#outside is okay. puzzle time is okay. curled up in bed is okay. sometimes she lays on the stairs and that is sometimes okay. otherwise she
dizzybizz · 5 months
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lvl 100 puzzle-master
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lvl 1 puzzle-apprentice
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elisaphoenix13 · 8 months
This Family Is Forever
There was always this pleasant feeling of in between that Stephen enjoyed. Not quite asleep but definitely not awake. He was aware of Tony's warm body that he was curled up against, his spouse's soft snores and the rise and fall of his chest where he laid his head. Anything beyond that bubble was non-existent. The weight of Athena and Apollo never processed, no noises outside of their room…just their breathing. Just the warmth they shared. It was a pleasant limbo that Stephen had been enjoying for…however long he had swam into consciousness. If he was conscious. Sometimes the little bubble ended up being a very vivid dream that was eventually unceremoniously popped and he would find himself alone in bed. Alone with his ever loyal wolf still at his feet of course. Tony and Apollo would be long gone if the coldness of the sheets beside him were any indication.
This was real though, Stephen could tell. With just the slightest bit of adjustment, he threw one of his legs over Tony's, and the man instinctively responded by tightening his arm around him and rubbing his thumb along his shoulder. The motion died down after a few seconds and Tony would lie still. Stephen selfishly enjoyed every moment of the peace–
"Mom!" Stephen's eyes snap open when the door flies open, the sound of the rest of the penthouse–namely their children's daily noise–breaks that wonderful bubble and forces the sorcerer out of his stupor. Tony grumbles beside him because he was unceremoniously woken up from his own bubble.
"Nobody lives here by that name," Tony says for him.
"There is when William is being bullied at school!" America retorts.
Of course that immediately got their attention and Stephen was already sitting up. Tony took a few seconds longer, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"How did you find out about this?" Stephen asks as he slips out of bed to follow his newly adopted daughter out of the room. As she led the way to the youngest twin's room, the man mentally kicked himself for ignoring the signs. The boy had been more withdrawn than usual, staying in his room and declining to spend time with the sorcerer like he usually did, whether to read together, practice his magic, or to simply put together a puzzle.
He even openly avoided Harley and Valerie, making them very put out and hurt. If Stephen really thought about it, he could recall that William very gingerly ate his dinner the night before. The conclusion he came to caused him to see red but he stamped the anger down as he and America approached the room. The door was closed and Stephen at least knocked twice before letting himself in, fully expecting the boy to teleport away to escape the situation, but instead he found the boy sitting on his bed looking defeated.
He was clearly tired of hiding the truth or was aware Stephen would follow him to the ends of the earth to make sure he was okay.
The bruise on his cheek was a clear sign that he wasn't and Stephen's rage boiled in his chest.
"I caught him trying to cover it up," America explains before Stephen can ask. "He's been covering it up for days."
Considering the bruise was still rather dark and large, whatever caused it had to have happened at the beginning of the week. Even more concerning was the fact that Cassie hadn't caught on. She was, unofficially, their eyes on the twins while they were at school because they knew how the boys hid things. It had gotten better, but bullying was something they felt wasn't worth bothering their parents about. Stephen could understand to an extent. Schools had a no bullying policy but never really enforced it, or if they did, suspended both parties and washed their hands of it.
It was Peter all over again. Stephen would have to talk to Tony about the usual funding threat to get the bullying to stop like they had done for Peter. It seemed the only effective solution.
"William," Stephen says softly as he crouches in front of the teen. "What's going on?"
For a moment, William didn't make any indication that he would respond, but finally he said, "they said it's because my parents are both guys."
The words sunk in slowly before finally clicking. William was being bullied because he was gay? And on top of that, because they thought he was gay because of his parents? The notion was laughable considering Cassie had gay parents and she was very happily in a straight relationship with Peter and vice versa. Bullies really reach for a reason to ridicule someone.
"Let me see," Stephen says, reaching up to gently tilt William's head to examine the bruise around his cheekbone. The boy winced at the slightest touch, making the sorcerer frown as he sent some healing magic into it. The color lightened but his body would have to finish the healing itself. "America, will you go run and get some ice please?"
"Yup!" The girl rushes out in an instant.
"I want the names of whoever did this to you and your father and I will take care of this," Stephen tells William, smiling when the boy's eyes widen. "Quietly, I promise. This isn't our first rodeo. What I am curious about is how you managed to hide it from Cassie and Thomas."
"They were home sick the day it happened and you were out doing sorcerer stuff, so when I got home I was able to cover it with some of Cass's make-up," William says quickly, or as Thomas would call it, word-vomiting. "I didn't want to say anything because if you or dad or Harley freak out, then I freak out, and I didn't want you to worry about something so stupid–"
"This isn't stupid," Stephen interrupts sharply as he moves to sit next to William on the bed. "Nothing that hurts you is ever stupid. Even something as small as a paper cut isn't stupid…do you know why?"
William swallows thickly, only looking up when Tony walks in with some ice instead of America, and winces when the older man gently applies it to his face. Tony only let go when William held the ice under his own power and moved his hand to place on top of the boy's dark hair.
"Because you deserve better," Tony answers, having obviously heard what Stephen had said and been updated on the situation by their daughter. "All of you do. Every kid does, really. You and your brother had to take care of each other for a long time because no one else would, but you have this whole new family that would take a bullet for you. Hell, there's even a god downstairs that would blow up the school if you asked him to."
Stephen snorts. "Quill's not going to blow up a school."
"The point," Tony rolls his eyes fondly, continuing. "Is that he would. And if we had you when the snap happened, I would have worked that much harder to get my boys back. Losing Stephen, Harley, and Peter like that…I still have nightmares. And you know what? I have nightmares that it happens to all of my kids. You and Thomas, America, Cassie, the girls…" Tony sighs quietly. "Something that may seem stupid to you, won't be stupid to us. You are our kid and we love you. We want you to be safe, happy, and validated. We want you to feel comfortable calling us if you decide to go out partying without telling us and you end up in some kind of trouble."
William's shoulder slump. "I'm sorry. I just…even after all this time…a part of me is still worried that one little thing will ruin everything."
Tony lifts his head up by his chin and smirks at him. "I told you before and I'll tell you again kid. We're in this for the long haul. There are plenty of actual stupid things Peter and Harley have done that made us want to tear out our hair but they're still here. We still love them. Making mistakes is all a part of growing up. Or, in this case, telling your parents when something not so great is happening at school. Capire?"
William nods. "Yeah."
"Is there anything else you need to talk about or tell us?" Stephen asks.
"No," the teen shakes his head this time. "It's just that, I swear."
"Alright. Do you think you can handle pancakes with some strawberries and whipped cream?" A nod from William sends Stephen out the door to make breakfast, but a near collision with Valerie makes him stop.
"Liam better?" She asks quietly and Stephen smiles and brushes her hair back.
"I think so. Maybe if you ask nicely, he'll play with you until breakfast is ready."
It was enough to make the little girl perk up with a smile before hurrying into William's room, almost running into Tony while doing so. The man was fortunately able to move out of the way and snorted in amusement.
"I'm pretty sure if we did try to get rid of him, your daughter would have something to say about it," Tony jokes and Stephen huffs as he turns and descends the stairs to the kitchen.
"My daughter? Just like Lucy is my daughter when she gets into trouble you put her in?" Stephen challenges.
Tony laughs. "In my defense, Lulu climbs those shelves by herself. She doesn't need any help from me."
"After you taught her to do that, you mean."
"I plead the fifth."
Stephen snorts again and sets about making breakfast while Tony goes in search of their youngest. She was found in the living room watching TV with Diana and America, but was eager to be held by Tony, who returned to the kitchen with her in hand. Lucy was happily rubbing her hands along Tony's goatee with her typical gleeful babbling or an actual English word, and the rest of the kids were slowly leaving their rooms. Probably enticed by the smell of pancakes.
"Quill would blow up the school if it were Cassie," Tony suddenly says.
"Quill would find a way to disintegrate someone with lasers from his eyeballs if someone so much as sneezes in her's or Scott's general direction," Stephen responds flatly.
"Don't give him any ideas," Peter yawns, and plops into a seat at the breakfast counter. "He already gave some guy at her school the side eye when he had to go pick her up when she was sick. Like you said, the poor guy just sneezed."
"Was he sitting next to her?" Tony asks.
"I think so. They were both in the office."
"Then he probably silently accused him of making Miss Sass sick," Tony says. "Quill's planning his demise as we speak."
Stephen rolls his eyes and tunes the two of them out as he finishes breakfast, but keeps an ear out when he hears Harley talking to William. He couldn't hear much of what his oldest was saying, but it was clear that he was fussing over his boyfriend and irritated at whoever hurt him. He was surprised to hear Valerie reprimand Harley for upsetting William because of the fussing.
"If you think Quill's bad, I wouldn't want to get on Valerie's bad side when it comes to William," Stephen says to Tony and Peter. "I'm sure she's ready to push Harley out of the room."
"Val?" Peter gawks and gasps dramatically when Stephen smirks. "What is this world coming to?!"
"I saw a stare down between her and Sam when he tried to talk to Will about something that was obviously upsetting him," Thomas adds nonchalantly as he joins them. "She didn't even glare or anything. Just stared. Sam left."
"Seriously. What's this world coming to?" Peter mumbles and Stephen chuckles.
The twins weren't the only ones learning and growing up it seemed.
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smurphyse · 1 year
Wonder Woman vs. Cheetah | Eddie Munson
Smurph's Masterlist | Zero to Hero Masterlist
Warnings: arguments, dream walking, violence, fights, gore
Summary: You and Eddie get into an argument. When you storm off, you both have strange experiences
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Eddie sits with Zero on the floor. She's meticulous, laser focused as she sifts through puzzle pieces like she's defusing a bomb. 
She'd led him to a closet door that he hadn't noticed before and pulled it open to reveal it was filled from floor to ceiling with puzzle boxes. Zero let Eddie choose, proudly letting him know she'd already completed each puzzle inside. 
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He'd chosen one of Times Square at night, drawn to the neon lights and streaks of headlights in the night. Zero sits with him on the floor, her hip pressed against his shoulder as Eddie lay on his side on the rug. 
"You do the edges first," she rambles on, moving pieces with her mind in front of him as she sorts through others by hand. Eddie watches in awe as they move around into piles, amazed that she can do it without looking or even seeming to really think about it. "Work from the outside in, and it all comes together perfectly!"
She's nearly jumping in her spot; she's so excited about this damned puzzle. Her hair is thrown up again in a messy ponytail, curls framing the curve of her cheek and bouncing about with each happy clap of her hands as she puts two pieces together. 
She's so…awkward, it's painful. Zero holds herself with confidence when she's barely noticing his existence, but the moment Eddie interacts with her it all goes out the window. Like now, she's so focused on her puzzle, she doesn't notice that the sleeve of her flannel is riding up. 
Eddie cocks his head as she talks to nobody but herself, eyeing the tattoo on her wrist. 000 in thin black inking almost hidden by her tanned skin. It's small enough that Eddie hadn't noticed it even in the pond, but now he can't seem to take his eye off it. 
Her own father tattooed her with a number…and put her in a cold sterile cage to be played with like a lab rat. And Eddie thought his childhood sucked. 
"I think the last time I did this puzzle it was the lights that got me." Zero frowns, leaning over and squinting at the pieces. "They're all the same color."
Eddie makes a noncommittal hum, watching her in the soft light. The puzzle pieces move all around them, the fairy lights around the cabin buzzing, flickering now and then. Even the radio cuts out sometimes though all Zero has are tapes to listen to. 
She'd made a fire in the place with a flick of her wrist, and the amber flickered over the high points of her face. Warm and sweet, it glimmers across her cheekbones, the bridge of her nose and chin. The shadows carve in the hollows of her cheeks and under her jaw. It stains under her eyes, and as Eddie lounges on his side he can finally see her exhaustion. 
"Four at once, yes!" she laughs heartily, lifting up the little piece she'd put together. She turns and shows it to him, but his untouched pile of pieces makes her deflate. "You okay?"
The lights dim as she cocks her head nervously, but when Eddie smiles at her they brighten. "Yeah. You said the edge pieces first?"
"Yes!" she grins, and the bulbs stutter with their heightened glow. "So, it makes the frame…"
Eddie listens to her all night until Zero sends him to bed. When he hobbles to the room, he chances a glance back at her, only to see her continue on without him. Her ever-moving eyes flick around the floor, puzzle pieces flying about her head like a halo in the hazy light. He starts to see how many things she’s controlling at once, and it worries him.
How long can she keep this going?
The next morning, Zero sits in the same spot, working on the same puzzle. In the kitchen pots and pans whizz about making breakfast, the scent of fresh bread rising in the oven. 
"Were you out here all night?" Eddie asks cautiously, eyeing a particular pot that sizzles with something wonderful, a spatula flipping potatoes and peppers around. "Did you even sleep?"
The pots stop midair as she turns with wide eyes. The bags under her eyes are more noticeable in the morning light that pours through the plant-filled windows, but she just shrugs.
"A bit."
Brushing a hand along the door frame, Eddie watches the lights, listens to the fluctuating hum going through the small cabin. The food being prepared stills sometimes, as though she forgets she’s making it, but she never gets up from her spot on the floor.
"Hey, why does this place get electricity but the rest of the Upside Down doesn't?"
The puzzle pieces fall to the ground with soft clatters, her head cocking to the side, "What?"
"Well, it's just… when we were in the Upside Down there weren't any lights," Eddie starts, making his way toward her. The cane clicks along with his steps, holding him upright. "They only lit up if someone was in the same spot in the real world. Does someone live here in the real world?"
Zero frowns like he's an idiot, "No. If they lit up when someone was there, the whole town would light up all the time. It only works if someone with powers walks through it."
"So somebody powerful lives here in the real world?"
"No," she says, growing irritated. "It’s abandoned. We’re in the middle of nowhere, Eddie.”
Zero gets up from her spot and bypasses him to go to the kitchen. She’s careful to sidestep around his cane, snatching a pot out of the air as it pulls from a cabinet. Two coffee cups escape before the door shuts, flying their way to the coffee pot. The carafe lifts and pours into them, and one is brought to Eddie without Zero even looking his way.
“So, how does it work, then?” he asks, taking the cup from midair, feeling oddly like he should thank it like thanking a helpful ghost. 
“I just… think it and it happens.” Zero finishes cooking and plates the food, not caring to look his way. Eddie sees the tension in her shoulders, but he needs answers. He needs to understand. Plus, he’s just plain curious.
“So, you’re always thinking about the electricity?” he asks, shocked. “Isn’t that distracting?”
The lights flash brightly as her jaw tightens. Zero takes a deep breath and they fade to normal. “I used to think about it a lot, but now it just kinda happens.”
“What about the light around the Haven? Do you do that, too?”
"Why are you asking me this?" Zero snaps, dropping the plates on the counter. She turns to face him, her eyes alight with frustration. 
Eddie leans on his good hip and flaps his arms in exasperation. "The more I learn about this place… I don't know, we could close the gates forever. Maybe we could destroy it for good."
Her face falls, "Des…destroy it?"
"With your help, we could destroy the whole fucking place, Zero," Eddie whispers excitedly. He takes a few steps toward her, giving her his most reassuring smile. "With you and Eleven, this hellscape can be gone forever. It couldn't hurt anyone ever again."
Her chest heaves as she stares wild-eyed up at him. Eddie only tangentially notices the way the whole place shakes along with her. He's too focused on the plan forming in his mind. 
"This is my home," she whispers. Her voice trembles, small and afraid. Eddie takes a chance and places his hands on her shoulders. 
"You can have a better one. You could…come back with me, make a home in Hawkins or somewhere else since I’m a fugitive."
She shakes her head adamantly, "I'm not going back to that place, Eddie."
"You wouldn't have to think about electricity, or making the music play non stop. There's people who could care about you," he says solemnly. He doesn't want this girl who saved him to be alone forever, and the thought of never seeing her again leaves a sour taste in his mouth. "We could figure it out together. You can see Eleven again."
"You have no idea what you're talking about!" Zero snarls suddenly, shoving him away from her. 
Eddie stumbles back, barely catching himself on the doorframe. The coffee crashes to the floor, ceramic pieces shattering across the wood. They fly up in the same instant, piecing themselves back together and landing on the counter. The walls shake, the plates and utensils drying by the sink clatter in time. The lights flicker and the wind picks up. 
And for the first time, Eddie's afraid of the woman before him. 
"You shouldn't be here," she growls lowly. "You have no idea what you're dealing with."
"Dammit, Zero!" Eddie snaps back, his brows furrowing. "I want to see my uncle, my friends. I'm scared, and in pain, and I want to go home."
The shaking stops just as suddenly as he noticed it, the entire cabin blanketing in darkness and silence. Everything goes still, and after taking a deep breath, Zero turns on her heel and walks out of the cabin. The door slams shut behind her, but Eddie doesn't plan on letting her get off that easy. Hobbling after her, he flings it back open and stomps onto the porch. 
She's just at the tree line, stomping barefoot into the forest. The Upside Down rages outside the Haven, all purples and reds of doom and gloom. If he knew better he'd say the dome around him seemed smaller. But Eddie didn't know. 
"Zero!" he calls, but she just flips him off over her shoulder before disappearing into the foliage. "Zero, come o-!"
A harsh flapping howls around him in a flash, a giant shadow casting everything in darkness. Eddie yelps in a panic as the gigantic bird creature lands in front of him. The ground shakes as its wings stretch out to stop him, and Eddie falls harshly on his ass.
He finds himself staring up at the terrifying monster that looms above. Thin skin stretches across spindly bone, red and raw underneath the Haven sunlight. The demadog pops out from behind it and wags its tail at him, and it's all Eddie can do not to piss his pants. 
Leave her be, a booming voice echoes through his mind. 
Lying helpless on the ground, Eddie pants as his brain struggles to process. "W-what?"
The eyeless head cocks to one side, Leave her be, boy. 
Eddie gulps. He stares. The creature takes a step toward him. Eddie scrambles back, desperate to get away. His back hits the bottom stair of the cabin porch, and he’s trapped. 
"Did this fucking bird just talk to me?" he whispers incredulously. He must be going crazy. 
This bird can do more than talk, it comes again, making Eddie whimper like a child. It leans down until its beak is mere inches from his face. He can smell its hot breath as it fans across his chin. 
She protects us. We protect her. 
"I-I don't wanna hurt her," Eddie mutters, hating the way his voice shakes. "I want to stop people from getting hurt again like I did."
She's done enough. The voice is firm, unyielding in his mind… and somehow British. 
"But…we can stop Henry-."
You threaten her safety, it snarls, echoing through his brain like a bullet. You're the only danger I see. It would be best to kill you.
"Then why don't you?" Eddie asks defensively. He gets to his feet, clinging to the cane for support. "Actually, why don't you get her the hell out of here? If you're her protector, then you know what's waiting out there!"
I do as she tells me, it snaps, clicking its large beak. Its wings flutter in its irritation, waving a gust of wind over Eddie. She wants you alive. 
It turns to look where Zero disappeared into the trees, barefoot and with no protection but her powers. The voice is sad as it whispers somewhere deep inside him. 
You don't understand. You couldn't. 
"Then help me understand."
The large head swivels back to look at him, somehow seeming surprised even with no face. Eddie takes a deep breath, licks his lips as he tries to make his case to a monster of nightmares. "She can't have a life here, and the real world needs her help. Eleven needs her help."
The bird nods once, Eleven. She grieves the lost children. 
"She still has Eleven. I don't think we can win without her."
The sigh that emanates from the creature bounces inside of Eddie, long and wistful. You must promise that if given the chance, you'll free her from this place. 
"I promise," he says. Eddie means it with everything he has, and the love for Zero is clear from this thing. Eddie wrinkles a brow, "What's your name again?"
Screech. This is Clem, it booms, waving at the demadog. Clem wiggles her tail but keeps a distance from Eddie, like a dog who obviously wants to jump but doesn't have permission. 
"I'm Eddie," he says, sticking out his hand, then thinking better of it. "It's…nice to meet you."
That is yet to be seen.
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Angry tears stream down my face as I glare out at the Darkness. After stomping off into the woods, I found a tree and climbed it, desperate to get away from Eddie and his nagging. The sun streams through the trunks and branches, the wind whistles through and around me. The warmth from the sun steams into my skin, and everything is natural. The way it's supposed to be. 
They want to destroy my home. They want to take it all away from me… I can't survive outside of this place, not any longer than I can when I go into town. The people, the sounds, they're all too much. Screech and Clem… they can't survive here without me. The only way the three of us will make it out alive is if I give Eddie to Henry sooner than later.
I want to see my uncle, my friends. I'm scared, and in pain, and I want to go home.
He's just a kid.What the hell am I gonna do? How can I give him to Henry knowing he'll only be more scared, in so much more pain, and further away from home? 
Eddie doesn't know, and how could he? Killing this place would kill me. Maybe I should help them. I could finally sleep. Maybe… maybe I'd even be at peace. 
You can see Eleven again.
I'd all but pushed Eleven out of my mind before Eddie brought her up the other day. I'd forced myself to forget about the lab, Papa, to at least not think about them every second of the day. I stopped thinking about the kids Henry killed, all my other siblings besides Eight. On a good day, I forgot about Henry too. 
When that happens, it's my world again. My safe place. The Darkness doesn't exist and neither does my past. I don't even have a future on those days, I just exist. It's perfect. 
I have a feeling that will never happen again. 
Before I can really think about it, my eyes flutter shut. My mind focuses on the natural hum of the Haven. It's instinct, it's painful. It's what Papa taught me, to be connected to the world. 
To my siblings. 
Darkness envelops me, and I'm not in the tree anymore. I'm in a hospital room. 
A girl with bright red hair lays in the bed, tubes tangling their way around her small body. Casts bind her arms and legs. She's frail, and I know there's not much of her left in there. I don't know her, but I know the girl at her bedside. 
She's so much older now, almost a woman. She has curly hair like me and olive skin, full lips and cheeks that turn red when she cries. She has a laugh that jars you, but a shyness that betrays the want for laughter. 
My sister. Eleven. 
"Please, Max," she murmurs, so full of pleading and pain my heart twists in my chest. "Please wake up. I need you."
She has to be my height now, if not taller. The last I saw her, she would cling to my hospital gown and gaze up at me with those big brown eyes. She needed me and I abandoned her. 
"I brought Wonder Woman," Eleven says tearfully. "This time, she's fighting Cheetah…"
I watch from this agonizing distance as she reaches a shaky hand into her bag and pulls out a comic book. Wonder Woman stands tall and proud on the cover, ice blue eyes somehow full of a warmth Henry never could muster. 
The girl in the bed- Max -doesn't stir. She's nearly braindead. She hears Eleven, that much I can tell. I can feel it. Why can’t Eleven hear her?
"I just want to talk to you again," Eleven whispers. "I should have stopped Henry. I’m so sorry."
She's fading. It's now or never. 
"Why aren't you helping her?" The words tumble out before I can think to stop them, but Eleven doesn’t notice me. 
"Eleven," I say sternly, but she's too wrapped up in her grief to feel anything but. She's not focused. It's going to get her killed. 
Making my way around the bed, I look down on Max. She's young like my sister is, no more than fifteen, and much too young to die. I glance up at Eleven, but she's reading aloud from the comic book. Will she notice me at all? Maybe I can help this girl and it will at least make her stop crying. Maybe it will kick her ass into gear. 
I shouldn’t be doing this. I shouldn’t be here.
With a shaking hand, I place my palm on Max's forehead. Immediately I'm pulled into her mind. There's little left to fight my intrusion, and suddenly I'm in a small bedroom. 
Awash with light, two girls sit giggling on a rainbow bedspread, noses angled into a comic. They sit hip to hip, playfully pointing at the artwork and cheering on Diana Prince as she fights Cheetah. Dressed in the bright colors and patterns of younger kids today, they’re having the time of their lives in this little moment. It’s a sweet memory, but Max can’t live here forever.
"Max," I say, but she doesn't look up. Her head cocks to the side, but her focus stays on Eleven and the book. “Max, you need to wake up.”
The sun brightens from the window. I go over to it, but it’s too bright to see out, so I open the latch and pull it up. Music emanates from the light, something I recognize from one of the tapes Alecia Hightower gave me. 
And if I only could make a deal with God and get him to swap our places.
“You can’t go out there,” a voice comes from behind me. I turn to see Max watching me with fearful eyes. Eleven lives in the memory, talking as though Max is speaking with her still. 
“Why not?” I ask quietly. 
“He’s out there,” she whispers, full of terror and pain. “They both are.”
The memory swirls into change, pulling me deeper into Max’s subconscious. The music swells with the distant thunder so familiar to me. Red clouds filter around my ankles, bright lightning nearly blinding me as I struggle to focus. 
A man stands in the center of the clouded wasteland, and it hits me that we’re in the Darkness. It’s not just any part of the Darkness, it’s the place that’s almost as hidden as the Haven. We’re on the Creel property.
Max is suddenly at my side, pointing a trembling finger at the man before us. A curly mullet lands on his shoulders, tickling his bare skin in the wind. He’s not much, standing there in a wife-beater and jeans, a cigarette dangling from one hand, but his energy is imposing. It makes my chest tighten as Max’s fear encompasses her mind.
There's so much hate for the ones we love. Tell me, we both matter, don't we?
“Max,” he says, but it’s distorted. I recognize the underlying voice. It’s Mara, the first creature of the Darkness, from when it was all a Haven. Before Henry came and corrupted her. She was the mother of all the others, a distant grandmother of Screech and Clem. She controls the rest of them for Henry since she betrayed me.
“Billy,” she whimpers, and tears burst from this child. It fills me with rage, her fear and love for this man. It’s the same as what I have for Henry. Her protector and her abuser all wrapped into one person.
“Come with me,” he tells her softly, holding out his free hand for her. “I miss you.”
Max steps forward, and my hand shoots out instinctually to block her. She looks to me for guidance, but my eyes are focused on Billy and the hidden violence behind his eyes. 
I put my hands on her shoulders and turn her away from him. "You have to wake up! Do you understand? You need to wake up!"
I shake her, and behind her a hole opens in the red haze. It's a trailer park, the same one I found Eddie in, but in the real world. 
"Don't leave me, Max!" Billy's wrong voice snarls, but before she can look back I take her by the hand and pull her through to the other side. “Please, Max!”
The light is blinding as we pass to the next memory. It takes a moment to blink away, and Max is no longer by my side. She’s huddled with a group of kids behind a trailer, peeking around to the other side. I find myself smiling as I spot Eddie and his unruly hair in the middle, his clothes undamaged and his skin untorn.
He looks good like that. 
Eddie pulls a white mask with spiky hair over his head before leading them through the park. I run to keep up, and as they end up behind an RV I watch with amusement as Eddie climbs inside through a window. The kids follow and I grumble to myself as I climb in after them.
There’s one Eddie’s age who follows him up to the driver’s seat, wearing a… vest with no shirt underneath. He squints as Eddie starts cutting wires beneath the steering column. “Where’d you learn how to do this?” 
“Well, when the other dads were teaching their kids how to fish or play ball,” Eddie grumbles, a bit hysterically. He seems to get like that. I’m glad it’s not just toward me. “My old man… was teachin’ me how to hotwire.”
He shakes his head and makes a face, “Now, I swore to myself I wouldn’t wind up like he did, but now… I’m wanted for murder, and soon… grand theft auto. So, I’m really living up to that Munson name.”
I smirk as I watch him swap seats with the one he calls Harrington, hopping comically into a cushioned seat. The RV ignites, and through some screaming on behalf of the owners, he tears off through the trailer park. I almost forget why I’m there until I see Max smiling wide as they steal someone’s home and car.
She catches my eye, her bright ones angling into a squint. "Who are you?"
I stumble my way back to her as the RV speeds away. It's hard to ignore Eddie and the protective way he makes sure all the kids are sitting down. He's got an aura about him, one that makes them cling to him and the other boy. 
"My name is Zero," I tell her. "You need to wake up. This isn't real."
Max shakes her head, "It has to be."
"Listen to me," I implore, getting to my knees in front of her as the rickety vehicle heads down the road. "Eleven needs you to wake up."
"You know Eleven?" she asks brightly, but then she frowns. "She's in California."
"No, she's sitting right next to you. You're in a hospital in Hawkins, and she's reading you a comic book." Eleven's voice filters through the quickly fading memory. 
"There's all these stupid boys," she says, distant and far away. "I've got Nancy and Robin but…"
Eleven's voice quivers, "I can't talk to them. Nancy's Mike's brother, and I don't think Robin even likes boys. Us girls have to stick together, right?"
I set a cautious hand on her knee, "She needs you. She needs her friends."
"Why are you here instead of her, then?"
The question pulls me up short. I don't have a good answer, because I don't even know why I decided to take this particular adventure. I don't know why I didn't just leave Eddie fucking Munson in the Darkness to die. I could be drinking coffee on my porch right now listening to soft rock and minding my own goddamn business. 
I don't want either of them to die… but I don't want to be a prisoner either. I don't know what to do. 
"She needs help, too. I'm here to help," I lie, but something comes to mind. "I need you to tell her something for me."
The memory is gone before I realize it. The light goes red, violently red. We're standing in the attic of the old Creel house, and Max is once again gone from my side. Horror washes over me as I find myself staring at the back of my nightmare. 
That distorted voice of his, nasty and guttural, sends ice water through my veins. He reaches out to touch Max's face, and my courage and confidence dies in my throat. 
"Stop…" I call shakily, but nobody hears me. 
"Don't be afraid," he growls, and I flash back to that night. He stood over me, and with those talons brushed back my hair and told me the same thing. "Try and stay very still. It will all be over soon."
"Max!" Eleven's voice calls from behind, and I turn to see her trapped just like Max is. She's terrified, and rage blossoms in my chest once more. 
"...you need to fight!" a boy calls, but it's far away, in the real world. The real world of this memory. 
But Max has given up. She's been through too much, her brother's face flashing in her mind. I see it, what Mara turned him into. She took the worst parts of him and used them against him. The boy died trying to save Eleven, to save Max. 
In the end, Billy fought. He fought for his sister. He overcame the evil just to keep her safe, even from himself. 
Tears fill my eyes and grief pours into my heart. Henry never did that for me. 
It's enough to pull me out of my frozen state. My legs move before I can tell them to, my mind reaching out for Max, for Billy and what he did for her when he'd never given up a selfish choice in his life. 
Henry flies back, his body ripped from Max. My own fears surface in this memory that belongs to someone else, and as he stands and Max collapses, his eyes focus on me. 
It takes everything I have to ignore him and run for Max. Skidding to my knees, I grab her face in my hands and pull her close.
"You have to wake up, Max! You have to wake up!" I plead desperately. "He's coming, okay? He's coming and I can't stop him."
Max shakes her head, so I grab her shoulders and shake her harder. "Wake up, dammit! Henry is coming, and he's going to kill all of you!" 
"I'm already dead!" she screams back, tears streaking her small face. "Just let me be dead!"
"No, no," I stammer. Henry’s getting up, his soulless stare aimed straight at me. "You're not dead. You will be if you don't wake up. You'll all be dead if you don't listen to me!"  
I shake her harder, and a portal opens up. It's the hospital room. Max's heart monitor beeps loudly, piercing the veil. 
"Tell Eleven…" I start shakily, gulping like it's my last breath. "Tell Eleven she can beat him. She's stronger than we are."
"How do you know?" Max asks fearfully, but the portal opens wider. 
"She's the strongest of all of us. She always has been. He's scared of her!"
"She's lying, Max," Henry snarls as he gets to his monstrous feet. "You can't trust her."
The wind howls, that damned beeping taking over. I try to block him out, but I can't tell what's real either. If this is really Henry, he's going to take me, and I'll never be free again. It’s not my memory or my life, but my fear is all consuming. It shivers through my veins and into my hands, hot and cold all at the same time.
"The Upside Down isn't real, okay? It's made up! Do you understand me?" I scream over the billowing gusts. They cut through my skin, but the portal opens wider still. "You kill the creator, you kill the Upside Down!"
"Who created it?" Max calls back, but my bravery has wilted in the cold. I shove her toward the opening and thrust Henry back the best I can with my powers. 
"Wake up! Tell her!"
The wind seems to explode, and in the same instant I'm standing in the hospital room again. Max lurches up with a sharp gasp, startling Eleven out of her chair and onto her ass. 
I flee the hospital before I meddle any further, opening my eyes to find myself once more in the tree. The Haven stands intact, the heat lands on my face from the sun. I can’t feel Henry near me or in my mind, and I let out a thankful breath as I realize my visions of him seeing me weren’t real. 
Everything is natural. The way it's supposed to be, but it's not going to last. I stare wide-eyed toward the Darkness outside of my safe place, where my protector and abuser lives. The sound of my heartbeat thumps loudly in my ears.
What the hell did I just do? 
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Smurph's Masterlist | Zero to Hero Masterlist
Notes: Ope... Screech doesn't like Eddie, but he may want his help in the future. Zero woke Max up on a whim... what do you think is going to happen to our two impulsive weirdos? What do you think "Kill the Creator, Kill the UD" means??
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@tlclick73 @theloser007 @sadbitchfangirl @chaoticcancer  @harrys-tittie @assassinsasha23 @spacedoutdaydreamer @legendarytrashcopeclipse @notahappystan @kbakery
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littlest-nightingale · 4 months
I've been sleeping on and off all day so I'm all sortsa wonky rn but lemme talk about 12:
12 regresses, but he is much stricter about it. There is a line between big 12 and little 12 and he very much wants to keep them separated, i.e. having clothes and food set aside in a playroom (originally made by the TARDIS for ten, used by eleven and now twelve, although he changed it significantly)
When regressed, 12 generally doesn't talk much unless he is super excited about something. He regresses anywhere from 2-6, and he generally prefers more quiet activities like puzzles and naps. He's more tolerant of physical affection, such as forehead kisses and occasionally he'll lean on Clara, accept short hugs and hold her hand. His sensory issues get a bit more intense, so he prefers to stay in the TARDIS instead of going outside like his previous regenerations. He's a picky eater because of said sensory issues, and getting him to eat is near impossible.
I'm currently on Clara so I'll talk about her:
Okay so my running headcannon is that 11 was Amy's cg and didn't regress the majority of the time she was his companion, and when Clara came along, she found out about his regression and basically dared him to let her take care of him. This continues with 12, and despite how apprehensive he was about it, it actually didn't take very long for her to get him to regress around her (granted, he was an anxious mess fresh off the back of regeneration, and probably would've taken comfort from a rock if it offered)
While 11 was bouncing off the walls adhd creature, 12 is much calmer and often content to just be in the same room as her. Clara will grade papers and he'll be curled up on a bean bag next to her chair, just chillin with a pacifier and a stim toy, and that's enough for him. She's happy to let him follow her around, which he often does for no reason other than entertainment, and she's always just a tiny bit sillier when he's little in the hopes of making him laugh. Somehow, she managed to get him to make friendship bracelets with her, which she will never understand how she did, and she keeps it in her jewelry box <3
Also, he's generally pretty easy to put to bed, he never puts up a fight about much of anything when he's regressed, so he just kinda accepts that well. Clara said it's bedtime so it's bedtime. Sometimes he ends up staying in her room for the night to have little sleepovers if he's especially stressed or anxious, but most nights she can tuck him in give him a little kiss and put on lullabies (electric guitar covers of lullabies, of course) and he'll be fine until the next morning.
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harlowcomehome · 2 years
I’m not mad, I’m disappointed.
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You and Jack had been planning this trip home for months.
After a year of dating and not seeing your family for a while, you had really thought it was time for Jack to meet them. Jack promised that after this leg of the tour you’d visit your family together, you were so eager that you were literally counting down the days.
There were four more days until tour paused for a week and you were sprawled across the hotel bed looking up flights. Jack came out of the bathroom drying himself off, towel wrapped loosely around his waist as he ran one hand through his hair and shook out his curls. “Baby, what’re you doing?”
“Looking for flights” you grin back at him as your eyes instantly advert directly to the towel loosely wrapped around his hips. He notices and walks over to you standing closer to the edge of the bed eyeing you with a toothy grin. “Mmmm, what for?” He ran his fingers through your hair now. You laughed thinking he was joking but looked up to see the puzzled look on his face telling you otherwise.
“I thought we were going to go visit my family when tour was on break?”
“Right, right” Jack smiled.
You could tell it had slipped his mind completely.
You couldn’t help but be slightly upset that he forgot but you knew he had a lot on his mind almost always.
“That’s okay! I’ll look after the show tonight.” You hopped up from the bed closing the space between you two and giving him a quick kiss before moving around him to walk over to your suitcase.
“I think I need a better good luck kiss” Jack pouted jokingly but shortly looked over at you making a kissy face.
You couldn’t stay mad at him, so you just laughed as you pulled your clothes out from the suitcase. “You sure are needy” you playfully slap his chest before giving him a longer kiss.
You both got dressed and headed to the venue for sound check. The evening went smoothly, Jack always had this energy about him before a show that you just adored. You were always confident he was going to kill it, no doubts.
After the show you heard Neelam discussing tour dates with him and that’s when you overheard her mention a show for the 18th. Your ears perked up instantly. You knew Jack was done with this leg of the tour on the 16th and you planned on flying home on the 17th. You paused before reacting, hoping Jack would correct her but no such luck.
You grabbed your purse and stormed out of the room, you could feel your eyes filling with tears and just wanted to get out of there.
At first nobody noticed, Jack was just getting off stage and everything was hectic. However, Jack felt the shift in the room almost instantly. His eyes always found you in a crowded room, so he knew you weren’t there. “Where did Y/N go?” Jack turned to Urban for answers and Urban just shrugged, he was busy reviewing all the photos he took and didn’t notice that you left.
“Where would she go right now?” Neelam asked Jack worried but also slightly annoyed. Jack was stressed, this wasn’t like you at all.
Jack walked over to the dresser he had his phone sitting on and picked it up instantly to call you. You didn’t answer any of his calls, not even the sixth or seventh one. Jack was becoming frustrated and he was panicking inside.
Truthfully, you needed a minute to yourself to be emotional. It was rare Jack ever did anything to upset you, I mean yeah, he frustrated you sometimes but this one cut deep. You went into a private bathroom the venue had backstage and you sobbed. You hadn’t even noticed that Jack had been calling you, you were too upset to even take your phone out while you were looking for a private place to cry. When you finally took a moment to breathe you realized you had several missed calls and voice memo messages from Jack where he was clearly stressing.
You text him a quick “I’ll meet you at the van” and wiped your mascara from your cheeks before heading outside.
When you go outside all the equipment and the rest of the team was ready to go but Jack was waiting for you outside of the van. He walked over to you and grabbed your arm gently to guide you away from the van and everyone else’s listening ears “where did you go Y/N?” (He only used your real name and not a pet name to you when he was being serious.) “I just needed a minute” you mumbled avoiding eye contact. He looked down at you and he could tell you had been crying “wait…what’s wrong?”
“Can we just go to the hotel Jackman? Everyone is waiting.”
“Ummm….” He looks around “who in the hell is Jackman?” He raised an eyebrow at you knowing damn well you only used his real name when you were upset or annoyed.
You shivered “it’s cold, can we please just do this at the hotel?“
Jack sighed and reached out for your hand, he usually helped you into the van but you just shook your head and hopped into the van by yourself.
When you got into the hotel room he instantly pushed and pushed for you to talk to him. He knew that when you’re upset you just shut down and he hated that. “Please just communicate with me” he sighed, running his hands through his curls. You were already trying not to cry again as you plopped down on the bed, the same place you spoke about visiting your family just hours before. “Why… why didn’t you tell Neelam no?” You barely choked out the words as you swallowed the lump in your throat. “No to what?” He was confused. “Oh my gooooooood” you groaned “the show on the 18th ” you grew louder as you were more annoyed. “You can’t tell me you already forgot” you eyes were filled with tears now.
Jacks face dropped immediately and he knew he fucked up. “It hasn’t been announced yet, I can pull it” he breathlessly panicked, he had never seen you this upset. “But if it had been announced you wouldn’t, would you?” He seemed taken aback by that, “what, what do you mean?” You scoffed through salty tears “if the promotional shit would’ve already went up and out you wouldn’t cancel it would you?” He knew you were right and he wouldn’t, he couldn’t disappoint fans like that. “That’s not fair and you know that” his voice was raised not quite yelling but not a whisper. You shook your head at him “it’s not fair to me either. I shouldn’t have to remind you to give a shit about me.”
He felt guilty, a heavy cloud surrounded him.
“I do care about you, how could you say that?” He blinked away a tear “ I’m just distracted baby” his voice was shaky and broken up. “I’ll call Neelam right now, I just don’t want you to be mad at me” he sniffed trying to control himself from starting to cry.
“Jackman, I’m not even mad at you, I’m just disappointed” you got up pushing past him as he dialed Neelams number.
You could hear him arguing with her over the phone as you started your shower, part of you felt guilty but you smirked knowing damn well he was meeting your family soon.
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
How about a Loki x reader.. Tony moves his baby sister into the compound after something happens to her but he won’t tell anyone what. She refuses to leave her room until everyone is in bed. She comes out one night and is caught by Loki. She immediately apologizes and becomes so shaken up that she drops her things and breaks a glass. Then it hits him why she was secretly moved in. Tony had discovered his little sister living in a bad situation with her now ex and suffered years of abuse. Loki decides then to take his time to make her feel safe again and they eventually fall for each other.
A/N: I hope this works! I got really sappy at the end, but I also don’t know how to end these one shots. This is a bit of a lengthy one, so bear with me.
He’s Not Him
Summary: Tony Stark has enough of his sister’s ex and moves her into the Avengers Tower. After taking notice of her shy and timid behavior, Loki digs deep at her past, making him want to make her feel safe.
Pairing: Loki x Stark!reader, Tony Stark x Sister!Reader
Word Count: 2993
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of domestic abuse, language
Forever Tags: @mm2305
Y/E/N - your ex’s name
*If you or someone you know is being domestically abused, please reach out to 911 or call 800.799.SAFE (7233) for help. Love you all*
Tony storms into his sister's apartment. After standing outside of her door for a half hour, he bashed in the door at the the sound of a scream from inside. Frantically, he pushes his way around the furniture and bursts into your bedroom. His eyes go wide at the sight of you on the floor in a ball and your ex boyfriend above you with a fist out. Stark grabs your ex’s fist and rips him away from you, pushing him into your dresser.
“Get the fuck out!” Tony screams.
“Oh, the great Tony Stark is here. What are you going to do? Drop a bomb on me?”
You’ve never seen Tony’s skin turn so red. He storms forward and punches your ex square in the nose, sending him down on the ground. Tony unleashes all his energy until the man is left with a broken nose and multiple bruises.
“Get. Out.”
Your ex runs out of your room, without missing the chance to break a few things, and out of your apartment. You look up out of your ball to see Tony rushing to your side with panic in his eyes. He lifts up your head as you climb into his lap.
“Come here, darling. You’re okay. You’re safe now.” He coos.
You cry into the crook of his shoulder as he rocks you back and forth, his hand on your back.
“I’m getting you out of here,” He says, placing you on your bed, “I’m taking you to the tower with us.”
Tony leaves you on your bed as he gets a suitcase and packs your things. He gathers all of your clothes and some of your possessions like books, drawings, and others. You can feel the tears starting to dry on your skin as you stop crying. Tony doesn’t miss the way you start to uncurl and the bruises on your neck show up. His face drops to see the choking marks on your neck.
“I’m… so sorry, Y/N. I should have been here to protect you.”
You shake your head at him as he joins you on the bed. Tony reaches around your head to undo your ponytail and cover the bruises.
“There, now no one will ask you about them.”
You give him a gentle smile which eases him a little. He leans forward and kisses your forehead before taking your hand and helping you up. Tony and you walk out of your building and into the garage where Happy is in the car. He drops you off for five minutes to go talk to your landlord about you leaving.
“You’re going to be okay,” Happy reassures you.
“Thanks,” you manage to get out.
He gives you a warm smile. He has always made you smile throughout the years. Tony comes back, joins you in the car, and takes off to the tower.
Upon arrival, you look up at the large tower in awe. You’ve visited a couple of times, but that was a year ago since your ex didn’t allow you to see Tony much. It’s always been impressive. You were thankful for Tony letting you live on your own and make something of your own life instead of letting you mooch off of his fortune, but you do regret sometimes not letting him support you more. You were always so proud of him.
Tony carries your luggage as he leads you to the elevators. He looks down at you every so often, noticing the anxious way you bite your nails.
“You’re safe here. We have the best security and you’ll be surrounded by trained assassins and heroes. They’ll protect you, I promise.”
You nod your head at Tony’s words. As much as they help you, you don’t really want to see or talk to anyone. After having your ex break into your house every day for two weeks, you want to be alone except for the occasional visit from Tony.
The elevator doors open and reveal you and your brother to the Avengers who are all lounging in the living area. They turn to look at you with puzzled faces, making you nervous and hide behind Tony’s arm. He lets you stay behind him instead of forcing you to say hi as you exit the elevator.
“Everyone, this is my sister, Y/N. She’s going to stay here from now on so be nice to her,” Tony announces.
Everyone says hi to you but you stay silent behind Tony. He doesn’t question it even though the others look at one another in concern. Steve thinks to himself that you can’t be that rude, but given the way you look, everything must be very different to you from the rest of your life. You look shocked and scared.
Looking at the Avengers, you take in each and everyone’s appearance. Bucky and Nat look the scariest in your opinion and you make a mental note to stay away from them. Sam, Steve, and Clint look nice, but Wanda looks like the sweetest lady in the universe. She has a smile that warms your heart. Turning to your right, you see two very tall men standing and staring at you.
The taller one has blonde hair and a big grin on his face. He has a large stature, but he does not look intimidating. He has a golden retriever energy to him, but the man next to him is a different story. With his pitch black hair and powerful stand, the other man stares at you with daggers in his eyes. He sends shivers down your spine without saying anything.
You drag your eyes away from the intimidating man and follow Tony down the hallway. He leads you to your room where you get settled in, unpacking your clothes and putting away your things. Laying in the bed, you take a big nap which is needed. You feel as if you let out a breath you’ve been holding for days. The idea of being away from your ex finally settles in and you feel the wave of relief wash over your body, letting you drift away into sleep.
You’re woken up by Tony letting you know dinner is being served. He lets you know that you’re not being expected to come out and eat with everyone, which you appreciate. Ten minutes later, he comes by your room and slips a plate of food in your room as he opens the door, letting you eat alone.
Tony returns to the living room by the other Avengers eating and gathered around the couch. He takes his plate and sits next to Pepper who has her own food, smiling at him as he joins.
“So, your sister?” Sam asks.
“Don’t even think about it. She is not to date any of you.”
“Woah, I didn’t say that,” Sam laughs.
“But we know what you meant,” Steve chuckles, rolling his eyes, “She seems shy.”
“She is. You probably won’t get a lot out of her.”
“Can I ask why she’s staying her?”
Steve shares a look with Bucky. The elevator door opens and Peter walks into the living room.
“You guys started dinner without me?” He asks, jokingly.
“Early birds get the worm,” Steve laughs.
The group chuckles and keeps eating their food.
“Is Y/N a new Avenger?” Steve asks.
Tony sighs and rolls his eyes at the question. Everyone notices the annoyance in Tony with talking about you and collectively decide to stop asking questions. It’s clear he doesn’t want to talk about you much.
“No, she’s not.”
“Who’s Y/N?” Peter asks.
“I’ll fill you in later,” Nat replies.
The day goes by fast and you find yourself staring out at New York in the moonlight. You have always enjoyed the night time. They say New York is the city that never sleeps, but you’ve always found peace and warmth in the New York night. Everyone goes out to party or to bed. It’s a time of joy and relaxment.
You hear the last door shut for the night, signally everyone going to bed. Looking outside of your door, you don’t spot anyone so you sprint outside to the kitchen with your empty dinner plate. Upon entering it, you search the walls for the light switch for about five minutes. There’s no other light than that except for the over. You finally find it and switch it on. As you turn around, you’re startled by the frightening black haired man standing there.
Scared, you drop your plate, shattering it on the tile floor. Your eyes go wide as you start to back up against the wall. Without saying anything, the man takes a step forward, scaring you half to death. Your mind plays tricks on you and all you can think about is your ex breaking into your home. You start to have a panic attack, sliding down against the wall, and curling up into a ball.
You miss the way Loki’s eyes go wide. He watches you descend into an anxiety attack and doesn’t know what to do, knowing he’s who caused it. Quickly, he rushes down the hallways and bangs on Tony’s doors.
“What do you want, Reindeer Games?” He groans.
“Your sister…”
Tony doesn’t wait for another word for following Loki down the corridor. He spots you panicking in the corner of the kitchen and grabs you, lifting you into his lap. You grab onto his neck and pull him close, crying into him. He lifts you up and carries you off to your room without saying a word to Loki, leaving him standing in the kitchen agape.
Not knowing what to do and unable to relax, Loki makes his way to his room and opens up an old laptop Thor had gotten him. After spending thirty minutes just to figure out how to work it, he starts googling things about you. He starts with your name and finds multiple articles on you and Tony, the Stark Industry Golden Children. You left when you were eighteen, wanting to make your own life and not follow in the family’s footsteps. He gives you credit for being yourself, something he had struggled with. He knows the feeling, not wanting to be your family.
Then a certain website catches his eye, Facebook. He finds a profile of you filled with photos and text. There are some of you with friends in the town, a couple of old coworkers wishing you a happy birthday, then there’s a photo of you with a man. There are no other photos of you with him other than this one a couple months ago. He keeps scrolling to find more photos of you with him, but they all stop after that first one. Clicking on something tagged in the caption, another profile pops up.
Y/E/N’s profile. Filled with photos of drunk nights at the club, shirtless gym time, and quotes from misogynistic authors, Loki finds himself despising this man he does not know. He scrolls through finding very little of you in his account, as if you don’t matter as much to him as he does to you. Closing his computer, Loki decided to go check on you. He’s frustrated by whoever this man is, not knowing whether he’s important or not.
Loki peeks into your room to see Tony laying next to you, brushing through your hair with his fingers. Tony looks up and meets him in the eyes. There’s slight anger, but Loki doesn’t feel pushed away. He takes a step in before Tony leans into your ear and whispers. You look up and over to Loki, but you don’t ask him to leave. Loki continues to walk into your bedroom quietly, but with a small gentle smile on his face.
“I’m sorry for scaring you earlier,” he says, “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know. Thanks,” you mutter.
Your voice is small and timid like a mouse. He can hear the hesitation in your voice, not knowing whether he should talk to you or not.
“Are… you okay?”
Another awkward pregnant pause erupts between the two of you. Loki looks around your room as Tony continues to hold you. He whispers into your ear again before leaving.
“I’m going to go back to my room,” he says, “call me if you need me okay?”
“Thanks, Tony.”
“Of course, anything for my little sister.”
He kisses your forehead and heads out of your room, leaving you and Loki alone. You don’t mind his presence anymore. After Tony tells you that Loki isn’t your ex and you’re okay, you’ve accepted him.
“I have to ask… who is that man on Facebook?”
Loki gives you a quizzical look. You think for a moment about how Loki got on Facebook and what guy he’s talking about.
“His name is Y/E/N.”
Your body clenches at the sound of his name and Loki takes a step back, looking at you. He’s never seen anyone physically close up just from a name. It may be some Midgardians thing he doesn’t understand, but the way that you are shaking, he thinks otherwise. He sits down next to you and wraps his arms around your shoulders. You lean into his touch as you attempt to calm down.
He’s not here. I’m safe. He’s not here. I’m safe.
You keep repeating that in your head, reminding yourself that you’re safe in the tower like Tony said. Looking up at Loki, you see his concerned face. He cares. This man you barely know cares about you.
He’s not him. He’s not him. He’s not him.
“I don’t think I properly introduced myself. I’m being quite an ass asking you these questions without manners. I’m Loki.”
Loki, not Y/E/N. He’s not him. He’s not him.
“Well, L-Loki,” you say with a stutter, “He’s uh… my ex. Ex boyfriend.”
He nods as he takes in the information at hand. Your ex, who makes you quiver in fear even over people who have done nothing to her, has no photos of you. He shares his lavish lifestyle that most would presume belongs to a single man. Loki looks back at your depressed ridden face. The color in your skin has drained from you and you’re staring blank cold at the wooden floors under your bed. Loki places a hand on your neck to move your hair and give you a light massage, but you flinch away from him before he is able.
Loki’s never seen so much fear and worry in someone’s eyes before. You jerk away from him muttering yourself, as if it were taking everything in you to not scream. He looks over you to see bruises along your neck where your hair had moved from when you moved. A wave of anger runs through his body, infuriating him. He did that to you. That’s why you’re so afraid of him.
“Did he-”
Loki rises from your bed and clenches his fists. You see the anger pouring from him and rush to his side before he can storm off. You grab his arms and force him to look at you.
“Please, don’t… don’t do anything.”
“Why shouldn’t I? No man should ever do that to a woman, especially you.”
“Just let it be.”
He releases his fist but the fury in his eyes doesn't. You pull him towards you to make him sit again. Moving in closer, you lean into him. Loki wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his lap. The two of you lay down in your bed, you curled up on him as he held you, running his fingers in your hair.
For some reason, Loki feels as if he has to protect you. The way you ball up gives him this sense of innocence about you. You haven’t done anything to deserve those injuries, just live your life and try to find love. Loki always knew there was a good reason to hate Midgardians, not just for their stupidity and now he’s found it.
The two of you fall asleep without realizing it. The light from the sun peaking in the windows wakes you. Stirring in bed, you look up to see Loki under you, his arms holding you against him by your waist. You're cradled into his chest as his chin barely rests on the top of your head. Loki’s eyes flutter open at the feeling of you moving on top of him. He looks down at you and smiles.
The way the light shines on your face makes you look angelic. Your smile warms his heart and the warmth of your body against him makes his heart jump. You turn over to face him, leaning up on your shoulders over his head.
“Hello, darling.”
“You slept here.”
“Both of us did, actually,” he laughs.
You drop your head laughing. Loki’s sweet laugh fills the room and blesses your ears. He’s not too bad to be around. He’s quite kind and sweet.
“Thank you for last night.”
“For what? If I remember correctly, I gave you a panic attack.”
“I mean the way you calmed me down and held me. It was needed.”
“Well, I’m glad I could do that for you.”
Loki means it when he says it. Looking at you now, there’s not much he wouldn’t do for you. You don’t deserve what the world gives you, especially that asshole Y/E/N. He would hold you for the rest of time if that meant keeping you safe.
You won’t lie either when you tell Loki he makes you feel safe. Every day before he sneaks off to his room so the others don’t know he spends the night with you, you tell him that he makes you safe. He never believes you. He’s shocked that anyone could feel safe with a monster like him, but after all to you, Loki is not him.
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4dtk · 3 years
he's gone soft!
hi can u tell i love cats? and i also love hesitant cat owners who eventually warm up to their cats <3 got inspired by grumpy dads who eventually starts cuddling and cooing at the cats they adopted lol. also, adopt don't shop!
"you... you want what?" megumi asks, putting on his uniform as you scrolled aimlessly on your phone.
you were sure he heard you since he was just a metre away from you, but even you knew that the boy had hearing problems sometimes. you could listen to the pleads of his divine dogs at the mention of another pet, curling up to you as a way to win back your heart.
"can we get a cat?" you ask again hopefully, scratching at the white dog's ears as a way to calm their whining while he buttons his top. you're prepared for his reply, anyway, having asked him about this for the longest time.
he sighs, too used to the black and white fur decorating his already messy bed. plus, he wouldn't want to add another animal to the mix, knowing how much he adored his dogs.
with megumi's sigh and delayed answer that never came, you shook your head to your question, putting on a smile so you could head out to a mission without facing your feelings.
"it's okay, babe, i was just trying my luck," you kissed his cheek as you walk past, holding out a hand for him to take. megumi lets out another sigh before deactivating his divine dogs, taking your hand hesitantly as you met up with gojo-sensei just outside the campus.
the exorcising was an easy job since it involved several grade three curses and a terrified child. still, it was nothing uncommon to see in a place where kids willingly skip into abandoned scary buildings on a dare.
"come. let's go somewhere," megumi says out of the blue, dragging you by the hand once you bid goodbye to the kids. you had no idea where the destination lay, only getting grunts and hums from the boy whenever you questioned him of the sudden detour.
the meows coming from inside the building shocks you, instantly bringing a smile to your face as you peeked over the display shelves and products on sale. without much thought, you entered as quietly as you could, greeted by the friendly receptionist with a grin on her face.
"hi! how can we help?" you were so immersed in the cats playing around, as well as the several others in their cages, that you don't hear your boyfriend entering and muttering something that makes you drop your jaw even more.
"we'd like to adopt a cat, please," megumi nods, taking your hand once again as you do a speechless double-take to your boyfriend and back to the receptionist. your puzzled face was apparent, but you lose it all once you see the cats running around in the shelter while she finishes up a document on the computer. soon, she stands, guiding the two of you around the place as she points out some of the dashing felines they had rescued.
"hi! hello! what a handsome boy!" you switched to a baby voice as a cat came up to your hand at the entrance of the cage, rubbing against it affectionately.
megumi watched as you greeted the many different cats, giving them nicknames of your own while cooing or making faces at them. he could only smile gently, letting you pull him every time you saw another quote-unquote 'handsome lad'.
you sigh dreamily, staring at the many cats with love in your eyes, scanning over those you interacted with over the last half 'n hour. as megumi reaches forward to point at one, the receptionist interrupts as if she's just recalled something.
"crap, i forgot to show you our older cats. they're lovely, although they might be less active and would rather chill in the sun," she explains as she walks.
"we don't have many elderly cats here, but they deserve a life with loving owners such as yourself as much as the youngins in here," she smiles, scratching one behind the ear.
you smile in reply, reaching over to pet them carefully. so fragile and wise, but they still looked charming, save for the energetic bursts that the younger cats had.
one cat caught had your eye, despite its shyness and apprehensive nature. she warmed up to you in a heartbeat, claiming your hand as a safe space after a good sniff. she purrs in an instant, headbutting your hand repeatedly as a gesture of affection.
"oreo doesn't interact with our visitors much," she says, "is she the one?"
"oreo... because she's black and white?" megumi asks, not exactly impressed with the name.
"you got it."
"yes, her," you say, cooing yet again with a voice ten times higher than the one you use with his shikigami.
the boy doesn't comment, tugging on you before you could lose yourself in the cat's eyes any longer. with a last flying kiss, you depart from oreo with a grin on your face.
"now, have you taken care of cats before? i'm sure your boyfriend here has more experience with dogs than he does with cats," you look at her in surprise, giggling at the assumption she made.
"how'd you know that?"
"just a hunch." megumi grunts again at the observation, not denying it as you answer her question.
"i have- had a cat back home. i couldn't fathom death again, so i never adopted another one," you frown, signing the papers with ease as you multi-tasked, "but i mean, this man is pretty fetching and a keeper, so it'll be nice to care for a cat together."
the two of you joke like old friends as the raven-haired boy blushes at the compliment, squeezing your hand in response.
within a few minutes, oreo was under your care, completing the process with a few toys, a scratching post as well as some food for the black and white cat.
you spent the whole evening with the new family member in your and megumi's shared room, getting oreo warmed up to the new environment and getting her to do a few tricks. she tired out quickly, but you don't mind as you lay on the floor with her, completing homework like it was nothing.
you had to retire, sometime and somehow as megumi urged you to shower, assuring that oreo wouldn't go anywhere.
you kept the shower short, regardless, dressing back up in record speed before coming face to face with megumi stroking oreo's fur as she curls up on his lap. he mumbles to her, bouncing his legs lightly as the cat rests her head on his calves.
"i just wanted to see (y/n)'s smile, but i guess you're pretty cute too," the corners of megumi's lips turn up at the soft meow from oreo, bending down to kiss her on the head.
"careful, hotshot, i might get jealous," you say, startling the poor boy. oreo doesn't give a shit, snuggling further into the warmth of his legs as he's stuck in the position on the floor.
"are cats always this clingy?"
"oreo might've had a rough time at her previous home, so she's glad to have someone to curl up against. they usually take longer to warm up to new owners but... she's a wise soul!" you laugh, squatting down to peck megumi on the lips.
"thank you."
"for what?" megumi's hand naturally rests on your thigh as you sit down beside him, while your head find its spot on his shoulder.
"for adopting a cat. for giving oreo a home, even if you like dogs a bit more."
he hums, "i like all animals, but dogs on the scale are a little bit higher than everything else."
he turns to you, causing you to lift your head off of your resting place.
"but i think if my love likes cats then, i'm willing to bump it up the scale to match it with my love for dogs."
you shove him lightly, laughing softly at his attempts at flirting.
"did gojo-sensei ask you to say that?"
the answer is clear when he rolls his eyes with a blush on his pale cheeks, but engages you in a deep kiss either way, smiling and speaking through it.
"he did but, i think it's pretty true when it comes to you."
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silverynight · 3 years
Hi! Could you make a oneshot where everyone is terrified of the hashiras except the kamaboko squad + Genya and Kanao? Basically a series of situations where a demon slayer sees one hashira being soft and kind around Tanjirou, and at the end the Hashiras are in a organization wide meeting, talking about important information about the uppermoons. Several kakushi suddenly rush to the butterfly estate, one of the kasugai crows inform the hashiras that Tanjirou was severely injured from a mission and has escaped the butterfly estate? He didn’t want to get healed because he wanted to greet the hashiras. Then they just all hear a thud at the corner, where Tanjirou passed out. The hashiras all freak out, they call a kakushi to take care of him and all follow him to the butterfly estate?
I love your oneshots btw!
The kakushi girl has learned a lot since that day at the butterfly estate; Tanjirou is special, there's something about him that makes every single hashira melt as soon as they see him.
Every. Single. One.
Even the scariest of them like the wind hashira. She wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes.
They're taking a break; she's in the dining room with a few slayers and a couple of kakushi. The Pillars will be arriving soon so they're eating what they can before leaving the place.
However, one of them takes two ohagi that were left on a plate even though they clearly belonged to someone. She's waiting for the ridiculous fight (sometimes demon slayers argue with each other for nonsense like that).
"That was Shinazugawa-san's" a girl informs the boy, who immediately pales after hearing that.
"Those are his favorites," says another.
"You'll be dead soon."
"Just tell him Tanjirou ate them," a boy with short, yellow hair she doesn't remember the name of says, still enjoying his rice balls.
"What? I thought you were Tanjirou's friend, Zenitsu!" Says the demon slayer girl, almost outraged. "Why do you want Shinazugawa-san to kill him?"
If the kakushi girl hadn't been on the butterfly mansion that day, she would've been glaring at the blond as well.
Zenitsu sighs.
"He won't kill him because it's Tanjirou and the Pillars would never hurt him. Seriously, haven't you noticed? Where have you been?"
No one believes him of course and the boy seriously considers running away but the hashira arrive before he can do anything and Shinazugawa realizes what happened immediately.
A few demon slayers manage to run away, but the boy gets caught by the wind hashira; he grabs him by the uniform to lift him from the ground like nothing.
At least he's not grabbing him by the neck.
"Who ate them? Was it you?" He growls. For a second the kakushi girl thinks the young demon slayer is going to faint out fear.
"It was me, Shinazugawa-san!" Tanjirou arrives just in time. "I'm so sorry! I can make you more if you want!"
The wind hashira releases the demon slayer, who hits the floor immediately and grimaces in pain.
"There's no need," Shinazugawa huffs. "I wasn't hungry anyway."
He walks away, but ruffles Tanjirou's hair when he passes next to him. Everyone, except the other Pillars (who are already trying to get Tanjirou to sit next to them) looks like they're in shock.
She kinda enjoys when someone realizes what's going on; it's fun to see the confusion on someone else's face when they catch a glimpse of Tomioka smiling softly at Tanjirou or Rengoku carrying the boy in his arms every time he sees him.
"Look," Kanao, the insect hashira's tsuguko, mumbles as she sits next to her. A group of demon slayers have been training with Tokito and it's been a nightmare for almost everyone. "This is my favorite part."
The mist hashira starts throwing rocks at the ones he thinks are not moving correctly as they practice with wooden swords.
She can hear the way they hiss in pain whenever a stone hits them.
"Are you sure I'm doing this correctly, Tokito-san?" Tanjirou asks, looking as puzzled as some of his fellows slayers. He's the only one who hasn't been hit by a rock. Not even once.
"Of course, Tanjirou!" The hashira grins at him, taking both his hands almost lovingly. "Your movements are perfect! Actually, you can take a break now."
His voice is soft as he encourages Tanjirou to go eat something, but as soon as he turns around to the others an unimpressed expression appears on his face.
"That's what you call training, you incompetent airheads? We're going to keep this until you can't stand anymore!"
Even though Uzui is constantly flirting with Tanjirou (who seems to be oblivious to everything) he's the one stopping other demon slayers from trying to do the same.
It's understandable confusing for the others to watch as the sound hashira narrows his eyes at them from above (he's ridiculously tall) and then turn at Tanjirou with flirty smile curling his lips up whenever the boy gets close to him.
However, he lets one of the young ones follow Tanjirou (like a lovesick puppy) around everywhere.
"Who's that?" She asks, she's become really good friends with Zenitsu and often looks for him because he's the one that knows the most about that situation. "And why haven't they–"
"He's Genya," Zenitsu frowns. "He's the only one allowed to do that because he's Shinazugawa-san's little brother."
Huh. So that's why he looks terrifying as well. Also, he doesn't look little at all; he's even taller than most of the Pillars. It's weird that he usually looks so grumpy and murderous and yet when Tanjirou turns to talk to him he acts like a twelve-year-old with a crush.
"Tanjirou has no idea, right?" She asks, even though she knows the answer already.
"Not at all."
She definitely doesn't expect to find Tanjirou passed out on the ground when she and a few of her fellow kakushi are called to the hashira headquarters.
It seems Tanjirou got injured during his latest mission, but he didn't listen to the kakushi advice and rushed to greet the Pillars as soon as he found out they were in the headquarters having a meeting.
And now he's unconscious and the hashira are surrounding the boy and looking like they're in pain. The first kakushi that gets closer to Tanjirou gets growled at by the flame hashira, who instinctively puts himself in the middle.
"I'm sorry," Rengoku apologizes immediately, like waking up from a dream. "I thought you were going to hurt him..."
It's like the hashira's protective instincts have suddenly grown exponentially.
None of the kakushi dare to get closer again. Tomioka gets desperate and takes Tanjirou in his arms. For the first time since she met him he doesn't have a neutral expression on his face.
He's worried, almost in despair.
"I'll follow you," he tells the kakushi.
They check his injuries as soon as Tomioka leaves him in one of the rooms. Kocho strokes Tanjirou's hair kindly, smiling softly before turning to face the others.
"He'll be fine," she informs them. "But we have to let him rest."
That they do, but they remain outside the room; some of them have to go on missions already but Kanroji promises to send them a message as soon as Tanjirou wakes up.
Quietly, the kakushi girl observes as they take turns to walk in the room and stay for a while with him. Rengoku likes to take Tanjirou's hand in his and kiss it gently as he mumbles something the kakushi girl can't hear.
Tomioka looks down at the boy like he doesn't care about anything else in the world. She knows now that he's the one that met him first and wonders what happened then.
It's strange how things can turn from "I don't even know who you are" to "you're the most important thing in my life. I'd do anything for you."
Kocho helps Tanjirou sit on the bed and wakes him up herself only to give him more medicine.
Kanroji sobs a little bit, but doesn't say much. Uzui pushes a kakushi aside so he can change Tanjirou's bandages himself.
When he finally wakes up completely, Shinazugawa is back.
"Don't you ever do that again!" It's the first thing he says, growling. "Running away from the butterfly mansion just to say 'Hi' to us? Are you out of your mind?"
"I'm sorry," Tanjirou chuckles, not even a little bit intimidated by the wind hashira's irritation. "I didn't feel that bad at the moment. I thought I was fine."
"You weren't," Tomioka scolds him, but softens his expression immediately after. "I'm glad you're okay now."
Rengoku takes Tanjirou in his arms and Kanroji gives him a kiss on the forehead before Tokito starts arguing that it's his turn.
While the other kakushi look at the scene in shock, she funds herself smiling at them. Then, she desperately wishes them happiness because it's always difficult and a bit hopeless to love so much in a world like the one they live in.
Love makes everyone vulnerable, even the strong and powerful ones.
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ezdotjpg · 3 years
Staying overnight at the hospital so i got a lot of time to sit around... So you mind if I kinda just, ask a few?
But also, must know: Do the links have any favorite foods?
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Okay unfortunately I can't do one for everyone at the moment or it'll take 1000 years but. here I go (Also tripletreebirb I hope you're alright, wishing you the best and here is a very long post to keep u company lol. Ask as many as you'd like!)
Favorite food: this is the easy answer but PUMPKIN SOUUP. I have literally no idea what else they eat on Skyloft. can they grow wheat? do they even have bread? slate gives him a loaf of wheat bread with butter on it once and he is near tears over it
Idea of a good time: doing highly dangerous stunts with his Loftwing. Not dangerous for the Loftwing, strictly just to him. Also minecarts. He fucking loves minecarts, the more rickety and broken the better
Favorite things in general: uhhh soft blankets. woodcarving. being unconscious. the way your stomach swoops when you fall from a great height safe in the knowledge you'll be caught. having his hair pet. making people cute beaded friendship bracelets. the mushrooms in faron. playing the harp even tho he SUCKS at it
Favorite food: I want to say it is some sort of Kokiri dish that he remembers fondly and can't recreate bc you just can't find the right ingredients outside the forest. some sort of. nut and berry cake idk. He and Malon try and it never turns out right. other than that he really likes hot chocolate. I'm just going to assume there is chocolate in hyrule and u can use lon lon milk to make fukcing banger hot chocolate. that's not a food but u get me
Idea of a good time: Just like. chilling out with the cows in the pasture on a really nice day and playing music while Malon sings
Favorite things in general: doing anything with Malon. watching fairies get excited about the sugar water he puts out for them. FISHING. Climbing in really tall trees and just hanging out there. blowing stuff up with bombchus. solving problems for people. playing games with the kids in town. FROG CHOIR.
Favorite Food: Listen. Listen. I exclusively feed Link hearty ingredients when I play BOTW bc I am a coward who cannot rest peacefully without at least 10 extra hearts. My botw link is an absolute freak about radishes and durians. That being said. I like the idea of him really liking curry and extremely spicy food so. That too :-)
Idea of a good time: Just, climbing to the absolute highest peaks possible. And then shield surfing down them if feasible. Sometimes even if not feasible. Yes I do spend 90% of my time just rockclimbing to nowhere when I play botw these days.
Favorite things in general: SAND SEAL RACING. Similar to mask, hanging out in really tall trees. Catching bugs. Getting close enough to wild animals they let him pet them. sleeping outside and waking up at dawn to the morning dew and cool air. Visiting Terrytown. Listening to Zelda talk about stuff she loves. Haggling with merchants. Solving Korok puzzles. Fishing, but wrong lol. Gemstones and pretty earrings. Foraging in general. Sleeping in the bed the koroks made for him.
Favorite Food: Probably just like. Good old fashioned bread and goat cheese and jam. Look, it's simple but it slaps okay. Also, like, raw meat, lately.
Idea of a good time: Hmm, idk, sitting somewhere warm and cozy and reading by firelight. Or running around in the forest as a wolf
Favorite things in general: Riding Epona. Sleeping curled up in a little loaf as a wolf. Making Midna laugh, when he could still do that. Wrestling. Playing with the kids in Ordon. Giving each and every goat on the ranch increasingly ridiculous names. In that vein, having conversations with the goats like they're people, even when he's a human and can't hear them talk. Holding Uli's new baby. Singing.
Favorite food: Okay, hear me out here, I have nothing to back this up except that I want this to be true: he has a massive sweet tooth. Just absolutely loves sweets of all kinds. Pretends that he doesn't. Would die the second anyone could tell. (Slate, who has a 6th sense about these things, slips him honey candy)
Idea of a good time: taking a really long warm bath and then getting very drunk by himself and not having anyone bother him
Favorite things in general: wrecking shit with his firerod. perfume, lotions, hair products. Freshly laundered clothes. Embroidery. Dancing. Parties where he doesn't have to play the role of the hero. Cuccos, much to everyone's horror.
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hepalien · 3 years
Shrunkyclunks (Modern Bucky/Cap Steve) Fic Rec
Hate Sex & Hair Protocol by @maddiewritesstucky - Mature, 1.8k
SHIELD Agent Bucky, UST, Enemies to Lovers (in Steve’s head), Humor
They’re all full of shit, Steve decides.
His team don’t have a clue what they’re talking about, running their mouths about the way he and Bucky look at each other; the tension that seems to be at a constant near-snapping point between them.
'It’s called annoyance' Steve wants to yell in each of their faces, loud and one by one. It’s the pain of having to exist every day in close proximity with someone who drives you out of your fucking mind.
In which Steve discovers that ire and desire may just exist side by side in his brain.
Stop interrupting my grinding series by @rohkeutta - Teen, 2.5k
Nurse Bucky, Wrong Number, Fluff, Humor
“I tried to call Sam,” Captain America says, bewildered. He’s sprinting like Usain Bolt and doesn’t sound even a little out of breath. Fucker. “Who’re you?”
“Someone who’s watching you live on TV,” Bucky tells him as the tiny patriotic figure on the screen takes the turns like he instructed. Bucky should probably be a lot more freaked out about this, but honestly? After a tour in the Middle East and six years as a nurse in New York, even this isn’t enough to ruffle him. One sees a lot of shit in the ER. “Also, you better hang up now, that thing is behind the next bend.”
“Uh, okay,” Captain America says. “Thanks?”
“Whatever,” Bucky says, disconnects the call and turns the TV off to get ready for his shift.
Save a Horse, Ride a Captain by @galwednesday - Teen, 2.7k
War Vet Bucky, Meet Cute, Fluff, Humor, Modern Howlies
Bucky tapped him on the shoulder, swaying back and forth a little as he waited for the man to turn around. “Hello,” he said, and then promptly forgot what else he was going to say, because this guy was fucking beautiful. “Wow. Good face.”
Two of the guy’s friends, a man wearing a suit that fit so well it had to be bespoke and a man with a cute little gap between his front teeth, started cracking up. The petite redhead sitting next to them cocked her head to the side and pulled her phone out of her handbag. Beautiful Face just looked kind of pained, so Bucky redirected. He was a gentleman. He could take a hint. No hitting on beautiful guys who were uncomfortable with that sort of thing, no matter how lickable their jawlines were.
“Hello,” he repeated, doing his best to mind his manners. “I’m very sorry to bother you. Can I have a piggy-back ride?”
You Make My Heart Skip A Beet by @musette22 - Teen, 3.8k
Chef Bucky, POV Outsider, Fluff, Humor
“I made soda bread.”
Steve lets out the 6’2” supersoldier equivalent of a squeak. “Oh, I love soda bread,” he says eagerly, rolling forward on the balls of his feet like he does when he gets excited. “My mom used to make it all the time when I was growing up.”
The tips of Barnes’s ears turn red, and he mutters something that sounds suspiciously like, “I know.”
more under the cut
Cafe Au Écoute by @littlesystems - Teen, 3.8k
Coffee Shop AU
No matter where Steve goes, there's always the chance that he'll overhear a conversation about himself - or rather, Captain America. This coffee shop is no different. The fact that he keeps eavesdropping well past the point of plausible deniability is another matter entirely.
#TweetMeDaddy by StarSpangled - Teen, 4.1k
SHIELD Employee Bucky, Misunderstandings, Crack, Humor
Coulson, for his part, stares up at Bucky with such a betrayed look of frozen horror that Natasha actually goes the extra step and presses another button, capturing the moment and airdropping the photograph to her phone for posterity. When he speaks, his voice comes out as a hoarse whisper. “Why…?” He swallows and starts again, trying for some semblance of normality. “...Why would you tweet something like that?!”
“If you must know, sir,” and somehow he manages to make ‘sir’ come out with the same inflection most people reserve for ‘motherfucking son of a bitch’, “it’s because I have a difficult time doing my job when my job involves monitoring the man with the best fucking ass in the United States of America.” He slowly lowers himself back into his seat until he’s at eye level, making extreme eye contact with Coulson until Coulson turns away to make mortified eye contact in Natasha’s general direction through the one-way glass. Natasha would take another picture, if she weren’t too busy catching Steve’s red-faced sputtering. “Sometimes, I vent to my Twitter followers. Sometimes, it’s about hot men with washboard abs. Can I go now, or do you need a graphic description of how I pleasure myself at night?”
at first chance i'd take the bed warmed by the body by @spacebuck - Explicit, 8.2k
YouTuber Bucky
This close, Steve can see exactly how beautiful his hands are. He’s never really noticed before, or at least he’s never really had a reason to notice, but the man’s hands are large, tanned like he works outside all day. There’s an endearing callus on the heel of one of his palms, and Steve can’t quite work out when calluses became endearing.
Steve pauses the video. Swallows hard. Casts his eyes around for anything that’ll keep his mind off the hands on his screen, off the words inked into those hands, the delicate shape of a bird’s wing, the curling edge of a vine.
He looks down. The name of the channel is right there, blaring the man’s name right into Steve’s brain until it feels like he’s known it all along.
Bucky Barnes.
OR: the one where Bucky's a youtuber who solves puzzles on camera, and steve's smitten and horny
Came with my cool (I dropped it) by @liionne - Teen, 9.2k
Yoga Instructor Bucky
"When you said I need to loosen up, I didn't think you meant literally."
"I meant it every way. Mentally, emotionally, and physically." Natasha says, and thrusts a yoga mat at him.
there once was a diamond by bloobeary - Teen, 11.3k
Fluff, Thanksgiving
"You," Becca seethes, and hits him with a wooden spoon. "Could have told me," Hits him again. "You were dating Captain America." Final hit, Bucky laughs. He supposes he deserves it, giving her no more information than the fact he was bringing his boyfriend to Thanksgiving dinner at her house and then showing up with Steve.
Salt by littleblackfox @thelittleblackfox - Mature, 12k
Bakery AU
The cinnamon roll is gone in four bites. Four indecent, jaw-unhinging bites, and Steve sucks the last traces of lemon and icing from his fingers with a low, throaty sound of satisfaction. He glances up at Bucky, who is leaning against the counter and watching him with avid fascination.
“Um…” Steve says around his index finger. There’s still a little icing on the bed of his fingernail, and he stops trying to work it off with his tongue.
“You know those movies where the girl eats an eclair or something, and it’s really, like, sexually charged?” Bucky asks.
Steve pulls his finger out of his mouth. He’s never seen that kind of movie, but the thought of Bucky eating an eclair is certainly… well, it lingers. “Uh?”
“Yeah, well that was the exact opposite.” Steve scowls, and Bucky cackles gleefully. “You are something else, Steve.”
Leg Day by Brokenpitchpipe - Explicit, 12.1k
Gym Thot Bucky
“So talk to him,” Sam says.
“I can’t,” Bucky groans. “I can’t, Sam, I. He just.” He fluffs his hair up and stares at Sam, distraught. “I want him to bench press me.”
“Okay, so it’s serious,” Sam interprets. “Got it."
(Or: The one where Sam is Bucky's long-suffering roommate, Bucky is a hot mess of a millennial, and Hot Steve spends far too much time on the Lat Pull-Down machine.)
Art Nouveau by voluptuous_panic - Explicit, 12.2k
Bartender Bucky, Tattooed & Pierced Bucky
Steve's on the worst date of his life. At least the bartender's cute.
much tattoo about nothing by @deisderium - Explicit, 14.5k
Tattoo Artist Bucky
Steve Rogers gets a lot of email requests, but never one like this: James Barnes wants to use his healing factor to practice tattoos.
Turns out tattoos give Steve boners.
No Wonder There's Panic in the Industry by sprinkle_of_cinnamon - Not Rated (I’d say Mature?), 20.5k
Stark Industries Intern Bucky, Team fic, Humor
In which Bucky Barnes and his BFF, Clint Barton, are NYU interns for Stark Media Group competing to be Pepper's favorite.
Or alternatively, the time Bucky assisted the P.A. team on the Steve Rogers piece and ended up (adopted) with a contact list full of Avengers.
Life of the Party by @aggressivewhenstartled - Explicit, 21.6k
Superhero Impersonator Bucky, Mistaken Identity
“You know, kids,” Steve heard from the backyard, “one of the most common threats a superhero has to face is inside an active volcano! We’re going to have to work on your evasion skills, so for the next five minutes, the floor is lava!” This was met by a sudden spike in both volume and pitch from the small children as they scrambled onto every raised surface they could find and immediately launched themselves right back off.
“I’ve never seen actual lava in my entire life,” Steve said, vaguely offended.
“You got a superhero impersonator for The Falcon’s niece’s birthday party,” Sam said, incredulous. “The Falcon, who is an actual superhero.”
Trust Enough by @geneticallydead - Explicit, 23.3k
“Saturday. Yeah, that’s good,” Steve says, and actually scuffs his shoe at the ground. Like a ridiculous shy superhero damsel. “Say eight? I live-“
“Yeah, big building with the A on it,” Bucky says, and can’t help a big stupid grin. Steve stares at him, looking a little dazed, and after their whole conversation it’s only now that Bucky’s brain catches up and realises Steve finds him quite attractive. So. Win for Bucky.
“Let me get your number,” Steve says finally, after they’ve stared stupidly at each other for about three hours, taking out his phone.
So they exchange numbers, and then Steve says he should go, and Bucky agrees, and they kind of stare at each other for a bit more, then Steve actually does go, but not before taking Bucky’s hand and squeezing it warmly in a way that makes Bucky want to shiver all over. Then Steve is gone, and Bucky is standing alone in the alley, grinning to himself.
Right up until the moment he remembers that Steve thinks Bucky is an escort he’s just hired.
Well fuck.
The Roommate by layersofart, Niitza - Teen, 28.6k
War Vet Bucky, Roommates AU, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Team fic
In which Steven G. Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, gets a roommate. Who rapidly turns into his "roommate"—in the euphemistic sense of the word.
It takes SHIELD and the rest of the Avengers an absurd amount of time to notice.
Brooklyn Baby by sprinkle_of_cinnamon - Mature, 33.7k
Coffee Shop AU, Modern Howlies, Mistaken Identity, Team Fic
In which Bucky is just trying to live life and enjoy his unofficial official table at the obnoxiously hipster coffee shop but some guy named Steve stole his spot.
Or, the time that Bucky unintentionally befriended the Avengers and had no idea.
Never Talk to Strangers by mambo @whtaft - Teen, 40.4k
Grad Student Bucky, Slow Burn
Never Talk to Strangers: or; How a Forgotten Childhood Lesson Led Bucky Barnes to Appreciate Charlie Chaplin, Befriend an A.I., Slip on Soap Bubbles, Be Mistaken for a Succubus, and Try to Woo a Superhero.
Sinking Our Teeth In The Heart Of The Sun by fallendarlings @pressrestartwrites - Explicit, 102.8k
Single Dad Bucky, Kid Fic, Slow Burn, Domestic, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Steve has Autism
Bucky Barnes never intended to become a single father at 25. But life has always enjoyed kicking him while he's down and it's showing no signs of stopping. A chance meeting with a brick wall of a guy named Steve in the formula aisle of the grocery store leads to a friendship it seems like both of them need. If only Bucky could remember that's all they are- friends. If only Steve didn't slot into their lives so perfectly and look so good spoiling Bucky's daughter (and Bucky, despite his protests).
Oh, if only Steve didn't turn out to be Captain America.
Steve Rogers is wandering around a world that he doesn't fit into, fighting for a government that he doesn't trust, just because he doesn't know what to do with himself if he ever relaxes long enough to actually think about anything other than the next mission.
And then came Bucky Barnes and his newborn baby.
More recs
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skiller0dani · 4 years
Disobedient | Levi Ackerman
M A S T E R L I S T AOT Masterlist
smut requests info
just started watching attack on titan. Levi is the love of my life (okay so is Eren). also lets say our smol bean Levi is like 5,9″ or maybe 5,10″ instead of 5,2″??? they made him too short in my opinion. 
this one is short and sweet, I have other much longer ideas too. It’s just late where I live and I wanted to post something for you guys :) I’m almost to 900 followers. Thank you all so much. 
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The morning light trickled in through the window, successfully arousing you from your sleep. You snuggled further into the soft sheets you found yourself tucked into, but when your hand reached over and felt nothing but cool sheets beside you, you finally peaked an eye open. You weren’t surprised to see the bed empty next to you, and the door leading to a private office cracked open. You stretched with a yawn and slipped on one of Levi’s dress shirts to cover your bare skin as you stood. The sleeves fell past your hands and the curves of your breasts were on display. You were too lazy to button it shut, so the front was open. You pulled your silk panties up your legs before you stood and slowly made your way to his office. You leaned against the doorway, watching as Levi scribbled strategies on a blank piece of paper, trying to come up with the best formation for the upcoming mission.  
“Morning.” Your voice was quiet, unsure. You always felt nervous interrupting him when he was working. Levi says nothing, but he lifts an arm, silently beckoning you to come sit in his lap. Your cheeks darken as you quietly make your way over to him, nervously sliding onto his lap- his gaze never wavering from the papers in front of him. His arm curls around you to reach his desk, almost completely ignoring you. You settled against his chest, your cheek resting on his shoulder. Your relationship with Levi was fairly new, and you honestly were still trying to figure him out. It was obvious he wasn’t outwardly affectionate, he preferred to show you what you meant to him in more subtle ways. You know he cares about you, even if it’s sometimes hard for you to see. 
You nibble on the inside of your cheek, your eyes widening when Levi turns his head to look at you. His face remains expressionless but he reaches up and tenderly brushes a piece of hair behind your ear. “Good morning.” His voice is professional, practiced sounding. You brush the tip of your nose against his briefly before he’s turning back to his work. You cuddle into his chest as his left hand drops from the desk to rest on your bare thigh. A soft sigh escapes your lips when his thumb begins to mindlessly draw patterns into your bare skin, and by his lack of reaction you assume the sound escaped his notice. You were thankful your quarters were already close to Levi’s, so it was easy for you to sneak over. Even though you and Levi weren’t trying to hide your relationship, you were still certain that nobody knew. Which in it’s own way, was sort of comforting. 
When Levi’s thumb brushed over your thigh again, it was closer to the hem of your panties this time. He definitely noticed. 
You shift as casually as you can, trying to put some distance bewteen your core and Levi’s wandering fingers. He needs to focus. You try to slide of his lap, but Levi’s arm curls around you tighter, “I didn’t say you could stand.” His voice is calm, but it brings a flush rising to your cheeks. Last night was the first time you and Levi had slept together, you were still pretty shy around him. You swallowed a lump in your throat, “sorry Captain.” You said instinctively, you were on his squad after all. You hear him hum softly, his eyes still focused on the work in front of him. His left hand had other ideas it would seem. 
His palm drifted down your thigh, and his thumb carefully brushed over your aching clit on the outside of your panties. You bite down on your lip, your back pressing to his chest more firmly. Levi leans forward casually, and presses his lips to your neck as you keen back into him. His fingers continue to brush over your clothed slit and tease you until your thighs are trembling and soft whimpers are escaping your lips. “Levi please,” You gasp, your hips wriggling to follow his light touches. Levi merely raises a questioning brow and hums softly against your neck. You feel a wet gush of arousal dampen your panties and Levi does nothing more than tease you. His fingers drag along the hem of your panties, his right hand still scribbling notes on his attack strategy. How can he possibly focus on anything? 
This is a stark difference to the lover you had last night, so gentle and full of passion. He continued dragging his fingers lightly over the skin of your inner thighs, you remain teetering on the edge of pleasure and it was absolutely maddening. “L-Levi!” You begged again, tears springing behind your eyes as you attempt to grind into his hand. Finally he turned to look at you, but pulled his hand away to cup your cheeks much to your dismay. “I have to work now, go in the bedroom and wait for me to finish.” Levi instructs, pressing one chaste kiss to your lips before pulling his arms from your body completely. You stand, your core throbbing as you begrudgingly head back into Levi’s bedroom to wait for him to be done. You close the door behind you, groaning in frustration. 
You lay back against the bed, Levi’s shirt having been pulled from your body. You felt a soft throbbing in your core and your hands quickly drifted down your stomach. You can’t believe he got you so worked up just to make you wait! Your fingers found your aching clit but your frantic rubbing did nothing to ease the uncomfortable arousal coating your thighs. You need Levi. But he turned you away so he could work on battle strategies. You feel anger bubbling in your chest as you stand, pulling on a pair of your black pants along with Levi’s white dress shirt. Except you button it this time before heading out into the hallway- you need to go for a walk. 
The breeze is refreshing as you step outside. You look around the grounds of HQ, seeing new recruits practicing, and some cleaning the stables. You stretch in the morning light, trying to convince yourself that the dull throbbing between your legs will go away any second now. It doesn’t. You decide to go for a small walk anyway, greeting people as they pass by and feeling completely and utterly puzzled by some of the envious looks on other girls faces. You try to ignore them as you continue walking, the subtle pounding between your legs never quite going away. “Good Morning Y/N.” Another scout solider says, Ian. You and Ian joined at the same time a few years ago but you hardly ever spoke. 
“Oh, hi.” You greet politely, shifting uncomfortable under his inquisitive gaze. His eyes roll down your body, making you feel as though you need to cover yourself even though you’re fully clothed. He raises a brow, “nice shirt.” He compliments and you blink in confusion. 
“It’s just an ordinary dress shirt...” 
“It’s Captain Levi’s dress shirt.” Ian adds and all the color drains from your face. How did he know? Does everyone know? Ian chuckles once he notices the horrified expression on your face. 
“It has the Captains personal insignia stitched into the collar.” He explains and when you glance at the collar of Levi’s shirt your eyes widen. Sure enough there is an insignia you’ve never seen before stitched in plain sight. You swallow thickly, your cheeks burning hot. Ian takes another step closer to you, backing you into the wall of the building behind you. You glance around, but you see nobody in sight. “You screwing the Captain Y/N?” Ian asks, a dark glint in his eyes as he towers over you. He’s nearly 6,2″. Your brain tried to scramble for an explanation but it kept drawing blanks. “O-of course not!” You stammered in defense, all your hairs standing on end as Ian took another step closer. Your mouth went dry as a sly smile slid onto his face, “maybe if you let me have a taste of that sweet pussy of yours I can help you fix this. Half the HQ has seen you in his shirt by now Y/N.” 
“N-No that’s okay Ian, Levi was just lending me a shirt. C-Captain Levi I mean!” You stammered, your entire body shaking as you desperately searched for an exit. Titans you can handle but people? You didn’t want Ian making up some story if you hurt him, you could be executed for treason. Ian takes yet another step closer, leaning down to drag his nose along the nape of your neck. “There better be a damn good explanation for this-” You hear a voice snap. Ian quickly pulls away from you and to your horror, you lock eyes with Levi. His voice trails off as his eyes land on you. A pained expression crosses onto Levi’s face as his eyes flicker between you and Ian briefly before the pain is masked by the emotionless look he usually dons.  
“I saw her wearing your shirt Captain! I came to question her about it as I suspect she stole it. In order to silence me, she attempted to kiss me sir.” Ian said, and your jaw dropped. You looked at Levi in horror, and the dark look in his eyes did little to tell you how he was currently feeling. “You, get back to work.” Levi barked at Ian, who quickly scrambled away. You lock eyes with Levi, your body trembling. You feel panic turning in your gut as he takes one slow step towards you. “Do you wanna tell me what the hell I just walked in on?” Levi asks, his voice steady, despite the waves of panic rising in his chest. You weren’t about to cheat on him, he knows you weren’t. You couldn’t have been, there’s an innocent and logical explanation for this, there has to be. 
You immediately reach forward to take his hand, “Levi he saw me wearing your shirt and cornered me. H-He tried to blackmail me into having sex with him! I swear nothing happened baby!” You gasp, your cheeks going red at the pet name that accidentally slipped out. Levi merely rose a brow, his expression unreadable. In the next second he’s stepping forward and effectively trapping you against his body and the wall. The throbbing between your legs returns quickly, pounding as Levi’s knee slides in between your legs. “I thought I told you to stay in our bedroom?” Levi hums lowly, and your body heats up. You don’t miss how he says ‘our’ bedroom. “I-I’m sorry Levi.” You squeaked and Levi tutted softly. He gently grinds his knee up into you, causing you to gasp softly. 
Levi’s hands are planted on the wall on either side of your head and when he looks up at you, you see the genuine fear in his eyes. The fear that you were about to cheat on him. “I’d never cheat on you Levi.” You say softly, and you see the fear slowly melt out of his gaze. A smirk makes it’s way onto his face before he’s yanking your body against his. “Good girl,” He purrs softly, quickly lifting your body over his shoulder. You squeal in surprise as he carries you back inside, your cheeks blood red at the thought of someone catching Levi carrying you back inside over his shoulder. “You had me worried sweetheart.” Levi says, his voice tense as he turns towards the hallway his bedroom and office is located in. 
He pushes the door open, and kicks it shut behind him before dropping you onto the bed. “I just needed to get some work done, then me and my cock were all yours.” You rubbed your thighs together to try and relieve some of the pressure between your legs, but Levi’s heated look continued to send arousal through every nerve ending. “But instead you decided to go get what you needed elsewhere, is that it?” He asks, stalking up the bed towards you, his pupils lust blown. You quickly shook your head as you swallowed thickly, your head resting against the pillows. “Because instead of finding you in here, laid out on the bed and spread wide for me I see you being pressed up against the wall by somebody else.” Levi seethes, jealousy and anger seeping into his tone. 
“I-I’m sorry Levi.” You whisper again as he hovers above you. 
“I don’t know if you deserve it now.” He muses, his left hand drifting between your bodies and underneath the waistband of your pants. His fingers quickly find your clit and begin to rub circles onto it. You moan wantonly, your back arching up into Levi. “Please Levi, baby please.” You beg shamelessly, your eyes squeezed shut. Levi’s fingers pinch your clit, causing you to cry out as your hands wind around his shoulders. Levi’s right arm winds around your waist as you cry out and writhe underneath him. Quickly he slides 2 fingers into your wet pussy, and you released a high pitched cry as he began to roughly thrust his fingers into you. “Tell me what you want Y/N, tell me what you need.” Levi says, still managing to keep his composure. 
“Y-You Captain! I need your cock Levi, please.” You beg, tears springing in your eyes as he continues to thrust his fingers into you. Leave leaned back on his heels as he pulled away from you, his hands reaching down to his belt. Your body buzzed in anticipation as Levi pulled his belt from his pants, his hand reaching in to free his cock. You quickly wriggle out of your pants, your entire body screaming to have his cock inside you right now. You spread your thighs open for him, “are you ready for me?” Levi asks and you frantically nod, wriggling your hips and clenching around nothing. You desperately need to be filled and stretched open with his cock. “Yes Levi, hurry please baby.” Levi bites back a groan upon hearing your desperate pleas for him. 
Levi lines himself up with your entrance, gently sliding his head inside you. You still grit your teeth at the stretch as he gently works himself inside your tight heat. “Oh God Levi,” you gasp as you wind your arms around his chest, burying your face into his neck. Levi groans softly upon feeling your tight heat clamp around him and squeeze him tightly, even though he just fucked you open last night, he still forgot how tight you are. Your mouth hangs open as Levi bottoms out, your hands clawing at his back and your teeth gently sinking into his shoulder. Levi pulls his hips back and slides back into you, picking up speed as you moan softly. “Fuck Levi, I would never dream of cheating on you. I can’t live without your cock,” You cry out, and Levi smirks smugly as he continues to drill into you. 
Levi reaches down to thumb your clit and as soon as he does you’re coming undone around him, pushing him to his own release. You clamp tightly around him as he thrusts into you, to ride out both of your orgasms. Levi’s forehead rests against yours for a second before he pulls out of you with a wince. Levi presses a long kiss to your forehead before a knock on his office door draws his attention. A smirk slides onto his face as he stands, and tucks himself back into his pants. He gently lays a sheet over you, his heart swelling when he sees you asleep already. Your bare back is still exposed as he heads to his office, being sure to leave the door open. When Levi opens his office door, Ian is stood on the outside. 
“You summoned me Captain?” He asks and Levi waves him inside. In an instant, Ian’s eyes land on your half-naked sleeping body, curled on Levi’s bed. “If you ever attempt to force her to do anything again I will personally execute you myself is that understood?” Levi said lowly, a dark look crossing onto his face as he glowers at Ian. Ian nodded quickly, his face pale as he did his best to keep his eyes focused straight ahead at Levi and not at you, sleeping naked in his bed. “Good, now if you don’t mind- I have some other business to attend to.” He says casually, turning back into his bedroom and closing the door to his office behind him. 
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yourfangirlfriend · 3 years
It’s Nothing Serious - Chapter Seven
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Five and a Half
Chapter Six
A/N: Hey. Been a while. Here’s an update and a loose promise I’ll be better? Also thanks for all the notes, comments, and messages recently! I forget who wanted to be on the tag list, but comment and I’ll know for next time!
“It’s not serious.”
 You pinch the bridge of your nose.
 “It’s not. You’re really overreacting.”
 You curl your fingers into the bed of your palm and feel the bite of your nails digging into the flesh. “It’s cancer.”
 You want to throw the phone across the room. Instead, you screw your eyes shut and lean back against the wall.
 “Do you have an appointment soon?”
 “You know I don’t like hospitals.” She says just as you see the deadbolt to your apartment flick unlocked. Javi pushes in seconds later, looking just as tired as you feel. You give him a little wave.
 “Well weigh that dislike of hospitals against your dislike of death,” you say, turning away and putting your hand on your hip. You don’t want to burden him with this, but you see his eyebrows perk up anyway. Shit. You lower your voice. “Can’t Dad sit with you? Or Luna?”
 “You worry too much.” She chides.
 “You don’t worry enough!” You scold into the phone. You feel a hand around your waist and turn just in time to get a kiss on your forehead. It calms you down.
 Sighing, you regain your composure. “Mom? Please promise me you’re going to go back.”
 “Well of course I’ll go back, Bean, but really, I don’t want you worrying about me.” Somewhere in the background, you hear a crash behind her.
 “It’s just your father. He’s putting up shelves for the crystals and I think he fell. Can I call you back?”
 You sigh. The only thing your mother is worse at than soothing your anxiety is calling you back.
 “Yeah, sure.” You say. “But actually call?”
 “I always do.”
 “Bye Bean, I love you.”
 “I love you too,” you say before you hear the line go dead. You put the phone back on the hook and drop your head, trying it to calm yourself down. From the couch, you hear Javi perk up.
 “Sounds like you had a worse day than me.”
 You look up and give him a weak smile. “We’re having a lot of those, recently.”
  How long are honeymoon periods supposed to last? You would have at least guessed six months. That only seems fair, given the seven months of angst and hookups that preceded finally, finally being able to admit to one another that maybe this meant a little more than you led on. You would have taken three months, even- three months of everything just being calm and quiet and nice, where the most stressful thing to happen is burning dinner because you’re too busy fucking on the counter.
 You moved to the wrong fucking city.
 It wasn’t even a week after your drunken exchange of I-love-yous that it began. All those bodies piling up once more, only this time the cops and their allies were giving just as good as they had got. Bodies from both sides seemed to pile up in higher stacks all around you two. Three days hadn’t passed without you having to calm down one of your students -or worse, one of your fellow teachers- over recent events. It was getting to you, too, if you were honest. Javi had warned you against going out like you once did, and as much as you hated it, you knew he was right. You thought of the friends of friends who had disappeared or died, caught in the crossfire or in the consequences of their poor decisions. The more you heard, the more you wanted to lock yourself in your apartment, hidden away from the chaos of the outside. You managed to see your friends at work but meet-ups outside had dwindled severely. Alessa found out she was pregnant and didn’t want to risk it. Lisa’s brother-in-law got caught in between two sides of a gunfight and couldn’t work any longer, so she was helping them more around the house. Maritza was the only one who still tried to go out, but it was a rare occasion you could even gather everyone up for a dinner at home.
 Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if you could have spent all this new, anxious free time with Javi, but if anything, he had picked up your slack when it came to existing in the outside world. Since Los Pepes had entered the picture, the man worked around the clock. Sometimes you would go the whole evening without seeing him, only to be awoken to the feeling of his body falling on the bed next to yours. While he still insisted on driving you to work every morning, he had begun staying at the office later and later, sometimes not returning until 2 am. The fire and anger that once fuelled him seemed to have died out, and the poor man is running on fumes. You could see it when you both woke in the morning in the dark circles under his eyes and the uptick in cigarettes he had been smoking. You try and take care of him - bringing him coffee in bed, rubbing his shoulders when he sits up, lost in his own thoughts. He appreciates it, he tells you as much, but no matter how hard you try he’s still as weary as ever when he finally comes back to you.
 You don’t want to add to that. You know that what he’s seeing at work must be leagues beyond your little pep-talks and lonely evenings, and you don’t think it’s worth mentioning even if it has started to take its toll on you. You miss your friends. You miss days at work where the kids are sunny and mischievous, instead of withdrawn and scared. Hell, you miss your boyfriend- it feels weird calling a man his age that- you’re supposed to be in loved-up bliss, but instead it seems the universe decided to throw you another curveball. You overcame the intimacy issues only to come face to face with this bullshit not days later.
 And now your mom is sick.
 Javi gets up from the couch and comes to stand beside you, his tired hand dropping down to take your fingers. You smile at the effort, which seems small, but you know takes so much for him these days. You reach up to wipe a stupid tear out of your eyes.
 “Swear she thinks she could cure this with sage and essential oil,” you try to joke. He doesn’t say anything, only runs his thumb along your cheek bone and tilt your chin up to look at him. You try and give him a smile before another year drops down your face. Frustrated, you press your hands into your eyes and let out a groan.
 “Fuck.” You say. You drop your hands and look back at him. “I’m sorry.”
 “What are you sorry for, huh?” He asks.
 You shake your head.
 “I don’t…I don’t know.” I’m sorry I can’t be soft and happy for you when you come home? I’m sorry that he has to spend all day on the front lines and come back to this mess? “Things have been rough lately. I don’t want to add anything to your pile.”
 “It’s not my pile that’s getting added to,” he pulls you against him, pressing a kiss against your head once more. You close your eyes and let out a sigh. “You okay, hermosa?”
 You nod, pulling away just enough to look him in the eyes. “They caught it early. She’s just stubborn. She’ll go, though. Her dad was an oncologist. She pretends like she doesn’t know, but…” you shake your head. “Fucking parents, huh?”
 “Yeah,” he says, reaching out to push a loose curl behind your ear. “Fuckin’ parents.”
 You relax into him, letting your head dip down into the dip when his neck connects to his chest. He brings his arms around you to keep you there. The two of you stand like that for a moment, two idiots swaying to the silence of the world’s chaos.
 “You’re not bad,” you sigh against him, snuggling in deeper. “For an alcoholic cop.”
 He chuckles. “Agent.” He combs his fingers through your hair. “You’re not bad for a teacher who lets strange men finger her in a supply closet.”
 You hold a finger up. “One time.”
 He catches your hand and brings your fingers up to his lips, kissing the tips. It’s enough to make you melt.
 “I am sorry,” he says, placing your hand against his chest and holding it there. “About your mom.”
 You sigh. “What can you do?”
 “Do you need to go back?”
 “I’d never hear the end of it if I did,” you pull away from him and make for the coffee table, where you had set out two drinks for Javi’s arrival before your mother had called. You pick them up and extend one to him, and he takes it gratefully, dropping onto the couch next to you. “She’s convinced I worry too much. Me, her brilliant daughter who chose to live in the middle of a war zone,” you purse your lips. “Sorry,” you say.
 He shakes his head. “You’re right,” he leans forward to set his drink down on the coffee table before resting his elbows on his knees, bending forward in a pose of contemplation. Sensing the shift in the air, you sit up and run your fingers along his back.
 “Javi- I didn’t mean…”
 He shakes his head again. “This thing…it’s a fucking mess. All of it.” He sighs. “Sick of seeing fucking bodies.”
 You reach for something to say to comfort him, but you know there’s nothing. Instead, you scoot closer to him, resting your chin on his shoulder.
 “Have you thought about it? Going back to Texas for a while?” He asks.
 You shake your head. “She doesn’t want me to. And neither do I,” you reach up and lace your fingers through his, unclasping a worried hand. He turns to you, his eyes flicking up and down your face.
 “You shouldn’t stay here because of me. You’d be safer.”
 You blow a raspberry. “Don’t flatter yourself.” Sensing he took the joke to heart, you nudge him with your chin. “I’m here because I want to be here. With the kids. With you.”
 He turns back to face forward, and you’re unsure if he’s satisfied with your answer before he speaks again.
 “If anything happens to you…” he shakes his head. It forms a pit in your stomach.
 You reach out and press his hand against the center of your chest. When he looks at you puzzled, you smile. “See? Still beating. Think that’s a good sign.”
 He sighs, but not without a small smile on his face. Taking advantage of the moment, you reach out and take him by the chin, pulling him in for a long kiss. When you break away, his hands come up to pull your face back to his, and you can’t help but smile as he presses his lips against your mouth and begins to trail down your neck.
 “Yeah,” he says, kissing the pulse point that makes you shiver. “I think it’s a good sign.”
      You’re not great at taking care of yourself when you’re stressed out. Who is, really? You hope he hasn’t noticed, though, the way the bags under your eyes have darkened to match his or how much more quickly you seem to go through liquor bottles. You want to think he doesn’t notice- that he’s too focused on other things, but it’s getting harder to pretend. You try and rally your energy every time you see him. You want to be this bright spot for him in the middle of all this chaos and violence. You cook, you clean, and you go down on him like you want to live the rest of your life on your knees. You smile. You joke. You try to be pure sunshine in the bullshit he’s caught in.
 But now your mom’s sick. And, fuck, you’re empty.
 He must notice it. He has to see it when he comes home to you, and your house is a mess. He has to hear it when you spend the next few weeks by the phone, arguing with your family- Luna is too busy with the baby to go home, your father doesn’t want to believe it’s real, and your mother-fuck! - she keeps telling you not to worry. Not to worry! Like the few times she calls, she doesn’t tell you offhandedly how much worse she’s getting. Like you’re not trying to keep yourself from telling her how you hear gunshots every night, or how you can’t go a week without seeing a dead body. Like you’re not protecting everyone from your feelings because surely, they have it worse. You know everyone has it worse. How do you compete with cancer and being a foot soldier in the war on drugs? You’re just some teacher. You’re just some lady in over her head. Like everyone else in this country.
     Maybe it was just a bad day when he came home that Wednesday. For both of you. One of your students’ siblings had died the day before, and you had spent the majority of the day trying not to cry alongside an eight-year-old. You had been trying to reach your mother for days, but the calls kept getting picked up by the answering machine and you couldn’t come up with any other way to say, “please call me back and tell me you’re okay”. When you finally came home, it was to a messy house - why are you so disappointed? it’s been a disaster for weeks- and you barely have enough energy to kick a few things out of a sort of path. You check your messages, willing there to be one overlooked recording of your mother’s voice assuring you she’s doing fine before her scheduled surgery, but the tape is woefully empty, just as it was yesterday and the day before. You pick the stupid machine up from the table and throw it to the ground.
 You chain-smoked three cigarettes by your window, zoning out into the ether as night descended upon you so gradually until it was suddenly dark. You thought of your student, the one who came home to a massacred older sibling, and your stomach cramps. Before you can stop yourself, you imagine your mother in the same position they described to you that morning- spread out like a starfish on the floor, eyes wide open and dull as they stare up to the ceiling, a halo of blood around their head. Your throat itches and you light a fourth cigarette.
 When you went to the refrigerator, finally, but discovered upon opening the door that you had once again forgotten to go grocery shopping. The only things that stared back at you were three-day-old pasta leftovers, some eggs, and a few beers.
 “Fucking idiot,” you said to yourself.
 You pulled out the carton of eggs and had begun to whisk them together when you heard the door creak open. You turned around to call out a greeting but bit your tongue when you saw his face. A deep scowl marked his otherwise handsome features, and he had already lit a cigarette before coming in.
 “Hey,” he said as if he was annoyed with you. You tried to ignore it, focusing instead on the eggs in front of you. He made for the couch, stripping off his jacket as he walked.
 You turned around to see him wavering, trying to regain his balance. He reaches out and grabs the edge of the counter, but it’s stacked so high with papers that his hand slips and he’s falling back onto the floor- but not before hitting the back of his head. You run around, dropping to your knees beside him as he pulls a bloodied hand from the back of his head.
 “Hang on- “you run to the sink and grab a wet towel. Jogging back to him, you reach out to nurse the area when he snatches the rag out of your hand.
 “I can do it myself,” he says. “Why is your fucking answering machine on the floor?”
 You feel stupid and lost for words, like a child who just got scolded. You hold your hands in front of you.
 “I want to help- “
 “If you want to help, why don’t you clean the fucking apartment?” He snaps.
 Your eyes widen. He’s been grumpy for weeks, surly even, but there’s an extra bit of venom in his voice tonight. Before today, maybe you would have called him on it, snatched the rag out of his hand, and told him to go fuck himself, to go to his place and bleed over his own towels.
 But…fuck you’re tired. You have been hanging by a thread all day and the only thing that was keeping your eyes dry was the thought of curling up with him tonight. Maybe if one of the many, horrible things hadn’t happened today you would already be kicking his ass out, instead of standing there dumb and speechless, taking this abuse you don’t deserve.
 So, you let him have the rag. You turn back and walk to the kitchen and keep making the eggs.
 He has it worse. He has it worse.
  You two eat dinner in silence. You can tell he’s not pleased with the meager meal, but he just grunts and shovels it into his mouth. You barely eat, picking at little bites like a bird. Instead, you think about how chemotherapy makes people lose their appetite, and wonder if your mother can eat right now. You imagine her too-long blonde hair must have begun to fall out, and for a moment you think you can feel the sickly strands tightening around your fingers. It’s all-encompassing, and you don’t hear when Javi tries to get your attention.
 You jerk your head up, your blank face meeting his. He frowns.
 “I said do you want a drink,”
 “Oh,” you say, softly. You shake your head. “No.”
 He rolls his eyes and pushes up from the table, going to the liquor cabinet. When he pulls the doors open, his head drops, disappointed.
 “You’re out.”
 “Oh?” You turn around. He turns and sends you a look.
 “Yeah.” He says
 “I forgot to go to the…” you wave your hand.
 “Seems like you forgot to do a lot of things,” he sighs. You frown, a bit taken aback by his annoyance. But yet again, you bite your tongue. He sighs and walks towards the table, snatching up his keys.
 “Where are you-?”
 “To get some from my apartment.” He says. He swings the door open with too much power, and when it falls closed with a crack it makes your shudder.
 Across the room, the phone rings.
 You scramble to your feet, nearly tripping over that same answering machine that had claimed Javi. You yank the phone off the hook, shoving the phone to your ear.
 “Mom?” Your voice is like a little girl’s.
 “What?” The male voice says. Your shoulders deflate.
 “Sorry,” you say, pressing your hand to your forehead. You look up as the door to your apartment swings open again, and Javi walks in with a storm cloud over his head, whiskey clutched in his fist. “He just walked in, hang on.” You hold the phone out to Javi. “Steve.”
 He lets out a sigh and walks forward, taking the phone from your hand. In a daze, you walk towards the kitchen and begin to clean up the few dishes you dirtied, your mind zoning in and out of reality. You don’t notice you’re just standing with the water running until a hand comes from the corner of your eye and switches the tap off.
 “Stop watering the pipes,” Javi says. He walks back to the table and lights a cigarette, sitting down and kicking his feet up. You turn back to look at him.
 “Everything alright?” You ask.
 He scoffs. “No, it’s not fucking alright.” He takes a drag and blows a plume of smoke out. He looks up to you, his eyes darting to the glass he left by your hand. He makes to sit up.
 “I’ll get it,” you say, and you pick it up, walking over towards him. You’re just about to hand it to him when your ankle gives, and you drop the glass, spilling his drink over his pants.
 “Goddammit!” He yelps. He looks up at you - and you know it’s not you, you know he’s had a bad day, you know there’s so much on his plate- but the snarl he has feels like a punch to the stomach.
��“I’m sorry, let me- “you reach for the napkins you thought were on the table before realizing you forgot to buy those, too. Your hand flails around you as you’re caught in your anxiety.
 “You’ve done enough,” he grumbles, pushing up and walking past you to pull a rag from the counter.
 You’re not sure why hearing him blotting his pants behind you does it, but you feel it immediately. That hot, wet trail down your face. And once that first tear is loose, you know you can’t stop. Suddenly, you’re silently weeping, snot and water running down your face as your shoulders shake and you reach up to try and hold yourself.
You let out a long breath, but it comes out as shaky, and the sounds from behind you stop.
 You begin to paw at your face but realize it’s a lost cause. Shaking your head, you ignore him and walk back to your bedroom, closing the door behind you before dropping against the wall.
 You were doing so well. You hadn’t cried, you hadn’t screamed at him during his shittier moods, you had been an angel. You pushed through all of this bullshit, hoping that, even though you couldn’t compete with his life, he would notice. He would realize how much of toll your own, lesser bullshit had begun to take on you, and had some sympathy. More than that, you had hoped he would appreciate it- how you never pushed him to take care of you, how you were always there for him with a meal and warm arms, how you were soldiering on for him through all the stress. You wanted him to think you some sort of martyr, a girlfriend who was pushing all her needs down to take care of him when he needed it most. If he was emotionally unable to reciprocate, he could at least fucking notice.
 But he didn’t. He was too up his own ass, too busy at work, too concerned with being the only person in this relationship with problems that he didn’t even fucking see how much your teeth nearly cracked every time you faked a smile for him. You were mad at yourself, too- you had folded into this smaller version of yourself after making excuses for him, and now you had the gall to be sad about it? You had paved this path. You tried to protect him from your pain, thinking it was kind, when really you were coddling him.
 You feel anger rise in your chest. You clench your fists in your hands, and you’re about to scream into your knees when you hear the soft knock on the door. Furled by anger, you stand up quickly and swing the door open to see a much softer looking Javi in the doorway.
 And that takes the wind out of your sails. Instead of laying into him like you wanted, you let out a pathetic sob. Immediately he’s pulling you towards him and you’re caught in a tight hold as you sob into one of his nicer shirts.
 “El,” he says softly, and you choke out another sob on his shoulder. Carefully, the two of you descend to the floor of your bedroom as he keeps his hold on you, tracing his fingers up and down your back as you continue to cry against him.
 His tone is soothing as he circles through what little he can say - “baby” and “I’m sorry” and “it’s okay”. As your cries come to a slow, you pull away from him and try to wipe your face.
 “Baby,” he says again, reaching out to touch your cheek. You dare to make eye contact, and, fuck, it breaks your heart. He looks like a little boy who just realized he had crossed a line. You let out a pathetic little hiccup as you wipe your eyes again.
 “I’ve tried- “you stutter on your words as your tears keep falling. “I- I know it’s hard for you, really fucking hard, I know my d-day to day can’t compare to the shi-shit you see,” you try to take in a deep breath. His hand runs down your arm. “But I’m not doing okay. And I’ve tried to put that aside to t-take care of you, but - fuck, I need- “you feel yourself begin to hyperventilate. Fuck, you haven’t cried this hard since you were a kid.
 “What do you need, baby?”
 “Fuck, Javi, my mom is dying!” You yell. “She’s dying and I can’t get a hold of her. And every day I have to go to the school and hear more awful fucking stories about other kids’ families dying. I have to let them think I have any kind of answer when I fucking don’t! I’m just as lost as they are! I’m in my godamn thirties and all I want is to hug my fucking mommy, too!” You huff a few more breaths. “But I can’t, so I pretend. And I come home to you, and I- fuck, I love you so much, and I don’t want to burden you or make you take care of me when you have it so, so much worse but today- “you swallow, your mouth dry from crying - “today she was supposed to go in for surgery. And I haven’t heard anything. I spent all of lunch not eating because an eight-year-old, a fucking eight-year-old! Was telling me that she found her brother with a gunshot wound between his eyes. And I can’t do anything to help her! Just like I can’t do anything to help my fucking mother who won’t even call her daughter back to leave a message to say ‘hey! I SURVIVED SURGERY’. And maybe if I hadn’t had all of that I could put up with your shitty moods like I have been for weeks because I know it’s hard and I know you have it worse but today I just-I fucking couldn’t! I couldn’t do it! I couldn’t take YOU yelling at me when all I wanted was for you to fucking- I don’t know! Pull me in your lap and pet my hair! Ask me how my day was! Ignore my dirty apartment the way I’ve ignored your passive-aggressive moody bullshit for a month because you understand I’m not doing the fucking best right now! And I need the person who loves me to fucking act like it!” You fall forward, sobbing again. The arm on your shoulder drops, and you expect for a moment he’s going to get up and leave you to cry into the night. Instead, though, he scoots back until his back leans against the footboard of the bed. You look up in time to see him open his arms.
 “Come here,” he says.
 Too eager, you scramble over to him as he pulls you against him, petting your arms and face as you keep weeping against him.
 “I’m sorry,” he says. “I do see it. I do. I promise.”
 You hiccup and he pulls you tighter.
 “I know you have it worse- “you start.
 “Stop,” he says, pressing your head against his chest.
 You keep crying over the next half hour as he whispers sweet things to you. When you’ve exhausted yourself, you drop your head to his lap, fading in and out of consciousness as his fingers comb through your hair, soft and comforting. You don’t quite remember him urging you up and into bed, but by the time you’ve regained your senses somewhat he’s pulled your back against him, tucking his nose into the nape of your neck.
 “I’m sorry,” you say softly. He shakes his head.
 “You don’t have anything to apologize for.” He says. “Go to sleep, hermosa.”
 You do.
     The next morning is quiet. The two of your dress quickly and rush out the door, having slept past your alarm. He tells you briefly he’s got a lot on at work today, and you take it as a sign you’ll be walking back this afternoon. You nod and give him a quick peck before running up the stairs to the school, at least somewhat happy to have avoided talking about last night.
 So, you don’t expect it when you leave the school one afternoon and see him waiting for you outside, his arms crossed on his chest, aviators on, posed in front of his car like he’s in a film. You fight the urge to smirk when you drop down to the final step and his mouth jerks up at the corner.
 “You look like a cliche,” you deadpan, walking up to give him a quick kiss. Only, it’s not quick- you try to pull away tastefully, but he takes you by your waist and pulls you into a deeper kiss. You give him a swat on his shoulder but return it regardless, luxuriating in the attention. It feels nice.
 “Get in the car,” he says when he finally pulls away. You tilt your head.
  “You takin' me somewhere?”
 “Not if you don’t get in the damn car,” he swats your ass, causing you to shriek, before beginning to walk around the front. Despite yourself, you smile as you clamber in.
 You don’t ask questions throughout the whole drive, but you admit you’re a bit disappointed when you just pull back up to your apartment building. You try and mask it, hopping out of the car and waiting expectantly for him to come around and join you. He climbs the stairs quickly, beating you to the door to hold it open.
 Without thinking, you reach for your keys. It’s almost muscle memory now. You haven’t been to his place for any real time in months. You think it reminds him too much of work.
 Except, now he’s nodding you over to his door he’s begun to unlock. You come to stand by him, eying him as he fiddles with the lock. As the bolt clicks, he smiles, then turns to you.
 “Close your eyes,” he says.
 “Fuck you. Yea really.”
 With a small grin on your face, you make a show of daintily closing your eyes. You see a flash of light- him waving his hands in front of your face. Convinced you really have your eyes closed, you hear the door open, then feel a warm hand taking your own. You walk inside, blindly stepping after him until he drops his hand, and you feel his hands come to rest on your shoulders.
 “Alright,” he says.
 You open your eyes, and it takes you a while to realize what he’s even made a fuss about. In front of you are two plates with a single sandwich and a side of potato chips. You’re kind of annoyed for a second- when you surprise him, it’s always with a cake or really good head, never just dinner. Dinner that’s basically a sandwich.
 You turn to look at him before noticing that the apartment has been cleaned up. You swivel around, taking in the sight, noticing the repaired answering machine has been put carefully back on the side table. You haven’t seen your home this clean in a while, and you realize that he must have done this, too. You start to say something, but he’s already pulling out your chair for you, urging you to sit down. Lost for words, you drop yourself into the seat and watch as he comes around to sit in front of you. He waits for you to say something, but when you don’t, he begins.
 “It’s not much,” he says finally. “But you were right. I’ve been a dick, and I’m not the only one with shit on my plate.” He rubs the back of his neck. “When my mom was sick…I should be better to you. For you.” He bites his lip. When you still don’t say anything, he continues. “I’m sorry, El. You’re so…good, and I’m…” he shakes his head. You reach out your hand, covering his. There’s a flash of a smile across his face. “I called sick to work. They were having me doing bullshit paperwork, anyway. Murphy can handle that.” He clears his throat. “It’s uh, not much, but a rich guy owed me a favor, and he had a smoker. I had some old rubs from Señora Garza, the one with the hands? My dad sent me them from back home a while, and I know it’s not going home, but I know you miss the food- “you reach forward and pull the top of the sandwich off.
 You look up at him, and you start to cry.
 His face drops, alarmed. “Oh- no, baby- “
 “Javi,” you wipe a tear away. “This is- this is - “you bend forward and let out another small cry. Immediately, he’s on his feet, coming around to kneel beside you. Just as he’s about to say something, you lean forward and catch his face in your hands, pulling him in for a kiss. It’s long and warm, and when he finally breaks away, you’re rewarded with a bright smile.
 “You like it?”
 “I love- I love it.” You say, running a hand through his hair. “This is very sweet.”
 He looks down, pleased with himself. You lean forward and press a kiss to his forehead. He reaches up and takes your hands.
 “I…I really love you, El,” he says, not quite daring to look you in the eyes until he’s finished his sentence. “I just hope you know that.”
 You nod before pressing another kiss to his lips. “I do,” you say. “Even when…I do know, Javi.”
 He nods, and the two of you sit there, blissed out together for a moment before he lets out a breath.
 “Well, you better eat. Fucking thing took six hours to smoke, better not let it get too cold.”
 You let out a laugh as he stands and comes to sit across from you. With a smile, the two of you eat. It’s not the perfect approximation of the food back home, but it’s enough to fill you with the comfort you had been craving for weeks. Javi watches, proud of himself as you lick the remaining sauce off a finger, smiling at the flavor.
 “You did good, Peña.” You say, flicking your eyes back to him. He smiles, tossing the napkin down between the two of you before making to stand. He walks over and extends a hand down to you, and you raise your eyebrows.
 “Is there more to eat?” You ask, somewhat hopeful. It’s impossible, but if he found a way to get a malt shake down here too you think you’d have to spend the next three weeks with his dick in your mouth.
 “Something like that,” he says, urging you up. You send him a playful look as he reaches behind you and pulls the zipper to your skirt. With strong hands, he pulls your underwear and skirt down to your ankles, dropping to his knees to let you step out of them. With a twinkle in his eye, he smiles up at you.
 “Go sit on the couch,” he orders. “And keep your knees apart.”
   Turns out his surprises come with pretty good head, too.
A/N: Idk if this is of any interest but in my head Eloise is played by Phoebe Waller-Bridge. But of course, you cast her however you like!! She’s yours, too
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pennamesmith · 3 years
For Want of a Skeletor
Entrapta hosts a Princess Alliance meeting at the Crypto Castle and absolutely nothing goes wrong. More Skeletor stories!
The lights were on late in Dryl. 
Stars shone outside the windows. Entrapta sat hunched over her desk, studying datapads and readouts. A polite cough from the laboratory door caused her to look up from her work.
“Oh! I’m sorry Hordak, did I wake you?”
Her partner stepped softly into the room and shook his head. “Imp did. You know how he gets when either of us take too long to come to bed.” 
Hordak crossed the cluttered floor and joined Entrapta at the desk. He was holding Imp in his arms, and the smaller, winged clone whined plaintively when he saw her. Entrapta kept her screens on, but leaned gratefully into Hordak’s side and curled a tendril of hair around his waist. She yawned, despite herself. 
“I know. I just want to make sure I get everything right before the other princesses come over tomorrow.” She glanced back at the data, nervously tapping her fingertips together. “I’ve never hosted an Alliance meeting before! And this rescue will be our biggest mission since… well, you know. I don’t want to mess anything up.”
Hordak smiled. “Your diligence is admirable. But I also seem to recall someone telling me that imperfections are beautiful.”
Entrapta stuck out her tongue. “No fair.” 
“I’m afraid the science is sound. Come to bed, my dear.” 
The scientist scoffed, but she did not protest when Hordak gathered her up in his arms. She wrapped more of her hair around him, and Imp settled sleepily in the resulting nest. Entrapta could already feel herself drifting. 
“You will be a shining star tomorrow,” Hordak promised, as he carried his family back to rest. 
“Tomorrow,” echoed Imp.
The next day saw the Crypto Castle’s largest meeting room filled with princesses, dignitaries, and other honorary Alliance members. While Scorpia and Perfuma admired the tiny refreshments laid out for everyone, Mermista split her time between groaning at Sea Hawk’s boasts and trying every available chair to find the most comfortable one. Glimmer and Bow stepped uneasily around the edges of the room, watching carefully for anything that might be a trap, and Frosta followed their lead. Netossa and Spinnerella tried their best to find a chair Swift Wind could sit in. 
Adora and Catra, wearing increasingly baffled expressions, were conversing with two domestic-looking robots who sat at the head of the table next to Entrapta. One was tall and skinny, and the other wore a welded-on handlebar mustache. 
“Entrapta has parents?” Catra was asking, her face a galaxy of disbelief. 
“Adopted, technically. Or adapted,” the skinnier bot explained. “We’re Entrapta’s parental units. She built us when she was six. You must have seen the painting in the foyer.” 
“Yeah, we’ve been here pretty much the whole time,” the mustachioed model added. “You kids sure made a racket during your last few visits. What was that all about?” 
“Uh,” Adora faltered. 
To her immense relief, Hordak swept into the room at that very moment, flanked by Imp, Emily, and the reprogrammed Horde drone Entrapta had dubbed ‘Skeletor.’ 
“Welcome, everyone,” Hordak boomed, bringing the gathering to a respectful hush. 
“Witless fools! I’m in charge now! And if you know what’s good for you you’ll do as I say!” Skeletor shouted. 
Hordak scowled and shooed the fussing robot away from the table. “Pay no mind to that one,” he grumbled once he’d regained the floor. “Now then. Please allow me the honor of introducing the unparalleled mind who has made this operation possible, Princess Entrapta.” 
“Thank you all for coming!” Entrapta started, while everyone took their seats. “I know you’re all excited about what we’re planning, but there’s still a lot of preparation to do before we can take off. As the chief science officers for this mission, it’s vital that Hordak and I gather as much data on your abilities as possible! Interdimensional travel is severely unpredictable and —” 
“Hold on,” Mermista interrupted. “Exactly how high are the chances of us getting mutated by cosmic space energy or whatever? Because I only want cool mutations, not gross ones.” 
“Maybe thirty, thirty-five percent?” Entrapta guessed. She shrugged. “A lot of this is theoretical. You guys will be like my guinea pigs! By which I mean the small robotic animals in the castle I protect and care for. And experiment on, sometimes.” 
She laughed heartily. Glimmer and Bow shared a nervous glance. Perfuma turned slightly green. 
Entrapta regained her composure and pointed back to the display board. “Ahem. Anyway, the good news is we already know some things about where we’re going! Probably.” She shuffled her notes, gaining confidence as she spoke.
“Before Adora found the Sword of Protection, historians debated ancient records of She-Ra. Some claimed she was called ‘Her-Ra’ and fought for the ‘Power of Grayskull.’ But I theorize that what those archaeologists actually uncovered was evidence of —”
“I have a question!” Frosta yelled. “Will there be hunky guys in the other dimension? I’m asking for a friend.”
“It’s funny you mention that, actually,” Entrapta replied. “Listen, just let me finish and…” 
Unfortunately, anxious impatience had already gripped the assembled Alliance members. They clamored with questions, all talking at the same time. Entrapta shrank back in her seat and pulled her welding mask down, seeming to reach for something under the table. 
Hordak stood up. Just as it looked like he was about to do something violent, a loud alarm sounded and the lights in the room flashed red. 
“Uh-oh.” Entrapta glanced around at the assembled company. “Um, get ready to tuck and roll everybody!”
“Get ready to what?” Mermista cried out, but it was already too late. Multiple trap doors swung open across the meeting room floor, and with flailing limbs and startled shouts the guests were sent tumbling down chutes in every direction. In moments they had all vanished.
“I always feel so much better after doing something bad!” Skeletor cackled. “Now we begin phase two!” 
Adora and Catra, who had clung to each other as they fell, landed with a bump in a darkened, underground space. As soon as they arrived, bright lights flickered to life and a huge screen lit up against the wall. 
Entrapta’s face appeared on the monitor, larger than life. “Oh good! You’re alive,” she chirped when she saw the other two. 
Adora clambered to her feet. “Entrapta! What’s going on?” 
The scientist glanced away. “Well, I guess Skeletor didn’t like that we were ignoring him. So he stole my map of the castle and activated the security systems! Which means we’re all lost in the labyrinth until I can catch him. Isn’t that great?” 
“It’s something,” Catra groaned, rubbing her head. 
“Exactly! Now, without my map I can’t come find you. But if you can make it through the traps, the hallway you’re in should take you back to the meeting room. Then you’ll be safe until I can fix things!” 
The screen dimmed again before Catra or Adora could protest. Left with few other options, they turned to get a good look at whatever dangers lay ahead. 
They were standing at one end of a long corridor. Square blocks floated along its length, suspended in midair with anti-gravitational tech. An interrogative punctuation mark flashed on one, while a squat robot with painted-on angry eyebrows shambled slowly back and forth beneath it. 
Catra took it all in. “You have got to be kidding.” 
Adora had already drawn her sword and begun to venture forward. Catra was about to follow her, when something made her ears flick. A suspicious frown crossed her face.
“Hey, Adora!” Catra called. “Listen!” 
Catra pressed her ear to the wall. “There! Do you hear that?” 
“Obviously not,” Adora huffed. “Now stop dawdling, the first puzzle looks pretty easy.” 
Catra stayed where she was. “Hold on a second. This part of the castle feels familiar. I remember walking through here back when, uh, back when it was still Horde territory.” She coughed awkwardly, and then reached up to tilt the frame of a big-eyed kitten painting. “Look!” 
Something clicked and the wall slid open, revealing a new passageway. Distinctive laughter could be heard coming from the other end of it. A purple neon sign reading “Secret Entrance!!!” buzzed to life. 
Adora sighed and rolled her eyes. 
“One time Entrapta had me and Scorpia over for a life-size Snakemen and Ladders game that got a little out of hand,” Catra explained as they entered the tunnel. At the far end there was a brightly lit office; inside, it was filled with laboratory equipment, video monitors, and a humble but dignified desk. 
Hordak was sitting at the desk, in what appeared to be a smaller version of his old Fright Zone throne. It swiveled. Entrapta was sitting on the desk, and she waved as the other couple entered. 
“Myaah! Sleep gas and stun-rays only, my evil minions!” muttered Skeletor, who was busy working the video monitors. On closer inspection, Adora realized that each of them showed some of the other princesses as they traversed the castle labyrinth. 
“Welcome to mission control!” Entrapta sang, spreading her arms wide. “Hordak didn’t think you’d find us, but I had a hypothesis you might.” 
“It was a ruse!” Adora gasped, scandalized. “You’re not lost at all!” 
“You really need to hang out with Entrapta more if that still surprises you,” Catra observed. She looked at the monitors. “Ah, are they gonna be okay?” 
“Better than!” Entrapta sprang off the desk, hanging by her hair as she showed off multiple datapads. “Everyone was getting a little… distracted upstairs, so I just decided to speed things up a teensy bit! The princesses using their powers to escape the maze will let me get all the readings we need, and then we can have a nice little party! I had the baker make tiny cakes.” 
“I made sure Hordak’s doomberry pie was especially tasty!” Skeletor piped up. 
“And it’s all perfectly safe!” Entrapta promised. Discreetly, a ribbon of hair reached out to push a blinking button. On the monitors, Mermista and Sea Hawk were rescued from a robot shark attack by a convenient change of the currents. 
“This is hilarious,” Catra laughed, looking more closely. On one of the screens, Swift Wind was gleefully running loop-de-loops along a curving racetrack. “I think they’re actually having fun in there. Can we stay and watch?” 
“I’m afraid not,” Hordak said. She-Ra’s — and your — assessment is the most important of all. But we’d love to have you over to the castle for dinner soon. Shall we say eight o’clock next week?” 
“That sounds nice!” Adora chimed, before Catra could stop her. 
“Splendid. I’ll cook,” Hordak concluded. Then he pressed a button on his desk, and a trapdoor sent the younger women plummeting through the floor. 
Catra and Adora yelped in surprise, only for their fall to be cut short by an enormous pile of pillows on the level below. They struggled to their feet. Another corridor stretched away in front of them, filled with further challenges. Floating gold coins, each about four feet tall, indicated a pathway. 
“Try not to have too much fun,” Hordak called good-naturedly as the trapdoor slid shut. 
“Use the warp zone! It’s faster!” Entrapta added. 
“Have a nice trip down!” said Skeletor. 
Hordak settled back in his chair (it had soft armrests, and a cushion for lumbar support) and watched his partner at work. Entrapta flitted from screen to screen, taking notes and making adjustments. On one display, Bow and Glimmer had met up with Netossa and Spinnerella while navigating a cage minefield. On another, Frosta was making an ice bridge to help Perfuma and Scorpia cross a slow-moving spike trap. 
“I’m sorry you had to use your backup plan. They really are utter fools if they ever doubted your genius,” Hordak mused. 
“Different people have different strengths and weaknesses,” Entrapta replied, without looking up from her work. “And a good scientist collaborates whenever they can! Even if that requires a little creativity sometimes.” 
Hordak nodded. “Fair enough. Nevertheless, I would not blame you if you wished to have nothing more to do with the Princess Alliance. Even their attempts to help you can seem… insensitive. You’re not obligated to forgive that.” 
Skeletor looked up from his control panel and shook a fist. “Don’t you get awfully tired of being a hero all the time? Don’t you ever feel like doing something evil?” 
“They’re trying to be good friends,” Entrapta defended. “And so am I. And if I really did need their help, maybe things would be different. But I’ve got it all under control!” 
She vaulted across the room, flipping switches and turning dials along the way. On the monitors, Perfuma’s fall from a tall platform was gently broken by a sudden anti-gravitational field. 
“Besides, forgiveness isn’t always about the person being forgiven. It’s also about taking back potential energy that was lost.” 
“Did you learn that in my brother’s therapy group?” Hordak asked. 
Entrapta smirked. “Actually, he got it from me.” 
A pleasant ding sounded and Entrapta clapped her hair. “Hooray, everyone made it back! I’ll calculate the high scores and then we can continue the social experiment!” 
“You astonish me every day,” Hordak purred as he rose to follow her. Entrapta put out her hand, and he took it. 
“Wait for me!” Skeletor cried out. “You might get lost by yourself!” 
One week later, a much smaller gathering of royals met in Dryl. 
Catra and Adora sat together in one of the Crypto Castle’s least intimidating dining rooms, listening with barely-contained delight as Entrapta’s parental units thoroughly embarrassed their former boss. 
“...And so I said to him, ‘I have charging ports Hordak, can you download raw data offa me?’ Ha! Oh, you shoulda seen his face!” 
Hordak slouched in his chair. “I do not think we need to bore our guests with the details of this particular story,” he protested, feebly. 
“Oh, I’m not bored at all! I want to hear everything,” Catra said. She leaned forward, grinning. “So, was this before or after you hooked him up to the lie detector?” 
Entrapta giggled, and gave Hordak a gentle pat on the shoulder as she reached for another helping of his tiny quiche. All things considered, the night was going surprisingly well. 
It was exactly what Entrapta wanted. 
After dinner, wheeled bots carted away the leftovers and dirty dishes. Hordak poured coffee for himself and Adora, and the parental units retired to wherever it was they lived in the cavernous castle. Entrapta, lost in thought as usual, felt a familiar feline presence approach her. 
“Thank you,” Catra said, sincerely. “Not just for this. For everything. For being so nice all the time. For making this mission happen. It means a lot to me.” 
Entrapta smiled softly. “To me, too. Everyone makes mistakes. It would be a shame not to learn from them when we can.” 
“Did you say something?” Skeletor squawked, suddenly materializing in the doorway. 
Entrapta, unbothered, immediately produced a datapad. “Oh we’re just talking about the big rescue mission! Actually, you should probably take a look at my data, Skeletor. I haven’t told you much yet, and we might need you!” She held the blinking screen out happily. 
Skeletor looked at the datapad. At first he seemed confused; then he boggled as he registered the information in front of him. “Eternia?” he gasped in disbelief. “Grayskull?” 
His voice rose to a fevered pitch. “He-Man!”
For once, Skeletor had no words. He shrieked incomprehensibly instead, fists shaking. 
Hordak chuckled. “It’ll be just like the old days!” 
Skeletor screamed. 
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slasherscream · 4 years
You don't have to if you feel uncomfortable but may I have a request where JD, Hannibal, Billy and Candyman react when they found out the woman they love who always cares and smiles for others, just a ball of sunshine coming from a dysfunctional broken home. Even when they find her with a black eye due to an argument, she still smiles and ensures she's fine
Jason Dean
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JD never saw it coming. He figured you came from some perfect, little suburban dream family. A loving Mother, a doting Father        he didn’t know what else could produce someone like you but a stable home life. 
He had a childhood that was less than ideal, putting it lightly, and you two shared almost nothing in common. Where he was pessimistic you were looking on the bright side. When he pointed out the nastiness in others you’d somehow find a way to make him see the good in the people around you two as well.
Though sometimes he thought you were a little naive it endeared him to you more than you could know. No matter what he did you’d come back swinging with that positive, happy-go-lucky outlook and it was beginning to rub off on him, just a little. 
He smiled more when you were around. Everything felt more worthwhile. That was, of course, when the illusion went tumbling down. 
He crawled through your window ready to see you and surprise you as he’d gotten your address from one of your many friends at school. 
He climbed through the window he guessed was yours only to find you curled up on your bed, clutching your pillow and trying to block out the sounds of loud fighting going on downstairs. 
Multiple voices screaming back and forth, you flinching at every sound bleeding through your door. But that wasn’t the worst of it. The worst was when he made a noise finishing coming through and you turned to look at him, startled. 
Your eye was swollen and already beginning to discolor but immediately upon seeing the expression on his face (rage and heartbreak mixing together) you raced to him trying to reassure him you were fine. 
He asked who touched you but you just kept reassuring him that everything was fine. You hugged him close and tried to soothe his nerves, all the while, the fighting downstairs got louder.  
You can say it’s fine all you want but JD will never forget and he’ll get his answer eventually. He’ll punish your family for hurting you all these years when there was no one around to protect you. You were everything that was good about the world, and if he had to burn it to ash to see you safe and happy the way you deserved to be? He’d do it in a heartbeat. 
Hannibal Lecter
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Hannibal is probably the closest to seeing something off right from the start of things. 
It’s not that you aren’t convincing, or even that you’re faking your joy and general love for the world around you. He hates people that aren’t genuine and he can sniff them out easily. 
It’s just that sometimes there is a sadness to you that he is always trying to trace back to something. You are a puzzle that he is trying to solve and somewhere along the line he falls in love with you. 
He notices how you dance around the topic of family, keeping your comments vague and going a bit quiet whenever he brings up wanting to meet the people who’d raised such a wonderful, young woman. 
For some reason his mind does not jump straight to abuse. There are plenty of strained parental relationships that are not out right abusive and outside of those tiny moments where you seem to break a little at the seams you’re so bright. 
Love is blind, he’d thought the expression only true for others, he hadn’t ever imagined himself being in love in the first place. He couldn’t have imagined his own assumptions towards you blinding him to the obvious. 
When you show up to a lunch date with him wearing sunglasses he tries to spend the meal ignoring them but finally asks, for the sake of manners, for you to remove them as you are at the table. He’d never known you to be rude. 
Slowly you take them off and the world goes still. Your face is pointed downwards towards the table but it doesn’t stop him from being able to see your eye. He rushes from his side of the table to cup your face and everything clinks into place immediately. 
“Who did this to you, dearest?” his voice is devoid of judgement, calm the way he is during his sessions. But inside he’s engulfed with rage. 
“My (family member) didn’t mean to. Our fights just get so bad and I’m always making them so angry-” He pushes your head into his chest, stopping your onslaught of excuses for a person who wouldn’t be in the land of the living very much longer. There was no need for you to think of them anymore. 
Billy Loomis
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What draws him to you is how good you are. At first it annoys him because he thinks you’re faking it. No one could possibly be as sweet and kind as you’re pretending to be. 
He can stand few things less than he can stand a fake and at first, frankly, his interest in you is finding out everything he can about you so he can kill you and mentally torture you while he does it.
It’s while he’s learning everything he can about you and stalking you that he starts to fall in love with you, little by little. Stu keeps asking him when they’re going to off you and he keeps answering ‘not yet’ every time. Eventually Stu stops asking and starts to focus on the next victim. 
Billy doesn’t lose focus. He can’t think of anything but you. He starts stalking you more and more, the need to see you and hear you only worsening by the minute. 
Eventually he gets sloppy and slips up and you see him. You’re walking alone at night for some reason in a town with an active serial killer but you look like there’s no other place you’d rather be. He wonders why you don’t go home but just barely, he’s grateful you’re usually so easy to keep track of. 
When you spot him you recognize him from school and call out to him. He’s got no choice but to approach you casually, pretending he’s also out for a late night walk. “We should walk together to be safe!” Before he knows it you’re looping your arm through his and walking together.
You stay out nearly the whole night together and he asks you out the very next day. It’s not long before he’s calling you his girlfriend and stalking you less. You spend so much time with him he’s actually pretty secure in the relationship and what you mean to each other. Sometimes he’ll do it just to check up on you but it becomes a rarity. 
One night he follows you home, just to make sure you get there without incident, and he starts hearing strange loud noises from inside the house. He sneaks into your bedroom window just to make sure you’re okay. You run in crying right as he’s making his way to the door, clutching the side of your face protectively.
He’s on you in a second, locking the door and prying your hands away. You don’t have time to ask him what he’s doing there before he sees the early signs of your eye bruising and falls into shell-shocked silence. 
With more gentleness than you knew he was capable of he kissed your head, got out a bag, and began to pack away some of your things. You watch him quietly, trying to convince him it’s okay but he silences you with one intense look that he disappears quickly, replaced by the saddest eyes you’ve ever seen. “I’m gonna take care of you, okay?” He crosses the room, cupping your face gently, thumb grazing the skin beneath your bruised eye.
Once he’s done packing he guides you carefully out the window and into his car. He’s going to take you to Stu’s where he intends to share their big secret. Then he and Stu are going to make a night out of killing your family. 
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He is a spirit, roaming and untethered, when he sees you and is first struck dumb by your beauty. He never thought he’d love again but the minute he sets eyes on you he knows he can grow to love you. That he could cherish you for the rest of your natural life and beyond. 
He wants you. Needs you. He begins to visit you in dreams. Never nightmares. In your dreams he is a princely figure that loves you already, that has loved you more than anyone in your entire life. 
You’ve never slept better than in the months where he woos you, and makes you fall in love with him, this phantom created by your own mind. 
Part of you thinks you’re going crazy. How could you be falling in love with a man that isn’t real? But you’re a romantic and can’t deny the pull you feel within yourself. They may be only dreams but they make you happy. Daniel, makes you happy. 
You don’t have to wonder for long if you’re losing your mind because he whispers to you in a dream that he can be real. Real as flesh and blood if you say a name three times in a mirror. Candyman. 
You wake up the next morning feeling silly but can’t help doing it. Part of you desperately hoping that your escape from your real life could become your real life, if there was really some magic in the world. 
It works of course and the minute you feel his arms around you, you start to cry tears of joy. But you’d forgotten about the fight you had with your family the night before. In your dreams you are always perfect and beautiful, your skin unmarred by the abuse you endure every day. But now, away from your dreams, Robert can see that someone has dared to harm you. His love. His darling. 
He doesn’t need you to tell him who’s done this. One look at you and he seems to know. He knows you better than anyone else. 
His hand, the human one, the one that isn’t for killing or hurting, touches gently your damaged skin. He presses a kiss to your forehead. 
He has been summoned and there’s a price of blood to be paid. 
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doberbutts · 3 years
If you feel like it, could you share what each of your dogs’ average daily routines are like? As far as walks/play/outings/enrichment/training/crate time, etc? I would love to own a large pack one day but the realities of meeting everyone’s needs intimidate me and I’d love to hear how you manage it!
Honestly compared to the big dogs, the chihuahuas' needs are so minimal it's barely noticable the time they individually take from my day.
Everyone sleeps on my bed and cuddling me because they are velcro dogs with emotional needs very connected with my physical presence and touch. Tater and Fae exclusively sleep curled up together in my arms. Creed and Sushi take turns sleeping at (on) my feet or against (draped over) my back. Sushi sometimes hops down to her cool mat if she's too hot.
Tater's daily routine is fairly minimal. Her condition is worsened by stress and she stresses easily, so she has minimal outside time and spends most of her time in someone's arms or running around like a dingus on the floor. She is rarely crated because she hates it (and teaching her to like it is unneeded stress) so if I don't have the ability to watch her that moment she goes in the pen where there is a potty mat and several toys of varying styles as well as chews and bones and other assorted goodies. I also have puzzle toys, snuffle mats, dig boxes, tunnels, perches, etc for them to navigate and play with.
Fae is the tag-along of the house. While she can be crated, with Tater stressing significantly less if she's present in the pen too usually she's in there if Tater's in there. However if I'm off doing fun things and they are not big dog exclusive or service dog exclusive, normally I take her along as well. Yesterday for instance she came with me to handling class to try her hand at it, then went on a hike and to a restaurant when I met up with a new friend. As things progress I'll probably throw her in a training class or two to start our competition journey, but we have not gotten there just yet.
As said the chihuahuas are companion dogs and thus really are okay with doing basically nothing. A little bit of floor time or outside time for running around, even just half an hour, and they're good to just hang out the entire rest of the day. They'll do more if you ask, but they never seem to demand it. Thus why I call them a couch decoration - it's what they've been bred to do for many generations and they are very good at it.
Sushi and Creed have very different routines comparatively as a service dog in training and a retiring service dog. Nowadays Creed stays home more often than not and is content with some bouncing around the yard, a walk here and there, playing with the other dogs in the house, and hanging out with me for some cuddle time. Do understand that at 7 he is considered a senior and even last year he was not capable of being happy with this lifestyle. As his leg injury came back to haunt him and now this new cancer diagnosis, he calmed significantly into what is effectively an active pet. He, like Fae, is always up for more... but honestly I think my plans for retiring him came not a moment too soon. Once or twice a week I take him out to run him or do some active obedience or a nice long hike or something, but I have to be aware of just how much I'm asking of that shoulder because if he overdoes it he will be lame for several days after.
Sushi comes to work with me most days, though most days she just hangs out in my car with the windows down. She sometimes demos or acts as a neutral dog for class, especially my privates that really need to practice with another dog in the store near them. At this point we are also attending breed handling once a week and going to her breeder's for various competition training once or twice a month. And if we are hanging out with friends, Sushi is usually the one tapped to go along.
Sushi and Fae are both worked in obedience on days that I do not have a very long list of things I have to get done that day. Fae's training is more focused towards demo and tricks right now, and Sushi's is more focused towards polishing some service dog skills before her first birthday when I'd like to start asking her to work some half days or slow days with me.
Because I have two very young dogs and two special needs dogs (one young one senior) right now I really don't have time for another dog. Because of the nature of this type of cancer- either I will continue to have Creed for years and years... or it's already spread and he has about six months. Then as the young'ins age, I could probably add another dog or two in a few years' time... but right now I am full up and not looking to add anyone permanent for quite a while.
Everyone's limits are different and I know some people who would feel exhausted caring for just Tater every day, even though her needs are fairly minimal and her condition is easily managed. I know some people who would be able to handle what Creed has turned into, but not what Sushi currently demands. I know some people who can do all of this and still have five more dogs. It really just depends.
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olivemac · 3 years
heartbeat | chapter three | b.b.
Summary | When Steve Rogers asks Kate Stark to find the Winter Soldier, she gets too involved.
Notes | Captain America: Civil War re-write, essentially. Starts just after the events of CA: Winter Soldier.
Pairing | Bucky Barnes x fem!oc, Bucky Barnes x Stark!oc
Genre | romance
Rating | explicit
Story Warnings | mild angst, fluff, romance tropes, so many romance tropes, coarse language, alcohol use, canon-typical violence, smut (m/f), oral sex (f&m receiving), 18+ ONLY
Chapter Warnings | all the romance tropes, coarse language, mild alcohol use, smut (m/f), oral sex (f receiving), 18+ ONLY
Citations | Du Maurier, D. (2018). Rebecca. Virago Press.
Things are starting to heat up.
master list | AO3 link
prev chapter
The next morning when Bucky sees Kate, she’s sitting on the front steps of the building feeding scraps of a meat-filled pastry to one of the stray cats that’s always congregating on the block.
“If you keep feeding that thing, it’s going to invite all its friends,” Bucky says by way of greeting.
“Good,” Kate replies, squinting up at him. “Maybe they’ll catch all the mice in the building.”
He chuckles and sits down beside her. She offers him the bag of warm pastries, which he accepts, pulling one out. He's drawn to her, he realizes. He doesn’t quite know why he finds it so easy to be around her, but he likes it.
"Did you just get back from a run?" he asks, looking at her trainers.
"Yeah." She looks at the bundle in his hands. "Bookstore?"
He nods, "They have a fairly decent selection in English."
Kate hums in response and takes a bite of her own pastry. "What are you reading?"
"Rebecca. Daphne de Maurier," he says. He doesn't mention he purchased it because the title made him think of his sister and he was afraid the memory of her name would slip away.
"A classic."
A bit of pastry filling lingers at the edge of her mouth and before he can stop himself, Bucky wipes it away with his gloved thumb. Their eyes meet and Bucky is staring at her like she's a puzzle he's trying to solve.
Kate looks away first, blushing. "Dinner again tonight?" she asks. "I mean...obviously, if you have plans, but...I'm terrible at cooking for one so...." She laughs nervously.
"Okay," he replies, a mirror of the first time she asked. He's still staring at her intently, but it's softer now.
"Okay," she says, her nerves disappearing.
When they finish eating dinner, Kate asks Bucky if he'll read to her. His words have been few and far between, letting her carry their conversations – which she doesn't mind – but she's found she's lured to the deep timbre of his voice.
He hesitates for only a moment before agreeing. He ducks next door to grab his book and when he returns, they settle on her couch – Bucky at one end, Kate at the other.
He starts to read, "'Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.'"
The next few weeks go by much the same. Kate cooks for Bucky and they eat together; they alternate between reading aloud to each other. Kate reads mostly newer releases – contemporary fiction, fantasy, the occasional thriller – while Bucky sticks to the classics, anything released before World War II.
He doesn't always listen when she reads. Sometimes he focuses on the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.
"You're staring," she says one night, not looking up from her book.
"Sorry," he replies.
He runs his tongue over his bottom lip, leans forward, and wraps one of the curls falling over her shoulder around a gloved finger before pulling away. Then he reaches down and pulls his gloves off slowly, first the right, then the left. He pushes his sleeves up over his forearms. His titanium arm catches the light, and Kate lets out the smallest gasp at the sight. At first, he thinks she's scared, but she sets her book down and takes his metal hand between both of hers, holding it tightly. He leans forward again and lets his bare right hand sink into the curls at the back of her neck. He's still staring at her, his eyes the color of stormy, midnight skies.
Kate thinks he might kiss her, and Bucky is certainly considering it – certainly wants to – but instead he bows his head forward onto her shoulder and breathes in the scent of her skin, his plush lips soft against her neck. They stay like that for some time, just holding each other, until finally, he presses a kiss so delicate behind her ear Kate isn’t sure it was real; he pulls away and stands.
"I should go," he says.
Kate nods, and before she can say anything, he's gone.
Kate lays in bed that night thinking of his arm and what it means that he showed it to her. She's read his file, she knows about the enhancements HYDRA gave him, the torture they put him through. Tears sting the corner of her eyes, and before she can stop herself, she’s crying into her pillow.
Kate falls into a restless sleep, and when she dreams of her parents’ wreck, she sees Bucky standing outside the car.
A few days into December, Tony texts Kate to ask how things are going, which is code for: You haven't been kidnapped, have you? Because that would be very inconvenient for me, but I'll put on the suit and come find you if I need to.
She’s blocked Tony from tracking her, but she knows he could if he really wanted to. He doesn’t.
She sends him two selfies. In the first, she's giving a thumbs up – the background discreet enough to be anywhere in Europe. In the second, she's wearing sunglasses and sipping coffee.
Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, Tony texts back, and Kate rolls her eyes before tucking her phone into her coat pocket.
She’s thinking about heading back to her flat, curling up with a book or writing some new code to impress Tony with when she finally goes back to New York. But the park is quiet, and she likes the sting of the cold wind on her cheeks.
Bucky finds her there a short time later.
"What are you doing?" he asks, sitting on the bench beside her.
“Enjoying the cold,” she says.
Bucky grunts. He’s always hated winter, hated the cold. The cold meant Steve would be sick – his asthma or some other ailment bothering him – and Bucky would be without his best friend for months. Then Bucky was on ice for so long, stuck in the cold of cryo. No, the cold isn’t for him, he thinks.
But he likes the way Kate looks, bundled up in her coat and scarf and hat. Her nose is a pretty shade of red that reminds him of the color it turns when she drinks too much wine. And he loves wine-drunk Kate almost as much as he hates the cold. That Kate laughs loudly and uses any excuse touch him – a hand on his shoulder or a brief touch of his bicep. Bucky didn’t realize how much he missed being touched until the night she slipped his titanium hand into her own.
Bucky's been preparing himself for Kate to leave Bucharest at the end of December for the holidays and never return. He always had the feeling she never intended to stay in the country long, thinking maybe she was here to escape an ex-boyfriend or irritate her older brother. He knows she has enough money to do something like that, though they never speak about it.
“I saw a flyer outside our building for a Christmas market at the end of the month,” she says after a while. “We should go. I’m in the mood for mulled wine.”
“You aren’t spending Christmas with your brother?” he asks, turning his head to look at her.
"No," she says, "Christmas isn't really...our thing." She pauses before continuing, "Our parents died in mid-December so Tony either completely ignores the holiday or goes way overboard to compensate. I prefer the former."
Kate takes Bucky’s gloved left hand in hers and presses her bare fingers against the metal of his wrist where his glove meets the sleeve of his coat. She never asks about his arm, and Bucky is grateful for that. He isn't sure how he would explain it.
“Aren’t your hands cold?” he asks, frowning. “Where are your gloves?”
“I must have forgotten them,” she shrugs.
“It’s cold, let’s go home,” he says, and a spark of heat catches in Kate’s belly at the idea that he thinks of their little apartments, where they’ve spent so much time together over the past few weeks, as home.
“Okay,” she says.
“Okay,” he smiles in return.
The Christmas market isn't as busy as he thought it would be, which Bucky is grateful for. He pulls his baseball cap low over his eyes and watches Kate look over a table of wood-carved ornaments. She returns to him empty-handed, and he passes her the thermos of mulled wine they've been sharing.
There's Christmas music pumping through speakers somewhere and a band setting up in a tent. They wander the market slowly, passing the thermos back and forth until it's empty. Kate's nose is red again – from the cold and the wine – and Bucky can't stop staring at her.
They've stopped to look at a Christmas tree in the center of the market when a group of kids – shouting and laughing – come careening down the walkway. Bucky pulls Kate against his chest to keep her from getting run over. He holds her close for a few moments longer than is necessary before dropping his arm from around her back.
“Mistletoe,” Kate whispers, her head titled upward, and Bucky looks up.
He remembers this somehow, remembers his mother hanging mistletoe in the doorway to their living room each Christmas so she could catch his father in a kiss. Remembers getting caught beneath it himself with his younger sister, bending down to smack a wet kiss to her cheek as she squealed.
When he looks back at Kate, she’s holding his elbow and gazing at him like he hung the damn moon, which makes a fire curl low in his belly. Before he can second guess himself, he’s leaning toward her, capturing her lips with his own, and suddenly, it’s like fireworks are exploding behind his eyes. His gloved hands reach up to cup her face and hers tangle into the knot of his scarf, pulling him impossibly closer. When they break apart, something unspoken passes between them.
He guides her back through the market toward their building, inside and up the endless series of stairs. Outside her door, he kisses her again, sweeping his tongue into her mouth. She tastes like the mulled wine they shared, and Bucky thinks he could get drunk on this alone. She pushes him away, laughing, to unlock the door, then pulls him inside with her.
When the door is closed, he turns her and presses her back against it. She reaches up to push his hat off, then pulls off her own and tosses it aside. Next, she's pulling off her gloves and then reaching for his.
"I want to feel you," she breathes, tugging at the leather around his hands, “all of you.”
When his gloves are off, his hands find her face, cupping her cheeks gently. “I haven’t done this in so long,” he rasps.
“We can slow down.”
“No,” he growls, pushing his hips against hers. He’s hard against her lower stomach, and she moans.
Kissing her, holding her like this – Bucky hasn't felt this much like himself since the war. And he can't get enough of it. He tugs at her scarf, unwrapping her like a present, while she unknots his, and they both shrug out of their coats. His bare hands slide beneath her sweater, up over her stomach to her breasts. Kate sighs at the contrast between flesh and metal on her skin. He leans back and tugs her sweater over her head, and she unhooks her bra, letting it slip down and off.
Bucky lifts her into his arms, and Kate wraps her legs around his waist. His mouth is hot against hers as he walks her to her bed. When he lays her down, he lets his lips trail down her neck, across her collarbone, and to her chest.
He pulls back slightly, beaming down at her, “God, you’re beautiful, doll.”
She reaches for the hem of his red Henley, but he stops her, covering her hand with his.
“My arm,” he says, nodding toward his left shoulder, “it’s not pretty.”
Kate doesn’t say anything, just pushes gently on Bucky’s shoulders until he’s lying flat on his back with her straddling his hips. She kisses him hard, stroking her tongue inside his mouth. With one kiss, she tries to convey how much she doesn’t care about what his arm looks like so long as he keeps touching her, keeps smiling at her, keeps letting her be part of his life.
Bucky reaches for the hem of his shirt.
“You don’t have to,” Kate says breathlessly, pulling back to look him in the eyes.
“I want to,” he says, licking his lips. “You said you wanted to feel all of me."
She smiles and lets him sit up. Bucky tugs the shirt over his head and tosses it off the bed. Kate's eyes linger briefly on the angry scars where flesh meets metal, then she bends and presses her lips there. Bucky growls and grabs her by the hips, flipping her so that's he hovering over her again.
His mouth finds her breasts, working a nipple with his tongue until she’s panting. He kisses his way down her stomach to the waistband of her jeans; he pops the button and pulls the zipper down.
"Can I taste you?" Bucky asks.
“Please,” she mewls and helps him push her jeans and underwear off.
His mouth is hot against her. He takes his time, running his tongue across her folds before pressing against the spot that makes her keen and slipping his fingers inside of her. His metal arm holds her hips in place when she comes, keeping her from moving away from him. Bucky could stay in this moment forever, he thinks, here, with his head between Kate's legs, listening to the soft sounds of her bliss, her heartbeat slowing as she comes back down.
But Kate has other ideas. She tugs at Bucky's long hair, pulling him back up to her mouth, tasting herself on his lips. Her hands work his jeans open, and she pushes them off his hips, letting her fingers glide across his buttocks slowly. Bucky groans.
"Are you sure?" he asks, pushing her hair out of her face.
"Yes," she says, and she leans up to kiss him deeply as she reaches down to stroke him.
"Do you..." he pauses, panting, "fuck, do you have a condom?"
"I have an implant. And I'm clean," she says, her eyes meeting his.
Bucky nods and tries to tell himself to remember to ask her what exactly an implant is later, but for now, he's too enraptured with the feeling of her hand around him to argue.
When he pushes inside of her, Kate gasps and moans and Bucky thinks he might actually die. It's been so long since he's felt pleasure like this, and he's lost in the wet, tight heat that is Kate. His head falls to her shoulder and he stills, allowing himself a moment to just enjoy this intimacy.
Kate runs her hands up and down his back. "Please move," she finally whispers in his ear, and Bucky lets out a strangled laugh.
He's a goner, he thinks, as he moves against her. Despite his past, despite his uncertain future, he loves her, and there is no turning back. He props himself up on his left arm and looks down at her.
"You're perfect," he says, and it's Kate's turn to laugh. Her laugh fades into a gasp as Bucky reaches between them and presses his fingers against her in a rhythm he's already memorized.
When she comes around him, clutching him tighter than he thought possible, he sees stars. He follows quickly behind, collapsing on top of her, and as he lays there, panting, and careful to hold his weight off her, Bucky has the sudden urge to laugh at how blissful he feels. When he eventually lifts his head from her shoulder and meets her eyes, Kate is smiling.
"Hi," she whispers, softly.
"Hi," Bucky returns, smiling along with her.
He rolls onto his back, tucks Kate against his side – his flesh arm solid against her back and waist – and falls into a dreamless sleep.
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