#peter and james
I’m not gonna lie Remus and Sirius would be the worst couple to hang out with like they would be on top of each other 24/7 with literally no thoughts about anyone but each other
Those two are so lucky that they’re friends with Only Child Extraordinaire James Potter who could hold a conversation with a brick wall
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theprongspotter · 7 months
James: Everyone just relax, no one is going to die!... but if someone does die it's probably going to be Peter.
Peter: Hey!
c: @incorrectquoteprompts
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vomits0cutely · 1 month
“Forgive me, Peter. My lost fearless leader, in closets like cedar, persevered when we were just kids. It is something I did?”
But it’s James’ last words to Peter trying to figure out what he did to deserve this betrayal.
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cazzythefrogking · 8 months
marauders incorrect quotes pt 196
Peter: How are you gonna carve a gigantic pumpkin? James: The same way I make onion rings! James: grabs a chainsaw
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jegulus4444 · 2 months
How do you feel about rare pair Regulus x Peter pettigrew, I promise if you think about it makes sense
dealer Peter who lets his best friends baby brother get free weed and smoke with but no one else. Pete who goes silent when Regulus is a chatterbox teogther. It’s their way of recharging.
Remus asking why Reg doesn’t pay but he does. Peter just awkwardly shrugging.
their relationship being revealed at a party after Peter shotguns smoke to Reg and everyone shocked
holly jolly theater kid with the weird kid who people think has a hit list y’know it’s cute lmao
also startail as a ship name ??
Hahaha I love the ship name. I actually prefer James and Peter. Like not endgame. But knowing Peter always loved James, then James try and give him a chance bc he is that kind of person and friend and then it doesn’t work out. Maybe in some universe it does. But in the majority it doesn’t and in some it even causes Peter to betray him for picking Lily or Regulus over him.
But now I need to read the Regulus x Peter fic. Sounds like and interesting dynamic. Very intriguing. Please tell me more about startail
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laprettieststar · 10 months
Why is everything about the Marauders era so gay?
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valoflunar · 6 months
forever believing that james and peter almost had a permanent mark on their faces because they face palmed so much during pre-wolfstar (their denial/pining stage) and whenever sirius or remus insisted the other didn’t like them back and was straight they face palmed so many times that they needed to ice their foreheads
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bluebedo · 2 years
James Potter's Top 10 People
James and Remus
Gayest bromance in the world
James layed his eyes on Remus and immediately went "I want to marry him"
Definitely snogged at least once
Constant jokes about them running off together, so much some students don't believe it's a joke
Remus, deadpan: Of course Lily would go out with you, you're an extremely attractive guy.
James, also deadpan: Careful. Say that again and I may have to shag you, right here and now.
James and Sirius
Chaotic father and idiot son energy
Probably scared away all of Sirius' past relationships like an overprotective dad
Best giver of the worst advice
The person who took him in and cared for him no matter what, whether it be his parents kicking him out, him being gay, or anything in the world. He's always there for his son.
James: You better have a good reason for coming home this late.
Sirius: I was putting dungbombs outside of the Slytherin portrait so when they all leave their common room tomorrow morning they're bombarded with them.
James, on the verge of tears: That's my boy.
James and Peter
Big brother energy
James basically adopted Peter as his younger brother when they were about 5 and he realised Peter had no friends or anything.
Best wingman for a lost cause
Play-wrestling constantly
Bought Peter his first alcohol and let him drink it when he was 15 and James had just turned 16.
Peter, nervous about becoming an animagus for the first time: When Remus turns into a werewolf his bones become all weird and sore because of how he changes shape. So will the same happen to us as animagi since it's basically the same process?
James, crossing his toes: I don't know man, but look at what my feet can do.
James and Lily
Enemies to lovers, basically
Both felt immediate mum energy over Sirius so we're jealous of each other, and said jealousy turned into rivalry
Always in love but only realised it when they got into a fight after a Quidditch match in 6th year and James instinctively kissed her.
Sirius calls them his mum and dad
They're each other's biggest cheerleader and rival
James: Good luck on your exam, your hair looks amazing today, I love you with every bone in my body, and I'm the favourite parent because you suck beyond all measures. Ciao!
Lily, in shock and watching James walk away without another word:
James and Marlene
Rivals who didn't turn into lovers because Marlene rejected him immediately since she's gay.
She was his first crush at school, and he was her first nuisance.
When he found out she was a lesbian he tried to hook her up with basically every girl who gave him any queer energy at all.
Best players on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and most enthusiastic.
James: If I was any object, I think I'd be a screwdriver. I don't know why, though
Marlene: I do. Its because you're a massive tool.
James and Mary
Fake-rivals due to their shared love for Lily (though Mary's is platonic)
Mary and Lily have a similar relationship to Remus and James, so James and Mary practically fight for Lily's love.
Both own fake swords that they often pretend to fight with.
She wants to be a nurse and he's absolute chaos incarnate, as well as too stubborn to go to Madam Pomfrey, so she often practices medicinal potions in him
Mary, pressing a fake sword to James' throat: My name is Mary Catherine MacDonald. You stole my wife. Prepare... To die!
James, who just woke up from sleeping on the common room couch: ...Dad?
James and McGonagall
Co-parents of Sirius Black
If James is ever worried about Sirius he goes straight to McGonagall.
He's a saint to her since he keeps Sirius in check during her lessons.
McGonagall was the one to recommend him as headboy to Dumbledore, and James has basically been in love ever since.
James, watching Sirius try setting fire to Snape's hair in charms class: They grow up so fast.
McGonagall, who's covering the class for a sick Flitwick: Mr Potter! Are you not going to do anything?
James: ...Sirius, stop that right now!
James and the Prewett Twins
The Prewett Twins basically took all the marauders under their wing when they joined, but James especially connected with them.
His favourite is Fabian, but only because his name is better.
He once charmed his hair bright orange for a day in 3rd year to match them before Lily began incessantly teasing him about being in love with her.
He's honestly taught them more magic than they taught him.
Gideon, high: Have you ever wondered why frogs?
Fabian, also high: Dude! I thought the exact same thing.
James, 12, trying to be cool around his awesome upper classmates: Yeah. Frogs. They're... Green?
James and Regulus
It's more of a relationship from afar where they just nod at each other in the hallways and have certain secret stares that mean certain things.
James got worried for Regulus after Sirius was kicked out, so started silently checking in on him like this.
HUGE soft spot for Reggie, possible childhood crush
Regulus told him something was wrong through their looks one day, and James convinced Sirius to go talk to him. That's the day they found out Regulus was forced to get the dark mark.
Regulus, staring at James from across the hall and secretly telling him about what a horrible Christmas:
James, staring right back at Regulus in horror: That bitch!
Sirius, who was eating his porridge besides James, oblivious to what was going on: I don't know who we're talking about, but you're so right.
James and Euphemia
Places the utmost trust in her
Absolute best mums ever, both probably have mugs saying, “Number 1# mum” and “Number 2# mug”
James has the number 2 one, which is the same as his mums only he crossed out 1 and put 2
Basically the same person only James has his father’s horrible memory
James, sipping from his “Second best mum” cup and watching Sirius: I’m so good at raising kids
Euphemia, sipping from her “Best mum” cup and side-eyeing James: I’m not.
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characters have to be a little bit awful in ways that you cant defend. its good for the ecosystem. your honor he did do that. He did in fact do that
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aphrcdites · 10 months
the bond between a girl and their favorite fictional man is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object
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thatboisus · 4 months
“english isn’t my first langua—“ say no more.
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James is a really good chef but the second someone enters the kitchen and tries to ‘help’ him he has a nervous breakdown
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natti-ice · 2 months
18+ mdni
Me: “fuck, I need his cock”
Him: *is literally just words on tumblr*
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You know a characther is fucked up and traumatized when they are wearing one of these
Edit: half of this characther were put against my will
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cazzythefrogking · 9 months
marauders incorrect quotes pt 82
Peter, confused and exasperated: James, how do you plan on telling a bear to go vegan? James: Politely.
my marauderstober list!
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ezrazzle · 2 months
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After slowly chipping away at this for a while, I'm finally done drawing the cast of The Magnus Archives!
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