#pratical peter
bratboyadam · 2 months
Oh boy...
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What is with these imps and sugar?!
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somedaytakethetime · 2 months
Picture it. It's 2019, it's the lovely month of April and...
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.... you're the most beautiful, hydrated, sexy king ✌🏻😌
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txttletale · 7 months
niceys positive anon!! i don't agree with you on everything but you are so clearly like well read and well rounded that you've helped me think through a lot of my own inconsistencies and hypocrises in my own political and social thought, even if i do have slightly different conclusions at times then u (mainly because i believe there's more of a place for idealism and 'mind politics' than u do). anyway this is a preamble to ask if you have recommended reading in the past and if not if you had any recommended reading? there's some obvious like Read Marx but beyond that im always a little lost wading through theory and given you seem well read and i always admire your takes, i wondered about your recs
it's been a while since i've done a big reading list post so--bearing in mind that my specific areas of 'expertise' (i say that in huge quotation marks obvsies i'm just a girlblogger) are imperialism and media studies, here are some books and essays/pamphlets i recommend. the bolded ones are ones that i consider foundational to my politics
friedrich engels, principles of commmunism
friedrich engels, socialism: utopian & scientific
karl marx, the german ideology
karl marx, wage labour & capital
mao zedong, on contradiction
nikolai bukharin, anarchy and scientific communism
rosa luxemburg, reform or revolution?
v.i lenin, left-wing communism: an infantile disorder
v.i. lenin, the state & revolution
v.i. lenin, what is to be done?
aijaz ahmed, iraq, afghanistan, and the imperialism of our time
albert memmi, the colonizer and the colonized
che guevara, on socialism and internationalism (ed. aijaz ahmad)
eduardo galeano, the open veins of latin america
edward said, orientalism
fernando cardoso, dependency and development in latin america
frantz fanon, black skin, white masks
frantz fanon, the wretched of the earth
greg grandin, empire's workshop
kwame nkrumah, neocolonialism, the last stage of imperialism
michael parenti, against empire
naomi klein, the shock doctrine
ruy mauro marini, the dialectics of dependency
v.i. lenin, imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism
vijay prashad, red star over the third world
vincent bevins, the jakarta method
walter rodney, how europe underdeveloped africa
william blum, killing hope
zak cope, divided world divided class
zak cope, the wealth of (some) nations
antonio gramsci, the prison notebooks
ed. mick gidley, representing others: white views of indigenous peoples
ed. stuart hall, representation: cultural representations and signifying pratices
gilles deleuze & felix guattari, capitalism & schizophrenia
jacques derrida, margins of philosophy
jacques derrida, speech and phenomena
michael parenti, inventing reality
michel foucault, disicipline and punish
michel foucault, the archeology of knowledge
natasha schull, addiction by design
nick snricek, platform capitalism
noam chomsky and edward herman, manufacturing consent
regis tove stella, imagining the other
richard sennett and jonathan cobb, the hidden injuries of class
safiya umoja noble, algoriths of oppression
stuart hall, cultural studies 1983: a theoretical history
theodor adorno and max horkheimer, the culture industry
walter benjamin, the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction
angela davis, women, race, and class
anna louise strong, cash and violence in laos and vietnam
anna louise strong, the soviets expected it
anna louise strong, when serfs stood up in tibet
carrie hamilton, sexual revolutions in cuba
chris chitty, sexual hegemony
christian fuchs, theorizing and analysing digital labor
eds. jules joanne gleeson and elle o'rourke, transgender marxism
elaine scarry, the body in pain
jules joanne gleeson, this infamous proposal
michael parenti, blackshirts & reds
paulo freire, pedagogy of the oppressed
peter drucker, warped: gay normality and queer anticapitalism
rosemary hennessy, profit and pleasure
sophie lewis, abolish the family
suzy kim, everyday life in the north korean revolution
walter rodney, the russian revolution: a view from the third world
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chaoticyumelikes · 1 year
Miguel walks into the room smiling pleasantly while Hobie, Gwen, Pavitr and especially Miles watch on in awe.
Gwen: I never saw him really smile.
Pavitr: Are his eyebags somehow.... Less prominent on his face?
Hobie: You reckon he offed someone?
Miles: Or he's about to finally kill me-- OMG he is looking at me!!!
Miguel: Hey Miles! I'm sorry for the way I acted. Don't worry we'll fix the problems you made.
Miles flinches as Miguel ruffles his hair and walks away.
Hobie: Alright... * Hobie removes you from your hiding place while you yelp like a scared critter * What did you do?
You: I.... Maaaay.... Have... Hit him with a tranquilizer strong enough to down a rhino.
You give a nervous smile while everyone looks at you dumbstruck.
Pavitr laughing: You are so dead when he finds out.
Gwen placing a somber hand on your shoulder: Way to take one for the team.
Miles solemnly: You shall be missed.
Hobie grinning: I knew you had it in ya.
You pratically crying: You're all welcome I just wanted him to rest for a while... He is going to kill me isn't he?!
Peter B having overheard everything: IF! He finds out.
You in fetal position: This place has cameras everywhere he WILL find out.
Peter B: Oh.... Right.... Nice knowing you.
Lyla: Girl! Don't worry I gotcha! I erased all footage of that. As far as the big man spider knows, he just fainted from exhaustion!!!
You crying tears of happiness: Thank you Lylaaaaaa! You are aweso- wait a minute?! Couldn't you have told me that sooner?!!!! I've been hiding for HOURS!!!!
Lyla laughing: I know it was hilarious. Hope that thought you a lesson tho. Byeeeee~~~~
At that you pout and Lyla records it, after all your pout is very similar to her boss', she plans showing it to ya as a collage at your wedding after giving the whole "they are so similar it is a wonder you didn't get together sooner" speech.
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edledamianfan · 13 days
What if jon and damian got lost in space just like jon did
But they weren't captured or anythign they're literally just lost at space with no way back. They were just thrown into some dimension
At first Jon was alright but then he started to panic after a few days. Damian too, is anxiety by the situation
No one knows they were missing
Well maybe they knew but they just couldn't find them. Even the space cops couldn't. They were just yeha gone for a period of time. Maybe somrthing like the age up jon idk but i prefer it was technically like 1 year to 4 years ratio rather than 1 month to 6 years ratio 💀
So fast foward into the future its just them in a ship in a guardian of the galaxy kinda adventure trying to find themselves back to their planet.
Damian is just peter-quilling, playing musics to calm himself down, got some weird ass pets and cool alien gadgets he tinkers around and use on his fights. He's on edge 100% of the time because of what could happen to them, follows a schedule so that he doesn't slacks of but he's getting tired.
Then Jon is just there, agitated and overstimulated by the entire thing but he tries to cheer himself up. Always smiles and everything but internally its not okay. His eyes are just as wide as a traumatized soldier. He's a lot more controlling in a way becuase he doesn't wanna lose anyone but he never lost his kindness and hope for others.
Damian probably uses a laser gun but he found a lightsaber on the way so now he's just using that one lol. He hoards a lot of weapon, big and small, that could probably blow up a planet. Jon just bashes things up, i mean he's a kryptonian he can fly unlike Dame who needs a lot of equipment sadly. Their suits are also cyberpunk-ish, different parts and upgrades here and there. Damian still wears a robin symbol on the front and there is this bat symbol on his back across his shoulders. Jon also wears the house of El symbol on the front like his dad did. The suits lean on the more pratical ssid so its a bit dull.
Him and Damian ironically ends up saving planets and stuff. Both are definitely homesick but they always find stuff to cheers each other up. Going into places malls and everything. Fight space crimes errg. Just chilling together in the spaceship, comforting themselves. Entertaining themselves by dancing to music, solving crimes, or figure out different games and study on cultures of a planet together.
And then they get back to their world as a grown ass man (no theyre probably like 18 21) and they definitely look like different person, even their combat styles are different but they still do have their main qualities.
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Okay but this Concept Art for Across The Spiderverse ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Art by Mike McCain
Makes me imagine a movie with a completely different plot where like it's that scene from the beging of the film of Miles and his dad chasing Spot but for the whole movie, like he just brings his dad by accident on his cross Mltiverse Hero's Journey.
Like as if the alterntive title was:
How to tell you Dad your secretly spiderman while on an Tansdimensional Roadtrip
Like a totally less serious tone for the story but possibly so much more fun
Jefferson asking Peni is she an "Anumee" completely butchering the pronunciation of anime
Jefferson freaking out with second hand parental panic and anxiety becuse Peter B. brought Mayday a baby to all this supehero action sequence's
Jefferson totally aproving of Pavitir as a good positive influecne for his son
Jefferson also being confused by Hobbie's constant use of British slang which makes it very frustrating to try an have a discussion about the concept's of law enforcement and legal reform with him
Jeffersin asking Miguel or Aña Corazón or any of the other spanish speaking spider man could they help Miles study and pratice his Spanish
Or the absolute best him at some later point getting more upset/annonyed that miles Did not tell him he had a crsuh on a girl (Gwen) and ask him for dating advice then he is about him not telling him he's secretly spider man
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slasherbat · 15 days
Rating Werewolf Designs (TV Edition)
I'm back to chat more about werewolf designs and give my honest opinions. If you want to see my thoughts on some werewolf movie designs, you can check that out here.
Today I'm looking at werewolf designs in TV shows, but only for five shows. Over a show's run, there will be a lot of changes, and this heavily applies to TV shows. Granted, only one of these shows has very drastic werewolf changes from its first and second appearance, so more on that later. If you looked at the tags beforehand or happened to see this scrolling through the show's tag. You'll know what exactly I'm talking about.
Starting off I'll be taking a look at Doctor Who, specifically the series two episode Tooth and Claw. As far as I am aware, this is our only werewolf sighting in Nu-Who.
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I've seen better CGI werewolves, granted this episode came out in 2006, but still. It looks oddly photoshopped in, the right paw looks strange from this shot as if it only had two toes instead of four. The arms look a bit patchy with the fur. I've never seen a werewolf so dog-like and alien-like. Also a bit shiny with the fur. It's not something truly awful, I have seen worse werewolf designs and Doctor Who isn't exactly a horror-centric series. Yet if it ever does decide to bring werewolves back, I can only hope it looks better than that and maybe, just maybe. Pratical.
Wednesday Netflix
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It's something. It looks more like a saber-tooth tiger than anything else. I can see the vision, but the incredibly long canines feel out of place.
I feel like this would be a very solid design for any other were-creature if decided, maybe change a few things to look like it. This design does have potential to be a solid werewolf, or any other kind of were-creature. A couple of changes can go a long way in design.
Going to the transformation, I have to say. Enid in her mid-transformation state is a solid werewolf that leans on the more human side. Add some more fur, werewolf ears, yellow eyes, fuck her spine up to make her taller and a bit hunched, go for more wolf-ish legs, add some rips in the clothes to reveal the fur. You'd have a good balance of human and wolf. Maybe change the snout a bit also.
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(apologies for such poor quality)
The werewolf designs in this show have potential, and I would not be upset if they made some changes in season 2 to it.
Teen Wolf
I'll only be taking a look at three werewolf designs due to just how many designs these shows monsters and creatures had.
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The actual wolf design is nothing special to me. I've never liked it when films and shows had done stuff like that, it lacks uniqueness and it's nothing special to me. Go join David Kessler in the London Zoo.
Onto Demon Wolf Peter Hale, it's funny. It's silly, it is not that great, but it did serve it's purpose for the arc. If anything, it looks like a Hell Hound design if it was in anything else besides Teen Wolf.
Now onto the actual werewolf design. It took me some getting used but since I went into the show not knowing what the werewolves looked like. There was a bit of disappointment on my end when I saw that was it, but I've grown to like the design. I will say, that the Teen Wolf werewolf design serves as some pretty solid inspiration for a mid-transformation werewolf look.
Escape The Night
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Shown in the season 2, episode Full Moon Slaughter, we got these guys, and they are my favorite monster in this show, Full Moon Slaughter is my all time favorite episode of that show. So I will be brutally honest when I saw this. I kinda hate how the werewolves look. They look off, the face feels a bit flat, the torso's look at bit strange, and it's just not that great of a werewolf design, but as I said before. It serves it's purpose.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
As of right now I am only on Season 4 Episode 1, so I will only be looking at the werewolf designs from season 2 and 3. Due to the fact I don't want to end this post with an awful design. I'll be talking about the season 3 design first.
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TALK ABOUT A DOWNGRADE. This is quite possibly the worst werewolf design I have on this list for TV shows. How do you massacre something that was such a perfect design? That is not a werewolf, why is the face a bit to human? I swear, if there are human ears like AAWIP, I'm done. I'm walking out.
They had done Oz, so dirty with this design and the fact we had to see it so much. It's awful, the worst fucking thing I have ever seen. Why? Why did they have to go that route?
To end this post on a good design, and one of my favorites. The season 2 Buffy the Vampire Slayer werewolf is so amazing. I love him, this is one of my favorite designs in a show for this beautiful beast. I wish it stuck around, and I can see elements of it in the werewolf design for The Cabin In The Woods.
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This design is just amazing and lovely. There are no flaws. I love a well-done practical werewolf, and it's something you can 100% tell actually what it's supposed to be. I'll never be over this design, it's perfect to me. My 3rd favorite werewolf design following the one in Cabin and David Kessler from AAWIL.
Anyway, that's my rating and review of werewolves in TV shows. Maybe I'll do werewolves in video games next who knows? Until next time everyone!
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doublerainbow-if · 10 months
How would the RO’s react if in deep crushing stage they saw the MC had a hickey?
M isn't surprised. After what they done to you, leaving you in that mess of a home without contact or support, they understand why you wouldn't want to be with them. It hurts still despite understanding your reasoning. A part of them felt that maybe you forgave them and even like them back. But they have been wrong before. They look at the flowers on their arms, more daunting than ever, as maybe they were just not meant to be somebody. Athena is only one to see the tears flowing down from M eyes.
L hates this. They shouldn't feel this way. They're your best friend first, not a jilted suitor. God B has been influencing them again. They love you, they known this since the beginning. Not having a name for the feeling in their chest until you had settled down and no longer having the chaotic surroundings to distract from what they should have known from the beginning. Why didn't they say something? Why didn't they do something? Why can't they be happy for you? Millions of conflicting thoughts are warring in their head at the thoughts of you. Why aren't they happy for you? That single question is the one to break them.
B is a dying inside. They show their support of you finding someone at last. That's why you'll let someone get so close to you right? They are so happy for you, their smile straining on their face as their eyes burn. The moment you leave, they run. They run, run, run, until they get to their apartment. It's not healthy for them to take off to here to have an attack but at least they have peace and privacy. Quickly stuffing their face with a pillow to scream all of their pain and sadness out. Get rid of the encompassing feeling of despair in their chest as you slip away from them. The two of you weren't to be. You finally found your happily ever after while they are left behind. It's a grim fairytale then. The broken chuckle cut through the sobbing as Peter press himself against their side.
J is angry. The normally mellow person is actually angry at you. They send you away from their office, their eyes are harden into stone as the anger leaks from their being. The pen in their hand finally snaps from their tight grip, spilling ink all over hand and the documents in front of them. They mutter a curse under their breathe at the mess in front and swiveled around to the wide window in their office. They haven't felt like this in ages. Not since, they traced the marks not hidden by their tattoos. They don't want to be anger at you as you did nothing wrong. But they still want to rage so much. After finally letting their love again, it gets stomped all over again. They need to leave before they something they regret. They avoid any eye contact with you as the sight of that thing on your neck again will only make it worse.
V is ready to fight. They shouldn't be like this. They don't have a right to you, you don't even know their feelings. But it doesn't calm the hatred in their heart. They let you into their heart, walked right in with no barriers or anything. The look in your eyes in those private intimate moments, they thought you had felt the same about them. Did they mistake something else for affection? Are that desperate for somebody to love them? After what they did? Are they the fool? All of that self hatred boils in their body, unleashing unto you. V hates themselves for feeling this way but they want you to feel it too. They are a fool for falling for you in the first place. A fool who should have known. Why did they open up to you? They will hate you from now on just to escape their own inner self hatred.
C is outwardly proud of you. You finally got together with someone who isn't your soulmate. Showing their pride in how you took their teachings and actually put them into pratice. But that bitterness in their mouth is not going away no matter how many times the wish it so. They had hope you would come to them for this. They were your relationship coach in a sense and would have helped you in practicing. That's all they wanted is for you find them first. But that tight feeling in their chest is not growing away after denial and denial. They wouldn't fall in love, there's no sense for it in this world. They're not in love.
Avery is crushed. All of that self doubt and hatred comes rushing in at the sight. They had hope that they could be somebody to someone. Not the Remington heir, the art investor, beloved patron, or whatever other titles they are given. You were the first one to treat them normally. A helping hand in a time of darkness for them. They saw some of your glances and caressing eyes, and maybe you did like them back. They want to believe so badly, remembering when you hold hands and the little games you'll play. What have they done to deserve this?
Kahula is going to find this person. They are not the one for you, it hurts just of thinking of that, and they need to meet the one who was so close to you. They have to be the best for you even prefect as you deserve the gold standard. They take their role as protective sibling to heart and act in your best interests. But they know they are also being selfish. They want you to look at them with your loving eyes, you tongue and teeth, your face, just everything about you. They also want to know how they stack with these new partmer. They want to change themselves so you'll focus on them but they hate wanting to go through with it. They are not your partner and they shouldn't be a jealous fool. Why are they like this. Is this truly for your sake othere's.
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Being Franks Daughter in Hawkins pt 14
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Gif Caption: Top Gif: Daredevil and The Punisher from Marvel Bottom Gif: Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson from Netflix's Stranger Things
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Reader: 18-19 | female
Characters Mentioned: Im not doin it right now lmao I'll update it later when I go back and edit mistakes
A/n: I needed to get this out lmao,
Warnings: a HUGE amount of spelling mistakes, Neil's Existance, Mrs.Wheeler and her friends existance at the pool
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Yay...officially a midnight son now
But that means you can go home right?
Damn it
Stephen's intent on you doing a few missions with the Avengers to "get you battlefield ready" whatever the hell that means
"I don't have my vest."
"Don't worry about it."
Y/n turned around, "Matt!"
"Hey-" he smiled, Y/n pratically tackling him in a hug, "wow...you really must've missed me."
"You have no idea. I've been training none stop."
"No wonder you feel diffrent." He spoke hand on her arm, "Gettin some Muscle are we now?"
"She was completely jacked, to begin with." Hellstrom argued, a glass of scotch in hand then mumbled into his glass: "surely didn't help my pride..."
"What was that?" Y/n asked.
Hellstrom rolled his eyes drinking the glass in one go.
"I've got a surprise for you." Matt explained, "take me on a walk to my place?"
Y/n looked at Stephen, "she gets a few days off till her mission with Stark. Might as well as have fun."
"Alright!" Y/n cheered, "Matt! We should take my motorcycle!"
"I. Motorcycle?" Matt asked, "Where'd you get the money for a bike-"
"I built it from scratch with Rider." Y/n spoke, "come on!"
"Good luck with that one." Hellstrom spoke kicking his feet up.
"Get your feet off my table."
"Get your feet off my table- Ow! Fuckin cloak! That hurt!"
Matts terrified of you on a motorcycle
Like. He thinks your gonna crash
He feels over it to make sure you know. It has two wheels and is actually put together.
Okay..yeah it's good. He's good.
He's gripping you for dear life as you drive him throughout new york and to hell's kitchen.
But when you're serious and not messing with him he thinks your a pretty good driver.
"So. What am I here for?" Y/n asked, the two stepping into the apartment, he feeling along the wall.
"Well there's the newest Avenger-"
"oh great its you." Y/n spoke crossing her arms.
"Ouch." Stark mocked, "You know I was so sentimental about your suit and your just so mean."
Tony Stark created a suit. For you
You're worried to open the box, you've been played multiple times by boxes
But when you open there it's a black suit ribcage and replacing what would of been flowers was the midnight sons brand
"Mostly Bullet proof." Tony informed.
"Bullet could still past through if strong enough and close enough. Important areas. You know where you get shot and bleed out the most are double layered, harder to pierce." Tony informed, "and this is for you."
Y/n looked at the mask he held in hand, "Be better that you wear something for the time being. Especially if you're gonna be rolling with us for a few missions."
Y/n nodded looking down at the mask that would cover most of her upper face, hand painted with what skull could be showing and devil horns matching Matt's, "yeah. Nice touch on the paint."
"The kid wouldn't give it any of it up until he finished painting it," Tony spoke.
"On the dot."
"Now he's one more question. Why meet me at Matt's place?"
"Would you believe if I told you Strange has banned me from the sanctum?"
So you're going on missions now
Its nothing special, not to you atleast.
But You had to admit getting in the feild with Peter and Kate who snuck her way aboard was fun
The News papers had started to come out too.
The "Newest Avenger" spreading fast througout the country
"She's back!" Will shouted running down the basement stairs, "She's back!"
"Who's back?" Mike asked.
"Y/n! Y/n! She's back!"
Will slammed the news paper on the table.
"Woah! New Suit!" Max spoke.
"Total badass!" Lucas cheered.
"Who's she with?" Max asked quickly.
"The Avenger's! See! There she is with the Falcon!" Mike cheered "Oh she so cool!"
"You think this means she'll be back soon?" Will asked asked.
"Be back?" Eleven asked, "She will. Be back? Soon?"
"Hopefully!" Lucas cheered, "if she's back! Imagine all the bullies running! We should call her!"
"No!" Mike argued.
"She said she'll always have to call us." Will added, "She's clearly busy."
"You." Lucas started, "You think she forgot about us?"
"Y/n? No. No way." Max spoke, "look! Dustin's gonna be back in a few weeks and Im sure Y/n will follow right behind him."
"Yeah." Will added, "Y/n's a good person. She doesn't forget something like we went through together."
It was true, you didn't forget.
But others were starting to think so.
Billy Hargrove had become aggravated just seeing what he knew was you in the newspaper
Well. Because he saw you, on a newspaper, with some shit-head Avengers rather than drinking a beer with him by the pool
Plus he knew what you'd do seeing the way too old women looking at him the way they did.
You'd push them all in the pool, In the shallow end specifically
He had tried calling you, but no answer from you
Steve too had started to lose faith.
You had stopped sending him letters or postcards
Or anything for a matter of fact
Not a call, or a message left behind
He too saw the papers knowing it was you the moment he caught sight of the figure walking in the photo
You were sure he reread that article time and time again.
Newest Avenger? Did that mean you were staying longer?
No infact. It means you were going home quicker.
With the number of missions you handled yourself in and others, you were cleared by the Avengers and The Midnight sons.
Tony, once again. Threw the biggest fuckin party in existence and dedicated it to you: saying you had graduated college hiding your identity.
This one you had much more fun at.
Everyone congratulated you, wished you luck, and asked what was next in your now "adulting" life.
Most of the Midnight sons had shown up, Besides Frank of course and you all toasted together to the blackest suns of the earths years and you all chugged what you had in hand either it be a soda or a cup of gin
"Welcome to the shit show." Morbius congratulated.
"You did good kid." Hanniable praised, "you did good."
Y/n smiled, "Yeah lucky I didn't have to come and have a jab at her eh?" Steven teased.
"Oh please..." Blade mummbled into his glass taking in the drink.
"It's not every day we get a new Midnight Son." Jennifer praised with a smile, "You're probably the worst of us."
"One Soul worth a thousand damned!" Hellstrom shouted, glass raised in the air.
"And you wonder how I'm the normal one," Stephen mumbled to Johnny.
"You're not normal Strange. Its in your name." Jonny told.
So. Surprisingly, with the party out of swing at a decent time, you're leaving for Hawkins immediately.
Saying goodbye to the Midnight Sons thoroughly thanking them for everything.
Then the others
Matt's was a proud moment, he was still sad to see you go, but like he always did, he said he was proud of you
Kate, only looked at you, and started crying, you laughing as she hugged you tightly,
"You. Better call me!" She threatened.
"Alright kid." Clint spoke pulling her away.
"Call me!" She shouted
Bruce's was also family-like, he taking the favorite cousin spot on the list. Between your big appetites and talk for different realms.
Thor. Also cried, and Loki almost followed.
"Well..." Loki spoke, "You're...."
Y/n cocked up an eyebrow, "You're one in a few, few broad million,"
Y/n chuckled, "and You Are one in a universe."
"For you." He spoke, "I am not the best Wrapper...there is one for Max as well."
Y/n took the two wrapped items, "Thank you. I'm sure she'll love it."
He nodded, trying to avoid crying, "I'm gonna. I'm gonna go...find Thor."
And he walked off.
Leaving you there smiling and moving on to the rest of the group
Steve and Bucky were like brothers, unsure if they were older or Younger you had a tight bond with them.
And You and Sam, ah you loved being assholes to one another add Tony and you three were a real shit show.
Then there was Natasha, unsure if she was happy or sad to see you go. Happy for you. Sad for herself.
"You gonna wear a bikini with those scars?" Natasha asked.
"Maybe." Y/n told, "you should try it sometime. It looks cool."
She laughed, you both had your fair share of old scars.
Peter was next, handing you a box,
"Yeah. With all that Goin on in Hawkins, you'll need them." He explained, y/n opening the box, "Older model, but they work."
Y/n smiled, "I'll keep 'em on me then. Never know when you're gonna need to web up a demo dog."
He laughed, "Gonna miss you."
"I'm gonna miss you too."
You both hugged each other tight
And then there was Wanda who said she'd ride down with you, you saying one last goodbye to everyone with a solemn smile and left.
It was an awkward ride down. You and Wanda...didn't talk much for reasons.
She walked you to your bike, and you strapped your bag to the back, making sure it was tight.
"He'd be very proud of you."
Wanda raised an eyebrow, "Im sorry?"
"Of what your doing. Helping people." Y/n commented, "Pietro..."
She smiled weakly, "and he would hate to see you go. But he'd want you too."
Y/n nodded throwing a leg over her bike sitting in its seat, revving up the bike.
"Goodbye Y/n."
"See you later Wanda."
They smiled one last time at each other before Y/n drove off.
Hawkins, here you come
You could have just portaled there, but riding seem way more fun, stopping for Gas occasionally and for a quick snack
It was a good 12-hour drive and you stopped to sleep once.
You hadn't told anyone you were coming home it was meant to be a surprise.
So when you pulled up to your home,
Frank had heard your bike and walked out with a pistol of all things.
"Is that for me?" Y/n asked, "I come to surprise you and you bring a gun-"
"God damn it." He spoke.
Y/n smiled, "What miss me-"
Before she could even finish her sentence he was down the stairs and hugging her. She smiled as she hugged him back. He kissed her long on her temple.
"It's good to have you back kid."
Y/n smiled, "It's good to be back."
You guys spent the rest of the day catching up, it was good to be back.
You told him as much as you loved New York, you don't think you'd miss it all that much
You had your dad here after all.
Frank made you your favorite for dinner as you both caught up.
Sitting down with him and having a good meal made your year
You told him about training, getting the litteral shit beat out of you
And you told him about Russo.
And he listened but didn't say anything
It felt better to let him know and to let your brother go
He surprisingly wasnt angry when he truly had every right to be angry
But it was always a touchy subject.
Which you changed almost immediately. Asked how he's been
He said he's been better, but it'll change now that you are back under the same roof.
You wholeheartedly agreed
And like usual, you two ended up playing a board game after dinner, like two of you hadn't even been apart for a day.
It was nice, just to settle back in and talk.
"Anyone else knows you're back?" Frank asked.
"No." Y/n responded, "Not yet. I was thinking tomorrow I'd go and say hi to everyone."
He nodded, "I still have the same schedule. I'll be out tomorrow."
Y/n smiled drinking some of her water, "Well then it seems we'll both be busy."
You both ended up falling asleep on the couch together, your head in his lap, and he had thrown a blanket over you.
You woke up the next day late, looking around for Frank just to see had left.
There was a plate of waffles on the table, cold, indicating you slept way longer than you had assumed.
Eating your cold waffles, took a shower for the day, get dressed, brushing your teeth.
You grabbed your brown leather jacket on the way out and were ready to go.
You wondered who's house to stop at first.
So. With...hope. you stopped at the Byer's house first.
Joyce was shocked when you took off the sunglasses.
"Hi Ms.Byers" y/n spoke.
"Wow." She spoke, Y/n laughing, "Would you look at you!"
Y/n smiled as Joyce hugged her, pulling her in, excited to see her again.
She had told you, that Jonathan was busy at work, and Will was at Mike's place.
But you were more than glad to sit and talk with her and talk over a cup of tea.
"How's it go?" Joyce asked, "how was it all?"
"Tiring." Y/n told, "But I'm glad to be back."
"Will will be so glad to hear you're back." Joyce told her, "You know they all have anything superhero related on their walls. Especially as of recent."
"The Avengers Missions." Y/n asked.
"Must've recognized the paint job." Y/n smiled, "I was on those missions."
"Wow! Look at you!" She praised, "Rollin with the big boys now?"
Y/n laughed, "yeah...it was somethin' else. Hanging out with all of them again. Just hope the next time any of you meet. It's for dinner and not to save the world."
Joyce smiled holding her hand, "I bet there all wonderful."
Y/n smiled, "yeah. They're all something else."
You talk with Joyce for about another hour. You'd be playing a lot of catch-ups today.
Yet with that hour gone, you said your goodbyes and went to go say Hello to others.
You took yourself to the Hargrove-Mayfield house next.
Walking up the small path you knocked, expecting Max or even Susan, you got Neil.
"Well...if it isn't Mr.Hargove." y/n chuckled taking the step up and taking her shades off.
"I did what you wanted." He argued.
"Hm." Y/n spoke, "Today's your lucky day. I'm in a good mood. Where's Billy?"
"Work?" Y/n asked, "More details here Neil. I've been a very. Very busy little lady you see."
"The Pool."
"Hm." Y/n hummed, "and Max."
"With a friend." He told.
Y/n hummed once more, "Not that hard now is it Mr.Hargove?"
She turned around, but then remember something, and turned around, reaching inside her jacket, causing him to take step back.
"For the Missess. From New York."
It was a baggy of old fashion lemon drops. He looked at her, and carefully took the bag, she grabbing his wrist, bringing him closer "You should be afraid.l After all, I would."
She pulled away, "Bye Neil."
So you were off to Mike's house, you knew that was the designated hang out spot.
Knocking on the door Mr.Wheeler answered.
He seemed. More attentive when talking to you this time about.
"Hey Mr. Wheeler. Lookin for Mike, him and his friends here?"
"Mike!" He called.
"What!?" Mike answered.
"Basement. Through the kitchen on the left."
Y/n smiled, "thanks."
Walking inside she took off her shades, she walking through the kitchen and down the stairs.
"What dad?"
The group went silent seeing you, "Y/n!?"
"In the flesh!"
A group hug was definitely called for
They all jumped at you, hugging you happily, especially Will.
And Max, oh you were so happy to see Max.
"I have this for you." Y/n spoke handing her the wrapped gift.
"What is it?" Max asked.
"I have no idea." Y/n responded, "it's from Loki. He misses you."
She smiled, "Really?"
"Yeah. I think that you and him have quiet a bit in common." Y/n told, "He'll take you to Asgard next summer if you'd like."
The others couldnt stop talking your ear off, abour how cool you were they saw you on the news and just knew it had to be you
They're like your own little fanclub
Except Eleven, she doesnt exactly know who you are.
But she does say thank you for protecting her friends
She was trying to warm up to you, but too many girls together make her feel werid, shes not use to it is all.
They want to do everything, see all your new weapons
You had to eventually stop them, telling them you'd have a few more people to see. But. Since you were back now: you would be glad to hang out with them
And show them the really cool weapons you had aquired since you did have other people to see.
You were there for a good few hours, telling them stories and about the people you've met.
And Mike brought up Steve in one of his stories.
"He works at the Mall! Helps us get inside the movie theater for free all the time!" Mike told.
"Does he now?" Y/n smiled looking at the tjme, "Unfortunately. I do have to leave."
They booed, and all said there goodbyes, she promising to come and hang out with them again.
Will followed you out, trying to catch up with you.
"Y/n! Y/n!"
She stopped, looked back and smiled, "hey."
"I know they asked you to go to the movies with us. But you don't have to." Will told, "I know things are...werid with Steve."
Y/n chuckled, "don't worry bout that. If I go. Im goin to hang out with you guys."
He nodded.
"And." Y/n spoke, "Im sorry I stopped the letters."
"No! No! We all understood you were busy." He told, "Im glad your back."
"Me too." Y/n told, they hugging once more, " and Im not goin anywhere anymore."
It was a sweet thing Will even thought about your feelings in such a way.
But if you want to hang out with them. Nothing in the past would get in your way.
You were off next to Hawkins Pool
Lots of eyes on you as you kicked your stand up, casually walking past people who stared.
Little did you know it people were looking at Billy the same way, older women especially.
"Hey hotshot." A lifegaurd spoke he sitting at the front desk, "whats a thing like you doin alone dressed all in leather- aint it hot-"
"Im looking for Hargrove. "
"Of course you are." He sighed, "He's workin. Up on the Lifegaurds post."
You went into the pool area, lookin around kids and adults looking at you when you spotted him lazying up on his post.
"Who's she?" One of the older ladies asked.
"She's looks like she's goin after our show." The other commented.
Y/n walked past the group, stopping infront of Mrs.Wheeler's view.
"Wow. Mrs.Wheeler." she spoke up.
"Do I know you? Im try to watch my daughter." She explained really just angry that Y/n was blocking her view.
Y/n took her glasses off, "Hi. Mrs.Wheeler."
She was shocked to see y/n standing there, dressed in tight black jeans and an open shirt with a leather jacket on.
"You look..."
"Different? Thanks. Picked up the new style after Billy gave me his jacket." Y/n spoke, rubbing it in her face, "so how are the kids?"
It was only poliet to ask how the kids were.
"Fine." Mrs.Wheeler spoke, Y/n nodding with a shit eating smile. "Well. I'll see you lovely ladies later. Love the bathing suits."
Oh they were so mad at you.
You not only were Billy's age but had his chlothing and wearing it proudly like you were his little girl friend or something.
"Hey Hargrove!" She called walking towards the Life gaurds station.
He sighed, "can I help you?"
"Well if you're acting like that." Y/n spoke, he looking to the side to face her, "Where's the nearest Exit."
"The way you came in." He answered.
It took him a mintue as Y/n raised a eyebrow.
"Oh Shit!"
Y/n laughed, looking at him he climbing down with ease.
"Would you look at you." Y/n spoke, "got a job and everything."
He gestured for her to follow, he shouting at other workers that he was taking off for the day.
As soon as he was in the locker room with you, he gave you a hug.
God it felt so good to hug him again.
"Dont you ever leave me here for almost eight months." He argued.
"Aw? Someones counting the days Hargrove?" Y/n asked leaning against the locker as he got his stuff ready to leave.
He smiled the small locker luckily hiding that smile.
Its exactly how he pictured it, but even better.
Neither of you had really changed.
So the two of you left, he asking how you got here in the first place after all you didnt have the truck.
You told him Motorcycle.
He laughed. Motorcycle?
Oh shit Motorcycle, he was expecting it to be something from the junkyard
But this? THIS IS NICE
"Wanna take a ride?" Y/n asked.
"Take a ride?" Billy asked still memorized by how thr fuck Y/n got her hands on such a bike.
Y/n chuckled, "Yeah. You know...take a ride. Perhaps...tommrow for a long one, now that I can open portals across the world we go around and-"
"Wait." Billy told, "you just said you can open portals? How-"
"Magic. Duh." Y/n spoke holding up her sling ring, "Did you think I was in new york eating pizza this whole time?"
She tossed it to him, he catching it and looking at the odd ring.
"So. We can get on the bike and go wherever. Or. We can stand here all day." Y/n told, "I heard San Francisco has excellent weather today. Along with Shang-Hi, but you know. I've always wanted to got to Mexico. Then again. New York is always opened for an option."
"Seriously? New York."
Y/n shrugged and leaned on her bike, "New York it is then? Tommrow? Lunch?"
"You sure you dont got a jack rabbit date with Harrington?" He teased, Y/n going quiet.
"Yeah me and him arent together no more." Y/n responded, "i broke up with him before I left."
"Oh shit..." he responded Y/n raising her eyebrows in a "yeah" matter.
"Come on I didn't come here to talk about him. Get on." Y/n spoke getting on her bike, Billy following her and hopping on the back, "You hungry?"
"Gimmie the ring."
hell yeah, you ended up taking Billy out for a late lunch at his favorite spot in San Fransico.
You both sat in some hole-in-the-wall place downtown, eating Pupusas
You both talk about what's been happening, him about how the school sucked ass and the new mall that opened up in Hawkins, and you about your training and about some of the places you went while doing missions
It was nice to hang out with him again.
You both ended up going to the beach to relax, sitting on the sand lethargic from eating such a good meal.
"I use to surf."
Y/n opened her eyes, she laying in the sand with closed eyes, the breeze perfect.
"Hm? Really?" Y/n asked, "any good at it?"
He shrugged, "May still figure it out."
Y/n smiled closing her eyes, "we should do it."
"Some surfing." Y/n told.
He laughed, reaching in his pocket for his cigrattes, pulling out his pack.
"Be fun." Y/n spoke, "We could make a weekend out of it. Go to diffrent beaches. Heard Miami''s got some killer beaches."
"You're shitting me?" He asked, forgetting about his cigrattes.
"Well duh. We're in San Francisco right now aren't we? Why not Miami. Or Bali? The Bahamas, Hawaii? Maybe even Asgard?"
"Home of the gods. Its in space." Y/n told, "they got a killer ocean."
He chuckled, "Not every day you have a hero as a friend."
"Im not a Hero." Y/n corrected.
"You sure about that?"
Y/n sat up, "yeah." She spoke with a smile.
"I think it's time I finally try and focus on what I want rather than try and save the world."
"Oh so Harrington-"
Y/n scoffed and laughed.
"I don't like him." Billy told, "But you were real happy with him."
"Yeah well he doesn't even know that I'm back. Plus. Im sure he's back with Nancy Wheeler."
It was Billy's turn to scoff, "Please. That families all fucked up in the head."
"You don't even know them." Y/n told.
"Mrs.Wheeler's a whore." He spoke, "i should know. Apparently thats all I can attract...Plus. They're rude to you. Thats enough for me."
Y/n looked over at him, "I think you'll find a nice girl. Someone that cares about you."
"...yeah...sure." he spoke.
"What?" Y/n asked, "Don't believe me?"
"I think I found that girl... a long time ago." He responded looking at her, "don't think I gotta be in a realtionship like that to be loved by her though."
Y/n smiled, "Good. She sounds like what you need."
Billy raised an eyebrow,
"Wait you talkin shit about me?" Y/n teased.
"Wow. You figured it out." He spoke, Y/n laughing as he followed suit.
"Yeah...I got your back Hargrove." Y/n smiled, "but we're totally fake dating if one of us needs it?"
The two chuckled, Y/n getting up, "come on. Hawkins is waiting for us."
"Its not that bad. Come on. You can spend the night at my place." Y/n told, "we could play Life."
"Never again."
You both played life again in your room with the window open.
He lost
Thank Stark for teaching you capitalism in full detail
You guys from move from life to Monoplay to Black jack
He beats you in Black Jack but not Monoplay.
By the time Frank gets home you're both knocked out together on your floor.
Franks glad you're back home, he rather walk in on you passed out on the floor with a board game than not see you at all
The next day you wake up, you left your window open so its a bit chilly in your room but you smell bacon and eggs
Getting up you walk out the room to see Frank cooking.
"Hey." Y/n catches his attention
"Morin," Frank spoke.
"Morin." Y/n yawned, walking over to steal a piece of bacon, "You seem happy today."
"Hey morin." Joyce spoke walking in the kitchen from getting dressed.
"That makes sense." Y/n told Frank, he elbowing her.
"You never change." Frank told.
"You'd missed me to much." Y/n teased, taking a bite, "Mhm Good bacon."
Joyce watched, smiling at the two as they went back and forth at each other.
"You off today?" Y/n asked Frank.
"Late shift today,"
Y/ brushed the crumbs from her fingers over the sink, "What's the plan then?" Y/n directed towards Joyce.
"Just to hang out here. Will's at Mike's house."
"Mhm. I seen him yesterday." Y/n smiled, Frank pulling her back, conveying quietly to her.
"Date?" Y/n asked, "Oh you guys are goin on a date? Where?"
"Oh! No! No!" Joyce spoke quickly, "we're reschedule-"
"Don't let me ruin your plans." Y/n told, "The kids asked me to go see a movie with em anyways and I got unpackin to do."
"What kind of Unpacking." Billy yawned walking out the room, "emotional or Physical?"
"Haha." Y/n laughed, pouring herself a cup of coffee.
"Oh-" Joyce spoke, "I thought. You and. I didn't know you were-"
"What?! Oh! No no!" Y/n told, "we fell asleep after San Francisco."
"San Francisco?" Frank asked.
".....i mean what..."
"Did you steal another sling ring from Strange?"
"What? No!" Y/n argued, "It's mine now. I learned how to properly use it."
"Strange gave you magic. For gods sake." Frank spoke, Y/n laughing after pouring two other cups for Joyce and Billy, refilling Frank's.
"I train in it." Y/n shrugged, "Just portals."
"Im shooting him next time I see him." Frank told.
"Trust me. I tried that. Also. Vampires just don't like bullets. Tried filling Hanniable with Led. And be did not like that."
So while you and Frank talked about unloading Bullets Joyce and Billy kinda just sat there.
Its still odd to hear about just casually shooting people even if they both respect who you are.
But with breakfast done the four of you sit to eat.
Frank's cooking is superior.
Turns out Joyce and Frank we're going to spend "quality" time together.
"Where are you guys going to do? Downtown is nice since the mall closed." Billy told trying to be involved in the conversation.
"No. Billy you don't get it. There gonna f-" Y/n was kicked under the table, "Ow!"
"Change topics." He told.
"Okay. Okay." Y/n spoke, "Downtown really that much of ghost town now?"
"Unfortunately." Joyce told, "putting alot of good people out of bussniess."
You felt kinda bad.
Downtown is where you and Billy hung out for the first time
You guys contuined to talk until you had to take Billy back to his car parked at the pool.
Plus you were sure Frank wanted to spend his "alone time" with Joyce.
So with Billy you leave, dropping him off at his car asking him to use the pool phone
You called the kids, Mike's house specifically knowing thats where they hang out.
Luckily Mike answered instead of Mrs.Wheeler.
"Hey Mike-"
"Y/n- Hey! Guys it's Y/n!"
She smiled, "Movies?"
"Yeah!" They all cheered over the phone, "we'll meet you there! Twenty mintues!"
The line was cut, "hello?" Y/n asked, yet no one answered.
With saying Bye to Billy one last time, you went seperate ways, you on your bike and him in his car.
You made it to the mall fairly quickly. It nothing new to you due to you living in New York.
Walking in people stared, you putting your shades on your head as you might as well as look around, while you wait for the kids.
But before you could even do such a thinv you're grabbed.
"Ah! Okay! Okay!" Y/n laughed, Max had jumped on her back.
"Look." Max spoke showing Y/n her necklace.
"Oh wow..that the one from Loki?" Y/n asked setting her down.
"Yeah." She spoke, "do you know what it is by any chance?"
"Hm." Y/n spoke, looking at it closely, "symbol of Jotunheim."
"What's that?"
"Loki's Home relam. You two must've made great friends." Y/n smiled, "I'll find some of my old books from Asgard. That I oh so graciously stole from the libary."
Y/n turned her head, the group of kids runninv her way, "Hey!"
They all hugged her quickly she happy to see them all, they talking about which movie to see
Specifically a horror movie
You were cool with whatever they wanted to watch.
But as you were taking your wallet out to buy said tickets they stoped you
"We get in for free." Lucas told.
"Free?" Y/n asked, "how?"
"Connections." Mike told.
"But I think we should go in the right way! You know since Y/n is old enough to vouche for us." Will cut in.
"What?! No way!" Lucas complained.
"It's fine Will.' Y/n smiled, "I don't mind a bit of back street walking anyways."
So they pulled you along happily, you following as quick as you could.
Icecream, you havent had it in so long.
"Okay. If we're using a back way to get in. I could atleast get you all icecream."
"The movie!" Lucas told.
"Come on we'll just miss the ads anyways." Y/n told the group next in line.
The couple infront of them moved after getting there icecream.
"Alrights whats the orders?" Y/n asked.
"Mint Chip,"
"Cookie dough"
"Sweet Cream please."
Y/n smiled, "alright then."
"Hello. Welcome to scoops-"
The woman with red hair paused, Y/n smiling, "Hey."
"Hi..." she spoke, "uh...what can I?"
"Well." Y/n spoke looking at the name tag, "Robin. Can I get a Mint Chip, Cookie Dough, Sweet Cream and Blueberry all in cones please."
"Uh...." she spoke, "yeah...one..."
Her eyes adverted from Y/n, "aw. Shit. Steve! Your Kids are here! Come and help me!"
Y/n was silent as Steve came out, dressed in Uniform.
"I swear- if you all get me fired by doing this-"
He paused, seeing Y/n standing in all her glory, open shirt tucked in loosely, with tight slightly glared jeans and a brown leather jacket on.
"Um...can I have my icecream please?" Y/n asked.
"Right. Right!" Steve spoke, "Sorry!"
The two got the icecream made, handing each one to the kids.
"Go ahead." Y/n told, the kids rushinv in the back before anyone could get them in trouble.
"Robin could you?"
"Yeah." She spoke going to open the back door for the kids.
"And one more. Of your prefence in a cone please."y/n asked.
"Thats quiet a bt of money on icecream." Steve commented.
"Yeah. Well. Gotta treat the kids some days." Y/n told.
"Didn't know you were back in town." Steve spoke, "visiting?"
"Offically a midnight son now." Y/n told, "so Im back in town now as long as I want."
"Wow." He spoke, "Congrats..."
Y/n smiled, "thanks."
"One carmel with crunchies." He told handing her the cone.
"Thanks." Y/n smiled, handing him the cash for all the icecream.
"It uh has little pieces of cone in it, covered in chocolate." Steve explained handing her back change, "I just call them crunchies."
Y/n chuckled, "good idea."
She took a tatse, "not bad. I like it."
Steve smiled sheepishly, "yeah its pretty good....hey I was wondering...."
Y/n looked at him, "yeah?"
"Since your back in town. And Ya know. I know....we...didnt exactly split because-"
"Y/n!" Max called.
"Im coming Im coming." Y/n smiled, following Max, and looking back at Steve.
Her stare piercing, sharper than the last time he had seen her, she had grown much, despite her face looking the same, her gaze a deep one as she made her way towards the back.
"Bye Harrington." She smiled.
His gaze followed her and even ran himself into the back to see her vanish behind the second door into the mall's private hallway.
"Yeah yeah one for the loser board."
So you and the kids ended up watching some horror movie they were dying to watch
You guess it was cool, it just seemed to glide right over you though, the whole Ax Murder thing
Just seemed so unrealistic.
But they all enjoyed it, jumping up and down watching it.
So you stick through it for them.
You did enjoy your icecream though
Steve has good taste
But as you finish it you're kinda...well. bummed.
The sweet taste gone, leaving you wanting more despite being comfortably full.
It was gone too soon, and you were enjoying it.
When the movie eas over you walked out with all of them,
You'd give it a 2.5 out of 5 on the movie.
And as you walked out, following far behind the group who was running into some nerd store.
Suddenly she was grabed in a hug, "It's you! Oh! It's really you! Haha!"
Y/n looked at the dark hair, feeling a mix of leather and jean on the mans back and arms.
"Hah! Look at you!" He spoke pulling away, "Wow. You got about shredded..damn....Not the point! Where have you been! No word for almost 8 months! Who else was I suppose to bomb class finals with!?"
Y/n chuckled, "Yeah. Had some shit go down ya know."
"Oh please." Eddie spoke, "I get it man."
Y/n smiled, Eddie smiling back.
"What are you doin at a mall?" Y/n asked Eddie, "Dossn't seem like your style. If ya catch my drift."
"Eh." Eddie shrugged, "They got a new music store. Had to look at the guitars ya know."
"Right....The Coroddied Coffin."
He laughed in excitement, his body moving with his feelings, "haha! You remember! You have to come see us sometime!"
"Yeah I wouldnt mind. Plus You always talked about it." Y/n shrugged.
"The Freaks words stuck woweza." Eddie told, "You're flatering me here babe."
Y/n laughed, "I have to go. But."
She leaned into his ear, "The freaks always were better."
She started walking away waving to him as she did so.
"Hey! Wait! I'll come with!" Eddie called quickly following her.
So maybe this mall was slightly better than the other malls you've been too.
You were looking at comic books with the kids in the store, Will showing you one that was ment to be you
"They think your a dude." Will told watching Y/n flip through the book.
"Eh..there scared a woman's gonna over power Thor."
"Can you?" Will asked.
"Depends on his mood." Y/n chuckled smiling Will's way as she handed him back the comic book.
Little did she know Steve's watching her across the way, it a perfect view watching you at the window flipping through a comic book.
You were flirting with him again? Right?
His daydreaming intruppting his job.
Wasnt till a guy came over handing you a comic book.
You two obviously laughing as you flipped through the pages.
You were laughing at this "Skull and Bones" comic someone had created though it only went one edition it was hilarious
Everything was so wrong starting with how you both even got into doing what you do
But they got one thing right: the banter
You kept looking through them with Eddie, wasnt a surpise but he read comics here and there.
His favorite Ghost Rider, which made sense.
But soon his band called him pulling him alonb back to the music store as you waved goodbye with a laugh.
Watching them pull his away through the window caused you to watch the show, then look around a bit, spotting the Icecream shop along the way, and a familiar figure across the way.
You waved to Steve
"Hey is this a good book about the necklace?" Max asked Y/n looking over, taking the book from Max flipping through it.
"Yeah actually." Y/n told, "specifically this chapter."
Y/n handed her back the book to show Max the chapter and then looked back to find Steve gone.
✧▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬✧
Tags: @raelwrites @miiikkeey @beebslebobs @ah-witch @supernaturallover2002 @pearlstiare @simonsbluee @stilllivindue2spite @lvbred @dancingqueen21 @writerdream22 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @knivqs @xxlaynaxx @3-spurr @eliskakratochvilova @sunshinepower17 @marssssaturn @howlerwolfmax @mxltifxnd0m @varientlyvisual @givemylovetoall @faithm120601 @abbiesxox
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ghostbustersreborn · 1 year
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chapter 4
december 4th, 1984.
waking up to the smell of burnt food wouldn't be so delightful to anyone else. but, for tara she knew that she was home.
"home sweet home." she breathed out a sigh as she sat up.
she got out of bed, heading straight out of her room to see what her dad failed so effortlessly to make this morning.
"lemme guess you managed to burn the eggs?" tara questioned.
"why do you have such low expectations of me?" peter asked her.
"well maybe it's because you somehow managed to set the eggs on fire." she pointed.
peter didn't quite catch onto what she was saying.
"dad. fire." she clarified.
once realization kicked in, he grabbed the fire extinguisher and quickly dispersed of the flames.
he turned around.
"ta-da!" he said, sounding out of breath.
"i'll eat something at the firehouse." tara decided.
she took a seat at the island counter.
"where's dana?" tara then asked.
"she had to leave early for choir pratice." peter answered her.
"oh, for the christmas concert i'm assuming?" tara guessed.
"yep." peter said, popping the 'p'.
"dana fed orca this morning, right?" she asked of him.
he nodded.
"good. i'm taking her with me, she'll be more safe at the firehouse." she informed him.
"i was a decent babysitter." peter said as he tossed the burnt eggs into the trash.
"you killed four fish in two weeks." tara reminded him. "if this were your actual job, you'd be fired on the spot."
"okay, at least i tried." peter defended himself.
"meh. a- for effort is all you're going to get from me." she replied.
"why not an a+?" peter asked her.
"because you killed four fish dad! you weren't even trying." she exclaimed.
peter pouted. "you're mean." he told her.
"and you're a terrible pet owner." she retorted.
"well, i tried." he put an end to the conversation.
tara got up from out of her chair. "well me and orca are going to go." she said, heading over to the counter.
"don't drop the fish." peter advised her.
"all i know is i wouldn't do it on purpose, unlike someone." tara said picking up the fish bowl.
"well, you're clumsy." peter pointed out.
"i'll try not to." tara assured him, she slipped the fish food into her pocket.
"good luck." peter wished her.
she nodded, she made it over to the door and slipped on her shoes.
"keep an eye on your fish." peter told her.
"why?" she asked.
"because egon might try to experiment on it." he replied.
"i'll sleep with one eye open i guess." tara laughed.
"good thinking. i'm surprised he hasn't tried drilling a hole in your head." he remarked.
tara shook her head. "i would've let him. it be a cool story to tell." she stated.
"okay. see you." peter said.
"yeah. see you." she said back before using her foot to close the door.
she went down the hall, repeating the words "don't drop the fish, don't drop the fish." in her head until she got to the firehouse.
the door swung open to the firehouse, her arms were aching from the fishbowl. it was hard giving the finger when people looked at her strange for walking around with a fishbowl.
"hey, ray." tara greeted him.
"peter forgot to feed the fish?" ray guessed.
"yep. and now i'm taking orca somewhere safe." tara answered him. "here, take this. my arms are sore."
ray took the fish bowl.
"where do you want me to put this?" he asked her.
"up in my room." she answered. "if that's not too much for you." she added.
"no, it's all good." ray assured her.
he left the garage to go upstairs.
tara sighed. she walked inside, going straight to janine's desk.
a few months after the ghost attack in manhattan, janine and tara had hit it off quite well. tara would hang out with janine during long nights when the boys were out busting. they would watch movies and gossip. they'd have a lot of fun making fun of peter.
"hey janine!" tara greeted.
"hey, sweetheart." janine said, bookmarking the magazine she was reading.
"what ya reading?" tara asked, hopping up on her desk.
"vanity fair." janine showed her. "apparently, richard burton was being haunted by dr.faustus's bargain with the devil." she discussed.
"wow!" tara said in awe. "cool!"
"right?!" the red head agreed.
egon came out of his lab, going over to janine's desk.
"wanna hear about richard burton being haunted by the devil?" janine asked him.
"no." egon shook his head. he turned his attention onto the younger girl sat on the desk. "i need your help." he told her.
she nodded. "okay." she reluctantly agreed.
egon held out his hand, helping her off the desk.
"i'll see you later, janine!" tara told her as her and egon headed to his office.
"okay, sweetie. have fun." janine said back to her.
"what is it you needed my help with?" tara asked him, when in his lab.
"the ghost that was in your room last night." egon began.
"yeah, what about it?" she questioned.
"there's more like that floating out in the city." he informed her.
"how do you know?" she asked, taking a step forward.
"a kid came by this morning with these pictures." he said, leading her over to the desk with all the photos.
tara examined them, seeing different colored ghosts with the same backwards knees. some had boils, another had half of it's face missing and the others were only meat and bones. literally.
"and this one kid got all of this on camera?" she asked him.
"yes. they're all there." he nodded.
"it's just weird." she voiced. "how in one night, have all these ghosts appeared?"
"i think these ghosts form in a group." egon theorized. "and the only way people have been able to see them is through pictures."
"and so i'm guessing after taking their picture, they tend to follow the person who captured them on film?" she guessed.
"exactly." egon confirmed.
"then, what do we do?" she questioned.
just like that, the alarm went off indicating there was a job for the ghostbusters.
"well, that could very well be our answer." she shrugged.
egon exited his lab with tara of course following.
"you should call your dad to come over." he recommended.
"what about me?" tara offered. "why can't i help?"
egon stopped in his tracks. he slowly turned around.
"no." he shook his head.
tara pouted. "come on!" she protested.
he continued walking as he kept on saying "no."
"i know what to do. i've been watching you guys for the last eleven months, i think i'm pretty experienced." tara argued.
egon shook his head.
she gave him the puppy dog eyes.
"please?" she pleaded. "just one time."
egon refused to look at her, knowing he would fall for it.
he did every time.
"i am not letting you put yourself out there like that. it's too dangerous." he refused.
"how dangerous can it be?" she asked. "you and ray have always said ghosts can't hurt you."
"yes, but they can possess you, make you hurt yourself and others." he clarified.
"can't i just come?" tara pouted.
egon sighed. "fine. but you better not try anything." he warned her.
tara smiled. "i promise!" she saluted him.
after egon and the boys got dressed and ready. tara pulled out the flight suit that was her size in the second locker.
"he can't stop me." she said to herself.
"tara, are you-" egon stopped himself when seeing tara come out in a flight suit.
winston couldn't help but laugh.
"she's just like her dad." he said to ray.
"yep. both stubborn and equally as cocky." ray agreed with him.
"what did i tell you?" egon asked her.
"i can't just wear the flight suit?" tara scoffed. "this doubles as a winter coat, i got the one that keeps me warm."
egon sighed. trying to keep his composure.
"i mean it. don't try and get involved." he instructed her.
"i won't. i'll keep a good distance away." tara assured him. she was obviously lying.
"you better." spengler warned her.
"i promise." she nodded.
like father like daughter.
"okay, let's go. we don't have all day." egon ordered.
after getting in the car, ray turned to her.
"what are you up to?" he asked her.
she shrugged. "i'll come up with something."
ray sighed.
she laughed.
this was going to be fun.
they parked outside what would only be the little boy's house.
"this better be an indoors thing." she hoped.
"tara, i mean it. stay off to the side where you can't get hurt." egon ordered her.
"yes, father i will." she rolled her eyes.
"if you keep on rolling your eyes, they might get stuck in the back of your head." spengler said half-joking.
tara blinked. wether or not he was lying, the thought still scared the crap out of her. guess, she had to double down on the eye rolls for now.
ray knocked on the door for them.
a second later, the door opened revealing a frazzled young girl who looked to be around the same age as tara on the other end.
"are you jerome's sister?" ray asked, referring to the little boy who dropped off the photos.
"yes. i don't know what happened to him." she said, stepping aside to let them in.
"what happened?" tara asked her.
"we were just sitting on the couch watching a movie and he just fainted." she explained.
"maybe that's more of a health problem than a ghost problem?" she purposed.
"no." the girl denied. "he was up for a minute and his eyes were white and he had blood dripping down from them." she described.
"gross." tara shuddered.
they followed the girl into the living room where the little boy was.
"did he say anything?" egon asked.
"no. but he reached out towards me and this purple light came from out of his hand." the girl explained.
egon nodded. taking note of that.
"he's laid out on the couch." she told them.
there like she said, was the little boy with blood still dripping down from his now shut eyes.
egon took out his PKE meter, he started doing a scan.
just as egon brought his PKE meter closer to the boy, the lights flickered.
tara started to feel light headed.
blood dripped down from her nose.
"great. my nose is bleeding." she grumbled.
each time the lights would flicker, a stream of purple electricity ran across the ceiling.
"well, that's not normal." winston pointed out.
"nope. totally not." tara agreed with him.
"that is definitely the ghost or ghosts doing." ray was sure of.
"there's more than one?" the girl said, sounding scared.
"from the photos your brother took, i'm afraid so." ray told her. "but it'll be okay. you called us, you did the right thing."
the girl nodded. feeling a little comforted by ray's statement.
egon kneeled down, bringing the meter towards the kid's face.
the boy suddenly grabbed hold of the meter which made the lights go out.
tara breathed heavy.
his eyes opened, revealing his white pupil less eyes.
egon managed to tear the meter out from the boy's grip. the boy fell unconscious again. egon quickly handed jerome over to his sister just as five shadowy figures appeared.
egon stood up, stepping back towards the group.
the figures started taking shape, turning into the disturbing ghosts from the pictures the little boy had taken.
"i would like my dad's stupid commentary right now." tara said nervously.
"i don't think any of us can provide you with that." ray said.
"i know, that's why i'm fully regretting having not called him when i was given the option." she confessed.
"well, there's no sense in regretting it now." winston told her.
"step back. the both of you." egon told the girls.
they nodded, doing as he was told.
each of the boys turned their proton packs on. they brought out their wands, aiming them at the ghosts who were growling and hissing at them.
"ready? fire!" egon yelled.
they started firing at the ghosts.
"we should try to get them out of here." ray advised.
"good thinking." spengler nodded.
as they went to go lead the spirits out of the living room. all three of the boys were thrown to the ground by a surge of purple electricity hitting them coming from all five of the ghosts.
tara's eyes widened. she ran over to them, checking if they were okay.
all three were unconscious.
"shit!" she swore.
she looked back over at the ghosts watching her with blood dripping from their eyes.
jerome's sister gasped.
tara looked in her direction seeing that the little boy's eyes were bleeding too.
she had no idea what to do next.
the boys were out.
and peter wouldn't get there in time, even if she were to call him.
she was on her own.
"sorry, egon. you'll thank me later though." tara said as she managed to pull his proton pack off of him.
"woah!" she cried, having almost fallen after putting the said proton pack on.
it was pretty heavy, now she understood why her dad would complain all the time about it hurting his back.
tara switched it on, she held out the wand aiming it towards the heavy breathing, eye bleeding angry spirits.
"i better know what i'm doing or else we're all in deep shit." she mumbled.
she then fired her weapon at the ghosts.
the ghosts went crazy, flying about trying to get away from the brightly colored beams.
debris from the ceiling sprinkled onto the floor as well as various pieces of furniture the ghosts crashed into fell to the ground.
suddenly, tara managed to grab a hold on all five of them!
she quickly pulled out the trap and set it before them.
she slammed her foot onto it. a bright light surrounded the ghosts pulling them into the trap with ease.
a sigh of relief escaped from tara's lips as she dropped to her knees when the ghosts were finally gone.
as if on cue, the boys started to regain consciousness. egon was the first to sit up.
he looked around.
"where are the ghosts?" he questioned.
"in the trap." tara answered him.
egon nodded. then he realized what tara had said.
he looked over to the trap and then back at her.
the rest of the boys sat up looking over in tara's direction.
"did you?" egon began to ask.
tara nodded. "yep. all me!" she pointed to herself.
the boys looked at her and then to the trap and back to her.
"i think i did an okay job for my first time busting some ghosts." tara said. "oh, here. this is hurting my back." she handed the proton back to egon.
jerome started to wake up.
"he's awake!" the girl exclaimed.
the boys and tara got up, going over to her.
egon examined him. his eyes were back to normal and his eyes were no longer bleeding either.
"hey, bud you okay?" ray asked the boy.
"i think so. w-what happened?" jerome asked.
"oh, some ghosts took over your body no big deal." tara said nonchalantly.
egon closed his eyes and sighed.
"cool." jerome said, groggily.
he then looked to his sister.
"can you put me down?" he requested.
she nodded quickly and put him down onto his feet.
"i think it be best just to keep an eye on him. possession can have some minor after effects. but over all, he should be fine." ray explained, when they were leaving.
the girl nodded. "wait. what do you mean after effects?" she asked.
"oh. nose bleeds, blood coming from the eyes. passing out. it only lasts for an hour or two if he even experiences any." egon briefly explained.
"o-okay." the girl stammered.
"well. you know what to do if something like this were to happen again." ray told her.
"see you!" tara waved goodbye.
after she closed the door. tara jumped up and down.
"i did it! i did it! i did it!" she squealed.
egon had his arms crossed.
tara stopped her jumping, she pouted.
egon dropped the act and smiled.
"i'm proud of you. but you are to never do that again, alone at least." he told her.
"yeah, well you guys were unconscious so what else was i going to do?" tara asked as they went back to the car.
"she busted her first ghost and i wasn't even there to see it?!" peter exclaimed.
"yep." winston nodded.
"why didn't anyone call me?" peter asked.
"i asked tara to, but she didn't want to." egon informed him.
tara was off to the side, munching on chips.
"you were probably busy sucking face with dana anyways." she shrugged.
peter rolled his eyes.
he went over to her and scooped her up into his arms.
tara squealed.
she tightened her grip on the chip bag, hoping they wouldn't fall.
"she busted her first ghost?" peter laughed. "unbelievable."
"five actually." ray corrected him.
venkman furrowed his brows. "five?"
"yes, dad. five. now, get it through your thick skull and put me down." she ordered.
peter reluctantly put her down.
tara sighed of relief.
"i just don't get how she was capable of doing all that on her own." peter admitted.
"that's because i learned from the professionals." tara said, looking over to egon, ray and winston.
"that line up better include me." peter told her.
tara rolled her eyes and turned back over to him.
"yeah, i guess i learned from you too." she said.
venkman grinned.
"well, now that that's over. we should celebrate." tara suggested.
"celebrate what?" egon asked.
"me being a ghostbuster. duh!" tara replied.
egon shook his head. "you are not a ghostbuster. that was one a time thing, it is too dangerous." he refused.
tara pouted. "egon!" she whined. "if it weren't for me, your bodies would be used for the ghosts hang out place."
"tara." egon started.
"egon. she does have a point." winston chimed in. "if it weren't for her, who knows where we'd be."
tara smiled. "thank you, winston."
"it doesn't have to be a full time job. it can be part time." ray added in.
egon looked to his coworkers then to tara.
she gave him the puppy dog eyes.
he sighed. "fine. but it better stay part time, i don't want you out here with us for every call." he gave in.
tara squealed.
"welcome to the ghostbusters, kiddo." peter said, ruffling her hair.
today was a good day.
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bratboyadam · 2 months
*Softly approaches Saint Peter.*
Uh... Hi. If its okay with me to ask, are Angel Wings like... super soft? I heard a rumor they were. Can I touch yours? I promise I'll be gentle. If not... t-thats okay, I'll understand. I wouldn't wanna make you feel uncomfortable in any way.
Go ahead, they're really soft!
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dantebucklin10 · 5 months
Shooting Games Unblocked - You May Play Anywhere
Emphasize Listening and Following Instructions: Teach your children to pay close attention throughout lockdown drills and to follow their teacher’s directions. Emphasize that staying quiet and still can assist keep everybody safe. Address Concerns: Encourage your children to ask questions or share any concerns they could have about lockdown drills. Provide trustworthy and straightforward answers whereas maintaining a reassuring tone. Review Emergency Contacts: Be certain that your kids know who to contact in the event that they ever find themselves in an emergency scenario. Make sure they have access to necessary contact numbers and perceive when and how to make use of them. Participate in Drills at Home: You possibly can follow lockdown drills at residence to help your youngsters change into more aware of the method. This might help scale back anxiety and make them feel extra ready. Safe Kids Worldwide offers sources for dwelling security drills. By discussing lockdown drills and emergency preparedness along with your children, you will help alleviate any fears they may have and empower them with data on how to remain protected in school.
Think you understand all there is to know in regards to the 1975 film "Jaws?" Take this quiz to seek out out just how much you remember. When you read the guide "Jaws" by Peter Benchley, you would in all probability have agreed that it could make an amazing film. But, nobody could have anticipated that a mechanical shark might have inspired a lot worry in beachgoers that they averted the nation's beaches for months. Who knew that a movie with a budget of a mere $9 million would find yourself grossing over $470 million (the very best ever until the discharge of "Star Wars" in 1977)? Actually, the movie nearly made back its manufacturing costs in the primary weekend. However, the technique Spielberg used in the film wasn't intentional, however quite the results of those crazy mechanical sharks. Unfortunately for Spielberg, the sharks did not at all times cooperate, usually refusing to work at all, so he was compelled to make use of sound, particularly music, to let viewers know that the shark was close to. If you're ready to swim with the large fish, take this quiz. What's the title of the island where "Jaws" takes place? Much of the filming was performed on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. The plate is from Louisiana, suggesting the shark got here up from the Gulf.
How do you utilize the phrase resort in a sentence? Are you able to wear the icy scorching patch while praticing? What do moose do in the summer? Which sporting items shops sell fishing tools? When is the most effective time to go Alaska salmon fishing? What are few actions which involves a number of power? What animals do poachers hunt? What do you do in the event you ingest poison in the wilderness? What is finest shade for sunglass lenses for fly fishing? How many people swallow blowgun darts? Are festivals a waste of time? Does grass seed get previous? What is the most secure however simple method to bend two ropes? Why do people put wheat stalks or straw in their mouths? Where is the Burritt On The Mountain in Huntsville Alabama situated? What is the worth of a Winchester 3030 commemorative buffalo invoice octagon barrel rifle serial wc113708? How do you utilize my garmin nuvi on hiking trails? How do you tie a Devil's Tongue knot? Do sailfish turn pink when they are excited? What is a summit of a mountain?
Good for: Kids who need to be in a position to essentially soak their opponents with multiple streams of water. On An Important Side Note… Asher and that i (pictured) really feel it’s needed to spotlight the value of life insurance for fogeys with young kids. After intensive research, we discovered that mother and father can get insured for as little as $10 monthly. We use Ladder Life who provides coverage up to $3M per dad or mum (without a medical examination, just some health questions) and you'll apply 100% on-line. Why it’s nice: These water guns are completely adorable and come in the shape of dinosaurs. You’ll get a pack of two, one tyrannosaurus and one T-Rex shaped orbi gun. They come in fun, brilliant colours, and the water sprays out of the reptiles’ mouths. They’re easy to make use of - all of your little one must do is pull the top out and push it back in to spray.
Role-Playing: Role-enjoying situations can assist kids apply what to say and do when they've a security concern. You may create mock conditions and information them on how one can strategy an adult with their worries. Anonymous Reporting: Some schools have nameless reporting programs in place, akin to tip strains or suggestion boxes. Explain how these methods work and reassure your kids that they can use them if they really feel more snug doing so. Respecting Privacy: Teach your kids to respect the privateness and emotions of others when reporting security considerations. Encourage them to be truthful but additionally delicate when sharing information. Reassure Safety: After reporting a priority, remind your children that school workers will take applicable actions to deal with the issue whereas retaining their safety in mind. Resources for folks: As a guardian, you will discover resources and suggestions for discussing faculty safety issues with your children on web sites like Common Sense Media and Safe Schools. Empowering your kids to report safety issues fosters a tradition of safety and accountability within the school community.
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ramrodd · 5 months
How Matthew and Luke Abuse Mark's Gospel?
The Gospel of Matthew is a polemic defending the Judaizing of Peter and James and a counter point to Paul's Galatians, in particular, The Gospel of Mark is composed almost entirely with out Jewish theology and Matthew connects the theological dots Cornelius has exposed.
I would argue that the Gospel of Mark anticipates Khadijah, Mohammed's mother/.wife and his Witch of Endor, who becomes his medium, accidentally, during one of his epileptic episodes , She and her uncle are Christians and may have been acquainted with all the Gospels but especially the Gospel of Matthew because the birth narrative begins in the dark of the moon  and describes fasting and prayer at the first appearance of the New Moon in what is now Matthew 7,
Gabril's recitation end with the death of Khadijah except for Sura 12 Yusuf, which is the only complete narrative from the HEbrew Bible that , Traditionally, was given to Mohammad as consolation for the death of Khadijah which marks the demarcation between Mohammad the True Prophet, and Mohammad, the False Prophet at his death with a ruptured aorta. ] I have come to associate the number 12 with the work of the Holy Spirit
ISura 19:1 - 19 is the clearest numerological link to the Gospels, specifically, John 19:19, I have inferred from Sura 19:1 that Jesus was self-aware at conception,,
And Sura 74:30 is the clearest portrait of the mind of God in literature, to wit: Above it is nineteen. This is stamp of divine authenticity. and origin.
Just for the record, Cornelius is the common denominator in all four Gospels and Acts. He was in the room with Pilate during the interrogation of Jesus and provides the eye=witness portrait of Pilate in all four  Gospels. All four Gospels are organically harmonized by the singularity of the Figure of Jesus within the context of Hegel's The Phenomenology  of Spirit and Gestalt Theory.
Jimmy Tabor continues to flog his  campus radical Marxist bullshit from the 60s.  How he defends the  corrupt translation of John 18:3 Judas then, having received the Roman cohort and officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees, came there with lanterns and torches and weapons. is an act of profound academic mal pratice and intellectual dishonesty., but it sells the tickets.
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Campobasso, "SPONC!": il progetto per inclusione e socializzazione
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Campobasso, "SPONC!": il progetto per inclusione e socializzazione. Con una serata all'insegna della più ampia partecipazione e socializzazione e un divertente torneo di dodge ball, al PalaUnimol di Campobasso si è svolto, mercoledì 13 luglio, l'appuntamento che segnava il passaggio dalla prima alla seconda fase operativa del progetto nazionale SPONC! - Sport non convenzionale per tutti - portato avanti dal CUS Molise. L'evento è realizzato col patrocinio del Comune di Campobasso e il coinvolgimento dell'Ambito Territoriale Sociale di Campobasso, della Cooperativa Sociale Sirio, dei Centri Socio Educativi Unificati "Giorgio Palmieri" e "Peter Pan" di Campobasso, dello SPRAR di Campobasso "Stesso Cielo" e l'Associazione Uninursing. Il progetto "SPONC!" SPONC! — Sport non convenzionale per tutti — è un progetto di promozione della pratica sportiva come attività educativa di socializzazione e integrazione rivolto prioritariamente a soggetti giovani, con particolare attenzione al coinvolgimento di giovani inattivi, disabili e immigrati. Il progetto è ideato e realizzato dal CUSI - Centro Universitario Sportivo Italiano - e realizzato con il contributo del Dipartimento per lo Sport. Nella prima fase del progetto tutt'ora in corso di realizzazione, sono state raccolte, selezionate ed avviate 25 progettualità territoriali di sport non convenzionali dei CUS, indicativamente una per regione, e tra questi ovviamente anche il CUS Molise, per garantire una diffusione omogenea su tutto il territorio nazionale, indicando tempistiche, tipologie di sport attivabili, destinatari, risorse tecniche a disposizione e risorse economiche da impiegare. Il progetto promuove in particolare gli sport non convenzionali e non agonistici, dall'alto contenuto innovativo e ad alta accessibilità per i target di destinatari individuati. Alcuni di questi sport sono accessibili anche a destinatari con disabilità, altri saranno adattati per garantire l'assoluta inclusività della proposta. Le attività sportive sono proposte all'aperto e in spazi pubblici quali piazze e parchi individuate insieme agli enti locali di riferimento, coinvolti grazie alla collaborazione attiva di ANCI Comunicare. Tre diverse fasi Nella realizzazione del progetto SPONC! il Cus Molise ha operato per realizzare attività diverse e adattabili a tutti coloro che sono stati coinvolti in queste giornate di sport ed inclusione, attraverso attività innovative e non convenzionali. Il progetto si svolge seguendo tre diverse fasi. Nella prima fase, quella rivolta agli over 65, sono state praticate attività come il green basket e l'orto fitness, mentre nella seconda fase si è già iniziato a coinvolgere persone diversamente abili con quattro giornate dedicate a green basket, orto fitness, calcio balilla misto e giochi di strada. Nella terza, che si svilupperà nei prossimi mesi, si prediligeranno volley misto e giochi di strada con in campo studenti delle scuole superiori, universitari, immigrati, over 65 e persone disabili. Le parole dell'Assessore alle Attività Sportive Luca Praitano "La città di Campobasso sta vivendo una stagione di grande attenzione per i temi sportivi. – ha dichiarato l'assessore alle Attività Sportive, Luca Praitano - Infatti, sono tante le discipline nelle quali le società locali con i loro atleti stanno raggiungendo risultati di rilievo nazionale. Oltre ad essere motivo di orgoglio per il nostro territorio e a generare occasioni per vivere momenti euforici di spettacolo, tutto questo alimenta evidentemente anche una forte promozione dello sport. "È in questo contesto che si inserisce l'Amministrazione comunale con l'intento di rilanciare e favorire il coinvolgimento dei giovani, in modo particolare, sia organizzando iniziative o supportando quelle promosse dalle Federazioni e dalle società, sia recuperando strutture sportive in stato di abbandono. Inoltre, - ha aggiunto Praitano - altrettanto importante è intessere fitte reti di relazioni con chi anima il mondo dello sport, perché gli interventi siano il più possibile competenti e condivisi, ma soprattutto generino le condizioni per collaborazioni, anche riguardo alla gestione degli impianti cittadini". oci "Il Comune di Campobasso - conclude Praitano - ha in essere diverse convenzioni con soggetti privati che vanno proprio in questa direzione ed è in sinergia con il CUS Molise che da qualche tempo si sta lavorando per migliorare ulteriormente l'offerta sportiva. Bisogna rilanciare l'attività motoria nelle scuole, partendo fin dagli istituti per l'infanzia, senza perdere di vista l'implementazione di attrezzature nei campetti di quartiere, non solo per invogliare quanti più ragazzi a preferire il movimento e il gioco al mondo virtuale, oggi troppo permeante la loro vita, ma anche per la fondamentale funzione aggregativa e sociale". Read the full article
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clowninin · 4 years
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Sometimes I wish I can lend you my eyes
Lend you my hips and lend you thighs
Anyway a doodle of peter with a pose pratice or somthin
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flavv-grintt · 5 years
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It's been a while since i worked with oil pastels. I saw spiderman into the spiderverse and it was awsome.
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