#she came over to comfort me and have a sleepover...right after i had gotten kicked out...went to the bathroom...and
sleephyuns · 1 year
Hii! Can I ask for divorced sahyo in their 40s hooking up behind their kids back cuz they’re still in love with each other?
Love your work very much! Thanks in advance x
Sana relaxed back into the tussled sheets of a bed that hadn’t been hers for years, staring up into the empty sockets of the ceiling light. Funny, how years ago she would’ve been the one to replace the lights, but she supposed Jihyo had never gotten around to it this time.
Her chest clenched at the thought, something melancholy bubbling in her chest and burning the back of her throat. But that was when the silhouette of her ex wife appeared in the doorway, face hard set, something that Sana could see even if only her back was illuminated.
There was silence for a moment, just vacant stares in a blue tinted room. The sun had just set, meaning Jihyo had all the more reason to kick her out after their tryst. She practically expected it at this point, breaking her stare away from Jihyo’s to look away and brace for emotional impact.
But nothing of the sort came.
Instead, the sound of light footsteps on the wooden floor resounded. And the bed dipped before Sana could even process that the woman she still loved was laying right next to her nonchalantly. As if this was normal (how could it be normal at this point?).
Sana opened her eyes, empty sockets staring back at her again… but truly she was looking at the woman in her periphery. When would she send Sana on her way? It was only to be expected-
“The girls are out tonight. I’m not in a rush today.”
Oh. So that was it.
“Where are they?”
“Sleepover at a friend’s house.”
“On a weekday?” Sana questioned, letting her maternal emotions slip out just a bit.
Jihyo answered easily, sitting down on the side of the bed. Though Sana could tell the question prickled her a bit. “They’re 12 and 14 now, you know. I think they’ll be more than fine staying somewhere else for a night and getting their homework done.”
She tried to ignore the annoyance dripping from Jihyo’s tone. Knew that somewhere in there, there might be a “well I’m the one who looks after them.” She wasn’t in a mood to argue about her work travels or how often she was in town, especially if there was no need.
That’s what had made them like this in the first place.
There was silence again. Cold silence. A chill ran down Sana’s spine, though it had nothing to do with her lack of clothes.
Jihyo was turned away from her, the tanned skin of her back being the only comforting thing for Sana at the moment.
To think that minutes ago, she’d been nearly clawing at it, desperate for some sort of solace.
She would never say it out loud, but no one knew her better than Jihyo. She’d been on a million and one dates in the past 5 years, and not one had made her feel the same way. Not even the people she’d seen more than once. And when it came to the bedroom… well that was even worse.
Only Jihyo knew exactly just what to do. What she liked and what she needed in the moment, unspoken. They’d built something together, created a love, a language just for the two of them. And the thought of attempting to do that all over again? She just couldn’t do it.
“Do you think that we’d have another shot at something one day?,” came Jihyo’s hesitant voice, curling from around her like smoke. It was suffocating, a question Sana absolutely didn’t want to hear. Not like this.
Not when she was so close to giving in.
“It would never work, Ji. You know this already. We-“
“I know, I know,” Jihyo groaned, “But just… humor me for a minute.”
Sana sighed, knowing this was a bad idea. She had an inkling Jihyo missed her just as much as she missed Jihyo. She couldn’t deny how much her heart yearned for her. How much she still loved the woman… but she just couldn’t go through the pain of heartbreak again.
Not when she traveled just as much as she used to. If Jihyo felt neglected then, getting back together would just put them in the same spot.
She knew this was a bad idea, yet she played along. “Ok. In a perfect world…”
She plucked at one of her fingernails, focussing on it instead of anything else.
“In a perfect world, where we never fought, where we stuck to our vows, where the kids hadn’t seen how messy the divorce was, where we-“
“Sana-“ Jihyo groaned.
“Right, ok.”
“I think… that I can’t work the way I do forever. I love my job. Well… you know that. But, there are times where I wish…”
Sana’s tongue felt heavy in her mouth.
“I wish I could be there for you again.”
She wasn’t expecting a response. Nor was she expecting Jihyo to finally move, laying next to her under the sheets. They weren’t close enough to touch, but the warm wall of body heat between them still made Sana’s eyes misty. She was still in love, but she hated this. Hated what had happened. Getting back together now was out of the question. She’d only have Jihyo physically, sexually. For now. It just wouldn’t work.
The empty sockets stared at her. She stared back.
Jihyo sighed. “I wish you could too.”
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doebt · 4 years
Ok i just got really mad out of nowehre that so many of my irl 'friends' are still tight w my ex bff that stole from me. i think i might do smth about it. like stop talking to those ppl. It is so...idk what it is. just like..the nerve..like do you not believe me??? it should NOT come as a surprise. at LEAST do me the favor of leaving me alone so i can make room for ppl that are less conniving. ugh. but its like almost everyone so its not rly in my best interest to just cut everyone off for smth petty. BUT ITS NOT PETTY...SHE STOLE PAIN MEDS FROM MY GRANDPARENTS...Girl. what IS my life
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starbuckie · 3 years
𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠
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pairing(s): college!peter parker x reader, dark!steve rogers x reader, dark!sam wilson x reader, dark!bucky barnes x reader
words: 8.1k words
warnings: DARK!FIC, SMUT 18+ (unprotected sex, foursome turned fivesome, gangbang, non-con/dub-con, daddy kink, oral M and F-receiving, spit kink, degredation kink, praise kink, creampie), age-gap (reader is in her early 20s), cheating, angst, there’s like zero fluff
summary: peter should’ve made it back to the tower for date night on time, or maybe just before he found his girlfriend being fucked by three other superheroes.
a/n: eee my first dark fic! im so so happy with the way this turned out, and even though it was a pain in my ass for nearly three months, im so hapy to share it with y’all. this idea was brought up by an anon from @mypoisonedvine’s saturday sleepover a few months back, but i switched up tony and sam bc i didn’t like the tony and peter stuff. hopefully my smut has improved from the first time i wrote it in january, and just a reminder that in no way, shape, or form do i condone rape of any kind. there’s a large difference from the page and the real world. i try to put all tw’s in the tags and warnings, but if there was something i missed please tell me. thank you to my lovely bestie @mermaidxatxheart for beta-reading(i have no fucking clue what i’d do without your help). feel free to leave a comment or two and reblog, but don’t repost anywhere or i will hunt down your ass. thank you again and please please enjoy <3
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Bucky wasn’t planning to fuck Y/N as soon as he saw her.
It started with a faint mention, something Tony had thrown around along the lines of, “Parker’s bringing his girl down here tomorrow, don’t be an asshole”. He didn’t give a damn what Tony said or how he acted around Peter’s girl. Years of being thrown between gruesome mind-wiping and being half-dead, asleep in a freezer would do that to a man.
So the next day when Peter brought his girlfriend in, he was scratching his ass like a fucking ape and downing a beer with a messy bun at the nape of his neck, until he actually saw her. Neat hair, even neater laces with a sweet smile but a body that could kill. Didn’t matter that she was bundled under Parker’s hoodie and a pair of jeans- he could always admire a pretty dame, but Bucky could see that she was beyond that. It was as if God had intentionally made the one being, the one ethereal creature beautiful and angelic enough to be a sin away from him, so that he couldn’t touch her. Because she was young, and in her twenties, and that shouldn’t have even been the first two things that popped up in his mind because she was also Peter’s girlfriend.
But then she had the audacity to stick her hand out, a shy grin and twinkle in her eyes as she gave her name. It sounded so pretty rolling off of her tongue, and he wondered what it would sound like while he groaned it into her cunt.
So, yeah, maybe Bucky wasn’t planning to fuck her as soon as he met her, but it was pretty damn close after.
Steve Rogers was one of very few men who said they had the pleasure of banging nearly every woman on the north side of Manhattan. Bucky indulged in the fact that the man who had once been too shy to do so much as meet a gal’s gaze was now “a dollar whore”, but he was more than happy to keep that title if it meant he could continue to get off in the nearest woman’s mouth everyday. 
Every time he walked down the streets of New York with just a simple ball cap and jeans, he could feel stares on his back from what seemed like miles away, girls on every street corner just waiting for him to take her into the nearest public bathroom and fuck them dirty. CEOs, baristas, girls fresh out of getting master’s degrees with stars in their eyes and big dreams, until he shattered them by making them gag on his cock and scream his name into bedsheets. Or tile floors. He didn’t care as long as they were screaming. The girls of this century were just too delectable to turn down. He didn’t discriminate. His dick had been in women of every height, stature, hair color, and he had quite the variety throwing themselves at him as well.
And then Tony ruined it all and sat him down with a simple explanation that the image of Captain America was being tainted with disturbing stories of girls being fucked in the ass and thrown on their knees in dirty bathroom stalls. The blond was beyond pissed when the billionaire told him to stop dicking around, but he couldn’t do anything else if he wanted to keep his title and job. In a new century, even if he’d had a few years to adjust, he was still absolutely oblivious when it came to anything outside of aliens and sex. There was nothing left for him outside of being an Avenger, so reluctantly he agreed to keep his number of conquests to a minimum, and most definitely inside of the tower rather than out on the street.
However, inside of the tower seemed to be no problem at all when Peter brought his girlfriend over, all smiles and straight A’s, and that’s when Steve realized that he’d yet to fuck a bright, little college student. He could see himself stripping her from the innocence in her eyes, loosening up her pussy with his thick cock against the wall in his room.
Surely Tony couldn’t reprimand him for spending a little time trying to bond with Peter’s new girl, right?
Sam Wilson was a simple man. He had a job, a well-paid one at that, somewhere to live, a girlfriend, or a woman to keep him company, that’s for sure- but for once in his life he was seeking out something other than missions, something that would keep him busy when he was feeling bored, something like-
Pleasure, and he knew that he’d finally found what he was looking for the moment Peter brought his girlfriend through the elevator doors on the fifty-sixth level of the Avengers tower. She’d shaken his hand so daintily and spoke so politely that if he were to see her without any backstory, he’d think she was another innocent, dim-witted college student, breaking her bank account every Saturday morning and naively believing that her relationship would last longer than a few months. But by the things Parker had told him, she was much more than that.
Was it shitty of Peter to tell his teammates, the people he worked with, how Y/N was in bed? By the majority’s vote, probably, and by Sam’s strict conduct of his own morals, definitely, but when Peter’s girl looked like that and he was so incredibly bored with his routine? 
Well, fuck, Sam had never been happier that the Spider-kid had told everyone how his girl gave head.
Peter brought his girlfriend in daily after that, and every one of her visits, she grew less shy and more friendly, and the Falcon saw each of his friends gape at her growing comfortability with a wolfish demeanor. It started with the water incident with Steve in the kitchen, where he so clearly spilled water on her already thin, white camisole with intention. Sam couldn’t say he was upset though, after all Steve had offered him and the rest of the Avengers quite a show when he tried to clean up her shirt, taking his sweet, sweet time to fondle her tits as subtly as he could, his eyes staring at her pebbled nipples poking through the material. He could see Bucky hiding his boner under his cereal bowl on the couch that day. 
Then of course, he’d been no better than America’s sweetheart himself when he greeted Y/N with a hug that in hindsight, was a little too enthusiastic. His large hands squeezed into the pockets of her back pocket, and if the college student found anything weird with it, she didn’t say so, but Sam graciously palmed the round globes of her ass in his hands, feeling the muscle clench under his fingers. Oh, how he’d never hugged someone that tight ever before in his life. Maybe he would’ve gotten a bit further than squeezing her ass had it not been for his own girlfriend standing behind him, ready to introduce herself to Y/N.
Bucky, well, Sam could admit that Bucky had the most guts out of all of them. Though the super-soldier was normally well-reserved and polite, the dark glint in his eyes the day he met Y/N let him in on the secret that he had a much dirtier mind than most thought. It had been movie night that time, and he barely even tried to cover up how much he wanted the girl, his hands resting all over her as they watched Inception. Hardly a movie to get so riled up over, yet Bucky’s hand still inched its way up her thigh, his rough fingers gently carressing the flesh until they started to lightly trace the apex of her thighs. 
If she noticed anything then, she didn’t comment on it, doe-like eyes just marvelling at the screen in great intrigue. It was only when Peter’s arms wrapped around her a bit tighter did she scooch away from Bucky’s touch, with a small apology and shy grin. 
That only made his dick harder.
On the other side of Bucky, his super-soldier counterpart tapped his knee gently, forcing their blue eyes to meet each other. No words had to be said between the two, three men when they looked over to Sam, because they all recognized that look they saw in each other's eyes; predatory, dark, nearly voracious in the way they all wanted to be balls deep inside of Y/N.
And they would get there. No matter how long it took, they knew that the ultimate prize of tearing their prey apart would be more than worth the wait.
“Hey, babe, I’m gonna be a little late. Ned and I got stuck back in the lab, so we’re gonna need to stay until eight or nine. Can you make it to the tower by yourself alright?”
Peter’s concerned voice made Y/N smile gently as she trudged along the rainy streets of New York. He always loved to worry about her, especially when it was dark and gloomy out, but she could handle herself pretty okay. By pretty okay, of course meant she could kick ass like no other twenty-something year-old, but she wasn’t one to brag. Y/N readjusted the Kate Spade purse on her shoulder with her right hand, attempting to keep her umbrella over her head with the other. “I’ll be fine, Pete, just go finish up and get back to me. I’m gonna be waiting in your room at the tower before you go off on that mission this weekend.”
A small sigh came through the speaker, “Okay, I’ll try to get back to you soon. I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Pete.” 
“Oh,” she could hear the shy but no less mischievous smile that was taking over his face, “I left you a little present on the bed, make sure you open it before I get back.”
Y/N’s face heated at the implication. “Peter Parker, you dirty little-” He ended the call with a laugh, and she huffed out a small chuckle at his childish antics.
The walk to the Avengers tower would have been nice, had it not been for the downfall of rain, making everything mushy, socks being absolutely soaked through her sneakers by the time she arrived. The receptionist at the front desk, Jenny, if Y/N remembered correctly, stared at her a little oddly, probably not expecting to see the young college girl in such a state of disorder, but it didn’t affect her at all. She confidently strutted up to the elevator, pressing in the floor number where all the rooms were located. Y/N scrolled through her Twitter feed on her phone while classic rock blared through the elevator with the constant shuffling of people moving in and out. Seven minutes and thirty-two seconds later she was sprinting down the halls with soggy shoes and damp hair, her cold body screaming for warmth.
Peter’s room was the farthest down the hall, and the room was fairly empty. He rarely stayed at his room in the tower, preferring to stay with his Aunt May or keep Y/N company in Brooklyn. When she entered the room, she saw a plain white shirt and a pair of socks strewn upon the carpeted floor, but what really caught her eye was the red box wrapped in a pink bow on the bed. Deciding it would add more suspense if she opened it later, she quickly hopped in the shower, letting the hot water warm her freezing, rigid muscles under the spray. 
Peter didn’t have all the products she’d usually use before she knew they were going to have sex, so she had to make do with the half-used bar of Irish Spring and his small travel-sized bottles of shampoo and conditioner, promising the fresh, breezy smell of citrus and mint. It was a quick process; two squeezes of shampoo, shaving with the green soap as best as she could without cutting herself, one squeeze of conditioner. A fuzzy towel sat waiting for Y/N on the rack, with the Spiderman symbol as a prank gift from her to her lovely boyfriend, and without a second to let the heat leave her damp skin, she wrapped herself in it, quickly hopping out to the bedroom again.
The lingerie she set out on the bed was a deep set burgundy color, with lace decorating the delicate corset and the trim of the satin panties. The packaging really did not do it justice. Y/N grinned at the new set, one that she knew would happily be torn from her body later. A shiver ran through her as she let the cold air fall over her skin, carefully slipping the lingerie on. It was a damn shame, really; the set was quite nice, and she reminded herself to buy more of the nicely suiting color for their nights together. 
Y/N’s heart thumped with anticipation as she heard the door open and she took a quick moment to ready herself. Hair in perfect style, legs stretched along the length of the bed to make herself look as seductive as possible, a small smirk thrown on her pouty lips.
But in the darkened room, it wasn’t Peter’s shadow that appeared. Three men, three tall, bulkier men’s shadows appeared at the foot of the bed, and horror washed over her as she realized who they were. “Goddamn, dolly, I’ve imagined what you would’ve looked like under those sweaters, but this is much sweeter than I expected.”
The sinister face of Bucky Barnes came into her view, just a sliver of moonlight lighting up his pale skin. His eyes raked over Y/N’s uncovered skin, and goosebumps appeared as she tried to cover herself up under his predatory gaze.
“W-what are you doing here?” She whispered worriedly. Sam and Steve flanked the bed on either side of her, plastered sickly sweet smiles on their faces, providing her with a false sense of security that made her heart scream in fear. Though she wasn't making any noise, her lungs felt like they were going to give out, her throat closing up like an allergic reaction. 
Her head whipped every which way in robotic movement, her brain seeming to fail her as she scanned the room for an exit. Several moments of shortened breaths, cold air chilling her body, before she came out of her freezing shock to realization.
“Why are you here? Please, get out, just g-get out!”
A calloused hand pushed away Y/N’s left arm that covered her tits, and Steve groaned at the sight of her pebbled nipples. “God, baby, they’re as pretty as I thought they’d be. Been trying to feel them up all week, but you knew that, didn’t you?”
Saturday the week before at lunch when he’d spilled water over chest and tried to clean her up. Sam’s friendly hug that became a bit less friendly when his hands slipped into the back pockets of her jeans. The movie night on Monday when Bucky’s hand caressed her thigh a little too close to her core. All of their touches began to make more sense, and her eyes filled with tears at the realization. 
“Please,” she begged, tears blocking her vision, “I promise I won’t tell anyone, not even Pete, but please just go.”
“You just don’t get it, do you?” Steve asked. He grasped her chin roughly, his face close enough to hers so that she could feel his fiery breath on her lips. “We’re not leaving, sweetheart. You’re gonna let all three of us play with your pretty little body, and you’re gonna make the prettiest sounds for us, alright?”
Y/N shook her head violently, too afraid to make noise, but also bold enough to make one last attempt at freedom. The hand that held her chin quickly moved to slap her cheek, and she hated the way the sting made heat stir in her lower belly. She tried to shy away from their touch again, but Bucky’s face simply held the same smirk as he trailed his vibranium fingers up and down her leg. 
“Oh, come on, Y/N, don’t act all shy now. Peter has been telling us how good you’ve been to him and don’t think he hasn’t told us about your little childhood crush on little ol’ me. Been wanting to fuck you ever since.” Bucky’s hand quickly left her body, instead moving to palm over the bulge in his pants. “Fuck, sweetheart, got me real hard just thinking ‘bout your pussy swallowing my cock. Bet you’re gonna be a sweet, obedient girl for me, right?”
Fire started to course through Y/N’s veins, and with all the power she tried to dampen it down with, it seemed to push through her body that much more dangerously. She despised the fact that she could feel herself growing wet for the three older men, but God, she had never felt the need to be filled up as badly as she did in that moment.
“You’re a bit of a slut, don’t you think?” Sam mocked. He kneeled on her right, his eyes fixated on her panty-clad pussy, a wet patch already forming on the soft satin. It really didn’t help that three of her teen celebrity crushes were eyeing her nearly naked body like a piece of meat. “I mean, look at you, already growing wet and needy for three cocks. Is that what you want, honey? Parker not treating you good enough?”
She hesitated. Goosebumps rose across her skin at the sinister tone of his voice, like he already knew it was true. And it was true and she hated that Sam was right, but as amazing as Peter was a boyfriend, it was clear from the vibrator hiding in his apartment’s bathroom that he was not amazing in the sheets. Every time, she held hope that it would be better, that she would finally get to stop faking an orgasm before he rolled out of the bed with a filled up condom, but she knew deep down inside of her that it wasn’t happening anytime soon. Y/N forced herself to nod weakly at Sam’s questions, and Bucky chuckled. “Oh, you poor dolly, we’re gonna have so much fun with you. Treat you better than that little boy ever could.”
All it took was a whimper, a nearly audible, deadly silent whimper that managed to squeak its way past Y/N’s throat, and the three men took it as permission to ravage her body however they pleased.
Steve made quick work of his pants as Sam lifted her chin to kiss him, his tongue hot and heavy against her mouth, coaxing her lips open. The sound of belt buckles hitting the floor shamefully turned on Y/N even more. Panic coursed through her senses, her mind wanting to scream for them to stop, but her body knew her too well as she felt a wave of slick run down her thighs. Cold metal digits slipped under the waistband of her panties, moving to her wet folds, and she whimpered into Sam’s mouth at the touch. 
“You look so nice, baby, so pretty all laid out for us like this.” Bucky’s hands pulled down her panties as Steve pinched her peaked nipple through the lace, laying lavish, open-mouthed kisses down her torso. The cool air hit her pussy when Bucky’s hands pulled her legs wide open, fully exposed to the three men ready to use her against her will. “Knew you’d be so wet for us, sweetheart, just look at you. Dripping all for your daddies,” Steve murmured against her skin.
Hot breath fanned over her cunt before they rolled her over on her stomach, someone’s hands forcing her up onto her knees with her face smashed into the cotton pillows. She could feel two rough human hands pulling her ass cheeks apart, spreading her ever wider for their view. “Would you look at that, boys, look how fucking hot she is for us.”
Sam’s thick finger ran through her folds, the calloused pad of his finger just teasing her clit before landing a harsh smack to the inside of her thigh. Her moan was muffled through the mattress and she prayed they wouldn’t hear how being treated like whore made her wet like nothing else. 
Hot slick dripped down her thighs, a pool of it staining the pristine sheets by each knee. It was quite a sight, Steve, kneeled by the bed as his face hovered next to her ear, whispering filthy things into her ear as Bucky stroked his hard, leaking cock right next to him. Sam’s lips were making their way up the inside of her right thigh, cracked skin gliding across her sticky flesh. “Oh, baby,” he purred, “you smell so good. Bet you taste even better, don’t you, little girl?”
His tongue reached the apex of her thighs, finally licking a stipe up her center with no warning. Y/N sobbed into the comforter below her, mascara stained tears marking up her face. Two fingers edged their way between the bed and her face, forcing her head upwards and arching her back. Steve’s face was caught in a dirty smirk above hers, lip pulled taut between his teeth, until he saw the tears trailing down her face. “Oh, sweetheart, you look so desperate like this.” His fingers traced her smeared lip gloss around her lips, before opening her lips harshly. “Open up, you dumb baby.”
Y/N forced her jaw open wider, just enough to watch a string of Steve’s saliva drip into her mouth. The thick spit pooled on her tongue and she tried hard not to grimace in front of him, in hopes that he wouldn’t make her- 
“Swallow it, sweetheart.” He saw the hesitation in her eyes, how her lower lip trembled at his words, but he just laughed at her. “Now.”
The warm saliva slid down her tongue and more black tears ran down her face as she obliged his orders, finally gulping it and cringing at the taste. Steve loved the way her face screwed up in displeasure, how she still had the audacity to pretend she hated what they were doing though she was moaning and whimpering with Sam’s tongue attacking her entrance.
“What do you want, sweetheart? We might give it to you as long as you use your words.” Bucky taunted lightly.
Y/N stared up at the brunette, staring menacingly down at her with his cock in hand. “Please,” she whimpered.
The three found it woeful, the way she could barely get a full sentence out as Sam went to town with his skilled tongue, but even with that onslaught, a simple please wasn’t enough for them.
“Please what, honey,” Sam moaned from between her legs, “you gotta use your big words or we’ll never know what you want from us.”
Steve and Bucky nodded in fake-agreement even though they all knew exactly what she wanted and where. 
“I don’t-” her widened eyes glanced into Steve’s, blown-out and teary. “I don’t want anything, not from you.” She lied through her teeth harshly.
Sam removed his head from between her thighs and Y/N immediately whined at the loss of contact almost hilariously. “You don’t want anything, little girl?” 
The air felt static, every hair on her neck rising in the pressured silence. The angel and the devil clawed at her heart, each trying to show her what was right. And she wanted to sin, God knew that she would love nothing more than to let that little greedy part of her take over, but she’d already cheated on Peter and that damn good part of her conscience stole the wheels of her brain.
Slowly and shamefully, she shook her head, though the downright dirty monster inside of her wanted the men to ignore her words and keep assaulting her body. 
“That’s a shame, baby, I thought we were having fun.” Sam sighed. He met Bucky’s gaze on the side, and though they seemed to be in resignation with her wishes, their eyes twinkled devilishly. He positioned his body over Y/N’s kneeled over form, his bare chest glued to her sweating back as his hands ran up the sides of her ribcage and to her front, just barely grazing over her sensitive nipples. “You mean, you don’t want me to touch you here?”
He pinched the darkened buds and she had to use every ounce of self-restraint to not collapse at the sensation. His calloused hands moved back even further, tracing down to the stretch of skin just above her mound, swiping a finger across the skin delicately. “How about here? Or even,” he brought three fingers around her body, over her ass, and into her glistening cunt again, just rubbing along her entrance, not daring to go further in. Y/N couldn’t hold in her reaction to his prodding anymore, his teasing chipping away all of her dignity and pride in a few simple touches. 
“Yes, please, please, use your fingers,” she blurted against her will. Where shame should have washed over her, there was only lust, raging red and coursing through her body so forcefully that she felt braindead. “Put your fingers in me, daddy, please.”
The pet name rolled off of her tongue so easily and she was barely ashamed of how it made her feel. The name especially shocked the three men, who smiled even wider with their cocks harder than before at the little slip up. “That was all you had to say, dolly, gonna have your daddies make you feel real good,” Bucky laughed.
Sam finally plunged his thick fingers knuckle-deep into her cunt as Steve’s mouth captured hers, effectively swallowing her scream with ferocity. The long digits scissored and swirled inside of her, pressing against new unexplored areas that she’d never even gotten to with her own fingers. White dots danced along the front line of her vision as teeth clashed against hers and though it’d been mere minutes she already knew she was close and the men did as well.
“I can feel you clamping around my fingers, honey,” Sam taunted. His lips were moving sinfully around her ass, planting sloppy kisses and drooling all over her skin while he fingered her deep. “Are you gonna come soon, baby?”
“Yes, daddy, I’m so- fuck,” Y/N panted into Steve’s mouth, “m’ so c-close.” The blond bit her tongue hard enough for her to taste blood and she yelped as she heard Sam and Bucky laugh. 
“Watch your language, dolly,” Bucky sneered from the side of the bed. His hand was rapidly moving around his cock, corkscrew motions edging him towards the brink of pleasure. 
“Little girls like you don’t get to use big swear words,” Sam’s face was still buried between her legs, his soaked fingers pulling out of her cunt only to rub at her little pearl of nerves in circles. His tongue still lapped at her dripping entrance and he could feel her tight hole start to pulse as her breathing picked up. “Oh, baby, you’re getting close, aren’t you?”
Y/N was hesitant to answer at first, the sweat on her body seeming to cool immediately in fear of what would happen if she messed up. But after five seconds Steve stopped kissing her, gripping her chin and staring into her eyes deeply. He looked as debauched as she felt, with his rosy lips swollen with spit and cheeks tinged with pink. “Are you gonna answer daddy, sweetheart?”
That knocked her into shape real fast.
“Yes, daddy, I’m so close. P-please let me come,” she whimpered. The whine in her voice pleased the two men, and Steve went back to exploring her mouth before she felt something poking against her asshole.
“Gonna let daddy put his cock in you, little girl?” Sam asked gently. His words had panic coursing through her system, a chilling realization like water being poured on her head and she began to wiggle around, trying to free Sam’s hand from her hip. Her arms weakly pushed at Steve’s chest, trying to push him as far away as he could, but the men only laughed at her flailing limbs. Y/N wanted to scream no to them, and despite her contrasting love-hate relationship with Sam’s fingers inside her cunt she knew it was time to go. It was laughable how much she would continue to say that to herself for the rest of the night. 
But Sam managed to sense her panic, knowing exactly what the issue was before harshly spanking her and effectively stopping her struggle. “Don’t worry, baby, I won’t come inside of you. I’m not risking knocking up a whore with my kids, I’ve got more dignity than that.”
He led the leaking tip of his dick down her crack, rubbing it along her slick entrance before pushing in with a groan. “Oh my fucking God, that is so hot.” Bucky admonished from the side. “Gotta get in on that soon.”
Steve chuckled against Y/N’s lips, pulling away with a strand of saliva connecting them. He adjusted himself up so his dick was centimeters from her face, a knee propped up on the bed for balance. “Gotta wait your turn, Buck, we all want a piece of her.” He noticed the way Y/N’s eyes were transfixed on his cock, the red mushroom head smeared with precome along the slit, nearly purplish veins standing out prominently on his shaft. Yeah, he couldn’t even deny that he was big because he already knew how many girls had dropped down on their knees for him. “Go ahead, sweetheart, open up those pretty lips for me.”
Almost too excitedly, she dropped her jaw, allowing him to slide his cock into the silky warmth of her mouth. As his hips started to thrust into her mouth, Sam’s started to do the same into her cunt. Both men moaned in tandem with their movements as Y/N’s worries faded away to the back of her mind as they stuffed her to the brim.
“You can come now, baby,” Sam nearly ordered, “go and cream on daddy’s cock- fuck, I know you’ve been waiting.”
It was a harsh bump of his head against her G-spot that sent her over the edge, walls clamping down with ferocity and milking him for all she was worth. Y/N reeled in the sunlight infested warmth that coursed through her body as she finally let go, whining around Steve’s dick as he continued to abuse her throat with long, deep thrusts. 
Bucky was still holding his orgasm off, fondling with his tight, heavy sac while his dick remained a painfully hard mess, glistening with precome. “I’m so glad I got to see you come, dolly, look so fucking pretty when you do.”
She couldn’t deny the little skip of her heart at the praise, just a few simple words that made her feel like a good little girl. But no, God-fucking no, she wasn’t supposed to let them make her feel this way. Guilt washed away that warmth in her chest just as quickly, knowing that her boyfriend was just waiting to come back to see her, finishing up his studies so that they could live their lives out together after college while she was getting her pussy and mouth absolutely wrecked by his co-workers. 
As soon as Y/N got her brain thinking straight again, Sam started moving inside of her again and she garbled out a strangled cry. “If you thought we were done here, baby,” Sam laughed, “you’ve got a lot left ahead of you.”
“We’re not leaving until all of us have come, brat.” Steve’s palm gripped the back of her skull roughly, pushing her head so far down on his dick that her nose was squished against his abdomen. “Greedy little bitch.”
Both men started to thrust into her again, and just like that she was back to being absolutely lost in desire and lust like the bitch in heat she was until there was a sudden shift in the air. So much that the sweat on her body began to cool her skin, Sam’s hands still gripping her hips so tightly she knew they’d leave marks that she would have to hide when she wore her favorite low-cut shorts. 
Bucky’s eyes seemed to drift from her tits moving with each movement of her hips, checking behind the door as if there were something lurking there, but she was too afraid to see for herself. If she stopped she would get spanked, and they’d probably prolong her second orgasm even further, and her pussy couldn’t handle any more subtle teasing.  
“Hey there, Parker, why don’t come on out here?”
But that, that was what made the hairs on Y/N’s neck rose, dread filling her to the fullest as she realized the implications of Sam’s words.
Peter had seen everything. Peter, her boyfriend, had seen three of his co-workers, three men who she barely knew, fuck her deep into his mattress. Peter, her boyfriend, had watched her get fucked into his mattress, without trying to stop them whatsoever.
She couldn’t tell if it was the guilt of cheating on her boyfriend or the freezing realization that he hadn’t done anything to stop the three men that hurt more. 
Yet Peter still walked from behind the door, dressed in a NYU hoodie and a pair of khakis slung low on his hips, just drawing attention to the sizable bulge that stretched out his zipper. His umber eyes, normally full of so much joy and love, were possessed by the same lust and darkness as the three men, as much as he tried to hide it behind a shyer facade. 
His eyes were trained on the tightness of how Y/N’s pussy was gripping Sam, her lips glossed over with come and spit wrapped around Steve’s dick. The girl stopped in her movements, her eyes no longer full of tears for just being gagged, but as soon as her mouth came to a halt around the base of his cock, the blond slapped her across the face. A sharp crack echoed around the room and though she couldn’t see him, she heard Bucky’s feral growl of pleasure at the whorish treatment she was receiving. 
“Didn’t say you could fucking stop, sweetheart, keep working on daddy’s cock.” No more words needed to be said as Steve gripped her hair once more, forcing himself farther back into her throat to the point where she couldn’t breathe. Sam’s thrusts were quickening, closer and closer to release as the sounds of the girl struggling to breath made his balls tighten. 
“Fucking shit, baby, you feel yourself squeezing my dick? I bet you like teasing daddy like that, don’t you?” One of his hands were brought down on her ass in a quick smack that resonated with Bucky, who was staving off his orgasm for something much sweeter than his hand. She was moaning raucously around the dick stuffed in her mouth, the vibrations sending jolts of pleasure up every nerve in Steve’s body as he came with the tip of his dick nearly being swallowed by Y/N’s throat. There was barely any time for her to fully down the thick come in her mouth before Sam was threatening to orgasm. “I’m gonna come so soon but you better fucking not, little girl, you hear me? Gotta let your daddy come before you, you ungrateful little bitch- oh.”
It was a really fucking close call, Sam’s dick pulling out of her with one quick movement before spilling pearly ropes of come onto Y/N’s spine. A high whine escaped her mouth, clit throbbing as she was so, so close to coming, and she was too far into her crazed pleasure to realize that she was letting three older men, men who fought to defend the universe from evil, use her as an over-glorified fleshlight. 
She couldn’t really blame them for calling her a cockdrunk whore. 
Bucky sauntered over to the bed, eyes trained on the pool of come centered around the base of her spine before flipping her over onto her back with his large hands and shoving three vibranium fingers back into her hole. She gasped and held onto his forearm as he continued to fingerfuck her to her second orgasm, eyes screwed shut in a delirious haze of contentment for being filled with at least something again. 
“Bucky, Bucky, Bucky, please-” Steve slapped her along the face, correcting her words immediately. “Daddy, daddy, please let me come.”
Bucky chuckled, tweaking one of her nipples with his flesh hand as he hovered over her face. “I don’t know, dolly, you’ve been a little naughty, callin’ me the wrong name, not listening to Stevie’s orders- don’t think you deserve to get what you want.”
A muffled whimper escaped her swollen lips, and he sighed in surrender. “Okay, dollface, go ahead and come on my fingers. Let me see how you wet ‘em up real good.”
Y/N’s hips bucked into his metal digits with finality, come leaking out of her cunt and soaking the sheets below her. Her sweat-glazed skin shone even against the darkening sky, and all Bucky could do was chuckle at how her chest rose quickly as she tried to catch her breath. He thought about teasing her clit again, just circling around the little bud of nerves to get a rise out of her, but he decided against it. Sam probably had better plans for her anyway. 
On the other hand, Y/N’s orgasm was starting to wear off as she noticed the hardened stare from the edge of the room. Her boyfriend.
“Peter, I…” Y/N made eye contact with him, suddenly noticing how mousy he looked in his own bedroom. 
“I nearly forgot you were here, Parker,” Sam smirked darkly. “Why don’t you come over here and fuck your little whore. I’m feeling a little generous today.”
Steve and Bucky nodded with the same infuriating smugness as Sam. The brunette boy opened his mouth to object to the degrading statement, but when he met his girlfriend’s eyes nothing needed to be said. There was no escaping this. Nothing he said mattered to the three older men, because really they had already gotten everything they wanted right in front of their disgusting, perverted eyes. 
He unbuckled his belt, letting the weight of it drop his khakis to the floor. Maybe if he’d known he would be forced into join a fivesome later that night he’d have picked any other boxers but the Ducktales one, but no one seemed to say a word about them, rather focusing on what they were failing to conceal. 
Peter’s cock had always been admirable to Y/N by its length and God, definitely its thickness. Curved upwards towards his abdomen with a vein running along the left side up to the bulbous head, it was definitely more than average. It was really just a shame he didn’t know how to use it well enough.
His shirt was pulled over his head just as quickly, and if Y/N knew any better she would say that he was excited to get to fuck her in front of the three men. He placed himself in between Y/N’s parted legs, standing in the same position as he had so many times before.
But when Y/N cried out in pain and pleasure as he slid into her, Peter knew that this time, it was different. This time three men, men that he used to trust with his life, stood on either side of him and his girlfriend and jerked their hands up and down their cocks as they watched her get fucked relentlessly. It wasn’t sweet, it wasn’t romantic, but he couldn’t really think when his thick cock was stuffed inside of her stimulated pussy, juices and come leaking out of her abused sex. 
“Go faster, Parker,” Steve instructed, his face contorted in pure pleasure. The pace of Peter’s thrusts sped up, and he threw Y/N’s ankles over his shoulders, hitting deeper inside of her, with the sound of her sobs only turning them all on more. “Oh, right there, shit, shit, shit-”
Steve came first, a low groan escaping his lips as streams of come landed on her tits, still bouncing with every movement of Peter’s hips. 
“Open up,” Sam gritted through his teeth, and Y/N obediently opened her mouth to let his bitter come coat the inside of her throat, some of it landing on her face and neck. The string of curses he let out made Peter thrust even faster into her, and he hated, absolutely despised the way it turned him on to see the three men use his girlfriend to their pleasure. But soon enough a hand pushed against his chest away from Y/N and he reluctantly pulled out.
“Move aside, kid,” Bucky instructed, “Wanna come inside of her.”
As he lined his gigantic cock up with her entrance, her eyes widened with fear. “No, please, I didn’t take my pills, I can’t- I won’t, please not inside-”
“Shut the fuck up, you slut.” Bucky’s fingers came to slap her clit harshly, and she cried out in pain. “You’re gonna be quiet and let me come wherever I damn want, right?”
He punctuated his last word as he thrust inside her, filling her up to the hilt with his girth. She was too drunk on the feeling of her cunt being filled up to argue again. It was painful, extremely so, even though two different cocks had been inside her overstimulated pussy already and Bucky stretched her out wide, his cock thicker with veins to hit every pleasure point. With her legs tossed around his tapered torso, he slid out until his very tip was left in her, then slammed back in with a small moan. The head of his cock relentlessly pounded into her cervix in a nearly soundless tempo and all Y/N could hear were her own gasps of pleasure, jaw-dropping moans that made drool slide back down her throat in her laid down position.
She turned her head to the side, and though her vision was bleary through the tears, she could see Sam and Steve watching Bucky fuck her while Peter, her boyfriend, her sweet, sweet boyfriend, was caught up fucking his hand to the sound of Bucky’s balls slapping against her ass. 
“Fuck, ‘m not gonna last much longer, dollface.” Bucky gasped. “You gonna come soon? You’re gonna come for daddy one more time. I think you’ve got a third one in you, you little fucking slut.”
“Shit, shit, daddy, please ‘m almost there,” Y/N wailed absentmindedly. A thumb came down to circle her clit quickly and she felt the coil in her stomach grow tighter and tighter, until she finally let out a high whine, finding her release as Bucky’s cock pulsed inside of her, ready to come just as easily as her. Her pussy clenched around his cock as she rode out her orgasm, fingers grasping at the sheets in order to find some sort of grounding. His come painted her walls white, and Bucky could’ve sworn there was no better feeling than feeling his blood warm in every vein as he finally let go. With stunted groans, his hips slowed its rhythm, lost in watching how his cock disappear into Y/N’s pussy, her slick juices coating his dick each time he pulled out. 
“Ah, fuck, dolly, you did so good for me. Pussy tight as a fuckin’ vice.” Bucky hugged her limp body close to his sweaty chest, letting his dick soften inside of her for a good few moments before pulling out. He tossed Y/N back onto the bed below him, barely even caring to clean the come dripping down her ribcage and out of her cunt before grabbing his boxers from the cabinet next to the bed. 
Steve was already buttoning his jeans up, checking the notifications on his phone before shoving it back into his pocket. The blond seemed to have better things to do so soon after, rushing his way to the door before pausing where Y/N laid to watch come drip out of her pussy. One more time he pushed Bucky’s come inside of her abused entrance, watching as it oozed out from behind his digits. “Look at you, fucking full of of his come. Such a goddamn whore,” he muttered under his breath.
Those were the last words he said to her before patting Bucky on the shoulder and leading him out of the opened door. 
Maybe Sam was a bit more kind, or affectionate at least. He was already dressed but visibly hard again beneath the thick denim of his pants, and he made sure Y/N knew it, taking her left hand and placing it over his dick. “You still got that effect on me, honey, even when you’re all fucked out like this.” He dragged his fingers through the thick ribbons of come that coated her chest, bringing them up to her mouth so she could taste. Even though she was more than exhausted, she wrapped her tongue around the two fingers that were pushed past her swollen lips, sucking them clean with a tired vengeance. Satisfied with her work, he kissed her chin one more time before leaving without so much as another word, slamming the door shut on his way out.
It ended exactly the way it started, the lock jostling into the doorknob just as easily as the high of Y/N’s final orgasm slipped away.
Stifling silence suffocated the room around them. Peter refused to meet her eyes, just as much as hers did his. She laid motionless on the bed with him standing at the foot, his dick soft and if she narrowed her bleary eyes just a bit, she could see how his knees were shaking. Neither of them were able to say anything, losing the ability to converse as soon as the three men left the room.
“Peter,” her voice was throaty after the rough fucking she took, “C-can you please get me a drink?”
The brown-haired boy looked down to meet her face, and she could finally see the reason that he had hid it from her. His eyes were red and bloodshot, snot running from his nose with tears running down his cheeks. She’d been so caught up in the after haze of the sex that she didn’t even notice how his bare chest was heaving so deeply, nearing hyperventalation. 
But still, he grabbed his boxers, pulling them over his weakened legs clumsily. “Y-yeah, what kind do you want, Mr. Stark has a ton-”
“I don’t care.” She cut him off firmly, a sharp tone in her voice as she rolled over on her side. Y/N tucked her knees to her chin, fingers running over the side of her neck which was marked with bruises and scratches. “I don’t fucking care.”
Without another word Peter slipped out of the room quietly, knowing better than to try to talk to her about what they had been forced to participate in. It wasn’t as if there was much to say anyways.
Rain pattered against the window. It was only six o’clock in the evening. Cars honked and beeped and Natasha’s Igor Stavinsky record played for its fiftieth round of the day, and to anyone else in the tower it was a normal night. Normal, just like the ones spent sitting on the couch with Bucky’s hand creeping up her leg or Sam’s hands groping her ass, but this time they’d made a move. 
The silence was far too much to handle, the unspoken truth of what she’d done with Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Peter finally hitting her, knocking the air out of her lungs as she suddenly struggled to breathe. Gripping her face, clawing at it like a goddamn wolf, Y/N began to cry. Silently at first, gradually growing into heartbroken sobs, she let her trodden pride carry her voice wherever it wanted to go. 
The men’s whispered words haunted her mere moments after they’d left the room, but most audibly she could hear a faint husk of a voice, Sam’s low moan in her ear looming in the dreadful silence of the room:
Thanks for sharing with us, baby.
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pappydaddy · 3 years
Nurse Simon (s.k)
A/N: I had absolutely no idea what to name this. This is just a quick fic I wrote up for Simon to kick off my Fear Street Masterlist so it's not very long, just a little blurb. I wrote this all last night at one o'clock in the morning because I couldn't sleep with my mouthguard in (I had to get it because I chew the inside of my cheeks and lip in my sleep when I'm anxious) and I just rolled with it. Anywho, I hope you lovelies enjoy this very random Simon fic💛!
TV Show/Movie: Fear Street: 1994
Pairing: Simon Kalivoda x Fem!Reader
Not Requested
Simon Kalivoda Taglist: @maybe-alistair
Warnings: Anxiety is mentioned, anxious tick is also mentioned (chewing the inside of your mouth). Not proofread, I'm going to read through all my fics so I will edit this better then.
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Laying in bed, Y/N groaned, flipping over dramatically as she pleaded with her brain to shut up. Mouthing the uncomfortable mouthguard around in her mouth, she cursed her brain for making her this way. “Stupid Anxiety.” Her words were altered by the lisp the mouth guard gave her as she flopped onto her back once again, staring blankly up at the ceiling as the silver moonlight flowed against it.
She was still not used to having to wear the mouthguard her doctor instructed her to get after their last appointment. To make things worse, it was a random unopened mouth guard found at the bottom of her brother’s duffle bag. So there was no way of knowing the true cleanliness of the plastic guard (even though she boiled it three times just to be safe). Letting out yet another annoyed groan, Y/N forced her eyes shut, trying to manually shut her brain off so she could get at least a few hours of sleep before school tomorrow.
Just as her brain began to slow down, the unexpected draft suddenly invading her room kickstarted her brain right into overdrive. She froze, trying to figure out if the sheer exhaustion she was battling the past few weeks had finally gotten to her - causing her to hallucinate - or if there was actually a murderer climbing through her window right then and there. Both were possibilities in Shadyside.
The stumble of feet tripping over her knocked-over cardboard cutout of Nick Lachey made her blood run cold, but in a moment of sheer stupidity, Y/N shot straight up in her bed, flicking on her lamp to uncover her murderer. Stunned, she sat there blinking at her boyfriend as he blinked back at her, for some reason scared that he had been caught sneaking into her bedroom at three in the morning.
“What the fuck, Simon,” She exclaimed, her mouth guard making her talk with a lisp. She didn’t realize it was still in, instead, proceeding to grab her pillow from behind her and hurl it at her boyfriend. “You can’t do that shit in Shadyside, I thought you were a murderer.” She wished she hadn’t thrown her pillow at him since she had a strong desire right then to smack him repeatedly with it, but at the same time, she didn’t want to throw both her pillows.
“I’m sorry,” He apologized, holding one hand in the air as he bent down to grab her pillow from by his feet. “Sheesh woman, you have good aim,” He muttered, rubbing his nose after being hit square in the face by her uncomfortably hard pillow. “How do you even sleep on these things? When I sleepover, I just use my folded-up t-shirt, it’s softer than this shit.” He asked, tossing the pillow to its rightful place at the head of her bed.
“Well I’m sorry that with all the great technology of the 90s, we as a human race have failed to figure out the perfect pillow formula, Simon,” She grunted sarcastically, still forgetting about the mouth guard. “Now why are you here,” She demanded, crossing her arms over her chest, inadvertently drawing her sex-crazed, always horny boyfriend’s attention to her boobs. “Simon!”
“Huh, what?” He snapped out of it before looking at her face, jumping back with a small scream.
“What?” She asked, looking behind her for whatever scared him, but there was nothing. Looking back at him, she saw the same look of terror on his face, his shaking finger pointed right at her.
“Don’t freak out babe, but there is something in your mouth,” He whispered, stepping hesitantly towards her bed, too scared to get close to it. “It’s all over your teeth and a tail thing is sticking out of it.” He pulled his top lip up, pointing to his top teeth before swooping it to indicate a tail.
Y/N rolled her eyes, pulling the mouth guard from her mouth, a string of saliva following it. She cringed, thankful their relationship was not new or that would have been mortifying. Simon had always been comfortable around her. At first, Y/N was more careful about what she did in front of him, not being her full self out of fear of him leaving, but being in a relationship with a person for over six months changes that. “It’s my mouth guard, you Baboon.” She told him, reaching over to place it in its case.
“Why do you need a mouth guard, scared of getting tackled in your sleep?” He asked, crawling onto her bed, flipping unceremoniously into the spot next to her, winching when he landed on the hard pillow.
“No, it’s so that I stop chewing the inside of my cheek when I’m anxious.” She barked, grumpy.
“Sheesh, someone’s a little grumpy.” Simon sucked in a breath, looking at her with gleaming eyes. She glared down at him, not wanting to admit that the wide, sparkling blue eyes he was giving her broke through her grumpiness instantly.
“No shit, I was just about to fall asleep when you came falling through my window, scaring me half to death and now you won’t stop talking,” She ranted, pointing at the still open window. “And you didn’t even have half the decency to close the window after you.”
He rolled off the bed, walking over to shut and lock the window. “Well, let’s go to bed together. Might help you sleep, then we can sleep in tomorrow morning.” He suggested, picking up the cardboard cutout, standing it in the corner of the room next to her extensive Cassette and CD collection.
“We have school in the morning.” She reminded him, not looking up from where she was fixing her bedsheets from him messing them up when he rolled out of the bed.
“You’re such a nerd that you want to go to school on Thanksgiving?” Simon asked jokingly, knowing full well that her exhausted brain completely forgot what day it was tomorrow (or today since it was the morning already).
“It’s all right, I have the day off so I’ll nurse you back to sanity, babe.” He pretended he was doing her a great justice as he flopped back down beside her, pulling her down with him, pressing her back flush against his front.
“That’s not an overly comforting thought,” She grumbled, but he simply shushed her, petting her hair. “Fine,” She gave up, accepting it. “But the only reason I am not chewing you out for making me think I was gonna get murdered is the fact that I am too tired to argue.” Her words slowly became slower and more slurred as being wrapped in Simon’s arms made her feel protected and less anxious, basically shutting her brain off with the feeling of his touch.
Mustering up enough strength to battle against the sudden wave of sleepiness, she reached to turn her lamp off, bathing them in darkness that only the silver moonbeams broke up. Seconds later, her eyelids drooped, cutting out all light. “I love you, Simon.” She breathed out, forgetting her mouthguard.
“I love you too, babe,” He responded. She could feel him reaching over her to her nightstand, but she was too tired to care. “I love you so much that I can’t let you forget your terrifying mouthguard.” He whispered, thinking she was asleep. Gently, he managed to wiggle the mouthguard into her mouth before settling back down behind her pulling her farther into him, snuggling his face into the back of her neck affectionately.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
The Sleepover (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
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@veryblushyswitch​ Knocking out a whole bunch of requests with this one! I wasn’t intending to double or triple-up necessarily, but they all worked so well together that I couldn’t help myself. Also delving a little deeper into Bakugou’s “it’s complicated” response from “Get Back Here, Deku!” I love how this turned out; I think it’s really cute and sweet and exactly what our angry boi needed. Enjoy!
“He’s what?” Sero asked, dumbfounded. He couldn’t believe his ears. “No way.”
Deku held up his hands and shook his head. “Ah! What? No! No, that’s not what I meant, I mean…”
“Oh, yeah!” Kaminari grinned. “Kiri and I got him one time. It was hilarious.”
“There’s no way that Bakugou is ticklish,” Sero insisted.
“He – he’s not!” Deku tried to cover up his mistake, but he knew as well as Kaminari did that it was useless. The both of them had been there that day it had first been discovered by someone other than him.
“He totally is,” Denki nudged Sero, still grinning widely. “And hey, we’re having that sleepover in his room with the others tomorrow night. We can test it out then. Sound fun?”
Sero grinned back. “Oh, yeah.”
“W-Wait, guys,” Deku stammered, panicked on his friend’s behalf. “He really doesn’t like it unless—” He stopped himself. “Uh, I mean, he just doesn’t like it. It’s not worth making him mad.”
“Unless what?” Denki asked. “You were about to say he doesn’t like it unless what?”
Kaminari glanced at Sero and quirked a brow. Understanding perfectly, Sero pulled Deku toward him and hooked his arms under their friend’s underarms, effectively trapping him with his torso exposed for Denki to start tickling, which he did.
“Nohohohoho, wait, plehehehehehease don’t do thihihihis!” Deku begged through his instant giggles. He tried to bring his arms down but couldn’t, and when he lifted his arms up to try and wriggle out of Sero’s hold Kaminari would go for his underarms to keep him in place.
“Tell us, Midoriya,” Sero said into his ear, smirking. “We’ll tickle it out of you if we have to.”
“Gahahahahahaha!” Deku knew he would spill eventually and so decided to just get it over with. “Fihihihihine I’ll tell you! Just stohohohohop!” When they let him go, he sighed. “Kacchan only likes being tickled if it’s with someone he’s comfortable around. If he’s not comfortable with you he’ll hate every second of it. He may even start to hate you, and trust me, you don’t want that.”
Sero and Kaminari exchanged looks. There was silence for a minute.
“Thanks for letting us know, Deku,” Kaminari said at last, offering his friend a small smile. “We’ll do our best not to push him too far.”
“But we do want to mess with him tomorrow, right?” Sero asked.
“Oh, definitely. No way he’s getting out of there without laughing at least a little.”
Deku felt a little nervous for Kacchan, but decided there was nothing more he could do about it now. “H-Hey, just…don’t tell him I told you that, okay?”
“Sure, Midoriya.” Denki winked. “Not a word, right?”
The following evening, the two boys joined Kirishima and Mina in heading to Bakugou’s dorm room for what was sure to be a pretty crowded sleepover. No one seemed to mind, though. Not even their host, though he grumbled and complained about his room being the destination of choice.
“If we’d chosen one of our rooms you wouldn’t have joined in,” Kirishima told him with a knowing grin.
“And having it in mine would just be weird,” Mina added. “I like you guys, but not enough to have four boys spending the night in my room.”
They all laughed at that, organizing their pillows and blankets on the limited floor space while Bakugou sat on his bed and watched.
“What are even going to do in here?” he finally asked, growly but resigned. “If all we’re gonna do is sleep there’d be no point in us all being in one room for that.”
“We could play truth or dare,” Mina suggested.
“Boring,” Denki and Kiri intoned at the same time.
“What if we all went around and said something about ourselves the rest of us don’t know?” Sero suggested, glancing at Denki, who gave him a slight nod.
Mina hummed. “That could be interesting.”
“I don’t want to play some lame getting-to-know-you game,” Bakugou grumbled. “That’s such a garbage elementary school move.”
“Oh come on, Bakugou.” Kiri nudged his shoulder. “You’re no fun. Let’s just try it, yeah?��
“Here, let’s sit in a circle,” Mina said, and the others followed her lead.
Well, except Bakugou. “Seriously? Now we’re really getting pathetic.”
Kirishima rolled his eyes. “Get your butt on this floor before I drag it there myself.”
Something seemed to pass between them in that moment, because the next thing they knew Bakugou was doing as he was told, completing the circle they’d started.
“Great!” Mina beamed. “Sero, why don’t you go first, since this was your idea?”
“Oh, sure,” Sero stammered, suddenly on the spot. He thought for a moment. “Uh, let’s see…I hate grapes.”
Everyone laughed.
“Is that because of Minetta?” Kaminari asked.
Sero blinked, then grinned. “No, but now that you mention it…that certainly doesn’t help.”
“One time when I was a kid, I sneezed so hard my acid disintegrated the ice cream cone I was holding,” Mina said, grinning. “I was really upset.”
Kirishima said, “I rescued a cat when I was nine. Stuck in a tree, just like they always are.”
Bakugou was next, but when it came to him, he kept his mouth shut.
“What’s something we don’t know about you, Bakugou?” Mina nudged.
“Plenty, and I’d like to keep it that way.” He scoffed. “This is stupid.”
“Aw, come on, man!” Denki whined, though he turned to give Sero another meaningful glance. Sero grinned slightly.
“If you don’t want to say something, I’ll do it for you,” Kirishima said. And before anyone could protest, he wrapped an arm around his friend’s shoulders and announced loudly, “Katsuki Bakugou is super ticklish.”
Everyone froze. No one said a word. You could hear a pin drop. All eyes went to Bakugou, who gritted his teeth. “No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are,” Kiri insisted, keeping his firm hold on the boy’s shoulders. “And if you keep being such a grouch, I’m going to prove it to everyone right here and now.”
Denki pounced on his chance. “It’s true! I’ve seen it, too.”
“No way,” Mina exclaimed, eyes wide. “Bakugou?”
“I’m not,” the blonde growled, trying to push Kiri away from him. “Back off. I don’t want to talk about this.”
Sero hesitated for a moment, but one look from both Denki and Kiri and he jumped into action with the rest of them, lunging for Bakugou and pulling him to the floor. Mina joined in, too, and within seconds they had their friend pinned to the ground.
“Don’t!” Bakugou snapped, struggling the entire way down and trying to kick his way out once there. “I swear to god, do not tickle me, I’ll—”
“Now!” Denki shouted.
“I’ll kill you!” Bakugou swore, biting his lip hard to keep himself under control. Sero used his tape to keep his arms above his head, while Kiri sat on his calves to keep his legs from moving. “Agh! S-Stop it! Y-You’re all s-s-so dead!”
“Come on, man,” Kiri said, watching as Mina scribbled in his underarms, Sero tried his stomach, and Denki went for the ribs. He smirked at how hard his friend was fighting against the sensations. “Just let it out. Your cover’s been blown.”
“S-Shut up!” Bakugou jerked sharply when Mina wandered a little further down than just his underarms to that spot at the top of his ribs. “I-I’m n-n-not—gah!”
Mina gasped. “Was that a smile?” She went back to where she thought she’d gotten the most reaction and beamed when Bakugou’s lips tugged upward in an uncontrollable grin. “It is! Aw, you are ticklish!”
“Shut up!” Bakugou snapped, but it sounded strained, and the effect of it was lost for how big he was smiling now. “Knock it off! Kiri, you know I h-hahate this; make them stohop!”’
“Was that a giggle?” Sero asked, genuinely curious, but the way the blood rushed to Bakugou’s face was answer enough. He started to press a little harder. “My ears must be deceiving me. I gotta hear it again.”
“You don’t hate this,” Kirishima said gently, finally joining in himself by grabbing onto his friend’s thighs and squeezing. “You’re just not used to being so open about how much fun you’re having.”
Bakugou jolted again, harder this time, and a single, clear giggle escaped his lips.
“Dude, he’s blushing!” Sero exclaimed, laughing. “This is great!”
“Why not just laugh, Bakugou?” Mina asked in a sweet, teasing tone. “It’s got to be killing you to keep it bottled up like that.”
“Why don’t we kick it up a notch?” Denki smirked. He activated his quirk the tiniest bit, wiggling into their friend’s bottom ribs, and finally – finally – the angry blonde stopped fighting it.
“Nohohohohohoho!” Bakugou hated that he’d lost control so quickly, but there was nothing he could do about it now except fight with his words. “Dahahahang you, Kaminahari, I’ll kihihill you, I swear! NOHOHOHOHO!!” He tossed his head back with a shriek as the electric sparks intensified, moving up toward his death spot. “Gahahahahahahahahaha! Stahahahahahahahahahap!”
“Don’t think so, man,” Denki teased, letting up on his electric attack when he got to the sweet spot, figuring that would tickle enough on its own. “Tickle, tickle, Bakugou~”
Bakugou’s face turned a dark, dark red as he sputtered in the split second before his laughter became explosive. “DOHOHOHOHOHOHOHON’T!!”
“There we go!” Kirishima began to dig in harder as well, sending his friend into further hysterics. “You sound really happy when you laugh, you know. It’s nice to hear.”
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Bakugou shouted through his laughter, twisting and writhing. “YOU JEHEHEHEHERKS, I’LL MUHUHUHURDER YOU ALL!!”
“Well that’s not very nice!” Mina pouted, beginning to go harder as well, focusing on his underarms. “You should be punished for thinking such awful things!”
Sero grinned, digging in as well, and now all four of them were giving it their all, pulling laugh after shrieking laugh from their constantly angry friend. Bakugou’s mind grew foggier and foggier with each tickle that assaulted him, making him lose track of who was doing what and where.
“Aww, look how cute you are!” Mina teased him, beaming.
Sero chuckled. “His laugh sounds like a fireworks show.”
“Not ticklish, huh, King Explosion Murder?” Kirishima chimed in.
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Bakugou yelled again, sounding more desperate this time. He pulled at the tape on his arms, tried to buck his hips. He was trapped. “GEHEHEHEHEHET OFF, YOU MOHOHOHOHOHORONS!!”
“If I didn’t know better,” Denki mused, “I’d say he’s a little sensitive to teasing.”
Mina nearly squealed. “Do you like being teased? Does it make you super flustered to have four people tickling you at once? You can’t hide how red you’re getting; I think you do like teasing!”
“I DOHOHOHOHOHO NOT!!” Bakugou practically screamed with laughter when she traveled back down to that sweet spot and dug in there. “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! YOU GUYS, PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
Mina, Sero, and Denki gasped in unison. “He said please!”
“Scream all you want, Bakugou!” Kaminari laughed, igniting his tickly electric sparks again. “No one’s coming to save you. Nothing can stop us now!”
Seeing that his friend was truly desperate for a reprieve, Kirishima let up and shouted for the others to do the same. “All right, that’s enough! Let him go, he can’t take any more.”
Trusting that their redheaded friend knew what he was talking about, the three others let up their attacks as well. Sero cut the tape binding Bakugou to the floor and gathered it up while the blonde pulled his arms down and rolled onto his side, curling up into a protective ball. It stunned all three of them to see how out of breath he was.
Mina broke the silence first. “You okay, Bakugou?”
He was silent for a moment. Then, “I told you to stop.”
Mina, Sero, and Kaminari looked at each other worriedly. When he’d been yelling ‘stop’ before, it was through laughter, so they didn’t take him seriously. Now that it was over, though…
“You can stop pretending, Bakugou,” Kirishima said in that gentle tone, scooting forward to place a hand on his leg. “You don’t have to be Mr. Tough Guy all the time. Not here. Not with us. You’re allowed to be yourself, you know.”
“I don’t like being tickled.” Bakugou’s voice was so quiet it was almost a whisper.
“Unless?” Kiri prompted.
Again the other three looked at each other, then back to the blonde, silent. Waiting. For a long minute, no one said a word. Then Bakugou sat up, his back turned to them but facing Kirishima.
“Unless I feel…comfortable. Safe.”
Safe. All four friends looked at each other now, Kiri included.
“Safe…how?” Mina asked quietly.
“Safe from being pushed past my limits.” Bakugou’s voice was gruff as usual, but it was quieter now, and completely sincere. He hunched his shoulders. “Safe from the whole class finding out. The whole school. The world. I don’t want to be like Deku, getting randomly tickled all the time. I don’t even want that from my friends. I just…” He sighed. “I don’t want to be tickled unless I know I’m going to be safe from all of that. Being ticklish is a weakness.”
“It’s not—” Kiri started to say.
“It is,” Bakugou continued firmly, making eye contact now. “And that’s why I don’t want it to be exposed to anyone but those I feel comfortable with. Like you guys.”
Those last three words made their hearts swell. Kirishima scooted forward again and pulled Bakugou into a hug. “You’re safe with us. I promise.” The others concurred, moving forward as well, making it a group hug.
Bakugou remained tense for a moment, then let out another sigh and relaxed into their embrace. He was still uncertain, still on edge, and even a little scared, if he was honest. He’d never really had friends before – just lackeys that would follow him around everywhere because they thought he was cool. This was different, this opening up, this being honest with himself as well as others. Having friends he could trust with his life – literally. But it was a new chapter of his life that – as long as he was still being honest – he was looking forward to reading.
From somewhere within the group hug, Kirishima said, “You know your laugh really brightens up the room?”
Bakugou smiled. “Shut up, Kiri.”
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walviemort · 3 years
Fairy Godfather, part 2
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Summary: The fairies have asked a monumental favor of Killian: be the surrogate for their babies—all nine of them. He’s been pregnant before, but this? This is a whole other level. What has he gotten himself into? And just how big will he get?
A/N: Another update! This is kind of consuming me so you’ll be getting these pretty often, I hope! thanks to @sancocnutclub for all her encouragement ;)
rated T / 2.2k words / part 1 / AO3
He didn’t wake until mid morning the next day, and was still fairly fatigued, but otherwise felt alright—just a bit tender about the middle. 
A shower helped dissolve most of the lingering soreness, and he took some time in front of the mirror to look for any changes. 
Given that his stomach had never returned to its previous hardened state, it was hard to notice any discernible change in shape, but when he poked around, there was definitely a rounded area that hadn’t been there before. 
He also took a moment to memorize his body as it was; it wouldn’t be long before the babes made their presence visibly known, and the changes that happened while pregnant with Hope were still fresh in his mind. He was both glad that Belle was keeping track of his stats, and already dreading it. 
But she was probably waiting for him, so he needed to get a move on—and something to eat; he was starting to feel peckish, but couldn’t tell whether or not it was more than usual. 
His normal jeans still fit comfortably, albeit a hair snug. It wouldn’t last long, but he’d relish it while it did. At least his shirts would last longer; he’d found a new appreciation for the forgiving cotton knits of this realm in his second trimester. 
Emma was already at the station when he got downstairs, but she’d left behind plenty of pancakes, and he ate a few more than normal; he wasn’t sure how to interpret that. 
Before heading to the library, he went to pick up Hope from her sleepover with her grandparents. David greeted him at the door, with tiny Ruth asleep on his chest.
“So, how’d it go?” he asked, hardly able to keep his eyes away from Killian’s midsection.
“Fine, as far as I could tell. Weird, but fine.”
“Did it hurt?”
“No, thankfully, but I’m sure there will be plenty of aches and pains later.”
David winced. “Man, am I glad they asked you and not me. This one was enough,” he said, patting Ruth’s back gently.
“I don’t disagree, but…”
“But you feel like you owe them,” David finished. 
“Well, I think it’ll be the other way around by the end of this, but we’ll help you out as much as we can.”
“I appreciate it—and I’m sure we’ll need it with this one,” he replied, nodding at Hope, who was attempting to escape out a window.
She was easily wrangled, though, and happy to see him. He had no idea what fairy infants were like, but if they were half as charming as his daughter (who definitely took after her grandfather), this whole town would revolve around them.
As he thought, Belle was waiting for him, tape measure in hand. “Seriously?” he griped as he set Hope down next to Gideon in the playpen behind the circulation desk.
“You can’t possibly be surprised,” she threw back. “But if it’s any consolation, I won’t do it again until next week.”
“You only did it monthly last time around.”
“You were only carrying one babe.”
He sighed. “Fine.”
Though his waist measurement remained unchanged, his weight was slightly higher (more than could be expected by a few extra pancakes). “I can feel it,” he confirmed when she asked. “There’s definitely something in there, though I only notice it if I go looking for it.”
Belle made a note and then flipped back and forth between some pages. “That matches up with when you found out you were expecting Hope; so do your measurements, and that was, what 8 weeks?”
“Yeah, thereabouts.”
“Second pregnancies do show sooner, too.”
“Especially this one,” he grumbled. 
“Oh yeah,” she agreed.
The day continued normally, although his hand did gravitate to his stomach pretty often, without thinking about it. Even if it wasn’t noticeable, he still knew what was there, and his subconscious seemed to have already set out to protect it—that, or his hormones were already starting to affect him. 
Based on his reaction when Emma arrived that afternoon—particularly to his train of thought when she bent down to pick up a napping Hope—it was definitely hormones. His jeans felt a very different kind of tight then; something he acted on later that night, after a slightly larger than usual dinner. 
“Those hormones kicked in fast,” a sated Emma breathed as they came down from their shared high. “You haven’t been that voracious since we found out we were having a girl.”
“Are you complaining?” he panted. 
“Absolutely not.”
“Good.” And they went for another round. 
In fact, he was so insatiable the next couple of weeks that, despite his elevated appetite, no other discernible change in his weight was noticed; his waist actually went down a bit.
“Are you feeling alright? Keeping food down and everything?” Belle asked, worried, as she recorded his 2-week measurements, comparing them to his 10-week from his first pregnancy. “Last time, you couldn’t eat more than chicken rice about now.”
“Trust me—I feel more than fine,” he assured her. “Were it not for Emma’s implanted contraception, we’d likely need to be planning for a more traditional pregnancy.”
“That’s a very eloquent way of saying you can’t keep your hands off your wife.”
“I could have phrased it crudely—how many synonyms for ‘sex’ did you want Gideon to learn today?”
“None!” she exclaimed, covering her son’s impressionable ears. He was at the age when he repeated anything said around him—a fact they noticed when Gideon’s favorite phrase became “bloody hell.”
“What are uncles for, though?” he teased with a wink. 
Belle just groaned and threatened to teach Hope how to read with romance novels. Killian, however, was just glad she slept through the night so she didn’t interrupt the real thing. 
Where there had been some hubbub about town during Killian’s first pregnancy—and quite a lot of gawking—no one seemed as shocked this time around. They’d made no effort to keep it a secret, letting the Storybrooke rumor mill do its job, but either the town was more aware than Killian had been about fairy reproduction, or they had become jaded to such magical oddities (he assumed the latter).
That said—he had to assume the gawking would eventually return. 
Especially with the way Granny was feeding him. To be fair, she wasn’t letting him overindulge, but he’d noticed his portions were larger, and the amount of vegetables increased. He wondered if Blue had given her some nutritional instruction, or if it was just her innate grandmotherly instincts. 
The first time she slid an extra helping of broccoli over, he tried to protest, delicious as it looked. 
“Oh no—eat up, young man,” she commanded. “If my math is right, you’re eating for 10. I should probably be feeding you more, actually.”
Emma snickered next to him—they were on lunch break from the station—but he wasn’t sure if it was at Granny’s tutting or the fact that Killian had just realized the magnitude of…well, all of it. 
So when Granny slid some extra onion rings across the counter, he didn’t complain (but obviously shared them with his wife).
He wanted to blame it on those extra treats—onion rings, fries, pie, muffins—when they noticed an expansion in his waist measurement at 3 weeks, but it was definitely the babes; he could still wear his normal jeans, but was seeing some rounding behind his navel. 
And at 4 weeks—a month since the babes were transferred—it could finally be deemed a bump: there was a gentle curve to his whole stomach, from just under his pecs to his hips (which had been aching a bit as they widened some, likely in anticipation of the heavy load to come). Given the way he and Emma’s evening activities hadn’t slowed, he knew it was all the babies. 
Belle hummed as she compared the notes she’d just taken with those from last time. “Well, that’s interesting,” she commented.
“What is?” Emma asked; she’d joined them for that week’s check in, curious to see where things were.
“This week’s measurements match up with those from the end of the first trimester last time, which I suppose isn’t a huge surprise, but…”
“But I have a lot more to go than two trimesters,” he finished.
All eyes were on his stomach for a long while after that, likely all wondering the same thing: just how large would he get?
The only thing that took their attention away was the ringing of the bell over the door as someone arrived—Blue, it turned out. “Hi,” she greeted, clearly trying to be casual. “Just wanted to stop by and see how things were going.”
He wasn’t naive enough to believe she’d stay away from him for the duration of the pregnancy, although he had expected more subtle surveillance.
They chatted briefly about how he was feeling, and she studied his stomach with an outstretched hand, he assumed to do her own magical assessment. “Yes, they seem to be doing quite well; that’s good.”
“Did you think they weren’t?” Emma quipped.
“No, of course not,” Blue assured her. “Would it be odd to express my excitement?”
Well, they all understood that. “How long has it been since your last brood?” Belle had to ask.
“Over fifty years,” Blue answered. “They’re usually every five to ten, depending on the solstice.”
“And when you don’t have a series of curses in the way,” Emma added.
Blue glanced over Belle’s notes with interest. “That does seem to match up with past broods, though I don’t think anyone ever thought to take such detailed notes.”
“Are there any?” Belle asked. “I don’t have anything here, but if you had some back at the convent, it’d be great for comparison.”
“I’d have to check our library,” Blue answered. “There might be a few scrolls, but we’re not much for recorded history.”
“I can tell,” Belle complained.
After some more chatting, Blue excused herself, but did ask if it was alright if she checked in periodically.
“Of course,” Killian said. “It’s your brood. Plus, I’m certain we’ll need to take you up on the offer of help sooner rather than later, if this is where I’m already at after only 4 weeks,” he added, gesturing to his still-small bump.
“Absolutely,” Blue said. “Oh! I almost forgot.” She pulled her wand out of nowhere and twirled it at Killian’s midsection. His skin grew warm for a moment, but then returned to normal. “I’m not sure if the original spell will account for the size, as far as how it treats your skin; that should eliminate any damage.”
“No stretch marks?” he wondered.
“No—not any new ones, at least.”
“Oh, thank goodness.”
She then left as quickly as she appeared.
“Guess that’s something we’ll have to get used to,” he sighed, and then they went about their day. But he was starting to grow very concerned about what lay ahead for him; he knew this wouldn’t be a small feat, but was worried it would be more than he could handle.
As time progressed, his bump steadily grew, though not unnaturally so. At 5 weeks, it was yet more noticeable; at 6, he finally had to concede defeat and dig out his maternity jeans, though they were still plenty roomy. By the end of the second month, he wasn’t quite where he’d been at the end of his second trimester, but it was definitely a baby bump—roughly where he’d been around 24 weeks with Hope, even though he was only at 8 with this one.
It was around then, though, that he noticed the first flutterings inside. He thought he’d noticed it the week before, but chalked it up to gas or something like that; Granny had been feeding him a lot of black beans lately. But late one night, after yet another glorious session of lovemaking, Emma’s hand had drifted to his belly and even she took notice.
“Wow, they’re actually starting to move in there, huh?”
“Seems like it. You don’t suppose they actually have wings already, do they?”
“Normal babies hardly have limbs at this stage, so probably not.”
They lay peacefully in the afterglow for a bit, before he asked quietly, “You are okay with this, right?”
It wasn’t the first time he’d ask, nor was it likely to be the last. But it was a large undertaking and though she hadn’t exactly protested, he knew it wasn’t something she’d have volunteered for.
“For the hundredth time, yes. Even if this was partly fueled by guilt, I know you probably would have agreed anyway, and that big heart is why I love you so much. And can I say something else?”
“What’s that, love?”
“I was so attracted to you with that baby bump last time, even when you thought you were massive. So as long as your libido holds out, I think we’re both going to be very happy.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Mm, I think I might need some convincing.”
“Then let me show you.” And oh, she did.
Gods, he prayed he’d be able to do that for a while. The next several months were going to be very interesting.
thanks for reading! tagging @wyntereyez @jennjenn615 @superadam54 @ashley-knightingale @justsomewhump @teamhook @88infinity88​ (let me know if you want a tag!)
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rhyrhy462 · 4 years
Sleepover (G.D.)
Pairing: grayson dolan x best friend!reader
Warnings: bad writing, pining, one swear word, semi-sappines, self-indulgent because of the big mouth thing and the snacks
gif by @pinof
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Everyone knew that Grayson Dolan went to bed early. It never failed that he was turning his phone off and putting it on his nightstand at midnight.
His best friend, Y/N, was a night owl. She went to bed at 3 in the morning most of the time.
Grayson and Y/N tried to squeeze in sleepovers whenever they could. These usually happened on Friday nights and consisted of, in no particular order, eating dinner, watching a movie, begging Grayson to take you to a grocery store to buy snacks, listening to music, begging Grayson to get you ice cream, and sleeping.
So just like all the other Friday nights, Y/N knocked on Grayson and Ethan’s door at exactly 6:53pm. She knows it’s a very specific time, but Grayson always has dinner ready by 7:05. So if she gets there at the perfect time, dinner will be ready and Grayson can’t yell at her for getting there too early when she complains about being hungry.
“It’s open, Y/N” Grayson yelled through the door, right as she was turning the knob and pushing the door in.
“I don’t even get a hello? I brought you homemade almond butter and everything!” If there was one thing Grayson loved in this world, it was Y/N’s homemade almond butter. He knew she just got the recipe online, but every time he tried to make it, it just didn’t turn out the right way.
“I’m sorry babe. Come give me a hug” Y/N felt her heart flutter when he called her ‘babe.’ Yeah, they called each other pet names all the time, but he said it so casually, almost as if she was his girl-
“Come gimme a hug.” Grayson pressed again, just as she started walking towards him.
She wrapped her arms around him, just as he wrapped one arm around her, still pushing around vegetables in a pan. “I missed you.”
Y/N and Grayson hadn’t had a sleepover in about a month and a half. They had both been busy. Whenever they did get to see each other, it’d be for an hour or so, but they never got to have fun with each other. “Missed you more.” Grayson replied, right as he was dumping the vegan stir-fry onto their plates.
“Looks good.” She said, as she started putting dishes in the dishwasher. If Y/N hated anything, it was having to do the dishes after she’s gotten comfortable. Lucky for her, Grayson had listened to her and started putting dishes in the dishwasher as he went along instead of having 30 dishes in the sink. She put the five dishes that had been left in the dishwasher, picked up her plate, and looked at Grayson questioningly. She was silently asking him if he was ready to go eat in his room.
“Let’s go.” Was all Grayson had to say to have her following him to his room.
Once they made it to Grayson’s room, Y/N plopped down onto his bed as he picked up the remote from his desk and tossed it to her. Every sleepover they alternated who got to choose what they watched. This time, it was Y/N’s turn. She turned his tv on and went straight to Netflix. Grayson had a feeling he knew what she was gonna pick. She threatened him with it all the time, but she did actually want to rewatch the show.
Grayson groaned as soon as he saw that she was hovering on Big Mouth. “What’s wrong with Big Mouth?” She genuinely wanted to know his answer.
“You’ve seen it at least ten times and you quote the whole show.” Grayson complained. He wasn’t wrong though. Y/N knew Big Mouth like the back of her hand. The reason why she watched it so many times was so she could directly quote the show. She already knew most of the iconic lines, but there were some she was still trying to learn.
“It’s my night to choose, babes. I hate to break it to ya, but I choose Big Mouth.” She said, just as she clicked on Season 1, Episode 2 ‘Everybody Bleeds.’ It was one of her favorite episodes because it was funny, but also because she knew the quotes. It was also the first episode Ladybug appeared in. If Y/N was honest, Ladybug was probably her favorite character. Ladybug was also the only character that she could completely quote.
With food in hand, she got as close to Grayson as humanly possible, just as he was draping a blanket over both of their legs. They ate while they exchanged jokes and talked about how’d they’d been, all while Y/N still managed to quote the best lines from Big Mouth.
They had finished eating a while ago. Now it was 9pm and Y/N wanted snacks. From their cuddled up position, she looked up at him, to see him looking at the screen. She smiled to herself because as much as he hated to admit it, Grayson thought Big Mouth was hilarious. “Gray?” She questioned, because yes, they had had dinner two hours ago, but she was ready for snacks.
He didn’t even have to look at her to know what she wanted. The first thing he did was look at his watch to confirm what time it was. It never failed. Around 9 o’clock, Y/N always wanted snacks. So he untangled himself from her and sat up, rubbing a hand over his face. His eyes darting around the room trying to find something that Y/N is completely unaware of. “Grayson? What are you looking for? Where are you going?” She asked, rubbing her eyes.
“I’m looking for two hoodies. You want to go get snacks don’t you?” Grayson said, realizing that none of his hoodies were anywhere in his room and he’d have to go into his closet.
“You know me so well.” She said, grinning when Grayson came out of his closet, two hoodies in hand, and tossed one to her.
Right after she slipped it on, on top of her shirt, Grayson was asking her, “Ready?”
He didn’t even wait for her response, just started walking towards his bedroom door, to which she followed right behind him, all the way to the Porsche. After they got in the car, he turned to look at her and asked, “Where we goin’?”
“Target.” She responded, as he started backing out of the driveway. Y/N always, always, let Grayson choose the music. Grayson always said the driver got to choose the music, but she never put up a fight with anything he chose. Which is why when Grayson asked her to shuffle his Young Thug playlist, she did it. No questions asked, bobbing her head to the music, even rapping some of it, on their way to Target.
When they got there, Grayson parked in the closest parking space he could find. There were a few cars in the parking lot, but not too many. Even if Grayson hadn’t seen Y/N in a while, he always kept three masks in his car. One for himself, one for Ethan, and one for Y/N. They both put their masks on and started walking toward the entrance.
When they got inside, Y/N was grabbing Grayson’s hand and dragging him all the way to the snacks section. The first thing she grabbed was pretzels, one of her all time favorite snacks, but sometimes she forgets how much she likes them. She went on a search to find Nutella, which in the process, Grayson made a smart comment about it not being vegan. Then she grabbed two bags of Doritos, cool ranch and nacho cheese.
Immediately after she grabbed the Doritos, she thought about ice cream. Grayson was on this stupid health kick getting ready for this match with Logan, that doesn’t even have a date. Because of that, it had become 200 times harder to convince Grayson to get ice cream. He knew that if he was around Y/N when she was eating ice cream, he’d cave. Which is why right now, when he saw that look in Y/N’s eyes, he knew exactly what she wanted.
He didn’t even let her get it out, “No.”
“But I didn’t even-“
“Absolutely not. I’m trying to eat healthy.”
“You don’t have to have any. Just let me get some.” She pleaded.
“Y/N, no. Are you done?”
“Grayson, please?” She begged, giving him that look that she knew would make him say yes.
“Fuckin’ fine. Let’s go” Grayson said, giving in.
So they walked to the ice cream section. Y/N already knew what she was going to get. She picked up two jars of Talenti. She made sure to choose vegan flavors, so she chose Alphonso Mango and Roman Raspberry. Grayson groaned when he realized she chose vegan ice cream. “You want me to have some that bad?”
She just nodded and told him, “I’m ready to check out.”
They walked to self-checkout and put everything down. Grayson always let Y/N scan because it was one of her favorite things to do. She didn’t know why, it just made her happy. When she had scanned everything, she went to pull out her card. “Uh-uh.” This was a conversation they had all the time. Y/N could afford to buy her own snacks, but Grayson just wouldn’t allow it.
“Grayson, at most it’s 25 dollars. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“I invited you over, so I should pay for it.”
“I asked for snacks, so I should pay for it.”
“Let me pay for it this time and then you can pay me back later.” Grayson only suggested that because he knew she never carried cash and he didn’t have cash app.
“Fine, but I get to buy them next time.”
“Ok, fine.” Grayson just shrugged his shoulders.
“Promise.” Y/N said, holding out her pinky.
“I promise.” Grayson said, as he linked their pinkies together rolling his eyes.
The ride back to Grayson’s house was smooth, but it felt long. So long, that Y/N tilted her head back and closed her eyes for what felt like 2 minutes. It actually ended up being a little under 30 because when she was opening her eyes, they were pulling into his driveway.
Grayson didn’t say anything about her falling asleep. Every chance he got, he’d glance over at the sleeping girl beside him. Right now, though, he was running over to open the car door for her and help her out. Every time she fell asleep in the car she was always disoriented for a few minutes after.
When they got back to his bedroom, spoons in hand because they stopped at the kitchen to get napkins and spoons, Grayson dropped the bag in the middle of the bed while Y/N crawled right back in his bed. As Grayson was climbing into bed, Y/N realized that it was a little after 11pm. She knew once Grayson had some ice cream, he’d be out like a light and she’d be up all alone, but she just wanted to live in the moment. Turning Big Mouth back on, they snuggled, both holding ice cream and a blanket thrown over them because Grayson knew Y/N got cold when she ate ice cream, but refused to admit it.
It was closing in on 12am and she saw Grayson trying to keep his eyes open and converse with her about any and everything. “Go to sleep, babe. I can stay up on my own.” She murmured to him as she went to reach for the remote to turn the tv off, so Grayson could sleep well.
Grayson grabbed the remote before she could and sat up a little bit straighter, “Don’t be silly. I want to stay up with you.”
“Babyyyy.” She said, absolutely oblivious to the fact that he was in love with her and would stay up all night with her if it meant getting to hang out with her.
“I love you, Y/N.” And he meant it with everything he had.
“I love you more, bub.” She responded, as Grayson pulled her even further into his chest.
tagging: @blindedbythelightt​ @333dolans​ @foxglovedolan​
A/N: hi! if you read it, thank you!! this had no business being 2k words, but it’s my longest fic thus far. if you have feedback let me know. if you wanna be tagged, which idk why you would, but if you do lmk. this literally took like 3 hours to write becuase writers block 😭😭😭😭 anyway, this is so self-indulgent i- anyway, love you sm. peace ✌️
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ickle-ronniekins · 4 years
meet you there
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY WORK WITHOUT MY CONSENT. likes/reblogs/comments are perfectly fine!
prompt: this actually wasn’t a request but it was a fic title prompt from my 4k sleepover that @accioxreparo sent my way -- the title she came up with was ‘meet you there’ and i’ve picked freddie. you can view the original idea here, if you please. general reminder that my requests are currently CLOSED
pairing: fred x ravenclaw!reader
word count: 2.6k
warning(s): character death
A/N: i’m real sorry
tag list: @mintlibri @seppys-return-to-madness @how-do-life-does @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @semmelsemi @cottageoflove @laneygthememequeen @snakesonaplane-7 @lupinsx @keoghans @helloallthethingsilove @waschbiber @acciotwinz @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @62442-am @wtfweasleyy @thoseofgreatambition @harrysweasleys @sleep-i-ness @shadowsinger11 @shadychaoticcollection @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @letsfightsomeorcs @theweasleysredhair @purpleskiesstorm @hxfflxpxffs @wand3ringr0s3 @finecole @angelinathebook @highly-acidic @purplefragile @90shermione @zreads @susceptible-but-siriusexual @hollands-weasley @andromedaa-tonks @bbstrawberry0421 @princessof-theuniverse @cappsikle @mytreec @imseeinggred @idont-knowrn @flyingserpxnt @auroraboringalis57 @godricsswords @jejegu @annasofiaearlobe @starlightweasley @alwaysasadaesthetic @thisismysketchbook @izzytheninja @imboredandneedalife @hemmoporro @valwritesx @heavenlymidnight @hannolannno @msmimimerton @oh-for-merlins-sake | message me to be added or removed! [lots of tags not working for me today idk i’m sorry!]
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Ages 8 and 7
“Freddie! Did you see? Did you see what I did?”
Eight year old Fred squealed with delight as you did a tiny little backflip on your broom in the air outside the Burrow. The pinks and purples of the sky were melting together, and he knew that night was growing nearer. “I did, Y/N! Can’t wait ‘til we both get to Hogwarts and can play Quidditch together. You’re going to make a fantastic Seeker. That was bloody brilliant!”
“Frederick Weasley!”
Molly’s voice was shrill, but she peered out through the window of her kitchen and shook her head, as if she were trying to guess how many times she’d scolded Fred already today. She sighed, choosing to fight a different battle than that of his language. “It’s supper time, Freddie.”
The both of you flew gently to the ground and landed. You tossed Fred the extra broomstick and wiped the sweat from your forehead. “See you tomorrow then?”
“Nah, later,” Fred replied. He nodded toward the other end of the large field in front of his house. “After dinner, let’s go up the hill and look at the stars for a bit. My dad says there are supposed to be wicked constellations tonight!”
You giggled before pulling your hair back off of your shoulders and turning to head back toward your own house just around the bend. “Don’t let you mum see you!”
“Don’t worry,” Fred told you with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “I won’t. Meet you there!”
Ages 11 and 10
It wasn’t fair. It just wasn’t fair. How come Fred would get to start at Hogwarts without you? Your mum told you it was because he was already eleven. You still had a few months until your birthday. But it still wasn’t fair!
You slumped on the couch next to the empty fireplace as Fred attempted to bring his huge trunk down the steps. They both hit the floor with a loud thump!
“Bloody help me, won’t you?”
“Not when you talk to me like that,” you frowned. It didn’t take long before the two of you were erupting into giggles, though.
Fred placed himself beside you and gently elbowed you in the ribs. “Hey, don’t be so sad. You’ll be at Hogwarts in just a year’s time. And besides, aren’t you excited that I’ll know my way around the castle, and I’ll be able to tell you all the places to avoid and the best times to sneak out of the common rooms?”
You huffed and kicked his foot before beginning to tug at the hem of your shirt. “You wouldn’t! You’ll get me into all sorts of shenanigans, and.. and.. probably detention.. and probably turn my hair bright green or something!”
“Only if you’re placed into Slytherin,” Fred grinned. The sunlight flooding the windows highlighted the dimple on the right side of his face. “So it’d better be Gryffindor.”
You rolled your eyes. “And how are you so sure you’re going to be placed in Gryffindor, mister?”
Fred pointed at himself, as if to say, isn’t it obvious? “The whole lot of my family has been in Gryffindor for years! George and I aren’t going to break that streak. What kind of Weasley d’you think I am?”
“The annoying kind?”
“That’s plain rude,” Fred replied before thwacking you with a throw pillow. The two of you began hitting one another incessantly before Mr. Weasley’s calls came from outside. It was time to go. You were embarrassed at how quickly the tears welled up in your eyes, and you turned toward the fireplace so Fred wouldn’t see.
“Hey, it’ll be alright,” his voice was softer than before. “When you get to Hogwarts next year, I’ll show you all the secret passageways and let you know what the best sweets are, and I promise to not turn your hair bright green. Even if you are placed in Slytherin.”
A gentle smile tugged at your mouth, but it didn’t stop the tears from coming still. Fred continued when you didn’t, “I’ll miss you, you know.”
You sniffled and bit down on your wobbling lip. “I’ll miss you, too. Have fun playing Quidditch.”
Fred’s eyes went bright as the two of you wandered outside to meet the rest of the Weasleys. “That reminds me! Be sure to keep practicing here, yeah? With Ron and Ginny. I reckon mum’ll let them play a little bit with you. Promise?”
Fred tugged his trunk and placed it into the back of Mr. Weasley’s Ford Anglia before pulling you into a bone crushing hug. Mr. Weasley was calling his name again. Fred gently elbowed you in the ribs once more before bopping your nose with his finger. His grin was brighter than the sun. “Meet you there!”
Ages 15 and 14
You stared in the mirror at your very obnoxious coloured blue hair. It resembled that of your Ravenclaw tie. You so wanted to be angry at him. You wanted to be angry, but you had to admit -- he was kind of brilliant.
As promised, he hadn’t turned your hair bright green when you’d arrived at Hogwarts a year after him, especially after you’d been placed in Ravenclaw, and not in Slytherin. He forgave you for not being placed in Gryffindor, though. He’d said he was excited to pummel Ravenclaw to the ground in Quidditch, anyway.
You knew the counter spell, but you kind of wanted to show off this new look of yours. Plus, wouldn’t he be absolutely floored if you waltzed into the Great Hall, not batting an eyelash at anyone who was brave enough to give you a look?
You plopped yourself down at the Gryffindor table during breakfast after making a few heads turn -- including three sixty head turns from the house ghosts. George spat out his tea and was not-so-subtle when it came to trying to hide his laughter. Fred raked his bottom lip through his teeth and smiled brightly.
“Ah, good morning,” he said before turning back to his porridge, “and how are we?”
“We are brilliant,” you picked a piece of his toast off of his plate and bit into it. When he threaded his eyebrows together and tried to get it back from you, you just stretched your arm back. “Oh, I’m sorry, is this yours? I figured, you know, since my hair now matches the colour of my robes, I was allowed to take your breakfast since you’ve been a foul little git.”
At first, his eyes widened in horror. But when he saw the faint smile on your lips as you continued to scarf down his breakfast, his shoulders relaxed. He raised his eyebrows, “Was worried you might be mad at me for a second there.”
“Mad? Never.” you replied. “Now if it had been green, well, that’d be a different story. But I’ve got to say, Weasley, I reckon blue suits me just fine.” You flipped your hair over your shoulder and started to laugh.
Fred yanked the half eaten slice of toast out of your hands and shoved the rest of it into his mouth. Your jaw dropped dramatically as he licked his lips and took a long slug of his tea. “Couldn’t agree more, Y/N,” he began and you rolled your eyes. Always the jokester, he was. But when he looked at you with a new type of admiration and serenity in his eyes, you froze. “You could have blue hair and purple eyebrows and I’d still think you were the most beautiful girl on this earth.”
It was just a small moment, one shared between the two of you, when he grinned so earnestly you swore he might spill out all his heart’s desires to you. But as quickly as it appeared, it had vanished, and he went back to wiggling his eyebrows at you teasingly and eating his porridge. “Hey, wanna run some Quidditch drills after this?”
“Sure,” you replied a little too quickly, trying to catch your breath. You stood up from the table to get some breakfast of your own. “Meet you there. Oh, but first, Freddie?”
You smirked. “Before anything else happens today, it’s my turn to dye your hair.”
He thought on this for a moment before reaching out for a high five. He loved how you’d come to negotiate with him over the years. He guessed it was from being on the receiving end of tons of his pranks. He swallowed down his nerves and replied, “Deal.”
Ages 17 and 16
“Fred! Bloody hell, what’s gotten into you?”
“Just have to get you alone, don’t I?” he smirked.
The two of you were stumbling giddily, alone in a back corner of the desolate girls’ dormitory in the Ravenclaw common room. Most everyone were either in lessons or out on the grounds on this gorgeous day, but the two of you chose to be locked inside, for you didn’t exactly know how much time you’d be able to spend alone before he left. Especially with Toad Face breathing down your necks every chance she got.
His lips were locked with yours for what seemed like hours. It was slow and easy and comforting before he reluctantly pulled away and started tracing circles onto your hands, trying as he might to lot let you see the glassiness in his eyes.
“Promise me something,”
He sighed. “Next year, bring home the cup. You were robbed this year, love. Bloody Umbridge banning us from matches, and now the entire schedule is all wonky. Bring it home. But I swear if you tell any Gryffindors I said that, I’ll deny it.”
You raked your bottom lip through your teeth before poking him in the stomach. “You? A Gryffindor, hoping a Ravenclaw wins the cup? What would the other students think?”
“I reckon they’d think I’m out of my mind.”
You snorted. “Well, yeah, you are.”
The laughter faded away after a few moments, and Fred peered lovingly into your eyes. You could tell how much his nerves were eating at him -- leaving this all behind, not finishing school. The wrath of his mother. The unknown of how the shop will do. You traced the freckles on his cheeks and nose.
“You’ll be okay, you know. Actually, more than okay. It’ll be bloody brilliant, alright?”
Fred swallowed thickly before squeezing your hips. “You promise?”
“I promise. Do you promise to wait for me once you get there? I’ve got some exams to finish up.” You winked.
Fred laughed lightly and pulled you into his chest before placing light kisses onto your head. He took a long, deep breath and continued to caress your hair as you both tried not to think about the upcoming weeks. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried with all of your might to focus on the sound of his heartbeat, but each thump of his pulse was just another reminder that you were one second closer to him leaving.
“I promise,” he echoed you. “I’ll meet you there, won’t I?”
Ages 20 and 19
“Of course we’ll win! We’re bloody brilliant, aren’t we? Reckon Voldy won’t even be able to stand a chance, ruddy pumpkin head, he is.”
“Fred, please, just -- can’t you be serious for one moment?”
“Haven’t got a serious bone in my body, I’m afraid.”
His sigh had sounded different. It had a strange sense of urgency to it. He turned over in bed, took your head in his hands and pressed his lips together. He began to gently caress his thumb over your jawline. He’d never looked so serious in all his life. “I promise that everything will be alright. But you’ve got to try and get some sleep, darling.”
“But I can’t --”
“You’ve got to try. I’m right here.”
You swallowed down your tears and nuzzled your face into his chest. You breathed in the all too familiar smell of Molly’s washing detergent, and squeezed his fingers in yours. The two of you lay wide away in the darkness of the night, your breathing finally in sync with one another.
“When this is all over, we’ll be a proper family, alright? You and me. I promise.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead before laughing again. “You didn’t really expect one of us to leave without getting married first, did you?”
He groaned a bit when you teasingly punched him square in the stomach.
That was just last evening.
How had everything changed so drastically in less than twenty four hours? Why had those few precious hours in bed gone by so quickly?
Why hadn’t Fred been able to keep his promise?
You and George both had your arms wrapped tightly around one another, probably to help one another stay upright. You didn’t quite know how you were able to still walk, not when your body felt like all of the blood and oxygen had been drained from it. The two of you fell to the floor beside him; Fred’s body was still warm, his skin so soft, as though he were simply asleep.
You wanted to go back in time. Any amount of time, just to get more of it with him. Just to hear him say he loved you, to tell you he couldn’t wait until you both would get married, just to hear him say your name.
He’d managed to fight without gaining but a scratch. His hair was still perfectly messy, just like it always was, his hands folded neatly across his chest. It was miraculous, really, that there were so many others here, in this room, alive, who looked far worse than he did. And yet it was him who was dead.
It was him who’d had his life stolen out from underneath him, like a cruel joke.
You turned to George, blurry through your vision, and choked out the only few words you were brave enough to speak. “He didn’t keep his promise.”
George dropped his head and let his hoarse cries rattle through the Great Hall. He squeezed your hand and lay across his brother, begging him to wake up, just wake up. You tried to pull George back to his feet, but his body felt much heavier than it had just a few hours ago. Percy pulled him into a hug and let George cry, very similarly to the time when you were all very young and he’d fallen off of his broom and broken his ankle. And who had made him feel better? Fred, of course.
Fred looked so tranquil, it was almost terrifying to look at him. And yet, you couldn’t look away. You tried, through your blurry vision, to memorize everything about him -- the arch of his eyebrows, the way his eyelashes brushed gently against his cheeks, the spattering of freckles across his nose, the way his one ear was slightly crooked from the other. You wanted to remember the way his fingers felt interwoven with yours, like they’d been crafted that way because they were meant to be there, the way his lips always felt so soft. You ran a hand through his hair to try and push down that one stubborn part, but it sprang back up, just like always, and you managed a small chuckle. You couldn’t forget. You just couldn’t. You didn’t want to forget a single thing about him, and you were afraid that as soon as they took his body away, that you would.
You traced a gentle line over his freckles again. It must’ve been hours that you’d been lying there, because he felt cold now. Your body froze at the contact and you had to use every single ounce of strength you somehow had left to not crumble to pieces. But you managed to place one last, gentle kiss to his forehead as the sunlight of a new day flooded the Great Hall.
“I’ll meet you there one day, Freddie.”
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-Blue Book- (9)
Warnings: parent death, daddy issues, abandonment and ~le angst~
Wc: 4.1k
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You sat at Dea's desk, your eyes drooping heavily as you explained a sum to her. The girl opposite you was wide awake though, energetic as she solved the problem in her worksheet.
You were glad she had warmed up to you after the first session, but her endless enthusiasm towards mathematics at the moment was diametrically opposed to how you were feeling. The numbers on the pages swam as you decided to let your cheek rest on the table, your eyes fluttering closed for just a moment.
You darted awake, turning your head to her. "Y-yeah?"
"I solved it. Also, are you okay? You look tired."
That's because I am. "I'm fine." You assured, flipping through her workbook to find another page for her to do.
Could anyone blame you for being tired? You'd stayed awake all night in anticipation, your heart thrumming as you thought about what was going to happen today.
After this session, you were going to go straight to the park. If Chan showed up...you would know he felt the same. What if he didn't?
You shook your head, dispelling the negative thought. Fuck no. You'd gone without pessissism for so many years, despite having many reasons to be the same. This wasn't going to be the day you surrender to it.
You felt your phone chirp, signalling the end of the session as you looked over at Dea, who had finished her worksheet. You smiled and took it from her, putting it in your bag to correct later.
"Our next session is going to be day after tomorrow, okay? Your mom said you have a sleepover to attend tomorrow." You said as you packed your bag, getting up. "Remember to do your homework though."
She nodded. "It's the sums on page 38, right?" She asked, pulling out a pink book from her drawer and writing in it.
"Yeah-" you narrowed your eyes as your eyes fell on her book, confusion filling you.
The book was covered with brocade, a very familiar pattern on top. It was the same design as yours, except pink. The color was the only difference. The print, the shape, the size....everything was the exact same, down to the signature on the bottom of the cover.
The signature of your father's.
You opened your mouth, words failing to leave you as you watched her write in it, your mind hurtling back as the memories drove into you, full-force.
You were extremely young when your dad had gifted you the little blue book you'd come to love and cherish. It was the last good memory you had of him. The tiny books were handmade by him, a result of a hobby he'd picked up one summer. Your dad had always been somewhat of an artsy man, and this was his latest project.
He'd made a dark red diary for himself, one for work purposes. You remembered marveling over how pretty it looked, begging him to make a similar one for you. And he did.
And now here was an exact copy of the book you'd kept for years, in the hands of this young girl you'd never met before. Was it a coincidence?
"Earth to Y/n!"
You snapped back into attention, looking at the girl who had her eyebrow raised. You opened your mouth, wondering if you should ask.
But you couldn't. Shaking your head, you decided to bring it up to your mom when you got home. For now, you simply bid adieu to Dea, leaving the house as your mind swam.
Minho looked to the side, thanking the heavens that Jisung and Felix were still asleep, despite it being morning already. Thankfully, the heavy curtains in Changbin's guest room ensured that the sunlight didn't manage to wake up the two.
Last night after the match, he'd decided to spend the night at Changbin's house along with Felix and Jisung. And now he was just waiting for the right opportunity.
As the snores increased in intensity, Minho carefully took out your book from his pocket, using the light of his phone to illuminate the pages as he flipped through each one to find what he was looking for.
Drawings. Drawings. A few poems. Even more drawings- huh. Drawings of Chan. They were well done, yet clearly drawn by someone who was in love with him. Minho rolled his eyes as he checked the back pocket and the front one, searching the book thoroughly and letting out an angry sigh when he found nothing inside.
Anger surged through him as he threw the book roughly next to him on the bed, rubbing at his tired eyes in disappointment as he tried not to let the frustration bubble up. Why did the universe hate him so much? Was it all for nothing?
A minute later, he felt Jisung stirring, snapping him out of his thoughts. Swearing under his breath, he grabbed your book and moved to hide it again- frowning when his eyes fell on the long note written across the page.
He'd obviously missed this the first time he flipped through. Narrowing his eyes, Minho started to read the poem, slowly realizing it was a love letter, meant for Chan. His eyes moved to the last sentence. Ah...
So, you were planning to confess to Chan at the park. Minho grinned, knowing Chan wouldn't show up. After all, he never saw this letter. His smirk grew as he reread the sentence.
Not to worry. Even if Chan didn't show up, he would.
It was way too early. Chan hadn't gotten a wink of sleep last night, his heart twisting with anxiety.
He'd lost the book.
Last night, after he'd gotten out of the shower, he checked his pants for your book, deciding he was feeling calm enough to read what you'd written for him. As he'd searched his pockets, finding them empty, his stomach had filled with dread as he realized it was gone.
Trust. You'd trusted him enough to give him your closest possession, and he'd been careless enough to lose it. He cursed himself, turning over and burying his face in his pillow, wondering how he was going to face you. Usually, he called you every morning to make plans to hang out, but at the moment he couldn't bring himself to.
He didn't want to see you sad and disappointed, knowing he was the reason behind your ever-present smile disappearing.
Minho walked home, sipping on the can of beer he'd stolen from Changbin's fridge. It was definitely too early for this, but he honestly couldn't care less. As he neared his house, he tossed the can in the trash, running a hand through his hair as he walked closer.
The front door opened suddenly, and he frowned. His mom usually went to work much earlier than this, so who was leaving his house right now?
Minho's eyes widened as the person finally came into view, shutting the door and walking down the street.
Quickly darting behind a tree, he watched as you walked away, your feet moving quickly.
What were you doing in his house?
As Chan made his way into the locker room, he searched everywhere for the little book. He couldn't comprehend how it could have just disappeared like that. He was so sure he'd kept it in his pocket...
He let out a frustrated groan as he left the stadium, pulling his hood over his head as he noticed how there were a few dark clouds accumulating in the sky.
He'd done everything he could. He'd already called Felix and told him about the situation, but he didn't have a clue either.
Now, there was nothing left to do but face you. He wanted to curse, wanted to kick something or punch someone. You were never going to trust him again after this, and the thought broke his heart more than it should have.
You sat on the park bench, nervously, twiddling your thumbs as you waited for Chan to arrive. You stared at the lake, your heart pounding impossibly fast as you expected him to come at any moment now.
The sunlight shone on the water, and you observed the pair of ducks swimming together, a soft smile on your face, desperately wishing you could draw them in your book. It felt weird being away from it. It was usually always in your bag, the proximity of it always giving you comfort.
You couldn’t bring yourself to regret giving it to Chan, though- The book had been replaced. Chan made you comfortable in a way no inanimate object ever could.
The view in front of you was extremely peaceful. Love really was everywhere. You'd never really understood it before, but now you could...And it was a beautiful feeling, yet scary at the same time. You felt like confessing had taken a huge weight off of your heart, but you were deeply terrified of Chan's reaction. Sure, he'd been the one to approach you, take you on dates...he'd been the one to initiate the hand-holding and the kiss. Yet you couldn't help but be self-conscious. Your father leaving you had given you trust issues, and your mind started coming up with worst case scenarios even as you desperately tried to bat the negativity away.
But all of it melted away as you felt someone tap your shoulder.
This was it.
Your heart fluttered as you turned around slowly, your mind filling with happiness at the prospect of seeing him again after last night-
The smirk facing you definitely did not belong to Chan.
You stared at Minho in shock, standing up from the bench and backing away slightly as he raised an eyebrow. Why the fuck was he here? The dread in your stomach was back, and this time it was heavier.
"Surprised to see me?" He snarled, moving forward. You continued to move away as he moved closer, fear filling you as you stared at his slightly deranged expression.
"I'm not going to hurt you." He chuckled, and you swore as you realize you were cornered, having unintentionally backed up against a tree.
"At least, not yet." He said nonchalantly, trapping you against the bark as he hovered over you, making you gulp.
"W-why are you here? I'm...I'm expecting Chan soon, so p-please leave." You mumbled, summoning all your confidence as you avoided his heavy gaze. He narrowed his eyes, smirk reappearing as he shook his head at your naïvety.
"Oh, I hate to break it to you...Channie's not coming, dear." He said in a matter of fact tone, relishing the way your expression dropped further.
"What? B-but, the book-" you mumbled under your breath, almost to yourself. Minho scoffed, slipping your book out from his pocket roughly and holding it up in front of you.
"You mean this book?"
Your eyes widened. No. No way. How did this happen? How did it end up in his hands?
"You must be wondering how I got this, hm?" He let out a small snort. "Well, your precious Channie gave it to me last night. In fact, we all looked through it. Had a nice little laugh. The guys will definitely thank you for the fun night." He smirked, the devastation on your face pleasing him incredibly. He put on a mock face of surprise at your expression.
"Wow, is this some sort of surprise for you? Did you really think he had feelings for you? I'm sorry, but he was just using you, darling. He's always been in love with Miyoung, and he was just using you to get her."
The nonchalance with which he uttered those words was throwing you off as you tried to understand.
This couldn't be happening...was what he said true? You felt your heart breaking slowly, completely as the image of Chan laughing at the contents of your book with his friends came to mind, tears springing to your eyes as it sunk in. He'd been using you, all this time? But...his smile, the kiss...it had all felt so fucking genuine.
Minho's expression turned incredulous as he noticed your tears. "Wait, are you crying? Bitch, you don't deserve to cry." He spat, holding the book up to you and shaking it slightly.
"Now that those little truths are out of the way." He cleared his throat. "Tell me where the fuck it is."
Wait, what? Confusion filled your face as Minho glared at you, his tone growing angrier.
"I don't know...what you're talking about." You said slowly, cowering as he raised his eyebrows, scoffing again.
"The money." He said sharply. "Tell me where the money is. Cause I know your father most definitely hid it in this pathetic book."
Your dad? The confusion quickly became more potent as you stared up at Minho, his expression twisted with such pure wrath that it caught you off-guard.
"How do you...I- w-what?"
"Don't play dumb." He gritted his teeth. "Don't act all innocent and pretend to not know what your fucking father did to my family."
"I-" you narrowed your eyes, lip trembling as you spoke. "I have literally no idea what you're talking about."
The sky was darkening.
"Looks like I need to spell it out for you." Minho inhaled deeply, looking up before looking down at you again.
"Your father stole all my mother's money before leaving us." His voice shook a little as your eyebrows knitted together. "He left her destitute and pregnant, with a little boy to support. And then he had the balls to go and fucking die. Sound familiar?"
The words sunk into your head, like teeth. Your brain couldn't comprehend what he was saying properly and you opened your mouth, your voice stuck in your throat.
You couldn't believe it. He was your dad's stepson? The child you'd seen in the faded photos your dad had sent you of his shining, amazing new family?
It was starting to rain. The drops of water came down on the two of you, not entirely soaking you thanks to the tree above. The air was icy, and your teeth chattered- out of nervousness or the cold, you didn't know.
"So now, all I want to know is where the money he took is. I've searched this stupid book inside and out, but it's nowhere. So you tell me where it is."
"W-why would it be in my book?" You asked quietly, the implications of what Minho was saying overwhelming you beyond compare. You'd never really put much thought into your father's new family, having just seen a few old photos of them. Somehow it all made sense, and at the same time didn't.
"I know he made this book. It's the only heirloom he left for you. I know because he made the same one for my little sister, before he up and left. When I saw you with it at the cafeteria, I knew you were his daughter. And I just- I assumed it would be in here-" his voice was starting to break as he scrunched his eyes shut, realizing how far-fetched this was.
"I...M-minho...I haven't seen my dad since I was 9. I don't know where the money is. I'm..." You swallowed thickly. "I'm sorry he screwed up your family like he did mine. There's nothing I can do about it." You mumbled, looking down and avoiding his gaze.
His eyes softened a little as he let go of you, stepping back slightly and letting out a shaky sigh. He tossed the book to you and you caught it, looking up at him and his distressed expression. He'd known it was a bit of a reach- this whole thing was. Always had been. But he'd been desperate. He'd chased after this long shot of a theory ever since he laid eyes on you for the first time, writing in that book. The sudden self-loathing he felt was blinding as he realized what he’d done.
Minho turned to you. "I...I saw you leaving my house today. So you were the tutor Mom was talking about?"
"Yeah." Everything was slowly sinking in as your heart was still thudding. You understood why Dea's mom had looked so familiar. You'd seen her in the photos. Of course she'd been heavily pregnant then, a glow in her eyes that just wasn't there now.
"So you...you really hadn't seen him again since he left you? When he left us, he wrote a note. Said he was going back to his old family." He tilted his head at you, running a hand through his hair and baring his vulnerability. It was tiring having had to hide it for so long.
"No. He must have...must have died before he could. Or he was just lying. He wasn't always the most honest man in the world."
"You could say that." He shook his head, sighing as he went back over to the bench, flopping down on it and burying his head in his hands, not wanting to look at you. The guilt wrecking him was overwhelming, and he felt his heart shake.
You hesitated a little before going over and sitting next to him. He looked up at you, and you noticed small tears mixing with the raindrops running down his face.
"I'm...really sorry." He said in a small voice. "I was angry at him and I took it out on you." He looked back down at his lap, his eyebrows furrowing. "My childhood was spent trying to support my mom and my little sister. I guess I didn't stop to think about the fact that he did the same to you. Left you alone." He mumbled, his tone genuine.
You nodded, sighing and staring at your hands. "I...can forgive you, Minho. I understand the pain."
"I was just so...so stupid." He shook his head. "I don't even know why I thought that the money would be with you. I...fuck, I was an absolute asshole, wasn't I?" He said, tone filling with anger directed towards himself as he sat up.
You shrugged. "Well, I won't deny you were. But I guess you had a good reason." You said softly, thoughtfully humming. Maybe you were forgiving him too soon, but to be honest, your heart wasn't build to hold grudges. The boy next to you looked devastated enough.
"So...isn't Dea my sister, too?" Your mind swam as you realized you'd already met your half sister and hadn't even known it.
"Yeah. She would be excited to know she has a sister. She's always wanted one. Says I'm too serious for her." He laughed, smiling at you before clearing his throat and looking away.
There was a silence for a few minutes as the two of you let everything wash away with the rain. Both your hearts were still pounding from the heavy truths you'd learnt...but there was an odd sense of peacefulness filling you, now.
The same man had messed with the both of you, ruined your families. You'd come to terms with what he'd done, but Minho clearly hadn't. You were still surprised how easy forgiving him had been, especially after everything that he'd done.
The regret filling him was immense. Minho looked over at you, and slowly he decided to shift closer until your thighs were touching. Your clothes were wet, but neither of you could bring yourself to care. He slowly put his arm on the bench behind you.
There was a sense of comfort from knowing the two of you shared a reason to be fucked up. Sighing, you let your head rest on his shoulder.
Calm, finally.
Chan walked through the rain, not wanting to stop his search for you despite the heavy downpour. His clothes were soaked through as he made his way to the park, knowing it was probably where you were if you weren't at your own house.
As he made his way to your bench, he mentally rehearsed what he would say to you. Hi, I lost the book you value more than life itself at a football game- fuck, he'd really messed up this time.
As Chan walked on the path to the lake, he frowned as he noticed two figures on the bench the two of you always sat on. Shit, maybe you weren't here after all.
However as he came closer, his heart thudding impossibly loud, he realized he recognized the heads.
It was you and Minho, looking awfully close as your head rested on his shoulder, the two of you looking at the lake even as the rain poured down on you.
Chan felt his throat dry up completely as he stood there, feeling the betrayal hit him squarely in the chest and almost forgetting how to breathe.
Turning around, his expression stiff, he walked away as quickly as he could, thankful for the rain in that moment. He wouldn't cry, not over you.
He couldn't believe he'd been foolish enough to let you in. At the end of the day, he was destined to be miserable. Nothing could save him, and he winced as his heart leaked, slowly emptying itself of you, and all the memories he had of you.
Happiness was a fucking scam, and he was glad he realized it sooner than never.
You adjusted Minho's jacket around you as you waited for your mom to open the door. It was still raining heavily, and you were entirely soaked.
You still wanted to talk to Minho, and ask him a few more questions. Even more than that, you were excited to see Dea again. A sister. You finally had a sister, and an amazing one too at that. The girl was a sweetheart, and she really was a mini-you, now that you thought about it...
The rain had forced you to separate ways though. You scrolled through your phone out of boredom, shivering.
You checked your texts, frowning as you noticed the absurd amount of messages your mom had sent you. Wow, she’d been really intent on contacting you...was something wrong?
Worry growing, you knocked on the door extra hard, letting out a relieved sigh as the door was finally opened.
You'd had your fair share of shocks since the morning. However, nothing could have prepared you for what you saw.
Your mother opened the door quickly, peeking outside before ushering you in. As you entered the house, you swallowed as you noticed the amount of boxes and cartons that were lying around.
"I..mom? What is going on?" You asked, frowning as you watched her dart around in a hurry, dumping things into random boxes.
"Y/n, change and get ready, quick. Come on, we don't have much time-"
"What? Why? What's...what's happening?" You asked, clutching your saddlebag tighter as she went from one room to the other, tossing nearly all of your belongings into the assorted brown boxes littered around.
"What's happening is we're moving. And we have to do it right now." She glanced around. "I may have gotten into some... trouble. Thankfully my new boyfriend has a place up north, so we'll be fine-" she continued rambling, causing you to tune her out as you swore.
You felt tears prick your eyes. You wanted to burst out, the anger and sadness clawing at your throat insufferably. There was no way this was actually happening. Just when things were coming together a little bit...and now she wanted to uproot you again?
In all these years though, you'd come to realize that sometimes, there was just no other option.
Sometimes, you just had to accept the hard truths without complaints.
You sat in your mom's car as she drove, knowing better than to ask her what exactly the problem was. You stared at your phone, yearning to call Chan.
Don't, Y/n. You deserve better.
In the midst of all the revelations Minho had brought forth, you'd completely forgotten about the first truth Minho had let you in on.
Chan had been...using you. To get Miyoung. Unfortunately, you couldn't say it had come as a surprise. In the beginning, you'd noticed his lingering gazes on her, the way his demeanor changed every time she was around. After all, who wouldn't like Miyoung? She was lovable and sweet. Nothing like you.
But...but it had all seemed so real. How could he have been faking it the whole time?
You finally threw all caution to the wind, dialling his number and sighing when it went straight to voicemail.
Your heart was still broken, but that didn't mean you were going to be a complete asshole and disappear from his life without notice.
You started off just telling him you were leaving. However, you couldn't just...stop. There was unfinished business between the two of you.
You took a deep breath and decided to recite the love poem you'd written for him in the book, omitting the last sentence and sighing.
"I guess we were just not meant to be, after all. Thanks for everything, though. For just a while, you made me feel like I belonged."
And with that, you dropped your phone next to you, staring out at the raindrops running down the car window. The tears were making a reappearance, but at this point you couldn't bring yourself to give a fuck.
Something told you tears were going to be a regular occurrence from now on.
Note: Act 1 is over. Act 2 will commence from the next chapter, and there will be a time-skip of a few years.
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arcturusreads · 3 years
Hi do you accept prompts? If you do, here’s one: Hayes taking care of Meredith at home when she gets a stomach bug
Soup and Sickness - Merhayes
I'm most definitely accepting prompts right now so thank you so much for this one! I hope you enjoy x
Meredith Grey did not cope well with being ill. She hated it. She worked in a hospital; her immune system was stronger than most as a result. So, when Meredith did get ill, all hell broke loose because doctors made the worst patients.
Amelia, Maggie and Meredith had gone out for dinner the previous night, a chance to catch up as sisters without any men or kids involved. Apparently, the seafood pasta was not a good idea because Meredith had been throwing up since they’d gotten home. She cursed herself for even deciding to order it. Usually she was a steak person but the one time that she decided that seafood was a good idea she ended up with food poisoning. That would teach her.
After a restless night, Meredith was determined to try and make it into work but after throwing up twice in the space of half an hour, Maggie had called Bailey telling her that Meredith wasn’t coming into work today. So, once the kids had left for school and Maggie, Amelia, Link and Winston had gone to work, Meredith was left moping on her sofa, half dosing off as she yelled at the daytime tv talk show.
“Of course, you shouldn’t marry him! Why would you marry a man that hates your dog!”
Meredith was stopped from throwing the remote at the sceen when the doorbell rang. Groaning, she pulled herself upright and to her feet. She wrapped the Ellis’ unicorn fleece blanket around her shoulders, slipped her feet into her slipper and shuffled over to the door. The constant throwing up had made her feel exhausted and even though the nausea had begun to pass, she still felt awful.
Pulling open the door, Meredith was ready to yell at whoever was bothering her argument with the tv until she saw who was on the other side.
“Were you ever going to tell me that you were unwell?” The thick Irish accent was like music to her ears.
Stood there in dark wash jeans, a grey shirt, holding Tupperware, Cormac Hayes did not look best impressed.
Rolling her eyes, Meredith shuffled her way back to the sofa. “Close the door on your way in!” She called over her shoulder.
She was just getting comfy laying on the sofa again when Cormac came in, placed some Tupperware on the table and lifted Meredith legs so he could sit before resting them back on his lap.
“Grey, you know as your boyfriend some might say that I’m privy to some information about you. You know, like when you’re feeling unwell and calling in sick.”
Meredith twisted her body so that she could see Cormac properly. She could tell from the look on his face that he wasn’t joking around. Worry etched across his expression making Meredith feel bad for not saying anything earlier.
“Sorry, it’s just been a while since I’ve had to let someone else know about this kind of stuff.” Shuffling, Meredith sat upright. “I didn’t think it was a big deal, just some food poisoning, I didn’t think there was any point bothering you with.”
Cormac gave Meredith’s legs a squeeze, his features softening as he took in his girlfriend’s state. “Meredith, I’m always going to want to know about these sorts of things. You’re not bothering me by telling me.”
“I’m sorry,” she reached over and grabbed one of his hands.
Cormac broke into a small smile, “You don’t need to be sorry, Grey, just know you’re not doing these things on your own. We’ve got each other.”
The two of them couldn’t help but stare each other for a while. Even with Meredith running on three hours of sleep, in a worn-out hoodie and hair flying everywhere, Cormac still thought she was gorgeous.
“I bought that Tuscan orzo soup you like if you’re feeling any better.”
Cormac had invited Meredith down for dinner one night when the boys had a sleepover and she had fallen in love with the soup. He’d offered on multiple occasions to show her how to make it but Meredith stood by the fact that she would probably ruin the recipe and never be able to eat it again.
“I feel less nauseous, but I just want to sleep. I’m too tired to eat right now.”
She fell back onto the pillows and closed her eyes, relishing in the quiet of Cormac’s company. Suddenly, she felt her legs being lifted and placed back onto the sofa. Frowning, she opened on eye and found Cormac looming over her.
“Get up,” he demanded, shrugging his jacket off and placing it on the arm of the sofa.
“What do you want?” Meredith couldn’t help but be a bit whiney as Cormac took her hand and pulled her up to sit. Why didn’t this man understand that all she wanted to do was sleep.
Cormac took her seat beside her, kicked off his shoes and laid down on his side, pulling Meredith back to lie down again and wrapped his arms around her torso. He kissed her cheek before pulling some of her hair out face. Meredith drew herself closer into his cocoon, savouring the warmth that Cormac provided her.
Before her eyes fluttered shut, she turned her head around to face Cormac who quickly kissed her before she could say anything and couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him. She wouldn’t admit to Cormac how much she loved the affectionate side of him, he already teased her about way too much.
“You know you’re going to have to leave before everyone comes back, right?”
“I know, Grey. I checked everyone’s schedules before I came over.”
Meredith murmured in response, getting herself comfortable again.
“You know, I’m pretty sure they think we’re dating anyway.”
Yawning, Meredith replied, “I promise we’ll tell them soon.”
Not waiting to hear if he responded, Meredith fell into the best sleep she’d had in a while.
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marvelsbetch · 3 years
Peter Parker’s betrayal
Warning: Depressed Peter, Betrayed Peter, Dick head Stark.
-Peter POV-
I was so excited for this weekend, I had finally convinced Aunt May to let me stay the night at Stark towers. Mr. Stark and had been begging for weeks for me to stay the weekend so we could geek-out about nuclear physics and new suit upgrades to our heats content. After quite a bad Friday, Ned and MJ has been acting weird and Flash seems to have gotten more violent and cocky. Plus, when Happy drove me back to my apartment he never spoke to me, not even his dry hello, he just gave me sympathetic glances as if he knew something I didn't. Saturday was the day, the day I had been waiting for since I first heard of Mr. Stark and his work. Since I read the first news article on Iron Man. Since I was 6 years old.
It started great, the sun was shining unusually bright for a March morning, Aunt May had made me her world famous pancakes worthy of Mr. Stark himself. My bag was already packed and ready, all I had to do was wait. Wait for Happy to come and pick me up and take me to what would've been the best weekend of my life.
How I wish I could go back. I wish I could go back to being this happy and content with my life. I wish.
"Peter! Happy's here!" Aunt May yelled at me from the living room, I was waiting on my bed.
"Okay, I'm coming." I told her grabbing my bag and walking to the door to meet Happy.
All he did was give me a sympathetic look and lead me outside to the car. The last time I'll ever see this car. The drive to Stark Tower was similar to the drive home last night. Awkward and eerily silent. The thirty minute drive felt like two hours as a sense of impending doom washed over me. I should've listened to my senses and asked Happy to turn back.
Soon we pulled into the Stark tower garage and started walking towards the elevator, Happy following close behind. We rode up to the penthouse again, in silence and walked into the living room.
My heart shattered.
Mr. Stark was sat on the couch watching a movie with popcorn and Ice cream while talking to someone. A teenage boy I recognised. The teenage boy who tormented me since freshman year. The teenage boy names Eugene 'Flash' Thompson. Sat on Mr. Starks couch, watching a movie. What is going on.
"Hey Mr Stark." I spoke waving at him and walking further into the living room.
"Oh Peter. What're you doing here?" He asked.
"Come on. It's the sleepover we've been planning for months. The one we begged my Aunt to let us have, you've got to be joking right?" I asked scared of the answer.
"Oh, no I don't. I was busy with Flash, he's such a cool guy you know." Mr. Stark told me. "Why don't you go work on something in the lab while I finish this movie with Flash. Then we can all do something together." He suggested.
"Sounds great." I mumbled as I slowly moved back to the elevator to go to my lab.
Hours passed in the lab and there was no sign of Mr. Stark anywhere. It's as if he forgot me. I had finished upgrading my suit, multiple times, tested it and managed to build new web shooters from scratch. He never came.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y show me Mr. Stark." I requested.
"Of course Peter." She responded, even she sounded like she had sympathy for me.
The image she showed me broke my heart. Mr. Stark and Flash were sat on the couch, likely not even left since I last saw them, laughing with each other. Laughing at me.
"And then he just fell, like out of no where. Didn't trip over anything, just fell. The whole cafeteria laughed at him while I got up and ran away crying like a little baby." Flash told the traitor. Lies. He had tripped me while I was getting my lunch and it split all over my clothes and the floor.
"Oh my God, how pathetic." Mr. Stark said through tears of laughter.
Speaking of tears, I felt my own eyes welling up. How could he? After all we had been through with the Thanos snap, how hard he tried to get me back. How could he do this to me? He even called me son a few times, I sometimes called him Dad by accident but he never let me live it down.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y stop." I requested through sobs.
"I'm sorry Peter. Should I inform Mr. Stark of your distress?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asked with as much sympathy as a robot could as the image disappeared.
"No, he probably wouldn't care anyway." I told her as I heard footsteps coming towards the lab.
"What's up Penis? Upset that I'm closer to Tony?" Flash taunted as he entered my lab, something only Mr. Stark is allowed to do without my permission.
"No. Just overwhelmed." I told him wiping my tears away and getting angry.
"Well, Tony told me to come down and let you know that we may have to reschedule the whole sleepover thing." He told me smirking.
“Why?" I asked.
"We've just made plans, more important than any of yours." He told me leaving the room.
I broke down crying, what's happening. Just a few days ago everything was normal, what changed? Soon heavy crying turned into a full blown panic attack. Great.
"Mr. Parker Mr. Stark has been notified of your current state. He said he'll be here when he can." F.R.I.D.A.Y informed me making it worse.
There was a time when he would drop everything to make sure I was okay. He walked out of numerous meetings, one was with the president, because I was the slightest bit panicky. Now, having a panic attack on the floor below him he's all of a sudden too busy. Too busy with Flash.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y call Nat please." I requested through sobs.
"Peter? What's going on are you okay?" Nat's voice rung out immediately, she picks up fast.
"No. Can you come to my lab please?" I requested calming down slightly.
"Of course. Where's Stark?" She asked as I heard her moving around and a door slam.
“He's, uh, with someone. Too busy to come down and help me." I told her making it worse again at the thought of it. He's basically abandoned me for Flash.
"Okay I'm 5 minutes away. Stay calm." She instructed.
Less than five minutes later Nat came bursting through the doors Mr. Stark in tow. He was holding his ear making me feel like she'd dragged him down here aggressively.
"What's this for?! Me and Flash just got the crucial plot point of the movie!" Mr. Stark yelled at Nat.
"This is more important! You left him down here to have a panic attack on his own! He had to call me to come and help! What's wrong with you?!" Nat yelled back and she walked over to comfort me.
"I told him I would be there when I could, a.k.a, not at the crucial plot point of the movie!" Mr. Stark responded making Nat send daggers at him.
"That's not as important as the welfare of your intern, the person you call your son. What's going on and who's that person in the living room anyway?" Nat growled at him.
"My names Eugene 'Flash' Thompson. I'm Tony's new intern." Flash introduced himself sticking his hand out for Nat to shake it. Strange, I didn't even know he was here.
"Leave. Peter's Tony's intern." Nat growled at him pushing his hand away.
"Not anymore. I decided to hire Flash instead, sorry Peter." Mr. Stark informed me with very little sympathy in his voice. "You can still intern, just not for me."
"Stop talking before I throw you out of this window." Nat warned. "Why all of a sudden do you think Peter's not good enough? You were calling him your son not even two days ago!" Nat yelled.
"Realisation I guess. I realised that the future of my company should be left with someone strong and willing. Not someone who trips over noting in the middle of his school cafeteria." Mr. Stark told her, her eyes went red.
"I didn't trip over nothing, Eugene shook his foot out for me trip over. He's been tormenting me for years." I explained hoping to make Mr. Stark see his fault.
"Now you're lying to me?" He accused glaring at me. "If that's true then why didn't you tell me before hand? Convenient it only comes up now."
"I never told you because I could handle it. Didn't know it would lead to you being the ultimate back stabbing traitor." I growled at him finally standing my ground.
"Don't call me a traitor when you've just lied to my face. I want you out of my building and out of my life." Mr. Stark told me making Nat, once again, glare daggers at him.
"You're utterly delusional. You kick him out you loose me, no more black widow." Nat threatened standing right infront of Mr. Stark, challenging him.
"Fine, I've got everyone else on my side. Wish I could say you'll be missed." He told her smirking.
Next thing I know Nat grabbed my arm and bags before leading me out of the building. We walked passed Happy and Pepper who both stopped us to say sorry and promise that they'll speak to Tony. Nat told them not to bother as he won't change. Happy offered to drive us home but Mr. Stark called him to say that if he did he'd be fired. He still offered but I couldn't let him loose his job over me.
"I'm so sorry for this Peter. I tried to tell but he won't listen, I'll try and fix this I promise. You have my word and my number should you need it. He won't realise what he had until he lost it. You'll both be missed." Pepper sobbed as she hugged me tight, my surrogate mother.
"The offer of a ride still stands, he'll die without me and he knows it. If he fires me it's his loss." Happy told me placing a hand on my shoulder.
"No it's fine, you shouldn't be getting roped into this, this is my mess." I told me making everyone sigh.
"This is not your mess, it's Tony's and soon enough I'll make him clean it up. You have my word." Pepper promised before Mr. Stark walked up to us all.
"If you don't leave now I'll have security kick you out." He growled at me only making me want to cry in a corner somewhere. I've truly been abandoned by my only father figure.
"Fine, we're leaving." Happy said grabbing my shoulder and leading me and Nat out of the building. Did he just quit?
"Did you just quit?" I asked him.
"Yep." Was his short response. Dear God, what has this turned into?
"You'll never be hired again if you walk out those doors." Mr. Stark threatened.
"I'd rather live on the streets than work for you and that brat upstairs." Happy told him before we all walked out of the building.
"This is real. I've been abandoned." I spoke finally admitting it before breaking down into tears.
Nat quickly comforted me and we started to make our way back to my apartment. This is going to be fun to explain to Aunt May.
-2 months later-
It's been two months since Mr. Stark abandoned me and my life has taken an interesting turn. After a day or two everyone had found out about what had happened and boycotted anything to do with Mr. Stark. They never went to meetings, either towers, training sessions and even missions. Pepper left him the night he abandoned me. Mr Stark was truly alone except for Flash, many employees quit and his sales took a hard hit once word got out to the media. My name wasn't mentioned but Flash's was, this made my school life so much harder as Flash now believed he was some sort of celebrity.
Happy drove me to and from school everyday in his own car. He and my aunt had become really close over the past two months and I've started to have the suspicion that they may be dating. Probably. Nat barley left my side if it was necessary, she even sneaks around school sometimes just to make sure I'm okay, I'm far from it. School has become even more of a nightmare than it already was. Flash's taunting became worse and physical, most teachers turned a blind eye in fear of Mr. Stark. Ned and MJ left me after claiming that I was just pathetic, hard to disagree if I'm honest, and everyone of my teachers has become so much harder on me. Life just isn't good right now.
-Two years later-
Two years. Two years since the faithful night and life has become good. I graduated with great grades, despite me not having the best time in school in the past few years and teachers becoming extra tough on me. I passed with mostly As and A+s. after graduation I got a scholarship to Cal tech and started my courses. I plan to open my own business, not to spite Stark, as fun as that would be, but to help those in need. I want to start a company that focuses on helping to poor and improving their living conditions.
-Ten years later-
My company was a massive success. I make cheap but reliable electronics that not only help the poor improve their lives but most of the profits go to improving their lives in other ways. Just last month I traveled to Cambodia to a town full of people so poor they had to buy their houses on rivers because they couldn't afford land. It was eye opening and we helped so much, buying land for them, helping them build stable homes and facilities, building toilets and other necessities. I feel great with myself if I'm being honest.
I've also recently come out at Bisexual with the announcement of me and my boyfriends engagement, Wade Wilson also known as Deadpool. Life's good.
Also, Flash took over Stark industries but it's not been going well. He can't run a business or build a piece of tech to save his life, the sales have plummeted and they've had to lay of hundreds of people in the past month. Most of which, came to me. Now, let me make this clear, I did not start my company to spite Stark and try and beat him. I started it because people like him and Flash don't care about the people who have less of a say, I look out for the little guy. Always have and always will.
I still continue with my spider man work and have received countless awards for my work helping the little guy. Weather that be a common mugging or helping people escape war torn countries. I found a way to build more houses and have more land while also expanding the rain forest and saving the environment. I have dedicated my life to helping others, I made the decision when I was fifteen and ten years later I still stand my it.
-Five years later-
Stark Industries went bankrupt. Flash had run it into the ground with failed experiments and an attempt to bring back the weapons department but with my work, it wasn't necessary. There were no more wars to fight and weapons were seen as a thing of the past.
"Peter please I'm sorry. Flash manipulated me to believe that you were less of a person. Please, I've lost everything because of him." Stark begged, tears brimming his eyes as he as me for a job in my offices.
First he asked for CEO but me and Pepper handles those duties. Then it was Public Relations but Steve and Clint have those conceded. He went through all jobs only to find them to be taken by those he once called his friends. Currently he's begging for a low-level position but I was willing to give him a second chance. He's suffered enough over the past fifteen years.
"Okay, here's a deal. I'll invest back into Stark Industries but you have to promise to help people. No more Eugene or decisions made by yourself. I'll try and convince Pepper to work with you again but I can't promise anything. It's not completely your fault Eugene ran your company into the ground and I'm willing to help but you have to work with me. You have to promise to help people and the environment, look at what I've achieved." I said gesturing to the office building on the 40th floor of our main headquarters.
Over the past five years Pepper and I had made some excellent business decisions and our profits sky rocketed, we have buildings all over the world and I became one of the richest men in the world. I still give back and if anything, I've given more back in the past few years.
More money. More resources. More output. More help to those who need it. World poverty has dropped to less than 10%, an immaculate improvement to the 80% of fifteen years ago.
"I promise. I don't think I can tell you how happy I am Peter." Stark told him smiling like an idiot.
-Another ten years later-
We did it. The rainforests were saved. No animals were near extinction. Both my company and Stark Industries were on the map helping those who need it, not many now though. World Poverty was less than 0.5% of the population and soon to be eradicated. We saved the planet and the people on it but most importantly, we made a flying car. Life was good.
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ningningsplushie · 3 years
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Pairing: Hoseok x reader
Word count: 2020
Genre: self-care night, domestic Hobi??, fluff galore, comfort fic
Summary: Y/N visits her boyfriend Hoseok after a stressful day. Once she steps in his presence, the waterworks start and from there, he takes care of Y/N.
Warnings: Angst on the reader’s part, naked ppl ;) but nothing seggsual, sad emotions :( but it’s okay because Hobi is here to comfort you
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Y/N had just finished her shift at work after a gruelling study session at the library. Exams were coming up and work was kicking her ass. As hard as she was working, it just didn’t feel enough for her. Fears of not graduating with the degree she wanted, along with potentially getting fired from the newspaper agency, were eating her up. What Y/N really needed right now was love and a bit of coddling from her boyfriend Hoseok. 
The minute she stepped out of the building, she had texted Hoseok if it was alright for her to visit him and due to them not seeing each other for two weeks, he of course agreed. 
Standing right outside of his apartment’s door, Y/N holds the handle of the door in a death grip, trying her best to push her tears down as best as she could, not wanting Hoseok to see her in such a vulnerable and messy state. Opening the door ever so slowly, she creeps in, setting her bags on the floor. 
“Hobi, I’m here!” She calls out, taking off her shoes at the entrance. 
Hoseok walks out of his bedroom in a baggy shirt and a pair of grey sweats hanging low on his hips. He looks so good all the damn time. How does he do it? It’s taking Y/N everything in her power for her not to burst out crying, but the minute he flashes his dazzling smile and says, “Hey flower, how was your day?” she loses it. 
The emotions she’s been bottling up for the past few weeks let loose, her vision becoming increasingly blurry as she starts to bawl, falling to her knees on Hoseok’s hardwood floor. 
Hoseok guessed this would have happened sooner or later, judging from how distant but hardworking she’s been but upon seeing her tears track down her face, her body huddled into a small ball, his heart breaks into a million pieces. He rushes over to her, picking up her frail figure, and carries her to his couch. Hoseok caresses Y/N’s head, allowing her to nuzzle her face into his long neck as she sobs and sobs. 
“It’s alright flower, let it out. You’ve been so strong for me, don’t keep it in any longer.” He consoles, giving her a chaste kiss atop her head and gently patting her bum, rocking her in his arms like a baby. 
They stay like this for ten minutes as Y/N continues to cry, her body racked from her crying and face now puffy and red. She stops and no sound can be heard, leading Hoseok to assume that she’s fallen asleep. 
Carefully, he tries to get up from the couch to carry Y/N to his bedroom but is met with a meek, “Hobi, I’m so, so tired.” 
Pouting at her tiring claim, he replies, “I know, baby. We’re gonna go to bed right now so you can rest up.” 
“No, I’m not tired like that. I’m just...mentally exhausted.” 
Hoseok’s frown deepens. “You work so hard, flower. You’ve got to let yourself rest every once in a while.”
Y/N shakes her head, locks of her hair falling into her eyes. “You know I can’t do that. I’m so busy and-and I’ve got to keep track of all my work. If I stop to rest for even a day, I’ll fall behind.” 
An idea pops into Hoseok’s head. “Alright. Since you so willingly came to me, I’ll just have to force some relaxation into you.” 
“It’s not very relaxing if you have to…”
Hoseok interrupts his girlfriend with a sweet kiss on the mouth, careful not to stray the kiss into something not so deviant. “shhhhhh. Just trust me.” He mumbles into her mouth. 
With Y/N still clinging onto Hoseok, he carries her into the bathroom, carefully setting her on top of the sink. He rummages through the cabinet behind Y/N’s dangling legs, and from below her, she hears, “Lavender or Chamomile?” 
“Lavender or Chamomile what?” She asks, puzzled at her boyfriend’s odd behaviour. 
Hoseok pulls back from the cabinet and jeers, “Bubble bath, duh.”
“Oh...uhhhh lavender please.” 
Hoseok gets up from the floor, plugs the bathtub, and waits for the water to fill it a generous amount so he can dump in the bubble bath. 
Hoseok leaves and returns with an arm full of candles, placing them all over the bathroom and lights them one by one. Once he’s done, he spreads Y/N’s legs apart and stands between them, giving her another passionate kiss. “I love you so much, flower. Let me take care of you. Arms up, angel.” 
Y/N listens to his command and he begins to peel off her sweater, trailing soft kisses up her arms, shoulder, and collarbones. “Bum up, please.” 
He takes off her jeans, leaving even more kisses and caresses on her thighs and ankles. 
He draws back from Y/N and says, “Alright, I'll let you have some peace and quiet now. Call me when you're finished.”
He turns to leave but before he can do so, Y/N calls out, “Hobi, wait! Can you ermmmm…” she begins to trail off, shaking her head. “Nevermind.” 
“What is it, flower?” 
Y/N, sitting in her bra and underwear, looks down at her feet and shyly whispers, “I just...I was wondering if you could...bathe with me.” She looks up at him, her eyes sparkling with hope and a little bit of embarrassment. 
They’ve been intimate before but they’ve never showered or bathed together. Y/N, as busy as she is, treasures her moments of peace so hearing her ask this, Hoseok it elated, wanting nothing more than to comfort and sit skin to skin with the girl he loves. 
“ahhhhhh, is my little flower shy?” He teases, creeping between her legs once more. 
“Hobiiiiii!” She giggles, burying her face into his neck. 
“You don’t have to be so shy, you know. Not when you want me to be with you.” 
The two strips off all the fabrics on their persons and Hoseok takes hold of Y/N’s hand so she can safely step inside the bathtub. He trails in after her and the two sit down, Y/N sitting in front of her boyfriend, her back glued to his chest as she leans her head on his shoulder. 
“You wanna talk about it?” 
“I don’t want to burden you. It’s a lot, really.” She objects, basking in the warmth of the water and the scent of the bubbles. 
Hoseok places his hand under Y/N’s chin and turns her head so she’s looking at him. “Look at me. Don’t ever think that you’re burdening me.” 
Y/N nods her head, burrowing her cheek on his chest. “Everything is so overwhelming. I feel so stupid in school even if I’m studying hard. I feel like I’m not doing enough at work even if I’m working my ass off every day. I’m working and working and it’s just not worth it. I’m so close to dropping out of university. My dream of becoming a journalist doesn’t feel like a dream any longer. It’s more like a chore.” 
Hoseok wraps his arms around Y/N and tuts. “I hope you know you’re the only one who sees that. I know, trust me Y/N I know that school is stressful but you’re passing and all your professors love your papers. You may feel like you're working a dead-end job but it’s only the first step to you achieving your dream. Your hard work isn’t going unnoticed, alright? If you were doing anything wrong, your boss or professors would call you out. You’re doing amazing. Don’t give up, flower, not when you’ve gotten this far.” 
“It’s too much, Hobi. I can’t handle it anymore.” She retaliates, trying to squirm free from his grasp. 
He holds her tighter, kissing her head. “You can and you will. I’ll be with you every step of the way, cheering you on and picking you up when you fall. I’m not going to sit here and watch as you give up your dream. I’ll support you and make sure you get to where you want to go. You just need to find a nice balance between life and work.” He smirks, pressing a long kiss to her lips and softly brushing his thumb over her cheek. “That’s where I come into play.” 
Y/N pulls always and playfully slaps his arm. “You creep! Can’t you keep it in your pants for once?” 
“That’s kinda hard to do when I’m sitting naked in a tub with my beautiful girlfriend.” 
Y/N flushes into a deep shade of red. “Jeez, way to ruin the moment.”
“I’m kidding...for now.” He purrs, hiding his devilish grin in their kiss. “What I'm not kidding about is making sure you’re getting rest and relaxing once in a while.” He puffs his chest out, forming his lips in a pout. “One day a week will be a certified Hobiday where I get to baby and cuddle you. Ah, ah, ah, no objections. I won’t listen.” He urges, pressing his hands over his ears. 
 Y/N turns around to face Hoseok in the tub so she can force his hands away. “Alright, alright. There’s really no point in fighting you about this.”
Hoseok perks up. “There really isn’t. Just you wait. Hobiday will be your favourite day of the week. Let’s get out before we prune up, hmmm?” 
Hoseok helps Y/N out of the tub and pats her dry with a towel, careful not to let his hands wander. 
“I can dry myself, Hobi.” Y/N whines. 
“I know you can. I just want to take care of you tonight.” 
The two get dressed and relocate to his bedroom, Y/N sitting on his bed and Hoseok standing in the doorway, drying his hair. 
“Have you been eating well?” He inquires. 
Ashamed, Y/N twiddles with her thumbs and replies, “Just instant ramen. I’ve been too busy to eat a real meal.” 
“You’ve been eating instant ramen for two whole weeks?!” 
Y/N shrugs her shoulders. “There’s nothing wrong with that. At least I ate something, right?”
“Uhhhhhh wrong??? That’s it. We’re ordering in tonight.” 
“It’s fine, I’ll eat something when I get home.” Y/N defends, hopping off the bed. 
“Home? You’re not going home tonight. We’re having a sleepover and don’t even think for a second that I’ll let you have another cup of ramen.” 
“It’s late and I’m exhausted, Hobi. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
Hoseok shakes his head, walking towards Y/N and tackling her in a bear hug. Y/N struggles to roll on top of him, trying to break free. Instead, Hoseok pins her arms above her head with him straddling her hips. 
“Yeah it’s late, you dummy. I’m not letting you go. You can sleep here. We’ll eat good food, watch Netflix, and cuddle. Doesn't that sound nice?”
Y/N falters, eyes glueing onto Hoseok. “I don’t want to intrude.” 
He groans, brushing his hands over his face. “You’re not intruding. You know why?” He leans down to Y/N’s face. “Because. I. Love. You. So. Much.” He enunciates, peppering kisses across her cheeks after each word. “Now shut up and take my love.” 
Y/N stops fighting and gives in to Hoseok, allowing him to cuddle her and cover her face in kisses. 
“Thank you for making sure I don’t make any stupid mistake...and thank you for taking care of me. I love you to no end, Hoseok.”
He grins at her, replying with, “Of course, angel. That’s what your sunshine has to do hmm? I’ve got to make sure my beautiful flower grows strong. And in return you make me shine brighter.” 
The two touch foreheads and Y/N whispers once more, “I love you so much.” 
“I love you too, flower.” 
This was it. Y/N knew at this moment that Hoseok was her home, her comfort and that she’d always find her path back to him.
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The Big Three x Reader Imagines
Anonymous said:                                                                
I don't know how many characters you take for headcanons but here it go... How do you think The Big 3 would handle having a crush on a first-year student?If this excees your maximun on characters, just a one headcanon or scenario with favorite Big 3 it's perfect too ^^
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When he first meets you, it’s when he’s helping out Present Mic
That’s when you walked in to give him a note from Mr. Aizawa
Tamaki didn’t know how, but Present Mic knew you
“Ahh, Y/n! There’s my champ! How did training go?”
Tamaki just sat on the sidelines, trying not to be obvious when he was staring at you
You explained how you had gotten hurt, and then gestured to your leg that was wrapped up
“Recovery Girl wanted to give me crutches, but I told her I’m not a weakling!”
Tamaki couldn’t help but chuckle, and that’s when you finally noticed him
“Oh forgive me, this is Tamaki! Tamaki, this is Y/n from Aizawa’s 1-A class. Y/n, this is my student Tamaki. He’s apart of The Big Three.”
A first year student??? With a body and face like that???
Wait, no... she shouldn’t think such dirty thoughts.
Over the next few weeks, he somehow runs into you a lot
Like... too much to be just a coincidence
Little does he know that you are just as smitten with him as he is with you
You give him your number, and it takes the power of Nejire and Mirio to get him to text you
When he does, you’re so happy
The four of you make plans to go to a café down the street, and you guys have a good time
You learn that Tamaki’s shy, but he has a lot to say
Mirio makes sure to ask a lot about you, hoping that you and Tamaki will build something cute
Him and Nejire already ship it
Over the next few weeks, Tamaki finally grows comfortable around you
That is, until the dance comes around
Tamaki is terrible at dancing, but lucky for him you aren’t
“That’s it! Every day, from 2 pm to 4 pm, we are dancing!”
You teach him everything Mina taught you
You guys grow close, really close
Finally, the dance comes around and Nejire dresses you up in the cutest dress possible, which happens to show off your chest immediately
Tamaki is quick to let you borrow his jacket
You tell Tamaki to go dance with a pretty girl when he says that the prettiest girl there is you
You’re not stupid, and end up dancing with him the entire time, laughing and joking
You realize that you couldn’t have had a better time with anybody else
When you’re walking home, it starts raining, so you two squeeze under an umbrella and hold hands
When you’re about to go inside your dorm, he decides it’s now or never and kisses you
You kiss back, and smile
Is he dating you now? He needs to talk to Mirio and Nejire for several moments about how he’s questioning everything.
But he doesn’t question that you like him, and he likes you back.
You’re his favorite person in the entire world.
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When Aizawa calls her, Tamaki, and Mirio to his class, you stick out to her
It’s like there’s a glow around you the entire time, and she can’t look away
She doesn’t really hear much before they have to go back to class
She’s not stupid! She knows she likes you!
She makes it her mission to know your name, quirk, friend group, and to find your old year book
She even makes her two best buds help her out
They think it’s creepy, but at the same time cute
She’s just so fond of you!
She finally talks to you in the cafeteria and is her own bubbly self
She easily becomes friends with you and invites you to a movie
“You’ll be my date!”
You both laugh it off, but she has a plan
She buys your tickets first, far away from all the people
She then buys you one soda with two straws, and your favorite candy bar which she made Tamaki find out
By the end of the scary movie after Mirio found out you were easily scared
You’re holding her hand and pulling her close
She isn’t watching the movie
Near the end of the night, you’re holding her hand tightly as you walk home to your dormitory
Good thing she had Mirio dress up as a ghost to scare you from the bushes
By the end, you two cannot be closer
“I don’t know about you but I had fun.”
You agree, and she bends down to kiss you
You kiss back slowly and passionately
“Well then I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Gosh, why do you have to be so cute?
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Mirio couldn’t be in love with you! You’re like a little sister to him!
At least that’s what he is thinking when you walk by him in that bathing suit in swim practice
Mirio always comes to your swim meets, you’re just so good!
But you also look sooooo good.
He doesn’t like the way your young coach looks at you. Mirio wants to kill him.
Doesn’t he know that you belong to Mirio? Or... as a friend obviously.
Today Mirio cannot think about all that though, it’s the day of the Sports Festival.
After months of you and him training together, it’s your time to shine.
Your quirk is amazing, and you easily make it into the top 4.
You’re fighting Tokoyami when he run around him, swing your legs around his head, and throw him out of the arena.
Mirio jumps out of his seat, along with most of the arena in applause.
Mirio’s crying, he’s literally crying
He’s only known you for three months when you got into 1-A
But ever since then, his life was changed thanks to you
He was able to talk about his issues to you, have sleepovers with you, and he had taught you how to drive
You two needed each other more than you’d ever know.
But during that entire time, you had only talked about one dream of yours!
Winning the Sports Festival!!
And here you were, about to accomplish your dream
As the final round came, you weren’t able to talk to anyone
The festival had already gone on for too long
Your final opponent is one of your classmates, Katsuki Bakugo
“Just so you know, I’m not going easy on you because you’re a girl, or my friend.”
“Just know I won’t go easy on you because you’re a guy, or my friend.”
He grinned, and then the sound signaling the start rang out in your ears
In a moment of desperation, Bakugo leapt forward, explosions coming towards you left or right
In the smoke and dust, you were able to run out of his sight and disappear into the dust
Mirio was watching, terrified as he watched fire graze your skin and burn you
He heard you yell, before you jumped behind Bakugo
From above the arena, Mirio found himself biting his nails in worry
You were getting hurt, and going up against one of the most violent people he knew
It didn’t matter that you were one of Bakugo’s only friends, he wanted to win
But so did you...
it scared Mirio that he knew that neither of you would give up, and with both of your quirks together, it would be a messy fight.
The fight was mainly Bakugo firing shots at you, and you dodging every one of them
It was obvious that you were showing off, hoping that hero agencies would take note of your skill against someone so desperate to hurt you
Mirio and everyone else could see Bakugo quickly running out of energy, but so were you
You looked thirsty, out of breathe, and like your entire body was aching
You were using your quirk to propel you around like that, and Mirio knew that you were already overdoing it
Luckily he had packed his backpack with chips and your water bottle
The moment Bakugo took a moment to breathe, you ran at him and kicked him in the stomach, sending him out of the stadium into the wall
“Katsuki Bakugo is out of the arena! Y/n L/n wins the sports festival!” Midnight yelled into the speaker, beginning to walk up to you before you fell to your knees weakly, smiling ear-to-ear
The entire stadium erupted into screaming of joy, as practically everyone had been rooting for the cute, sweet girl against the rude, loud, violent guy
Even Endeavor could be seen clapping off the sidelines!
Mirio looked around to see Ochako shaking Asui ecstatically, Denki and Sero crying happily for their Minecraft girlfriend, and Aizawa and Mic, who were staring, happily shocked, at you.
Mirio just sat there though, staring at you with hearts in his eyes
You were the most perfect thing in the entire world
Once you were finally let go of the nagging press and all the wonderful pro heroes congratulating you, you got in line with your friends to board the bus
“Y/n! Wait!”
You turned to see Mirio sprinting after you, hoping to catch you before you went back to school
He needed to talk to you now or never
“Here! Don’t forget!” He handed you your water bottle and a bag of chips, as well as the sweatshirt you had asked him to hold
“You’re so sweet. Tha-”
He stopped you mid-sentence by kissing you, cupping your face sweetly
You pulled back, appalled by your best friend’s actions as a regretful look spread across Mirio’s face immediately
“I’m so sorry Y/n, I’ve just been feeling a certain way about y-” Mirio was interrupted by you squirting a little bit of water onto his face from your water bottle
“You’re so cute Miri.” You winked at him before turning to the bus, to see all your classmate’s faces pressed against the window, not even trying to hide the fact that they were watching
“Might as well give them something to watch.” You laughed, before grabbing his collar and pulling him into another deep kiss
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itspufflehuff · 3 years
Cookies - Peter Parker Imagine
Summary: Y/N, Peter, and Ned have all been best friends since the second grade. When Y/N experiences her first heartbreak will they be able to help her? Most importantly will Peter?
I know I normally post Sebastian Stan/ Bucky but I want to also get into the other MCU characters/ actors so here is Peter Parker! I have some more Sebastian/ Bucky imagines in the making but for now enjoy.
Let me know what you think! You can read part two here.
Word Count: 2,558
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You and Peter first became friends in the second grade. He fell off of the monkey bars and lay on the floor holding his arm in pain. His friend, Ned, stood to the side smiling and clapping, "Do it again!" You grabbed the last cookie from your lunch box then walked over to Peter. When he got to him you stood there holding the cookie out, " I fell off the monkey bars one time. I cried but my mom said cookies will always make me feel better." He giggled and reached out taking the cookie from you.
From that day on Peter and Ned would join you for lunch and ask you to play with them during breaks. The three of you soon became inseparable.
You loved your best friends and always saw them as just that, friends.
That was until sometime in middle school. You don't know exactly what happened to flip your emotions the way they did, but when you looked at Peter your whole day got better. You always found yourself wanting to sit next to him whether it be in class, during movie nights, on the bus, or in the cafeteria.
Once you noticed how your feelings towards your best friend had changed you did your best to suppress them. You knew he didn't think about you that way. It was obvious, the way he and Ned would drool over girls in front of you. So you pushed your feelings to the side and tried to move on.
You did for a bit. As middle school went on you developed crushes on other boys. Of course, nothing ever happened with them you were too young and boys at that age were too dumb.
When high school came along your feelings for Peter grew stronger. He was so smart, kind, and nerdy. You loved his pop culture references even though they were lame. He always made you laugh and it didn't help that he was cute.  But he would never feel the same about you.
Or so you thought.
Little did you know he too started to develop feelings for you. He loved watching you read. It fascinated him the way you would react to what's happening in the book as if you were there. Whenever you would furrow your eyebrows or raise them in shock made him smile. And when you laughed he laughed too. He had no idea what about but he thought it was so adorable the way you would get lost in your book. He also loved the way you understood all of his references. Not only did you understand them but you went along with them. Like that one time, the three of you so badly wanted to go to the premiere of Star Wars Rogue One but your mom said no.
You all sat there in disappointment when Peter jumped up from his chair excitedly, "Ok I got it! Remember that one episode of Law and Order when the three girls sneak out of their house? They pretend to be their mom and text the other mom saying they're gonna have a sleepover."
You looked at him impressed then shook your head, "No that wouldn't work, my parents love you guys but they would never let me sleepover."
The boys nodded understandingly when you got an idea, "What if I just sneak out the fire escape? Kinda like how the girls from Sleepover snuck out, except they left the window from a two-story house, and ill be on the fifth floor of an apartment."
"Good idea. I live down the street so I could pick you up. But what if your parents want to check on you?" Peter questioned.
"Well in the movie Julies older brother put on a wig and had his back to the door so their dad would think she is home. The only problem is none of us have siblings who can do that for me."
Then from the left of you, Ned looked up excitedly, "I have a cousin our age with your hair color who owes me a favor."
Just like that, you all escaped for the night.
Before that night you'd never made a pop culture reference, of course, you quoted movies and shows from time to time but you never referenced them the way he did, you only ever understood them. That night his crush on you grew bigger.
Peter never showed interest in you though, which lead you to believe he could never like you in that way. In another attempt to move on you started dating Flash freshman year. Yes, Flash.
I know what was wrong with you?
But in your defense, he was different back then. He was a really sweet guy, and he made you feel cared for. Of course, everyone knew his family was filthy rich but that's not why you dated him. You two were friends and although he didn't have the same interest as you, he appreciated them and asked you about them. He made you happy.
At the beginning of your relationship, everything was great. He was never threatened by your two best friends so when you told him you wanted to sit with them during lunch he had no problem. After school, you two would study and talk about how your day went. He would always ask you about the latest book you read. Seeing how happy books made you he bought you more, but they were always special edition covers. When you weren't with Peter and Ned you were with Flash. He held your hand so sweetly and he was your first kiss but he never rushed it. The first time he tried to kiss you, you pulled away. You weren't ready yet, you wished it were Peter kissing you. Then a month later you had gotten over your Peter crush, so you kissed Flash. You were both so happy.
That is until he realized what being rich meant. People started coming up to him and inviting him to parties. He slowly became more and more popular. He started buying you jewelry instead of books. He asked you to wear the jewelry when you were with him, and when you didn't, he would distance himself from you. Instead of dates, you went to parties, none of them were ever fun. Study time became the Flash show where he would go on and on about himself never letting you speak. He started showing up to school in a limousine. Then he started flirting with the popular girls. At first, he had the decency to hide it from you then he started doing it in front of you. One day he broke up with you and moved on to a prettier girl.
Even though your relationship was already falling apart it still hurt you bad. You cried for days. Peter and Ned did everything they could to make you feel better. They would walk you home and stay with you until your parents kicked them out. Peter was so angry.
How could anyone hurt Y/N? I would never treat her the way Flash did.
The day Flash dumped you, you ran home straight after the bell rang. Peter and Ned were so confused they went to your home to check on you. Your mom let them in and pointed to your bedroom, "I don't know what happened but she seemed sad when she got home. She won't talk to me, would you let me know if she's alright?" The boys nodded, their faces full of concern.
Hesitantly they knocked on your day, "Go away!"
"It's Peter and Ned." They heard sniffles behind the door. Peter got closer to the door and in a low voice said, "Please let us in we want to know you're ok."
"Fine, come in."
Your eyes were puffy and your face stained with tears. You were sitting on your window seal with a blanket draped over your body. The boys slowly dropped their bags beside your door. They didn't know what to do.
"What happened?"
You looked to the window not wanting to see their faces, "Flash dumped me for some popular girl. I guess I wasn't good enough for him anymore." Tears fell silently as you sniffled and held back sobs.
Peter and Ned looked at each other.  They were thinking the same thing. In the past few weeks, they noticed a change in Flash's behavior. They saw how miserable he was making you. Although they didn't say anything they knew it wasn't too long until he broke up with you.
The boys were silent so you looked over to them seeing that they still stood in the doorway, "You guys can sit down."
So they did, Ned walked over to your desk sitting on the chair, and Peter on your bed.
"Is there anything we can do to help?" Peter asked cautiously. They'd never seen you like this before so they didn't know what to do.
"Do you want to eat chocolate while we watch chick flicks?" Ned offered
"What? No. Ned, I don't think girls actually do that in real life."
"I don't know what I'm doing! I've only comforted you after a girl rejected you, even then all I said was, 'that sucks wanna go build some Legos?' and everything was better."
"Yeah but-"
"Wait." You spoke from where you were. You were silently watching them amused. The tears stopped coming as a soft smile arose on your lips.
The boys looked over to you as you spoke, "I like Ned's idea can we do that?"
He proudly let out a chuckle and smiled, "See I knew she would like that."
Peter rolled his eyes, "We will handle the snacks if you handle the movies?"
You nodded excitedly. Everyone got up from their spots, Peter and Ned headed for the door and you headed for your laptop.
Ned walked out first and happily called out, "We'll be right back Mrs. Y/L/N."
Your mom came out of the kitchen confused. She stopped Peter and asked about you. "Flash broke up with her today and she's taking it pretty bad. If you don't mind we're gonna head to the store and grab some snacks for a movie night? I really think it will make her feel better.
Seeing as it was Friday night your mom agreed and smiled at Peter.
Two blocks away from your apartment there was a convenience store where the boys went to pick up the necessities. They grabbed handfuls of chocolates, chips, ice cream, and drinks. As they were getting ready to pay Peter saw a stack of cookies. He remembered that day in second grade, 'Cookies will always make me feel better.' He smiled at the memory and quickly grabbed them.
When the boys got back to your room everything was set up. Your computer was hooked up to the TV, you made room on the floor where Ned usually lays (you even made it comfortable for him with pillows and layers of blankets), and the bed was made usually you and Peter lay there.
"Let the festivities begin!" Ned shouted as he dropped the snacks onto your bed. You all laughed as everyone took their spot.
Before you laid down you started the first of many movies, The Hot Chick.
When you made it to the bed Peter was sitting there waiting for you, "I got you a special snack."
You scrunched your eyebrows as you looked at him. He pulled out your favorite bag of cookies. Excitedly you grabbed them from him with a smile on your face.
He never failed to make you smile.
"Just like your mom said, cookies will always make you feel better." He looked into your eyes with a soft grin.
You said that to him many years ago you almost forgotten, "Thank you."
He took his shoes off and laid on your bed. He was on his stomach facing the foot of your bed. You sat up on the headboard with pillows behind your back and a blanket over your legs.
Two movies later half the snacks were gone along with Ned. His mom wanted him home for a family dinner, which left you and Peter alone. You two took a break from the movies to have dinner with your parents.
When you two got back to your room you took Peter's old spot at the foot of the bed and he took yours sitting at the top, "What movie next?" He asked.
You pondered for a second, "Hmm, how about Princess and the Frog?" You tried holding back a smile. Noticing this he couldn't hold back his own, "Start it."
As the movie played he could hear you softly reciting the lines along with the characters, "I would kiss a frog. I would kiss a hundred frogs if I could marry a prince and be a princess."
You didn't even realize you were doing it, you just loved this movie so much you knew practically every line. Peter watched you and smiled.
How could anyone not love her?
He noticed you shiver ever so lightly and quickly covered you with a blanket, but you were too into the movie to notice.
When the movie ended your mom walked into the room, "Ok Peter time to go home."
You groaned, "Moooom, just one more movie. Please, please, please please, please!" You begged just as Lottie did when wishing on the star. Peter chuckled at your antics.
Your mom gave in knowing you needed it more than ever right now.
"Ok, it's the last movie gotta make it count!" Peter said bouncing on the bed.
You typed the movie in as Peter read it out, " Love, Rosie. What's that?"
"One of the best romance movies ever!"
You got back onto the bed this time sitting up next to Peter. He laughed beside you, "Ok we'll see about that."
The movie played as you two watched the stories of two best friends fall in love at the wrong times. Peter couldn't help but think maybe you two would fall in love one day. He looked over to you surprised to see tears falling down your face.
Instead of asking if you were ok or if something was wrong, he grabbed your hand and squeezed. Just a small gesture to remind you he was there for you.
Grabbing the blanket you wiped your tears. He started to let go of your hand when you reached out for it again, this time interlocking your fingers.
Without looking at each other you both smiled to yourselves.
At some point, you rested your head on Peter's shoulder and fell asleep still holding onto his hand.
When the movie ended he was surprised to see you had fallen asleep. He let the credits play in the back as he rested his head on top of yours just enjoying the moment.
"I love you, Y/N. Someday I will have the courage to tell you and we will have a love story even better than what we see in the movies because ours will be real. I promise." He kissed the top of your head, slowly let go of you, and with one last look, he left.
He did keep his promise, but that's a story for another day.
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Premonition- Zack Fair X F!Reader
Summary: you come to Zack after a nightmare, or was it a premonition?
A/N: Ch.11 of Creep will be out soon! Sorry it‘a even later than I said it would be! Anyways, have some Zack content. Who doesn’t love Zack?
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You could not believe you were doing this. You were a second-class soldier for Pete’s sake! Almost first class, actually; capable of fighting off armies, let alone handling yourself. Yet here you were, standing outside of your best friend's door because you had a nightmare.
Zack Fair... you had to see him. You had to make sure he was ok, that he was safe. But you weren’t going to tell him that. You didn’t know what you were going to tell him. There was no good response for why you were at his door at 2:30 am. You cringed, why couldn't this wait till morning?
But you knew it couldn't; you had to see him now. So you built up the courage to knock. You took a deep breath, shut your eyes tight, and gave a quick and gentle knock.
As soon as your knuckles tapped the door, you regretted it. The seconds slipped by terribly slow; your breath was caught in your throat as you listened for any sounds on the other side of the door, nothing. Did he even hear it? This was so embarrassing, you thought. And even though you had to see him, you didn't think you had the courage to knock again.
The door swung open, revealing a disheveled Zack Fair. He wore only a pair of sweatpants, and his hair was even messier than usual. He blinked a few times, eyes adjusting to the darkness as he set his gaze on you.
"Y/N?" He asked, his voice gravely. You stared for a moment. There he was, your best friend and crush perfectly healthy and safe. And cute, he looked really cute. His brows furrowed when he didn't get a response from you,"what's up?"
And now was the time you'd have to admit you had a nightmare, that you were scared.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have woken you. It's just..." and there he was, looking at you with those big puppy dog eyes. You nearly lost your words, "I, uh... I had a nightmare. I'm still a little spooked, I guess."
His gaze softened (not that it was ever harsh to begin with) and he smiled.
"Why didn't you just tell me that? Come on in!" He said, a little too loudly for the middle of the night. You shushed him gently, and his eyes widened when he realized, “Sorry..."
He opened the door further, leaning his back against it as he led you inside. And then walked he over to his bed, sitting down and patting a spot on the mattress. You sat down next to him.
"So... do you wanna talk about it?" He asked.
"No," you replied a little too quickly, causing him to look over in confusion, "don't want to speak things into existence."
"I get it."
There was an awkward pause between the two of you, Zack letting out a large yawn while you regretted ever knocking on the door. This was a mistake; you should've just gotten over your bad feelings and went back to bed.
"So, you uh... want me to turn on a light or something? Would that help?" he finally asked.
"I'm not afraid of the dark, Zack," you laughed softly, the sound of your words slowly dying into nothing. You felt the urge to end the silence again, to keep this situation from getting any more awkward than it already was, "I just... didn't want to be alone is all."
"So you wanna spend the night?"
"if that's ok with you."
"Of course its fine with me! You don't even have to ask that." he replied, throwing an arm around your shoulder, "But do you think you can sleep again? Angeal wants us up at six and I need my beauty sleep. You don't think this face just comes naturally, do you?"
"Zack..." you laughed, which caused him to flash a charming smile as he waited for you to reply, "Let’s get some sleep.”
He jumped up from the bed, and out of shock, you did too. Then he made his way to the side of the mattress, picking up the corners of the sheets and blankets as he curled back up into bed. You watched as he did, still not completely sure what he meant by sleepover. Did he want you to sleep on the floor or the bed?
"Well, jump on in!" he said, patting the spot right next to him, " Its nice and warm."
that cleared things up... He wanted you in his bed. Your crush wanted you in his bed. You sighed, for you knew Zack. He wasn't stupid, just oblivious. And you knew he was oblivious to the implications of this. It came as a sort of comfort, then, that he wouldn't make any real moves on you.
you hesitantly slid the covers back on your side, placing both legs under the sheets and getting yourself comfy. Still, you kept some distance from him, as you didn't want to look too eager to jump into his bed. There was an awkward pause as the both of you laid in silence.
"Come closer," he said, patting the place next to him again.
"You're scared, right? Well I'll protect you!"
Your agape mouth slowly shut and turned into a smile. He was probably the sweetest man you knew. Even though he couldn’t protect you from your fears or your nightmares (not that you’d ever tell him that) you complied, scooting closer to Zack.
He pulled you flush against his chest, wrapping both arms around your form. It was a little more intimate than you expected, but not unwelcome. And there you could hear his heartbeat, strong and steady, and maybe a little fast? Strange, but all that really mattered to you was that he was alright. He was safe. He was alive.
"I'll always keep you safe, Y/N" he whispered, "Even though you could totally kick my butt."
"I'm glad you acknowledge that," you laughed, "you're really sweet, Y'know?"
"I do." And though you weren't looking at his face, you knew he was smirking. "Besides, if I want to be a hero, I've got to protect people!"
"Ok, hero."
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence. Zack's quicker than normal heartbeat eventually slowed down and he began snoring. You hadn't fallen asleep yet, for you were intent on listening to every beat of the man's chest. He was alive, he was safe. And maybe that dream was just a dream. Not a premonition or a warning. Only time would tell. But you were content in the moment, because Zack was safe in your arms and you were safe in his.
Eventually, you let yourself fall asleep again. The soft beat of his heart and the warmth of his body made it easy. And you slept so much better in his arms.
Angeal cursed as he flipped open his phone, heavy steps echoing through the hallway as he headed for Zack's room.
Both of his mentees were late this morning, an unusual and worrying occurrence. He went to check on Y/N first, but upon receiving no response to his knocks on the door he soon realized she wasn't there. But where could she be? And what would cause her to skip training? It wasn't like her to do that, and so he quickly punched in her number.
Zack was surely still in his bed. Angeal just knew it. Zack usually came to training on time, but every once in a while he would sleep through his alarm and Angeal would have to pound on his door to get him up.
He put his phone up to his ear, now almost to Zack's room. But then he heard something, a ringing, and it grew closer and closer with every step he took. It was definitely coming from Zack’s room. Either he dialed the wrong number, Zack coincidentally got a call at the same time, or...
A feminine voice could be heard through the wall.
"Shhh- he's calling me... Oh, we're so dead Zack! I better take this, if I miss his calls, I'm gonna be in even bigger trouble!"
And then the door opened. Y/N held her ringing phone in hand as she stepped out of the room, hair disheveled and still in her sleep clothes. She went to close the door, but before she could, she caught a glimpse of her mentor and froze in place.
He froze, too, moving his phone away from his face as he looked her up and down, and then at Zack's door. There were a few moments of tense silence as the two stared at each other.
And then Zack peaked through the doorway, jumping at the sight of Angeal.
"Oh, hiya 'Geal! Funny seeing you here!" He said awkwardly, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck.
The commander only stared at his mentees: Y/N in shorts and a tank top, and Zack shirtless wearing sweats. The phone dropped out of his hand, falling onto the ground below.
"Uh... I'm gonna go get ready!" You said, quickly turning to run to your room.
"Yeah, me too! Gotta get training, am I right?” He laughed uncomfortably, and before Angeal could even respond, Zack slammed the door to his room.
Angeal stood there a moment more, still processing what he just saw. So his two mentees were together now, at least that’s how it appeared. He couldn't say he never saw it coming...
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greekowl87 · 4 years
Fic: Watching in the Shadows
A/N: I’ve had difficulty bringing myself to write anything since October. I had some personal issues to work through regarding my anxiety and life. I’m still trying to work through it right now but I managed to cobble this together over the past month. This isn’t my best work and I’ve probably done something like this before (another fic that was a post-ep of FTF), but I at least managed to write something. Sorry. If you've gotten this far, thanks again for taking the time to look it over.
Also, no beta. Is AO3 more your thing, you can read this here
Tagging @today-in-fic @improlificinsarcasm @suitablyaggrieved @baronessblixen
The nightmares had started shortly after Mulder’s one-in-a-million successful rescue and their daring seascape from Antarctica. Somehow, they had made it with some minor scrapes, bruising, and some frostbite. They came back to D.C. and it was questionable whether they still had jobs or not. The x-files had been burnt in a flash of lost hopes and dreams. Only the ashes were left, smeared by the boots of the notorious Them.
After their latest jaunt in Arizona chasing more would be aliens exploding from human chests and poor Gibson Praise, Scully wondered if God was trying to take a cue from James Cameron. That ended roughly too. In addition to the nightmares she refused to acknowledge, the added insecurity of Diana Fowley was like a harbinger of the future.
Scully twisted in bed, her cotton sheets coiling around her like a python. It was suffocating. She was in that weird twilight of waking and still traipsing through a dream. Those that said you didn’t dream of color were wrong. She remembered flashes of being locked in that tube with that thing shoved down her throat. The cold that had eaten into her bones and down to her core, making her feel brittle. She remembered seeing those gelatinous bodies in Texas and remembered her fear. That would be her. That would be her fate.
Of course, she wouldn’t tell Mulder. Why would he believe her anyway? His thoughts were up in the clouds trying to get their work back. Scully finally woke up gasping. Her hand clutched her chest to feel her racing heart, mentally calming herself that nothing had exploded out of her chest. Her fingers touched the tiny gold cross and she squeezed it so hard so it would be indented in her finger pads.
“I’m alive,” she whispered to the shadows in the room. “I’m alive.”
The fragments of memory were still there, just like something you couldn’t see out from the corner of your eye but you knew it was there. She glanced at the alarm clock. 4:01 am. It was a Saturday so she would not have gone to work. She could afford to sleep. But was she going to?
During the past six years, she did not get nightmares. Not normally anyway. There were a few after Pfaster and then with her cancer. Without ignoring the science...damn her own words. She turned out the bedside lamp and got out of bed. Without really thinking (it was still night in her opinion), she went to her kitchen and filled her teapot. As she tried to decide what tea to drink, she heard a light knocking on her door.
There would only be one person who would knock on her door this early (or late).
Scully opened it without ceremony, replying, “The last time you came to my door, you were drunk and dragged me across the country. It’s Saturday and I’m not going anywhere.”
He looked tired, worse than usual. The bags under his eyes indicated something much worse. He read her unspoken question. “I haven’t slept in over 24 hours, Scully. I’m not planning on anything. I just didn’t know where else to go.”
He knew what just to say to pull at her heartstrings. She took his hand and pulled him into her apartment, locking the door behind her. “I can’t either.”
The word was effortless, showing just how well he knew her. “Something like that. I was about to make tea. Do you want some?”
“Do you have anything stronger?”
“How about we settle in the middle? A hot toddy? You can stay here in the meantime.”
“What? You’re not going to kick out self-deprecating and self-pitying Spooky Mulder?”
“Of course not,” she said. “Is that even a question?”
She selected two bags of Chai tea with two mugs. She went to another cupboard and stood on her tiptoes, trying to reach a rarely used bottle. In three easy strides, Mulder was behind her. “The rum?”
She nodded and felt him press behind her, easily getting the bottle. “Grog?”
She chuckled. “Not quite. Hot toddy. I think it might be better for helping get us back to sleep.”
“A sleepover?”
“A sleepover,” she chuckled. This is how she liked her Mulder and she felt those insecure thoughts replaced with a warmth that she had come to know. “Maybe I’ll let you even play twister.”
“Scully,” he chuckled.
“Go make yourself comfortable. I’ll be there in a second.”
She heard him kick off his shoes and take off his leather jacket, indicating he had no plans to leave anytime soon. Scully was fine with this. He flipped on her television, keeping the volume low. She laughed when she saw James Cameron’s ‘Alien’ come on and Mulder looked at her funny. “What?”
“I...it’ll sound stupid…” She shook her head. “Never mind.”
“Tell me,” he encouraged.
“I’ve had trouble sleeping since Antarctica.” She nodded towards the television. “My nightmares. I wonder if James Cameron is playing a role. I keep seeing myself back on that ship. And after...the face-hugger.” She motioned to her chest. “Bursting out in all the bloody glory.”
“But it didn’t, Scully. It didn’t.”
“Still doesn’t stop the nightmares.” She first added generous amounts of the spiced rum and then the Chai tea. “I was awake and aware when I was in that tube. Not all the time but I was awake. I remember. I remember the coldness...” She shook her head and her voice faded.
Mulder nodded gently. “I get the impression that you don’t want me to talk about the subject.”
“I don’t want to fight, Mulder. I don’t want to fight about the report, the work, or Fowley right now. I’m tired.” She rubbed her eyes. “Nor do I want to scold you on what happened in the Bermuda Triangle. We both know how stupid that was.”
Mulder was quiet. “I do trust your judgment, I do trust you. Without you...I probably would have been stuck in 1939 with no way home.”
“I do trust you,” he repeated, with more certainty. “More than anything.”
Scully nodded, satisfied with his response. She took the two mugs and walked them over. “So,” she said, “you had to pick Alien after I told you God is consulting with James Cameron?”
“Run of the luck. Do you want me to change it?”
“No, no. It’s fine.”
Mulder sipped the hot toddy, his eyebrows arching in surprise. “You didn’t go light.”
“No, but it works well together. Don’t you agree?”
“Very good.”
“So, Scully, since we’re having a sleepover, wanna play truth or dare?”
“Excuse me?”
“Truth or dare?” He smirked.
She was tired. Maybe her brain wasn’t working correctly. Maybe the lack of sleep had something to do with it. She decided to indulge him this time. “Truth.”
“Okay,” he paused. “What was your nightmare about?”
“Very smooth and not at all obvious.” He shrugged, sipped the hot beverage, and watched her. She sighed. “What could have been if you had not gotten to me in time when they took me.” She recognized that look and she hated it. “Stop profiling me.”
“I’m not.” He looked almost insulted. “I was just hoping to hear more. But it’s your turn. Truth or dare?”
“Truth. Ask your question, Scully so we both can get it over it.”
The sharpness in his voice took her off guard. “What are you talking about?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I asked you first.”
“Truth. No. Fact. I do love you.”
“I…” She felt panic rise in her chest. No. No, no, no. “Mulder…” He held his hand up and she grabbed it, shooing it away. This was getting out of hand. “Not like this. Quit messing with me, Mulder.”
She got up quickly and downed the scalding liquid. She winced. “I’m not.”
“It’s not funny,” she said again in warning. “Stop messing with me. This entire game is stupid. Why did I even let you talk me into this?”
Scully remembered how her mom used to force Melissa to include Scully in her sleepovers. Even though there were only two years between her and Missy, Scully always felt like the odd one out. Nerdy Dana who always had her nose buried in a science book. Why don’t you marry Einstein they would tease. As much as she loved her sister, that game left nothing but bitter memories for her.
Mulder frowned, surprised by her sudden reaction. He didn’t know why the words fumbled out of his mouth the way they did. But now that it had happened, he couldn’t see a reason why not. He watched her set the forgotten drink on the kitchen table and pace.
“Why did you come here? Why did you come here, Mulder?” She wrapped her arms around herself. Maybe she was caught in the throes of another nightmare. “Answer me!”
“Do you want me to leave, Scully?” He asked. “If that’s what you want, I have no problem doing that.”
“I didn’t say that. Stop twisting my words.”
“Then come back here and sit down.”
After a moment’s hesitation, she bit her lip and nodded. She sat at the opposite end of the couch. Mulder suddenly felt the dynamic shift between them and it was like a game of chess. “For the record, I do not feel comfortable about this.”
“Noted. Now, what did you dream about?”
“The first time I was abducted, there was some trauma there. Bits and pieces. But this time was different. I dream that I die. You don’t come. That thing explodes out of me like those crime scene photos. I performed the autopsy on that body and saw what happened. That was going to become me.
“And I die to expect during all this, I am alive and I feel every sensation. I don’t know what is worse: knowing that I almost died from the virus or the chip in my neck.” Scully found herself confessing fears that she had managed to repress for the past year. “Ruskin Dam. Skyline Mountain. The cancer. And now this same Earth-based virus that we also found in Gibson Praise. What do you think it means, Mulder? It terrifies me.”
Mulder fumbled over her words in his mind. Where does he even begin? “I came here because I didn’t know where else to go. The bar…” He snorted with displeasure. “After what happened in Dallas, I was devastated. After almost losing you, well, let’s just say I got my priorities straight.”
What the hell was going on between them? “What are we doing here, Mulder?”
“What do you mean?”
“This. You come over at 4 am. Make me confess my soul.”
“It is Saturday so it’s not like we have to work.”
“We may not even have jobs.”
He held up a finger. “Prohibition period, remember? We do have jobs. We just to get to do background checks and chase shit around the country.”
“I don’t see what’s so great about it.”
“I have you. You’re still here with me. She wasn’t.”
Scully frowned at the mere mention of the name. “I still don’t see why you trust her or what you see.”
“She was there when I found the x-files. But who is here now, where she could still have a promising career in medicine despite the fact most of her patients are dead?”
“Except for one.”
Mulder smiled. “You’re still here. After all this, after all that we’ve been through. You’re the one I trust the most.” He sighed and sipped the hot toddy. “I still trust her because how could I not, Scully? But she’s not the one I went to at four am.”
She remembered going to him at the reflection pool at twilight, taking his hand, a wordless promise to each other. “Touché.” She relaxed. “Look, I’m sure you didn’t mean that…”
“I did.”
Shit. “Let’s put a pin in that thought,” she said quickly. Mulder sat his mug on her coffee table. “Coaster.”
He grabbed two and slid them across her oak coffee table. “Why is it so hard to wrap your mind around it?”
“Well,” she began, struggling to find her voice. “There’s different types of love. You love me like a friend, a sister, a comrade…”
“And then are is also the type between…”
He said this as she was trying to put her mug on the table but, uncharacteristically, the mug fumbled, spilling all over the table. “Shit.” The hot tea burned her hands and Mulder was already rushing back into her kitchen, grabbing towels and the ice pack. “Mulder…”
“I got it.”
He quickly cleaned up the mess and Scully took the extra towels. She wiped the mess off her hands and frowned at the red swelling starting on her knuckles. Mulder wrapped the ice pack in another towel and took her hands. “Mulder.”
“I gotcha, Scully.”
“Mulder, I’m fine.”
“Will you just let me?” The sharpness of his voice silenced her as he took her hands gently and held the ice pack against it. “I know you want to be this badass FBI agent…”
“Want to?”
“I know you are a big, badass FBI agent. Just let me for once?”
They sat in silence as Mulder held the ice pack over the top of her hands. She cleared her throat. “I meant what I said, Scully. I do love you.”
She scoffed. “I’m sure.”
“You aren’t a replacement.”
Scully shook her head, refusing to believe him. “You always do this.”
“Do what?”
“Twist words.” She tried to pull her hands away from him without success. “Mulder, let me go.”
She felt Mulder squeeze her fingers tighter. “No.” He was staring at her. Those goddamn— “Look at me, Scully.”
Why did she feel tears in her eyes? Her eyes did feel dry from lack of sleep. “No.”
“Why not?”
“I’m sick of the lies.” She rested her chin on her chest. “I’m tired of the smoke and shadows. For once, I just want someone to tell me the truth and mean it.”
Mulder sighed. She winced hearing it. “What do you want me to do, Scully?”
“Tell me the truth.” She looked
“I am.” He removed the ice pack and kissed her knuckles. “I love you. You aren’t a replacement. Nothing could replace you.”
“Then what am I to you?”
“You’re Scully.” He looked at her as if that was even a question. “When it came to Samantha, I was able to live with it. I have for 27 years. But when I lost you on Skyline mountain…” Mulder put the ice pack back on her knuckles. “I couldn’t...I didn’t know what to do. I was filled with such rage. I almost killed Duane Barry. The months during your absence, I didn’t do so well.”
Scully watched him. “You rarely talk about it.”
“Because there isn’t too much to say. I took a couple of profiling cases. Coming back to the basement office—it didn’t feel the same. It wasn’t the same.” He nodded to the small gold cross on her neck. “I wore your cross when you were gone.”
She remained quiet.
He snorted derision and looked down at their hands. “It’s stupid. There was a point, right after you came back, that X wanted me to just take a plane ticket and leave you and forget everything. You. The x-files. The shadowy men without names. Everything.” He adjusted the ice pack. “And maybe, at one time I would, but not when it came to you.”
“Do you know why seeing run off with Agent Fowley hurt me?”
“It’s our work,” she specified, emphasizing the word ‘our.’ “She comes out of the woodwork and, all of the sudden, I take the backseat on this. I thought it was my science that kept you honest, Mulder.”
“Your science does,” he quickly caught himself, “quit twisting my words.”
“I’m not. My hands are fine, Mulder.”
“I guess they are.” He pulled back the ice and Scully flexed her numb hands. “Do you want another cup of tea?”
“Yes, please.”
“I left you with Gibson because I know he would be safer with you rather than Diana.”
“Yet, I still lost him.”
“No. He was at the nuclear facility. I have a hunch he is safe.” Mulder looked over his shoulder. “How generous, Special Agent Doctor?”
“Shut up. Make it a generous one.”
Mulder smiled and called, “Did you know I was a bartender for a couple of months in Oxford?” Scully’s mind was trying to reel with everything that was happening. But she forced her insecurities into the backseat and let Mulder take the lead. He frowned “If I were just here for something else, we’d be halfway across the country right now.”
“I don’t know if that is a good or bad thing, Mulder.” Scully watched the tv, flinching at a particularly gory scene with a face hugger. “Do you have nightmares?”
“Hm?” Mulder shrugged with his back to her. “Sometimes. That’s one of the reasons why I don’t sleep.”
Scully was quiet as Mulder returned to her with a new mug of hot Chai tea. She took it and sipped the mug. “Good. Thank you.”
“And for the record, Scully, the nightmares aren’t just of Samantha. It’s you too.”
She closed her eyes, annoyed with this vein of conversation. “Is that why you decided to profess your undying love?”
“I thought it was a good moment. But that’s not all of it.” Mulder rejoined her on the couch. “Are you ready to talk about that?”
“I still think you’re full of shit.”
He laughed and sipped his hot toddy. “That’s why my eyes are brown.”
“I’m only half full of shit then.”
Scully snorted into her drink. “I honestly don’t know what to believe.”
“I want to believe,” Mulder teased in a fake E.T. voice. She snickered playfully and slapped his thighs. “See? Made you smile. Careful. It might stay that way, Scully.”
“Shut up.”
“Okay,” he said. He checked his watch. “It is almost 4:30 am, Agent Scully. Your guest is intoxicated. What are you going to do?”
“I thought we were having a sleepover?”
“Did I say that?”
“You’re words, not mine.”
“At least take off your shoes.”
She heard Mulder kick them off and he grabbed the remote. He changed the tv to the Sports Channel. After seeing raise a questioning eyebrow, he shrugged. “So, do you watch Sports Center or a movie to fall asleep to?”
“What happened to Truth or Dare?”
“Okay, truth, or dare?”
“Dare,” she said.
“I dare you to have a sleepover on your couch.” That eyebrow. “Just...whatever we are, Scully.”
After a few moments of hesitation, she nodded. Scully felt him squeeze her hands and smile. She stood still like a painting. He smiled at her and she forced herself to return it. Mulder unwound her like a knotted piece of string and lounged himself. Despite their height differences and oppositeness, they still were made for each other. Scully found herself curling up next to him as he grabbed the remote and changing it to a 4 am playing of ‘Mystery Science Theatre 3000.’ Mulder grabbed a knitted, over large Afghan from the back of her couch to tuck around them.
“What does this say to you, Agent Mulder?”
“I love you,” he whispered. He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And I tell you without hesitation.”
Scully was quiet. “Why did you come here again?”
“There’s nowhere else where I would rather be.”
“Good enough for now.”
Scully quickly ran through possible scenarios. What did she have to lose? Everything. “This won’t change anything.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t want to lose us,” she replied cautiously.
“This will change nothing. If not, only for the better.”
She wisely chose not to say anything. She tried to relax but she shook her head. She pushed away towards the other end of the couch. There was a visible look of hurt on his face. “It’s not you,” she replied quickly.
“Yeah, I’ve heard it before. It’s me.”
“For once, it’s is me, Mulder. I can’t...I can’t get past my insecurities.”
“What insecurities?”
She ghosted him a smile. “The hallway? Either we have really bad timing or bees don’t like us.”
“You mentioned it earlier. I don’t want to be a replacement for Samantha or her…”
“Her?” It took a moment for Mulder to recognize what she was telling him. “Why do you say that?”
“I overheard what you said to Arizona. She’s staying on the x-files because it’s the best way to represent your interests. Before that, when we still had the office, I caught you all holding hands. She seemed so excited about something. That is when I called you. I told you I was driving back. I was just sitting in the car in the garage outside.”
“Watching in the shadows?” Mulder sighed. “Scully…”
“I feel like I’ve been on the outside a lot lately.” She sipped her hot toddy, the alcohol burning in the back of her throat. “So I can’t help but feel somewhat insecure. Just talking about it…” She snorted into her mug of tea. “It’s taking a lot.”
“I can understand that.”
“Do you?”
He hesitated. “I...like to think so.” Mulder leaned forward. “I know things have been tough. Honestly, I’m surprised you’re still here.”
She titled her head in question. “What do you mean?”
“I thought that you have left. Maybe try to go back to Quantico or quit the FBI all together.”
“I almost did that night when they told me Salt Lake City. But you’re my partner, Mulder. It’s as simple as that.”
He took her free hand and entwined their fingers. “And for that, I am grateful for that of every moment of every day. Do you want to know the difference between you and her?”
“Our heights?”
Mulder snorted in muted laughter. “I guess, physically, but where it counts, you tower above her.”
She arched a skeptical eyebrow.
“She left me. No warning or note. Just up and left. I haven’t been in contact with her since she left. She wouldn’t have chased me like you have or been thrown in contempt of Congress for lying to save my ass.” Scully smiled as she looked down. “She wouldn’t have thrown everything out the window to deal with her crazy partner. You are so much more than she was, or is, Scully.” He brushed her hair out of her face. “And I have never loved anyone more than I love you. Truth. I meant what I said in that hospital. I love you.”
“You really overcomplicate things.”
Mulder shrugged and grinned. “So, Scully, where does this leave us?”
The insecurities raged inside her and she averted her gaze. “I’ve had nightmares about this too,” she said softly.
“Why does it always feel like we are watching from the shadows?” He asked her softly. “Especially in our nightmares? We feel like we don’t have control?”
“I don’t know. I thought you were supposed to be the psychologist?”
“It was rhetorical.”
“I know.” She sighed and looked at the tv for a distraction. “After all we’ve been through, Mulder…”
“What about it?”
“I do love you.” She said as quickly exhaled so it came out in a jumble of words. Scully doubted he had heard her. But his playful grin suggested otherwise. “You heard it?”
“Ears like a fox.”
Mulder bent forward again to kiss her again, forgoing all shyness. She felt him bring her closer, snaking his arms around her. He sighed audibly before she returned it with much gusto. Senses alight for both of them, Scully managed to be the level headed one between them both. “Mulder,” she breathed. “I hardly think this is the place?”
He pulled back and blinked in confusion. His senses were drunk off her that it was heard from him to make sense. “What?”
“I don’t think the couch Is the best place for this.”
He was only now capable of single-word answers and questions. She smiled. She felt lighter. The nightmares that had plagued the back of her mind for months now seemed like a distant memory. “Just because.”
It seemed like she was incapable of speaking too. She pushed the Afgan aside and got to her feet. The cups were forgotten and Mulder clicked off the television. Words failed them but their unspoken communication did otherwise. He took her hand and squeezed. “Are you certain?”
“No,” she admitted truthfully, “but I know what I feel. I’ve learned to trust my instincts.”
Mulder smiled. She led him to her bedroom. She kept the lamp near her bed on and he looked at her tossed sheets. He exhaled, letting out a heavy sigh. “I wish you would have told me sooner.”
“What would you have done, Mulder?”
“Acted sooner.”
“Well, you’re here now, right?”
“Of course. You haven’t kicked me out yet.”
“I’m not planning to.”
Scully took his hands and pulled him closer. She felt emboldened and the room felt hotter than it was. He smiled. “So…” She grabbed him by the scruff of his t-shirt and pulled him downwards. Mulder’s spine protested but he didn’t care. Let Scully take the lead. His arms reached downwards to bring her closer. Suddenly, she felt frozen. Just a second ago she had felt so confident. Now, she was unsure. “What’s wrong?”
“Are you certain about this?” Her voice was soft but the lingering hesitation could be heard. “About this thing between us?”
“Yes, I’m more certain than anything else.”
“Okay.” There was another pause. “So...how do we do this?”
“We just do,” he laughed.
She shook her head and said, “Isn’t this better than a stakeout, watching in the shadows for some would-be informant, and then finding out it was a waste of time.”
“Scully, are you proposing role-playing?”
“No. It’s just…” She laughed despite herself. “I never imagined this.”
“Are you certain you want to go through with this? You don’t have to if you’re…”
“No, I want this.”
Mulder kissed her softly at first but deepened it. He walked her backward to her bed until she bumped up against it. Mulder smiled as pushed her to sit down. “It’s, uh, been a while.”
He sat next to her and laughed. “I expected this to be different.”
“What do you mean?”
“We’re going to do this, aren’t we? I expected it to be a bit more...fevered? And look at us, like two scared virgins.”
Scully laughed. “So, Mulder, do you want me to take the lead?”
He rolled his eyes. “Or we can just go back to watching TV. I’m sorry. I guess it’s the sleep deprivation talking.”
“We aren’t watching TV. I thought we were having a sleepover. At some point, we do have to sleep.” She got to her knees and pushed him onto his back. “Besides, Mulder, we’ve come this far. When have we ever done anything halfway?”
“What have you done with Dana Scully?”
“Invasion of the body snatchers?”
Scully felt her courage return. She swung her leg over his hip and straddled him. “Now, correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t remember this being a part of a sleepover.”
“Well, it’s a thing between partners, right?”
She slid lower, squeezing her thighs in the process. He grunted in response. “Right. I’m not complaining by the way. I was just stating.”
She hummed. She was alight was all new sensations. Mulder let his hands drop to her waist. “I like those pajamas by the way. It’s not silk for once.”
“My mom says…”
He couldn’t take it anymore. “I don’t care what your mother said.”
His long arms twisted around her and pulled her down. She braced herself, sticking her hands out on either side of his head to brace the impact. She collided into an Earth-shattering kiss. Stranger thing how time and physics worked. She sighed happily as her tongue delved into his mouth. This was good. “This is wonderful,” she whispered between breaths.
“Do you know what makes this better?”
“Give me some control?” She paused. “Do you trust me, Scully?
He smiled. “You know that you’re the only one I trust, right?”
“Do you?”
Instead of answering her, he skillfully changed their positions so she was laying on her back and he was laying on her side. His left hand carefully undid the button down her pajama top. She breathed sharply at the first contact of his fingertips caressing the swell of her breast. “I do.” He watched her thoughtfully. “You see, before you...I had a few partners. They came and went. It was like they wanted nothing to do with me. But you...you challenged me, you made me better. I can’t place the exact moment but it may have been laughing with you in that graveyard in Oregon at five o’clock in the morning.”
She hissed at his touches. “That was nearly six years ago.”
“So, I like a slow burn. I have never felt this way about anyone except you.” She laughed but she bit her lips to keep herself from crying out. “What?”
“Do your nightmares involve this, Scully?”
“I don’t let myself indulge in such fantasies.”
“Why not?”
He was growing bolder with his explorations. She sighed and closed her eyes. “Lately, with everything, I don’t know.”
“What do you say we change that?”
He bent down to kiss her again and pushed up on her top. He wasn’t rushing nor did she mean his slow advances. Soon, she found herself growing restless. “Mulder?”
“Enough of this. Let’s finish this.”
This is not how neither one of them imagined things. Scully had it imagined it fast and quick after the turmoil from a case. Mulder, on the other hand, imagined it slow after one night of verbally sparing with one another. Who needed guidance when you had your better half?
The lamp remained on. There was no hiding from this. Six years of tension resolved.
The clothes were peeled artfully like it was nothing new. She laughed between their kisses. “At least I don’t have to save you this time.”
He suckled her hungrily. “You already did. A long time ago.”
Mulder reached to turn out the light on her nightstand and Scully grabbed his wrist, stopping him. “No, leave it on.”
The first time was always awkward. They both remembered being told that my friends when they were teenagers. “I expected this to be different,” he admitted.
“Mulder, shut up.”
“This has got to be a sleepover for the record books.”
At the clock turned 5:00 and the red numbers faded against the lamplight, Mulder continued. Clothes were shed, and they crawled beneath the covers. The fire ignited and fears were extinguished. Gone was the cold that plagued the nightmares and shadows that kept them in hiding. Their bodies entwined, just as their souls had been for years.
Their ecstasy came to a crescendo as Scully felt her last orgasm leave her and Mulder followed soon after. He was laughing as he rolled off to the side and she grinned like a fool. He started to laugh too and any tension that remained fade as she came down from her high.
“Well, I certainly don’t remember sleepovers being like that,” he remarked.
Scully could hear the fatigue in his voice, finally evident from someone who had not slept in over 24 hours. She smiled goofily and nodded toward the window. “The sun is coming up.”
“How can you tell?”
“It’s summer and during that time, the sun comes through the window sometimes. It’s been so long. I can’t remember the last time I stayed in bed this late.”
“We haven’t been here that late.” He yawned and pulled her closer. “Where are you going?”
“Give me a sec.”
She reached to turn out the light and moved to get out of bed. “Where do you think you’re going? And why did you turn out the light?”
“Because, Mulder, this is supposed to be a sleepover,” she said, “and we need to sleep.”
“And based on what scientific evidence?”
“I’m a doctor.”
He watched her jog nude across the bedroom in the dark shadows to open up the blinds slightly to let in the morning light. She rushed back to bed. “Oh, your cold,” he complained.
“Knock it off.”
Scully reclaimed her spot next to him. They both turned beneath the covers to face the newly opened blinds as the early morning light began to shine through. “No more shadows, Scully.”
“No more shadows.”
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