#petition to bring ben alive
stocious · 8 months
bisexual carl thoughts
so listen, we got robbed of some bisexual content in the show with fiona’s exit so me and nosho ( @creepkinginc ) got talking and you know what? bisexual carl. we’re here for it. so we made him a boyfriend. meet ben.
carl brings his first ever actual boyfriend to sunday family dinner and at first the gallaghers are kinda confused because ben looks like a nobody. he has a boring name and a boring look, very average, nothing special about him. carl has had a slew of very interesting women and he’s with this guy? makes zero sense.
until ben opens his mouth. it makes sense then.
they learn he’s a baker and works at a bakery close to the police station and that’s how they met (”cops and dounts, huh?”) but ben had to give his number THREE times before carl got the hint. because why would a guy flirt with him? it took him a minute alright.
but ben also tells them he’s been a park ranger in new mexico where he’s from, a construction worker, for a while he worked with removing snakes and shit from peoples houses, you know, normal ben stuff.
at which the gallaghers tell him the story about carl killing the bald eagle hoping to get a laugh outta the guy
but he looks dissapointed and says he wishes he was there so he could show them how to prepare it properly. which then send him into a story about that time he killed and ate a poisionous snake.
the gallaghers just stare but carl nods and looks like its the most normal thing ever. ben informs them that they have to remember to bury the head should they ever have to do that because you can still step on it and get poisoned.
he then goes on to tell them about other wild animals you can eat. seagulls, snails, bugs, possums. and how to best prepare them.
alright so ian spots his tattoo and asks about it. its a ruler on his forearm and ben just shrugs and tells them he uses it to measure fish he catches sometimes. you never know when you have to measure something. its handy at ikea and when you gotta make sure a hole is deep enough. a hole for what? oh you never know when you need a hole with just the right size.
they keep talking and frank/monica/parents comes up and ben tells them about his survivalist father who dropped him in the woods one time with a swiss army knife and a lighter and he had to find his way back home. by himself. at 12.
(thats also the time he ate the snake. ya boy had to eat)
there’s just this distinct feeling ben could build you a house and do your taxes, but he’s also the typa guy who could tell you the best way to make a body dissapear and how to make a deadly weapon out of a paperclip and a stick. mcgyver style.
eventually it turns into this thing where everybody just waits for him to piggyback of whatever story they tell with a ”that reminds me of that one time…” and they all just KNOW its gonna be something outta the left field. just ben stories.
ian voices his concern about ben being a red flag to mickey but mickey’s like ”firecrotch, you married ME. if we turned out fine im sure ben and carl will be fine too. he’s weird as fuck but i kinda like the dude. good for carl the little pyschopath”
eventually they wanna add him to the gallagher group chat but he doesnt use facebook. or any social media sites. but he does have 17 different apps for hiking trails and apps for identifying plants you can eat or not eat and a compass app and— all the apps but not facebook. sorry.
so yeah, ben looks like he wouldnt make sense with carl but they get it now. he makes total sense with carl.
(i wrote this on my phone and didnt spellcheck so take it for what it is)
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fandomjoy · 2 years
Quantum Leap 2022 is GREAT!
The "radio silence" here on Tumblr regarding nuQL is because the fans who are loving the new show are gathered on Twitter and Reddit and Discord. And plenty of us OG fans have been LOVING this sequel and can't wait for the next 10 episodes!
The Calavicci family has always had a big role in the show & they had plans to try to get Dean a small on-screen appearance, but then he passed while things were still being developed. Yes, Al has passed (it's implied that his death was the same time as Dean's); it would've been too hard to emotionally accept the implication that he's alive, but we'll never get to see him.
Janis isn't an antagonist. It may seem like it, but only on the surface. The subtext says she has good intentions, but is willing to do anything to succeed in her plan. Her conversation with Beth really gives away her aim: she wants to bring Sam home so that Al doesn't spend his last couple decades of life depressed because Sam never came home. Also, as per the pilot script, Sam was working with her and said her dad would be proud of her; of course she's not evil! Don't know how anyone can interpret her that way! Things are never so black and white.
Ben was never established as aiming to save Sam Beckett. The closest we got to an implication that the Project was re-built to find Sam is that Magic is the one who petitioned to re-start the Project. Ben was never even supposed to be the Leaper; Addison was (and that likely ties into Ben needing to save her, whatever that ends up meaning).
Ben was the one who contacted Janis for help; we just don't know how he learned about whatever it is he's saving Addison from.
The two of them have different goals, but those goals move in parallel. Ben Leaping to save Addison doesn't preclude Janis' aim to bring Sam home.
As for Ziggy not speaking, it's pretty obvious that the new Project was built from the ground up. Al obviously took as much of the original with him as he could before they fully mothballed the Stallion's Gate location. So, of course the Ziggy at the Topanga Canyon* facility can't speak. That quantum supercomputer does not currently have the Heart of Ziggy; it is an A.I., just not sentient, and likely was named Ziggy in honor of the original.
*(pure fan conjecture based on where Ben & Addison's apartment is located & the location of mountains near the cold ocean, which allows the Project to be underground [confirmed visually in the show] but also have close access to a large body of cold water [gotta love that icy Pacific!]).
I am of the belief that Al took the Heart and it's among the equipment Janis is using. BTW, what I refer to as the Heart of Ziggy is the blue orb we see in The Leap Back. The description of it in the script goes as such:
The shimmering blue light is emanating from a glass sphere floating without visible support above the center of the room. The sphere is filled with living brain tissue immersed in a nutrient solution. THIS IS ZIGGY.
The living brain tissue is probably where the sentience stems from.
Once Janis reveals her intentions fully and joins the Project (because it's obvious that'll happen), once she realizes that she can trust the Team, she'll help Ian install the Heart into the present supercomputer and BAM! We'll get to hear Ziggy. We may not get to hear her until the end of the season, but that'd be such a great way to start the summer break before season 2!
As for the questions about the Waiting Room and body vs mind Leaping and all that ish... There's been twenty years of scientific and technological advancement since the original Project was mothballed; of course this new, rebuilt Project is gonna have different coding and different ideas on quantum physics. Change is inevitable when it comes to science.
And I will leave y'all with my theory on what Janis is planning to do:
She would never want to straight-up erase the good that Sam has done while Leaping. So there's no way the plan is to warn 1995 Sam not to Leap. Plus, if someone warns Sam not to Leap, he's just gonna come back with "Wait, it works?" And if the messenger mentions his changing time? He ain't gonna give up Leaping if he knows he can do good in the world!
So, I don't think 1995 is the year Janis is aiming for. In fact, she's probably not aiming for a time; I think she's looking for a place, which just so happens to be Al's Bar, which her dad probably told her about over the years when lamenting about his last time seeing Sam. Since that's the last place Al saw Sam, that's where Janis is aiming for.
What does she plan to do once she finds Sam? I believe it's to convince him to come home, but "home" would be Stallion's Gate immediately following the events of Mirror Image. He'd be reunited with Al and Donna and Sammy Jo, but the Leaping and the Project would still have happened, so no paradox.
The new Project can still happen - maybe Sam's return is kept a secret so he can just disappear off the grid and enjoy the rest of his life in peace, with frequent visits from the Calavicci family. So Sam would still be on record as missing, so Magic would still want to revive the Project, but Sam and Al would both have had happy endings.
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majorxmaggiexboy · 2 years
How do you think turn characters would fare in the terror?
So Realistically(tm) the Women wouldn't be on the ships at all, they would be back home working with Lady Jane and Sophia on the whole "We gotta bring those boys Home" angle and you Know Anna is good with petitions. She'd be on the direct action course while Mary works the sewing circle.
Given alterations though if they were on the voyage i'm pretty sure Anna would wind up giving both Franklin and Crozier a piece of her mind somewhere along the way.
Abigail, Cicero, and Sprout i will mention in the context of i refuse to imagine them in this situation, as far as i am concerned Abigail and her family are safe and warm in Canada for the whole series. They have been through Enough.
Simcoe would make it all the way to episode ten. I feel like in the first quarter he'd generally agree with Crozier as far as sensible courses of action. Gradually he'd shift over to being allied with Hickey, but that wouldn't last because unlike Hickey, Sim would be looking out for himself plus his kind of, core group. Knowing him he'd be one of the few to tangle directly with Tuunbaq and survive. If it's still an, Everyone Except Crozier Bites The Dust situation, i think Simcoe would attempt to go down fighting Tuunbaq, likely looking very much the way he did in the TURN s2 finale battle.
Hewlett, first of all, would get along beautifully with Goodsir, i believe this in my soul. Those two would be nerding out over their respective favorite sciences right to the last. Nobody would really expect Hewlett to last very long once things start going bad, but he proves to be resourceful and just vicious enough to forge ahead. Similarly to Goodsir, and to his own arc in TURN, he does get a bit of a bitter edge toward the end. Ngl if he has to die i think it'd be in a knife fight with Hickey or one of his goons rather than via sickness or tuunbaq.
The only thing keeping Ben alive til episode 10 would have to be his incredible luck stat because in episode 1 while they're still in Icy Water instead of just Ice, he's. He's gotta fall in it. It's mandatory. I don't make the rules. So it's like the Delaware Incident. RIP Billy Orren but Ben's different. He's knocked out for like a week but bounces back right in time for everything to get So Much Worse. I just don't see him thriving in this particular boat setting though. He's very reactive and has that tendency to pop off so he'd stay snapping at Franklin, who might be generous enough to let it slide, but Fitzjames absolutely Would Not, then he'd be going off on Crozier about the whole Staying Drunk thing and he'd be at constant risk of trying to fight Hickey, Tozer, probably Hodgeson, possibly even Little, let alone if Bradford is there to scuffle with. On the off chance he manages to avoid getting himself court martialed, either Ben's ridiculous luck would get him to episode ten at which point he'd get shot in the final showdown or around the 8-9 range he'd do a Fitzjames and wilt via earlier, previous like, prior gsw.
Can u even Imagine Caleb Brewster and Thomas Blanky in the same room though shgjshgjdhgj they're the same person but in different age brackets, and near exactly the same level of Slightly Feral. They'd have a great time, as much as possible. Stone Cold Buddies. He seems to be doing okay and of course is like, Emotional Support with Ben, but around Carnivale even Caleb's reserves start to dwindle and he's on a similar track to his TURN s4 arc, but also turns it around at the last possible second. If he has to die it'd most likely be via heroic sacrifice of some kind.
Abe. Abe Woodhull t_t good. lort. Abe. I can't. This man. Actually it's so sad though because he's all about getting home to his son and ngl his scruples are challenged by the situation. He cares about the others but Making It Home is his main priority so he's willing to get a little nasty to stay alive. Which makes it weirdly devastating when the lead poisoning gets him in the last 20 minutes :')
Ensign Baker is still Accidentally Shot By Abe and it's horrible.
Jandre wants to get back to Peggy and navigate this situation while maintaining his suave his finesse his morals OH! Oh he's actually like Crozier in the whole, doing this for a Station Boost thing, so he's especially upset by things going Horribly Wrong, and is also worn down as things progress. Sadly meets his death via Hickey in episode 9.
Also though i'm thinking about the Reverend Worthington Shenanigan and ngl Ben might actually just murder Hickey himself at some point lbr. Abe definitely would.
Also Scott's leg wound from Cabbages and Kings would be from Tuunbaq instead of gunshot, or at least, Arnold's would.
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mmprviolet · 3 years
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If you ships these then dni (joke) no srs if you prefer these ships I don't care 😆 just wanna have a fun roasting my notps
Salt undercut
Batcat: Every time DC&stans push them as One True Love I just shake my head. It annoys me how Bruce's other love interests get put down to prop Selina on a pedestal; at the same time reducing Selina to be just his 'savior' or therapist. She's a compelling character in her own right! This why I don't want her part of the Batfam. Plus Bruce wouldn't do good with an active criminal for a permanent love/spouse even if it is Selina.
Bal: I feel nothing for this ship, Bevie has more chemistry than this. Plus I feel like others have doen a better job explaining why this ship is so bad better than me
Lance simped for Our Queen the whole show when it was made quite clear she wasn't interested in him like that. You'd think he would learn personal boundaries 😒 Here's the weird part she ended up using him as a rebound after her brief fling with Lotor failed!! And the rest of the season is spent with how he's such a perfect boyfriend for her while ignoring his individual growth.
Do I even NEED to say it?
Harumi manipulated Lloyd that whole season and desecrated his father's grave for revenge. She gave him a slew of trust issues. Even if she was alive and redeemed there's just be too much bad blood to ever be actual friends, much less a couple
They bring out the worst in each other yet OV can't help but push how they're fated to be together. If Kai has to be called out call out Ben too for knocking doen her interests in Fight At The Museum!
Ah yes nothing like ruining the point of the first movie by creating one of the most blandest heroines in Disney and pairing her with Quasi simply to appease complaints about him not getting the girl! So much emphasis on 'true beauty' and showing how much they have in common when she had no personality. It's basically "give the bachelor a consolation prize/Sequel Movie Love Story" cliche.
I don't mind Catra and Adora making up I just didn't want them together romantically. But you know everything's gotta be a damn romance
You can make as many petitions as you want two rivals aren't going to comply to your wishes! Plus it's really shallow: they both have ice powers and that's about it!
Once Archie stopped with that obnoxious 'opposites attract' soap opera shit Sonally became much more bearable. Their personalities clashed too much for any stability
Imma get so much hate but I say it: Pixane is only a thing because they needed to give Zane a love interest who just so happens to be a robot because pairing him with a human is too complicated the same with Kailor she has like the same personality traits as him it doesn't leave very interesting points to explore (not helped by her not appearing in the show much already)
The implication that you have to apologize to your abuser for rightfully getting mad at them, getting back together and then getting engaged *barf* all it does is show that even if they hurt you in such a way you HAVE to get back together. This why I call M'gann a creator's pet
I don't get romance vibes from Jasonnie but other than that i just don't see them as a thing. O ship Jason with my si/oc Vanessa and I ship Connie with an OC (or Jeff, Mitch can go)
Amethyst Ocean has an insane popularity and half the time I see it leech traits exclusive to the Grey Ghost Ship/Valerie. The show tried so hard to push this ship without addressing any of its faults and the stans ate it right up. Otherwise Danny&Sam is a bad example of the "male lead x female lead" trope
Nothing bad to say about it - well except for the extremists ofc - but I prefer Sonamy to just be ship tease/friendship. Trying to turn it into a serious romance kinda ruins the point plus I hate seeing Amy regulated to just Girlfriend when she's so much more than that
Reylo Reylo REYLO ugh I'm not wasting any more words on this heinous crime against manatees!
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sserpente · 4 years
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A/N: I was writing this while my cat kept attacking me because she wanted to play. I don’t know if it made any impact on the story but I guess we’ll see. 😅
Words: 2154 Warnings: fluff (+ there are NO spoilers for TROS in this Imagine!)
Your lungs were burning, accompanied by a stinging pain in your chest. A broken rib, probably, maybe even two. You had been reckless. No, you had been distracted. Distracted by the man you loved more than yourself.
You were so close to him now—and while your heart knew exactly what it wanted, your mind kept sending shockwaves of adrenaline through your entire body.
Danger. Threat. Flight.
You hadn’t seen Ben’s face since he departed to train as a Jedi with his uncle Luke—and Leia had forbidden you joined the Resistance on any risky missions anywhere near the First Order. You were not Force sensitive, never had been. But they took you in when you had had nothing left and you had given back to them your services and your loyalty—your support to fight for a better world.
Your personal political views remained indifferent as long as you got to live, preferably not in poverty. But the Resistance, back then operating under a different name, of course, had given you something else. Someone else. They had given you Ben—right until Luke’s godforsaken Jedi camp had ripped him from your grasp cruelly, had him drift away from you until he was out of reach both physically and mentally.
He had a new name now, new motivations—and he had done terrible things which shocked you to the very bottom of your heart and yet… yet you could never stop loving him. Perhaps this was the reason you were here now, on the Finalizer, bruised, beaten and defeated.
Your weapons had long been taken from you. You were helpless. And Kylo Ren was your only hope.
“Bring her to my quarters for an interrogation, and keep her restrained. Her strength is not to be underestimated.” The voice you heard behind you was somewhat… distorted, no, modulated—most likely, it belonged to one of the Knights of Ren… did Kylo wear one too, a mask? How would you recognise him if he did? What if this voice, what if it was him… You swallowed thickly. Focus. Interrogation. If you fought back too much, they would pry your mind open like a nut, pushing you straight into the depths of madness.
You didn’t know anything. Nothing about Leia’s plans and not even if they still resided in the same location. You were on your own now. You had left after the destruction of the Jedi camp, when Ben had become someone you did not recognise—yet.
My quarters… you repeated the words in your mind, pure terror spreading in your veins like a nasty disease. Could it be?
The Stormtroopers followed the order immediately. Grabbing you by your upper arms and practically lifting your feet off the ground, they dragged you through the cold and empty hallways almost effortlessly.
You did not resist—you would save your strength for later—for when you truly needed it to fight all the torture they were about to inflict on you.
Handcuffed to almost utter helplessness, you were shoved into some dark living space, discarded like an old piece of furniture; the metal doors sliding shut behind you and darkness swallowing you whole before you could even turn. Idiots.
Standing there in the corner in complete blackness, with your heart in your mouth and the blood singing in your ears, you waited. You knew enough about strangling people. Your restraints posed the perfect tool for that.
But it stayed silent for a while. No footsteps, no voices, nothing. Then, finally, just when you had almost given up and begun to think your captor might have forgotten about you, the metal doors flew open once again.
The small beam of light falling onto the ground of the dark living quarters before the only exit route was cut off again were enough for you to make out a tall silhouette—and attack it.
With a belligerent scream, you stormed forward, aiming for the figure’s neck—but found your limbs paralysed by an invisible Force only the fraction of a second after, before the metal around your wrists could even touch your enemy.
The man in front of you chuckled darkly—a terrifying sound through the voice modulator inside the mask he was wearing. You froze, regardless of what the Force was doing to your body, eyes widening as a suspicion rose within you. This chuckle… it sounded familiar.
As cool as you please, he reached up, gloved hands swiftly fiddling with the clasps of his mask, revealing…
“Ben.” You choked out when your eyes met. You had found him. He was alive. He was safe. He was well. “Ben…” You repeated, voice breaking pathetically. Instantly, the Force released your limbs but you did not move an inch.
“Ben is dead,” he spat.
“What? I see him. I see him right in front of me!” Kylo turned up his mouth, a touch of anger radiating off of him. Once more, you felt the Force on your body, this time wrapping around your neck tightly. He didn’t even blink as he lifted you off your feet and pulled you towards him without lifting a finger, your body—tiny and downright petite compared to his—colliding with his chest and knocking all air from your lungs.
You howled in pain, your stricken ribs complaining upon the harsh impact. Kylo hesitated, a frown decorating his face for no longer than a split second before he seemed to recollect himself.
“Where is the Resistance?” He asked with a tilt of his head, ignoring your prior response coldly. At this point, you were shaking. You longed to jump into his arms and hold him tightly, but feared his reaction. Would he push you away? Laugh at you? Kill you? No, you figured. Ben would never hurt you.
“I… I don’t know. I left them after what happened at… the… the Jedi camp. I’ve been looking for you ever since.” Kylo Ren’s eyebrows rose slightly.
“And now that you’ve found me, what will you do?” He responded coolly, a hint of mockery swinging in his voice. You fell silent. Ben knew you well, he always had. Truth was, you had not had a plan. All you had wanted was to find the man you loved.
“I presume the Resistance still cares about your whereabouts,” he continued then, seemingly unfazed. “What will they do once they learn the First Order has you in its grip?” Kylo Ren stretched out his hand, gloved fingers kneading the thin air as you felt the Force pulling your mind apart like thin threads being torn from a silken fabric—looking for any kind of information about the Resistance which might be useful to him.
You failed to resist, knowing it would make the inevitable pain a lot more bearable. You had not lied. And you had never kept secrets from Ben.
“You really have no idea.” He concluded almost softly, absentmindedly pulling away again. He gnashed his teeth, staring you intently in the eye for a few agonising seconds. You slowly nodded.
Kylo Ren already knew what you did not dare to speak out loud—that you had come to see him regardless of the consequences which might result in the downfall of the Resistance. For just a brief moment, his composed and repellent façade crumbled. Glimpses of cracks proving to you he was unwilling to yield to his true emotions. He clenched his gloved fists, his right eye twitching once.
Without another word, he hurried to put his mask back on, then he stormed outside, illuminating the dark quarters with the artificial light from the vast hallways for a third time.
“Send a message to the Resistance,” you heard his modulated voice say to the Stormtroopers standing guard outside, “Tell General Organa we have one of her… fugitives on board. (Y/N) (Y/L/N)’s survival in return for the exact coordinates of their remaining ships.”
Your chest was heaving, tears streaming down your face. Grief and relief mixed in your heart, poisoning you with a deadly potion singeing you from the inside out—it was a pain much worse than the physical injuries of your body the two medical droids were treating. Ben must have sent them to his quarters after realising you were hurt. Nothing was broken, yet the contusions felt equally antagonising. The droids had stripped you and more or less forced you down on the black and uncomfortable sofa, with only your sports bra remaining to take care of the dark bruises.
They utterly ignored your heart-breaking sobs rippling through Kylo Ren’s empty quarters. At least, the lights had been switched on by now, allowing you a few curious glances around.
The decoration was sparse. There was a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, a double bed with pitch black bed sheets, a dark and tiled hallway leading to a separate refreshing area and a mysterious metal door—you did not need to try for the knob to know it would be locked.
Ben’s signature was all over the room—it felt like his aura lingered despite his absence, reminding you with every passing second of the man you had lost. He could have taken you to General Hux, could have the Stormtroopers take care of accommodating you—and he could have you killed without so much as a simple blink. He had not. You were here. Right here in his quarters where you were safe. Safe from all the threats on board the Finalizer, safe from the proponents of the First Order. Safe from anyone except from him.
Kylo Ren returned, presumably, late at night. He found you curled up on the hard seating furniture, your almost naked back turned to him. He could sense you were still awake. Your thoughts were racing through your mind, one toppling over the next.
Your lips were still shaking—as were your limbs. His quarters were almost unusually chilly, dark and uninviting. Wearing no more than a pair of tight trousers and your sports bra did not exactly help this predicament. Holding your breath, you listened. What was he doing? You could hear the rustling of fabric, bed sheets being pulled back for the owner of the soft mattress to lie down on it and rest and lastly, the sound of a light switch. Once again, you found yourself in complete darkness.
One thing was for sure—Kylo Ren would never admit he was unsure of what to do with you. Killing you was no option. He would never forgive himself. Leaving you with Hux or the Stormtroopers? You were his.
Gnashing his teeth, he ripped his eyes back open all the while listening to your clattering teeth. Were you really his? You loved him, he knew this, he could sense it—always could have. And you were here. Here in his quarters. You could have been killed for just attempting to come here and even that had not stopped you from finding him. For Heaven’s sake—he was the Supreme Leader. If he wished to keep you with him, it would be his decision alone.
“B-Ben.” He suddenly heard you mumble.
Silence. Indignantly, he squeezed his eyes shut. Would sleep come to him tonight? He would need his energy. If his mother still cared about you as much as she had before he left her, tomorrow might result in yet another draining battle.
“Ben.” You said again, louder and more vehemently this time.
Again, he did not respond. You swallowed thickly, biting your lower lip so hard you could taste blood.
“Fine,” you spat. “Kylo.”
As if on cue, he turned in bed, facing you in the utter darkness of his quarters. You had a feeling he could still see every inch of you, his brown eyes boring through you like sharp daggers or the hot blade of his lightsabre.
“What is it?”
“I’m freezing. Please… can you give me a blanket?”
“I don’t have any spare blankets.” His dark voice rumbled through the blackness around you. Fearing that this would be his final word, you took a deep and shaky breath. But then, suddenly, the bed sheets rustled again. “Come.”
What? Did he mean… his bed?
Still trembling, you stood from the uncomfortable sofa, wondering what he would do if you approached him. But Kylo said nothing. Not when you lied down in his warm bed. Not when he covered you with his blanket. Not when he wrapped an arm around your middle and pulled your cold body against his warm chest, his heavy breathing brushing hot air against the back of your neck.
“Kylo…” You whispered. He held you even closer in response—there was no need for him to see you to notice how your eyes had filled with salty tears again.
What was he doing? Was he Kylo Ren or was he Ben Solo? But perhaps it did not matter. He was, after all, the man you loved.
Check out my blog to find more Imagines and take a glimpse at my first (to be) published novel! Also, if you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate so much if you supported me on Kofi! ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥
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benscaligraphyset · 4 years
Chapter Three
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(Finally I’ve been able to update this fic! I got a little disheartened when the other chapters weren't getting much engagement and then my other pic, Unexpected, was getting attention so I focused on that a bit more but Im finally back with a new chapter if Starward! Hope it was worth the wait :) Please let me know what you think, I love reading your comments!)
Also! If you get the chance visit https://blacklivesmatter.carrd.co and sign their petitions and see other things you can do to help!
It had been a few months since your arrival at Luke’s training temple and you and Ben had already fallen into old habits.
His lightsaber skills had certain improved, you noted, but so had yours. You were constantly teasing him while sparring, trying to get him to break, but Ben was completely focused whenever fighting was happening. It’s like he slipped into a trance with the hum of his lightsaber driving him. You found it adorable, but it worried Luke. He said that he noticed him using Dark Side methods during his training, but it wasn’t as if all of those methods are truly bad, just different from Jedi techniques.
And there you were, back to defending him. But, Ben wasn’t alone in thinking that the Jedi had some major flaws. You think his mood would improve if he was allowed to express his emotions instead of keeping them bottled inside. That’s not to say you believe in the Sith’s way of using your emotions to fuel you and bring you power, but, there had to be some sort of healthy balance to these things. You wished Luke would teach you grey methods of using the Force, and not just the Light side that the old Jedi’s had preferred. After all, Darth Vader had started out as a Jedi and they allowed him to rise to power, so maybe their methods weren’t as perfect as Luke pretends they were. You just didn’t see what was wrong with a little Dark.
It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows for the two of you, though. Ben still struggled with his feelings of self worth and it was sometimes hard for you to convince him that you truly cared or that his family cared. His insecurities caused him to lash out and seek to self isolate instead of reaching out to his friends like you and Tai. You knew he also held residual anger at the fact that you left all those years ago, not that he’d admit it. 
It’s not as if Luke did much to dissuade these insecurities, and you made sure to tell him as much, but you didn’t know if Luke truly knew how to help Ben. He didn’t understand him like you did and for the most part, that wasn’t his fault.
The side that you had the privilege of seeing, the joking, carefree side of him, was not something everyone got to see. It was easy to see him as a resentful and sad boy if he didn’t let you in.
Overtime, Ben stopped showing this side to Luke as much as he used to. You don’t know what changed but at some point after you left their relationship deteriorated and you didn’t know if it could be repaired. If it could, you certainly weren’t the one to do it. You made a note to ask Leia about it the next time you spoke to her.
You both had also kept the habit of bickering like an old married couple. You were constantly butting heads and it didn’t help that you both were relentlessly stubborn. In Ben’s defense, it’s hard not to be stubborn after being raised by the two most stubborn humans alive.
“There they go again,” another student groaned.
“Shut up, Bactar,” Ben snapped before turning back to you.
You scoffed. “You’re honestly telling me, that you think you could beat me, in my starfighter and you, in your dad’s old light freighter—that’s constantly needing repairs— in a race?” you asked in disbelief.
“That ‘old light freighter’,” Ben retorted, using air quotes, ”made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed at the phrase you’ve heard enough times to last a life time. You looked around at your audience in disbelief and Jannik shrugged. People had learned to not get involved in your petty disputes.
Ben leaned over to get back in your line of vision. “I’m not gonna say it’s not a piece of junk, because, it is, but I am saying that I am a good enough pilot to beat you any day, in any ship.”
You threw your head back in a loud, obnoxious laugh. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Okay, now I really know you’re messing with me,” you scoffed.
Ben came closer to you and you raised your head in defiance, but also because if you didn’t you would be staring at his chest. You know he uses his build to an advantage, thinking if he towers over you he has the upper hand, but you never gave him the satisfaction. Maybe this would work on his sparring opponents, but not you. And maybe you liked it a little too much when he was a little too close.
You looked up at the man before you through your lashes; you also knew your own strengths.
“So, what do ya say, Flyguy? You wanna test your theory?” you asked in a low voice.
You watched his adam’s apple bob nervously and you knew you were succeeding. You smirked up at him and his jaw shifted in irritation.
“Pick a time and place, Starward,” he replied cooly.
Your smirk grew and you opened your mouth to retort but you never got the chance. Luke’s force presence alerted you to the fact that other people do, in fact, exist and you had a whole audience watching your and Ben’s—well, whatever this was.
“Kriff, would you two get a room already?” Voe snipped and you instantly retreated from Ben, warmth flooding your cheeks.
“Language, Voe,” Luke said, finally arriving to the training grounds.
Students instantly straightened their backs and wiped the grins off their face at his arrival. Voe’s body crumpled at Luke’s sharp reprimand and you suspected her cheeks were also warm.
“Y/N, Ben, stop whatever ridiculous feud you have going on and get into a ready position,” Luke commanded and you both obeyed, along with the rest of the class.
Ben seemed...uncomfortable would be the only word you knew how to describe it. He kept shifting his legs in between forms and you caught him conspicuously moving things around under his belt. You knew boys had to move things around down there sometimes, but you’d never seen Ben quite this bothered.
Maybe you could press inside—
“Y/N, focus,” Luke snapped, bringing your attention back to the task at hand.
“Sorry, Master,” you apologized and resumed the stance that the other students were in.
It might’ve been your imagination, but you thought you felt Ben’s eyes boring holes into you, but you didn’t dare turn and check.
After training you went straight to your water bottle, relishing in how good it tasted. You weren’t ashamed to admit you might’ve moaned audibly. You couldn’t help it, water after training was like spice. You felt Ben’s presence brush against yours and you went to greet him, but he was already hustling towards the huts and didn’t stop, even when you called his name.
“What the brix?” The question was really to yourself, but that never stopped people from butting into your business before.
“Oh, he’s got it bad for you,” Jannik quipped, suddenly next to you.
“What are you on about now?” you asked, too exhausted from your workout to deal with whatever he was saying.
“Come on, I know you’re not that stupid.”
“Can you get on with whatever you’re trying to say or move along?” you asked, taking another needed sip of water.
“Come on, everyone knows he’s practically in love with you.”
Water shot out of your mouth and nose and you suddenly couldn’t draw a proper breathe in, having sucked water into your lungs. Jannik instantly patted your back and asked if you were all right.
“I-I’m f-fine,” you sputtered, eventually gaining the ability to breathe again.
“Did you seriously not know?” he asked, incredulous.
“There’s nothing to know,” you croaked, risking another sip of water. “We’re just friends.”
“Yeah, friends who get hot and bothered when you argue.”
“What?” It was your turn to sound incredulous.
“You didn’t notice how he was shifting around during training? You had to have.”
You grabbed Jannik’s arm, much to his loud objection, and dragged him away from any prying ears.
“Of course I noticed,” you hissed. “But, what does that have to do with anything?”
“Wow...you really are oblivious,” he said and you punched his shoulder, hard.
“Ow! Well, you are—Wait!” he exclaimed, holding his hands up as you raised your fist to land another blow.
“I’m sorry! Listen,” he said, waiting for your hand to lower. Reluctantly, you did lower it and then gestured for him to continue.
“Look, I’ve hid many a boners before—“
“Well, I have! And trust me, that’s exactly what Ben was doing out there.”
“He was not. Besides, even if he was how do you know that has anything to do with me?”
“Because I saw how he looked at you. And when you moaned into that water bottle,” Jannik gave a low whistle, “he booked it to the huts.”
That would explain why he bolted just after that—no. What were you saying? Maybe Ben had feelings for you when you were both young and naïve, but now? It just wasn’t a possibility. You’d shut down any hope for that before you’d left.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” you deflected.
“Ask anyone and they’ll tell you the same thing,” he insisted and you scoffed.
“I don’t need to ask anyone else’s opinion about my friendship, but thanks for the tip,” you replied sardonically and placed a hand on his shoulder before turning away.
“Come on, Y/N!” he called after you.
“I’ll see you at dinner!” you called back.
You laughed off his comments on your way to your hut. He doesn’t know Ben like you did, so who was he to tell you what he felt—hell, you didn’t even know what he was feeling most of the time.
But he was right that Ben was acting strange, and you needed to figure out why. You’d ask him at dinner, you decided. Right now you were in desperate need of a shower.
Dinner finally came and you went to your and Ben’s usual spot with a full plate of food. After today’s training you were famished and you didn’t wait for Ben to arrive before chowing down on what tasted like the most delicious meal you’ve ever had in your life. It wasn’t until you were almost done with said meal that you noticed Ben still hadn’t shown up. You pushed yourself up in your seat and looked around the cafeteria, hoping to spot that bushy head of black hair, but you didn’t see him. You slumped in your chair and pouted. Ben has never missed a dinner with you.
When it was nearly time for dinner to be over, you’d given up hope that he was going to arrive and had planned to wrap something for him to go, but then you finally saw him come through the doorway, Luke at his side. Your shoulders sagged in relief that Ben was okay, but why was Luke holding him up? He has always emphasized the importance of showing up on time to meal times so this was very out of the ordinary.
“Hey,” you said as Ben finally came to sit at your normal spot, looking disgruntled. “What were you doing with Luke?”
Ben gave you an unhelpful shrug. “He needed to talk to me about something.”
“Well, what was it?”
“If he wanted you to know he would’ve told you, wouldn’t he have?” He snapped.
You recoiled at his retort and you felt as though you had been punched in the gut. Your first instinct was to press and see what the other man was feeling, but you quickly realized he had shut you out completely.
You pushed away from the table. “Fine, I’m sorry I waited up for you.”
Without waiting for a response, you made your way to the exit of the cafeteria, thrusting the doors open with the Force. Hot tears pricked at your eyes but you refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry because of him. You needed the sanctuary of your hut for assurance that you wouldn’t be disturbed.
“That, half-witted, nerd herder,” you spat, flopping yourself down angrily on your bed.
You let the warm tears slip down your face now, frantically wiping them away as if it would stop them from coming. You wished that you wouldn’t cry so easily, that a boy snapping at you wouldn’t cause you to crumble.
But, Ben wasn’t just any boy was he?
You relentlessly tossed and turned that night, desperate for rest. You just wanted to sleep and not have Jannik’s words flying around in your head. His comments shouldn’t have bothered you as much as they did but the thought of Ben having feelings for you turned your stomach into knots and you couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Ben’s words had also made residence in your head and you kept wondering what it was that had caused him to snap at you like that and what was it that Luke and him had been talking about.
Had you done something wrong?
The cover of your hut was suddenly thrust open and you instinctively reached for your lightsaber. You relaxed when you realized who it was.
“I can feel your anxiety from my hut,” Ben grumbled, making his way into your hut and coming over to the left side of your bed. He looked at you expectantly and you stared back at him blankly before he made a scoot-over gesture with his hands and you wordlessly complied, letting his large frame into the bed and under the covers with you.
“What are you doing?” you asked in a whisper and pulled the covers up higher to cover your body that was scantily clad in only your under garments.
“This is the only way either of us will get sleep. Unless you have a better idea?”
You were silent. You were inclined to agree with him, after all this had always worked when you were kids. But, after the way he treated you today? You weren’t going to just let him comfort you like nothing was wrong.
“I don’t want you here if you’re just going to be a dick.”
Ben stared at you without a response.
“Fine,” you retorted and started to push him out of the bed with the Force.
“I’m sorry,” he said almost so quiet that you missed it.
You stopped pushing. “What was that?”
Ben sighed. “I said, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.”
“Are you going to tell me why you snapped at me?”
“I let my uncle get under my skin.”
“What did he say?”
Ben hesitated. “I really don’t want to talk about it,” he answered honestly.
“Well, that’s all you had to say,” you replied, shoving him softly. “I would’ve understood.”
“I know, I...I’m sorry,” he repeated and you knew he meant it.
You looked into his dark eyes in the pale light and communicated your forgiveness without even having to open your mouth.
“Are you going to tell me why you were acting strange after training?” 
You felt him tense beside you and he turned his gaze down. “What are you talking about?”
“Look, it’s fine if you don’t want to talk about it, but it’s not like you to just bolt and not even say bye.”
“I just...” He cleared his throat awkwardly. You reached forward and grabbed his hand above the covers and his eyes flew up, surprised.
“I just want to be sure you’re okay, Ben,” you said earnestly. You didn’t want to press too much and make him retreat, but he needed to know that you were there for him.
He smiled that smile that fills your chest with warmth. “I promise, I’m okay. I was just in a rush to take a shower.”
You almost joked about the fact that Jannik thought he had a boner, but you thought better of it. After all, there's a good chance Jannik was right, just not about the part that the boner was because of you.
“What if Master Luke catches us?” you asked, back to the original topic.
“I’ll wake up just before sunrise and leave,” he answered simply.
You chuckled softly. “You haven’t changed at all have you?”
He raised a brow at you. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“As kids, you would always come lay with me if I couldn’t sleep.”
When you both were little and your thoughts got too loud for your head, you would sneak over to Han and Leia’s to find comfort in Ben’s bed. When his strength in the Force grew, he started to be able to sense when you were upset and he began coming to you when you needed him. His Force presence next to you always had a way of silencing the noise in your head.
On the other side, sometimes—a lot— Han and Leia would be fighting late into the night and Ben would sneak over to Luke’s hut to climb into bed with you. The first few times this happened, Han and Leia were worried Ben had run away, but then Luke would always come knocking on the door with little Ben hiding behind his legs.
If the voices in tiny Ben’s mind got too loud, either you would sense his turmoil and come to him or he would scurry over to you and vise versa. It was honestly a good system the two of you had and Han and Leia debated just making the guest room into your room, but Luke didn’t like the idea. He was over protective in that way, not that he could be blamed, given your past.
“Well, you obviously haven’t changed either if I’m still having to do this,” Ben teased and you rolled your eyes.
“Goodnight, Ben,” you said through a giggle and he smiled softly.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
When you woke up, Ben was gone, like he had said, but the other side of your bed still smelt like him. You took a whiff of the pillow he’d slept on and smiled.
He really hasn’t changed at all.
(Again I hope this was worth the wait!! Please let me know what you think and if you get the chance sign the petitions in the link I posted!)
Taglist: @lover1307 @bepo-is-sorry @snakelaufeyson @supervengerslock @shockwavee @kilo-wrench @ohhh-boo-tiful @serenityofbeingascintilla @ladyzirkonia @fandomshit6000 @i-am-lokii-of-asgard​​ @siren-queen03​ @dark-night-sky-99 @nickangel13​​ @girlyisthatweirdkid​ @edwardspaghedwardtozier​ @irreverent-dream​ @amberkay284​ @struggling-writer​
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kathrynethegreat · 4 years
TROS Director’s Cut
While I admire all the Reylos out there getting Ben Solo trending on twitter and starting a petition for a comic or Disney plus series to bring back Ben Solo, I doubt Daisey or Adam would sign on again, so I think it’s highly unlikely.  I have another thought that is unlikely, but not unprecedented...It seems that the Director’s cut - or at least test cuts of the film did have Rey and Ben alive and together.
So why not ask Disney to just release the Director or Original cut?
A: It’s been done before. The Current War was released theatrically twice - once in 2017 and again as a director cut in 2019.
B: Doesn’t require Disney to really DO much of anything. They already HAVE it.
C: Disney would get more $$, which is what we know they want. 
D: Fans get the ending they want.
28 notes · View notes
namjoonchronicles · 5 years
beginners | nj
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↳ genre fluff, domestic, parenthood 
↳ words 3.4k
↳ summary Challenges in parenthood are not meant to be a one sided task. sometimes, Namjoon will need some help in raising Koya. And parenthood is not as easy as it seems. 
↳ warning none, just a few surprise guests you might not see coming
↳ namjoonchronicles’ honorary taglist @kai-tashi​ @septemberalien​ @joon94net​ @yourlocalalien​ @snugglemejeon​ @yoongiseesaw​ @majestikblue​ 
↳ special mentions this is for @majestikblue​ for always being supportive of my work, and making me thrive harder and unlock many others creative corners I didn’t know I had
↳ song the daydream 'stepping on the rainy street'
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As usual, Koya would wake up by babbling. His tiny feet peeks through the striped baby blue fuzzy blanket. His curly light brown hair, rosy cheeks mushed against his little pillow. He threw his bottle on the side of the mattress and climbed out of the play pen, reconstructed as a bed by his mom. Diapers heavy from overnight use, he waddles to the room next door where his parents sleep in.
"Dada," he knocks air. The door opened slightly, stood ajar, but he never enters. Nobody knows why.
Namjoon stirs and check his phone for time. Hearing Koya calling him from the door made him slip out of bed at once. When he peeks through the gap, Koya is there standing, barely taller than his knees. "You called for me?" he asked, his raspy morning voice was deeper than usual. Koya cranes his neck to look at his ridiculously tall daddy, so Namjoon crouched to carry him up before he falls back on his butt. Koya petite chubby fingers dances on Namjoon's cheeks and the dad puckers his lips for a kiss but Koya tilts his head back so Namjoon peppers kisses on his neck and jaws and cheeks, instead. Blowing air against his skin to make the little one giggle.
This is the life any man ought to live. He feels very lucky.
"Mama..." Koya tilts his head on one side. "Mama's not here, mama went to work," he carried Koya into the bedroom so he could look at the unmade bed and prove that he was telling the truth, "See? It's just you and me, buddy..."
Koya nods and let out a baby gibberish that sounded like a full sentence but isn't. Namjoon is an expert on that, "She'll be home later at 5 pm, as usual... Today, we are going to do some grocery shopping, and you're going to help me. But first..."
Namjoon passed Koya a dinosaur plush while he sat on the ground. Then Namjoon turns his attention to the unmade bed, fluffing the pillows, straightening the sheet and covering it with the neatened duvet. The shade is open and the air humidifier is turned on. Koya is such a well-behaved baby. Namjoon is sure he got that from your side of the family.
Your side of the family, he repeated. Debatable.
Every occasion done with your side of the family surely made its mark in his head. From your screaming aunts, to your deathly silent uncles, and your chaotic cousins, and their children. And their children's children. Namjoon smiled to himself, shaking his head at the thought of it.
Faucets twisted. Tub is steadily filling up with water. Koya is seated on the sink counter under his dad's watchful eye.
"Up..." Namjoon motions his arms above so Koya would follow. Off goes the shirt, pants and the heavy urine-filled diaper. Roll the diapers neatly, refastened it with the sticky tapes, into another biodegradable plastic, and then tied in a knot, until finally, discarded into the actual bin. Koya is lifted into the tub, water reaching up to just below his waist, not too much. Namjoon kneels next to the tub, taking the shower head from it's holder, checking the water temperature with his hands. It mustn't be too hot or too cold.  Koya plays with the floating little dinosaurs and doll ducklings, dunking them into the water, squeezing them between his sausage fingers.  
"Buddy, you ready for this?" he asked. Koya gaze up to him with big dewy eye and a huge smile. "You ready to get hyped up?" Namjoon made Koya play with the drizzle first before running the shower head above his curly brown hair, now drenched. Koya visibly shudder upon contact and it made Namjoon chuckle. Baby shampoo bottle, where is it. Oh. Squirt a small amount, carefully bubble it up with Koya's hair. Koya splashes the water with his hand, making Namjoon flinch a bit. His glasses mustn't get wet.
"Okay, okay," he doesn't know what he's saying 'OK' for, but he fetched the baby body wash next. He lathers them all over Koya's supple baby skin. It amazes him how it's so soft.
Little hands, and little feet. He lifts the baby's arm to get the armpits washed, and rinse the baby down with running water. He's clumsy, but Koya doesn’t seem to mind. All swaddled and clean in a warm koala towel daddy got for him. Out the bathroom of course, he gets after shower kisses and carried out in Namjoon's arm. Next, powdering the baby. Warm baby oil so he doesn't get cold when they leave the house later. New diaper, three layers of cloth for the weather, khaki trousers and a small matching red beanie like dad. All dressed.
Which he takes off when Namjoon isn't looking.
Namjoon is now preparing his formula milk in the kitchen. He counts up to 3 scoops of milk powder and filled the bottle with lukewarm water. He walks over to Koya in your shared bedroom and does the dance with the formula milk. Spinning and twirling with an idiot big smile on his face.
"Customer, your drink, sir," he said with gusto, complete with chef's kiss. Koya shrieked and gurgled, fetching the bottle with both hands. Namjoon thwarted, "Where did your beanie go?"
Then he disappears into the bathroom, leaving the door open so he could watch Koya drink his formula milk on his baby mattress next to the bed, holding crescent moon plush tightly in one hand, while Namjoon prepares himself for the outing.
Namjoon hurried to brush his teeth, splash water on his face, dry them up and changed to new clothes. He fetched the red beanie from the floor and fastened them on Koya.
"Like daddy's, we're bros aren't we?"
He carries Koya in his arms and walks out.
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Koya has exercises in the morning. Down in the apartment's playground. It's Namjoon's favorite past times. He gets to meet chaotic Seokjin, Lily's dad who's now bored because Lily's now attending kindergarten; handsome super-dad Taehyung with two of his girls (Sam & Tati), and counting; young but more responsible dad than they all combined, Jungkook who has a 2 year old girl  name Ben; and last but not least, the ever panicking always screaming,forever sleep-deprived Park Jimin who just joined the dad group with his girl, Sona, last January.
Their little house-husband group have morning meetings, like these. Jungkook always makes great coffee. And Seokjin is always generous enough to bring his leftover from last night unless he was fighting with his wife and refused to cook. In those days, Namjoon will have to get something from the convenient store so dads could eat and won't starve because it's a hard life.
"What's up, Jimin?" he greets and meets the lad in the elevator, crossed ankles, hands in pocket.
The poor guy looks like he aged overnight. He has his head leaned against the elevator walls, lulling to Namjoon, carrying Koya.
"Where's your girl?" Namjoon asked. "My mom came and took her to the village last night, she has chicken pox... I hadn't slept in 3 days," Jimin mumbled. "At four months? Tough," Namjoon retorted, "But hey, at least you get some time with the wifey," the taller dad shrugged his shoulder, wiggling his eyebrow at Koya to make him laugh, bouncing the giggly boy. Jimin scoffed tired with a small smile, "I don't know about that man, she's pissed because of work and every time I make a move, she looks like she's going to gnaw me alive." "Isn't that a good thing?" Namjoon knitted his brow at his dear friend and shot a glance outside when the elevator doors open to reveal Seokjin bringing a picnic box and a thermos.
"Do you not have eyes or hands?" Seokjin shot at Jimin, muttering angrily. Being the oldest of the three, Seokjin was always bullying Jimin at any chance he's got. Jimin gathers the picnic box and the bags of plastic wares. "Someone's cranky," Namjoon spat, "Good morning, Seokjin. Say Good Morning to Uncle Seokjin, baby...?" Leaning Koya down to Seokjin's shoulder. His favorite uncle. Koya immediately stretches his arms to Seokjin. Seokjin groans and kissed Koya's chin like the baby is his. Namjoon fetch the thermos from Seokjin in exchange. It's going to be an interesting gathering today because Jungkook just returned from his wife's hometown. They can't wait for him to share pictures and funny events that happened.
"Gah, I miss holding a toddler. When they start talking, I just want to mute them...does that make me a bad daddy?" Seokjin swaddles Koya, turning side to side while Koya shrieks excitedly. Namjoon took the chance to thumb Koya's rosy cheeks and cooing at him from behind Seokjin, puckering his lips, making kissing sound and Jimin smiling fondly.
"Lily's so big now, she's doing math effortlessly and I'm certain that's from her side of the family," Seokjin walks out with Koya first when the elevator reaches the ground floor to Jungkook panicking face, carrying Ben on his side, rushing himself into the lift as the three got out.
"What's wrong with you?" "Take Ben. I think I forgot to turn the stove off, I think," he breathily say. Jimin fetches Ben by the hand. She wraps her hand around his pinkie and watched her dad panicked face in utter calmness expression on hers. Nothing scares her. Jungkook raised her well.
Namjoon and Jimin glances over their shoulder at Jungkook stabbing the buttons, repeatedly.
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At the playground, Koya and Ben begins with the slides first. The dads are sitting on the benches, munching on their long-awaited breakfast, with their knees spread wide, sitting in silence until Jungkook re-emerges from the lobby and into the open air playground, wearing black sweatshirt and pants, hair a little longer than last week. It passes his brows, in length and very soft. He helps Ben to reach the monkey bars.
"...Had anyone seen Taehyung?" Namjoon suddenly asked, shoving another rice rolls into his mouth.
"No..." "...nope."
"You think he's okay?" Namjoon darts his attention ahead where his son is. "Probably expecting baby number 6," Seokjin snickers. "I heard they got in a fight before..." Jimin leans forward, looking to the side where his older brothers are.
Namjoon and Seokjin both had different reactions but can be summarize to one word: They squawked.
"They always get into a fight, and then bam!" Namjoon motions an explosion with his hands, "He goes: So uhh, my wife's 3 months pregnant; with his boxy smile and perfect hair." "Is that a normal thing for marriage couple? Like do you guys like fight and then make love?" Jimin asked, earnestly, genuinely curious.
"What do you mean that you don't?" Namjoon frowned in a glimpse, carried Koya to his lap and cleaned his hand since he fell on the sand bed, with the wet wipes Seokjin passed nonchalantly.
"Namjoon's wife is a whole different breed, my wife didn't touch me at all after Lily came out, and then she devoured me whole. And now it's a regular thing. We don't have schedules or anything like that, though," Seokjin answered, leaning back and relaxed.
Finding Seokjin and Namjoon's answer to be satisfying,Jimin turns to Jungkook who is now at the swing, pushing Ben.
"What about you, Jungkook?" "Me? About what?" Jungkook yells from afar. "Do you fight with your wife and then make love to her?"
Jungkook's ears turn bright red. How could he ask something so personal, out in the open like that? Does he not know shame?
"Sometimes?" Jungkook crumpled his face and joined the dads on the bleacher, fetching the newly poured coffee from Seokjin, as if he's not sure of his answers.  He pauses and did some thinking, but nothing much came out. Because sex is something common but also not very common in his household?
"It really depends on her mood though..." Jungkook took a noisy sip from the steaming coffee. Namjoon nods. Jimin seems to be bothered by it.
"But Taehyung has a lot to worry about, wife's a CEO," Seokjin sighs. "Makes good money too..." Namjoon shot. "The assistant is a guy, Taehyung said he's attractive..." Jungkook passed. "Sucks," Jimin pursed his lips.
All the dads nod in agreement.
It's tough to be a house husband. Dealing with the stigmas, the condescending tone that comes with the status, having your manhood challenged and finding yourself ridiculed solely because you don't earn for the family. The criticism is vicious, coming from your own family member. All they have is themselves, their partner and friends who are under the same pressure. Of having kids, of becoming a parent, of having a working and successful wife. Constantly renewing self-worth and  value by means of being a good husband and a father. while getting almost nothing in return accept the promise of raising well behaving children. Reassurance could only do so much. Roles are reversed and the men has to learn from scratch how to manage a household. Holidays are rare and emotions are constantly in a state of turmoil.
"So how did the village trip go?" Namjoon asked Jungkook. Jungkook's face visibly brightens up. Now he can show off the pictures he took and his talent as a photographer. His wife's village had a majestic sea spread, and beautiful sunset. The whole thing looks like Windows wallpaper shot.
Close to 10 am, Namjoon excused himself and little Koya to get the grocery started with the list you wrote down. Diapers, talcum powders, veggies, beefs, chicken thighs. Koya is seated on the baby chair in the kart, while Namjoon check the ingredient of a new baby food. The pack has slimy green and doesn't look appetizing at all.
"Wow, even I wouldn't eat that..." Namjoon commented. He places the pack back and take the usual one he buys. Carrots, spinach, chicken breast. Shopping is faster when there's a list and he stick religiously to it. He pushed the cart and passed by an electronic store. There he saw a new vacuum. He pouted and stood idly, before taking a picture of it. He sends them to you.
"I don't need anything else on my birthday, just this... please," he added a crying emoticon at the end. Sent. Delivered. Read.
Wife is typing.... Wife is typing....
"Okay sweetie :) shopping?"
Namjoon grins to the phone and began typing, but Koya started whimpering. He is taking off his shoes so Namjoon shove his phone into the back pocket in a hurry. Koya is bored. So Namjoon takes out the house key for him to play with while he chooses chicken breast by the freezer corner. He settles with one and grabbed a scallion on his way out. He stood by the self-checkout payment counter and scanned the things carefully. Koya is still playing with the keys. Last item, and then we're heading home, he thought.
When they got to the block of their home, at the lobby, Koya isn't playing with the keys anymore. That's when Namjoon's nightmare began.
"Baby, where's the key? Where's our house key, buddy?" Namjoon asked, searching his pocket and Koya's but Koya just pointed away at the birds he heard outside. Namjoon on the other hand is panicking while keeping an outwardly calm demeanor.
This can't be. He has to call his wife.
"Hey!" "Hey, hun. I'm at the lobby..." "Is there something wrong?" your cheerful voice switches to a concerned one. "Yeah, ha ha," Namjoon chuckles nervously, "See, I gave Koya the house key he dropped it midway here and now we can't get into the lift." "Oh shoot," you smacked your lips together, pinching your hips while pressing the phone to your ear standing by your work desk, "I'm going to see what I can do, if I can leave,"pausing, you remembered that the afternoon meeting was cancelled so you could leave for a bit, "Okay, don't worry, I'm coming," you hurried to say and the call ends.
Twenty minutes later, you walked in your pastel blue pumps and light beige dress, wearing a long black coat and ballerina bun hair. Your Pandora bracelets jingle and  ran mid forearm when you tuck your baby hair behind your ear making your way into the lobby. Namjoon beams and Koya gets visibly excited, grabbing air and leaning over for his mommy.
"Hello boys," you sang and took Koya from Namjoon, brushing your lips on your husband first and then your baby. Namjoon fetch the house key from you and you turned to the apartment manager, to thank him.
"So can we have  the door set changed today?" you asked. "Yes, madam... not a problem," he answered.
Namjoon walks in the elevator and held the door for you while carrying a bag of groceries. He leans back to the elevator wall while you bopped Koya's nose, cooing him.
"You look pretty today," Namjoon presses his smile and his little dimple show. "Of course, I look pretty everyday," you spoke in gurgles at your son even as you're talking to your husband. "How's work?" he asked. "Not too hectic as it usually is, so I may head home early," you cocked an eyebrow at him and smirked.
That's good news. The view of your wedding ring, glittering as you held Koya up sends his heart racing, knowing that he bought it. It still feel surreal even after Koya's birth. Now he's turning two in September. At the beginning of the relationship, it seemed that this future he seeks for, felt impossible. He still remembers how you said that you weren't his ideal type, and the fear of rejection rendered you silent, in love with him from a corner. That you weren't enough, that you know he can find someone better.
And here you are, being everything he ever wished for, prayed for, dreamt of.
Making fun of Koya falling asleep is your favorite past-time. Both of you speaking in hushes.
"Look at how he is still chewing when he could barely open his eyes," you leaned your chin on Namjoon's shoulder from behind. Your husband feeding Koya his daily spinach intake from the dining chair. "His cheeks," Namjoon snickered and pointed out, eyes turning to thin slits as he chuckles.
Koya finally leans his head back and fall asleep for good. Namjoon removes him from the baby chair and let him sleep in his bed pen after cleaning his face and hands. Namjoon doesn't leave until he presses his lips on the little one's head, and then he stares fondly at him while kneeling by the pen, sitting on his heels for a bit. You leaned on the door frame crossing your arm. A faint smile playing on your lips at the view of your husband carrying his usual duties. As if he felt your eyes on him, he glanced at you with a secretive smile. He cocks an eyebrow while sucking his cheek in, standing up.
"What's that look for?" he spoke in whispers, against you, pushing you out of Koya's room with his advances. "What look?" you grinned.
"That look, you gave me a look..." "I did  not give you a look?" "Yes you did..."
This silly conversation isn't going anywhere so you made him bow down a little to whisper in his ear. Your lips brushing on them, teasingly with every word you said, "I think you look extra sexy today." You pushed back to enjoy the look on his face as you bite your smile.
He licked his lips and placed his arm around your waist to pull you close and press your body on his.
"Is that so?" "And I think we should mess up the bed." "Okay, but you're gonna call your co-workers and say there's an emergency at home." "Oh? And what kind of emergency should I say?" "We'll figure it out. After." . . . . Namjoon's shirt rode up to reveal his back, your hands at the brims, while you lay underneath him. Sharing a searing, heated, hungry kiss that grows more and more desperate. Arms around his neck. Knees digging into the mattress, staying awfully quiet because you don't want Koya to come awake. Cradling your back with his arm as he brought you down, Namjoon moans into the kiss, letting out a shaky sigh through his nose, brows furrowed in concentration until...
"Door set change, ma'am?"
Namjoon and you shot your heads at the door's direction at the same time. Damn it.
copyright © 2019 namjoonchronicles do not repost, this is the foundation of something I’d like to call a house husband universe, and I plan to make more in the future for each of the dad’s. You can say that it sort of merge with taehyung’s ‘outnumbered’, seokjin’s ‘marriage is’ and jimin’s ‘perfectly wrong’ universe... curious why the children’s name the way they are? talk to me
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five-hxrgreeves · 5 years
Feeling My Way Through the Darkness
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A/n: This is my first fic on Tumblr! I also have it posted on AO3, but I thought I’d post it here as well- I will try to keep them on the same schedule by updating once a week. This is a Five x OC series fic; I’m late to the TUA party on here, so I’m not sure how many people will read this, but if you feel like it, let me know what you think! 
Here’s what you need to know: 
The timeline: everything is basically the same (except Ben is alive), but this takes place after season 2, where I'm assuming the Umbrella Academy stops the apocalypse successfully. The year is an alternate 2019 from the one the show has. Everything else will be explained later.
Ages: all the main characters (except Jared, one of my OCs), are 15 in body. Five spends less time in the apocalypse than he does on the show, and the OC isn't exactly a normal 15-year old. Everyone else's minds are how old they are in the show (so 30.) 
THERE WILL BE NO SMUT, we don’t stan pedophilia here!!!! 
Summary: Due to unknown circumstances of the time anomaly caused by certain members of the Umbrella Academy in stopping the apocalypse, there was a ripple in the continuum that caused an unaccounted-for effect to happen. At midnight on January 1st, 2004, seven women gave birth unexpectedly; and the strangest thing of all was that none of them had been pregnant in the first place.
This time, though, there was no Umbrella Academy to mark these children's birth to the world. Many of them lived quiet-albeit unusual- lives in the homes of their biological families, who, by 2019 and the long-forgotten news of the Umbrella Academy, were mostly used to strange occurrences happening.
Or, the wheel of time continues to turn and, according to The Commission, the Apocalypse is inevitable; it doesn't matter to them what brings it. (Prologue below cut)
Prologue: In the Beginning...
Feeling my way through the darkness
Guided by a beating heart
I can't tell where the journey will end
But I know where to start
On this particular New Year’s Eve, Lola and Richard were celebrating at home with their four-year-old-son, Jared. While they considered themselves to be loving parents, they were often busy at work and travelled around a lot, which left little time for family bonding, so they took advantage of the holidays when they could.
Lola had blonde hair and blue eyes, which was mirrored in her son; she was a petite woman, but that didn’t detract from the power she could hold in a room. Richard had short, dirty-blonde hair and hazel eyes, and he was quieter and more easy-going than his wife.
They were currently celebrating New Year’s with Chinese takeout and watching old movies on the TV. The Christmas tree still stood in the corner of the living room, and colorful homemade streamers decorated the ceiling. The family of three sat on the couch in pajamas, with Jared being the slight exception; he was also still wearing his mother’s heels and had the sleeves of her bathrobe tied around his neck to make a cape from their earlier game of fashion-superheroes (while he thought superheroes were cool, he wouldn’t want to be one; he’d want to design their uniforms.)
As the clock counted down to the new year, nothing seemed out of place. By 11:45, they switched over the channel to watch the ball drop in New York, and surprisingly, Jared was still awake- a fact he was very proud of. And, fifteen minuets later, the countdown drew to a close:
When the clock struck midnight, the people on the screen cheered as the ball dropped. Richard picked Jared up and swung him around the room in celebration, and Lola watched them amusedly. Suddenly, her expression dropped into one of horror and fear. Something wasn’t right. There wasn’t anything obviously wrong- until there was.
Afterwards, no one could say exactly what happened, but one moment, Lola was her usual slimness, and the next, she had ballooned out to nine weeks pregnant. Her father and son were startled by her scream and sudden change in appearance, but Richard was quick to react. He hastily shuffled Jared into the next room, ordering him to stay there. He grabbed the necessary items and rushed back to his wife’s side; having helped deliver his son, he knew the basic procedure for birth.
Her face was screwed up in pain and she was breathing heavily, “deep breaths, my love,” Richard said gently, stroking her hair. Despite the suddenness of the situation, he was able to remain calm, which had always been one of his gifts.
Lola tried to comply, but the pain was even greater than Jared’s birth, and she remembered that well. Surprisingly, however, the labor lasted only minutes, and soon there was a fourth member to the Quinn family.
Richard stared down at the baby girl who’d burst into life in the span of not even half an hour. Unlike Jared- and most babies-, she didn’t cry as she was born. Instead, she waved her tiny limbs around as she squirmed in his hands, opening vibrant blue eyes to take in the world around her.
“We have a baby girl, Lola,” Richard said, amazed. He knew he could immediately love their surprise child, no matter the unusual circumstances of her birth. He handed the baby to her mother who, despite her now-exhausted state, managed a small smile as she took her daughter in her arms. While she had every right to hate or fear the child by the surprise situation, having Jared first had helped ease the shock, and besides, they had the means to raise her.
Lola looked up at her husband, “we’re keeping her,” she said determinedly.
“Of course,” Richard said, surprised that his wife might think there was a different possibility.
"Will you get Jared? He should know everything's okay," Lola requested, and her husband went to find their son.
The blonde woman looked down at the baby girl, her expression soft, "everything's okay, baby. You should know that too. I don't know what happened, but we'll work through it. Supernatural things happen all the time in movies, after all. And you're special; I can feel it."
The baby's bright blue eyes blinked up at her as if to say yes, I know. Richard returned with Jared then, who was hiding behind his father's legs. After seeing that his mother was okay, he hesitantly moved to stand in front of her.
"You have a baby sister, Jer," Lola told him, "we haven't named her yet, but she'll be a wonderful part of our family."
He stared at the baby with wide eyes, "was she supposed to happen like that? Was that how I was born?" he asked, looking up at his mother, who looked faintly amused.
"No, you were very different," she answered, "none of us know quite what happened, but she's our little miracle. You're her big brother, Jared."
The four-year-old looked at the little child in his mother's arms and frowned. He was supposed to be the baby, not this strange creature. And besides, why did she stare so much? Those wide blue eyes were super creepy.
"I don't like her," he declared.
Richard laughed, much to Jared's irritation, "I'm afraid you'll have to get over that, son. I know this can't be easy, but she's our responsibility now. Go on, it's time for bed anyway. Your mother has to rest. Tomorrow, we'll get some new baby things."
Life settled into a new routine for the Quinns. The one good thing about the baby, Jared decided, was that it made his parents stay home more often; but even then, they were busy taking care of her. Jared tried to stay out of her room as much as possible to get away from those eyes. He really didn't like them. His mom had said that if her eyes were going to change color, they'd do so in a few days, since all babies were born with blue eyes. He didn't think that would help, to be honest. He wasn't able to put it in to words with his limited vocabulary, but the girl's eyes seemed to stare with a strange alertness that even his parents didn't have. And, if he looked too long, he could swear he saw something mysterious swirling in their depths.
When he tried to ask his mom and dad to "take her back" after explaining these very valid points, they merely laughed and said he had a great imagination. Eventually, they'd decided on a name: Elena Melany Quinn. He'd thought calling her "baby" was good enough, but apparently, that wouldn't do.
As Elena got older, she became very inquisitive, and was often found in some sort of mischief. In her quiet times, though, she loved it when people read books to her. One night, Elena and Jared were being watched by a sitter, who wasn't really paying attention to them. It was getting close to Elena's bedtime (Jared always made sure to make this distinction; he was older, after all, so he got to stay up later), and their caretaker was following the instructions their parents left. After getting his sister ready for bed, the babysitter placed her in the crib, turned off all lights but the lamp on the dresser, and left the door open a crack. There was only one thing missing; her bedtime story. Elena then did something she didn't often do- she began to cry. The sitter rolled her eyes and went to close the door, but Jared stopped her, "did you read a story?" he asked.
"No," the girl said with a slight question in her voice.
"Ellie always gets a story before bed," Jared explained importantly. While he wasn't fond of his sister, he never wanted her to cry.
She huffed, "well I'm not reading a story. She'll have to go without one tonight."
Jared knew that his sister wouldn't stop crying, so he said, "can I read her a story?"
The sitter looked at him with amusement, "I didn't know you could read."
"Of course I can!" he declared (in truth, he was just starting to, but she didn't need to know that.) He slipped past her into his sister's room, "don't worry, baby. I'm going to read you a story."
Almost like magic, Elena's cries stopped. Jared looked at her with wide eyes, "can you understand me?"
The baby's mouth opened and closed, as if she was trying to form words. Pulling herself up by the handlebar of the crib, she supported herself in a standing position to get a better look at him, but still didn't say anything; she just watched him with deep blue eyes. Jared sighed, he should've guessed she wasn't smart enough yet. He made his way to her bookshelf and picked out one of the thinnest books he could find before returning to the crib. As he struggled through the first page, Elena's baby mind was turning. She knew she knew this person, although she didn't think he liked her. She thought him name was easy though, she'd heard the taller people say it, and if she said it, would it make him like her more? Was it.... Germ? No. Jar? No. "Jer!" finally came out of her mouth.
The little boy looked up at the baby in surprise, stopping in the middle of the second page, "what?"
"Jer! Jer! Jer!" the baby turned it into a chant.
He couldn't believe it; his sister's first words were his name! Jared wished his parents were there to hear it. He couldn't help smiling, "yes, that's me," he said. Maybe his sister wasn't so bad after all.
"Jer!" came his name the final time, before, "bo?"
He nodded, "yes, book."
When Lola and Richard found out about the new understanding Jared had for his sister, they were surprised until they learned what her first word was. They exchanged amused smiles.
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emeraldspiral · 4 years
Leia’s last words to Han were “If you see our son, bring him home”. She said HOME not “back to the light”. She wanted him ALIVE.
Signal boost to honor her wishes!
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Blood and Sweat
Fandom: IT (2017)
Pairing: Reddie, minor Stenbrough, minor Benverly
Rating: Teens and up
Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Descriptions of Violence
Words: 10900
Summary: The small man’s gaze turned to Mike, who was having small talk with Beverly. Even after all the secrets they kept from him came to the light, the farmer was still sticking by their side, helping them win a fight which wasn’t his.
Eddie sighed, squeezing Richie’s hand before letting go and joining his friends’ chatter.
Richie followed him with his eyes, smiling softly, and turned to look out the window. In the darkness of the night, he spotted a car’s headlights slowly approaching, the engine becoming louder.
He turned to his friends.
“They’re here”
To Eddie Kaspbrak, love was something forbidden, much like any other thing in the shallow life he lived. It was something to never be spoken of, a cursed subject that’s best not to approach. Some could say Eddie Kaspbrak was afraid of love, terrified even, as he never talked about it, never seemed to have experienced the deep feeling that come with caring so much for someone. Truth is, Eddie Kaspbrak didn’t know what love was. He didn’t know all the lies his mother fed him about it were just that; lies. He thought he had all the love he needed in his so-called home, where in truth that’s the last place he’d find it in.
And, as it is, love comes in the weirdest forms and shapes. To Eddie Kaspbrak, it came as a pleasant surprise. As nights spent dancing to the beat of imaginary melodies. He found it in two bodies touching, skin to skin, blood and sweat. He found it in sneaking out, in running away. Eddie Kaspbrak found love in a man.
“Go home kid. I ain’t up for dancing tonight” The man said as he moved around the little room, apparently cleaning up.
Eddie looked behind him at the red curtains hat separated the room from the rest of the pub, then turned his attention to the lanky man before him.
“I, um…” It wasn’t like he could go home now. It was still too early (or late) for his mother to actually be asleep, and he’d be in trouble if she caught him going back home. He wouldn’t go back to the pub without his friends either. The people either snarled or glared at him, or looked him up and down as if considering something.
Eddie supposed it was normal. He was a small person, who didn’t look the least intimidating. As for the bedroom looks, Bev always commented how good looking he was, and how he had great thighs. And, well, he had come to the pub to get laid, after all.
Having a life like Eddie’s was complicated. Since he was very little, his mother had rejected his own nature, just as hers. She would say again and again how it would get him killed, just like his father. ‘And who would I have if you left, my dear Eddiebear? Who would take care of dear ma?’
Eddie hated how he always guilted him into staying with her. He knew that she was toxic, that she was sick. And yet something forced him into staying by her side. Maybe it was just the fact that he loved her, and she loved him back.
(Only I love you Eddie bear only me no one else no one else will ever love you like I do no one-)
Maybe it was the fact that he really wouldn’t be safe in the world without her. His true colors would show, would he want it or not. And, if his own mother didn’t accept his own nature, who’s to say the outside world would greet him with open arms?
Eddie knew for a fact it wouldn’t. Once he had known a beautiful boy whose auburn hair for surely would’ve shone in the sun, if any of them had been able to be out at the same time as the burning sphere that hung from the sky without being burned into inexistence. The boy, of his same kind, whose name was Bill, dreamed. He dreamed of people, normal people, liking him. He dreamed of beach days, and road trips, and real schools. He dreamed of meeting the love of his life somewhere in this normal world the two of them were never able to be a part of.
Bill dreamed too much, according to Eddie’s mother.
One day, Bill decided to go explore the world. “I need to see what’s out there, Eddie” He said as he went around his room, packing. The moon tinted their faces a pallid blue, almost white, from where it’s light was coming through the window. Eddie followed Bill’s moves, a permanent frown painted in his face, from where he stood upside down, feet attached to the attic’s ceiling. “But Bill” he insisted, “you could get hurt badly! Just the daylight could turn you into tiny ashes!”
“Relax, Eddie, I’ll be fine. If you want, I’ll come visit every week” Eddie’s frown only deepened, and Bill sighed, closing his backpack. “Look, just- take care of Georgie for me, okay?” He said. With that, he opened the window, waved Eddie goodbye, and jumped. Eddie watched as, in one quick motion, Bill’s body wrapped around itself, disappearing into the night. If anyone had looked up at that moment, they would’ve thought themselves crazy, watching a backpack flying around in the middle of the night, but Eddie knew better than that. Grasping the bag handle, invisible to a human’s eye in the night sky, a little, mouse like animal flew across the air, with an unknown destiny in mind.
Eddie sighed sadly, jumping to the floor. A knock sounded shortly before the attic door opened and little Georgie pocked his head in. “Hey, Bill I- where’s Bill?” He asked, opening the door wide enough to fit his little body in, grasping what seemed to be a paper boat in his right hand. Eddie kneeled by him, regarding him with a sad expression.
“Bill’s left for a little while, buddy. Said he’d be back sometime soon”
“Promise?” The kid asked, pouting slightly.
“Promise” Eddie repeated, his voice breaking a little in the end, and he embraced George in a bone crushing hug, a silent apology for the awareness that his promise would be broken.
Neither boy ever saw Bill again.
But that was a long time ago, and eventually both boys moved on. Eddie still pleaded for Bill to be alive, still believed in the possibility that Bill had, in fact, survived. Maybe he had found the love of his life, after all. Maybe they were the same as Bill and Eddie, too. But one could only hope. And at the end of the day, Eddie knew the chances were slim.
So, he chose not to think about it, instead busying his mind with other things. He had eventually met a nice girl, who went by the name of Beverly, who he’d quickly gotten along with. Bev was all fight and fire, a wild girl of big heart, who shared Eddie’s nature. She was lucky enough to have met a boy, brave and strong, with sandy blond hair and a dreamer soul that reminded Eddie a bit of Bill. Ben, as was his name, however, was a human. So, even if he was accepting and protective about Eddie’s kind, he still couldn’t be with Bev for long without getting one of them hurt, as most humans were wary of people like Bev and Eddie.
Lucky for them, Ben worked in a night club, so they could easily meet in there without bringing any attention to themselves.
They had been meeting in the same pub for almost a year now, and Bev had convinced Eddie to have fun for the night.
“Go see Richie, he’s in that room over there” She had said, pointing to a room on the far left of the apartment. “He’s cute. And he’ll treat you well” She added, winking, before she disappeared into the dance floor, dragging Ben with her.
Eddie had followed Beverly’s advice, and now he awkwardly stood in the cherry red room, watching as Richie moved around, his dark messy locks bouncing about on his head with every step he took, following the beat of some imaginary song.
He shuffled a bit, and Richie must have heard him, because he turned to look at him with a shit-eating grin, and asked “Still here?”
Eddie noticed how Richie’s expression showed some amusement as he stared at Eddie, clearly satisfied with what he was seeing. Eddie had to admit he was enjoying himself too.
Bev was right when she said Richie was cute. He had beautiful ice-blue eyes that could be mistaken for an ocean if you stared into them long enough. A sea of freckles where splashed about on his pallid skin, Eddie could see them hiding under his white dress shirt, with it’s two top buttons undone. A shiver run down Eddie’s spine as he thought about how he’d like to rip that shirt off and see just how many freckles Richie’s body had.
“Well, cutie, what brings a kid like you to a place like this?” He asked, and Eddie raised a brow.
“Kid?” He asked, and Richie nodded, his smirk widening.
“Yeah, sweet cheeks, you don’t look a year over 20. And may I say you’re terribly short for that age” If only you knew, Eddie thought, frowning in displeasure, but couldn’t find himself to be hurt, too caught up in Richie’s charm.
“I’m to assume you’re older than that?” He asked, and Richie nodded, shortly walking closer to the petite man, making Eddie notice that holy shit he’s that tall, isn’t he?
“23” He answered. Eddie nodded.
“And your name is…” Eddie asked, though he already knew.
“Richie Tozier is the name and prostitution is my game” He said, winking, and stretched his hand out.
“Proud of your work, are you?” Eddie asked. “Eddie Kaspbrak, and I’m actually going to be 22 this fall, smartass” plus a hundred years more, he thought bitterly as he cautiously took Richie’s hand and shook it.
“Eddie, huh?” Richie’s firm grasp on Eddie’s hand tightened and he pulled Eddie close to him, his other arm wrapping around the smaller boy’s waist. He leaned down, lips against Eddie’s ear, and whispered, “Tell me, Eds, what do you want me to do?”
Eddie felt goosebumps on his skin. His mind screamed at him to abort, what are you doing, dumbass? He could hurt you! Your mother could find out! And she would hate you and you would have no one!, but he drowned his worries away, focusing on the boy before him. He’d come here to have fun, and he wasn’t about to leave early tonight. “I want you to make me feel good” He answered, and he turned his head to mimic Richie’s actions, mouth against the taller boy’s ear. “And that’s not my name” He added, nibbling Richie’s earlobe.
 Both boys laid on the room’s comfortable red sofa, naked bodies pushed against each other. Richie’s fingers run through Eddie’s hair and back, soothing, while Eddie’s head hid in the crook of Richie’s neck, his breath tickling the taller boy’s skin. They had been like that for at last 20 minutes. Ben and Bev were probably already gone. Hell, the pub probably should’ve already closed.
“That was very nice, Eds” Richie whispered, turning his head slightly to look at the boy. “Did you like it?” The petite boy only nodded, humming against his skin. “That’s great”
It wasn’t by far the first time they did this. It had been going for the last 3 months. Each week, any day except Thursday,
(Never come Thursdays, Eds)
(Why not?)
(Special someone comes over Thursdays)
Eddie would go to the pub. And when the clock hit midnight, and Richie was supposed to go home, he got into Richie’s room. They didn’t always have sex, sometimes just choosing to talk or play around, but Eddie cherished those evenings.
That night had been different, though.
At around ten, while Eddie and Bev talked and drank, Ben joining them at some points at the other side of the bar, Eddie had suddenly felt two strong, warm, familiar arms wrap around his middle. He felt the person’s face hidden in his neck, and smelled his scent in. Strawberries, Marlboros, cologne, sex. Richie. RichieRichieRichie. Eddie’s head was swimming. Richie had come out, looking for him. He turned to look at Beverly, only to see she had moved to the other side of the bar, to talk to Ben. She turned to hi and winked when their eyes met. Eddie smiled sheepishly and nodded.
He turned on the barstool to face Richie, who had a bashful look in his face as he pulled back from the brunette’s neck. “Hey Eds” He said sweetly.
“Hi Chee” Eddie replied, voice just as soft. “What’s up?” He asked, cupping the older man’s face.
Richie cleared his throat, clearly not used to doing this. “I uh, I saw you dance last night. God Eds, those moves… you looked so hot, had everyone drooling over you…” His voice deepened as he spoke, never over a whisper. Eddie found himself smirking, surprised he wasn’t a blushing mess.
“You wanna see me dance Rich? Want me to dance for you?” He asked, arms around Richie’s shoulders. The taller man shook his head, wild curls bouncing back and forth. He leaned into Eddie’s personal space and whispered against his skin, “I want to dance with you” And Eddie wasn’t one to complain.
The smaller man took Richie’s hand as he jumped off the bar stool, leading him to the dancefloor, where a few people stood dancing and gridding against each other. Eddie turned to Richie, eyes shining, and put his hands around the taller man’s neck. Richie’s eyes darkened as he put his own arms around Eddie’s waist, pulling him close. He pushed his face against Eddie’s hair, smelling his strawberry shampoo, and let the smaller man guide their moves.
Eddie moved his hips in a sensual way, occasionally dropping down or gridding against the man holding him tight. He felt Beverly’s gaze on him for a while, and a couple of bodies slamming against them every now and then in the seemingly small space, but his mind was set on his moves, eyes closed.
Eddie let a little squeal, his eyes opening, as Richie suddenly turned them around, Eddie’s back to his chest. Eddie felt a blush creep up his face as he felt a hard bulge press against his ass, two warm hands settling on his hips. Eddie let his head drop to Richie’s shoulder as the taller man hid his face on the brunette’s neck.
Eddie grinded into Richie’s cock, sighing, moaning softly when Richie pushed his erection back against the petite man’s ass. Eddie’s left hand reached up to tag Richie’s curls, his free one settling over the curly haired man’s where it laid on his waist. He grinded into Richie’s member once more, pulling the other man’s curls as he did, and Richie let out an inhuman growl.
Suddenly, Richie pulled away from the smaller man, who instantly felt the lack of heat. He intertwined his fingers with Eddie’s, hurriedly walking across the pub to the little room he did his magic in. “C’mon” He snarled in a low, hungry voice.
“Where are we going?” Eddie breathed, following the taller man. Richie turned to him, eyes dark and pupils wide.
“I’m going to fuck you”
Eddie felt like he could float that night.
He didn’t know it, but he felt loved.
Eddie would never admit the jealousy that crept up his stomach at Richie’s words about Thursdays.
(Special someone comes over Thursdays)
It’s not like he went out Thursdays, anyway. Thursdays were… dangerous. At least that’s what Eddie’s mother said.
“Why can’t I go out Thursdays, Ma?”
“They’re very dangerous days, Eddie-Bear. They’re werewolf days”
“Werewolf days? But weren’t those full moon days?”
Eddie remembered his mother shaking her head. There was something in her eyes, perhaps fear, maybe guilt.
“No Eddie. Your father thought that. Remember what happened to daddy?”
“I can’t. Because no one knows what happened to him”
“Exactly, Eddie. But I’ll tell you something. Your father disappeared in a Thursday night”
“I know ma”
“Good, now give dear mommy a hug, and off to bed. Sun’s almost out”
Eddie always shuddered at that memory. He wasn’t stupid. He knew that humans had no idea about the reality of the monsters they told tales about. But the idea that something as dangerous as a werewolf involuntarily changed to his monstrous form every week instead of month was so bizarre and unsettling Eddie had refused to believe it. That is… until he was told about the victims.
God bless Ben Hanscom. He, a simple human as any other, held so much knowledge in his curious mind, that he could have a fluid conversation with anyone about anything.
When Ben had first acknowledged Bev and Eddie’s nature, he’d done a little research project. He’d contacted his friend Mike Hanlon, a kid of Ben’s age that helped at the library, to help him find some books. Mike had quickly agreed. So, every night for a few weeks, the four of them read and read until they could no more, all snuggled up against each other under the blankets they set in Mike’s barn.
Hanlon never once questioned their interest on the subject, or why they chose to do it at such late hours. He simply went long with it. It hurt Eddie to think it most probably was because Mike felt lonely and longed for company, as his skin color came as bad news to most people in town, and few people actually wanted to hang out to him. Regardless, he never really revealed his and Bev’s secret.
Their research took an unexpected twist into the werewolf subject.
“My father says they’re real” Mike said one night. Ben’s eyes shot up to him, whether as Eddie and Bev’s gazes met. “He says they live among us. When he was at war, he had this diary- hold on a second”
Mike stood up, exiting the room. Clatter could be heard coming whatever room Mike was in, and not long later he came back with a worn out, blue leather notebook. He handed it to Beverly, who opened it and browsed through the pages. Finally, after a few minutes of silence, she stopped on one page.
“Here. Let’s see. It says: Friday 19th, April. We found another-
victim this morning. Clark McGoones. He had his body- or what was left of it- full of scratches. Most of his body -joints, part of his torso, his left cheek- was missing. There were bites all over his body. The blood was long dried, so I suppose he died yesterday. Poor kid, he was only barely 21. Had a nice family, and a pretty girlfriend. I saw him writing letters to them in his free time.
Presumably he was attacked by a wild animal, just like the last time. I don’t buy it. He was just one of the many victims.
Eddie Corcoran
Dorsey Corcoran
Betty Ripsom
Patrick Hockstetter
Adrian Mellon
Peter Gordon
And there’s many more. All found the same way: Scratches all over their body, parts of their bodies ripped and bitten off. All found on Fridays. All died the day before.
Most of my partners don’t believe in werewolves. Those who do deny my theory.
“Werewolves only transform once a month, Willy. That night is the full moon night. Everybody knows that” Horton Broughty says to me one day.
“I’ll tell you what, Horton” I tell him. “I say werewolves can transform whenever they feel like it. But they transform unwillingly every week. Every Thursday. And they attack all this poor privates”
Horton shakes his head. “Thursdays? Why so?”
“It all makes sense, Horton, just think about it” But Horton only laughs.
“Ah say, Hanlon, you’re crazier than I first thought. There are a lot of wild hounds around this area. Probably hungry, is all. Those ‘poor privates’, as you put it, should’ve watched out and been fucking sleeping at midnight instead of roaming around in the forest”
But I know this ain’t just some hungry dogs’ making. There are werewolves out there, probably among us. I ought to get out of here. Butch Bowers calls me a pussy, but let’s see what he has to say about the subject when he’s the one found next Friday.
So, they really exist, huh?” Beverly finished, feigning surprise.
“Mhm. My dad says that they still live among us” Mike explained “even if they don’t find any victims anymore. That year was just some sort of cursed year. They were most likely suffering from hunger or something” He shrugged.
Eddie hugged his knees, thoughtful and scared. Was this really what had killed his father?
“Eds?” Eddie was shaken out of his thoughts by Richie, whose ice blue eyes bore into his own, concerned. “Are you okay?”
Eddie cleared his throat, nodding. “Yeah, I’m fine” Richie smiled warmly at him, and Eddie snuggled further into him.
Through these little visits, Eddie had gotten to know Richie, and appreciate him. Richie was a person who listened, and cared. He didn’t judge Eddie, whatever the smaller man told him. They shared mostly
(you love him)
anything. There was no risk, Eddie told himself, in telling Richie personal things about himself. Why would there be? Richie was a trustworthy person. And besides, if something where to happen, they had never seen each other outside the club, so there was no risk in
(do I really?)
running into each other.
So why didn’t he tell Richie his secret then? This had been going on for almost three months, they had shared so much, so why was he afraid? Perhaps because the kid would freak out and not want to talk to him again? Or maybe he would try and hurt Eddie? He himself had said it, the chances of meeting Richie
(you’re afraid to admit it)
in the outside world were slim, specially given his curfew. So, what was it all about? He feared losing Richie, Eddie knew. Even if they didn’t mean anything to the taller man, these nights meant everything to Eddie. He felt like he could tell any and everything to the raven-haired boy laying beside him, a feeling he hadn’t felt since Bill left him, even with Mike, Bev and Ben by his side. He had learned to love
(it can’t be true)
Richie deeply. Eddie didn’t know what that meant, but he was sure he couldn’t afford to lose him. Yet, every day that passed without telling him, Eddie felt like he was lying to Richie, and that wasn’t fair, was it? He deserved to know, if these little night meetings were to continue.
“You’re a little thoughtful tonight Eds” Richie commented. “Did I really leave you so flabbergasted?”
(it is)
He expected the younger man to scoff, maybe call him off for calling him Eds, but instead Eddie simply sighed.
“Do you trust me, Rich?” It came out as a whisper, and Richie would’ve missed it, if it weren’t for his… qualities. Instead, he heard it crystal clear. He sat up, taking the boy with him, and Eddie shifted on his lap, getting comfortable, and hid his face in Richie’s neck again. Richie rubbed soothing circles into his back, rocking them back and forth slightly.
“Course I do Eds, why wouldn’t I?” He asked.
“I… I’m not who you think I am, Rich. I’m not what you think I am”
Richie was confused, but he knew better than to push the smaller boy. Eddie said things when he thought it was convenient. If he didn’t want to be specific, Richie wouldn’t ask. So, instead he said: “We all have secrets, Eds. That’s okay”
“It’s different” Eddie mumbled into Richie’s skin.
They sat like that for another five minutes, neither saying anything, until Eddie lifted his head. He looked at Richie with an expression the older boy knew all too much. Eddie’s eyes showed hunger, the type of hunger he looked at Richie with while they had sex. “Can I try something?”
Richie swallowed hardly, and nodded. Eddie smiled at him. “Don’t be scared” he whispered. “I won’t hurt you”
Richie felt Eddie’s mouth trailing down his neck, on his pulse point. Seconds later, two sharp fangs penetrated his skin. The pain was immediately replaced by pleasure. Richie saw stars, melting under the petite boy. It felt so good, so much better than the intimate things Eddie and he sometimes did. God, Richie could stay like this forever. But his senses awoke, and he immediately fell into realization.
Eddie wasn’t new in this area. He knew he could make people feel good with one simple bite, and, God, Richie tasted great. But he felt the boy under him try to push him away, gently at first, then with more force.
“Eds, Eddie wait” There was softness in Richie’s voice, but also panic. Eddie pulled away at the agitation in Richie’s voice, whipping the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Did-did I hurt you?” Eddie asked, starting to panic.
“N-no. Eddie, you’re, you’re a-”
“Vampire, yeah” Eddie lowered his face. He felt Richie’s hands cupping his face, and he met the boy’s stare.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, voice a whisper, his thumbs caressing Eddie’s cheeks.
“I-I thought you’d hate me” Eddie sniffed, and Richie’s eyes softened.
“I would never hate you, Eds.” Richie looked around. “But you need to go, it’s dangerous here” He started gathering his clothes and putting them on, handing Eddie his.
“Richie wait-”
“Eddie” Richie turned to the boy. “You need to go, now” His voice was suddenly cold, and Eddie couldn’t do anything but obey.
So, he put his clothes on. He and Richie creeped through the silent pub until they reached the door. Eddie turned to Richie.
“Don’t come back here, Eddie. For your own good. You might get hurt” Water gathered in Eddie’s eyelids.
“I’m sorry, Rich” He whispered. He walked out to the raining night. He jumped and his body wrapped around himself, and Richie watched in awe as he turned into a bat. The little animal turned to face Richie one last time before flying away.
Two weeks of radio silence. Richie had waited every night, hoping Eddie would appear. He knew he had warned the petite boy not to come near the pub, but he just wanted to see the boy’s beautiful face. He wanted to touch him, and hear him giggle. He wanted to feel the pleasure he had felt that night.
He had tried to talk to Ben and Bev multiple times, but his coworker ignored him, sending him a disappointed look, whereas the feisty ginger simply slapped him the moment he tried to approach her.
It was Thursday now, and Richie sat on a bar stool in the pub. He didn’t work today. A boy with light, neatly styled, curly hair sat next to him. They both had a gin tonic in hand.
“So, you really screwed up this time, huh?” The boy asked.
“Shut up, Stanley” Richie hissed.
Stanley chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. He turned to Richie. “It’s your fault he’s not here”
“It’s dangerous here” Richie muttered.
“Yet you want him back” Stan countered. Richie rolled his eyes.
“No. At least not today. He’d be an idiot to come back on a Thursday” He told his friend. Stan shrugged, and they both took a sip. Stan cleared his throat.
“Does he know?” He asked.
Stanley rolled his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell him. He’d understand”
“He’d freak out, that’s what he’d do” Richie shot back.
“Why? ‘Because he’s been having sex with a creature whose nature is that of the species born to terminate his? I think not. The kid sounds like a tough cookie” Richie shot Stan a glare.
“You’re impossible, Stanley” He growled. Stan shrugged, smirking.
“I’m not the one with trouble in paradise here” He answered.
Richie was about to give his friend a snarky response, when his breath caught in his throat, looking at familiar doe eyes that locked with his from across the room. “Rich?” Stan asked growing nervous.
Eddie knew he shouldn’t be out on a Thursday night. Of course he shouldn’t. Specially not to see Richie, who had his special appointment with his special person. He knew he was in danger the moment he sneaked out. The air was different that night. It felt suffocating. Eddie wanted nothing more than to go back home. But he had to talk to Richie. He had to prove him how special he was to Eddie, and that he wouldn’t hurt him.
He opened the door of the pub, immediately met with the sweaty smell and the bodies gridding against each other. He searched the room, and his eyes landed on the bar, where Richie sat talking to a nice looking boy with light curly hair, styled perfectly, compared to Richie’s wild curls. As if on instinct, Richie’s gaze shifted and he locked eyes with Eddie’s, his expression changing from an annoyed one to that of pure terror.
The boy jumped off the bar stool, pushing himself between bodies to get to Eddie, his friend following not far behind.
Richie quickly arrived, grabbing Eddie by the shoulders and shaking him slightly.
“Eddie what the hell-”
“Is this your special someone?” Eddie cut him off, nodding towards Stanley.
“What? No-” Richie started.
“Special someone? Isn’t that supposed to be you?” Stan asked Eddie, raising a brow. Eddie blushed.
“Guys can I just-” Richie’s voice was exasperated.
“I honestly don’t really know anymore” Eddie told Stan, who chuckled.
“WILL YOU LET ME SPEAK!” Richie shouted, catching everyone’s attention for a moment. Eventually the people returned to mind their own business. “Eddie, what the hell are you doing here? It’s werewolf night for God’s sake!” He whisper-shouted. Eddie crossed his arms.
“How do you know that?” He asked, narrowing his eyes.
“That’s not important! You need to leave, now!” Richie hissed.
“Any problem, Tozier?” A tall, bulky man with light brown hair styled in a mullet and hungry eyes approached them. Richie sighed.
“Everything’s fine. Fuck off, Henry” He growled. Henry chuckled.
“That’s not how you talk to your brother, Richie” He spat. Richie turned to look at him.
“You are not my brother” He told the boy. Henry ignored him, turning to Eddie. He grabbed the petite man’s arm strongly, twisting it slightly. Eddie hissed in pain.
“Who’s this?” He leaned close, taking in the boy’s scent. “He smells very good… Is this your little treat for the night, Tozier?”
Eddie tried to wriggle out of Henry’s grip, only hurting himself more. Stan approached the pair, separating them with surprising force. “Leave the kid alone, Bowers” He said. He turned to Eddie and whispered “Run”
Eddie run out the door and into the street. He tried to transform, but his arm hurt too much. He would have to run. So he took off.
Eddie was fast, sure, but he wasn’t used to running, preferring to fly. Soon he was panting, struggling to breath, and his legs hurt. He looked behind him to see if he was being followed, and was met with a horrific sight.
Illuminated by the moonlight, a wolf of light brown fur run towards Eddie, gaining on him. There was something familiar about the creature, something human reflected in his eyes, and it took all of Eddie’s will to not scream. He begged for his legs to run faster, but he was exhausted, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. His terror only raised when he turned to look behind him and saw two more wolves had appeared behind the first one. One of them had light fur while the other had dark one, hardly distinguishable in the night. Eddie was panting hard and he tripped twice, but he didn’t stop. The first wolf jumped towards him, scratching his thigh, and Eddie screamed in pain. One of the other two wolves, the one with the light fur, gained on the first one, jumping onto it. Eddie tripped and fell, bumping into a wall and hitting his head. He sat against the wall, hugging his injured leg, and watched the two wolves fight in horror. The third wolf approached him. “No, please, please don’t” Eddie muttered, tears falling down his cheeks. But as he looked into the wolf’s eyes, he found something familiar, like comfort and home.
Eddie was panting, trying his best to control his breathing and keep his eyes open. The wolf approached him carefully, whilst the other two wolves kept fighting. The dark-skinned animal nudged Eddie’s arm, and the boy exhaustedly put it around the animal. Slowly, and a bit painfully, Eddie managed to get on top of the animal, grasping his fur. Without warning, the wolf started running, leaving the other two behind. Eddie lost consciousness not long after.
When Eddie finally woke, hours later, he was laying on a bed that wasn’t his. He dimly remembered falling asleep hugging something soft, his whole body soaring. He lifted his head to look around and groaned at the pain that shot through his whole body, laying down again. He scanned all he could see with his eyes. The room was dark. It wasn’t too big, and it was completely clean. For what Eddie could make out in the dim light, every single corner was spotless. He noticed, though, how there were scratches on the walls, and he saw a few blood marks on the floor. Eddie swallowed hard, worried. By the way the ceiling was tilted, Eddie could guess he was in an attic. There was a little window on the wall opposite to were he lay, and even though the blinds were shut and the curtains were drawn, a few rays of sunshine escaped into the room, drawing little patterns on the sheets covering Eddie’s body. Eddie yawned and moved very carefully, as to avoid the light and getting hurt, and sat on the bed, letting his legs swing down the side of the bed. He stayed there for a few minutes, trying to ease the pain he felt, and then someone opened the door. Eddie held his breath for a moment, exhaling in relief when he saw Richie’s friend pop his head in the room. He was only wearing some shorts, his uncovered chest full of wounds and bruises.
“Oh good, you’re up” The man said, opening the door fully and walking towards Eddie, extending his hand for the smaller man to take, which he did, albeit hesitantly. Stan helped Eddie up. “I’m Stanley, by the way. I didn’t get the chance to introduce myself correctly last night” He said, smiling sheepishly. Eddie nodded.
“Eddie. Where are we?” He asked, and Stan chuckled.
“This is my place. Sorry if it’s a bit… messy. I wasn’t expecting anyone” He explained, and Eddie nodded again, whispering an absentminded ‘s’okay’ as he looked yet again at the scratches and dried blood. Werewolf, he thought to himself, memories from the night prior hitting him like a brick. He did those. They’re there because he’s a werewolf. Eddie suddenly felt his throat close. Before he could say anything, though, Stan was talking again. “Richie is downstairs” He said. “He… he wants to see you, check if you’re okay. He didn’t wanna wake you up. You should, uh, you should probably talk to him”
“Right” Eddie swallowed hard, and looked back at Stan. He scanned the man, taking his appearance in. “Are you okay?”
“Huh?” Stan looked down at his body, and chuckled. “Yeah, it’s- I’m fine. Should’ve seen the other guy” He joked, and Eddie laughed.
“Well, I’m- I’ll go see him now. Thanks Stan” Eddie smiled at him before slipping into the corridor. And even though Stan couldn’t pinpoint exactly what Eddie was thanking him for, he smiled back, nonetheless.
Eddie slowly walked down the stairs, fingers trailing down the black wasted wood of the walls. He noticed all the rooms of the house were dark, and he felt thankful for the boys’ care. Outside, raindrops hit against the windows, making dull sounds that echoed through the otherwise silent house.
Though the building seemed old and abandoned, Eddie could tell Stan put much effort into keeping it clean and tidy, as far as possible.
As Eddie reached the end of the stairs, he could smell coffee, and he realized he was starving. So, he followed the smell and entered a room- the kitchen- lit only by a lamp on the corner. There, he found Richie, whose hair was sticking out in weird angles and was only wearing an old t-shirt, which used to be blue but had faded, and boxers. The boy- werewolf, Eddie corrected in his head- was staring intently at his phone, brows slightly furrowed in concentration, tip of the tongue poking out from the corner of his mouth and wearing some ridiculous black coke bottle glasses. The image would have been comical in any other situation, but there was nothing funny about it now. The boy was so engrossed in whatever he was reading that he only raised his head when Eddie cleared his throat.
“Eds” The man was instantly on his feet, about to walk towards the petite boy, when Eddie talked.
“You’re a werewolf” He said, deadpan. His face was expressionless, if not a little amused, and it stopped Richie on his tracks. The taller man swallowed the lump in his throat, nodding.
“I- yeah, I’m sorry-”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Eddie cut him off. Richie’s eyes widened more, if possible, and his hands twitched, longing to take Eddie in his arms and hug him.
“I-I don’t- I tried but…” As Eddie saw Richie crumble before him, trying his best not to cry, the vampire’s expression softened.
“Rich…” He sighed. Eddie took the other man’s hands and led him to the living room. They plopped down on the couch, and Eddie took his hands from Richie, resting one of them on the other man’s thigh and using the other to cup Richie’s chin, turning his head gently but determinately to look at him. “When… you found out I was a vampire. Why didn’t you tell me then?” He asked.
Richie’s eyes shot down and Eddie tugged at his chin, silently telling the werewolf to look at him. When Richie did, Eddie noticed his eyes were bloodshot, and tears were threatening to fall.
“You’d hate me” Richie sniffled. “You’d hate me, and I couldn’t bare to lose you” He tried to avoid Eddie’s stare, but the smaller man followed his eyes everywhere they went.
“So you decided to push me away?” Eddie’s question wasn’t accusatory, but Richie heard the hurt behind it.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t- I couldn’t risk hurting you” As Richie’s first tear fell, Eddie felt his heart drown. He sniffled, trying to hide his own tears. He swiped Richie’s tear away, and pulled the man towards him, hugging him in a deathly grip. Richie’s arms tentatively wrapped around his friend, hiding his face in the other man’s crook of the neck, and they cried together.
“Promise me” Eddie spoke after a few minutes of silence in which only their whimpers could be heard. “Promise me you’ll never try to leave me again. Please” His voice broke in the end, more tears falling.
Richie nodded against Eddie’s neck. “I promise. Goddamn it, Eds, I promise. I’m never leaving your side. It’s you and I for now on” He pulled away enough to look at the other man.
“Don’t call me Eds” Eddie sniffled, and smiled up at the curly haired man. Richie chuckled and shook his head.
“I’ll never stop” He told the petite boy. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to the vampire’s temple.
Eddie giggled, happy, and melted into the other man’s contact. “I should sleep a bit more” He told Richie in a hushed whisper, as if sharing a secret. Richie smirked.
“That’s great, cause I’m exhausted” Eddie looked up at Richie’s playful smirk, eyes a bit wide, and nodded.
Richie stood up, taking Eddie’s hand and pulling the shorter boy after him. They crossed the living room and walked up the stairs to the first floor. As they took the steps, Richie turned to look over his shoulder at Eddie, hands still intertwined. The vampire looked up at him with wide doe eyes, full of adoration, bloodshot and glassy from crying, two tracks of dried ears on each cheek, and Richie’s heart swooned. As he reached the top of the stairs, he stopped and turned to Eddie once more. The smaller man walked up the remaining two steps separating them, his arms going around Richie’s neck as the taller man sneaked his arms around Eddie’s waist.
They stood for another minute, just hugging, sharing some sort of silent understanding. Every now and then Richie pressed a kiss to the top of Eddie’s head, whereas Eddie’s lips would be pressed against his shoulder.
“If I tell you something, promise not to freak out?” Richie whispered into Eddie’s ear. Eddie nodded against his shoulder.
Minutes passed before Richie said what he wanted, but Eddie waited with patience, the silence between them comfortable. When Richie did talk, his voice was low and stained, and Eddie would’ve missed it if the raven-haired boy’s lips weren’t next to his ear. “I-I think I love you”
Eddie would’ve expected his eyes to grow wide, his heart to miss a beat, his breath to hitch. Instead, he was welcomed with a feeling like home- actual home, not the place he had lived trapped in since he was born. He slowly turned his head, raising it to press a gentle kiss to Richie’s lips, feeling the wet saltiness of newly shed tears. He looked up at Richie’s eyes with a warm gaze. “I know” He said against the other man’s lips. His hands travelled down Richie’s body to meet the taller man’s where they rested on Eddie’s hips. Richie took them and pulled them to a room nearby, where Stanley had him sleep when things were particularly shitty at his house.
The two men shed their clothes silently until they were left in underwear. They turned to each other, nothing but love and adoration in their eyes as they looked at each other. Still not saying anything, Richie lay on the bed, his arms open in offering, and Eddie climbed the bed, laying on top of the werewolf. Richie pulled the covers over them, and Eddie rested his hands on the other boy’s chest. Richie’s arms curled protectively around the petite boy.
Richie knew Eddie just wanted to rest, but he needed Eddie to know what had happened the day before. He needed to explain.
“Henry and I aren’t really family” He explained in a low voice. “My parents were both werewolves. When our neighbors found out, they all turned against us, attacking us everywhere we went. They even burnt our house down. One day, a man from a few blocks down came to our house with a gun and a few silver bullets” Richie took a deep breath, closing his eyes. Eddie listened intently, rubbing patterns against Richie’s skin. “He shot my mom in the head, and my father right through the chest. I watched it all. When he turned to shoot me, a man named Butch Bowers, the strongest werewolf I’ve ever known, barged into my house and killed the man. He took me under his wing, and I’ve worked for him and his stupid son Henry ever since. They’re the owners of the pub” Richie concluded his story. Silence ruled over them for a few seconds, then Richie’s voice echoed through the room. “I hate being a werewolf” And silence ensued.
Eddie had so many things to say. So many empty consolations that he meant but that he knew didn’t change anything. He settled on propping himself on his elbow, cupping Richie’s face and leaning down to brush their lips. “I love you, Chee” He told the werewolf, slotting their lips together in a sweet kiss. Richie hummed against Eddie’s lips, gripping his hips tight. Eddie parted from the kiss, leaning their foreheads together.
“I love you, Eds. So much, you don’t even know” Richie whispered. Eddie smiled and pecked his lips, laying back on the raven-haired man’s chest.
“Don’t call me that, Rich. Now, sleep”
When Richie woke up, the sun was setting. He felt two arms wrapped around his middle, warmth pressed against his back, and he smiled. The happiness faded when he felt a newspaper hitting his forehead again and again, Stan hollering at them. “GET UP YOU FUCKING LOVEBIRDS! GET UP, GET UP, GET UP” Eddie only groaned, burying his face further into the back of Richie’s neck, and Richie momentarily felt at peace. The peace vanished when he opened his eyes and was greeted with the view of an exasperated Stan, stare sharp as daggers.
“Bowers is here!” He whisper-shouted. Richie’s eyes opened widely, feeling suddenly more awake than he had been twenty seconds earlier. He sat up quickly, pushing Eddie off the bed in the process.
“Eddie, holy fuck, are you okay?” He asked the boy, taking his hand and pulling him up and close to him. Eddie nodded, climbing onto the bed and hugging Richie’s side, still sleepy. Richie turned to Stan. “How do you know?”
“I saw one of his goons, Belch, spying the house from behind a tree” Stan told him. Richie chuckled.
“Not very effective, huh?” He said, remembering Belch’s large shape. Stan hit him on the head with the newspaper again.
“Shut up, idiot. Victor is probably somewhere around, spying us too. And Henry can’t be very far. Thank God the blinds are down, or they would’ve spotted you two already” Stan sighed, rubbing his face, and Richie noticed he looked exhausted.
“Don’t worry, Stanny, we’ll figure something out” He told his friend, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder, his other arm resting on Eddie’ waist. Said boy yawned, and turned to Stan.
“I know who can help” He said with a groggy voice. Both werewolves turned to stare at him.
“Well?” Stan said after a beat. “What are you waiting for?”
 “Okay, no, Eddie, I’m not do- Eddie please stop and listen!” Eddie came to a halt, turning to stare at Mike. The sun was almost set, the last rays decorating the sky in a purplish color. Eddie rose an eyebrow at his friend.
“I don’t see the problem?” He dragged his words, feigning confusion and innocence. Mike sighed, covering his face with his hands and rubbing it. He turned back to look at his friend.
“Eddie. I love you, you’re one of my best friends and I’ll jump off a cliff for you, but this?” He asked, gesturing towards his car. “This is just too much”
Both men turned to look at the backseat of the car, where two big wolfs lay. One of them, mane as clear as hay, licked his paws delicately, while the other, with fur as dark as night, lay is head on his front paws, staring at the two boys with wide, attentive eyes. Eddie sighed, walking up to the car and sitting on the floor of the vehicle, petting the dark wolf, whose head snuggled into Eddie’s chest. Mike followed, sitting down by the car on the wooden floor.
“Look, Ed, I’m sure you have the most logical reason to put two werewolves in the backseat of my car and make me drive you to my farm and have the three of you over… actually, no, I don’t even believe that! This is insane, Eddie, insane!” The smaller man gave him an unimpressed look, still petting the wolf.
“Mike, this is Richie” He replied simply, and Mike gave him a confused look, not understanding why Eddie thought he would even care about the wolf’s name.
“Okay, well, nice name, but I don’t think- wait” Mike choked on air, positive that if he had been drinking something, he would’ve spit it all over the three occupying his car. “Richie Richie? As in the Richie you used to hook up with every night and you were head over heels for?”
Eddie blushed, and the wolf turned his head to the man, something akin to a smug smile playing on his mouth. The wolf licked Eddie’s tan face, and Eddie giggled, whipping the spit off on the wolf’s mane. Instead of raising his head after, he simply turned it where it rested over the wolf’s, looking over at Mike with a small but fond smile. “Yeah, that Richie. And this” He motioned to the other wolf. “is Stan. They saved my life last night. And now they’re in danger. I am too.”
Mike swallowed. He thought it over. “How can I know we can trust them? How can I know they won’t hurt you? I mean, no offence Ed, but you’re tiny” Eddie raised a single, challenging brow. He stood up, Richie whining at the loss of his lover’s presence. In one swift motion, Eddie curled around himself, and Mike couldn’t stop his jaw from falling as Eddie turned into a bat, flying around his head for a few seconds before turning back.
“I think I’ll be fine” He told his friend, arms crossed. “Now can we please go?”
Mike stuttered over his words, trying to find his voice. “Suh-suh-sure, y-yeah, let’s go” He finally said, and Eddie thought back on his dear friend Bill. He wondered where he was right now, or if he was alive. Eddie shook his head, hugging Mike quickly and giving him a thankful smile before transforming back, hiding behind Richie’s paws. Richie nudged him carefully with his nose, a small comforting gesture.
Mike shook his head, closing the door and making sure the wolves wouldn’t be spotted from the outside before getting into the car, starting the engine and driving out of the garage and taking the road to his farm.
 Henry Bowers followed the vehicle with his eyes, as mostly empty as it had been when it arrived no longer than half an hour before, save for the driver. He turned to the vampire next to him. “Victor, call Belch. We’re following that nigger’s car” Victor all but nodded, transforming into a bat and moving towards Belch’s hiding place.
 It was nighttime when they arrived at Mike’s farm. Mike ushered the three men out of his car, and they quickly headed inside the house.
“I think you better call Bev and Ben, Mike” Eddie warned as he turned back into his human form. Mike stared at him for a moment, then nodded. Stan and Richie caught his eye as they transformed too, and he took a moment to stare at them before turning to walk towards the kitchen, where his phone was. Eddie called out to him, and Mike came to a halt. “Tell Beverly you know about me. She has something to tell you too” Mike sighed and nodded, without looking at his friend, and exited the room.
Stan turned to Richie and Eddie. “You’ll excuse me, I have to make a call” His eyes lingered on Eddie, a small smile on his lips, before he walked out of the room, leaving Richie and Eddie alone.
Eddie sighed as he sat on the sofa, head in his hands. “I’m sorry I dragged you into this” He whispered. Richie frowned, sitting next to the shorter man. He put an arm around Eddie, pulling him close, and kissed the crown of his head.
“S’ not your fault. None of this is, Eds, so please don’t blame yourself. Please” Eddie sighed into Richie’s neck, but nodded anyway, kissing the sensitive skin there. He came across a bruise he could identify as the bite he had given the werewolf a few weeks ago. It felt like it had happened ages ago, but he always got that feeling around Richie. The feeling that they’d known each other forever.
They stayed in the couch for longer than half an hour, enjoying each other’s presence. Stan came back into the room not long after, nodding towards them, and retreated to the kitchen to talk to Mike.
Eddie felt guilty for Mike. He’d been helping Beverly and Eddie for about a year now, loved them like siblings, and they had lied to him this whole time. They’d taken advantage of his loneliness. Surely Mike would hate them now. Eddie felt the urge to cry at that thought. Mike was truly an amazing person and the vampire didn’t want to lose him.
Richie must’ve noticed Eddie’s sallow state. His arms wrapped instinctively stronger around Eddie’s small frame. “Are you okay?” He whispered against his lover’s ear. Eddie raised his head, nodding, and placed a chaste kiss to Richie’s lips.
“M’fine” He mumbled.
The ring of the doorbell startled them apart. Faintly, Eddie heard Stan call “I’ll get it!” and he supposed Bev and Ben had arrived.
Which is why he choked on his own spit when neither came into the room; instead, in his tall, lanky, auburn haired glory, Bill Denbrough shone.
Hands on his hips, Bill smiled softly at Eddie, if a little apologetically, as he took a step towards the pair. He screamed home, and Eddie just wanted to run towards him, but he was so confused, and scared, so he stayed frozen in Richie’s arms.
“Bill?” The werewolf asked. He turned to his best friend, and Stan just stared back. “Why’d you call him?” He asked, voice filled with confusion.
“Nice to see you too, Richie” Bill said, voice soft. He turned to Eddie then, addressing him for the first time. “Long time, Eddie”
The shorter man shook his head, and Richie looked at him confused. “You know him?” He asked the brunette, confused.
“Do you?” Eddie asked back, and Richie’s brows furrowed.
Stan talked then, walking away from the wall he was leaned against and towards the center of the room.
“It’s…there’s not much time to explain now. You can catch up when all of this is over. Right now, we’ve got more important matters to attend” He said, but Eddie shook his head.
“More important matters? More important than the fact that my former best friend has been a few minutes away from me for god knows how long and hasn’t had the decency to at least call me?” He shouted. Bill frowned, stung by Eddie’s words. Richie started to rub circles against the smaller man’s back, but Eddie pulled away, standing up. “Is that so, Stanley? You think that some bullshit werewolves are more important than that? Huh? Well, fuck you, then!”
“Eddie, let me exp-”
“No Bill, I don’t want to hear it. I don’t wanna hear another fucking word come from your mouth, EVER!” Eddie immediately regretted what he said, wincing.
“Eddie” Came Stan’s voice. Calm, cautious. “I know tis is all important to you, believe me, I do. But we need to come up with a plan, now, or else we might end up dead”
Eddie glowered at Stan, jaw shut tightly, and Mike was sure he was going to explode. But the vampire slowly exhaled, sitting beside Richie, who cautiously put an arm around him. Eddie melted into the touch, not meeting anyone’s gaze.
The doorbell rang. “That must be Bev and Ben” Mike spoke quietly, and walked to the entrance to let his friends in.
As the couple settled in the living room, Mike spoke again. “I-I’m not really sure if it’s my place to ask, but what the hell is going on?” He talked gently, with a warm voice. For a few seconds, no one answered. But then Eddie took a deep breath, exhaled, and started telling the tale, right from the very beginning.
 “Okay now, careful, they’re still very hot” Ben warned as he handed the plate with the recently made silver bullets to Bill. The tall vampire nodded, taking the plate and putting it on the table next to him.
The seven of them stood in Mike’s workshop. They had been discussing how to take he Bower’s gang down and had come to the conclusion that silver bullets were the best option. They’d searched for silver objects around Mike’s house and had found an old set of cutleries that Ben said would do the trick.
Mike’s granddad had a few bullet molds, which they put the melted silver in, and minutes later they had five silver bullets in a plate.
Richie eyed the bullets warily, staying at a cautious distance from the table, and Eddie gripped his hand tightly. Bev and Mike started cleaning the tools they had used, and Ben sat down with Bill and Stan.
Eddie watched confusedly as Bill’s hand fell on Stan’s thigh, rubbing circles onto the denim fabric of Stan’s jeans. The werewolf had a small smile on his face, and the petite vampire reminded himself to ask Richie about it later.
The small man’s gaze turned to Mike, who was having small talk with Beverly. Even after all the secrets they kept from him came to the light, the farmer was still sticking by their side, helping them win a fight which wasn’t his.
Eddie sighed, squeezing Richie’s hand before letting go and joining his friends’ chatter.
Richie followed him with his eyes, smiling softly, and turned to look out the window. In the darkness of the night, he spotted a car’s headlights slowly approaching, the engine becoming louder.
He turned to his friends.
“They’re here”
 Five guns, five bullets. Both vampires and humans ported one of each. Stan and Richie preferred to use their own methods. After all, neither was keen on coming close to the bullets.
The two groups faced each other, separated by a small sunflower field. No crickets chirped at this time of the night.
“You’re complicating yourself too much, brother” Henry spoke at last, flashing an evil grin. “It’s simple. You just have to hand the little mouse over and no one gets hurt.”
Richie shook his head. “In your dreams Bowers. Go back home before your daddy come’s looking for you. You know he doesn’t like you going about, searching for trouble” He said, taking a step forward.
Henry sneered, gritting his teeth. “Very well, you ungrateful asshole” He mumbled. “Belch!” He called. “You know what to do” Belch nodded, kneeling down and transforming.
“Take one step!” Beverly called. “Take one step, I dare you, and it’ll be the last thing you ever do”
Something flashed in the wolf’s eyes, something akin to fear, but he took a tentative step forward. Instantly, all guns were on him, ready to shoot should he advance.
“We don’t want to kill anyone” Ben warned. “But we will if we have to. Stand back Bowers, there’s no point. It’s three against seven, you know how this is bound to end.
Henry frowned deeply, turning to Belch. “What are you doing just standing there, you idiot? Attack!” Belch reacted after a beat, running towards the group. Seconds later, a gun fired. Belch dodged the bullet by millimeters.
“Shit” Ben cursed to himself. “I’m out” He stood back, Bill stepping in front of him as he took a rake that stood next to a haystack.
Belch advanced, not running anymore. He growled, walking towards Beverly, who chuckled.
“You’ve got the wrong target, puppy” She muttered.
“Belch, now!” Henry screamed, and Belch launched onto the female vampire. A gunshot echoed though the night, and Belch’s limp body fell, a bullet wound on the side of his head. Beverly turned to Eddie, who was putting his gun down, alarmed. “Why would you do that? I had him” She asked.
Eddie nodded solemnly. “I know you did, but you need to take care of Henry. You have the best aim around here”
The redhead sighed, shaking her head, and Eddie took a step behind Mike, taking an ax that Ben was handing him.
Henry’s face fell. “Silver bullets” He muttered. “You’re gonna regret that! Vic, you’re up”
The man looked at Henry for a solid five seconds before nodding, walking at a slow pace towards the group.
As he as approaching them, Mike fired his gun.
“Mike, no!” Eddie called out, a beat too late. The bullet hit Victor’s forehead, and he grinned at them. He brought a hand up to his forehead, pulling the bloody bullet out, and took a slingshot from his back pocket.
Bill swallowed audibly. “He’s a vampire” Ben broke into a sprint into the house. Mike stood back, throwing his gun to the floor. Victor placed the bullet on the pocket of the slingshot and aimed.
At Richie.
As Victor pulled the slingshot back and let go, Bill screamed at Richie to move, but the werewolf’s feet were stuck to the ground. The bullet flew through the night air, all eyes trailed on it.
It hit.
Richie’s eyes were trained to the ground, where Stan laid, a bleeding wound quickly staining his shirt.
“Stan!” Richie screamed, kneeling in front of his friend and pressing a hand to his stomach, trying to stop the bleeding. He shook his friend’s body, desperate. But the werewolf was unresponsive.
Richie let out a growl, looking up at Victor. “I’m gonna kill you!” He screamed, jumping towards the vampire, his body transforming on the air. He was knocked onto his side by another werewolf. Henry’s front paws clutched onto Richie’s stomach, opening wounds, but Richie bit his legs, and they fought and bit and growled at each other. As everyone’s eyes were on the fight, they all missed Ben coming behind Victor, stabbing a wood stake on his back. The stake went through Victor’s heart, and the vampire fell to his knees, disintegrating.
Everyone watched the two werewolves’ moves intently, Beverly gripping her gun tightly. Henry had a clear advantage, with all the wounds on Richie’s stomach.
“Bev, you have to do something!” Eddie cried.
“I’m coming!” The girl shouted, looking at the wolves. She pointed with her gun at the wolves, and everyone closed their eyes as she took the shot.
Bill was the first to look, spotting the two wolves laying on the floor, bleeding. “What happened?” He asked. Everyone turned to look at the bodies. Eddie run to Richie, shaking him.
“Richie? Richie, I need you to stand up” The dark wolf shook, transforming into his human form. Slowly, shakily, painfully, Richie managed to get to a sitting position. “Richie!” Eddie cried, hugging the tall man.
Richie hid his face into Eddie’s neck for a few seconds, then stood. He turned towards Stan’ limp body, sitting next to it. He cradled Stan’s face in his arms, crying into his hair. Slowly, the whole group embraced Richie, and they stood like that for a long time.
As the sun was starting to come out, Mike took them all inside to rest.
As Richie got into the bed he and Eddie were sharing, his lover pulled him closed. Eddie kissed him softly all over, and he sand to him, and they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
 It was late. They all stood in a circle, the only light coming from the moon. In the middle, a hole dug in the ground was being filled with sand. Stan’s body lay underneath it all. As they all worked in filling the hole, each one holding a shovel, their voice filled the silence. They were singing. It wasn’t perfect, they couldn’t sing a single full sentence without having to stop to catch their breath, sniff of hiccup. The tears they were crying sometimes made them choke. But they sang, nonetheless. Their voices were mere whispers.
And you know heroes aren’t meant to survive.
So much harder to love when alive.
Walk with the devil in your head,
you would think you were better off dead.
As they finished filling the hole, they all quieted down. Putting their shovels down, they all looked at the ground, and stood in silence for a few minutes. Then, Richie nodded, and they all turned and left.
 It was later that day, while Bill looked at the spot in the ground where Stan lay, that Eddie approached him.
“Hey” He said; softly, cautiously.
Bill turned to him, sporting a small but genuine smile. There were tear tracks on his cheeks, and Eddie fought the urge to wipe them off. “Hi” He replied, before turning back to the window.
Eddie walked over to his side, looking at the sunflower field.
“Did you ever find what you were looking for?” The vampire asked with a small voice.
Bill’s smile turned sad. “Yeah, I did. Well, I had found someone” He sighed. “Not that it means much anymore”
“It wasn’t your fault” Eddie whispered.
“I know” Bill told him. “I guess I just can’t help but feeling so. The blame has to be on someone”
“Like Vic, for example?” Eddie asked, turning to his childhood friend.
“Yeah. Like Vic, I suppose” Bill looked at him. “I’m_”
“Don’t” Eddie cut him off. “You don’t have to apologize. I get it. You’re here now, that’s all that matters” Bill nodded, turning back to the window. Eddie leaned his head on the taller man’s shoulder.
Together, they stood looking at the ghost of a friend. A lover. A fighter.
To Eddie Kaspbrak, love was more than just a feeling. Love was all the nights cuddled up with Richie in bed. Love was silent conversations between Bill and himself. Love was deep care, in whatever way, to those around him. Love were Stan’s memories. Love had brought them all together.
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lavenderbones22 · 5 years
Light My Candle- Ben Hardy
Summary: Ben has an encounter with his downstairs neighbour that leaves him lost for words.
Requested: 'could you write ben x fem!reader based on "light my candle" from rent?? thank you cutie'
Word Count: 2161
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The smell of Indian spiced incense drifted around her small apartment while she sat cross legged on the rug in the middle of her living room. She was busying herself on the brown wooden coffee table cutting herself some lines; it had been a stressful night at work to which she'd come home early from.
It was like she fell through a black hole. Sudden darkness. "Shit." Dropping her ID card she was using for the drugs, she looked around her darkened apartment.
She'd forgotten to pay her rent again. "This is the second time in three months," she mumbled in a frustrated manner out loud. "Get your shit together girl," she scolded herself, standing to her feet and using the light that came in from her window to guide herself to the kitchen where she knew she had a torch.
Thanking herself for cleaning her apartment earlier in the day, she made it to the kitchen alive. Reaching to a cupboard above the fridge, she found the torch. Her dad had insisted she have one when she moved out of home for blackouts. She assumed he hadn't meant for month's she paid her rent late.
Using the torch to light her path, she walked to her bedroom and sifted through her handbag for her lighter. She loved candles so was lucky enough to have a decent amount to light her in this dark time. Mumbling expletives to herself as she struggled to locate her favourite baby pink lighter in her bag, she suddenly remembered that she had left it at work when one of her colleagues had asked to borrow it.
"Fuck...fuck...fuck," she stood up again, shining the light around her bedroom. She knew none of her neighbours, having only moved in four months ago. It was after two in the morning, she couldn't go knocking on somebody's door. Could she?
Deciding that she simply could not sit around in darkness and she was simply too high to sleep, she grabbed one of the candles, walked herself out of her apartment and into the hall. She recalled bumping into a cute guy in the foyer a few times and was pretty sure she'd seen him go into one of the apartments on the floor above her. Surely he'd be awake, young and attractive, why would he be sleeping on a Saturday night?
Knowing she looked good, still having her makeup done, hair partially, and her tight jeans on accentuating her fit body, she waltzed up the stairs and stood in front of two doors.
Which one? She looked between both for a few moments.
Concluding that she swore she had seen him come in and out of the door on the left, she took a chance and knocked three times.
Ben nearly had a heart attack at the three knocks on his door somewhere around two thirty in the morning. Muttering words of perplexity to himself, he got off the couch where he had been chain smoking for the last thirty minutes, and opened the door.
A girl. He'd seen her around the building a few times, she had only been there for a few months he figured.
"Hello?" It was more of a question than a greeting. A 'why the fuck are you knocking at my door at two thirty in the morning?' sort of question.
"Got a light?" she held up a candle, perfectly sculptured brows raised.
"I know you," he looked at her features a little closer. Almond shaped eyes that had a flick of a wing out the side. He'd seen her before, other than inside his apartment building. She looked pretty done up, he thought she was probably just getting home. "You're shivering," he moved aside as to invite her in.
"It's nothing," she walked inside like she owned the place. "They turned off my heat."
He shut the door, admiring her from behind as she looked around his flat. "Would you light my candle?" She held it up.
"Sure," he leant down to reach for his lighter on the sofa. "Can I get you a jacket?" He couldn't ignore her shivering and took his jacket from earlier that hung over the back of the seat, draping it over her shoulders.
He lingered, just for a moment but she noticed.
"What are you staring at?"
He shook his head as if to shake his thoughts out. "Nothing....you look familiar," he told her. She smiled softly, letting her gaze fall from his to the ground. She presented such a strong front, but he saw her falter for a second.
She moved across the small room, holding her flickering candle and running her fingers along his television, record player, smiling to herself, the dim light from a small lamp in the corner and the moonlight from his window landing on her perfectly; she was beautiful.
"What?" She spotted him staring at her intently from the other side of his coffee table.
"Nothing...your smile reminded me of-"
"I always remind people of," she interrupted him, laughing to herself. "Who is she?" she looked over at his face; he was gorgeous.
"She died. Her name was April."
Feeling uncomfortable about his sudden confession of a dead girl he used to know, she blew out the candle. "It's out again!" She announced, her big, round eyes looking over at him.
Who on earth was this girl? He thought.
"I'm sorry about your friend," she said, walking around the table and back to him. "Can you light it again?" She bit her lip in what he couldn't mistake as a suggestive move. She was close to him, he could smell her perfume.
He pulled his lighter out again, bringing the candle in her petite hands back to life once more. She grabbed it with both hands, burning her finger on the wax in the process. "Ouch!" She pulled it back quickly, sticking it in her mouth.
"The wax..." he began.
"It's dripping," she finished for him. His fingers picked up some of the wax, she took this opportunity to lace their fingers together; she was attracted to him there was no doubt about it.
"I like it between my-" she purred.
"Fingers!" He pulled his hand from hers, he wasn't used to a woman being so forward with him. "Anyway, goodnight!" She frowned at his sudden change of mood. It was the only thing he knew to do. He felt himself getting aroused by the second because of this woman he didn't even know.
She looked at him quizzically for a second longer before shrugging his jacket off her shoulders and walking off in the direction of his door.
But then she blew out the candle.
He bet that she thought he wouldn't see, but he did.
She ran her hand along her back pockets, sliding her fingers in one back pocket and then the next. Shit.
She stopped, turning around and looking around on the ground.
"It blew out again?" He asked her with humour, she couldn't fool him.
"No...uh...I think that I dropped my bag of coke." She appeared frantic, feeling around her jeans some more, even inside her bra. Ben felt disconcerted. Sure, he'd done coke more times than he probably should have but she seemed too beautiful to give herself to such a drug.
"I feel like I've seen you out before..." his attempt to change the subject was futile because she ignored him, retracing her steps back into his apartment; eyes still glued to the floor.
"I swear I had it when I walked in the door," she ran her hands through her hair. "Fuck," she sighed. "It's pure." Suddenly, she dropped to the floor on her hands and knees. She stuck her ass out purposely and obviously, he stared. The blonde was trying so hard to behave but she was making it very fucking difficult.
"They say I have the best ass in town," she peered at him over her shoulder. "Is it true?"
She was practically asking him to fuck her.
"You're staring again..." she leaned back onto her feet, flicking her long hair behind her back.
"Oh, no..."
She frowned.
"No-I mean well yeah...erm, you do have a nice ass," he finally admitted.
He joined her on the ground in the hunt for her lost bag of cocaine. "You look familiar," he said again.
"Like your dead girlfriend..."
"Well, only when you smile.," he told her. "But I really do feel like I've seen you somewhere else before."
"Do you go to the gentleman's club in West London?"
He looked at her questioning.
She giggled. "That's where I work...I dance."
"Yes!" He sat up on his knees. That was where he knew her from! He'd been there a few times with his mates. He wish he could say it was for a good reason but it wasn't; they were drunk and a little horny. "They used to tie you up."
"It's a living," she sighed, mirroring his pose.
"I almost didn't recognise you without the handcuffs," he joked.
Rolling her eyes, she poked a cheeky tongue out at him.
"Why don't you forget that stuff?" He asked her genuinely. "You look like you're sixteen."
"I'm nineteen!" She said defensively, standing up and looking around the room again. "I'm old for my age, though."
He laughed, suddenly noticing the bag of white powder laying beside the corner of his rug. He bent down quickly picking it up and stuffing it into his back pocket. Continuing to follow her around his apartment, they ended up in his kitchen. She hadn't gone in there so he was confused as to why she was looking around.
"That's what they all say," he respond to her previous remark.
Her dark eyes met his from across the counter; she was stood in the middle of the kitchen. "Do you wanna dance?" She asked him.
She nodded with glee and bounded over to him grabbing his hand. They stood right beside his small table, hand in hand, her body pressed against his.
"I'm Ben," he spoke lowly. "By the way."
She simply smiled, deciding not to tell him her name, and began to dance. "There's no music," he argued.
"There doesn't need to be music." Her beautiful eyes, dark like chocolate, glistened in the streetlights pouring in through his window.
The two strangers waltzed slowly around the room for a few minutes. An abrupt stop startled him as she stepped back only slightly, her delicate hands running along the perimeter of his belt. They lightly touched his buckle and in a move that Ben was completely stunned by, she undid it, pulling it out of his jeans and throwing it aside.
Not a word was exchanged between the two as she undid his buttons, then his zipper, moving his jeans down over his hips, his muscular thighs and to his ankles where he helped her get rid of them.
Their eyes met for a brief moment before she hooked her fingers into the sides of his briefs and pulled them down, discarding them much the same way she did the jeans.
She couldn't get over how attractive he was, having internally been beating herself up for not remembering him those times he came to her work. Mind you, she was always high as the sky when she danced and blocked most of the men's faces out that graced the strip club.
She got to her knees and licked along his pubic bone, earning a deep grunt from the blonde man. Satisfied with his reaction, she moved down further, eventually sliding her mouth down his nearly fully engorged cock, taking as much in her mouth as possible. He had a reputable size; she was very impressed.
"Such a beautiful little mouth," he praised her, fingers tangling through her long hair as her mouth started to move faster in an up and down motion. She paused each time she got to his head and flickered her tongue around his sensitive tip. She swore though that when she started using her hand in conjunction with her mouth that he was going to come right then and there. And if that was the case, she honestly didn't really mind. His defined chest was raising up and down heavily, trying desperately to control himself
This amazingly lasted a few more minutes before loud moans and groans left Ben's pink lips, seeping into the walls of his small flat. He hoped the neighbours weren't awake.
She caught everything he spurt into her mouth, licking around him afterwards like a lollipop to clean him up. Standing up, she readjusted her clothing, wiped her mouth with the back of her lips and sighed happily. Ben was too shell shocked to say a word, standing still stark naked on his bottom half, staring at the spontaneous beauty in front of him.
She didn't speak, simply walking past him, plucking the baggie of coke out of the pocket of his crumpled jeans and exiting his apartment.
TAG LIST: @galileoqueen-mama-mia @fuckinghurricanesoul @screaminggalileochickenwrites @ziggysstarrdust @spidreling @softbenhardy @mortifiedmoon @tanya-is-dead 
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theotpoftheday · 4 years
I don’t know if this will work, but please sign this petition. It’s asking Lucasfilm/Disney to either release an alternate ending or additional scene/book/comic where Ben is still alive, or at the very least make a statement that it is possible for Rey to bring him back. 
If we get enough signatures it could make a difference. Please sign and share.
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weerd1 · 5 years
Star Trek DS9 Rewatch Log, Stardate 1908.13: Missions Reviewed, “Rules of Engagement,” “Hard Time,” and Shattered Mirror.”
A Klingon lawyer petitions the Federation to turn over Worf after the destruction of a civilian ship in the middle of a battle in “Rules of Engagement.” While using the Defiant to protect a Cardassian convoy, Worf fires on a decloaking ship to find it was  in fact this liner in the middle of the fight. 
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As the investigation proceeds, the Klingons argue that Worf fired in Klingon bloodlust, so only they can judge him. Sisko knows this will allow the Empire to gain political sympathy and hurt Federation holdings and support to Cardassia. The Klingon advocate maneuvers deftly though until Odo finds that the entire list of victims had actually died weeks before in another accident. The Empire has staged this for political gain (DISHONORABLE!!!). 
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Absolved, Sisko does remind Worf that he did fire on a ship without identifying the target, and that is not the Starfleet way. Worf knows he will have to be more discerning if he plans to stay in Starfleet.
The Klingon drama here isn’t bad, but the actuality in the courtroom breaks down in a few places. Some of the Klingon’s arguments don’t make a lot of sense, and the fact he tells Sisko straight out that they’re doing this for political gain doesn’t seem a great strategy if the Empire went to all this trouble to frame Worf. I do like the fact they acknowledge that Worf was wrong to fire without full target identification though, and despite wanting to be the lawyer in the courtroom to object to Klingon BS, it’s a solid character piece, inspired by the US shooting down an Iranian airliner in the Persian Gulf in 1988.
In “Hard Time” we seem to join O’Brien as he completes a 20 year sentence in an alien prison for espionage. 
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Turns out the way these aliens do things is to create a time-condense VR prison, so by the time anyone realizes they have O’Brien, he’s already served two decades. They bring him back to the station where he struggles to reintegrate and refuses counseling.  However, after telling Bashir he was “alone” all those years, we see there was a cellmate. As O’Brien’s behavior becomes worse and worse- assaulting Quark, screaming at his daughter Molly- Bashir catches him about to shoot himself in the head with a phaser.
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 O’Brien reveals he had the companion in the cell the whole time, but killed him a week before “release” over a misunderstanding over food. O’Brien can’t forgive himself for what he has become, but able to acknowledge it now he can begin healing, and accepts both medication and counseling for PTSD.
The annual “Let’s Screw with O’Brien” episode comes through with a doozy, and Colm Meany is to be commended for his performance. Managing to examine the nature of incarceration and punishment as well as how PTSD can affect someone who has come home from hardship, this is quite the effective episode. Sid Fadil (Or as he is known by this point, Alexander Siddig) also does a great job as Bashir desperately tries to reach out to O’Brien. To handle PTSD and prison issues so well in the mid 90s…well, let me say it ONE more time, Star Trek is always relevant.
In “Shattered Mirror” Jake comes home to find that the Mirror Universe version of Jennifer Sisko is visiting Ben. 
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Jake is immediately taken with her and begins to treat her like she is really his mother. When Ben leaves them alone though Jennifer takes Jake back to the MU in order to lure Sisko there. In the MU, the Terran rebels have seized DS9 and the Klingons are sending Regent Worf to retake the station. Worf keeps Garak on a leash, as Garak tried to Grimma Wormtongue his way into convincing Worf the whole thing was the Intendant’s fault as she is still captured on the station. Smiley O’Brien has brought Sisko over to help as O’Brien brought the plans to the Defiant back from the Prime universe last time he was there, and they need Sisko to help put the finishing touches on their version. Sisko does, and offers to command the ship as the Klingon fleet arrives. Meanwhile, the Intendant has convinced Nog to release her so she can escape.  She kills him, and along the way runs into Jennifer and Jake. Mirror Kira shoots Jennifer, but leaves Jake alive as a message to Ben Sisko.
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 The Defiant wins the battle, and Garak indeed convinces Worf to claim that they were betrayed by the Intendant, putting out a hunt for her. Sisko returns in time to see this version of Jennifer die, and he and Jake mourn the loss of Jennifer once again.
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DS9 definitely is going back to this particular well too often, and again I just get the feeling Ben is a little too eager to help out here. The thing is the Terrans-as we know from TOS and as is made VERY clear in Discovery—are not really good guys, and even here resorted to kidnapping Jake to get their way. Andrew Robinson and Michael Dorn get to really ham it up as Garak and Worf though, but by now Nana Visitor must really be chaffing in that rubber suit. An OK episode, but I have a tough time caring what happens to everyone’s MU counterpart.
NEXT VOYAGE: Jake channels an alien to get some writing done in “The Muse.”
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calzona-ga · 6 years
We are headed into season 15 of Grey’s Anatomy. It’s officially my longest relationship, and I oddly feel quite proud admitting that fact. From declarations of love to tragic deaths, Shonda Rhimes has proven that she knows how to combine a hard-hitting medical drama with a little bit of comedy and a whole lot of romance.
Speaking of romance, who do I need to beg to bring back Scott Speedman as a series regular? Surely Dr. Marsh needs Dr. Grey to check on his kidney, right? And perhaps hang around Grey Sloane Memorial for a few years to do his own surgeries? I’d sign that petition. All day. Moving on.
Thanks to a few weddings and a shocking pregnancy announcement during last season’s finale, this season looks to be as juicy as ever. Here’s everything you need to know before the two-hour premiere on Sept. 27:
Amelia and Owen Remember Amelia’s huge brain tumor? The one she had for ten years that may have caused all of her erratic behavior? It was thankfully cut out, but now Amelia wonders if Owen fell in love with Brain Tumor Amelia. Owen thinks the idea is ridiculous, but that doesn’t stop Amelia from distancing herself from him. Their marriage crumbles as a result.
What’s a guy to do? Why foster a child, of course. When Owen quickly figures out that kids are a full-time job, Amelia is happy to lend a helping hand. She’s also happy to stick around when she learns that the baby’s mom is a teenaged alcoholic. Amelia invites her into the house, and a charming little dysfunctional family is born. Owen is living his dream. Sort of.
Meredith and Nathan Ugh. If Abigail Spencer wasn’t so cute, I’d hate her character Megan for screwing up Meredith’s relationship with Nathan. Megan is Owen’s sister and Nathan’s fiancé who served in the military with them but has been presumed dead for ten years. Guess what? She’s not dead! And she’s headed to Grey Sloane with a medical emergency. Look alive, everyone.
Are we glad that Megan survived her time in Iraq? Sure. Is it annoying that Meredith had to save her from her weird abdominal injury? Of course. It’s just a wee bit irritating that Meredith is finally open to loving someone again and she has to take the high road when Nathan looks at her with sad yet hopeful eyes, begging her to understand that his “big love” is miraculously back in his life. “If it were Derek, I would already be gone.” Classic Meredith.
Owen and Teddy Owen takes off to Germany to see Teddy in person, ready to give it a go. All is well until Teddy learns that Owen just slept with Amelia five seconds ago. No sir! He high tails it back to Seattle and resumes his awkward arrangement with Amelia, because it will never happen with Teddy. Owen hops back on that bandwagon, owning the chaos.
Naturally, Teddy shows up out of the blue and is handed the interim chief position on a silver platter. She accepts. Oh, she’s also preggers. Presumably with Owen’s love child. Put another log on the dysfunctional fire, please.
Miranda and Ben Miranda is tired of being chief, so she hands those reins over to Teddy after a quick interview. The heart attack she experienced has her thinking twice about life, her son, and her hunky husband.
Oh yes. Ben (played by Jason George) is hunky. He’s also starring on Shondaland’s Station 19, which debuted in the spring. Both bounce back from fire station to hospital, but their love is grounded. I’m glad Bailey will no longer be stuck behind a desk pushing papers. 
Harper Avery For starters, Harper Avery dies and Jackson gets a bajillion dollars as a result. He anonymously slips the hospital some money to host an innovation contest. Everyone is on board, but it’s Meredith and Jo who win. It has something to do with a polymer and growing liver, and both are stoked.
There’s just one glitch: Meredith must acquire a patent that belongs to Ellis Grey’s former best friend, Marie Cerone. She hard passes which sends Meredith into a deep dive to figure out what is up with Marie.
It turns out, Harper Avery had several acts of sexual misconduct filed against him back in the day, and Jackson’s mom covered it up by paying major settlements to the women. One of those women is Marie Cerone. Bailey shuts down the research project, and Jackson changes the name of the Harper Avery Foundation to the Catherine Fox Foundation to protect his mother’s name. He also promises to retain, repay, and rehire all the women who were affected by Harper Avery’s mistreatment.
Jackson and Maggie Sarah Drew, who plays April, had a whirlwind of activity in her final episodes of Grey’s Anatomy. She walks away from God, parties way too much, sleeps around, reunites with her ex-fiance Matthew (whose wife was lost in surgery), and ends up in a car crash that sends her plummeting into an ice cold river.
When Matthew is brought into the hospital, Owen figures out that April was with him, so he leaves the ER and somehow finds her at the scene of the accident. Yay! Except she’s sort of dead. Boo. It’s a good thing she’s at Grey Sloane where lots of people on staff have been dead before, including Meredith, who barks, “Warm dead is dead dead.” Maggie finds a pulse and April is alive again. Yay!
Arizona and Sofia Poor Arizona can’t catch a break. She knows her daughter Sofia is not happy in Seattle and struggles to figure out a plan. Luckily, her mentor Nicole Herman, in the form of Geena Davis, offers Arizona a partnership in creating the Robbins-Herman Center for Women’s Health. In New York. Where Callie lives. Done and done.
I’ll miss you most of all, Jessica Capshaw.
Jo and Alex Jo and Alex always had a rough go, thanks to Jo’s miserable ex-husband Paul. He’s the worst in all the ways. When he arrives at Grey Sloane, Meredith and Alex save the day by advocating for Jo, and Paul leaves undeterred with his new wife. Moments later, Paul is brought into the ER with major injuries. It was a hit and run. Did Alex hit him? Did the wife? Does it matter?
The doctors save Paul, which does nothing for his horrible character. He tries to attack Jo while in recovery, slips, hits his head, and is immediately brain dead. And since Jo wasn’t divorced from him yet, she gets to decide if she wants to pull the plug. Which she does. Right after she donates all of Paul’s organs.
Now Jo and Alex are free to marry! They are also free to enjoy a quickie before the ceremony. In true Grey’s form, they get locked in a shed with a dead guy. Fun times.
The day is a disaster. April accidentally sends everyone to the wrong church. The on-site wedding coordinator goes into anaphylactic shock. A drunk DeLuca kisses Meredith. And when the reverend shows up to marry the happy couple, no one can find the bride and groom.
This doesn’t stop some people from their happily ever after. April and Matthew step up and tie the knot. They are headed off to do mission work for the homeless. Good-bye, April!
And finally, once Alex and Jo are rescued from the shed and its ghost, Meredith gets ordained and marries her two friends on the back of a ferry.
Who’s ready for season 15? How do we feel about the new doctors in town? Will Meredith ever get another love story? Do you think Jackson and Maggie will make it? Or will something dramatic happen in the first episode?
Great. I just jinked them.
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larecreative · 5 years
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On se rend sur Spotify pour écouter la playlist
Geneviève Dussault
The Whole Universe Wants to Be Touched - Nils Frahm
20 mars 2018 - Spectacle de Nils Frahm au Palais Montcalm à Québec
Je voyais pour la deuxième fois ce pianiste allemand qui, au delà d’être un génie de son art, est un humain qui exprime le grandiose et communique dans un langage universel avec sa musique. Enceinte de Gaël de 5 mois, je vivais ce moment d’une manière très intense: je visualisais mon accouchement!
À la fin du spectacle, j’ai eu le grand bonheur de serrer ce pianiste si fort dans mes bras et de lui expliquer que je donnerais la vie sur son album. Que “ All Melody” n’était pas seulement une oeuvre incroyable, mais humaine. Surtout humaine. En passant par des moments de douceur et d’intensité, cette musique représente bien l’image que je me faisais de l’arrivé de mon fils dans la lumière éblouissante de ce monde. Nils a d’ailleurs dédicacé le vinyle à Gaël.
4 juin 2018 - Dernière échographie
Moment ou j’apprends que tu n’as plus la tête en bas et mais que tu te présentes désormais en siège décomplété par les fesses. Possibilité de césarienne. Je n’avais pas envisagé cette possibilité.
20 juin 2018 - Échographie supplémentaire 
C’est confirmé. Je t’accueillerai par césarienne. Tu arriveras dans ce monde par la grande porte. Avec pleins d’acteurs et de spectateurs pour t’accueillir. Tu es comme ton papa. Tu fais de l’escalade dans mon ventre et tu cherches les sommets. Tu veux faire les choses différemment. J’accepte avec beaucoup de paix la manière dont tu choisis d’arriver parmi nous et je m’ajuste. Je choisirai 6 chansons au lieu de 200.
10 juillet 2018 - Naissance de Gaël
J’ai convaincu tout le bloc opératoire d’amener mon petit haut-parleur pour pouvoir t’accueillir avec un fond musical symbolique: Nils Frahm, Patrick Watson , Agnes Obel, Olafur Arnald, Rhye, Grizzly Bear, Johann Johannson, Dustin O’Halloren,  La chanson sur laquelle tu as fait ton entrée parmi nous est majestueuse. Sur des voix qui arrêtent le temps pour immobiliser l’essentiel. Le graver à tout jamais dans l’éternel. Merci Nils Frahm. La magie a opéré. Et le vinyle dédicacé à Gaël avec cette chanson demeurera un souvenir précieux.
Marie-Joëlle Gagné
Outsiders - Jean-Michel Blais
Ma chanson de l’année, je l’ai choisie en fonction des émotions que j’ai vécues lors de sa première écoute; et toutes les écoutes suivantes. La fois la plus marquante; c’est lorsque que je jouais avec ma fille de 15 mois dans le salon; elle s’est levée vers le haut parleur et elle souriait. Moi aussi; mais avec les yeux un peu humides.
Marie-Pier Favreau
À la claire fontaine
Ma grand-maman est décédée il y a 2 jours. On s'y attendait. Elle avait 98 ans. Elle est partie en tenant la main de ma mère, dans la paix et sans douleur. J'aurais envie de te dire que ma chanson de l'année est À la claire Fontaine. Une berceuse qu'elle me chantait lorsque j'étais enfant et que je chante à mon tour à mon fils. ❤️ Sinon j'irai avec Ton équilibre de Salomé Leclerc. Une chanson qui provient de l'album que j'ai le plus écouté cet album.
Sarah Normandin
Zombie - Ghostly kisses
Un classique si bien repris. Une chanson toute en douceur comme je les aime.
Judith Paré
Forteresse - Jean-Michel Blais
La naissance d’Élisabeth m’a fait écouté la musique autrement, m’a fait découvrir un registre que je n’avais jamais exploré. Stephan Moccio (Porcelain), Alexandra Stréliski (Ellipse) pour ne nommer que ceux-là.
Forteresse de Jean-Michel Blais me rappelle un doux matin, le réveil, la naissance d’Éli.
Geoffroy Dussault
Je te laisserai des mots - Patrick Watson
Inès à donné naissance à Paul le 20 mai 2018 accordant ses respirations et ses poussées à la beauté et l'intensité du moment. Notre boule de poil a été accueilli par la mélodie et l'amour.
Coralie Desroches
when the party’s over - Billie Eilish
Mon choix n'est pas seulement basé sur la chanson elle même, bien qu'elle soit d'une beauté perturbante, mais aussi sur l'incroyable artiste qu'est Billie Eilish. Tant pour sa voix enchanteresse que pour sa façon d'être si admirable et différente. Cette artiste à l'énorme potentiel est une inspiration!
Sophie Rousseau-Loiselle
You’re the One That I Want - Lo-Fang
J'aurais pu nommer toutes les chansons de la playlist que tu as faite pour l'arrivée de notre belle Élisabeth, mais je te dirais que le titre de celle-ci résume assez bien mon émotion face à ma fille. Celle qu'on voulait, celle qui est parfaite pour nous ! 2018 a changé nos vies à jamais et pour le mieux !
Alex Deschênes
Ending - Isak Danielson
Cette chanson là me transperce. J'ai les larmes aux yeux à chaque lecture mais plus particulièrement, elle me rappelle que j'ai le droit d'être triste, fâché, amoureux, distrait, lâche et surtout moi. Je sens que cette chanson te parlera beaucoup, elle est belle. J'ai aussi l'impression que ce ne sont pas des paroles qu'on entend sur la musique, mais des notes de plus à cette belle symphonie.
Eric Wagner
By the river - Stu Larsen
Dès la première écoute, je me suis senti emporté, comme le courant d'une rivière. À l'écoute de cette pièce, une légèreté s'empare de moi... J'adore!
Marie-Michelle Dugal
Flume - Bon Iver
Le 7 août dernier en fin de journée, mon amoureux et moi quittions la maison à deux, envahis de la grande excitation d'y revenir à trois. J'avais, dans les semaines précédentes, pris le temps et le grand soin, tout en douceur, de préparer la playlist, qui nous accompagnera, dans ce précieux moment ou je donnerai la vie. Une banque de musique, d'une durée d'un peu plus de quatre heures, regroupant plusieurs thèmes; des tounes qui me rappellent ma mère décédée, des tounes qui nous mettent de bonne humeur, d'autres qui me calme, ou qui me rappelle de forts souvenirs, ou d'autres, simplement écouté en boucle, à certaines périodes de ma vie, sans raison précise, juste parce qu'elles me faisaient vibrer. Cet accouchement déclenché fut finalement très long, donc la playlist a joué, disons plus d'une fois. Nous étions évidemment bien curieux de savoir, laquelle de ces chansons viendrait immortaliser ce moment, celle que Téo choisirait pour faire sa grande apparition. Ce moment magique aura finalement lieu le 9 Août au petit matin, sur FLUME de BON IVER. Ceux qui en connaissent les paroles comprendront que ça aurait été difficile de faire mieux. Bien au delà d'être la pièce de l'année, elle se classe désormais dans le palmarès des pièces d'une vie !
Only love is all maroon
Gluey feathers on a flume
Sky is womb and she's the moon
Karina Duguay- Gagné
Tabarly - Yann Tiersen
Mon hymne à la vie
Geneviève Lalande
Le déserteur de fort Alamo - Dumas
J'aime Dumas, l'artiste, profondément, il m'amène ailleurs et j'adore la mélodie de cette chanson.  Il vient me chercher, il me transporte avec lui et dès que la chanson commence, le temps s'arrête…
Marylin Lacroix
Trop d’amour - Marjo
Cette chanson signifie pour moi, plusieurs heures de route, de paysage et d'amour. Après m'être époumonée en 2017 avec Africa de Toto, Trop d'amour est ma nouvelle chanson no*1 a écouté, le volume au maximum en chantant à tue-tête.
Cette année, cette chanson a créé des amitiés, des amours, soigné des deuils, brisé plusieurs cordes vocales, mais a surtout ensoleillé plusieurs heures de routes.
Guillaume Fafard
Beyond - Leon Bridges
L’arrivé de bébé Louis modifie notre vie social; le retour des soupers entre amis à la maison ou des brunchs  BYOB ( bring your own baby) est impossible sans musique. Amis, Bouffe, Musique, Rires; Bonheur!
PS: «Will she have my kids?» oui, c’est toi ça Sarah ;P
Enrico Bouchard
Mes mains blanches - Philippe Brach
Ma chanson, mes mains blanches de Brach, reprise de Bill Whiters “Grandma’s Hands”. Tu sais que j’ai accompagné Philippe au Drums sur cette toune en show !
Jipé Dalpé
Lazarus – David Bowie
J’aurai pu choisir plein d’autres tounes, mais j’y suis allé avec Lazarus de Bowie (Album Blackstar). Pourquoi?  Parce que je n’ai toujours pas fait mon deuil de cet artiste parti trop vite, qui était pour moi et une grande idole et une inspiration.  Même s’il nous a quitté, sa musique elle ne nous quittera jamais!  
Yves Lefrançois
Despite Repeated Warnings – Paul McCartney
2018-Quelle année « poche »! Elle fut marquée par les départs d’êtres chers : mon père et mon grand compagnon de pêche. Pas beaucoup mieux sur le plan politique. C’est peut-être une vision d’esprit de « boomer », me direz-vous , mais j’ai la vague impression que nous ferons encore du surplace au cours des quatre prochaines années.
Heureusement que la scène musicale déborde de talent. Jeunes ou vieux, les musiciens ont encore une fois réussi à nous faire rêver. Voici donc brièvement et très humblement présentées mes sélections 2018 :
Côté québécois : Richard Séguin : Retour à Walden,  un essai musical un peu déroutant qui nous plonge au coeur de l’oeuvre d’un grand écrivain américain.  David Portelance : Un abri contre le vent, un album calme et serein.
Côté Blues : Buddy Guy : The Blues is alive and well, un retour fracassant d’une légende du Blues pesant.
Côté musique progressive : Lunatic soul : Under the fragmented sky, une performance qui montre encore une fois le talent immense du bassiste polonais Mariusz Duda (qui est aussi leader du groupe Riverside).
Enfin coté Pop : Paul McCartney : Egypt station, bien que je sois pas inconditionnel de l’album j’en retiens une toune qui m’a carrément jetée au parterre- Despite Repeated Warnings
Mes deux tounes marquantes sont : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijMiYLiai6Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vDVZNOFMEM
Au plaisir de vous lire et d’entendre vos choix.
Éric Pilote
Peace trail - Neil Young
Encore plusieurs bonnes choses cette année, mais j'y vais encore avec l'un de mes préférés en la personne de Mononcle Neil Young. Peace Trail est tiré de la trame sonore du film Paradox. Film ben moyen (29% sur Rotten Tomatoes), mais de la superbe musique à l'intérieur. Accompagné du groupe Promise of Real (qu'on a vu au FEQ cet été et dans A Star is Born), ça s'écoute en char les vitres grandes ouvertes en route sur un no-where.
Carine Côté-Germain
Arnaq - Elisapie
Parce qu'elle me ramène vers les paysages immenses et exotiques du Nord. Mais surtout parce qu'elle m'a accompagnée dans un grand cheminement personnel vers l’accueil de mon deuxième enfant... un parcours plus sinueux et riche que je m'imaginais.
Sophie Laforest
Arnaq - Elisapie
Tirée de l'album The Ballad of the Runaway Girl
Cette femme m'inspire; son charisme me saisit. Arnaq signifie « femme » en inuktitut. Mais jusqu'à présent, je n'ai pas cherché à traduire les paroles de cette chanson. Ce qui en fait, pour moi, une chanson d'instinct, d'impulsion, de moment présent.
Le refrain me donne l'impression de prendre de grandes respirations pour ensuite relâcher le trop-plein.
Une chanson qui me rend plus forte et plus confiante, une sorte d'empowerment! L'album The Ballad of the Runaway Girl fait partie de mes albums préférés de 2018, je vous le recommande fortement.
Guylaine Dussault
Jungle - Tash Sultana
Une artiste inspirante qui mérite d'être vu en spectacle, une artiste qui s'investit dans les rues. Une artiste inspirante et forte, une femme qui est parvenue à se sortir de l'univers de la drogue et canaliser son énergie pour en faire de l'art.
Katia Couture
Choukran - Alecka
Pas une chanson de l'année 2018 mais une chanson que j'aime beaucoup et qui parle d'un sujet d'actualité: l'ouverture d'esprit.
Corinne Barat
Wolves don’t lives by the rule - Elisapie (feat. Joe Grass)
Je ne sais pas si c’est ma toune de l’année mais c’est assurément mon vers d’oreille de l’année! Cette mélodie me trotte dans la tête pendant des heures après l’avoir écoutée! Mais d’une manière fort agréable! En plus le propos s’applique bien à ce qu’on vit collectivement en ce moment! Et l’album au complet The Ballad of the Runaway Girl est excellent!
Philippe Desroches
Clap your hands - Whilk & Misky
En cette année de bonheur, de joie d’accueillir notre petit trésor Gaël, cette chanson représente bien mes sentiments par son rythme envoûtant qui invite à la danse. Laissez votre corps répondre à l’appel de cette musique joyeuse et entrainante.
Geneviève Cantin
Deadly Valentine - Charlotte Gainsbourg
Pour les amours parallèles qui nous habitent.
Dominique Paradis
A real hero – College & Electric youth
Le village est encore endormi ou commence doucement à s’éveiller... On part tôt pour atteindre le bout de la route. Avec notre café dans un thermos, on s’élance sur le chemin du « nowhere », les skis bien attachés sur le toit de la voiture. Nous sommes éblouis par l’horizon blanc de la toundra, les quelques sapins givrés, les multiples nuances de lumières, les lames de neige qui traversent la route, le chemin qui se perd parfois dans l’infini blanc. On se prend la main, complices dans cette millième sortie de ski. Cette chanson joue et on se sent chanceux. …
Nous avons exploré un nouveau bout de territoire. Les ptarmigans sont venus nous saluer. Nous avons fait nombreuses montées et descentes dans les collines des plateaux. Nous avons traversé des petits lacs gelés et glissé sur les caps rocheux recouverts de neige. Les joues gelées, le souffle grand ouvert et profond, nous nous sommes rendus jusqu’à la rivière Koksoak, se jetant dans l'Ungava. Nous avons pris le temps d’admirer des minis icebergs flotter sur cette rare eau toujours vive.
... Cette chanson aura été en trame de moments précieux. À travers l’intensité de notre quotidien, elle aura évoqué pour moi l’espoir, une légèreté, la beauté de tous ces « real human being », de ces « real heros », que je rencontre ou côtoie chaque jour dans la communauté. Ces petits ou ces grands « real heros », rois de l'authenticité et de la force... Sur cet air qui joue dans la voiture, je me sens ancrée dans ce que j’aime profondément, alors qu’on continue notre route pour rentrer au village… ... Les nuances de lumière blanche continuent de nous éblouir...
« Back against the wall and odds, With the strength of a will and a cause Your pursuits are called outstanding You’re emotionally complex Against the grain of dystopic claims Not the thoughts your actions entertain And, you have proved to be A real human being And, a real hero”
Manuel Desroches
1-800-273-8255  - Logic (feat. Alessia Cara & Khalid)
J’ai choisi cette chanson car le vidéo m’a beaucoup touché. Je trouve qu’il sensibilise à propos de l’acceptation de l’orientation sexuelle de chaque humain, surtout de l’acceptation par les membres de la famille. Le suicide n’est pas l’option.
Martine Goulet
House in L.A. - Jungle
Yay! J’avais très hâte à ce merveilleux moment, gracieuseté de mon beau Pruno. Ça fait deux mois que je me demande bien c’est quoi ma chanson 2018. Beaucoup de choix cette année, je pense avoir battu mon record d’écoutes. Après délibération, je t’envoie 3 choix  et tu pourras en tirer celui qui semble mieux s’intégrer.
Peach scone de Hobo Johnson. Spoken word très charmant. Je l’aime beaucoup lui, 24 ans avec un passé pas facile, sa belle voix, belle humilité, beaucoup d’émotions. La chanson Jesus Christ me fait pleurer. Peach scone est sympathique et j’aime les histoires.
Moment de Jeremy Warmsley. Un doux morceau qui se laisse découvrir lentement. Un beau défi de placer un morceau de 8 minutes dans une playlist.
House In L.A. de Jungle. C’est toi qui m’a dit qu’il avait sorti un nouvel album, merci. Je l’aime tellement, surtout pour la 16-17e seconde, la 1m35s, et toutes ces belles petites montées.
Benjamin Robinson-Chouinard
SHE  –  The Blaze
Be loved
Éric Trahan
Faux avant-garde - Millimetrik
Cette année, impossible de passer à côté du dernier album de Millimetrik, Make it last forever. Un album plus joyeux; parfois ça fait du bien de sortir de la brume ! L'ajout de pistes de guitare sonne vraiment bien (Guillaume Chiasson de Ponctuation). Un bel exemple de ça, la piste Faux avant-garde. Un gros bravo à Pascal pour cet excellent album !
Geneviève Fortier
Serotonin Rushes - Fujiya & Miyagi
J’ai choisi la chanson « Serotonin Rushes » parce que mon année 2018 a été remplie de « rushes » de sérotonine (une des hormones du bonheur!) : nouvel emploi, nouvelles rencontres et nouvelles passions, l’année 2018 a commencé lentement, mais sûrement, pour finir en force!
J’ai découvert Fujiya & Miyagi au début de 2018 et j’ai beaucoup écouté l’album sur lequel figure « Serotonin Rushes ». Selon mon palmarès 2018 Spotify, la chanson choisie figure dans mon top 5 des chansons les plus écoutées cette année.
Julien Cyr
Unfolding - Rival Consoles
Je vous présente la pièce qui  m'a redonné le goût à la musique électronique, que j'avais abandonné depuis quelque temps! La pièce Unfolding  qui ouvre l'album Persona m'a accompagnée autant au travail avec tous ces bouleversements que sur les longues routes et les paysages magnifiques de la Gaspésie. Entre l'introspection et l'étincelle pour aller un peu plus loin! je crois que j'aurais pu mettre tout l'album si s'était permis héhé!
Ibrahim Ozhan
All Melody - Nils Frahm
Cette année fut une première. Nils frahm. Le retour. J’ai eu le bonheur de le voir performer pour la première fois à Brighton. Pour la sortie de son album “all melody” Cet été il a réussi à nous faire plus ou moins danser au festival Primavera à Barcelone ou il a enchaîné ses morceaux pendant une heure.
Et jamais deux sans trois. Un dernier concert à Londres en décembre pour clôturer l’année Nils Frahm. La boucle est bouclée. Un album formidable que Nils nous a fait découvrir en live. Amoureux. Je choisis donc le titre éponyme. All melody. Le morceau résume très bien l’album.
Emilia Kudaba
Looped - Kiasmos
Walking down St. Joseph... Driving along the coast... Dancing with my eyes closed…
Claire Menanteau
Silence - Bank Myna
J'ai découvert Bank Myna il y a 2 ans et demi, à la suite d'une belle rencontre lors d'un magnifique concert de Sigur Ros, sur Lyon. Ils sont venus par la suite jouer près de chez moi, dans une soirée organisée par des amis. Lors de cette soirée, j'ai eu un gros coup de cœur pour l'un des musiciens, mais amour non envisageable à ce moment là. J'ai continué mon chemin sans me poser de questions, puis j'ai recroisé sa route cette année quand ils sont revenus jouer dans le coin. Gros coup de coeur qui s’avérait réciproque dès le premier regard, et tout à fait possible aujourd'hui. Bref, laisser faire la vie, se laisser porter…
Samuel Mathieu
Untitled (Fyrsta) - Sigur Ros
J'ai choisi cette chanson car elle me fait penser à mon voyage en Scandinavie cet été. Aux paysages nordiques magnifiques, et à la simple et bonne humeur des Scandinaves, accompagné de l'énergie magique qui rayonne autour de ses pays. Bref, cette chanson me rappelle des bons souvenirs.
Fabien Husslein
We’re not done – Mogwai
J'ai choisi ce titre de Mogwai, parce que Mogwai ne m'a jamais déçu depuis presque 20 ans et 2018 non plus, en certains aspects ne m'a pas déçu ! C'est simple. Joyeuses fêtes et portez-vous bien !
Pascal Asselin
Drive your car - L.A. Witch
Pour l'évasion, la naïveté,  l'inspiration de ce rock de roadtrip à travers ma musique électronique, pour l'avoir écouté tellement souvent lors de mes roadtrips cette année.
Virginie Gauthier
La vie commence ici - Marianne Trudel
La vie commence ici - Marianne Trudel
Ma découverte de l'année, une richesse de chez nous. La douceur, la technique, l'émotion si bien incarné par ses doigts de fée. Je trouve que cette chanson est tellement bien orchestré, elle me donne le goût de jouer de la musique jusqu'à la fin des temps. Très active sur la scène à Montréal. À voir et revoir absolument.
I know you - Esperanza Spalding
Une autre découverte... Elle a composé un album complet, from scratch, écris composé  enregistrée en 3 jours Live sur Facebook. 7 777 copies ont été vendu (et j'en détiens un) that's it. autrement c'est comme un secret bien gardé, un élan créatif éphémère. Ça s'appelle Exposure. Une virtuose bassiste et chanteuse hors paire. Je suis en amour.
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