#that even when you have options you can afford (i have 2 roommates so we can afford 3 bedrooms rates)
thoracosaurusblogs · 11 months
imagine if video games made it as hard to get housing as real life
#rant incoming#my area has record breaking low (bad) housing vacancy rates#driving the extremely high rent prices even higher#and creating this situation where theres so much competition for available units#that even when you have options you can afford (i have 2 roommates so we can afford 3 bedrooms rates)#when you actually look every single one is like no students :) looking for working professionals :) perfect for families :)#:) if you dont make 100k with a perfect credit score dont even darken this propertys doorstep with your filth ass :)#20 people viewed the propety before you today and already submitted applications in blood signing their souls in offer to the lord of land#so we will be selecting the noblest one worthy of this glorious prized rental listing by dawn#this region is fucked#having a good pay is barely the baseline adequacy to be allowed to be alive let alone dream of moving out of this student oriented apartment#“oh just keep trying!” “look at all these listings you three can afford! such nice houses for rent!”#me and 100 times as many other people as there are listings yeah#i almost wish there WAS more rundown shithole options here just so there were actually options#but its almost too nice#everyone is trying to live here#costs are ridiculous and the hidden secret layer of competition makes it impossible#its so incredibly disheartening#to see all these listings on paper that we can manage to afford but will be denied for every single time#thing is too that while two of us are just finishing college and have fulltimes starting#the third is currently in a (soul sucking) full time and is going to quit and starts college in September#so we will be sniffed out and branded as students again even if we try again next year#cause they always demand full income info for each occupant#god just#seeing all the people we are competing with at this one open house viewing we went to#like professional looking middle aged adults with kids or newly retired or whatever and here we are#a ragtag bunch of queers who look younger and less gainfully employed than we are#i just. it makes u want to cry. its laughable. we have no chance#they never let you even see an application without a viewing of the property first too so they can sus out your vibes#and if they do offer application first its like the most sketchy looking email and they want all your documebts and paystubs attached
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ciaonicole85 · 2 months
Waiting on my AO3 invite. Here's a one shot Sydcarmy story. Canon compliant. Post season 2. Please excuse the grammar/spelling mistakes. I need season 3 to get here quickly!
Title: Won't You Be My Neighbor
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It was her break and for the 89th time in the last three days Sydney reassessed the apartments within 15 minutes walking distance from The Bear. As CDC she no longer wanted to depend on the train should there be some kind of accident, strike, or weather event. There were three that she could afford on her own and many more options if she were willing to become a roommate. She wasn't. If inspiration for a recipe struck her at 2am she wanted to get up and cook if she wanted. She loved the freedom of walking around naked after a shower, picking out her clothes or getting a snack. Most of all she missed turning up her music and dancing like an inflatable tube man in private.
She had sent a message to each leasing office to schedule an appointment next Monday and two of the three had confirmed a 10a and 11a showing. It had been more than 48 hours since she messaged the third so she called. The leasing agent informed her that the specific unit she wanted was no longer available, but they had a gorgeous 2 bedroom for $3800 a month if she was interested. "Okay, now that's just two options" Sydney muttered after getting off the phone.
"Hey mija, what you looking at?" Tina asked sitting down to eat lunch.
"Just apartments. I finally have the funds to move" Sydney answered with a sigh.
"What's wrong? Aren't you happy to be getting out on your own?"
"Oh, yeah for sure. It's just I'm really picky"
"Well, it doesn't have to be forever. Just make sure to read the reviews. You don't want roaches or bed bugs".
"Oh, I can't stand bugs! My dad still has to kill them for me, but I better get a fly swatter and spray now that I'll be on my own soon."
Break was over and Sydney stood up to resume her duties. First she needed to talk to Natalie about the upcoming private party. A celebrity had reserved the entire restaurant next Thursday evening. The names of all staff members on duty that night had to be submitted ahead of time with signed NDAs. It was all happening so fast and The Bear's debt was likely to be paid less than a year after opening. First there had been a Grio article about her being a rising black chef. That led to Keith Lee, the TikTok restaurant reviewer, raving about his to-go order that included the T-Bone and the Michael cannoli. It went viral and suddenly, they were booked for the next three months with a waiting list. She was working harder than ever, getting paid pretty well, and she deserved a place of her own.
After talking to Natalie, she found Carmy working on her prep.
"Hey, thanks! I can take over that now if you want"
"Actually….it's done. I wanted to take you somewhere for like 30 minutes" he said finishing up and cleaning the station.
Sydney folded her arms, her eyebrows raised high.
"Okay, where are we going?"
"I know you've been looking for a place and I think know the perfect apartment for you. Just a 10 minute walk from here. The landlord gave me the key so I could show you today" Carmy said trying to sound casual, but a deep pink flush rose in his cheeks.
"Why is he being weird?" Sydney thought but simply said "Okay, that's dope."
The Chicago air was soft and warm, the clean sunlight making everything look new. Summer afternoons like this made you forgive the brutal winters here. Carmy directed Sydney when to turn left and right, but refused to tell her where exactly they were going. Soon they were standing in front of his building.
The reason for his weirdness was now perfectly clear to Sydney and she felt so flattered that she had to avoid looking at Carmy when she said "So, there's an open unit in your building?"
"Uh, yeah. The people who lived just above me moved and I, uh, thought you might want to see it".
The apartment was on the fourth floor. Carmy unlocked the door and let Sydney go in first. The walls were freshly painted in "Cloud White" and the oak hardwood floors creaked comfortably under their feet. The layout was the same as Carmy's apartment with plenty of windows to let in natural light and a shockingly large kitchen for a 1 bedroom place in Chicago. As Sydney inspected the appliances and bathroom, she decided that if the rent was going to eat up even half of her check it was worth it. She had always admired Carmy's spacious apartment and with her sense of style she could make hers, a cozy bohemian oasis filled with plants, wall art, and actual furniture (eventually).
Carmy had let her roam around in silence for a few minutes, muttering and emitting tiny sounds of joy to herself. When she met him in the living room again, he said trying not to grin too widely, "If you like it, it's already yours."
"How? I know places like this are snatched up fast" Sydney said her eyes finally able to meet his again.
"The landlords, they're a couple, and their 20th wedding anniversary is coming up. They want reservations at The Bear." Carmy explained, desperately hoping to sound nonchalant about it.
"Oh, that's nice work, Carmy."
Then Sydney squealed and cried "This is just what I wanted!!" and she flung her arms around his shoulders in a wild hug. Carmy commanded his body not to shudder as he hugged her back. She was just wearing a t-shirt and without her usual layers of clothing he felt her delicate frame, her slim shoulder blades imprinting on his fingers.
In a moment Sydney pulled back shly and let her arms fall to her sides, her face burning. She made a mental note: Hugging Carmy. Not a safe activity for those who want to cook along side him using sharp objects or sleep peacefully at night dreaming innocent thoughts.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" Sydney said taking another step back and making another turn around the room.
Carmy nodded and concentrated on not melting into the floorboards.
"You're okay with this? We already spend 60+ hours together at the restaurant every week and now I'd be in your building! And literally living on top of you."
"Yeah, well, I want you to. You deserve everything you want, Syd."
"Then I'll take it! Just a warning though. If you hear someone belting out Kpop and an occasional thud, that's just my weekly one woman concert, which will be over no later than 10pm. I'm not being murdered."
Carm was no longer unable to contain the width of his smile. This girl is so cute, his body physically ached. How would he get through service tonight?
With a happy shake of his head, he replied, "Thank you, for the heads up!"
With that Sydney marched towards the door and exclaimed "Take me to your landlord!"
Carmy floated behind her.
Cue: Maxwell's "Whenever, Wherever, Whatever"
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1dcommunityficrecs · 5 months
University AUs!
It's the very first crowdsourced fic rec! We have 23 amazing fics listed here, about the trials and tribulations, the adventures and anarchy, the good decisions and bad decisions and downright terrible decisions that come with post-secondary education. We might have graduated high school, but we still dumb as SHIT.
Please enjoy, share, leave a kudos or a comment -- and get your reccing fingers ready for the next theme!
From Eight Until Late, I Think About You by supernope (35227, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry is juggling an English degree at the University of Brighton, a budding YouTube channel, and an intense crush on a fellow YouTuber.
Reccer says: It's so cute watching their feelings and their friendship grow, from flirting in the YouTube comments to texting to finally meeting up in person (oh my god they were (hotel) roommates)
you can hear it in the silence by imogenlee (234857, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
When Harry Styles was accepted into a post-grad degree, he knew he could no longer afford his flat, leaving him with three options: 1) Move back into student halls. 2) Become homeless. 3) Move in with his best (and only) friend, Niall, and three of Niall's other mates. He went with the third option. But it was a close race. Or, two boys couldn't misunderstand each other more, but they want to.
Reccer says: The aaaaangst. The way they can't stop wanting each other despite the misunderstandings.
if it looks like, feels like, tastes like love by tempolarriefics (16600, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
harry and louis hate each other but pretend to date to be able to live in university ‘family housing’, zayn and liam are their nosy next door neighbors, and niall is the friend who made it all happen
Reccer says: this fic is such a cute read and the author included a lot of fun details that also have you cracking up throughout!
High heels on, 'm feeling alive by thebreadvan (14596, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Harry damages a car when drunkenly stumbling home after a fun night out with his friends. Feeling horribly guilty, he tries to find the owner and make it up to him.
Reccer says: Harry wearing heels <3
Unbelievers by Isthatyoularry (136814, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry and Louis have always hated each other. Or not…
Reccer says: Sport AU, enemies to lovers, College AU
Speaking of marvels by Navigator, quitter (100585, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry is at university in California. On vacation with his parents in New Jersey, he meets Louis. Their story is only supposed to last through summer
Reccer says: This fic is in my opinion unfairly forgotten these days even though it is a Fandom Classic, just wonderful
Don’t have to go to the pool by Kingsoftheimpossible (40857, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Louis is the captain of the swim team, Harry is in love with him a bit, and there's this ritual before Big Meets. Everything goes fine.
Reccer says: A simple an effective plot, a joy to read
Search and rescue me by Wildhalos (17423, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Louis never really paid attention to Harry until they get stuck in the locker room together.
Reccer says: The two characters who find themselves stuck in locker rooms, with all the sexual tension that goes with it. Perfect, right?
Your best line ever by Green_feelings (55116, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
University AU, in which Harry has a terrible job and lies about his name to drunk people, Louis is one of the drunk and has to move out of his flat, Liam shaves his hair because he fights with Zayn, Zayn protects Liam from creepy stalkers and Niall always has a solution, because he knows just about every person relevant!
Reccer says: Already, if Green_feelings writes something, we can already be sure that it will be good. This is even more true with a Uni AU
If walls could talk by Wickedarcher_08 (10028, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry is in love with his straight best friend. He thinks he doesn't have a chance, until Louis presents him with a challenge he can't refuse.
Reccer says: A short story with a simple, effective plot
My worst Nightmare by BooBear411 (191000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan /Zayn Malik, Harry Styles/OFC)
they’re two students who struggle with what they feel. Harry is bisexual and has a girlfriend in the first part of the fic. They live in the same dorm and basically grow in love slowly, but steadily
Reccer says: Well written, the characters develop very coherently with the plot
Fading by tothemoonmydear (202000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Eating disorder
Harry is a science student, Louis studies fashion and ask Harry to model for him. They get closer and develop a solid crush for each other. Harry gets it that Louis is hiding something and he can feel Louis is not completely open about himself. He will love him unconditionally.
Reccer says: Louis’ eating disorder is depicted in a very thoughtful way
The school of extraordinary lovers by Stylinsoncity (191000, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Minor violence, domestic violence, past character death
Harry is a third-year witch and violinist at magical academy, with dreams of taking on the world, and hopefully breaking the centuries-old curse on his family while he's at it. he does not dream of facing off against his childhood rival and duet partner, but louis is back in town after six years abroad, so that's exactly what happens
Reccer says: Original plot, writing styles
Blue Moon by aquietlarrie (152907, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: Slight mention of death and grief
1950s au - gentle & beautiful coming of age.
Reccer says: So beautifully written, character development, feels like you grow with the characters
Reeling Through The Fall by Zarah5 (40068, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
AU. They hate each other. Except for when they don’t.
Reccer says: Zarah5 is always perfect
Anonymous Said by alivingfire (21158, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry has a crush on the sweet boy who he sends anons on Tumblr. He also has a crush on the cute boy in the bookstore. Fortunately, they're both the same boy and they both like him too.
Reccer says: Watching Louis and Harry fall in love with each other TWICE in the same fic? my crops are watered my skin is clear my cows are fed 18/10 no notes
The First Year by parmahamlarrie (46972, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Harry and Louis are roommates, sunshine and punk AU.
Reccer says: The way they get together through it all, and the fluff that comes after *chef's kiss*
knock knock, I love you by beautlouis (86066, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry and Louis get kicked out of a statistics exam for passing a knock knock joke note, and subsequently fall in love. Harry's a virgin, there's a cat, a hot cocoa date, a lot of sex, even more knock knock jokes, and everything is lovely and happy.
Reccer says: It's wonderfully cheesy and fun! The perfect fluff! Just adorable, fluffy fic and a real serotonin boost
painted on jeans by QuickedWeen (6822, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Girl Direction sorority au, friends to lovers, perfect mix of fun and hot!
Reccer says:
like fires in the night by coldflasher (138520, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Drug and alcohol use
Louis' got a secret stash of weed under the floorboards, his grades are going to shit and his mates keep getting pissed. There are secret passageways in the wardrobes and he can't stop thinking about the mysterious Harry.
Reccer says: a brilliant blend of absolute hilarity, angst and a whole lot of Very Bad Decisions.
Red Brick Heart by hazmesentir (98194, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry had turned up at the halls of residence expecting fun, new friends, and maybe a life experience or two. What he doesn't expect is a surprise roommate who's loud and dramatic and obsessed with tea and is maybe, actually, all he's ever wanted.
Reccer says: It has been a long time, but I remember loving this story quite a lot. Well written.
Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can't Lose by dolce_piccante (112853, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Homophobia, sharing of nude photos without consent, bullying
American Uni AU. Louis hates football players and Harry. Harry doesn't know why. Through a bet Harry and Louis get closer, but the bet might be what breaks them apart too
Reccer says: I liked Harry and Louis dynamic
Shake Me Down by AGreatPerhaps12 (208589, Not Rated, Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles, Liam Payne/Zayn Malik, Niall Horan/Josh Devine) Warnings: Religious trauma, conversation therapy, homophobia/internalised homophobia, OCD and self harm
Harry's new to college, fresh out of Catholic school and conversion therapy camp, and Louis runs the campus LGBTQIA organization.
Reccer says: The dynamic between the characters, Harry's character in general and also the random famous people in the story
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growinguparo · 5 months
Thinking once again about the intersection of being aro / perpetually single and the Housing Issue. It is without a doubt the biggest issue I face as an aro person, particularly in fucking Canada.
In my province we have rent control on almost all rental units by default. Annual rent increases are capped at 2.5%, and though I have had landlords in the past try to break that law, they back down when you say "that's literally not legal lmao try again".
In my province we also have a type of lease called a group lease, where multiple people sign on as a group. This is the standard type of lease used in properties with more than one bedroom.
If one person wishes to remove themself from a group lease, that terminates the lease for all of the other tenants in the group. Therefore, in order to continue living in the unit they are already in and may have been in for years, the landlord can choose to force the remaining tenants to reapply, and upon signing a "new lease" they can increase the rent by however much they want. Forget 2.5%, they could double rent with no consequences and still get tenants because that's how desperate people are in Canada.
Seeing as that's fucking insane, I talked to multiple lawyers about it the last time this happened to me, and they all said yeah no, if someone wants to be removed from the lease then the landlord can choose to deny a takeover and force a new lease. You can prevent the issues that come with a new lease if everyone remains on the old lease even if they no longer live there, but that is rather precarious for everyone involved and also makes your landlord hate your guts.
Anytime a new lease is signed, landlords can increase by whatever they want, so renovictions are very common (I've been renovicted as well). With all these easy-to-access loopholes, "rent control" is a joke.
It is New Year's Day and I have received yet another email informing me that since one of my roommates decided to leave at the end of the lease period, our lease will be terminating and showings will begin next week. If any one of us wants to stay, we have to reapply at market rates with a replacement person already in the group ready to sign a new lease, or we have to all remain on the old lease.
I left my parents' home in 2016, and since then I have moved 15-17 times, depending what you count as a move, and lived in 12-13 different places. That's due to a bunch of forced circumstances, including co-op placements and illegal evictions, but many of those moves were because the roommates I was living with decided to move on with their lives, and I had no choice but to move as well.
When I tell people I've moved 15 times in 7 years, they are always shocked. I'm like, how have you NOT though? Having had this conversation many times, I start to ponder what makes me vulnerable to this type of exploitation, and what makes my friends able to avoid some of it.
#1. As a low-income disabled person, I am unable to afford "market rates". This means I'm always tryna get units that are below market rate, and those landlords are invariably very interested in removing their tenants to bring their busted-ass units up to market rate.
#2. I am SINGLE bro. No one is planning their life around living with me. Every time a roommate leaves, I get forced out too. I did have a long-term roommate for a couple years who bounced around 4 places with me, but eventually she moved city - as is her right - and I was forced out again.
Couples also have more options when it comes to affordable housing, particularly if they are willing to share a room. Sharing a room cuts your rent in half. It’s pretty rare to see just one person living in a 1bed because it’s just ludicrously expensive, but for couples it’s a decent option. During the searching stage as well, if you already have someone to live with it’s a lot easier to find places than if you also have to find new roommates (this part is especially brutal for me as a trans person). It is certainly still difficult for couples in the market, I know couples who have ended up homeless as well, but being alone makes you more vulnerable.
The housing crisis is a broad issue affecting literally everyone, but single people are one of the groups that is systematically disadvantaged, making it a significant issue for aros imo. It is the combination of being single and low-income that has made me so vulnerable to housing instability.
Edited with minor corrections
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Headless Sentence Starters: Episodes 1-3
I'm not sure if anyone else has done this, but here is a list of sentence starters taken from episodes 1, 2, and 3 of Shipwrecked’s web-series, Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story. Some of the lines have been edited to fit as sentence starters, and feel free to change pronouns/add names/etc as you see fit. Tw: Death, alcohol/drinking, violence mention, general tws that go with The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Episode 1: The Local Legend
“Deep in the forest where the ghouls haunt and wallow. There’s a town by the name of Sleepy Hollow.”
“It’s drowsy and dreamy and filled with dread.”
“Be wary of all those things dead!”
“Just when you’re sure you’re safe asleep in your bed. You might come across a fellow who’s lost his head.”
“Please, no. No!”
“Welcome new friend to our dear Sleepy Hollow.”
“A ghost or a witch might give you a follow.”
“There are so many haunts in the weird coterie that make up this mysterious town’s history.”
“I just needed directions.”
“It’s past the cemetery and to the left, you can’t miss it.”
“Well, no, no. You could miss it. You’ll just be in a cursed bog.”
“Aw man!”
“You’re rather late.”
“Are you _____?”
“I’m _____, your new tenant.”
“I’m not a kid.”
“You’re smaller in person.”
“How did you know that?”
“I hacked into Instagram and saw your photos.”
“You mean you logged into Instagram?”
“After ten is quiet hours…ten AM.”
“If you get locked out, I don’t care.”
“No pets.”
“The last tenant had a snake, and I still haven’t found it.”
“I’m allergic to basically every animal.”
“Since you’re late, I’m raising your rent.”
“Two thousand? We agreed on twelve hundred!”
“Pay with personal check only.”
“I don’t even remember the last time I used a personal check.”
“Cash is fine but there’s a cash fee.”
“Usually cash is the cheaper option.”
“When you’re a wealthy landlord with incredible hair, you can make your own rules.”
“The mayor’s assistant left this for you.”
“It’s an invite to the mayor’s annual autumn gala.”
“Wow, I’ve never met a mayor before.”
“You’re getting bog water on the rug.”
“I can’t afford that!”
“Get a roommate.”
“You look like you could use some company.”
“You think you could help me?”
“Sorry, no free hands.”
“Fake book. Good for storing the still-beating hearts of your enemies. Or your inhaler.”
“Can I get you anything? Coffee? Beer? Surge?”
“I thought this was a drugstore.”
“I just wanted to put up a flyer on your bulletin board.”
“What’s up?”
“This guy/gal/person needs help. And I hate him/her/them.”
“Got an improv show to advertise?”
“I just wanted to hang up this flyer.”
“_____, huh. Sounds made up.”
“Well, in a way, every name is made up.”
“So _____, what brings you to town?”
“I’m the new _____ science teacher.”
“The last one disappeared under mysterious circumstances. At least, that’s the story they’re going with.”
“What do you think happened?”
“I think he/she/they got sick…of Sleepy Hollow…and left. Cause he’s/she’s/they’re an adult, and he/she/they can do what he/she/they want(s).”
“Not everything that happens here is the result of some curse.”
“I just wish I could’ve talked to him/her/them before I started. ‘Get a lay of the land, you know? Maybe someone to show me around town?”
“Hmm…that would’ve been so nice.”
“I guess I could talk to the mayor about it.”
“I got an invite to the mayor’s annual autumn gala. No big deal.”
“How impressive.”
“Let me check the invitation and see if I have a plus one.”
“Be sure to use it on someone who wants to go.”
“If you’ll excuse me, I have some very important work to do.”
“Wait, I didn’t get your name.”
“Be sure and take advantage of the open bar. The mayor can afford it.”
“How do I look?”
“You must be _____!”
“I’m so glad you got my invite!”
“Look at your tie, it’s so straight!”
“Let me introduce you to your new neighbors.”
“I know I’m looking at the camera. It’s called a choice.”
“They did immediately recast him/her/them.”
“Tell them about craft services!”
“Oh, you’ve never seen such fruits.”
“You know this ray of sunshine.”
“This is your new landlord.”
“Will you fetch me a frosé?”
“You catfished me too!”
“It’s not my fault I had never seen a picture of Bonnie Hunt before.”
“This is great. I’ve been meaning to see someone about my knees.”
”It’s always ‘look at this, _____. Diagnose me, _____.’ It’s never ‘how are you, _____?’”
“I thought you said it was a kids theater.”
“Actually I’ll be _____ next month. It’s scary.”
“Oh it’s scary alright.”
“One time I saw Millie Bobby Brown at an audition…and she looked at me.”
“Oh my God a mayor knows my name.”
“I brought you something.”
“It’s my homemade garlic aioli mayo.”
“I call this one mayor-nnaise.”
“I heard you were the star teacher back in Hartford.”
“How are we so lucky as to nab you?”
“I sprayed it everywhere.”
“It’s the theme of the party.”
“That’s honestly pretty basic of you but go on.”
“Let me introduce you to one of your future coworkers.”
“We all just did shots instead.”
“Let’s do shots! Let’s do shots!”
“I got extra bones.”
“It’s a genetic thing, it’s no big deal. It’s honestly pretty cool.”
“Science teacher? Finally!”
“That means I don’t have to sub anymore.”
“Science…can anybody tell me what this is?”
“Can anybody please tell me about science?”
“I’m sure you’ll show _____ a good time. But not too good.”
“Excuse me.”
“Oh…um…maybe another time.”
“Split it evenly! Split it evenly!”
“Did your invite include VIP patio access?”
“Sorry…I just wanted to say hi.”
“Hey, you’re the mean girl/guy/person from the drugstore.”
“It’s not a drugstore.”
“I’d say don’t mind her/him/them…but you should. She’s/He’s/They’re a witch. Like, for real.”
“Can you cast a spell?”
“I wouldn’t drink that, it’s probably poisoned.”
“So _____, if that is your real name.”
“Did you google that before?”
“I'm a Bingsman. Bing-man. I bi- I'm- I Bing. I use Bing.”
“Are you from here, originally speaking?”
“I went to college, but it wasn’t for me.”
“Here I am pursuing my dreams of serving beer at not-a-drugstore.”
“I dunno…I just…wanted to see the world.”
“You wanted to see the world so you came to Sleepy Hollow?”
“You’re a bad liar _____.”
“Before _____ got me a job at the drugstore, I worked at the bowling alley. But the hours sucked.”
“If we are out of fireball downstairs, we are out of it everywhere.”
“Don’t let him/her/them near your gas stove.”
“_____, and I have already met.”
“Your dad introduced us.”
“How did you do that?”
“I took a master class on pressure points once.”
“_____ is your dad?”
“That’s what he/she/they tell(s) me.”
“It’s gonna be tight having someone who actually knows science teaching science again.”
“I’m more of a history ‘spurt. Short for expert.”
“I also get wacky with language arts.”
“I know every ghost, ghoul, and haunted hayride in this town.”
“That’s not really history, _____.”
“Oh yeah? And what is history?”
“Do you think that I do not have emperor evidence?”
“_____, do you have any idea what the word evidence means?”
“It means fun stories that support my opinion.”
“Do you know about the Headless Horseman?”
“Oh come on. Don’t start with this Horseman crap.”
“Who’s the Headless Horseman?”
“He’s/She’s/They’re the ultimate shark.”
“You should be vigilant walking home tonight.”
“It’s foggy as all fugg.”
“The evidence supporting supernatural phenomena is slim.”
“Oh, righteous bruh. A septic.”
“This whipped cream is unusual.”
“Eff that guy/girl/person.”
“Did anybody write it down?”
“I gave you those Moleskine notebooks for Christmas and for what?”
“You should have seen your face! You were like ‘oh no!’”
“I knew it was you. You’re wearing Sperrys.”
“Oh hey, that’s pretty. You should wear that.”
“Oh my God!”
Episode 2: The Ghosts in the Graveyard
“I let you sing your song. Will you please leave?”
“You're approved for a home loan, buddy! Did you know?”
“I have some questions.”
“What's your name?”
“You don't remember?”
“You can't pass on.”
“The longer it's missing...the more you forget.”
“I don't know where it is. I cant even find my keys most mornings.”
“You left these in the door.”
“Did you find a roommate yet?”
“When he/she/they come(s) back, tell him/her/them to swing by.”
“He'll/She’ll/They’ll love meeting you.”
“You're going to help me pay my rent?”
“Sure! Why not?”
“This is a lot.”
“A welcomed visitor would soon stop by.”
“What? Oh, I don't know.”
“Are you going to eat that?”
“Leave it!”
“Guess you didn't get a seat at the popular table.”
“What brings you to the-to school?”
“Just wanted to make sure the kids weren't being too mean.”
“I'll put them in their place.”
“I believe it.”
“Uh, I was wondering if you would-”
“Do you need me to get going?”
“There was, um...there was a mosquito. Did you not-did you not see it?”
“Wow. These Halloween decorations are getting really expensive.”
“Man! I didn't even get to eat my lunch.”
“Well, good luck with the rest of the day.”
“If you're not busy tomorrow afternoon, swing by the store. Maybe we can hang out.”
“I would love that.”
“See ya.”
“How can I help you?”
“I don't understand chemical versus physical change.”
“My mom says change is change, and it happens whether we want it to or not.”
“Uh, okay, well, I can explain it again.”
“Teachers have first names?”
“When heat is applied to the lemon juice compounds, it creates something new.”
“That is legit!”
“Can I keep that?”
“Do you have a full name?”
“Okay, that's too much name.”
“_____, we need to talk.”
“How else am I supposed to zest the salmon?”
“You don't need to zest salmon. It's a very flavorful f-ahhhh! Skeleton!”
“This is what I'm talking about.”
“I can't keep walking around with a headless roommate.”
“He's/She’s/They’re scary.”
“I don't actually get scared, but sure.”
“Bonkers idea, bro/sis/sib, but maybe _____ could help us?”
“She/He/They might actually be able to get us a real head.”
“She/He/They can't just wave a magic wand and attach a head to him/her/them.”
“I'II just wave a magic wand and attach a head to him/her/them.”
“You're not in shock over what's happening here?”
“That's like, basically my motto.”
“Wow. You really are a witch?”
“Why do you work...here?”
“I'm saving to open my own occult shop.”
“I'II do tarot readings, make specialized potions and tinctures.”
“Guess you're my first customer.”
“I'm not wearing my culling robes.”
“She/He/They crawled out of my TV.”
“Would you fetch your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner?”
“She'll/He’ll/They’ll be right back.”
“Is this your mom?”
“Stop looking at that.”
“I'm here to inspect the exits for tomorrow's trivia night.”
“Are your fire extinguishers up to code? You know you should have three, right?”
“_____, you've been here, like, a hundred times. The exits have remained the same.”
“It's just you and one other trivia team. Every trivia night.”
“Hi, I'm _____.”
“Have you not met _____?”
“She/He/They is/are also new in town.”
“Before I came here, I grew up in Kansas City.”
“My hair has always been this color and length.”
“You know this guy/girl/person?”
“Is/Are he/she/they still alive?”
“He's/She’s/They’re just really drunk. Because he's/she’s/they’ve lost his/her/their job at the Ren Faire.”
“It's very- it's very sad. It's very sad.”
“_____ works at the Storms Inn. She/He/They run(s) it.”
“It's haunted as heck.”
“Maybe I'd actually, I don't know, book some rooms if I didn't have some thick calved bozo running around town telling everyone that it's haunted.”
“Dark tourism is very in.”
“I don't care about dark tourism!”
“I care about booking rooms.”
“Please excuse me.”
“She's/He’s/They’re really lovely.”
“She's/He’s/They’re right, though.”
“Storms Inn is one of the oldest buildings in town. Used to be a girls' orphanage.”
“Wow. You'd be a great tour guide.”
“Shut up.”
“Farewell, _____.”
“We will meet again.”
“You never understood our love!”
“Not sure where she/he/they dug this one up, but it is fairly fresh.”
“Get a room!”
“Am I right?”
“_____, go flip the sign.”
“May I?”
“The spell combines the life force of the Horseman with the spirit of whatever skull we choose.”
“The Horseman has now taken on the identity of this man/woman/person.”
“Oh, thank God.”
“I thought I was dead.”
“Oh my God…dad?”
“Wait, you know I love you!”
“I miss my dad so much.”
“I feel like I see him/her/them everywhere.”
“Oh, I'm so sorry, _____.”
“When did he/she/they die?”
“Oh, he's/she’s/they’re not dead, no. He's/She’s/They’re on a cruise.”
“Asphodel is the food of the dead. So it'll help keep the head alive longer.”
“If you could pick someone to help you find the head of a Revolutionary War soldier, who would it be?”
“Another Revolutionary War soldier! Smart!”
“DEADFINDR says that Revolutionary War graves are about two rows up.”
“Someone's coming!”
“Where are you going?”
“Get back here with my keys right now!”
“Looks like grave robbing. Smells like grave robbing.”
“Oh, h-hi.”
“Once you're on my radar, you start seeing me everywhere.”
“Well, I was just visiting-”
“And I’m just experiencing ‘hair loss due to stress.’”
“You are getting a ticket for trespassing.”
“See you in court on Monday.”
“Court? On Monday?!”
“Whoa. I might have to take you downtown!”
“Thank you.”
Episode 3: The Briny Booty
“Hey! Whoa! Nice umbrella!”
“Pink is not your color.”
“Actually, SPF 50 offers peak UV protection.”
“Hey! You guys ditched me.”
“I got a ticket. I have to go to court!”
“Oh, no. Court's so scawy.”
“What? Stop that.”
“Oh no! _____ got ticky?”
“Why is everyone being mean?”
“I will stab you.”
“While you were whining, I figured it out.”
“I can make the spell last a whole day now. The key was mugwort.”
“We got to get that soldier's head.”
“Trivia night's about to start.”
“_____ can hold down the fort and we can go back to the cemetery.”
“I can't. I told _____ I'd meet her/him/them here...for a date.”
“I got to figure out a fix for _____.”
“She's/He’s/They’re going to be here any minute, and I don't think she's/he’s/they’re into...this.”
“I think he/she/they look(s) great.”
“Is that a real skull?”
“It came with the drugstore.”
“We can try it.”
“Welp, good luck with this. I'm going to the cemetery.”
“No, wait. Don't leave me with these two!”
“Have you ever met a Kraken?”
“I don't do that anymore. There are so many other ways to kill a man.”
“This is my cousin.”
“He/She/They do(es) LAR- He/She/They do(es) LARPing. He/She/They doe-- He/She/They is/are LARP. He/She/They-he/she/they do(es) LARP.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“I think that means get us some drinks.”
“_____. Yeah that sounds about right.”
“Astronomy is probably my favorite branch of science.”
“All the stars in the night sky are the same ones that inspired countless religions, and languages, and navigational systems.”
“It's incredible.”
“My mom was an astronomy nut, actually.”
“We had this huge telescope up on the roof.”
“She'd/He’d/They’d take me up there some mornings before dawn, and we'd eat donuts and look at constellations.”
“Wow. Your mom sounds awesome.”
“Oh, gosh. I'm sorry.”
“It's alright.”
“You want to know why I'm really here?”
“I was actually born here.”
“When my parents passed away, I was sent to live with my grandmother.”
“She/He/They hated Sleepy Hollow.”
“When she/he/they died, she/he/they gave me this.”
“I had so many questions. I guess I just came here for some answers.”
“Get to asking the questions.”
“All my best pals in the same place? This feels like a sitcom!”
“You're on a trivia team?”
“Check it out.”
“She/He/They brought our team up to the next level.”
“She/He/They know(s) a lot about foreign policy.”
“You and _____? Drinking? Talking? Is this a d—”
“Just practice the breathing exercises. In and out, in and out.”
“How could you do this to me? After everything we've been through?”
“We're--we're just hanging out, _____!”
“Even if we weren't, you and I haven't dated for, like, a decade.”
“Who got you your job at the bowling alley?”
“It was gross.”
“Hey, let's get you home.”
“I thought you said he/she/they was/were your cousin?”
“I have a weird family!”
“Is this guy/girl/person bothering you?”
“He/She/They get(s) like this when he's/she’s/they’re drunk. You know, challenging people to duels and, um, having a sword.”
“Okay, let’s go home.”
“Oh, there he/she/they is/are.”
“Where did you go?”
“Took me till sunrise, but I found it.”
“Observe, my sea log!”
“You have to hide.”
“As my first mate commands.”
“Uh, hi. I love that this is happening.”
“Apparently I'm housing a criminal.”
“I am raising your rent. Call it a hooligans tax.”
“You know I can't pay any more.”
“Looks like you have a whole box of delicious goodies here.”
“Ew! Why is everything so dirty?”
“Oh, this is nice!”
“_____’s going to have to put this one in the safe, if you know what I mean.”
“Those jewels belonged to my lover, God rest her/his/their soul.”
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
Choices Review: Queen B
Heads up, thoroughbreds! This should've been a GOC book for sure: female bullies are a thing for guys, too, and we can care about fashion, popularity, and seduction.
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Book 1 follows your adventures as a transfer student to one of the most prestigious colleges in the country--so of course everyone has to be rich, stuck-up, and status-obsessed. Oh, and it comes with a popularity contest known as "The T" which you must climb in order to overthrow mean girl Poppy Sinclair (who looks like Regina George, but could never). You're joined by several allies (if you can afford them), your roommate Zoe, and your professor. Sounds easy enough, right? You can be flirty, be mean, be kind, and it'll show at certain points of the story. But while it is fun, it isn't without some drawbacks, in my opinion. I already ranted about how manipulative MC is to their professor, who doubles as their LI, but in case you missed it: she is the WORST. The professor flirted with her at a bar before knowing she was a student, and shuts it down when they find out. If you choose to romance them, MC essentially guilt-trips them into a relationship by saying "I'd never want to ruin your career," despite not really having done or said anything to show it. You desperately try to get them to open up, and when they finally do, you find out someone tries to implicate you being in a relationship with them (even if it's not true), and you cut them off without explanation in order to spare them--AKA doing exactly what you didn't want them doing and then getting mad when they want to see you. It's super unfair, and it kind of sucks if you only romance men, because they're the only male LI option (a rare situation in Choices for multi- LI books), and you're doing them SO wrong. As for Poppy, she's a Regina George clone, but a pale imitation. Based on this story, I think using Courtney Shayne would've been better, and it'd give her an edge. Is it too much to ask for a multi-faceted mean girl who could be into academics or athletics? Possibly being the product of an affair doesn't make you all that interesting, Poppy. Zoe and Carter are just fun times, though; no notes for them! I'm SUPER curious as to why MC would be hanging out with their professor at the end of the book during vacation if they're not romantically involved, ngl. I feel like that should've taken into account who we romanced.
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Book 2 is more of book 1 redux: your professor is under investigation this time around, and there's a new queen on the horizon who wants to take us down along with Poppy, who occasionally sides with us to take her down. The new baddie on the scene keeps their identity a secret, hidden amongst your new friends, but it was pretty obvious to me who it was--she didn't try hard enough. Perhaps it's because "mean girl" stories are generally one-and-done rather than being a series, but this just felt like they were trying to recapture the same story as book 1: sex, drama, and popularity, with no real variant for it. I don't really have much to say about it, looking back on it. It was just kind of...eh. Pretty to look at, but lacking in interesting content. And don't think I forgot how they called Professor Kingsley thicc in book 1 and then said they "lacked volume" when they tried twerking (cringe to the MAX; idc if you're one of my favorite Chocies LIs).
Overall, it was a fun ride, but the sequel did more of the same thing. It didn't really do anything new or crazy. Call me when you've got something rave-worthy.
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wednesday5econlive · 1 year
Robert's Presentation on Rationality of Preferences: The Play
Derek Wu
Robert - A college student who attends the basic economics course/presenter of the rationality of preferences
Nathan - Robert's classmate #1
Natalie - Robert's classmate #2
Professor Baldwin - The professor of basic economics course
It's the day of the final presentation for the basic college economics course. Robert, one of the students, will present the rationality of preferences as his topic. 
That concludes my presentation on the production possibilities frontier. Thank you for listening!
(Applauses reverberate the entire lecture hall)
Professor Baldwin:
Very well done Nathan! (applauding)
Professor Baldwin (CONT'D)
(looking through his notes) Ok, the next presenter will be—Robert. Please come up to the podium.
(After Robert pulls out his slides from the class file…)
May I begin?
Professor Baldwin:
Go ahead. The floor is all yours. 
Ok, so—good morning fellow classmates and professor. This is Robert and today the topic of my presentation is the rationality of preferences. (Goes to the next slide with an image of a grocery shopper picking out items)
As grocery shoppers, we purchase the same items that we already decide to purchase every time we go to a grocery store. Moreover, we purchase the same amount of groceries to fulfill our needs consistently. For example, I love Caprisun so I always buy 4 packs of Caprisun because it’s the ample amount without overspending, considering that I have other groceries to buy. However, there are times when I reduce or increase my Caprisun consumption due to factors like change in my part time job income or product price. 
This presentation will focus exactly on a real life example of how an individual chooses the items rationally when dealing with change in job income or product price, as well as additional factors. (Goes to the next slide that displays this figure)
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Before I get into the main idea, I need to talk about economic rationality, which needs to be fulfilled under these two conditions. The first one is completeness, meaning the individual needs to express a preference and reason against other alternative options. The second one is transitivity, meaning the sequence of each successive preference needs to be consistent without any overlap. For example, if x is mostly preferred to y and y is mostly preferred to z, then x is mostly preferred to z.
(Goes to the next slide that displays this figure)
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This is my roommate Joseph's income, prices of each item he usually buys, and how much he consumes each item, throughout the three weeks. For convenience, we will only focus on three items, which are apples, tomatoes, and onions. Pa and qa represent the price and quantity of apples, pt and qt represent tomatoes, and po and qo represent onions. I've organized these data into a table, which will be the main focus of my presentation. (Goes to the next slide that displays this figure)
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This is the table I've created. The three sets of numbers in the top row represent the prices of Joseph's items, while each number in each set represents each item's price, from apples to tomatoes and onions, respectively. The other three sets in the left column represent each item's quantity. The numbers in the bottom row represent Joseph's income. Each remaining number represents the total amount required to spend on the items. Just multiply each quantity by each price and add them all together to get the total. 
Let's focus on the week 1 column on the left first. Since Joseph's week 1 income is $42, he can only pick the top basket and the bottom basket. Because the middle basket costs $57, which is infeasible, since he only has $42. However, for some reason, Joseph picks basket 1 over basket 3, even though basket 3 is also affordable. So let's make a notation for Joseph’s final choice for week 1. May I use the whiteboard professor?
Professor Baldwin:
Go ahead, if it helps with your presentation.
(Robert takes a black marker writes down the notation Basket 1 ≥ Basket 3)
This notation means basket 1 is mostly preferred to basket 3. Now let's move on to the week 2 column in the middle. Basket 1 and 2 are within Joseph's week 2 budget, which is both $22.4. Yet, Joseph picks basket 2 over basket 1, so he mostly prefers basket 2 over basket 1. (writes down Basket 2 ≥ Basket 1) 
Lastly, let's focus on the week 3 column on the right. We anticipate Joseph choosing basket 2 because of the transitivity rule, also because basket 2 is also affordable, but he ends up choosing basket 3. (writes down Basket 3 ≥ Basket 2)
If we combine these three notations, we get this. (writes down Basket 2 ≥ Basket 1 ≥ Basket 3 ≥ Basket 2). We can see that Joseph's preferences aren't rational because they violate the transitivity rule, as basket 2 cannot be preferred over basket 2. 
So how about we imagine an alternative situation? (Goes to the next slide with the alternative week 3 data)
Week 3. Joseph's income = $35.2. Prices = (pa = 0.4, pt = 1.5, po = 4.2). Joseph's consumption bundle: (pa = 10, pt = 4, po = 6). 
If we switch Joseph's week 3 income from $30.8 to $35.2 and the price of tomatoes from $0.4 to $1.5, how will this impact the rationality of Joseph's preferences now? Please look at this second table I've created. (Goes to the next slide with the second table)
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According to the table, now basket 1 and basket 2 are both unaffordable due to the rise in tomato price and total basket prices being higher than Joseph's week 3 income. As a result, Joseph has no choice but to go with basket 3 because he can afford the total price for basket 3. Moreover, his choice doesn’t violate transitivity because ultimately he prefers basket 3 over basket 2, instead of basket 2 over basket 2. (Moves on to the next slide with the question: What is the fundamental factor that affects Joseph choosing a suitable consumer basket?)
Now, I have a question for everyone. Throughout the discussion of Joseph's choices for his consumer baskets, what is the fundamental factor that affects him making his decision? Anyone who would like to answer this question? (Robert raises his hand as a gesture to ask anyone to speak)
(Natalie (classmate #2) raises her hand)
Yes Natalie?
Is it affordability? 
That's absolutely correct. In fact, your answer is the exact word I'm expecting, which is affordability. (Clicks on the keyboard and the word "affordability" appears below the question)
Most of you might think the factor is either the price of the products or Joseph's income or both. Those are also indeed important factors, but regardless of the price or Joseph's income, the ultimate question Joseph needs to be asking himself is, "Can I afford these products or not?" So to demonstrate this answer, I wanna go back to the second table we went through earlier. (Returns to the previous slide with the second table)
Let's imagine this scenario. Joseph is a huge fan of tomatoes. In the week 2 column, even though he can afford both the first and second consumer basket, he wants to choose the second basket because there are more tomatoes than the first basket. Unfortunately, in week 3, due to the rise in tomato prices, he can't afford the second and first basket, so he has no choice but to pick the third basket because he can at least afford it with his income, despite it having the least number of tomatoes. This kind of phenomenon is called the "weak axiom of revealed preference". (Goes to the next next slide with the term "weak axiom of revealed preference")
In the field of economics, we suppose people's preferences are always rational. Using Joseph's alternative scenario as an example, we assume he always purchases a large bundle of tomatoes because he loves tomatoes. However, if we take the weak axiom of revealed preferences into account, we also consider that Joseph may not always buy a lot of tomatoes due to his inability to afford them or an increase in product price. The weak axiom of revealed preferences allows us to debunk the misconception that rationality always takes part in people’s preferences. (Goes on to the next slide with the term "independence of irrelevant alternatives" and "random utility")
Apart from affordability being an integral factor in making decisions to buy groceries, there are other two important factors that we may overlook. The first factor is what economists call "independence of irrelevant alternatives". For example, while apples, tomatoes, and onions are the only items on Joseph's shopping list, one day he comes across a bucket of ice cream, then he decides to replace one of the three items with ice cream because not only he's been craving for ice cream recently, but also including the ice cream in his shopping list might make him go over budget. Simply put, Joseph chooses an alternative product irrelevant to his shopping list, which can be unpredictable when talking about rationality.
The second factor is known as "random utility". For example, Joseph loves tomatoes but one day he suddenly wants to buy more apples and onions for no reason. This situation is also unpredictable because consumers may deviate from their rational preferences without any reason. (Goes on the next slide with the word "conclusion")
My purpose for presenting you Joseph's choices of shopping for groceries and explaining his sensibility is that it applies to any of you who aspires to become successful entrepreneurs. If you want people to like your products, you need to learn how to utilize people's rationality to predict whether your products will fulfill the public's needs. If it doesn't, what are the reasons people dislike your products? Is it because people cannot afford the products? Do the products stand out less compared to similar products with different brands? Don't create products based on your own interest because even if you personally like them, it doesn't mean the public will like them. I hope this presentation will not only inform you about the rationality of preferences, but also it will teach you the importance of considering people's preferences when starting your business. Thank you everyone and I will now end my presentation. 
(Applauses once again reverberate the whole lecture hall, but louder)
Professor Baldwin:
Absolutely wonderful Robert! Students, please remember Robert's advice at the end of his presentation if you want to become a businessman. His advice is also the reason I include this specific lesson about the rationality of preferences in my course. Thank you Robert and you may return to your seat.
(After Robert returns to his seat, he lets out a big sigh)
Whew! (whispering to himself) It's finally over. I managed to retain my composure even though I was so nervous during practice. Good thing my hard work has paid off. 
(gently taps Robert's shoulders) Good job Robert. I really enjoy your presentation. Not gonna lie, it's more effective than reading the textbook and listening to prof's lectures. Also, I like your commentary at the end.
Wow, I feel flattered. I really do. Thanks a lot Nathan!
While waiting for the next presentation to start, Robert slouches against his seat and recalls all the hard work he has done, Professor Baldwin's comments, and Nathan's compliments. Although the score won't be released until the week after next, a relieved smile emerges from his face.
0 notes
adonis-koo · 3 years
Strictly Business
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↳ Summary: When the price of your apartment shoots through the roof, you and your roommate become desperate for money and go to extreme measures to make it possible to afford living there. But it’s all strictly business in the end. Right?
↳ Genre: porn with some plot if you squint, it’s a pornstar AU essentially, sex worker au??? Roommates AU, it’s all platonic, or is it?
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/Reader
↳ Word Count: 13k
Tags: dom!kook, sex tapes obviously, dirty talk, pussy slapping, good girl!MC, sir kink, degradation, like if you aren’t into degradation just skip, vaginal fingering, size kink 😌, a little dumbfication, ruined orgasm, breath play, oral (m & f), sex toy, overstimulation, bondage, theres elements of BDSM but not hardcore,
Note: I never thought I’d write pwp ever but here we are you horndogs, I feel like this Oneshot probably deserves a part 2 tbh
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Jungkook cringed at your shouted words, you hadn’t meant to of course. Truth be told, you didn’t really know your roommate that well. But he was good in terms of keeping the apartment fairly clean, he was quiet, never brought any one night stands home. You did the same. But outside of talking over bills, a few mutual friends and occasionally watching a movie together you both didn’t really hang out much.
“...Look I know,” Jungkook sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, “They just spiked rent last month too…Maybe we should look for a different place?” He offered as you slumped on the couch. This place was perfect though, it was close to campus, close to your and his work and all while in range of plenty of fast food restaurants and the grocery store. You couldn’t get any better than this.
The apartment was already rather pricey when you and Jungkook found it, but you both made enough together that with that and making sure to grocery shop together it would be fine. But then your tenant had retired and gave his business over to his son who had spiked the rates last month and to be fair he warned he was doing a finalized rent this month but still…
Five hundred extra? How could you afford nine hundred rent a month when both you and Jungkook worked regular college level jobs? 
“I’m sure we could but…” you frowned as you fumbled with your fingers, “It won’t be nearly as close to campus or work…” 
Jungkook didn’t like the idea anymore then you but...what other options were there? He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, “Well let’s not worry about it tonight. I’ll start looking for other places. Who knows, maybe we can find somewhere better.” He offered you a tiny smile that you weakly returned before sighing, lips quivering before you stood up, running a hand through your hair before going back to your room, looking rather upset.
Jungkook frowned before sighing as his gaze lingered in your direction before making his way to his room. Jungkook began his search for different apartments but much to his irrigation everything was either the same price which neither of you could afford or it was nearly a half hour drive to uni. 
It was well into the early morning until Jungkook eventually gave up all together, to make matters go from bad to worst he inhaled sharply in annoyance at the strained feeling of his cock strapped inside the confines of his jeans he had yet to change out of. Seriously? He looked down at the bulge in his pants that decided to greet him at nearly twelve at night.
He looked back at the house listing before back at his pants he clacked his tongue exiting out of the page, seeing as he obviously wasn’t going to find any apartment options tonight and he had a raging boner he knew he could at least fix one of these things.
Kicking off his jeans he sighed in relief before typing away on his computer, putting on his headphones as he eagerly scrolled through Playhub.
Instead of finding a good video to jerk off too he paused at the side bar that usually held porn ads, instead it was advertisement for working on playhub...Jungkook gritted his teeth together, ignoring his hardened cock that was throbbing in need to be touched as he clicked on the ad...Maybe this night wasn’t such a bust…
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Should he tell you? He felt nervous as you finished up drinking your smoothie, you were getting ready for work this morning, your hair tied up and you still looked pretty tired. Jungkook felt himself gulp, staring without even realizing it. But the longer he stared the more he felt his ears burning, sure he thought you were pretty when he first met you but…
“Are you okay?” He jumped at your soft voice, tilting your head a little as you glanced at your roommate, feeling slightly odd given he was usually still in bed or was already on his way to work, or even class. It was rare you shared breakfast together. Jungkook swallowed thickly as he rapidly shook his head without even meaning too. He was trying to get the courage to bring up his solution to you.
“Y-yeah I’m good!” Jungkook flashed you a strained smile but he was positive his cheeks were flushed. You pressed your lips together but said no more as you glanced back down at your phone. Jungkook could feel himself slump a little, he usually wasn’t this nervous around girls, god he felt like he was in middle school again. 
But again, he had never thought of you in this way before...I mean sure...Jungkook was a man, he had thought about it a time or two in passing thought. But he had never extensively thought about it. About you. About having sex with you. And it was frighteningly arousing, he wouldn’t lie. Had he always been so blind to how tight your sleep shorts were? Or how short they really were and how they strapped against your ass? 
Or the way you’d flash him timid sweet smiles when you’d pass one another in the house. Jungkook was thinking with his hormones now. But still...if he was going to do this, he wouldn’t want anyone else to be his partner going into it. 
Before he knew it his opportunity was gone as you left the table making him groan in defeat. To be fair it wasn’t exactly an easy question; ‘Hey would you consider making porn with me since we’re desperate to pay rent and can’t afford to stay anywhere else?’
Because that conversation could go well...Jungkook didn’t even know your favorite color, how the fuck was he supposed to go about this? He nibbled against his lower lip as he sunk in his seat, this was going to be more challenging then he anticipated…
Jungkook has spent most of his day at work mopping around and fretting about how bad your reaction could be, the worst would be making things awkward but...that wasn’t going to solve anything and this was a solution...sorta...It could also flop but this could work! Jungkook knows it can! 
He continued to affirm himself the whole day and even when he got off shift at nine o’clock at night and headed home. Yes! He’d go and he’d ask you if you were willing to do this because you both needed rent money by the 29th and that wasn’t going to happen unless you did something this something just so happened to be porn…
Jungkook gulped a little as he took his shoes off at the entrance before headed inside, making himself some cup noodles as he tried to calm himself. 
What Jungkook didn’t expect was for you to come out of your room, sweatpants hiding the nice sight of your thighs but the tank top was loose and low enough to spot the lacy bralette you sported that Jungkook never looked twice at until now. God he felt like a total pervert! He could already feel his ears turning red as he hurriedly slurped his noodles trying to ignore your figure the way you bent down to grab juice from the fridge.
You were about to leave when Jungkook jumped the opportunity, “Um-! Y/n!” He almost yelped, wincing at his tone. God why did he sounded like he was going through puberty again.
Usually when Jungkook wanted to get with a girl he was a lot more subtle, a few smirks here and there, some playful flirting. Smooth. So why wasn’t he being smooth? Probably because this wasn’t exactly what one would consider a one night stand…
You turned around as you tilted your head, giving him your full attention as you asked, “Yeah?” Jungkook felt himself freeze before he forced a cough from his lips. You could tell he had been acting up since this morning and for some reason it put you on edge...did he not want to be roommates anymore? Was something wrong?
Noting he hadn’t said anything yet you took the opportunity to sit down across from him as you raised your brows.
“I...um…” Jungkook sucked in a breath of air, calming himself down, “So...I found a way that could help us get rent….”
Jungkook felt bad at watching the way your eyes lit up in excitement as you bounced in your seat a little, clapping your hands as you asked, “What? Really!? What is it? I'd hate for us to have to move somewhere else…” Of course this little nerd Jeon Jungkook found a way for you both to get side cash! God you may not have been close to him but he really was a genius! 
Oddly enough Jungkook didn’t seem to share your sentiment as he dropped his gaze, looking somewhat ashamed which made your brows furrow. 
That was weird…”Well...here’s the thing…” he gave you a funny smile as he rubbed the back of your neck, “...Did you know Playhub pays users who put up content.” Jungkook wasn’t even sure how he managed to get those words out but he could tell that was the last thing you expected him to say.
It looked like your brain was frozen for a good few minutes before as you opened and closed your mouth several times...He did not just say what you think you heard him say…”You’re...you’re joking...right?” You forced a smile on your lips, feeling like something was caught in your throat as you forced a laugh despite your face suddenly feeling hot.
Jungkook sunk into his seat a little which only confirmed he wasn’t joking about this, he ran a hand through his hair as he looked away apprehensively, “I understand if you don’t want to do it but…! Just give it a thought-“ 
“Jungkook that’s insane! Who would sell porn?” 
“I would,” Jungkook replied somewhat defensively before he realized what he said, his ears burning as your jaw dropped a little and your brows rose, “...If I’m desperate enough and I’m pretty desperate right now Y/n...I’ve already checked for different apartments but anything in a half hour radius is around nine hundred as well and unless you wanna find two other housemates in the next two weeks we’re gonna be living in your car.” 
Jungkook’s brows were pinched and you wanted to whine at how serious his expression was. Porn? Together….Seriously? Just the idea was making you flush. You wouldn’t lie, Jungkook was an attractive guy, extremely attractive guy, you’d be dumb to not acknowledge that. Or the fact that you had a tiny crush on him when you first moved in together. But eventually you got over it, that didn’t erase the fact that it was once there though! If you slept with him...Dear god…that only crossed your mind when you were desperate while masturbating…
“Oh my god…” you sighed as you pressed your hands to your face.
“Like I said!” Jungkook replied hurriedly, “You don’t have to do it if you don’t feel comfortable but...we should start sending out advertisements for other roommates soon.”
You melted into your chair feeling somewhat embarrassed by the idea, what if somebody you knew stumbled across a video or what if your work found out…? “I…” You pressed your lips together before rubbing your temple, “Can I at least think it over tonight…?”
Jungkook’s lips parted, you...you were actually considering? Jungkook felt his face burn as he nodded rapidly, “Of course! Yeah! Just let me know in the morning.” Holy shit you were considering!
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Holy shit, you were actually considering this…
But Jungkook had a point, you were kind of desperate as well...You really loved this apartment and you didn’t want to give it up…
It was nearly seven in the morning and you had a horrible time sleeping last night, there were too many thoughts in your mind that kept you awake. If you were to do this then...you’d have to lay out a lot of ground rules and would have to talk a lot of things over…
That’s how you found yourself sitting on the couch with Jungkook both of you sitting on the opposite end turned to face one another, “...How do we even do this? Setting up an account?” You flushed as you asked, hugging the couch pillow against your chest.
Jungkook was still waking up, steam wafting from the cup of coffee he had as he took a sip, oddly not looking as flustered as he did the day before, “Well first off we’d make an account then we’d apply for their amateur program, they’ll have an admin verify us and we’d go from there.”  You pressed your lips together as you nodded, “If we do this,” Jungkook continued carefully, “We should stop by the bank and set up a joint account so we can both access the account we use for this.” 
That was definitely agreed and the smartest decision, that way there was no fighting or over spending any money you’d make on this...God you were actually considering this, “That's if you actually wanna do this though.” Jungkook finished as he took another sip of coffee, his expression neutral but the way he eyed you made your face feel hot again.
Sighing you pressed your hand to your face, what was the worst that could happen? You bang your roommate and this flops and then you go on with your life pretending it never happened? “Ah fuck it. We need money, and now.” Jungkook looked a little surprised by your words making you more flustered, “What!? Do you want me to say no!?” 
“No…! Well...Yeah, if you really don’t want to sleep with me…” Jungkook looked a little awkward as he rubbed his head, he wouldn’t lie, his pride would be a little hurt if you didn’t but he handled rejection all throughout his school years, he had survived before and could do so again.
“Do you wanna sleep with me?” You countered cautiously as you both awkwardly looked at one another.
Jungkook felt as if he’d break out in nervous sweat any moment, “...Yes…?” It was posed more like a question than an answer as you groaned making him rush, “It wouldn’t be a bad thing! I think your um-! I think you're pretty and I wouldn’t mind- I’m just gonna shut up. Let’s talk
sex, condoms or pill?” You looked at him bewildered as he scratched his cheek before murmuring, “Most people find it hot when it’s raw...we should discuss all of this before we do anything at all.” 
It was embarrassing though! You groaned as you shoved your face into your pillow, this was going to be a long conversation, “Condoms. I don’t have a reason to be on birth control but I mean…” You weren’t a stranger to Pornhub you knew most people went raw on there but…”Actually- before we even discuss condomless we should both get checked out. If you have STDs this plan isn’t going to work. We can talk about birth control afterward.” You’d be willing to go on pill but you wanted to make sure both of you were clean before you do anything else.
Jungkook nodded, “Alright fair enough- I don’t have STDs by the way,” He watched a smile tug on your lips for the first time all morning, yeah...this could definitely work, “You know I already have a good camera so we don’t have to worry about that. No faces though?” 
You immediately nodded, feeling a little better at the idea of keeping your face out of any kind of porn just to make yourself feel better, “Yeah definitely….And I guess we should probably talk about Uh…” you coughed a little, “...Kinks and stuff…For entertainment purposes.”
“Are you vanilla?” Jungkook immediately quizzed, making your gaze dart away from him, suddenly becoming mute, “Because we can keep it vanilla if that’s what you want.” He really was a sweetheart, not just like this but his whole personality. He was always thinking about others.
You rubbed your head as you sighed, forcing yourself to speak, “I uh...Not really…” you offered him a weak smile when you noticed he seemed confused.
You...you weren’t into vanilla? Jungkook didn’t want to say he assumed your tastes but well...he did a little, you were considerably quiet and timid, only open with your friends but over all a kind and sweet person. Jungkook figured girls like you probably liked something slow and sentimental. And there was nothing wrong with that! 
“And even if I was vanilla it wouldn't get views. Just throw me around and shit.” You laughed at the way Jungkook choked on his coffee, coughing as he pressed a hand on his chest, “Degradation, pain, bondage, all that stuff. Unless…! You’re not into that…” What surge of confidence you had suddenly wilted at the idea of Jungkook not being into these things.
Rather it was the opposite, the more you spoke the more aroused Jungkook felt, “...Are you saying you’re a submissive?” Jungkook could feel his cock throb in excitement. Sure he could find people who liked rough sex but not everyone was a submissive and the idea that he had been living with one for a year and a half was driving him up the wall. 
“Are you saying you’re a dominant?” You suddenly felt nervous at the idea, you could label yourself a sub but you had never actually been with a dominant before. Sure you had a great time with plenty of people but...The air in the room shifted a little, Jungkooks gaze a little more sultry then before, those usually innocent doe eyes looked lidded in the moment and the air around him suddenly looked a thousand times more confident as he gave a nod with a shrug, “Yeah, I am.” 
You wanted to screech at his words, his voice sounding a tone deeper than before.
Three words and it felt like you were squirming, of course he was dominant! Of course! You should’ve known! “So does that mean you like getting thrown around and shit?” Jungkook tucked his tongue into his cheek before offering a cocky smile that made him look a little more predatory than you were used to, he didn’t make a move to get closer to you but your body felt hotter then you remembered.
You managed a stiff nod, refusing to meet his gaze anymore and you were sure you looked embarrassed, you had to…You had never met someone that considered themselves formally a dominant but the energy just continued to ooze from Jungkook. 
“Oh? What about overstimulated,” Nod, “Toys?” Nod, “What about title kinks? I prefer to be addressed as Sir.” Jungkook wasn’t even hiding his arousal or interest anymore. His pupils looked dilated and he was licking lips at the way you squirmed in your seat, lips tugging into a pout and you refused to look at him anymore. Cute. 
“Sir is fine.” You mumbled as you rubbed your hand against your cheek, trying to stop your thighs from rubbing together in excitement. Maybe this wasn’t a terrible idea as you thought…
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Finding out that you and Jungkook were both sexually compatible seemed to really fast track your progress. You both went out the same day, opened a joint account together, you went to get tested and meanwhile bought birth control for you to start taking. Things seemed to be going well the last few days but you couldn’t help but feel nervous, the 29th would be arriving soon and if this flopped you’d either be cramming two extra people in the apartment or you’d be sleeping in by the back of your car. 
“Well I don’t know, I guess we’ll just have to play around with camera positions,” Jungkook frowned, messing with his tripod as you laid on his bed so he could try to frame it without your face in the shot, “I think this should work.” He seemed satisfied with his work as he leaned back on his hands as he sighed in contentment. 
“Have you heard back from them yet?” You glanced up at Jungkook as he frowned, shaking his head. You had created a pornhub profile together the same day you agreed to do this and you had yet to hear back about getting verified. But a part of you wondered if you’d have to build a following first. God this sounded time consuming…
“Hey, come on it’ll be fine.” It was like Jungkook could sense your nervous energy as you sighed, rolling into your stomach as you buried into his pillow, “If the video does well we’ll still get a cut regardless of verified or not. Verified probably just means more exposure.” 
The bed dipped a little as Jungkook sat on the edge as you sighed, mumbling into the pillow, “If it does well. Pornhub is like any other platform, there’s millions of videos on there. What’s one more have to offer?” It was true, the likelihood that this was going to work was….not high.
Jungkook frowned as he shrugged, he had been the more optimistic one about this then you and he’d continue to do so, “Well maybe…” You could hear the hesitation in his voice as you glanced up at him in front of your slumped position, his eyes a little nervous as he shrugged, “Maybe we should try a practice run.” 
You could immediately feel your face become hot at his words, there wasn’t any reason why you couldn’t. You got your test results back and you were both clean of STDs and you had been making sure to take birth control every day for the past four days and today as well, “Maybe we should…” you mumbled letting your face press against the pillow once more. The fact was nobody was going to watch to two awkward college kids act like they were virgins, you needed to have confidence in having sex with Jungkook and vice versa, right now that wasn’t looking too hot, “We can’t make anything decent until we’re used to banging each other.” 
You could hear Jungkook laugh a little, sounding a little less nervous as you felt the bed shift again, a hand hesitantly rolling your over into your back to look up at him, his cheeks were pink despite hovering on top of you, “I think we could make something decent right now.” Jungkook offered a little smirk as you glanced at the camera, realizing the screen had been flipped and record was on making your ears burn as you squirmed beneath him a little, “We’ll take it slow.” Jungkook was going to be the dominant in this scenario so he felt obligated to be the one to lead you through this despite not being experienced himself.
“Listen...ah...If you wanna stop at any time just tell me okay? Remember, we’re just getting used to one another.” 
You swallowed thickly despite looking away from him, feeling too embarrassed to look at him directly, “Same applies, if you wanna stop then we do.” Jungkook felt reassured as his lips quirked into a little smile, but admittedly all business aside, he was aroused by the sight of you beneath him. Jungkook was eager to get you naked and soaking wet beneath him, he had a lot of things he wanted to experiment with today and he had the feeling you’d be a good girl and let him.
Your breath hitches a little at his hands immediately pushing your top over your head, you felt semi embarrassed you weren’t wearing any sort of lingerie, just your usual bralette and panties that weren’t even matching but Jungkook didn’t even seem to mind as he quickly undid your bra. 
Your first instinct was to shy away from him attempting to cover yourself but shockingly Jungkook’s hands were faster, “Dont.” His voice was husky and deeper as he spoke causing your core to ache with a gush of arousal, “Let’s make one thing clear,” Jungkook let his lips press against your ear as he purred lowly, “I’m the dominant here. So be a good little girl and obey.” He growled lowly keeping your arms pinned to the bed as his mouth dragged down your neck, a whine suddenly escaping you at the feeling of his mouth capturing your sensitive nipple between his lips. Suckling it as a soft moan escaped you, your back arching a little to try for a little more friction.
Your panties were practically soaking and you hadn’t even started yet, Jungkook held your wrists over your hand with one hand and the other squeezed against your waist before petting down to your hip, his lips suckling against your tits before you squeaked at the feeling of his hand cupping your cunt, “Fuck,” Jungkook grunted at the feeling of your hips immediately thrusting into his hand for friction, “So fucking needy.” He growled against your skin, letting go of your wrists to tug his shirt over his head, “Should’ve known your little ass was a good girl,” He cooed snidely, a sharp sting against your pussy as he spanked it making you moan louder then you wanted too as he his smirk widened, “What a cute little sub.” You whined as you felt a sharp slap against your clothed clit, throbbing in excitement as pain flushed against it. 
“Sir! Please.” You hadn’t even consciously realized what you said but it made Jungkook’s muscle tense and a growl to suddenly escaping him at being formally addressed. His cock suddenly throbbing in need as he bit against your skin, “Please what? You desperate whore.” He wanted to hear you say it, to listen to that sweet little voice beg to be fucked. How could Jungkook life with you for this long and never think about how nice and wet your little cunt was?
“Ah!” Your hips bucked at the harsh slap against your clit, pleasure making you whine and squirm as you fumbled, “Please! Please sir!” Jungkook gritted his teeth as he roughly cupped your cunt, massaging against it as your panties soaked with arousal.
“Answer my fucking question,” Jungkook growled against your ear lowly, his thumb pressing against your covered clit harshly, your loud surprised squeak like music to his ears, “What do you want? What do you think you deserve? Hm?” 
Jungkook wanted to moan at just the sight of your fucked out submissive face as your hips kept needily grinding against his hand, “Tongue! Sir! Please! Want fingers! Anything!” Your eyes squeezed shut as you whined feeling his fingers pinch your clit, “Ah Sir…!” Jungkook was already stuffing his hand down your panties his long thick fingers dragging over your soaked cunt before pushing a single digit inside you, your lips immediately parting and your little hole clenching around him with a whine.
“Is this what my little slut wants?” Jungkook cooed out mockingly, a wicked smirk on his face as your eyes met, your expression twisted between shy and needy as various whines escaped you as his finger roughly hitting up against your g-spot, “Fuck you’re so tiny baby, I don’t think you can take my cock. It’ll split you right in half.” Just to emphasize Jungkook squeezed another finger inside you making your body jolt and walls clamp with a loud cry as your hips began to fuck yourself with them.
Jungkook paused his movements just to watch your hips buck up against him, your tiny walls squeezing so tight and snug around his fingers that covered in your arousal, “Do you like fucking yourself with my fingers you desperate little whore?” Jungkook growled with lidded eyes, watching your tits bounce with each thrust of your body and your little squeaked moans. 
“Y-yes! Mm love it!” Jungkook licked his lips at the feeling of your walls squeezing as you whimpered, “Ah! F-feels good! Sir, cum! Want cum!” Your body withered due to edging yourself with his fingers that teasingly brushed up against your g-spot each time. Jungkook shoved his fingers inside you all the way causing you to whine as you scrambled to frantically fuck his fingers making him growl, his non working hand finally releasing your wrists only to grab your hips with a sneer, “Be still you needy bitch.” 
You whimpered but stayed still obediently as he used his free hand to peel off your panties, a low moan escaping him and his cock was pressed thick and bulging against his sweatpants at the sight of such a pretty wet cunt stuffed full of his fingers. Your legs immediately spread as your hips couldn’t resist rolling into him, having full motion to feel his fingers drag against your g-spot as you cried out with a moan, “I said stay fucking still,” Jungkook snapped, his hand spanking harshly against your thigh making you jump with a cry, body squirming against his fingers as he shoved them back deep inside you, “You like getting fucked by my fingers? Say it. Say how much you don’t fucking deserve it.” Jungkook demanded, he shifted your body slightly more towards the camera as he kept your legs spread, in perfect few for watching you get stuffed with his fingers, “Say it.” Jungkook snapped, his fingers roughly thrusting inside you causing a loud moan as his jammed his fingers up into your g-spot pleasure was rapidly blossoming in your body as you cried.
“I-I don’t deserve it! I’m a dumb needy slut that doesn’t deserve your fingers Sir! Ah! I’m worthless and shouldn’t be allowed to cum! Sir please…!” Your body was withering as his fingers pounded into you, his thumb skillfully rubbing circles into your clit as your walls rapidly clenched and relaxed, “Sir!” 
“That’s right,” Jungkook growled his fingers harshly rutting up into your g-spot sloppily and his thumb rubbing into your clit as he snarled, “You don’t deserve it you worthless cumdumpster.” Your body was so close, Jungkook could feel it, you were squirming and mornings hotly escaped you before a loud cry left your lips the glorious feeling of his fingers escaping you just at the edge of your orgasm, a sob escaping your lips as your body began to tremble. 
“Sir please! Please! Let me cum! Sir!” You sobbed with blurry eyes as you glanced up at Jungkook’s dark daunting figure, his fingers in his mouth as he licked them clean, as if he didn’t so much as care about your sobbing figure that trembled beneath him. 
His hand suddenly wrapped around your throat with a harsh squeeze, “Shut up you pathetic bitch. You said it yourself, you don’t deserve to cum,” Jungkook gave you a lopsided smile, “But if you really think you deserve to cum get on your knees.” He growled, getting off of you as he pulled his shirt over his head. Your mouth was watering at just the sight of his body, thick and taunt muscles all up and down his arms, his sweat pants hung low enough to show off his v line and you could even see the distinct display of abs when he crunched slightly before sitting with his feet on the ground at the edge of the bed, right in front of the camera. 
You scrambled to get off the bed, kneeling down between his parted legs as you folded your hands glancing up at him for direction, Jungkook snorted as his hand came to touch your hair a pleasant noise escaping you as his hand stroked down to your cheek.
A harsh smack against the same skin he previously brushed as you jumped with a whine, your cheek flushing with a delicious sting of pain as Jungkook gritted his teeth, “Don’t sit still and look pretty baby take out my cock.” Obediently you fumbled with his waist band before tugging it down. Pausing for a moment as his cock bounced and laid against his abdominal, he was so thick, perhaps not the longest you had seen but certainly not the shortest either. His head was bulbous and round weeping with precum. You didn’t stare for long, wanting to cum more than anything as you let your lips get to work.
Gently licking the precum off his head as you heard a moan of approval from him, delicately you let your tongue press against the base of his cock, squeezing his balls as you let your tongue work it’s way up his cock, another moan escaping his lips as he growled, “I said suck baby not tease.” 
Whining a little you huffed, gripping his cock a little tighter then necessary earning a grunt from him before you obediently parted your lips, slowly taking his thick tip into your mouth as you heard a sigh of relief from him. Your hands tugged against his base as you let your head bob against his tip, letting your tongue messily rub into his slit causing his hips to buck a little, “Fuuck, guess that bitchy little mouth is useful for something.” Jungkook moaned, pride swelling in your chest at making him feel so good, a whine suddenly escaped you at his hand tangling in your hair, pushing you to take more of his cock. You obediently let him, taking more of him into your mouth but not without a vibrated whine. 
Jungkook began to guide your movement with his hand into a slow bob as he moaned, pushing you to take further of him as his cock hit the back of your throat. 
Pausing a moment Jungkook moaned, “Can you deepthroat sweetheart? Fuuck.” He’s brows scrunched together as he glanced down, another breathy moan escaped him at the sight of your watery eyes glancing up at him a small nod making him moan again as he regripped your hair, somewhat more tender this time as he guided your mouth down his cock. Your throat burned and your jaw ached as you felt tears begin to well in your eyes as you hollowed your cheeks and let his shaft slide further into your mouth.
“Mmm shit, good girl,”Jungkook moaned his hips lifting a little as his hand tangled in your hair, his hand eagerly encouraging your head as you whined, letting your head bob against his thick shaft, gagging a little as his hand pushed you further down until your nose was pressed against his pubic bone, “You take me so well baby fuck.” Jungkook moaned lowly, his hand yanking your hair making you muffle a cry against his cock as he sloppily made you bob your head, saliva dripping down your chin and tears beginning to trickle down your cheeks as you gagged.
A loud moan escaped Jungkook at the feeling of your throat squeeze around him, “Fuck baby. That’s it. Good girl.” Your head was becoming light as you continued gagging on his cock, your nails digging into his thighs pleasantly and you could feel his cock throb and his hips lift. 
Jungkook harshly pulled you up from his bobbing cock that looked ready to cum from even the slightest contact, “What a good girl,” Jungkook rasped, cupping your cheek as he thumbed away the tears that trailed your cheeks, “C’mere.” 
You squeaked as Jungkook grabbed you, pull you up into his lap before shifting you onto the bed, your body trembled in excitement as Jungkook placed you on all fours, suddenly shoving your back against the bed and your face on the mattress as you whined, your ass presented for him as he moaned, “Such a good fucking girl. I should’ve fucked you sooner then this if I knew what a good little slut you were.” Jungkook let the tip of his cock sink inside you as let out a muffled moan, even being stretched wasn’t enough to prepare for his girthy cock.
Jungkook grunted was he pushed further inside you until his hips met yours, your walls squeezed snug around him but took him well as he moaned, “Fuck baby.” It’s all he said before he suddenly slammed into the bed, your weight completely thrown off and you had no choice but to let your face bury against the bed as you let out moan after moan, your walls excitedly clenching around him as he thrusted roughly inside you. Just hearing his balls slap against your skin, his cock splitting you open as he moaned, “Who knew my little slut would be so tiny. I’m gonna fucking break you baby, you want that?” 
Jungkook leaned down as his hips roughly rolled yours, his hand wrapping around your throat making you wheeze before you could even answer.
“Hnngh! S-sir! Sir!” You could hardly even speak when Jungkook roughly squeezed your neck once more, your walls clenching around him in excitement as his cock rubbed into your g-spot pleasantly, “Fuck me please. Harder. Ah! Harder!” You whined, needing friction desperately.
Your wish was his command and it even fully expecting it Jungkook’s hips became sharper and faster with each thrust, “This what you want baby? You wanna be my little fuck doll now?” Jungkook growled in your ear, his hand squeezing around your throat once more making you moan as your upper body completely collapsed, letting Jungkook pound into your cunt as he moaned, “Thats it fucking take it you worthless bitch. Are you gonna cum all over my dick?” 
Jungkook let go of your throat in trade for your clit, his thumb rubbing against your sensitive bud making you cry out, walls rapidly clenching around him as his cock slammed into your g-spot, your body withering at such an intense speed you weren’t sure you could stop yourself from cumming, “Ah! Sir! Sir! Ah!” Your walls were rapidly squeezing around his cock as your face scrunched, a loud muffled scream escaping you at your orgasm that snapped.
“Mmm fuck that’s it. Good girl.” Jungkook growled as his hips rolled into yours, letting himself sink inside your body milked his cock. His hands squeezing tightly against your waist as he moaned, hot cum shooting inside you as his hips grinded against yours, coaxing a few more spits of cum as he moaned. Your body trembling and exhaustion setting in as Jungkook inhaled sharply, his cock beginning to soften inside you before he pulled out. 
Your body slumped as you felt the bed shift his weight no longer on the bed. You glanced his way only to realize he turned off the camera before laying back down, collapsing on top of you as you whined a little. It was quiet as he pressed his face into your shoulder as he sighed, “Well, at least we don’t act like virgins.”
“I’m glad that’s what you took away from that.” You huffed, you could hear a muffled laugh from Jungkook making a smile tug on your lips as well, he certainly wasn’t wrong.
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“Fuck me please. Harder. Ah! Harder!”
That...was you…? You couldn’t help but cringe, you couldn’t even stand your own voice let alone making a whole porno, Jungkook’s eyes weren’t trained on your sinful words or even your sloppy body movements in sync. He was too into his videographer self to care about the actual content.
“At least I sound like a pornstar.” You wrinkled your nose as you looked over his shoulder. This seemed to pull Jungkook out of his thoughts as he snorted, a smile tugging on his lips as he glanced up at you with a shrug.
“I don’t think it’s bad honestly, I mean I think we’re past TMI at this point so truthfully? Out of all the home made porn I’ve watched this is pretty good. We have nice camera angles, microphones make the sound high quality-“
“Oh yes,” you replied sarcastically, “Just what I wanna hear- your balls slapping me at the speed of light.” That earned a rather proud look from Jungkook as you huffed, looking away from him.
“I think we should post it, just to test the waters. I cut out any clips of our faces, we could still use a little work on making sure to not show our faces with our angles but I think that will take time.”
You frowned a little as you wrapped your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling unsure if this was a good idea, “...You really think it’s that good?”
Jungkook raised his brows as he turned his chair around to look at you, sensing the shift in your demeanor as he relied, “Well we don’t have too if you don’t feel comfortable with it,” he offered a small smile, “But personally? I don’t see why not. And if it doesn’t take, we can always make more, feel out what people enjoy watching more.”
In most cases you would’ve said you didn’t feel comfortable with this, with the idea of strangers on the internet masturbauting to your private sex life but...there was something so sincere and comforting in Jungkook’s eyes, maybe it was just the dom in him wanting to prioritize your comfort over anything else. You weren’t sure, but it was that look that made it okay, “Alright, what the hell.” You sighed, “I didn’t let you blow my back out for no reason.” 
Jungkook snorted as he turned his chair around, “Maybe it’s just me but I felt you clenching around me hard when you came all over my-“
“Shut up! Just because you fuck me doesn’t mean you can go into graphic detail about it! Jesus Christ!” You covered your ears, feeling hot all of sudden as you glared are Jungkook’s dumb coconut hair, though you couldn’t see his face fully you were positive there was a dumb little smirk on his lips as he hummed. God what did you get yourself into? 
You had a hard time going to bed that night, rolling around as you briefly wondered the what if, what if it was an overnight sensation? What if someone you knew recognized it was you? What if...god you’d never show your face at campus again…
“Well?” You hadn’t gotten a blink of sleep as you bounced behind Jungkook who hummed, logging in as he yawned.
“It got ten views.” Jungkook clacked his tongue before shrugging, “But I mean hey! We got two dollars!” You deflated as you smacked your forehead. That would be great if your rent was only two dollars higher rather than two hundred!
“Hey remember what I said,” Jungkook rubbed his eyes as he offered a sleepy smile, “We can always try different things, the more we post the more a viewership will build. Overnight sensations never happen anyways.” He seemed more relaxed about this then you. Sighing you collapsed on his bed as you curled up, “Well what do you propose we try next?” 
Jungkook gave it some thought as he spun his chair around to face you before shrugging, “I don’t know...I mean, not to sound sexist or anything but I think we both know pornhub is pretty male dominated in viewership…” he offered a weak smile as you shrugged, “So...I don’t know, how would you feel about forced orgasms and bondage.” 
Your head shot up to look at Jungkook’s pink cheeks as he gave a sheepish smile, choosing to not look at you as he rubbed his neck, “That took a sharp turn real fast...Maybe you shouldn’t be so vague though, a lot could happen during a scene like that.” It never failed to amuse you the way Jungkook would straighten up at the sight of your interest.
“Well, do you have any toys?” Jungkook asked as you gave him a face, “Oh come on, I won’t judge you,” he curved a brow as he gave a cocky smile, “It’s not like I haven’t blown your back out already. Do you even own any toys?” He decided to take on a new tactic as he held challenging mock in his tone, “Or were you just in that big of a drought-“
“Okay you asshole!” You glared at him as he gave a cheeky smile, “Yes I have a one. Just a bullet vibrator. Do you even own any bondage gear?” You curved a brow as he parted his lips, brows pinched almost in defense but no words escaped him.
Sighing Jungkook dropped his head in defeat, “No...but I bet we could prime some!” He suddenly jumped back up as you buried your hands against your face, “Hey I can’t help it! Most girls usually get freaked out when I try and start tying them up, I figured I’d just get proper bondage when I found someone to do it with.” 
“Oh great.” You muttered under your breath as you curled up, “Glad I could offer the opportunity.” To that Jungkook gave an endearing smile. What had you gotten yourself into? 
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Despite the bondage handcuffs only taking two days to arrive, each day that passed made you more anxious, you really didn’t have a lot of time to be wasting. You and Jungkook and respectively kept your hands to yourselves meanwhile, but had discussed plenty of things, mainly camera angles, future ideas. Jungkook was sure this would work and hey, if he had that kind of faith, the very least you could do was admire it.
“You wanna use any safe words or?” Jungkook was currently straddling on top of you as he grabbed the cuffs that were laying beside you. They were leather, or faux leather- not the most comfortable feeling but durable for the next fifteen minutes.
You frowned before shrugging, “Why don’t we just use traffic lights?” It was fairly common in BDSM, “Unless you forget to check in…” you squinted a little suspiciously as Jungkook snorted, looking somewhat offended at your words.
“I always check in on my partners thank you very much-and yes that’s fine. Alright top off,” He gestured at your oversized sweatshirt, you glanced away from him as you shuffled a little, hearing him sigh as he spoke up, “It’s not like I haven’t seen boobs before- especially yours.” You scowled at him, “It doesn’t make it any less embarrassing!”
Jungkook’s nose scrunched, “How's it embarrassing?” He tilted his head looking oddly innocent despite having a vibratior laying next to him and a pair of handcuffs in his hands.
“Just take it off for me!” You blurted out before realizing what you just said, swallowing thickly before whining a little at the noise he made of contentment.
“All you had to do was ask, princess.” Jungkook’s hands were already pushing under your sweatshirt before pulling it over your head, “Awwh you were ready for me? Not even wearing anything underneath.” Jungkook was obviously setting the mood now despite the camera not being on, or maybe he was getting into his dominant head space, whatever it was it was working wonders on you.
Jungkook grabbed your hands before putting them above your head as you whined a little, “...maybe…” you squeezed your legs together in excitement, you had never had a partner use any toys on you before and, you couldn’t help but wonder how many times you’d cum in this session. Jungkook had already proven himself good in bed just by making you cum all over his dick.
You had discussed the scene in further detail yesterday, Jungkook had asked if it was okay to use fingers and tongue as well spanking and- you had embarrassingly said yes a little too fast, fast as in before he could even finish his sentence...you felt warm at just the memory or maybe it was from your binds being tightened as Jungkook hovered over you, “Is that good princess?” He whispered in your ear, you could feel the smirk coiling on his lips as you shifted.
Your thighs rubbed together and you had come prepared today in pink lacy panties that were undoubtedly wet now, “Yes...sir.” You mumbled as you heard his deep chuckle against the shell of your ear.
Sitting up right Jungkook licked his lips as his eyes slowly raked from your face, to your lips, all the way down to your chest were your nipples hardened against the cool air of the room, “Always so obedient.” He hummed as he say off of you, parting your legs a little so he could sit in between them as he asked, “Are you excited? Your clits gonna be numb by the time I’m finished.” His smile was cocky and arrogant, long gone was the sweet room mate you knew.
You wiggled your arms against your restraints as you whined a little, Jungkook’s body straightened a little before he pressed play on the camera which was held in a tripod at the edge of the bed right where you were placed.
He said it would...be perfect to see everything. 
His hands placed against your thighs as he chuckled once more, “You’re so squirmy, are you excited to cum princess?” Your thighs were practically shaking in excitement and if your face was anything to go by the answer was obvious.
You nodded frantically, opening your legs a little more for him as he clacked his tongue, “I can’t hear you princess.” 
“Please!” You immediately whined, a small smirk tugging on his lips as you continued, “I’ll be a good girl! I’ll cum when you want…!” Jungkook hummed as he pushes up the small skirt you were wearing, letting his fingers stroke against the lace as you jumped a little, trying to keep yourself from bucking against him.
“I’ll hold you to those words, little girl.” Jungkook gave you a sadistic grin and briefly, you realized he was right. Your clit wasn’t going to survive this, “I’m gonna edge this little clit of yours until you’re begging to cum. But you aren’t going to do a thing until I say so. Understand?” 
He picked up the small bullet vibrator, usually you were excited when you heard the buzz of it coming to life, today however, you knew was going to be rough, “Yes sir.” You mumbled as he pulled down your panties, tossing them to the side as he pushed your skirt up, opening your legs as he moaned a little.
“Look at you, all wet and excited at the idea of this. You know what princess,” You jumped a little at the vibrator dragging along your inner thigh, “I think you’re looking forward to this. I think you’re excited to be edged until you’re crying. Isn’t that right princess? Are you gonna be a good girl and listen to me?” 
You nodded frantically as you squirmed at the vibrator getting closer to your throbbing cunt, arousal was gushing from your entrance as Jungkook dragged a finger up your slit, inspecting his glossy finger pad before letting it drag over his tongue, a devilish smirk on his lips as you whimpered are the vibrator pushing against your entrance, “So wet baby, I could just push it right in.” 
He pushed the tip inside you, the thrum of vibrators making you squeak a whine as you tries to instinctively close your legs, Jungkook immediately stopped you, forcing your legs back open as he chuckled, pushing it a little further inside as you clenched around the small pulsing toy, “Sir! Please! Please!” You whimpered as his thumb began to circle your clit, your toes curling and your lips parting as you went to grab his hand to grind it. Your range of motion was immediately cut off by your binds as you whined.
“Oh you like that baby?” Jungkook’s lips tugged into an animated pout as he mocked, “You like your clit being rubbed while you get fucked with your little vibrator.” He pushed the vibrator half way inside you as you squeaked loudly, jamming the tip into your g-spot as you let out a loud squeal, goes curling once more as your eyes snapped shut. His thumb tenderly stroking your clit until he found your sweet spot that forced breathy whines from your lips.
“Please! Please sir! Sir! Need cum! Please! Cum!” Your body withered and it was difficult to focus on anything when the vibrator was being jammed against your g-spot and Jungkook had a certain lazy touch against your clit that had you begging.
Jungkook as if sensing you were close, immediately pulled all contact against you as you whined in objection, “Oh we’re just getting started sweetheart.” Jungkook let the smirk tug on his lips as he shifted your legs back wide open for him, “Look at this mess sweetheart,” He growled, placing the vibrator back against your wet folds as you whimpered.
Dragging it against your slick cunt you let out a sharp cry at Jungkook placing it against your delicate clit, pleasure deliciously burning in your body as you squeaked and whimpered, “Ah! Sir…! Ah please…!” You squeaked, your toes curled as you whined, your eyes snapping shut as you tried to focus on anything but cumming immediately.
Jungkook, not feeling merciful pushed a finger inside you as you whined a loud moan, your walls clenching harshly as he shoved a second finger inside you, “That’s right baby, clench. You wanna cum yeah?” He growled once more, his voice even deeper then voice. Your back was arching and your legs thrashed as you choked on your moans.
“Please! Please! Let me cum sir please!” Your voice was bubbling and frantic as your hips jerked up to meet his second finger that pushed inside you, your hips trying to fuck your self on those thick long fingers he was slowly fucking in and out of your clenching tight cunt as he slowly dragged the vibrator along your clit in search of your sweet spot.
Jungkook chuckled at the pathetic sight of your hips, “Look at you, you’re so fucking despesate to be fucked you’re even willing to do it yourself, this little pussy is clenching so hard baby do you need to cum that bad?” His lips twisted into a mocked pout as he roughly jammed his fingertips into your g-spot, the vibrator pausing on your clit as he heard the loud shriek escape you, your back arching and toes curling at the overwhelming wash of pleasure that struck through your body.
Your lips parted and your walls were rapidly clenching as you cried out, “F-fuck….! Please! Sir! Fuck! Ah…! Ah! Cum…!” Your legs were kicking as his fingers shoved back inside you, his pacing picking up a little more as pleasure burned against your sensitive bud. 
“Mm fuck, I can feel how bad you’re trying not to cum baby.” Jungkook licked his lips as the smirk formed on his mouth, his cock nearly rock hard at how tight your walls were becoming making it nearly impossible to move his fingers.
Your head was moving and your arms kept shaking as gasps and moans escaped you, it felt like a fucking demon was possessing your body due to this mans fingers shoving their way against your g-spot roughly while this vibrator continued drilling into your clit, your mind had turned to nothing but frantic cries and moans, “Cum! Please! Sir…!” You weakly begged.
A sudden gasp escaping you at the height of your pleasure, there was no way you’d be able to hold back, not with his fingers stuffing your cunt full and knowing just how to hit your sweet spot while he carefully hovered the vibrator over your clit, your thighs were jerking and your eyes snapped up before you let out a cry at everything suddenly being removed.
You kicked your legs in frustration as tears welled into your eyes, “What did I say princess?” Jungkook chuckled, leaning up to grab your face as he squished it between his hand, “You aren’t cumming until I say so.” His face went cold as he grabbed your thighs, forcing them back open as you whined, “Don’t be so fuckinf patehtic.” You jolted at the wad of spit that smacked against your dripping cunt, a loud cry escaping you ag the vibrator being shoved back inside you and aimmed directly against your g-spot, your back immediately arching as you whined as his lips attached to your clit.
His moans vibrates against your sensitive clit causing you to twitch and squirm as your lips parted at the feeling of his tongue flattening and rubbing against your bud as he stares up at you with a cocky lidded expression at the noise of your loud moans. Jungkook felt like it was music to his ears that he just needed to hear more of as he began thrusting the little bullet inside you making sure it was jabbing into your g-spot each time.
It illicted the exact reaction he had hoped for, that being your head being thrown back against the pillow and your thighs twitching as streams of moans escaped you while pleading, “F-fuck! Sir- please…! Please! Ah! Ah!” Your body was twitching in ungodly positions and he kept hearing your bonds rattle as you whimpered beneath him.
“Mmm that’s right baby, are you gonna give me your first orgasm?” Jungkook moaned as he pressed his tongue back to your little clit, flicking and playing with the little bud, “That’s it princess, I know you wanna cum.” And you sure did, your voice was high pitched and needy as your walls were rapidly clenching around the vibrator that was drilling into your g-spot.
Jungkook’s wet, warm tongue playing with your clit as he suckled against it, purposely prodding against your sweet spot before your body nearly went into shock at the orgasm you experienced. Your back arching and loud shines escaping you as you moaned, “Fuck! Fuck! Mmm! Ah! Ah…!” You had never in your life came as hard are you were right now, in fact, you were sure you blacked out for a half a second due to how amazing it was.
“Aah! Sensitive! Ah! J-sir! Sir! Yellow…!” You whined out as your legs squirmed at the overstimulation. At the sound of the yellow marker Jungkook pulled the vibrator from your cunt, letting out a soft laugh as he pressed a kiss on your inner thigh, “Mmm yellow baby? What about just another orgasm for me while you recover your guts?” Before you could even process his words his tongue was already back on your clit was a moan.
You squeaked loudly at the overstimulation once more which hurt but was admittedly much more tolerable especially after the first twenty seconds of whining before they quickly turned to moans and your legs kicking against his back as he hauled your lower body up, his fingers pushing back inside you as he moaned, “Fuck baby c’mon cum, cum all over my fingers princess I can fucking feel it.” Your eyes scrunched closed as you whimpered loudly, your body was frantically becoming overwhelmed at the feeling of his fingers fluidly thrusting, letting his pads drag over that little spongy spot that had you kicking your legs as your hips brokenly jerked against his tongue that lathed against your clit.
Your body was frantic and quickly becoming overwhelmed as you came hard once more, your toes curling and loud cries and moans escaping you as your back arched and your muscles rapidly contracted at the pure overwhelming pleasure your body was experiencing at the moment. Jungkook suckled your clit tenderly, his fingers sluggishly pumping inside you a your walls twitched and tightened around him deliciously making his cock throb in his pants, “Mmm that’s it baby, feel your tight little cunt wrapped around my fingers. How are you feeling baby?” 
Jungkook pushed his fingers fully inside you once more making you whine a little as your walls clenched around them once more. Fuck you could hardly even think with his fingers stuffing you full, “Princess,” Jungkook said in a teasing sing song voice, a third finger tracing your little hole that was stuffed with his other two fingers, “How are you feeling.” He chuckled under his breath at the feeling of your cunt rapidly squeezing around his fingers at the feeling of his index finger teasing your entrance.
Your lips were parted and drool was nearly dripping down your lips as your hips lifted a little at the feeling, wanting to be stuffed as full as possible by this man, his third finger suddenly pushing inside you making you squeak out, “Green! Ah mmm! Green fuck!” Your hips tried to fuck up against him desperately in need to be filled by more then just fingers, your body was now fucked to the point of want that fat cock inside you and at this rate you knew you were going to start begging.
“Awwh my little cum whore wants to keep going?” Jungkook mocked a baby voice as he picked back up the vibrator, purposely pumping his fingers slow as your eyes snapped shut at the feeling of being nice and full of his fingers. Cries suddenly escapes you at the vibrator feathering over your clit making your squirm, “Please…!” You legs kept clenching and your clit was hypersensitive so even the slightest touch.
Your hips jerked and squirmed as Jungkook placed the head of the vibrator back against the sweet side of your clit, nearly moaning at how harshly you reacted your walls desperately clenched as pleasure seeped into your clit with every little thrum.
Your hands were trembling and weak having given up against your restraints as you whined weakly at the feeling of three fingers roughly shoving against your g-spot. This man was wrecking your body alive and you had no choice but to take it like the little bitch you had been turned into.
Your eyes were becoming watering and your squeaks breathy and whimpered as your body twitched violently at the slight shift in the vibrator pressing into your gorged bud. It had you spiraling out of control paired with Jungkook’s rough fingers making you cry and yelp, “ah….! Fu-fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Cock! Need cock! Need!” You were kicking and sobbing, fat tears trickling down your face as you moaned rapidly at your body violently cumming, almost too much for you to handle but Jungkook skilled as ever carefully guided you through your orgasm, “That’s it babygirl, that’s it.” He cooed out, your hips following each stroke of his fingers as your body came down from its peak it had hit.
“Such a good fuckin’ girl. What was that about my cock princess?” Jungkook’s smile was cheshire-like as he quirked a brow, just drinking up those big eyes brimmed with tears as you sniffled.
Kicking your legs a little you whined, “I- I need more! Please!” You managed to roll yourself onto your stomach, the chains twisted at the bar now but you had enough room to still be comfortable as you somehow managed to push your knee’s up to support your lower half to display your destroyed pussy.
Your legs were trembling and you admittedly felt pathetic right now, one thrust and this man was probably gonna make you collapse, especially after experiencing that dummy thick fire hydrant once already.
Just the idea had your legs trembling that much more though, you were ready to be destroyed. Your body stiffened at hands cupping both cheeks of your ass, “This is pretty fucking pathetic baby.” Jungkook chuckled, a loud smack rang out as you wiggled your ass a little at the sting of his palm meeting the soft flesh, “You need my cock that fuckin’ bad?” 
“Please…!” You whined as you pressed your face against the bed, your pussy felt too empty right now clenching against nothing and you needed this man to rail you until you physically could not stand.
After a moment you let out a surprised squeal at the familiar fat cock smacking against your pussy, “Shittt baby, are you always gonna be this hungry for my dick?” Your face was burning at his whispered words in your ear, you could feel his smirk as you whined, backing against him as he moaned softly, letting his cock coat in your arousal before he lined himself up.
Jungkook wasted no time pushing inside you with ease, even anticipating it you forgot just how thick he was, biting your lip you moaned in relief at finally being filled the way you were craving. Even if you didn’t cum again you just wanted this monster cock to fill you up until you were leaking cum.
Jungkook pushed all the way inside you as he groaned, pushing his hair back as he gathered himself, “How are you feeling baby? How hard do you want me to go?” 
You were so impatient you truly couldn’t help yourself when you began fucking yourself on his cock, your lips parting at how much your walls were clenching around his large size that kept sliding inside you with so much ease, “Hard…! Fuck! Fuck me until I’m leaking your cum please sir!” 
You nearly screamed a moan at the force you were met with, your legs just as you suspected nearly crumbling like a two week old pack of crackers at the bottom of a purse from the god tier power this man was using to thrust.
His cock was slamming into you, his fat bulbous head continually jamming into your g-spot in a way his fingers couldn’t compare too as you rapidly clenched around him. The sound of his balls slapping on your skins and moans mixed together could beat your hands any day of the week, “You’re such a horny little slut.” Jungkook snapped as he slammed his hand against your ass making you cry out. Your legs violently trembling and aching in pain as he growled, “I made you cum until you're about to pass out and it isn’t enough baby? You still need this fat dick filling you up? You cock hungry little whore.” 
Jungkook, keenly noticing how excited you were vocally but your body failing to keep up he quickly eliminated this problem. Grabbing both your thighs you were confused for a brief moment before letting out a loud squeal at the way he picked them both up leaving your upper body in the air and left mercilessly at his force allowing him to thrust into you that much harder.
Your lips fell open at the way he was forcing your hips to bounce on his clock roughly, his fat shaft sliding in and out of your soaked cunt that sucked him back in desperately each time, “Fuck! Fuck…! Ju- sir! Sir! Mmm! Cock! F-fu-fuck.” 
You couldn’t even spew a sentence out anymore with your head filled with only thoughts of how he was holding your entire lower body up by your thighs and just kept drilling into your cunt like you were a feather weight. Drool was spilling your lips and you could no longer speak. Only able to make whined and moans now.
“That’s it baby, are you too fucked out on my cock to speak? Hm? Are you turned into a brain dead little cock monster now? My insatiable little cum dumpster.” All of his degradation was just fueling your further and further to the brink of an orgasm that your body was in no shape to handle.
His cock didn’t relent though, contially drilling into you like no tomorrow as he growled, “Fuck! You want me to use this little hole like a cum dump baby? Want me to make it nice and full.” You were filled with excitement all different kinds of whines escaping you making Jungkook’s moan, forcing your hips to bounce on his cock, his shaft rubbing against your g-spot with each stroke causing your body to contort and squirm, the orgasm flooded your body had you sobbing and whining, briefly black filtered your eyes before you opened them to feel hot liquid entering your body as Jungkook moaned, his hips lifting in chase of your cunt that sucked every little drop form him body. His body was floating on a euphoric high he had a difficult time coming down from when your cunt was clenched around him so hard.
He let his head drop a little as his cock began to soften, slowly slipping out of you before he set down your thighs, tucking himself back into his sweatpants Jungkook leaned over to grab the key off the nightstand he moved up a little more to undo your bonds and a small smile threatened to break on his lips at the sight of your completely fucked out face.
Your thighs were harshly trembling and you could hardly formulate a sentence let alone a single word, Jungkook whistled as he laughed, a hand tenderly rubbing into your hair, “You are so fucked out sweetheart.” He leaned down pressing a kiss against your forehead, “Let me go get a cloth and a towel to clean you up with okay baby? How does a nice hot bath sound.” 
“I’m- I’m not completely useless…” you somehow spewed out an objectification making him laugh, “I- I can…” you grabbed the toy before slowly wobbling out of the bed.
“Woah woah woah.” Jungkook scrambled out of bed after you, your legs wobbling and you immediately knew there was no way you could possibly stand. Jungkook quickly scooped you up as he looked down at you bewildered, “I just rearranged all your intestines, you seriously think you could walk after that let alone stand.” 
You pressed your face into his shoulder letting out a muffled giggle, embracing the skin ship that was much needed, “Yeah I just have this massive chicken brain that needs proof that it was good enough.”
“Good enough…?” Jungkook scrunched his face not understanding.
“Yeah it’s like my head needs proof that my body actually got destroyed.” You giggled against at Jungkook’s expression that was so obviously at a loss of what to say, having obviously never heard that before.
“...and was it proved…?” He quirked a brow.
“Clearly.” You looked at him before his arms that had you scooped against him causing you both to laugh once more as he placed you back on the bed were you nearly crumpled up immediately.
“Then stay there for real, I don’t wanna come back to seeing you sprawled out all over the floor because you needed hardcore proof.” You waved him off before shouting for him to bring water.
When Jungkook came back shortly after he snorted at the sight of you having made yourself comfortable on his bed, not only that but wearing his sweatshirt as well, “I turned off the camera by the way. My throat is so dry! Gimme.” You raised your arms as you grabbed the bottle from him as you opened it, closing your eyes as the cool liquid slid down your throat as Jungkook sat between your legs as you felt the urge to smile.
“...Did you get cum all over my bed?” Jungkook’s eyes darted around his comforter suspiciously as you shrugged, making him eye you suspiciously.
“Please- I feel like I’m a fucking gyno appointment right now, do I need to clean myself now too?” You whined kicking your legs a little, your pussy was literally right out in the open and this man could only focus on why you weren’t leaking?
Jungkook reluctantly began cleaning what left over cum remained in your thighs as he asked, “Did you stand up again?” 
“I didn’t!” You protested, lips parted in offense that he really thought you’d pull another chicken brain moment. Jungkook only rolled his eyes, a smile threatening to tug on his lips as he stood back up, tossing the rag into his laundry hamper before walking over to his dresser. Putting the bottle of water on the nightstand you briefly admired Jungkook’s physique, his waist narrow compared to his broad shoulders and muscles sculpting his back….you knew he was kind of a gym rat but given he was always in such billowing clothes you never realized how defined he was. 
If you were gonna make porn for the next two years you were glad you at least had a hot partner to do it with. Jungkook pulled the large shirt over his head.
You popped up into your forearms when he began disassembling the camera equipment making you pout, “Hey! What happened to my aftercare and bath I was promised?” 
“God you are such a pillow princess after sex, I never would’ve thought.” Jungkook crawled up onto the bed before collapsing on top of you, making you laugh as you closed your eyes, “You know I did all the work this time.” 
“Voluntarily might I add-“ you pointed as Jungkook rolled off you only for you to attach yourself back against him, “Also I didn’t realize you were THAT fit like seriously, you fucked my entire lower body up in the air. It really was a porno moment.” You snorted at the sight of Jungkook’s ears turning red and his cheeks looking a little pink at the compliment.
He shrugged a little, unable to say anything or more like he was just too shy to. Regardless he pulled out his laptop and lap stand already excited to edit the video despite just creating it. Yawning you crawled on top of him, collapsing against his chest as you closed your eyes, really wanting that bath but also incredibly tired. 
Jungkook had straight away begun editing through the clips, watching them back over before his mind began to wander...Sliding through the time stamps Jungkook let it go at the end of the clip, watching you wobble as you stood on your knees on the bed. He furrowed his brows in confusion though a little amused at the way your legs wobbled up to the camera. Oh you must’ve been going to…
He mouth parted at watching you take the camera off the tripod, aiming it at your legs before spreading them to show off the white sticky substance leaking from your cunt before your fingers scooped it up, pulling the camera up to your neck and only your mouth was visible showing off the cheeky smile you had as you plopped your fingers into your mouth, sucking them clean before popping them out of your mouth before the screen went black.
Jungkook was partially speechless and admittedly a little hard, it was tempting to not ask if you genuinely didn’t have any experience in sex work. Jungkook twisted to look down at you, deciding to interrogate only for his expression to fall at the sight of you slumped on top of him, your eyes shut and he felt a little bad at how much you wanted aftercare. 
Pushing a strand of hair from your face he made a mental note to make up for it in the morning. Going back to editing he placed one hand in your head as he tenderly stroked your scalp. This would be posted in no time.
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You loved aftercare, you always craved it after a nice round of rough sex even if it was a one night stand. It was just payment for letting a man spit in your face and call you a whore- quite literally. Jungkook, wasn’t the greatest aftercare but hey, he was making it up this morning. He had gotten you a bath drawn first thing in the morning, massaged your back, gave little kisses all over your skin. You were in heaven. 
“Is this making up for me being a horrible partner last night,” You were laid out, sleepily with your eyes closed as Jungkook tenderly worked his palms back on your shoulder blades, “I saw what you did by the way. Not impressed.”
You tucked your tongue into your cheek as you smiled playfully, looking up at him over your shoulder, his head shaking as you giggled, “I thought it was a great touch to end the video. And yes, this makes up for it but I’ll only let it slide once, I’m a big aftercare slut which means you put me first before our videos. No exceptions.” 
“Even if we’re desperate for money and need a video up quickly?” Jungkook raised his brows, obviously amused at your dim expression, a wad of the blanket was set for your chin to rest on as your lips jutted a little. 
“No exceptions. Especially after a session like that!” You whined, admittedly you didn’t care that much, it was late at night and you were passed out anyways but still, you needed to make that clear if this continued in the future, you liked being held and told a lot of praise. It was the only way you didn’t feel gross after sex. 
“Fine fine! I’m sorry! I didn’t realize you were such a needy baby,” You squirmed at Jungkook pinching your waist making you jump, “What? I thought you were enjoying yourself.”
“No! No! No!” You screeched at his fingers relentlessly prodding your sides as you squirmed up, pulling the sweatshirt down as you glared at him, “Get off of me!” You whined pushing him away, “I’m fine! I’m great! No need for anymore.” You rubbed your sides with another pout. 
Jungkook snorted as he leaned back on his hands, “That’s what I thought.” Leaning over he grabbed his laptop off the nightstand, crawling over you collapsed against his side as he typed in the password for your account. 
You didn’t expect much truthfully until your eyes lit up at the 10+ notifications you had, “Looks like our luck is up this time!” You bounced in excitement as Jungkook clicked on it only for yours lips to drop. 
“No way!” Your jaw dropped as you scrambled for your phone, Jungkook just as shocked as you as he scrolled down through the notifications of people commenting and sharing the video. There was no coming back from this at all. You couldn’t help but feel daunted at the greasy comments people left. 
Your brows shooting up as you logged into your joint account, “How much did we make?” Jungkook asked, his lips parted as he clicked through the account attempting to find the salary you both had made. 
“We...definitely covered the cost of our rent.” You could hardly even speak as Jungkook leaned over your shoulder to peer at your screen, over six thousand dollars in the account at the moment, you could do a lot with that kind of money…
Jungkook could hardly believe it himself as he leaned back on his hands, letting out a breath before running a hand through his hair, “Holy shit.” 
It was silent between you both, still staring in disbelief at the money piled in your bank account before you looked at him, “We’re totally eating out tonight, at one of those bougie ass restaurants. My pussy earned it.” 
Jungkook let out a breathy laugh, shaking his head as he gave you a smile, “Fair, not too fancy though, they’ll think we robbed a bank.” You couldn’t help but giggle, feeling relieved as you collapsed against the bed. You could totally do this, and when it was all said and done. You could just delete your account and it’d all be over
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theweightofourworld · 2 years
Tips to keeping a planner for those who struggle with consistency
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Don’t worry about aesthetics. As you can see in the photo included, I’m no instagram photograher. I don’t stick to a strict colour scheme and I don’t worry about everything or anything being perfect. I like to use dot paper because I like using a grid structure but sketchbook paper is often cheaper and more accessible. If you like the dot paper too many public libraries have printers available either for free or a small fee and the dots can be printed on any normal paper. There’s also lots of office supplies like binders, stickers, stamps, pens, etc. at whatever your local “dollar store” is called (in Canada we have Dollarama) Here’s the link to the website I used for my dot paper: https://www.septemberleather.com/blogs/sp/free-printable-dot-grid-paper-for-bullet-journal (not sponsored)
Keep it simple. Bullet Journaling is really trendy and it’s very easy to get overwhelmed by all the beautiful photos and layouts on Pinterest, Instagram, or other social media, but remember that the people with dedicated blogs to journaling have probably been doing it for a really long time. If you’re just starting out don’t overwhelm yourself with layouts and all kinds of extra pages. Stick to what it is you need. For me, my main goal was to start tracking my daily tasks and responsibilities so I do mine one month at a time. For March, I started with an overview of the month with my important dates for the whole month. The next thing in my journal is space for each day of the week, so I can expand on my tasks each week. I try to only focus on the expansion of my tasks one week at a time, but I add to it each day, even if it’s just to cross one thing off the list. This brings me to my next point.
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Carry it EVERYWHERE. If you’re anything like me, not having something in front of you means it doesn’t exist (sometimes described as a lack of object permanence in the ADHD/ADD world). I have two options for bags that I take everywhere with me: a backpack or an medium-sized crossbody purse depending on my outfit or where I’m going. My journal holds A5 paper which is about 5.5”x8.5” so it’s about the size of a novel. When I come home from being out and about I always take my journal out of the bag right away or else I may temporarily forget it exists. I usually leave it on the couch or coffee table most days, which works for me because it’s just me, my partner, and our two cats so I don’t worry about it being moved or in the way. If that’s something you have to worry about (like if you live with roommates or your parents) try to keep a designated spot for it wherever you spend the most time, like on your nightstand or even right on your pillow.
Use things that bring you joy. This might include gel pens, specific highlighters, fun stickers, or having a colour theme. Anything really. I love pink so I have a lot of pink things for mine. I also have little mini stamps, highlighters, and some brush markers that I use. Don’t worry about buying a bunch of things all you really need is paper and something to write with. I’ve built a collection of art supplies over the years so I really didn’t have to purchase more than the binder I use, but like I said before, there are lots of affordable basic office supplies at various stores. My tricks for when I’m shopping is to only bring the cash that I can spend and to only buy something if I connect with it and it’s purposeful for me. Don’t focus on what you’re told you need, brands, trends, or anything aside from what you deeply like. Imagine you’re the only person that will lay eyes on your journal, and you may be, so it should be something you like to hold and look at. Here’s the link to the binder I use, it comes in different colours and 2 size options: Antner A5 PU Leather Binder 6-Ring Notebook Binder Cover for A5 Filler Paper
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duckugou · 3 years
roommate ch 1
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Denki x female reader
cw: none honestly
lil cliche, aged up
hey heres chapter 2
roommate masterlist
(Denki POV)
"I cant believe youre moving out, Sero." I sighed.
"It's not for another month or so, Denki. And you should be happy- I'm moving in with my girlfriend- someone besides you actually wants to spend 24 hours a day with me! Share a space with me! Deal with my-" Sero began on his tangent.
"I AM HAPPY FOR YOU HANTA! I'm very happy for you both, youre adorable together. My issue is me not having  a roommate. I cant afford rent alone." I put my head in my hands, thinking about what to do.
"Put an ad on craigslist," Sero shrugged.
"You cannot be serious!" my head flicked up towards him. "So a psycho killer can find my post and come-"
"You're stupid. Aren't you in training to be a HERO? Anyway- you would meet in person first, there are safe ways to find a roommate- I mean what other option do you have?" Sero said, matter-of-factly.
"Jesus Christ I hate it when youre right," I sighed, getting my laptop out. If I'm gonna find a decent roommate in a months time, I guess I should get started.
(Y/n POV)
"I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO KENDRA!" I yelled to my best friend across the kitchen.
"ONE- STOP YELLING. TWO- why didn't you look for a backup place before hand?!" She asked, tossing a grape at my head.
"I thought I'd be okay," I responded, exasperated.
I'm moving to Japan from the US in a month. I have a job set up out there and I even went to visit my new apartment- or what I thought would be my apartment. The renter just called me and said he found someone that could move in sooner and now I'm fucked out of a place to live.
"Well you better get looking for a new place!"
"How the fuck am I going to find someplace cheap enough in that town IN A MONTH?" I yelled again.
"STOP YELLING MORON. Get on craigslist-" Kendra started.
"Ok no-" I started firmly.
"Get a roommate that way. You can find someone. Trust me. I gotta go, you better start looking for someone. Keep me in the loop!" Kendra said, grabbing her bag and leaving.
She took the rest of my grapes. I looked down at the floor to the grape she threw at my head a few minutes ago. Picking it up and walking to the trashcan, I thought about craigslist.
I guess looking wont hurt.
-time skip to a couple days later-
"Okay how about this one?" Kendra pointed to the screen.
After 2 days of looking, we had no luck. Everyone was creepy or asking too much money. I'm screwed.
"'In desperate need of a roommate by end of the month. ¥32859.00 rent, all included. Short notice, I know but I promise I'm nice. Message me for more details' Y/n that sounds PERFECT!" Kendra said excitedly.
"Theres no way that's real though. Ill message them." I sighed, ready to give up.
I scrolled to the contact information and sent a text to this "Denki" guy and waited.
Didn't have to wait long, he responded 2 minutes later.
Denki: Hi thanks for texting me! I really need a roommate, mine is moving in with his girlfriend and I literally cant afford rent here on my own. You're coming from the US, so we cant meet up, but we can facetime? Whatever youre comfortable with!
Me: Yeah we can facetime! wont lie, I'm nervous to move over there without meeting my future roommate in person but this is what I get for not having a back up plan lmao
Denki: yeah renters suck, but whenever you want to call, go for it. ive got nothing to do today
"Well! Call him! No time to waste!" Kendra urged me on.
(Denki POV)
"HANTAAAAA!" I screamed across the apartment.
I wish he would come out and talk but yelling works. OH shes calling-
I answer the call and get caught on my words a little. She's gorgeous.
"H-hey uh hey hi Denki here hey-" fuck man say hi again maybe she didn't catch it. A laugh rings through my ears.
"Y/n on this end. How are you?" She smiles.
"I'm good, how are you?"
"Good! So what kind of stuff ya wanna know?" She asked in her American, slightly southern, accent.
"Ah just like, are you a clean person, do you go out a lot, that kind of stuff."
"Oh! I'm pretty tidy when it comes to common areas- I let my room get pretty messy sometimes but who doesn't?" she giggles.
"Good point," I laugh along.
"I don't really go out much, my job over there will have me busy from 8-5 every day so I cant imagine I'd have much energy to want to cause a ruckus either," she explained, still smiling.
How does she look so cute when shes rambling?
"I work during the day myself, still in training to be a pro hero, but might have friends over a lot- would that be an issue?" I ask cautiously.
"No not at all! Might even be nice to have people around- I'm awful at making friends."
"I cant imagine that's true! You have a great personality from what I've seen," I say without thinking.
"O-oh, thank you," she blushes.
That was the start of an amazing friendship.
After talking more, we decided we were perfect to be roommates. I couldn't believe Sero was right.
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jeonsjiddies · 3 years
Lying That You Love Me | myg (m)
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Summary - Upon first glance, no one would assume Min Yoongi would be the type to put someone back together. If his icy cold stare and stoic expressions weren’t enough to spook most people away, then the body covered in piercings and tattoos usually sent them running. You never could have imagined Min Yoongi would be the one to put your pieces back together, but there is always more than meets the eye.
Word Count - 10.5k
Pairing - Yoongi x reader
Genre - smut, minor angst
Warnings - mentions of broken family, family issues, mentions of homelessness, softdom!yoongi, dirty talk, cream pie, unprotected sex, oral (female)
a/n - Part of the Tatted Bangtan Series! 💕 Sorry it’s soooo late, I sprained my wrist lol. Hope you enjoy now that it’s finally here! Huge thanks to @nervouskiwi​ , @sunshinekims​ , and @excusemin​ for beta reading.  💕
You know those people you just instantly connect with? You hear their laugh one time and suddenly you feel more connected to a stranger than a friend you've known your whole life? Something in their smile that resonates deep within your soul, that somehow, on some level (whether it be friends or lovers or a kind stranger who changed your life in passing only to never meet again) you are just... meant to find each other. 
Those people who feel like sunshine on your cloudy days? The ones who wrap you in warmth and make your heart say "Ah, yes, so this is what home is supposed to feel like. This is what it means to belong. This is what it means to be myself, unafraid."
Somehow, amidst all the chaos and the heartbreak and the hurt, you find yourself cocooned in safety, building your own version of home with these strangers who feel like family; and it's good.  And sometimes your heart beats so fast and your chest feels so tight and you feel like you just can't breathe, so you reach out a hand into the dark unknown and you're met with arms wrapping around you and holding you together. Holding you until all your broken pieces can be glued back together, one by one.
Min Yoongi was one of those people. 
Now, upon first glance, no one would assume Min Yoongi would be the type to put someone back together. He looked more like someone who was one wrong look away from tearing you to shreds. If his icy cold stare and stoic expressions weren’t enough to spook most people away, then the body covered in piercings and tattoos usually sent them running.
But you… you were a little different. You’d taken one look at the man covered in intricate inky designs and your face had lit up with glee. A few hours prior to meeting Yoongi, you’d been sitting in your car, reclined back with your phone, leeching off of McDonald’s free wifi for the 11th night in a row. Your back ached, your stomach growled, and your foot was one more cramp away from being the end of you. The tiny cabin of your car was no place for you to live.
You scrolled through rental listings, looking for the cheapest option that didn’t look like it popped straight out of a horror movie. Your budget was low, being recently thrown out by your father after a fight about you dropping out of college. Your father was convinced you couldn’t survive on your own and you wanted to prove him wrong.
Finally stumbling upon a small 2 bedroom apartment on the west side of town leasing out the second bedroom, you clicked on the listing. There was no way you’d be able to afford your own apartment in a safe area, so you’d ended up expanding your search to find someone looking for a roommate. You zoomed in on the pictures provided, though there were few, it looked pretty nice. You scrolled down and read the description.
Single male, 27, searching for a roommate. You pay half the rent and utilities. Rent is $950 and utilities usually range about $300 a month, give or take. Pets welcome, but there is a deposit with the apartment complex and a monthly fee. My friend (and ex roommate) recently moved in with his long-time girlfriend and I need someone to help with expenses. Serious inquiries only. Contact for more info. 555-555-1382.
You quickly typed the number into your phone and texted the man to set up a time to view the apartment, but if you were being honest with yourself, you were already sold. This was the cleanest looking unit you’d seen, on a safe side of town, and it was more affordable than anything else you were going to get that was half as nice.
The man was quick with responses and very polite, and the two of you agreed to meet that evening at 4pm. You were absolutely giddy, a petty smirk on your face as you imagined telling your father that you indeed weren’t coming home, tail between your legs. You would not allow him to dictate your life anymore.
3:30 rolled around and you made your way over to the area the apartment was listed in, not wanting to be late. The apartment was part of a large building that was clearly a few years old but still in good shape. You looked around, noting that the nearby houses were well-worn but not worn down. It looked like a good area, and based on your Trulia searches, the crime was low here. 
You smiled from your parking space and waited until 3:55 to walk up to the buzzer, hitting the button for apartment 5D which had Min Yoongi listed as a resident. Yoongi. You liked that name. You grinned when a deep voice came over the speaker, asking who was there.
“It’s Y/N, we have a 4pm appointment for me to see the apartment?” you answered back cheerily. 
“Oh, yes, come on up.” before he was even done speaking, you heard the door click as he unlocked it. 
You pulled open the heavy door and began making your way up the staircase, glancing around for the correct apartment. Near the end of the hallway, you finally spotted your destination, nestled in the corner by a large window that looked out to the rest of the apartment complex. There was a playground and a tennis court, without a net, but you didn’t really care. 
You gently knocked against the wooden door, the only one without some form of decoration on the outside and waited for the man to appear and let you inside. You weren’t sure what kind of person you expected to see on the other side of the wooden door; you really hadn’t given it much thought. You were entirely unprepared however, to see the sexiest man you’d ever laid eyes on swinging the door open and dusting his hands on his worn jeans before flicking his onyx gaze up to meet yours, pinning you to your spot.
You snapped out of your haze and allowed your eyes to roam over his features, from his button nose to his full lips, to his toned arms, covered with decorative tattoos, beautiful inky designs trailing from his knuckles all the way up his veiny forearms, past his biceps, and disappearing into the sleeve of his t shirt. You sucked in a breath, noticing the eyebrow ring and multiple ear piercings.
“Y/N, nice to meet you. I’m Yoongi.” he smiled, revealing his pearly white teeth, something shiny catching the light when his tongue darted out to wet his lips. A tongue ring.
A shiver ran through your body but you reached out your hand to shake his extended one. His large hand seemed to engulf yours, the veins prominent and a little distracting. Your face lit up in a grin, knowing that if your dad took one look at this man, he’d surely lose his mind.
“It’s nice to meet you as well, Yoongi, thank you for meeting me on such short notice!” you smiled, allowing your hand to slip from his grasp and biting back the whine at the loss of contact.
“Come on in, have a look around. Like I said in the ad, my friend moved in with his girlfriend and left me to fend for myself. He did have the smaller bedroom but if that’s an issue, we can switch, if you’re interested that is.” he chuckled nervously, reaching his arm up to scratch the back of his neck.
“Oh, I am interested.” you giggled, looking around the spacey living room, which had an open concept that led into a small kitchen, but it looked like it had decent counter space. 
“Oh! This is the kitchen…” Yoongi began, leading you over to get a better look after seeing where your eyes were wandering. 
“It’s very roomy.” you noted with a smile.
“Jin did most of the cooking, but I helped out sometimes and we both fit in here pretty easily without getting in each other’s way.” he explained.
“Ooh, you cook?” you turned your gaze to him and watched as the tips of his ears turned pink.
“A little.” he admitted.
“Nice. Me too.” you grinned. 
“Cool.” he grinned, his smile was the cutest thing you’d ever seen, the best way you could describe it was… gummy. Sweet. Warm.
Yoongi led you on a tour of the rest of the house, showing you your future bedroom, which was furnished since his previous roommate hadn’t needed to take his bed with him, his bedroom, the bathroom you’d share, and the small laundry unit in the hallway, hidden behind a closet-like door. Nice. In-unit laundry was a definite plus.
The apartment wasn’t super spacious, the bedrooms were on the smaller side, but the living room and kitchen were nice sizes, and there was in-unit laundry, and Yoongi seemed like a very clean, respectful individual. You were sold before you’d walked in, but now you were over the moon about the small patch of paradise you’d stumbled upon.
“Is there a deposit required? Or just first and last month's rent?” you asked Yoongi, who’d taken a seat across from you at the table.
“Oh, just the first month’s rent is fine. I’m not like a landlord or anything.” he said, shooting you a playful smile.
“Okay. Do you want a check or…?” you questioned. “I mean, if you’re willing to let me lease with you.” 
“Of course! Check, cash, money order. I really don’t have a preference. If you want a paper trail with the office, we can do a check or money order.” he smiled.
You grinned back at the sheepish man across from you, his eyes shining with excitement. You were absolutely psyched to sleep in a real bed again, so tired of the worn leather seats in your car. Thank goodness it wasn’t summer so your skin wasn’t sticking to the material, but still. It wasn’t exactly a preferred sleeping space.
You ended up going to the ATM and giving Yoongi cash for the first month after adding your name to the lease just before the rental office closed. You both pitched in on a celebratory pizza and ate in the living room. You were surprised the rental office didn’t have to run a background check or something, you honestly didn’t think you’d be able to sleep in the apartment the same day you’d first laid eyes on it, but you weren’t complaining.
You stayed up with Yoongi until nearly 2am talking, drinking, laughing, and getting to know each other. He loved watching WWE, you loved watching K-dramas, he liked pineapple on his pizza and you thought that was basically blasphemy. Yoongi had braces growing up, had an older brother, preferred staying indoors to going out, and had a nasty habit he couldn’t seem to shake of biting his nails.
Yoongi was funny and warm and inviting. Though he seemed cold on the outside, he was actually very attentive and caring, always offering to refill your drink when he stood up, offering you a spare blanket if you looked cold, and making sure you felt comfortable as possible in your new home. You blamed it on the alcohol, but ended up getting way too personal too fast, telling Yoongi about why you’d moved in to begin with. 
“... and he’s so condescending and judgemental, like he would hate your tattoos and immediately label you a delinquent just based on that alone.” you took a breath after rambling on for a few minutes, letting out your frustration for your situation.
“Wow, that’s… a lot,” Yoongi shook his head sympathetically, “it’s your life, you should do what makes you happy. It’s not his place to control everything you do.” 
“He always has to be right, it’s exhausting.” you sighed.
“Well hey, bright side, you’re here now, and you’re free to be who you want and do whatever your heart desires. I fully support you.” Yoongi smiled at you and your heart seemed to grow three sizes. 
“Thank you, Yoongi. You have no idea how much that means to me.”
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“Do you have anything you need washed?” you asked Yoongi, gesturing to the washing machine that wasn’t even half full. 
“Don’t you have any more clothes than that?” Yoongi asked.
For weeks, you’d been cycling the same three outfits you’d been able to bring with you in a small backpack when you’d left home.You’d thought about going back home to get the rest of your things, but you really didn’t want to face your father. You weren’t scared of him, not at all. In fact, you’d love to rub it in his face that you hadn’t failed as he’d expected you to do. You just didn’t want to deal with him yet. 
Being around Yoongi, having the freedom to be yourself and being so wholly accepted for exactly who you were was intoxicating, and you weren’t ready to go back into that suffocating environment full of judgement and expectations, even for a short time. You were strong and resilient, but you also knew that your family issues were a sore spot for you.
“I do at my parents house. I just haven’t had a chance to go get my stuff.” you shrugged, starting the washer.
“You haven’t had a chance? Between lounging around watching Netflix and binge eating takeout?” Yoongi chuckled, leaning up against the wall and regarding you with a curious look.
“I’ve had time,” you emphasize with a sigh, “I just… I’m not ready to go there alone.”
“What if you weren’t alone?” 
You looked up to meet Yoongi’s gaze in surprise, a supportive smile playing on his soft lips.
“What do you mean?” you asked, your chest filling with hope.
“If you want, I can go with you?” he offered.
“Really? You’d do that?” you tried to keep the astonishment out of your voice in an attempt to not look as pathetic and weak as you felt.
“Yeah, we can take my car, it’s bigger than yours anyway.” he shrugged, pushing himself off the wall and walking closer to you.
“Have I told you lately that you’re amazing?” you grinned, reaching up to hug him.
Yoongi was used to your affectionate nature, but sometimes it still caught him off guard, as he wasn’t an affectionate person. He wanted to be, he just wasn’t always comfortable using physical affection. He froze for a moment, but quickly regained his composure and wrapped his arms around your torso to return your hug. 
“Yes, but feel free to remind me anytime. My fragile ego needs it.” he joked, poking your side playfully.
You released him from your hold with a light chuckle, stepping back and grinning up at him. He coughed and looked down to hide his shy smile from your view.
“Let’s go.” 
“Wait, right now?” you gasped, eyes wide.
“Do you have other plans?” he questioned with a raised brow. 
“Well, no… but I-” you began but Yoongi sent you a look that had you slipping on your shoes and following him out the door.
Yoongi smirked to himself at how easily you caved into him with just a stern look, unlocking the car and ushering you in before settling in the driver's seat and starting the engine. You couldn’t stop bouncing your leg from nerves, and Yoongi glanced your way every so often before gently placing his large hand on your knee for comfort. Except it did little to comfort you, having his veiny hands on your body only sent your heart into overdrive and caused your breathing to become that much shallower. You gave him an A for effort though.
“It’s going to be okay, I’m right here,” he soothed, “I’ve got your back.”
“Thank you, Yoongi.” you smiled appreciatively, placing your hand on top of his for a moment before looking out the window, watching the trees fly by as you got closer to your parents house. 
You hadn’t alerted your parents that you’d be coming, part of you hoping they wouldn’t be home and you could use the spare key to get your things and get out without having to interact with your father. 
When the GPS announced you were one turn away, your hopes were crushed into a fine powder as you finally looked up and shrank back into your seat when you saw both of your parents’ vehicles occupying the driveway. Yoongi pulled in behind your mom’s car and cut the engine, turning to look at you. You met his gaze with your panicked one and he motioned for you to breathe with him, taking a few deep breaths and guiding you to calm yourself.
“You got this. You ready?” he asked.
“As I’ll ever be.” you sighed, stepping out of his car and meeting him before walking to the front door.
You gripped his hand tightly, and Yoongi looked down at your conjoined hands in surprise but didn’t say anything, realizing that you needed the support.He squeezed your hand gently before rapping softly on the door. Your whole body tensed when you heard the lock click and Yoongi gave your hand another encouraging squeeze. The door swung open and your mother’s face was revealed, causing the hole in your chest to clench. 
“Y/N!” she gasped, her eyes trailing along your form, down to your hands, then up Yoongi’s arms to his face, her expression one of astonishment.
“Hi, mom.” you coughed awkwardly.
“Y/N’s here?” you heard from behind her, the smug voice of your father grating against your ears. “Our little baby came home to admit we were right?”
His grinning face came into your view, standing just behind your mother, his smirk immediately falling once he laid eyes on Yoongi.
“Who’s this?” he asked.
“This is Yoongi, he’s my-” you began.
“Are you dating this man?” your father interrupted, sounding panicked.
Your eyes flitted from your mom’s face to your dad’s, turning red with frustration. He had always hated people with tattoos, and you’d warned Yoongi about this. You didn’t think he’d get this worked up about it, and suddenly an idea popped in your head, and just as Yoongi was about to argue that you weren’t dating amidst your silence, you spoke up.
“Yes. He’s my boyfriend.” you said quickly, squeezing Yoongi’s hand in an attempt to beg him to go along with it.
Yoongi’s breath caught and he coughed into his elbow uncomfortably, but gave a sheepish grin when he recovered, letting go of your hand and extending his out to your parents.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N. I’m Min Yoongi.”
Your mother stared at his hand hanging in the air like it was a foreign object before she collected herself, gingerly taking his hand in hers. Your father followed suit, his expression hard.
“It’s nice to meet you, Yoongi.” your mom smiled, warming up to Yoongi’s polite aura.
“I’m very honored to finally meet you. I see where Y/N gets her pretty eyes from.” Yoongi smiled, causing your mom to turn bashful and swat at him playfully.
Your dad hadn’t budged an inch, his hard gaze focused on the man at your side, scrutinizing and unwelcoming. His eyes wandered over Yoongi’s plethora of tattoos, many piercings, and ripped jeans. He made a face of distaste before turning his gaze to you.
“What are you doing here?” he wondered.
“We’re getting some of my stuff to take back home.” you explained.
“Home? You live with this man?!” you dad guffawed. 
“Yes, we live together.” Yoongi supplied for you, stepping closer to you and wrapping an arm around you, kissing the top of your head affectionately.
He mostly wanted to be a shield for you against your father, as he could tell you were starting to shrink in on yourself, and he wanted to offer you a little more strength. You smiled up at him, hoping your eyes showed your thankfulness.
“Absolutely not, young lady. I won’t permit it.” your father hissed.
“With all due respect, you don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. I’m an adult, and you kicked me out.” you shrugged, using your best acting skills to appear nonchalant.Yoongi felt your body shivering slightly against his.
“I- You-” your dad fumed. 
“Why don’t we grab your clothes and come back for the rest when everyone has calmed down a little?” Yoongi offered quietly in your ear.
You nodded, pulling him along with you to your old bedroom. You felt your dad’s piercing gaze follow you down the hallway, but you ignored it. You grabbed some clothes and a few other things, throwing them in a decorative tote you’d once used to house scrapbooking supplies. Yoongi took the tote from you and led the way back out of the house, your hand clutching the back of his shirt like a safety blanket, the other arm filled with more clothes.
Your mom watched you quietly, with a sullen expression, seeming to try and express her apologies through her eyes while your dad seethed from his recliner, refusing to look at you. You sighed, taking a look around the house you used to call home before announcing your departure and waving goodbye, following Yoongi out the front door.
Once you’d placed the things in the back of the car and sat in the passenger seat, your body deflated. Yoongi began driving, to get you out of the line of sight of your parents in case you broke down, so they wouldn’t see.
“Yoongi, I’m so sorry I dragged you into that. I don’t know what I was thinking, I just- I saw his face and I wanted to-” you sighed, struggling to explain the reason behind your split second decision to lie about the nature of your relationship.
“I understand.” 
“You’re not mad?” you looked over at him in surprise.
“No. I can see the power dynamic in that house. Your family clearly has some issues they need to work out. I’m not mad.” he explained.
“I don’t deserve you,” you sighed, leaning your head on his shoulder, “you’re the greatest friend I’ve ever had.”
“Dang, that bar is set pretty low, Y/N.” he joked.
You slapped his arm playfully with a grin lighting up your face, suddenly feeling much lighter than you had moments ago. 
“How about I pay for pizza tonight as a thank you?” you offered, gazing up at him.
“As long as there’s pineapple on it.” he smirked.
“Half and half.”
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Seasons changed, the air turned colder, the leaves on the trees transitioning from vibrant green to deep golden yellows and reds before fading away altogether as the harsh winter breeze bagan to set in. Each new day, you learned more about Yoongi, and the two of you grew closer. Yoongi was respectful of your space and time. He would notice when you were having a bad day and do little things you almost didn’t notice to help you out and reduce your stress. He’d pick up your favorite tea on his way home from work or invite you to watch a movie you knew he wouldn’t have watched on his own. 
You tried to show him the same level of respect, like making sure there was fresh coffee for him in the morning, or packing his lunch when he was running late. The more time you spent with Yoongi, the more you adored him. Possibly a little too much… You’d known from the moment you laid eyes on him that he was gorgeous, but you didn’t think it would be so distracting. 
Oftentimes, you’d find yourself staring at the way Yoongi’s lips moved while he talked, or watching the way his muscles flexed while he wrote. Your breath would hitch when your bodies brushed against each other in the hallway or maneuvering around the kitchen together. You’d try to slip past him and his hands would reflexively find your hips to steady you and guide you past him. Sparks would shoot through your veins any time his skin touched yours, a warm tingle left wherever his touch had been. 
Your eyes would linger a second too long when he’d come out of the bathroom in a towel, or when he’d stretch during your frequent binge watching sessions, the hem of his shirt lifting to reveal a sliver of gorgeous ivory skin. Your mouth would water on the occasions when his hip tattoo would be revealed if his sweats hung a little too low. Sometimes you swore he was doing it on purpose, when you’d look up to find him watching you with an amused expression and you’d tear your eyes away as your cheeks filled with heat.
Yoongi never called you out for gawking at him, he’d simply raise an eyebrow and his delicious lips would turn up in an amused smirk. You weren’t the only one who got caught staring though. You noticed his eyes on you when you would bend over to grab a water from the fridge, or his gaze trailing down your neck towards your breasts when you’d come home sweaty from a run. You pretended not to notice, but you saw the way his eyes would linger.
You danced around each other like that, somehow simultaneously completely at ease and growing closer with each passing day but incredibly bothered with tension and desire. Or perhaps it was all in your head, wishful thinking on your part. You couldn’t count on all your fingers and toes the amount of times Yoongi’s name would fall from your lips in pathetic whimpers while you attempted to keep quiet whilst touching yourself under the covers in your room.
You tried to act like nothing had changed, which is why when Yoongi invited you to watch a movie with him, you’d snuggled up to him on the couch, just like always, a thick blanket wrapping the two of you in warmth. Your head rested on his shoulder and his hand on your knee, the heat from his skin on yours causing other areas of your anatomy to warm up as well. It was hard paying attention to the screen when you could feel the warmth of his skin seeping through your jeans where his hand met your knee but you did your best.
You watched as the main characters began taking their clothes off and tensed up awkwardly, looking up at Yoongi to ask if he wanted anything to drink… at the same time he’d glanced down to ask if you wanted more popcorn. Your faces were mere centimeters away, you could feel his hot breath ghosting against your lips, your gazes locked. Your heart skipped a beat and time seemed to slow, and you could have sworn he’d begun leaning in, but a loud crash in the movie startled you both out of your moment, and you’d pulled away with an awkward cough.
Yoongi scratched the back of his neck and avoided eye contact, and you’d stood up, using his leg as leverage, but your hand slipped and glided up his thigh, almost making contact with his crotch. You wretched your hand away like you’d been burned and mumbled something about a refill before making a beeline for the kitchen.  Hand over your heart, free hand resting on the counter to hold yourself up while you struggled to regulate your heartbeat, you closed your eyes and took deep breaths. 
Was Yoongi about to kiss you? Surely not, but the way your eyes had connected, the sparks his intense gaze had sent down your spine… you shivered. You refilled your water and grabbed a new drink for Yoongi before making your way back to the living room, sitting a few inches from him and extending out your offering to  him, which he took with a quiet “thanks.”
The air was thick and uncomfortable, the lingering tension from the almost-kiss nearly suffocating the both of you. You nearly jumped out of your skin when your phone started ringing, a FaceTime call from your mom. You sat up and sent a panicked look towards Yoongi, who glanced at the screen before scooting closer to you, and pressing the answer button. 
“Hi mom!” 
“Hello, love. Oh. I see Yoongi is with you. Hello, Yoongi.” she smiled politely. 
“Hello, ma’am.” 
“Y/N, I packed up some more of your stuff, I felt awful for how the other day went and I wanted to apologize.  I talked to your father as well, and… you know how he is.  I want to support you and if Yoongi makes you happy, I want to get to know him. I miss you.” she rambled, clearly nervous.
“Oh mom… thank you. I really appreciate that.”
“I do have to admit though, I was very surprised that you two were together, it just seemed so… unexpected. You usually go for a more clean cut kind of guy…”
“Well, you know what they say, opposites attract.” Yoongi supplied with a charming smile after  sensing your body stiffen. 
“That they do!” your mom agreed with a giggle, “it just didn’t seem real at first, I suppose.”
You shot Yoongi a panicked glance out of the frame of the camera, silently begging him to turn up the PDA. His lip was tucked between his teeth in nervousness, but he let it slide free and steeled himself before leaning in and brushing a gentle kiss to your cheek. Which would’ve been a great plan, had that not been the exact moment you’d decided to turn your head to look at him. 
His lips met yours for the briefest moment, the most tender ghost of a touch, but it lit your insides aflame. Your heart pounded erratically, your chest tightening, and the air seeming to have been stolen from your lungs. Your arm holding your phone grew slack, and you dropped it onto the couch cushion, your hand instinctively placing itself upon Yoongi’s firm chest. The kiss lasted mere seconds, but with the way time stilled around you, it might as well have been hours. His soft lips pressed so delicately to yours suspended gravity itself, and you were floating on cloud nine.
“Y/N? Hello?”
The two of you broke apart in shock, springing away from each other like magnets with the same charge, eyes wide and breathing heavy as you stared at one another. Moments passed with your heartbeat pounding in your ear like a drum before you came to your senses and picked your phone up.
“Sorry mom. Can I call you back?” 
“Oh sure, love you.”
“Love you too, mom.”
Yoongi had taken your momentary distraction as an excuse to escape to his bedroom, leaving you alone in the living room with wide eyes and fingertips pressed to your lips in shock. Your lips had barely touched and it felt like your worlds had collided, two missing pieces finally coming together. And it was terrifying, so you decided not to dwell on it, you’d deal with it when the time came.
That didn’t stop you from replaying the moment in your head for the rest of the night, however. Laying in your bed with Yoongi just one wall away, you wondered if he was thinking about the kiss, if he was thinking about you too. Shoving the hopeful thoughts from your mind, you let yourself drift to sleep.
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You weren’t sure why you’d agreed to spend the holiday with your family, but your mother’s persistent guilt trip over the past few weeks had worn your resistance thin. Yoongi’s family was back in Korea so he didn’t have any other plans, usually opting to spend Christmas alone with a bottle of bourbon and leftover takeout. He’d agreed to be your buffer between yourself and your father and accompany you to the hellscape that was your old home.
Snow had already begun to softly drift from the skies, so Yoongi had reminded you about ten times to dress warm so you didn’t catch a cold. Upon the 8th reminder, you’d snarkily shot back “yes daddy.” and rolled your eyes, stomping off to pull on your gloves. Yoongi had frozen in place, jaw slack as his eyes bored into the back of your head. You paid him no mind, wrapping a scarf around your neck and tucking it into your coat before pulling on your hat. 
“Are you coming?” you asked, your eyes warily running along Yoongi’s rigid body as he stood there with his eyes closed taking deep breaths.
“Yeah. I’ll meet you down there.” he tossed you the keys so you could unlock the car he’d started a few minutes beforehand, making sure it was warmed up.
You trudged down to the car, dragging your purse and the pie you were meant to bring to the occasion, sliding into Yoongi’s passenger seat and placing your hands against the vents for the warm air. A few minutes later, Yoongi joined you, much more relaxed than before. You sent him a hopeful smile and rested your hand on his knee.
“Thanks for coming with me.” 
“Of course. I’ve got your back.” he shrugged, backing out of the space carefully.
You watched the scenery as Yoongi drove, noting how the snow had dusted the trees with a beautiful blanket, making everything brighter, almost as if it sparkled. You loved the snow as a kid and you loved it still, a fond nostalgia settling in your chest until you noticed you were getting closer to your parents house. Your grip returned on Yoongi’s knee and he tensed a bit before placing his free hand on top of yours.
“It’s going to be okay. I’m right here,” he soothed, then wiggled his eyebrows playfully “plus your mom approves of your boyfriend now.” 
“She loves you more than me now.” you pouted.
“Well, I am pretty irresistible.” 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” you threw back.
“Don’t think I don’t notice you checking me out, babe.” he smirked, emphasizing the last word as you both walked up to the front door, Yoongi’s hand reaching out to knock gently.
“Shut up.” you crossed your arms defiantly.
Yoongi poked at your side, almost making you drop your pie, but he saved it at the last minute by reaching out and grabbing it from you. This caused his face to be just inches from yours and your eyes locked for a moment and you swear time stopped. Your heart was pounding in your chest as his gaze flickered from your eyes to your lips momentarily, and you sucked in a breath in anticipation. It might have been your imagination, but Yoongi seemed to get a little closer to your parted, waiting lips before your mom opened the door. The two of you sprung apart like you’d been caught at a crime scene.
“Well don’t stop on my account.” your mom giggled, sending you a playful wink before beckoning you inside.
You avoided eye contact with Yoongi and tried to take steady breaths to calm your racing heart, your mind going a mile a minute. Was he about to kiss you? Surely not. You were play dating, and no one was watching. Did he want to kiss you? Your cheeks were on fire and you were honestly a little riled up, pressing your thighs together discreetly. You handed your mom the pie, which she sliced and set on the table.
“Merry Christmas, mom. Where’s dad?” 
“Oh he’s taking a nap. Yoongi, come over here! I want to get a picture of you two together!” your mom grinned.
“What are you, best friends now? You guys video chat at least once a week.” you whined.
Your mom waved you off and held her camera up while Yoongi stood beside you, giving you plenty of room. 
“Scoot closer. You’re boyfriend and girlfriend, not awkward preteens.” your mom huffed.
Yoongi stepped closer and put an arm around your shoulder, leaning in and smiling for the camera. You heard the shutter go off a few times, attempting to pull away.
“Wait. Let’s get one of you kissing his cheek, Y/N!” your mom gushed.
“Do it.” she chided.
You sighed and glanced up at Yoongi in silent apology, but he only lent over and offered you his cheek. You gently pressed your lips to it, feeling the skin tingle where it met his. The tips of Yoongi’s ears were suspiciously pink, but you paid it no mind. He was probably uncomfortable. Your mom snapped a few pictures and smiled to herself.
“You two act like you’ve never touched each other.” she commented offhandedly while turning around to place her phone on the charger.
“Yoongi’s not a fan of PDA.” you covered smoothly.
“When I was your age my man couldn’t keep his hands off of me.” she shrugged.
“What? It’s true. Young men always have a one track mind.” 
You covered your face with your hands, and your mom laughed. Yoongi wrapped his arms around you from behind, shielding you with his body.
“Don’t be shy babe. I just wanted to be respectful around your mom but she doesn’t seem to care.” he spoke, allowing his lips to graze along the shell of your ear, causing a shiver to run through your body. 
Yoongi smirked and kissed your cheek before letting you go, standing up straighter. You glanced where he was staring and your dad was making his way down the hall to join everyone. 
“Merry Christmas, dad.” you said politely.
“Merry Christmas.” he responded, his tone a little stiff and uncomfortable.
He wasn’t showing clear distaste for you or Yoongi, so you took it as a win. Your mom must have had a talk with him. You silently thanked her and took your seat beside Yoongi at the table. Dinner was pretty uneventful, light small talk that your father barely participated in and Yoongi relentlessly complimenting your mom on her cooking skills, telling her how delicious the food was and how he needed the recipes. 
After dinner, you all sat around the tree and opened gifts, your father having gifted your mother a lovely pearl necklace, your  mother giving your father a new watch. You’d gifted your mom a foot massager that looked like slippers you’d seen at the mall, and your father a new set of tools, knowing his were beginning to wear. You’d gifted Yoongi a gift card to his favorite store at the mall, and he’d given you a beautiful bracelet he saw you eyeing a few weeks back. 
The last gift to be opened had been a pair of matching couple’s pajamas for you and Yoongi, a red and white plaid design that was actually kind of cute. Your mom made you hold them up and take a picture together, ignoring your protests that she had taken plenty of pictures beforehand. Packing everything up and getting ready to go, you looked up between your parents and sighed contentedly.
“This was nice, getting along,” you smiled at your mom, standing up and dusting off your skirt, “we’ll be sure to visit soon.”
Your mom leaned in for a hug from both of you while your dad stood silently off to the side, hands at his sides, fingers twitching slightly like he was unsure if he should lean in as well or not. Swallowing your pride because it was Christmas, you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around him. He gently patted your back a few times before stepping back.
“See you around, dad. Merry Christmas.” you spoke softly.
“Merry Christmas.” he repeated, looking away uncomfortably.
You sighed and took Yoongi’s hand in your own, gazing up at him in a silent question. He smiled and pulled you towards the door.  The second he opened the entrance, snow blew into the living room from the force of the wind, and Yoongi quickly shut the door, having to put in more strength than usual with how hard the wind was blowing. 
“Wow, it’s really coming down hard out there.” your mom commented, eyebrows raising in surprise. 
“Does your vehicle have four wheel drive?” your dad asked.
“Um… no.” Yoongi scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably.
“Oh there is no way I’m letting you drive in this!” your mother gasped.
“Mom, we have to go home. I’m sure we can drive slow.” you reasoned, though your nerves about the weather were grating at you.
“Absolutely not. You’ll stay here.” she commanded.
“YN… your mom is probably right. It looks pretty bad out there. I don’t think it would be safe…” Yoongi said quietly.
You sighed, resigning to your fate and nodded, setting your purse back on the coat rack and removing your jacket. Yoongi followed suit, shedding his coat and hanging it up, smiling apologetically in your direction. Your father had already retreated back to his bedroom to clean up for the night. 
“Are the spare blankets still in the hall closet?” you asked your mom.
“Yes, why?” she wondered.
“I was going to grab one, Yoongi or I will probably be sleeping on the couch.” 
“That couch is not comfortable enough to sleep on. It’s not like I don’t know you sleep together at home.” she scoffed.
Your cheeks lit up brighter than the Christmas tree in the corner of the living room and you didn’t dare look at Yoongi. Your mom laughed at your reaction, rolling her eyes and walking down the hall.
“Goodnight, see you in the morning.” she called over her shoulder.
The two of you stood there silently for a moment before you coughed and gestured for him to follow you to your old bedroom. Most of your stuff had been taken to your apartment by that point, so it was mostly just your old bed and an empty dresser with a lamp on it. You glanced down at the full sized bed, which had enough room for the two of you, but barely enough to ensure that you wouldn’t end up touching.
“Do you care which side?” you wondered, finally looking up to meet Yoongi’s gaze. 
“No, it doesn’t matter to me.” he shrugged.
“Okay. You can go change first.” you offered.
Yoongi nodded and disappeared down the hallway to change into the pajamas your mother had gifted the both of you previously in the night. You decided to go ahead and rush through changing while Yoongi was gone, slipping on the matching pair and crawling into bed. The two of you laid straight on your backs, staring at the ceiling for a while.
“I’m sorry about this.” you mumbled quietly.
“It’s okay, really.”
You didn’t remember falling asleep so soon, but you woke up to a pitch black room with something warm and firm pressed up against your back. You snuggled closer to the warmth in the freezing room and were met with a low groan and something a solid pressing against your backside.
“Nnnngh.” Yoongi whined, half-asleep, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you flush against him.
You froze, trying not to rub against Yoongi’s erection that was pressing into your ass, but that didn’t stop the shiver from traveling through your body. With great effort, you managed to turn yourself around in Yoongi’s arms so you were facing him, watching his serene facial expressions in his slumber.
Yoongi really was a beautiful man. You watched him take slow, steady breaths, his face illuminated by the moonlight trickling in between the blinds. You wanted to reach out and touch him, feel his smooth skin beneath your fingertips, but you didn’t dare in case you woke him. 
His body shuffled closer to yours once more, his arms tightening around you until your noses were nearly touching and you had to hold in a gasp. There was no way this would be happening if Yoongi had been conscious, and you weren’t sure if you should let him sleep or alert him to what he was doing. You couldn’t help being slightly elated at the situation though, being this close to Yoongi and being able to study his features without fear of looking weird, and the way his groin felt pressed against your lower stomach wasn’t something you’d complain about either.
You decided you should probably stop taking advantage of his unconscious state and attempted to climb over him to get out of bed without disturbing him. Just as you’d swung your leg over his body, he turned in his sleep, flipping onto his back, effectively knocking you off balance until you landed atop his chest, your legs straddling his hips. 
You glanced up at his face and your eyes met, faces mirroring expressions of shock. You were both frozen in place for a moment, staring into each other’s eyes. You snapped out of it and tried to climb off of Yoongi’s hips, just as Yoongi tried to sit up, so all the two of you accomplished was grinding your core against Yoongi’s erection. Yoongi let out a strangled moan, reaching out to grab your hips to hold you still. 
His fingers gripped the skin of your hips where your shirt had ridden up, and his touch burned in the best way. You fought back a whimper at the delicious feeling, your hips stilling in his iron grasp. The air in the room changed, getting thicker. You swore you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. Your racing heart skipped a beat as Yoongi’s eyes traveled down your body until they rested where your core met his length. He shivered. You gulped. Once again, you attempted to flee your current position.
“Please- don’t move,” Yoongi whined, almost desperately, “you’re making it worse.”
“I know I’m irresistible.” you chuckled awkwardly, trying to lighten the mood.
“You really are.” 
Your brows rose in surprise at the earnest tone he spoke in, his voice bordering desperate. Your mouth slightly agape, you searched his eyes for confirmation he wasn’t joking. He  smirked and sat up, holding you against him as his lips ghosted along your neck, barely brushing against your skin. His hot breath fanning against your skin sent a shiver down your spine. His fingers dug into your sides almost demandingly, and he let out a low, animalistic growl. 
“You don’t even realize what you do to me… how much you tempt me. I see the way you look at me, the way your eyes linger. You’re anything but subtle. I’ve tried so hard to hold back… If we weren’t at your parents house, I’d fuck you so hard you’d forget your name…” Yoongi’s voice was low and quiet, and you let out an involuntary whimper at his words, causing his eyes to darken and a smirk to play on his pretty lips, “but maybe you’d like that, maybe you want them to hear, you want them to know what a dirty slut you can be, wanna show them who you belong to. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, baby girl?” he purred, rocking his hips up into yours, letting his rock-hard member drag deliciously against your covered folds.
“Oh fuck… yes.” you whimpered, all sense of dignity flying out the window at his dirty words.
“Fuck, I’ve dreamed about this for so long.” he groaned, using his hands to guide your hips along his length.
“Me too.” you whimpered, falling forward and placing your hands on the defined planes of his chest, feeling it rise and fall as quickly as yours.
You allowed your hands to wander underneath his sleep shirt, feeling his warm skin against your own, slowly dragging your digits along his torso and teasingly letting your nails scrape gently against his nipples. Yoongi watched with rapt attention as you explored his body, relishing in the way you attempted to memorize every inch your eyes could devour.
His fingers dug into your hips when you flicked your thumb over his nipple, and you smiled innocently before dragging your hands down to the waistband of his pajama pants, gently lifting the elastic and letting it snap back against his skin, causing him to buck his hips up into yours. His hands traveled up your hips to grip the hem of your shirt, pausing and meeting your gaze to make sure you were alright, and you nodded, placing your hands on his and guiding them to remove the fabric, revealing your bare breasts underneath. Yoongi sucked in a breath, a low whine escaping as he released it. 
His hands immediately found purchase on your breasts, his thumb and index finger rolling your hardened nipple. You let your head fall back as electricity shot straight to your core at his actions. You felt him move below you, sitting up in order to take one of your pert nipples into his waiting mouth. His warm tongue worked against the sensitive bud, alternating between licking and sucking while he worked the neglected nipple between his fingers. Your breathing grew shallower, your whines needier, and you felt Yoongi smirking against your skin, releasing your abused flesh with an audible pop.
“You fall apart so easily for me… who could’ve guessed you’d be such a responsive, cock hungry little thing.” he mused while allowing his hands to travel down your stomach, so close to where you needed stimulation.  
“Yoongi please…”
“Fuck, say it again. My name sounds so much better coming from your pretty lips.” 
“Yoongi.” you moaned, nearly breathless. “Please.”
In an instant, Yoongi had you flipped over, resting on your back as he hovered over you, his hungry gaze trailing over your chest and traveling down. He tugged on the waistband of your pajamas, pulling them down past the swell of your ass, then helping you kick them off and aside, leaving you in nothing but your panties.
“Wanna see you, Yoongi.” you pleaded, tugging on the hem of his shirt.
He quickly obliged, whipping it off and tossing it aside, revealing his expanse of glorious ivory skin to you. Your gaze traveled down the expanse of his torso, tracing over the intricate designs that decorated his skin in awe. You’d seen glimpses, when he’d been in just a towel, or stripping off his shirt at the washing machine, but you’d never gotten a good look up close. 
You tentatively lifted your fingers, your index gently tracing the inky black lines as tenderly as you could, barely a ghost of a touch as you admired the beautiful artwork that so perfectly suited such a beautiful man. Yoongi shivered at your touch, watching you study his ink with such wonder in your eyes pulled at his heart strings, reminding him exactly why he’d fallen for you in the first place. 
“When we have more time, I want to hear all about these,” you mused quietly, “what they mean, when you got them, I want to know everything.”
“I’ll tell you anything you want to know baby,” he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, “but for now…” he trailed off, slowly moving his body down, kissing a path from your lips down your front until he reached the elastic band of your panties.
He teasingly ran his finger under the elastic, grinning up at your from his spot between your thighs before pulling the garment from your body and tossing it aside, revealing your soaking pussy to him. You tried to close your legs from embarrassment, but Yoongi gently slid his hands up your thighs, gently kneading the flesh there.
“So beautiful, please don’t hide from me.” he cooed, kissing a line from your thigh to your folds, causing you to let out a pleased sigh and spread your legs further for him, “mmm… good girl.”
He rewarded you by licking a long stripe up your slit, gathering your slick on his tongue and making a pleased noise in the back of his throat before diving in, working his warm muscle against your clit in different motions, alternating between sucking it between plump lips, licking broad stripes against it, and drawing figures with the tip of his tongue. 
Using your pleasure as a distraction, he slowly eased a finger inside of your entrance, your slick aiding him with the welcome intrusion. He curled his finger and made come hither motions, repeatedly rubbing the pad of his finger against your weakest spot, and it took everything inside of you not to cry out at the intense fire burning in your core as he worked you closer to your first release. He slowly added a second finger, then a third, scissoring you open and prepping you for his cock. 
Just the thought of the thick member you’d felt pressing against your lower back earlier nestled deep inside you had you drooling, and Yoongi’s skills with his mouth and fingers were certainly not hurting. Quiet whimpers escaped your lips as you fought the urge to buck your hips up into his mouth as your climax came closer and closer. Yoongi noticed your needy behavior and sped up his actions, working you towards your release. 
You bit down on your fingers to stifle the loud moans that threatened to spill from your lips, even in your lust clouded mind, the last thing you needed was to be interrupted before you could get Yoongi inside of you. As your orgasm crashed over you from Yoongi’s ministrations, your back arched off the bed and you nearly drew blood from how hard you had to bite down to keep quiet, your body shaking as you came down from euphoria. 
Yoongi kissed his way back up your body, finally becoming eye-level with you, smirking at your fucked out state and heavy breathing. You laughed and hid your face in the crook of his neck, drawing his body closer to yours in an attempt to hide. Yoongi’s low chuckles reverberated, shaking the bed slightly. Your hands traveled from being wrapped around his neck, slowly trailing down his back and pulling on the elastic of his pajama bottoms, desperate to lay eyes on his thick cock, which was pressed into your hip.
“Yoongi… need you. Need you so bad.” you begged.
Yoongi’s cock twitched in his pj’s, and he assisted you with ridding him of them and his boxers in one go, allowing his cock to spring free and slap against his stomach in all its glory. You were absolutely salivating as you looked at the reddened tip, leaking precum, the long shaft, and you couldn’t wait to feel him filling you up.
“Ready, princess?” he wondered, lining his member up with your entrance after gathering your slick to coat the head.
“So ready. Please fuck me, Yoongi.” 
Yoongi slowly pushed himself inside your entrance, stretching your walls in the most delicious way. He took his time, periodically checking your expression for discomfort as he impaled you with his length. Your breathing was erratic, you were clutching onto his back for dear life as he split you open, eventually bottoming out. Yoongi stretched you out in all the best ways, filling you up better than any man had ever dreamed of before, and you were living for it. 
You rocked your hips up into his, begging him to move, and Yoongi slowly pulled out until just the tip was sheathed inside your warmth before pushing back in, gaining more speed as he went.  You couldn’t help the pathetic whines and moans that fell from your lips as Yoongi worked his hips, thrusting into you at a punishing pace. Every rock of his hips had the tip of his cock meeting your cervix, the powerful thrusts sending you closer and closer to oblivion. 
“Fuck, babygirl, you look so sexy like this, taking my cock so well… like you were made for me. So fucking perfect.” Yoongi whispered hotly in your ear, licking a bold stripe along the shell, sending shivers coursing through your body.
“Yoongi, fuck.” 
“That’s it baby, who’s making you feel this good?” he accentuated the last word with a harder thrust that sent your body a little farther up the bed.
“You, Yoongi! Oh oh o-oh..” your whines grow louder and Yoongi quickly covered your mouth with his own in an attempt to drown out the noise, lest your parents really do hear him defiling their daughter in her childhood bedroom. 
You clawed desperately at his back, trying to warn him of your impending orgasm, and Yoongi deepened the kiss in understanding, pistoning his hips with as much strength as he could muster and reaching down to roll your clit between his fingers, sending you sailing off the edge, Yoongi’s kiss stifled your scream before he soon followed you off the edge, painting your walls white with his hot release. 
Yoongi pecked your lips tenderly before rolling off of you and landing on his back beside you, both of you panting and grinning like idiots. Yoongi’s cum seeped out of your battered hole, and he licked his lips at the sight, causing you to cover your face and giggle. He stood, walking into the bathroom and dampening a washcloth to clean you up as gently as he could before tossing it into the hamper and resuming his position on his side of the bed.
The sun was just beginning to rise and shine through the blinds as you lay beside Yoongi, still catching your breath. You glanced over at Yoongi to find he was already looking at you. He gave you a shy, tentative smile.
“So…” he trailed off.
Yoongi sighed and sat up, urging you to follow suit so you could both talk. You followed his instructions, wincing slightly. He gently reached out and took both of your hands in his larger ones, looking up to meet your gaze before he spoke quietly.
“Listen… I know this started off as a lie to piss your dad off, but… I would be lying now if i said it was still fake for me. I really like you, Y/N.. I have for a while. I don’t know when it happened but somewhere along the way, I just- I don’t know. But if you’re willing to give me a chance, a real chance, I think I could make you happy.” he spoke quietly, his eyes filled with light and hope.
“Oh Yoongi…” you sighed, cupping his cheek with your hand tenderly and smiling as he leaned subconsciously into your touch, “you already do. None of this is fake for me either, not anymore. I really, really like you.”
A soft knock on your door tore you two from your moment, your heads snapping towards the door as you pulled the blanket up to cover your breasts.
“Morning, guys, breakfast will be ready in ten.” your mom called through the wood.
“I don’t know if I’m going to be able to look your mom in the eye now.” Yoongi chuckled.
“She already thought we were fucking before this.” you reasoned with a smirk.
Yoongi groaned and hid his face in the crook of your neck and you laughed, carding your fingers through his messy post-sex hair lovingly. 
“I can’t believe you’re really mine, for real this time.” he whispered into the safety of your neck.
“And I can’t believe you’re mine… for real this time,” you grin, carding your fingers through his hair comfortingly, “let’s eat so we can go home.”
The two of you got dressed and headed out for breakfast, engaging in small talk with your mom and semi-comfortable silence with your dad. You still had a ways to go to fix that relationship, but you were pleased with the progress. You didn’t think you’d ever have a perfect relationship with your father, but you didn’t have to. You didn’t have to fix everything, or be who he wanted in order to receive love, you were slowly learning. 
The roads had been salted and deemed safe to drive on, so you and Yoongi bid your parents a farewell, thanking them for letting you stay and for the gifts. Your mom pulled you into a hug, then Yoongi into one as well.
“I just love how happy you are around him, Y/N. It’s like you’re glowing. You two come visit soon, okay? I miss seeing you.” your mom spoke, holding your hand in hers.
“We will. I love you, mom.”
Yoongi reached out and you placed your hand in his, letting him lead you home.
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Months later, on another lazy Sunday afternoon, you were cuddled up with your boyfriend on the couch of your shared apartment, snuggling into his chest while the two of you half paid attention to another movie on Netflix. Wrapped up in blankets and Yoongi’s arms, you’d never felt safer, more content, or so unbelievably happy.
Yoongi had your hand wrapped in his, lazily placing kisses along your wrist, palm, the tips of your fingers, anywhere his lips would reach. He wanted to shower you in kisses. You watched him with curious eyes, noting the way his own were shining as he met your gaze.
“What?” you wondered, chucking quietly.
“Say it again.”
“Yoongi,” you whined, looking up at him with a smile nonetheless, “I’ve said it like fifty times today.”
“Just one more time.” 
You rolled your eyes before quietly letting the words roll off your lips like dripping honey as you pressed a kiss to his skin. “I love you, Min Yoongi.” 
Yoongi hummed happily, almost like a purring cat, “Mmm.. I love you too.”
You snuggled into his embrace before he spoke up once more.
“Okay, just one more time.” 
You laughed and rolled over so you were straddling him, reaching down and squishing his cheeks together before pressing your lips to his.
“I love you.” you giggled, pecking his lips once more, then repeating the words and actions over and over and over again.
“I love you I love you I love you I love you.”  you peppered kisses all over his face, any part of it you could reach until your boyfriend was a mess beneath you, laughing and blushing with the biggest gummy smile on his face.
Every once in a while, you meet someone you instantly connect with. Every so often you cross paths with someone you’re just meant to meet. But, once in a lifetime, you meet someone who makes your soul feel whole again. You see a face in the crowd and instantly feel at home. You hear their laugh one time and suddenly the world has color again. Once in a lifetime, you meet someone who doesn’t save you, but holds you steady while you gather the strength you need to save yourself. 
Min Yoongi is that person for you.
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captainsimagines · 3 years
To Topple A Giant || Chapter Two
Summary: You had made it your mission to destroy even the smallest evils. When the opportunity arises to finally take down your own family after years of gaining their trust, you reach for it. And so does Steve, the man who represents a symbol of everything you hate.
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader || Avengers x Reader
Part 2 of 10 ~ Mini-Series
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Warnings: This story contains mature themes and discussions such as extreme canon violence, strong language, emotional angst, mentions of Endgame deaths and recoveries, sexual situations, and emotional/physical abuse. All trigger warnings will be listed before the chapter. This is purely fanfiction. 
Warnings in this chapter: brief reference/hint to past sexual assault. 
Word Count: 7,500+
A/N: Thank you so much for your excitement about this series! I always smile when I read your comments. Sorry for such a long chapter, but it’s only ten parts and I gotta fit all somewhere lol
Unknown Location, 2015, 10:46pm
     The tightness of the rope wrapped around your wrists was excruciating, each movement causing it to rub against the already damaged skin, leaving more angry, red marks. You whipped your head back and forth, anger and fear coursing through your veins as you stared your father down. You watched as he carefully maneuvered his way around the room, every back straightening as he walked past them, every gun cocked and pointed right at you. Your nose twitched up as he walked closer, inspecting the ropes tying your feet to the chair and so on. You accumulated all the spit you could and aimed it for his face, pride washing over you as it hit him perfectly. But as quickly as that pride built, it shattered, a stinging sensation on your cheek now overpowering any other sense. 
“You cost me ten million.”
You bit back a laugh, careful not to let it slip as you did not want another beating. “I did what I had to do. You would have done the same!”
“Don’t tell me what I would have done!”
You flinched inwardly, your face still blushing with growing madness. If only you could loosen these bonds… 
“You will know to not mess up again.”
And as your father left the room, the men lined up against the wall finally let their shoulders fall forward, their once blank faces now donning sadistic smiles.
The Compound, 2018, 2:07am 
You sat up from your mound of pillows, kicking them to the side as well as the heavy blanket. Your ears rang impossibly loud, and it wasn’t until your feet touched your bedroom floor that you could hear yourself screaming. Your body was drenched in sweat, sliding easily on your wood floor as you kicked to escape the blanket. 
Sharp knocks against your door startled you, sudden ‘please, don’t!’’s escaping your mouth. Hyperventilating was always tiring, you thought, and the air was now super cold as you sucked it into your lungs.
“Doll, please? I’m coming in.”
The light from the hallway blinded you so you lifted your arm up as a temporary shield. 
“No, no! I’m good… I didn’t lose it. Please, trust me!”
You lowered your arm and stared at your nighttime intruder, instincts kicking in upon settling your teary eyes on him and causing you to groan in displeasure. 
“Don’t look at me.”
“I said don’t look at me.”
Steve sighed in defeat and walked back to your door. You thought he was going to simply leave you be, letting you ride out this panic attack alone like all the others. But he shut the door and made his way over to your couch on the other side of the room, plopping himself down and leaning his sleepy head in his right hand. It had been six months since the world literally fell apart, an unknown feeling of terror that simply sat at the pit of stomachs eating away at whatever sanity its host still had, plaguing the world. Tiredness was second nature, never actually reducing its power no matter how much sleep one got. But leaving you here to suffer each individual thread being pulled from your remaining sanity, alone, wasn’t an option. 
“Why are you staying?”
“I have nightmares, too. You aren’t that special.”
You rolled your eyes, hands now massaging your aching chest. “It wasn’t anything.”
“Y/N, you were screaming for help.”
“I scream for a lot of things.”
You figured Steve would succumb to his growing annoyance, but he stayed patient. 
“Was it about…?”
You sighed and pulled yourself up to your feet, knees wobbly and thighs alerting you of the droplets of sweat that beaded down your legs. “No. I don’t dream about the snap.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You let out a rather angry sigh. You were now rubbing your eyes, cleaning them of the accumulation of hard mucus. “I seriously don’t want to talk about this particular incident.”
Steve huffed through his nose and you were ready to pounce on him to tear that beard from his face, but stopped when you saw his small smile and genuine empathy in his eyes. “Okay, I won’t push you.”
You just stared at him, eyes wide and confused. But you nodded slowly, eyes now diverting to the blanket below you. 
“I’m just so fucking happy the snap took my father.”
Steve’s lifted his head quickly by your abrupt confession, eyebrows furrowed and lips frozen, as if wrapped around a lost word he couldn’t verbally address. He understood, but it shocked him nonetheless.
He ignored it, or at least chose to avoid an immediate discussion about it, and stood from your couch. 
“Are you going to be okay?”
You wanted to throw him out. Him being across the room and near the wall was starting to trigger more flashbacks. 
It’s Steve. It’s just Steve.
“Can you stay?”
Steve stumbled slightly in his step, clearly uncomfortable with your request. But he was a good man and when one of his teammates needed help, he would do whatever he could. And you were one of the only teammates he had left. 
“Okay,” he said. But as he made his way back to the couch and away from you, sudden racks of itchiness stretched from your wrists to the middle of your chest. You stumbled from the bed, arms extended outward as if you were still shielding yourself from some incoming attack. 
“No, no! Just…”
Steve watched your movements carefully, trying to discern between fear or awkwardness. He sighed and let you see his hands, turning them over in the air.
“It’s me. Tell me where you want me.”
You were in control. Just tell him where you want him. 
“I’ll lay here,” you started, getting back into the right side of the bed and pulling the covers up to your hips. “You there, but upside down.”
Steve chuckled and followed your commands. You watched him walk, feeling the dip of your mattress as his heavy body lay down. You were grateful when his sock-covered feet touched your left side pillow, his chuckles gaining volume as he tried to get comfortable. 
“Do I at least get a blanket?”
“Oh!” you leapt from the bed and to the closet.  He listened to your soft pitter-patter as you shuffled across the cold floor, shutting his eyes to relish in the childish melody. You passed Steve two heavy blankets, mindful of the cold weather outside. Then you climbed back into bed, passing Steve a few pillows, and snuggling back into your own. 
A few shifts of the blankets made you open your eyes again. Steve was not as stiff as you expected him to be - almost like he wanted to help you - and you mentally slapped yourself remembering that he would do this for Bucky. 
You took solace in the fact that he couldn’t see the tiny grin on your face. “Thank you.”
Steve smiled up at the ceiling, thankful that he could still help others even when he himself was falling apart. “You’re welcome.”
Present Day, 2025, 9:45am
     If anyone were to truly study Steve, they would see he was starting to act his age. He enjoyed fluffy socks, tea instead of coffee, sketching in the secluded garden of the new compound - anything a man pushing a hundred would truly enjoy. And he found himself shaving less, watching every new movie released regardless of genre, and eating much more oatmeal than usual. He remembers how whenever Bucky had saved up just enough for them to splurge on items they never usually indulged in, oatmeal would always be his go to. It was still a common ‘peasant’ meal for the two young bachelors, but Bucky would heat it up with fresh milk he had bought that morning, added the fresh strawberries and dates that were in season, and sprinkled brown sugar - damn, Steve loved brown sugar - on top. Bucky would place the bowl in front of Steve, ignoring Steve’s constant blabbering about ‘Buck, we can’t afford this’, or ‘you don’t need to spend your hard-earned money on me, you jerk’. But he would quickly shut up once Bucky’s perfected oatmeal recipe landed on his eager tongue and filled his happy stomach. Regardless of those past memories of young roommates searching for loose change in their couch and more recent ones of two reunited best friends sharing looks of awe whenever they saw how much milk and brown sugar now costs, Steve was certain the old man in him was just barely emerging. 
He definitely didn’t skip the irritated attitude phase every old man seemed to develop as the years passed, his resting facial expressions and movements starting to match those of his best friend. Grumpy, tired all the time regardless of the serum, and asking each other instead of the modern people around them how to work their phones. All he wanted to do was crawl into bed, or go on a jog, or watch a movie - anything - rather than having to give a briefing about something he hadn’t had to think about for seven years. And although he had the chance to use the stones before and didn’t, Steve couldn’t quite help wishing that he was transported back to his and Bucky’s old and crumbling apartment, fighting over that one knitted blanket Bucky had bought for the both of them with his last dime.
You seemed happier with your whole family situation after the snap, but he never wanted to ask. Whether you were putting on a brave face for him, he was rid of it momentarily only to be pushed into the chaos all over again. But this time was different because you were finally going to end it all. Finish what you had started all those years ago - then maybe Steve could take that afternoon nap he wanted.     
“Talk to me. How are we doing this?”
Fury pulled up a screen with all the photos and biographies, essentially a powerpoint prepared by both you and Steve. 
“I’ll do whatever you ask of me, sir. But I know my family and their schemes better than anyone,” you said. Fury knew this was true and the plan would ultimately be mapped out by you. His input was always welcome, but you knew the small details - their personalities, their weaknesses, their strengths, even the way they took their coffee. You even knew which of them sampled their product before sending it off on a cross-country road trip. 
Steve stood beside the monitor, using this finger to change the screen. “So, we’re looking for our physical proof. A paper trail detailing land and their product, contacts, storage units, aliases - the works.”
You nodded at Fury and your teammates. “Exactly. The hardest things to obtain will most definitely be evidence about my father’s involvement. Proof he gave the orders and profited from them.”
“Your word isn’t enough?” Sam asked.
“No, not unless I throw myself under the bus as well. It’s his word against mine unless I can prove these things were all his doing,” you responded, taking a sip from your water. 
The only other people in the briefing room besides Steve and Fury were Sam, Bucky and Scott. Everyone else would get a brief overview later on this week, but these three were specifically chosen by Fury to help aid you in the actual physical fight. 
“The wedding is the perfect distraction,” Scott spoke. “Almost like this was made for a heist.”
Steve released a heavy sigh, his patience already wearing thin. “Not a heist.”
“Close enough,” Scott shrugged, gaining a grin from you across the table. He smiled at your reaction and sent you a wink. 
“Agent, we have to go over the basics and any new information you can provide,” Fury encouraged.
You motioned toward Steve to bring up the photos on the monitor, “Let’s start with the basics.”
Steve took over for the first portion of your presentation. You didn’t mind - in fact, the more control he had in this would certainly help ease his mind and you definitely did not want a stressed out Steve Rogers accompanying you on a twelve hour road trip. 
“Ernesto Vega, father of Y/N Y/L/N, born 1950 in Guadalajara, Mexico, but because of the snap, the 80 year old is still only 75.”
“Damn, your father is old!”
You laughed at Sam’s outburst, “Yup, and I got like ten half-siblings.”
Sam sat up straighter, “No way?”
“Daniel Seda,” Steve continued, his voice louder. “Vega’s second in command, born 1970, currently 55 years old. Took over as top commander after the snap, and according to Y/N he didn’t take it well when everyone was brought back.”
“Hmm, threatened to put another bullet in me,” you teased, pointing at your stomach where the scar underneath your shirt had already long healed. You could have sworn you heard Steve’s breath hitch, but even if it did, he had quickly covered it by swiping the monitor. 
“But her father saw this as proof of loyalty. Because no matter how much he knows Y/N hates him, she still brought him back.”
You lifted your shoulders, arms in the air as if imitating the nonverbal form of ‘oh, well!’, and your thin smile caused your cheeks to pop out comically.
“So, Seda hates you?” Bucky asked, chuckles still vibrating in his chest from your previous childish movements.
You brushed your hand through the air, “Not the first man to hate me and not the last.”
Steve snickered. You could say that again.
“The wedding will be held at Vega’s personal and private ten-acre ranch in Northern California-”
“A lovely fall wedding!”
Steve bit his tongue, eyes never leaving the monitor. “Sure… and it’s perfect. He’s wanted and he’s going to be on U.S soil.”
You stood from your chair and grabbed the electronic marker from the desk. You circled the main points of entry plus the directions of secret exits hoping to emphasize the ‘private’ part of Steve’s statement. “And since it’s his most private getaway and no one would suspect he would hide important shit on said U.S soil, I’m about ninety-eight percent sure our proof is there.”
You pulled up the blueprints and marked a giant ‘X’ on the farthest corner room in the west end. It was your father’s office. 
“Ninety-eight?” Sam asked, reviewing the printed blueprints himself.
You twirled the marker between your fingers, “My dad is clever. My other two percent is telling me there’s no evidence at all.”
Scott clutched his chest in relief, “Okay, at least one outweighs the other.”
You shared another laugh with the ‘regular-sized man’.
Steve continued listing the basics, all while Fury sat toward the edge of the long table reviewing the screen. “The other two big names in the drug game are Omar Ramirez and Marcus White. Ramirez runs most things from Mexico City to San Antonio, Texas and he’s probably the least evil of them all. White runs Europe, specifically Germany and England.”
You interjected, “Ramirez focuses on the product. He orders his men to focus on the business instead of the outside world - meaning, no unnecessary kills, no violence toward women and children, no killing cops or citizens. Just producing and transporting.”
Almost forgetting he was there, Fury’s voice somewhat startled you. “Vega has lost men to Ramirez, men who wanted a change in scenery.”
You nodded in confirmation, “They aren’t necessarily enemies but they’re no besties either.”
Sam rolled the blueprints back up and handed them to Bucky. “So, we’re taking them all down?”
“The big three. Plus Seda,” Steve declared, finally taking his first sip of water in what felt like forever. If he didn’t want anyone to know he was nervous about this mission, he was for sure failing. 
You hummed, “Vega and Seda are also the only ones who know of Steve’s involvement.”
“How’d that happen?” Bucky asked.
“Because Steve only ‘transports’ my father’s product. Not the others. Steve’s role is essentially to green light the passages and is my main pull,” you clarified. 
It was true - Steve didn’t do or touch anything. And you thought this best considering he was America’s golden boy - you couldn’t possibly bear real involvement from him. This wasn’t his world and never should have been but it was yours. 
You dealt with people directly. You took out the snitches. You handled the product during inspections. You did it all - and not because you thought Steve was some fragile soul who couldn’t achieve the same results - but because you brought him into that mess during a time in his life when he definitely didn’t need it.
“But how did it happen?”
You shrugged, hoping your answer would suffice for the rest of the group as it never does for Steve. “When I first started out as a field agent, my father didn’t trust I was doing it for him. The more I promoted, the more suspicious he got. It wasn’t until we exposed SHIELD as half-HYDRA that he was done with me.”
Fury interjected once again, “So, Y/L/N here had to pull rank out of her ass.”
You snorted, “Thanks, Fury. That sounded nice.”
“I told them that I had the literal symbol of America by my side. That defeating HYDRA was only to get his friend back, not to save the world. Plus, I told them that HYDRA was targeting all of them. And once I could get proof - a forged recording made by Fury before he went into hiding - well, it was like the greatest example of submission.”
“Why didn’t you say Tony?” 
That certainly was a question Steve always had and wanted answered. God, he really hoped you had said Tony.
“Because I got the literal symbol of America as a partner-in-crime. My father almost told me he loved me... almost.”
You sat back down in your chair, a tiny puff of air escaping your lips. “And that made Seda furious. I may hate my father, but Seda is the main threat to blowing this whole operation.”
If anything, you wanted your father deader than dirt, silenced by the one child he always regretted bringing into the world. He had tortured you in more ways than you thought possible. 
      “Now, I thought my dad was bad.”
You fell back onto the couch before retrieving your cup of coffee you had placed on the table. Nebula gave you a tiny chuckle in return. 
 “Yes, mine has eradicated half the universe. I win ‘worst father’.”
You sipped your coffee, trying and failing to block out the banter between Rocket and Tony as they discussed the location of the space stone. “You know, I wouldn’t have put it past him.”
Nebula chewed her dinner slowly, listening to you ramble on about anything that popped into your mind. She knew this was your coping mechanism - to just keep talking until someone shut you up. But she enjoyed it, really, because you spoke of topics that she didn’t quite understand or know about. She learned something new everyday simply by listening to you. 
“I should have thanked Thanos for dusting his ass, though.”
Nebula stopped mid-chew, blank expression but the hint of a twitch in her lip visible.
“I’m joking.”
You had asked her once why Thanos had spared her and Tony when he snapped his fingers. But Nebula had no rational answer, only responding that he must have spared her out of last minute pity and Tony to live through the consequences. And the tiny voice inside your head knocked again, reminding you that ‘maybe this snap was overall a good thing - your father can’t hurt you anymore!’, but you shut it up as quickly as it came. 
“So, how many planets are there in the universe, really?”
     Fury began piling files in one folder, making sure to hand out the sheet with names and contact numbers of agents stationed close to the venue and your chosen hotel.  
“We’ll get into mission specifics at a later date once Rogers and Y/L/N are settled and scope out the place. For now, study up on your targets and perfect your acting skills.”
     You assumed you would only need one big suitcase for the trip, only packing essentials and extra shirts just in case. You rolled your clothes tightly, securing your signature perfume and some jewelry inside some sweaters. You hid identifiable items in the small compartments - your passport, journal, old SHIELD tag, driver’s license, etc. It was the paranoid side of you taking over, the possibility of having your cover blown likely and frightening. The amount of times you had ventured into the general vicinity of your father and his crew always proved safer than you expected. But there could always be that day he simply didn’t want you around anymore. 
So, you prepared in the smallest and even cringiest ways possible - resorting to drafting letters for those you wanted to remember you after you had been taken out. You paused your packing to grab your spare journal. You spent a good hour writing. A letter to Wanda, to Bucky, to Peter, to Rhodey, to Sam. Some were shorter than others - others extending to over two pages. But your mind was racing with things you hoped they would never have to read, scattered thoughts and only hints of identifiable wit penned on paper.
You tucked the letters behind the fabric you had recently ripped open. You planned on duct-taping the rip, your eyes drifting back over to your journal. You tapped your foot rapidly for a few seconds, fingers twisting in anticipation, mind still clear enough to draft one more. You quickly picked the pen right back up, sitting on the edge of your bed and starting the letter you might regret later. But at that moment, with the horrible prospect of dying on this mission, you wrote. 
     Believe when I say that I was so sure I would put a bullet in my father before he could. Whoops…’
You wrote and wrote until your handwriting grew sloppy at the edge of the paper, and signed it. You tucked the final letter into the hole and taped it shut. You really hoped you would be able to survive and burn those written words later. 
A soft knock sounded from across the room and your bedroom door opened to reveal Steve, light blue dress shirt tucked into his jeans like the old man he truly was. You couldn’t help but grin at that, cursing your involuntary actions for this man. 
“You doing okay?” you asked, continuing to fold clothing into your suitcase. He leaned against your door, hesitant. Steve often wondered why and how he could go days, weeks - one time even a whole month - without speaking to or seeing you. He was an expert at one word answers by now, opting to always have someone else around whenever he seriously had to carry a conversation with you. But what struck him the most was that you didn’t seem to care anymore. He witnessed the change - hell, he was the one that caused it - but it was a change that he both wanted and didn’t. How was it so easy for you?
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” he responded and walked over to your couch to sit. 
You cleared your throat, hoping to make this conversation the least awkward you could. “Because this was literally sprung on both of us after almost ten years of waiting.”
“I’m okay.”
You accepted his answer. He looked comfortable enough, shoulders relaxed and genuinely interested. There was a part of you that wanted to rush over and shake him, yell at him for being so clueless and fake at the same time. There was no possible way he was fully okay with everything - he hadn’t been himself since the snap, and when Natasha and Tony died, he was someone else entirely. You had brought it up with Bucky several times, but he assured you that Steve was just dealing with things his own way. That he was still a man out of time, they both were, and battle after battle could take its toll. And Bucky would hype their therapist up, that they were the reason he and Steve are able to walk in public without that constant voice warning of danger in the back of their heads, and that you should schedule a visit sometime. You always declined, asking him to call you if he truly needed another person to talk to. He would smile, taking you up on your offer whenever a day was particularly triggering.
“I’ve been waiting for this day since I was sixteen. Ten years really just flew by… considering.”
Steve nodded, “Is there anything I should know?”
You hummed, “If you mean things about my family, then I’ll just tell you on the way there or at the hotel.”
He chuckled and stood to lean against your bedpost. “No, I mean like, what should I pack just in case?”
You rolled your eyes and laughed at such an innocent question, “Um, comfy socks. It’s pretty cold in California in the winter. Gas money, it’s pretty fucking expensive, too.”
He smiled, “Good to know.”
The two of you packed in silence for several minutes. Steve helped you roll your clothes and gather your toiletries, even asking you if you wanted to bring your current toothbrush or the new one in your bottom drawer. 
You knew you shouldn’t have spoken about the topic burning in your throat, but you felt like you had to say something. If you mentioned it during the mission, you risked a larger argument than the one you would get now. So you formulated your next sentence carefully, already bracing for impact as it slipped.
“Look, the elephant in the room should be addressed. Once my father’s dealt with, I have no reason to stay here.”
Steve clipped the belt over the top of your clothes, securing the items tightly. He seemed disoriented, your sudden proclamation startling him. “What do you mean? You did the work, you trained, you helped us literally save the world.”
You shrugged and kept your voice light, “Yeah, but I started this gig when I was sixteen. I didn’t join the Avengers until I was freshly in my twenties. I’ve literally known nothing else but fighting.”
Steve sat at the edge of your bed, furrowed eyebrows and all as he chose his next words. He felt both angry and sad, a mixture of feelings that he never quite grew accustomed to whenever he was around you. They ate away at him slowly, creeping into his brain to wrap around his common sense, his sense of self, the man he was before the snap. 
“Are you saying you just need a break?”
“I think,” you shrugged, zipping the suitcase and tugging its weight off your bed and onto the floor. 
“What about Wanda and Bucky?”
You scrunched your face in amused confusion, a playful smile resting on your lips, “I’m not falling off the face of the Earth, Steve. I’ll visit or something.”
“Or something.”
He stood and walked back to your couch, restless and even more stressed than he was before he entered your room. 
“Steve, we lost so much. It’s been two years since we brought everyone back, but… it took its toll.”
He snapped his head up, “You don’t need to tell me about shit taking its toll.”
You felt like you stared at him for several minutes, anger bubbling in the pit of your stomach and traveling up your throat. That familiar lump constricting your airway as you forced yourself to swallow it and the forming tears. And once again, your mouth spoke before your mind could approve.      
“Why didn’t you use the stones for yourself?”
Steve sat, shocked into silence temporarily. “What?”
“When you and Carol put the stones back - why didn’t you stay somewhere you really wanted to be?”
You remember watching him step onto the platform holding the briefcase of infinity stones and holding Mjollnir, - because of fucking course he could wield Mjollnir, he was a good man even if you were on his bad side - simply minding his own business and waiting for Carol to join him. You remember thinking he would return with a different story, only after he got some of that life Tony had always encouraged him to find, that he would go back to Peggy and live the life he always wanted. But as quickly as they disappeared into thousands of timelines did they reappear, Carol joyful and content while Steve trailed behind her. Your heart had pounded erratically, Bucky looking at you with wide eyes because yes, I thought he would do exactly what you were thinking, too. 
“None of your business.”
“I’m not trying to pry-” you reasoned, but Steve stepped toward you with flushed cheeks and a cracked voice. 
“But all you do is pry, pry, pry. God, do you ever just shut up?”
All you could hear behind the ringing of your ears were Steve’s quick breaths, slowing as each second passed and he realized what he had said. A moment of weakness, in his opinion, but still uncalled for. 
“Pack some snacks for the road and get out of my room.”
Steve straightened his back, eyes practically yelling for you to look at him again, pleading for you to see the remorse swimming in them. But you just tugged your suitcase to the corner of your room, ignoring him completely. “Gladly.”
     You and Steve were mature enough to keep your arguments at least a hundred miles away from any mission you were conducting or when around your friends. A quick quarrel in the morning was basically nonexistent a few hours later when the whole group suggested a board game or movie night. Although this impromptu road trip would be the slightest bit awkward, you two were smart enough to not compromise the mission. 
And you had to drive as flying and airport security was too risky, especially with the amount of weapons attached to your body and in the trunk of that rented car. 
“Call us when you hit the first checkpoint. After that, we’ll be monitoring your hotel check-in and any new ones, police reports filed throughout that week, anything that directly involves your stay,” Bucky said, handing you a burner phone. 
You stepped forward to hug him. “Thank you, Bucky.”
He gave you a tight squeeze, releasing you slightly to whisper in your ear. “Try not to kill him for the next twelve hours, will ya?”
You pulled away and gave him your best grin, bumping your bracelet with his. “You know I can’t promise that, Bucky.”
He rolled his eyes, “You kill him, I kill you.”
“Ugh, don’t tease me.” Bucky almost burst out laughing from the fake, pornographic moan you let out because of his threat. 
“No, but seriously - just… lay low, trust each other, and we’ll be there in the next few days.”
You slid the burner into your sweater pocket and patted it, checking if it was secure. You waved goodbye to Bucky and pulled the passenger door open. You blew him a kiss, red lipstick now on your fingers. “Can’t wait to see you!”
Bucky stood with his hands shoved into his pockets, an embarrassed but happy smile on his face. He caught the floating kiss mid-air. “Already miss you!”
“Stop, I’m blushing!” you teased, your left hand resting palm up on your forehead in an exaggerated manner. 
You obliged, falling into the passenger seat and clicking your seatbelt. 
Twenty minutes into the drive and Steve finally decided to speak. 
“So, you and Bucky?”
You giggled, thumbs currently flying over your phone screen as you tried to beat your high score in some awful video game you discovered last week. “Yup, I got him wrapped around my finger.”
Steve’s hand fidgeted on the steering wheel, “Seriously?”
You closed out your video game, “No, Steve. It’s mindless flirting. He’s one of my best friends.”
“Ahh…” he nodded in understanding, a lazy smile resting on his face. He focused on both the road and you, your head leaning against the foggy window. “About earlier-”
“Don’t mention it,” you interrupted. The second you peaked through your heavy eyelids did you lock eyes with Steve, regret visible in them. 
He continued, “I blew up at you and you didn’t deserve it.”
“Cool, you’re forgiven.”
You groaned quietly, but you weren’t getting angry. You were just tired from the day already and having to sit for twelve hours straight wasn’t going to help. So, you took the high road. “Look, it’s a twelve hour drive until our first stop. Let’s forget about it or else I promise you, I will jump out of this car when you push eighty.”
Steve couldn’t help the laugh that rumbled in his chest due to your absurd promise, but he accepted your answer. 
     By hour two, there was a restlessness between the both of you. No matter how much you extended your leg, the cramping wouldn’t go away. No matter how many times Steve would twist his neck to the side to get it to crack, it would just tighten again. So, against protocol but still on your best behavior, you and Steve made a couple stops along the way.      
The first was a burger joint in the middle of buttfuck Ohio, you had commented, earning a choking sound from Steve as he tried to contain his laughter. It was a hole in the wall type of place, perfect for lying low and out of sight, and you had enjoyed your meal in the car. You listened to Steve’s playlist on low volume, stealing each other’s fries to simply piss the other off, and hit the road after your meal.      
The second stop was around hour eight, and the sun was already starting to set. You desperately needed to use the bathroom and once you saw a tiny town that ‘looks so much like the town in Gilmore Girls!’, Steve pulled over and parked in a diner parking lot. Donning caps and ordering a coffee and a tea to go to seem less suspicious, you hurried from the diner and back to your car. You stopped dead in your tracks, eyeing a gazebo with a black miniature fence around it. You begged Steve to snap a photo, promising that this would be the only favor you ask of him for the next few hours, and went to hitch one leg over the metal fence. You settled yourself on top, hands gripping the railing and trying not to fall. You started to laugh uncontrollably as the fence started hurting your bottom, begging Steve to snap the photo quicker.      
‘Take the damn picture, you big oaf!’     
‘Well, then hold still!’     
‘It’s hurting my ass!’     
The third stop was the final one, somewhere in Iowa and deep in the forest. You complained about how Fury warned you of motels, that you would have to seek shelter elsewhere to avoid being recognized. You could easily blend in, but the mountain of muscle beside you would blow your cover. And you wanted to arrive in California undetected by the media.       
Steve drove the car into a dark and secluded part of the forest, ground that seemed used by campers often and had an emergency phone and landline nearby. It was secret enough, so you parked the car and retrieved the blankets from the trunk.      
“You taking the back?” Steve asked, jumping back into the car and rubbing his hands together because of the chilly weather. His face was flushed from just a few seconds out in the cool breeze, nose frozen and the tip red. He looked younger, you thought, somewhat resembling those renditions of Greeks in renaissance art.      
“You’ve been driving all day. You should stretch your legs,” you answered, already wrapping the blanket up to your shoulders and securing it around your neck.      
“You sure? We can alternate.”     
You smiled, already feeling the effects of the warmth on your tired body, “I’m sure, Steve. Get some rest and I’ll drive in the morning.”     
Steve exited the car after turning it off - sucks that you had to save the gas - and hopped into the backseat. He kicked off his shoes and lay across the connected seat, facing you. He could see the outline of your nose as you tilted your head slightly to the side, the blanket wrapped around your neck and hiding the real length of your hair. It resembled a bob cut by how half of it was hidden, and Steve thought that hairstyle would suit you.      
Your personal phone rang, cutting through the comfortable silence and startling the both of you. You fumbled it in your hand and looked back at Steve, face falling as you showed him the name.      
“Answer it on the third ring.”     
You did as Steve told you, answering the phone on the third ring and preparing your voice. He scrambled for the tape recorder, pressing ‘play’ as soon as he could.      
“You rarely call me. To what do I owe the pleasure?” you answered.      
His voice sounded hoarse over the phone, almost like he had just finished smoking a pack of cigarettes. “Are you attending?”    
“My dear sister is getting married, Seda. Of course I’m going to embarrass her.”     
He paused for a few moments, sounding like he was directing the people around him to finish something. But he responded to your answer in a serious tone. “I hope you’re being your usual sarcastic self and aren’t serious.”     
You rolled your eyes and pointed at the phone, and Steve’s lips spread into a smile. “You’ve known me long enough to know, I hope.”     
“I’m hurt,” you joked, voice still light and cheerful. Seda paused on the line again, the sound of papers rustling letting you know the line was still active.      
“I need to know if the Captain is attending too.”     
“He was invited,” you responded, laughing a little at the fact that Seda hadn’t known this information you were sure the rest of your family knew.      
He chuckled, a slight whistle sound letting you know he was smoking another cigarette. “Mm, guess your family is finally meeting your lover, huh?”     
The air in your mouth didn’t make it down to your lungs and you looked at Steve with equally wide eyes. But you didn’t stay fazed for long, responding to such an accusation with ease. “My lover, yes. I’m so damn giddy about that.”     
Seda hummed in satisfaction, “Your father always told you to not get involved with the product. Scrambles your brains from thinking straight. But he applauds you on this one.”     
You put a finger in your mouth and mimicked gagging, causing Steve to cover his mouth to muffle his laugh. “I’ve never mentioned the Captain as my lover before. Why is my father always right?”     
You knew exactly what to say. The more backhanded praise you gave your father only fed into the truth and lies everyone knew - truth being you hated your father because of his power and the lie being that you were just as power hungry as him. As long everyone assumed you wanted this power, the more you had to act like you hated your father’s.      
“He knows more than he lets on. You know that.”     
“I know a lot of things.”     
Seda continued, “No friends allowed, anyway. So, if the Captain isn’t your lover then… we may have problems. Is there a problem?”     
You kept your voice at a steady volume, “I said I was with him, didn’t I? Have you seen the man?”          
“Seen him, heard him speak. So righteous and dull. Not really your type.” Seda was growing impatient with the conversation, clearly angry that he hadn’t caught a slip or lie from you.      
You scrunched your face in disgust, “Ew, don’t think you know my type.”     
     “Buck, ‘my type’ is back home with a warm chicken noodle soup in my lap and a couple of loose papers at my disposal,” Steve whined, trying to keep the same pace as his overly enthusiastic friend as he hurried down the sidewalk.      
“She’s such a knockout, Steve! I’m sure she’ll love you.”     
Steve couldn’t help but blush at Bucky’s kind words, the hype always repairing some parts of Steve’s broken self-esteem and reminding him of his worth. But it was his third date this month and rejection was starting to seem like his favorite sport. No matter what he did - offering a girl some peanuts, accidentally stepping on her (once!) feet while dancing, or simply not living up to Bucky’s gracious advertising - women just weren’t interested.      
“You know that’s not true, Buck. Can’t we just have a quiet night in?”     
Bucky stopped and guided them into the nearby alley, both to knock some sense into his friend and to give Steve a break from the tiny jog.      
“Listen here, Steve. Any girl would be lucky to be with you-”     
“Buck, we’ve been through this-”     
“Let me finish,” Bucky shushed him, hands on Steve’s shoulders to steady both him and himself. “Any girl would be lucky to be with you. If this one doesn’t see you how I see you, then she’s just insane.”     
Steve smirked, “Don’t insult the girl before I’ve even met her, jerk.”     
Bucky smiled, his high cheeks pushing up to create crinkles by his eyes. “Trust me, pal. You just need to find a woman with as big of a mouth as you.”     
Steve swatted his friend across his chest, laughs rumbling in both their chests and down the once quiet alleyway.      
     “What hotel are you staying at?” Seda quickly asked, ignoring your quip. You were done with this conversation as it was leading nowhere.      
“Staying at one where no one can hear the Captain scramble my brains. Goodbye,” you replied, an annoyance in your tone that even Seda would believe as natural.      
“See you soon.”     
You let Seda end the call, a little power play you allowed him to have. God, it was gonna feel good to take him down.     
Steve shifted in his seat, stopping the recorder in time for his question. He cleared his throat awkwardly, “Why did your dad assume we were a couple?”     
You gave him a tiny chuckle, pulling the blanket back over your shoulders and settling back into your seat. “I don’t know why that man says anything anymore. I guess they just expected it.”     
No matter how many years passed, both awake or frozen, Steve never did quite understand the sexual appeal that lingered around his name. No matter how many times Bucky joked about it, no matter the amount of social media posts, no matter anything - he just didn’t seem to understand why people thought he was a ladies man. 
You snuggled deeper into your blanket, scanning the outside woods one last time just in case. “You wouldn’t risk your reputation and status for me unless you were fucking me, I guess.”
You turned your head to him and sighed, “They think I’m the whore of the family. It’s just too funny sometimes.”
Steve’s face fell, “I’m sorry about that.”
You shuffled in your blanket to pull your arm out and wave it in the air.  “Used to it.” 
Steve didn’t press further, deciding to lay back finally to find a cozier position. It was quiet for a few minutes, just breathing and slight motion disturbing the silence. You opened your eyes and stared at the moonlight hitting the steering wheel. By the sound of Steve’s breathing, you knew he wasn’t fully asleep yet. So you allowed yourself the smallest confession, a crack in the door Steve was figuratively standing outside of.
“My sister is his prized possession, though.”
Steve didn’t respond, but from the sound of the blanket moving you could tell he had turned to face you. 
“Never knew why.”
Steve pondered your words for a long time, long after your breathing became slower and tiny snores left your mouth. He didn’t exactly know what to say or what to do. It wasn’t like you dropped top secret information on him or anything, but it made him wonder just why in the world your father hated you so much. 
You had done everything asked of you. You were controlled, tortured mentally everyday, having to endure and make decisions that Steve knew you didn’t want any part of. Your father should be thanking you for keeping his business afloat, for expanding it, for roping Steve’s own name into that life. As he contemplated any rational reason for such hate, he heard your soft snore turn into an innocent purr, and he felt himself leaning more into a mutual understanding. It frightened him, gripping his reality by the throat, because Steve actually knew why. That innocence he saw with you, no doubt had presented itself to your father involuntarily and your father knew. 
He knew you were good at heart. 
Taglist: @dumb-ass-writer​ @justab-eautifulmess​ @supraveng​ @mycosmicparadise​
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ma3fiore · 3 years
Just A Black Coffee - Ch.2
Warning(s) ⇾ profanity 
Pairing ⇾ Kuroo x!Reader
Genre ⇾ fluff and slight angst, college au,  mini-series
WC ⇾ 3.1k
Summary ⇾ You just got out of a toxic relationship and now you need a new place to stay. Your friend just so happens to know someone who’s looking for a roommate who can help out with the rent for the apartment.
AN ⇾ Idc if some things are cliché, let me write what I want :D 
j.a.b.c master list || previous chapter  || next chapter
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Chapter 2: Moving In 
After the meeting with Kuroo, he agreed to you being his new roommate. His demeanor was not what you expected at all. You were afraid that he wouldn’t accept you, but thankfully he did. You were now sitting in the living room with Abby packing the few things you had. Kuroo had told you that the apartment was only halfway furnished. Abby had offered to go furniture shopping with you after checking the place out. You hear a knock on the door and assume that it was Bokuto. You open the door to let him in. “Hey hey hey, we all ready?” he asks excitedly. “You seem more excited to see the place than I am.” He goes over to Abby and gives her a quick peck on the cheek. “Well I have been wanting to come over, but he says the place isn’t ready yet so this is my excuse.” You put in the last few things in your suitcase and zip it up.
“Alright, I’m all set.” “Great let’s head out,” Abby says. All of you make your way to Bo’s car. He picks up your suitcase and puts it in the trunk. You get in the back seat and Abby hands you Bo’s phone to put in the address. “So how was the meeting?” Bo asks once he steps into the car. “It was...interesting,” you say hesitantly. “Interesting  how?” Abby questions. “Oh, you’ll see.” She looks at you through the front view mirror with curiosity. The rest of the car ride you listened to music while the couple in front had their little conversation. 
After a twenty-minute drive, you arrived at the address. You grab your suitcase out of the trunk and make your way into the building. You all head into the elevator and head up to the fifth floor. When you reached the floor, you walked over to the correct door and pulled out the keys Kuroo gave you. Unlocking the door you were unexpectedly met with a half-naked Kuroo and a towel barely hanging on. You stood there mouth agape. “I didn’t know my roomy was a perv,” he says in a teasing manner.  “Didn’t know my roommate couldn’t afford clothes,” you snap back. “Whoa, what’s with all this tension,” Bokuto jokes. Abby slaps Bo on his arm and he pouts. Kuroo walks to his room to get dressed while the rest of you walk in. 
“Now I see what you mean by interesting,” Abby comments. After regaining your composure, you decide to go look at your room to see how much space there was. It was a decently sized room. You noticed that there was a futon placed in the center of the room. “I placed it there so you could have something to sleep on until you get the furniture you need.” You jumped hearing a voice behind you. “Oh, thanks.” You walk back out to the kitchen to meet with the others. “Kuroo, this is Abby, my girlfriend, and y/n’s friend.” Abby walks up to introduce herself. “Hey I’m Abby and if you’re a bitch to y/n your dead to me,” she says with a grin. He chuckles at her intimidating warning. “I will keep that in mind.” 
“So when are you gonna get this place some furniture?” Bokuto asks. “I don’t know, I’ve been putting it off because I don’t know what to get.” You made eye contact with Abby and could see the mischievous look in her eye. “Why don’t you go with y/n? She was going to go look for some things today.” You look at her in disbelief, how dare she abandon you like that. “Wait babe I thou--” she elbows Bo making him go quiet. “That way you two can get to know each other better and get things you need for the apartment.” You sand there, silently shaking your head at your best friend. “Doesn’t sound bad, right?” Kuroo says as he turns to you. You look at him, eyes slightly wide, “Yeah...sure.” 
      You arrived at Ikea, looking at different things for your room. Both of you decided on splitting the costs for the furniture in the living room. While Kuroo went to pick out the living room furniture, you looked for different bed frames and mattresses. Because you didn’t want to spend all your money, you opted for the cheapest options. You then went to look at the desks and other necessities for your room. Once you finished getting everything you needed, you texted Kuroo to see where he was to meet up.
Kuroo Tetsurō: “I’m in the couch section still trying to pick one out.”
You quickly make your way to the couches to help out Kuroo. “Dang, quite a lot of stuff you got,” he says as you walk up to him. “Obviously,” you roll your eyes. “Which ones did you have in mind?” you ask. After some careful consideration, you opted for the L-shaped couch and moved along. “Last thing we need is a coffee table and then we’re good to go.” You nod as you move your way to the tables. At the corner of your eye, a familiar figure, making you quickly turn around. 
“Uhh why don’t we look around for other things first?” you ask. “But we’re already here. We can look around after we pick a table,” he says walking past. You mentally sigh. You hoped your ex wouldn’t notice you. Even though a few weeks had already passed, you were still trying to heal. You walk up to Kuroo, trying to hide while helping him to choose a table. “What about this one?” You look at it for a second and quickly nod your head yes. “Great we have everything, let’s--” you were cut off by someone calling out Kuroo’s name. 
“Hey, Kuroo!” a familiar voice said. “Damn it is you. I haven’t seen you since high school.” ‘They know each other?’ you thought. You tried to hide behind Kuroo so that Daisho wouldn’t see you, but once he got closer he immediately took notice of your presence. “Oh...hey y/n…” You don’t lift your head from the ground, afraid to see his face. “Yea, hi.” Kuroo was confused about how you two know each other but doesn’t say anything. “Uhm...how ya been?” he asks you, forgetting about Kuroo. You take a deep breath and lift your head to meet his gaze. “I’ve been fine,” you say with a straight face. He nods and turns back to Kuroo. “How bout you, how have you been?” “Yea I’ve been good, uh how do you two know each other?” Kuroo asks curiously. “We were friends,” you say nonchalantly. Daisho was caught off guard by your response. “Just friends huh?” he smirks. “Well, then you shouldn’t have gotten all mad when I cheated on you then.” You were appalled by what he said. You watched as he turned his back and walked away. “Nice runnin’ into ya both.” he waves without looking back. A mix of anger and disgust could be seen on your face. You didn’t realize your hands were in fists before Kuroo tapped your shoulder. “You good?” he asks in a concerned tone. You look him in the eyes and say, “Yea I’m fine,” before turning around and walking away to the checkout area. 
After you both finished paying for everything, you loaded everything into the trunk of the truck that Kuroo had rented. The both of you were silent during the entire ride. You were visibly upset, but Kuroo didn’t know what to say. He too was surprised by Daisho’s appearance. “He was always full of himself during high school. Acting as if he could ever beat me and my amazing volleyball team,” he brags. A light chuckle escapes your lips hearing his attempt to cheer you up. “You sure you aren’t full of yourself?” He shakes his head while grinning. “I guess I have a habit of attracting guys with cocky attitudes,” you say as you fiddle with your fingers. “How dare you lump me in with him,” he jokes. You both start laughing. “All seriousness though, good call on dropping him.” You look at him and just nod in agreement. The rest of the ride home was spent in comfortable silence. 
When you arrived back at the apartment, you text Abby telling her to get Bo to help bring the furniture up. They decided to stay at the apartment and make lunch, while you and Kuroo went shopping. “Damn you guys bought a lot,” Bo says as Kuroo opens the truck. All of you made multiple trips bringing things up to the apartment. Once that was done, you all sat in the kitchen to eat lunch. 
“Bo, guess you won’t believe who I ran into,” Kuroo starts. He looks up from his food, “Who?” Before he responds, he looks over to you, as if he was asking for your permission to speak. You give him a reassuring smile, signaling that it would be fine. “I ran into Daisho, from Nohebi.” Abby’s eyes go wide after hearing that. “Omg, what!” she exclaims. “What’d he say to you? I swear if he said some dumb shit--” “We just said hi,” you cut her off. “We wished him well and continued with our day.” You didn’t want to tell Abby what he said because you know she’d be livid. She would have called him and gone off on him if she knew what happened. ‘Ugh, that man, no boy, just pisses me off,” she pauses, “A man wouldn’t act like such a bitch.” You sigh, “Couldn’t agree more.”
After you all finish lunch, you and Abby go to set up the furniture in your room while the guys set up the living room. “Are you sure nothing else happened when you met Daisho?” she inquires. “Because the way you looked after, told me otherwise.” “I was just shocked to see him. It’s only been two weeks and I guess I’m still hurting.” However, you were hurting even more now since the whole run-in at Ikea. That whole situation made you think. How did you never notice how much of a douche he was? Were you so blinded by infatuation that you chose to ignore it? Or did you believe that you would be the one to ‘change’ him? Could you even call what you had with him a relationship? So many thoughts ran through your head. “Y/n!” Abby screams. “Can you hand me the instructions so we can build your bed?” You look at her and then grab the piece of paper and hand it to her. “You’re gonna have to stop daydreaming for a while so we can get your room set up before we become eighty,” she jokes. You shake the thoughts from your mind and focus on the task at hand. If you were gonna overthink, might as well do it in a comfortable space. 
It was now 5 pm, Abby and Bokuto had left after you all finished setting up the furniture. You were all extremely exhausted. At least now you have a bed to sleep on. You were gathering all the boxes in your room to go and throw them out. “Hey, are there any boxes you want me to throw out?” you ask Kuroo who’s sprawled out on the new couch. “Yea they’re over there by the doorway,” he replies. You pick them up and attempt to open the door. As Kuroo sits up he sees you struggling to try to carry all the boxes. “If you need my help you could just ask sweetheart,” he smirks to himself. “Haha, I’m perfectly capable of throwing out a couple of boxes,” you say trying to push the door open. He decided to play with you a little more. “Oh, well then if you don’t mind, could you throw out these other boxes from my room?” You turn your head and glare at him. “Why not take care of your own shit?” you question. “Well, just a minute ago you asked if I had boxes to throw out so…” You scowl at him. “You can be annoying at times,” you say as you walk out, hands full of cardboard. “You’ll learn to love me,” he calls out. 
When you return to the apartment you see Kuroo standing by the kitchen counter with a bunch of takeout menus spread around. “What are you doing?” you ask. “Trying to figure out what dinner should be.” You stand next to him and stare at the options. “Rock paper scissors to see who pays?” He looks at you and smirks, “Heh, oh you’re for sure paying.” You raise your eyebrows, “What’s got you so confident?” He shrugs, “Just cuz.” You roll your eyes. “Rock, paper scissors, shoot!” You threw up paper while he threw up scissors. You groan at your defeat. “Hah, better luck next time.” He grabs the pizza menu and calls the number to order. “I’m going to go broke.” Twenty minutes passed and you heard the doorbell ring. You got up from your desk and went to open the door. “Delivery for Kur-” The delivery guy looks up at you and stares in awe. “Uh- uhm..delivery for Kuroo?” “Yep, here you go,” you say, handing him the money. He puts the pizza in one hand and takes the money with the other. “This pizza’s a great choice,” he says. He hands you the pizza and you thank him with a smile. “Geez what took so long?” Kuroo asks. You set the pizza on the counter and went to grab the paper plates in the cupboard. As Kuroo went to open the pizza box, he noticed that the receipt had a number on it. 
“Hey what’s this?” he asks, holding up the receipt. You turned around and took the piece of paper from his hand to see what he was talking about. As you saw the number a little smile grew on your face and you let out a small chuckle. “No wonder he was so talkative.” You put the receipt in your pocket and bring the plates to the island. “Are you actually going to text him?” You smirk and shrug at his question. “Maybe, who knows. I might text him if I want some fun.” You tease grabbing a slice of pizza and leaving him there in the kitchen. Your response irked him for some reason. The thought of you texting that guy made him irritated, but he didn’t understand why. He brushed it off and sat in the living room to eat and turned on the T.V. 
“Omg what!” your best friend screams through the phone. You decided to call Abby to tell her about what just happened with the pizza guy. 
“Jeez, you don’t have to yell,” you laugh. 
“So are you going to text him? Hold on, was he even cute?” 
“I am not texting him,” you reply, “and yea I guess.”
 You hear her gasp. “Why not?” You furrow your brows. “Gee I don’t know, maybe because I just got out of a  horrible relationship and I don’t want to jump into another one?”
 “Ok, but no one said you couldn’t have a friend with benefits” You shake your head at her comment. “Yea how about no.”
 “Ooo what did Kuroo think?” You tilt your head to the side, “What do you mean?” 
“Like did he seem bothered when he saw the number?” “Why would he be bothered if some random pizza guy gave me his number?”
 You can hear her holding back a chuckle. “J-E-A-L-O-U-S-Y,” she spells out.
 “Why would he be jealous? We’ve known each other for about a week and even then we barely talked to each other ‘till now.” 
“Maybe he developed feelings when you first met and doesn’t want to admit them yet,” she teases.
“Yea, I’m sure that totally happened.” 
“Okay well, I gotta go. Tell me how your budding romance with Kuroo goes.” 
As you hang up the call you lean back in your chair and rub your eyes. You ponder on the thought of you and Kuroo being in a relationship. ‘Yea right, we just got to know each other.’ you thought. You couldn’t see yourself being with him. Yes, he was attractive, but his mischievous personality and cocky attitude were not something you admired. You shake the thought away, not wanting to get too deep into it. You grab your empty plate to throw it away and went to go brush your teeth. As you enter the main room, you see Kuroo passed out on the couch. ‘Damn he must’ve been really tired to pass out at 9.’ You move to the coffee table to pick up his plate to throw it away. You go back to wake Kuroo and to tell him to sleep in his room.
“Psst, Kuroo. Heyy wake up.”
You nudge his arm to try and shake him awake. ‘He’s a deep sleeper’ “Kuroo, c’mon go sleep in your room.” Just as you were about to give up, you feel his hand wrap around your wrist and he tugs you toward him. You hear him mumble something. You lean in a little closer to hear what it was. In doing so, you accidentally slip, causing you to fall and jolting him awake. 
“Trying to take advantage of me hun? He snickers. You got back up and sneered at him. “No, I was trying to wake you up so you could go to your room.”
“Aww, no need to be embarrassed about it. If you wanted to be with me shoulda just said so,” he teases. 
You tilt your head to the side and cross your arms. “You are unbelievable.” You turn away and make your way to the bathroom to do your night routine. You could already feel the stress build up in you with his constant provocation. 
As you get out of the bathroom, Kuroo walks up to you. “Can I see the receipt real quick?” he asks. “Why?” He shrugs, “Just wanna see how much the pizza was.” You were skeptical, but you pulled the paper out of your pocket. Without a second’s warning, he yanks the receipt from your hand and goes to the kitchen. 
“Okay didn’t know you were so eager to see the price,” you gawk. You follow him to see what he was going to do with it. He dashes into his room and slams the door shut.“What the- I thought you were just gonna look at it?” “I’m too tired to look at right now. Night roomie!” You stand outside his door, baffled by his actions. ‘Weird’
Living with him was definitely not going to be boring.
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baka-monarch · 4 years
It’s A Small World Chapter 2: Protecting His Honor
Summary: Virgil has a plan to catch Roman being a bad person, but instead finds some feelings he thought disappeared after ninth grade...
Prologue Chapter 1
“It’s been three days Patt! Three days!!!” Virgil was in a video call with his brother as he packed a bag. “And he still hasn’t done one bad thing!” Currently he’d been explaining the roommate situation to Patton. For the past three days Roman had been a perfect roommate to Virgil, he’d kept the whole dorm clean, he would cook amazing meals for Virgil by waking up before him and having something always prepared for when the emo came back from class, AND he had yet to fall back into his old pattern of bullying Virgil. He had become the perfect roommate, but Virgil wasn’t quite ready to believe the act.
“Well, is that such a bad thing kiddo?” Patton had been listening to his little brother ramble on for the past hour about all the good things Roman had done as if Roman had done something terrible while... packing a bag? “Maybe he has changed?”
“Patton.” Virgil paused his packing. “People like him don’t change that fast.”
“Yeah but-” Patton tried to argue but was cut off as someone peeked at the screen over his shoulder.
“Patton dear, Virgil’s right. People can change but not that fast.” Janus, Patton’s lover, had been the one to cut off their boyfriend.
“Thank you Jan.” Virgil sighed as Patton had gained an exasperated look of defeat.
“No problem kid.” Janus smiled down at the screen, until his eyes caught on the bag Virgil was preparing with curiosity. “I thought you already finished your classes for the week?”
“Oh, I did.” Virgil had started packing it again, now adding a rather large water bottle.“Then why are you packing a bag?” Janus started adding a little motherly sternness to their voice as they said this.
“I uhm…” Virgil paused and looked at the screen, finding himself facing a worried brother and their glaring significant other. He cleared his throat before continuing. “I’m going to catch him in the act of being a bad person.” He smiled awkwardly, praying they wouldn’t ask more.
“Yes, but why do you need a bag for that?” Of course Jan would ask more, they are a lawyer after all.
“Well…” Virgil swallowed his nerves. He couldn’t lie to them. Literally. Janus always knew when someone was lying. “Remember when Patton would go to school and I would have to stay in his pocket because I was too young to be alone?”
“Oh Virgil…” “Oh kid....” They both seemed to say at the same time with that disappointed parent voice.
“Virgil you could get hurt!” Patton tried to argue as Virgil quickly zipped up the bag needing to escape this conversation.
“Don’t worry, I thought it through all night and I’ll be fine.” Virgil collected the bag onto his bag.
“Did you get any sleep last night?” Janus pinched the bridge of their nose.
“Does it matter?” Virgil blushed.
“Kiddo, you need sleep!” Patton worried. “And you can’t just sneak into people’s pockets!” He scolded.
“It’ll be fine Patt,” Virgil argued, but now was starting to doubt himself. “plus,  I have everything I need in this bag.” He slung it onto his shoulders.
“That’s not the point Virgil.” Janus deadpanned. “You should listen to your brother, you could get hurt or worse.” Virgil opened his mouth to argue but Jan beat him to it. “And don’t reference when did it as kids. Patton knew you were in his pocket, Roman won’t. One wrong, unaware move, could seriously injure you and we won’t be there to help. I understand that you want to prove that he isn’t any better than he was in highschool, but there is still three days left in the week, plenty of time to either catch him being that person or to urge him into being like that again. There are other ways.” Virgil stared at the wall. Exhaled. Then closed his laptop.
It was time to get into position. Good thing Roman had left his jacket in the living room last night.
Roman woke with a start as his alarm blared into his ears. As he checked his phone he found it had actually been going off for the past hour, and he was about to be late to his first day of class.  He jumped out of bed and pulled on his clothes for the day, not bothering with a shower, or brushing his hair and teeth. He ran out of his room and snatched his jacket off the floor and threw it on before grabbing his backpack and slipping into it as he rushed out the door. As Roman ran to class his jacket swung around threatening to spill the contents of it’s pockets, luckily there was nothing in it’s pockets.
Or so Roman thought.
As Roman ran Virgil was on the verge of an anxiety attack as he held on for dear life. It was now that Virgil regretted his plan of hiding in Roman’s jacket pocket. Virgil was sure that if he hadn’t had a death grip on the inside fabric of the pocket he would’ve fallen out and gone ‘Splat!’ on the ground by now. He was lucky that he had decided to pack a backpack and not a different type of bag or he would have definitely lost his supplies by now. Maybe he should have listened to Patton and Janus, there definitely were more options to see Roman not be the perfect Prince Charming he was in the dorm. Unfortunately, it was too late to turn back now. For the time being Virgil would have to focus on his breathing and holding onto fabric.
As Roman ran to class Virgil could feel every thump as his pocket hit Roman’s side with every step. Virgil’s heart pace quickened as he could only hear Roman’s pounding footsteps as he stomped down with what sounded like all of his force but Virgil knew Roman was barely touching the ground with how fast he was running, and it was terrifying. Virgil’s mind raced as he squeezed his eyes closed, trying to block out the rest of the world. Breath, just breath. He tried telling himself but it was hard to focus on his thoughts when his ears were pounding from the strain of hearing so many loud sounds, pounding footsteps, a heart beating impossibly fast and loud, breathing that sounded like a tornado, a stomach that just would not stop growling. It felt like hours before Roman burst through what had to be his classroom door, but it had actually been a few minutes.
“Oh thank god… “ Roman exhaled with relief as he had made it on time with a few minutes to spare. He chose a seat off to the side and promptly collapsed in it.  Virgil was relieved as Roman sat down and slid down in the pocket as he finally relaxed, taking a moment to let go of the fabric and rest his fingers. Virgil took this time to calm himself as he listened to Roman’s breathing and rhythmic heartbeat. Once Virgil’s breathing had even, he pulled out his phone-like his backpack it had shrunk with him-and focused on Tumb.lr to defray his nerves.
While Roman waited for the professor to arrive he pulled out his phone and got onto Instagram. Not long after he’d gotten his phone out did he receive a message from someone he thought he’d blocked. Heather. His ex from highschool. She had sent him a picture of him sitting in class from the back of the room he was in, with the caption: “didn’t know you’d be here lover boy~” with a heart. Roman took a moment to glance behind him, and sure enough in the very back of the classroom, was the makeup covered, plastic, fake, bitch, Heather. Roman took a moment. Screamed internally. Then blocked Heather on Instagram again. He held back a laugh as he heard her noises of disbelieving offense, but did allow himself to gain a satisfied smile.
“Do you how do, class?” Someone exclaimed as they walked through the door. “I am your teacher,  Professor Picani.” He smiled as he gave them all a small bow. “And I am here to teach you about acting!” He smiled brightly. “But for today, let’s get acquainted with each other, shall we? All you have to do today is talk to each other, have fun you sassy lassies.” With that Picani sat at his desk and watched over the room as students took the opportunity to talk to get crazy. Everyone immediately surrounded one desk as someone had pulled out a couple of prop swords and was setting up duels for everyone.
Roman was halfway out of his seat to join them when Heather appeared in front of him saying, “So Roman,” she leaned over him with her hand on his desk, preventing him from moving. Virgil stiffened at her voice, easily recognizing it.  “I didn’t think you would be able to afford going here, did you just miss me that much?” She smiled innocently as Roman grimaced.
“No, I got a scholarship for doing theater.” He deadpanned, wanting nothing more than for the conversation to be over. Virgil listened closely from his pocket, surprised by Roman’s harsh tone. Hadn’t he been dating Heather?
“Ooooohhhh.” She said, feigning ignorance. “So they took pity on you and emo fucker?” Virgil flinched at the nickname, but surely now Roman would give up the act?
“No, I think we earned going here.” Roman was curt, cutting his words making them sharp. “Unlike you who paid them to let you in, but just because you’re hee that doesn’t give you the right to say that.”
“Say what? Emo fucker?” She smiled with innocence but a dangerous gleam could be seen in her eyes. She leaned in close to Roman and from the pocket Virgil could feel the shift in atmosphere, both the tension and the heat radiating from the two giant bodies that were now close together. Virgil shifted uncomfortably and scooted back closer to Roman, although he may not like the prep they were better than the bitch any day. Roman gained a look of disgust as he leaned away from her. “Ya know, I heard that you share a dorm with him. Are you an emo fucker, Slut.” Roman promptly blushed and pushed her away from him. As Heather stumbled back she smiled mischievously. Virgil was blushing as he got startled by Roman’s sudden movement to push the bitch away.
“Get away from me!” Roman had exclaimed as he’d pushed her. She just chuckled darkly at him.
“So you are a gay looser?”  She gained a sinister smile. “Just like that emo fuck up.” She purred.
“You have no right to talk about him in that way!” Roman exclaimed surprising Virgil. “You can say and do whatever you want about me but you never even talked to him, got to know him, you have no right to treat him the way you do.” Virgil was dumbstruck. Did… did Roman just defend him? 
“Oh, and you did?” Heather retorted striking Roman speechless. “That’s what I thought.” With that she walked away leaving Roman to his own devices. Virgil just sat there listening to Roman slow breathing and quick heartbeat. He didn’t know what to think, and he definitely didn’t trust his feelings right now considering the immense heat he could feel spreading across his face. He huddled further into the pocket-not cuddled, he would never cuddle up to Roman! He closed his eyes and decided to take a small nap for now…
Later that night Virgil crawled out of Roman’s pocket after the prep had fallen asleep and returned to his room in disappointment, having not found what he was looking for. When he finally got back to his usual size he collapsed into bed and checked his phone to find hundreds of messages from both Patton and Janus asking what happened and if he was okay. Instead of texting back, he recorded a little voice message.
“ ‘m fine… Roman might be cute again, updates in the morning…” Then, he slept. 
Next Chapter =>
Tag list: @unevencube2554 @bullet-tothefeels @carryondrawing
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loquaciousquark · 4 years
I hope you're doing well! I know you posted about a stressful situation last month, and I hope it's resolved itself. Sending good wishes you you and Hamlet!
Thank you so very much for checking in on me! I really do appreciate it. An update to that post under the cut.
Carol, who moved in with me on May 28, is still here. Right now, we have set a tentative move-out goal of the first or second week of August, but this is pending an apartment application that she hopes to finalize on Monday and a job situation that is a complete mess.
Basically, according to my limited understanding, Carol is licensed to teach in Florida. Alabama has a reciprocity clause with Florida, but it must be applied for. Carol has recently begun this process, but her teaching license(s?) is (are?) set to expire in December unless she passes certain exams. She’s already passed one for...general middle and high school teaching, I think, but failed a math exam. She has an art history exam Monday afternoon and expects to pass. I hope so, because she’s been doing nothing but watching Netflix and shopping for houses for the last few days in her new 2017 Jeep Cherokee.
I remain unspeakably grateful to my parents for teaching me financial literacy, because until I witnessed Carol’s decision-making, I had no idea how hard it was for some people to not spend money unwisely. 
As a reminder, Carol is dead broke. She has $153,000 in debt across student loans, medical bills, Czech and US taxes, and some personal loans she would like to repay to friends for helping her. She is unemployed and has no support from her family and has relied on couch surfing at friends’ and acquaintances’ homes since last summer for housing. Since moving in with me, she has been trying to find somewhere to live that would accept her with all her debt and her nonexistent US employment history for the last ten years. Based on what she’s said, I think she has about $9k in the bank--or did, until last week.
In short, she needs a car, a job, and a home, and as far as I can tell she doesn’t care which order they come in.
Two weeks ago, she was offered a position in a rural town about 30 minutes from where I live. It’s a small, very country town which desperately needs a special education teacher, something I think Carol really does have a passion for. However, because she hasn’t finished the reciprocity licensure application yet, they’re having a lot of roadblocks with her paperwork, compounded by the fact that when she left Prague last year, she left all her important documentation behind: things like her birth certificate, her social security card, and her letters of recommendation, which for some reason she did not have electronic backups of. The principal has been trying to get what she needs from Carol for two weeks. Carol is constantly saying that things are “in process” but has nothing to show for it.
As far as we can tell, the job is still hers, but the school year starts August 13th and she still hasn’t been approved by the Board of Education because the paperwork is still not finished on her end. She did not attempt to replace her birth certificate or social security card until they needed it for the application. (Her friend in Prague--and I am beginning to realize she uses the word “friend” for anyone she’s met longer than sixty seconds), who frantically packed up all her belongings when she realized she would not be able to go back to the city, cannot ship her belongings or go through them for the important paperwork until next summer, as she and her husband are currently vacationing in Rome for a year.
Carol decided last night she is also going to apply for some online Department of Defense position--I didn’t understand the details and don’t really want to know, except that it’s also teaching and some administration. We’ll see how it works out. She is growing increasingly annoyed at the principal’s requests for paperwork completion, which baffles me.
So, job: shrug? Maybe?
Car next, then, but this whole mess also goes back to the financial literacy thing. My parents have always been extremely frugal (pennywise, as my dad would say), and from childhood they made it very clear to us to not buy things you couldn’t afford. They’ve never had a car payment in my memory, and they paid off their house about ten years ago. This means they drove a lot of junkers for a very long time, and for a very long time we had very few vacations, but now they’re fully financially stable and debt-free and my mom has a car that she drove off the lot brand new that they paid cash in hand for. 
If I had been in Carol’s situation, I would have found a cheap, mostly reliable used car that probably wasn’t going to explode on me and drive that as long as I could while saving up for housing. I did in fact drive her to look at several used cars, most of which would have been even outside my expected budget (hers, as it happens, is larger even than that, because one of her overseas friends was willing to contribute $5000 to the cost of a vehicle). (I paid $6500 for my current car, a 2004, in college in 2012 with 70,000 miles on it at the time, and have driven it ever since.)
She rejected all of them because they did not have good “energy” and “feelings.” One she was willing to buy at $3700, but told the seller to go pay for his own inspection (once I explained to her what mechanical inspections were as a concept), so they ghosted her. She also is extremely afraid of head gasket failure--I don’t know why, since she knows nothing about cars--and has assumed all vehicles she has driven are on the verge of it, so after the first week she refused to even look at a vehicle without a warranty.
This means she exclusively limited herself to used dealership options, which I’m just going to come right out and say was monumentally stupid. I don’t know if any car dealers follow me, so I’m sorry if I am misperceiving this, but in my experience almost every dealer I’ve gone to has been aggressive, manipulative, and extremely predatory in their interest rates. I cannot think of a riskier course of action in abject debt than to try to cut a deal with a car dealer for the sake of a warranty I doubt will cover that much truly expensive failure in the long run anyway.
On Thursday, Carol bought a $20,000 2017 Jeep Cherokee from a dealership down the road. I don’t know what she put down. I do know she did not use her friend’s money (why not??) and I know her interest rate on the car loan is 4%, which she is extremely proud of and which horrifies me. She also “persuaded” them into a limited warranty that will cover the vehicle up to 100,000 miles (currently at 42k, and they ~only offer it for cars under 40,000 miles~). I can’t tell you how bad an idea I think all this is.
Thursday night, as she was regaling me with stories of her negotiating prowess, she also tells me she has decided to buy a house. She’s sick of renting, and somehow, someone somewhere managed to get her approved for up to $120,000 in a home loan. She already has $150k in debt, another $20k from the car, and now wants to buy a house. She was delighted that she could make the minimum 7% down payment, even though it would wipe out every cent she has left and leave her less than $500 to her name for moving expenses, utilities, food, title registration, etc. afterwards.
She doesn’t even have a secure job yet.
However, this plan seems to have fallen through. She went out with a realtor several times this weekend and came home the last time in great, heaving sobs, because she can’t find the 3bed 2bath she wanted in her price range. (For reference, most homes in this area go between 200k - 250k right now for 2-3bed 2ba, and the closer you get to the city--I have about a 20 minute commute--the higher it gets. My next door neighbor sold her 3bed 2.5ba for >300k three months ago, and Carol knew this.) She was absolutely devastated that the only things in her range were “tiny little ugly flipped houses” and “the ghetto.” The realtor basically said she wasn’t going to waste any more of her time. Carol repeatedly told me how grateful I should be that I got in at the price point I did a few years back, because no “normal people” could ever afford to break into the market again.
I tried to tell her that it was because I lived in with a roommate in very cheap housing and then a cell of a 1bed 1ba apartment for eight years while I saved money, but if nothing else, I’ve learned I’m not allowed to compare our situations or histories or offer advice of any kind except “go ahead and buy what you want,” because that only makes her cry harder. In the end, she has decided to give up on the house for now and settle for the absolute last thing in the world she wanted, an apartment with a lease.
To be honest, until she has a signed contract in hand, I half-expect this lease to fall through as well. I have tried to offer what I think is sensible advice and been ignored or rebuffed. I have tried to offer a sympathetic ear and ended up with her sobbing uncontrollably on me--heaving, body-wracking sobs--over and over again with me trapped in my own home, providing endless emotional support for a girl I don’t even like. I have tried to encourage her to do the things she wants to do, since she’s going to do them anyway, and when she gets “negative energy” after the purchases (buyer’s remorse, I think, that one little inkling of sense saying maybe it wasn’t a great idea to buy a $20,000 car or an $1100 brand new iPhone without a job), she blames it on the exact thing I said I thought might be good and makes me feel like I have now directly contributed to a negative outcome after poor decision-making.
For the record, when she says these things to me she is not saying, and has never said, them directly at me. She has never blamed me in any way for a negative outcome. She is not consciously trying to manipulate me or abuse me or take advantage of my help. She has never once asked me for money or job connections or for me to use any of my stability to unfairly or unethically get her something she needs. She is just completely absorbed in her own (rightfully absorbing) mess of a situation, and I think just completely unaware of how much of an emotional black hole she has become. There are no problems except her problems. There are no needs except her needs, and everyone around her has to understand how hard she has it at all times. 
So, we’ll see. I am praying that the apartment works out next week. The owner seems to want to work with her, which is a hopeful sign. Good thoughts would be appreciated.
Aside from all of this, work has gotten extremely complicated. I’m not going to go into all of it now, but one of my jobs is to create an extremely detailed schedule for students in clinic. This is used to schedule patients in each service--if we have this many students, we can have this many patient slots per half-day, etc. Last week, two students were out unexpectedly, one who broke her arm the day before she was supposed to begin, and one who had a terrible anxiety attack and thought the symptoms were actually COVID. That student was tested and cleared negative, but Student Health requires a two-week quarantine anyway, so she was not allowed to return.
This meant that we now had multiple patients per day with no one to see them. We tried to reschedule as many as we could, but we still ended up with multiple overbooks. This is extremely stressful for me as both a provider, an instructor, and a human being who hates having other people wait on her in a professional capacity. We got through the week, but not without several painful bumps, and it’s looking like there will be more soon.
I also woke up to an email this morning that one of my favorite students (yes, I have favorites, I’m sorry), had a completely unexpected death in the immediate family and had to rush home. This is a very, very sweet, very smart girl who has worked unbelievably hard over the past year to do well in this program and in my courses, and I am just devastated for her. One of her friends is willing to cover her clinic, so the impact will be minimal on that side, but to have this happen during this country’s hellhole handling of this pandemic...I can’t even imagine it.
All of this isn’t even touching COVID. The President’s side has won in that sense--I don’t even register the numbers anymore--but as of last week our dean sent out messaging that implied that with our state’s failure to contain the spread, new discussions were going to be happening soon regarding our August start. We already had committed to full hybrid scheduling: all lectures online, in-person labs only where absolutely necessary to continue advancement in the program, and those labs limited to two per room with full PPE, but if they decide even that can’t happen, I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to do. I cannot make competent doctors over Zoom. I can’t. At some point they have to touch other people and look at other people’s eyes. They have to be able to check real, in-person blood pressure. They have to look at genuine eye movements and ocular surfaces in person and I cannot and will not let them enter clinic until they have the practice and the time and the practicals behind them. I fucking refuse to endanger the public for sixty years because someone in an office somewhere decided a timetable is more important than a patient keeping their ability to see, and I’m ready to fight administration on this if they try to push it.
But if I win the fight, what next? They just...don’t enter clinic next year. They don’t enter my program. I don’t know what they do in the meantime, as this lab meets four mornings a week and the lecture twice. The course is delayed until next year or whenever we have the virus under control again, and suddenly my fall semester sure looks like I’ll be being paid to stay at home and count carpet fibers. I don’t think they’ll fire me--no one else wants to teach my course anyway--but if I win this fight I might put myself right into furlough in the process.
I could be borrowing trouble, I know. They could come back and say that after review, our system and safety protocols (all extremely conservative) are indeed safe enough and we can proceed as we want. They could say that our limited in-person option for lectures (we have several gigantic lecture halls that could easily socially distance) is the only thing that needs to go. They could say that we just need to have smaller lab groups--hellish on me, but doable.
But it’s one more element of stress in my life that I just can’t handle worrying about right now, which is why I’ve been bouncing back and forth between random fics and oneshots (that mermaid one was feverishly written on a single evening Carol spent at her mom’s house) and pouring an ungodly amount of hours into Animal Crossing. At least there I have some control over what happens next.
Sorry, guys. I know this is not the happy update I was hoping for. I’ll try to check in again next month and we’ll see where things end up.
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lucidpantone · 3 years
Do you rent in New York or you have a mortgage? I wanna move to NYC so bad after covid
Also thanks everyone for congratulating me. I feel really adult now and its kinda of scary when I think about it but am also super excited.
This is super long but its for my anon. I love talking about NYC real estate so let me tell you everything I know. Also if you make it here hit me up and I’ll take you out for a beer.
I have rented for years in NYC at least a decade on/off. I have lived in queens, bk and manhattan. I have paid $600 for rent and up to $2100 for rent. Its all about location in the city and also living conditions and what job you have. When I paid $600 it was my very first apartment I didnt live their long it was more like i just got to the city i needed a place to live in for a couple of months that was cheap but it was literally a closet deep in queens like basically long island at that point. So it wasnt the kinda of place you would stay in long. This is what I suggest you do. Look for a place in crown heights BK for $700-800 a month maybe for 3 months just to have somewhere to sleep at night while you find a job and get to know the city. Try to move to nyc with 2k in savings. My next move was to Astoria which is a young neighborhood in queens and super close to the city. Lived in another closest for $800 but I was by the city at least. I was in my first year of grad school so I didnt really have time to work so my options were limited but in my 2nd year of grad school I got a job working in this super fancy restaurant in the meat packing district and made bank in tips and thats when I got a “real” apt. Also I have so many stories about serving the super wealthy and movie stars in the meat packing.It was wild. You want to get a job like this just to get on your feet. The fancier the better tips but honestly even shitty dive bars in the east village have good tips. New yorkers are very generous because most have been where you are. Anyways my new apt was about 1k but the roommate was hell so I bounced out of there after 3 months and got an apt where I would come to meet my best friend and soul sister in the city. I got the biggest room I have ever lived in for 1100k in prime astoria and it was such a good apt. We had a hellish roommate but eventually she left. All these apartments were in Astoria. Astoria is a very affordable hip area to live in. I saved up my money graduated grad school got a real job and then finally I made the move into the city. Manhattan living is expensive. NYC isnt like anywhere else the money upfront they want for a studio is insane. So if your moving here do not aim to get an apt go on one of the roommate sites and just sneak into a apt where someone is moving out. So I moved into a shoebox in the Upper west side. It was $1850 and you had to pay first, last and security and the brokers fee (Oh lets not get into brokers fees people they are wild) so that was basically 1850x4 just for a shoebox studio(FYI everything is tiny in NYC, all the living spaces are micro. get use to it). So almost 8k but finally i got to live on my own. Lived there for 2 years. Move to chelsea because the UWS is beautiful but very family centric lived in this dope asf triplex in chelsea and paid 1900. Then left NYC to replace a colleague in London for maternity leave for about 16months. London is sooooo cheap compared to NYC its like the kiddie pool for expensive ass real estate. Thats why I laugh when brits are like its so expensive like bish you dont know expensive okay. When I got back I took over my friends place for the summer because she left to her hamptons pad and so I basically house sat but also paid reduced rent it was 1400 in prime Williamsburg. My friend is rich asf so my hard earned rent was her play money. After the summer ended I finally signed another real lease and thats where am at now. I adore this apartment its in prime williamsburg semi-lux and I just treated myself when I got this place. I work in a super stressful job so for me am at this point I dont mind paying to feel comfortable and have perks. I work my fucking ass off I deserve it. Ok so details on my new pad. So am going back to chelsea..... covid is a bish but lets thank her for crashing the nyc real estate market because there is no way i would be buying this apt if covid hadnt happened. I had been considering buying for a few years so I ave been saving but with no real plan. I told my dad last year during covid april that if the market dropped maybe I should buy. My family is from LA so my dad gets paying 2k in rent he did it for years too and he has been wanting me to get out of the rental market. Metro city rental markets are a racket. Anyways this would not be possible without my father. He basically said you get half the deposit saved and I will lend you the other half. Well around feb I had the half and my dad was like ok cool you find something let me know.Do not get me wrong my apt needs a TON of work thats why its so well priced and when I mean well priced I mean stupid expensive but well priced for NYC. I am going to need to redo the floors, rip out the kitchen, rip out the bathroom. Install overhead lighting, rebrick the fireplace and paint everywhere but its mine also am gonna have two months where I carry rent and a mortgage so I have 60 days to basically renovate if I get desperate I will sleep on my besties couch in brooklyn so I have am options but yea. Mortgage is close to my current rent at 2150 but I live in a COOP (this is going to be super confusing for the europeans. They like WTF is a coop?!?!?!) and so my building maintenance is about $800 on top of my mortgage. Its been a long decade of nyc renting to get here but I did. Now for you anon just do it. Look I tell everyone. Live in NYC for one year of your life it will change you entirely as a person you will learn to become a survivor here. What do they say? If you can make it in NYC you can make it anywhere. Its sooo hard and the city is literally the concrete jungle but its also amazing and so alive and so rich and yes you may find yourself one late night coming home after working 12hrs on your feet sitting on a brownstone stoop balling your eyes out thinking “I am not cut out for this” but I promise you the rewards you will earn back are irreplaceable. There is a reason people from all over the world flock here. It really is like no other place so if you can keep your head down. Work a couple of shitty jobs and get $1500 under you then pull the trigger. Take the leap! I promise it will change your life forever.
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