#never have a put such insane sentences in dream's mouth
cuubism · 11 months
I complained that Morpheus's season 2 cemetery fit wasn't tits-out, @magnusbae said "tits in outfits are so devastating because you know there's tits to be seen but they're in," I decided that's something Hob would say while drunk and that he should say it to Dream's face. And here we are.
“Listen,” Hob says, with the slurred, utter conviction of the very intoxicated, “listen. This’s. Important.”
“I am sure,” Dream agrees, sipping his wine. He himself is not drunk, but he’s gaining a surprising amount of amusement from watching Hob.
“You listening?”
“Yeah,” Hob sighs, looking down into his glass. “You’re a good listener.”
Before Dream can respond to this, Hob shakes himself.
“But listen. S’such a tragedy you know?”
“What is?”
“Tits,” Hob says passionately, and Dream chokes on his wine.
“In,” he manages, once he’s swallowed and not asphyxiated, which felt dangerously possible despite his nonhuman form, “what way?”
“Always covered up,” Hob says mournfully, face crumbling. “Should be more societal—” he stumbles over the words, tongue heavy in his mouth, “socially acceptable to just. Be tits out. You know?”
Dream is not certain he himself has a strong opinion on the matter. He does not spend much time contemplating others’ breast tissue.
“Perhaps one day it will be,” he says, in an attempt to soothe Hob’s devastated expression.
“Can’t come soon enough,” Hob agrees, and raises his glass to Dream’s in a toast to the matter.
Dream obligingly clinks their glasses, and after Hob has drunk, swaps Hob’s glass of beer for a glass of water. Hob doesn’t seem to notice.
“Horrible to know that they’re there and you can’t even see them,” Hob continues.
“Torturous,” Dream agrees. “Unsurvivable.”
“Nah nah nah,” Hob counters, waving a hand. “Tits is a reason to survive.”
“I see,” Dream says, hiding a smile. He suspects Hob will be too hungover to even remember this in the morning. Probably it is for the best.
“Eleanor had great tits,” Hob sighs. “Among other things.”
For a moment Dream worries his cheerful drunkenness will tip over into melancholy, but then Hob adds, seemingly oblivious to how he’s blowing past his usual boundaries, “You know. I always thought—” he hiccups “—that you would have. Fuckin’. Bangin’ tits.”
Dream drops his wine glass.
It shatters against the table, but he pays it no mind as he stares at Hob, who’s looking off into the middle distance, lost in a memory.
“Dunno why,” he says. “You’re always so. Covered up. But I know there’s something there. You’re beautiful, you’re…” he trails off.
Dream does not know what to say to this, to the revelation that Hob is thinking of him in such a way. It strikes him more strongly than even hearing the word tits applied to his person, which is its own hard shock indeed.
Perhaps he is more drunk than he’d thought, for the first response that does come to his mind is would you like to see them?
This is undoubtedly a cue to end the evening.
“I think perhaps you should have some water and sleep now, Hob,” he says. “Your body will not thank you tomorrow.”
“Mmm,” Hob says, not really listening to him. “Yeah…”
Dream takes him by the arm and pulls him up from the table, manages to maneuver a stumbling Hob to the stairs at the back of the inn, to his bedroom, where he lays Hob down on the bed, pulling off his shoes. Hob reaches for him, and for a moment Dream is afraid Hob is going to grab at his chest, but he doesn’t, just lightly touches Dream’s cheek.
“You’re beautiful,” he says, the words all blurred together, and something in Dream’s chest tightens.
“Sleep now, Hob.” He brushes a hand over Hob’s forehead, and Hob falls asleep instantly, relaxing into the pillow.
Dream lays a blanket over him, leaves water and aspirin on the nightstand. Stands, observing Hob, for longer than is proper or necessary. And then takes his leave to the Dreaming, where Hob’s words, drunken ramblings though they were, circle him for hours afterwards.
The fact of the matter is. Dream wants Hob. And has for some time. He does not know when exactly it struck him, only that he has increasingly become fixated on Hob’s hands, on the breadth of his shoulders, the warmth of his eyes. He has not known how to broach the topic. He has never had a lover who was a friend before.
Nor had he known whether Hob would be receptive to such a thing.
He supposes he has that answer now.
Hob has also handed him, though he probably did not realize it, an easy way to convey his interest. It will also, Dream thinks with a little smile, be somewhat… amusing to surprise Hob with the reality of his desire. Likely he never thought that would be the outcome of ranting to Dream about his breasts, such as they are.
I will visit him tits out, he resolves. Tomorrow, when he wakes.
Dream is no stranger to more revealing attire, though he has not cared to wear it since his captivity. This, he thinks, is worthy of making the change. He garbs himself in normal slacks and boots, his usual long coat open and unbuttoned— but under it is a sheer, long sleeved shirt, ruffled collar, cut out over the chest precisely as Hob had requested, drunk though he was. Truly, Dream thinks, observing the look in the mirror he has manifested in his chambers, the fashion of this decade is interesting indeed.
Thus clothed to the requirements, Dream commands his sand to take him to Hob’s flat, now that he can feel Hob has woken. He stands in Hob’s living room, and he waits.
Hob comes into the living room at the sound of his arrival, rubbing his eyes, still sleepy and hungover. He’s still in pajamas, and clearly has not been awake long. “Listen, Dream, I’m so fucking sorry, I should not have said— oh holy fuck.”
“I thought this would appeal,” Dream says, and watches Hob reel, eyes wide.
“Appeal. Appeal? Appeal to what, my fucking dick? Oh Jesus Mary and God-fucking-dammit, I’m making it worse—”
Dream is feeling very validated in his choice now. He smirks, taking a step closer. “You were very passionate last night. I thought perhaps. You would like to test your theory.”
Hob’s eyes are still huge. He swallows, throat bobbing, gaze bouncing between Dream’s eyes and his lips and his bare chest.
“My theory,” Hob says faintly. “Are you coming onto me? Please tell me you’re coming onto me and not just trying to break me. Because you broke me, I’m broken.”
“Until you spoke last night I… did not know that you thought of me like that,” Dream admits.
“Didn’t know? And here I thought I was the most obvious—” he bites the sentence off. “Doesn’t matter. I’m not dreaming, am I? I guess it could still be you…”
“You are not dreaming,” Dream confirms.
Hob steps closer to him, then, as if hypnotized. Strokes a thumb lightly over one of Dream’s bare nipples, and Dream shivers at the touch. Then Hob presses his hands flat to Dream’s chest, cups what little flesh is there in his palms. Dream does not have a particularly substantial chest but Hob seems compelled anyway.
“Are my ‘tits,’” Dream asks, quoting Hob from last night, “‘banging,’ Hob Gadling?”
Hob goes bright red, but doesn’t remove his hands. “Yeah, Dream,” he says, strangled, “you have the prettiest little titties I ever saw.”
This is not something Dream has ever cared about or even considered about himself, but he preens anyway.
“And if you’ve no objections I’d really like to get my mouth on them,” Hob continues. “You free now? Or did you come just to upend my world and run?”
“I am ‘free,’” Dream confirms. This is, in fact, his desired outcome. “Is that the only place you will put your mouth?”
“Fucking hell.” Hob kisses him then, rough and hot, hands going to Dream’s waist to pull him in so their bellies are touching. Dream hums in pleasure. And Hob pushes his coat off his shoulders. It falls to the floor, unheeded. “No, I want to fucking bite you. Kiss you everywhere. And I dunno what you have going on down there, but I’m going for that, too.”
Dream raises an eyebrow. “‘What I have going on down there?’”
Hob huffs. “Well I don’t know, you personification of insanity. What do you have going on down there?”
“What would you like me to have going on?”
“No,” Hob says, half a whine. “Don’t say shit like that, I’m not a strong man. Come on.”
He takes Dream by the hand, drags him towards his bedroom. And Dream smiles to himself. A desired outcome, indeed.
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victoria-grimesss · 5 months
Ghost Headcanons ~SFW & NSFW~
->Paring: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
->Warning: MDNI pretty please!! smutttt, some fluff, romance, etc.
->A/N: giggling and kicking my feet
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He's a quiet, stoic, and serious man but somehow you worm your way into his heart and although he may have been annoyed at first, he had a feeling you were going to be an issue when you first met.
It was an intensely slow burn built up to your relationship filled with passed glances, touches that you wish were longer, and the sound of his commands lingering in your mind for longer than normal.
Eventually he asked you out, unconventionally. He marched right up to you after training, still drenched in sweat and asked you flat out. You accepted and from there grew something as incredible as it is intense.
100% scary guard dog privileges.
Walking at night is never scary when he’s next to you. His stare is enough to deter any wrongdoers, he walks on outside of the sidewalk.
He's quiet but don't mistake that for aloof. He's observant as all hell. Always watching out for you when you're out together. An absentminded action he says.
Not a big fan of PDA but he always has a hand on you at all times. Ushering you through a crowd he's got his hand on the small of your back guiding you.
He enjoys being seen with you, having you next to him and just being in your presence is all he needs.
He denies he gets jealous but when a guy who shows a little too much interest in you enters into conversation with you he'll come over just to puff up his chest and throw a heavily tatted arm around your waist. "A bit jealous Simon?" "Don't know what you're talking about love."
He has an insane amount of those mask that are strewn about everywhere, and they are all in a disarray of washed and unwashed.
He thinks it's cute when you put them on and mimic him, especially if you're not British and you mimic a butchered Manchester accent. It gets a laugh out of him.
Others adore the two of you, especially the rest of the 141. He has literal heart eyes for you, through his rough exterior he really does love you.
His love language is words of affirmation and actions. You'll wake up to some flowers and painkillers on the side-table after a particularly shitty day.
Even if he's in a hurry to get out of the door he will never miss the chance to give you a hearty kiss and tell you to have a good day.
He listens to classic rock, there's usually some form of it playing in the house, he doesn't like the silence due to the tinnitus from the field. The vibes are great in the house.
You can’t tell his mood over text AT ALL. He texts in short brief choppy sentences. He prefers phone calls.
You: “don’t forget to take the meat out of the fridge when you get home, maybe swap the clothes from the wash to the dryer if you have time. I’ll be home around 6pm traffic shouldn’t be too bad. Insert story about your day.”
Him: 👍
Aggressively British, sometimes you don't even know what he said. You just stare at him. "Did you hear me love?" "I was questioning if those were actual words that just came out of your mouth."
Sometimes you wake up at 3am for water to see him eating a big portion of fries in just his boxers with just the dim light of a football match as a light source. You usually make eye contact once but say nothing then retreat back to the room. The first time you saw that you were convinced it was a fever dream.
Sometimes his jokes are worse than Price's. You laugh out of sympathy nonetheless. You're his #1 fan.
Speaking of Price, if you're on the team he won't let your relationship get in the way of his career or mission. You are on the team because you're capable and can handle the job at hand but he does keep close eyes on you just in case on risky missions. If you get hurt he blames himself. You reassure him it's just part of the job.
There was a visible tension between the two of you that was visible to the rest of the team before you got together. I mean Ghost stared at you a majority of the time when you weren't actively working. So when they saw the two of you coming out of the same room one morning it was a definite relief. "Oh for fucks sake it's about time!" "Shut it Johnny."
He either sleeps completely silently and still to the point you think he might be dead, to which to check on him and he just opens his eyes right away. You almost shit your pants. OR he snores like a train, this option is usually when he's safe at home with you and can relax.
He loves it more than anything when he can fall asleep on your chest with you combing your fingers through his hair. He swears he's never been more relaxed.
You never discussed children but you get small glimpses into dad actions when Soap is over to help Simon fix something that takes two. "Johnny are you daft? Hold the bloody flashlight straight I can't see fuck all with you shining it in my eyes." Soap is hysterical seeing him upset over a sink leak. "Yea yea sure LT." You just watch from afar, giggling.
He's intense, alluring, and dominant. He can last many rounds; he enjoys taking you every which way he can.
His voice.
He loves the effect it has on you, how he can pin you against a wall and simply stare down at you, drawing it out by raking his gaze from your lips and around your face not saying a work and just toying with you until he would utter a few simple words and have you weak in the knees. His ego is huge because he knows you find him irresistible.
Will come up behind you when you're in the kitchen, voice low and creeping right to your ear, low enough to hear the gravel. His hand would snake around you securing around your waist. All of your clothes end up on the kitchen floor, they look better down there anyway he said. "I'm a bit famished love, care if I take a bite?"
Confident in the bedroom, especially if you're vocal. He likes to hear how he makes you feel. In return he'll tell you exatly how you make him feel. "Gods love, you..fuck-fucking hell you're doing such a good job."
Sessions in bed are messy, hot, and sweaty. He plays dirty but matches what you give him. He won't degrade you, he respects you. But he is a tease.
Will tease the tip of it until you're begging and withering. "You want it say badly yea? Go ahead, tell me how badly you need it pretty girl."
His favorite positions would be doggy, missionary with your legs up around his neck or your ankles in his hands. He loves to see your reactions.
He finds himself sometimes lost in the moment, silent as he works on you. Eyelids heavy as he tries to commit this moment to memory, hands gripping you with fervor. His breath hot on your skin when he lowers his lips to your neck to leave his mark. "You're my good girl, such a good girl for me. Say it."
He may be dominant in bed but he lets you call the shots. If you need him and you're out at the pub just grab his arm and take him to the bathroom. Out on a late night date? His car is in the back of the parking lot, he's grabbing the keys and reclining the front seat. You've had sex in a supply closet once out of sheer desperation once.
Hates hates military galas, will really only interact with the 141 and some others if he has to but loves to see you all dolled up. His favorite part is smearing your makeup on the pillowcases afterwards though.
Shower sex is also an option, seeing you all soapy and wet really gets him going. Makes for easy cleanup afterwards too.
If you like his uniform he's more than happy to just bend you over and unzip the front of his pants. You’ve don’t it with the mask on more than once.
Gets off on going down on you. Could die doing it and die a happy man. He'll definitely get himself off while getting you off.
Enjoys a good blowjob every now and again, let’s you take the lead not a big head pusher unless you ask. He’ll do whatever you want.
Eye contact is a must. Missionary with your legs around his neck, and a hand around your neck making sure you know who's making you feel like this. "You love this don't you? Dirty girl."
If you're being a brat and he's had enough he'll just have you ride him, he'll put his hands behind his head and have you do all of the work until you get too tired to continue. You'll have to admit defeat. To where he'll take the reins by grabbing your hips.
If you have long hair he enjoys hitting it from the back and wrapping a majority of your hair around his fist and pulling just enough for you to make noise for him.
Definitely a mirror in your shared bedroom where he can sit you on his lap and you can both watch as you work yourself on him.
His eyes roll back in his head when he cums, his grip leaves marks. He enjoys finishing inside you, the closeness and intimacy makes his stomach burn in a good way but he’s all for pairing your ass or tits too. He’s not a picky man.
Aftercare king, although he likes to bask in the afterglow for a bit with you. You lay on his chest trying to catch your breath, the room is stuffy and warm and your heart is racing but you've never felt better. But after he cleans you up he'll come back with a good cup of tea to end the night.
tag: @chiharuthecatmom
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hopeflowr · 8 months
Sorry, I love you . Changlix Fanfic
Felix's life goal is to take on his father's farm and make sure his sisters marry well. He has no intention of marriage anytime soon and is very well keen on the idea of looking after horses and reading books for the rest of his days. However, by chance, he runs into a man who has yet to change his mind, and with him, a few life-changing discoveries.
Heavily inspired by Jane Austen's Sanditon.
Calloused hands prove hard work. Felix's father was always persistent with those words. He used it as a tool to persuade him to work harder. A fine grip spoke more than any words from his mouth. The more solid and gruff, the more respect you gained from the men around you and the more reliable you seemed to the young ladies looking for a secure husband.
Although, Felix never cared much for ladies. If you were to ask him about his interests he'd simply tell you three things. He wished to make his father proud, he hoped to look after his sisters until they were in safe hands, and he loved nothing more than to read. Oh, what a delight the fantasy of a romance was on pages.
Not so much in real life, as he had yet to fall in love with someone. His mother continued to push the idea of marriage on him. She wasn't nonsensical with her ideas. To help support the farm he should find a girl with money to her name and offer her sisters an in-law they could confide in. He, however, refused to do so.
He only had one argument. Not until he fell in love. He wanted that heartbreaking, reckless, absurd love that drove a man mad. He wanted to run in a field of lavender with the bees and rabbits, hand clutched tightly around another's as he pulled them along through hues of blooming purples. He didn't care if they never spoke again in the end. If life tore them apart and she was forced to marry another, he would accept it after fighting for as long as possible.
Before Felix settled for a woman he may never be able to worship, he wanted the choice of real love. Even if it lasted a brief summer, he yearned for it. The idea was insanity at best. His mother would fall into an early grave if she ever heard him speak of such things. His father could care less as long as he worked hard. Still, he kept his dreams a secret and tended the farm. So long as he harvested the wheat and herded the sheep he was worthy of praise and exempt from his father's outlashes.
"Felix, won't you put the book down for goodness sake?" his mother implored.
The brunet with a face of clustered dots peered up from the tan pages of his leatherback book. "Ma I've only got ten pages left," he told her, flipping to the next as his eyes flicked back down to finish off the sentence she'd disrupted.
"Felix, listen to your mother. It's breakfast," his father, a rustic old man with growing gray stubble, said.
Felix's shoulders faltered in posture and his tanned hands pressed the back and front toward each other. The words of a hopeless romantic journey closed themselves off from the world he lived and he was subjected to a conversation he'd been avoiding since the day he turned twenty-one. "There's a new lady down near the town square. Arabella, I believe."
"Arabella Giles," Felix spewed as he reached for one of the biscuits his mother was setting down on the dining table. She smacked his hand lightly and he pulled back with a pout. "I have no interest in Miss Giles, Ma."
"Do you hear this Jeffery?"
Felix's father sat himself down and pulled his youngest daughter onto his lap. "Leave the boy alone. He's just come of age. He should enjoy himself as long as possible before getting tied down. The farm needs him without distractions."
"The men in this household, I swear," his mother chided. She and Felix's elder sister, Rachael, finished fixing their breakfast before taking a seat. They held their hands for a quick prayer. One Felix told with a deep voice. Then they began their meal, quiet on the men's side. Felix preferred listening to his sisters.
"Actually, Mama," Rachael spoke. "Papa," she added. The table gave their attention to her. Felix admired her rosy cheeks and the freckles that fled across them like stars. His were far more blotched around his face unlike hers. Men looked much less appealing with freckles. He'd always thought so.
"Go on. I hope for good news." Felix held back a roll of his eyes at his mother's tone.
"Well," Rachael started. She rose her hand above the table and outstretched it for the family to see. A beautiful blue gem sat atop a silver band. Felix's heart melted at the sight. "I've accepted Mister Campbell's hand in marriage."
That man had been after his sister for at least five months. His mother's persistence was no match for him. They'd all seen it coming. He was rich, good-looking, and an earnest gentleman. It was only a matter of time before his sister gave into his charms and accepted. "Oh, my dear child!"
Felix sent his sister a grin as their mother grasped the hand she wore a ring on. "We'll be betrothed by the end of the week if you'll allow. He hopes to discuss the future of the farm with Papa, 'swell."
That couldn't be good. Not for Felix anyway. He stuffed a biscuit in his mouth and slipped away to the stables. His sister would find him after their mother squeezed every last bit of information out of her, and indeed she did. Not even an hour later she found herself leaning against the stables foundation, watching her younger brother clean the hooves of their stallions.
"Ma sounds ecstatic," Felix told her as he stood, dusting his hands off on his breeches.
"You expected anything but?" Rachael teased.
Felix wiped his wrist across his face with a light laugh. "No, I suppose not," he replied. He turned toward his sister. "You are lurking. Do you have something you wish to discuss?"
"John wants to take over the farm and become a distributor for parts of London. He's made a lot of plans."
Felix released a sigh. "Yes, I presumed he had other visions for this place after winning your hand," he muttered.
"Please tell me you aren't angry with me dear brother," she pleaded. She took up his hands with a weak gaze.
Felix shook his head and gave her hand a light squeeze. "Not at all. I just hope you aren't doing this so I have nothing to worry about." It was a great pleasure to own land. Felix's only worth was the farm. If his father sold it, he'd have to find other ways to make a living. Not that he minded. It would simply be a difficult task as he had no education other than what he was taught at home.
He'd take up a hard labor job with a very low wage if worst came to worst. "Do you love him?" Felix queried.
Rachael's smile grew giddy and she nodded in a shy manner. "I do. More than Papa loves the farm. More than you love your books."
"Don't be foolish. You may be able to get past my books but don't think anyone could love anything more than our father loves his herd," Felix protested with a laugh. Rachael nodded with a giggle of her own. "Oh, Rachael. He better treat you like an angel."
"He will. I just know so, Felix." Her voice sounded so whimsical. "I confess, I am entirely smitten."
Felix pulled his sister into a hug. "Yes. It seems so."
"Rachael, your father is ready to take you to Mister Campbell," their mother called from the back door.
Rachael gave an exhausted whisper of goodbye and parted from her younger brother. He could only watch her leave with a forming frown. He detested the jealousy in his heart. To be in love was his only wish. Even for a split second. He shook the thought off and brushed his hand against his horse's soft pink nose. "Oh, to be a lady, Charming," he told the stallion.
The Irish cob with fluff at his feet and speckled black dots around his coat mimicked his owner with a shake of his tangled blonde mane. He nickered at the man. Felix smiled in return. Charming was his pet. He'd raised him from a young foal three years prior. He did not work like the others in the stable. He was for leisurely rides and companionship. Felix's best friend.
He'd named him Charming because for some reason the men with blonde hair were the most preferable in the world. Women fell to the feet of a man with golden locks. Perhaps they thought it expressed riches and good fortune. Felix himself liked black hair. It was pretty and unique. Even more so than the favored blonde.
"How about we finish those pages Ma disrupted us from, aye, Charming?"
The horse whinnied and Felix moved to grab his saddle and reins. They were dark blue. He'd gotten them as a gift from his mother for his last birthday. She said a well-dressed horse caught the eyes of a good country lady. If one good thing came of Rachael's wedding it would be the distraction. Felix wouldn't hear about a lady he should chase for at least a month.
He leaned backward on Charming's back as they set out on the road in the opposite direction of the town. He closed his eyes and let the sun bathe him. Charming was a well-tamed horse. The only time he was remotely rambunctious beyond control was when he was startled by the coyotes and wolves. Other than that, he could easily pass by a snake without worry. He was undisturbed by most of the dangers in life. A lot like Felix himself.
His only nightmare was to be locked down without a chance at experience. He feared nothing. The opportunity was lacking in his area, but given the chance for an adventure, he'd take it up in a heartbeat. It was an outlandish thought. He was nothing but a farmer's boy. They didn't get to think about lavish balls and carriage rides with the love of their lives. They had to settle with the best they could find and make use of it.
Felix was far too stubborn to be a farmer's son. His mother knew it. It's why she pestered him so. "Charming, I fear my time as a single soul is in jeopardy," he murmured.
He opened his eyes and examined the shapes of the clouds above. Olivia, his youngest sister, always enjoyed finding animals and flowers in the sky. Sometimes she made stories out of them. Felix had spent so much time telling her tales he'd made up. Even looking at them then he was creating one he could console himself with. That is until he heard something.
He pushed himself up from Charming's back and searched the area around them. A neigh and shuffling hooves across the dirt path they were riding secured his worries. He had heard a loud yell. Felix squeezed Charming's sides with his heels and clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. The stallion shifted from a walk to a trot and then a canter. Together they breezed past the shaking grasses. Up ahead was a man on the road, his arm cradled by the other.
Felix pulled on his reins when he was close enough to see the face of the man. Dark brown hair set in curls beneath a black top hat. His gray vest looked to be made of very fine fabric, although the soil he had found himself on top of dirtied it and ruined the man's astute presentation. Felix climbed off of his horse and frantically made his way over. He dropped to his knees to get a closer view of the man's predicament.
"Are you alright, Sir?"
"My damned horse took off after bucking me," the stranger chortled. A gleeful grin spread across his face as their eyes met. "Nothing but a scratch, my dear boy."
Felix gave him a skeptical smile in return. From the looks of it, the man's wrist had swelled. "My house is nearby. Have my Ma take a look just in case. You may have twisted it, Sir."
"Yes," the man muttered. He looked at his wrist. "Yes, very well then."
Felix helped him up and onto the saddle, then climbed on himself. They rode back to the farm which he hadn't strayed too far from. Of course, his mother and sister immediately tended to the man's wound. They offered cold clothes, herbal medicines to lessen the pain, and even food to the man. Felix had gone to search for his horse and by the time he got back, Rachael and his father had too.
"How do you find yourself in Norbury, Mister Bang?"
Felix set down a glass of water for the man. After nursing the stranger, they'd told him to stay for dinner and rest over the night before leaving. "I find I have gotten turned around. You see, I was on a trip to Balens to discuss business with a friend. After my departure, I suppose my navigation skills failed me in putting me on the right track home."
"Where would that be?" Felix's mother asked.
"Wolford, Ma'am. I'm the Mayor, you see."
Wolford. Felix hadn't ever heard of such a place. Granted, the only place he did know of was London and the surrounding important areas. "What's it like there, Mister Bang?" Olivia questioned enthusiastically.
"Oh, it's a magnificent place, dear. Full of receptions and festivities. A very humble and homey town if I do say so. The wealthy come to see the sea and find a comforting place to settle for a few months to get away from the bustling crowds of the cities."
It sounded lovely. Felix unconsciously leaned forward. "The population may be small now, but I dare say it will grow with time. Although, our goal is not in number but in heart. To spread love and acceptance for all kindred souls."
"What a brilliant place it must be," Rachael gushed with linked hands pressed to her chin.
"You must come someday," Mister Bang said. His eyes moved to Felix. "No, I insist you come. I owe a great deal to you."
"It was no trouble at all," their mother said.
Felix watched the mayor glance at his eldest sister. "I positively won't take no for an answer. You must come."
Rachael gave him a kind smile. "I apologize but I am to be wed by the end of the week. I have no intention of going off for quite some time," she informed gently.
Olivia was too young to go and Felix had to stay and help on the farm. There was no one else he could take. "Although, I think Felix would adore the adventure."
Felix's eyes widened. "Yes! The hero of the day. You must come back with me."
"I can't. I've—"
"Hogwash. Go on and visit. Maybe you'll bring yourself a wife back," his mother insisted.
His father nodded, chipping in with the fact that Rachael's husband-to-be was sending over help and the farm would be in good hands. Felix's eyes sparkled. "Well, if you'll have me," he whispered.
Mister Bang's smile widened incredibly and they began to plan the journey over the rest of their meal. Afterward, they all went to bed. All but Rachael and Felix, that is. He wasn't sure he could do it. Wolford was farther than he'd ever been from home. Not to mention Rachael's wedding.
"I should be here. This only happens once."
"I'll have enough sobbing men pampering me at my wedding. Go. This is the chance you've been dreaming of. You may never get an opportunity like this again," she reasoned. Felix looked at his feet. He wanted to go. "Family means a great deal to you, I know. You'll only be gone for no more than three months. And I'll write every moment I can."
His gaze lifted from the wooden floorboards and into his sister's big brown eyes. "Forgive me for being selfish."
Rachael smiled. "I pray you have the adventure of a lifetime."
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cedarbranch · 28 days
OMG... tell your beloved fans about haunt me PLEASEEE + also "show me how you do that trick" + one dealer's choice :-D
WARGHH thank u <333
in response to the wip meme... putting this under a cut bc it got long lol
haunt me is my monstrosity of a stranger things wip, sitting around 90k and MAYBE 65% complete. if i'm lucky. it's fucking Long. the basic premise is that eddie dies and then steve starts dreaming about him and eventually comes to realize he is NOT dead, but in fact alive in the upside down and somehow psychically linked to steve... i won't get too deep into spoilers but it's kind of a kas!eddie fic but with a twist that's it's less kas and more similar to the pacific rim fic designations congruent with things (<= sentences that mean anything only to the most Niche Possible Audience). anyway the more complicated premise is steve's savior complex and how every single issue in his life connects back to it
show me how you do that trick is the sequel to my hellcheer fic, push the limit! (which. is fucking crazyy to me that that's the only stranger things fic actually posted on my ao3 given how much time i've spent working on haunt me 😭😭) anyway. it's as horny as the first in the series but with more feelings and plot. it's from eddie's pov and includes some actual proper kink negotiation and apologies following the insanity of the og fic, and also some RLY CUTE FLIRTING!!! a snippet for thee:
“I don’t like… weird dirty talk?” Chrissy says, wrinkling her nose. “Like, the stuff they say in bad pornos.” Eddie sighs in feigned exasperation. “God, it’s like pulling teeth here. Specifics, woman, I need specifics!”  “I don’t know! Like,” Chrissy opens her mouth, then closes it again, flushing brilliantly. “No. I’m sorry, I can’t, I can’t say any of it. I just—I don’t like the word ‘pussy,’ or ‘cunt,’ or anything like that, just—” She flaps her hands in the direction of her crotch—”Just don’t directly refer to it while we’re in the act? Like, if you’re having sex, it should speak for itself!”  Eddie grins at her.  “What?” she demands, all frustrated but laughing with her eyes.  “I love that you have porn opinions,” he says fondly. “You asked!”
for dealer's choice... oooh this is tough... but i think i'll go with 5 + 1, the full title of which will one day be "5 times steve tried to teach eddie how to swim and one time it worked" or something of the like. this fic was born out of me a) wanting to write something with intense hot-summer-day energy, b) being really interested in water/swimming as the focal point of Multiple Traumatic Incidents in steve's life as of s4, and c) can you fucking imagine if part of the reason eddie was last to jump from the boat in lover's lake was that he couldn't swim. and then he DID IT ANYWAY. but yeah second snippet:
Eddie is, in fact, wearing boxer briefs, and nothing else. Seeing so much of his skin never gets less startling, no matter how many times Steve’s splashed around with him in the lake. He always forgets that Eddie’s shoulders aren’t as broad as the vest normally makes them look. He’s pale as a goddamn sheet, too, except for the pink-red scars that pockmark his stomach and chest.  Eddie catches him looking. “Might not even be worth it to teach me to swim,” he says wryly. “Don’t think I can ever set foot at a public pool again with these bad boys.” “We could just go together,” says Steve. “Then we’d match.”  His own wounds have healed up better than Eddie’s. The demobats tore him up pretty good, but the bites were shallow; as months passed by, they’ve smoothed over into pale, warped ripples of scar tissue. Without thinking about it, Steve touches one close to his hip. As if in a mirror, Eddie does the same, his fingertips brushing over his stomach.  His boxers have little skulls on them.
your honor i fucKGIGN LOVE THEMMM!!! IDIOTS!!!!
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
heishin for the ship bingo!
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Them!! 😭
They are EVERYTHING to me: Okay, so, I've been familiar with Detective Conan for about a decade, yeah? Ten years ago is around the time that I first started watching the anime, and let me tell you: I don't remember caring for Heishin—or even Heiji!—like, at all back then. (The Reveal (Episodes 57-58) was fun, but I wouldn't say my feelings really went much deeper than that.)
But I've been rewatching, and getting way further than I ever got the first time around, and my fictional taste buds must have changed because these two have now absolutely destroyed me. I wrote my very first DCMK meta about them, and, well, I put this together for another post also about them that I've been working on, the intention being to highlight all the Heiji-Shinichi relationship analyses on my Ramblings page in order emphasize my utter infatuation with this duo, and... yeah.
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Of all the Detective Conan essays listed here, 17/43 of them concern Heiji and Shinichi to some extent... and since I only update this page periodically, this list doesn't even include my last Heishin post, which would make the count 18/44.
So, nearly 41% of my writing about this series involves discussion on them... and one of these characters is only included in maybe 10% of the story.
They really, truly are so much to me.
They drive me crazy/insane /pos: Clearly! "Miss Mystery," Opening 33, has me screaming, crying, and throwing up with its depiction of their relationship...
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And I flipped through the manga version of Episode 174 for the first time recently (Files 225-230), and the way that Conan imagines Heiji's smiling face when he fears that the worst happened to his friend utterly destroyed me (File 228)...
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And one of my GIFs (from Episode 277) got passed around some more a bit ago, and I was once again reminded of how gently Heiji places Conan on the ground, how careful he is regardless of the minimal distance, and I once again felt like the pleading face emoji...
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And have I mentioned "Conan's Dream Vacation" enough yet?
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I could go on and on and on. (And considering that I've, uh, written a whole Heishin masterpost, I guess I kind of already have.)
Relationship goals <3: They've got problems, absolutely, but the way they just... sync? The way they Vibe? #Goals for sure.
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They get each other. Immensely. They finish each other's sentences, come to the same conclusions at once—they both serve as a reminder to the other that they're not alone.
It's easy to meme on this panel of Shinichi in the manga (File 520), but it is beyond sweet to me that he's so eager and excited at the notion of someone just like him.
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Heiji and Shinichi are genuinely a place of comfort for each other, and that is the definition of "relationship goals."
I need a 30k hurt/comfort fic on my desk by Monday: Detective Conan seems all but entirely disinterested in depicting its heroic men as vulnerable. Heck, if the "Murderer Shinichi Kudo" case (Episodes 521-523) is any indication, there's the message that a person like Shinichi would never do something like cry. He's too "strong" to.
Needless to say, the sentiment leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Relying on others and crying aren't "weak" things but human things, and one of the biggest draws of Heishin—for me, anyway!—is that Heiji and Shinichi do allow themselves to be vulnerable with each other. Shinichi admits to some of the trauma he's suffered in as soon as his third encounter with Heiji (Episodes 77-78); later, he completely opens up about the pain of hiding his identity from Ran, and he even asks Heiji for advice (Episode 189). Heiji, similarly, isn't too afraid to reveal that he cares deeply for Shinichi to Shinichi's face. He easily conveys how haunted he was by a nightmare in which Shinichi dies, with minimal prompting, in Episode 118. In Episode 479, he also lays his insecurity bare in Shinichi's presence and asks if all the criticism and mockery he's received is warranted.
Canon gives us these crumbs. Fanon can take it so much further. Shinichi spilling out details of how scared he is to Heiji, trying desperately not to freak out or cry, all while Heiji tells him that he can cry when he feels like it, just as Shinichi told Ran when they were in preschool (Episode 854). Heiji actually working through his unhealthy tendency to make everything a competition with Shinichi's help and support.
I think the focus of my last Heishin post, about how the nasty attitude Conan gives Heiji on occasion stems from his resentment that he can't be Shinichi when they're together, also lends itself well to hurt/comfort fic. What if Heiji calls out Conan's cold behavior, and he doesn't act like it's a joke or a minor nuisance for once but really communicates that it hurts to be treated like that, and Shinichi reveals the truth? Or what if Shinichi has a moment of self-reflection and regrets his cruelty when Heiji winds up seriously injured or dead on his behalf?
If you throw in potential romantic feelings, other possibilities open up. It kills Shinichi that he can't hold Ran in his arms (FUNimation's English dub for Episode 42), that he can't tell her he loves her with his own voice (Episode 3), but he doesn't think Ran's aware of his predicament. With Ran, Conan can put on an act and lie and pretend like none of his romantic feelings for her exist, and maybe that provides relief.
But Heiji is well aware of Shinichi's predicament. There's no playing a completely separate, unrelated child with Heiji; Heiji's already broken the illusion, and there's no going back to it. When Shinichi's by Heiji's side, he's by someone whom he can be himself around, whom he can't be anything but himself around, and that's got to make the impossibility of a romantic relationship a pain that festers like an open sore. There's no putting a Band-Aid on this one. No separating himself from the situation. No covering up the sting with an invented personality.
Okay, maybe that's more hurt no comfort, but there is so much potential here, I swear! Heiji isn't just the goofy, silly comic relief guy with the Osaka accent, and his relationship with Shinichi deserves more serious exploration and treatment. I think there's especially a lot that could be done with Heiji's jealousy, and—in my eyes, anyway—it stinks that canon plays Heiji's obsession with one-upping Shinichi's confession to Ran as a joke rather than the sad, insecure thing that it comes off to me as.
They're going to be the death of me: I bought a movie guidebook for The Crimson Love Letter, the 21st Conan film, which I haven't even seen yet, purely because I liked the cover art (and included poster) showing Conan and Heiji being unabashedly happy together...
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And I am so tempted to get this Heishin mug set...
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And I'm looking to add some Treasured Selection Blu-rays to my largely DVD-comprised DetCo collection, and while I don't believe the Treasured Selection Blu-rays for traditionally animated episodes really increase the quality that much, I'm still thinking I'll get #5 because it has The Boys on the cover (and also includes one of my favorite cases, Episodes 277-278)...
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And there's also that merch from Carddass...
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If nothing else, these two might be the death of my wallet!
(It's maybe also worth noting that I mostly store my DVDs for this series in 6-DVD cases, so only a select few covers are actually displayed. I purposely ordered things in a way to display the majority of the Heiji-and-Conan covers—5 out of the 7 that I own. I'm love them.)
They,,, kimss,, holde handss,,,,: I used to be like, "I don't really ship them; I just like their relationship!" And got, "Sure, Jan" in response.
But heck with it—while it's never, ever my intention to undervalue platonic bonds, I do like romance, and I'm tired of being ashamed of it! Shinichi and Heiji should open up their own detective agency and also kiss and hold hands, yes.
Which can absolutely be platonic, too! I love them either way.
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noro-noro-noro · 10 months
had a lot of insane dreams due to attempting to sleep the entire day so i wouldn't have to deal with the temperature of my room. anyway. don't have most of them
- had a dream that I fell asleep describing the first dream to my friend bc I said that he was in it but by the time i woke up I forgot & all I'd written was a couple sentences about a couple inhuman things fightibg
- I had to kill somebody I think it might've been a failed clone of me or my sister but nothing was working. the skin wouldn't break no matter what. the eyes and throat and everything I was trying to gouge out or puncture or rip out with my hands and teeth just slid out of the way. bludgeoning her with a rock didn't work either - she would bleed but the skin wasn't breaking. I could feel her windpipe and get.my fingers all away atound It and yank on it but it wouldn't come through, and I could sink my teeth into thr bsck of her neck to get her spine in my mouth. anyway that didn't work either. I'm never allowed to kill people in dreams this always happens
- trapped in some fairly decent kingdom or something? in a library. like the prison we were in was a nice ish library with only one door and a halr collapsed secobd floor and impenetrablr windows. atlas omega strikers was also with us. it wasn't too bad of a place to stay except the king hated us and we would surely be executed before too long, but the guards had guns. also we weren't being fed. part of the library was flooeed also sincenthe floor was part collapsed. we could sneak around freely but if we were seen out of position we would be shot. the guns only worked on us - during one escaor attempt I grabbed a gun and shot this guy 30-40 times in the face, so his skin and eyes and mouth and nose were all destroyed and bloody anf skin and mrat flapping around, bht he wss fine. he wasn't phased. I'm seriously not allowed to kill people in my dreams. anyway the attempt failed but atlas was gone i think they shot him enough that he couldn't move and then dragged him in front of the king, who probably beheaded him with his giant golden sword.
then there was a part that focused more about the flooded corner - we ended up imprisoned underwater, but the flooded corner was somewhat opened to the water. there was the audio cue for a whale after a while. then a strange shark with purple eyes. there was a shark minigame - the shark was falling apart and badly put together and tangled arounr something it'd eaten, so I had to swim with the shark and try to unwrap it from the metal it'd eaten without it collapsing and close up all injuries and holes and fuse the flesh back together with the heal gun (functioned like subnautica repair tool) and after helping itnit turned dark and thr eyes glowed and it stuck around for a little bit. someone showed me that you could use a shark you were riding to access previously inaccessible parts of the map and save people who were locked there.
- lil nas x was a major character of this dream. he was travelling with us. phe was also still famous so people were lining up at my mom's house. it was night .I don't remember the plot of this early section. I ran down to the corner to look for something,g saw this giant banner hanging off where my neighbor Jacob used to live and iy basically was a message from Jacob like I had fun living here bye! even though they moved away while I was in college several years ago. I wanted to write a message back & I could see his parents packing through the front window but neither the girl I was with or lilnasx had a pen.
anyway we ended up on a small bus? or smth. it was red orange. we were also suddenly in Idaho. we haf to get to Missouri first but then we were in Idaho. and there was some kind of ghost thing possessing people randomly and people wanted to get on our bus to get outta there. it wasn't safe. but we couldn't let snyone on. eventually it culminated in some kind of ghost boss fight that wasn't going well bc I couldn't figure out the gimmick.
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lemons3ason · 3 years
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Family (Modern AU)
(Gyomei Himejima x Reader)
Warnings ⚠️: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, 18+, Smut, breeding kink, dirty talk, stomach bulge, overstimulation
You always felt strange when you went to pick up Gyomei from work, the children were just so sweet and caring to him. He would be such a wonderful father, he was already a wonderful husband but you just never knew how to bring up the topic to him. Sure you had shared intimate nights together but he’d never actually cum so you thought you weren’t pleasing him, or he just didn’t love you enough to get you pregnant. You arrived today just a little early getting to say goodbye to the last few children that were leaving, they all hugged you and cheered for your presence knowing full well that you were Gyomei’s wife. The light tapping of his white cane against the ground quickly caught your attention, you smiled seeing your husband’s soft smile as he walked towards you.
“Gyomei, I’m here.”, you called gently putting your foot in the way of his cane so he could tell where you were.
His hand reached up to your face waiting to feel your cheek against his palm, “Hello my love.”, he hummed brushing your lips with his thumb before leaning down to steal a kiss from you.
You giggled against his lips and smiled, your took his free hand in yours and lead him to the car before driving home. He spoke about his day to you, telling you about a fight some of the children had over a toy and how it broke so everyone started to cry. You giggled at how stressed he seemed about the situation, he was practically in tears just thinking about it. You giggled as you both finally arrived home to relax and enjoy the rest of your day together. In just half an hour you were sprawled against Gyomei’s chest softly dozing off to sleep but a single thought kept you awake. You wanted to bring up the idea of children to him but would he actually want to try for a child with someone that’s never pleased him?
“(Y/n) is there something on your mind?”, he asked quietly.
You didn’t know how to form your thought into a sentence but you really wanted to tell him, “G-Gyomei...I-I want a baby. I know I’ve never actually pleased you enough to make you cum but I really really really want a baby with you. Please.”, your shy stuttering and plead came out more like a whine then an actual serious conversation like you wanted but unbeknownst to you it did the trick.
Gyomei’s inner beast had been unleashed due to his sweet wife’s demand and he was more then willing to fulfill her desire.
“You want a baby? Are you sure?”, he hummed his voice suddenly grew deep and seductive.
You became shy due to your demand and pressed yourself against his chest to hide, “Y-Yeah I do...I really do but I don’t want a baby if you don’t. I don’t want to force you or anything I know I’ve never pleased you enough before to actually-“
“Beloved every time I’ve be blessed with the chance to be joined with you I’ve been desperately holding back, your cute little hole is always milking me. I’ve wanted to fill your sweet crevice with my seed since we married but I never wanted to do it if you weren’t ready for me. Now that you want a child I can pour every last drop of my fertile seed into your needy womb and impregnate you, and this time I can ravage you the way I’ve wanted to since our wedding night.”, Gyomei’s words were like a drug to your ears, when did he learn to speak like that?
Before you knew it your large husband had you pinned underneath him, “I’ll ask again, are you sure you want me to make you a mother?”, his erection pressed against your clothed core making you moan to the feeling.
“I-I want you. I want this. I want a baby please.”, you begged softly holding his face in your hands to kiss his lips. Gyomei stripped you feverishly, practically ripping off both of your clothes until you were naked. His sudden roughness made your body scream for him and he wasn’t even inside of you yet. He kissed you, his lips sending a jolt of electricity down your spine as his tongue took over your mouth. His thick fingers firmly grasped the soft flesh of your breasts massaging your chest, his hips bucked into your letting his hardened cock rub against your folds. Being man handled by him was such a new form of excitement for you, you never would have guessed that Gyomei was this needy for you.
“In just a few months these cute breasts of yours will be filled with milk, you’ll let me have a taste when they’re swollen with milk right?”, Gyomei whined moving his lips down to one of your pebbled nipple.
You smiled feeling his chapped lips rub against your breasts, his words and actions ignited a fire inside of you and his only physical proof was your lewd slick that started to puddle against the sheets each time his cock head pressed against your folds. You left a wet stain against his boxers that drove Gyomei insane, he quickly removed his stupid article of clothing and tossed it aside thrusting his cock vigorously against your folds despite it never making it into your snug cunt. At this point you were begging for him, for his cock, you wanted all of it.
“Gyomei, pl-please no prep, I don’t need it just please put it in!”, you cried reaching down for his shaft to push it in.
His lips finally left your breasts as he gently slapped away your hand making you cry in annoyance, “Are you sure you can take it? Most of the time you can only take it half way and then you start to whine that it’s too much. Will you suck it up and take me all in? If you want a baby so badly then you’ll have to take it all. Will you do that for me honey?”, Gyomei growled against making your cunt flutter in excitement.
“Yes. Yes I’ll take it all, I want all of you. I want this.”, you whined wrapping your arms around his shoulders, your desperate kiss was so exciting for him, he wrapped his fingers around the head of his cock gently dragging it against your folds until he felt the tip sink into your spongy cunt and slowly pushed into your core until you couldn’t help but whine. The stretch burned but you wanted him so bad you but your tongue to stay quiet until your body trembled from full feeling in your stomach. The veins of his cock were dragging against your gspot making your legs shake wildly, he chuckled when he finally had the full thing in watching your back arch in pleasure as a dry orgasm washed over your body. You were shaking just from taking in his full length but he honestly didn’t mind, his hand pressed softly against your stomach finding the bulge his fat cock left against your small stomach.
“You feel that (Y/n)? That’s my cock all the way inside of you. Somewhere in here I’ll be fucking my cum into your pretty little womb and filling it up until you pass out and no matter what I won’t stop until I know you’re pregnant. I’m gonna move now and even after you pass out I won’t stop.”, Gyomei smirked gently rubbing your clit with his free hand. He started rutting his cock into you, you whined with each thrust feeling the head reach your special spot repeatedly. The high pitched squeals and moans pouring out of your lips were music to Gyomei’s ears, even if he couldn’t see you he knew he was pleasing you from your cries. His heavy balls slapped against your ass, a reminder that you’d be emptying them out soon until they ran dry. Just a few thrusts inside of your tight cunt were enough to pull his first orgasm out of him. This man needed to relieve a bunch of stress and sex was the best way to do it. You just heard his grunts of pleasure as he bottomed out in you and you cried out feeling the warm ropes of cum filling you. You could feel his body tense with each contraction as he filled you with his first load, it felt like forever but in reality it had only last a minute. Gyomei was just getting started, even if you begged him to stop he wouldn’t because this is something he had been waiting for. As he moved his hips he dragged out his seed only to push it back in deeper then it was before, your moans were just so addicting to listen to. The pounding you’d take hurt at first but with his added cum as lube you couldn’t help but curl your toes in pleasure. This man was really going to make your dream come true and you couldn’t wait.
“Harder Gyomei, I can take it. Promise.”, you whined wrapping your legs around his waist.
He did just that, he forced your knees up to the sides of your head and pounded away into your sloppy cunt like nothing. A high pitched cry slipped past your lips with each pierce his cock made into your tiny body, seeing the bulge in your stomach made you far more excited then it should have.
“Yes that’s it (Y/n), take it. Take all of me. We’re not gonna stop until you’re swollen!”, Gyomei hissed against your ear thrusting away into your slicked cunt. The lewd song of skin on skin, moans, and declarations of love filled the small room, the bed creaked under your intense play but neither of you cared.
“I love you Gyomei.”, you sobbed feeling his cock pierce your cervix.
He moaned against your lips quickly stealing another kiss. One arm propped itself over your head to support his weight, his free hand quickly sank down to your clit rubbing your slick into the swollen bundle of nerves. Your toes curled, your whines became higher and your little pussy was squeezing tighter around his cock if that was even possible. Your body shook violently under him as another orgasm washed over your body, but still even as your contracting walls pushed him out Gyomei buried himself deeper then before. You’d get pregnant for sure. You’d be his sweet little swollen wife and he’d cherish you more everyday.
“Mmm~ W-what?”, you sighed still shaking from your release.
“Eight times is how much I’m going to fill you, my second load is coming so you better take it. Our baby is going to be made tonight and I’ll make sure of it.”
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gamergirl929 · 3 years
They Hate Each Other (No They Don't, Not Really)  (Alex Morgan x Reader)
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All would agree, your arch nemesis showing up absolutely anywhere you were would ruin your day, but that’s EXACTLY what happens to one veteran USWNT player, Alex Morgan, when she runs into her arch nemesis at the USWNT camp.
Alex Morgan’s eyes widen, pure rage running through her when you strut towards her, bag in hand.
“You shouldn’t look at your soon to be teammate like that Morgan, frowning gives you wrinkles.” You wink, the forward’s lip curling in a snarl.  
“What’s she doing-
“I DON’T KNOW.” Alex yells, nearly making Kelley jump out of her skin.  
Alex was absolutely livid, seeing you at the USWNT camp had been a surprise, and not a wonderful one.  
The second Alex spotted Vlatko Andonovski she advances angrily on the man, who’s looking at her as if he expected this reaction.  
“What the hell!? We’re you going to tell me? To tell US?!” She yells, louder than intended, but you’d riled her up in way no one had before.  
“I didn’t know you were the coach this year Morgan, if I did, I would’ve stayed home.” You snark, your smirk making Alex growl.  
“Shut UP!” She yells and you laugh.  
“We should room together Morgan, I think we’d make GREAT roommates.”  
Alex growls, mumbling under her breath.  
“It’ll be easier to smother you in your sleep then.”  
You smirk cockily.  
Alex snarls angrily.  
“Listen.” Vlatko holds a hand up, glancing your way before turning back to Alex.  
“Y/N is one of the best players in the world, having her at our camp, and possibly on the team brings our team up to the next level. I saw a chance, and I took it.”
Alex shakes her head.  
He shakes his head.  
“I’m sorry Alex.” He pats her on her shoulder before turning away and walking off.  
Alex meanwhile is standing stock still, her mouth agape.  
Her biggest rival had just joined the USWNT camp, and would PROBABLY join the USWNT.  
She growls.
If you were being honest, you absolutely hated Alex Patricia Morgan, the woman knew how to push your buttons and she did so whenever she could.
You’d met during college, of course, on rival teams, ultimately where your rivalry began, a rivalry that seeped into your NWNT career, and when Alex came overseas, donning the Tottenham Hotspur’s jersey, you were there, wearing a red and white Arsenal’s jersey.  
Needless to say, when the two teams squared up, your rivalry continued.  
Alex hated you just as much as you hated her, making the competition between the two of you even more fierce.
It surprised literally EVERYONE that the two of you hadn’t killed one another yet.
At this current moment in time though, you were currently literal moments from killing one another.  
“I didn’t mean to step on your cleats Morgan, just go to the store when practice is over and buy another pair.” You snort.  
Alex lets out a feral growl.  
“You are SO fucking infuriating!”  
You blow the woman a kiss, which only infuriates her more, the woman stomping her foot before she trudges off.  
“Fuck off!” She yells over her shoulder and you scoff.  
“You too!”  
Vlatko rubs the back of his neck watching as you and Alex hurl insults at one another. He’d known about your rivalry, but he wasn’t aware that it went to the extent of actual hatred.  
Alex was absolutely fuming as you walked past her, moments after sinking a goal in her team’s net.  
“Don’t look so mad Morgan, we both know I’m better than you could ever dream of being.”  
Alex stomps passed you, the woman’s shoulder slamming into yours.  
You flip around, eyes full of absolute fire.  
“Body check me again Morgan, I fucking dare you.” You growl in her face, so much so that your nose brushes hers.  
Alex pushes you backwards.  
“Nobody tells me what to do on MY FIELD.”  
You snicker.  
“Your field?” You throw your head back, barking out a laugh, though when you stop laughing you lean towards her, smirking.  
“Let’s see how much longer this field is yours, you numpty.”  
Alex growls as you walk towards the nearby benches with a confident strut.  
“I don’t get why you hate Y/N so much ANYWAY, she seems nice...”
The second the words leave Emily’s mouth she feels as if she’s about to burst into flames from the absolute fiery glare she’s getting from Alex.  
Kelley immediately slips in between Alex and Emily, her hands held up in surrender.  
“Jan, please don’t kill Emily, who else will carry on the Frat Daddy legacy!?” The defender asks, pleading for her child’s life.  
Alex snarls, stomping away from the two of them, all the while mumbling angrily under her breath.  
“Y/N NICE?! How could ANYONE put her and NICE in the same fucking sentence???” She snarls, deciding that some time on the field would clear her mind.  
Though what Alex DOESN’T expect when she gets to the field is to find you there, the field between you and the goal littered with soccer balls.  
Alex ducks down when you turn her way, an aggravated snarl leaving you.  
“BLOODY HELL!” You yell, Alex’s eyes widening at the thickness of your accent.
She peeks out from her hiding place, watching as you drop down onto the pitch, sitting in a cross-legged position.  
Alex frowns when she sees your face is buried in your hands.  
“Fuck that shite.” You sigh as you move to your feet, wiping the sweat from your brow with your bare arm.  
Alex isn’t sure what possess her to stay for so long, but nearly an hour later you’re still on field, sinking ball after ball in different angles, it’s when you miss one that you angrily snarl.  
“Nothing but a right, cock-up!”  
Alex shakes her head, her brows furrowed.  
Why were you so hard on yourself after you’d done so well within an hours time?
Alex’s eyes widen when she sees you glance her way your brows furrowed.  
“Oi! Is someone there?!” You shout, standing stock still.
When no one replies, you give your head a rapid shake, unaware that Alex is currently sprinting away from the scene.
“Must’ve imagined it.”  
Alex had seen how hard you were on yourself that day, but that in no way quelled her anger entirely considering you were at each other's throats after the fact.  
“You did that on fucking PURPOSE!” Alex growls as she’s helped to the bench, her leg injured from an accidental cleating by yours truly.  
You pinch the bridge of your nose as you jog over to the bench.  
“I didn’t!” You growl as you drop to your knees in front of her, the forward’s eyes wide and brows furrowed when you gently slip her cleat off her foot, along with her sock, now noticing the hints of blood dotting the fabric.  
“Shite.” You mumble, swiping the nearby first aid kit from the team’s doctor.  
“Yeah, I don’t like you, but I wouldn’t make you purposely bleed.”  
Alex watches in something akin to disbelief when you begin to clean her injury with a delicacy that she hadn’t seen from you in, well, ever.  
Your touch sent a jolt from her leg through her entire body, a warmth spreading throughout her from a delicate brush of your fingertips.  
Moments after you finished dressing her wound, you glance up at her.  
“This doesn’t mean I hate you any less.”  
You move to your feet, sending the woman a glare before you head back on field.  
“Don’t use your leg as an excuse for the shite way you’re playing, you know it’s just because I’m better than you.” You smirk cockily.  
Alex’s eyes narrow.  
“Better my ass.”  
The first person who finds out about you making the USWNT, well, besides yourself, is Alex Morgan, considering you actively sought her out, a cocky smirk on your face.  
Alex sighs in annoyance.  
“I know you made the fucking team, go away.”  
You grin grabbing an apple from the table in front of you and take a bite, the apple crunching loudly.  
“I’m right where I’m supposed to be actually. Isn’t this where the USWNT members sit?” You grin, earning an eye roll from the forward.  
“Yes, but your seat is over there.” She nods towards the trash and you laugh, sucking a piece of apple down your windpipe, garnering no help from the woman beside you.  
“Blimey, let one of the ONLY reasons you’ll be winning any and all major tournaments this year die, real dull mate.”  
Alex growls.  
“I’m not, ‘dull mate.’” She says, doing her best to mock you and your accent.
Your eyes widen.  
“Oh my god, that was rank awful. That actually hurt to hear. My nan is rolling over in her grave right now.”  
Alex blows a raspberry at you.  
“Real mature love, real mature.”  
“Don’t you have someone else to bother?” She growls.
“I’m busy bothering you right now.”  
Alex snarls, jumping to her feet and storming off.  
“See you later teammate!” You yell, waving over exaggeratedly at her as she marches off.
Where your feelings for Alex, at least off the field, were based more off of annoying her until the point of insanity, your feelings for her on the field was a competitive hate, something Alex mirrored, but her hate for you off field?  
Well, it was complete unbridled hate.  
“Seriously, if you’re going to play like that, then stay off the field, England needs you more than we do.” Alex shakes her head and you smirk.  
“You over shot it! Not me!” You shake your head in disbelief.  
Alex lets out a mock laugh.  
“Maybe you should’ve actually ran faster.”  
You throw your head back with a groan.  
“If I was in your position, we would’ve scored.”
Alex stomps her foot, the look in her eyes something you’d seen before, but never to this extent.  
“You’re not made for the USWNT and you’re NOT made for soccer at a national level, you sucked in college, and you still fucking suck now.”  
The field goes silent, everyone turning to look at Alex, their eyes wide.  
Meanwhile, Alex’s blue orbs are locked on your face, a face that holds literally no hints of the cockiness it TYPICALLY holds, instead, it holds what she reads, as a hint of sadness.  
You clear your throat, your mouth opening and closing a few times before you nod.  
Alex reaches out to you as you turn your back on her, the woman frowning as you make your way towards the bench, grabbing your things hastily before you head towards the bus.  
Alex’s head hangs in shame, the looks of her teammates burning holes in her back.  
“Alex-” Megan starts, only to be cut off by the forward moments later.  
“I KNOW! OKAY!?” She yells, sending the rest of the USNWT a look.  
Her shoulders hunch.  
“I know.”  
The second she steps on the bus you turn away, unwilling to look at the woman as she walks past, though, unfortunately for you, she doesn’t walk past, she instead sits right beside you.  
“Are you lost?” You ask, voice rough.  
Alex shakes her head.  
“No, I’m not.”  
You move to your feet.  
“Well, if you’re not lost, then I’ll get lost.” You say, frowning when Alex doesn’t move so you can get out of your seat.  
“Move Morgan.” You growl angrily.  
She shakes her head.  
“No can do, Y/L/N.” She shrugs and you growl, about to climb over the seat, but the look on Alex’s face stops you, causing you to flop back down into your seat in annoyance.  
“Why are you holding me against my will Morgan?” You huff.  
She sighs, rolling her eyes.  
“Look, I’m sorry, I took it too far.”  
Your eyes narrow, brows furrowing as you lean back, away from the woman.  
“There’s no WAY that you’re Alex Morgan, she never apologizes, especially not to ME.” You bark out a laugh and she shakes her head.  
“As much as it PAINS me to do so, I shouldn’t have said what I said on field, you do deserve to be on the team, and you don’t suck... That much.” She shrugs, and you can’t help but smile.  
You begin chuckling, the woman looking at you in confusion.  
“What’s so funny?”  
“Yeah, you still suck.”  
Alex growls.  
“Fuck you Y/N.”  
You grin.  
“Right back at you love, right back at you.”  
The lineup for the first match against Portugal was rather surprising, you weren’t expecting to start, not when players like Megan Rapinoe, Tobin Heath and Christen Press were on the team, but you were named to the starting lineup.  
You wouldn’t show your surprise to the team, but you’d been sure to ask Vlatko multiple times if the lineup was correct, and he of course, told you repeatedly it was.  
You did your best to not look nervous when standing in the tunnel, a number of Portugal’s players were glancing your way worriedly, everyone knew who you were, and everyone knew what you could do.  
The crowd cheered as the USWNT and Portugal made their way onto the field, everyone excited to see the new editions to the USWNT and what they had to offer.  
You completely blank out the National Anthem, standing stock still your eyes darting around the sold-out crowd.  
It isn’t until you’re taking your place on field that you snap back out of it, your eyes unconsciously darting to the woman with a big 13 on her back.  
You smirk.  
“Show time.”  
You can feel it, the moment you’re about to make your first goal with the USWNT, your entire body shaking with excitement.
Alex can’t help but smile when you expertly slip the ball passed the Portugal player who’s on you and fire it in on goal, the ball with a bit of a spin on it.  
You still, the ball looking like an overshot, but thanks to the spin on it, gravity pulls it downwards, passed the goalkeeper’s fingertips and into the back of the net.  
You throw a fist in the air with a massive grin, a grin Alex mirrors when she walks over to you, patting your back, her reaction tame considering Tobin was currently hanging off your back, along with Kelley and Emily.  
Alex shrugs.  
“Lucky shot.”  
You snort.  
“Luck had nothing to do with it.”  
Alex snorts even louder.  
“I mean, I DID assist.”  
You roll your eyes.  
“Didn’t need your assistance.” You smirk, the forward’s eyes narrowing as she sends you a glare, receiving only a wink in return.  
Alex growls.  
“Still so infuriating.”  
By the end of the first half the score is 2-0, and by the end of the game, it’s 4-0, one of those goals being yours, and another belonging to Alex Morgan.  
It’s when you’re heading to the bus that you turn to Alex with a smirk.  
“Had to copy me, huh Morgan?”
Alex scoffs.  
“Copy? You got a goal before me, big deal.”  
Tobin shakes her head as she takes a seat beside Christen on the bus.  
“Do they argue about everything?” She asks and Christen giggles, watching as you and Alex bicker, though instead of sitting far away from one another, Alex sits right behind you.  
“I mean, I guess that’s how they say they’re into each other.”  
An incredibly loud laugh makes Christen jump, the woman turning to her bus buddy who is looking at her in shock.  
“They literally want each other dead.”  
Christen rolls her eyes.  
“No, they don’t, they like each other.”  
Ali turns around in her seat towards Christen and Tobin.  
“I mean, it’s obvious.”  
Ashlyn scoffs.  
“Obvious that Y/N would poison Alex’s food if she could.”  
Kelley, who comes in from out of nowhere snorts.  
“Yeah, I mean, they’ve hated each other since college, Jan talks about it all the time.”  
Christen and Ali share a glance, the two shaking their heads.  
“They’re totally into each other.”
“Oh, I know.”  
“Wait, there HAS to be a mistake...” You say as Vlatko turns to you, Alex’s eyes wide and filled with absolute horror.  
“No, the two of you are rooming together. It seems.” He shrugs, knowing full well that it was he who decided the two of you would room together, and it wouldn’t be a onetime deal either.
The two of you glance at one another, eyes narrowed.  
“I get the shower first.” Alex mumbles and you smirk, swiping the key from Vlatko before sprinting to the elevators.  
“The FUCK you do!” You yell, Alex sprinting after you.  
Everyone watches as Alex chases after you, their eyes wide.  
Tobin turns towards Christen.  
“You call THAT being into each other?”  
Christen turns towards Ali, the two yet again, shaking their heads.  
“DON’T USE ALL THE HOT WATER!” Alex yells, smacking the bathroom door and you growl.  
The door swings open moments later and you walk out, wearing nothing but a sports bra and a pair of boxers.  
“Morgan, we’re in a hotel, that’s impossible.”  
Alex watches as you head to your suitcase, riffling through its contents.  
She can’t help but stare, the wide expanse of flesh and muscle usually hidden beneath your uniform now on display for her to see.  
You turn around, holding a wad of clothes, your brows furrowed.
Alex jumps when you reach out, poking her in the forehead with your index finger.  
“Hey!” She growls, slapping at your hand.  
“I just wanted to see if you were still alive.”  
Alex’s eyes rake down your front, stopping on your very prominent abdominal muscles.  
You turn away and step in the bathroom, kicking the door shut behind you.  
Alex stands there for a moment before she glances around.  
Alex had TRIED to tell herself that she was in NO way ogling you like a horny frat boy, but when you walked out wearing basically the same thing to sleep in, she knew she was, for a fact, ogling you like a horny frat boy.  
She’d made a quick retreat to the bathroom moments after, but she couldn’t avoid you forever.  
You meanwhile were completely sprawled out in bed, Nintendo Switch in hand. You briefly wondered if Alex had drowned, but when the bathroom door swung open you sighed.  
“I thought you might’ve drowned, I was going to see if you wanted to smash.”
Alex stops mid-stride, dropping her clothes on the floor.  
Your brows furrow as you hold your Nintendo Switch up.  
Alex clears her throat, her cheeks blood red.  
You snort.  
“Christ Morgan.” You shake your head and she rolls her eyes, stomping to her bed.  
You shrug.  
“Get your mind out of the gutter, at least now I know you want in my trousers.” You smirk and she snarls, a pillow flying from her bed and smacking you right in the face.  
“Fuck you.”  
“SEE!” You grin, throwing the pillow back on her bed.  
“I’m going to kill you in your sleep.”
You shake your head.  
“Get over here and we’ll smash.” You hold a controller out to her and her eyes narrow.  
“Sure, you’re okay with losing?” She asks cockily and you grin.  
“Are you?”
Alex scoffs.  
“I’d never lose to you.”  
“We’ll see about that.”  
“Why do you look so tired?” Kelley asks Alex the following day and the forward yawns.  
“Y/N and I were Smashing.”  
Kelley’s brown orbs widen, as do Alex’s the forward punching her friend in the arm.  
“Super Smash Brothers you bitch.”  
Kelley hums.  
“I mean I could see you and Y/N hate fucking each other.” She shrugs and Alex’s cheeks flush bright red.  
Alex punches Kelley in the shoulder, the defender groaning.  
“Jesus Christ, Jan. You didn’t have to hit me so hard.”  
Alex turns her attention towards her breakfast and away from the pouting defender beside her.  
Though you were absolutely irritating and Alex thought about killing you a total of 48 times last night, she enjoyed spending time with you.  
You yawn as you make your way towards the table, sitting across from Alex.  
“You have to get used to losing if we keep smashing every night.”  
Suddenly a plate falls to the table, hard, the sound making everyone jump.  
Tobin is standing beside you, her eyes wide, Ashlyn meanwhile is smirking as she sits down beside you.  
“Who’s smashing?” Megan asks and you roll your eyes.  
“Smash Bros.” You shake your head and Megan rolls her eyes exaggeratedly.
“Boring, there’s only one Smash that’s actually interesting.”  
Tobin gasps dramatically, her hand on her heart.  
“I beg to DIFFER.”  
You shake your head, watching with amusement as the two bicker, leading to Ashlyn chiming in.
You glance at Alex.  
“You just HAD to tell everyone we Smashed.”  
Alex rolls her eyes.  
“Of course, I did, because I won.”  
You bark out a laugh, shaking your head as you sip your orange juice.  
“Like one time, Morgan.”  
Alex growls.  
“WELL, WE’LL SMASH AGAIN TONIGHT!” She yells, every single one of her teammates turning her way.  
Alex clears her throat, rubbing the back of her neck.  
“Are we talking about the SAME Smashing?” You smirk and Alex sends you a glare.  
“SHUT UP.”  
Alex rubs her temples angrily.  
Playing in the rain had always been a hassle, but playing in the rain against SWEDEN was a nightmare.  
Sweden was the USWNT’s rival and the fact that the USWNT were currently down by 2 of COURSE, didn’t sit well with Alex Morgan.  
The whistle blows, signaling the end of the first half and Alex sighs in relief, she needed a break, not only for her tired legs, but to quell the irritation inside of her.
Someone bumps into her and she snarls.  
“Watch where the FUCK you’re going.” She turns towards, who she now realizes is you, you who looks as equally pissed as she does.  
“Listen Morgan, I’m seriously not in the fucking mood, I’m just as mad as you are, so don’t start your shit with me.” You snap, your USWNT teammates stopping to stare at the two of you with wide eyes.  
“Fuck you.” She snarls turning to walk away and you sneer.  
“Yeah? We’ll fuck you too!” You yell before you follow after her and into the locker room.  
“Why are you following me!?” She yells and you scoff.  
“WE SHARE A LOCKER ROOM.” You deadpan, flopping down on the nearby bench.  
“Well, you can still sit away from me.” Alex gripes and you shake your head.  
“I’m not moving Morgan.”
Alex, being purposely annoying sits down behind you, rather closely in fact.  
“Well, I’m not either.” She mumbles and you snort.  
“Mature Morgan, REALLLL mature.”  
By the time the game ended the USWNT had a comeback, winning the game 3-2, much to Alex’s elation, as well as your own.  
That elation didn’t erase the fact that the two of you had argued during the match, the two of you cold, wet and incredibly angry.  
Alex is pulled out of her trance when the bathroom’s door in your and her hotel room swings open, a rush of steam flowing out as you leave the room.  
Alex glances away from you, not only because you’re, yet again, barely dressed, but also because she’s ashamed of her behavior earlier that day.  
You flop onto your bed without even looking at her, choosing to fall face down against its plush surface.  
You remain silent, the air within the room incredibly heavy.  
The silence is broken by Alex’s soft whisper.
“I’m sorry I took my frustration out on you.”  
You remain silent as you roll over, your hand slipping into your suitcase.
You search blindly until you find what you’re looking for, holding the Nintendo Switch out to Alex.
“Smash?” You ask and Alex smiles.
Alex flops on the bed beside you, taking the controller she’d used a few nights prior.
You glance at her out of the corner of your eye.
“I’m sorry too.”  
Alex’s brows arch, the woman unable to bite back a smile, something that makes you send her a glare.
“Enough of this shite, ready to lose Morgan?”  
Alex scoffs.  
“I should be asking you that.”  
You grimace as the body beside you shifts, a pair of arms wrapping tightly around you from behind.  
“I’m not the little spoon.” You growl, attempting to wiggle free from the hold you’re in.  
“Get over it.”  
Your eyes flash open, as do Alex’s the two of you abruptly sitting up when you realize you’d in fact fallen asleep together the night before.  
You turn to face her, the two of you looking at one another in absolute horror.
“I was just-
Alex leaps out of bed, the woman making a beeline towards the bathroom the two of you share.  
You nod, your cheeks flushed.  
You clear your throat, turning away from the bathroom to instead look at the alarm clock beside you.  
3:13 AM
You grumble, annoyed at the fact that you’d woken up so early.  
If you were honest with yourself, you were also annoyed that Alex wasn’t currently beside you, but you weren’t really in the mood for honesty at the moment.  
You flop backwards, rolling towards the center of the bed where it just so happens Alex had been laying moments later, the smell of the woman’s perfume left behind on the sheets.  
You attempt to resist temptation, but find yourself failing when you bury your nose into the sweet-smelling fabric, the smell clouding your senses.  
The bathroom door creaks open sometime after, the sweet-smelling fabric lulling you to the cusp of sleep, as you fight your eyelids you watch as Alex tiptoes to her bed, the woman glancing over her shoulder at your ‘sleeping’ form with a smile before she makes her way to her own bed.  
She falls down onto the cold sheets with a frown, thoughts of what the following day would bring running through her head.  
Much to everyone’s surprise at practice the following day, neither you nor Alex had been at one another’s throats, in fact, you’d been ignoring each other as if the other had contracted the Black Death.  
Even when you slip a ball passed Alex and into goal, you don’t gloat, instead choosing to just jog away as if you hadn’t scored.  
“Okay, what the hell was that?” Kelley asks, her eyes narrowed as she stares inquisitively at Alex.  
“What?” Alex asks dumbly.  
Kelley scoffs.
“THAT, Y/N didn’t even gloat! She didn’t rub in your face that she scored passed you!” Kelley points at you and Alex shrugs.  
“Beats me.”  
Kelley’s eyes narrow even further as Alex walks away, the defender’s eyes burning holes in her back.  
“I WILL FIND OUT WHAT’S GOING ON JAN!” She yells across field, drawing the attention of each and every one of her teammates, including you.  
You clear your throat, your cheeks flushing when you realize Alex’s blue orbs are on you.  
The two of you abruptly turn away from one another, thoughts of the events that transpired that morning running through your heads.  
You clear your throat as you rub the back of your neck, your cheeks flushing further when you think about Alex’s arms around you, and how much you’d liked it.  
That night was even worse considering the two of you were still rooming together.  
Alex refused to look in your direction and you refused to look in hers, making the situation even more awkward.  
“Look.” Alex started, causing you to turn her way, when your eyes locked, she fell silent.  
“This was easier when you weren’t looking at me.”  
Your eyes widen momentarily before you turn away.  
“Alright Morgan, go ahead.”
Alex huffs.  
“I’m sorry about last night, I didn’t mean to, ummm...”  
You chance a glance her way, smirking when you see how flushed her cheeks are.  
“What?” Alex asks when she sees the smirk on your face and you shrug.  
You fish your Nintendo Switch out of your bag and nod towards your bed.  
“Let’s go Morgan, or are you too shy to Smash now?” You ask, a brow arched and Alex scoffs.  
“Not a chance.”  
It’s an hour into playing that it happens, though neither you, or Alex realized it was happening until your shoulders brush.  
You both stiffen, your eyes widening, though neither of you dare look at the other.  
Something else neither of you do though is scoot away from one another, your shoulders still brushing.  
You clear your throat, your body untensing as you settle back against the pillow behind you, the feel of Alex’s blue orbs boring into you making goosebumps sprout on your flesh.  
“Come on Morgan, head in the game.”  
You miss the tiny smile that adorns Alex’s face as she focuses on the screen before you, though what you don’t miss is the brush of her leg against yours.  
The inevitable of course happens when you feel Alex’s head rest on your shoulder, the woman fighting her fluttering eyelids.  
You glance at the nearly unconscious woman on your shoulder and snort.  
“Lay down Morgan.” You smile, the forward grumbling.  
“But I don’t want to get up...”  
You roll your eyes, taking her controller and laying your Switch on the table between your beds.  
You wiggle until your head hits the pillow behind you, which results in Alex’s head falling onto your chest, the forward’s eyes widening.  
You remain silent, waiting for her to make the next move, when she cuddles into your side, your cheeks flush, that flush spreading to the tips of your ears.  
“Is this, okay?” Alex asks in a hushed whisper and you smile.  
“It is.”  
The two of you sharing a bed becomes a regular thing, so much so that Alex’s bed remains untouched 95% of the time, usually housing your luggage instead of Alex like it should be.  
The rivalry you had on the field soon disappeared, something that came as a shock to literally everyone, even Vlatko.  
You knew what you felt for Alex wasn’t friendship, it went well beyond that, your hatred for her turned into something you never ever expect, and that was love.  
You loved Alex Morgan and there was no going back.  
You were pissed, absolutely pissed, and how could you not be when no fouls were being called against Canada?  
Fouls that were currently being directed at #13, Alex Morgan.  
You snarl when yet again, Alex is taken down in the box, but YET AGAIN, the foul isn’t called.  
“COME ON!” You yell, stomping towards the downed forward whose hand you take before you pull her to her feet.  
“Are you okay?” You ask worriedly as you scan the forward who nods.  
“Yeah, I’m okay.” She smiles and you nod.  
“She better call the fouls or I swear-
The whistle blows and you growl.  
“Nothing but a right bitch that one.” You mumble before jogging away, missing the snort that Alex lets out, the forward shaking her head.  
Her cheeks flush from more than exertion when she realizes your anger that’s directed at the ref is because the fouls have been directed solely on her, considering she was the only one being fouled.  
And that was about to happen yet again, but this time, Alex wasn’t going to get up.  
The look on your face was one of pure horror when Alex went down with a cry, the Canadian player’s cleats digging into her skin, soaking her socked ankle with blood.  
The whistle blows loudly, the ref finally carding the player who’d fouled Alex with a red card, but that wasn’t good enough for you, not when Alex was currently bleeding.  
Alex watches from her place on the ground as you advance on the player in red, landing a right hook that would make any boxer jealous, the woman falling to the ground with a thud.  
Time literally stands still, your knuckles throbbing in pain as the player cups her cheek, her eyes wide as she stares up at you in shock.  
“OFF THE FIELD! NOW!” The ref yells, the woman producing a red card immediately and holding it high above her head.  
“Bugger off, wanker.” You mumble as you make your way towards Alex, who’s currently surrounded by the medical team.  
“What the hell did you do that for!?” She growls at you and you frown.  
You glance around, watching as the Canadian player, you were so angry you didn’t know her name, is aided off field, the woman still clasping her cheek.  
Your mouth opens and closes a few times, the taste of bile on the back of your tongue.  
Deep down, you knew why your reaction had been so visceral, but you couldn’t tell Alex that could you?  
So instead, you decided to do the only thing you could do, and that was turn on your heels and sprint towards the nearest exit.  
Alex frowns as you sprint towards the exit, leaving her and the team behind.  
The medical team hoists her to her feet, the woman limping off field, the fans clapping in respect for the USWNT player as the final whistle blows.  
The second Alex gets off field though she pulls away from the medical team, choosing instead to limp after you, the forward hoping she wasn’t too late and was able to catch you.  
Alex limped down the tunnel and rushed towards the nearest exit, hoping it was the exit you’d went through in your haste to put distance between the two of you.
She rounds the corner, a sigh of relief leaving her when she sees you marching down the sidewalk, away from her.  
“Y/N!” She yells, causing you to stop in your tracks.  
The dark clouds overhead that had been teasing rain all day had finally opened the proverbial floodgates, the soft sprinkles becoming somewhat of a downpour in literal moments.  
Slowly, you turn around to face the forward who’s advancing on you, the woman limping as quickly as she can, closing the distance between the two of you.  
You swallow hard, unable to look the woman in the eye as she tries catching your gaze,  
“Y/N?! What was that!?” She yells, pointing back at the field and you shake your head.  
“What was that!?” She yells again and you swallow hard.  
“She was on your ass the entire game Al, and no one was calling the fouls! I had to do something!” You yell over the heavily pouring rain, the nickname slipping unknowingly off your tongue.  
“That’s not your job, Y/N.” She frowns and you scoff.  
“So, I’m just supposed to watch her hurt you? Watch her make you bleed!?” You cry, the feel of frustrated tears welling up in your eyes.  
“Why does it matter so much to you!?” She asks, and you shake your head.
“Because I love you!”  
Alex stiffens, as do you, your eyes widening in horror when you realize what you’d just said.  
Your mouth opens and closes, the taste of bile on the back of your tongue as you take a step back from the injured USWNT forward.  
Alex reaches out for you, her fingertips brushing the back of your hand.  
“Y/N...” She whispers, taking a step towards you.  
You’re about to take a step back when she grabs your wrist, effectively holding you in place, you weren’t about to jerk away, fearful that you may hurt her.  
You swallow hard when she steps even closer, the distance between you closing as her chest brushes your own.  
“Say it again.”  
You shake your head as you turn away, though when Alex’s fingers intertwine with yours, you turn back towards her, the woman’s blue orbs focused on your hand in hers.  
“Say it again...”  
You shake your head, a lump forming in your throat.  
“Please Y/N.” She whispers as she tucks a strand of hair, that had been stuck to your face, behind your ear.  
You blink rapidly, Alex’s fingers tracing your jawline before she cups your cheek.
Your mouth opens and closes a few times before you find your voice.  
“I-I...” You stammer, your eyes shutting as you swallow.  
“I love you, Alex, and I think I always have I just-
You stiffen, your eyes wide and hands hovering in the air as Alex’s lips meet yours in a tentative, first kiss.  
Just as your eyes flutter shut the team rounds the corner, their eyes widening before they turn Christen and Ali, the two smirking as they bump their shoulders together.  
“We told you.”  
Meanwhile your hands find purchase on Alex’s waist, the woman pulling back only to lean right back in, the brush of her lips sending a jolt throughout your entire body.
A crack of lightning makes the two of you jump, though neither of you pull back, your lips brushing as the two of you smile, toothy grins on full display.  
Alex’s forehead rests against yours, her hair stuck to her face thanks to the water entirely soaking the two of you.  
The reasonable members of the team usher the chaotics back into the arena, leaving you and Alex alone, the two of you so wrapped up in one another you hadn’t noticed them anyway.  
Your tongue swipes at your lips, your Y/E/C orbs focused intently on Alex’s.  
“When did you know?” Alex asks, her voice pulling you out of your trance, your cheeks flushing.  
“Know what?” You ask dumbly, earning a look that says Alex knows you’re just playing dumb.  
You sigh.  
“The first time you yelled at me during a match in college.”  
Alex’s brows arch.  
“It was cute.”  
Alex scoffs.  
“It wasn’t meant to be cute.”  
You shrug.  
“Well, it was to me, and I was right smitten.”  
Alex’s lips split into a massive grin, the woman leaning in to bump her nose playfully against yours.  
“Your nose crinkles up when you’re angry.” She giggles and you bite your bottom lip, your cheeks dusted pink.  
Alex tilts her head back, kissing the tip of your nose, your lips splitting into a grin.
“I guess we better get back in there...” Alex sighs and you huff.  
“I guess so.”  
Alex reluctantly takes a step back before she turns around, the two of you walking back to the door that led back into the arena.  
Before Alex can make her way through the tunnel, you grab her wrist, giving her a gentle tug until she’s back in your arms again, your nose brushing hers.  
“I never ACTUALLY hated you.” You whisper softly, giving her wrist a squeeze.  
Alex smiles, the forward closing the distance between you with a feather light kiss, her lips feeling as if they barely brush your own.  
“And I never ACTUALLY hated you either.”
You cup Alex’s cheek, the woman’s blue orbs disappearing behind her fluttering eyelids as she leans into your touch.  
It’s in that moment when you spot them out of the corner of your eye, a snort sounding in the back of your throat as you watch your teammates scramble to make themselves scarce.  
Alex follows your gaze, the woman rolling her eyes in annoyance when she spots your nosy teammates.  
You wrap your arms around her from behind, pulling the woman close, your chin resting on her shoulder.  
“So, you yell at them, and I watch? I bet it’s even cuter when you’re yelling at someone else.” You grin, grunting when Alex elbows you in the stomach.  
“It’s not cute when I’m angry.” She pouts and you grin, shrugging.  
“Actually, it’s adorable.”  
Alex growls, a furrow forming between her brows as she tries, and fails to scowl at you.  
“Still so infuriating.” She grumbles, the woman about to turn away, but before she can you catch her lips, unable to bite back a smile as the two of you kiss.  
“I’m so infuriating, but you still smitten, aren’t you love?” You ask and she rolls her eyes, her cheeks flushed red.  
She gives your shoulder a playful slap and you snicker.  
Looking into the pools of blue that are Alex Morgan’s eyes, you knew coming to the US was the best decision you’d ever made.  
You lean in, tilting your head back to press a kiss to her forehead.  
“What do you say we go kill our nosy teammates now?” You ask with a grin and Alex takes your hand, intertwining your fingers.  
“Lead the way.”  
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hey!! im new to tumblr but i love your writing and i was wondering if you could do a request for me? basically the reader is assigned to share a dorm with someone in your university, but it so happens that your dorm mate is dream, but you both hate eachother. you can try working out how they start to get a long. it could be something like angry sex or some shit but idk, feel free to play around with it!!!
brat • dream smut
a/n : welcome to tumblr, anon !! so glad you like my writing, here you go :)
POV: first person
pronouns: they / them
warnings: smut/nsfw, enemies to lovers, “sir”, degradation, very very VERY dom/sub, bottom!reader
University. It was most definitely a mixed bag; you shove your hand into it and have no clue what you’re gonna grab out of it. Was I gonna be sitting out on the grass with my new lifelong best friends, or was I gonna end up in miserable and making half-joking comments about how much I hate my life? I guess the answer ended up being neither, but something much more complicated.
I walked into my dorm room for the first time. It was pretty bare, both of the beds completely stripped of sheets, pillows, and blankets. I walked in, taking in the new environment that I was gonna be surrounded by for the next few months until my first break. ‘This looks... depressing,’ I thought, putting down my backpack as well as the suitcases full of all of my things. I began to unpack.
I heard a person come open the door to the room. “Hey, I’m Clay... I think you’re my roommate. You can call me Dream.” I spun around, looking at him. I simply nodded, not knowing what exactly to say.
“Uh, yeah, I’m [y/n].” I turned back to my clothes, letting the silence that was once there envelope the room once again. He tended to his side of the room as I tended to mine.
“You don’t talk much, do you?” I rolled my eyes. ‘Oh god, he’s one of those people.’
“Uh, I mean I just don’t really know you yet.” I pulled my sheets out of one of the suitcases, unfolding them.
“That’s dumb, how are you gonna get to know me if you’re all quiet?” I ignored his question. I know that simply letting him talk will give me all of the information I need to know about him. “See, you don’t even know what to say, I’m right.” ‘Cocky much?’
“I don’t need to talk to you to know you.” I could almost feel his glare into the back of my head.
He scoffed, “No, you don’t need to talk to me to make assumptions. Tell me one thing you know about me.”
I turned around and looked at him. “First, people only show their good side, so I like to make my own observations of their behavior. For example, you’re cocky as fuck.”
He rolled his eyes, turning back to his bed to unpack his things. “Okay, then here’s my ‘observation’, you’re a bitch.”
“Okay, and you’re an asshole.” I retorted, childishly, before putting in my headphones and deciding to ignore him as much as possible. ‘Out of every fucking person I could be paired with... why him?’
I walked from the bus stop up the stairs of the dorm building and to my shared room with... him. Dream, as he told me to call him. As much as I hated his attitude and almost everything about his annoying personality, I had to admit that after a month I was coming around in a way. Maybe I didn’t find him completely unbearable, but I definitely still didn’t like him.
I entered the space and set my bag next to my desk. Dream was laying on his bed, looking at his phone. “Hey, I’m having like 3 friends over here tonight, so could you find a place to stay?” I looked at him, my expression dripping with ‘say deadass’.
“Uh, no? You can’t tell me things like this last minute, dude. This is my place, too,” I stated, letting the truth onto him. His attention darted from his phone to me.
“I can’t just cancel!” He exclaimed in defense.
“Yes you can, and you will! Reschedule it for another time.” He was silent, staring at me.
“Fine,” He mumbled after a moment of quiet. I turned to my desk, taking out my homework for the day and setting it down. I walked into our shared bathroom with some comfortable clothes and turned on the shower. Stripping off my clothing, I stepped in as soon as it was hot enough. I sighed in content, the steaming water caressing my body and relaxing my muscles. 
After a bit of washing myself and relaxing, I turned off the water and stepped out onto the tile. As I changed into my clothes, I could hear Dream talking through the door, “They’re fucking annoying, man, but they’re hot so whatever, I guess.” My eyes widened as he spoke. ‘...me?’
I can’t say that I never found him hot. He’s tall, broad shoulders, pretty green eyes... who wouldn’t be attracted to him? He’s hot, but he’s a dumbass, and I think that’s the only thing that was stopping me from pursuing him.
I walked out after I finished drying my hair, bringing the blonde boy’s attention to me. “I gotta go, talk to you later,” He rushed out, hanging up in a hurry. I quirked a brow at him in confusion.
“What was that about?” I asked, taking a seat at my desk.
“Had to cancel. Nothin’ else.” I chuckled at his attempt to not share much.
“So who’s this hot but annoying person you were talking about?” I questioned, my eyes changing course to look at his face.
His cheeks flared up, his freckled skin turning pink. “Don’t listen in on my phone conversations, bitch,” He said harshly.
I stood up. “Excuse me? Listen, I already told you to stop talking to me like that-”
“You’re so hot when you look like that,” He interrupted me. Now it was my turn to start blushing.
“L-Like what?” I asked, half mumbling.
“When you get all worked up. That’s why I like bothering you so much.” I was stuck in my spot, unsure of what to say to that. The thought of Dream finding me hot was so insanely flustering for whatever reason, and it never occurred to me until that moment. 
He got up, walking over to me. I looked up and into his eyes. “Sometimes, when you make me really mad, I think about slamming you into your mattress,” He said, quietly, making the rasp in his voice stick out. “And just taming you... because you’re just such a brat, sometimes.” My breath got caught in my throat, I felt like I couldn’t even speak. “Sometimes a brat needs to be put in their place, don’t you think?” I nodded. “Use your words.”
“I, uh- yes, sir,” I stuttered out. A smirk pulled at his lips, and his hand made it’s way up to my cheek, cupping my face. He slowly pushed his thumb between my lips, causing me to start sucking it. He pulled it out, my mouth releasing it with a quiet ‘pop’.
“Get on your knees, angel.” I obeyed immediately and got down on my knees. “You wanna undo my belt?”
I nodded, eagerly. “Yes, please?” He nodded, humming an ‘mhm’. I bit my lip as I undid his belt before unbuttoning his jeans. I glanced up at his face before unzipping them as well and pulling them down. I could see the outline of his hard-on through his boxers. I slowly and softly palmed him over the thin material, eliciting a low, quiet moan.
“Take them off, sweetheart.” I nodded and pulled down his underwear, his cock springing up due to the sudden freedom. I licked the palm of my hand before wrapping it around his shaft and slowly moving it up and down. I looked up at his face, seeing his lip between his teeth as I touched him.
“Can I use my mouth, sir?” I asked him, even though I already know the likely answer.
He nodded, “Mhm, use your mouth.” I softly licked the tip of his member before wrapping my lips around it, sucking lightly. I started bobbing my head, taking more of him in my mouth every time I went back down. “Do you think you can deep-throat me, angel?”
I nodded. “C-Can I do that, sir?” He nodded, his hand making it’s way into my hair. I slowly started to take more of him in my mouth, eventually getting to the point of him hitting the back of my throat. I choked a little but pushed through it. I continued to take as much as I could down my throat, Dream softly fucking my face.
“Just like that, baby,” He groaned as I continued to bob my head. He pulled a bit on my hair, sending heat down between my legs. He pulled my head off of his dick by my hair, a string of spit bridging the gap. “Get on the bed, safe word is puppy.” I nodded and jumped up off of the floor and onto my bed.
He yanked my sweatpants down, pulling down my underwear with it. I pulled my shirt over my head and he did the same to himself. “You want my cock, baby? Look at how turned on you are.”
I let out a soft moan as he rubbed me right where I needed it. “I want it so bad, sir, please..” I begged. He bit his lip before pulling a bottle of lube out of his dresser.
“Get on your stomach, I’m gonna fuck your pretty little hole from behind.” Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I followed his directions. I could hear the slippery liquid being drizzled and spread all over his cock, it only made me want him more.
He slowly pushed into me, making a moan uncontrollably escape my lips. “Fuck...” I whispered.
“Yeah, you like feeling all full, don’t you? Such a fuckin’ whore for me,” He teased slowly moving with my permission. He gradually sped up, the two of us letting out moan after moan, the sound of our skin colliding being the only other sound filling the room. “You’re such a goddamn brat,”
“I... I know, sir... please- please don’t stop!” His hand made it’s way into the roots of my hair, pulling it, making it hurt so perfectly.
“Yeah? Don’t stop?” He asked, breathlessly as he started going faster. “I’m not gonna stop, angel.” I bit my lip, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as he pounded into me.
I touched myself as he fucked me, making everything feel double as good. “S...s-sir, I-I’m gonna... D-Dream, please!” I let out incoherent sentences.
“Aw, look, you can barely talk. Come on, sweetheart, cum for me like a good little slut.” The knot in my stomach fell apart as he spoke, a loud moan leaving my body once again. He let me ride out my high before pulling out and stroking himself and releasing all over my back. I bit my lip as I felt the warm liquid hit my skin.
He laid down beside me. “What do we say?” He asked, teasingly.
I giggled. “Thank you, sir.”
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meguriv · 3 years
❣ Denji x fem reader❣
Note: This is my first fic ever, also English is not my native language. I apologize for any horrible mistakes, however I did try my best in correcting any errors. (Sorry if this is cringe ejejshwhwh)
Also if anyone reading this has any tips for writing I would really appreciate you sharing them in a comment or message!
Warnings: 18+, oral (male receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, reader is a virgin (so is Denji), blood.
Word count: 2k
It was midnight, the window was open, letting the cool air of the night into your room. You rested your head on your desk, waiting for your boyfriend.
You have been going out with Denji for only two weeks, you both really liked each other, maybe a little too much.
That’s why there was a lingering tension between the two of you, sexual tension perhaps?
He never got to sleep with a girl and you were a virgin as well. That’s why you decided to invite him home this late in the night, both of you with clear intentions in mind.
Suddenly you jumped in your seat, it seems you feel asleep-
“Hey” a familiar voice said. Looking to your left you saw Denji “Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you, but I saw the window open and I couldn’t resist jumping in” you smiled at that “I left it open for you”.
There was now a very uncomfortable silence, neither of you knew what to say. He took his jacket off and rested it on the window, he was still wearing part of his school uniform. No matter how many times you saw him in those clothes, you couldn’t take your eyes off his body.
You were looking at each other, he seemed to get a step closer at a time, slowly.
There was a lot of tension like usual, but he was more determined this time.
The light in the room was just perfect, a full moon and distant lights in the street made the ideal atmosphere.
You couldn’t handle it anymore, you were getting tired of the shy girl act and put your hands on his shoulders softly.
“Denji…please, touch me”. He seemed hesitant for a moment “hm” that’s all he could say, grabbing your wrists to put them around his neck, then slowly placing his hands on your waist.
You felt his lips on yours, and then his tongue, it was too much. It started to get heated and passionate very quickly.
You broke the kiss for a moment to breathe, your face felt like it might explode. Looking at him you saw his half lidded eyes on you, his lips looking for yours again.
It wasn’t the first time you kissed, in fact your first kiss with him was the way you confessed. After a few months since his first day at school as a new student, you finally had the courage to express your feelings and it appeared he liked you too, or at least he liked the fact that you liked him.
Your bodies were pressed against each other, you could feel his erection through his pants starting to grow, it made you so happy that you couldn’t help to bring your hand down, earning a soft groan from him.
“Can I…?” you said still shy but much more eager this time, “Yes” he didn’t know what you meant exactly, but when you pushed him softly to sit at the edge of your bed and got on your knees, he understood.
His cheeks grew hot, he has never had anyone suck his dick before and he didn’t expect such a thing from you either.
As you slid his pants and underwear down, his erection sprung free, making you nervous finally realizing what you have gotten yourself into. Having never done this before, your were scared to mess up but it was too late to back down now. Your brain was full of impure thoughts and no amount of anxiousness could stop you now.
You started at the tip licking it slowly, you knew you had to use your tongue properly for this, you were really just improvising. You tried to fit his entire length in your mouth little by little, using your own hand to help with the job
“A-ah so good” the way he said that made you rub your thighs together, whining softly into his cock.
He placed his hand on the back of your head, playing with your hair softly trying to bring you forward with each bob of your head. “I-I’m close please stop or I will-”
But you didn’t stop, you have dreamed of tasting him for so long all you could think about was sucking him dry with your mouth. You needed his release deep down your throat. It was a greedy pace until he started to move his hips forward reaching deeper and deeper, tears finally spilling from your eyes.
“ S-sorry I can’t stop- it feels so good, ah- so good-!” his moans were music to your ears, you wanted to let him know that the tears were from happiness rather than discomfort, but how could you? His dick was so deep inside your throat you feared you might loose your voice.
He came hard and it wouldn’t stop, it seemed like minutes past and he was still releasing thick ropes of cum, his voice cracking and cursing loudly. You didn’t let a single drop go to waste swallowing bit by bit, the action made him hard again.
After his breaths slowed down he looked down at you, face still red, he could barely process what had just happened all he knew is how turned on he was.
He then fixed his eyes on your clothed body, “Take that off”
You didn’t expect him to order you, but you didn’t complain. Getting back on your feet you took off your nightgown slowly sliding it off of you until it landed on your feet.
His eyes landed immediately on your breasts, you felt exposed but felt yourself grow wet at his gaze.
“Take that off too” he was referring to your panties. You had carefully picked out a laced pair to wear just for him but he didn’t seem to care (that’s the kind of guy he is, you thought).
You did as you were told, however Denji was getting impatient and decided to grab your waist and pull you on the bed.
“Too slow”. Both his hands rested on your breasts, starting to squeeze them.
Denji was feeling overwhelmed by all of this, he did prepare himself mentally before coming to your house this late at night, but when he had you pinned underneath him completely naked and vulnerable, he started to shake a bit, both from anxiousness and excitement.
“It’s okay Denji, you can do whatever you want…please make me feel good” you said sighing at the soft touch of his hands on your breasts, he realised how sensitive you were there.
After you said that, all of his worries faded away. The only thing on his mind right know was fucking you good. He quickly took his shirt off, almost ripping it open, you laughed a little at how eager he was.
He started to kiss you again this time pushing his tongue inside your mouth with no mercy, his hand travelled south, feeling how wet you were already, he inserted a finger making you gasp.
The felling of one of his fingers alone was already too much for you. Your soft moans making him go crazy, he decided to insert a second finger.
His moves were rather clumsy but at the same time it was driving you insane. Just like you earlier, he was just improvising.
“Deeenjii aah I’m going to cum don’t stop aah~” you almost cried,
“Yea? cum for me then, that’s it” his hand moved faster finally hitting that sweet spot inside of you.
He felt you coming as you were tightening around his fingers, making a mess of his hand. While you were recovering from your high he pulled out and started to separate his fingers, looking at your arousal splitting in strings. His tongue went out to lick at them, humming at the taste,
“hmm~ It’s good, here have some too” he brought his hand to your mouth, you grabbed his wrist an started to slowly lick at his fingers until they were clean.
He caught your mouth into his again, you two shared another messy kiss. It felt a little dirty but so good at the same time.
He couldn’t get enough of you, so he started to grind his hard cock against your inner thigh.
He started to lick your neck making you moan again, another sensitive spot he found. Suddenly he bit hard on your skin, enough to draw blood-
“AH! Denji! It hurts!! What are you-?” He was drinking the blood that spilled from your neck, you wanted to stop him as you started to get scared but the pain faded away replacing it by pleasure.
“I needed this, your blood I need it…” you didn’t understand what he meant but to be honest you didn’t care anymore, after all, you did say he could do whatever he wanted with you.
Licking the trail of blood from your neck, he stopped at your breasts, admiring them once again, this time sucking harshly at your nipples, more whines filled the room.
He switched his attention from one breast to the other, taking his sweet time there while he guided his cock with his free hand to your cunt, rubbing at the entrance.
He was teasing but both of you were enjoying it, no need to rush things, after all this is your first time.
Denji was now looking at you as he kept moving his erection up and down your wet folds. The stare was intense, you saw him smile softly with half closed eyes, you returned the smile
“I’ll put it in now okay?” he said closer to your ear this time, “please don’t hold back” you said as you felt like your heart was going to burst.
He indeed didn’t hold back, seeing how wet you were he pushed himself inside of you in one go, holding one of your legs up for easier access. You both moaned at the new feelings, minds getting clouded with pure lust.
Without warning he started to move, none of you holding back any sounds, if someone walked outside the house they would definitely hear everything.
It felt so good, Denji is a natural you thought, sure you didn’t have anyone to compare him to, but the way he moved fast and hard inside of you made your vision blurry.
“So good, you feel so good inside of me, aah~ right there!” you finished the sentence with a sob, it was so good you could cry.
All Denji managed to do was moan, he was trying to say something but he seemed to struggle, you were so tight around him it made him go stupid “Aaah~ hm S-say my, my name, say it” is all you could understand.
“Denji” you complied
“Again” he said
“Again” he hit your g-spot this time
“Denji!!” you screamed,
“Say it again!”
“Denji! Ahh! I’m going to cum! yesyesyes right there don’t stop!” He brought his forehead to yours, sweat dripping from both of you. He started cursing you could tell he was close too.
Your hand grabbed at his blond locks pulling his head back a little, and then you came, your walls clenching around him which made him spill his seed deep inside you.
Both of you were riding out your orgasm as much as possible, hips still moving slowly.
He didn’t pull out, your legs were still wrapped around his waist.
He was looking into your eyes yet again, the tiredness becoming clear. He dropped himself onto you, head rested on your chest, where he liked to be the most.
A noticeable silence filled the room. Both of you about to fall asleep to the soft sound of your breathing.
Who would have thought that you would end up with him like this, after falling in love with him practically the same day you met him.
I really am in love with him, you thought to yourself, and with that you drifted into a deep sleep only hoping that he felt the same way.
If only you knew that you made his dream come true…
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jiminstonic · 3 years
Magnetic Affections | pjm
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pairing: yandere!jimin + g/n reader
word count: 1k+
genre: fluff, some angst, very ominous
warnings: OBSESSIVE THOUGHTS, yandere behavior, mentions of murder, brief blood mention, don’t let the fluff overshadow how dark this truly is
— synopsis: Jimin is madly in love with you, so it’s his job to make sure that you can’t love anyone else.
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Jimin had no doubt that you’re the love of his life. You’re a free spirit in every way, and it’s what made him fall for you so unbelievably hard. He wouldn’t change a thing about you. He wanted to feel your love forever, have it all to himself.
Which is why Jimin’s methods of truly keeping you to himself are a secret—the one thing he doesn’t tell you. He’d never let you know that anyone who lets their gaze linger on you for a bit too long have a death sentence waiting for them. He’ll never tell you that the promise ring he’d gifted you, although something with very genuine meaning on his part, is a tracking device. And you'll never be aware of the lengths he goes to keep you smiling.
If he were ever the cause of your distress, he's sure he'd go into a complete panic. How could he ever come back from that? How could he ever go on knowing that he hurt his angel? It's unfathomable.
You're Jimin’s motivation for everything. The thought of you being his is what keeps him going, what keeps his heart full and his hands bloody. Like right now.
It's like the calm after a storm the way Jimin stands unmoving under the showerhead, deep red swirling into the drain. The relaxation that washes over him when coming home to you after doing what he likes to call “protecting” is one of his favorite feelings. He's exhausted and knowing that you're here waiting for him makes warmth spread throughout his body, no matter what horrible thing he's just done.
This time, it was getting rid of your ex. For days you've been complaining about them showing up in your dreams every night. At first, Jimin didn't think very much of it, just wished it was him in your dreams instead. But after frequent occurrences, it was getting to him. It had to mean something, right? Aren't dreams supposed to mean something?
Whatever it was, Jimin wasn't having it any longer and finally took care of it. After all, who were they to invade your unconscious mind while you lay in his arms at night? It made him feel like he wasn't doing his best for you. Now though, he's fixed the problem, and he's once again the best boyfriend you've ever had. He's the last one you'll ever have.
After drying himself specifically with a red towel, he wraps it around his waist and tiredly drags his feet on the way to your shared bedroom. His heart could’ve exploded the second he finds you already asleep. You seem to have been just as tired as he is with the way you lay on your back, one of your arms thrown over your head in a fit of exhaustion. He can’t help but find you insanely adorable in that moment, and he can’t wait to join you.
Jimin makes quick work of putting on underwear from the dresser and heads back to the bathroom to blow dry his hair. He knows how much you love it when his hair is fluffy and soft. The warm air blowing on him has his bones feeling infinitely heavier, making him want nothing more than to be surrounded by your warmth instead. Fortunately, he doesn’t have to wait any longer for that.
Not five seconds later, he’s crawling into bed by you. He pulls back the duvet to slide under, pressing his body against yours completely while laying his head on your chest. The coziness that’s thanks to your body heat makes him snuggle even closer. It isn’t until he snakes his arms around your waist to enclose you in a hug that you begin to stir.
“Mm, you’re finally home,” you mumble, struggling to open your eyes while your hand reflexively goes to his brown strands. They’re soft, warm to the touch and you can’t help but lightly drag your nails along his scalp, something that has him melting into you even more than you thought possible. “I hate it when you work late.”
Jimin sighs, letting relaxation take over his body with his cheek smushed against your chest, sure to have his lips poking out. His thoughts are consumed with how content he is in this very moment; he never wants to detach from you.
“It’s all for you, baby. I promise.”
His thumb soothingly rubs back and forth along your side, lulling you back to sleep effortlessly. Jimin can feel your breathing even out to a pattern he knows by heart. His chest fills with tingles as he leaves one, two soft kisses on yours. Looking up at you, he realizes that he’ll never get over the sight of you, your presence. You’re everything to him. Without you, he’s nothing.
Shifting his body, he moves closer to your neck to leave one last goodnight kiss before laying his head there, hoping to follow you into a dreamland that he never wants to leave from.
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The bed is colder than it was when he fell asleep, and the room was definitely darker last night as well. Moving his arm around, Jimin tries to reach for you; he doesn’t want to get up just yet.
“Fuck, Jade, the last time we talked, I-I totally lost it. If I’d known it would be our last conversation, I wouldn’t have let it become a fight.” Your sobs and sniffles immediately have Jimin wide awake. With his eyes blown wide and brows furrowed, he shoots up to find you standing in front of the television with your hand pulling your hair from stress—definitely something you’d picked up from him.
Noticing your figure facing the screen, he looks to see what has his darling so upset. But that quickly became a mistake. It’s the local news, a picture of your ex on the right with a talking news anchor to the left, a homicide headline right along the bottom.
“I told you those dreams meant something,” you say into the phone, voice shaky. “I should’ve called, or gone over there, or something... Just something.”
Your shoulders shake with your now violent cries, a hand over your mouth from the pure shock that pulses through you in waves. Watching you like this is breaking Jimin where he sits.
You wouldn’t be in this state if it wasn’t for what he did. You’re crying because of him. This is his fault.
When you finally look back at him, the puffy, glossy red eyes that he’s met with are the final blow.
What has he done...
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© jiminstonic 2021
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toxicshumai · 3 years
Head canons for an MC with selective mutism
He read this in your file. It's all good. Would you prefer to write things down or type your answers? 
Got you a little whiteboard just in case. Stealing it as a  “prank” is now punishable by death.
Perfectly content to let you do your thing and if you become comfortable enough in his presence to whisper in his ear, he will halt any conversation on your behalf. 
Values your contributions to any conversation and feels bad that it's hard to get a word in living with 7 people.  
If you manage to become comfortable enough to speak to him, he'll be insanely proud of you and also flattered. Probably learns to sign very basic sentences if you know any signed languages. 
If you hurt your throat trying to force a few words out for his sake (maybe to impress Diavolo), he'll make you tea with honey and gently scold you. 
Damn, this human is quiet. Why do you keep pushing notes at him? Just spit it out already. Lucifer told him about you but it still takes him a couple days to realize you physically cannot speak when he or the other demons are around. Like, for realsies.
Becomes extra protective of you. Why did he have to get assigned such a vulnerable human? 
If you force yourself to try and vocalize around him and end up stuttering, he feels like absolute scum and shoves his D.D.D. into your hand with the notes app open before coddling you the rest of the night. 
If anyone teases you, he'll fight them. No one picks on his human and gets away with it!
Tries to speak for you sometimes and feels suitably guilty when called out on it.
Knows that it's selfish and kinda fucked up but he'll like it if you only ever warm up enough to talk to him and not his other brothers. Cried the first time you spoke to him. 
"EVERYONE SHUT UP! MC HAS SOMETHING TO SAY!" *reads aloud from your white board* 
The human never speaks to him even if spoken to so obviously they hate him for being a yucky otaku. Not that's he's tried initiating conversation with you. Seriously, you've lived together a month in uncomfortable silence. 
Why would he care whether some normie talks to him anyway??? (He cares. He cares so much, oh god.)
Eventually you explain that it's not him and you're really trying. Oh hey this is just like that anime where- 
Levi also has trouble getting his words out (though to a lesser degree) to he gets it. Congratulations you have a new texting buddy. This man will text you 24/7 even if you're in the same room and technically he can speak to you. 
If you don’t sign, he'll want to come up with secret codes just between the two of you because you're his Henry! 
MC, stay home and do online school with him it'll be so much easier pleeease. 
If you manage to voice around him, he'll need a moment to collect himself because your voice is so cute! And it's just for him! His brothers are going to be so jealous! 
Fascinating, please tell him more. This boy is trying very hard not to treat you like a case study but he just has so many questions.
Thankful that someone in the house is capable of being quiet. Finally, a moment of peace. You’re his new favorite person.
Concerned that this might be a trauma response but he's not going to pry. But you know you can always come to him and tell him anything, right MC? 
At first he's self conscious about reading aloud to you but once you reassure him that you love it, it becomes his favorite thing to do with you.
In his more fanciful moments, this reminds him of a romance novel where the protagonist is under a spell and loses her voice and only true love’s kiss could- Satan why are you blushing. 
If you sign, you’re his teacher now, sorry. He will learn more than Lucifer for your sake but it brings him no shortage of satisfaction to realize that he’s better than Lucifer at something. Will practice with you in front of Lucifer on purpose. 
“MC, please teach me how to swear.” ( You do not.)
Probably one of the first bros you can speak to because his room is quiet and soothing and he never pressures you to talk. 
 TBH, he talks about himself so much he didn't really notice you weren’t able to get a word in at first. 
He thought maybe you were just shy so he made sure to be extra friendly and charming. Cannot believe this doesn't work on you. He’s gonna have an existential crisis over this.
“Oh, honey, you can't talk right now? Let's get you feeling a little more relaxed ;)” 
Will hype you up constantly and slowly expose you to more social situations in the Devildom. If anyone reacts negatively to you then he will destroy their entire life, okay.
Delighted by how expressive your face gets once you’ve warmed up to him. MC, make that face again so he can put it on Devilgram!
Guilty of occasionally trying to speak for you (He just assumes you agree with him because all of his opinions are so good!) 
If you manage to even whisper his name, he'll tackle you and cover your face with kisses. 
 It's a little scary how good he is at reading your facial expressions. At first, you think he might have some kind of mindreading demon power.
Never tries to speak for you without permission and is always looking to you to make sure you're okay with whatever is going on. He’s also the first person in the room to sense whenever you feel uncomfortable.
When he finds out you can't even scream for help if you need to, he gets very concerned. Beel is your shadow now. 
Companionable silence. The two of you have it.
If you teach him some signs he'll be ecstatic bc he can talk with his mouth full. 
If you ever get comfortable enough to voice around him, he'll wrap you in the tightest hug possible. He's just so happy you feel safe with him. 
What’s it like being a fragile human, you flop?
He is thankful that he can actually sleep around you unlike his loud-ass brothers.
Thinks your sore throat after he tries to kill you is from the strangulation and then finds out it's from your attempts to scream for help. Feels even worse now that he knows how helpless you really were. 
Did you know that you talk in your sleep? 
Please do not use sleeping Belphie as a white board.
Sometimes he peeks in on your dreams just to hear your voice bc he finds it soothing. Will not tell you this bc he's afraid you'll feel guilty. 
If anyone, teachers included, tries to give you shit then he will go completely feral. Now you're both in detention. Whatever at least he can nap there. 
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satoruseme · 3 years
suck it (s)
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author: frogfits
pairing: dom!kaminari, sub!reader
genre: smut
warnings: dirty talk, hair pulling, oral sex (m. receiving), face fucking
word count: 1.8k
description: you get a little too crazy with your sucker
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Grateful to finally be back home from your doctor's appointment that you have been dreading all week, you flopped back onto the couch beside your boyfriend Denki, who was currently working on an assignment for his film class he was taking this semester.
College was something that Denki never thought he would do. He had just planned to move in with you after high school and work while you attended your classes and fulfilled your dream.
However, you had come home one evening to see Denki hovering over a piece of paper, grinning ear to ear. He had applied to your university during your sophomore year and been accepted, and now he was in the middle of his sophomore year.
He seemed to be enjoying it and doing okay so far. He liked having something to look forward to.
“Hi, baby.” He said, sending you a quick smile before getting right back to work on his assignment.
“Hi, whatcha working on?” You asked, leaning your head to rest on his arm as you glanced at his laptop screen to see what they were having him do now.
“Just a film analysis. It’s over Casablanca.” He explained, adding emphasis on Casablanca. It was obviously a boring movie.
“Mmm, sounds boring!” You replied, placing a kiss to his arm before sitting up, “Oh my gosh!”
Denki was taken aback by your sudden outburst, sending you a worried look.
“Sorry, I just remembered the doctor gave me a sucker!” You half yelled, jumping up to grab your bag you had left by the door, scrounging around it to find your sucker.
“Where the fuck did you go, a pediatrician?” Denki asked, laughing to himself.
“Haha very funny.” You said, digging through your bag, trying to find where you put the damn thing.
Once obtained, you flopped down into your spot next to Denki, pulling out your phone to scroll through twitter as you enjoyed your special treat.
You sucked on the lollipop for about a minute, paying no mind to your surroundings as you continued to scroll.
Denki, however, could no longer focus on his assignment spread out in front of him as he could hear your ministrations you were currently making on your sucker.
He tried to keep his gaze focused on his laptop as he listened to the sucking noise that you were making only about a foot away from him.
He glanced over at you and almost moaned at the sight of your lips softly placed around the sucker, his mind going blank as he thought about how your lips looked similar around the tip of his dick.
He loved when you took him so well in between your pretty lips. He shook his head and looked back at his screen, shuffling in his seat to adjust the fit of his pants that his thoughts had created.
“Kaminari, are you okay?” You asked, noticing his sudden inability to stay still. When you looked over, he was still on the same sentence that he was on the last time you looked.
“Yeah I’m fine,” He refused to look back at you, “You’re just really not going to let me focus with that sucker, huh?” He finished, typing a couple words onto the document.
You smirked, a very good idea coming into your mind, “Oh, this silly little thing? C’mon, baby, I know it takes more than a little sucker to turn you on.”
He actually did a pretty good job at keeping his focus on the screen as you dramatized the way you licked and sucked on the sucker.
“Let’s play a game.” You suggested, turning toward him and folding your legs over your lap, sitting criss cross as you pulled the sucker out of your mouth with a “pop” noise.
A shiver went through Denki at the pop noise. You knew that noise drove him insane, so you made sure to exaggerate it.
“Y/n, I really need to get this done, it’s due tonight.” He explained, his eyes completely fixated on your mouth.
“Hm. Well that’s a shame, this sucker is almost gone and my mouth will have nothing to do.” You pouted, running the sucker down your tongue while maintaining direct eye contact with Denki. You were just trying to be the biggest brat you could possibly be, and it was working.
Denki stared expressionless for a moment before calmly closing his laptop and placing it beside him. He faced you before taking the sucker out of your mouth and placing it in his mouth, standing from his spot and grabbing your hand.
He dragged you up from your spot and quickly through the house toward your bedroom.
“Denki, what are y-”
“Shut up.” He cut you off, twisting the doorknob and throwing the door open before pulling you roughly inside, shutting the door behind him.
He turned to face you as you stood there wide eyed, not completely sure what to do. Denki was the dominant one majority of the time in your relationship, so you were just used to doing what he told you to do. This was mainly the reason he didn’t like your little stunt you just pulled in the living room.
“Knees.” Was all he said as he started undoing his belt, sliding it out of the loops and throwing it on the floor.
You quickly dropped down to your knees in excitement as he approached you, now unzipping his jeans.
He stopped in front of you and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
“You wanted something to do with that pretty little mouth of yours. So take it, baby.” Denki still had the sucker in his mouth you noticed, which made this that much hotter than it already was.
You felt yourself getting soaked just by Denki’s words. He knew how much you loved dirty talk and being told what to do in the bedroom.
You placed your hand over the bulge in his pants and began running your hand over it, earning a small grunt from Denki as he intertwined his fingers in the back of your hair, roughly pulling it backwards to make you look up at him again.
“Don’t you think you’ve done enough teasing today?” He asked, “If I were you, I’d be a good little girl and do what I was told.”
With that, you let out a moan at the feeling of him roughly pulling your hair and pulled down his boxers the rest of the way, quickly wrapping your hand around the base of him.
He let out a loud groan, tipping his head back as you took the tip of him into your mouth. He was still tugging the back of your hair as you moved your head back and forth over the length of his dick.
“Slower, baby,” He began, using his fistful of your hair to slow down your motions, pulling all the way out of your mouth, watching as the string of spit that connected your lips to his dick dripped down your chin. He could’ve came just at the sight, “Fuck, you’ll make me cum so fast.”
Without warning, he slammed his cock into the back of your throat, causing you to choke around the tip of him, earning a strangled groan from deep in his chest as his hips involuntarily jerked.
You took him out of your mouth and wrapped your hand around the base of him, focusing on running your tongue up the underside of his dick before wrapping your lips around him once again. His dick was so big and swollen that you could feel every vein run along your tongue as you continued.
You sucked on only the tip for a moment before pulling off of him with a pop noise before saying, “You can fuck my face if you want.”
He was already getting super close, and if you kept talking this way, he was going to blow his load sooner rather than later.
He moaned, now grabbing the back of your head with both of his hands, “Open up wide, princess.”
You opened your mouth back up for him as he once again slammed his cock into the back of your throat, before pulling back out to do it again. He did this a few more times, his grip on your hair tightening, causing you to release a moan around him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” He whined, picking up his pace a little more, “Do that again.”
You moaned around him again as he looked down at you. You looked so sexy with the tears and mascara dripping down your face as you looked up at him, spit gliding down your chin.
“Fuck, baby you’re doing so good for me, you take me so well.” He let a deep groan leave his chest.
You squeezed your legs together at his words, feeling your panties getting ruined by the second.
You could tell he was close by the way his stomach was convulsing in front of your eyes as his dick began to twitch in your mouth. His thrusts became sloppier as he fucked your lips with only the tip of his cock, his breathing becoming even more shallow.
“I-I’m gonna,” He couldn’t even get his words out as he let out a bunch of short, whiny moans.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, shit-” Was the only warning you got before his hips stilled and he came inside of your mouth. You felt his cum run down your tongue and throat, becoming even more turned on by his grunts and moans.
He pulled out and grabbed your chin, closing your mouth.
“Swallow it all, baby.” He admired the way you looked down on your knees for him, ready to take anything he gave you.
You swallowed everything he had left in your mouth, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out afterwards to show him.
“Good girl.” He said, running his thumb along your bottom lip.
He didn’t break eye contact with you and he zipped his pants up, slowly backing out of the room.
“W-“ You started, but were immediately cut off.
“Gotta finish my analysis,” he smirked, “maybe next time you’ll learn not to be such a tease. You’ll have to get yourself off for now.”
He winked and walked out of the room, popping his head back in to add, “You’ll still regret that later though. I’m not done with you, baby.”
He quickly left the room again, leaving you to clean yourself up, and letting your mind wander to the events that “later” would entail.
© frogfits, 2021. Do not copy or repost.
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scarlet2007 · 3 years
BTS reaction #1:- When they kidnapped you. Hyung line.
Warning:- Kidnapping, stalking, mental illness, hacking, yandere! bts, mafia, use of drug, guns.
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You sighed as you walk towards Seokjin's room. Working at an asylum is hard and exhausting, especially if your working for the most wanted serial killer who also runs a mafia and does killing as his 'hobby'. You don't understand why they gave you his case, you have just started your carrier, maybe cause you are the only person willing to put up with his disturbing shit.
"Why are you looking as if you are sick, princesses?" Ah, there he is sitting on his chair calling you by the nickname he gave you in your first week of attending him.
"Cause I am sick, Jin," I looked at him, you still wonder how he has not murdered you. You were sure that you were digging your own grave but somehow the mafia leader takes a liking to you, which you don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe he was a bit too touchy but he never really made you uncomfortable, just some innocent hugs and kisses, nothing much or nothing less. You don't have a problem with it as long as he was taking his medicines and therapy.
"Then you shouldn't be here, Princess, and I told you not to come here today why didn't you listened to my warning?" He came closer as you closed the door, he was towering you as he was taller than you and more build-up then you can ever get, it's not like you were a sporty person. You are a lazy potato.
"Jin, it's not the first time you told me that. All those time you warned me not to come at work, nothing happened. Now-" Before you can finish your sentence the emergency alarm went off, warning you that something was wrong.
"What the-? Jin, stay right here! I am going out to check what's going on." You were about to go outside when you heard gunshots coming from outside followed by screaming. Your body froze from the fear you were feeling, seems like someone broke in or a patient got there hands on a gun.
"I told you not to come here today, princess. Now you have to watch these all, my poor innocent baby." Jin walked towards you as you back away from him, maybe this is how you will die, at the hands of a mafia leader who do killing as his 'hobby'.
"Don't come near me, Kim Seokjin, or else I will hurt you." You said in a fake confident voice but your legs gave you out, they were shaking from terror. The gunshots continued outside, the screaming of terror and pain followed by it. Maybe, just maybe, you should have listened to him this time.
"Don't be scared, Princess. I will protect you, don't worry my men will not hurt you as they have given strict instructions to not to just you." He pulled your cowering self in his arms and kissed your head.
"Please...Jin- Let me go, please..." You begged helplessly as your tears began to ruin his shirt, not that he minds it. The door opened and a guy came with a gun, he looked at Seokjin and hand him a bolt, you can't see it because Seokjin pressed your head against his chest.
"Shhh, Princess. Go to sleep." Seokjin pressed a cloth, which you didn't even notice he had, to you mouth as you struggle before the drug kick in your system and you start to lose consciousness.
"Now you are all mine, Princess, all mine and only mine." That was the last thing you heard as your world went black.
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Yoongi was leaning against the alley wall as he was outside the club he owns as he was smoking, his right hand was bleeding since he just beat someone to death. He has dumped the body on a dumpster, which was were that bastard belongs. He heard some light footsteps but he didn't look up assuming that it was one of his men but when a bandage came in his view he looked up because his men know better than to offer him a bandage. He looked at the person offering him a bandage, he was surprised to see a girl, probably in her early 20s, wearing pyjamas smiling to him.
"Here, you are bleeding Mr." She offered him the bandage which he ignored.
"What are you doing here? This place is not for girls like you, go away before something happens." She made an offended face.
"What do you mean by 'Girls like me?' Just cause I am wearing a pyjamas doesn't mean you can judge me! Here take this bandage." She hands him the bandage but stopped as she eyed the cancer stick on his none injured hand.
"Huh, seems like I have to patch you up since your other hand is busy with that cancer stick." She sighed as she starts to take care of his hand. Yoongi looked at her face silently, wondering why is she not running away from him.
"All done!" She proudly said as she looks at Yoongi's hand. Yoongi looks at his hand, the bandage was done nicely, it even has a cute little bear character. Her phone chimed loudly, startling her.
"Oh? Yeah, yeah, I am coming! Stay where you are! Don't go anywhere!" She starts to walk to the main entrance of the club.
She looks back at Yoongi and yelled," Don't smoke, Mister! It's bad for your health! Take care of your wound, bye!"
Yoongi's eyes followed her as she helps a drunken girl who looks to be her friend into a car. As the car drove away, Yoongi realised that he didn't even get her name. He cursed and kick the wall angrily. Maybe, he will bump into her again.
The next time Yoongi meet you was at a cafe, you were getting a smoothie when Yoongi thanked you for that night.
He asked where did she get the bandage from and you answered by saying that you always carry a mini first aid kit in your car. By the end of the conversation, Yoongi gets to know her name, her number and her.
After that, both of them start to hang out more until Yoongi decided that its time to carry out the plan he has planned. He knows that the instant she finds out that he runs a mafia she is going to run away, which he wouldn't allow. That is why here she is, now drugged, laying on his bed in his mansion. He knows that what he is doing is insane and she is going to hate him for that but in the end, she has to love him again, she has to.
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Hoseok first noticed you when you came with your best friend to his dance class, your best friend was looking after you as your mother was out of town.
You and your best friend entered the dance class, "Good evening, sir!" Your best friend exclaimed, making other students look at your way.
"Good evening! Oh? Whose that besides you?" Hoseok looks at you with curious eyes.
"This is my best friend, Y/N! I hope you don't mind her here since I have to look after her cause her mom is in another town."
"Oh, I thought she was your sister since both of you are wearing matching clothes and I don't mind her, why don't you join us, Y/N!"
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"Sure, I guess." Those were the first word you said to him.
The dance session went smoothly, you were a born dancer, picking choreography quickly and even help some other students with some complicated moves.
All the things went smoothly until your mother came back to town since your best friend no longer needs to look after you, you stop coming with her to the dance classes.
Hoseok was disappointed to know that but at least he has your number.
From that day onward you and Hoseok start talking to each other every day, each day Hoseok obsession with you increased little by little.
Until one day, he kidnapped, it was not that difficult since you trust him enough to come to an abandoned place without telling anyone where you were going.
"Ohh, little one. I have dreamed of this day from day one, to have you in my arms, protected by me. Now no one can see you or steal you away from me, you are all mine and only mine.
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All you ever wanted was a friend, was that too much to ask for? Well, it seems like it was since here you are hand and legs tied with a thick rope with a ducted tape on your mouth, preventing you from shouting for help.
You tried to make yourself as small as possible as the door opened, revealing you're so-called online best friend.
If only you never went on to message him in the first place, if only you stop talking to him after you told him that he got the wrong number. But you didn't, instead, you keep talking to him, ignoring all the red flags. You just wanted a friend but what you got? A hacker who used to stalk you through your webcam, who has now kidnapped you. You wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be a psychopath- wait he already is since normal people don't kidnap people daily.
You could never agree to meet him at his house, you could at least told someone where you were going and with who you were meeting but you didn't since you knew that your parents will oppose the idea of you meeting a strange who you only know online.
"Aww, look at you, all curled up. It must be cold and lonely without me right?" No, it wasn't but now it's suffocating that you are here, you wanted to say that but you can't because of the tape and all you don't have a death wish, who knows what this psychopath can do to you if you angered him.
"Now that you are here, where you belong, why don't we get to know each other in person? Well, I know everything about you so it would be fair if you know everything about me too but let's not hurry since you are going to spend your whole life here. Aww, don't cry, I know that you are happy to hear it but don't cry, baby. It makes me feel like I have done something wrong."
Namjoon's reaction is a bit shorter than the other, sorry about that. This is my first ever reaction so please bear with me. I hope you guys like it!
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evacado3 · 3 years
His princess ❣︎
joongooxreader pt1 pt2 pt3/3
Word count: 1393
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When the chairman asked to see you personally, the first thought was definitely, I'm getting promoted.
This is it, after working full-time with that dimwit, I'm getting promoted~ And I might finally get a chance to work with Gun! You squealed at the thought, skipping through the hallways in delight, faintly humming a song.
In front of his door, you smoothed out your suit, a brand new one just for this exact event. Taking a deep breath, you pushed open the door. But what awaited you was a little, no, a lot different to what you expected. A smug-looking man, manspreading on the couch, and the chairman sitting straightly.
"Princess, I missed you!" Goo exclaimed, not too surprised when you shot him a glare. Ngl, after working with him for nearly two weeks, it's shocking how much he grew onto you. Is this his manipulative side everyone talks about?
Maybe the gut feelings were mistaken, maybe the butterflies that erupted in your stomach when the nickname 'princess' was used, were simply all an illusion.
Oh, but he noticed, how that glare was far softer than before. How your eyes would linger on him a bit longer every time he treats you after work. How you wouldn't protest about his sickly sweet nicknames anymore, how you'd enjoy his company.
The chairman snapped you out of your trance, "Take a seat." You plopped down on the place besides Goo where his hands patted. Honestly a little confused as to why you complied without complaint. You might not catch it, but his smirk widened more seeing you so obedient.
"I don't think you've heard, but you've made quite a name for yourself, miss y/n."
You tilted your head in perplex, and why on earth was Goo gawking at you like that. Creep.
"Goo's princess."
"Pardon me?" your neck snapped towards the strict man. you couldn't find an ounce of insincerity on his emotionless face. Dead silence rang through the room till Goo's laughter burst out in amusement.
Oh lord how you were wrong, let's never underestimate your gut feeling. The butterflies are going insane upon his laughter, wait, why are my cheeks burning?
"Princess! This is unexpected, but what we're trying to say is ..."
The sentence echoed throughout the room.
"What did you say?"
"I said, what we're trying to say is, you'll stay working with me, sweet pea!"
Hold on, haha I'm so tired I'm hallucinating. Right?
Your face was blank, well more like restrained.
All you were thinking about was should you risk it by yelling in the chairman's face. Though in the end, you'd rather not lose your job. So you took a big breath, "What's the meaning of this?" you said exasperated.
Goo brushed his hair back, standing up with hands behind his back. "Well, I suggested to the chairman, since more people will be targeting you now, there's no need to change and put other people into danger! Right? Miss y/n." he announced proudly.
The first use of your name to ever fall out of his lips.
"Do you have a fever princess? You're a bit red." Goo mentioned. This man needs to stop examining you like that, with those tempting eyes. You didn't even notice he took off his glasses until you finally looked him in the eye.
"I-I'm fine, just recovering from the shock." you blurted out. "But president, does that mean I have to stick with this moro- I meant Goo, until the rumors are resolved? And without increasing my salary?" you sulked.
The man cut off Goo before he could speak, "If a raise is what you're looking for, that's already done. But about the rumors, they won't go out after a day."
To be honest, your face is more green than red. Hold on, didn't I come here just to work with my beloved jonggun, time out, what's going on.
"Please just tell me what's gonna happen." sighing loudly, you lean forwards, massaging your forehead with one hand.
"I'm going to make you collect debts with joongoo instead of jonggun."
Ok, that's it. You blew up. "Wait! Chairman please, you cannot be serious about this!" Man did your dreams just wash down the drain in front of you, yeah it did.
"Buttercup, you don't have to worry about working with me! I'm reliable you know?" Goo grinned, seeing you speechless gave him another level of refreshment.
A fly might have gotten into your mouth, but that's all nothing compared to the bullshit you've just heard. Your mouth wide open, trying to digest the info you were given.
"Hold on, so you're telling me, to work every day plus night, full-time, no rest while dealing with a fool AND putting my life on the line?"
"You're pay is increased by 50 percent."
"Hey boss, it's them! Goo and his woman!"
You rolled your eyes hearing those words, crossing your arms, "Gosh could people stop saying that?"
Goo turned around to smirk at you, "I could get used to this, in fact, I think this is fantastic!" He turned back only to meet the eyes of the gang's boss. Oh how he terrified him with his menacing smile, a signature one of course.
"Jackass," you muttered under your breath.
"Hey, you give me a new nickname every time don't ya. What about hubby, or even prince char-"
"No way! There's no charming thing about you, I'll stick with my nicknames thank you. But anyway, why is the leader quivering like that?"
Something's not right.
"You've got to be kidding me.” you groaned.
The head only chuckled tensely, “M-mister Goo, you certainly are early, would you like something to drink? Or..." he scratched the back of his head. I wish I could tell him to drop that fake ass smile.
Goo checks his watch with a grimaced face, "No, we're just on time. Now if you would kindly show us what you've prepared?" he leaned towards the boss.
The leader avoided eye contact with the towering man, mumbling a few words. "Huh? I can't hear you man, hold on, you do have the money right? My schedule was delayed and I've given you guys three extra days!" he made a pissed-off face, "I was gonna grab dinner after this, so let's clear up this misunderstanding. Fast."
This doesn't usually happen frequently, the sum isn't even that difficult to make. Unless if you're not good with money, but then why would you make a gang?
Do I just have bad luck, still I'm glad I'm not wearing anything too expensive. The crew didn't look too pleased with Goo's statement, one by one they begin taking out their weapons.
"Princess, behind you~"
You sighed while murmuring some curses, lifting your arm and slamming back your clenched fist, whacking the guy's nose. Why am I always the option for a hostage? Sighing even more, you asked, "You want help?"
"Yes please cutie, but if you keep sighing like that, you'll get shorter!" The audacity of this man to insult you while fighting off people like it's such a daily thing.
Upon his mockery, you decided to just not help, walking away from the scene and ignoring his whining apologies. Instead, approaching the boss on the side, flinching when he felt your firm grip on his shoulders. What a pussy, you thought, is he shorter than me?
"Don't come near me! Guards, hey!" he shrieks, earning a loud snicker from you. "You call yourself the boss? Hey, look at me. Your guards aren't coming ok? You'll have to deal with me."
You grinned, one that sends chills down his spine, making him back off into a corner. Goo should be done soon, even if he isn't, he's gonna rush. Just to see the daunting expression on your face when you finished your job.
Then at the end of the day, he'll award you for your hard work. Even taking a nice short stroll with you, treating you some ice cream. Things like this are what makes work tolerable, it's not far-fetched to even say enjoyable. Though you'd never admit.
And he won't stop spoiling you, not until he loses interest. But maybe, just maybe those little butterflies are also fluttering in his tummy. Somethings telling him this isn't just about interest, it's a lot more.
After all, you are his princess.
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wikiangela-fanfics · 3 years
"You should smile more" - sambucky
I’m a sucker for Bucky’s smile so obviously I had to project that onto Sam and write a fic - I use the word ‘smile’ waaaaaay too much in this fic, but whatever
This is my first ever marvel fic, so sorry if it's too ooc but I actually kinda like this one hah
Big thank you to @tasteslikestrawbebbies for beta-reading ♥♥♥
Here it is on Ao3
part 2, part 3
Enjoy ♥
One of the things that really struck him was that he kinda loved Bucky’s smile. Once he saw that real, genuine, happy smile on Bucky’s face… all he wanted to do was to make him smile again and again. Which was a crazy thought. Insane. He should not be thinking that, and he tried not to. But then Bucky would smile again, and Sam would melt.
His smile was… really nice. And beautiful. And it was impossible not to smile as well when you saw it. He seemed so relaxed and at peace… Sam has never seen him like that before, but he definitely liked it. He knew there was still work to do, and they would have to get to that sooner or later, but for now, he really enjoyed just hanging out with Bucky, fixing the boat together, talking, which apparently they did now, another surprising thing. Bucky opened up to him, and that meant he trusted him, not only in battle. This made Sam almost giddy.
He wasn’t ready to say goodbye. He knew they would see each other soon, but he selfishly wanted Bucky to stay, to keep him company… to smile at him. God, he was gone on that fucking smile.
He almost considered making up something else that needed repairing that Buck could help him with, but that would require actually having something to do… and he was not about to break something on purpose. Not that that hasn’t crossed his mind… but he wasn’t that far gone. Or that desperate. At least yet.
He convinced himself that he was fine, that not seeing Bucky for a while wasn’t a big deal. Because it shouldn’t be. They had barely talked before Walker was given the shield. And it was fine. It would be fine now, too.
But then, as Bucky was about to leave, the words just slipped out of his mouth.
“You know, you could stay for a while. If you want.” he wasn’t looking at Bucky, his eyes focused on the trees they were passing.
Bucky was quiet for a moment and Sam was afraid he fucked up their relationship, which has improved significantly over the past few days.
“Uh, I’d really like to.” Bucky started. “I would, but I think I need to go. In New York there’s someone who really needs closure, and I’ve been putting it off long enough.” he sighed, and that’s when Sam looked at him again. He seemed nervous and Sam understood.
“Of course.” he smiled. “But, you know, you’re always welcome here, man.” he added.
“Thanks.” Bucky smiled, and Sam’s heart fluttered. Damn, this could not be happening. “I guess I’ll see you- What?” he stopped mid-sentence to look at Sam in confusion.
“What ‘what’?” Sam raised an eyebrow.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” Sam felt his face heat up and looked away. He kept his cool since Bucky showed up, and now he’s getting caught at whatever his face was doing while he was admiring Bucky’s gorgeous smile? He was pretty sure he was smiling, but what else could be visible in his expression, he had no idea. He was fucked.
“I don’t know, but it’s weird.” Bucky was frowning, his tone slow and confused.
“Bad weird?” Sam couldn’t help but ask, looking back at Bucky, who just shrugged.
“Just different. What’s up?” he asked, not wanting to let go. And of course Bucky, the expert of staring and observing, noticed the difference in Sam’s expression. Of course.
“Nothing, it’s stupid.” Sam laughed, feeling more than ridiculous.
“Now you gotta tell me.” Bucky nudged his arm. “What was that look about?”
“I was just thinking. Forget it.” he shook his head, he tried to brush it off, but he knew it was pointless. One more smile from Bucky, and he was going to melt into a puddle.
“Okay, well, I’m not gonna push.” he lifted both hands in defeat, but he was smiling. Whatever he saw in Sam’s face, had to be positive. Of course it was, he had been thinking about Bucky’s smile. “I’ll get it out of you another time.” he winked, starting to walk again, and Sam wasn’t sure when they stopped walking. “Call me when you have a lead.” he repeated his previous words, clapped Sam on the shoulder, and was about to walk away.
“You should smile more.” Sam said before he even realized he had opened his mouth. How was it that suddenly he couldn’t think around Bucky?
“What?” Bucky turned around, Sam was staring at him, probably looking as surprised as Bucky. But he said it, so there was no backing away now.
“I mean, that’s what I was thinking about.” he swallowed hard. “It’s a good look on you. When you smile.” he said, trying to sound as confident as he could. Slowly, another one of those amazing smiles showed up on Bucky’s face.
“Wow, I did not expect that.” he said, his expression smug.
“Shut up.” Sam rolled his eyes, forcing himself not to smile back.
“You thinking about my smile often?” Bucky then asked, because of course he had to tease Sam about it now.
“I haven’t seen you really smile until, like, yesterday, so no.” Sam answered and thought, damn, where is this conversation going and how did we get here. “And I’m just saying,” oh God, he so needs to shut up already, but his mouth is still moving and the words are pouring out despite his efforts to stop it. “I wouldn’t mind if you did that more often.”
Bucky chuckled, and boy was that a nice sound, and looked down for a second. Seemed like someone was shy about getting complimented. Alright, Sam got it, Bucky probably hasn’t been complimented at all for the past seventy years. But Sam also kinda liked making him blush - because that’s what was happening, Bucky’s cheeks were starting to get pink, and now Sam couldn’t contain his smile.
“That’s, uh, nice.” Bucky said, looking back at Sam. “I just feel really good here, you know?” he confessed. So now they were seriously going to start talking, huh? Sam couldn’t say he was complaining.
“So you gonna come back?” the question was out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Again. Damn, what was happening to him?
“I haven’t even left yet, Sam. Relax.” Bucky chuckled again, his beautiful, teeth-baring smile not disappearing from his face. Then he sighed. “I promise, once we deal with Karli, I’m gonna visit again and I’ll stay so long you’re gonna beg me to leave.” he added, teasingly. Sam just involuntarily smiled.
“Imma remember that. You better keep your promises.” he said, finger pointed at Bucky to accentuate his words.
“Always do. But now I really gotta go if I wanna catch my flight.” Bucky added, almost apologetically.
“Right.” Sam wanted him to stay, but he already said that, and he wasn’t about to beg. He wasn’t that desperate. And he knew Bucky had to go, he had things to do, people to see, he had to do the work and get better, and it seemed like he was really going to. “Uh, answer my calls and texts this time, will you?” he tried to sound casual and exasperated, but the longing and a bit of hope was audible even to him.
“You plan on contacting me a lot?” Bucky raised his eyebrow.
“Maybe.” Sam was suddenly all too aware of the distance between them. He would have to take two, maybe three steps, to get to Bucky and… and what? He wasn’t sure. “Are you gonna answer?” he asked again, taking a step towards Bucky. What was he doing?
“Of course.” Bucky answered. Sam must’ve looked surprised, because Bucky snickered. “How else will I know that you have a lead?”
“You’re an ass.” Sam rolled his eyes, his cheeks heating up. And here he was hoping they would actually start talking on a regular basis… not that he wanted that. Definitely not. Why would he?
“But if you call me without a lead, I might not hang up on you.” Bucky said, a bit reluctantly, a teasing smirk still on his face. “Depends on my mood.”
“You can call me, too. If you ever wanna talk. No matter what time it is.” Sam took another step, while Bucky watched him curiously.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“And, uh, thanks. For all the help, you know.” Sam shrugged. There was still a small distance between them, and he was contemplating crossing it and hugging Bucky.
“Of course.” he said, as if him helping Sam was the most natural and obvious thing in the world. “Anytime. But now I really have to-” he didn’t finish his sentence, because Sam took the final step. But instead of hugging Bucky, he pressed his lips against Bucky’s.
It was a split second, rash decision, he did not intend to do it. At all. It was either letting Bucky go and dreaming about that smile and longing for him for the next indefinite period of time until he saw him again… or kissing Bucky and possibly changing their whole dynamic, risking rejection and making things weird again, possibly weirder than ever.
But Bucky immediately kissed him back, as if he was expecting it. And Sam could feel him smiling, which only added to the fluttering feeling in his stomach.
At first, it was chaste, just lips against lips, but that lasted a whole two seconds before Bucky opened his mouth, deepening it. He dropped his bag, his metal hand finding its way to Sam’s hip, while the flesh one cupped Sam’s cheek. Sam’s hands were in Bucky’s hair, running his fingers through it, and trying to bring him even closer. Honestly, Sam wanted to stay in that moment forever. Bucky’s lips not only looked good and irresistible - the man was an amazing kisser. Sam wanted more. He needed more. And one of his hands started trailing down Bucky’s arm to the hem of his shirt, but then… Bucky broke the kiss.
“You really want me to miss my flight, huh?” he asked, his forehead pressed against Sam’s. He was smiling, and both their breaths were quickened.
“I told you, you could stay.” Sam said, not able to contain a smile either. “We could… uh, have some fun, if you stayed.” he added, his tone deliberately suggestive. He decided to stop being tentative about his feelings. They just made out, he was aroused, and he was pretty sure Bucky was too. He desperately wanted him closer, wanted their bodies pressed together. Preferably undressed. Oh fuck, when did he go from Bucky has a beautiful smile to I wanna fuck him ? This was happening fast. Or maybe those thoughts were always there, lurking, as he tried to convince himself he’s not attracted to the guy. Maybe.
“I would love to.” Bucky said, sighing, and his breath hit Sam’s mouth, making him shiver. He wanted those lips on his again. But Bucky pulled away, hands still on Sam, but now his piercing blue eyes were staring at him again. This time, Sam didn’t mind. The staring stopped bothering him a while ago.
“But?” Sam tried to keep disappointment out of his voice.
“But, before this,” he waved his flesh hand between them. “Develops any further, I need to deal with some stuff.” he said, and Sam felt his heart swell. First of all, Bucky seemed so sure that this thing between them would turn into something, so Sam didn’t have to worry about what the kiss meant, they were both on the same page. And second of all, Bucky actually wanted to work on himself first before getting into a relationship. Which filled Sam with pride. He knew that it wouldn’t be a problem for them - he knew a lot about Bucky and his trauma, and he would love to help, in any way he could. But if Bucky thought it was something he needed to do by himself, and was actually willing to do the work, that was amazing.
“Okay.” Sam said, smiling fondly. “Just, you know, not all the stuff, yeah? I’m not gonna wait for an eternity.” his tone was jocular, but he needed Buck to know that he was in, despite all his shit. He hoped his message was at least a bit clear.
“Yeah.” Bucky smiled, leaning in for another kiss, this time brief, leaving Sam chasing after him as he was pulling away. “I’ll see you soon.” he added, finally picking up his bag and starting to walk away. Again.
“You better answer your phone or you’ll see me sooner than you think.” Sam yelled after him. Bucky turned around to shoot him one of his genuine, amused grins that made Sam’s knees weak, and made it impossible not to smile back.
Yeah, he definitely loved Bucky’s smile. And he already couldn’t wait to see it again.
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