kaladistudies · 5 years
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| 28.02.19 | minimalist monthly setup🌷
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getshitdonetbh · 7 years
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Heyaaaaa everyone! Thank you for 10K, you guys are amazing! I’ve been really busy with midterms but I decided to get you a lil surprise ✿ After @athenastudying #octoberstudychallenge, here I come to introduce you to the #novemberstudychallenge.
Everyone can enter!
• you just have to use the hashtag #novemberstudychallenge
• you don’t have to post everyday, just whenever you feel like it!
And of course.. It will start on the 1st of November!
Here’s what you will have to post:
Hello November
Goal for this month
Favourite stationery
Study places
Colour code you’re using
Book you’re currently reading/studying
Studying with music or silence?
Bujo spread of the week
What kind of learner are you: visual, auditory or kinesthetic?
Worst studying habit
Last homework you did
What’s in your bag?
Favourite quote
Your best study tip
Best school memory
Future goal(s)?
Study snacks
Favourite subject
Handwritten or typed notes?
Best tips to get motivation
How do you organise yourself?
Study alone or with friends?
To-do list
Favourite doodles (bujo or notes)
Self-care tips
What did you achieve this month?
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jeristudies-blog · 6 years
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Meet my study buddies <3
♫ Currently addicted to: Juan Magan - Déjate Llevar  ♫
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Helloooo ~~
So if you’re anything like me, surviving school might be sometimes a bit... annoying... right? With all those people and drama and oral exams and stress omg just thinking about it gives me chills lmao... but worry not! Me and Chinmay from @studyruels have collaborated to make two masterposts on surviving school! Chinmay will be focusing on studying in general, I’ll focus more on the social aspects of school, like how to avoid drama and people bwahahaaa~ so I hope you like it and don’t forget to check Chinmay’s masterpost here!
Also don’t mind the title, i just didn’t know what to call my part cause it’s about everything lmao so i hope it’s at least funny :’D
Let’s begin~~
For people wanting to avoid drama and other people:
Always carry your earphones. This is like the easiest way to avoid people and drama in general. Cause ya know, it might be sometimes difficult to just ignore the things happening around you, so just blast some music and get relaxed!
For avoiding convos, carrying a book is also an option~ it’s just about seeming really busy and not wanting to be disturbed lmao
Try to attend all your classes. I mean like really do. Take your own notes and if anything isn’t clear, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher. Also, tbh idk if this is valid everywhere, but for me, i sit in the front row right opposite the teacher’s desk to avoid the class ruckus (and i also can see the blackboard better haha :D 
Avoiding drama and people is cool, really, but remember that sometimes you just need someone next to you. Make a friend who understands you. Make a few of them. It’s really good, especially when you need to talk to someone or you just missed a class and you need some notes... or you might want a study buddy too~ not all people are to avoid, so try to make some friends~
If you still got into drama and you’re stressed out from it - don’t worry! Everything will be okay soon! Don’t let it distract you from your studies - in the end, it won’t matter... maybe in a month, maybe in a year, but it won’t. Trust me. It’ll go away. So don’t let it take away your precious time.
Also, remember that not everything is bad! There are lots of people at school who’d definitely befriend you! And there are lots of fun moments so don’t be afraid to just sometimes enjoy the funny things at school!
Other important things:
I know myself that sometimes you feel so awful that you can’t get up in the morning. And so, you stay in bed. And skip school. And you know? It’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up about it, everyone needs a break sometimes. However, try not to skip too many days so you don’t miss a lot of stuff.
If you lack motivation (and i know this is a problem to many students out there), here is some tips that might help~
start a studyblr - seriously this is like the most awesome tip i can give you cause gosh~~ okay lemme explain: first of all, you can find really motivating and uplifting posts; the second thing is, that you can make some yourself! isn’t that great? by that you’ll motivate yourself to work and also motivate others! (just don’T mind the aesthetic thing here not everyone is like that i swear hahaha)
check yt, ig, pinterest and other media for motivating content!
set goals. And not just any goals - set realistic ones. Most people set goals like “get better at school” or “work hard” or “get a scholarship”. Okay that’s one big goal. And how are you going to achieve it? The key is to divide that goal into smaller goals; for “get better at school” you might make goals like “attend all classes” “take notes” “make a routine (and you describe it)”. When you divide your goals into smaller chunks, it won’t seem that huge or impossible anymore and you’ll feel more motivated and willing to do that work~
If you’re anxious about something, whether it’s an exam or a presentation, try to relax the day before. Don’t do much work, have a... i call it a self-care day :’) hot bath, tea, your favourite show, skincare, meditating,... whatever makes you feel tranquil. Have a good night’s sleep. Wake up early, have a good breakfast, put on clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident, look into the mirror and say “I AM THE BOSS. I CAN DO THIS.” and repeat as may times as you want or need. Be confident about yourself. <3
In general, you should have at least half an hour a day to just free your mind of unnecessary thoughts and relax. Also, dedicate some time during the week-end - whether it’s an entire day or just half of one and a third of the other. You need to relax.
I really recommend making a cup of green tea or herbal tea (especially Verveine). It helps you to calm your mind ^^
For dealing with stress, it depends on which type of person are you, but in general, exercising is a good way. Not only it’s essential for your health to move, but it also relieves stress. Tbh just work out until you’re sore and then take a shower and go to sleep that’s it you’ll be tired so you’ll fall asleep real quick and also you’l get rid of all the tension you had inside :3
Don’t forget that it’s okay to cry. I am the type of person that builds up stress for a long time and then collapses and cried for two hours. And that’s okay. Cry as much as you want and need, just let it out ‘kay? <3 also it’s okay to sometimes complain to someone close. Have someone you can lean on an that person can lean on you too~ <3
Okay that’s it for the masterpost! I hope this helped you! Don’t forget to check Chinmay’s masterpost here and sending lots of hugs and happiness~ <33
Other masterposts by me~~
Study tips masterpost
How to bullet journal masterpost
Study methods
How to kickstart your new semester
A masterpost solely dedicated to notes: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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growstudies · 7 years
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Okokok I know it took YEARS for me to come around to this but!! my babe @jeristudies tagged me in a selfie tag and I think it’s high time y'all got to see my mug. 🌟 Fun fact! I normally straighten my hair so day to day I’ll look like the top two pictures, but my natural hair is the bottom two! Also I’m pale af Tagging @studyblr @studylustre @einstetic @nerhdd @getshitdonetbh @kolstudies and anyone else who just wishes to post their face!
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studyflwr · 7 years
Heey, congrats on your 400 followers!! Could I have a blograte, please? I should be enjoying summer or working but instead I am staying at home ill, sipping hot tea with lemon and going through Tumblr posts, hah. I hope I will be able to go to work on Monday!
ugh that sucks. :( i hope you feel better soon!
url: i don’t get it sorry | oooh nice | amazing! | so cool wow | I WANT TO STEAL IT
icon: i don’t get it | good but not my type | ooh, so pretty | I LOVE | brb i have to steal it right now immediately
desktop theme: not my type | coolsies | wow, amazing! | perfectly aesthetic | whERE IS THE CODE
mobile theme: not my type | coolsies | wow, amazing! | perfectly aesthetic | FLAWLESS HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?
posts: not my style | good | so pretty l wow | how… is it possible… for things to be so beautiful… | EVERYTHING IS SO GOOD OMG REBLOGGING IT ALL
original content: couldn’t find them, sorry! | you’re getting there | good | wow, amazing! | ummm, can i have your skills? | EVERYTHING IS SO GOOD OMG REBLOGGING IT ALL
overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | are you the real life hermione granger???
following: not yet, but ily | i am now! | yup!!! | i want you to know if i ever stop it’s because my account has been hacked
comment: i love your balance reminder post, it’s so important!
i’m doing blogrates, want one?
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threestudy · 7 years
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My March theme? White. Loving this white aesthetic, but I’m not loving this school work. Though it’s easier than last month, everything just seems to be happening so fast. According to my math teacher, we have 80 more days. Until then, I’ll be studying at every moment.
listening to: Good Swim, Thalab
follow my studygram
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paola-studies · 7 years
new studyblr here!!
Hi everyone, my name is Paola. I’m from Dominican Republic and I’m currently living here as well. Right now I am in 11th grade, class of 2018, and I started this blog with the goal to procrastinate less and get more envolved in my classes.
I speak Spanish, English and currently learning French (about to take DELF A2 in a month). I really enjoy reading and listening to Hamilton (hence the tittle of my blog) and I hope to meet a ton of motivated minds here. I’m a Pisces and a Ravenclaw.
I’m working towards studying Marketing with Psychology abroad, and for that I’ll need to work hard to get those scholarships.
Thanks for reading and hope you all have a great day :)
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crybabystudy · 7 years
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So I am back with another post which is the hundred dop challenge 👑29&30/100👑 dop Yesterday 28 September I did my wildlife notes 📝 and worked on ielts essay prompts Today 29 September I did some ielts listening practice, social studies notes, made a quick bujo spread . 😨 Plz plz don’t let my sleep over flop 😨 Photos are 100% blurry and yep I am 100% happy 🎶 blog of the day - @tiny-notes 🎶 Minimalism inspo by @jeristudies and @i-actually-study-a-lot
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20 questions 20 tags
I was tagged a while ago by @studuology, thank you so much! It took a little longer to reply than I wanted.. So here goes: Name: Emma Nickname: the bouncingball (lol I can get really hyper and excited sometimes) Zodiac: capricorn Height: 172 cm Orientation: straight, and offen falling waaaaay too hard and too fast Nationality: dutch 🇳🇱 Fav fruit: melon and mango Fav colour: aqua blue Fav animal: fox Coffee/tea/hot chocolate: tea most of the time Average hours of sleep: 7 during the week, 10 during weekends Fav fictional character: SHERLOCK HOLMES Number of blankets you sleep in: 1 rn Dream trip: Japan or Australia Blog created: februari I guess? (Went from acnl to studyblr) Probably some of you have already done this but I would like to get to know better: @tooearlytoquit @jeristudies @bcckmarks @coffee-and-tea-studying @medkip @sootudying @ekstudying @elsstudy @026ml-studies @abiistudies
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kaladistudies · 6 years
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| 10.02.2018 | better late than never! i finally got my february monthly set up and i really like how it turned out! 💡 (insp. by this post from pinterest)
currently listening to: my heart is buried in venice - ricky montgomery
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getshitdonetbh · 7 years
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day 11/31: planning ✿
since i’m a mess and usually unorganised, i need to have 2 planners. one for my homework/exam/lesson and one for leisure otherwise i’m lost!
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jeristudies-blog · 7 years
Balance reminder
Some days 
you feel alright
you have everything done
your room is cleaned perfectly
no to dos from your list remain
you wear nice clothes and have a great hairstyle
everything is pretty organised 
you manage to help at home 
you manage to combine studying with your social life.
The other days 
you may feel sick 
you get up late and don’t feel like doing anything 
your todos remain unfinished 
you have your hair messy as well as your room and studyplace
you stay almost all the day in your pyjamas eating gummy bears and browsing the Internet on your mobile phone while conversating with your friends through social website.
Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you are unstable or you started being unorganised. It means BALANCE.  
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(br) I really like the feel when you finally get to be home alone, nobody can disturb you, you make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and cook your favourite meal. Then you sit behind your table and enjoy eating while listening to your favourite music
Hi Jeri
url - simple and nice studyblr url ^^
theme - obviously the best one right?? :D no it’s definitely not because i have it too… :’D
icon - i love it, it’s a simple yet really cool graphic! did you make it yourself? :3
posts - really cute and motivating studyblr content! 
original posts - your posts are so real and i love it
overall - you have a really nice blog Jeri! it’s simple, yet really aesthetic and at the same time, it doesn’t set that unrealistic expectation of being “perfect”, it’s just really nice and cozy to look at your pics :3
following? foreveeeeeerrrr 
notes ~ i’m really glad that i found your blog, i love it and tbh we need more blogs like yours haha i just sometimes miss the simplicity and kinda “realness” of the study process :) you also seem like a really nice person~
Want a blograte?
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sirenestudies-blog · 7 years
music tag!
i was tagged by @studyoblivion but i have no clue when bc i never got a notification so i’m really sorry if this is like 3 weeks late! thank you sm for tagging me! 
rules: list ten songs you’re currently vibing on, then tag ten people
kokobop - exo
lost stars cover - minkyung
falling slowly - daniela andrade 
what u do - exo 
kids - one republic 
suburbia - troye sivan
red flavour - red velvet
crazy little thing called love - queen
palette - iu
bad liar - selena gomez
i’ll tag @jeristudies, @emmstudying, @etudier-jihyo, @cursiveandcoffeestains, @yumicademy and anyone else who wants to do it! 
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studyflwr · 6 years
tag woohoo
tag woohoo
tagged by my friend @peachy-learning, go follow her if you don’t already!
rules: answer and tag 15 people you want to get to know better
relationship status: single and out of cool words to rhyme this with fave colours: i’m a lilac bitch, have been since i was nine lipstick or chapstick: lipstick three fave foods: chinese bread, honey glazed pork, egg tarts song stuck in my head: no scrubs by unlike pluto ft. joanna jones last song i listened to: also no scrubs by unlike pluto ft. joanna jones last movie i watched: how to train your dragon  top 3 tv shows: nirvana in fire, avatar: the last airbender, and fullmetal alchemist, if that counts as a show books i’m currently reading: deep river night last thing i googled: honestly? idk. probably google drive time: 11:50am how many blankets do you sleep in: 1 dream trip: germANY anything you want: self confidence, happiness, good health, fame, good grades, and a good relationship with my family (is this too much to ask?)
i’m tagging @studymo, @lavietudier, @kingdomstudies, @cactii-studies, @featherstudy, @astudyinrevenclaw, @studyininstyle, @jeristudies, @rosenplants, @studyblr-slytherin, @mangosstudy, @classicalstudies, @studyiin, @getshitdonetbh, and @medlivin!
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