#it’s a special kind of hurt realizing just how much your family has failed you all along.
ghostwithaheartbeat · 2 months
(Yelling at the void)
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
May I please request something for Kate Bishop x reader? Even a part two for your latest Kate fic almost.
Reader hangs up her suit and stops being SpiderWoman after losing May, and both Kate and Yelena can see her starting to spirl. (Maybe Yelena helps her with the anger and grief of losing May.)
i'm all skeleton and melody [K.Bishop]
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pairing: kate bishop x parker!reader; (platonic) yelena belova x parker! reader
summary: kate calls for backup when she realizes how underprepared she is to help you deal with your grief over losing may.
warnings: mentions of character death [mainly may but there's a quick natasha mention, i'm sorry]; heavy mentions of grief + references to depression; smaller serving of angst with a huge side of hurt/comfort and yelena being supportive in her own way; kate being a golden retriever gf who doesn't know how to stay
wordcount: 1.6k
a/n: can i just say good grief is one of my favorite fics i've written so a request for a part two was a wonderful surprise? i've gotten attached to a lot of my mini-universes but this one is special to me. yelena has a bigger role in this part because i said so :) also, the gif above was my inspiration for one of the scenes and i think it shows lmao. anywho, hope you enjoy <3
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People always talk about the five stages of grief but what they fail to mention is that grief is a never-ending cycle.
Sometimes you can reach anger and go right back to denial. Or reach acceptance and fall into depression again. Reaching the end just means you’re ready to fall back to the beginning and start fresh once more.
People make it out to be a process, and in many ways, it is, but it’s not an easy one to deal with. Even when you have loving and supportive people by your side.
Sometimes, having those people around can actually make it worse.
Which is how you wound up where you are right now, locked up in your and Kate’s shared bedroom, refusing to get out of bed or even open the door to your kind-eyed girlfriend.
Your guilt about shutting the archer out, literally and emotionally, is overshadowed by the pain that grips your chest every time you breathe. Pain that nothing can take away, not even Kate Bishop.
The truth is, you started slipping the second May died. You tried to hide it, and you honestly succeeded, until it became painfully obvious that you were ignoring the Spidey suit hanging in the back of your closet.
Any time Kate or Yelena asked, you mumbled something about how you were taking a break. It was more than understandable…until said “break” turned into you not eating, not sleeping, and shutting both of them out of your mind and heart.
Yelena handled it the way she handles most things, by silently watching until she found all the signs that told her you really weren’t doing well. Kate, on the other hand, did not handle it as well or as casually as her blonde best friend.
It would have been annoying if you didn’t love her as much as you do. She meant well, there will never be a doubt in your mind about your girlfriend and her clumsy yet good intentions. Her sad looks were more than you could handle, though, and her whispers of encouragement only served to remind you of what you lost.
So, when it became painfully obvious she couldn't help you on her own, she did the only thing she could think of. She called Yelena and begged her to talk you down from the metaphorical ledge you’re on. The one that told you you didn’t deserve to be Spiderwoman anymore, not when you were responsible for the death of the only family you had left.
“y/n!” Your self-deprecating spiral comes to a stop the second you hear Kate’s voice again. “I know you can hear me. Please, babe, just let me in.”
You can hear the tears that cling to her eyes even through the door that separates you. It should be a reminder of how much your girlfriend loves you but in reality, it only furthers the disdain you hold for yourself right now.
The warmth of the blanket you’re hiding under is no replacement for Kate’s strong embrace but you can’t find the strength to get out of bed. It’s not like you’re happy about it but you can’t do much to lift the heavy weight of grief that holds you down.
At least not on your own.
You can barely make out the sound of the archer’s voice but you don’t understand the word she says. Much less who she’s saying them to.
“I just want to help,” she says for the fifth time, earning herself yet another one of Yelena’s eye rolls.
“Yes, I know, you have said that a million times already.”
“I just don’t understand why I can’t go in there with you. She’s my girlfriend.”
“y/n isn’t in a good mental place, Kate Bishop. You will only get hurt.”
“Isn’t that exactly why I should be there? I’m supposed to be the one taking care of her when she’s not doing okay.”
“Put the puppy eyes away, you’re staying outside.”
The hushed sound of voices turns into the tell-tale sound of the doorknob being messed with. You assume Kate is attempting to pick the lock again so you merely sigh and turn onto your back, staring at the ceiling and trying to erase May’s face from your mind.
You feel a familiar exhaustion starting to creep in when the bedroom door slams open.
“I thought you said you were going to pick the lock!”
“Do not be a baby about it, Kate Bishop, you’re rich.”
“It was a nice door.”
The ghost of a smile appears on your face at Kate’s complaint but the reaction is more subconscious than anything. It’s almost like your body reacts instantly to your girlfriend even while your mind is struggling to stay afloat.
“Stay.” You miss the glare Yelena throws Kate’s way but the sound of footsteps approaching manages to register in your mind.
Your first instinct is to hide despite how ridiculous of an idea it is. You reach for your blanket and throw it over your face to cover your tired eyes and tear-stained cheeks.
Yelena sighs but makes no attempt to force you to face her. She may act like a jerk sometimes but she cares a lot about you and Kate…mainly you but the archer doesn’t need to know that her playful insults aren’t always completely playful.
“y/n,” the blonde says softly as she sits down next to you. “I do not want to be the one to tell you this but your girlfriend is losing her marbles over you.”
The Russian mumbles some curse words you don’t fully understand before continuing. “How do you live with her? She is more annoying than her dog.”
“Don’t bring Lucky into this,” you murmur, deciding only to speak up to protect the loyal dog’s honor.
“I would say I’m sorry but I am not. It’s nice to see you’re still alive.”
You don’t remove your (literal) safety blanket but you feel Yelena’s hand find your own over the fabric. A moment passes before you stick your hand out and allow the blonde to intertwine her fingers with yours.
It’s a wordless action and yet it brings tears to your eyes. You’re not sure how or why but you don’t dare fight against the emotions that gather in your grief-stricken body. “I wish I wasn’t.”
“You don’t mean that,” she replies, no traces of her usual sarcasm in her tone. “You’re just upset.”
The word doesn’t even begin to cover how you feel. It’s like your mind is painfully aware of how alive you are while your body is more than happy decomposing within the four walls of your bedroom.
“Try devastated.”
Yelena either doesn’t understand what you mean or she happily accepts the replacement. “Okay, you’re just devastated. Staying inside isn’t going to bring her back, you know?”
“You’re one to talk,” you mutter despite how harsh your words truly are.
Fortunately, the Russian might be the only person you know who is able to take that harshness in stride. “You’re right, I did awful things when I learned what happened to Natasha. But I didn’t do it for her. I did it for myself. Because I thought it was the only way to cope.”
You take the words for what they are, a reminder that you’re not alone. That you’re not the only person to almost succumb to the powerful anger hidden within the sadness and regret. What happened to May is miles away from what happened to Natasha, though, and somehow the comparison only makes things worse.
“It’s my fault she’s dead.” All the tears you had been holding back finally fall, forcing you to accept the reality you’ve been trying to escape from all these days. “I got my mom killed.”
“Don’t say that. You don’t know that-”
“Of course, I know that.” You use your free hand to pull the blanket down and finally face Yelena’s affectionate gaze. “Who else is to blame if it’s not me?”
“Try the homicidal maniac with a glider.”
Yelena groans and the familiarity of the scene helps to ease some of your pain. “What happened to staying outside, Kate Bishop?”
“y/n needs me.”
The words are simple in nature and they’re nothing you haven’t heard before but the reaction they bring out of you isn’t one you’re used to.
Thankfully, Kate crosses the space between you without you having to say anything.
Yelena tries to move away but you tighten your grip on her hand before she can get too far. She rolls her eyes at you but accepts the silent request, choosing to remain seated by your side while Kate literally climbs on top of you.
“You guys are strange.”
You’re too focused on the relief of having your girlfriend’s body back on top of you to argue back.
The archer lazily wraps an arm around your middle while her head rests on top of your shoulder so she’s able to glare at her best friend. They only last a few seconds before they start arguing about something so you close your eyes and let the sound of their voices drown out the memories that threaten to come back.
“Hey.” Kate’s voice is a mere whisper against your tear-stained cheeks. “I love you.”
You don’t have to open your eyes to be able to see the sincerity she exudues with every breath she takes and every look she gives you.
“I love you too.”
It’s not nearly enough to get rid of all your pain but it’s enough to remind you what you’re fighting for every day. You’re fighting for the ones you love. Even the ones you’ve lost.
And maybe fighting won't bring them back but you don't need to. Being with the ones you have left is more than enough for you.
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writingforcuteppl · 2 years
Dating Sparrow!Ben Headcannons 
WARNINGS: Swearing, smut
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How it started:
Ben Hargreeves is a little shit. He believes he’s the most amazing person in the world. Someone that gets what he wants, of course, that was until he met you.
Ben saw you for the first time after a mission with the Sparrows. You were looking at how everyone was cheering for them after another successful mission.
Yeah, they had powers, and they put their lives at risk, and you were thankful the world had someone like them, but they were way too cocky.
You believed that if they wanted to help because they only care about the well-being of the people, they wouldn’t show off that much.
Anyways, Ben saw you looking at him, at least, that’s what his ego made him think.
He got closer to you. Expecting you to be amazed by him. But you were unimpressed
“Like what you see, sweetheart?” You looked at Ben. You won’t deny he was hot. All the posters and billboards weren’t doing him any justice. “I mean, I know I’m handsome, want a picture? It lasts longer”
You rolled your eyes at his comment, he may be hot, but you could tell he was egocentric
You started to turn around, ready to go on with your day, until you felt his hand grab your wrist
“At least can I get your name?” There was something in his eyes that was different, something soft and sweet
You just smiled and said, “No”
He was shocked. No? No one has ever told him that. You took advantage of his reaction to free yourself from his grasp
Ben took that personally.
As soon as he saw you disappear in the crowd, he went straight to Fei, asking her to follow you, she was about to ask him why, but after all the years being siblings, she knew better not to ask
And then, it was like Ben was everywhere you went
Outside work, at restaurants, your favorite coffee shop, at the park, everywhere
He tried so badly to make it look like a casual encounter, failing in the attempt
Always saying something cheesy like “Fate keeps making us meet” or “Is it I or the universe wants us to be together?”
You wouldn’t accept it, but it made your day whenever you saw him waiting for you.
When you least expect it, you were starting to look for him wherever you went, knowing full well he will be waiting for you. And Ben realized that.
After a few weeks, you decided to give him a change. Trying to hide your attraction to him was starting to get useless.
Ben just wanted to have an opportunity with you. So in one of your many encounters, he decided it was time to ask you out.
“Just one date, if you keep thinking that I’m an asshole after the date, I will stop” You didn’t know if he was telling the truth, but one date wouldn’t hurt
And you were right.
Ben had the full evening planned.
First of all, he didn’t want you to meet his siblings, at least not yet. You were way too important for him, and his siblings tend to criticize everyone and everything, so the more time he can keep you away from them, the better. So he bribed his siblings to leave the house so he could make this evening a special one.
He made this beautiful setting in the rooftop garden they had. A place where the two of you could talk without anyone interrupting at all.
The more you talk and the evening passed, the more you started to fall for him.
You didn’t understand how he could be so different when he was in front of other people and when he was only with you.
It was like he created a whole different persona.
“Can ask you something, Ben? And I really don’t want you to take it personally, but it’s something I realized…”
“Go ahead”
“Why do you act like a douche?”
Ben let out a dry laugh, he knew this question was going to come up at any moment, and of course, he knew the answer very well.
“Well, you see, I found out that when you are polite all the time, people tend to take advantage of you no matter what. They think you are some kind of gullible person, and they think they can do whatever they want with you, well, at least that happened to me. And, of course, with a family like mine… Believe me when I say they are the most competitive people. Always trying to show who’s the best, so naturally, I’ll be just like them, even if sometimes I know I can come up as someone despicable.”
It was the first time he was completely honest with anyone, and you could feel it.
The rest of the night was wonderful, the two of you learned about each other’s lives, maybe not everything, but at least the highlights of them.
It was starting to get late, so Ben decided it was time to take you to your home
“So..?” Ben asked when the two of you arrived at your apartment door
“So what, Hargreeves?”
“Am I still an asshole?”
You just smile and gave him a quick peck on the lips
“Not at all”
How he is in the relationship
So Ben is definitely part of the “I hate everyone but her” trope, you know, the “she’s the sunshine, and he’s the grumpy one.”
Like, he can be a douche to his siblings, but the moment he sees you, his humor completely changes.
Maybe that’s why all the Sparrows love having you around. It makes their brother more bearable to be around.
His siblings don’t know, but he would do anything to make you happy
He loves showering you with love, preferably when none of his siblings are around, but if he feels like doing it, he will, no matter whose present.
Not only that, but all his siblings are thankful you’re in his life. They know how he puts on this tough façade no matter what, even when he is hurting, but he seems more relaxed and in touch with his feelings when you are around, not having to fake anything.
Of course, that means a lot of teasing coming from the Sparrows
No matter what the two are doing, someone finds a way the find the two of you and start making any type of cheesy and mocking comments.
Ben was proud to have you as his girlfriend.
Taking every single opportunity to mention you or mention he now has a beautiful and fantastic girlfriend
He even mentioned you when he was having any type of interview (most of them after saving the city and completing a mission successfully)
By the end of the first month together, you were pretty sure everyone in the city knew your name (you were glad he only mentioned you, and he never really showed a photo of you)
It was like the two of you knew the reason for only mentioning you and never being seen together in public. You knew if anyone ever saw the two of you, you could be at high risk. Being a “hero” came with a lot of disadvantages, and one of them was putting everyone he ever cared about in danger.
Your relationship was private but not secret.
And you were okay with it. You didn’t want everyone snooping in your relationship.
Now with the powers.
Something that made Ben happy when the two of you started dating was the fact that you didn’t mind his tentacles at all.
It was like a normal thing for you.
You were so used to seeing him save the day with his powers that when you were around him, the fact that he was using his powers was normal for you.
He would use them daily, like when someone needed something from an unreachable place to move things around, or even when you were just too far from him, he would simply use his tentacles and make you move closer to him.
And you were completely fine with it.
How he is when having sex:
So a lot of dominance coming from Ben.
Something about being in control of someone turned him on so much.
And being controlled by him was amazing.
Of course, you being so used to seeing him use his tentacles almost for everything meant he would use them with you during sex.
He has this ability to not only control the tentacles but also focus on giving you pleasure.
The tentacles were an addition to all the experiences he gives you.
He loves edging you with them, making you beg for his presence to be near you.
He also loves using the tentacles to keep you from moving
Seeing you so helpless, begging for his cock always made him feel so important and needed
Of course, once he thought you had enough foreplay, he would fuck you senseless without the tentacles
(Not that they were really needed)
Been liked it rough.
Seeing how your eyes would roll whenever he was thrusting into you only made him go harder.
Being the way he is, he loves when you make any type of sound. It serves as a confirmation of how much pleasure he is giving you.
He also wants to show how much pleasure he’s giving you, so he fucks you hard enough that you can’t hold back any type of sound.
His competitiveness with Marcus shows even when he’s fucking you raw.
You tried hard not to be so loud, but Ben didn’t like that.
Ben stopped when he realized you weren’t as loud as you usually would be when nobody was around.
You whined as you just needed a little more to come undone
“What did I say, princess? I want to hear you.”
You just whimpered at his words, being weak whenever he called you “princess.”
He increases his pace, sending shivers down your spine and making you moan in the process and forgetting to stay in silence.
You were pretty sure Ben knew how to push your buttons, so you would do anything he asked.
Ben loved giving you praises of how well you were for him
Like, “Look at you, taking my cock like a good girl.”
Or “You are always so good to me, baby, always doing what I want.”
He said any of those things loud and clear so everyone, especially Marcus, heard how good he made you feel.
And, of course, the Sparrows wouldn’t leave both of you alone
Every single day after the two of you had sex, they would make comments
It was embarrassing for you to know they were mocking you only to bother Ben, but it was the complete opposite.
Ben enjoyed the comments and the mocking, making him proud, always sending a smirk toward Marcus as if he won some kind of contest.
You just hide your face in Ben’s neck, trying so bad the Sparrows didn’t see how embarrassed you were.
But not all the times you two had sex were like that
Sometimes the two of you wanted to feel the closeness of each other
Those nights were special
He was so tender and sweet
Always whispering sweet nothings to your ear
Always making sure you felt how much he loves you, making sure you felt ok and happy all the time
“You know how much I love you, baby? You don’t have any idea how good you always make me feel.”
Love actions:
He likes words of affirmation.
You know, having a father like Reginald, someone who barely shows any type of emotion even if we are talking about his own children…
Well, Ben liked hearing your feelings, and of course, he loves to listen to how much he means to you and how much you loved him, no matter what the two of you were doing.
You always make sure he knows how loved he really is and how a fantastic person he is
Ben wouldn’t admit it, but he loves all the praises you give him, and of course, he does the same when it comes to you.
He also loves showering you with love words, making you feel happy and loved all the time.
He just wants to give you all the love he wishes he had received all his life.
When the two of you are alone, he enjoys having you close to him
Sometimes he’s too scared of something happening to you
So those little moments he gets with you were pure golden
Ben Hargreeves was full of surprises, but fortunately, you were able to see the real Ben. And you are so glad the two of you crossed paths because he’s definitely the most perfect person in the whole world.
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n a v i g a t i o n
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tweedlebugged · 1 year
Squinting at the latest dndads episode suspiciously and poking it with a stick. Because on the one hand, it definitely feels like something sus is going on under the surface here and Anthony’s going to pull the rug out any minute now.
On the other, this is a show called Dungeons and Daddies and you kind of have to accept on admission that the characters can and will twist the logical rules of the universe into a pretzel in service of a really good goof. So there’s no way to tell right now what seems a little weird For the Drama and what seems a little weird For the Bit.
Take Jodie. Last season he was this badass demon and objectively the most put together dad, and now he’s this kind of pathetic loser trying to get back with his ex. His ex who he’s definitely been broken up with for over two decades at this point, given that he was already dating Scam during the Church of the Doodler stuff only a few years post season 1. And he was a really involved dad who is obviously disappointed in Nicky for not being part of Taylor’s life, but also he seems totally indifferent toward Hermie and pinches his nose when he has to be near him? It’s weird! And he acts so eager to use these kids and is VERY obviously trying to manipulate them—the whole chosen one thing tbh, and giving scary “secret” information and telling her she smells so super evil when she’s just…not lol—but then gets worried and tries to stop Scary when she does something that will actually hurt her. Officer Foster sir what the fuck is your deal?
But also—Jodie the cringe fail King of Hell is hilarious and Jimmy could just have been leaning into that new persona because it’s good radio. And it was! So who knows!
And Glenn. We know he canonically helped found DADDIES and was working to take down the Doodler (fighting at the Church, putting in the super fast elevator) and Nicky continued to be involved for years after, so clearly the Close/Foster family cared about the Doodler stuff at one point. So how did Glenn end up with the Doodler’s anchor and why is he maiming children to keep them from getting it? Children he should probably recognize and care about at least a little! (Although to be fair Taylor and Link are both still wearing skull masks)
But ALSO—and I say this lovingly—Glenn does have a slight history of being a selfish garbage man, and even though his character grew a lot by the end of season 1 it still wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility for him to have looked around after his friends were gone, realized all of his loved ones were actually safe, and decided to fuck off to do cool things in hell instead. Especially after the other kiddads betrayed Nicky. Anthony did say that he’d let the players decide what happened to their characters, and while I don’t know Mr. Frederick Wong personally “fighting 666 demons in mega hell with the love of his life” does have the exact vibe of an ending he’d choose for Glenn.
So is Glenn under the influence of the anchor somehow? Is he actually one of the Likely family in disguise? Or is Freddy taking full advantage of being Glenn again to play out this character to its logical and EXTREMELY funny conclusion? Impossible to say!
And finally Agent Schmegan and the FBI. All that work hunting Nicky to the point that he had to abandon his family and stalking Taylor until they had an opportunity to draw out his dad, all so they could capture Nicky and torture him into letting them into hell. And now suddenly all they needed was text message permission from some random unrelated teenager and they could open a portal themselves? That’s fishy! And they had special weapons designed to take down Nicky, who said if they ever captured him his dads would be dead, but now Jodie can fight them all by himself without much issue? Feels a little like a scam, actually!
BUT ALSO—the 12 soccer players have been tied to the FBI since the FBI was introduced, and it makes sense to play out those stories at the same time. And since you can only go to hell once, bringing the FBI there now could take them out as a threat to Nicky. Which is more a narrative move than a comedy beat but would still be very funny when he loses his excuse to be an absentee dad and has to actually interact with Taylor. And his ex wife. And her new boyfriend.
This post isn’t going anywhere, the episode just reminded me why trying to theorize about Dungeons and Daddies is like trying to connect a conspiracy board with silly string (affectionate)
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
They are all Dragons, Steve and Bucky courting Tony but because they are from a different Dragon Tripe Tony doesn't get that they are courting him and think they are so nice to him, while Natasha watchs on she. She is courting Pepper and she told her she is courting her and things are moving along nicely between them
Natasha is from the same tripe as Steve and Bucky and they don't get how she is doing will with Pepper and they are not moving along with Tony (because they forgot to tell Tony they are courting him yheir way)
Just the most shenanigans between everyone :D
I love your work so much
Asdfksdjfh you know I’m always down to write them being idiots in love😂
Pepper frowned at Tony’s larder. It was much too full for one dragon--several bags of dehydrated meat, casks of beer and fruit wines, crates of fruit and vegetables. She’d watched him take the gifts happily, at first--he liked gifts, and he liked food, and gifts of food were the best of both. She knew he especially liked accepting gifts from Steve and Bucky, because he was carrying a torch for both of them, and it made him feel special.
But now his larder was too full, and winter was coming, and he wouldn’t be able to throw enough parties to get his friends to help him eat it. He was going to have to throw it out. And Steve and Bucky were planning to visit again--they’d certainly bring more.
Pepper turned, watching as Tony fussed with his human form, worrying over his hair and the way the scales still lingered around his eyes. ‘Like human wrinkles,’ he’d lamented, as if it didn’t make clear how self-conscious he was about being older than Steve and Bucky. She grabbed Natasha as she began to shuffle past her into the larder. “We need to talk to Steve and Bucky.”
“Why,” Natasha complained immediately.
Pepper slanted her a sharp look. She motioned at the larder.
Natasha looked, uncomprehending, before squinting back up at her. “I fail to see the problem? Unless you think this isn’t going to be enough for all three of them for the winter.”
“I am once again reminding you that our kind sleep more during the winter,” Pepper told her. “Also, Steve and Bucky won’t be staying the fucking winter if we don’t talk to them.”
Natasha blinked, absolutely confounded. “Why wouldn’t they? All this food gifting has led to this.”
“Do you remember the first time you brought me a side of beef, and I asked if you were calling me too skinny in a way that made you want to die?” Pepper asked her pleasantly.
Natasha preferred not to remember those times. “He’s got to gain weight for an egg,” she reasoned, a touch frantic at Pepper’s severe frown. “Even if you guys do sleep for a month.”
“We do not sleep for a whole month,” Pepper began, realized she was being derailed, and scowled, grabbing Natasha’s shoulder to drag her in close. “You know courting gifts in our colony are jewels. Tony has not received even a chip of sapphire, his family jewel. He doesn’t know he’s being courted, he doesn’t know Steve and Bucky expect to be invited to winter with him, and it’s going to hurt all of their feelings. And Tony hates waste, so you know he’s going to be upset when halfway through the winter, he has to throw out half this food, and Steve and Bucky are going to be hurt when they learn about it.”
“They could just ask him, like I asked you,” Natasha muttered petulantly.
“Steve and Bucky are fucking stupid,” Pepper whispered harshly, shaking her. “You know they’re fucking stupid. They started out posturing instead of giving him food, Natasha.”
Natasha winced, because Tony was oblivious even on the best of days, and posturing merited less than a short blink of confusion before he brushed it off. It had been Jim who had told them that posturing wouldn’t work, mostly because he felt bad after the second time Tony had responded to it with, “...Anyway.”
“Tell them to bring him a chip of sapphire,” Pepper hissed, danger dripping from each syllable.
“Pepper, I look old,” Tony whined, turning.
Pepper gave him an unimpressed frown even as she unclamped her hand from Natasha’s shoulder, ignoring the spots of blood that welled up from her claws. “Shut up, Tony. You still look like a lovable twink.”
“I can’t be a twink,” Tony exclaimed, offended, as she walked over to him. “I’m over three thousand years old!” He paused, then sagged again. “I’m old.”
“I’m telling Jim you said you were old,” Pepper said flatly.
“Noooo he’s five hundred years older than me he’s going to whack me with his tail,” Tony wailed.
Natasha took the opportunity to sneak to the front of Tony’s cave so she could intercept Steve and Bucky. She needed to tell them to get Tony the biggest fucking rock they could find so Tony could see they were earnest.
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27dragons · 1 year
Since I'm trying to get back into the second draft of the Safe Harbor sequel, I'm going to take you at your word and ask about the Sandbridge series. Do you have a favourite moment from the series? And are there anything you can tell us about that happened but we didn't see onscreen? ❤️❤️❤️
First, let me say that I am utterly delighted that you're continuing the Safe Harber story; I loved it so much!
Favorite moment? Oh, holy heck, that's a difficult one. I'll just stream-of-consciousness a handful of them, shall I? :D
Tony and Bucky's dance and first kiss in Safe and (the) Sound, the one that gets interrupted by the fire. I'm a little weird about sex scenes; they're really intense for me the first time I write (or read) them but they lose most of their punch on subsequent re-reads. But that kiss never fails to make my heart beat a little faster.
In Lord of the Swings, Bucky standing in line for beer and dealing with a bunch of homophobic asshats. Tisfan wrote that scene pretty much in its entirety (I only edited it) and it is for me a perfect encapsulation of how queer people experience that sort of aggression.
In Howard's End, the moment where Tony thinks Howard is actually going to apologize, but then realizes that Howard still doesn't get it, and his line there: "You regret driving me away because of what I might have become. It still doesn't occur to you to regret hurting me because I was a child." This is the heartbreak at the core of Tony and Howard - that Howard can never really see Tony as anything but his heir, even when they're on good terms.
The bachelor parties in Zen and the Art of Family Maintenance. Because they're so delightful and absolutely perfect for them both.
The scene in From the Ukraine with Love where Steve gets a call from Bucky and has to go collect his sad drunk ass. That's the beating heart of their friendship, right there. Also, Natasha fretting over her sundress when Steve introduces her to Winifred is utterly adorable, because we don't get many chances to see Natasha as anything but supremely self-confident.
Tony dealing with Billie's tantrums in High Noon in Sandbridge, because so many kidfics have the new parents struggling comically or barely struggling at all, and Tony starts out as, frankly, a really TERRIBLE parent. He has NO idea what he's doing, and it shows very clearly in those scenes.
In That Someone Special, I have 2 moments: When Scott first shows up and Steve is chasing him to try to punch him and Tony steps between them until he finds out exactly who Scott is, and then steps back and says "oh, carry on" -- that was, to me, a perfect moment of almost gallows humor. And then the turnaround scene, when Tony, Steve, and Sam show up at Luis' apartment to help Scott after he's been beaten up. That scene is a special kind of funny and touching.
In My Three Dads, the scene where Billie is in the hospital with a broken leg. Loki being jealous over Tony's rapport with Billie and then proud that she picks him to stay with her for the x-rays; and Bucky stepping in to make Tony leave when he can't handle seeing Billie in pain. Family dynamics at their best. <3
And finally, in Stem the Tide, which is not technically a Sandbridge 'verse story at all, but a "What If" side novel, I really like the scene where Bucky stands up to Alex and tells him to fuck off.
Stuff that happens that you didn't see onscreen... I have a couple of chapters that we cut out of My Three Dads, including Tony meeting with Grant Ward that we rejected because it steered the plot wrong, and one with Tony and Bucky going to Ty's apartment to pick up his stuff, which we allude to and consider as having actually happened, but didn't include because it screwed up our pacing for the story. I actually sometimes forget that we never posted the scene at Ty's apartment, because I really liked it. I might someday clean it up and throw it into the Jetsam and Flotsam bits-and-pieces collection.
But if there's something specific you were wondering about in the background, feel free to shoot me a DM and ask; I'm always happy to talk about my Sandbridge boys. <3
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rylredrants · 2 months
Thank you for Judging Me
My estrangement from my mother was never meant to be a war.
I didn’t cut her out of my life because I wanted her to suffer or because I wanted people to pick a side. All I wanted was peace.
I wanted… no, needed to put myself in a place where I could more easily give up on ever getting the things I needed from her: an acknowledgment that her choices and actions hurt me profoundly and maybe some kind of apology for all the times she failed to protect me. Instead, she fed me to the wolves that lived under her roof and made me feel responsible for the claw marks left on my body and soul.
I needed to give up on the idea of ever feeling mothered so that I could work towards more acceptance and find a way to heal myself. Nothing I say or do can fix what was broken between us because she is simply incapable of seeing past her own pain, and that's sad.
She can't step out of the victim role long enough to consider that while I’m a survivor today, I was a child then. I was a child who needed a mother; I was not and am not just another old soul put in her life to guide and teach her.
That’s a hard truth I’ve wrestled with for decades.
Keeping her in my life meant holding on to a glimmer of hope; I can’t and won’t hold onto that anymore. Seeing how she reacted to my telling the truth so openly only reinforces what I know to be true.
The newly added layer to all of this was learning that a relative called her about my social media and said that I should seek therapy.
Well, dear relative, don a robe and take up a gavel if you're here to judge me. Seat yourself front and center where I can address you directly.
I submit to the court that you haven’t acknowledged me in decades.
My fragmented memories include being yelled at until I cried, being looked down on, and feeling small around you. Even as a small child, I inherently knew that you viewed us as poor, white trash relatives who deserved pity and contempt but never empathy.
Each Christmas, a gift from you sat under the tree. I knew it was from you because of the wrapping paper covered in the toy company logo you worked for. I knew it was mine because there were two and the other one had my brother's name. Mine, however, was labeled with some variations of a boy's name with the same first and last letter as my own.
You couldn't be bothered to relay the correct 4 letters to the assistant who handled the task. I wasn't even the correct name on your list of family obligations.
You sit and judge me without having the courage or decency to speak up and tell me what you really think of me. You call others for answers to questions I would have given without guilt, blame or shame.
None of this is my fault. I didn’t choose to be a family scandal but I am choosing to share my story in my way.
I refuse to stay hidden like your own eldest child who, no matter how much I dig, I’m unable to find a trace of anywhere on your social media.
Keeping secrets only fosters shame.
And if YOU had ever done any meaningful therapy you might realize just how important and cathartic it is to speak up and to help others.
I didn’t decide I was special and needed to be heard. I was told time and time again how wise I was and how I was able to help someone else feel what I always needed… to feel safe, seen, valued and loved.
I wouldn’t keep writing, sharing, and shrieking into this digital void if I hadn’t heard the echo returning… Thank you! Hearing your story has helped me heal, too, more than once.
Thank you, judgmental relative, for validating what I remembered about your character.
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mari-lair · 2 years
Thank you sm for the ask about Teru :D
And I just read your tags and you said you really liked Kou 👀👀 I am curious to know why if that's okay with you :D
Thank you for answering the Teru ask! :D
And absolutely! I'll take any excuses to talk about Kou!
I adore Kou because he is kind, but it’s a very interesting and genuine take on kindness. He isn’t an angel that does no wrong and forgives it all, he is just a 14 years old boy.
He always tries his best to help, and he usually has good intentions but he fails more than anyone. He is naive and reckless: He unconsciously sabotages himself a lot, which ironically hurt people more than helps.
His selflessness is inherently selfish, and he always accepts more than he can take: He promised to always stay on Yashiro’s side. He promised Teru to keep an eye on Hanako and make sure he doesn’t get out of line.
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These promises contradict each other, he cannot fulfill the two, so even though his intentions clearly aren’t to hurt anyone he will have to hurt someone. But he is impulsive and he doesn’t seem to fully realize that, so he keeps making even more promises as he goes, promising to increase Yashiro’s lifespan, promise to help Mitsuba...
He betrayed Teru by taking Nene’s side and protecting Hanako despite their deal from the young exorcist arc, he hurt Teru badly, just like he would have hurt Nene, his entire family, and Mitsuba as well, if he truly had become a supernatural.
His goal to make everyone happy is impossible. Is childish.
He wants to be the one to help, but he also wants help. He genuinely does want help, he can recognize he needs guidance and he is desperate for answers, but he doesn’t have available parents, Teru is too biased and busy, No. 5 won’t help, Hanako has been questionable (or ‘a bad friend’ in Kou’s words), and so on. He is shit at asking for help and he also doesn't want Nene and Mitsuba to worry and add to their problems. He refuses to give up tho, so he gets lost inside his own head, he bottle ups deciding to solve it all by himself but clinging to any answer he gets, no matter how suspicious the source (Yes, I am talking about Natsuhiko here).
Kou under values himself a lot. Ironically is what makes him miss the mark and not do what his friends want despite being so good at reading other emotions/ needs (jumping off the rooftop for Mitsuba despite Mitsuba definitively not wanting his friend to die for example-)
It makes sense too, in a twisted way. He was trained to take care of everything by himself: He cleans, cook, babysit, does the laundry, all by himself. He is both 'not good enough' but also 'the last line', so if no one more competent is there to help, he must suck it up and do it himself.
His family is an anomaly that can see supernaturals, so of course he want to find a reason as to 'why' he has this supernatural senses, of course he thinks he is special. In many ways, he really is special!! Even if believing he can 'change the course of how the world work' is pure arrogance. But he is 14 years old, that's self-explanatory.
Despite these flaws, he is a genuinely sweet person that believe in the good of people and overall want to trust those around him. His love goes far deeper than just a trained instinct to take care of others. He had been put on that caretaker role in the first place cause it ‘fit him’, as fucked up as it was, considering he was a eight year old kid the Minamoto family makes me want to cry.
I love the big scenes of him protecting/ cheering up/ loving his friends but I also treasure the small moments of him helping that are short and 'insignificant' but are still constantly there.
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I also adore how goofy and silly he is! Just look at him, he really used 'labor pains' as an excuse, I love him so much
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And Kou may be naive but he is observant as hell. He knew just what to tell Yashiro to cheer her up in the Donuts chapter. He understood Mitsuba's real wish even when he was still having trouble distinguishing the two Mitsubas. He is the first to notice the supernatural tendency of giving up and settling for a ‘compromise’.
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And while he is one of the most open characters he is also constantly changing. In a natural and coherent way.
He is an exorcist that deeply loves his family surrounded by supernatural friends, he has no idea what to do but he will still cling to what he feels is right. Even when he doesn't know what is right, even when it's clearly the hardest path.
He wants to be right about supernaturals being good. He want them to be evil, so he can still be proud of the Minamoto Clan, not feel odd in his own family. He wants Teru to see his ways. He wants Teru to keep being always right. He wants his school friends to be part of his life, he wants them far away from it all. He have so many wants but he tries to ignore them, only focusing on himself when is to focus on his flaws and mistakes, to try to learn from them.
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And he is understanding enough to accept these are his wishes, but they aren’t reality. And Kou is constantly shown to hate all that’s fake.
He is a beautiful box of contradiction: He is extremely arrogant yet he lacks confidence. He is a resigned optimist. He is emotionally smart yet dumb when it comes to almost everything else. Extremely strong, fast, and capable compared to normal kids, but with an inferiority complex. He is self-aware yet dense as hell. He is moved by guilt just as much as he is moved by love. He has a savior complex but his ideals aren't unshakable, far from it.
ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: He is shaped like a friend! His smile is free joy to me!
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non-un-topo · 2 years
💔👀🦅🎶🎢🥺 !!!
Apple, thank you love! <333
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Oh boy, well I did a number with Dahlia back in the day. Haven't written angst quite like that in a while and I still feel the urge to write a happy kid fic as an apology. My brother spits blood. hurt in a different way, with all the Booker & Nicky brotherly feelings.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Ohhh okie. I have greatly missed writing weird mysterious horror-themed fics but I get shy, so I've tried not to pull my punches this time and just have fun. I can tell you that it will take place in Iceland, in the early 17th century and will address a significant point in the lives of the guard---rather, who is left of it. It will be Nicky's pov (for reasons I cannot yet say other than it having something to do with centrality and steadfastness in the group dynamic---okay I just explained it lol), and I'm hoping to put more horror elements into this one too (Nicky + horror is my special tea). For this fic I'm really exploring liminal space, daylight horror (w the midnight sun), renewal, the sense of being adrift and the urge to keep everything and everyone together. So, uhh. Angst. I'll say one more thing just because: There is an inciting incident that occurs before the plot begins. It's what ends up convincing them to take a break from their search for Quynh and settle on solid ground. It's also why I'm writing it in Nicky's pov and why he has this pervasive sense of losing his footing, or being sent adrift. 👀👀
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
I outline like a beast. Usually I prefer to have the entire plot from start to finish outlined in bullet points before I start properly writing.
For my current wip I have three different documents and then the fic itself. Are the three documents comprehensible? Do they make sense? Are they more than just random philosophical thoughts and ideas and scattered research notes? Nah. But they get more organized with each new document lol. Sometimes, though, when the writing bug hits I just write a whole oneshot without planning too much.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I do!! I have very specific songs for very specific moods. Sometimes soundtracks, sometimes opera or classical music, sometimes like... weird medieval music. For my current wip I've been listening to three main songs that encapsulate the whole vibe of the fic: Your Bones by OMAM, Familiar by Agnes Obel, and Caesar by The Oh Hellos.
I tend to listen to the same artists over and over, or sort of atmospheric instrumental stuff. I found this yesterday and it's really gotten me in the writing spirit!
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Honestly, Dying of the Light was a pretty insane experience, both in terms of writing and just its plot. I had thousands of words written, then scrapped almost all of it and re-wrote almost the whole thing in one sitting. I was up at 4am when I wrote the goat scene and I think I finished around 6. All its wild trippy moments come from the fact that I was literally losing my mind a bit at the time lol. Bad life circumstances, but it ended up being one of the fics I'm most proud of.
But in terms of plot only, I think Tangerine and Roc was kind of wild. It has a lot going on thematically and plot-wise, and has a longer word count.
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
I don't have a knack for fluff, but I think I might have a soft spot for that sort of casual, close and familiar family dynamic? Like I hadn't realized how many moments I'd written in which one of the queer quartet members is doing another one's hair until I read them all back lol.
Casual intimacy and platonic touches really get me in my feels. Specifically Andy's affection for any of the other characters (back of the neck touch my beloved). Dancing makes me feel insane, I love it and need to write more of it. Same with platonic cuddles. I definitely have a soft spot for pals sitting around a fire and drinking/dancing/laughing. Makes me feel alive <3 Like: Yes, that's family.
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coreofgold · 1 year
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Was that [CHEN FEIYU]? Oh no no, that was just [LU TEN], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER]. They are [TWENTY ] years old, use [HE/HIM], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
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How long has your character been here Lu Ten has been here for around a year
What is your character’s job He's a soldier on Special Forces but while he's not deployed he's a college student studying politics but he really wants to be an artist
Where has your character been pulled from in their fandom His death
Has any magic affected your character The biggest thing is that he was brought back to life ! Other than that. . .not much really
And any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!! Wiki Here Wiki 2 Here Birthday: September 29 (When Tales of Ba Sing Se aired) Siblings: none but has Zuko and Azula as cousins Zodiac: Libra Species: human Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black
Scars: chronic chest pain from where he was fatally wounded, various scars and wounds from the 600 day siege of Ba Sing Se
Personality: intelligent, loyal, jovial, kind, critical of himself, perfectionist, idealistic, protective, altruistic, passionate, determined, tactful, expert tactician, sensitive, artsy
Romantic Orientation: bisexual but male leaning
Sexual Orientation: bisexual but male leaning
Headcanons 1. Was and is very close with his father and gets his love of tea and to a lesser extent, the art side of him from his father because he nudged him to do something peaceful 2. Is a flirt like his father and is bisexual, though he's more male leaning and sometimes thinks he's gay and just flirts with women to cover it up. He knows how the Fire Nation and their laws are so he's kept that part very hidden. . .but is willing to come out to Iroh. Regardless of the flirting, he never really felt any sort of connection with those he flirted with (which made him think he might be gay because he feels the start of it with the men he'd teasingly flirt with) 3. Loves his cousins but knows they can be crazy so he's really the normal one out of them. Since he has no siblings, his cousins are pretty much like siblings to him so he loves them so much. 4. Is also very close with Azulon and would love to speak to him at all hours of the night, just to bond and talk with him. SO really he had a happy and. . .sort of dysfunctional but pretty much normal childhood (though it did hurt when he realized at a young age that his uncle Ozai hated him and didn't like him, but he's family so he grinned and bared it since it wasn't outwardly) 5. He died when he was twenty ( a few years older than Zuko) and he died protecting one of other soldiers from an attack. I also think at first he was taken as prisoner but managed to escape 6. Yes he probably would be imperialist like the Fire Nation normally is and would go crazy, but since he was young when he died, I like to think he's not as blood thirsty. He rather not fight but fighting is the only thing he can do until he becomes Fire Lord and can lead differently and with less fighting; But since he knows right now there's a goal at the end, he chooses to fight (though when he first fought and killed someone he got sick). He doesn't have the heart or stomach for killing but. . .it's what expected so as long as he thinks that in the end it will be for a purpose then it keeps him going enough. He even tries just to harm them instead of murder, but with war you never know. 7. Sword fighting was a challenge to learn and he would get frustrated when he failed, he'd never give up on it and would love to find new ways to learn and get better so. . .he's decent in weaponry; He really prefers using fire bending and used to abuse it by using it on everything. Needed to heat up the tea ? Fire bending. Wanted to tease his cousins ? Fire bending. Was cold ? Fire bending. He truly was on par with Azula 8. Loves to paint and read up on history. Those were good things when to unwind when he'd get frustrated on how his lessons were going or when he wanted to be alone. He was always interested in history and the law since it was ingrained by his family. Art came to him when he decided to travel around the Fire Nation as part of his studies. 9. I don't know if I will incorporate this but he definitely will have some type of PTSD and trauma response from the war. Not sure what it will manifest as or if I will go through with it as to not offend but he definitely was affected by the war in some way
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vendettaparker · 3 years
Reckless [T.H]
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Summary: In a fit of jealousy, Tom embarrasses you in front of your new friend and the entire pub, leaving you heartbroken at his reckless actions.
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Swearing, angst, slut-shaming 
a/n: hi! sorry this took so so so long for me to get out! i got super busy with other works, but i’m super happy with how this turned out :) i hope you enjoy this, and don’t worry, i know how scary those warnings look ^ but this ends happy, i promise! as always, comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
Tom was an idiot. He was an actual fucking idiot. He now realizes that as he watches you run out of the pub with hot tears streaming down your face. He watches as Harry runs after you, your bag in his hand, probably to make sure you make it back home safe since there was no way you’d return to the crowded bar, where Harrison and Sam were giving Tom death glares, the same little pub where Tom had made a complete fool out of you. 
The few months Tom came home to London were always the setting of your most cherished memories. Sometimes it seemed like when he left so did the whole group of friends you surround yourself with.
There was no doubt in your mind that Tom was the life of the party. He had a certain aura about him that caused some of the most fucked up, but amazing situations to occur. That was probably one of the reasons you loved him so much. 
When he was in town, his brothers, Harrison, and Tuwaine all joined together to make the next few months memorable before he had to leave again, and you were always included, but when he was gone, Harry usually went with him, Harrison focused on work for himself, and Sam focused on his restaurant. The world slowed down after Tom left, and so many times, you were left to wait for his return; alone. 
Tom hated leaving you behind every time he went back to the states, but you had such deep roots in London, he didn’t want to pry you from your family for months on end. He loved you too much to constantly subject you to his hectic lifestyle. He spent as much time with you as he could when he saw you, but the second he had to go, it was all tearful goodbyes in a crowded airport. 
You and Tom had been best friends for decades at this point. You supported him no matter what it was that he wanted to accomplish. He’s even said in interviews that he credits a huge bulk of his success to his friend back home, then he’d give a wink to the camera, and you always knew it was for you. 
When Tom came home after filming Spider-Man: No Way Home, you practically tackled him to the ground in a hug. 
“You div,” You mumbled into his neck, “you forgot to let me FaceTime with Zendaya.” 
“Oh, shit!” Tom gasped, finally remembering your request to talk to your favorite actress, “my bad.”
You looked at Tom incredulously, “I don’t think I can be friends with you anymore.” You feigned hurt, clutching your hand to your chest, “it just hurts too much.” 
“That’s a damn shame,” Tom frowned, “I mean, I could just FaceTime Zendaya now, but if that’s how you—”
“I changed my mind,” You smiled sweetly, cutting him off, “love you, bestie.” 
Tom rolled his eyes and pulled you into another hug, “Missed you, bestie.” 
“Um,” Sam, Paddy, and Harrison stood behind you, clearing their throats. 
“Missed you guys too,” Tom sighed, and he rushed over and gave his brothers and friend a hug.
You gave Harry a hug while Tom chatted with his brothers, quickly catching up with him. 
“What’s the plan for tonight, guys?” You spoke up. 
Every night after Tom got back, he’d go back to his flat and take a nap before a night out on the town. Usually, you’d bar hop a bit before going to a club, so tonight wasn’t likely to be any different. 
“I was thinking we could get dinner at Lorenzo’s,” Harry said, “then maybe hit the pub on Ashford?”
You and the others nodded in agreement as you made your way out of the airport.
“Can I invite my friend Avery?” You asked. 
Tom nodded, “Sure, I didn’t even know you had any other friends, (Y/N),” he joked.
“Haha,” You laughed sarcastically, “gee that was a good one, Tom. You really got me.” 
“What can I say?” He smirked, “I’m a comedian.” 
“Is that the guy you met in your philosophy lecture?” Harrison butt in.
“Yeah,” You nodded, “he’s really sweet, so be on your best behavior guys, and maybe don’t be yourselves, just this once?” you suggested with a slightly teasing tone. 
“Are you trying to impress him or something?” Tom inquired.
“No,” You scoffed, “I’m just trying to not throw him to the wolves.” 
Tom laughed along, but it was strained. He wasn’t too keen on the idea of adding a new member to your friend group, and the little glint in your eye when you talked about Avery made his heart tighten. 
“Okay,” You smiled as you set the last of Tom’s luggage in his living room, “I’ll let you get some sleep then.”
You gave him one last hug and a kiss on the cheek, “see you later.” 
Tom reciprocated and inhaled the sweet smell of lavender in your locks of hair, “mhm,” he sighed, “see ya.” 
Harrison was about to walk out after you when Tom grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him back, “Mate, what the fuck.” he grumbled as he stumbled over his feet, “I thought you wanted to take a nap?”
“I slept on the plane,” Tom explained quickly, “you’ve been here the whole time, right?” Harrison nodded, “so you know this Avery guy, yeah?”
Harrison shook his head, “I haven’t talked to (Y/N) much this past month, but he’s probably on her Instagram.” 
Harrison pulled out his phone and looked at posts you’d been tagged in, “Ah, here.” He handed the phone to Tom and pointed to the tall blonde guy in a group photo with you and some other friends, “He’s the tall blonde.” 
Tom studied the picture with a small frown, “They’re not dating though, right?”
“She said he was her friend,” Harrison shrugged.
“You know what I mean,” Tom rolled his eyes, “do they look really chummy to you?”
“His hand’s kind of close to her butt, but other than that I don’t know.” Harrison pointed it out, causing Tom’s heart to momentarily stop. 
“Ok, new plan,” Tom announced, “I’m going to ask (Y/N) out tonight.” 
Harrison scoffed and rolled his eyes. “What?” Tom wondered.
“You’ve said that almost every single time you’ve been home and you always chicken out.”
“No, I don’t!” Tom gasped in offense, “It’s just hard to find the right time.”
“You’ve literally had hundreds of opportunities to tell her how you feel, Mate.”
“It has to be perfect.” Tom insisted, “I can’t just ask her out of the blue, I have to butter her up first.”
“That’s dumb.” 
“Oh, fuck off,” Tom groaned, “get out, I changed my mind, I’m going to sleep.” 
Harrison rolled his eyes and chuckled before giving Tom a pat on the back and leaving. Tom waved goodbye as Harrison drove away, and then rushed to his phone. 
“FaceTime Zendaya,” he instructed Siri. The call went through and soon Tom was met with Zendaya's tired eyes in a dark room. 
“Hey, Z!” Tom said cheerfully, “best friend, bestest pal in the world. The person that never wants to see me fail ever, my greatest companion—“
“Tom,” Zendaya groggily cut him off, “what the fuck do you want, I’m sleeping.” 
“How do you ask a girl out?”
Zendaya sat up a little more and turned on her bedside lamp, “What? You don’t know how to ask a girl out?”
“Well I do,” Tom backtracked, “but I want it to be special. I’ve been in love with this girl for nearly two years now and every time I go to ask her out, I chicken out.”
“I don’t know, what does she like?”
“Well one time she told me her favorite animal was a sea otter, should I get her one?” Tom pondered, hand resting in his chin in thought. 
“Um, no, what the fuck?” Zendaya squinted her eyes at Tom, “have you gotten any sleep yet?” 
Tom shook his head, “This is important, Z, now help me!” 
Zendaya rolled her eyes, “I’ll text you some ideas, but for now just go get some sleep. With how tired you are now you’d probably call her the wrong name or something.” 
Tom rolled his eyes, but the action caused his eyelids to droop even more, “Fine, fine,” he conceded, “I’ll let you know how it goes.” 
“Okay,” Tom announced at the restaurant before you arrived, “I’m going to ask (Y/N) out tonight so I need you all to shut up and not distract me or make me nervous.”
Harrison, Harry, and Sam just stared at Tom. Tuwaine, for some unknown reason, started clapping. 
“Tom,” Harrison began, “no offense, but—“
“Ah ah ah,” Tom stopped him, “is what you’re about to say going to bruise my ego?” Harrison thought about it for a moment before slowly nodding, “okay, then shut the fuck up, respectfully. I don’t need any bad juju tonight.” 
“Well, I’m happy for you, Mate,” Tuwaine nodded. He was the closest to you after Tom and he knew all about your crush on the brown-haired Brit. You might’ve let it slip once when you were drunk, and since you didn’t willingly tell Tuwaine, he was sworn to secrecy. “I’m positive she’ll say yes.” 
“Thank you,” Tom smiled at him, sending a slight glare to the others for their lack of faith in him. “As for the rest of you, I can’t wait to prove you wrong.” 
You walked into the restaurant with Avery hunched over from laughing so hard. Tom smiled in your direction and waved you over, “Hey, (Y/N/N)! Over here!”
“Wow,” You chuckled, “must’ve been a good nap. Little energetic there, huh?” 
Tom went in to give you a tight hug, holding you close, “Just missed you,” he mumbled into your hair. 
“I just saw you a few hours ago?”
Avery stood by you awkwardly, waiting for Tom to release you. Tom reluctantly let you go and pulled a chair out for you, next to him. 
“Thanks,” you smiled at him, motioning for Avery to sit next to you, “hey, everyone,” you smiled at the group of boys that were properly about to piss themselves at Tom’s over-the-top behavior, “this is Avery.” 
“Hi,” He waved at the group as a small chorus of ‘hellos’ rang across the table. He turned to Tom to shake his hand, “I’m a big fan, Mate. Love your work.” 
Tom smiled and patted him on the shoulder, “Thanks, it means a lot.” smiled politely, shaking Avery's hand. 
Dinner went off without a hitch, at least in your opinion. Avery was melding well with your friends and he was cracking jokes like he’d know the group for years. 
The boys seemed to enjoy his sense of humor and what he added to the conversation. Sam and him even found that they shared an interest in cooking, which led to them having a slightly heated discussion about how real Gordon Ramsey’s cooking skills are; which ended in laughs. 
However, Tom was probably having one of the worst nights of his life. Every time Avery playfully shoved you while you two laughed he wanted to wring his neck. It also didn’t help that he couldn’t find the perfect time to ask you out. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to ask you out with all of his mates around. 
Tom smiled and laughed along with the jokes, but once you looked away he was back to frowning. 
“Tom,” Harry nudged his brother, “wipe that scowl off your face.” 
“I’m not scowling,” Tom grumbled, “this is my normal face.” 
Harry rolled his eyes and kicked his older brother under the table, “You need to ask her soon. I think Avery is trying to make some moves on her.” Harry noticed, seeing how Avery casually had his arm around your chair. 
Tom rolled his eyes, “As if I can't see that for myself,” he scoffed. “I don’t want to ask her with all of you watching. What if she says no?” 
“We can leave you alone for a bit when we go to the pub, but I’m not sure if Avery will go with us.” Harry shrugged, “you could always ask her out tomorrow.” Harry suggested. 
“No!” Tom exclaimed, causing everyone to look at him and Harry, “Sorry, I—um, I just don’t really like that shirt on you Harry; it makes my eyes hurt.” 
Harry looked down at his shirt for a moment and then frowned, sending a light smack to Tom, “You bought me this shirt you div.”
Everyone went back to their own conversations so Tom leaned in to talk to Harry some more, “I can’t wait for tomorrow. What if I chicken out again?”
“Then you’re an idiot.” Harry deadpanned with a shrug. 
The pub was way more packed than anyone expected. The new addition of live music to the outside patio definitely livened up the place and more customers went to see what local band would be playing next. 
The pub had a classic English pub feel, with the wood flooring and the yellow-tinted walls, but it also had a modern twist with a back patio and outdoor seating with fairy lights, and the lights that illuminate under the bar itself. 
“I’m gonna go check out the band,” Harry announced after he came back with your drinks, “you guys should all come with me.” He said with a slight side-eye to Sam, Tuwaine, and Harrison. 
“Eh, I’m not really into—” Sam began, but Harry sent him a quick kick under the table. “Ow! I mean, I love music.” Sam smiled enthusiastically. 
“I’m gonna stay back and finish this beer,” Tom said, holding up the large pint of beer he was already a quarter of the way through, “(Y/N), wanna race to see who can finish first?” He suggested trying to get you to stay behind.
“Oh you’re totally on,” You smirked, “but I am going to take a quick peek at the band. We can race after I get back.” You got up from your seat and began walking away with Harry and the boys. Tom pouted at how horribly that plan worked. Harry looked back at Tom apologetically as he held the door open for you.
“Wow,” Avery smiled beside Tom, scaring him, “she really is something.” 
“Holy shit, Mate,” Tom held a hand to his heart, “you almost gave me a heart attack. I thought you went with them?” 
“Nah,” Avery shook his head, “I’m not really into music,” he shrugged. 
“Oh, okay,” Tom nodded. “What were you just saying?”
“(Y/N),” Avery looked towards the back patio exit dreamily, “she’s amazing. I mean I would definitely ask her out, but probably not at a pub surrounded by her mates, y’know?” 
“Mhm, yeah,” Tom said quietly, his heart already beginning to shatter into millions of inconsolable pieces. “I mean, she’s alright.” He said with a forced laugh, trying to fend Avery away from you, “she definitely isn’t really your type, though.” 
“What do you mean?” Avery asked, taking a sip from his beer, “she’s perfect, mate.”
“I mean,” Tom racked his brain for an excuse big enough to make Avery not want you, “you don’t think it’s a little weird she’s in a friend group with all boys?” 
“No,” Avery said slowly, skeptically looking back at the exit, “she just clicks with boys, I guess. Girls and guys can just be friends.”
“Not her,” Tom scoffed, “I mean, it’s just a little obvious, y’know?”
You and the rest of the boys were heading back in, seeing as the back patio was completely overcrowded with patrons. 
“What’s obvious?” Avery asked, raising his voice slightly due to the volume in the bar. 
“(Y/N)’s only friends are guys!” Tom nearly yelled over the volume of chatter, not realizing that the surrounding customers could hear him, “makes me wonder how many she’s slept with! I mean, that’s not a coincidence to me!” 
The surrounding customers halted their conversations, leaving only Tom’s voice filtering through the air and into your ears. 
“That’s crazy,” Avery chuckled awkwardly, “I don’t think she’s like that.” He shook his head, annoying Tom. In a final last-ditch effort to get Avery off your back, he said the worst thing he could, loudly, into a quieting pub. 
“Well, she hits on me all the time,” Tom shrugged, “she’s just a bit whorish, I guess.” 
“Tom,” Tuwaine cleared his throat, interrupting their conversation, “what the fuck, mate?” 
Tom looked at all the boys next to Tuwaine, and behind them was you, teary-eyed with harsh sobs racking through your body. 
You whispered something to Harry, and then all but ran out the front door. Harry walked over to where Tom was sitting and picked up your purse.
“Harry I—” Tom tried.
“Shut the fuck up, Tom.” Harry snapped, “You're an idiot and an asshole, just leave things be.” 
Harry ran out the pub entrance, following you to give you a ride home. 
Tuwaine, Sam, and Harrison shook their heads once the shock ebbed away. One by one they all left Tom sitting in shock and agony at the bar. Avery, not knowing any of the group, barely knew what was going on or if Tom’s accusations were correct, left the pub and went home without another word. 
“Harry,” Tom whined into the phone, “please tell me how to fix this, please I’m begging you.” 
Harry sighed, now properly regretting lifting his silent treatment from Tom, “Tom, there is absolutely nothing I can do to help you, and even if there was, I wouldn’t. You called her a whore in front of a crowded pub—”
“I know!” Tom yelled, “And I’ve been living with that guilt for three weeks now! Please, Harry. I-I messed up so bad.” Tom’s voice cracked, “I tried calling and texting, a-and my texts started turning green. She blocked me,” Tom sobbed, “I’m in love with her, and I never got to tell her. I ruined our relationship before it even began.” 
“Yeah,” Harry agreed, “you did.” 
“Harry, I just want to apologize properly, please.” Tom begged, “I tried going to her house, but her roommate threw a drink at me and told me she went out of town. Where is she?”
“I can’t tell you.” 
“Harry,” Tom sighed, “I’m trying so hard here, I don’t care where she is, I’ll go anywhere for her. Please, I just can’t keep waiting in the dark for her to talk to me.”
Harry sighed, rubbing his forehead, “Okay, fine, but don’t tell her I told you where she was. And if you get your face clawed off, just know that you deserve it.” 
“Okay, okay, now tell me.”
“She’s been staying with Tuwaine and his girlfriend.” 
“Okay, thanks, love you, bye!” Tom said through the phone, already grabbing his keys. 
Harry sighed and began texting Tuwaine, 
Harry: Tom’s coming over, don’t snap him in half, he just wants to talk to her. 
Tuwaine: I’m not home right now, but I'd be more worried about her snapping him in half… 
Tom pulled up the Tuwaine’s flat and pounded at the door. He didn’t see Tuwaine’s car in the driveway but he saw yours parked on the street so he knew you were in there. 
“(Y/N)!” He desperately called, “Come on, I know you’re in there!”, his pleas were met with silence and he rang the doorbell on repeat, “(Y/N), please! I just want to talk!”
The door opened to show you standing there with your messy hair and stained sweats, still looking overwhelmingly perfect in Tom’s eyes. He noticed the dark circles and the dried tears and his heart broke, even more, knowing he caused this. He loved you so much and he caused you some of the worst pain imaginable. All he wanted to do was hold you and kiss your puffy cheeks, desperately whispering praises into your ear. You were perfect in every sense of the word, and he let you believe you were anything less. He was an idiot—the biggest idiot in the world—for making you cry. 
“What do you want?” You snapped with a sniffle, pulling him back to reality as you rubbed your red eyes. 
“I just want to talk,” Tom gave you a small smile, “please.” 
“I don’t have anything to say to you.” You scowled, “You need to leave.” 
“No, (Y/N), please.” Tom begged, “I’m sorry. I’m so so so fucking sorry. I was being an idiot and—please, (Y/N), you’re my best friend. I don’t wanna lose you.” Tom’s voice cracked, but you remained stoic in the doorway. 
“I’m your best friend? Really?” You scoffed, “I thought I was just some whore you let hang around you?” 
Tom winced at his words being thrown back into his face, “I didn’t mean it, I swear,” he promised, tears glistening in his eyes, “I don’t even know why I said that. I was being so fucking stupid—” 
“No,” You interrupted his rambling, “you don’t get to say that. You don’t get to say that it was just you “being stupid”. Who the hell says that about their supposed best friend? Why would you even think that? You don’t just get to call me those things in public, and then say that you don’t know why you did it. You can’t even give me a reason—”
“I’m in love with you,” Tom blurted out, blowing out a puff of air in stress, “I’ve been in love with you for the longest time, (Y/N). And Avery was saying how he wanted to ask you out, and I couldn’t lose you. I didn’t want to lose you. I had so many plans for us, and I wanted to be with you—to be yours—more than anything, and I let my jealousy get in the way. I’m sorry because if I deserved you I wouldn’t have done that.”
You stood in the doorway of the flat, arms crossed over your chest. “I can’t believe you’d be so reckless.” You said after a moment of silence, “I would’ve been yours if you had just asked me.” 
“I’m sorry,” Tom cried, reaching out to hold your hand, but you backed away ever so slightly, “please, I would do anything to fix it if I could.” 
“You don’t understand anything, Tom.” You frowned.
“Help me understand.” He begged.
You pondered it for a moment and then released a sigh, coupled with a few tears, “I loved you,” you admitted. Tom’s heart did a leap, but then he realized that you were talking past tense as if his chance with you was gone.
“And I would spend months and months just waiting for you to come home so I could spend time with you. I was so lonely when you and Harry left; I always am. Avery offered to spend some time with me after class one day and I agreed because I don’t have anybody else when you leave. And it was fun, but he wasn’t you. He’ll never compare to the place you had in my heart, but at least I wasn’t alone anymore.” You sighed and began closing the door again, “Now, because of you, I have no one again.” 
The door was about to slam back in Tom’s face, but he shoved his foot in the threshold, “(Y/N), wait,” he pleaded, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize how important Avery was to you. I can never undo what I did, but please let me make it up to you. I just need you to understand how sorry I am.” 
You opened the door again and looked at Tom’s sad eyes, boring into you, “I do understand how sorry you are, but I don’t know how I can trust you again. You said awful things about me without even batting an eye or taking a breath—”
“I know,” Tom sighed, “I know and I’d give anything to take it back. I just want you back (Y/N). Even if you don’t want to be my girlfriend, I can’t leave knowing I’ve lost my best friend.” 
“As much as it hurts,” You caved, moving from the doorway to let Tom in, “I still love you, and I don’t want to lose you either.” 
Tom smiled and walked into the flat, immediately pulling you into a hug, “I’m so sorry, (Y/N),” You hugged back and sniffled into his hoodie, before pulling away with a sigh.
“I know,” You nodded, “I forgive you. But next time, just be honest with me and tell me how you’re feeling. I’d give you the world if you asked for it.”
Tom smiled and stroked your tear-stained cheek, “I’ll just settle on your heart for now, if that’s okay?”
“That’s so fucking cheesy.” You giggled, wiping the tears from your eyes, “I love it.”
✧tags & moots✧ @ptersmj @princessofguineapigs @peterbenjiparker @cherrytholland @itsapeterthing @justapurrcat @thirstiestpotato @kelieah @iovebug  @waitimcomingtoo  @rosyparkers  @parkers-gal @allegra-writes @starktonyx  @celestialholland  @hollandcrush  @londonspidey @blissfulparker @spidernerdsblog @spidey-sophie @spideyspeaches @peterparkers-bad-youtube-apology @andilovetowrite @sinisterspidey @asonofpeter @westcoastcigar @arlo-sanders @love-peterparker @boiolay @letssee2468  @white-wolf1940 @fandom-life-12 @hollandsdream @annathesillyfriend @lovelybarnes @miseryholland @wierdteenagenerd @duskholland @hollandprkr @lauras-collection @arvinsescape @hollandsrecs
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wandaromanova · 3 years
can i request wandanat x r? r wants to propose to wandanat and has been sneaking around to hide her plans of proposal. wandanat thinks r is cheating and maybe leaves her? you decide but angst please and i just love all your work i can't stop re reading them💕
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader x Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: cussing, arguing, very slight violence, cheating allegations
A/N: hi! thank you for your request! im flattered to know that you love and re read my work! i may or may not have intentionally left this on a cliffhanger whoops 🤭 <3
Ruined | Regret
Word Count: 1.8K | masterlist
(gif is not mine)
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You had first met Wanda and Natasha when you were tasked with being the Avengers’ liaison. You were tasked to handpick missions that you believed required the attention of the heroes and assigned team members onto those missions.
You worked very closely with the team, you even lived with them in the compound for convenience. In the time spent working for them, you had grown super close to everyone; most especially Nat and Wanda.
It first started off with the pair going into your office, always asking for missions. You had found it odd considering they never took a break. You didn’t understand why they’d seek out missions when they were clearly exhausted. You figured that maybe they just loved helping people so much that they got excited and anxious for missions, but little did you know what their true intentions were.
They wanted to spend time with you. They wanted to observe you close up and not across a conference table. They wanted to know everything there was to know about you. As creepy as it was, they wanted to get close enough to know what you smelt like. They wanted to know what your lips tasted like. They wanted the relationship with you to surpass professionalism.
Eventually, the two Avengers stopped asking for missions when they came in; they just went to your office for the sake of going there. They’d bring you various lunches every single day and shower you with small compliments.
You’d brushed it off as the women being very good friends that just so happened to be flirts. You were wrong. They were interested in you, in the same way you were in them. You couldn’t help but admire the two beautiful women.
Their green eyes, fit bodies, and kind smiles were a recipe for disaster, in the best way possible. With one look, you’d drop to your knees and do whatever they wanted. They just had to say the word and you would do it, no hesitation. Yeah, it sounds absolutely ridiculous, but it’s painfully and embarrassingly true.
Over the course of time, you had grown closer to Wanda and Nat. Your daily lunches turned into daily movie nights and dinners too. You saw them all the time and you didn’t mind it one bit.
They finally asked you out after a year of spending time with and getting closer to you. It was safe to say, you instantly agreed with a smile on your face as you let out an, “of course! fucking finally!”
Now, you had been dating the two women for five years. Yeah, it’s been a long ass time, but it still wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to spend forever with Wanda and Nat.
You wanted to get an actual house in the suburbs together. Not an apartment in the middle of New York, but a place you could call home. You craved the domesticity of it all.
You wanted to settle down and have kids with them somehow; whether it be by adoption or via surrogate. You just wanted to have a family of your own with the two woman you loved more than anyone or anything in the universe.
So, you’ve been sneaking around trying to keep your secret, well… a secret. You were planning on proposing to your girlfriends. Yes, this was a very huge step in a relationship, but you felt as though it was the right time. You guys had been together for five years! You were practically married to them already!
You would sneak off suddenly during your usual movie nights with Wanda and Nat or before breakfast to go and meet with different jewelers. You didn’t want to go into a store and buy their rings. That was not an option in the slightest. They were special and deserved special rings. They needed rings that were as unique and one of a kind as they were. It’s what Wanda and Nat deserved.
So, you were constantly leaving, whether it be early in the morning or the late hours of the night, on the search for someone who could make your ideas for their rings, a reality. You would hide your phone from Wanda and Nat’s view and even changed your passcode in order to prevent them from finding out. You’d face your phone down whenever you left it in a room with the pair, as well.
Unfortunately, in your excitement of what was to come, you didn’t realize how suspicious your behavior had been. You figured that you were being pretty discreet, coming up with pretty believable excuses. You even had some of the team help you with your lies, since you let them know what you had planned.
However, you forgot you were dating a world class spy and a witch. You were wrong, obviously. As each day passed, your girlfriends worried and assumed the worst. They let their minds spiral and searched for worst case scenarios. The worst one of all seeming the most likely; infidelity. They came to the conclusion that you were cheating on them.
Natasha and Wanda cried to one another on one of the nights you bolted off and zoomed out of the apartment with a lame excuse.
Wanda sat on the couch as Nat held her in her arms. They both had tears cascading down their faces as their thoughts were plagued by you; by your supposed betrayal.
“How? How could she do this to us? After everything we’ve been through? She’s goes and cheats on us?” Wanda spoke brokenly as she released a sob. Natasha pulled Wanda closer, the Sokovian woman placing her head in the crook of Nat’s neck.
“I don’t know. I really don’t know, Wanda. All I know is, this can’t go on any longer.” Natasha spoke, trying to keep her voice steady, but her voice failed her. She came out shaky as the sadness and hurt seeped in. You had betrayed them, or so they thought.
They sat there in the same position, waiting for your return. Finally, four hours later. You had come back to the apartment.
You were ecstatic as you made your way up to the front door. You finally found a jeweler that could make the perfect rings for Wanda and Nat! You couldn’t wait to get on one knee and present the rings to the two women who would forever hold your heart. You were over the moon excited right now.
However, your joy was quickly wiped away the second you stepped foot into the apartment. You took in the sight of Wanda and Natasha on the couch, staring at you with dried and fresh tears on their faces. You instantly shut the door and tossed your keys onto the counter as you rushed towards your girlfriends worriedly.
“Nat, Wands, what’s wrong loves?” You asked as you approached them, but Natasha abruptly stood up before you could get too close.
“Don’t you take another fucking step!” Nat snapped at you, and you stumbled backwards a little, in total shock. Your concern increased as you looked between the fuming redhead and the heartbroken looking brunette.
“Did something happen? What’s wrong?” You were so confused and desperately wanted to comfort your girlfriends. You don’t recall doing anything that could anger and upset them this much.
“Yeah, something happened. Our girlfriend is a fucking pathetic, cheating ass bitch who can’t keep it in her pants.” Natasha spoke with venom dripping from her tone. You literally let out a gasp, her words physically hurting you.
“What the hell are you talking about? I’m not cheating on you guys! I love you both more than you guys could even imagine!” You raised your voice, getting frustrated with the situation.
Wanda suddenly stood up and stuck beside Nat. She stared at you with anger clouding her sadness now.
“You’re not cheating on us? Then why the hell have you been running off at weird hours of the day? Why have you been hiding your phone from us?” Wanda began to fire a bunch of questions towards you.
You froze in your place. The answers to their questions weren’t what they thought they would be. The true answers were the complete opposite of cheating, you were acting weird because you were planning on proposing! But you couldn’t tell them that!
You stood silently as the two women stared at you, breathing heavily. They took your silence as confirmation of their suspicions.
“We fucking knew it. You’re a fucking joke, Y/N. Were we not enough for you? Was two women not enough for you?” Wanda inched her way towards you, eyes glowing red.
You backed away, not in fear, but in sadness. You really wished you could tell them the real reasons behind your behavior, but you couldn’t without blowing up your surprise.
“Did you really think you could go behind our backs without us noticing?” Wanda continued to stalk towards you, like she was about to murder you.
“I swear to you both, I would never, ever, cheat on you guys. You’re both more than enough for me. You’re my home, I’d never jeopardize that.” You tried to convince your girlfriends to believe you, but they weren’t having it.
“Stop lying to us!” Wanda screamed out as she sent you flying back with a scarlet colored blast as she used her powers on you. Your back connected with the front door as you groaned. That was going to be a huge bruise later, for sure.
“I’m not lying. When have I ever lied to you both, huh? Why the fuck would I start now?” You asked exasperatedly as you stood up slowly. You cringed at the pain radiating from your back.
“And here you go again, more lies coming out of your slutty mouth. The fucking nerve you have, Why don’t you go and fuck whoever you’ve been seeing and leave us alone?” Natasha spoke as she moved forward, placing her hand firmly on Wanda’s waist.
Before you even have the chance to speak, Wanda opened the door with her powers and tossed you out of the apartment. She abruptly slammed the door in your face. Wanda and Nat’s angry, pain-filled faces and scarlet colored magic being the last things you saw before the door blocked your vision with a harsh slam.
You sat on the ground in front of the door in shock. They thought you were cheating on them. They didn’t want anything do with you now. What the fuck were you supposed to do now? What did this mean for your proposal? Should you cancel on the jeweler? Or should you hold out hope and pray that they’ll hear you out eventually?
All you did know was that your proposal had been ruined regardless. Whether you told them about your plans or not, the moment was doomed the minute they began to suspect cheating.
Withholding the information from them, caused them to push you away. But now that you look at it, if you had just told them about the proposal, you’d at least be in their arms right now and not on the floor of your apartment complex hallway with tears streaming down your face.
You were at a loss, and you didn’t know if you could gain back the trust of the women you loved.
───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────────
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simpfordemetri · 2 years
Quil Ateara soft alphabet
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A - Affection (how do they show affection)
Quil is the clingy type,he will always be over you,kissing,hugging or cuddling you.He loves every type of affection.
B - Balance (how do they balance you, work/school/life?)
He is always hanging out with you,he knows how to balance your relationship and the pack.
C - Cuddles (do they enjoy cuddling? what positions?)
YES,gives him all the cuddles,you have no scape.
Loves being the little spoon.
D - Date (what was your first date?)
He took you to his house and turn on an horror film while you two ate pizza.Then you two play on the beach.
E - Excited (how excited do they get when they see you/are with you?)
He has a big smile on his face,running to you and giving you a kiss,shouting how much he missed you,even if it has been couple hours .
F - Fighting (what happens when you fight)
Nonono,don't you dare to fight with him,he is so soft.He will literally start crying.
G - Gorgeous (pet names. what do they like to call you? what do they like to be called?)
He calls you babe,and you absolutely love it.
H - Hi (first time meeting)
You were Jacob friend,once you were helping Bella and Jacob with a motorbike and he falls in love instantly.
I - Intimacy (how romantic they are)
He is so romantic,and expect the same of you,he will always take you on cute days and says the sweetest shits to you.
J - Jealousy (do they get jealous? how do they react to you being jealous)
Not jealous at all, trust you and would let you do anything you want,just don't fail him.
K - Kisses (where do they like to kiss you/how often?)
He loves kisses, specially on the cheek,in public or private he will always leave kisses there,making you laugh.
L - Love (when was the first time they said I love you or realized it?)
As soon as he saw you,he knew you were gus imprint.
He said it you one day playing some board games on your house.You lost and got upset and he said it to you.
M - Moving in (when do you decide to move in together)
He is still so young,so you two most likely see each other at your or his house.But you two plan to move in one day.
N - Newborn (their reaction to starting a family)
As I said,he is so young,so for now he doesn't want to be a dad,but in the future of course,even know what names he want for the baby.
O - Open (how open you are with one another)
He is so open with you,trust you from the first moment and tells you absolutely everything that happens in his life.
P - Photos (what kind of photos you take of them/they take of you)
HE LOVES TAKING PHOTOS,he will literally make someone took a lot of photos of you two.He has them on his phone case.
Q - Quirks (what random habits do you have that they love or hate/vice versa)
Loves when you play with your hair when you are distracted,but absolutely hate when you bit your nails.
R - Recovery (how you help them after an injury/vice versa)
When he gets hurts he just want to be cuddle with you,and you of course do it.
If you get hurt he will there asap,checking your bruises and cleaning them.
S - Solution (how they resolve fights)
He will be the first to come to you,apologizing and bringing some snacks.
T- Touch (when they need/want your touch, what will they do? how often?)
He is always touching you,mostly with an arm around your waist.He loves being close to you,and hopes you don't mind.
U - Up ( waking up with them)
If you don't wake up,he playfully hits you with a pillow,starting a fight.
V - Vacation (where they travel with you)
He wants to take you to Paris,he always wanted to go there with someone he loves,and now he has you.
W - Wedding (how they propose/where you get married/honeymoon)
Wants to get married when you two are older, absolutely.
X - X-factor (what about you captivated them?)
The way you are always cracking jokes,making everyone laugh.
Y - Yawning (how they act when they’re tired)
He pouts at you,making you hug him and sing softly.
Z - Zzzz (how you fall asleep together)
He will lay almost on top of you while he is sleeping,and you has to push him a little far.
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lavynrose · 3 years
Artem and his S/O confessing at the same time pt. 2
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Title: Dedicated
Pairing/s: Artem Wing X Reader
Pronouns: Gender Neutral
Warning/s: grammatical errors
Notes: ok so!!! thank you so much for waiting <3 one thing i'd like to say is that i recommend reading part 1 before this bc it creates a build-up for the story's conclusion. There are some parts here that needed context from part 1. Enjoy!
part 1 here
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He couldn't ask for more.
The sunset spilled all around the theme park, the golden intricates of the the railings sparkled than ever before. The orange radiance of the solemn sun gives the park an even more golden glow.
Artem looked around, taking in the seemingly perfect view of what can be only described as serene. The laughter of groups of friends, families walking hand-in-hand, couples giving their significant other loving looks, people enjoying themselves left and right, the quaint smell of hotdogs and popcorn.
You spending your time with him.
The sunset made this picturesque scenery even more breathtaking, and he could come here everyday if only allowed.
Right now, right in this very moment, everything is glowing.
Especially you.
"That was really fun!" the enthusiasm in your voice never fails to make him feel the same. He loves seeing you have fun, without a care in the world. He admits, he also enjoyed getting splashed by water on the raft ride.
He unconsciously offered his arm to link with yours and when you took it as you gazed at him, he's more than satisfied.
You fit so perfectly in his arms, it feels as if you're the missing puzzle piece he never knew his being had. Even having dried after getting soaked from the raft, the warmth that your touch radiated fills his senses with comfort.
This moment of getting to spend time with the person he profoundly longed for was enough for him. Enough for now. You don't need to know his affections for now.
Does he really need to let you know?
His feelings?
It'll probably make your relationship awkward. He's not ready to risk the sweet smiles and playful looks you direct towards him just for his own selfishness.
It doesn't matter. He'll love you even if you won't, anyway.
He then stopped in his tracks, you followed suit. Not caring about the people around you. Lost in the little world the two of you shared. He looked down at your form, "Yes it was. I enjoyed it very much." because you're with me, he wanted to add but instead of saying those words, an amiable look in his cerulean eyes twinkled, and an adoring smile latched upon his features instead.
Almost as if he's telling you an unspoken confession.
His expression however, turned into mild surprise when he noticed how your gaze was filled with enchantment. With a soft glint in your lidded eyes, your brows are knitted together. You were silent.
It baffled him.
'Why are you looking at me like that?' Artem wanted to blurt out. His mouth opened to say something.
It was unclear to him as to why you looked like you were staring at his very soul.
'Why are you looking at me like,' he can't help but ask himself as he continued to scrutinize your tranced gaze, 'like you want to say the same words I desperately wanted to tell you?'
Are his feelings reciprocated?
You blinked and suddenly looked away, "Uhh, Artem, I-"
"Everyone! One more hour to go for the fireworks! Please look forward to it!" The both of you landed your eyes on the speaker, then on each other.
Artem cleared his throat, pulling the collar of his turtleneck, "You were saying?" he inquired, voice and features laced with curiosity.
You cleared your throat and pulled on your collar, mirroring him, "I..." you started as your eyes darted as if you were looking for excuses, then your orbs glinted with realization and faced Artem, "I just wanted to say that we should take pictures! This is a memorable night after all."
His eyes begin to scan the theme park and his gaze found a small photobooth just beside the merry-go-round.
"Good idea. We haven't had anything to commemorate today's fun." He brushed off your weird behavior earlier as you dragged him towards your destination.
There weren't too many people in the waiting line, there were multiple photobooths, plenty enough to not create a line of more than five costumers per booth.
As soon as it was your turn, you excitedly rummaged through the cute costumes the guests can wear in the photos.
"Look Artem," you snapped your fingers to get his attention, "This would look cute on you!" You squealed as you waved the headband with cat ears in front of his face.
This kind of trend has been circling around lately. No matter how much of a busy man Artem is, he still has seen some posts about this on the internet...
Catboy culture, wasn't it? He wondered.
"You should wear one, too." He suggested. He gingerly took the headband from you and after a few moments of hesitation, he finally gave in to the anticipation in your eyes.
Your eyes were practically sparkling taking in the sight of catboy Artem in the flesh.
"Oh my gosh." You breathed, gaping at him.
Artem blinked. "Is there something on my face?" He then turned to the mirror to check what's wrong, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary though.
"It's nothing!" You frantically waved your hand and gestured towards the camera, "Let's take a photo!" you grinned, wearing cat ears identical to Artem's.
You guys started the photoshoot with your hands making peace signs.
Ah, the classic.
The few shots after just consisted of you putting on different faces while Artem just wore different headbands each shot, with the same pose.
"You guys, please act cuter for the camera! " The photographer suddenly commented.
Isn't Y/N cute enough? Artem internally recoiled.
"Young man, put your arms around your date or something, or do a heart pose together! " Mr. Photographer added.
Artem looked back at you, his eyes meeting yours, both were wide with surprise.
He cleared his throat for what seemed like the nth time today and looked at you for approval, "Do you want to?" he asked as his hands formed half a heart.
Your cheeks lighted aflame as you raised your hand, forming half a heart to connect it with his, "I don't mind."
As your fingers touched, Artem cannot control the pink flushing his cheeks as he smiled at the camera.
The photographer continued to instruct the both of you with how you should pose. He deserves a raise for doing his job really well, Artem thinks.
After of what it seemed like endless snaps of sappy pictures, the two of you decided to print all of them.
"Now we have lots of souvenirs!" you scanned each one of the photos and Artem can't help but think how good you two look together.
He thanked the photographer for putting his all into the shoot, then you both headed for the exit.
"How was it, Artem?" You turned towards him with a profound smile.
You have lots of photos together now. He can already see himself wide awake at night, staring at your couple-like pictures.
It was more than okay.
"It was a fun experience. The cat ears aren't bad." He said as he recalled how astonished you looked when he wore the headband.
"We spent almost 20 minutes there..." You sighed as you looked at your watch.
Artem unconsciously checked his wrist watch as well, "There are 40 minutes left before the fireworks. Do you want to check out more rides before then?"
You surveyed the theme park to look for more booths, "Look at that, Artem." you pointed toward the large and loud crowd at the park's quadrangle.
"Perharps it's someone performing." Artem guessed, hearing the strums of a guitar from the speakers.
"Let's check it out!" Curious, you and Artem shuffled yourselves into the crowd. The faint singing voice grew more and more audible as you got closer to the center of the attraction.
You headed to the front for the best audience experience and the singer came into view, "Isn't that?" Artem's eyes were as wide as saucers when he recognized the person singing.
Funny how you weren't surprised, and he wondered why.
There at the center, sitting at a stool with a guitar in hand, singing with a gold microphone in front of him, was the new employee at the firm, William.
Artem frowned.
That's the guy. The guy who was getting too cozy with you, the guy causing the unpleasant pangs inside his chest.
The guy who was one of the reasons why he got the courage to ask you out on this date in the first place.
The feeling of delight earlier was now replaced by uneasiness.
"I didn't know he was a performer." Artem murmured, and he kept glancing at you.
When he saw that you were clapping your hands and a proud smile has decorated your lips - one that's not aimed him, a sudden bitter feeling overwhelmed his whole being.
You looked very happy, and he hung his head low.
He vividly remembered your smiling faces in the office yesterday, and how William seem to always hang around you.
Artem realized he wasn't special. The warm look that he witnessed from you earlier in the sunset, the look that made him think that you reciprocated his feelings, you probably do that to everyone.
He felt so stupid.
While everyone was watching William hit the notes and strum the strings, Artem was watching your every reactions, only for him to get hurt on the inside.
His heart hurts, the clenching feeling in his chest tightening with every cheer that you voiced.
He's glad it was you who were causing this pain, though.
The crowd boomed with claps and shouts as the last note finished the song, and Artem wasn't in the mood to join them.
"Aren't you going to greet him?" Artem's voice made you look up to him, his brows furrowed and he wasn't making eye contact.
You just brushed his behaviour off and said, "Nope. I wouldn't want to disturb him on this special day!" you felt giddy, knowing that you helped William to set this all up.
As soon as his first day in the office, which was around a month ago, he had overheard you and Kiki talking about the big opening of PAX's amusement park, and kept asking questions about the event. He then learned you were friends with the heir, Marius.
You've never seen a face as shocked as William's when he learned that.
He even made Kiki contact her insiders about the soon to be opened theme park.
Kiki asked why he was so curious, and he said he performs on gigs as a hobby, balancing it with his law career, and that he loves performing ever since he was a kid.
"Performing on the theme park's opening would definitely give me more opportunities!" He sounded so passionate that you can't help but support him.
He became bashful though, as he said, "Besides, I've been looking for an opportunity to surprise my girlfriend next month," you and Kiki beamed at him, "This would make her happy, as I made a new song that I specifically made as a gift for her birthday. I'll sing it on the opening if I'm allowed."
That's why ever since, you became close with William. Whenever you talk though, he almost always talk about her girlfriend.
"30 minutes remaining for the fireworks display!!!" The speakers announced.
You were excited for the fireworks, and an idea popped out of your mind.
"Artem," you called him out "Let's ride on the ferries wheel, that way we're up in the sky as the fireworks erupt," you dragged him to the ferris wheel's ticketing booth, "I heard that it takes 20-30 minutes for a capsule to be on top of the wheel, the time is perfect for us!"
"Can we be alone in the capsule?" Artem suddenly requested, his eyes filled with a look you can't fathom. He looked so vulnerable.
"Yes, that's actually normal. We can request that for the youngest senior attorney with 99% win rate!" You grinned and you expected him to send you one of his gentle smiles, but he just turned his head away, and looked at the distance.
You take a good look at him again once you got the tickets, he's still looking away, a solemn demeanor in his face.
You can't help but wonder what he's thinking. He's been acting a little weird, you thought.
Does he not want to hang out with you anymore?
"Artem, if you don't want to, you can tell me. I won't be mad." You eyed him with concern, "We can just sit on the bench or something." you suggested.
Just like that, his expression changed quickly, regret clouding his face, "Y/N," he sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that with my actions," he stared at you for a few seconds, then you noticed that light was back in his eyes, the fond smile you liksd seeing is back again, "The ferris wheel is perfect." He then grabbed yoir waist and guided you both to the capsule.
You grinned, "I requested a capsule for only the two of us!" you waved the tickets at him, he chuckled and grabbed it from you to give to the person managing the capsules.
The capsule was air-condition inside, with big windows to get a good view of the outside. You expected nothing from a device created by PAX.
Across from you, Artem sits, his mood is a little better now, but you can't help but notice the silent sadness his cerulean eyes hold still.
You don't like seeing him like this.
"Hey, Artem?" you half-whispered, not wanting to surprise him from his reverie.
His eyes met yours, "Yes?" he responded gently.
"You know you can trust me with your problems, right?" You started, you don't let his surprised expression distract you from what you want to say, "I will listen intently to your troubles, and we'll find a way to solve them together! " You declared with the brightest smile you could ever muster, "So please, share your burdens with me. I'll carry them with you." You finished with a toothy grin.
He blinked a few times before finally shaking his head with fondness, "Thank you, Y/N. I want you to know that you are special to me." His face is suddenly filled with so much endearment you quickly looked away, "Uhh, Of course!" your face flushed red and you raised your hide in an attempt to hide it.
Artem chuckled, the sound giving you a sense of comfort and security. You looked up to him again and saw his features get illuminated by the lights flickering in the theme park, his adoring eyes lingering on you.
Like yours was lingering on him.
You smiled at each other, letting the other feel that they're not alone in the battles they're facing.
What are you to each other, anyway? You pondered when you decided to avert your eyes away from him first.
As far as you can recall, friends don't do this kind of thing with each other. The staring, the blushing. Oh, especially the blushing.
You can't help but long for the possibility of having your feelings reciprocated, but oh boy were you afraid.
"Can I sit beside you?" His question brought you to your senses, and you happily obliged, "Of course! This capsule isn't shaky, we'll be okay being on the same side." You made space for him as you patted the empty space. There he sat, his scent enveloping your senses.
It was silent for the whole ride up, but you were comfortable with it. You were with the person you love, being with them is enough.
Your capsule was right on top when suddenly, a boom was heard and splashes of color was seen through the window.
"Artem!" you pointed at the big, colorful patch of explosion that's a little bit below the capsule you were in.
The ferries wheel was so high that you were higher than the fireworks!
The fireworks was on your side of the window, you can see the view to it's fullest glory.
"Whoa!" you exclaimed, your eyes astonished by the scene before you. Your hands flat against the window, when you suddenly felt a body pressed against your back, and a hot breath against your ear, "It's amazing" you heard Artem mutter, as his breaths fanned the hairs on your neck, before resting his chin on your shoulder.
You yelped, you forgot Artem was just beside you!
Your heart pounded against your ribcage when you realized that in order for Artem to see the fireworks, he needs to look at your side of the window.
Heck, your thighs were touching, and you can feel every ounce of heat that his muscular body radiated. He's practically caging you and this small, suffocating space of a capsule isn't helping!
Despite the unbelievable heat that your whole body is feeling right now, you badly wanted him to wrap his arms around you.
Something was pooling in your stomach, something weird. All you can think about right now is Artem kissing you against the window while you sit on his lap.
Warmth filled your already heated cheeks upon realization of what you just imagined, and you mentally slapped yourself. What were you thinking?
The smell of his vanilla cologne isn't helping!
Nobody has ever made you feel this way before. No other person has affected you like this. You think about the things that this man had done for you, he was selfless, hardworking, and most of all, kind.
Especially the smiles he had always shown you. Those smiles filled with comfort and fondness that makes you weak in the knees. Whenever you see that smile, you find yourself looking forward in seeing it again.
To you, Artem Wing was unobtainable.
Yet you wanted to make him yours.
"Artem!" you pointed below with an enthusiastic grin as the fireworks boomed and splashed the sky above the theme park.
His body scooted over to you without realizing, eyes widening with glee and he muttered, "It's amazing" Artem leaned towards you, placing his chin on your shoulder for him to get better view of the fireworks display below.
It's taking every ounce of his control to not face you towards him and claim your lips then and there.
What you said earlier only fueled his raging feelings for you. You were willing to carry his burdens with him? He never had someone say that to him before, and he was happy it's from you.
The evening is flawless. The two of you were alone, having you near him like this, your decleration of support earlier, and a beautiful scenery before him that he won't get to see everyday...
A perfect evening to pour his heart out to you.
He decided that if there was a best time to confess his love for you, that time would be now. He didn't care about your answer right now, he just wanted to let it all out before this passionate feelings can drive him to insanity.
These feelings were driving him crazy, he wanted to let you know how you make him happy, that he thinks about you eveey second of every day, that you ground him and his lonely heart.
He noticed you were silent and unmoving, so he decided to take the chance. He took a deep breath.
"I'm in l-" "Can I ki-"
You turned your body to face him, surprised. Your face only a few centimeters away from his. One wrong move and you'll kiss.
The both of you blinked.
"You... go first." you said, biting your lip.
He stared deep into your eyes, none of you dared to move from this intimate position, your breaths fanning each other's faces.
"Y/N, I," he rested his forehead against yours and breathed with the most vulnerable voice you've ever heard from him, "I'm in love with you..."
You gaped, but he didn't mind.
He closed his eyes for a few seconds, "It's okay if you don't feel the same. I..." he opened his eyes to give you a loving gaze "I will keep loving you anyway."
He looked so vulnerable right now, but it didn't scare him. If anything, he feels relief in finally voicing out the feelings he's hidden for so long.
"I was in a bad mood today because I think you were interested in William," you just blinked and he continued, "I mean, you always look happy when you're with him. It crushed my heart." He finished as he waited for your response.
He waited, and waited.
The silence that you were giving him didn't give him any clue to what you were thinking, it's unnerving.
After of what seemed like an eternity you finally let out, "He has a girlfriend, silly." you see Artem's eyes widened and you continued, "It's a long story, but I'm not interested in him. We're just friends."
You felt the heat creep up his face.
"So... what were you going to tell me?" He said hesitantly as he gulped, the embarrasment from earlier evident in his voice.
Your cheeks flushed pink as you darted your eyes, it was now your turn to get really embarassed, "Can I..." your face looks conflicted. That if you say whatever you wanted to say, It'd be the death of you.
You took a deep breath, Artem told you his feelings, so it's only fair you tell him yours, you told yourself and mustered the courage to look up to his ocean eyes, a vast ocean so blue, you could drown in them, "Can I kiss you, Artem?"
It took a moment before he could fully process your words. His brain short-circuit.
"What?" He blurted out as he scanned your face for any signs that maybe, you have made a mistake.
but you replied, "I want to kiss you Artem," you put your hands on his shoulder to steady yourself, "I'm in love with you too."
His body tingled with so much joy, you being in love with him was just a distant dream before.
Not willing to wait anymore, he licked his lips as he slowly dipped his head to meet your already parted mouth, welcoming him.
You may or may not have kissed the entire way down the ride.
Artem Wing is a dedicated man.
Now, he's willing to dedicate himself to you for the rest of his life.
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do not repost © lavynrose 08/16/21.
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tyongxnct · 3 years
𝑟𝑎𝑟𝑒 - 𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑒𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑛
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pairing: Haechan x reader
special guest: Mark, Jaemin
summary: You were always giving and giving, but you never received anything. Haechan stopped showing you how much he loved you and cared for you, but you never stopped caring for him and loving him. You were always there whenever he needed you. You did everything you could to make him happy. You let him use you but when you had enough and broke up with him, he realized that his biggest mistake was letting someone like you go. You were one in a million and he lost you.
song: rare - Selena Gomez
genre: breakup!au, college!au, angst
warnings: mention of sex, alcohol consumption, swearing
word count: 5,5k
A/N: this is the second short story of my series! I hope you enjoy and I recommend you to listen to rare by Selena Gomeu while reading :)) This is pure ficition!
© tyongxnct on all platforms
You've been so distant from me lately And lately Don't even want to call you baby
No answer.
Still, no answer.
“Lee Donghyuck!” you said a little louder this time.
“What the fuck? Why are you yelling at me?” he said, still staring at his phone.
“I didn’t yell.” You mumbled, “Can you like, stop staring at your phone and hang out with me? We didn’t see each other for a week.”
“Hm? What did you say?” he didn’t listen, but he looked at you for a second.
“I said I’m leaving, it’s late.” You lied but you really wanted to leave right now. What was the point of hanging out together when he didn’t even look at you or listen to you. Haechan and his phone couldn’t be separated. He was trying to beat his last high score like he always did when you hung out.
“Okay baby.” And he stood up from the couch and pressed the button on his computer.
Was he waiting for you to leave so he could play video games? He didn’t even kiss you goodbye.
When you arrived at your dorm, you thought of things you could have done wrong and you couldn’t really think of one thing. Did he stop loving you? Were you not sexy enough anymore? Did he get sick of you?
You had sleepless nights thinking of your relationship with Haechan. You’d do anything for him, you love him. You’d change for him, be a better girlfriend. You’d even change your appearance If he wanted you to.
Even though you were busy with college, you tried to make as much time as you could for Haechan. He was actually the clingy one in your relationship and at the beginning, he was showering you with so much love and you did the same. One day, he stopped showing you all of his love and you only felt the distance between you two.
You had feelings too and they were hurt.
Saw us getting older Burning toast in the toaster My ambitions were too high Waiting up for you upstairs Why you act like I'm not there? Baby, right now it feels like
You were at a frat party, your boyfriend was a frat boy after all and there was always a party on Saturday nights. You were hanging out with your friends and Haechan was greeting everyone and drinking with his friends. The party was fun for two maybe three hours, but you got bored and you just wanted to spend some time with your boyfriend, maybe even have sex with him, if he was in the mood. It’s been so long since Haechan touched you, you can’t even remember the last time he was over at your dorm.
You’re a little tipsy and you missed your boyfriend. You looked for him and when you found him, sitting on the couch with some of his friends, you walked up to him and sat on his lap. “Haechannie, I’m bored.” You started kissing his cheeks. God, you loved his cheeks.
“Babe- come on, I was in the middle of a conversation.” He tried to push you slightly away.
“I don’t care- I missed you.” You kissed his jaw and started sucking his neck. Haechan’s hand travelled from your arms to your hips. “N-Not here, Y/n.” he said but you knew that he was enjoying it, so you kept on sucking and kissing his neck.
“Can we fuck?” you whispered to him, hands going up and down his chest.
Haechan looked at you, eyes big and mouth slightly open. You never talked like that, you were actually a little shy whenever you talked about having sex, this was new.
“Wait for me upstairs, in my room. Okay baby? I’ll be there in a second.”
You smiled brightly. You were so happy that he still wanted to sleep with you, that he wasn’t disgusted or sick of you. You nodded in excitement and walked up the stairs to his room.
You checked yourself in the mirror and you looked pretty. Well, you hoped you did. A hour later, you almost fell asleep on his bed. He was still not there, and you started to get worried. Why did he take so long?
You decided to go downstairs and look for him. Maybe he was still talking to some of his friends who didn’t let him go or maybe he was busy cleaning the kitchen.
You were wrong.
He was doing body shots with a random girl.
You watched how he licked the space above her breasts and then he almost touched her lips while taking the lemon in his mouth. Everyone was cheering on him and hyping him up, as if he did something great. You were waiting for him and there he was, having fun without you but with random girls.
You had enough. You left the party and locked yourself in your dorm for the next couple days, and yeah, Haechan didn’t bother to text you or ask you where you went or if you arrived home safely. Hell, he didn’t even know if you were still alive or not.
It feels like you don't care Oh, why don't you recognize I'm so rare? Always there You don't do the same for me That's not fair
Four days. It took Haechan four days to knock on your dorm door. When you opened your door, you didn’t expect him to be crying. Did he finally realize how bad he treated you?
“M-My dad… My dad is in the hospital.” His eyes were red, lips trembling, and pain was written all over his face.
No matter how much you wanted to yell at him for taking so long to come to you, you couldn’t hurt him more than he already was.
You stepped to the side and let him enter. When you closed the door, he hugged you like two years ago, when you started dating. He hugged you like a big teddy bear and you hugged him back, as tightly as you could because you were scared that he’d go away.
“Tell me what happened.” You whispered to him after he calmed down a little bit.
“My mom c-called me and she told me that he had a heart attack a-and that his condition is critical… fuck.” He started sobbing again, holding onto you tightly as he cried and cried. You patted his back and told him that everything’s going to be alright.
“Do you want me to drive you there?” you asked him after a couple minutes. You had a car and your driver license and Haechan was still trying to get his driver license, but he never studied and always failed.
“B-But it would take us two hours to get there and two hours back…” he looked at you with puppy eyes.
“Haechan, we’re talking about your dad, it doesn’t matter. You should be with you family, your mother needs you right now.” You assured him that it was alright.
“Okay, okay. You’re right, we should- we should go, right? Right. Let’s go.” He rambled.
You finally arrived at the hospital and fortunately, his dad’s condition got better, and he was finally awake. You’ve met his parents for a couple times already and they loved you and you loved them. They were always so nice and kind to you.
Haechan hugged his mother tightly and kissed her forehead. His mother was a strong woman, she tried her best to smile as she saw her son and you.
“He’s awake now. You can see him if you want to.” She told her son, and he entered his room without thinking about it.
His mother hugged you and thanked you for bringing him all the way there. She also thanked you for taking so much care of Haechan. “I know that he can be a handful sometimes, but you take so much care of him. I can sleep at nights and don’t have to worry, because I know that he has you.” You smiled at her, tears about to fall, but you didn’t want to cry in front of her or Haechan.
You pushed all the anger you had for Haechan away, like you always did, and maybe, maybe he’d change after tonight.
After your visit at the hospital, Haechan could finally breathe again. He was so worried but now his heart was calm, he saw his dad and his dad assured him that he was alright, that was all that Haechan needed to hear.
You parked in front of Haechan’s frat house.
“Are you feeling better?” you asked him softly. You looked to your left and it didn’t surprise you to see him playing with his phone.
“Haechan? We’re here.” Your voice was about to break, you needed to go home, you needed to cry and ask yourself what you did wrong this time.
“What? Oh, yeah right. Thank you, baby.” He kissed your cheek and left the car without looking back at you.
You should’ve known.
Two weeks after that day, you were a little distant and it seemed like Haechan wasn’t aware or he simply didn’t care. You hung out with your mutual friends but kind of ignored him like he ignored you. You didn’t want the others to be suspicious, so you kissed him on the cheek when he stood next to you. He didn’t bother to look up or kiss you back.
It was finally Christmas break. You were staying at your dorm and you decided to spend the 24th with Haechan because he told you he’d also stay a little longer in college and spend the 25th and the 26th with his family. You’d also visit your family on the 25th.
You were watching a show while you were waiting for Haechan. He promised you he’d be there, he was two hours late though.
It was almost midnight and still, no Haechan. You turned everything off and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
Suddenly a loud sound startled you. You could hear footsteps and you grabbed your phone as fast as you could and closed the light in your bathroom, your door was closed already. You could hear two voices talking about your stuff.
You were about to get robbed and you called the police as fast as you could. Your heart was beating against your chest and you didn’t care about your stuff, you just wanted to get out of your room and be safe.
You were in the bathtub, silently praying that they’d leave.
Haechan didn’t answer your texts, but Mark did. Mark was your first friend in college, and you were pretty close. He was also in the same group of friends. Mark, Haechan and Jaemin always played overwatch together and you thought that they could be playing again because Haechan played overwatch non-stop since Christmas break started. You knew that Mark was also staying in his dorm over Christmas, so you texted him.
You: Hey, do you know where Haechan is?
Mark: we were playing overwatch
Mark: I got bored, but he told me that he’d play a little longer.
You: Mark can I call you?
Mark: yeah Of course
“M-Mark. Somebody broke in.” You whispered.
“Oh my god, did you call the police? I’m coming don’t move and don’t make a sound okay, don’t worry okay, I’m on my way.” Mark rambled.
“I’m scared. I’m hiding in my b-bathroom and I did call the police, but I don’t know how long they’ll take, it’s Christmas after all a-and fuck I don’t know what to do.” You cried into the phone.  
The next thing you could hear was someone entering your dorm and the robbers yelling and trying to fight against the person. “You’re arrested! Hands behind your back!”
The police arrived right on time.
“Y/n? I can see the police, I’m right in front of your dorm.” Mark said.
The bathroom door was opened by an officer and he opened the lights and saw you curled up in the bathtub.
“Are you Y/l/n Y/n?”
You nodded slowly.
You left the bathroom and saw Mark standing at the door. “They wouldn’t let me in. Are you alright?” he asked you.
“Y-Yeah thank you. I’m fine.”
“Unfortunately, it’s common that student dorms get robbed at Christmas. They think that all of the students leave and try to rob them but luckily you called us right on time and we could get them. Do you need to go to a hospital?” the officer asked you kindly.
“No thanks, I’m alright. Thank you.”
“Of course. The janitor will take care of the door, but you need to sleep somewhere else tonight.” And then he left. The robbers literally destroyed your door.
Mark could finally enter your dorm and you jumped into his arms.
“I was so scared.” You sobbed into his chest and he didn’t mind. He stroked your hair and helped you calm down.
“I know. It’s over now, I’m here.”
And for the first time since forever, you felt safe in someone’s arms.
“Where the hell am I supposed to stay now?”
Mark didn’t ask you about Haechan. It was obvious that he ditched you again and he didn’t think twice when he asked you, “Stay with me.”
You looked up. “I-I mean you can have my bed I’ll sleep on the couch, you know. I don’t think that there’s someone else in this building.” He rambled and it was kind of cute.
“A-Are you sure?”
“Yeah of course.” He smiled at you.
That is how you found yourself in Mark’s bed.
You couldn’t sleep and after almost an hour you talked, “Mark?” you whispered, not quite sure if he’s still awake. Your phone died and you didn’t see the texts Haechan had sent you. The last thing on your mind right now was charging your phone.
“Can you, uhm, can you sleep next to me? Please?” you asked nervously.
“Do you really want me to?”
“Yeah please, I’m scared.”
Mark walked up to you and you moved to the side to make space for him. You were laying next to each other under the covers and your hands slightly brushed.
“Can you hold me?” you whispered.
“Okay.” Mark was nervous as he opened his arms to welcome you. He was warm and cozy, you felt safe in his arms and you started crying because not even your boyfriend made you feel this safe.
“It’s okay. I’m here.” He stroked your hair as you cried in his arms.
When you woke up the next morning, you watched Mark sleeping. He looked handsome and cute at the same time and when he turned to you, his face was so close to yours.
Mark slowly opened his eyes and looked at you. “Good morning. How are you feeling?” he asked you with his morning voice.
“Good. I guess.”
“Do you want some toast? I’m sorry, I suck at cooking eggs, I can only make toast and cereal.”
You smiled, “I’ll take the toast.”
After breakfast you charged your phone, and you didn’t expect so many texts and missed calls from Haechan. He also left a couple voice mails.
“Hey baby, I’m sorry, I’m on my way. I hope you’re still awake.”
“Baby please answer my texts why the fuck is the police in front of your dorm?”
“Y/n the police told me that you almost got robbed where the hell are you?”
“Please text me.”
“I can’t sleep without knowing you’re safe, please call me.”
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“Mark thank you so much, I have to go check my dorm. Can I call you later?” you were also going to talk to Haechan.
“Sure. Do you want me to go with you?” he asked.
“No it’s alright. Thank you. For everything.” You smiled and hugged him. He was surprised and you were also really surprised but he hugged you back.
I don't have it all I'm not claiming to But I know that I'm special Yeah And I'll bet there's somebody else out there To tell me I'm rare To make me feel rare
You knocked on Haechan’s door and the first thing he did was to hug you tightly, but you didn’t hug him back.
“Oh god baby, where the hell were you?! I was so worried, the police couldn’t tell me where you went.”
“We need to talk.” You said coldly.
“Come in baby, it’s freezing outside.”
“No. I just have to tell you something and then I’m going to leave.”
Haechan looked at you curiously, “Okay, babe. But why didn’t you call me I was so worried-“
“Worried my ass!” you yelled, “That’s fucking bullshit! I called you! I called you thousand times and you never answered!”
“Baby, I was busy-“
“Fuck you! You weren’t busy! You were playing video games all day long don’t fucking lie to me! I waited for you! It’s Christmas and you left me alone!” you were furious.
“Yeah, I lost track of time baby, I’m sorry.” He tried to hug you again, but you stepped back. “I want to break up.” You said, letting your tears finally free.
“What? Baby, no. What are you talking about?”
“Don’t call me that! I can’t do this anymore, I just… I can’t-“ you sobbed. Haechan couldn’t realize what was happening.
“I love you baby and you love me? There’s no problem in our relationship-“
“No problem?” you laughed mockingly, “I don’t think that you love me, because no boyfriend acts like you do. You never want to spend time with me, you always push me away and you don’t kiss me, touch me, or say that you love me and that’s not even the worst part! You left me hanging so many times, I can’t even remember the last time you were there for me! I almost got fucking robbed and I needed my boyfriend, but you left me hanging, again! I was there for you when your father was in the hospital. You left me hanging at that party for some girls and fucking body shots! I was waiting for you, but you never came! You were busy licking some girl’s tits you didn’t even care about me! You didn’t ask me where I was or if I was safe! You don’t worry about me, you just don’t care about me and that’s not my fucking fault! It is all your fault! I’m giving my everything in this useless relationship and you don’t even ask me how I’m doing because you’re selfish! You are so selfish, and I can’t keep doing that…” your voice broke at the end and you didn’t look up from your feet.
Haechan gulped hard, he never knew you felt this way. “I-“
“No. Don’t say anything. There’s nothing you could do or say to change my mind or make me feel less of myself, because that’s what I always felt. I always doubt myself. Did I do something wrong? Did I gain weight? Is he sick of me? Am I not sexy enough? What the fuck are you doing wrong Y/n?!”
Haechan was crying, you could hear him crying and your heart clenched.
“But you know what? I never did anything wrong. I loved you more than I loved myself and I don’t want that. Goodbye Haechan, here are your things. You can keep my stuff or just throw it away. I don’t care. Oh and one last thing. I stayed over at Mark’s dorm. He answered his phone the second I called him, and he was there for me. The whole night. I was so scared, still am, and he was there. You weren’t.”
And then you turned around and left him standing there. Haechan didn’t know what to do as he watched you walk away.
Baby Don't make me count up all the reasons To stay with you No reason Why you and I are not succeeding
It’s been a week since your breakup and you still saw Haechan on campus or with your mutual friends. He looked… well, he looked devastated. He looked like he was really suffering but it was over.
You felt his eyes on you, but you never looked his way. You ignored his presence and it felt good to be yourself and not to worry about your relationship with Haechan next to your friends. They knew that you weren’t dating anymore, and they never spoke about it.
You were hanging out with Mark more and more. You got closer than before and he never left your side and you never left his. You felt safe and happy whenever you were with him.
One day, Haechan blew your phone with drunk texts. Maybe you should’ve blocked his number, but you didn’t think that he would drunk text you.
Haechan: miss your
Haechan: rlly missing u babr
Haechan: are you misng me tooo!
Haechan: I didn’t meean to yell srry
Haechan: lve u so much please come back to me
You massaged your temples, you had enough.
You called him and his heart was jumping, he was so happy.
“Baby, thank you for uhm, what was I gonna say? Oh yeah! Calling me. Thank you I love you.” He said.
“You need to stop texting me Haechan. Where are you? Are you alone?” you were still worried.
“In my room, all alone. Need you here with me. I- I want to cuddle, please?”
“I’m hanging up-“
“No! please, babe. Love me, please love me. I need you, love me please baby.” He cried.
“Haechan there are thousand reasons why we shouldn’t be together, and you know it. Drink some water or a coffee and stop texting me or I’ll have to block you.” And then you hung up.
Haechan knew that you were right, he still missed you and wanted you back. He was still selfish.
I don't have it all I'm not claiming to But I know that I'm special Yeah And I'll bet there's somebody else out there To tell me I'm rare To make me feel rare
“A date. You and me, I mean. Or? Wait shit, let me ask you again. Do you want to go on a date with me? Please?”
You giggled, “Yeah, I’d love to go on a date with you Mark.”
“Oh good, I was so scared you’d say no.” Mark put his hand on his chest, his heart was beating really fast.
Three months after your breakup, Mark finally asked you out. You hoped he would because you really, really, liked him. You’ve spent all your time with him, and he never ignored you or got sick of you like Haechan did.
You were still scared though, what if he was going to be like Haechan after a couple months of dating? Mark would never, even as a friend he cared for you and was worried about you. More than Haechan ever did.
“D-Do I uhm, Do I have to wait until the date is over to k-kiss you or can I k-kiss you now? Y-You know, I really want to kiss you.” He muttered and looked away shyly.
“You can kiss me now.” You smiled, also really shy.
“Okay, I’m going to do it now,” he bent down a little, “Here comes the airplane.” And you wheezed. You were laughing so hard, you almost cried. “Fuck I don’t know why I said that.” Mark’s face was the darkest shade of red.
“You’re so adorable Mark.” And without giving him time to say something back, you pulled him close and pressed your lips on his. He kissed you back, hands on your hips and eyes closed. The kiss was heavenly.
You slowly pulled away. “God, I think I’m fucking in love with you.” He breathed out. “Y-You are in love with me?” you asked shyly.
“Yeah, oh shit, we didn’t even get on first date level and my stupid ass told you that. D-do you still want to go to that date with me? Or did I scare you away?” he said worriedly.
“Mark, it’s fine. I’m really, like, really happy right now. I just need a little time to say that back. Is that okay?” you knew that you liked Mark, maybe it was more than like, but you didn’t want to rush things.
“God, you’re so perfect. So beautiful, kind, cute, funny, and so much more. The prettiest girl I’ve ever met. I’m sorry my vocabulary is always just this big whenever I’m with you. You make me feel dizzy, but the good kind of dizzy. I’m just going to say it one more time and then I’ll say it when you’re ready, but fuck, I love you.” Mark rambled again and that was one of the things you loved about him.
Mark made you feel special. He made you feel loved and important. You felt like the prettiest girl on the planet and you were never happier.
I'm not gonna beg for you I'm not gonna let you make me cry Not getting enough from you Didn't you know I'm hard to find?
Haechan felt like everything was getting worse. Every passing day, he missed you more and more. You were on his mind 24/7 and he was in so much pain. He realized that he didn’t value you, that he didn’t care about the future and that he didn’t love you like he should. After spending so much time with you, he drifted away, and he regrets thinking that it would be okay. That you’d still stay with him and care for him. Haechan was talking to his mother and she was asking him about you, one day or another, he had to tell her what happened.
“W-We broke up mom.” His heart clenched whenever he said those words.
“What? But everything seemed fine honey? What happened?”
“I-I messed up, mom. I’m sorry it’s my fault.” Haechan tried to hide his sobs. “Mom, it hurts so much but she was also hurt. I hurt her and then she left me. I don’t know what to do mom, I- I lost her, mom.”
For the first time, there was nothing she could do.
“Try to talk to her again maybe-“
“No, mom. It’s to late. She was the one mom. She was the one, but I pushed her away.”
“Everything’s going to be alright.” His mother told him, but for the first time, he didn’t believe those words.
After the call, Haechan kept crying.
“Yo Haechan- dude, are you fucking crying?” his frat brother Jaemin entered his room.
“Why didn’t you fucking knock?!” Haechan hid his face in his pillow. “Why are you crying?” Jaemin asked again, “Is it still because of Y/n?”
“Of course you dumbass.” Haechan mumbled into his pillow.
“Dude come on. It’s been 4 months already. Move on. There’s this party tonight- there are going to be hundredth Y/n’s.”
Haechan looked up. “There’s no one like her. She’s one in a million, she’s a fucking diamond in a see of stones- she’s everyone’s dream girl, she’s so perfect and so rare. I’ve never met someone like her. I can’t just get someone else.”
“Oh shit, well, so you don’t know about her and Mark?”
“What do you mean? Her and Mark?”
“I think it’s important that you know this. It’ll help you move on. As far as I know she’s dating Mark.”
Haechan’s heart stopped beating. He knew that you grew closer, but dating?
“No way.”
“I’m sorry. But you have to move on, come to the party with us.” Jaemin said.
“Fucking fine.”
It feels like you don't care Why don't you recognize I'm so rare? I'm always there You don't do the same for me That's Not Fair
Haechan looked around and his heart stopped beating the second he saw you on Mark’s lap. His arms around you and your head in the crook of his neck. You were laughing at something, Haechan couldn’t really hear anything, the loud music and the big crowd suffocated him.
You looked gorgeous, like always. It’s been months since he saw you smile like that.
Mark’s hand was going up and down your thigh and Haechan had to look away, it hurt him seeing someone else touch you. It hurt him how happy you looked with him and that you moved on. He couldn’t blame you or Mark. It wasn’t hard to fall for you, you were an amazing person with a lovely personality, everyone loved you and wanted to be friends with you.  
Haechan turned around and was about to leave but Jaemin pulled him to the kitchen. “Shots!” Haechan was definitely not in the mood to drink or party, he preferred hugging his pillow and crying.
“Come on, man! Have some fun!”
Haechan sighed, he took the shot and then another and then another and not long after, he was drunk. Drinking on an empty stomach was a big mistake and coming to this party even a bigger one.
He was trying to fight the urge to walk up to you and just hug and kiss you. You weren’t dating anymore, he couldn’t do that, no matter how much he wanted to. But when he saw you and Mark kissing on the porch of the house, he lost it.
You and Mark stopped kissing and looked to the direction the voice was coming from.
Haechan looked at you helpless and lost. “C-Can we talk? Just for a second. Please.”
You looked at Mark and he smiled, “Do you want to talk to him?” he asked. “Maybe I should. Yeah, I’ll talk to him If that’s alright with you?”
You felt bad that you hadn’t let Haechan talk when you broke up with him.
“Sure. I’ll be waiting for you inside. Text me and then we can go home?” you nodded and pecked his cheek. Haechan looked away.
Mark left you and Haechan alone, he knew that sooner or later you had to talk to him again. Even if they weren’t close, he knew that everyone would fight to get you back. And Mark trusted you, he really did.
You were waiting for Haechan to talk, but he only stared at you and you felt slightly uncomfortable. “Are you, uhm, going to say something?” you said after a couple seconds.
“Huh? Oh yeah, right.” He stepped closer, but not too close. “You look really pretty tonight.”
“Haechan, please, just- what did you want to talk about? I have nothing to say to you.” You crossed your arms. “I’m sorry, I-I… it’s been so long since I talked to you, I can’t find the right words.”
His hands were sweating, and his voice was trembling. “Look, I… I really missed you and I know that you are happy with… him, and I’m not trying to take that away from you because I love you so much and I just want you to be happy. You deserve to be happy more than anyone else. You sacrificed your happiness for me, and I hate myself that I used you like that. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. I didn’t mean to hurt you and use you. You loved me like no one else did and I wasn’t able to love you like you deserved. I’m a stupid little boy. I regret it. So much. You have no idea how much I want to turn back time and start all over again and do things right, but I know that it’s impossible. I’m sorry that I was never there for you like you were for me. I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you when you were getting robbed- or any other time you were alone and scared. I-I can’t believe I lost a girl like you. I can’t believe that I fucking l-lost you- I love you I’m so sorry-“ he started sobbing and you couldn’t stop your tears from falling.
You could see the pain in his eyes and that he was sad, but there was nothing you could do.
“H-Haechan I’m so-“
“No! Don’t say you’re sorry- please. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s all my fault, p-please don’t say s-sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”
You didn’t know If you should hug him but seeing him like this really hurt you. You still cared for him, and you hated seeing him cry because of you.
“I just wanted you to know, that I am sorry. Y-You can go back to Mark now. I hope he values you and knows how rare you are.” He turned around and was about to leave, but you held his wrist.
“No, please. I feel a little better now. I really do,” He turned to you and softly gripped your wrist and placed a soft kiss on your knuckles. “I love you.”
And that was the last time you talked to Lee Donghyuck. Your first love, your first boyfriend and your first heartbreak.
I don't have it all I'm not claiming to I know that I'm special Yeah And I'll bet there's somebody else out there To tell me I'm rare To make me feel rare
So rare
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Genshin Impact Yandere HCs - Razor
TW: mentions of noncon/impreg below the cut
In my last post I said Venti was probably one of the most difficult yanderes you could have... Well, Razor might just beat him on that.
- The thing that makes Razor so difficult is that he doesn't understand normalcy, feelings, and romance on so many levels. He doesn't even recognize the feeling he feels at first, it frustrates him even. He can't focus on hunting, nor fighting. He can't focus on anything, and keeps getting distracted. He thinks about the human he met every day, every hour, every second.
He's never observed such a feeling among the members of his wolven family. He doesn't like the realization that whatever he's experiencing is probably a testament to the fact that deep down, he knows he's human, and that this strong emotion in his chest is a human thing. Nonetheless, he can't really help it, and with time, he stops trying to fight it.
He begins to look forward to those times you venture out to his area, even if he worries about your safety when you're there. Eventually, memorizing your patterns, he starts to wait for you outside of Wolvendom, making it so that you don't have to put yourself in any danger by venturing deep in.
He finds himself feeling some warm, tingly feeling at the knowledge that you would willingly take your time to come see him, just to see him. It makes him feel that maybe, you're experiencing the same feeling that he has, and something about that idea makes him feel... Happy, some special happiness distinct from any other he's ever known.
- At first, he's willing to act a little bit human, just for you. He's observed humans enough to understand what they like, their customs. His primary form of affection is gifts, which he's observed that human girls like. Unfortunately for you, that will primarily be in the form of dead animals. You're too nice to hurt his feelings, so your acceptance with strained smiles only encourages him. You'll never go hungry, at least.
- Taking you away isn't him being sadistic nor disregarding of your feelings, rather more of a caveman-esque "club her over the head and drag her back to the cave" type of logic. Realistically, that might be exactly what he does. He's not exactly a delusional, but his lack of understanding makes him act like one. He wants you with him all the time, it's what's best for you. If you don't understand that, logically, it only makes sense to take matters into his own hands.
He sorta understands why you might be upset, but he thinks it's primarily confusion, or displacement from your environment. He assumes it'll only take you a few days to settle down and accept things, and will get frustrated the longer it takes.
- He doesn't need human restraints to keep you in your place - no, his pack is loyal and helpful to him, he simply assigns them to watch you and make sure you don't leave. If you try, well, he tells them not to hurt you too bad, but if push comes to shove, use whatever force is necessary. Really, you probably won't try it - stepping out of line earns you these enormous canines snarling at you, which is enough to strike a fear in you so great you immediately go back to your spot.
- Now, at first, you might think that your... Cultural differences could be used to your advantage. You could tell Razor that he just doesn't get it, with humans this isn't normal, and convince him to let you have autonomy or even leave, but you'll quickly find this isn't the case. He has a slight disdain for humans, and is very much convinced that the wolf way of doing things is simply better. He's very stubborn when it comes to this - who cares how humans do things? He's not truly one of them, this is how his kind does things, and you're just going to have to accept that.
- He's pretty easily upset, even if half the time it's just a frustration over something he doesn't quite understand, but nonetheless, he's not very used to practicing restraint. When wolves get mad, they get violent. It's all he knows. He's not one of those types that's too arrogant to admit to having gone too far/overreacted or too proud to apologize like some people (cough cough Kaeya), no, once he calms down, he'll be constantly apologizing, clinging to you, wrapping you up in his muscular arms, whimpering, nuzzling into your neck.
Speaking of violence, sorry, but any friends or companions you have that he sees as competition... aren’t gonna make it. It’s probably the most animalistic of all his traits, but when it comes down to things getting in his way, Razor can easily be utterly brutal. In his mind, you should be happy. The female wolves never get upset when a former alpha male is driven out, they just acknowledge the superiority of the new one, and he expects the same from you.
- With Razor, you’re going to experience a lot of forced intimacy. Not in a sexual way, but just... Touch. It's something the wolves aren't that big on, outside of mothers and pups. He's seen how humans cuddle, how they sleep next to each other and hold each other in their arms, and deep down he craves that feeling. He can sit for hours, just holding you.
While the aforementioned forced intimacy isn’t a sexual thing, that doesn’t mean that you won’t experience that as well. See, wolves don't really understand the concept of consent. They're simple creatures - the strongest male that can defeat the other ones, gets to do whatever he wants. In his mind, that's how these things work. If he just gets rid of every other competitor, you'll accept him as the alpha male and be his mate. Even though in wolf culture, that means he gets a whole pack of females, he doesn't have such an urge - he knows enough about humans to know that this desire for one single partner is a human trait.
He wasn't expecting you to be so resistant, but, it's not unheard of in his world. Sometimes, when a new alpha takes over a pack, females will initially be resistant and have trouble adapting. But with a lot of affection, emotional and physical, even if a bit forced, they eventually come around.
If all else fails, there is one surefire fix. From what he's always seen, the female wolves always become more loving, more obedient and docile, once they have puppies. The hormonal changes make them more... Accepting, or something. So, if you really, really struggle to accept your new life, it'll help speed up the process to give you puppies of your own.
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