#in Steve's mind it's like 5 yrs at most
cheolhub · 9 months
SARRR happy one yr to cheolhub 🫶 ilysm and u actually deserve the absolute world (and ur money back 🍅 my offer still stands btw) ^^ for ur event, may i please get a moodboard and playlist? if it's not too much ofc, u can always choose j one to do hfjsjfj i will literally eat up anything u give me bc again i love u
ASHLEE MY TWIN !!! thank you, i love u sm ⭐️⭐️ YOU CAN HAVE BOTH <3
ok i was really excited to make ur moodboard bc i had like 361747 different ideas in my mind (real and tru) but this is the one that spoke to me the most!!! and yeah i added yoongi from his bday live bc he’s!!!!!! just very !!!!!!
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I GAVE YOU 10 SONGS INSTEAD OF 7 BC I COULDNT CHOOSE…. i hope u like some of them >< they kinda match the vibe of ur playlist… kinda….
can also be called ‘this is a really weird mix that i can’t begin to explain’ mix ⭐️
outro: do you think it makes sense? — BTS
i HADDD to give u a bts song and what better than a song from dark & wild (aka one of their best albums) not to mention, the best track on the album (im not wrong)
the beach — the neighbourhood
*head in hands* i dont know WHAT it is, but you remind me of all the good ass music i used to listen to while i was doing self-discovery a few years ago,,, i think that’s bc u told me u liked 5sos and that literally unlocked something for me so now i associate you with all the music i used to listen to before kpop bcfshdhsb i hope this doesn’t sound offensive??? it is a good thing i swear 😭
disconnected — 5 seconds of summer
THIS IS BC I KNOW YOU LIKE THEM AND I ALSO LIKE THEM AND THIS SONG WAS FUCKING LIFE CHANGING…. i was debating on this and outer space/carry on bc i have a feeling u like that song… but i chose this tho bc it was romantic and i feel like i had to make up for putting the beach by the neighbourhood in ur playlist
skyline to — frank ocean
sex, drugs, etc. — beach weather
brooklyn baby — lana del rey
la belle femme — HUNNY
0g — fromis_9
cigarette daydreams — cage the elephant
helmet — steve lacy
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brain not working, but i know the fandom knows this.
how much time passed between bucky falling off the train and when steve goes into the ice?
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hohoz · 3 years
How RE Village (8) SOLVED almost every problem that I had with RE Series
Okay - a few weeks ago I made a post that was “The ones that suffer the most” where I showed and explained my main problems with Chris and Jill and the RE series in general 
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RE 1 is my fav game of this series and probably one of my all time favs, I player every RE there is to be played except 4 (because I dislike Leon, sry) 
Recently, specially after 4, the franchise had a few problems, specially in writing/map design/lore 
Resident evil 5 for example (I love this game) but it has it flaws, Chris there is only driven by anger and action - Sheva is used as a tool for lore exposition and to be Chris’s new partner 
PLEASE: be aware that game at that generation didn’t have much lore - with some exceptions, like God of War 1 2 3 were a simply game with a simple lore, and the most recent GoW has evolved a little bit in the storytelling
Until we hit rock bottom in RE6 - I know a lot of people like this game, but this is only and action game, bad writing and generic stages. 
Chris there is so mistreated that makes me mad (if you want to read more about this go to my other post “the ones that suffer the most”)
Until RE7 appeared, Capcom had a new engine and they wanted to do a game that was more horror like - since RE is know for being a Survival horror game.
I liked 7 - some people complained about Ethan being without emotion and others complained about the mold, a few didn’t like the FEAR vibes from Eveline. 
I personally enjoyed the game, I thought RE series was going back on track, that game has it’s problems but it was really nice compared to what we had in 6.
After that game I had a conversation with my best friend and I said that I wanted a game that portrayed Umbrella’s fall since the only game that shows this is Umbrellas Chronicles (and that is most a resume of what happened)
And I said: “Bro, I wish that when they made that game, they could tie some mythological lore and human evolution before Umbrella - using Spencer, this would solve LOT OF STUFF and open new ways to handle this series”
and guess what - this happened in RE8 and kudos to the one writer that did that, i have my gratitude. 
RESIDENT EVIL 8 is probably one of the BEST RE games that we had IN YEARS
And I want to address all thing that I loved in this game and do some predictions to what will happen in the next games.
“WELL WELL IF IT ISN’T ETHAN WINTERS” (The Father of the year)
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My father was not a great guy... really, so I want to be the best dad ever, I really want be like Ethan - a guy who is ready to sacrifice and fight every monster in the way to save my family. 
Ethan was a character that in RE7 was used to make us fell like that it was us in the Baker’s house, so that is why he didn’t had that much personality (in my opinion) but they changed that in RE8, here he has nice dialogues AND a diary 
He has one of the best story line in the whole REverse, a guy that did EVERYTHING in his power to save his daughter - and you saw that playing the game, every sentence line that he delivered, he tried to save others too and even tho Chris said to him stay put ... but he couldn’t, he had to go to the altar, he had to help Chris, he had to go forward and keep going, specially after having the tools to face Heisenberg. 
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The plea from a father, that was his last wish, after he heard that Mia was alive he knew that someone had to stop that monster, he made a promise to his daughter “Daddy won’t let those weird fairy tale monsters get you” so he trusted Chris, to be the one that teaches his kid how to be brave and strong
I will not address Chris and Rose situation here because this is Ethans part and he deserves completely all the spotlight, his sacrifice was 100x times better than Steve (CV)/Piers(6)
My cheers to Ethan Winters - You have my respect !
Revelations -> RE8 
So leaks from earlier times said that RE8 sucked and Revelations 3 was amazing
Revelations FYI is know for using old tales in RE stories 
Revelations 1 - Dante’s Inferno 
Revelations 2 - Frans Kafka 
Revelations 3 - Dracula 
But since RE8 sucked, Capcom said to the REV3 team that they could make REV3 become RE8 and they accepted 
Revelations series is one of the best in the games, they handle Jill in a way that I love, Claire and even Barry - so they deserve all the spotlight for making this awesome game - you CLEARLY can see that they love this series and that they treat all the characters with the love that they deserve. 
Keeping that in mind, they are the same team that made Rev 2 and in REV 2 we have this file here 
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So they had a plan for Jill and we can see that in RE8 - I will address that later but keep that in mind - this team cares for the old characters, they were the ones that brought Barry back to the games :V 
Chris Redfield 
This is a hard one, because he is my fav character and I usually have the most critics regard him, since I’ve expect a lot from Capcom 
In the latest games they made him kind dumb, only muscles type of guy and an alcoholic that let all the people in his surroundings die (RE5,RE6,Vendetta) 
RE6 treats him the WORST
But in RE8 he had an amazing part in the storyline, it was obvious that he wasn’t evil and they FIXED HIS EYE COLOR - FINALLY 
I still don’t like the model face that much but it’s way better than 7 - so I believe Capcom, I still feel that he need more jawline 
But let’s go to the most important thing - here he really feels like a squad leader and a veteran, he has his team but he is the one in the front line, he covers and ask for help when he needs, everything about his line delivery makes you feel like “Woah, this guy is a badass, he is not some stupid guy only driven by emotions”
If you remember my post about the ones that suffer the most / Jill is also in that list and I will talk about her a little bit later but if my guess is right RE8 saved her character aswell
Another thing that I enjoyed here is the fact that he is kind of a mercenary / Neo Umbrella kind of guy, even tho he is one of the founders of the BSAA
So I will give you all my score to this game: 
I won’t give 10/10 because of some technical issues, the cursor lock didn’t work and mouse sensitivity was i dunno, not the best. 
RE8 and the future (PREDICTIONS)  - Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, BSAA, Neo Umbrella, Ada Wong and Rosemary
First let’s look Rose
The first time I saw Rose all grown up - I thought to myself : She has the same problem as Eveline (age a lot faster than normal) 
But she also absorbed Miranda’s power since the metalicite (something like this) thought that she was a better host. - so maybe she will live longer or something because I doubt that they will do a 14 years time skip. 
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This is not the same as Terra Save logo (Claire’s job) but it kind reminds me of it - her shoes appeared at least 3 times in this cut scene so maybe they are trying to show some hints with this 
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She really reminds me of Jodie (Beyond two souls, a game where a girl has a lot of power and the gov uses her in missions and stuff, but she also is learning how to be her own person) 
Another thing here is that they don’t have a logo in this car, it really reminds me the car that Chris as using in RE8 
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This supports the theory that Chris’s organization is dealing with her instead of the BSAA, the she is a hot headed girl and that she had a lot of powers. 
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So here you can say that she is just a kid because she is a teenager, but what if she actually grows older really fast (like Eveline) maybe this is just 1 year later / 2 yrs later. (after RE8)
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So this is the tricky part, this is Chris’s guard/soldier, someone that Chris trust to stand by her side, in my mind I do believe that Chris is kind of a father figure to her, so when this guys says this he is thinking about hot head Chris but she replies “Yeah” thinking about Ethan - (she has the mold memories, so she can actually remember Ethan’s memories) 
Now let’s look at this 
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So in REV1 is hinted that BSAA is not the best organization in the world, but since our heroes work there we think that they are the good guys right ? 
In REV 2 (it’s important to remember that the team that created RE8 is the same from the REVELATIONS and they had this file here in REV2)
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This email is from Jill and what does Jill have ? T-Virus 
Wesker is a different case since he was a project and she had the vaccine but this would make a lot of sense if they had this tests with Jill to get the T-Virus
If that is the case, they explained Jill’s absence in the main games, could even explain why Chris left BSAA and opened a new window to a lot of possibilities 
My Predictions: 
- Chris had trouble dealing with BSAA and Jill’s case, he wanted to get her out of there, maybe he removed her from there but that resulted in him being expelled from the force
-Jill may or may not know what they are doing with her blood, but she will have a huge part in the BOW used by BSAA 
-Chris is married to Jill (sorry- I had to place this here, in a perfect world he has two kids with her and they all love aunt Rose) 
-Chris will hopefully be a father figure to Rose and they will be in a game together since in the end they came to get her
-Rebecca is still involved in BSAA activities (leak from new REV3) if you consider Vendetta canon, she maybe the one that used Jill’s sample of blood to create the virus soldiers
-Barry maybe retired 
-I don’t think Leon will be in this game, but he will get his RE4 Rmk 
- I do believe RE9 will be release after Code veronica rmk and MAYBE they will do a game about Umbrella’s Fall (Chris and Jill in Europe against Red Queen and BOWs) 
But that is it, you can see a lot of elements from old RE games in RE8, they tried to do something really smart and the game felt amazing to play, that was something else and it’s been a while since a player a RE game that made me feel that way <3
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avengersapology-vid · 4 years
Avengers during quarantine
steve: takes it like a champ, the 40s had absolutely no technology so he’s used to spending long periods of time doing nothing. takes advantage and watches all the movies and shows on his ever growing pop culture list, and upgrading his bike. is required to make infomercials. “remember folks; wash your hands, wear a mask, and social distance.”
tony: helps steve film his infomercials, and gets so pissy when steve doesn’t take his directions that he makes his own. “fine if you won’t do a full fireworks display, i will!” builds yet another array of suits (that aren’t murderous this time), and other completely tricked out gadgets and suits for the team. makes a city out of nats amazon boxes, and lives in it for 3 days before bruce accidentally hulks out and destroys it.
natasha: gets wine drunk and online shops. she’s the sole reason for the amount of amazon and other mail carrier boxes that start to pile up in the garage; you could build a miniature version of half of manhattan with them. buys masks in bulk, but they’re all different kinds. some are plain black, or regular medical grade. others are either weird cartoon mouths or super kawaii glittery sanrio type masks. the type of wine affects the type of mask she orders. bruce ends up hiding her mastercard.
bruce: he knows the severity of the pandemic, and is grateful for the stay at home orders. very big on cleaning constantly and wearing masks. he spends quarantine doing science experiments, and even tries to help find a cure or solution. almost hulks out when the home order is lifted prematurely, and he catches glimpses of the “bar lives matter” protests. spends time relaxing with natasha and tony. despite the obvious stress, its the most relaxed hes been in yrs.
clint: being the family man he is, obviously quarantines at home. he’s happy to have a prolonged break from the team, and more bonding time with his wife and kids. they play video games, make frog shaped bread, and he teaches his kids sign language. by the 4th month of quarantine they’re all almost completely communicating in sign. tony gets mad at him for not inviting him over to make frog bread.
thor: gets stuck at the avengers facility, and it is recommended that he stay on earth so as not to risk spreading to asgard. he sticks to playing fortnite and eating vast amounts of poptarts. he freaks out a little when his stash runs out and is the sole reason why the secret facilitys address gets leaked. makes friends with the grocery delivery person every time, and over tips.
loki: big time germaphobe!!! walks around with a mask and gloves at all times, probably showers several times a day. hoards lysol, wipes, and clorox, and only gives his stash to the others. although peter claims he saw him donating some to a women’s shelter. gets called out on a facebook mom group he was in (trying to keep track of stores with cleaning tings in stock) for hoarding. “sorry you refuse to get up at 5 am to shop jill. i am a god you dull creature, and i will not be bullied by a woman with a jersey duck nail!”
sam: baker affff, he shows up late to a meeting one day with a tray of cinnamon rolls and fury absolutely looses his mind. "HEHE I MADE CINNAMON ROLLS WITH A-" and nick is like "YOU’RE LATE! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO START 2 HOURS AGO! YOU CAN TAKE YOUR CINNAMON ROLLS AND SHOVE THEM RIGHT UP YOUR A-" "I PUT APPLES IN THEM" goes crazy spending most of his time in the kitchen. attempts to make thor poptarts.
bucky: he and steve are literally the kings of quarantine. bucky gets through the pop culture bucket list with steve, and actually tries to bond with his team mates. he falls into a rabbit hole of conspiracy videos (fully believes that paul mcartney died in the 60s, and if her brother didn’t kill her....then jon benet is definitely katy perry) and urban exploration videos and makes a list of places to explore when the stay at home order lifts.
peter: he goes absolutely crazy. he has to resume classes online, he feels stuck in his small room. eventually, may sends him upstate to the avengers facility where he has more freedom to roam around within a safe space. he can be found on facetime with MJ doing homework, or pranking the others with pietro and thor.
wanda: definitely spends time rereading popular series. i’m talking twilight, percy jackson, hunger games, vladimir tod etc. if you read it in middle school, it’s on her shelf. mostly orders through amazon, but as soon as the pandemic dies down a little shes at a book store stocking up. (side-note: shes team edward and definitely wants to be alice for halloween)
pietro: he rarely gets sick, but when he does it’s absolute hell! he panic buys toilet paper, lysol, and bath and body works sanitizers (specifically stress relief, noir, and warm vanilla sugar) he goes with loki to shop and speeds over to the tp and cleaning product aisle to shove things in his basket. he’s the sole reason why they start putting a limit on how much you can purchase. he doesn’t get sick at all, but definitely becomes a hypochondriac by month 2. he forms towers and statutes out of his massive collection of tp and sanitizers, and nick berates him and loki for hoarding.
vision: accesses different stan and fandom databases so he can carry a conversation with wanda about her interests. she's glad to be able to speak with someone other than peter and MJ about these things, cause she lowkey feels like she bothers them. he accidentally downloads a corrupt kpop file and can only speak in black pink and bts songs for a good two weeks till tony helps reboot his system.
nick: if you’re a covidiot, he knows. he has your name, ip, social security, list of allergies etc. and he’s not afraid to tell you he does. starts threatening people on social media under an anonymous account, and becomes very popular on twitter. his “stans” tell him to “dox” people but he doesn’t know what that means. not saying nick fury is anonymous but if the v for vendetta mask fits 👀
coulson: literally lives on tiktok, and becomes THE dad of tiktok. he dances, bakes, does “hey i’m proud of you kiddo” type povs, does tutorials on how to shave, change your oil/tire. he even helps a tiktok creator reclaim their sound from some pervy povs. refuses to tell nick what “dox” means.
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seprofcorp · 3 years
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kicacris · 5 years
do you ever wonder if cree had never turned evil, she would have enter the TND and maybe the AND
Long time ago, when I was still in my 15s and the show was barely starting in CN, I used to believe Cree was another secret undercover teen operative working for KND and I was CONSTANTLY waiting for the reveal to eventually happen (pretty much what I also expected with Chad) but after the show ended and Chad was the only one who got proven to be good all along, I was 100% convinced she was really in the enemy side and I learned to accept it and EMBRACE IT.
You see, part of what makes Cree’s this cool character we all love it’s her personal vendetta against KND. If you take that element out of her character design, she would probably be just a normal teen-older-sister figure who has been somehow secretly protecting Abby/Sector V in the sidelines all this time and, although I admit that would have been pretty awesome to discover, I totally prefer the case not to be because I think a redemption arc for her would be way much more awesome to watch.
But please allow me to go into full Numbuh 101 mode for a second and ramble a bit with another of my “KicaCris-analyses-the-KND-canon-universe!” very long posts:
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To me, Cree is the “Jasper” (Steven Universe) of the Kids-Next-Door, the villain who will figure out later her mistakes and rise again as a redeemed heroine. 
Story-wise, I think the writers needed to show us the both sides of the aftermath of KND operatives turning 13 yrs old: the kids who accept decommission and grow up honorably (Maurice) and the kids who (for some reason) decide to rebel and betray KND upon becoming teenagers (Cree).
Now I don’t think Cree betrayed KND just because “she’s now a teen and suddenly her brain/hormones decided to turn her evil” and all that yada-yada, hell no. Cree was A LOT like Abby when she was a kid (proven in the flashback of Op MAURICE), she was Sector V’s leader, super smart, brave and responsible. 
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SOMETHING must have happened after Maurice left Sector V that somehow made her HATE with raging passion the Kids-Next-Door. What was it? We don’t know it yet, but we can pin-point WHEN it probably happened.
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Canon-wise, it seemed to have happened after Nigel’s graduation from the Cadets-Next-Door Academy and during what I presume was Chad’s first years as a global command operative (Op TREATY flashback). The flashback definitely happens after the whole chicken-pox thing, as we can notice Abby is already wearing Cree’s red cap and Numbuhs 8A and 8B have been cured and still part of the team:
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Funny enough Chad seems to have gone thru one heck of a growth spurt after Maurice left Sector V. Notice how he was a small boy scout in Op Maurice flashback and how he suddenly is towering Nigel in Op TREATY flashback: 
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(Bonus: he’s even taller in the present day)
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Sorry I got distracted-what was I saying?
Ah yeah, the timeline! So, as I was saying, Cree was still Sector V’s leader when Nigel graduated from the Cadets-Next-Door academy and Chad was already a global command operative. 
And then we have Kuki’s graduation flashback:
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As far as I know canon-wise, Kuki is the youngest and last member to join Sector V and notice how by this moment in time, Numbuh 100 is STILL the Supreme Leader, Chad is a global command operative and yes Rachel is also pictured in here wearing her old uniform, but none of the old or current members of Sector V appear.
I’m not sure if there is an established limited number of operatives per KND team sector but, but either Sector V had like 8 members by the time Kuki joined in or Cree and the twins were already gone by then.
Anyway, my point is whatever triggered Cree to betray KND probably happened around this moment, either before or after Numbuh 100 got decommissioned. 
But alas, we never learned what caused her to rebel…just another of the many unresolved stories in the show…*sigh
I don’t want to spoil much my headcanon, ‘cause you’ll see what is my version of what probably lead Cree to rebel in my story, but all I can say is that SOMETHING must have rubbed her the wrong way with KND right before hitting 13 years old that triggered to start a personal war against the organization (plus, recruiting decommissioned high-ranked-beloved ex KND operatives to be part of her Teen Ninjas forces seems pretty ill-intended so her desire for revenge is really intense!)
What really confuses (and fascinates me the most too) is that A LOT OF TIME seemed to have passed between Maurice leaving Sector V and Kuki’s addition. In Operation: E.N.D., it is stated that Numbuh 274 was the leader for 5 years, but this is later contradicted in Operation: M.A.U.R.I.C.E., as the flashback shows that three years before the present time Numbuh 100 was still the Supreme Leader. (This is a very intriguing mistake because clearly, the writers didn’t have Numbuh 100 in mind when Operation END was written. Numbuh 100 seemed to have been created in the production of the two last seasons and he must have had a purpose story-wise because why would you suddenly throw another Supreme Leader before Chad and Rachel’s time to the story???)
The growth spur Maurice, Chad and Rachel go thru the show is very noticeable and it’s probably the best indicator of how much time has passed if you compared them to how all members of Sector V remain physically the same throughout the show.  
These three, (and Cree too) are the only characters who seem to go thru this expected puberty effect during the show either because they turn 13 or are close to reaching puberty as in Rachel’s case, while Numbuh 1-5 are all barely hitting 10-11 years canonically (Kuki reaching 10 years old in the show is my only reference).  
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Let’s check some facts first: Chad is canonically a few months older than Maurice and at least a year older than Rachel, BUT Chad probably had a late growth spur as he clearly looks shorter than Maurice during the chicken-pox crisis. 
Let’s look at Maurice growth spur first: he clearly grows A LOT in the 3 year gap between the flashback and the time of his decommission. He now towers Abby but is still a bit shorter than Cree, who is 16 years old in the show (that means she’s 3 years older than Maurice and Chad wow). 
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He’s also almost the same height as Stacey:
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But THEN in Op PARTY he seems to have grown even more and is now Cree’ same height:
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Let’s check Rachel:
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She was already taller than Fanny before becoming a global command operative.
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And grows slightly taller than Nigel in Op ZERO.
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She keeps growing taller as the show progresses. Look how far she has grown by the time op TREATY happens! She reaches Steve a bit under his shoulders and he’s taller than Cree! It’s very subtle but it’s still noticeable. I’m pretty sure she’s way taller than Abby by the time she passes to her the Supreme Leadership.
And Chad, boy he grows a lot throughout the show! Remember how Stacey was the same height as Maurice at first? Well look again in Op PARTY, Chad is now taller than her!
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And in this other shot during the first teen attack during operation TREATY? He’s almost as tall as Cree! 
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I’m going to use Numbuh Infinity as my height reference but look how much he’s taller compared to him and Nigel (and Infinity is a tall alien kid mind you).
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I’m guessing by the end of the show Chad is almost just as tall as Maurice. Too bad we never saw them side by side in the show, it would have been interesting to see who is the tallest between the two but my headcanon is that Mo is slightly taller. 
Ok I got too carried away with this answer lmao, sorry guys! XD I’m gonna leave it here, thank you for coming to my TED talk about “Growth spur in KND”,  bye!
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winterironstony · 5 years
Murder Song (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
Haven’t written stony fanfic in a long, long time boys but I’m back with a rewrite of my 5 yr old fic called Please, Dont Believe me. 
AO3 link
Chapter 1
Tony takes a deep breath as he steps into Shield headquarters. He had been here countless times before, but that didn’t stop the deep-seated anxiety that fills him every time he walks in. He does his best to reign in his emotions. No one likes the smell of a weak omega, Tony reminds himself. He needs to hold his head high, stare at the picture of Aunt Peggy that’s hanging near the doorway, and pretend like he’s meant to be here.
Which he totally is, by the way. This isn’t like the last time when he impersonated a janitor just so he could get information on Captain America’s apparent rescue and revival. Or like the time before that when he had to sneak in late at night so that he could fill Clint’s locker with itching powder. This time the dread pirate Fury himself had called Tony in.
To meet Captain America.
Okay well technically Tony was here to meet with all of the avengers, but he’s known Clint and Nat for a while and although meeting Dr. Banner and a demigod sounded exciting in their own ways, Tony has always had a soft spot for Captain America.
Tony has no idea what Fury is thinking letting a nineteen year old omega meet the Captain America. Seriously, there’s no way Tony is going to get out of this meeting with his pride intact. Tony just knows something terrible is going to happen; he’s either going to cry the second he sees the man in uniform or he’s going to faint. 
Or maybe Howard was right all along and Cap will take one look at Tony before scoffing and writing him off for what he is; a worthless omega.
It’s not as if most Shield agents don’t feel the same way. People aren’t nearly as subtle as they think they are. Even now, as he’s walking down the hallway of one of the most secure buildings in New York City, he can hear their whispers. He knows exactly what they see when they look at him. Never mind the fact that he’s been building their weapons and transportation systems since he was sixteen, people would only ever see what they wanted to. Coulson’s pet project, Clint’s little shadow, Fury’s never-ending headache, a young, wild omega who needs to be taught his place. The words don’t bother Tony the way it used to, at least nowadays people just left him to his own devices for the most part.
“Well would you look at that? I thought they took away your access card, omega.” A snide, rough voice calls from behind Tony.
Like he said, for the most part.
Immediately Tony is tense, wincing as he presses the elevator button a little more frantically.
Tony steels himself as best as he can, turning to meet Brock Rumlow head-on, taking a quick step back as he sees just how close the alpha is, their noses almost touching. Unfortunately for Tony, there isn’t much space to move away. The cold metal of the elevator door meets his back, making him shiver. Rumlow’s eyes drag down to Tony’s throat at the movement and Tony can’t help but clench his jaw. He hates the way Rumlow looks at him.
“Um, Fury called me in.” He says politely, not daring to turn his back to the alpha, but dismissing him as best he can with his words, he still doesn’t look up at Rumlow. He doesn’t want to. It’s all he can do to not let his emotions run free. The last thing he wants is for the opposing alpha to see his fear, or even worse, smell it.
Rumlow smiles down at him, moving in as close as he can possibly go before actually touching Tony. The smile is all teeth, more of a threat than anything else. “Of course he did. There’s no other reason you came by? Seeing anyone special?” He asks in his usual patronizing manner. Rumlow has always been one of those alphas that treats omegas as if they’d never gotten past the second grade.
“I really hope you’re not talking about yourself.” Tony mutters in disgust, nervously tapping his fingers against his jeans. He has made it clear countless times just how repulsive he finds Rumlow. “You should know by now I would rather bond with a cactus than with you, Rumlow.” He says hotly, pressing his hands against the alpha’s shoulders uselessly.
“I’m sure I could change your mind.” Rumlow all but rumbles, breath now hitting against Tony’s neck, just above the space where claiming bites traditionally would be. Tony’s about three seconds from a full on panic attack, not sure if he’s about to fall to the ground in fear or start attacking the opposing agent with every move Nat’s ever taught him, when the elevator doors finally open up.
Tony had no idea how much weight he had been pressing against the doors because as soon as they open he’s all but diving into the confined space. Honestly, he probably would have ended up with a concussion if it weren’t for the frankly massive arms that caught him before he hit the floor. The elevator smells good, nothing like the sweaty, testosterone-driven Rumlow and the sudden change in atmosphere nearly makes Tony whimper with relief.
Well, actually, it seems like Tony actually did whimper out loud because suddenly, the stranger is staring down at him, looking incredibly worried and also drop dead gorgeous.
Tony hardly notices the arms tightening from where they caught him around the waist because he’s busy drowning in the bluest eyes he’s ever seen. Blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and a beard that frames a chiseled jaw line perfectly, Tony-
Tony should really pay attention to what he’s saying. “W-what?” He asks, dumbly, trying to ignore just how hard his heart is pounding.
“Is there a problem here? Rumlow?” The mystery alpha asks. Yes, alpha. If his overpowering scent didn’t give it away, his physique would have. He’s much broader than Rumlow or any other alpha Tony’s ever seen. His biceps are huge and he’s tall. All of Tony’s life, he’s been told he’s short, even by omega standards, but he’s never felt shorter than he does right now. The top of his head is just brushing the alpha’s jaw, their proximity giving away just how huge their height difference is.
Before Tony registers his words all Tony can think is this is an attractive man.
But once he registers the words, alongside the the dark, throaty growl the alpha had shot into Rumlow’s now pale face, Tony realizes. This is a very scary, attractive man.
The man barely said six words and Rumlow is literally shaking in his boots, backing off instantly and shaking his head. “We were just messing around, Steve. No big deal. You know how omegas are.” Rumlow laughs shakily and all but runs off as the doors begin to close. “See you in training!”
Tony must look just about as confused as he feels because the alpha above him looks down, concerned, “Did he hurt you? Are you alright?” He asks, voice more gentle than Tony’s ever heard from an alpha before. 
Tony’s nodding before he can even finish his sentence. Do not look weak in front of the beautiful alpha, Tony. Don’t you dare. 
“Uh.. um, Yeah, of course.” Tony stutters, not sure what the best response would be at this point. “We were just ah…  messing around.” He finishes, feeling only a little disgusting for agreeing with Rumlow, but also not wanting to step on anyone’s toes. He didn’t come in today to start any trouble.
The opposing alpha—Rumlow had called him Steve—looks unconvinced, but drops it. “Right, ah-“ He awkwardly lets his arms drop from where they were holding Tony, taking a step away from the omega, “Sorry, I just, you smelled really distressed and I-“ He cuts himself off, looking pained.
“Um no, it’s totally fine, thank you.” Tony says, shifting awkwardly. “I’m Tony, by the way.”
The other looks relieved at the change in subject, “I’m Steve.” He returns, shaking Tony’s outstretched hand heartily.
The handshake goes on for a bit too long, Steve staring at Tony inquisitively. Tony really doesn’t mind. The more that Steve stares at him, the more Tony gets to stare right back.
Seemingly figuring out that their handshake is getting to the awkward side of ‘way too long’ Steve lets go, chuckling weakly as he scratches the back of his neck. “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m acting so—you just smell really anxious.” Steve says, looking embarrassed as he says so.
Tony huffs out a small laugh. “I’m just a little nervous for my meeting.” He admits, “Really, nothing to worry about. Sorry if it’s putting you on edge, though.” Sometimes smelling an omega in distress really freaks alphas out, although that usually doesn’t happen unless it’s an omega that the alpha has a familial relationship with.
“No, no, don’t apologize! I was just.. making sure you’re alright.” The alpha says and geez, for a guy who looks the way he does, he’s pretty awkward. It strikes Tony as odd because the alpha clearly has a lot of confidence. Even in the way that he holds himself, legs in a wide stance as if ready for someone to come tackle him at any moment, and huge arms crossed over an equally huge chest, screams confidence, but his words do the exact opposite. Most alphas who are half as attractive as this one have all of their lines written out and ready to go at the drop of a hat, but this guy seems much less rehearsed.
Tony’s already halfway in love.
“So what’s got you so nervous?” The alpha asks after a beat of silence.
Tony makes a face, unsure if he’s allowed to talk about exactly what his meeting is about. “Honestly, I’m scared to tell you because there’s a good chance if I accidentally tell you something confidential, Fury will have this elevator plummeting to the bottom floor in seconds. Then he’ll probably explode the whole building, just to make sure there were no survivors.” Tony says, completely serious.
To his surprise, and complete delight, Steve laughs heartily at that. Most agents tense up whenever Tony makes fun of Fury, so it’s nice that someone finally understands just how ridiculous it is that they’re all living in a real life spy movie. “That sounds like something he’d do.” Steve agrees.
“As for why I’m nervous let’s just say I’m meeting someone I’ve looked up to for a while.” Tony says, sighing as he realizes just how close he is to being in the same room as Captain America. “As in, my whole entire life. I’m pretty much meeting my childhood crush in a few minutes.” Tony says, leaning against the elevator wall in an attempt to ground himself.
Steve gives him an interested look, “You don’t say.”
“Yeah, so you can see why I’d be nervous. It’s not like I’ve been dreaming about this day for the past 19 years of my life. I had posters of him on my ceiling for years. I dressed up as him for Halloween for nine years in a row. And now I’m supposed to act like a normal human being? Okay well, not like I ever act normal but you know what I mean. I wasn’t built for this kind of pressure.” Tony rambles, fully realizing how insane he probably sounds in front of this gorgeous alpha but he needs to do this. Maybe if he gets it all out now he won’t accidentally yell all of it in Captain America’s face when they finally meet.
Steve is silent for a moment and Tony looks over to see what seems to be a smug smile on his face. “What?” Tony asks, confused, just before the elevator beeps loudly.
The elevator door opens and Tony suddenly realizes he never even punched in a floor number. “Oh no, what floor is this?” He asks, stepping out alongside Steve.
“it’s floor 25. You’re meeting with Fury, right? He’s on this floor.” Steve says.
“Oh, thank goodness. You’re on this floor too?” Tony asks as Steve gestures for him to follow.
Steve nods, “We’re going in the same direction.”
“So? Are you going to tell me what that look was all about back there?”
 Steve glances down at Tony in a way that could only be described as fond. “You’re meeting Captain America today, right? You’re Howard Stark’s son?”
Tony let’s the questions sink in.
Tony tilts his head and stares up at Steve.
Steve Rogers.
Captain America.
 You’re Captain America? Why are you so young? Why aren’t you wearing red, white and blue? Why the hell do you have a beard?
 Okay so maybe, maybe it made sense that he wasn’t wearing the spangley outfit but nothing could possibly explain how the man still looked to be in his mid-twenties. Or the beard. That was really throwing Tony off.
 His blatant horror must show on his face because Steve looks guilty now, hand reaching out to comfort him? Tony wants to bat it away.
 There’s no way he’d be able to comfort Tony right now. The younger still can’t even get over the fact that he really just went and rambled on and on about how nervous he was to meet his idol to his actual freakin’ idol. Not only that but Captain America was hot. Of course, Tony had always pictured him to be but he thought after all those years under ice would have at least aged him a day. And of course the good Captain couldn’t live with the fact that he was only the most attractive man the omega had ever seen, but he had also listened to Tony intently, made him feel safe after his altercation with Rumlow, and even joked around with him about Fury.
 Tony knew he was perfect but he wasn’t supposed to be that perfect.
 The door that they’re standing in front of swings open abruptly, Clint Barton hurdling out of it and grabbing Tony into an embrace, nuzzling his neck like only packmates do. No matter how embarrassed Tony feels right now, no matter how much he feels like crying, he can’t help but return the hug, letting out a noise that can only be compared to a purr as Clint ruffles his hair affectionately. “Finally! We’ve been waiting on you Tones.” Clint says playfully. “Well, both of you, actually.” He amends, nodding towards Steve—towards Captain freaking America.
 “Which, by the way, I’m a little bitter I didn’t get to see you two meeting. What did your face look like Tony? Did he say anything embarrassing? I bet he did. Did he tell you about the cardboard cutout?”
 “Clint.” Tony hisses as he shoves his supposed friend harshly. “There was no cardboard cutout.” He offers lamely, still not brave enough to meet Captain America’s beautiful blue eyes.
 How the hell was Tony supposed to know Captain America was still 20 something and beyond attractive?
“Will you three stop wasting our time and get your asses in here?” Fury’s delightful voice yells from inside the office. Tony all but bolts in, nodding politely to Coulson and sending a salute Fury’s way. 
“Fury, glad to see you’re as bright and bubbly as always. Nat, hello.” He says cheekily, dropping down into a chair next to Nat, who graces him with a gorgeous smile and brushes a curly hair out of his face.
“Moy kotenok,” She all but purrs, tracing down his cheek and Tony preens under her attention. He hadn’t known Natasha nearly as long as he’s known Clint, but she feels like pack anyway. Clint had told him enough stories of her saving his sorry ass to make Tony respect her. 
“By the way, how come neither of you told me Captain America has a beard?” Tony asks dumbly, because what. He ignores Clint’s shocked laughter because this is a serious question.
“Stark, now is really not the time.” Fury says, sounding incredibly tired so Tony decides not to push his luck. He also tries not to look Steve in the eyes because if he does, he might drown in his embarrassment. Either that, or drown in Steve’s eyes. Neither of which were ideal options give the current situation. 
Tony does his best to revert his attention to the only other person in the room, someone who Tony was not aware would be joining their meeting but a familiar face nevertheless. “Dr. Banner.” He says, smiling at the scientist across the table. “It’s so amazing to finally meet you. I was at MIT a few years back when you gave that lecture on gamma radiation. It was absolutely incredible.” He praises genuinely, and it takes every ounce of his self-restraint to not add on a compliment about how much he loves the hulk.
Dr. Banner seems to appreciate it anyway, smiling back, “Thank you Dr. Stark, your work on… well, just about everything else is just as impressive.”
As if Tony wasn’t already preening at Nat’s attention, this amount of praise, especially by someone he respected so much had him brimming with pride.
“If you’re all done with your pleasantries, we did actually call this meeting for a reason.” Fury says blandly and Clint rolls his eyes at Tony furtively. “You all know why you’re here today. After the Battle of New York it’s become clear to the world that the Avengers Initiative is an absolute necessity. Most of you have been briefed on what’s expected of you up until the world needs you again. Stark, you’re here today because we need you on board. Your tech is unparalleled and, more importantly, your father was well involved in the creation of the initiative. We want you on as a consultant.” Fury’s words are quick and decisive. It’s clear he’s already made up his mind. “Stark Industries creates weapons and transport for Shield. I’m asking you specifically to take care of those things for the avengers.”
Beside Tony, Clint shifts uncomfortably, his eyes hard and challenging as he looks to Fury, “That’s a lot to ask.”
“It is.” Fury agrees, not bothering to look at anyone other than Tony, “I don’t trust anyone else with the job.” He says and even though Tony was never planning on saying no, that definitely feels good to hear. As an omega in the weapons industry he’s heard a lot about being too emotional, too weak, and too untrustworthy to be a good arms manufacturer. So hearing the head of one of the world’s most dangerous organizations say that he only trusts you is a pretty big win in Tony’s book.
Tony raises his eyebrows in interest. He eyes the room contemplatively, even chancing a glance at Steve—Captain freaking America. Would everyone on the team really be okay with an omega being their consultant. “If everyone is comfortable with that, I’d be happy to help.” He says earnestly. 
Clint and Natasha instantly voice their support, but they weren’t really the ones he was worried about. He’s been making their tech since he was seventeen.
Bruce sends a comforting smile Tony’s way. “I’m hoping I won’t be needed much on the field, but I am definitely excited to work with you in the lab sometime.”
Tony smiles back appreciatively, but his nerves are still high. Bruce wasn’t really the one he was worried about anyway. 
When he finally looks to Steve, he’s instantly terrified because the blonde looks actually contemplative. Tony braces himself, truly not ready to hear his childhood hero reject him. Even worse, he can feel Clint tensing up next to him in the way that alphas do when they feel challenged and he really doesn’t want to see the man he sees as an older brother get beat up by Captain America.  
When the Captain does finally open his mouth, it’s definitely not the rejection Tony had been anticipating. “Are you comfortable with this, Tony? You know you can say no, right?”
Of course. Of course Captain America didn’t have to settle for being Tony’s childhood crush, idol, and personal hero. He also had to be the kind of alpha Tony had only ever dreamed about. 
Tony takes a moment to think before responding. “I want to help. In any way that I can. Clint and Natasha already have rooms in the tower. It only makes sense for the avengers to set up base there too. I’m totally fine with it. Beyond fine, in fact. You guys do all the hard work, I’ll just make you look cool.” Tony says, and all of it is true. Tony can’t do much. Clint and Nat have taught him how to defend himself but “I’ve never been much of a fighter, I’m just too small. But if there’s any way I can help defend the people who need to be defended, I want in.” he says simply, shrugging and sending a somewhat challenging look Steve’s way.
It falls flat though, because Steve is staring at him like that again, like Tony’s a complete enigma to him. He has that small smile on his face that makes Tony want to do whatever it is that he’s doing right now forever. Because if he can make Steve smile like that, he must be doing something right. Tony feels hot under all of the attention. It isn’t like how other alphas look at him; like he’s just a body made for their use. Steve looks at him like he’d like nothing more than to understand him. Like he wants to know Tony, not Tony Stark. Tony isn’t even sure how a look can convey that and there’s a very good chance he’s just projecting his own feelings onto Steve.
“I’m glad you’ll be our consultant then, Mr. Stark.” He says gently, and Tony tries his best to ignore Nat’s soft chuckle as his cheeks start to burn.
“Like I said before, it’s just Tony.” He murmurs, looking away and standing from his chair. “Alright well? Are we done here?” He asks, looking towards Fury.
Fury, who looks like he’s trying his absolute hardest not to outright grin like a normal human being, nods, waving them all away. “All of your things will be transported to Stark tower within the next few hours. You’re all dismissed.” 
Tony all but flees out the door, wanting nothing more than to go back to his tower and bury himself in work for the next 36 hours and avoid avoid avoid the super-soldier who he had just inadvertently admitted his love to in an elevator of all places. 
“Hey, you okay?” Clint asks as he catches up with him easily, dropping an arm around Tony’s shoulders. The words are so familiar. Tony can still hear them like the first day they met, when Tony was just fifteen with bruises coloring his jaw and neck. That was the day their tiny pack of two had began—the day Clint had become the first and only person to know about Tony’s problem and had taken it upon himself to teach Tony how to defend himself. Ever since that day Clint had been like Tony’s older brother, fiercely loyal and protective. Even though they didn’t see each other as often these days, nothing ever changed between the two of them.
Tony rolls his eyes good-naturedly, clenching his hands so Clint won’t see the slight tremor going through them.  “Of course. Fury just loves to catch me off guard. Luckily for him, the tower does have a lot of extra room. And I’ve been bored lately. Your suit definitely needs an upgrade.” Tony teases, poking Clint in the side and giggling as the other jerks back and yelps loudly.
“Geez, you give a kid all of the love and affection in the world and this is how he repays me? Slandering my suit and assaulting me. The youth these days.” Clint mutters, rubbing his side as if Tony had stabbed him.
 “Watch out, grandpa, your age is starting to show.” Tony counters, laughing loudly and picking up speed as he sees Clint start to give chase.
 Clint’s eyes are narrowed as he stalks towards Tony playfully, “Why you little…”
 “Um, I’m sorry to ah- interrupt. But can I talk to you-- Tony?” Captain freaking America steps right in front of Tony, making the younger skid to a halt, still laughing lightly but scared as hell at the idea of yet another private conversation with Captain America.
 Clint laughs, clapping Tony on the shoulder a bit too hard, “Sure thing, Cap. Tones, meet at the lobby, kay? We can head to the tower together.” He calls over his shoulder, not even giving Steve a second look. It goes to show just how much he must trust Steve, because Tony can’t remember the last time Clint left Tony on his own with anyone, let alone another alpha.
 Well if Tony wasn’t shaking before, he’s definitely shaking now. Unceremoniously, he shoves his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.
 “Hey, I just wanted to apologize for how we started things. I hope I didn’t freak you out.” Steve says, eyes so blue and honest, Tony has no idea how anyone ever stays mad at him.
 Tony lets out a self-deprecating laugh and looks at the ground, “I think freaked out is one word for what I was feeling.” He replies nervously, not really wanting to meet Steve’s eyes quite yet. “I’d honestly appreciate it if you just… you know, forgot everything I said in the elevator.” Tony tries, wincing only slightly as he meets Steve’s eyes, which look way too charmed for the current situation. 
“Oh come on, you didn’t say anything that bad.” Steve says, unsuccessfully trying to cover his amusement. 
“I told you about the Halloween costumes!” Tony argues, covering his face with his hands as he feels himself getting flustered.
“Hey, hey, no, it’s okay, it’s fine.” Steve grabs Tony’s hands and pulls him from his face, taking another step closer so Tony’s nose just about bumps into his chest. “I’m just teasing, don’t worry, I already forgot everything you said anyway.” Steve soothes, completely unconvincingly.
Tony is quiet for a minute, mostly because he’s trying to memorize the feeling of Steve’s rough, calloused hands gripping his own but also because he’s trying to keep himself from stuttering, “Thank you.”
Steve’s hands drop his, but the grin on his face turns mischievous. Tony sees it coming a mile away. “Was it really nine times though?” Steve asks, unable to keep himself from laughing as Tony shoves him half-heartedly.
It doesn’t help that Tony’s “shove” didn’t even come close to budging Steve. Not even close. “You’re a troll, you know that?”
After allowing Steve to calm down from laughing at his own joke, Tony sighs. “You know, you could’ve told me or something, before I went and embarrassed myself like that.” Tony says half-heartedly, sounding more pitiful than anything else. He’s smiling though, wanting Steve to know he’s not actually that upset.
Steve laughs, neck turning slightly red as he scratches at it. No one should be allowed to be this attractive. It’s really not fair. “I thought it was cute.” He replies, smile genuine and soft and dear god, Tony is so not okay. He can feel the blush creeping up his own neck slowly but surely. “Plus, I didn’t even know that you were the Tony I was meeting today. Your dad… he was a lot taller and broader.” He says, as if that really explains anything.
Tony tries his best to ignore the mention of his father. He knows Cap was friends with his dad when they were in the war together. Howard was probably very different back then. Still, he hopes Steve gets the hint to leave Howard out of their conversations. “Well, I am an omega, so…” Tony trails off, making a point to look up at Steve, pointing out their very poignant height different. He expects Steve to laugh or to ruffle his hair. He expects something like what Clint would do, maybe make a joke about how short Tony is or call him adorable.
He does not expect Steve to stare back, eyes hooded as he tilts his head to the side. Tony hadn’t noticed how close they were before. His voice is low, deeper than it had been before as he agrees, “You are.”  
There’s no way Tony’s imagining this, right? He didn’t fall into some alternate dimension while on an inventing binge, right?
Maybe he is just delirious. One second the air in the hallway feels tense, the quiet isn’t so much awkward as it is charged with some emotion Tony can’t define. But the moment passes and the two step away from each other, almost at the same time as Natasha strolls past them, looking more smug than Tony had ever seen her before.
Oh god, he’ll never hear the end of this.
“You boys coming, or what?”
The two don’t even glance at each other before scrambling after her. 
Tony lets out a relieved sigh as the doors to his workshop slide closed.
After giving the avengers a quick of the communal spaces on the residential floor and introducing everyone to JARVIS, Tony sneaks away to the workshop as quickly as possible.
His day has been long, anyway. Even after completely embarrassing himself in front of his childhood hero, Tony spent most of the rest of the day learning more about the avenger’s initiative and their day-to-day life. AKA he learned a lot about the improvements he was going to need to make to the gym area. Apparently the world’s mightiest heroes take their training very seriously. He also learns that one member of the team is currently off-world. It’s a bummer, because Tony had been really looking forward to meeting an alien, but Clint assures him that Thor will be back as soon as he takes care of Loki’s trial in Asgard.
Clint also tells Tony a lot about Captain America. Clint didn’t really like the guy at first, which doesn’t really surprise Tony. Cap strikes Tony as the kind of guy who takes his day job very seriously, which is just about the opposite to how Clint treats it.
They seemed to have worked through their issues by now though because they’re already tossing insults and bantering between themselves like they’ve been friends for years. It’s nice, Tony decides, to see this side of Steve first. Tony has a feeling if he met the straight-laced Captain America version first they might not have gotten along that well either.
Clint tells Tony that Steve is an amazing leader, that he trusts the captain with his life, and that he thinks the alpha is incredibly lonely.
It makes Tony’s stomach drop, the way Clint looks when he tells him. Especially how Clint cuffs him on the back of the head lightly and gives him that proud older brother smile as he gently shrugs, “He kinds reminds me of you.”
And don’t get Tony wrong, it’s a blessing that he gets to watch Steve’s face as he takes in all of the amazing tech he has laying about his home. In particular, the way Steve’s eyes light up and grins as Jarvis sasses at Tony about not having eaten in a few hours makes the whole day worth it.
But, like it or not, Tony has work to do and SI’s board members have been waiting for him to fall behind and screw things up for every single one of the seven months he’s been CEO. He refuses to give them a reason to push out the only omega they have on their board of trustees. He’s already made history by being the first omega to own and operate a fortune 500 industry, and he’s not planning on letting it slip through his hands anytime soon.
And besides that, Tony loves his job. Weapons development had taken a backseat to the new and upcoming clean energy stint Tony was on, but the past few days he’s been working on something new. 
If there was one thing Howard Stark could never completely achieve it was arc reactor technology. Tony remembers the days when Howard would come home after a long day at failing to successfully understand the theories surrounding it. He remembers the broken cheekbone his sass had earned him after he teased his dad for not being able to figure it out. Things like that weren’t easily forgotten.
But Tony was on a roll and during the meeting he had somewhat of a breakthrough.
Meeting Doctor Banner had reminded him of something he had learned a long time ago back when he was at MIT. If the polarity between isotopes wouldn’t create the amount of energy he needed for the energy that the reactor would require, then maybe radioactive isotopes would be enough to create a circuit of electricity that could potentially power it.
The science wasn’t completely sound, but it was Tony’s best shot at this point. He wasn’t even positive that the arc reactor was a good idea for mass production. Yes, it would serve as an amazing step towards clean energy for the entire world. But it would also be a huge temptation, and Tony knows the board of SI and even worse, the military, would want the technology for something else. Something bigger and much more dangerous. 
“Sir, it would seem that my systems are mal-mal-malfunction-“ Jarvis’ voice, glitching and pitchy, startle’s Tony out of his work, making Tony push the goggles on his face up onto his head.
 “Jay?” Tony calls, standing slowly and reaching for the welding torch on his desk hesitantly. Jarvis didn’t just ‘malfunction.’
“So you’re the one they call merchant of death, hm?” A heavily accented, feminine voice calls from behind him. 
Tony suppresses a yelp, turning quickly and holding the torch up in his hand like a weapon as he looks around. The workshop darkens as he turns, the shadows in the room creeping inward slowly as if they had a life of their own, tendrils lashing out and covering the space he often thinks of as his safe place in complete darkness. The only light he can make out is bloody, red and blurry. His head pounds and he can feel his pulse rising, almost against his own will and his vision narrows into a red haze. “Wh-what the hell?” Tony whimpers, stumbling slightly and bracing himself against the desk as the haze begins to form into a human shape. It’s terrifying; smoky, not quite transparent but opaque enough to make out a body creeping towards him. He can’t make much out, the blood rushing in his ears sounds like a waterfall and he feels impossibly distracted.
The room has filled with a high pitched ringing, as if a bomb had just gone off and his ears don’t work properly anymore. He wants to search the room again, look for any kind of light, for Dum-E’s familiar presence or even check to see if he can bolt to the door but he can’t because he’s paralyzed in fear staring at the form in front of him that’s gradually becoming more clear. 
When his eyes finally come into focus he just about drops to the ground in terror.
Because there in front of him is Howard Stark.
“No… no…. you’re dead. This is impossible.” He whispers, shaking violently as he pitches backwards, falling to the ground with a clatter. He doesn’t stop moving though, all but crawling backwards until he slams into the wall.
The thing impersonating his father steps forward, grinning cruelly like Tony’s the most hilarious thing he’s seen in years.
Which he probably is, Howard is dead, so dead, he’s been dead for years and yet here Tony is still shaking like a leaf and close to tears just like he was when he was ten. Weak, worthless, pathetic omega. Can’t even face a dead man.
“Now, now, Anthony, that’s not how we speak to our elders.” The voice is in his head, curling into his brain almost gently; still distinctly feminine but it’s not as funny as it should be—seeing his father speak with a woman’s voice. If anything it scares him even more because it may not be his father’s voice but that’s a phrase he heard from Howard many times. It was always the reprimand he received after any kind of back talk. Always the gentle parental warning he would receive after Howard backhanded him with his class rings on and kicked him in the ribs a few times.
Tony’s so scared he nearly finds himself apologizing. He opens his mouth. Sir, I’m so sorry, sir, it won’t happen again, sir.
Then he hears it. Somehow, over the constant thrum of his overactive heartbeat, over the high pitched screeching and the voice snarling in his head he can hear something pounding on the door with all its might. People are yelling. His name?
Tony flinches as a very real, rough hand grips his chin in another familiar move. The hold is strong, too tight on his jaw and Howard’s angry face stares back. “This is a warning, Stark. You must choose sides very wisely, as your father did, boy.”
With that, his father disappears. The hand holding his jaw dissipates as if it was never there in the first place and Tony stares, wide-eyed at the well-lit room from his place curled in on himself against the wall. The doors to the workshop open in an instant and it’s all Tony can do to throw the forgotten welding torch as hard as he possibly can in that direction, scrambling up.
 As he stands, he sees that he didn’t just launch a successful attack against a villain, but rather launched a marginally unsuccessful attack at Clint. The torch lands at his feet. It makes the archer start, but not even the frankly laughable throw could remove the worried expression from any of the avengers.  
Tony expects Clint to be the one rushing over first but to what seems like everyone’s surprise it’s Steve, marching over and placing a hand hesitantly on the back of Tony’s neck in a comforting gesture. “Tony, what the hell happened? Are you okay?”
Tony knows he probably looks insane. His eyes are wide and his breaths completely uneven, not to mention the fact he still has goggles still half perched on his head and he’s shaking like a leaf. “I’m- I’m fine. I just. It was Howard.” Is all he can get out, falling into Steve’s arms for the second time that day but this time actively seeking comfort. He can feel his own nails digging into Steve’s shoulders but he can’t help it, the gravity of what just happened sinking in quick.
“I think he’s going into shock.” He can hear Steve murmur to the others, even as his strong hands sooth down Tony’s back comfortingly, shushing him quietly. 
“What do you mean, Tony, you have to explain.” Steve says, clearly trying his best to use his best calm and collected alpha voice to help ease Tony’s worries but the omega is beyond that point, shaking his head frantically and pulling away.
“No, no, no, you don’t understand. He didn’t have his voice but it was him. He’s dead but he was here and it was him. He said- he said I have a choice to make and that he was warning me. Oh my god. He’s going to come back what if he comes back?” Tony asks, now opting to dig his nails into his own arms, grounding himself as best he can. He can’t even tell if he’s in a dream or not anymore. Steve is gripping his arms, trying to keep Tony from hurting himself but Tony is scared.
Steve seems to be able to hear his thoughts now. “I know, I know it was scary, but you need to calm down Tony. I promise, I’ll protect you, okay? You just need to calm down.”
The omega’s eyes finally focus in on Steve, blue locking into amber intently. “You’ll… you’ll protect me?” He asks, voice small and disbelieving. In the back of his head he can feel how embarrassed he’s going to feel later on. But right now his true nature has completely taken over. He’s a terrified, distressed omega, seeking any kind of comfort from an alpha he doesn’t know well, but one that has already protected him once before and one that his packmates trust with their lives. 
“Of course I will Tony. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, okay? We’re going to find out what happened, okay? I will personally deal with whoever put you through this.” Steve’s voice is dark as he says this and Tony watches in interest as his blue eyes harden into something much more sinister and terrifying. Tony believes Steve, every word he says. “You’re going to be just fine, I promise.”
Tony nods, his breathing finally evening out as Steve’s hands continue their soothing ministrations down his arms. He looks back up at Steve and hesitates before he speaks, “I think I’m going to pass out now.”
Finally, the darkness overtakes him.
If you liked this first chapter please give me a follow and feel free to let me know what youd like to see from the rest of this story! I also take prompts for oneshots and other stuff like that for tony-based ships (mostly stony or winteriron)
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b00bconnoisseur · 5 years
60 questions for @not-my-brain
1. selfie.......Ugghhhh ok. Imma take one rn
Ok here u go (yes thats a bmth shirt)
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2. what would you name your future kids?.....Ooo hmmm well when i was a kid i really liked the names disney, and mesiah. I didn't know at the time that mesiah was another name for god i think lol. I liked it cause of handlers mesiah. I still do. Ooo and maybe Tj too
3. do you miss anyone?......Yeah. My friends on Pinterest from a year ago. My friend lucas. Stan lee. Bob ross. My cousin who died from cancer some years ago. Snape. Sirius. Lupin. Tonks. Dobby. *continues to name every unfortunate death in hp*
4. what are you looking forward to?.......SE-YA next month!! Its the south eastern young adult festival at this college. You can have meet n greets with authors and alot of stuff its the besstttt
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?......DEFINATELY. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @sammchenry my friend lucas and @septembersbloom. ^^
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?..... What like...romantically? Or like a death? If romantically uhhh idk it took over a couple weeks but im ok now. Ive never had another relationship so idk. If death oof yeah idk maybe. Ig it depends on how much i knew them idk. Like when my nanny (great grandma) died i was sad for days (is that alot?)
7. what was your life like last year?.....Sucky af. Still is. But the highlights of my life last year was getting and making friends on tumblr, going to the tøp concert and going to warped tour, volunteering at the library, going to seya and meeting some of my favorite authors, reading, changing and improving my art, listening to all the bands i listen to now, getting into more fandoms, going to a friends house for the first time
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?.......Yes lol. Some years ago when i couldn't find smtn id be so annoyed and pissed id start crying. I dont now but still lol
9. who did you last see in person?.......Hm ig family doesn't count....? Wait do u mean a friend? If so uhh my friends rebekah, anika, and Judah at a TAB meeting at the library sometime last month.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?......I think so? Like i mean I can hide whenever i get my....time of the month from my mom (talking abt stuff like that with her makes me uncomfortable) and i hid a breakup. And other p big stuff too. So imma say yeah
11. are you listening to music right now?........*pops on earbuds after reading this* yee im listening to bitch lasagna by pewdiepie xD (do i have the best spotify playlist or what?)
12. what is something you want right now?.......To hug @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye but SOMEONE has to live so far away
13. how do you feel right now?........Happy that my earbud still works cause they got washed in the wash yesterday....oops. Its not my fault. I told my dad to remind me to take it out of my jacket pocket before they threw it in but noooooo he forgot
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?.......Uhhhhh fuck idk it was probably from my lil 4 yr old bro sometime last week. Other than him (hes my favorite sibling) i dont let them hug me too much
15. personality description.......Nerdy. Fangirl. "Emo". Tomboy. Hotsause obsessed. Book lover. Music lover. Black. Blue. Harry potter. Introvert. Fall. Sports. Values friendship. Loyal. Uhhhh i cant think of much lol
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?.......*sigh* yes. Yes yes yes. Theres some things abt me, or my life really, that i havent told anyone on here or my irl friends that i sooooo want to so bad but i haven't cause i feel like they'd feel bad and pity me and i don't want that
17. opinion on insecurities........I dont really understand this one. Everyones insecure abt something. Is this askin like if i think its ok or not? I say its ok. Im insecure about literally everything about me. My face. My personality. My socialness. My art. What i do. What i say. Basically my whole body. The things i feel good abt are my books, music taste, and my friends (ily fuckers)
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?.........Hmm this time around a year ago....idk its sorta the same but all the stuff i mentioned abt my year from last year didn't happen yet so nah tho my life sucks rn its better than this time last year
19. have you ever been to New York?........Nooo but i want too soo baddd i wanna visit @septembersbloom !! Im coming for ya soon gramps *does the eye watching thing* my dads been to nyc before tho cause he does construction and he had a concrete job to do there. It was a 23 hr drive for him
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?........Uhhh idk!!! So hard! Maybe.....the whole thats the spirit album by bmth ;)
21. age and birthday?.....15 yrs of age and September 27th 2003 (whats yours brainy? I'll put it on my calendar)
22. description of crush......Its weird idk im not sure if its a genuine crush or not but uh....They like hp :).Thats all u get
23. fear(s).......Losing my best friend @dirtysocke and my other friends. Death. Failure. Momo chasing after me then killing me slowly keeping my eyes open to look her dead in the eyes while i die
24. height......5'6 call me short and I'll fuck u up with THIS *pulls out trusty potato peeler named now steve* dont test me boi
25. role model......Hhhhhhhh so many! But uh gosh one of them is @superraedizzle (youtuberrrr) and vexx and bob ross and da vinci and aaaaaaa so many
26. idol(s)......First person that immediately comes to mind is @sammchenry cause he's super cool and he's really nice and his art's reallyyy good (if u havent seen it w-w-what are u even doin with your life?) And he has a great sense of humor and *continues to ramble about why samms the best*
27. things i hate.......Dabs. Transphobes. Homophobic ppl. Basically any hate on the lgbtq+ community. Bullies. The ship starker. Umbridge. Snape haters
28. i’ll love you if….....U you'll eat pizza, draw, and rp harry potter with mee
29. favourite film(s)......Fantastic beasts. Every hp film. Twilight. The maze runner 1-2. The hunger games. Spiderman homecoming. Kingsman: secret service. Into the spideyverse tho i havent seen it yet
30. favourite tv show(s)......Inkmasterrrrr. B99. The mick. The middle. Uhhh idk mostly ink master xD
31. 3 random facts........Ive never had shrimp. I had a beta fish for over a year once. Im eating pizza crust rn
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?.......G i r l s. I have all girl friends irl and one boy. And on tumblr it seems like i just meet girls? Likei agree with @cristal-kyd1280 its like alot more gals then dudes here. But i do have some guy friends on here too. But mostly girls
33. something you want to learn.......TO DRAW ANATOMY DAMMIT
34. most embarrassing moment........Every moment of my lifes an embarrassing moment. Idk of i can pick a "most" embarrassing one. But one time i i sent my crush (now ex bf) a hey fuckface and like some hearts or whatever for an ask game that meant like "i have a crush on u" "youre adorable" etc and said Hewo but i did it all anonymously. But he confronted me askin if i sent it cause im the only person he knows that actually says hewo lol. Then later on i finally admitted i really liked him and well y'all know the story after i think. Unless you're new
35. favourite subject.......A R TTTT OFC
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?........meet my friends on tumblr. Get into mtsu (college i wanna go to) and study art. And go skydiving
37. favourite actor/actress........favorite actor uhhhhhh probably thomas brodie sangster or tom felton and my favorite actress? Hmmm idk maybe evanna lynch (luna lovegood)
38. favourite comedian(s).......probably kevin hart lol he's p funny
39. favourite sport(s)........basketballllllll and football
40. favourite memory........uhhhhh idk?? One oh my favorite memories was when we went to see tøp in concert
41. relationship status.....single as a pringle
42. favourite book(s)......harry potter and the order of the pheonix. Harry potter and the half blood prince. Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. Divergent. Maze runner. Twilight. Fangirl. Fallen. Red queen
43. favourite song ever.......TOO HARD DONT MAKE ME CHOOSEEEEEE
44. age you get mistaken for.........16 and 17 sometimes lol
45. how you found out about your idol........i was watching someone on yt and superraedizzle always poped up in my feed and my mom turned on one of her vids cause she always saw her vids too now ive seen most of em i love her. Id heard of vexx but never watched him and i was watching a collab from anthony miller art and shrimpy and i checked out shrimpys channel and was lookin at comments and alot of ppl said his art is like vexxs so i checked out vexx. At first i was like eh ok. Now i cant click fast enough when he posts a vid. And i actually fpund out about bob ross from my grandpa on jan 20 2017 when trump was getting sworn in or whatever. We turned on pbs and my grampa told me to look and bob ross was on and i was IN. I loved it. I even started watching full episodes on YouTube of the joy of painting after that. Wonderful man. My first painting i ever did i think was when i followed one of his tutorials xD (i didnt know it was popular at the time)
46. what my last text message says......."ok your turn"
47. turn ons.....uhh nerds ig idk um book lovers, music lovers, art lovers, potterheads, idk and nice ppl
48. turn offs......jerks. Homophobia. Idk ig whatever i said in things i hate
49. where i want to be right now......uhhhh idk wait didn't i already answer this? Ok this ones different ig so uhh with my friend lucas
50. favourite picture of your idol.....oh shit...favorite? Idk xD i have a fave of vexx but not of rae or bob. But heres pics of them any way
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51. starsign......a libraaaaa boiii
52. something i’m talented at......drawing and speed reading. Thats about it lol. Oh and procrastina
53. 5 things that make me happy.......ooooo art, my friends here on tumblr, books, harry potter, and music ^^
54. something thats worrying me at the moment.....if my friend thinks im being annoying
55. tumblr friends......hhhhh so manyyyyyy. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @chinesewaffles2 @kingantlion @queen-baelin @sammchenry @septembersbloom and more
56. favourite food(s)......green beans, pepperoni pizza, and vanilla madelines
57. favourite animal(s).......basically any reptile. Puppies. Cats. Any animal really but my #1 are snakes
58. description of my best friend.....well she's a tiny bean (5 feet) and she has dark hair, she wears glasses, she doesnt take shit, she's in love with Josh dun, she's awesome, funny, nice (YES youre nice jackie) and shes the best friend ive ever had. Oh. And she has a weird obsession with spaghetti
59. why i joined tumblr.......well i heard abt it on Pinterest over a year ago but didnt want it. Then @mrfastbass-deactivated20181231 on DeviantArt said he got tumblr so i made one then followed him and figured id just post art and that's it cause i thought tumblr was boring as hell when i first got it. Now im p much obsessed with it
60. ask me anything you want.......go ahead brainy shoot. Give me smtn good
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Bashful Creatures (4)
(yall imma be honest with u i dont know what the FUCK is going on with my tags sometimes they work sometimes they dont, im finna edit this so if u get tagged twice IM SO SORRY)
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: abt 1.8k
Summary: Y/N feels herself beginning to fall in love with her best friend. This part picks up immediately after the incidents of part 3!
Warnings: at this point yall know the drill
A/N: (extended portions written in italics are memories!) love y’all thank u so much for the kind feedback! let me know what u think of this part!!! soz it took 85 yrs school and stuff got me all effed up! i think i might do pt 5 in buckys pov?? or just do both in one and like switch off idk??
The sound of the door slamming shut resonated through you, stunned you, but you didn’t try to stop him from leaving. He needed space to cool off. The least you could do was give that to him. The deafening silence settled into something uncomfortable and awkward, even though it was just you and it. You and the silence. It felt like wearing a shirt too tight for your body, an ill-fitting second skin that you couldn’t seem to peel off.
Your eyes flitted around your bedroom, the place where you had retreated immediately after the ordeal, fragments of Bucky were everywhere. In your bed, at your desk, in the silvery glow of the moon’s rays shining through your window... They seemed to haunt the room with his presence, making it impossible to do anything but focus on him. Nothing but the things you had said and the things he had said to you rung in your head. Over and over again. How could you have let the situation escalate so quickly? Why did it escalate so quickly?  
To escape his phantom presence, you wandered the empty compound, heart beating loudly in your ears as if you were still in the midst of yelling at the man you love so dearly, like you were still caught in the thick of it. Am I your friend or your fucking babysitter? Your fingers twitched and fiddled, wiping dismissively against the sides of your thighs or being shaken out as if wicking water off of them. You imagined his face in your head, the sad  tears that rolled down his cheeks. He let you hold him then. You should have kissed them away and soothed his troubles, assured him of your presence. I’ve come back to you. You should have just told him:  I love you, Bucky. God, how terribly you wanted him to tell you that he loved you too. It seemed so far-fetched, like some unattainable dream. Nothing more than whimsical fantasy because there was no way in hell someone as beautiful as Bucky might love you too. Someone so kind and cunning. Coy and charismatic. Someone so sweet...it seemed impossible that your infatuation could be made into something real. That this was more than some paltry story of love unrequited.
The empty spaces of the compound did nothing to help you escape him. You saw him everywhere you went.
As he swung you around you looked to him with the widest smile, your cheeks were beginning to ache.  You couldn’t suppress the laugh that bubbled from your lips, spilling out of you like a kettle boiling over.
“What? What?” he asked defensively, the grin on his face betraying his tone. “Hold on, we haven’t even gotten to the best part!”
It was just the two of you, alone in the compound, and you were embracing every moment of it.
“Quit laughin’ and  listen,” he shushed, tapping his ear with a forefinger before his hand returned to its place on the small of your back.
“I’m listening!”
“You aren’t if you’re ta—” You cut him off by placing a hand over his mouth. You ignored his warning look and slowly removed your hand, revealing his smiling mouth.
The music that blared from the speakers beside the TV  began to swell with the clear, bubbly blare of trumpets. It filled the sunlit room and mingled with the sounds of your uncontrollable giggles and his successive chuckles. It filled  you with an unimaginable warmth. Your heart began to pound faster, was it the music? Or was it Bucky? The way he was smiling, with all of his pearly whites showing, so wide that there were crinkles at the corners of his eyes. Maybe it was the loose strands of hair that framed his face, or the two aquamarine eyes that peered down at you, glittering like two of the most beautiful gemstones you had ever seen.
Perhaps it was the way his hands rested comfortably against your back. There was a time where he was weary about touching you at all. A time where he worried he might frighten you, or underestimate his strength. A time where he wouldn’t remove his glove, even though you’d seen the sparkling metal countless times on missions.  He thought it to be a threat. A  reminder of his dark past, some sort of defect that made him unloveable. How could he believe such a thing when you were standing there in front of him, hands clasped at the back of his neck, grinning up at him like a fool? How could he believe such a thing when the look of love shined in your eyes the way the metal of his left hand glinted in the hot sun? How could he believe such a thing when you loved him?
On a day that felt like yesterday, you had fallen in love with Bucky Barnes. In that moment it felt right, the warmth that spread through you, the way your fingertips seemed to grow hot, and you chewed unknowingly on your lower lip—a telltale sign of nerves. He didn’t seem to notice though, so you basked in the feeling, let it wash over you like the build of the beautiful music he had playing in the background. In that moment, there was no doubts. You confidently thought, This is love. And it was.  
And though after those few sweet moments you’d begun to doubt your feelings were there or that they were more than some immature thirst for romance, the fondness you harbored in your chest for him then remained there for a long time. Now it seemed to burn brighter than ever.
You continued your aimless trek through the compound, your bones felt heavy, your body sluggish. You made a stop in the kitchen to pour a glass of water. Your eyes flickered to the kitchen table that you had once sat at. Where Bucky had stood across from you and vulnerably asked, “Where were you last night?” He had told you he had been looking for you. An indirect way of saying that he had needed you and you weren’t there.
You knew that...yet you still stared into those suddenly child-like eyes and gave him gave him a painfully pathetic reply: “I was out. Had a hot date.”
It was hard not to cringe at the thought of the pitiful exchange. How the fuck was he to forgive you after something like that?
Your eyelids pressed shut, squeezing together in some attempt to force the memory from your brain. Heavy shudders of breath left your parted lips. Weary elbows came to rest upon the cold countertop, your head hung low in your hands. How did this happen? You asked silently. Tears sprung to your eyes and a sudden sob racked your body. You hadn’t expected to cry, but it washed over you in a forceful wave. It was turbulent and uncontrollable. You were glad he wasn’t here to see it. Partly because you feared he might cry again too, partly because it was possible that he may not care at all. How could I leave him all alone? You thought of the way his eyes glistened with tears. How his hands hesitantly came up to pull yours from his face. The way he had fled so urgently from your touch, as if your hands might cause him some physical harm. The thick lump that had formed in your throat choked you, you heaved heavy breaths between your violent sobs. You wept until your eyes formed no more tears, until your head throbbed, until you were completely exhausted.
With a glass of water in hand, you made your way to your room, mind blank. On the way, you abruptly stopped and turned around. You let your legs carry you without protest. They seemed to know where they were going.
You ended up at Bucky’s door. You didn’t know when he would come home, but you knew that when he did, you wanted to be with him. And so you entered. Heavy lidded eyes glanced around the room as the light flickered on. There was a bed, a plain bedside table, a desk, a desk chair. He was more for functionality than style, you had always known that. Upon his desk was a photo of himself and Steve. The surface of his bedside table was covered by a record player, the only special thing that he had ever really asked for. There were a couple plants here and there, courtesy of you. You had wanted to liven up the painfully minimalistic room just a little bit. You flicked the switch and the room went dark again. Curled up beneath his duvet, you inhaled deeply through your nose, exhaling loudly. It was all Bucky. You longed for him. For his gaze, for his touch, his laugh, his silky voice.  You withheld another sob. You needed him here.
When he got home you would tell him. You would tell him that you loved him, that you were sorry. You imagined his warm body slipping into bed beside you. He would hold you in his arms and maybe then you’d tell him. Or maybe he’d say he didn’t want to talk and instead you would fall asleep together. Bodies intertwined like unruly vines, breaths perfectly synchronized. He would sleep all night because he only slept well when you were there to keep him tethered to reality. You’re here, we’re together. It’s alright. You’ve come back to me.
You would wake to the soft crackling of a record on its turntable and the great crescendo of some euphonious song that he happened to know. He might get you to dance with him, as he often liked to do. Swing you around the room and send you smiles full of mischief. Or maybe he’d be lying beside you still asleep. The only music would be the sound of his gentle huffs of breath. You would look upon his softened features, dotingly stroke his cheek, then maybe blush in embarrassment at your sentimental behavior. You would ignore the bashful smile that would force itself upon your lips, ignoring your brain’s protests, and hope that things could be like this all the time. You would tell him so. You would tell him you loved him. You would say that you’re never going to leave. He would say he loved you too.
When you woke the next morning, you woke to an empty bed. Bucky had not come home that night.
@slender–spirit @katielu-blog @bookhoggerph @sergeant-james-bbarnes @killjoynotes @thirstresponsibly @cherrywinedarling @janeyboo @buckybarnesxoxo @depressed-fangirl​ @tchallaholla @rheasneonjournal @lilypalmer1987 @zeonxox @sarahp897 @sebspeach @kat-lives @graveyardfairy @fandom-obsessed-girl @painkiller80  @i-had-a-life-once @writingsleepless @starkxpotts @damagelove @buckybarnestrashh
i had to come back and fix the effing tags since they dont know how to act so if yall got tagged like 849 times it was my fault soz im a dumbass love yall!
message me if you’d like to be added to the taglist for this fic<3
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lametooru · 6 years
tag games! 
im always so slow to do these so heres a bunch of them bc they are super fun to do and i love learning things about my mutuals , thanks to everyone who’s tagged me ❤
20 Qs Tag
tagged by @hwangsrenjun 
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better
name: kingkanoke
nicknames: tan
height: 5′5
orientation: het
nationality: british/thai
favorite season: autumn !!!! 
favorite flower: forget-me-nots they’re so pretty 
favorite scent: fresh laundry soOOSOO good
favorite color/s: like any shade of blue 
favorite animal: cheetahs and dolphins 
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: ice coffee + tea
average sleep hours: i used to be able to run on 5/6 hrs but apparently now i need like 7/8
dog or cat person: love both but if i had to choose ... doggies
favorite fictional character(s): literally so fucking many but rn im brainwashed by marvel so : thor, peter, steve my BEST boys 
number of blankets you sleep with: 1
dream trip: korea, jpn, cali, nyc, greece, italy, bali, new zealand, australia lmao like everywhere
blog created: 2012 im a veteran on here kiddos ive seen the rise and falls of whole civilisations 
number of followers: more than i thought i would get tbf
random fact: i would chose death over eating celery like honestly even the smell alone idk it really urks me 
get to know me ok
Rules: Answer 30 questions and then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
Tagged by:@kkimingyu
nicknames: tan
gender: female
zodiac: pisces !!! wheres all my emo fish people at c;
height: 5′4/5 like im in between there 
age: 19 ohymgod im so old im not even gunna be a teen anymore next yr thats goss :(
time: 10:04pm
favorite bands/artists: hmmm im gunna answer outside kpop ... i listen to panic! at the disco, fall out boy, rihanna, britney spears lmao im so basic i know aksjhfasl i also have a lot of misc songs that i really like so my music taste is just all over the place
song stuck in my head: its legit just the the theme from parks and recs bc im watching it rn 
last movie I saw: it was literally black butler book of murder lmafooooooooo ffs can my weeb ass tone it down pls
last thing I googled: ‘why am i sneezing so much’ 
other blogs: @fyvoltronld (100% vld stuff) and my newly made art blog @tnkisu
do I get asks: i used to get quite a lot of requests when i was an anime blog lool
why I chose my username: bc mingyu is uwu :3
following: 210
the average amount of sleep: 7 ish
lucky no: 3 bc i was born on 3rd march 
what am I wearing: grey joggers and over sized tee lol see me at the next fashion week pls
dream job: illustrator / graphic designer in the entertainment industry somwhere
dream trip: okaay lol here we go: italy esp positano!!, california, nyc, hawaii, new zealand, japan, korea, hong kong, canada dream big i guess
favorite food: literally craving roast duck n rice so much rn also ice cream if that counts! and noodles mmMMMMmmmm
instruments: i used to play the trumpet but i quit when i was like 13
sports: i played volleyball for almost 2 yrs but stopped bc uni and i used to cycle loads too (and yes its bc of anime lmao whats new)
hair color: dark brown, blackish like ur normal asian hair
eye color: matches my hair im so boring oof
most iconic song: um if u seek amy by miss britney spears? she didnt have to snap that hard
languages: english and like 40% of thai lol im losing it all 
random fact: i LOVE dressing gowns if im not outside im probably wearing one, even in the summer theyre just so comfy i own 3
describe urself as aesthetic things ! : the buzz of a busy restaurant, 3am talks with your friends, going into the city at night and being surrounded by lights, the warmth of the sun hitting your skin, your favourite people smiling at you, reading a book on a cloudy day, that one annoying itch you can’t quite seem to scratch 
˗ˏˋ 11 question tag ˊˎ˗
thank you for tagging me @jisoostar & @gyuofficial
rules: tag some people you would like to get to know better.
how much sleep did you get last night? don’t lie to me.
9 i think.. its the summer holidays so i sleep for a looooooong time
do you use any lip balm or lip tint? what are you using?
lip balm all the way aint no time for ashy lips lol i use the cherry carmex lip balm  
tell me about your guilty pleasure!
hmm maybe those slice of life animes that r just over the top, a bit dumb and funny with no serious plot lines or anything 
what’s your favorite subject at school and why?
art bc i was shit at everything else ahaha....
pick 5 idols to be your classmates!
oKAy : kevin (the boyz), key (shinee), hoshi (svt) , mingyu (svt), hyungwon (monsta x) 
experience the hunger games or the purge?
the purge bc i live in the most eventual village in england  
tell me your favorite food without saying what it is. describe it.
mmmmmm....a meat from an animal with wings paired with white grains from a plant and a hot liquid on the side (this makes it sound gross aslfjaslkf)
what language do you have an interest in learning?
spanish, mandarin, korean, italian too mayb
you found a magic lamp and the genie will grant you three wishes. what do you have in mind? please, don’t ask for more wishes.
the ability to draw whatever i wanted to the way i envisioned it in my head (correct proportions, depth of view, shadows vs highlights etc) 
to be able to be fluent in all languages i wanted including reading & writing
have flawless skin for the rest of my life 
pick three of your favorite cuisines!
not being biased but thai is my number 1 lolololol
chinese esp dim sum 
hey, the last question is a PSA. you’re precious and i love you. reply with: “i’m precious and i love me too”.
getting on my last uwus smh :(  thank u, im precious and i love me too ~
tagging: @kkimingyu @cafewoozi  @jeongahn @wonhuis  @himeaegyo @jeong-hanie​ @jisoostar​ @bbymarklee @ilxu (feel free to do them all, one or non ^^) 
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velcro-rave · 6 years
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half shitpost. half serious. all playlist.
I decided to unceremoniously break the one rule I set for myself every single time a new season of this show is released, which is TO NOT POST SPOILERS EVER, because I figured this was too fun not to share. So, instead of outright filling your dash with my critical & ridiculous thoughts, I’ve composed them into musical format via a YouTube mixtape. It’s 27 songs long and will take about an hour and a half of your life.
Keep in mind that this playlist is FILLED WITH SPOILERS. Even though it’s mostly a joke-y song-inspired summary of the events in S6, please do not listen to the playlist until you’ve watched the entire season. It will make 0 sense, as opposed to the minuscule fraction of sense it would’ve made if you had finished watching. Plus, you’ll be mad that you ruined it for yourself. It’s honestly an interesting collection of episodes!
However, if you are indeed ready, listen to it here!
(bonus link if the first doesn’t work)
I recommend going in blind and letting it play through without reading the descriptions below until you get to the song, but if you’d rather know EXACTLY what was going through my mind when I slapped everything onto the tracklist beforehand, go wild.
I just wanted the thumbnail tbh, but this is a good intro track for the mess you’re about to experience.
Hunk training w/ Dayak. This one was probably the most visceral song. It was stuck in my head the absolute second he held up those weights.
Shielding the labor planet from the solar sequences (eclipses are tangentially related, right?) and also a very dramatic way of backing Lance getting saved by Allura.
E P I S O D E   2  -  RAZOR’S EDGE
Allura slooowly trusting Lotor more and more & them being awfully flirty. In a serious sense, this is about him convincing her to let down her guard and let him in on what he wants to have.
Lance getting third wheeled hardcore by Allura & Lotor :( poor dude can’t catch a break.
Keith coming to terms w/ Krolia. I also needed a generally serious jam so this was a good fit to fill the space.
Have you seen that one Lance fanzine by the same name though? Holy shit. The art is incredible.
Keith & Krolia again, this time ft. them living together for 2 yrs on top of a giant space whale with a bootleg Blink Dog for a pet.
Krolia & Tex (Keith's dad, still nameless smh) and how they were total badasses together. This is a mix between shitpost and serious because I couldn’t think of anything country/southern-related that fit the bill for their “let’s run off and hide and be together” scenario except for this song. Stuck with the horse metaphor, I guess. :P
Focus on Krolia & Tex's relationship again, her leaving him for the good of the planet and such. The lyrics are really good here, mainly
The teenage queen, the loaded gun The drop dead dream, the Chosen One A southern drawl, the world unseen
for Monsters & Mana aka BEST EPISODE. I can’t believe how nerdy they went. And how accurately nerdy they went. d20s..... playing the same classes after dying.... losing 8 hours in what feels like 8 minutes... Tomb of Horrors... they got it all.
CORANIC DRAGON BOSS FIGHT! ‘Cause it’s a giant, fire-breathing reptile.
basically just outro-ing Monsters & Mana. I gotta say, I thought this was the best downtime episode in a while. Maybe not as fun as Space Mall, but really close.
It could also be my favorite because I have 60 D&D characters...  :/
E P I S O D E   4  -  THE COLONY
Keith returns not only in his dark black Blade of Marmora suit but also to reinstate his role as the Black Paladin for the time being. Kuron’s nearly confirmed as a danger at this point!
Romelle telling the tale of their supposed “messiah” being Lotor and all the abuse the missing Alteans went through. I wanted to get a song that accurately captured my emotions of “what the fuck” but nothing I had could match the tone. So why not go for the opposite?
def Allura & Lotor, mostly Allura thinking that he's finally the one. “Boost” in the lyrics probably refers to Lotor subtly trying to get out of the immoral shit he did in his past that she doesn’t know about yet.
they  f u c k i n g  kissed are you KIDDING ME, FOR REAL????
Everyone telling Allura that Lotor, her bf for all of 2 seconds, is actually a manipulative bastard who not only murdered but isolated and horrifically tortured thousands of her kind. You know, the kind that she believed was entirely EXTINCT except for her and Coran? Oops!
Lotor betraying the team but AT LAST revealing exactly where he stands. He’s been so ambiguously untrustworthy for so long that it feels nice to get some closure.
Allura yeets him across the castle ship and it’s a work of art.
Keith + Kuron/Shiro fight, alluding to the episode title and both of them literally “inside” of the Black Lion later on. Almost as edgy as their blades.
Keith & Shiro, Keith doing his “I know you’re in there” plea. BROGANES FOREVERRRRR.
god that scene made me cry.
Coran & Pidge pulling off the craziest technical stunts and saving the day. I figured I needed at least one purely instrumental song on here.
Keith goes nyoom, aka he asks Shiro’s spirit to help him get back to the Paladins. But nyooming feels right, just like the narm.
Fighting Lotor and his knockoff Voltron. The lyrics in this one reference him ultimately becoming the father whom he despised so deeply. Sweet, sweet psychological revenge.
Acxa, Zethrid, and Ezor getting tired of Lotor's shit and betraying him again. It’s a pretty snazzy battle anthem.
The Castle of Lions is destroyed (BOOM!) & Lotor is maybe dead. Action-y song for AWESOME animation.
Allura reviving the hell out of Shiro. He’s back! Probably! And with white hair!
We're going home.
That’s it! Thanks for listening. Feel free to send me a message telling me what you liked about the playlist; I had a lot of fun working on it for the day. Eventually I’ll post some 100% serious mixes... including lots more actual lyric analysis. Next time you’ll see spoilers from me will be July 15th, 2018!
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cornetdonkey04 · 3 years
US Open Tennis 2021: tv schedule and Wednesday's Afternoon Draw Predictions
Elise Amendola/linked Press four singles gamers punched their tickets to the semifinals of the 2021 U.S. Open Tuesday. No. 2-seeded Daniil Medvedev and No. 12 seed Felix Auger-Aliassime superior on the men's facet, while No. 2-seeded Aryna Sabalenka and unseeded Leylah Fernandez advanced within the women's event. Fernandez is probably the most mind-blowing of these four semifinalists. The 19-12 months-historical has defeated No. 3 Naomi Osaka, No. sixteen Angelique Kerber and No. 5 Elina Svitolina in the past three rounds, making her 2d appearance on the U.S. Open one to be aware. earlier than these 4 play their next suit, four greater semifinalists should be determined. And with a view to happen Wednesday, when quarterfinal play concludes at the USTA Billie Jean King national Tennis middle in big apple metropolis. may there be more surprises on the manner, or will the favorites be successful? U.S. Open coverage will air from midday-6 p.m. ET on ESPN on Wednesday, then will resume from 7-11 p.m. ET on ESPN. right here's a better seem to be on the first two fits that can be taking area Wednesday afternoon at Arthur Ashe Stadium. No. 11 Belinda Bencic vs. Emma Raducanu, noon ET or not it's feasible the ladies's singles semifinals might characteristic two unseeded contributors, however Emma Raducanu will should notch her biggest victory of the match to make it take place. Belinda Bencic has been enjoying a few of her most useful tennis of late, having received the gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics and now attaining the U.S. Open quarterfinals for the third time in her profession. And during this run, she's received each of her first 4 suits in straight sets. within the circular of 16, the 24-year-historic notched her most outstanding victory in the event to this aspect, defeating No. 7 seed Iga Swiatek 7-6 (14-12), 6-three. She capitalized on the momentum she received from winning that long first-set tiebreaker to deal with company in the second set. "It turned into critical. It changed into very critical the first set," the Swiss player talked about, per Steve Tignor of Tennis.com. "it be mentally vital because you know in case you lose a set like this, or not it's very frustrating." happily for Bencic, she didn't lose it. And now, she'll tackle Raducanu who additionally hasn't dropped a group over her first four wins on the U.S. Open. besides the fact that children, the 18-12 months-ancient British participant has yet to face a seeded opponent. So she hasn't reasonably faced the challenges that Bencic has to make it to this point. That may make a change when both go head-to-head. while Raducanu has performed neatly, it be going to be complicated for her to keep up with Bencic, chiefly when she is taking part in this well. expect the Swiss celebrity to control this match from the delivery and advance to the U.S. Open semifinals for the second time in three years. Prediction: Bencic wins in straight units No. 4 Alexander Zverev vs. Lloyd Harris Alexander Zverev is one of the few gamers who can probably stay away from Novak Djokovic from profitable this event. The 24-yr-ancient made the U.S. Open finals final yr (the first time he had made it that far at a Grand Slam), and he may well be on his way again there this year. earlier than searching too far down the road, the German need to evade an upset by using Lloyd Harris, who's the most effective unseeded men's singles participant closing in the tournament. If there's going to be an immense surprise story, it be going to must come from the South African. The 24-year-old has made an wonderful run, with three of his first four wins coming against seeded opponents. He even defeated No. 7 Denis Shapovalov in straight sets within the third circular. So he's in a position to pulling off upsets and has already made it further than he has at a huge tournament earlier than. but Zverev is at a unique stage from the different avid gamers Harris has faced. not most effective that, but he has been on a roll of late, having gained the gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics and then additionally profitable the Western & Southern Open. currently on a 15-healthy successful streak, Zverev hasn't misplaced due to the fact the fourth circular at Wimbledon in June. "My serve is form of the key to my online game. When it's working, i'm playing high-quality. When it's now not, i am dropping matches like I did at Wimbledon," he said, per the ATP Tour. "I think it's no secret that my serve is doubtless essentially the most important shot in my video game, and that i'm satisfied with how it's working." or not it's doubtless Zverev's serve will retain working in opposition t Harris, and a good way to lead him back to the semifinals of the U.S. Open. Prediction: Zverev wins in straight units 먹튀검증
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ericvick · 3 years
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With voting timetable uncertain, prospect industry is in topsy-turvy manner
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Walsh resignation day is important The field of likely candidates to be successful Mayor Walsh, Secretary of Labor-designate in the Biden Cupboard, dwindled down above the final week as city councillors and other folks eyeing the seat waited warily to see what kind of election routine they will be confronting during this municipal election calendar year.
The preferred incumbent from Dorchester will probable resign sometime following month upon his Senate confirmation, in the process passing his responsibilities off to City Council president, Kim Janey, who will provide as performing mayor until an election is held.
The timing of when voters will get their to start with option to select a successor will possible effect who will operate, and who won’t. For every the city’s constitution, if Walsh resigns ahead of March 5, his departure would result in a exclusive election— a preliminary adopted by a runoff concerning the two best vote getters— that would be scheduled for early summer months.
The council, however, is taking into consideration a Home Rule Petition that would override that statutory provision and go away the overall issue for voters to make your mind up in the regularly scheduled elections in September and November.
The petition, which was debated by the full council previous week and despatched to a committee for additional evaluate, would require to be accredited by a majority of the council and by Walsh ahead of likely to the Legislature and the governor for thought. (See connected tale in this edition.)
As that important difficulty is sorted out, the industry of achievable candidates has been sluggish to consider full shape. So considerably, only two candidates are firmly in the succession industry: Councillors Michelle Wu and Andrea Campbell, both equally of whom released campaigns last year when Walsh was even now regarded as a possible prospect for re-election. Previous week, two most likely robust candidates – Suffolk Sheriff Steve Tompkins and downtown Boston condition Rep. Aaron Michlewitz, chair of the Methods & Signifies Committee at the State House – withdrew their names from the mayoral blend.
Individuals however weighing bids for the total-time submit, according to numerous resources shut to them, include things like Janey, who will run Town Hall for at minimum a number of months after Walsh leaves Annissa Essaibi-George, an at-significant councillor from Dorchester who has built an increasingly robust citywide foundation above the very last three election cycles and Councillor-at-Substantial Michael Flaherty, the longest-tenured member of the council who lives in South Boston.
Point out Sen. Nick Collins, who represents South Boston, most of Dorchester, and areas of Mattapan, is also mulling a run as are Marty Martinez, a Dorchester resident who serves as the city’s main of Health and fitness and Human Companies for the city John Barros, a further Dorchester resident who is the city’s chief of Financial Development in the Walsh cupboard, by these who have talked to him William Gross, the city’s police commissioner, who instructed reporters final week that he was leaning towards a go and point out Rep. Jon Santiago, a health practitioner who signifies the South Finish and Back again Bay in the Legislature.
Wu and Campbell can both of those assert significant head starts more than new entries in the race.
Wu officially introduced her bid for mayor past September— two months in advance of Campbell. The at-significant councillor from Roslindale— now in her fourth phrase on the council— notched the race’s initially significant-name endorsement on Jan. 9 when US Sen. Elizabeth Warren threw her assist to Wu, whom Warren taught as a professor at Harvard Law.
Campbell, who life in Mattapan, has represented District 4 on the council because unseating longtime incumbent Charles Yancey in 2014. She announced her bid previous September, citing her policy function on the council and her roots in the metropolis.
In accordance to the Office of Campaign and Political Finance (OCPF), Wu had $535,589 in the bank at the conclude of 2020 and Campbell was a bit powering her at $523,731.
Janey, who will be the initial Black man or woman — and the to start with woman— to serve comprehensive-time as the city’s main government, has not nevertheless said if she will search for a whole, 4-12 months phrase. She experienced $96,965 in her campaign account at the conclusion of very last 12 months. 
Essaibi-George is said to be very seriously weighing a mayoral campaign, in accordance to resources shut to her. A previous Boston Public Schools trainer and the operator of the Stitch House on Dorchester Avenue, she has been a longtime ally of Walsh, whom she has identified considering the fact that childhood. She has developed her citywide foundation around 3 phrases in workplace, and is a single of numerous folks with ties to Walsh’s political group and donors who could mount a feasible candidacy. She concluded 2020 with around $110,000 at her disposal for electioneering.
Flaherty initial joined the town council in 1999, and following functioning inadequately towards incumbent Mayor Thomas M. Menino, he returned to the council in 2013. He has approximately $198,000 in the bank, according to new experiences.
Flaherty informed the Reporter very last week that he is “weighing” his alternatives, including, “There are a lot of aspects to think about, such as who enters the race and irrespective of whether we have a particular election or not. Our town wants a mayor and leaders in each and every elected situation who are thoroughly dedicated to both bringing our metropolis through this pandemic and continuing the work of building Boston a far better, far more resilient and equitable area for all its citizens.” 
Martinez, who at present has the large-profile occupation of top the city’s Covid response, told reporters last 7 days that his experience in that role would be an asset in the mayor’s business.
“The following mayor … will have a large duty to make sure we can finish this response and get to an equitable restoration, and I’m absolutely looking at jogging for mayor,” he claimed.
Martinez does not yet have an account registered with campaign finance office and neither does Barros, who is also observed as a probably prospect. A Dorchester resident who ran for mayor in 2013 and finished fourth in the preliminary election, he is now a seasoned City Hall veteran with powerful connections to the city’s business and civic leaders.
Of Cape Verdean descent, Barros was the longtime chief of the Dudley Street Community Initiative prior to signing up for the Walsh cupboard.
Gross advised reporters final 7 days that he is “90 % in” as a prospect himself. He was promoted to the BPD’s best spot by Walsh in 2018 and is a well known determine amongst officers and their families.
A Dorchester resident in his youth, Gross lived in Milton in more new yrs just before transferring again into the city— to Roslindale— right after his appointment as police commissioner. 
“I can not give you an respond to 100 p.c,” Gross explained last week when requested about his candidacy. “But out of regard, I’m heading to give this deep consideration. If there’s a person detail that rings real, I would hardly ever be as presumptuous as just to throw my hat in the ring when the mayor was just announced.” 
Michlewitz, who life in the North Close, reported past week that he will not run for mayor, that he will retain his seat in the Legislature, the place, he said in a assertion, “I imagine I can be most efficient to the inhabitants of the metropolis of Boston in my current function as the chair of Strategies and Means with a seat at the desk major us via the financial recovery essential to see the commonwealth of Massachusetts out of the problems brought about by the pandemic.”
Tompkins issued a very similar statement final 7 days: “While I am significantly flattered by each my inclusion in the dialogue as a contender for this honor and by the many calls of assistance and encouragement I have been given from pals and colleagues, urging me to critically take into account having the leap, it is with effective conviction and a renewed feeling of goal that I respectfully decline this prospect to provide the individuals of Boston in this capability.”
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daggerzine · 3 years
Celebrity Mixtape Party #2 With Bob Fay!  (presented by Matthew Kenneth)
The second installment of Celebrity Mixtape Party brings you none other than rock and roll gentleman from Sebadoh, Bob Fay! Bob waxes intellectual about a variety of pop tunes I recorded onto magnetic tape for him. I envision Bob working long into the evening writing this. Stroking a beard, smoking a meerschaum, brandy glass in hand. Peruse these words, dear reader, and delve into one of the great minds of 90s indie music. 
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Track 1. Comsat Angels (Missing in Action), a band I should have dug more at the time considering when their records started to show up at my local record shop and when I was at peak Anglo-worship mode. But they never left me wanting to hear more and then I went back to my Echo and The Bunnymen and Ruts LPs.. This track is hitting kind of nice right now, truth be told.
Track 2. The title isn't showing up but this sounds like TFLU 282. Now the singing has started and so my first guess seems wrong. Very clanged out guitar sound that hides the tunefulness. Miserable singer vibes too. Wonder if I already own this record? Oh it's Gordons! I have this on CD! Good for me! (Gordons-Spic n' Span)
Track 3. Hard to put across in mere words just how great the Soft Boys were at their zenith. And four part harmonies too? And while I think most rock lyrics are unfettered dreck, Robyn Hitchcock really had a gift of the lyrical gab (Soft Boys-Wey Wey Hep Uh Hole)
Track 4. I had some Bauhaus records when they first made their way to Boston but there was so much fashion baggage that went along with membership to the goth club. As their star kept ascending I was taking a hard left away from UK dance music. I came to realize later just how great some of those Bauhaus records were/are. (Terror Couple Kill Colonel)
Track 5. (Kleenex-Ain't You). Want to buy a Bridge might be the most influential record I've ever bought. This track remains a highlight amongst the flawless track listing. And talk about dope lyrics. And you just reminded me about the perfect gang vox!
Track 6. Flipper was another complete game changer for me. It doesn't sound nearly as slow as I probably thought it did in 1982 but the songs still reign supreme. One band all three members of Sebadoh could agree on. (Talk is Cheap)
Track 7. Basement 5 Who won me over at the time do a Christmas song? And it is fantastic? Did not see that coming...(The Last White Christmas)
Track 8. Kevin Ayers made one of my top five debut LPs of all time! Like easily. I scooped up the Odds and Ends LP back in the day and lo and behold; (Soon Soon Soon). Incredible guitar solo.
Track 9. The first band I flat out don't know. Late '70s early '80s new wavy angularity. Farfisa dance rock for the slump shoulder set circa 1981 (Happy Refugees-Hamburger Boy)
Track 10. Boston was a real TFLU282 stronghold for a while back then. I was lucky enough to co-interview them for Leslie Godfrey's pop watch fanzine. Such sweet folks. (Thinking Fellers Union Local 242-Hornet's Heart)
Track 11. Richard Davies what a character! This is one of his greatest songs right here. Assuming you've seen the incredible version with flaming lips from 1995? Do it, f****** pronto. No way I can start jotting down thoughts on the man that is RD. (Moles-What's the New Mary Jane?)
Track 12. Early MBV? Weird 50s style song structure with some fuzz for good measure. The vocals and lyrics are very trad for an MBV number. (My Bloody Valentine-Moonlight)
Track 13. another unknown to me band. A little like a less oblique Giant Sand when they were verging on grunge. That was a good period for that band. Sorry... I would probably dig this in some sweaty club. Well anywhere, really. Would seek out other music by (Hornet Leg-Gold Fire)
Track 14. I love Mirrors. That whole Cleveland 70s thing is the most unheralded thing In rock and roll history. Got to see Mirrors when that homestead CD came out in 1990(?) and they still had the goods. (Mirrors-Shirley)
Track 15. Never really followed Marc Riley's career after his Fall days were through. This is great so I might have to do some digging. Real jittery track...(Marc Riley-Judas Sheep)
Track 16. Another band that I just never got around to in my youth. I like how rickety it sounds but still keeps the song chugging forward. I found their music on Spotify (gasp) after reading an article on them in Ugly Things magazine. Applied knowledge! (Radiators from Space-Prison Bars)
Track 17. Alex Chilton (Hook or Crook) was such a big deal for me in the 1980s along with dozens of others like them. The man could do anything and out of morbid curiosity I had to hear it saw a few sets in the 80s that sure did piss off the Big Star heads!
Track 18. (Rock*a*Teens Down with People)! My sentiments exactly! Great muddy sound and a real desperation to the vox that is just swell. The band lives up to their rocking moniker.
Track 19. Wow this name rings no bell whatsoever. Mid-80s Scottish pop? Post-Pavement Belgium band circa 1993? Flying Nun band that's only on a comp that was never reissued? The world will never know...(Rote Kapelle-Jellystone Park)
Track 20. Really dug the Pink Section reissue on Superior Viaduct a few years back. Solid new wave that sends me right back to 1980 in a heartbeat. A total Gang of Four rip on the guitar solo. (Pink Section-Wine World)
Track 21. My wife turned me on to this era of Bowie. This tune in particular hitting that sweet spot like the Move have a tendency to do. And how in the hell did I not hear the complete hunky dory until 1997? Totally missed out...(David Bowie-Black Country Rock)
Track 22. Lucky to have seen La Peste a number of times opening for whatever UK band I was seeing. Real kings of the scene for a spell and they knew that if you only wrote great songs before breaking up early on yr legacy is sealed. (La Peste-Black)
Track 23. Just got this 45 again recently when a local DJ dumped his 45 collection at a store I frequent. This s*** sounds better to me now than it did back then. It kind of reminds me of a Boston version of the Boomtown Rats. (Pastiche-Boston Lullaby)
Track 24. Talk about a band that screwed the pooch on that first full-length. all of the demo rehearsal tapes have way more than the pro garbage. Never saw DMZ but by that time the Lyres started gigging around town I was all in! (DMZ-Go to School)
Track 25. Never heard the Del Byzanteens but ho! This has some real quality happening on the track. Good lyrics working off the twangy guitar and drums and percussion. Learn something everyday! (Del-Byzanteens-Welcome Machines)
Track 26. Maybe the most willfully cheery Monks number. When I start my stoned ramblings on first punk band The Monks are always in the mix. it's one of the great American stories in rock and roll history and f*** the singing on the end of this song is stellar! (The Monks-He Went Down to the Sea)
Track 27. Opal (and Clay Allison before that) made it plain to see that I was more of a Kendra Smith fan than a Steve Wynn head. Her voice is one of those that are only equaled by a choice view of a heavyweight vocalists like Sandy Denny and oh, you know, Bridget St. John etc. (Opal-Sailing Boats)
Track 28. Stephen, the Clean off-shoot band? Wish I hadn't sold that EP on Flying Nun back in the pre-911 days of eBay. In 20 years I sold about 16,000 things online and still have too much s***. But I digress. Will certainly relisten to Stephen. That David Kilgour just has the Midas Touch is all. (Stephen-Crystal)
Track 29. (The Chills-Dream by Dream) Don't know this one but I have not really heard anything post Soft Bomb so that's my bad. At first The Chills were my favorite Flying Nun band. The mix of morose and pop joy proved to be too much for me to resist in 1985. Wherever this track is from it's got that chills x factor.
Track 30. (3Ds-Sunken Head) More New Zealand shenanigans. I was getting their 45s and such as they made the track to the states back then. I have nothing but fond memories hanging with these folks on my one and only trip to New Zealand with Sebadoh. Be aware bands that own their own pub!
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