#they can only do one so you have to prioritize the more important meds.
Being any kind of disabled really is just facing a thousand kinds of indignities and being expected to be gracious about it all the time forever
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bfpnola · 1 year
do you have any tips on managing adhd when you can't get professional help and meds? Especially when I have a ton of schoolwork like 3-4+ important things a day when I can only manage 1-1.5.
hey sweetheart! i'm not sure when you sent this in, so i apologize for just seeing this. i'll try to organize my thoughts into bullet points so it isn't a chunky paragraph:
community! having a support network, for better or for worse, really is everything. (for worse because not everyone may have one, but it can be easy to start building one online at least.) i say this because 1) delegation, 2) body doubling, and 3) of course, emotional support.
delegation, meaning giving out tasks to different folks, can be helpful because then you aren't the only person completing these tasks!
body doubling is something i do, without fail, literally everyday, meaning i do my work in the same space as someone else who is also working because it motivates me to do more! whenever i see my roommate cleaning or typing away, before i even make the conscious decision to do so, i do work too. i even get texts like the screenshot below (literally yesterday) because all of my friends are neurodivergent except maybe one. find a set of friends you can count on for body doubling! there's also in our Academic Resources a site called Study Stream that lets you sit on Zoom with a bunch of other random students but personally that makes me feel awkward lol
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[ID: Screenshot of text sent through iMessage, the "heart," "thumbs up," "thumbs down," laughing, "exclamation point," and "question mark" icons floating above. The text reads, "Hey, so I'm working on aleks and doing other tasks and I'd like to have a body double who'd be interested in kicking it afterwards. You interested?" For context, Aleks is a program used to complete math problems assigned by professors.]
and lastly, emotional support, the obvious one. when it feels like you have no one supporting you, excuse my language, but this shit gets hard. especially when you're low on spoons, if you know about spoon theory. you need that support!
i'd also say that prioritization is an important skill. sometimes, you really won't get everything done, and it is genuinely frustrating. i try to order my work by what's due soonest so i'm getting closer work out of the way. but you can also order them by hardest to easiest to do so you knock out the absolutely worst thing out of the way so if you do still have energy you just have little stuff left. OR you can do the opposite so you finish more tasks by completing a list of easy stuff. it's really about what makes most sense to you so i can't really make that decision for you.
reward systems tend to work really well, that or conditionals. what i mean by that is gamifying the process of completing tasks. my favorite example of this is actually a new trend on tiktok created by @/luxarnold and then further developed by @/this.isjules and @/fromwonder. if you don't have titkok, basically these folks have put ALL of their tasks in either some sort of arbitrary numerical order or ordered by the energy it would take to complete, and when they roll a dodecahedron (20-sided) die, it lands on one of the numbered tasks and that's what they complete. the more tasks they complete, the more health points they deplete off of this imaginary monster they've created. and at the end, just like a game, they win a prize for defeating the monster. some creators wrote extra hours to watch their favorite TV show, some wrote time for crafting, some wrote specific objects. video example below:
an example of a conditional to me is more like every time i check my phone, i force myself to at least take a tiny sip of water. and you could do the opposite. maybe every time you consume your favorite snack, you complete one assignment until it becomes like habit.
breaks! this girl once said that you should be taking breaks based not on how much you complete, but the energy you deplete. and i live by that now! it doesn't matter if you completed only 2 tasks. if you can afford to, i encourage you to just take the break if your body feels drained. pushing past that will not serve you in completing those other tasks to the best of your abilities. if you don't feel like you can hold yourself accountable this way, i would suggest maybe checking out Pomodoro timers.
bravery! at least in my case, i needed bravery to contact my professors and be vulnerable with them. not every teacher will be so kind, but if you feel comfortable, please reach out and explain that the workload does not work well for you. you'd be surprised by the number of folks who are willing to offer you accommodations. i will literally text my teachers at this point and say, "hey, i just had an anxiety attack and i know by now how long it takes me to regulate myself. i won't be able to attend XYZ/turn in XYZ, so can i instead attend/turn it in on [insert date]?" ask for that help, but also be clear that you do still want to show up and do your best, you just need support right now!
gentleness. i think this may be my last bullet point. like i said earlier, the reality is that you very well may not finish everything that you need to. this is a long-term piece of advice, but it's necessary to be gentle with yourself. cliche, i know, but it's true. i've been slowly unlearning these ideas of perfection and it's rough, friend. truly rough, because as i allow myself to make more mistakes, obviously things aren't in tip-top shape anymore. but to make mistakes, to be imperfect, to be vulnerable, especially in such trying times, is part of being human. right now, you're trying to conform to neurotypical, able-bodied perceptions of productivity and the truth is that we can't all do that. i surely can't. this world was not built for us, so we must reframe what we consider success. or at the very least, we can carve out our own space, hopefully with others to support us, to provide ourselves gentle care. you don't have to love yourself. you don't even have to like yourself, i know i'm still getting there. all you have to do is recognize that as living beings, really just as "beings" in general because i'd like to think our inanimate objects deserve care as well, we all deserve gentleness.
i know this was a lot but i had plenty of ideas buzzing like bees in my mind. let me know if you need help understanding anything i wrote. please excuse any potential typos. LOVE YOU, MWAH <3
-- @reaux07 (she/they)
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charlottemadison42 · 1 year
Love your work. Question: How are you?
Hi! Thank you! Good, actually!
Which is sort of my problem, but -- well, here's the story.
In 2019, before the pandemic was even a thing, I found myself grinding to a halt in every area of my life. No motivation, no way forward, dread of failure at my jobs that translated into literally hiding in bed and failing just as hard as I feared. The news overwhelmed me when I used to be engaged. The work projects I cared most about got shelved and dusty. I stopped initiating anything at all. Even, like, showers and meals for myself.
The pandemic hit, and honestly, things didn't change for me that much. I was already hiding from the world and my responsibilities and feeling awful, and in a way it made everything else outside match up with my insides. I felt guilty for occasionally thinking that. It was a bad time for the world, and a bad time for me.
Thank somebody I hyperfixated on Good Omens. And eventually found fanfic and discord and a community that understood.
I found a refuge in writing two long novels, a novella or two, and a whole bunch of short stories (all of which I still plan to finish).
And because I found some really safe anonymous friendship through this fandom community, I also learned some things about my own mental health -- especially about autism, ADHD, and depression -- things that resonated when friends said them, in a way they never did when I heard about them on the news. In 2022, I felt ready to start trying to get help.
And I got some! It broke the bank, but I saw a psychiatrist just enough times to get a non-stimulant adhd med that gave me back my ability to focus on what I wanted to. (Is it a placebo? I don't know and I don't care; the placebo effect is one of the most powerful effects in medicine, and a reliable way to activate it is fucking fine with me.)
So, honestly, compared to a year ago?
I'm good. I'm really fucking good. I feel more like me again. I'm keeping promises and taking on hard things again. I'm confronting the stuff I shelved and forcing myself to re-engage my own life, especially my work life. I'm even reading the news (in manageable doses).
Resuming an actual job and a life has left me less time for my fandom than I used to have. I only get to write around the edges now, instead of all day. And I'm prioritizing my fandom friendships a little more than my writing, to be honest, because if I only have time for one of those, it's the friends who saw me through a couple of very dark years. But I am still writing. In fact I'm doing that tonight.
The thing I mostly wanted to say to your ask is -- thank you for asking. I'm actually doing a lot better than I was. Sometimes someone goes quiet on the internet, and you might worry that means that things are worse for them, or something bad happened. But sometimes it can also mean something good happened. Me, I made some friends, got some help, and got huge chunks of my life back, chunks I feared were washing out to sea. That means I have to wrangle these icebergs, unfortunately -- but they're my responsibility, and they always were, and I feel like I almost have enough rope now.
Thanks to all of you here for your friendship (and your fandom and your stories and characters and art) that helped me through the valley of dark fuckin' shadows. Know that they are still important to me every single day, even if I'm not a publishing-a-chapter-a-week person anymore. I'm sorry I'm not supplying you with as much story food. But in my case, it's actually a really, really good sign.
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lilyfreshwater · 11 months
hiii i noticed in one of your posts you mentioned that you were premed and i wanted to ask you for some advice!! im an incoming premed freshman (majoring in biochem but im debating on switching to neuro) and im kinda nervous lol. do you have any tips on how to stay on top of things and balance classes with clinical work and research? thank u <3
omg omg omg IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY ok so i have a ton of advice but i'll try to be brief
1) im putting this paragraph first because this is the most important advice i can give you. like seriously if you listen to nothing else listen to this:
you can't know everything
this isn't high school where you just have to memorize where the 50 states are on a map. this is college where you have to know the entire krebs cycle after it's only been explained once and that's like only 10% of the info on the exam. so the best thing you can do for yourself is accept when you've hit a plateau and move onto something else. for example, say you've got a bio exam and a psych exam coming up. it takes you 20 hours of genuine study time to master 93% of the the material in bio. it would take another 20 for you to get to 95%. but with that other 20 hours, you could master 96% of the material for psych. your brain wants to say "well i'll just spend 60 hours studying then" but believe me i know from experience that you can't do that without serious harm to you mental and physical health. it's so so SO much better to study the 40 hours and accept a 93 on bio and a 96 in psych. and then you can use the extra 20 to get more sleep, hang out with friends, volunteer, work in a research lab, or he'll study for another subject. you will love college and being a premed so much more if you do that
2) im a neuro major so ur an anon after my own heart. idk what the major is like at ur school but at mine it's really flexible and has a lot of cool opportunities attached to it so i would definitely reccomend it. the cool thing is tho you're just starting out so, provided you don't have to swap to a different school (engineering, arts and sciences, etc.), then you can definitely take time to figure out what you want. i came into college wanting to do neuro and bio double, switched to a single major in a completely different area, and then added on a neuro major recently so the most important thing at this point is to keep your options open
3) time management depends a lot on the school you attend. i attend a fairly good university, so i spend a shit ton of time studying and don't have as much time left over for volunteering/research. luckily med schools generally account for that stuff, so just keep that in mind if you're getting a little bit of imposter syndrome. anyway, the best advice i can give you right now is to just get involved. don't assume that because you're a freshman that people won't value your input or enthusiasm
4) organization is your best friend. i use an app/website called "my study life" to track my homework and classes and have found it to be super helpful, but there are tons of other homework apps out there. it's also worth having an up to date calendar for any non-curricular things you need to keep track of, like volunteering. i just use the reminders app and make sure it's synced across my devices. you can't manage your time if you don't know what assignments you have to do or what you have scheduled that day
5) keep your priorities straight. what matters most to you will change from month to month, so making sure you're confident in what you're prioritizing and why is huge. for example, say you have finals in 4 weeks. if you want to start studying 2 weeks prior to your exams, put in extra effort and time with your research/volunteering in the 2 weeks prior to that and make sure your supervisors/primary investigators know that you won't be able to dedicate as much time during finals. you should still keep up with your responsibilities, but you need to dedicate the majority of your energy to finals because unfortunately grades do matter here.
6) it's ok to take breaks, it's ok to take a lighter semester, it's ok to hang out with friends, and it's ok to fuck up. everyone has to figure this shit out and there will be lots of things that look like failures but are actually blessings in disguise. for example: i got a C+ in gen chen and a B in bio my freshman year. some people would have retaken the class but i kept going, and in the process i learned a lot about myself and my study habits. i also learned that the purpose of weed out classes isn't to sort out the students who don't do well in classes, it's to sort out the people who will stop after failure. so i took that C+, new study habits, and new perspectives with me through my other tough science classes during my next two years and turned my grades around. now what started as a "death sentence" for most pre meds is an awesome cinderella story of perseverance that i can reflect on during my application cycle (all of those skills will also help me in med school too!)
i hope this was helpful and if you want anymore advice my inbox/dms are always open!
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healingheartdogs · 3 months
CW for ideation, just ranting a bit about psych stuff
When you tell your psychiatrist that you've never been so depressed in your life and have never struggled with ideation and wanting to self harm so much and you don't know if it's just because of your current life situation (poverty and the looming threat of homelessness is so fun) or if it's because of the meds you're on now (which have a black box warning for increase in suicidal thoughts and suicide risk) and instead of addressing either of those two very realistic possibilities she just asks if I'm expecting my period soon and when my last one was instead. I have PMDD but it's never been suicidal PMDD, and I'm on BC to manage it rn that stops me from having periods so it's not relevant anyway.
When I told her my BC stops my period so I don't have them she asked me if I was still tracking them to make sure it wasn't possibly PMDD... There's nothing to track lady, I DON'T HAVE THEM. And then she moved on to asking me how else the meds were making me feel and told me I should keep trying them for longer to see if they actually work because it can take up to two months to see benefits without ever going back to address the extreme depression and ideation. Like... dude the strattera clearly does not like my brain since it is making me extremely depressed, COULD YOU LISTEN TO ME PLEASE??? It also is not actually helping with any of my ADHD symptoms besides making my head a little bit quieter instead of constant random ping-ponging thoughts.
I told the nurse before my first visit with this psych that I was worried about seeing a new psychiatrist because my last one didn't listen to me and focused on irrelevant things that I would mention in passing a lot instead of what was actually important to me to deal with, and she told me this new psych is SUCH a good listener that she even talks to her about her problems a lot so she hopes I felt the same while seeing her. I can only conclude that this nurse must be mentally healthy because this lady does not listen any better than the last one and does the exact same shit, acting like all my problems are just because I don't sleep "normally" and focusing more on managing my anxiety (which is a symptom not its own problem and is already being managed fairly well by my beta blockers) and low self worth rather than solving the issues causing my anxiety and low self worth like my extreme executive dysfunction that makes me feel like I'm trapped in my unresponsive body and a useless POS all the time.
I s2g I am so over getting lectures on sleep hygiene and needing to "fix" my sleep schedule from doctors when I am not complaining about sleep at all just because they personally don't like my sleep habits. Yes, I have a sleep disorder. Yes, my sleep schedule frequently shifts because I'm not on a 24 hour cycle. NO, I do NOT have a problem with that and I do NOT struggle with getting to sleep, staying asleep, or getting enough sleep!!! STOP FOCUSING ON MY SLEEP!!!! THE UNMANAGED ADHD IS MUCH MORE SERIOUS!!! But my sleep schedule isn't "correct" for capitalism and working normal jobs so they prioritize that "issue" instead, even though I wouldn't be able to work even if it was normal because of my EXTREME ADHD and physical disability.
I hate healthcare in this country.
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ramshacklefey · 1 year
I'm currently working towards getting my teaching certification so I can move from higher ed to teaching at a high school level.
And it is absolutely wild to me to discover exactly how little I was expected to know about teaching before I was thrown into a classroom to teach college-level courses. And by "exactly how little" I mean that we were ever taught anything about teaching. No advice on course design, syllabus or curriculum building, creating good assessments, figuring out learning goals or objectives for our students...
Nearly the only thing we were told was, "Don't worry, you know more about this subject than your students." And a lot of discussion about how frustrating it is that students often don't do their readings or take intro-level classes seriously.
Many grad students are actively encouraged to slack off on teaching work in order to prioritize our studies, and all things considered, that's advantageous advice to us. Our skill as teachers is assessed by more senior members of our department sitting in on one or two class periods each semester, and then by our students' evals at the end of the semester.
College professors are held accountable to almost no one except our students when it comes to deciding how good we are at our jobs. Which means that a lot of our evaluation is dependent on how personable and charismatic we are and is heavily skewed in favor of white male teachers (women and poc routinely get far lower evaluations, regardless of teaching style or personality).
There's no training in what teaching styles are devlopmentally appropriate for students in our classes, nothing about working with diverse groups of students,and zero information about helping students make the transition from the kind of work that was expected of them in high school to the kind of work that's expected of them in college.
And look, I recognize that in the grand scheme of life, it's not terribly important whether your freshman Intro to Philosophy class was of the highest caliber.
But guess what else I'm expected to teach? Medical ethics (which isn't even in my field of study btw). And my single semester course is often the only course nursing or pre-med students receive on that subject. And that's not unique to my field. Foundational courses that students need to take in just about any field of study are going to be taught by either graduate students or adjunct professors (who learned everything they know about teaching the same way we do). Higher-division courses are usually taught by full professors, but the only advantage they have on us is that they've been doing it longer.
It's not even that none of us care about being good teachers. Most of the academics I know do care a lot. We want to be good teachers. We love our fields and would like to share what we know with our students. But there is no acknowledgement that there's a specific set of skills needed to do that effectively.
And it's maddening on another level because I know how much students are paying to be here. They deserve to be receiving a high-quality education in return for the money they're paying, and almost none of us are getting the training needed to give them that unless we spend the time to teach ourselves how to do it.
I don't have a solution to this problem, but I will say that most universities now days have teaching colleges on campus. So maybe a start would be for grad students be expected to take some courses in teaching? Just maybe?
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humansun · 1 year
Written Friday, May 5th at 8:03AM
Fuzzy fish. My fuzzy fish!
What’s going on today - Oh! I know! I haven’t reached out to Jingyi or Lacy in months. And I don’t know if they’ve forgotten about me but I have nothing to show. That makes me want to die.
The likelihoods of them actually remembering and wondering where I went is high because I never followed up. I hate this. I need to confide in someone about it.
Anyways! What direction would I like to go? I have a lot of questions. I have a very hard time being “Robert Rodriguez” scary, because I am scared myself. 
I wonder if I put all of my eggs in my own basket, if things will start to show for itself. If I’m going to end up being in a position where things make more sense and I’ve gained the skills myself to feel confident.
You know what I mean? If my self-esteem levels are going to grow from doing things by myself or doing things with other people or in other places.
I wonder what life has in store for me. Whether good or bad. Whether colorful or greyscale. I wonder.
I hope all will be good, but I can only continue to do my best and hope and pray that all my wishes and everything I hope for will come true. 
But will it though. Do I believe it though. I really don’t know.
Other things on my mind, I can’t keep up with all the books I’m given right now, I’m like barely reading unless its for technical stuff. It’s all a mess, my friend. The reading is not really happening.
Yesterday, I had a really difficult time setting boundaries with my boss and my family and I am more determined to be able to manage that better. To be able to practice saying no or pausing to give space before saying yes is a very powerful thing I think I should practice. 
Diet is not looking too cute - my fupa is still present and stubborn. It’s hard to lose weight and it’s hard to know exactly what you’re doing to make that difference.
My relationship with my sister makes a lot more sense after having some transparency sprinkled in. Having a good relationship with my sister and family is important to me, even though I recognize that I did not have a traditional home experience. That is was bit dysfunctional and that’s alright.
I can get through anything, even if it’s difficult, even if I’m crying, even if I wish I wasn’t born some days. I can get through my people pleasing problems even if on some days I slip up and have a hard time setting up boundaries. No matter what I am going through, I am capable of bouncing back. That also means not giving up my time or offering it when I don’t need to or no one asks. Plus, I have a tendency to be late, so let’s not do that to my friends.
As of right now, I do have a handful of things I have to do. I have them written down which is good, but they must be done.
As for graduate school, fun fun fun idea but very scary at the thought that I’ll be 200k in debt at the end of it. It’ll be like going to med school, with no guarantee.
At this rate, I don’t want to be turning 28 and having nothing behind me. You know? And that’s the scary part. Feeling like nothing is moving forward for you. That things are all going backwards. That you aren’t moving as forward as you think you are. Like you are on a treadmill.
That’s a terrible feeling. And this is where I’ll need the most help. 
I’ll need to dedicate the full 8 hours of my day “working” because that would give me the space and room to handle my business and do it well.
It’ll give me the time for creative brainstorming, creative execution, read slash study, and work for New Wave.
No matter what anyone says I have to believe that it’s all going to work out. That even if I go to graduate school or if I don’t then I will make myself out of something and be proud of that.
Within the next fall, if I am unable to start grad school by September 2024, then I will find another job to start and prioritize making money while handling my creative work at the same time. Hopefully, that will work out. But giving myself this time to really focus on what I want to do and witnessing my self-discipline will prove to me that I am capable of achieving my dreams on my own.
It constantly feels like I don’t have time for any little thing anymore. I don’t have time to go back into my book and read it, otherwise I’m losing time. I don’t have time to sit and read dad’s Go book, because it feels like I’m wasting my time.
In this society, it feels like I constantly have to have a project for show in order to be of value, so my mind is battling that. Wanting to have something to show all the time.
But sometimes, there doesn’t have to be something to show, because who you are what’s to show. What you’ve gone through mentally is what’s to show. That you struggled and came out the other side is what’s to show. You know?
It feels like some people in this society have reached a level of success that feels so impossible for me. But I’m happy for those folks and I’m hoping that I can get to a point where I feel proud of my achievements and feel satisfied with how far I’ve come as an individual and artist.
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hyperfix8ed · 2 years
and if your life won’t wait: spoiler free 2022 update
hello dear readers. if ur here from my fic welcome. if u just follow my blog, sorry. also, go read my fic.
okay, a… lot has changed since i started this thing. moment of silence for all cis tua writers with unfinished works from before season 3. im literally a trans man and had no idea how to handle this. im also completely disconnected from the fandom and i have no idea how other people have been doing it lol. anyway.
in regards to my fic, season three changed three big things for me. 1). viktor 2). klaus’ reincarnation powers are more fleshed out and canonical 3). my perceptions of the characters
viktor’s whole deal is probably the most relevant, so ill start there. when i started this fic, i had absolutely zero idea that elliot page would come out as trans, and subsequently his character would change as well. so the first ~5 chapters make absolutely zero mention to him being trans. the way i saw it, going forward i had two options. control f and retrospectively make him both trans and transitioned (which i honestly think is not only a valid option but one that i lowkey wish id done, way fucking easier) or rework his planned story arc around gender identity.
look. i said it already. im trans. i was deeply attached to viktor BEFORE he came out. he’s my guy. i have to write a coming of age trans story for him, even if that means dead naming him for a few chapters while we get there. he’ll be okay. he’s fictional. he’s figuring it out. this is a story about learning to let your family be in your life in a meaningful way so you can actually be happy. in the context of the fic, he also just watched his brother die and come back to life, so he’s a little preoccupied. don’t worry though, if there’s one thing you can count on the hargreeves to do, it’s prioritize their own personal drama in the midst of extremely important things happening around them.
i don’t write shitty endings for trans people. he’s going to have his little moment where he triumphantly cuts his hair and wears a too big button down with all the confidence of a seventeen year old freshly off their meds. i love him. please trust me. ive made the decision that the story i want to tell involves him not figuring things out for a little while, but he will figure them out. worry not. i came up with an incredibly convoluted excuse to get him pamphlets from an lgbtq resource center. you’ll see.
as for klaus… keep in mind reading these first few chapters that i was working with the knowledge of the first two seasons. that’s the knowledge with which i built this worlds life and death system. season three didn’t change too much, except canonize klaus’ ability to come back to life, and confirm that reginald did know about this ability and tested it in him, aka killed him over and over again until he was satisfied, and then klaus repressed the whole thing. tua plays pretty fast and loose with ghost rules, so i pretty much ignore all that to do whatever the shit i want, but this was really important to the plot, so i had to make a decision about whether or not i was including it.
there’s a bit of a mystery element that comes in down the line pertaining to reginald’s role in the story, so i wont say too much, but i did want to address it! just know that yes, i do understand the worlds death rules, i promise. this fic’s premise is basically taking their dumb death rules and throwing them out the window so that i can tell a story about family bonding. however, im really proud of the direction the story ended up going in light of the new season, and im excited to share it with you.
the third thing is characterization. now, this could be its own post, so ill keep it brief, but to me season three proved a few very important things about the hargreeves. they’re mean as fuck, irredeemably stupid, and love each other almost as much as they love their own respective attachment issues. they are a mess. im fucking obsessed with them. they love each other, and are incapable of being normal about it. it’s perfect.
a few important things to note:
- ben is as much of an asshole as the rest of them! confirmed!!! he may have been the nicest of them, but they’re all terrible, he’s just a little less terrible! big win for the ben is a dick community (population: me and klaus)
- as kids, allison was nicer to viktor then anyone. allison was NICER. TO VIKTOR. THEN ANYONE. that is such a wonderful revelation to me. i always interpreted their relationship as more like allison was trying to make amends and knew she had to make amends with viktor specifically, but no! allison was nice to viktor!! nicer. then ANYONE. i could talk ab s3 allison for a million years. she might be a little irredeemable. but i love her. and this fic and every fic forever will be allison friendly
- mostly just a gentle reminder that i am not writing about bitter thirty year olds carrying around decades of trauma and horror. i am writing about fresh faced seventeen year olds who have never had a brother like, actually die, never spent years on the street or on the moon or completely alone or getting into fights or watching their brother slowly kill himself or being an a list celebrity. they have the potential to be those bitter assholes, they really do, but for now, they’re kids. i want to write kids. the world is so bad. i want to write a coming of age where kids having their family with them gives them a happy ending. this is what i want and i will not give this up for any reason.
thank you for reading, sorry it’s a monstrosity of a post <3
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stuffifindoutside · 2 years
Ok, there’s something I’ve got to say that I know is probably well known here but. For everyone that works in some form of healthcare office, whether human or animal, it’s NOT OUR FAULT. Let me explain.
A. It is NOT our fault that prices are so high and getting higher. We don’t determine any prices beyond the exam fee basically, everything else is based off the corporations we’re forced to slave to. Even in private practice, pharmaceutical companies and labs hike their own prices, especially the ones with copyrights on their meds. I won’t name names, but if a med costs way more than other meds of it’s type, it means the company knows people need it and have raised the prices to make more money off it. We can’t do anything about it without taking an economic hit enough to make us shut down or sell to conglomerates that are going to squeeze you for your cash anyway. Please. We feel bad about charging you so much too, we honest to god do, but we physically can’t do anything.
B. It’s not our fault we’re booking out so far, it’s not our fault we can’t see more people. We want to see people. We want to help people. We want to help pets, it’s the reason we’re even doing this! No one that works in the office I work at doesn’t want to help the animals we see and hear about, we don’t WANT to tell a crying person over the phone there’s nothing we can do. We’re horribly understaffed, to a degree calling what we have a skeleton crew is generous, and I know for a fact every other clinic around us, human and vet med is like that too. More people are trying to catch up with appointments that didn’t have anything seen during the pandemic, and more people are getting pets and are more aware they need health care too. We try our fucking best, but I can’t cancel someone else’s appointment to see your pet because you’ve been a client for longer, I can’t break the law because you didn’t think ahead, and I CAN’T just pull a doctor that’s already double booked out of their appointment when we’re on the verge of breakdown from stress to talk to you specifically about how upset you are. There’s only so much we can do, we’re not machines, we can’t do everything, and right now it’s getting to a breaking point where even the doctors have lost all passion because people seem to think they’re the most important people. Please be patient. There are options for trying to get you seen sooner, and if you’re kind we’ll try to help you as best as we can, we aren’t out to get you, and we’re not prioritizing new clients over you. We’re just doing our best for everyone.
C. Please stop going after us. Like I swear to god, what makes any of you think that’s ok? Why do you think it’s ok to swear at us and verbally attack the person on the phone because they can’t break the law for you? Why do you think it’s ok to barge into the building and yell and scream because we weren’t standing outside waiting for you? Why do you think it’s at ALL ok to physically threaten someone because they said we have restrictions on how many people come inside? And to grin smugly when you get your way because we’re petrified you’re going to hurt someone? What about calling the police and trying to force your way into the surgery room with the police officer so you can attack the doctor yourself? What about trying to HIT SOMEONE IN THE PARKING LOT? Or tell us you’re recording the conversation when you don’t get your way? These are all things that have happened, most of them directly to me, and I’m still boggled that people are just. Ok and think this is how you treat other human beings that are trying their best to help you.
Overall, there is a genuine reason self harm and suicide rates in healthcare personal are so high and are getting higher, and it’s not just the stress of the job itself. It’s the people. I’ll tell you for a fact, if you’re kind to us and treat us like the people we are, we will bend hand over heels to help you, because that’s what we WANT to do. But to the people who take advantage of the fact we try to be kind of everyone, and to the people who think they’re the main character and will stomp anyone who gets in their way despite their own negligence, I have one thing to say.
Fuck. You. From all of us, fuck you.
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r-ene · 2 years
how i've been surviving my second semester
not really big on tips with academics, more of staying and feeling alive on 12-hours class days
ive been mentioning in some of my posts that i have 11 to 12 hours class schedules this semester, and those days (wednesday and thursdays) are probably the most difficult days to squeeze in study time after class... especially wednesday since for thursday there's 4 major subjects to study for. and since the semester is ending, i'd like to share the things i've been doing because surprisingly i haven't felt any signs of burn out since this second semester.
note: i have a pretty lax schedule aside from wednesdays and thursdays this sem so most likely i won't be able to abide by these the following semester once our hybrid classes start + different schedule
1. workout first thing in the morning
started this one with just planks before and it helped me a lot with back pains due to sitting the whole day since after my last class at 7:30 pm, I would still continue to study after eating dinner, feeding Luna and so on. and recently i've been doing a 15-minute work out of 2-3 sets depending how much time i have before class starts and = instant energy boost. i noticed i didn't need to nap as much as i used to, but once i get to nap, i would feel all my tiredness from the day
2. sleep early on other days (M, T, F, St, Sn)
honestly still working on this because i like to do a lot of stuff within a day because i like getting things done as soon as possible and in advance for more leisure time + more time to do extra readings/notes and etc but this one is a necessity to lessen the probability of getting burnt out
3. supplements + caffeine
bee pollen supplement, vitamin c and collagen are the ones i take daily. aside from energy boost, as someone who hates being sick and doesn't like taking meds, i should keep myself healthy. i think caffeine, coffee speaks for itself for a 12 hr class haha
4. wednesday no-sleep
as much as possible i dont like doing this because not only is it a bad practice but since my wednesday schedule is 7:30am to 7:30pm and i have 4 major subjects on thursday, i need to sacrifice sleep to read through and study for those subjects especially during pre-exam week and exam weeks.
5. study buddies~ (+fun break times)
my group of friends from senior year has been a big help with this, we go on discord almost everyday and even though we are all from different majors (respiratory therapy, physical therapy, nursing, medical technology, architecture, marketing) we like hanging out on dc to study together for accountability and additional fun for studying :) we also have break schedules like wordle time at 12 mn where we all drop what we're doing (unless its very important) and go on wordle.
6. n a p s
this speaks for itself + i mentioned lots of times i love naps, sleeping in general since i was a kid. please make sure you take naps whenever you can, even a quick 15- to 20-minute nap could be an instant energy charger + it's also a break for our brain, to enhance memory and performance.
7. time management/prioritize
hmm another thing i'm still really working on, but since my gap year i like making to-do lists the night before and now i would make a list of things i need to do and highlight them in different colors for those i need to accomplish within the week and on another sheet of paper i would write down 3-5 tasks to get done within the day. +
8. not skipping meals
i used to not like eating breakfast but i've been practicing to do so recently because it's a necessity and since i worked out, i need to recharge or else i would fall asleep during morning class and even just a simple oatmeal is a big help with concentration (+ to avoid diabetes since both of our parent's family have a big history with diabetes mellitus, type 2) and i think there's a lot of people the same as me that when i really focus on something there's that tendency to put aside meals and eat once i get done and it's not a healthy thing to do especially since working/studying requires a lot of brain energy + energy in general, which we get from eating meals on time to avoid additional stressors such as stomach pain or headache from skipping/missing meal time. that being said, let's also eat healthily
9. cold shower before class
i swear i can never focus if i don't shower with cold water in the morning, especially with these kinds of schedule. it really wakes me up and theres a lot of benefits to showering with cold water (+ i live in a tropical country, it helps lessen me being irritable with the heat especially this summer time, specifically from 9-12nn, then i would shower again before lunch time gets done because it's also really hot at 1 to 4pm)
10. stretching
12 hours of class sounds bad but continuously sitting down for 12+ hours with pre-class and post-class study sessions is BAD. i can't begin to imagine how painful my neck, back and glutes would be if i don't move around every after 2 hours or whenever i can. im actually requesting to my mom if we could have a bar height table when we move so i could study/attend class with the option to just stand whenever i want to.
11. don't forget to wind down
personally i love going on a bike ride and walk around our village with the intention to just breathe in some air and do some sight-seeing, relax to wind down. sometimes i would do those to work out or do other exercises to sweat out the day's stress. other than those, sleep, read, watch, browse through my coloring books and do some coloring are other ways i like to wind down. another important note to not go to bed with a headache and/or get burnt out easily.
12. last but not the least, HYDRATE
water, water, water. sometimes i infuse my water with cucumber or lemon but usually it's just ice cold water in my 750mL flask and i would drink every now and then, especially when i can't focus/feel sleepy and refill at lunch, mid-afternoon and dinner. i also like drinking cold water as soon as i wake up and it's just really a necessity.
new tiktok :)
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catboyantichrist · 3 years
Hi there! Can you please do relationship headcanons of a gender neutral MC with autism and ADHD dating the seven brothers? I’d love to see more positive writing of a neurodivergent MC and how each of the brothers would love and respect them regardless of their disabilities. Feel free to do this if you want to. If not, that’s ok! Have a great day! 😁👍🌷🌹🌺🌸🌼🌻🌷🌹🌻🌼🌸🌺
This ask literally made me squeal- my neurodivergent ass is gonna have way too much fun with this- LMAO Just a warning, I'm basing this mainly off of my personal experiences (I have ADHD and am possibly getting tested for atypical autism in the future.). Ill try to be as broad as possible but I'd just like to give a heads up.
Just know that if you don't relate to this post or something in it, that doesn't mean you aren't valid! Everyone experiences neurodivergencey differently ^^
☆The Brothers Dating A GN!MC With Autism & ADHD☆
Day-to-day life has always been a struggle. As it feels like no human truly understands why you function the way you do. From bosses, to teachers, to neurotypical friends. Life can feel draining and like a chore when you're living in a world that doesn't function the way you do.
Then your world literally changes. You're in the devildom now. Most people would be terrified that they're living in a house full of demons. But you weren't. You felt like you finally belonged, and eventually you finally found love. Something that people assumed you'd never be able to find. Well jokes on them because your lover treats you with so much respect and kindness, and of course you do the same. This is some of what your lover does that just makes your heart spin:
-Much to your dismay, before Lucifer started to get to know you he was similar to the humans you've encountered in the past. This doesn't last long though as one of the brothers (most likely Leviathan or Mammon) try to explain. He begins to go a bit easier on you, and also falls for you.
-When you guys start dating, he makes it his goal to help make your day-to-day life easier. Dare I say, he takes pride in it. (Hahahah aren't I funny?)
-He notices how you need a schedule to function, but how much you hate schedules. So with your permission, he makes a loose schedule and follows it WITH you. It simultaneously helps you function more than usual, and it helps Lucifer take breaks when he needs to.
-You two begin to do everything together, as doing stuff together and holding each other accountable is a lot easier than doing it alone
-If someone ever dares to make a rude comment about you Lucifer will um... "take care of them".
-If you ever get overstimulated from the environment you're in, Lucifer keeps his office wide open as a quiet place for you. He keeps a weighted blanket, some headphones and any stim toys you usually use in a corner of his office. If you're not comfortable with them out in the open he'll keep them in a special box somewhere in his office that others can't get into.
-Executive Dysfunction gang! The both of you are relieved that you understand each other and some dumbass wont just go "jUsT gEt Up aNd dO iT!"
-If you guys are struggling with it at different times, you'll try to help each other do small tasks that require very limited effort so that one of you don't get overwhelmed and stressed out. If its a particularly difficult day, you'll just stay there to support the other if they want that.
-If both of you are struggling that day, you do nothing ✨together✨ and just vibe with each others company.
-This man brings you shiny things. They don't even have to be worth anything, they're just shiny. You proceed to do the same. You two now have a designated spot for shiny things you bring each other. If you have an interest in art, you and him will probably end up using the shiny objects as art projects.
-A LOT of impulse shopping. You guys enable each other. Although you quickly realize that you impulse shop for each other. Every second day you end up bringing each other gifts and laughing about it after.
-Y'know that arm thing two neurodivergent people do when they find out that the other person is neurodivergent? Yeah you two did that. And still continue to do that. It's your greeting now.
-You two spend tons of time either cuddling and talking about your special interests together, or both of you are pacing around Levi's room talking about your special interests together.
-And if you end up having the same special interest?? Oh man the serotonin you two both get just being AROUND each other.
-If you have a hard time around tons of people (in general or just at certain times) he's more than willing to share his room with you and for you two to do online school together. I mean hey, doing school by yourself online is difficult. (Even if it's more comfortable for you both)
-Will he get you a matching pair of noise cancelling headphones if you have auditory sensory issues, or if you just like the pressure on your head. (I don't know if that's a neurodivergent thing but I will wear my headphones just so that I feel some sort of pressure on my head)
-You both communicate what you need, and whether you need alone time or not. Making sure not to trigger any form of rejection sensitivity dysphoria for eachother.
-If you were one of those neurodivergent kids that spent all of their time in the library, going through books like wildfire in middle school, get ready for that to be reignited.
-You two will read together all the time, and if you're having a day where you're more fidgety and don't wanna stay still, Satan is more than happy reading to you while you pace around.
-Satan has a natural curiosity, and loves to learn about anything that he doesn't already know about. So if you have a special interest about your own neurodivergency, he is more than happy to listen to you ramble about your life experiences and symptoms.
-Honestly, it doesn't even have to be about neurodivergency, Satan is happy to listen and learn about anything you're interested currently.
-If you aren't big on physical affection from humans or, well... humanoid people, that's perfectly fine! That's what animals are for! He'll take you to a cat cafe and will enjoy spending time with the animals with you.
-Similar to Lucifer, if anyone makes a comment about the way you act, they wont live to see another day. Unlike Lucifer, the demons who say these comments don't even finish their sentence. They're dead before MC blinks.
-When Asmodeus finds out that you have sensory issues that affect what you wear, he decides to hand-make clothes with fabrics of your choice. He has no issue with you prioritizing comfort over appearance, but if you want to put effort into your appearance and texture is stopping you, he's more than happy to design some stuff for you.
-Asmodeus has always been a touchy person, but if you aren't comfortable with that he'd never force you to cuddle. If you are interested in physical affection one of his favourite things to do is put makeup on your face, or just touch your face.
-Speaking of which, if you ever impulsively cut your hair whether it be from breakdown, normal impulsivity, or sensory issues with your hair being longer. He'll always help you cut your hair. He wants to make sure that once you cut it, you wont regret it the next day.
-Depending on whether you like going outside or not (or if its depending on the day) he's more than happy to take you to the fall! He'll make sure you're always comfortable and if you need the attention diverted from you if you need a break!
-If you don't like going outside, Asmo will dedicate certain nights for just you two to hang out. He can always energy match you. Hyperactive? Oh he's right there with you bouncing of the walls. Calmer? He doesn't mind just vibing with you. Comfort? Oh you've come to the right guy.
-Asmodeus is very emotionally intelligent, it may have originally been for the wrong purposes (charming others) but now he can use it to help you work through issues with socializing with others, past traumas from other people, he'll always do his best to support you as long as you'd do the same for him!
-Beel is always well meaning, but whether you're neurodivergent or neurotypical, communication is key with him. So, if you're unintentionally blunt to neurotypical people, that's exactly what Beel needs and wants. He knows you don't mean it out of harm, you're just trying to state your boundaries.
-Do you need a weighted blanket? This man will become the weighted blanket. He wants to make sure you're comfortable at all times!
-If you have trouble eating, Beel is here to help. If you take meds for ADHD and they make you lose your appetite, or just general forgetfulness, he'll remind you to have at least some sort of small snack throughout the day. Nothing too filling, just enough so that you aren't running on zero food throughout the day.
-All the go-to and comfort foods that you had in the human world? Beel would make it his MISSION to get them, and TONS of it too. It's the only food in the house he wont eat because he knows how important it is to you. He will tear up a bit if you offer to share though.
-If you're in a hyperactive mood, or anxious, Beel will convince you to do some light exercise with him to help calm you down
-If you have trouble sleeping, Belphie will definitely try and help. Ranging from cuddling, aroma therapy, getting Beel to do exercise with you. To more magical means (if you're comfortable with it) like sleeping powder.
-If you just have a different internal clock than the average person, that's fine too! It may be permanent but that's okay- Belphie will sleep at any time with you.
-Isn't generally a social person so if you're not that big of a fan of social interaction you don't have to worry. Belphie would even do online school with you!
-He would let you use his pillows and blankets to stim if that's something you're interested in. He'd also listen to you ramble about your interests while doing so! As long as you don't mind him talking about the stars afterwards.
-Definitely the most blunt out of his brothers, so communication wouldn't be an issue between you two. If his bluntness is a bit too harsh for you he'll try to tone it down a bit, but it would probably just end up as him trying to explain the reasoning behind the bluntness and how it's not out of harm.
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kaeiouj · 3 years
pov: you have an exam coming up but you’re kinda sick
i have my compsci exam tomorrow but i have a bad headache. i havent been sleeping well recently (i literally almost passed out midway through my english exam) and i thought oh. i fucked up haha. and i kinda moved ahead to my ‘being-sick-during-exams’ routine and i realised hey why not i write a post about it so (a) i will look at it from time to time and remember to take a fucking break and (b) maybe i’ll help someone out?
these are all techniques for physical illnesses like a fever, headache, cough, cold or like general tiredness etc etc. i have no clue how to deal with anxiety or being depressed either bestie but if you have any tips feel free to share i need it :’)
take rest. now i know its really basic of me to say this but i cant start this list without saying it. also, this acts as a reminder for everyone who feels bad about taking breaks- you deserve one, breaks are very important and you will not regret it if you actually end up feeling better afterwards, yknow?
drink plenty of water, sleep well, take meds. im the sort of person who kinda forgets to do all this but during exams i write physical reminders to do so. because its extremely important yknow? let me say it this way- drinking water and taking medicine helps you get better. getting better means you can study even the slightest bit better. so do it. 
prioritize feeling ‘okay’ at the morning of the exam rather than finishing your syllabus. this is the single most important thing ever so let me expand
from personal experience, i’ve found that even if i am 100% prepared for an exam, i do terrible when im not well at all 
and why am i not well? because i stayed up all night studying and not really being healthy 
so in the end, even though i was prepared (at the expense of my health) i did bad simply because i got the sickest during the day of my exam
and that really did teach me a lesson lmao. because the next time i was sick the day before an exam, i kinda relaxed on the studying (despite being only like 30% done with the studying), did the bare minimum, made sure to get enough sleep and took medicine.
in addition to that i also made sure i was feeling as upbeat as i could be during the morning of the exam, and eliminated every stressful thing i could. 
and i actually did very well for the exam! i was elated because it is pretty difficult to get anything above an 80% and i got 92%. (not me seeking academic validation LMAOOO)
the lesson learnt here is that it doesnt matter how much you study if youre barely functional the day of the exam. it seems simple but really, keep that in mind. 
a few extra tips-
go through your exam pattern and syllabus and figure out
most important topics
frequently asked topics
the bare minimum you need to know to do well
and find out what overlaps all three of these and focus on covering those first (make this list of things to cover as short as possible). if you have more time on your hands afterwards try to either do practice questions or cover a bit more of the syllabus (i recommend practice questions).
and finally, a reminder-
you know more than you think you do. i read this sentence in a post somewhere and it honestly struck with me so much? i apply it most to problem solving but you could really use it any context.
so whenever you feel like you know absolutely nothing (which is a quite common feeling actually, dont worry about it)- 
take a deep breath.
see if anything feels familiar
work it out slowly
you got this bestie <33 also remember your mental health comes first, toxic productivity is incredibly unsexy and also that everyone has different study techniques so... yeah. all the best!!!
- breaks and rest are IMPORTANT health IMPORTANT
- feeling better the day of the exam >>>>> finishing your syllabus and being a 100% prepared academically but dysfunctional mentally
- it really is okay no matter how you do
- you know more than you think you do
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thevirgodoll · 4 years
hi! i was wondering if you have any tips to stay organized and stay on task? i’ve been doing a short online course this year and have really struggled to ACTUALLY bring myself to do the work, as assignments and lessons are not under any time constraints i just don’t do it. i also have adhd so get bored or distracted easily. do you have any tips for me?
This is really close to me because I also have ADHD. I have both inattentive and hyperactive type. *As a result, this academic tip guide will be a guide for people with ADHD and not neurotypical people, without disability. There is a difference.*
I am doing online as well this semester.
1. I create a schedule. If I do not create a schedule, I will be unproductive the entire day. So, what will help you is to do things in orderly fashion.
For example, at 12p - I will do this assignment/watch this lecture. You have to dictate what time you’re doing everything. Then, you also have to block out technology distractions while you are working. 
-> Even if you’ve gotten halfway through the day with no schedule, write down or block off times on your digital calendar for what you are going to do at each time. ADHD is easier to tackle if you break things down into smaller tasks.
*Pro tip that I almost forgot: before you do anything, wear your day clothes. Don’t wear pajamas. Actually getting dressed or even doing hair/makeup changes things.
2. Download the Forest app after you have created your schedule. I consistently recommend this because it works in increasing productivity. It allows you to set it for however long you’re doing this task, say 30 minutes.
-> Why?: It will block all apps on your phone for (insert time here) to plant a tree, and if you leave the app your “tree” will die. Eventually, the more sessions you do, the more points you will gain to plant different plants, and eventually plant real trees around the world.
3. Have a list (& a planner) as well. Not only is the schedule creating structure, but the list creates even more structure so you know what you need to get done for the day. It also helps you not fall victim to the classic symptom of forgetting. Each day, you should write down what you WANT to get done and create your own times to look at lecture and assignments. Have goals for the day.
For example: complete assignment 2.
If you do not have expectations with yourself before the day begins, your ADHD will kind of take over and do something else. I have structure to my day. I set a timer to wake up at the same time. I take my ADHD medicine 90 minutes before my final wake up time, and I do my morning routine once it kicks in. Having the same routine helps.
-> Focus on your goals. Don’t be super harsh about the times.
-> Don’t overwhelm with how many things on to do list. Again, break it up into small tasks. For example, one part being: Wash dishes or fold laundry. It makes it less overwhelming to your brain and gives you a choice of which task. Typical non ADHD people just tell you to prioritize tasks but that doesn’t work for us. Do it in a random order and it gets the job done.
4. TAKE BREAKS! The other side to this is making sure that you give yourself adequate breaks.
*For hyperfocus, wait til your hyperfocus has started to wear off. Use it to your advantage for peak productivity. It is no joke.*
-> The misconception is that some people with ADHD are lazy and as a result, some ADHDers won’t take breaks. You can take a break. Healthy, long breaks do more for you long term.
-> Have a timer set. For example, after a 45 minute session or an hour session, I will take a break to do another task that has nothing to do with studying, like laundry, eating a snack, or stretching. Then after that task is done, I will go back to studying.
5. Have a workspace. Only do work at this space. I do schoolwork at my living room table and it is perfect. I do not study in my room because that is my sanctuary for relaxation and rest, not productivity. Make an effort to make the workspace clean, with your supplies - laptop, notebooks, pens, etc - readily available.
-> Once I get to my workspace, everything for the morning is already done. I’ve done my morning routine, so all there is left to do is hydrate while I study.
6. Recognize if you have adequate energy to do the task. Sometimes, with ADHD you may neglect your needs. If you are not getting enough rest, here are some tips:
•Bed should be for rest only.
•Blackout curtains
•Lavender essential oil, I have a diffuser but you can also put it on your pillow
•Background noise: pick what you want, lo fi music, rain sounds, binaural beats, singing bowls
•If all else fails, ADHD is often comorbid with other illnesses, meaning you could have a form of depression causing insomnia for example. This should be considered if you are having long term issues and symptoms.
7. Don’t overdo it. We are not neurotypical. Executive dysfunction is real - meaning our brains actually shut down when it perceives a task to be mundane.
-> You do not have to fit everything into one schedule for the sake of being “productive”. Each day should be what you know you can do, and there are different days to tackle different goals.
-> When you feel like you cannot continue, which is literally a symptom of ADHD, sit still for a few minutes.
8. Have a “What I Did Today” List. Because of how ADHD actually makes us feel, we don’t realize how much work we have put in. ADHD actually can be explained easily, we have about 2 dopamine workers showing up to work while most people are at maximum capacity. We are working overtime to do our best, even on medicine. So, acknowledging what we did today is good and encouraging, or at least reflecting in a journal.
9. Play music. It’s recommended to play study music without words because with ADHD we will submerge ourselves into the playlist of nostalgic 90s R&B. I recommend lo fi hip hop on YouTube, video game instrumentals, classical music, or jazz instrumentals. Whatever gets you going just do it!
General ADHD tips:
•Rewrite lecture notes and type the lecture notes.
•Color code with bright colors and pretty drawings or calligraphy
•Instead of telling yourself “I need to take notes” which usually leads to procrastination say “Rewrite lecture notes and emphasize main points” ... this is useful in your to do list but in everyday goals
•Generally try to get your assignments done ahead of time if there is structure to certain courses, if not, again, stick to the schedule. If you slip one day off your schedule then don’t beat yourself up. Breathe!!!
•Side effect of most ADHD meds is that you’re not hungry so buy easy things to eat like muscle milk or yogurt and granola or smoothies so you can sustain yourself
•Get a dry erase board to show what you need to do for the day and put it on the fridge with command strips
•To avoid forgetting things, put them at a table near the door where you leave your apartment/dorm/house.
•Don’t overthink the time it takes to get ready, often that’s why ADHDers are late. Better to be super early than late though - have a routine set so you know how long each task takes - for example “I know a shower takes me 15 mins, washing my face takes 60 seconds and a few more including sunscreen/moisturizer, etc...”
•In that same grain, set timers for going to the bathroom, showering, etc just in case you one day hyperfocus and push yourself too far
•Open the blinds!!!!
•Clean your room and tidy up your space. A cluttered space impacts your mental health in a really negative way. Your space reflects your mental state at times as well, so check in with yourself. Have a specific day where you know you’re going to clean, but ADHD sometimes gives us bursts of cleaning so take advantage of that as well.
•Anytime your water bottle empties refill it. Have your water bottle or mason jar next to your workspace, and drink 5-10 gulps. Seriously. ADHD depends a lot on hydration, especially if you are on medicine which naturally dehydrates you. If you do not stay hydrated, you’ll get that massive headache mid day and crash sooner. A lot of times, lack of productivity can be due to not drinking enough water.
•If you don’t take medication, then sometimes you may notice you love coffee, and that’s because it’s a stimulant. Too much of anything is not good, but balance it with water. If you’re going to use coffee to kinda “medicate” then do it close to when you’re going to be productive.
•Setting yourself up to do a task rather than envisioning the overwhelming act of doing the entire action. “Okay, lets just get up and get the first step down, such as opening the laptop or wetting the toothbrush.” Baby steps.
•Take advantage of accommodations! Your college more than likely has an Office of Disability Services. Also, email your professors...they’re actually just as stressed as you about classes being online.
•Remember that you’re already trying as hard as you can, so don’t listen to the narrative of “try harder”, “you’re *r word*”, “you’re cheating by using medication”, “just do it,” “it’s easy,” “what’s so hard about it?” or “you’re lazy”. Anyone telling you that, even yourself, is wrong. And DO NOT allow anyone to be ableist, even yourself.
•Validate yourself. Don’t let anyone to do the “I experience that too”/“I know what you mean”/“we ALL have trouble with this!” and they don’t have ADHD. No. It’s our experience, it’s valid, and unlike anything on the planet. If you’re reading this and you don’t have ADHD - no, you do not experience any of the things in my next bullet point.
•Don’t be hard on yourself if you stumble along the way getting this right. ADHD completely changes your executive functioning.
We see the task, but our brain blocks it.
We have something marked down as “important” but our brain tosses it out in the “trash”.
We watch an entire episode of a show, but our brain ignored the entire thing. Our brain picks and chooses what is stimulating, our brain changes our interests.
We have sensory overload, we have no dopamine, we have bursts of curiosity that cannot be contained (often inconvenient) and if interrupted, our brains cannot take it.
People often discount how many things ADHD actually changes because it’s widely misunderstood. I want to take the time to acknowledge that ADHD, formerly known as simply ADD, has different types: primarily inattentive, primarily hyperactive-impulsive, or combined which is what I have. So it’s not “hyper” and “relatable”. It is also not a buzzword to use to describe things. I must put stereotypes and misrepresentations of ADHD to rest.
It impacts us emotionally as well, which most people don’t know... such as rejection dysphoria — extreme sensitivity to being criticized to where our brains self destruct. Our brains don’t regulate emotions well.
ADHDers - do not fall victim to how everyone else operates and call yourself a failure. We have to work twice as hard and the results actually come out brilliant especially with our determination and imaginative ideas that are also seen in autistic individuals, honorable mention!
There’s good days and bad days. There’s literal changes in thinking that other people do not experience. We all collectively know wouldn’t be who we are without ADHD, but we all recognize the challenges. However, it makes me happy to see messages like this so that I can make a difference and hopefully help one person with ADHD, especially of color, at a time stop being so hard on themselves. 💗
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uh, ml bnha au
Yep. Here we go folks. Uh I don’t know much I’ll expand on this but it’s here. The quirks that is. Uhm- here we go I guess? Thank you @ghostatjoes and @symphonic-scream and all y’all for the ideas and inspiration.
Adrien’s will be the only on the nose most obvious one. I wanna try and keep these powers from being just the miraculous powers. So this will be a mix of just original ideas and akuma stuff.
Adrien: “Cataclysm” pretty much it’s Shigaraki’s Decay but a little different. It’s this au’s version of One For All. The Destruction Hero, Plagg, passed this quirk down to him when Adrien proved that he had a good heart to be a hero cause Plagg needs a replacement due to an injury causing Cataclysm to slowly start to kill him. Adrien is aiming to save as many people as possible as a rescue hero. (His outfit has a cat motif in honor of Plagg who has a cat head due to an unrelated mutation like how Tokoyami has a bird head)
Marinette: “Growth” Marinette can amplify the life in a living object. Whether this means taking a small flower and turning it a building tall beanstalk or amplifying the healing of someone’s body. However she can only use this in short bursts or else she risks over growing her body causing chronic pains and possible plants growing from her arms. 
Nino: “Bubbles” Okay yeah so obviously Bubbler, but it’s a little cooler? Nino can entrap anything into these bubbles. Sounds, healing packs, explosions, balls of fire, light itself, all condensed into these bubbles ready to be yeeted across the battle field like bombs, med packs, or flash bombs. However they can be a little fragile so he’s working to make them more tough. The bubble solution he uses to make these bubbles are made of his unique sweat. Bakugo style. Don’t ask what it’s made of he isn’t sure either. At least it makes him smell nice.
Alya: “Signal” Not the most offensive quirk, but she can send a signal to every single person in a certain radius that she’s training to grow. Whether this is a message, an image she’s seeing(this can extend to just what she’s seeing in general), etc. She’s also training for this to extent to different signals in the air like WiFi signals so she can send them electrically as well. However she risks heavy migraines with overuse. To make up for her very situational quirk she’s working on upping her physical strength.
Chloe: “Venom/Honeycomb” With Venom she can temporarily paralyze a specific part of an opponent. It’s not as strong as her mother’s Venom or her Aunt/Mentor Pollen’s Venom as it’s a quirk she’s gotten from her family, but she’s working on making sure she’s the most exceptional in the entire class, and making sure no one hears of her other quirk. Honeycomb, which is actually her main quirk and not secondary, gives her the ability to produce a honey like substance that can harden into resin following her will. Chloe refuses to use it for it is unexceptional. She must be like her mother or else..
Sabrina: “Emotional Pulse” Sabrina draws energy from the emotions around her to give her a physical boost. It can go from a strengthened punch to something looking like Detroit Smash. However a draw back can be that the emotions around her can start literally affecting her and somewhat tilting how she may feel. So in an angry environment she herself might start to become angry as well. Hyper empathy basically. And it makes her a little anxious about her identity as an individual.
Nathaniel: “Ink” Nathaniel basically water bends ink into creations he can control, quite literally drawing his creations to life. His limit is how much ink he has. Like that one fuckin Mickey Mouse game.
Alix: “Clockwise” For, at most, thirty seconds, Alix’s speed is super enhanced to an incredible degree, practically breaking time itself. This also enhances her strength and mind, pretty much giving her the spiritual equivalent of that one scene with QuickSilver or that one scene from Over the Hedge. However she can’t go over thirty seconds right now or else her body, mind, and definitely internal organs will begin to face serious damage. To make sure she can track herself, she has a pocket watch that she always has handy to remind her how much time has actually passed.
Kim: “Icarus” Kim can create wings out of a waxy substance from his back that allows him the power of flight. One of the most straightforward power here honestly. Like Icarus however, these wings can melt and can be destroyed. Kim, however, has a small control over the wax which means he could potentially be able to use it for something else, however this requires patience and control, something he lacks. 
Max: “Locker” Pretty much, Max is able to set a “marker” on any enclosed space (of a arm reachable size, spanning from a literal locker or a luggage bag) and from anywhere in a 4 mile radius (that he can train to grow) Max is able to “reach into inside” and grab anything that’s inside there. However this space must exist, it’s not a pocket dimension, and so are the objects inside as well. This quirk is useful for holding emergency equipment or grabbing a quick weapon. However it has to be something he can actually hold and something he has already put in there, so he must calculate what would be useful so he can prioritize space and what he should bring with him. 
Ivan: “Minotaur” Gives him attributes akin to The Minotaur. Though his appearance is mostly human, it does become more and more beastly as his anger or need to use his power rises. 
Mylene: “Fear” Mylene gets a boost of power from the fear around her, which she has the ability to enhance to terrifying levels, leaving her victims in states of trauma and distress if she doesn’t control its degree. This quirk mutates her slightly to be akin in some way to the form of the person she’s using her quirk on’s fear. However she herself is easy to be scared so this backfires most of the time.
Juleka: “Vampire Bat” She can do anything a bat can do! Plus a bloody bonus. She has the power of echolocation which, if trained, can possibly knock down a small target. She doesn’t have wings but is working to incorporate some kind of glider into her hero design. As for that vampiric bonus, she has minor control over blood, able to bend it at will, however at this moment, the best she can do is make someone dizzy through a few edits with their blood stream.
Rose: “Perfume” Rose is able to admit a powerful perfume like gas which, upon inhaling, can reduce the victims into a drowsy state of mind. However she’s the only one immune to it so she must be extremely careful with how she uses it and who's around to possibly inhale it. A strange side effect from this quirk is that there’s a slight green tint to her blush.
Luka: “Synesthesia” like the actual condition of synesthesia, he is able to visualize and conceptualize sound on different levels of understanding. With this, his hearing is incredibly sensitive and simply pressing an ear against the wall could help him develop an map of the entire building. He claims to hear the souls of others as well, which is supported by his ability to tell from illusion or reality just by his sense of hearing.
Kagami: “Storm” She has the entire essence of a storm wrapped up inside her. Though it may be confused with Class 1b’s Aurore Beaureal’s quirk “Weather” if you were to mistake those two, you would certainly get a lightning bolt to the stomach. Kagami’s quirk has been part of her family for generations, and as the up coming member of her hero family’s legacy, she is planning for no one to be in her way.
Marc: “Origami” Has complete control over paper and can manipulate them to become any creation they can think of, getting said creation’s attributes. So if Marc made a origami dog it might start barking and it’s teeth might become sharp enough to actually pierce skin, same if Marc made a paper sword. However the limitation is how much paper Marc actually has.
Lila: “Whistle” Lila can manipulate a person’s perception through the power of her whistle, causing possible hallucinations or problems in their sight. However it’s controlled by her whistle and it’s power so breathing exercises are important for her to do. To make things easier, she has taken up using the flute to better enhance her quirk. 
Maybe in a different post I’ll talk about the different pro heroes, vigilantes, and villains.
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25ana · 2 years
Some random harm reduction tips bc my nap failed
-lol ironically sleep more. Since you’re getting less nutrients you gotta prioritize that to conserve energy. Start a nighttime routine, it’ll also be a nice form of self care bc we need all we can get.
-if you have meds that require you to eat, find a safe food and take them with that.
-don’t take laxative pills I’ve talked about this before. I prefer senna tea if I’m really constipated but be careful with that too.
-watch caffeine intake.
-electroytes. Gatorade zero, electrolyte sticks, or even just some Himalayan sea salt in water with lemon. Salt is important
-vitamins. I’m getting athletic greens bc it’s low cal and got great ingredients. If you can’t spend that, take a multivitamin, or when you do eat make sure you choose nutrient dense foods
-have a metabolism day when you plateau or schedule them biweekly. My plan is in about two weeks to eat at the maintenance cals for my gw
-vary fasting hours for metabolism purposes. Your body will get used to doing only one thing
-maintain some type of connection with food so when you recover it’s easier to bridge that gap
-get help if you can and get out
-work out in the way you like to. I’ve talked about this before, but like the best exercise is the one you’ll do. Also this keeps a somewhat healthier perspective with exercise.
-weight fluctuates daily. If you have a period, binge, drink or whatever don’t freak, it’ll go away in a few days. Literally sleep can affect this too (another reason why sleep is important)
-I know some people are like be cold it burns calories but goddam wear a jacket in winter for gods sake or if you’re cold at work or school. Take cold showers in the morning if you want, this is plenty
-do research.
-try to find something you enjoy that doesn’t have to with any of this. Reading, video games, writing, drawing painting, instruments, Netflix (NOT WATCHING TRIGGERING THINGS LMAO). I know it’s exercise but I like yoga bc my brain can turn off for an hour
I also like reading and watching Netflix lol, or trying to find the best americano in the city 😂😂😂
-if fasting makes you binge then just don’t do it. It typically will after a while bc your body gets convinced it has to eat everything right away bc it doesn’t know it’ll get food again
-if you like milk or creamer in your coffee or tea then just have it. It may help you not binge later
-DONT START PURGING but if you already do, make sure you’re getting electrolytes. Drink throat coat tea and add some honey. You need something to soothe your throat.
-when eating out or at social events plan ahead so you’re not freaking out. I have a list somewhere of fast food safe foods I’ll post soon.
You may not be able to get calorie counts all the time so just eat the thing. It’ll likely prevent a solo binge later
-fermented foods are good for your gut: sauerkraut and kimchi are my favorites, and most are low calorie, but if you don’t like them take a probiotic.
That’s all folks
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dadgonedeku · 4 years
Todoroki and kirishima with a s/o who comes back from training with her back and neck sore but she takes care of him and he notice by her actions that she’s not doing well and then he takes care of her
Todoroki + Kirishima taking care of physically exhausted s/o!
❄️~Hi lovely!! I hope these are okay! I apologize it’s so late!! 😭
🔥~SFW & Fem!Reader (fem!pronouns were used!)
🥊~Happy Reading!
Shouto Todoroki❄️🔥
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❄️~ Training had been especially rough for the past few days, Aizawa not letting up on pushing you and your classmates beyond your limits.
🔥~ You were exhausted to say the least, as soon as training was over for the day you grabbed your stuff and practically limped to the locker room.
❄️~ Your back was killing you, so much so that you wouldn’t be surprised if you had broken or fractured something. Of course you hadn’t, but it sure felt like it. Every time you stretched or adjusted your posture a shooting pain would radiate through your upper body.
🔥~ Your boyfriend, however, was holding up pretty well. Psh, of course he was, he always did. It was rare when Todoroki got hurt or even exhausted during training. He was one of the strongest in the class, and you were right behind him. For some reason though, today just wasn’t your day.
❄️~ When you exited the locker room holding your costume case you spotted him waiting for you across the hall, typing on his phone leaning up against the plain walls of the school. Since Aizawa was satisfied with everyone’s work for the week, he decided to let you all go back to the dorms early for the weekend. Thank goodness.
🔥~ Your eyes met his and he flashed you a soft smile before tucking his phone into one of his pockets and picking up his own case. You met in the middle of the hallway and walked together. He took your free hand in his gently, and you almost instantly felt a little bit better.
❄️~ “Are you alright s/o?” He asked you curiously, and you only nodded in response. You didn’t want to worry him, if anything you wanted to ask him the same thing. Maybe some sleep and pain medicine would get rid of your back and neck pain. It was a chore to even hold your head up.
🔥~ Of course he could tell you were holding back, in your sparring match against Bakugou you pretty much got thrown all over the place. The force of his explosions almost never failed to send his opponents flying in one way or another. He never held back, especially against girls. You couldn’t help but be kind of grateful for that though, it made you feel tough.
❄️~ “Are you sure?” He asks again, worry lacing his words. Part of you wants to be honest and tell him you’re in pain. It hurts to walk, turn your head, and even stand up straight. You choke it down and swallow your pride, maybe taking care of him will help you feel better.
🔥~ “I’m fine Sho, let’s just head back so I can wrap up those cuts for you.” He barely even had any, and the ones he received in his match were minor, barely even bleeding. He knew something was up. Your posture was stiff and your shoulders were tense. You were walking a little weird too, but of course you always prioritized him over yourself. He couldn’t help but be a little resentful towards your lack of self care. He left it alone though, deciding that fighting you about it now wouldn’t accomplish anything.
❄️~ When the two of you arrived back at the dorms hand in hand, he noticed how you immediately start to head to your dorm instead of talking with the rest of the girls like usual. It had become a little habit of yours to talk with them every other day or so in the common room, but today you just didn’t have the energy. That made him worried, were you okay? Did he do anything wrong?
🔥~ He heads to his own dorm, following you upstairs. It was pure luck your rooms were on the same floor, it made sneaking sleepovers and movie nights easier. “You sure you’re okay s/o?”
❄️~ “Yes Sho, just let me borrow the first aid kit you have.” He responds with a quick okay before opening the door to his dorm, letting you in first before closing the door behind himself. You had grown to have your own little collection of clothes, personal products, etc in his room and honestly, he found it really cute. He notices you struggle to bend down to your backpack to get clothes for yourself. You just wanted to change, all you wanted to do was change, take care of your boyfriend, and sleep. You forced yourself to hold tears back from spilling over as you gave up, your back hurt too much, it was just too much.
🔥~ “S/o? What’s wrong?” He asks, and you break. The pain is overwhelming. You finally crack and tell him everything while trying to massage your aching neck with one hand. He only responds with a frown, making his way over to you and wrapping his arms gently around you. It hurts a little, but you’re instantly met with contrasting warm and cool sensations. It feels so good.
❄️~ “Sit on the edge of the bed, I’m gonna get a heating pad and some medicine from my bag. No objections.” He says bluntly before guiding you over his bed, begrudgingly you sit down best you can and put your face in your hands. Heating pad? Meds? Potential cuddles with your boyfriend? You were all for it, it was almost too good to be true. The only problem, you were still in your uniform and he was already changed, you wanted more comfy clothes.
🔥~ “Sho?” He responds with a hum, and you can almost see the small smile on his features as he digs through his closet. “Can you pass me my bag? I wanna get my comfy clothes so I can change.” He pokes his head from behind one of the doors before asking you to wait a moment. A few moments pass and he walks back over to you. In his arms are the heating pad, one of his hoodies, and a pair of his sweatpants. “These okay?” He asks, and you smile at him as he passes you his clothes and moves to plug the heating pad in, he helps you up and you change as fast as you can in the bathroom.
❄️~ When you come back out he’s already laying down waiting for you, heating pad resting on your side of the bed and a cold water bottle in his hand. It feels like a dream. You walk over to him and he helps you get back into bed, a comforting hand taking yours while the other gently supports the small of your back as you lay down. With a groan you assume the position, and he hands you the water bottle to drink from and a couple of pain pills to swallow.
🔥~ “You did really good today s/o, so please don’t hide things like this from me. I want to take care of you when you need it.” You’re almost in tears on the spot and you can feel the pain is already fading, slowly but surely. You had the best boyfriend ever. You thank him and reach your arms out, a silent request for snuggles. He flashes you another small smile before gently wrapping his arms around you, a cool hand rubbing smooth circles into the back of your neck. He places short kisses on your forehead, telling you how proud he is of you. The nap afterwards is heaven.
Eijirou Kirishima🥊
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🥊~ “S/o, are you sure you’re okay? Today’s training was tough and you look really tired.” He asks for the 3rd time, and you just nod your head in response.
🥊~ You were busy patching up a small gash on his shoulder, one he had aquired earlier that afternoon during training. Aizawa had been relentless in his drills for the past couple days, and every night you would tend to Kiri’s cuts and bruises in his bathroom. He never knew about your own though, you didn’t want to worry him.
🥊~ Of all nights to have back and neck pain it had to be this one, and it sucked. It hurt to just keep your head up, but of course you kept it to yourself. Kiri’s physical wounds were worse than your pain right? That’s what you had convinced yourself of anyway.
🥊~ “Almost done Ei, can you pass me the ace bandage on the counter?” You hold out a hand and he nods, taking said bandage in his palm before dropping it accidentally. It rolls to the floor beside you and before he can even apologize you’re bending down to get it.
🥊~ Wrong move.
🥊~ As soon as you turn your body you let out a yelp of pain, tears pricking the corners of your eyes as you rush a hand to support your back. Kirishima is taken off guard, eyes wide and focused on you as he takes your free hand in his.
🥊~ “Babe are you okay? What’s wrong?” A worried gaze comes into view as he pulls you back upright, and you can’t help but fall over and lean your head on his chest. You’re so exhausted, your back and neck hurt like they never have before. All you want to do is lay down and sleep, but Kiri’s shoulder came first.
🥊~ “Sorry, I’m okay. My back just hurts a little.” You groan out, Kirishima bends down really quickly and picks up the bandage. Easy, he did it so easily. Why couldn’t you do it? You both had the same training right? Why was he better off than you? You couldn’t help but be at least a little curious.
🥊~ “You wouldn’t have reacted like that if it was just a little. Come on, let’s go get you some medicine and then we can cuddle.” He gives you a toothy grin before standing up and putting away the bandage.
🥊~ “Ei I’m fine, I promise. Just sit down and-“
🥊~ “Nope, no ifs, ands, or butts. I’m gonna help you and there’s no getting out of it. Come on babe, stand up for me.” He holds out a calloused hand for you to take in your own, and you do, not after rolling your eyes though.
🥊~ “But what about your arm? At least let me-“
🥊~ “I’ll be fine, it stopped bleeding anyways. You’re more important.” He gently ushers you to bed, and thank goodness you’re already in pajamas when you lay down, if you weren’t you didn’t think you ever get back up to change. He asks you to wait a moment before opening his mini fridge, he grabs a water bottle and tosses it onto the bed before heading to his desk drawer.
🥊~ Also known as the snack drawer.
🥊~ Why he had snacks in his desk drawer? You didn’t exactly know, but they always came in handy whenever you would sneak into his room to sleepover.
🥊~ He pulls out a package of your favorite snack before grabbing the water bottle and sitting down next to you. He opens the bottle and urges to drink, setting the snack on your lap for you to open and eat at your leisure.
🥊~ “Drink, you’re exhausted, staying hydrated is important.” Of course he would say something like that, being the fitness geek he is. He was 100% right though, so instead of arguing you just took the bottle and sipped from it.
🥊~ He props your neck up with a couple pillows and you relax against the soft material of the pillow cases. They are cool and soothing against the skin of your neck, and you nearly wallow in the relief.
🥊~ “Feel better babe?” Kirishima asks you with a side smile, he’s laying on his side now, facing you and holding one of your smaller hands in his again. He always knew how to make you feel better, no matter the day. You were eternally grateful.
🥊~ “Much, thank you. You didn’t have to do this you know.” His expression drops at your statement and you pause mid sip. You wonder why his crimson eyes are full of concern again. Did you say something wrong?
🥊~ “Babe, you always take care of me. You deserve the same, not only because you’re my girlfriend but because I love you and I wanna make sure you’re okay. Giving your body rest is important. Besides, taking care of you always makes me happy.” It had been a while since you’d heard him say something so serious, but even so it tugged at your heart strings. You only nodded, closing the water bottle and placing it on the table next to the side of the bed along with the snack. As if on cue he wraps his arms around you and you rest your head on his chest. You almost fall asleep right then and there.
🥊~ “Thank you Ei, I love you too.” He kisses your forehead and rubs gentle circles into your back. The pain has gone down a little, but it still lingers, and you let out a wince when he brings up a couple fingers to touch your neck.
🥊~ “You okay s/o? I can massage your neck too if you want.” He doesn’t even wait for your response, his hands already moving up to your shoulders and beginning to knead them, strong thumbs pressing into the back of your neck. You instantly feel a lot more relief, deciding to go limp in his hold with your arms wrapped around his leg while moving to lay in his lap.
🥊~ “I don’t deserve you Ei.” You say in a sleepy voice, only to be followed by a grunt in response to a flick on your forehead.
🥊~ “Ow! What was that for?”
🥊~ “Shush, don’t even start. We both know that’s a lie. You kicked ass today babe, as you always do. Stop selling yourself short. If anything I don’t deserve you. Now let me take care of you in peace please?” A teasing tone laces his last sentence, causing you to nod and giggle slightly. Luckily he’s probably too worn out to give you a lecture on self worth, he’s always good at making you feel confident.
🥊~ After a while you fall asleep in his lap with a smile on your face, and Kirishima kisses your head a few times before gently laying you back down next to him. He cuddles you in his arms and tucks you in, making sure your body isn’t contorted in any way before nodding off himself.
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