korastudies · 2 years
hey, hi!
uh sorry i’ve been super inactive for...well a long time. honestly since i made this account a lot of things have changed in my life. some positives tho - i’m graduating in may and got the chance to finally live with my best friend! i’ve also met a lot of cool ppl on campus, started working on my mental health and getting help, and started going on dates. while this account meant a lot to me at one point, i honestly don’t see myself using it any time soon. tbh i’m probably going to start a new one and start posting over there about things i’m enjoying.
i may add the at if i ever remember, and this aint a great explanation of where i’ve been either. hopefully yall are understanding tho and will come visit me on my other page!
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Here I am!
Hi out there! My name’s Dakota, and I’m currently getting my general ed done at a city college to pursue a degree in Psychology. I’m an Aquarius, a Hufflepuff, and I really enjoy:
 crafting, reading, and acting, historical costuming, and am pretty social for an introvert.
 I’ve tried going to college twice before, and was still very much a kid so I kinda fucked around and didn’t take it seriously, and obviously never finished. I’m back, a lot more determined and focused this time. I’m also queer and poly (ask me more about that if you’d like!).
Goals! I want to maintain at least a 3.5 GPA
I want to actually understand all the material in my Stats class, not just get by
I want to improve my academic organizational skills
I want to expand my study skill toolbox Some blogs I really enjoy are @korastudies​ @studentlifeproblems​ @night-flight-studies​ @almastudies​ @ellie-studies-psych​ @coffeeforcollege​ @study-sleep-tea-repeat​ @littlestudyblrblog​ @dophdintraining​ @bookscoffeeplants
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swainlake · 5 years
the lil mermaid 2, a goofy movie OR atlantis. also congrats on 1k!!
tysm! and GREAT guess with the lil mermaid 2 because you got it!!
how to train your dragon
lilo and stitch
the little mermaid 2
the lion king 2
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ruoxin · 5 years
18, 51
Hi!! Thanks for the ask ^-^
18. Do You Collect Anything?
Yes a lot of things! LOL. Books, dvds, stationery, candles, kpop cds and photocards (mostly girls’ generation and red velvet: hyoyeon and seulgi!)
51. Do You Like To Read / Write?
I love to read but I haven’t in a few months since I got out of school lmao. I like classic lit, sci-fi and haruki murakami! Not so much writing but occasionally I do come up with quotes and stuff lol
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taurusunshine · 5 years
9, 12, 28
9. Do you have any gay friends irl?
Most of my friends identify as bi or pan but I have a couple gay and lesbian ones.
12. Which pride flags do you like the most design/color wise?
I’m a big fan of the bi one but I can’t tell if that’s because I like the design or because I identify with it and love the community.
28. Have you ever been to a pride parade?
Yeah! I went last year with a really great friend of mine and we had a lot of fun. There was a lot of rainbow capitalism but being in that space brought me so much joy.
send me things
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azulstudies · 4 years
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🌈 Introduction post 🌈 Hey there! I have been following the studyblr community for quite some time and finally decided to start one myself 🌻 About me - I go by the name Azul - I'm 20 years old and an aquarius - My pronouns are she/her and I'm bi - Second year university student majoring in Nutrition - English is not my first language - I will be tracking #azulstudies Interest 🌻 Feminism, black and LGBTQ+ rights movement, history and politics, reading, photography, digital drawing, baking, watching movies and series (I love period drama), plants, the dark academia and cottagecore aesthetic, and much more 🌻 Goals • Pass the four classes I'm taking this semester • Keep my notes completed and organized • Start learning portuguese • Improve in my english writing Inspo 🌻 @korastudies​ || @rylie-studies​ || @platosnotes​ || @myhoneststudyblr​ || @divina-commedia​ || @adelinestudiess​
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studyandicedcoffee · 4 years
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Hello everybody!
My name is Simona and as you can probably tell I’m starting my own studyblr from scratch. I hope it’ll help you and also me stay focused a keep the motivation for studying.
Few facts about myself:
- I live in Slovakia, small country in Central Europe (around 5 million citizens)
- I’m 17 years old and I’m in my third year of high school
- My goal is to study politics and international relations in London or Amsterdam
- I have a big passion for learning languages (I speak Slovak, Czech, English fluently, I’m an intermediate in German and currently I’m learning French)
- Other thing I love: iced coffee, baby pink, flowers, makeup, fashion, healthy lifestyle, my friends, family and my perfect boyfriend
Hit me up and ask me anything you’d like to!
For a more personal side of me, you can follow me on instagram @simaasab
My fav accounts:
@studyblr @studyingdawn @study-sleep-tea-repeat @studyingsian @pianoandstudy @pinkallaround @anatomyandcappuccini @emmastudies @t1redstudies @hopefully-passing-physics @juliesstudyblr @korastudies @cosmosstudies
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ghlawstudent · 4 years
Tagged by @medustudies
RULES:  list seven comfort movies and tag seven people
1. Kung fu panda
2. Mamma mia
3. Shrek
4. Spirited away
5. The princess and the frog
6. Harry potter
7. Up
I tag @diaryofastemstudent @studylustre @korastudies @gingerspicestudies @my-little-studyblr @froy @reinestudies
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reinestudies · 4 years
Quarantine Q&A 💫
tagged by: @korastudies
1. Are you staying home from work/school? Yes
2. If you’re staying home, who’s there with you? I'm with my family
3. Do you have pets to keep you company? How I wish :'(
4. Who do you miss the most? My elder brother who's locked down at his dorm, and my friends
5. When was the last time you left your home? I can't remember lol
6. What was the last thing you bought? Garnier micellar cleansing water
7. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed? I'm relaxed 🧖
8. Are you a homebody? Yup. But now, my homebody spirit has come to its peak. I wanna go out!!!
9. What movies have you watched recently? I'm more into series this quarantine. A lot of kdrama to be specific.
10. An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled? SHS GRADUATION 😭
11. What’s the worst thing that you’ve had to cancel? Again, SHS GRADUATION!!!
12. What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel? None.
13. Do you have any new hobbies? Watching kdrama ;)
14. What are you out of? Money.
15. What music are you listening to? My new playlist on Spotify - homebound.
16. What shows are you watching? Uhm. Kdrama!
Highly recommend: Reply 1988 (my new ult fave), Itaewon Class, Crash Landing On You, Fight For My Way, What's Wrong with Secretary Kim, Hotel del Luna (currently watching! mind-blowing visual concept)
17. What are you reading? Anything That Isn't This by Chris Priestley (a book that i borrowed from a friend before ecq started)
18. What are you doing of self-care? Skincare, workout, and some chores.
19. Are you exercising? Every morning with Chloe Ting workout.
20. How’s your toilet paper supply? Fine.
21. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine? I chopped off my own 7 or something inches hair. Haha. Short hair, don't care. Lmao.
I’d like to tag my fellow studyblr PH: @iwannaknowhatlawis @inspiralynotes @inginieur @learnedt @mhayistudies @stannousnotes @maxetudes @arcystudies @positive-infinity
Hope to gain some new friends! Stay safe and sane! 💞
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korastudies · 2 years
hey hi, it’s my new account. follow me here <3
go follow me on my new account - @koravuss
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It's been a rough couple of days, so I missed a few prompts. I was coming out of my depression slump, and then late Friday night our emotionally manipulative roommate went into a diabetic seizure and we had to call 911. I got 3 hours of sleep that night, and am still recovering emotionally. At any rate, I'll be responding to prompts for days 5 and 6.
I am usually very busy in the winter. I work as an actor at the Great Dickens Christmas Fair in San Francisco during November and December, which takes up a lot of my time, and then I spend Christmas with my friends, as well as LOTS of New Years festivities.
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And in regards to getting a break from school. I get about a month long break, but I'm picking up extra hours at work. Making more money where I can is nice.
Thanks for reading. Here's what my current homework spread looks like:
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I hope the rest of you studying for finals right now are as stress free as possible. I wish you success!
@zayneytem @studytommorow @study-sleep-tea-repeat @sagittariustudent @slytherinnpride @korastudies
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agrothera · 4 years
playlist tag
I was tagged by lovely @korastudies, here's my results, seems like I'm obsessed with singer-songwriters lmao
rules: put your entire music library on shuffle and write down the first 10 songs that come on. Tag 10 others!
1. Sprained ankle - Julien Baker
2. Night shift - Lucy Dacus
10. Saturday sun - Nick Drake
3. Gold dust woman - Fleetwood Mac
4. Exit music - radiohead
5. I know - Fiona Apple
6. A lack of color - death cab for cutie
7. Morning theft - Jeff Buckley
8. Take everything - mazzy star
9. In devil's territory - Sufjan Stevens
10. Saturday sun - Nick Drake
tagging @vampiretouch @lovcrimes @abubblybubblyworld
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ruoxin · 5 years
2, 3, 14, 26
Hi!! Thanks for the ask ^-^
2. What is your sexuality?
You know I spent like the longest time on this since my freshman year in college, and identified as panromantic demisexual for the the past 2-3 years, but the split attraction model is problematic in so many ways and I think I just accepted myself as bi now!
3. What is your gender identity?
Cis female
14. Are you openly out?
Hmm not to like my parents loll but I’m comfortable telling my friends and acquaintances
26: Tell me a random fact about yourself!
I can crack ALL my toes at will at any given moment it grosses everyone out lmao xD
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honeyvinegar · 5 years
ALL THAT I AM .  .  .
hello everyone! my name is izzy, and it is so lovely to meet you. i’ve been admiring the studyblr / writeblr communities from the sidelines for a little while now. finally, i have decided to give this rodeo a go! this is just a little bit of an introduction to me and this blog. i hope you’re doing good today! i am always up for making friends, so please drop me a message if you ever feel like a good chat!
about me . . .
i’m seventeen years old ( 4th february, 2002 ) and an aquarius.
i am a white female and my myers-briggs personality type is infp-a. 
i’m irish. i was born in dublin, but was raised and am currently living in cork. 
i am in the final year of secondary school and will be sitting my leaving cert in the summer of 2020. 
subjects . . .
interests . . .
i love sports! i’m a massive rugby, soccer and g. a. a. fan. 
i’m also a big music fan. i’ve been playing the cello since i was five and the guitar, bass and piano since i was twelve. i don’t really play for grades or performance anymore; just for fun from now on!
politics and social issues. 
reading! i’ve been a massive bookworm ever since i was a little girl. i love both non-fiction and fiction. 
true crime. 
writeblr . . .
i have been writing story since i before i can remember. i would write fanciful retellings when i was seven, copied right out of a book. then, shitty wattpad fanfiction. 
i have been writing seriously for about two years now. 
i write both short stories and novels, all of which are fiction. 
i am currently working on a novel called every shade a green. 
what i plan on posting . . .
100 days of productivity. 
reading lists - either a monthly round up or a sort of to read list.
book reviews. 
to do lists. 
monthly plans. 
study methods. 
writing updates and plans. 
bullet journal spreads - mine tends to skew on the more minimalist end of the spectrum. 
note spreads. 
morning and evening routines. 
i would love to get to a point where i can do study live streams so we can all hang out and motivate one another. 
perhaps we could get a little advice evening going?
inspirations . . .
and so many more!
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a-midds · 4 years
10 question tag game
Rules: answer the questions then tag new people with 10 new questions.
thank you @herbivore-studies for tagging me :)
1. what’s your favourite movie/genre?
wall-e. been my favourite ever since i was a little kid.
2. if you had a warning label, what would it say?
probably ‘warning: will disappear for long periods of time when she gets a new obsession, which is often’
3. what’s the craziest thing that’s ever happened to you?
my life has been pretty tame to be honest. i’ve had some mad nights out, but nothing out of character for a night out. i guess that craziest thing might be when i went on holiday with my family, me and my brother stayed out and made friends with the staff, although none of us spoke the same languages, and we drank with them every night that week lmao.
4. what is something you would recommend for someone else to do at least once?
sleep with a weighted blanket. i got one for my birthday and it’s my favourite thing.
5. what’s your favourite movie/tv show quote
“i think my monster encourages your monster, right?” ~ killing eve
6. do you think your zodiac sign fits your personality?
100%. in a gemini and i’m one of the most conflicted and changeable people ever. indecisive and easily bored. i always see two sides of every thing and it makes it impossible to pick one.
7. what song would you want to be remembered by?
knowing me, knowing you - ABBA
8. if you could chose any language to be fluent in, what would you choose?
korean. i’m currently learning french and korean, but i find all the different vowel sounds in korean impossible to remember. french has already been largely jammed into my brain by school so i find it easier to learn.
9. what chore do you hate the most?
hoovering! i find it so difficult, to the point i feel like i must be doing it wrong, but i don’t know how i could be!
10. what do you consider the ultimate comfort food?
fudge. no matter what’s going on in my life if someone buys me a good bag of soft fudge it helps.
my questions
1. how many pillows do you sleep with?
2. what’s your favourite item of clothing in your wardrobe?
3. what book are you currently reading?
4. are you enjoying it?
5. what’s your favourite line from a song?
6. if your life was a movie, what would the name of the album of the soundtrack be?
7. do you have/want any pets?
8. what’s your favourite food that has to be kept in the fridge?
9. what’s your favourite type of rodent?
10. what’s your favourite colour?
i tag
and anybody else who wants to try it!
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honeylemonstudiess · 4 years
20 Questions
Rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better. feel free to change up the questions as well
NAME: Kaitlin
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius 
HEIGHT: 5′9.25
NATIONALITY: American, but getting my Danish citizenship! 
STUDENT/OCCUPATION: Just graduated from undergrad and will be pursuing my master’s in a year! 
FAVORITE WEATHER: Snowy days or overcast days or sunny days 
FAVORITE HOLIDAY: I love the feeling I get around Christmastime. I feel like everything is warmer despite the cold weather 
FAVORITE FLOWER: stargazer lilies and roses 
FAVORITE SPORT: I played volleyball for ten years! Four years of NCAA collegiate competition 
FAVORITE COLOR: baby pink and pastel yellows
VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE: most of the time vanilla, but sometimes chocolate! 
COFFEE, TEA OR HOT CHOCOLATE: I love all of them equally, which I found to be very rare 
AVERAGE NIGHTTIME ROUTINE: I always wash my face and do my skincare routine. I do my daily routines with my leopard gecko (fresh water, feeding routine, handling and trust building exercises), I like to read or watch YouTube videos when i
FAVORITE LATENIGHT TREAT: chocolate covered almonds 
FAVORITE AU IDEA: im a sucker for fake relationship au where they fall in love but hide it from each other 
LAST BOOK/COMIC/GRAPHIC NOVEL I READ: I finished the acotar series recently and im still obsessed with it 
LAST TV SHOW I BINGED: grey’s anatomy 
I tag: @dusknotes @quiet-studyingg @budgie-studies @fightostudy @lawyerd @katsdesk @korastudies @jacobinstudies @coffeeandpies @universi-tea and anyone who would like to participate! 
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