theambitiouswoman · 8 months
15 Productivity Hacks 💻💭📝💡
Use the Pomodoro Method. Work in focused intervals (typically 25 minutes) followed by a short break. This helps you maintain high levels of focus and gives regular breaks to rest.
If a something takes less than two minutes, do it immediately.
Schedule specific blocks of time for specific activities. This helps in dedicating focus to one task at a time.
Group similar tasks together and tackle them in one go. For example, respond to all emails at once rather than sporadically throughout the day.
Contrary to popular belief, multitasking can reduce productivity. Focus on one task at a time for better efficiency.
Use apps and tools like Trello, Asana, or Notion to manage tasks and projects.
Use the Eisenhower Box or the ABCD method to categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance.
Keep your workspace tidy. A clean workspace can enhance focus and reduce distractions.
Even if one doesn’t exist, setting a deadline can create a sense of urgency.
Large tasks can be overwhelming. Break them into smaller steps to make them more manageable.
Aim for excellence, not perfection. Sometimes waiting for something to be perfect can lead to procrastination.
If someone else can do a task, delegate it. This allows you to focus on tasks that only you can do.
Working for long hours without a break can lead to burnout. Short, regular breaks can help maintain high levels of focus.
Use apps to play background music/noise that enhances concentration or block all notifications to prevent you from checking your phone.
At the end of the week, review what you’ve accomplished and what needs to be adjusted for the coming days.
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prettieinpink · 7 months
how can I be productive after school?😭😭like all I do is homework then I go on my phone for the rest of the day
anonnie, omg I used to struggle so much w this, but I used wikihow and here’s the information that I used <3
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Set rewards for yourself! E.g every 20 minutes I study, I earn 5 minutes of screen time. Or, you can ask your family/roommates about some incentives they can offer to you if they notice you’re productive.
Place a few post it notes around your room of reminders and motivators to help you get started once you come back.
When you get back from school, create a to do list of everything that you want to achieve for today. Keep it realistic and concise so you are able to do it within the day. You can use the 4 box method, arrange it from most important-least important etc etc.
Eat the frog. Do the hardest task on your list first, so you can get it over and done with and be more keen to do the other tasks. This will create a positive flow from your first and last task.
Or, if you struggle with that, start with the task you can complete in minimal time. This is an easy victory in your day but will still create that flow to the rest of your tasks.
Timeblocking. Schedule and dedicate parts of the day to complete certain tasks that you do everyday, which will help with nurturing those daily habits into your routine. Add a reminder/alarm on your phone of when to start these tasks.
3. AVOIDING DISTRACTIONS (like your phone..)
Don’t listen to music while doing mental tasks. Your brain will end up multitasking with the music and task at hand, so not your full potential is put in your work. If you must, listen to coloured noise or non-vocal music.
Ask your family/roommates to help you get back on track if you’re not being productive, or to remind you to start doing your work.
Put all electronic devices (that you’re not using for work) away. Turn off all notifications, and if you must, delete any apps that may tempt you into using it. Or, ask someone to keep hold of your phone while you work.
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izicodes · 7 months
Working on my 2024 goals
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Thursday 5th October 2023
Already started working on my 2024 goals! I love doing this every year! I know I don't complete them all every year but I just find it super fun planning my future like this! 💗✨
This year I made my spreadsheet even more prettier and more dynamically - finally had to research how to use excel/Google sheets to make the formulas BUT UH OH it's all just SQL. Who would have guessed using Excel involves SQL-like formulas and commands? 😶
Edit: The Google Template is in my shop now! 🙋🏾‍♀️🌸
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⤷ ○ ♡ my shop ○ my twt ○ my youtube ○ pinned post ○ blog's navigation ♡ ○
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colleendoran · 7 months
If you're having trouble managing social media/computer/phone use, and need help to track your behaviors/time management, I highly recommend Rescue Time. I gave them an interview a few years back, too.
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tetr-app · 2 months
tetr is like a todo, journal, etc. app where all you do is text yourself. I have been working on it for more than a year now... and it's now on the app store and stuff... check it out? currently only on iOS, coming to Mac and Android eventually...
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vaerjs · 8 months
L'ho fatto!
Ebbene sì. E per farlo si è rotto il cavo di alimentazione del computer, non mi sono ancora fatta una doccia, ho cenato con il tablet sulle ginocchia e mi sono ridotta a fare delle storie Instagram con la mia faccia e ANCHE la mia voce.
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Questo è il mio Template Notion per insegnanti, maestre e maestri, in particolar modo della scuola dell'infanzia e primaria. Per farlo sono parità dalla mia esperienza personale di Notion lo scorso anno scolastico: come supplente e precaria non sempre avevo accesso al registro elettronico, non sempre avevo materiali per lavorare, non sempre potevo fare affidamento su chi avrebbe sostituito me. Ho iniziato a usare i modelli di Notion americani ma, chiaramente la scuola americana non è come quella italiana e tante cose non riuscivano a combaciare. Perciò ecco qui, il mio modello, quello che utilizzerò quest'anno quando riceverò la chiamata dalle scuole. Ve lo presento, ve lo offro e spero che possa trovare il vostro supporto.
È inutile dire che mi piacerebbe che spargeste la voce tra lɜ maestrɜ che conoscete e soprattutto tra quellɜ che potrebbero trovare utile il mio lavoro.
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frankorai · 7 months
two 2 minute rules to boost productivity
if it takes less than two minutes, do it at that very instant you read that clearly. any task that takes under two minutes, as soon as it pops up in your head, you do it that instant. once you wake up and look at your bed and think "oh i should make my bed," or "oh I'll make my bed after I drink a cup of water," absolutely not. you make your bed at that exact moment without doing anything else. making your bed takes less than 2 minutes, so you must do it. if you walk past the kitchen and remember "i need to take out the trash later" no way, babes. you are taking the trash out right now, because it takes no longer than a minute. if you drop something or misplace something, you do not say you'll fix it later. you do it right NOW because it takes you less than 10 seconds. these small 2-minute tasks are the roots of our problems. because they take so little time to complete, we just reassure ourselves by saying "ah, I'll do it later!" but these small tasks start to build up and we find ourselves in a mess - whether it be a literal or emotional one. so do those small 2 minute tasks as soon as they pop up in your mind and do your future self a favour. 2. if you're trying to build a habit, do it for 2 minutes only at a time. let's say you're trying to get into the habit of studying a particular subject, say... chemistry, everyday for 2 hours. if you've never done this before, it's obviously going to be extremely difficult. 2 hours is a long time - it's like trying to bench 50kg on your first day at the gym! you can't expect yourself to be able to do it all so suddenly either. additionally, for most people, it may be too difficult to even start because it almost seems impossible. so, what you can do instead is this: on day 1, sit down at your desk at your desired time - maybe in the evening. get your materials prepared and have a timer ready. make sure it is set to 2 minutes. hit the timer and just study. for 2 minutes only. don't try to go over time, even if you basically learn nothing in those 2 minutes. do this for a couple of days, everyday, at the same time. at 6pm, sit yourself down at your desk, open your chemistry textbook, hit the timer and just study (or even sit) for 2 minutes then get up and do something else. after doing this for a couple of days, you'll eventually get into the habit of sitting down to study. you are building the foundation for the habit. that's how this all works, you need to take it slow. after a couple of days, start adding more time. if you think you'll need more time, start by adding an extra 2 minutes perhaps everyday. this time, you'll have to sit and study for 4 minutes everyday. then 6 the next day. if you think you've kind of got it, maybe add 5 minutes everyday. build up from the 2 minutes and you'll eventually have a habit.
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zzzzzestforlife · 8 months
this is your sign to work smart, not hard
me running away from my responsibilities responsibly because i am responsible:
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backstory under the cut because i feel this is kinda niche lol
clearly, i underestimated my ability to ignore work notifications and resisted getting slack on my phone for the longest time. "i want to create a clear boundary!" i told myself and would paradoxically end up figuratively chained to my desk while i waited for coworkers to respond.
now, i give updates from the comfort of my bed. if it's outside my work hours, that notif gets swiped off my screen so fast i barely even process what it said. i have evolved.
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sadnesshasanappeal · 7 months
After reading hundreds of books on productivity, I’ve learned that the most effective method is threefold where you sit down, start working and then finish it.
~ there is no way out, only through.
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starryluvs · 8 months
my top 2 things that help me and everyone else who hit a slump. 1. Be delusional, act like you have it all. Thank god/ universe for giving it to you. Thank yourself for accomplishing it. Be delusional, yes you’re all that who told you you’re not?. 2. Focus on one thing and the rest will follow. You want to journal, study, go to the gym etc. You do one of those things and the rest will follow along because your brain is already so high on dopamine that it wants to do more. This connects to my morning routine secrets post. Focus on one thing and you’re good.
xoxo, f
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ayvenrae · 8 months
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Day Four | Date: Saturday 09/16/2023
I felt like I could have accomplished more today but I still did a decent job. I slept in a little bit, but not too much, and deep cleaned my closet/makeup/get ready combination type room lol, including organizing my large body mist and lotion collection. After this I deep cleaned my pantry, did the litter boxes, and swept/washed the floors as well. I had been putting this off for a long time but I’m glad I finally did it. After this I freshened up a bit and completed my online Basic Life Support course. I still have to study it some more, and then complete the online CPR/AED course as well since the final exams for both of these are on Tuesday. Before bed I called with my boyfriend for a little bit, and then watched Grey’s Anatomy until it was time for me to go to sleep. I’ll admit I’ve been feeling a little stressed and overwhelmed. I keep feeling like I’m not doing enough, I’m not accomplishing enough tasks fast enough, but this blog is really helping me to look back on the days and see that I am being productive. I don’t have to accomplish everything all at once… a few things a day is still progress, and as long as we keep making progress we will get there one day. 💗
Todays Accomplishments:
- updated seasonal bucket lists on notion
- cleaned and organized makeup room
- cleaned the litterboxes
- cleaned and swept pantry
- completed BLS online course
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jonesyjournals · 6 days
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New YouTube video is up!
If you’re rotting in bed right now and beating yourself up because you planned you’re entire rebrand last night on Pinterest, but you can’t quite MAKE yourself implement the healthy habits that are in alignment with your dream life, then you should watch! In the video we tackle why you’re in “freeze mode,” how to get out of your comfort zone, and healthy mindset shifts that even the deeply unmotivated can do!
If you don’t know what era to launch into, you don’t know what you want out of life, you don’t know what your personal It-Girl habits are, then get The Reset & Reinvent Yourself Workbook!
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cyberhippieblog · 8 months
Let's Study Together
My classes started again this week, and I was looking for new ways to study and found a very cool website called Study Together.
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The goal of this platform is to provide you with a virtual room that you can choose to use individually or in a group. In this virtual environment, you can set the focus time according to the Pomodoro technique, add tasks and goals, choose images and background sounds. The platform itself offers various cool options like anime gifs, sounds of rain, etc., or you can also add a YouTube video. In addition to all of this, there's also a gamification system with badges and challenges. I will try to use it as a tool to try to increase my productivity.
LINK: 24/7 Study Room & Focus Room | Study Together
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prodeskk · 2 months
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Simplify and Succeed: Essential Strategies for Corporate PRO Services in Dubai
Streamlining your business journey in Dubai doesn't have to be a daunting task. With the right strategies and a bit of know-how, you can navigate the complexities of corporate PRO services with ease. Here are some practical tips to help you make the most out of your experience:
Choosing the Right Service Provider
When it comes to corporate PRO services in Dubai, not all service providers are created equal. It's essential to do your research and choose a reputable company that aligns with your business needs. Look for firms with a proven track record, transparent pricing, and excellent customer reviews. By selecting the right partner from the outset, you can avoid potential headaches down the road.
Preparing Necessary Documents in Advance
One of the most significant time drains in the PRO process is the gathering and preparation of required documents. To expedite the process, take the time to compile all necessary paperwork well in advance. Create a checklist of required documents for each stage of the process, and ensure that everything is in order before submitting your application. By being proactive and organized, you can minimize delays and keep your business on track.
Utilizing Time-Saving Hacks and Productivity Tools
Fortunately, there are numerous time-saving hacks and productivity tools available to help you streamline your workflow. Consider investing in digital document management systems, electronic signature platforms, and task automation software. These tools can help you digitize paperwork, streamline approval processes, and eliminate manual tasks, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.
Navigating the complexities of corporate PRO services in Dubai doesn't have to be a daunting task. By choosing the right service provider, preparing necessary documents in advance, and utilizing time-saving hacks and productivity tools, you can streamline your business journey and maximize efficiency. With a bit of planning and foresight, you can overcome obstacles and achieve your business goals in the vibrant city of Dubai.
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ashishvarghese · 5 months
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otaviogilbert · 7 months
More Time Less Stress Masterclass | Time mastery by walt hampton
In this video, Walt Hampton presents the "More Time Less Stress Masterclass" where he shares valuable insights on time mastery. Learn how to effectively manage your time to reduce stress and improve productivity.
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