kind that trading cards come in. Wiping off the thin layer of dust that has accumulated on the top, he slowly opens it, a flood of emotions washes over him.
*                      * March – 2011
“Y/N seems really happy.” Bo said, the three of them had all met up to see a movie that recently released.
Kuroo was happy that his girlfriend and best friend were also close, it made things a lot easier and he didn’t have to worry about them getting along, even if they had technically known each other longer. “I hope she is, I’d do anything for her.”
“What are you two whispering about?” She snuck up behind them, popcorn in hand, placing her chin on Kuroo’s shoulder.
“Guy stuff.”
“Laaame!” She shook her head, walking towards the theatre where their movie was playing, “we’re gonna miss the trailers!”
** “Where to next?” She looked between the boys, eager to keep their night going. 
“I should probably head back, I don’t want to worry my grandparents.” Kuroo glanced at the time on his phone, he knew the movie might run late but he didn’t think they’d be out this late. He felt bad as he watched her face drop, clearly not the answer she was expecting.
“Yeah, it is getting a bit late.” Bokuto agreed with a slight shrug.
Y/N dragged her feet along the sidewalk, her shoulder dropped which caused both boys to share a look.
“Is this about what we talked about earlier?” Bokuto asked, pulling her into a side hug.
Kuroo looked between them, curiosity filling him as he tries to think if she told him anything that was bothering her, but he can’t. “What did you two talk about?” She shook her head, “it’s nothing.” She looked up at him, giving him a small straight smile.
Part of him wanted to ask her again, to get her to open up and talk to him about it because it was bothering her then it bothers him, but he didn’t. He tried to find comfort in the fact that at least she could tell Bo about it, at least she had someone, but it still hurt that that someone wasn’t him.
*                      * May – 2011
It had bothered Kuroo for weeks now that it seemed Y/N was confiding more and more into Bokuto that she was him. He was her boyfriend, he was the one she should be going to, right? Then why was she continuously going to their friend?
His irritation started to splinter into other aspects of his life, tests that he should’ve passed he didn’t, blocks he should’ve made he missed, but the boiling point came when Fukurōdani played Nekoma and she came decked out in Fukurōdani colors, cheerfully talking to Bo and his team. He knew it shouldn’t bug him like it was, she attended that school, but what still pissed him off were the comments he heard as they walked by the team.
Comments from other team members and what seemed like potential classmates of theirs repeatedly saying different variations of how cute her and Bo looked together, what a great couple they’d make and the way that she would hang onto Bo’s side.
The game was long, Kuroo spend half the game lost in his anger and the other half moving on auto-pilot as his body seemed to move on its own. Somehow Nekoma ended up winning, but that didn’t change the way he felt as he practically stormed off the court towards the locker room. He understood how important Bo was to her, that they were best friends and had been for longer than he knew either of them, but that didn’t alleviate the anger that radiated off of his shoulders nor did it stop him from slamming the doors he walked through.
He didn’t stop, just continued to walk down the hallway and toward the main entrance, acting as though he’s the only one there.
“Tetsu-chan!” She reached out, pulling his duffle bag’s strap back towards her.
He refused to turn around, having a feeling that he’d lash out and he didn’t want to do that. He needed space, time to cool down, he didn’t want to give her the ultimatum of him or Bo and he had a feeling if he opened his mouth, that’s what he’d say.
She looked at his back, unsure of why he was so upset, his team had just won, shouldn’t he be more excited? “For someone who just won, you’re acting like emo Bo.”
Kuroo’s eye twitched, just hearing her compare him to Bo so effortlessly was painful and caused his thoughts to spiral. Did she want to be with him? Would she rather be with Bo? He clenched his fist, hating the way he felt and hating himself more for feeling that way. He hated the ugly jealousy that wrapped around his chest, weaving around his lung, making it harder to breathe as it tightened. He yanked his bag strap away from her, leaving her standing there as he stormed out.
** A few weeks went by and communication between Kuroo and Y/N was awkward and basic, simple “hello’s” and “yeah, you?” filled most of their exchanges. It all came down to Bo inviting both of them over to his place and essentially locking them in his room, forcing them to talk to each other.
“Tetsu-chan.” She bit down on her lip, tears filled her eyes, the reality of how distant they had grown weighed down the atmosphere, “are we breaking up?” “What?” His head snapped up, finally looking her. He didn’t want to break-up, he wasn’t even mad anymore, he just didn’t know how to get back to where they were. It felt weird to just try to just back in as if nothing had ever happened.
She wrapped her arms tightly around herself as if creating a wall between them, an attempt to brace herself from the pain that seemed to be coming. She tried her hardest to keep her lip from quivering. “’Cause this is a very shitty way of doing that. You could’ve just called.”
He wasn’t sure what was going on, she didn’t look like she wanted to break up, but she sounded like she was ready for one. What sense did that make? The room almost felt hostile, “so I look like the guy that’d break up over the phone, is that what you think of me?” “Did I say that? No. But it’d be better than dumping me in Bo’s room!”
“I didn’t say I wanted to break up!”
“Then why have you been avoiding me?”
“You hurt my feelings!” Kuroo voice raised a bit louder than it had been, both of them pausing in their spot. The tension immediately disappeared and she slowly walked up to him, an adorable pout on her face.
She threw her arms around him, sobbing into his chest, “I’m so sorry!” “It’s fine, it’s stupid anyways.” He rubbed circles on her back, pulling her in closer to him.
She protested, claiming anything that bothered him couldn’t be stupid and demanded that he tell her and he did. That he knew it was rather silly to be jealous of her supporting her school, but it made him wonder if she was embarrassed to say she was with him. That he knew it was important for her to have friends and he was glad Bo was one, but she wanted her to see him as someone she could go to in the same she could to Bo because as lame as it sounded, he didn’t like feeling like the odd man out.
She reassured him that it was nothing like that and told him that she saw where he was coming from. She told him that if the roles had been reversed, she would’ve definitely felt the same way that he had and that they both needed to work on their communication skills because they both agreed neither of them wanted what they had to end.
They walked out of the room together, holding hands and Bo looked excited to see they worked things out, wrapping them both in a huge hug. Kuroo thought he felt confident in what she said to him, but then he saw how she seemed to just naturally gravitate towards Bo even when he was there and that sinking feeling he had weeks ago at their game came back, this time plowing into him like a wrecking ball.
*                      * September – 2013
Kuroo accidentally kicks the box as he staggers to stand up, the memories proving to be a bit too much for him. But something in him made him want to see the task through, to see everything that he was holding on to, but to do that he needed alcohol.
His phone starts to vibrate in his pocket, he takes it out immediately pressing the button on the side to silence it then presses it again to send it to voice mail. Kuroo knows who it is, it’s the only person who would be calling him: Kenma.
He opens the fridge, pulling out what few cans of beer he has before shuffling back to his room, flopping down in the stop that’s still warm from him sitting there just moments ago. He puts his phone on floor near him, glancing at the screen as it lights up from a text notification.
Kenma: Missed Call (4) Text Message (15)
Technically he had no reason to avoid his best friend, but he didn’t feel like he deserved Kenma’s kindness because all he had done lately was mess things up. He didn’t want Kenma to tell him everyone messes up and he can fix things since he knew that it was too late to do any of that now.
He pulls out a small pile of printed photographs, some printed out on the mini polaroid paper from the camera she wanted for her birthday. She was his first serious relationship, between school and volleyball he never really gave dating much thought, but it was different with her. She kept him on his toes, made him want to be better, he really could see a future with her, but he screwed it up and now all he had were these pictures.
Pictures that ranged from dates to study sessions, from volleyball games to random adventures through Tokyo. Looking at them made him wonder if she kept the matching ones? Did she have a box too?
A bit of beer splatters when he cracks open the tab and he frantically wiped the picture across his thigh, drying it but smearing the liquid across the photo. He wanted to believe that he tried hard enough to make things work, that he gave it his all, but when he thought back to that night, her words told him differently.
Epinephrine: surges at panic/emergency; provokes stress response— brings out arousal of extreme emotions like fear and anger.
January— 2012
“It’s really not that big of a deal!” She said for the fourth time within the last five minutes, but Kuroo wasn’t listening.
“It is!” He shook his head, pacing her bedroom, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to control what he said if he sat down, he needed to walk this anger out of him.
“He was the first person I saw, Tetsu.” She really didn’t mean anything by telling Bokuto she had been accepted into her top two choices for college, he literally happened to be the first person she saw after getting the news. They’d been dating for two years and he still got jealous when it came to Bo and she wasn’t sure why.
“You just don’t get it.” He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to even out his breathing, he really didn’t want to fight with her.
“You’re right, I don’t. I don’t get why my boyfriend gets so upset when I tell my best friend things.”
“Because you told him first! I should know first!”
She snorted, “this is stupid. I mean honestly you sound like a child.”
“A child, nice.” He grabbed his jacket from her desk chair, shoving passed her as he walked down the hall before slipping on his shoes and going right out the front door.
She followed him, yelling at him to stop, yanking on his arm when she finally catches up. “I’m sorry.”
He didn’t say anything at first, just stood there as she repeatedly apologized, tightly wrapping her arms around his torso.
“I don’t know why I get so jealous.” He sounded defeated and he was, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t place why he felt so threatened by Bo. Maybe it was because he knew her longer, knew parts of her that he didn’t or maybe it’s because deep down he just didn’t feel like he deserved her.
“I know.” She buried her face into his chest, still hugging him. She believed that he didn’t know why he felt that way, but she was still tired of dealing with it, regardless of how much she loved him.
*                      * April – 2012
It was the weird time between graduation and university getting ready to start, Y/N was over at Kuroo’s, his room now filled with boxes. Things didn’t bounce back to normal the way it did before when she thought they were breaking up, after their latest fight things were kinda awkward. They still hung out, but it was mostly just them sitting in the same room both engaged in something alone.
Kuroo looked over when he heard her giggle, raising an eyebrow before humming.
“Yukie sent the group chat some pictures from graduation.” She handed her phone to him, scooting a bit closer so they could look together.
Most of them were harmless, to be fair they were all harmless, but Kuroo started to question them as they went through them. There were ones of Y/N with Yukie and Kaori and some with various team members. Then they got to ones with Bo and both of them stiffened, neither had mentioned him unless they had to since their last fight. There were ones with Bo hanging on an unamused looking Akaashi, but the one that Kuroo hated was one of Bo next to Y/N, his hand “too low” on her hip for his liking.
He pushed himself off his bed, trying to calm down, but he knew this time he wouldn’t be able to.
“Tetsu, it was just a picture.”
He made an annoyed sound, something between a scoff and a laugh, as he shook his head. “He didn’t have to put his hand on your hip like that.”
She rolled her eyes, “it’s just a stupid pose. Everyone does it!” She flipped through the pictures, zooming in on Yukie’s arm that was wrapped around her waist, “see! Look! Her arm is around me, that make you mad too?” “It’d be different if you weren’t practically begging Bo to fuck you!”
The words hung heavy between them, for Kuroo it was a weight of his shoulders to get the words out but for Y/N, it knocked the wind out of her lungs. They were supposed to look at apartments today, find one to live in together while going to college, but a fight like this wasn’t in the plans. At least not for her, she was hoping that they could mend things and start over since they’d be moving away from Bo.
“W-w-what?” Her face was scrunched up in disbelief, the words still not being fully processed.
“I mean the way you flaunt yourself in front of him in that skirt!”
“Skirt?” Her face went deadpan, “you mean my fucking school uniform?”
28 months, they’d been together for over two years and she couldn’t he said that to her, couldn’t believe that he felt that way. Tears started to fill her eyes, for months she walked on pins and needles, carefully edited her words around him and now she had to hear the person she loved the most say the worse kind of words to her.
“You know what I mean! Don’t twist my words!”
“I’m not and I can’t believe you!” She wiped the tears from her face aggressively, “I have done nothing to cause you to feel this way!”
“I’m just making it up? It’s just in my head?” “YES! Bo is our best friend. Friends, that’s all we have ever been!” She started to look around the room, trying to find the sweatshirt she brought with her, she couldn’t have this fight again.
“Friends don’t act like you two do.”
“Boyfriends don’t act like you do!” She took three steps towards Kuroo to grab her sweatshirt before she turned and walked towards his door. She hesitated, thinking Kuroo would call out to her, but he doesn’t, instead he just let her leave.
*                      * July – 2012
They didn’t get a shared apartment like they had planned to. Kuroo stayed in Tokyo while YN moved to Kyoto, choosing a completely different university than she originally intended. For most of their first semester in university they barely spoke at all, neither really making it a point to reach out. Ironically, if it wasn’t Bokuto they wouldn’t have known how the other was doing, how the other was dealing with the upgrade from high school to college.
Then Bokuto mentioned a Fukurōdani vs Nekoma game, invited both of them and both eagerly accepted. Which lead to a very awkward game, each sitting on the opposite side of Bokuto, who was far too busy cheering on his old team to notice. Bokuto ran off after the game, Akaashi had called, leaving the two to awkwardly walk home.
They get close to her house, both lingering on the sidewalk, kicking imaginary rocks to act as if they had something keeping them outside.
“Y/N, I’m –“
“I think we should break up.”
“Y/N, I –”
“No. I don’t want to hear any excuses anymore. I tried so hard to make this work, but what you said to me hurt Kuroo, it really hurt.”
Kuroo. When was the last time she called him that?
“I never did anything to make you think those things, I wouldn’t do that. I really did love you, but I can’t keep doing this. It’s not healthy.”
*                      * September – 2013
It had been over a year and he stilled kicked himself for not saying anything to her that night, for letting her walk away without even trying to hold onto their relationship. But that night he discovered that everything he thought about them was a lie. He thought that he had been trying to keep them together, that he had been trying his hardest to be a good boyfriend, but he was the one who tore them apart. He was the one who got it in his head that she was acting a way that he knew she wasn’t, he knew that Bo was just her friend and what made it even worse was after their break-up, Bo and Akaashi announced their relationship.
Not only did he lose his girlfriend, the only girl he’d ever loved, but she eventually told Akaashi what happened and when Bo found out, he was livid. Even Akaashi hadn’t seem Bo as mad as he was when he called and told off Kuroo for ever thinking that about him and Y/N. Maybe all of this was what he deserved, he had been truly awful as a boyfriend and a friend, but even with that awareness, he still missed her. Still wanted her back, wanted to truly be able to fix things with her because he knew he could be better given one more chance.
*                      * October – 2013
Being back at home isn’t as bad as Kuroo built it up in his head to be. His grandparents weren’t thrilled that he wasn’t going to finish up this semester, but he promised them after some time, after he could clear his head, he would go back.
He picked up a part-time job at a convenient shop, just needing something to force him out of his thoughts because somehow being back at home was even worse than being alone in his apartment. Even though he knew she was hours away, it didn’t stop him from almost breaking his neck to see if every girl passing with (h/c) was her. He hadn’t seen her up close since their breakup, so he didn’t know if she had long, short, buzzed hair, hell he didn’t even know if she had colored it differently.
“You didn’t forget my (favorite flavor) tea, did you?”
Kuroo stops in the middle of ringing up a customer at the sound of a familiar voice. Over the last year and a half, he swore he had heard it several times, but this time he is positive that it’s her. He looks up just in time to see her smiling at someone that the aisle is preventing him from seeing and he feels his heart thump into his chest.
He wants to step away from the register, to tell them to just give him a moment, that’s all he needs with her to try to get her to just hear him out, but there’s a pretty long line and she disappears deeper into the store.
He looks up from ringing up the few items that were placed on the counter and it was her. Her in person, not in his dreams or random memories that flooded his mind when was alone. He wanted to ask her to wait for him, to give him just a few minutes to talk to him, but the person next to her wrapped his arm around her and his heart sank.
“Are you on break from school?” She tilts her head to the side.
“Just thought I’d take some time off, clear my head.” He told them the total price, the mystery man handing him the amount. “What about you?” She clears her throat, shifting a bit awkwardly which isn’t missed on either man. “Bo invited us to celebrate him signing to a pro team.” “Ah. So this is…” The man quickly introduces himself, Kuroo doesn’t bother to catch his name, but the title he gives himself sticks in his mind: boyfriend. He wants to be mad, how could she just move on like that? How could she just forget everything they had and start over with this…guy?
“We should get going, Y/N.”
“It was nice seeing you.” She gives him a small polite smile, taking the man’s hand as they walked out of the store. But she pauses before going through the door and for a brief moment Kuroo holds his breath, hoping she’ll tell him she wants to talk. She doesn’t, instead she shakes her head with a small laugh and follows her boyfriend outside.
That’s the moment Kuroo realizes that he no longer has a place in her life to go back to, that no matter how hard and tightly he holds onto the memories they made, he would never get her back. And that realization shook Kuroo to his core.
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