#trying his hardest and slightly confused and willing to do anything to understand his kid
emo-nova · 3 months
I have come to a realisation why I don't like Boruto:Next Gen. It isn't quite the turn they have decided, but it focuses more on the handling of Naruto and his actions as a father. I truly, and utterly believe, that this is what turned me off from the show, albeit some storylines of the show is iffy to me its fine.
Naruto, in my whole opinion, would try to emulate Iruka Umino. He would try to be there for his son, for his failings and his successes even before and after as Hokage. This kid would become Hokage and immediately go to Iruka and ask how to balance work and private so he can be there for his son, he might go to Kakashi as well but let's be honestly does he have a life outside of his work as a ninja? Anyways.
This is what got me off of the show. I couldn't watch Naruto as a parent of Boruto because I don't think he would be handling it like that. He would take his son out after forcing him to clean the faces for ramen or burgers to get him to speak up about it. He would try to emulate the father-figure Iruka was to him in his early life, and he would be the same with Himawari.
That is my realisation. I know that if Naruto parented differently, there would or could be bigger changes in Boruto Canon. I am fine with cherry picking what I like from it, but Naruto being an absent parent is not what I see for him.
If I have anything wrong, do tell me, I will like to be stand corrected over this :)
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pennylanefics · 3 years
Regrets - Derek Hale
a/n: i think my vaccine microchip came with an inspiration software 🤣🤣🤣 completely kidding lol. but yeah. i came up with this idea fairly quickly and started it soon after :)
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“Will you just listen to me?!”
“Derek, I’m trying my hardest! I don’t know what you want me to do!”
“I want you to listen to my instructions and do what I say!”
“I’m fucking trying! But it’s hard to understand what you mean when I don’t know much about fighting!”
This has been happening all morning. Training with your boyfriend Derek wasn’t going well. You were getting frustrated because it was tough to keep up with him, who's been a werewolf his entire life, and he was getting frustrated with you for the same reason, not being able to properly complete the moves he was giving you.
“Are you?” He asks sarcastically. You scoff at him and pick up your bottle of water.
“I am.”
“Because I don’t think you are.” You throw your water down out of anger and stalk over towards him.
“Fuck right off, Derek. You know I am. You know I’m the one who asked for this! You know I’m willing to put the work in to become a good werewolf!”
“I don’t think you’ll ever be,” he states. You are taken aback by his bluntness.
“Excuse me?” You step back.
“I don’t think you’ll ever be a good werewolf. I honestly see you getting killed before you can defend yourself. You’re not retaining anything I’m telling you, so yeah, I don’t think you’re as serious about this as you say you are!”
The room falls silent and you try to keep your tears at bay. Derek turned you a few weeks ago, months after he told you what he really is. Ever since that day, you imagined being like him, being able to have super senses and super strength, everything.
He was reluctant to turn you, after what happened with Paige of course, but he was willing to take a risk, since you’re both older than when that happened. But now, he wasn’t so sure he made the right choice.
“You really think that?” You question in a soft tone. You tried to conceal your hurt, but you knew he could sense it.
“Yeah,” he crosses his arms. “You’re not pushing yourself enough, you’re constantly breaking down crying because of it, and you cut every day short claiming to want to spend time with me as just a couple. But that can’t happen until you learn how to control this!”
Your emotions were going crazy right now. You didn’t know whether to yell back at him, punch him, kick him, or just walk out.
“You know what,” you murmur, picking your things up. “I’ll find another pack, one who actually wants me to succeed and won’t tell me that I’m useless. And I’ll also find another boyfriend, because I’m not going to sit here and be told I can’t have a normal relationship until I’m a good enough werewolf, when the two have nothing to do with one another.”
With that, you give Derek one last glare and walk out of the loft, planning on never seeing him again.
Of course, though, Beacon Hills always brings people back. And that’s how you ended up returning. Scott reached out to you about something called the Benefactor, which had a list that you happened to be on.
Surprise, surprise, the day you come back, things have turned to shit. You were out strolling in the woods, looking for Scott, where he told you to meet him, when you stumbled into a fight. That fight happened to be with the Benefactor and none other than Derek.
You were quick to move into action, throwing the creature off of him. They scurry away much too fast for you to catch a real glimpse of them. Unfortunately, that leaves you and Derek alone.
“Thank you,” he breathes out, dusting his shirt and pants off. You hum and move along, but before you could get away, he stops you.
“Wait, (Y/N)?” He asks. You raise your eyebrows at him and cross your arms. “I didn’t know you were back.”
“Mhm.” You are short with your response, not wanting to speak to him much. So, you turn in the other direction and start running, hoping to find Scott along the way. Derek must have sensed you wanted nothing to do with him since he didn’t follow you.
A couple days later, after things settled down in Beacon Hills for the time being, Scott invited you to the pack meeting they were having to go over any information or sources on the Benefactor.
When you arrived, you noticed a few new faces, one of which was a woman with scars stretching around her neck. You immediately noticed her in a shirt of Derek’s, one you wore all the time when you were together.
You felt a small pang in your chest, but being around supernatural beings, you tried to hide it. Scott knew, though. For the time, you push your feelings aside and pay attention to Scott and Stiles running the meeting.
Throughout, you could feel a pair of eyes on you, and you knew exactly who it was. Every time you glanced over, you caught Derek staring at you, when you were talking and even when you were just sitting there. After a few times of catching him, you give him a hard glare, eyebrows raised in wonder, wonder of why he was focused on you.
The meeting ends and everyone begins to leave one by one or two by two. Braeden had been one of the first few to leave, and you were just heading out behind Scott, the last person. But just as you were walking towards the door, Derek stops you.
Turning around, you face him and tell Scott you’ll be okay getting home. He nods and shuts the door, leaving you alone with Derek in a place that holds so many happy yet painful memories. You step further inside and stop a couple feet in front of him.
“What?” You snap, noticing the slight wince in Derek’s expression. He sighs, saying nothing.
“Is there any reason you asked me to stay? Because if not, I’d like to get back to my hotel. I’ve had a long fucking day.”
“I’m sorry,” he begins. Your eyes narrow at him in confusion. “I’m sorry for what happened a few years ago. I didn’t mean to diminish your abilities and possible future as a werewolf.”
“Then why’d you say it? Why’d you tell me I would never be a good enough werewolf? Which, by the way, I’ve succeeded in, thanks to my new, welcoming pack.” Again, he winces, realizing how much pain he truly caused you.
“I was angry. I was still trying to deal with the death of my sister and the Darach that was terrorizing Beacon Hills at the time. I was so stressed out and overworked, I just needed you to do good so we could go out and help the pack.”
“That still gives you no excuse to tell me I’m going to be killed simply because I was overwhelmed with the amount of information given to me in such a short amount of time.”
“I know, I know. And I really am sorry.”
“I don’t forgive you.” He sighs and steps closer, not too much to alarm you but enough to let you know this conversation isn’t over.
“Is there anything I can do to possibly go back to what we had? Or even just friends? Can I gain your trust back?”
“Derek, I-”
“Ever since you saved me the other night, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. The first time we met in rainy New York City, our first date, the first time we kissed, the first time you slept over at my place. And I’ve been remembering how awful I felt for letting you get away so easily when I could have fought to keep you to stay. When I realized you were truly gone, I haven’t forgiven myself either.”
The more Derek speaks, the more you miss him. You missed the times where he wasn’t yelling or screaming fighting techniques at you. The times where you’d cuddle up in bed and just talk, or not talk and just lay in each other’s arms, recharging from a hard day. The days where he woke you up to breakfast in bed, or takeout and movie nights at Scott’s when him and his mother were gone.
“I-I don’t,” you stutter. You could feel your strong facade fading quickly. One of his infamous Derek smirks would make you fall right back into his arms.
“You know I can hear your heartbeat and smell your nerves,” he teases, and of course, that damned smirk making its way onto his lips.
“I know, and I hate that about us.” He chuckles and comes to a stop right in front of you, only a foot away. He keeps himself from pulling you into his arms, and you keep yourself from pouncing on him.
“I missed you,” he whispers. “Actually, I still miss you.”
“I missed you too, Derek.” You couldn’t believe you were admitting this. Derek had consumed your thoughts ever since you left, sure, but his words always played back in your head, making you not miss him as much. But now, standing face to face, you truly did love him and love being with him.
You two remain silent for a moment, when Derek reaches up to cup one of your cheeks with his large hand. HIs thumb strokes your cool skin and you can’t help but lean into his touch, getting lost in his beautiful green eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers, his eyes darting between your own and your lips.
You didn’t answer him only because you found yourself leaning into his body, wrapping your arms around his body and trailing your hands up his back. You crash your lips into his and he deepens the kiss almost immediately.
“Mhm,” you groan as you pull away for a moment. His hands don’t leave your cheeks.
“What?” He gasps for air.
“What about Braeden?” He furrowed his eyebrows and looked around.
“What about her?”
“Aren’t you two dating?”
“No. Did someone tell you we were?”
“She was wearing a shirt of yours at the meeting, so I figured.” He chuckles and glances down between your bodies, slightly embarrassed.
“No, we aren’t dating. We may have slept together a couple of times, but it’s nothing more,” he assures you. Still, you’re skeptical.
“Are you sure?” You push once more. He nods, a small smile on his face as he admires you.
“You’re the only woman I want.”
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leafs-lover · 3 years
Because Two People Got Drunk: 35
Chapter 35
Series Masterlist
A/N: Thank you to the anon who gave a suggestion for this. I honestly hadn’t considered it in the story; but it actually made sense given how little Fred and Y/N had spent talking about it.
Warning: Angst, swearing, mentions of cheating, smut
Word Count: 7100
You are in the lobby of the hockey arena waiting for Oliver. The twins are asleep in their stroller; you gently rocking it back and forth to help them nap. The game ended over twenty minutes ago and Fred went to the change room to help get him out of his hockey equipment.
It’s been a couple weeks since Fred’s injury; he has been home for most of it. When at the rink he has been spending his time with trainers off the ice. That was until yesterday, he managed to do a short session with the goalie coach and some basic drills but likely won’t be back until after Christmas.
You know it’s been hard for him, since that game the team fell into a slump. They have won a few games in regulation, but overall the team is struggling being outplayed and outscored. The hardest part for him is feeling completely helpless because he is sidelined.
As he started to improve he was able to spend more time with the kids; and Oliver has been loving getting all the cuddles from Fred. Today Fred decided to join you at Oliver’s hockey game.
You were a little unsure of the idea, not wanting it to be too much for him, but he reassured you he would be fine; and once Oliver heard you knew there was no way Fred wouldn’t come. After helping Oliver get in his equipment Fred told you he was beaming in the change room; his smile never fading, introducing Fred to everyone though he has already met them earlier in the season.
You look down at your watch; it’s almost 10:45, your stomach growling loudly. You ate breakfast at seven, but around now you normally would have a snack but forgot to pack something. The little baby in your belly really making the eating for two seem like a reality right now. Finally you see Fred leave the change room carrying Oliver’s hockey bag in one hand and holding his hand with his other.
Your son is practically skipping as he makes his way down the hall. As soon as he sees you he releases Fred’s hand and takes off running to you “Mommy!”
You catch him mid jump “good game buddy!” you say squeezing him.
“Did you see me?”
“Yeah you were great” you reply “you played awesome. Looked like your daddy in net” you say and he smiles at your words. The biggest compliment for him is being compared to his hero.
“Where is your dad?” you ask him realizing Fred hasn’t made his way to you.
“People wanted his picture” Oliver shrugs confused.
“Yeah people are excited to see him” you respond scanning around the hockey arena.
As soon as you sat down there was whispers and a couple kids came up asking for pictures. It’s something you have learned to get used to over the past few years.
Fred is always willing to take pictures with fans, especially kids. Every time he apologizes even though you have told him countless times you don’t mind. You love how he interacts with fans, and how taking a few minutes makes their day. While you understand how important fan engagement is, Oliver doesn’t understand the hype around it. To him Fred and all the other players are just people, normal people he knows.
“Did you see my save? The one I stopped with my stick” you hear Oliver ask and you dive into a conversation with your son about his game.
Your eyes find Fred standing with a woman and her son, who is Oliver’s age. You engage in the conversation with your son but can help and notice the large smile on her face, how her dark brown hair shines under the lights. While it’s not uncommon for Fred to talk to the parents of young fans, you notice how close she is standing and how her child doesn’t seem interested in him at all.
You gently set Oliver on the ground while the two of them continue to chat away. You drop random “uh huh” or an “oh really” but you lose all focus when you watch her hand touch his bicep while they laugh at something he said.
You swallow a lump in your throat and take a deep breath but it doesn’t stop you from feeling like the walls are shattering around you. You hear Oliver babbling away but his voice continues to fade away into the background. Your stomach almost jumps into your throat and your chest tightens. You tell yourself it’s nothing, that you don’t be concerned. And you almost believe it, that is until you watch her stroke up his arm.
“Mommy” Oliver pulls on your sleeve and grabbing your attention.
“Yeah bud” you say snapping your eyes down to his.
“I said I’m thirsty” he repeats.
“Oh” you reply with a shaky voice. You fumble into your bag and pull out your water bottle handing it to him. When you look back to where Fred was you notice he is gone and you turn your attention back to Oliver
Finally you feel the familiar touch of Fred’s hand on your back and he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. Your entire body stiffens against his touch, you reach down to take the bottle back from Oliver to hide the real reason you pulled away.
“Ready?” he asks taking the stroller from you, while you take Oliver's hand as he skips in excitement. The drive is filled with Oliver’s excited chatter from the back seat, you stare out the window not having much to say.
Fred’s hand reaches across the car finding your stomach, slowly rubbing over your bump. You relax into the seat, Fred chuckling while Oliver rambles on about his friends on his team. You replay the scene from the arena over and over in your head, you remember she was in the stands; her son having played against Oliver. But did she look towards Fred, did his eyes wander?
“Can I mom?” Oliver calls out and Fred gently nudges you with his hand.
“Hmm what was that?” you ask being brought back from your trance.
You feel Fred glare at you from the side of his eye “Kyle said I could have a sleepover at his house” he repeats “can I?”
You chuckle slightly knowing this is one of his friends on the team, after every game or practice he always has something funny to tell you that Kyle said or did. “I’ll have to talk to his parents” you respond.
“Yeah talk to them mommy” he cheers and Fred laughs shaking his head.
“We will but not today, we have the party this afternoon” Fred says pulling into your driveway.
As soon as the car is in park Oliver jumps out the car “when’s the party daddy?”
“In a couple hours” he says grabbing Noah “after lunch.”
Oliver runs into the house leaving his boots and coat in a pile on the floor and making his way to the living room. You take the twins and follow him while Fred takes his hockey equipment to air out. You have a relaxing afternoon, Oliver plays with his Lego and various toys, the twins nap and play on their activity mat. You rest on the couch scrolling through your phone aimlessly.
Multiple times over the next few hours you feel Fred’s eyes find you. His eyes are soft but full of concern. He can sense something is wrong, but he also doesn’t know if it’s just the pregnancy dragging you down today. Instead of asking he gives you time in case you are just tired, thinking maybe you just need some time to rest.
“The boys are cute” Kathy says giving you a hug while you stand at the snack table. You laugh lightly seeing the twins in plaid shirts and vests, one of them held in Fred’s arm while Oliver immediately took off to find his friends. You didn’t dress them, Fred actually had their coats on before you came downstairs so you had no idea all your boys were matching until you got here.
He bounces them in his arms and shoots you a smile when he catches you staring. He aims them towards you and their green eyes light up when they see you. A half smile crosses your face, but Fred senses the emptiness behind it and a scowl crosses his. You look away with a displeased groan grabbing a cup.
“How are you doing?” she asks as you pour some water.
“We’ve been good; now that Fred’s symptoms are mostly gone it’s been better. Oliver loves having him around though” you respond taking a sip.
“That’s great but I asked how you are. Seems like something is going on” she says softly. “Having him at home the past few weeks should be good. You two are almost nauseating to watch sometimes. You came in after him, and haven’t spent a second beside him and don’t think I didn’t see whatever that was” her index finger pointing between the two of you.
You laugh a little and turn towards her “we’re fine” you lie.
You hear her groans as she grips your hand pulling you down the hall to the bathroom, locking the door behind you. “Spill.”
You roll your eyes and back up against the counter. Anyone else wouldn’t have given you a second glance, some would have bought your fake smiles and those that didn’t would have assumed it was hormones or exhaustion from the pregnancy. But not Kathy; she knows you too well.
You start by telling her how it’s nothing and how you are overreacting; that you are likely reading too far into it. You get into the woman at Oliver’s hockey game, how they seemed to be really close, too close. You tell her how when he said something she touched his arm and gently grazed over his muscles.
You ramble for twenty minutes and at the end finish by saying how you have no idea what they talked about. It could have been about him donating time or merchandise for a charity event; that they were so far away you couldn’t hear anything.
You expect her to tell you you’re overthinking it. That it could have been nothing, or maybe she was trying to flirt with him but that doesn’t mean anything. That you can’t get upset over what strangers do. That just because she flirted with Fred it doesn’t mean he flirted back.
Instead she takes a deep breath and walks over to you, wrapping her arms around you. She holds you for a few minutes saying nothing. The silence is deafening; you swear you feel the walls closing in around you before you finally speak.
“During the playoffs last year when I was pregnant Fred kissed someone else.”
You can tell by her silence and that her eyes not meeting yours that she already knew that.
You thought saying those words would be liberating; finally telling someone what he did. Instead you feel yourself fall apart, sobbing into her shoulder. Your hands tighten around her back, clenching on the fabric of her sweater. Your body shakes against hers; warm tears staining her shirt.
Her hands gently run up and down your back; soothing you. You grip her shirt tighter, swallowing the lump in your throat until your eyes begin to dry.
“Sounds like you and him have some stuff to talk about.”
You thought this had been left in the past, you had accepted and processed it and dealt with all your emotions. But now after watching what should have been a harmless interaction you realize you have some unresolved feelings and paranoia. Likely because you never had a dedicated conversation about everything that happened.
You basically shut Fred out for days while you processed everything. You wanted to calm down and think over everything; make sure you didn’t say something you would regret. Once you had your time you were going to invite Fred to share your bed again and begin to have the conversations needed to move on.
Then the car accident happened. Fred tried to talk with you after but at that point it didn’t seem important to you. You had long decided you were going to forgive him, and with everything that happened focusing on your recovery and the twins seemed more important than tearing open old wounds.
You and Fred should have sat down; even for a brief conversation. What happened today should have been nothing, it shouldn’t have triggered you the way it did. Fred didn’t do anything besides stop to take a picture with a child; this woman decided to touch him. And he was at your side in under a minute of that happening, making it pretty obvious he got away as quick as possible. If your trust hadn’t of become fractured seven months ago you wouldn’t be in your head right now.
Once you return to the party you feel Fred’s eyes immediately find you. He can see the redness in your eyes and the puffiness of your cheeks. He knows you have been crying, but what makes it worse is you are blocking him out. You can feel the pleading of his eyes, but you can’t bring yourself to make eye contact.
He watches while you get a snack, while you chat with some of the women. He smiles watching you and Oliver decorate stockings, part of the Christmas crafts the team has set up. He laughs watching when Oliver shakes his, spilling the excessive amount of glitter onto your lap. To everyone else you seem happy, like you are having a great night.
You feel his eyes burning a hole in you and eventually find his gaze, his entire face lights up; he thinks maybe he was right, maybe the pregnancy is just tiring you out. But Fred sees the emptiness behind your eyes, the hollowness in the half smile. You swear you hear his heart fall as you pull your eyes from him.
“You ready for Santa” you ask walking up beside Fred a few moments later; bouncing the twins in your arms. They coo in response having no idea what you are saying. But Oliver who is clinging to Fred’s neck cheers in response.
“When is Santa coming daddy?” he asks eyes lighting up.
“I heard that his sleigh landed on the roof a few minutes ago” he says and you watch as Oliver’s eyes go wide. You hear some jingling of bells and Oliver drops down eagerly running to the group of children. The entire room erupts as he walks in, but Fred places a hand on the small of your back pulling you into his chest.
“You okay?” he asks softly leaning close to your ear.
You give him a small nod in response, his breath on your neck would normally ignite your core, send a dampness between your legs but today it doesn’t. Today it irritates you but Fred doesn’t stop trying to break your walls down.
“Don’t lie to me” he says pulls Lucas from you, his hand resting gently on your hip as he places a soft kiss on your temple.
“It’s nothing” you lie shifting on your feet to pull away from him ever so slightly.
“Are we seriously going to play this game (Y/N)” he groans. “Just tell me.”
“Not here” you hiss in response.
“So it is something” he says.
“Yes” you retort. As you begin to walk away you hear Fred sigh loudly but he uses his better judgement and doesn’t follow you.
He joins you for a family picture with Santa, and even asks Sid to take the twins so the two of you can get a picture just the two of you. Apart from that he gives you space while also remaining close.
You can tell he is bothered he comes up beside you a couple times and tries to talk to you, but each time his mouth falls shut and he saunters off. He has no idea what he did, and how could he? How could he know you’re actually bothered by something that happened months ago?
After buckling everyone in the car Fred climbs out of the back, you place your bags and coats on the floor before closing the door. When you turn around Fred is waiting off to the side. He opens your door for you but instead of getting in you walk into his chest.
After the immediate shock Fred’s arms wrap around you. You feel the tears prick the sides of your eyes, but you sniffle them away. He feels your body gently heave and tightens his grip around you, holding you close; his body keeping you sheltered from the crisp Pittsburgh air.
You sigh against him and pull away, wordlessly climbing into the car. Fred gently shuts the door and gets in the driver’s side, you can tell he is confused but he says nothing starting the drive home. It’s a silent drive, you staring out the passenger window, Fred turns the volume of the radio down until it’s almost inaudible, you don’t need to turn around to see that all your sons have fallen asleep.
Once home you carefully take Oliver to bed and tuck him while Fred does the same with the twins. You change into some pyjamas and begin your night routine. At some point Fred comes in the bathroom to brush his teeth. Normally he would wait in the bathroom for you, his hand resting on your bump, groaning when you reach for another product instead of being done and ready for bed. You would shoot him a playful smirk and he would resume his post patiently waiting for you finish.
But not tonight, tonight he leaves once he is done; letting you finish your routine alone. You wash your face, brush out your hair and pull it into a loose bun on the top of your head. When you are finally done you find Fred sitting on the end of the bed waiting for you.
“Hey” he says seeing you nervously playing with his hands
“Hey” you reply shooting him a soft smile. You sit beside him curling your legs up on the mattress.
“What’s going on?” he chuckles awkwardly.” I replayed today through my head a million times from every angle and I have no idea what I did” he huffs. “We had coffee in bed before the boys woke up and it was great. We had breakfast and got ready for hockey everything was great until the party. Something shifted and I don’t know what. Did I leave some dishes in the sink or some socks on the floor? Did I say something stupid, like what did I do?”
“Nothing” you whisper.
“No don’t say nothing. Something is wrong so tell me. What did I do wrong?” he shifts closer to you and rests his hand on your ankle. You see the pleading in his eyes as he gently lifts your chin.
“You didn’t do anything” you repeat, Fred shaking his head running his hand through his hair frustrated at your response. You grip his hand and bring it back down to the bed “you didn’t do anything…today.”
“What does that mean?” he scoffs.
“After the game when you were walking back to the lobby you were stopped for pictures and what not by some people” he nods slightly. “Well a woman came up to you, dark hair.”
“Yeah her son wanted a picture” he explains.
“Right well I saw that, but then the two of you talked for a couple minutes. She was standing really close and I saw her touch your arm, and I don’t know it made me jealous or something.”
“Babe I didn’t want anything to do with her, I basically ran back to you right after that. I mean she’s not my type you don’t have to worry” he replies.
“Wait I don’t have to worry because she isn’t your type” you rise to your feet walking away.
“That’s not what I meant, they are two separate statements” you hear the sound of his footsteps getting closer. “Even if she was my type you wouldn’t have to worry, you’re it for me babe” he comes up resting his hands on your hip his voice low and in your ear. “You’re the only one I have eyes for. Nobody else elske.”
“But that hasn’t always been the case” you say pushing his hands off your hips. “I mean seven months ago you kissed someone else.”
You hear him sigh behind you and you take a large gulp. You turn around to face him seeing regret fill his face. His face falls and you blink through your pain before continuing “seeing that today bothered me and I know it shouldn’t. I knew nothing happened but it really bothered me. Eight months ago it wouldn’t have, but after finding out about you…I…I don’t know” you shake the image from your head, trying to compose yourself. 
Fred walks over to you and wraps his arms around you “I get it babe” he sighs .
“I guess I thought I was fine. That I was over it, it didn’t bother me. But it does bother me” you say choking on some sobs. Fred tightens his grip on you, completely engulfing you in his arms while you begin to sob against his chest. You clench his t-shirt while warm tears roll down your cheeks.
“Let’s talk about it then. Whenever you’re ready, and as much as you need” he says hands finding the back of your neck to hold you tight against him.
“I want to” you take a deep breath and wipe the side of your eye “now.”
You walk over to the bed and sit down crossing your legs, Fred joins sitting a few feet from you waiting for you to start. You sit in silence for a few minutes trying to find the words, not knowing where to start.
“I know you love me” you grab his hands in yours. “I know you would do anything for me, our family. But it’s not easy. We only got together because I got pregnant, if I didn’t I don’t think we’d be here.”
As you talk you watch his facial expression change; he stares at you like you’re crazy. Like he has no idea where that is coming from; because he never felt that way and doesn’t want you to. And it something that has been mentioned a few times, and you know it irritates him when anyone thinks that way. But it kills his to think you believe it.
“I don’t think that’s true babe. I mean yeah that brought us together, but we took our time. We built this right and we wouldn’t be here after all this time if we only were together because of you getting pregnant. It was almost two years after we got pregnant that we finally figured out or feelings and got together. If we were only together because of Ollie we would have been together from the start and it likely wouldn’t have been so hard. We both wouldn’t have gotten hurt so much in the process.”
“Okay but I get insecure because of that, and women constantly throw themselves at you which doesn’t help. But I was able to ignore it befre, let it all become background noise until you kissed someone. Now I see someone flirt with you and I can’t help but be jealous” you say through foggy eyes.
“I know I’m not always easy to be with” he shifts to be closer to you, pulling you into his lap “but I love you so much.”
“I never doubted that” you whine against his chest looking down in your lap. You nervously pick at your nails, trying to avoid eye contact “I just. I don’t know, I don’t know what I’m saying or what I want.”
Silence fills the air and you sense his hesitation “do you still want me, to be with me?”
“What” your head snaps up finding his dark eyes glazed with tears “of course I do.”
“Still want to marry me” he whispers afraid of the answer.
“Yes Frederik of course I do.”
“Do you want me to go to a hotel, give you some time –“
“No Fred I don’t want that” you almost snap at his questions. “I just need you to know that what you did hurt, and sometimes it still bothers me. The last time you cheated on me I was pregnant, and I’m pregnant again now so it’s hard. It’s hard because I want to trust it won’t happen again and I do trust it; until something happens and I doubt everything.”
You hear him mumble a fuck against your hair finally putting together your struggles. You practically hear the wheels stop turning as he finally has connected all the dots that led to your pain. It’s not that you are worried about him cheating, you are worried the stress of the pregnancy will get to him and it will happen again.
His hand rests on your waist, hesitantly finding its way onto your bump. You hear Fred sniffle as some tears land in your hair. The past 12 weeks you have had fears of Fred cheating on you again, dreams of that day and thanks to your pregnancy they have been vivid.
In some dreams it’s almost like you are replaying that day, you get sent a picture. Another dream or more like nightmare is you walking in to your bedroom and he is in bed buried deep inside another woman. You know these are just dreams but it doesn’t help your anxiety.
He runs his hand up and down your arm while you soak his shirt with your tears. He continues to try to soothe you but his attempts fail and you begin to sob uncontrollably. He holds you tight, you don’t even know for how long.
Finally your body relaxes and the tears in your eyes have dried, bottom lip stopped trembling. Your vision is still slightly blurred but you tilt your head to look at Fred showing your puffy cheeks. His face is wrecked with emotion; eyes wet with his own tears.
“I hate when you cry, but it’s so much worse when I’m the cause of it” he says laughing through his tears. You bring your thumb up to wipe his away, he gently rests his cheek against your palm.
“I love seeing you pregnant, I always have. There is something about seeing the woman I love carry my baby; words can’t even describe the feeling” you smile slightly at his words. “And I am so sorry I took what should be an amazing beautiful time” his hand lands on your stomach and he softly strokes over it “and put seeds of doubt into it. But tell me what you need to make this better. Whether it’s a night away, or a puppy or if you need to hit me whatever it is lets do it.”
“I don’t need or want to hit you” you laugh slightly. “And a puppy would be way too much work right now.” Fred’s lips gently land on your forehead as he rocks you back and forth. You relax into his touch bringing your hand through his beard and onto his chest. “I don’t know if there is any one thing; if the situation was reversed and I kissed someone do you think there is one thing that could fix it?”
He doesn’t respond. You don’t know if it’s because he doesn’t know or doesn’t want to say it; not that you were expecting a response.
“Honestly I’m drained; me and the baby just want to curl up under the blankets and get some sleep” you sigh.
“Okay” he whispers pulling his hands away from you.
Your body is weak as you crawl out his lap; slipping under the cold sheets. Fred sits at the bottom of the bed not sure if you want him to join. You fold the blanket on his side down and tap the empty space and he quickly fills it, not needing to be told twice.
He lies on his back not bothering to pull the blankets up his body. His gaze locks on your ceiling, but you can see his pupils shifting as he replays the conversation; or maybe that night eight months ago. You slide closer to Fred and rest your hand on his chest, using his bicep as a pillow.
His hand lands on your back and he pulls you in close, almost as if he’s afraid he’ll lose you. You can feel the tension exuding off of him and can hear his uneasy breathing. After the night you had you are mentally exhausted and practically fall asleep instantly, though you know Fred will be awake for hours.
The next morning you wake up on your side facing away from Fred, some of the morning light beginning to trickle through your blinds. You don’t need to look at your clock to know you are earlier than normal; the kids likely sleeping for another 45 minutes.
You roll over and Fred is staring at the ceiling the same position you left him in last night. The bags under his eyes and red in his pupils telling you he didn’t sleep well. While you were emotionally drained and fell asleep relatively easily, you felt Fred tossing and turning beside you which woke you up multiple times.
“Hey” he whispers a faint smile finding his face when he sees you. “How’d you sleep?”
Shifting in your sheets, you embrace the exhaustion carried over from the night before. Normally you would try to fall back asleep until the twins cried over the monitor or you hear Oliver footsteps running down the hall towards your room.
“Okay” you yawn. Fred smiles lightly brushing your hair from your forehead.
“Not sleep good?” you ask, he shakes his head in response.
“How could I?” he sighs turning his gaze back to the ceiling.
“Sorry” you whisper.
“No you don’t have anything to apologize for. I fucked up and your feelings are valid”
“I kind of feel better, I think maybe I just had to get it all out. Tell you how I was feeling” you say crawling over to him. It’s not a lie, you didn’t necessarily need anything to happen or for Fred to do anything He just needed to know how you felt, be aware of the problem. Maybe if you hadn’t brushed it under the rug many months ago your feelings would be resolved.
“I’m glad” he responds his lips hesitantly press to your forehead. You melt into his touch, your hand sliding up his shirt feeling his warm skin under your nails. You tilt your head gently pressing your lips to Fred’s.
You can sense his hesitation as you crawl on him sinking into the kiss. You know he can taste your morning breath but he doesn’t care, opening his mouth to allow you entrance. His lips are slightly chapped like usual as your tongue swipes along his lower lip; he moans when you suck on his lower lip pulling it back slightly.
His hands tentatively find your hips holding you on his stomach. Your tongue slides inside his mouth, your hand finding his rough beard and gently rakes through it. Your mouths move in sync with one another, his hands slowly begin to wander around to the back of your thighs before returning to your hips. You gently grind down on him, feeling his tip separated by some thin fabric between your cheeks. After a few minutes Fred pulls away leaving the two of you gasping for air.
“I’m sorry I made you feel like this. I never want you to be insecure, especially because of me” he whispers. He gently pushes you onto your back, him resting on his side. “You’re it for me, my other half; my better half. You complete me and I never want you to worry. No other girl has a shot with me” his mouth attaches to your neck peppering you with soft kisses.
“You are the only girl I want to curl up beside after a game. The only girl who will make me watch the Notebook only to turn it off with 15 minutes left because it’s too sad to finish.” You roll your eyes at that but can’t help a grin from crossing your face.
He crawls on top of you; your hands stroking along his biceps. “You’re the only girl I want stealing my sweaters, the only girl I want to kiss” he briefly presses his lips to yours. His knee gently finds a spot between your legs spreading them open a couple inches.
You moan ever so lightly you aren’t even sure Fred heard it until he smirks against your lips. “You’re the only girl I want to make those sounds come out of.” You clear your throat and bite your bottom lip as Fred’s mouth presses to the side of your neck. Your eyelashes kiss your cheek your body squirming while wetness begins to pool in your core.
“You’re the only girl I want to touch” he gently presses a kiss to your jaw bone, a finger trailing down your arm. “The only girl I want to taste” he licks along your collarbone. He places warm open mouth kisses on your collarbone finding its way to your sweet spot.
A light giggle falls from your lips as his mustache tickles your ear. You know Fred is enjoying this but he won’t touch you further until you allow it.
“Freddie” you moan and feel him smirk against your neck.
“Yes smuk” he mumbles against your skin as goosebumps begin to form.
“I need you” you moan out softly. Before you even finish getting the words out your shirt is off, his large hands finding your breasts, easily cupping them in his palm. His movements are soft and gentle as he waits for your response.
He massages your breast in one hand; gently rolling the nipple through his finger. You gasp at the feeling, them being slightly sensitive from the pregnancy. Fred eases his touch but doesn’t pull away; his mouth dipping down to suck on your other breast.
Your back arches in response soft moans escaping your lips. You expect him to continue down your body but he continues to work on your breasts for a few more minutes. You feel your cunt dripping your hands finding his hair. Instead of tangling your fingers in his hair you try to push his large frame down further and earn a deep seeded chuckle from him.
“Someone’s eager” he mumbles against you; soft curse words fall from your lips. His hand slides down your body slipping inside your pyjama pants. His fingers graze over your folds coating them in your juices. He smirks against your breast “very eager eh” he jokes feeling your wetness.
His large hands easily push your pants down your legs, they bunch just below your knees. He continues to suck on your breast while his hand caresses up the back of your thigh. He gives your ass a squeeze, pulling your body down the bed until your pussy finds his thigh.
He flexes his muscular thigh, your pussy trembling on him. You begin to slowly roll your hips in search of more friction. Fred lets out a soft moan at the feeling of his muscles pressing against your throbbing clit.
His hands find your hip, rough fingers digging in, encouraging the motion of your hips. His lips still wrapped around one of your hardened nipples. Breathy whimpers leaving your mouth as you grind your hips against him; earning a few low groans from him. Your moans turn to whimpers needing more contact.
“Fred please” you whine voice thick with need and desperation.
He releases his mouth from your breast and slowly trails down your body. When he reaches your pelvis he sucks hard likely leaving a mark; his nails digging into your hips. He hooks your legs over his shoulders his mouth places soft kisses on the inside of your thighs.
His arms wrap around your waist, pinning you to the bed as he bites up your thigh. Your head falls into the pillow and your eyes rolling into the back of your head. Even though he has barely touched you the anticipation almost has you going over the edge.
You gasp when his lips finally attach to your clit, placing some soft kisses on your folds. He pulls back, lips ghosting barely a centimeter from your skin causing your hips to buck up. Fred flattens his tongue and licks a stripe up; a dark groan leaves Fred’s throat tasting your wetness. Your back begins to arch but his grip tightens holding you to the bed.
His tongue slowly slips inside your walls and your hands tangle into his messy locks, gripping tight to the scalp as his tongue moves in and out of you. Your thighs tighten around his head, Fred groaning under you. His nose presses into your clit as whispered curse words fall from yours.
He flicks his tongue inside you, curling in your walls. His teeth gently graze your folds; you breathe out a fuck as the coil in your abdomen gets painfully tight. You aren’t sure if Fred heard you or if he can sense it, until you hear him hum in response.
You tremble knowing you are hanging on the edge, “I’m gonna cum” you manage to pant out. You feel Fred smirk below you but he doesn’t let up, continuing to fuck his tongue in and out of you.
Your eyes squeeze shut as the coil inside you snaps; your orgasm washing over you. Fred works you through your high groaning as you flutter around his mouth. An incoherent noise leaves your lips the heels of your feet digging into his back. Finally you come down from your high Fred’s tongue slowing. You are breathless as your eyes flutter open looking down to meet Fred’s gaze. His mouth releases your swollen bud and he drops your legs; pulling your pyjamas back up your legs.
He slowly crawls up your body, your juices dripping from his beard. He places a trail of soft kisses up your chest. Your hands release his hair sliding down to his beard pulling his face to yours. You guide his mouth to yours moaning when you taste yourself.
His tongue slides in but before you can deepen it you hear a cry over the baby monitor. You pull apart with a groan; Fred’s head turning to the screen.
“I think he’s still asleep” Fred says after a couple minutes “got a couple more minutes” he mumbles against your neck. He falls beside you pulling you into his chest while your head turns to look at him. He softly brushes your sweaty hair from your forehead.
“I’m sorry for yesterday” he says softly “and more importantly seven months ago.”
“I know” your lips gently press against his.
“If something bothers you please tell me” he says and you smile lightly in response. “And if you need to talk about what happened more, bring it up. No matter what.”
“I will, promise” you smile
“No matter how uncomfortable it’s better for us to talk these things through now then let them stew inside.”
“I know” you nod against him. Fred smiles down at you and brings his lips back down to yours. You gently play with the baby hairs on the nape of his neck. The kiss is soft and slow; his tongue swiping inside your mouth. When you pull away Fred’s forehead gently presses against yours.
Your hands gently play with his beard, a wide grin glued to your face. Fred crawls beside you his hand finds your stomach “any movements yet?”
“I’m only 13ish weeks babe” you laugh “that probably won’t happen for another five weeks or so.”
“I know I just love the little kicks” he places another soft kiss on your cheek when you hear another cry from the nursery.
“I got it babe” he whispers crawling out of bed. When the door closes you find your shirt knowing your time in bed will be ending soon. You hear the nursery door open on the monitor, and your gaze meets the screen. You feel your heart skip a beat watching Fred.
He pulls Noah from his crib, blowing a raspberry on his stomach. Noah’s little laugh is loud enough you can almost hear it down the hall.
He engages in a random conversation with him while changing his diaper and getting him ready for the day. Before he finishes Lucas stirs in his crib and Fred turns his attention to him repeating everything with him. After finishing he leaves the nursery and you hear his footsteps on the hardwood and the door slowly creaks open.
The twins faces light up when they see you and Fred crawls back into bed handing Noah to you. “Hi buddy” you smile pressing a kiss to his cheek. The four of you lie in bed, Noah babbling away on your stomach; Fred’s arms wrapped around the two of you.
You all lie in bed, you curled up beside Fred the twins crawling over you. You and Fred fall into an easy conversation the twins cooing around you. Lucas is sitting on Fred’s chest and you laugh when Noah sits on his face. It’s an easy morning; something you didn’t get when Oliver was this young. When he was around this age you and Fred were in separate apartments. It was during the span when you weren’t sleeping together; and your interactions were sometimes awkward.
You grab Lucas from Fred’s chest and Fred grips Noah’s waist lifting him off his face. He puts him on the mattress and begins to tickle your son, his little laugh erupting. His laughter echoes off the wall getting louder; it’s so loud you almost don’t hear the door creak open. You look over and see Oliver yawning in the doorway, rubbing his eyes. He slowly climbs up in bed beside you.
A large grin spread across you face watching as Fred wrestles Oliver into the bed and tickles the boys. Their laughter fills your bedroom and your heart watching your four boys. You rub your hand over your stomach smiling, knowing soon there will be another baby making your king sized bed seem even more crowded; just the way you like it.
Next Chapter
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queerofthedagger · 4 years
The Consequences of Keeping Secrets
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Warnings: None II Wordcount: 1297 II Ao3
Summary: If only Merlin would understand why Arthur is so angry; if only Arthur could bring himself to tell him. 
Or: Sometimes it's easier to simply say what's bothering you, but it's also the hardest thing in the world. At least if you're Arthur Pendragon. Thankfully, Merlin loves him anyway.
It’s threatening to become a familiar scene; Arthur and Merlin standing opposite each other in Arthur’s chamber, shouting at each other with mounting frustration building with each secret that gets revealed.
They’ve been at it for weeks, unravelling years of events Arthur had no clue were happening, and he knows it’s not completely fair, that he lets his emotions get the better of him, but Merlin just doesn’t seem to understand, while Arthur is unable to put into words why it’s not the magic that’s bothering him, nor a lack of understanding why Merlin didn’t tell him, but all the things that actually entails.
“You had no right!” Arthur’s just hurling at Merlin, his fist clenching at his sides as he tries to keep himself from crossing the distance to shake the stubborn idiot, to force him to see sense.
Not that it would help, he knows.
Merlin scoffs, a muscle in his jaw jumping. “And what should I have done? Offering the life of someone else?”
A part of Arthur, the selfish, spoiled one, wants to answer this with a resounding yes. The, thankfully larger, more rational side of himself, the one that tries to keep a grip on his temper and overwhelming emotions, forces him to close his eyes for a moment to gather his thoughts.
Obviously inclined to press his advantage, Merlin goes on, his voice tense and rough. “Not to mention that I survived, didn’t I? Not only I, but my mother and Gaius as well, and Nimueh is long dead – “
“Damn it, that’s not the bloody point!” Arthur shouts, fisting one hand into his air as his voice fills the space between them, feeling so much larger than it actually is. “You thought you were going to die, and you didn’t even tell me! You just – just – you didn’t even have the decency to let me decide if I wanted you to trade your life for mine, you made all these decisions – “
“I’m asking you again,” Merlin interrupts, and his voice is much lower now, calm in a way that should make Arthur wary if he wasn’t so riled up himself. “What else was I supposed to do? You keep complaining that I made these decisions without consulting your royal pratness, but do you honestly want me to believe that you wouldn’t have chopped my head off back then?”
Arthur takes a step back at that, the accusation feeling like a physical blow; maybe the worst thing is that he’s not completely sure of the answer himself. Damn him if he’s going to admit that, though. “Then you simply shouldn’t have done anything!”
“Are you kidding me?” Merlin has the audacity to laugh at that, the sound mirthless and all wrong. It makes Arthur’s skin crawl. “You’re the Once and Future King – “
“Oh by the gods, don’t start with your whole bloody destiny-nonsense again!” Arthur snarls, the just receding fury flaring back to life in an instant. “I don’t care what some blasted dragon said, this is about you being far too fucking willing to give your life for mine!”
It takes a moment to comprehend what he just said, only the confused frown overtaking the anger in Merlin’s face making him reconsider his words, and he winces at the blunt admission.
Unfortunately, the shock doesn’t seem to placate Merlin all that much. “If you expect me to apologise for saving your life, we’re literally going to fight until the day you die because I don’t bloody care how much it’s bothering you, I’m not going to stop!”
“You very well will! I’m your king, and – “
“What,” Merlin laughs, and alright, he can admit that it’s a weak argument, even for him. “You think after years of this, that’s what going to stop me? You obviously know me even less than I thought.”
“No surprise there,” Arthur snaps back, words tumbling out of him without any filter whatsoever. Merlin always had the ability to make him lose any restraint, and recently, it manifests in the worst way possible.
Merlin winces slightly but quickly covers it with a glare. His hands are trembling at his side, and there’s a new edge to his agitation now, the line between frustration and desperation blurring. “For fuck’s sake, why is it so hard for you to say thank you for once in your life? Do you have any idea how hard it was? Do you think I enjoyed keeping all that from you, having to make decisions that monumental? I never once asked for this, but I did it anyway! I lost so many people, had to hide myself from everyone important to me, and now you – you – “
He breaks off there and squeezes his eyes shut, and even with the distance between them, Arthur can hear the erratic rhythm of his breathing. God, but he is so tired of this, all the shouting and going in circles, of being unable to keep his mouth shut and driving them deeper into madness with each passing day.
Sometimes he wishes he had never asked Merlin to tell him everything; that he wouldn’t be too proud to insist that they stop doing this, going over all the parts of his life he never knew of.
His shoulders sag and he rubs a hand over his face. “You shouldn’t have had to,” he says quietly, and when Merlin opens his mouth to argue, he quickly raises a hand to stop him. “I know – you did have to, and that’s – that’s exactly my point.”
He swallows against the lump that lodged itself firmly in his throat, that infuriating instinct to never admit his feelings screaming at him to not do this.
“God, Merlin – all those years, and you had to do all of it alone. All those decisions and consequences, the fear for your own life, and still you’re so – so unbelievably good in spite of everything. You shouldn’t have had to bear all of this on your own.” He closes his eyes and turns his head away, feeling too raw and exposed to keep looking at the sudden confusion and shock in Merlin’s eyes. “I’m just – I’m sorry, okay? I wish I could’ve been there for you, that you could’ve – “
Warm hands on his shoulders cut him off, and it’s a testament to how wrung out he is that he didn’t even notice Merlin crossing the distance between them.
“You’re such an idiot,” Merlin whispers, his fingers digging into Arthur’s skin, and then he pulls him closer, lips pressing harshly against Arthur’s. There’s no finesse to the kiss, all teeth and hot breath and scrambling hands, but it’s easily the best thing Arthur has felt in a long time.
All the tension melts from him and he tangles his fingers into Merlin’s hair, pouring all the things he’s unable to say out loud into the kiss, hoping that it will be enough.
Merlin’s tongue brushes against his bottom lip and Arthur shudders, instinctively trying to press closer just as Merlin draws back the tiniest bit. “You infuriating, maddening, brilliant man, I can’t believe you,” he whispers against Arthur’s mouth before trailing his lips over his cheeks, his temples, his forehead.
Arthur can do nothing but cling to him, suddenly so very exhausted, and he lets his head drop to Merlin’s shoulders. “We should’ve tried this as a mediation technique weeks ago.”
“Or you could’ve just told me what’s actually bothering you,” Merlin mutters, but there’s an unmistakable fondness to his voice that Arthur hasn’t heard in much too long.
Still, he bites the spot behind Merlin’s ear in retaliation and hides his grin in the crook of his neck. “Shut up, and take me to bed, oh great warlock.”
For once in his life, Merlin does as he’s told.
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kuic0re · 4 years
the sad part | yeonjun
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your hands brush past his as you make to sit beside him on the bed. yeonjun shivers but you don't notice. you clutch a bowl of popcorn in your delicate hands.
internally, he sighs. he's weak for you. you. his best friend. he can't resist your smiles and your chuckles. he is the only one who can comfort you when you're missing your family. he is the only one you let hold you close while you weep after watching titanic for the seventh time.
"yeonnie?" you say, tapping his shoulder. he whips his head to face, his brows raised in silent question. you motion to the tv he's requested be set in his room. "you missed the movie."
"oh," he says, his face contorting in confusion. "when?"
a chuckle escapes your lips. you frown playfully, tilting your head to the side so some of your hair obscures your face from view.
"like, two seconds ago. it was—here. let me." you reach for the remote in his hands and he gladly hands it to you. your fingers brush against his knuckles as you pull back with the remote in hand.
yeonjun watches you in silence as you scroll through netflix, trying to find the knight before christmas. he admires how the light shines on your face, creating a silver lining on the tip of your nose and the apples of your cheeks. how could he, of all people, have ended up with you as his best friend.
best friend.
he miles at the thought. you give him a sideways glance and he averts his gaze to the tv. he doesn't see your face fall.
"here," you say, handing him the remote, trying your hardest not to let the disappointment seep into your voice. he takes it from you and you fold into yourself, clutching your legs to your chest.
he gives you a glance. then, as though absentmindedly, he grabs the comforter on his bed, holding it out for you to take. you offer him a smile you're pretty sure he doesn't see. taking the comforter from his hands, you wrap it around you, leaving some for yeonjun to cuddle into.
as the movie starts playing, you don't pay attention to it. your eyes wander to his face. you sigh. you've been keeping this inside you for so long. you're about to burst.
it all started back when you both first met. he was still a trainee, and you were foreign exchange student struggling to understand the korean language so you could go about your day. at one point you said something particularly bad to an old man at the cash register, not knowing that it didn't mean 'thank you' and instead it was the korean equivalent of 'fuck you'. the old man had gotten mad at you, yelling at the top of his voice for the whole store to hear. you can vaguely recall the words and now understand that it meant something along the lines of you disrespecting him.
confused at why you were being yelled at, you had burst into tears. yeonjun then understood that you did not know what you were saying and some kids at your school had tricked you. he calmed the old man down, explaining the situation as though he were your friend and escorted you back to your apartment. looking back, it was a stupid decision to trust a stranger to take you home. especially a man. but you were vulnerable in that moment and needed someone to comfort you, the overwhelming homesickness finally kicking in. but you wouldn't have met yeonjun otherwise. and you wouldn't trade your friendship with him for the world.
friendship. that word always leaves a sour taste in you mouth. it wasn't long into your friendship that your heart began fluttering and your anxiety spiked at the thought of you doing something stupid in front of him. this infatuation budded into a crush.
now you can say you're falling for him. and if you don't say anything now, you would regret it for the rest of your life.
but what if he says no? a voice mumbles at the back of your head. what if he doesn't feel the same way? what of you're just a friend?
your heartbeat picks up at the very thought of confessing your feelings. you heave a deep breath. yeonjun does not notice your dilemma. his eyes are glued to the screen. you reach up and gently tap on his shoulder.
it takes him a moment to register your action, but when it sets in, he turns to look at you.
"do you need to go to the bathroom?" he asks, his brows furrowed. "if that's the case—"
"yeonjun, please shut up for one minute or i won't be able to say what i want to." the words tumble out of your mouth, one after the other. so fast, it takes yeonjun a few seconds to register them.
he frowns, his head tilting to the side. a few locks of his hair obscure his eyes and you reach up to brush them away. you take a deep breath, steeling your nerves.
"yeonjun, i—" you throat tightens. "i—um. ever since i met you—well, not really but like, for a few years now. yeah, it's been a long time." the thoughts in your head manifest themselves into words and before you know it, you're rambling."i know you must be thinking, '___, why didn't you say anything earlier?' but, um, it's been hard, you know? and i didn't mean to keep this hidden for so long. it's unfair on you and, um—"
"___, where is this going?" he cuts in, concern pooling in his eyes. he reaches up to cradle your face in his hands.
you inhale, trying not to focus on the warmth of his hands against your cold skin, and cut to the chase. "i like you, yeonjun. i like you a lot."
his hands fall from your face and he looks stricken. he recoils from you slightly. you wait for a moment, studying his face for any changes. after, you reach out, attempting to hold his hand. he flinches, retracting it.
"yeonjun?" you say softly, feeling dread pooling behind your eyes. he averts his gaze to the floor. you see the guilt as clear as day.
faintly you hear the movie still playing in the background. everything becomes static. your vision blurs with tears and you inhale a deep breath. you screw your eyes shut, pursing your lips and willing yourself to keep the tears at bay. it works.
you push yourself off the bed, the comforter falling off your shoulders. silently, you begin gathering your things, shoving them into the bag you had brought them in for the sleepover. yeonjun follows you as you take hurried steps out of his bedroom.
"___, where are you going?" he asks, his hand curling around your wrist.
you look over your shoulder, giving him the most genuine smile you can muster through the ache in your heart. "oh! i, uh, just remembered. you know yona, my roommate, she needed help sorting some things out. i have to go." your voice cracks at the last word, your eyes stinging.
beomgyu rushes over to you from behind the kitchen counter, holding a tray of brownies. "at least stay for dessert," he says, his expression bright until he notices the tears in your eyes you're struggling to keep at bay. "___?"
you gently retract your hand from yeonjun's grip and smile at the boys. kai and taehyun have looked up from their mario kart race, not noticing how their carts have driven off the edge. soobin is looking up from the oven, in which he places another tray of brownie batter.
"i have to go," you echo, keeping your eyes from travelling to yeonjun's.
you run out of their apartment. you think you hear yeonjun calling after you before the door clicks shut.
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thecreedsgambit · 4 years
02: Anticipation | Ethan Ramsey x MC (Diana) | song inspiration: To Die For by Sam Smith
Author’s Note: Literally finished this at 4 AM with Sam Smith’s song on constant repeat in my ears. I had fun with this one though, ngl. 
Summary: After seeing Dr. Diana James arrive in the emergency room, Ethan struggles with his emotions as he waits for her to return to him again. 
01: Triage | Part One 
Tags: @mvalentine @openheart12 @colossalpainintheass @noboundariesplease
Disclaimer: Characters and flashback scenes belong to Pixelberry.
Ethan sat in the waiting room, then he paced the waiting room, then he left the waiting room, then he returned to the waiting room once again. The waiting drove him insane, and he couldn’t fathom how so many families were able to do this. He felt so unlike himself. He knew he should be busy with work, or checking on patients, or doing literally anything other than sitting in a damn waiting room.
But he knew he couldn’t - not in the current state he was in. Besides, Naveen wouldn’t allow it.
As he took a seat in his chair, yet again, his eyes roamed over to a little boy sitting by his mother. The mother was clearly agitated, wringing her hands together and checking the hallway every few moments, most likely waiting for any doctor to come and tell her that her loved one would be alright. The little boy, however, was just the opposite. His small hand was wrapped around a toy plane, waving it aimlessly through the air with a carelessness that a part of Ethan wished he himself had.
“Do you want kids?”
Diana’s voice boomed through the speaker, and Ethan was slightly shocked by her question. He wasn’t expecting her to get so personal - to be so forward - when he asked for her to help him test the new fMRI machine. He was trying his best to remain as still and as calm as he could - emotionless, almost. He didn’t want to give too much away.
“Dr. Ramsey?”
“I heard you,” he responded. “I’m thinking.”
But he knew the answer. He had thought about kids a few times actually, but the idea seemed odd now. He had always blamed it on work or being too busy. He supposed the truth was that he never really considered that life could happen to him. He never really thought someone would walk into his life that he could love, and love so deeply, enough to want that kind of life. Something like that just never made sense to him.
The little boy’s sudden helicopter noises jarred Ethan out of his memory, and another painful jolt of guilt and shame washed over him. Why couldn’t he have just been honest with her? Why didn’t he open himself up more? Why couldn’t he have opened up sooner?
He quickly stood and walked towards a hallway. A nurse moved to intercept him, but he waved her off. “Relax,” he grumbled. “I’m just going to the vending machine. And tell Naveen I don’t need a babysitter.”
When he got to the vending machine, though, he just stood there. Feet planted on the ground, arms folded, and eyes staring straight forward at a small pouch of hot chocolate.
"That got her to take her pills,” he sputtered. “I can’t believe it.”
“Of course it did.”
Ethan looked at her suspiciously. “So, are you going to tell me how you worked this one out?”
A mischievous smirk played on the corner of Diana’s lips and a teasing glint shimmered in her eyes. “A girl’s got to have some secrets, Dr. Ramsey.”
He would be lying if he said he wasn’t slightly annoyed by her response. “You’re seriously not going to tell me?”
“I’m going for the air of mystery.” He couldn’t help but notice the way her tongue darted out and licked the bottom of her lip as she paused, adding an innocent smile. “Is it working?”
Despite himself, a small smile appeared on his face. “... mildly.”
She grinned before turning back to the machine and punching in the numbers for the chocolate bar in the top corner. Retrieving it, she tossed it toward him.
“And who is this for?”
“You.” Her response made him look her in the eye. Mixed feelings swirled within him as he tried, and so desperately failed, to study her. All she did was smile in response; the same smile that made his heart beat uncomfortably in his chest. “It’s okay to treat yourself sometimes, Dr. Ramsey.”
The memory faded as his eyes lazily glided towards a chocolate bar that rested in the top corner of the machine. He shook his head and walked further down the hallway, stopping to lean against a bin of medical supplies. His eyes flickered to a TV that was playing a baseball game in a patient’s room.
The pharmacy executives walked away, and Diana turned toward him with an annoyingly attractive smirk toying on her lips. “’One of our most promising young doctors,’ huh?”
She gave him an innocent smile as she melodramatically narrated his own words. “’The future of medicine.’”
“Well, I couldn’t introduce you as a colossal pain in my ass, now could I?”
A wide smile spread across her features, provoking a grin of his own.
Pins and needles pricked the backs of his eyes once again, and he looked away quickly. Being reminded of the baseball game felt like a painful punch to the gut. He remembered how proud he had felt of her that day. She handled the executives with so much ease and confidence that it nearly took him by surprise. He didn’t even know why he had invited her in the first place.
Of course he did. He always knew.
He decided to go upstairs to his old office. It was still vacant; maybe he wouldn’t be bothered there - by people or by painful memories.
He was wrong, of course. The moment he stepped through the threshold of his old office, an even more painful memory surfaced.
“What are you -?”
Diana strode into his office, no knock, just a fiery look of accusation burning in her eyes. “Are you punishing me? Do you enjoy it, or something?”
Ethan’s face twisted in anger, and he felt his skin crawl with an unbelievable amount of annoyance. “You need to separate your personal feelings from your professional feelings, Dr. James.”
His anger was almost - not fully, but almost - misplaced because he knew that he, himself, should have been listening to his words, too.
Diana rose to her full height, which was still much shorter than Ethan. “You told me you gave me that patient for a reason.”
“Of course I did!” He was raising his voice now. That usually made people back down; not Diana. “I meant to challenge you!”
“Challenge me to do what?”
She raised her voice too, and his shoulders tensed with annoyance, with anger, and with ... something else he couldn’t quite place his finger on.
“To be the best doctor you can be!” He shouted. Both of their chests rose and fell with pint up emotions. He chose to lower his voice, but the anger dripping from his tone still sliced through the tense air between them. “I selected you because I saw something special in your application.”
Her entire demeanor changed as it dawned on her. “Wait - you selected me?”
“Yes.” He towered over her; his eyes narrowed, and his jaw set tight. “It’s very rare that I’m wrong, Rookie. But I’m willing to admit when I am.”
The way she had looked at him before she left his office was almost enough to make him call after her. But he didn’t; he couldn’t. He was too blind at the time, too wrapped up in pushing her away to prevent himself from pulling her closer. Now, just the idea of him possibly hurting her with his words made his head swim with unfamiliar pain.
“What are you doing to me?”
Diana had overcome his willpower with just one look, and her eyes searched his own in such a way that made his heart beat erratically. With the most beautiful smile he had ever seen, she responded, “Hopefully something good.”
He felt dizzy - inexplicable confusion. He’d never felt like this before, and he certainly couldn’t explain it. If he tried to leave his office, he feared he would stumble or try his hardest to go in that damn operating room himself. He needed them to save her.
“I hated her ... but he still loved her.” Ethan looked at Diana with so much vulnerability. He didn’t even bother to hide his emotions from her; not this time. “Why didn’t he ever resent her the way I did?”
Diana’s eyes were so soft, so warm. He felt like she single-handedly kept him tethered to the ground, and he never, ever wanted to let go. “It’s a different type of pain, Ethan. You were just a child; your world view was still forming. You couldn’t possibly have understood then.”
Perhaps she was right, but he understood now. He needed them to save her ... because he loved her.
“Ethan,” a familiar voice sounded behind him.
He turned to see his dad standing in the doorway. His eyebrows furrowed together, but he couldn’t ignore how good it felt to see such a familiar face.
“Dad?” When his voice came out, it surprised him with how little it sounded. He sounded like a small child. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, I was on my way back to Providence, but -,” he paused. Alan took one look at his son, and his heart nearly broke with both compassion and understanding. “I was already told what happened. I’m so sorry, son.”
All Ethan could do was nod. His dad stepped closer and wrapped his son in a careful hug. Ethan was hesitant for a long moment. It felt odd - uncomfortable, even - but he accepted it, eventually. Only because he could just imagine the look Diana would be giving him right now, encouraging him to play nice with his dad.
Ethan only let the hug last for a few seconds before he pulled away and roughly swiped at his eyes to remove any stray tears. Before either of them could speak, Dr. Varma appeared in the doorway with uncharacteristically red eyes.
“Dr. Ramsey ... Diana’s out of surgery.”
When Ethan got the news, he hadn’t known what exactly it was that he expected. Maybe her brown eyes gazing up at him, eyelids blinking lazily, and a hoarse voice asking what had happened. Perhaps even some irrational part of him had hoped to see her sitting up, reassuring nurses and friends alike not to fuss over her. Something - anything - to indicate that she was going to be okay.
But that isn’t what happened, and Ethan had mentally cursed himself for allowing even a sliver of hope to twist his chest as he rushed to her room with his dad on his heels.
Now, even two hours later, she still hadn’t woken up. Ethan longed to see her open her eyes, to see her look at him the way only she could. A part of him couldn’t help but to allow just an ounce of hope to trickle into his mind as he imagined Diana’s eyes fluttering open and immediately drifting toward him. What would he say? Would he even be able to let her go another minute without telling her that he loved her?
Every twitch of her finger or her eyes sent Ethan’s heart into a rapid frenzy with an overwhelming arousal of hope he’d thought was dormant; it nearly left him dizzy. Yet, she remained asleep.
After checking on his patients once again, Ethan returned to her room - to the chair he had pulled as close to her bed as possible. His glasses rested on the edge of his nose, hands gripping patient files that he didn’t even look at. All he could do was watch her. Nurses and doctors passed by her room, throwing curious glances in his direction, but he didn’t care. His eyes remained trained on the one object of his affection.
His eyes dragged up to see his dad, who stood in the doorway and attempted a sad smile. Ethan fished his keys out of his pocket, working his house key off of the ring. “You can stay at my place again tonight, dad.”
Alan watched his son struggle to get the key; frustration clear on Ethan’s face. Alan let out a quiet sigh, stepping into the room and walking to the foot of Diana’s bed. “Ethan, I know you want to stay here, but ... maybe you should get some sleep? They have plenty of other fine doctors here who will watch Dr. James.”
Finally tugging the key off of the ring, Ethan paused for a moment before raising the key in the air, wordlessly meeting his dad’s gaze. They both knew he wouldn’t leave.
Alan sighed once more, walking closer and patting his son on the shoulder. “It’s okay, son. I’m driving back tonight.” Ethan dropped his hand, and another long moment passed between the two of them. “Dr. James will be alright, just - just take care of yourself, Ethan.”
Ethan met his dad’s gaze once again before offering him a short nod. “Drive safe, dad.”
Alan spared him one last look, then glanced worriedly down at Diana’s sleeping form, before leaving the room. Ethan watched him go, even listened to his receding footsteps for as long as he could. After a beat, his eyes - a blue storm of pain, longing, and hope - returned to Diana.
Just as he’d done many times before, he placed the files on his lap and leaned forward. He gently took her wrist, placing his fingers above her pulse. With eyes trained on his watch, he counted each passing second before glancing up at her monitors.
Vitals were fine; patient was stable. He did this nearly every thirty minutes because it was the one thing that eased his conscious.
When he placed her wrist back at her side and returned to gripping the files in his hands, Dr. Trinh, Dr. Varma, and Dr. Greene entered the room
“Oh - Dr. Ramsey,” Dr. Trinh said, slightly startled. She looked as if she wanted to add, “You’re still here ...”
He wanted to offer to leave - to tell them they could have a moment with their friend - but he couldn’t; he wouldn’t. He had left her before, and he never intended to do so again. The thought of her being alone when this accident happened nearly made his hands curl into fists and his heart beat with both anger and guilt. He wanted to make sure he was the first person she saw; he wanted to make sure she knew she would never be alone again.
Much to his relief, Dr. Varma offered him an out as she held up a card and a teddy bear that looked as if both had come from the hospital’s gift shop. “We just wanted to bring these to her before our shifts ended for the day.”
She walked over to Diana’s bedside, placing the teddy bear on the side table and positioning the card delicately in the bear’s grasp. The card fell open slightly, facing Diana, and Ethan caught sight of the inside of it.
His eyebrows furrowed as he squinted his eyes slightly. “That signature in that card - is that the governor’s signature?”
Dr. Varma’s mouth twisted in a smile as she looked at the card, as if she were smiling at some fond memory. “It’s sort of a running joke between us.”
Dr. Greene found his way to the foot of Diana’s bed, sad eyes looking at her seemingly peaceful face. “Has she woken up yet?”
He hadn’t looked at Ethan, but Ethan knew he was talking to him. He also knew Dr. Greene already knew the answer. He shook his head anyway. “No - nothing, yet.”
After having lingered in the doorway, Dr. Trinh finally walked into the room and went directly up to Diana’s bedside. A stray tear left her eye, and Ethan looked away for a moment. He felt like he was intruding on something - a moment, rather. But he still refused to leave; he just couldn’t bring himself to do so.
A moment later, Dr. Trinh sniffed, and they all turned to leave. “Have a good night, Dr. Ramsey.”
“Doctors,” he said, nodding his head at their retreating figures.
Once they had cleared the doorway, Ethan’s eyes landed on an elderly couple in the hallway. One was a patient; a short, frail woman with graying hair and a hospital gown hanging loosely on her thin body. Her hands were placed gently on an elderly man’s arm. The two walked slowly down the hallway as he pulled her IV stand behind them. The smiles on their faces as they gazed up at each other made it seem as if they were walking around Boston Common, not the inside of Edenbrook.
With furrowed eyebrows, Ethan returned his attention to Diana. For a moment, he could see it - the life he never could image for himself. A house somewhere on a lake just outside of Boston, one they had built, with Jenner pouncing around the lawn after a baseball his son had failed to catch in his gloved hand.
His pager sounded, and he shook the image from his head almost aggressively. Standing to his feet, he paused and dropped an affectionate hand down to meet Diana’s cheek. He brushed his fingers against her soft skin with a touch as light as a feather. He stood there - just like that - for a second longer before withdrawing his touch and leaving the room as fast as he could so as to be able to return as fast as possible.
He tried not to get angry that his patient took longer to deal with than usual. Why was it always so hard to get Mr. Mitchell to take his medication?
Regardless, his feet carried him all the way to Diana’s room. As he went, he flipped through charts and results that had been waiting for him at the nurses’ station. A slight pain throbbed just behind his eyes; he knew he was tired, but he was just stubborn enough to push through it.
At the end of the hallway, Diana’s room sat, and, as he approached and let his eyes painfully draw up from the charts, there she sat, too.
His heart stopped and his blood ran cold as he watched her. She was wiggling her toes and stretching her fingers while clearly still trying to blink herself awake. Ethan couldn’t bring himself to announce his presence, so he continued to watch her in disbelief. 
He knew he should’ve rushed forward, scolding her not to put too much strain on herself. He should’ve stepped forward and checked her vitals to make sure she was fine, to ensure there were no signs of any surgical complications.
He just couldn’t. He couldn’t move.
She attempted to look at her monitors, but her pillow was blocking her view. She brought her hand up to move it out of the way, and, as she did, she caught sight of Ethan.
With a sheepish smile that made Ethan’s heart skip a beat, she raised her arm and waved it in the air, letting all the wires connected to her bounce aimlessly, before dropping her arm back to her side. “I was just doing a post-surgery checkup.”
He wanted to scoff; he wanted to say, “of course you were.” But his speech failed him. All he could do was stare at the woman in front of him, knowing that, deep down, he only had one thing to say.
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spidey-babe-parker · 4 years
From Afar
Chapter 2: since your love came breaking through
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Featuring: Sam Winchester x Plus Size Reader
Summary: even in your worst moments he’s always been there for you. 
warning: angst, and smut in future chapters
AN: it’s only going to get even more angsty from here. Next chapter will be up Dec 19. 
links are broken and all future and past chapter can be found in my masterlist
At the age of nine, your life changed out of nowhere. It was chilly Sunday morning when you walked into the kitchen to find your mom with a suitcase in her hand. Tears were sliding down her cheeks as she spoke to your father. The look on his face was one you had never seen before. His look was a mixture of sadness and anger. 
Everything seemed like a blur as your mother told you through tears that she was leaving. You didn’t fully understand that she didn’t want to be a mother to you full time. She walked out the door leaving you sobbing. Your father held you while you cried.
You sat in your room for over an hour crying. You only stopped when Sam walked into your room. Your dad called Jon Winchester telling him what had happened.
Without a second thought Sam rushed over to you and held you while you started to cry again. You knew right then that he was going to be your best friend forever.
When you finally stopped crying Sam convinced you to go outside and play with him. The house you lived in with your father had a huge backyard that backed up to the woods. Sam and you were running around chasing after each other while Dean sat on the swing watching you both. He was thirteen and had no desire to play with two kids.
Sam raced up to you grabbing your hand pulling you down into the tall grass. The sun was shining bright on both of you as you lay there giggling. Looking over at him you couldn’t help but notice the way he giggled as you laid there. It was clear to you in that moment that you had a crush on your best friend. He was the only person who was able to help you stop crying. He was the only person who could make you laugh so hard it hurts. 
“What are you two doing?” Dean asks as he walked over to you.
Sitting up you smile at the older Winchester who doesn’t seem amused by you and Sam. “We’re playing,” you say.
“You two really are a bunch of children,” Dean groans.
“Hey,” Sam shouts.
“Go ahead and keep playing with your future wife,” Dean says walking back over to the swing.
You look over at Sam confused on why Dean made that comment. There is no way he knows that you have a crush on Sam.
“Dean doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s just jealous you’re my best friend,” Sam says as he lays back down in the tall grass.
The autumn weather is slightly chilly as you walk through town with Sam by your side. You both needed some fresh air. Sam wanted to go jogging, but you convinced him to walk into town with you to get a cup of coffee. 
The grounds covered in autumn leaves as you walk down the road together. The warm colors of red, orange, and yellow are a constant reminder of your love of autumn. Another cool breeze blows and you tugged your coat closed. Looking up at Sam you find him watching you.
“Are you cold?” he asks.
You shake your head lying to him. You regret not wearing your scarf. It’s quite a bit more chilly than you expected it to be.
“Are you lying to me?” he asks knowing you all too well.
“Never,” you smile.
Without another word he steps closer to you and placed his arms holding your overly curvy body  close to him. Looking up you try your hardest not to smile at him, but you can’t help it. 
“I know you won’t let me give you my jacket, so this is the next best thing,” he says as you continue to walk down the street together.
You never felt safer than when you were in his arms. 
Walking into town you stop at your favorite coffee shop. You can not wait to hold a warm cup of coffee in your hands. You place your order and even before you can pay Sam orders himself a cup of coffee and pays the barista. You just shake your head that he won’t allow you to pay for yourself. He never has, and he never will let you pay.
“Thank you,” you say softly as you walk to the bar to wait for your drinks.
“You’re welcome,” he steps closer to you and smiles. 
Even inside the warm coffee shop you’re still pretty cold and it’s clear to Sam that you haven’t warmed up. He steps towards you and wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his strong chest. Your head rest on his strong torso as he gently rubs your back.
“I should wear a warmer jacket next time,” you say looking up at him.
“That might be a good idea,” he says.
The barista calls your name and you step away from Sam hesitantly. If you had your way you could of stood there in his arms all day. 
Walking over you grab yours and Sam’s coffees. You hand him his and leads you out of the coffee shop. He holds the front door for you and waits for you to walk outside back into the cool autumn air.
Together you start walking back to the bunker. You get about ten feet from the coffee shop when he places his arm across your shoulders pulling you once again close to his body. You smile as you bring your coffee up to your lips again.
Walking back into the bunker Sam receives a text from Donna asking if he can research something for her. 
“Did you want to help me do some research?” he asks as you stand in the library with him.
“Sure,” you say sitting down at the table.
You and Sam sit in the library for an hour researching for Donna. After Sam gets back to her with the information you’ve discovered you tell Sam you should relax and watch a movie together. You head off to your room with him following behind you.
You find one of your favorites Weird Science and turn it on. Laying down on your bed Sam walks over and sits down on the bed next to you. 
“How do you still love this movie?” he asks as your eyes are focused on the TV in front of you.
“It’s a classic,” you say glancing up at him.
“I swear I have watched this movie probably twenty times with you,” he states.
“You don’t have to watch it, I’m sure I could show it to Cas or Jack,” you say knowing damn well he’s not going to take you up on your offer. 
“We both know I’m not leaving,” he shakes his head before laying down on the bed next to you.
“Be happy I invited you,” you say as you reach out and poke his strong shoulder.
He lets out a heavy sigh and says, “I don’t turn down watching a movie with you.”
Together you lay on your bed until the movie is over. As the end credits roll both your stomachs are growling, and you know that if you both are hungry Dean is most likely just as hungry. You let Sam know you’re going to make dinner for the group.
You head off to Dean’s room to let him know you’re making dinner, and then head off to the kitchen. 
Standing in front of the stove you work on making some pasta for the boys. Looking up you see Jack walking towards you. He’s probably just as hungry as you and the boys and was curious to know what’s for dinner.
“Can I help you cook?” he asks.
“Of course,” you smile.
Jack was constantly wanting to learn new things and you were willing to teach him anything you could. You share a special bond with the young Niphilim and you want to teach him anything you can.
“Can you please mix the sauce for me?” you ask.
He nods and takes the wooden spoon from the you. He mixes the sauce and smiles at you. He found doing normal things like this completely entertaining. 
“Can I ask you something?” he says as he places the wooden spoon down.
You pour the pasta into the boiling water and say, “yeah you can ask me anything.”
“Have you and Sam ever been a couple?” 
You can’t say you’re shocked he asked this question. He has no clue about your past you have shared with Sam. All he has ever seen in his short life is how strangely close you are with Sam. To someone who didn't know about your lifetime of history would probably assume you were either together now or had been in the past.
“No we’ve never been a couple, he’s my best friend.”
He’s so much more than your best friend, but you can’t even think of where to start when it comes to explaining your relationship. 
“You both love each other though?” he seems confused.
You shrug your shoulders and nod your head, “yeah we love each other, I also love you, Dean and Cas.”
His eyes narrow as he is processing what you are saying, “You love Sam differently than you do us though.”
Jack isn’t wrong in assuming this. You love Sam differently than you ever had anything or any one. 
“He’s my best friend and he’s been there for me through hell and back, literally. I can’t tell you the times he held me while I cried. Or how many times he made me smile when I didn’t want to.”
He picks up the spoon again and starts to mix the sauce, “I think that means you’re in love.”
His statement catches you slightly off guard. Stopping you stare at the stove trying to process what he had just said to you. 
Your heart races as you stand there unsure of what to even say to Jack. 
“Did I say something wrong?” Jack asks sound concerned.
Shaking your head you say, “I think you said everything right.”
“Does Sam feel the same way?” he asks.
You shrug your shoulders. You know Sam feels something for you, but you have no clue if it’s the same thing you feel. Any chance you might of had with Sam you most likely blew all those years ago when you were seventeen and scared.
“I don’t know.”
“Maybe you should tell him how you feel?” Jack says.
“If only it was that simple,” you say.
You and Jack finish cooking and you plate pasta for everyone before calling the boys to the table. Jack sits next to Dean at the table and Sam sits right next to you like he always does. As you all eat together you can feel Jack watching you and Sam closely.
Your conversation with Jack left you wondering why you were so afraid when you were young. You can’t help but wonder if everything would be different if you just would have said yes all those years ago. 
♡ All my taglist are open ♡
@thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @theonelittleone​​ @missbeccamay @breezy1415​​ @imjustsad-leavemebe​ @geeksareunique​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @lilulo-12​ @this-side-of-midnight5​​ @alicedopey​​ @mogaruke​​ @sideeffectsofyou​ @queenoftheunderdark​​ @malfoysqueen14​ @superflannel​ ​@fandomsrourlives @arctusluna​​ @biggirlauthor​  @pinknerdpanda​ @stoneyggirl​ @fiftyshadesofrebel​ @pantrashtic​ @vampire7595​
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Want You Back
Tom gets back with his ex, y/n
Request: could you plz do an imagine (with tom) where the reader is his ex and his stalking her ig and sees another guy (someone like shawn, idk) and gets jealous and then he calls her or smthn and then they getbck together?
A/n: I’m assuming you mean Shawn Mendes?
I did my best. Hope you like it.
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“What a babe”
Tom stared at your latest post. He hated how you act with Shawn. He hated that you were dating him- that he had lost you to him. He thought he would be better off without you. Turns out, he needs the exact opposite.
Tom began to scroll down your profile, looking at your posts. You opted to keep the ones of him up, deciding it was too much of an effort to go through and delete them all. So you say. He hoped it was actually because you still loved him and were willing to take him back.
He felt his heart tug seeing the memories of the two of you.
“You’re the one that I want” - Halloween night when the two of you dressed as Sandy and Danny from Grease
“The real reason I join the golf trips” - You holding up a beer while Tom held up his club
“Tis the season” - Christmas decorating and Tom holding a mistletoe over the two of you
“Only you” - A sneaky photo of you and Tom’s intertwined fingers resting over the duvet on your bed while you cuddled
It was just too much. A stray tear fell from Tom’s eye as he thought of you, a hand coming up to angrily wipe his face. He couldn’t do it- he couldn’t let you go that easily.
Standing up, he walked to the counter and grabbed his keys to drive to your house, slightly hoping that Shawn wouldn’t be there. He looked intently at your driveway as he pulled up to your place- no unfamiliar vehicles present. Parking the car, he moved to the door to speak to you.
He knocked on the door twice before stepping back, waiting for you to open the door for him. His eyes widened slightly as he heard footsteps approach.
“Tom?” You asked confused as you opened the door. You were dressed in pajama shorts and a baggy t-shirt, hair disheveled as if you had been in bed- admittedly you probably were, it was pretty late. “What are you doing?”
“Y/n, I-“ Tom started but stopped, thinking about what he needed to say. “I know you’re dating him now, but I can’t let you go.”
“Tom-“ you breathed out, exhausted and not wanting to listen to it.
“I’m not kidding. I know what I said- I know I thought we would be happier separated, but I can’t do it, y/n. I love you, and I need you in my life, by my side. My schedule can wait, I want to make time for you and to be with you. I’m not letting anything get in my way again,” he said confidently. “I still love you, and I will never be able to move on from you.”
Tom looked at you, waiting for an answer. You slightly shook your head before answering, “what do you want me to say? That I’ll drop everything and take you back?”
“That’s the best case scenario I can think of,” he muttered.
“Tom, you were the one that wanted this,” you said, your voice breaking only slightly. It was that break that made Tom hopeful. He hated to see you cry, but seeing the tears and emotion convinced him that you still loved him.
“I was wrong. I made a mistake- you know me, I always make mistakes. This was just one huge fuck up and I’m trying to fix it. Please, y/n, let me fix it.”
“What about Shawn?” You asked him. As much as Tom wanted to deny it, you did have a boyfriend and that wasn’t just something you could drop at a moment’s notice.
“He may tell you he loves you, he may tell you he needs you, but I swear that he will never mean it like I do. I’m not one to challenge others or pick fights, but I love you more than he could ever imagine, and I will do whatever it takes to get you back.” Tom’s jaw began to clinch as he spoke, making you want to reach out and touch him. “Just let me in, and we can talk and figure this out.”
You took a deep breathe and looking down, thinking about it. You knew letting him in would be a dead yes- you really did miss him, as much as you wanted to deny it- and you didn’t know what would come from a ‘no’. You looked back at him before nodding your head and stepping out of the doorway, letting him in.
“Thank you,” he sighed before hurrying through the door, going straight for the living room. He sat on the couch and turned to look at you as you sat on the loveseat perpendicular to him. You looked at each other for a second before you broke the silence.
“When did you change your mind?” You asked him. He was the one that broke your heart and left you to repair it yourself. You had desperately hoped that he would come back for you, but months passed and he didn’t. You weren’t completely over him when you began dating Shawn.
“I don’t think it was a change of mind as much as a realization. With my job, the commitments I have, I left you so much that I thought that breaking up and going our seperate ways would be the best but-“ Tom began and stopped. He shook his head, looking away from you as he gathered his thoughts. “Being without you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. You were so supportive and understanding and loving. Even when I couldn’t bring you with me, you were still there for me. Not having you to lean on, I felt so lost.”
“So... getting back with you is just to benefit yourself?” You asked, mostly wanting to give him a hard time. You felt proud of yourself seeing his eyes get wide in slight panic.
“No! Definitely, not!” He replied quickly. “I will do everything in my power to do better for you. Anything you need- anything you want, it’s yours. Wherever I have to go, I will take you with me. If you can’t go, I’ll make the effort to call and talk to you. Everything I didn’t do before will be a thousand times better than you’d ever expect.” Tom looked at you intently, trying to gauge what answer you were leaning toward. “Just please tell me you’ll give me a second chance.”
You thought about it for a second before changing the subject. “How’s your family doing?” You asked Tom. He let out a breathe, knowing how you were. Changing the subject meant you had to think about it, but he didn’t want thinking. He wanted an answer. He slightly huffed before talking.
“They’re good. Paddy really misses you- everyone misses you, but Paddy took it the hardest,” he informed you. You felt your heart pull at the thought of the younger boy.
“Really?” You asked sadly.
“Yeah,” Tom said, a slight chuckle in his voice as he thought of his brother. “He wouldn’t talk to me for about a week. He was pissed.”
“He’s a sweet kid,” you said thoughtfully.
“He isn’t when he’s mad, though. That was one tough week.”
You laughed as you imagined Paddy mad and yelling at Tom. You continued talking about life, family, and jobs- catching up on everything you had missed since being apart. You had planned for Tom to stay just a few minutes, maybe an hour, but you got so caught up in each other that you talked all night. You only stopped when you heard a car pull in your driveway.
“I’ll be right back,” you told Tom before standing up, walking out the door to meet the driver before he went inside.
“Hey,” Shawn said as he stepped out the car door, moving to kiss you. You dodged it, looking away from him as you thought of what you were going to tell him. “You okay? Who’s car is this?”
“It’s Tom’s,” you admitted, looking up to see his face, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“Ex-boyfriend Tom?” He clarified, prompting you to nod. “What does he want, and why is he here so early?”
“He’s been here all night. We were just talking about life and stuff,” you began to speak quickly.
“Did you kiss him?”
“No,” you answering, a hint of disappointment in your voice.
“Did you want to?” He asked, beginning to catch onto the situation.
“Yeah,” you said, sighing as the words came past your lips.
Shawn nodded his head, processing what was happening. “Okay,” He said, looking away from you. You opened your mouth, but closed it again before speaking.
“I don’t know what to say,” You said softly.
“I do,” Shawn replied quickly, upset. “You still love him. I desperately hoped you’d be able to forget him and move on, but you never did.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. You two are obviously meant to be together, I’m not going to stand in your way any longer.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you. You’re such a great guy, and I really do like you, but,” you trailed of trying to think of the words to say.
“But I’m not him,” Shawn finished for you. You cringed at how bad it sounded, but it was true. “It’s okay. I get it, and I wish you two the best.” He reaches out to you, giving you one last hug.
“Thank you.” You pulled away from him and watched as he got in his car and drove away, waving goodbye. You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Turning around, you walk back into your house where you found Tom sat right where you left him.
“I guess people deserve second chances after all,” you said, making Tom turn around quickly.
“So you’re my girlfriend again?” He asked excitedly, standing up to move beside you.
“Only if you don’t fuck up again,” you teased, a grin coming to your face as he wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace, lifting you off the ground. You laughed at his reaction and placed a hand on the back of his head as he buried his face into your neck as he placed little kisses along your skin.
“Thank you,” He said after he put you down, a big smile on his face.
“Better call Paddy,” you said making Tom laugh before your lips connected for a long overdue kiss.
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talpup · 4 years
Light In the Darkness:31
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, eventual sexual behavior, and other possible triggers.
***If you prefer reading off AO3 here’s the link for that: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887595/chapters/57541036
Will go back to weekly updates on Tues.  But this Tues chapter was short, as is this one.  Lots of stuff will be happening in the next chapter and I didn’t want to wait 2-weeks to get to post it.
Hope all is doing well. Thank you to those who have left hearts.  And a special THANK YOU to those who have recently left comments or re-blogged. They really mean a lot.
Taglist: @captncappuccino​ .
Chapter 30
Over the next three days Jax was thankful when Teris was gone.  He knew what she was doing over at the Crimson Lions base, and though he wished her luck he didn’t like it.  The only reason he allowed her long absence for three days in a row was because when she was home it was as if she and Yami were having a contest over who could slam the hardest.  While doors seemed to be there favorite, anything was up for grabs.  Hands, books, cups, plates, candlesticks, even his favorite porcelain niknak had been shattered to pieces when Teris had picked it up only to crash against the sofa table it sat on when Yami had left the room closing the door behind him with a resounding crack.
A knock sounded on the Captain's office door.
Bronn peaked his head through the slightly open door.  “I hope you had your fill of peace and quiet.”
A thunderous bang sounded throughout the house.
“Need I say more.”  Bronn said entering with a sigh.
“She’s back.  Great.”  Jax said with sarcastic enthusiasm.
Another boom sounded from somewhere else in the house.
“Isn’t that sweet.  It’s as if Yami’s welcoming her home.”  Jax glowered.  “By trying to tear down my base.”
“I wonder if they figured out a new way of communication.”  Bronn jested.
“This is serious, Bronn.”  Jax said leaning forward.  “This place is ancient and barely standing as it is.”
“Oh, this place is fine.”  Bronn waved him off patting the wall feeling one of the stones there wobble.
At yet another resounding slam from Teris or Yami, Jax couldn’t tell which, the stone Bronn had patted fell to the ground.
“I’ll get that.”  Bronn bent.
“No need.”  Jax said using his magic to put the stone back in place. “But you see my point.”
“Aw, Captain.  They’re kids.  They’ll get over it  It’s better it happened now than later.”
Jax tilted his head sensing more his Vice Captain wasn’t saying. “Bronn.  Have you played a part in bringing my base down around my ears?”
“Not in the least!”  Bronn said pulling his head back and shaking it guiltily.
“What’d you do?”
“Bronn!” Jax slammed an open mana cloaked hand on the desk adding his own note to Yami and Teris’ chorus.
Bronn flinched at the desks cracking.  “I don’t know why the girl’s so mad.  I had nothing to do with that.  I swear.”
“And Yami?  Why did he return from the Wild Fire mission to Clade so changed?”
Bronn looked away.
“You tell me what you did or mana help you I’ll ring you out like a first year recruit.”
“I didn’t do anything.  The boy apparently heard that royal braid faced brat call Teris his Intended and was asking Olsen what it meant.  Olsen told him.  And when the kid refused to accept the truth I set him right.  It’s for the best, Captain.  For both of them. Whether the girl was leading him on or not we all know in the end she’s going to do what her family demands and marry Nozel.  If she wasn’t leading him on having him pull away will save her some heartache and the temptation of making Yami false promises.  It’ll certainly save him a lot of pain.”
There was another riotous bang.  Jax closed his eyes trying to control his temper at Bronn, Yami, and Teris.  “You don’t think those two aren’t in pain?”  He asked opening his eyes.  “They’re tearing this place apart!”
“Think of how much worse it would have been if they would have continued down the path they were headed only to have her--”
Jax rose from his seat knocking it over and lifted his desk only to slam it down.  Three of its legs broke but that hardly mattered as the crack he had made earlier lengthened and deepened splitting the desk in half.  Jax didn’t even notice as he stormed at his Vice Captain. “She’s not marrying that prideful, royal twit!  You twit!”
Bronn blinked at his Captain and the broken desk.  “I—I don’t understand.  Their families intend her and Nozel to wed.  Have so since they were children.”
“I doesn’t matter what their families want.”  Jax growled.  “There is no way that girl is going to do it.”
“She’s willing to be banished.”  Bronn said as if it were a challenge.
Bronn paused a moment.  “She may say that.  The girl might even believe it.  But, she’ll never go through with it.  They never do.”
“They’re not all alike.”  Jax told.  “Look at Julius.  She’s his sister. You truly think she won’t do what she says?  The girl can be more stubborn than you and me put together.”
“Yeah but there’s stubborn and there’s foolishness.  My father--”
“She’s not your father.”
Bronn fell silent.  After a moment he said.  “She’s really not going to do what she’s told?”
“She’s been going against Sir Jorah’s direct orders and searching for answers.  What do you think?”
“But being reprimanded and possibly discharged is completely different form being ousted from your family and banished from your homeland.”
“Julius told me she has been prepared to face banishment for most of her life.  He said it’s only recently that she thought of trying to make Knights Commander in an effort to prove herself and stay.”
Bronn looked up.  “But that’s impossible!  Even if Greywright showed signs of tiring she still wouldn’t be at that level in the three to four years she has left.”
“Julius put the idea in her head to give her hope.  I think that they both know how unlikely such a happy occurrence is from coming true.  But a small hope is better than none.  Wouldn’t you say?”
Still doubtful Bronn persisted, “She’s really prepared to face banishment?  To be exiled from the Clover Kingdom.  Forever.”
“I know what banishment is.”  Jax snapped.  “And I can assure you every royal who ever considered challenging their family’s wishes does too.”
“Which is why considered never turned into action.”
“This is different,” Jax said.
“Why? How so?”  Bronn demanded.
“Cause Julius made it clear when he asked me to look after and help his little sister in any way I could.  Cause after nearly a year and a half of watching and getting to know that girl, she has never once given me a reason to doubt she isn’t a woman of her word.”
Yami exited the house through the kitchen door.  Hand cloaked in mana, he slammed the door closed.  He barely noticed the cracking sound of wood as the door splintered and broke apart.
What did Teris have to be mad about, he wondered sullenly.  Her anger only served to make him angrier.  Sure he may have confused and upset her at the wedding when he left her without a word but he hadn’t kissed anyone on the cheek.  He hadn’t disappeared all day, everyday for three days straight.
Where was she going anyway?  He refused to ask Tobin or Olsen if they knew. Gendry and Bran never paid enough attention to know.  If he asked Iban and the man knew he’d likely kill him for keeping tabs on Teris.  Asking Venice or Abril were out of the question.  He could always follow her but scrapped that idea as soon as it entered his head.  He wasn’t some desperate, stalking dog.  He shouldn’t even care.  He didn’t care.  He had had his last touch of her when they danced.
Yami stopped on the path halfway to Pilfer’s pen and closed his eyes remembering Teris’ scent, her breath on his neck and chest as he had waited for her to put her hand on his shoulder and accept his offer, his demand, to dance.  He remembered her heaving bosom and thinking that maybe stupid ball gowns had something going for them after all.  He could almost feel her hand in his.  Her waist and torso pressed tight against him.  The unwanted image of her turning and giving Nozel a kiss on the cheek rudely intruded undoing the calm that had begun to wash over him.
She might not know what had happened to pull him away but that was how he wanted it.  He knew his resolve would never hold if she tried to convince him that she wouldn’t obey her family’s wishes.  More over he didn’t want her to.  To face banishment.  He couldn’t do that to her.  He had lost his home once and knew what it was like. He wouldn’t be the cause that made her lose hers.
Still, none of this explained why she had begun to exit when he entered. She had been the one to first slam a door.  His temper quickly rising to match hers.  He didn’t like it, the way his anger at her reignited.  His temper towards her had already begun to die down, only to rise again because of her recent attitude.  Her now aloof, aggressive behavior, and the slamming doors had his rage and resentment flaring higher than it had ever been.  Especially since she was now disappearing till right before lights out, and that remembered kiss she had given Nozel.
For the first two days, Yami had gone upstairs after dinner planting himself at the window in Bran’s room waiting to see who, if anyone, escorted her back.  The entire time he had gone back and forth from being mad and disgusted with himself for still caring enough to sit there like some lovesick fool, then switching over to being infuriated at her.  When she returned alone the first night he had a moment of relief thinking that meant she wasn’t seeing the Braid Face Silver Eagle.  But then he wondered if she had somehow convinced Nozel not to see her back.
Thankful she had returned much earlier tonight, if not in time for supper. Yami continued down the wooden path.  He reached Pilfer and unlatched the cage.  The Saber Wolf laid down, accustomed to the routine.  Yami mounted and patted the beasts flank signaling Pilfer to get up.
“Let’s blow off some steam shall we.”  Yami said lowering himself to fit under the kennels door and urging Pilfer with a kick.
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reivenesque · 5 years
Not The Best Around CH5
Chapter 5: You’re The Best (Around)
The couple of nurses that came and went were about as much excitement as Laura received that night before the sun finally came up. The morning greeted them with Johnny’s very first visitor for the day it was someone Laura was always happy to see.
“Ali,” she said happily when the familiar face popped up from behind the door.
“Hi, Mrs. Lawrence,” said Ali, lingering by the door for a moment before hesitantly stepping in, not getting more than a few feet into the room before she stopped, hands fidgeting nervously behind her back. “How is he?”
“He’ll be okay. He just needs a little rest and some TLC but he’ll be right as rain in no time. What about you? I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages. You don’t come by the house anymore,” Laura said inquisitively.
Ali’s mouth opened and closed in an effort to find an appropriate response to the statement but obviously couldn’t come up with anything rational.
“I just – uh, I wanted to see how he’s doing. I don’t want to be a bother –”
There was an uneven sound of footsteps by the door when a new figure appeared, looking much more nervous and much more hesitant than Ali when she first stepped in.
“Umm, Mrs. Lawrence, this is a friend of mine, Daniel,” she motioned towards the newcomer, who looked hesitantly between the two women before raising an uncertain hand in greeting.
“N-Nice to meet you, Mrs. Lawrence,” said Daniel, careful to stay beyond the threshold of the door.
Laura returned the greeting before reaching over to shake Johnny’s shoulder. “Johnny,” she called softly, “Ali is here to see you.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that, Mrs. Lawrence. I don’t want to disturb him,” said Ali quickly.
“Oh nonsense, Ali. I know he’ll be thrilled to see you.”
Daniel had the literal look of someone caught between a hard place and an even harder place and nowhere to escape.
“Johnny.” She resumed shaking his shoulder gently until his eyes finally cracked open, heavy lidded and bleary, attempting to blink his vision into focus. “Honey,” she said once his eyes finally focused on her, “Your friends are here.” She motioned towards the door and Johnny could only follow the direction she was indicating with his eyes which widened the moment they fell on Ali standing awkwardly near the far end of the room. “If you two could stand a little closer in his line of sight,” Laura said, indicating towards the foot of the bed.
Daniel had the look of someone who’d just stumbled upon a cave full of hibernating bears and was trying to back out slowly before any of them smelled fresh meat and decided that they didn’t need the sleep that badly but had inadvertently woken all of them up. The moment Johnny’s eyes fell on him, it was clear from his expression that he’d picked the bears any day of the week.
However Ali beckoned him in and like with everything to do with Ali Mills, Daniel was too weak to refuse.
“H-Hi, Johnny,” said Ali, forcing a chipper appearance as she approached the foot of the bed. “How are you feeling?”
Johnny remained silent for a moment before he plastered on a smile which looked more pained than happy when he returned Ali’s greeting. Laura didn’t seem to notice the obvious tension in the room, or the one between Johnny and Ali and Daniel who was still skulking by the door.
“I’ve been better,” Johnny said, swallowing the lump in his throat before his eyes glanced over to stare at Daniel who was trying his hardest to blend into his background. “I’m really… glad to see you, Ali,” he added, though from the hesitation in his voice it was obviously only a show put on for his mom’s sake.
“Me too. We were all so worried.”
Johnny tried to keep up the smile but it ended up looking more like a grimace, though lucky for him Laura’s attention was more on the situation between him and Ali as opposed to whatever was going on inside his head, because his mother was one of the few people who could read him like an open book. “Yeah…” he answered simply because the atmosphere of the room descended into silence.
“I’ll just give you kids your privacy,” Laura said, obvious misinterpreting the situation and the silence as being brought on by her presence. “I’m going to get a cup of coffee, sweetheart, I’ll be back in a few minutes,” she said, reaching over to stroke Johnny’s hair and plant a kiss on his forehead. She gave Ali a brief by warm hug when she passed by her before stepping out of the room, leaving Johnny alone to face off against two of the people in the world he probably wanted to see least. Though, maybe second after Sid.
The silence remained for a while after her exit. Daniel ended up toeing his shoe against the linoleum, eyes glancing over at everything in the room besides Johnny, willing himself to shrink down into nonexistence because of the awkwardness of the situation. Ali was fidgeting with the hem of her skirt, eyes downcast while Johnny finally tore his eyes away from the sight of the two people in front of him and opted to stare at the far end wall because it was pretty much the only thing in his line of sight that didn’t cause little stabs of pain inside his heart.
“What do you want, Ali?” he asked finally, his voice cold. “Come to rub it in my face, LaRusso? Don’t worry, I’m not such an idiot that I didn’t realize I’d lost.”
The hesitation immediately drained from Ali’s shoulders when Johnny finished. Her eyes snapped up instantly, the look in her eyes blazing. “God, Johnny, can’t you ever not be so… so… vindictive? We were genuinely worried about you – I was worried about you, despite what you might think of me.”
Johnny clenched his eyes shut tight as Ali continued her almost tearful monologue until the point he couldn’t take it anymore. “Please,” he said, sounding more broken than Ali had ever heard him which caused her to stop mid-sentence. “Just… please. I’m tired of fighting,” he said with a sigh. “Please just leave.”
Ali immediately looked apologetic, almost deflated by the defeated tone in Johnny’s voice.
“I’m sorry,” she said with a sigh. “I really didn’t come here to upset you. Just… I really did just want to see how you were doing.”
Johnny mimicked the tired sigh. It genuinely hurt how much Ali’s presence had come to be more painful than pleasurable and he knew he had only himself to blame for that. “I know, but… the truth is you being here isn’t helping anything, Ali. I appreciate the concern but just… I’d rather if you didn’t come by again.”
“I understand,” Ali replied sadly.
Hurting Ali was something that hurt Johnny deeply, but so was having her so close but at the same time so far out of reach. He knew he would probably never be over her, or over the relationship they once had, especially with her being around, taunting him with the unattainability of her presence.
Johnny looked away when Ali turned to leave and he expected to hear the sound of footsteps leading away from his room, leaving him to his privacy to let his tears flow, but instead there was a shuffling sound and the voice that had at some point become the bane of his existence all of a sudden called his name.
“Hey, Johnny,” LaRusso called out and it took all of Johnny’s will power not to roll his eyes outright. He kept his eyes averted hoping that LaRusso would for once take the hint and just walk away from the situation in which his presence was neither required nor wanted.  “Look, man. I know we’ve had our differences, and we’ve made each other’s entire year hell – though some of us more than others –” he added the last part as a mutter under his breath, “But I never meant for anything like this to happen. Not even to you. So… just – just know that. I’m really sorry that it turned out this way.”
Johnny could appreciate the balls it took for LaRusso to step up and say what he said, to apologize for it nonetheless. The way he never would have done. He’d hurt his fair share of opponents in tournaments but it was never anything personal. It was just for the win. What his sensei asked him to do… what he’d asked Bobby to do… it went against even his own skewered moral compass, but he never in a million years would he have apologized to LaRusso for what happened.
Maybe he really had been the bad guy all along.
LaRusso obviously took his silence and lack of eye contact as his definitive reply and was about half way towards the door where Ali was waiting for him when Johnny found himself calling out to him.
“LaRusso,” he said, finally meeting LaRusso’s eyes when he turned around. He took a deep, measured breath before lifting his left hand up slightly, holding it out to LaRusso who looked between his face at the offered appendage confusedly. “Now we’re finally even, huh?” he asked. He wasn’t sure how he even remembered the words or why they chose to come out at that moment, but he thought it was appropriate.
LaRusso looked confused for a moment and Johnny could see the exact moment the significance of the words finally dawn on him. He smiled, and Johnny found him own lips curling slightly at the edges. “Yeah, man,” he said, walking over without hesitation and grasping Johnny’s hand, holding his firm and giving it a slight shake. “Now we’re even.”
They both let go at once and LaRusso finally turned to join Ali who was staring between them confusedly from the door.
The calm that settled in his heart, probably for the first time in years, as usual, didn’t last very long, because just as Ali and LaRusso both turned to leave, the last person either of them probably wanted to run into appeared at the door.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” asked Dutch in a sing song voice, grin plastered on, stopping dead in his tracks the moment his eyes fell on LaRusso.
Johnny just sighed. He was too tired to have to deal with that particular situation. Though he was half proud and half hurt watching Ali put herself without hesitation between LaRusso and Dutch.
The sound of multiple footsteps signaled the arrival of the rest of the Cobra Kais, stepping in into the room behind Dutch who was prowling threateningly around Ali and LaRusso like a wild animal.
“Dutch,” said Tommy, his tone almost cautionary as he said Dutch’s name.
Johnny thought he should break up the tension before it escalated but he didn’t even get the chance to open his mouth to tell him to stop once Bobby walked in.
The immediate shift in Dutch's body language was apparent, it was almost like he deflated; the prickly hairs standing on end like an aggravated feline settled down though his typical smirk stayed on. He raised both hands as if in surrender, taking a deliberate step back.
“I’m good,” he said immediately, looking between LaRusso and Bobby. “Cool as a cucumber,” he added, bowing slightly and motioning towards the door with both arms. “Careful, Danielle, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”
LaRusso looked about as confused as Johnny felt on the inside by the unexpected turn of events. However he was obviously not too confused to recognize the escape route when it was handed to him on a platter made of gold. He immediately grabbed an equally bemused Ali by the wrist, tugging her away from Dutch. Just before they disappeared out the door, Johnny found himself calling out one more time.
“Thanks,” he said, “For… for coming and for playing along; for not telling my mom the truth about us.”
For the first time in a long time, Ali looked back at him with an expression other than disdain on her face. She actually smiled. “You don’t have to thank me for that,” she said. “Your mom’s a lovely person and I genuinely care about her. But you really should tell her the truth eventually,” she said.
Leave it to Ali to always tell him things he didn’t really want to hear. Johnny guessed that was why he loved her so much.
But then she left with LaRusso, walking away with a last lingering smile before she disappeared behind the wall and far out of reach.
Johnny exhaled through the ache in his chest; furrowing his brows because it was pretty much the only part of him he could move without pain.
“How you feelin’, Johnny?” asked Bobby as he approached. He seemed to be the only person in the room unaffected by Dutch’s strange behaviour. Everyone else was still gob smacked silent by Dutch’s uncharacteristic reaction. Though knowing Bobby as well as he did (the real Bobby that not everyone got to see all the time) Johnny was positive that something had happened between the two that he didn't know about.
The question immediately erased the thought of LaRusso clear from everyone’s minds and they turned to approach Johnny’s bed; some with slightly more spring in their step than others as demonstrated by Tommy who nearly skipped up to Johnny’s side.
“Yeah, man. You doing okay?” he asked, reaching down to grab the side rail of the bed with both hand, leaning down into Johnny’s line of sight.
Johnny gave them a tired smile. The exhaustion was just a default mode of his lately though he was glad to see his friends. “Probably going to have to hang up my dancing shoes for a while,” he said.
Tommy laughed, probably a little too fervently, but then again, it was Tommy. Everything he did and said was slightly more exaggerated than that of a normal human being.
“Really glad you’re okay, Johnny,” Jimmy said, stepping up on his other side, across from Tommy.
Dutch stepped up to the foot of the bed as Bobby came up on Jimmy’s left, his warm smile plastered on his face immediately lifting Johnny’s spirits by just the sight.
“We’re Cobras,” he said, “It’ll take more than this to keep us down.” Though the voice saying the words inside his head wasn’t one that belonged to him, they were words he wanted to believe with all his heart.
“Damn straight,” said Dutch determinedly. “But I still can’t believe you let LaRusso drop you like that, man.”
The resounding sharp intake of breath was apparent in the room and Johnny turned in time to see Bobby deliver a sharp slap to Dutch’s shoulder with the back of his hand, his expression both of disbelief and irritation.
“What?” whined Dutch, feigning offense with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Seriously, man?” stated Bobby, half in query and half as an exclamation of disbelief. His expression was one that Johnny could only describe as an ever suffering mother dealing with petulant two year old who’d just thrown a tantrum. But then again, that was Bobby’s default more when it came to dealing with Dutch most of the time.
“What?” Dutch repeated, putting on the face of the wronged party so convincingly that even Bobby could barely suppress the grin tugging at the corner of his lips.
“You’re incorrigible,” said Bobby once he finally gave up trying to hold back the chuckle.
Johnny couldn’t hold back his either and eventually the whole room descended into laughter.
“You’re the real ace-degenerate,” said Tommy with a cackle and Johnny honestly couldn’t agree with the statement more if he tried.
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jenuminous · 6 years
Since Young  —  NJM
request could you write a highschool jaemin au where he meets y/n in their japanese language class and develop a relationship after studying so much together? tysm for your writing; it's amazing!
2.7k | “maybe, this might be love.” no wonder why he looked so much familiar to you. you still remembered the very embarrassing moment of getting declined from him, and so did Jaemin, who seemed to be hiding something from you.
genre fluff, high school! jaemin (feat. high school! jeno, haechan)
messages thanks for the request! sorry for fast scene changes, i couldn’t help it i guess? it’s not really proofread, and i don’t know if this is what you really wanted, and the time is late...... so hope you like it :))?
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New year, new semester, new class, new classmates. This is year didn’t seem to be any positive for you, since all of your friends were separated from you in 8 different classes. They were screaming across the hallways how they’re in the same classes, but you couldn’t join them.
It wasn’t your luckiest day either. You look down to the poorly stuck bandage on your knee, ready to fall any moment you bend your knees to get up the stairs. It stinged badly, since you didn’t apply anything else onto the bare scar.
Everything happened so fast in the morning: before school to be more exact. You ruffled your hair in frustration trying to remember who it was involved in the case, but there was only a blurry vision of a him inside your memory. You remembered tripping over him by not watching your own way, until where you ignored his apology to head to your home class.
How much of a jerk would that guy be thinking you are? You slightly bumped your fist to your forehead for discipline. You couldn’t believe the first day as a grade 12 could be such a disaster.
“Ugh!” by the sudden groan, the eyes of every people in the hallway shot towards you. Clapping your hand to your mouth, your ‘sorry’ muffled under them. Standing in front of the class door you’ve never been, you sight. You peaked through the opened door, before entering the class of staring eyes.
The class seemed to be crowded with people who you’ve never talked (though they were in some of your classes), people already divided into groups they were comfortable with. You couldn’t choose where to fit in, leading you to the seat in the front row, where no one wanted to sit.
In awkwardness you only fidget with the edge of your white tennis skirt, rustling them. Your head was drawing plans of various ways you could escape from here, but it was too late by now. “Hi, is this seat taken?”
“Huh? No-” By the sudden question from an unfamiliar voice, your eyes lifted up, lost. Beside you were two boys, already settling themselves to the empty seats on your right. “Uh, hi.” By your constant stare, the boy who seemed to have asked you the question raised an eyebrow, before making eye contacts with his friend.
They were signalling and mouthing each other silently, and it wasn’t your area of experty to figure out what it was about. It was something you could’ve taken as an offensive, but you didn’t. Instead, you stayed silent, eyes blinking several times during a second, then rolling left to right.
The very first thing you’ve noticed about them was their physical looks. They both looked different but sure they were handsome; one of them had his natural black hair, and the other had them dyed brown - gelled mostly to the left side of his face. Both of them seemed to have similar tastes in fashion too.
Even though you haven’t met them much anywhere around the school, somehow they didn’t look that foreign to you at all. In fact - after taking a closer look - you exactly knew who they were: Jaemin and Jeno. The kids from your elementary school. One of them - Jaemin - being your first crush, and the first to decline your confession.
When your eyes met, you turn around sharply without a clear spot to keep your eyes at. You felt the tip of the ears burning, even though that was 5 years ago. You couldn’t believe how much they’ve grown, but you didn’t point that out since the three of you haven’t talked to each other since the confession. It was funny to find that Jaemin and Jeno still stuck with each other wherever they went.
The class went silent after the entrance of the teacher, starting the class with her fluent Japanese; where none seemed to understand but herself. For the following hours before lunch, you’re eyes couldn’t help but keep on glimpsing at Jaemin, who seemed to be very conscious of you.
“Hey,” turning around from the door, you see Jaemin holding a pair of new bandage and an ointment keeping a distance. “It’s not gonna help if you only put bandage on it.” you follow his eyes down to your knees, where there was now a gap between the scar and the bandage, blood dried off.
Tucking the disturbing hair behind your ears, you take them with shaking hands.“Oh. Thank you.” Flustered by the sudden kindness, your thank you once again sink down as you say them. When did he even see that? you wondered. Feeling the sudden wind as Jaemin passed by you, you stare down at the bandages where you notice something.
‘you didn’t get hurt more than that from the fall, did you? how’s your shoulders’
For God sake.
You bury your face into your hands, embarrassed. No wonder why he knew that. It was Jaemin who you bumped in earlier in the morning, and yet you never realized it. Until now.
“Today’s weather is…….” you hesitate your sentence spoken with your poor japanese, looking outside the window. The sun covered by the gray clouds, and soft snow was enjoying its way down to the floor, piling themselves everywhere. “Snowy.”
Even after the short speech, your eyes were mesmerized at the gorgeous view; not even paying attention at Jaemin’s calling. Blinking in confusion, you wait for him to continue. “Do you have time after school? We can go get hot chocolate,”
You didn’t know why, but Jeno’s giggle seemed to be a hint.
The library wasn’t that silent at all. You could clearly hear laughters from somewhere, blasting of music through earphones, or some whispers like how Jaemin did. You were sitting side-by-side with Jaemin at a desk, with scattered paper.
You take a glimpse of Jaemin who was focusing on marking your quiz (that he has prepared for you) with your red pen, as you take a gulp of water. Your disappointment still couldn’t calm themselves, as you recalled in the mornings; where he asked you if you had time after school.
How stupid of you to be expecting something like a date. It was just him casually asking your available time for tutor, while grabbing a cup of hot chocolate for himself (and you).
He didn’t seem to be caring at all; and that was exactly what disturbed you the most. Does he really not remember me? Perhaps it was the braces you’ve taken off, or the thick black framed glasses you no longer wore.
Or maybe he was not acting like he remembered you on purpose. For what? Letting you feel less embarrassed? Whatever his reason was, it didn’t seem to help you by anyhow. Am I overreacting? Is it really just me who is caring about all of this? Shaking your head, you let yourself sink onto the table, pouting.
“Y/N, ‘Iku’ means to go, and for here it’s ‘iu’. Which means to say.” Jaemin catches your attention, meeting your eyes at an awkward moment of you focusing on observing him. Coughing dryly, you stand up tall trying to act normal. “Where?”
“Here.” Jaemin pointed beside number 34 with a red X, where you sigh due to your stupidity. “I swear it looked like iku…….” Your voice trailed off. Jaemin laughed softly as he handed back your paper, after writing 65% on top. “At least you’re getting there.” He messed around with your hair by ruffling, as you groan in annoyance.
The only subject you were lacking behind from all 8 was japanese. It wasn’t your fault on not being so great at catching up with new languages. And the only reason you weren’t either failing or dropping out was because of Jaemin. He wasn’t as fluent as a native japanese; still he was a fast-learner. After Jeno’s success on getting an A from Jaemin’s tutoring, he agreed with tutoring you after school for free.
You comb your messed up hair, as you grab your pencil to write down the words you’ve gotten wrong on the notebook. It was weird meeting Jaemin somewhere else rather than the small japanese class, in the front row. In fact he was studying for biology while teaching you japanese at the same time.
“You take biology?” you ask cautiously, fixing the test paper so that you could see it better. “Yeah, I take both chem and bio.” he replied coolly, taking out his phone to google one of the questions. With curiosity, you tried to peek what it was, but failed.
“I take biology too. What, uh, coincidence.” It wasn’t your first time willing to slap yourself from how bad you were at continuing conversations with him. Jaemin let out a soft laugh, “Yeah, what coincidence. Do you have Mr. E?” you nod at his question, thanking him for leading the awkward conversation.
Guess people doesn’t change that much, you concluded, staring at Jaemin focusing on reading the passage related to viruses. Somehow, it overlaps with the grade 7 Jaemin, reading the book you’ve recommended him. It makes you blush in a second, unable to contain it.
The sky wasn’t as dark as it was when it was winter, though it was the same time: 5 pm. “Thanks, again, for helping me with japanese.” you say, as both of you stopped where the road splitted into three ways. Jaemin flashed a smile, which was charming as ever. “No, problem. So see you tomorrow too?”
Your heart thumped, and you hiccuped to the beat of it. “See you tomorrow too.” You were pretty sure you won’t be able to sleep tonight.
Time flew fast; from red, orange, and gold into white and pastel blue. Then white and pastel blue into pink and light green. You were in the spring seasons, which were the hardest and the laziest time period of the school year. You hoped spring break would come any faster than right now, willing to enjoy the walk under the cherry blossoms before it withers away.
The ugly purple bruise left from the fall was completely gone, blending back into your skin color. And yet you still haven’t overcome with the bruise. The embarrassing moments that included Jaemin were hard to erase. It’s been over the 100th tutor class with him already, but you couldn’t help feel like being distances away from Jaemin.
Jaemin was still the same. How he laughed, how he talked, and how he made you flutter. It seemed to be in his blood. And it was in your blood to fall over for him again. How he flashed a smile whenever your eyes met, asking you what you ate for lunch, and out of them, today was the most critical. He asked for your phone number, though he added the sentence ‘it’s for tutoring’. But you screamed from his ‘hi this is jaemin’ anyways.
“Hey, one-sided love girl there he comes. With a girl.” Donghyuck, your best friend, pointed out Jaemin with his chin, who was walking towards you, while talking with Jeno and a girl. A girl. “Why are you telling me this!” You made a sharp turn from the panic, causing you to bump into one of the lockers, hard.
You really wished you could pass through walls, as you heard Donghyuck laughing on the floor. You were pretty sure Jaemin heard and saw you banging into the locker. Meanwhile, Donghyuck was leaning on you for help with standing up from laughing too hard, wiping off fake tears. “Seriously, Y/N. You’re still in love with him.”
“Shut up,” you snapped. “I know.” But the point is, he doesn’t seem to remember me.
“Do you know who that girl is?” you ask, face still buried in the locker. “Oh, she’s Jeno’s cousin. Don’t worry she’s already taken by a senior guy named Doyoung. Why, jealous much?” Donghyuck raised his eyebrows in interest of good news, nudging you with his elbow. You only replied him with punching your fist on his shoulder.
“How do you know all that?”
“That’s because I don’t have anything I don’t know.”
Today was the day. You’ve been standing in front of the mirror for a good 15 minutes, posing and checking how you looked like in the ivory dress with blue flowers patterns. Yesterday afternoon, Jaemin texted you on meeting him at the cafe for further tutoring. It was a big step, since he was seeing you outside of school.
[he’s totally flirting with you] Donghyuck texted back with a rolling eye emoji at the end, making you only groan in embarrassment. Looking at the clock almost striking 12, you hurry. “I’m going to be late,” you grab your backpack, and rush out of the door.
Arriving at the cafe, you see Jaemin has already sat down going over his notes, with the drinks ready. You inhale and exhale deep, before opening the door with the bells ringing. “You’re early,” you say casually, settling yourself beside him.
“Yeah, it’s just my house being near.” you nod at his words, flipping your notebook to an empty page, ready for the new chapter. “Have you revised what we did from last week?” you drop your mouth open, pushing away the drink from you, while looking away.
“It’s okay, we can go over it right now.” Jaemin giggled, taking a sip from his drink, and you shyly laughed, adding a ‘thanks’ behind.
It was 3pm sharp, and already the place the two of you were at have changed. After a 3-hours straight tutor, you’ve agreed on hanging around with Jaemin until dinner, which was still a lot of time from now. The two of you headed to a karaoke room, and you were the first to choose a song. Though you weren’t very confident in your singing skills.
After all, it was the first time ever to be hanging out with only the two of you.
Holding a Subway sandwich in each other’s hands, Jaemin companied you until you arrived at your house. It was only 6, the sun still outside. But you didn’t complain about him by your side, silently digging into the leftover sandwich.
“Jaemin I have a question,” it was impossible for the dry sandwich to slide down your throat, and the atmosphere got quieter from your question. “What is it?” Jaemin asks, covering his mouth to swallow his bite of the sandwich.
“Do you remember me?” you ask. “Huh?” Jaemin looked at you with confused eyes, and now you were the one to refuse to look into his eyes now. “Do you remember me,” you repeat. Your minds went blank completely, shutting down your body right away, stiff. How do I continue from here? Your mouth dried up instantly, though you’ve applied lip balm on them.
“I don’t know if you remember me, but I do.” You were sure of the consequences later on, but you continued anyway. You felt your lips quiver by his sudden stare. “I still remember clearly from elementary. Remember how you said sorry to my confession? I thought I was over you since then, but now there’s you, who seemed to have never changed. I’m sorry to make things more awkward when we finally get a chance to talk again, but I can’t help it anymore. I like you, Jaemin.”
You realize it was only you who were continuing the steps, already at the other side of the road. And Jaemin wasn’t able to cross the crosswalk by the flash of the stop light. After the wait of perhaps a minute or so, you see him running towards you.
“No, I do remember you. I do, very clearly. It was just me who was embarrassed to ask if you really was you.” his deep voice stopped the time around you, though you could clearly see the vehicles moving. “I know I said sorry to your confession, and I- I regret about that. I like you too, Y/N. I’ve been waiting to say it for so long.”
Your eyes only get widened from his unexpected confession. He was grinning at you, sliding his hand down from your wrist to your hand. You wondered if he was feeling the heart rate when he grabbed your wrist, blood rushing around your body while you just stopped breathing.
“Jaemin, I’m confused,” you finally open your mouth, expressing your confusion. “Y/N, I liked you since young.”
A smile grew on your face, and you couldn’t stop it from growing it larger. He smiled too, just like the smile you fell for when you were young.
“So... can I hold your hand right now?”
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bitimerush · 6 years
Are You Flirting With Me?
Pairing: Clary x Maia
(NOTES: For anon. I have been working on this since March, but mostly neglecting it and I’m sorry.)
“Come on, she is definitely into you.”
“She is not.”
Clary blushed as she angled her head down and covered her face with her arm. She had never been this embarrassed in her entire life, and she could tell that Simon was enjoying watching her squirm.
“You come in here every day, you flirt with her, she flirts back, and then you act like there is no way she could ever like you back,” Simon said, a little too loud for Clary’s liking.
Clary shushed him and pressed her finger to his lips, glancing over to make sure that the cute barista didn’t hear Simon’s big mouth.
“I do not flirt when I talk to her,” Clary whispered, glaring at her best friend. “I just…. appreciate her.” She said the last part in a whisper, angling her head down.
Simon chuckled, shaking his head. “There is a difference between respecting a good worker and being in love with her.”
Clary groaned, covering her face with her hands. She knew it wasn’t love anyway, but she was not willing to discuss her romantic feelings here, possibly in earshot of the girl she… appreciated.
“Let’s not do this here. I will figure it out later,” Clary offered in way of compromise.
Simon raised an eyebrow. “You will?”
Clary took a sip of her coffee, swallowing harder than necessary. “Of course.”
Simon didn’t believe her, and in his defense, neither did she. She was new at this, having crushes and admitting it to herself. Until recently she had convinced herself that she didn’t like girls at all, because how could she? Being gay was so… rare. And for other people, people who were different. Not for her. Being gay didn’t seem like an option until recently.
Now that she had accepted herself for who she was, she was in love with the idea of finding love, but that doesn’t mean she knew what she was doing. At all.
“So what you are saying is, you like this girl but can’t tell if she likes you back.”
Clary groaned and plopped onto Magnus’s couch, Chairman Meow still in her arms. Magnus was making tea for the both of them, and couldn’t see her from the kitchen, but had listened to her account of the previous day’s events with interest.
“You make it sound so… normal,” Clary complained, softly stroking the hair on the top of Chairman Meow’s head.
“That’s because it is.” Magnus entered the room, two tea cups in his hand, and sat on the couch next to Clary.
Clary let out a puff of air and shook her head. “It doesn’t feel normal. Not at all.”
“It wouldn’t.” Magnus carefully sat the tea cups on the glass table in front of them before taking a breath to explain. “Not knowing whether or not your romantic feelings are reciprocated is very common. Almost every person understands how that feels. But if you have never experienced it before yet personally, it can feel quite overwhelming.”
Clary absorbed Magnus’s words carefully. Truthfully, they made her feel better. And of course they did, that’s why she was here. Magnus always made her feel better, no matter what. But feeling better about not knowing how the cute girl feels doesn’t change the fact that she has no idea how the cute girl feels.
“So what do I do?”
Magnus drank his tea slowly, seeming to ignore her. When he pulled the tea cup away from his lips he closed his eyes, swallowing before letting out a satisfied noise.
All of a sudden he was halfway across the apartment, slipping on a jacket. One second later he was almost to the door. “Come on, Biscuit”.
“Wait!” She set Chairman Meow beside her on the couch and grabbed her own jacket, struggling to get her arm through one of the sleeves as she chased after Magnus.
“You have got to be kidding me”
They were at the coffee shop, the one that the cute girl works at. Clary cursed at herself for telling Magnus which coffee shop the girl worked at, and wondered if it was too late to just turn back around and pretend she didn’t even follow him here.
“Relax, Biscuit. She isn’t going to bite.”
“So is this the part where you tell me I can only know for sure by asking her if she likes me?”
Magnus chuckled. “I thought about it, but I thought it would be more fun and less likely of rejection if you just interact with her normally and I tell you if it looks like she is interested to me.”
Clary let out a sigh of relief. “Oh thank god. This is why I love you.”
Magnus grinned and they entered the shop together, joining the line of people waiting to order drinks and baked goods.
“So what do you normally order here?” Magnus asked, but Clary barely heard him because she spotted her. Maia, her name was, it was on her nametag pinned to her apron every day. She looked absolutely gorgeous, her look of concentration when finishing up the drink she was making and her bright smile when she gave the drink to the customer at the serving counter. Her dark curls looked magnificent, and they were so her that Clary couldn’t imagine her without them. The woman turned to look at another receipt to see what she had to make, and Clary couldn’t help but appreciate the graceful way in which Maia moved, every movement purposeful and-
“It’s our turn, Biscuit.”
Somehow they were now at the front of the line, in front of a nice looking man at the register. He was waiting patiently, and thankfully didn’t seem irritated by her brief disconnect from reality.
“Your usual?” He asked.
She nodded, grateful. “Plus a black coffee for my friend.”
She smiled at Magnus as she handed the cashier her card.
Magnus leaned over to speak into her ear as the cashier charged her. “Now it’s time to work your magic on the pretty girl.”
Clary elbowed him in playful retaliation, but became serious as she took her card from the cashier and thanking him. Magnus gently guided her over to where Maia was making drinks, squeezing her shoulder in order to comfort her.
“Heyyy, Clary. What’s up?”
Maia had a big smile on her face, eyes fixed on Clary. Clary tried her hardest not to blush as she got closer to the counter.
“I’m doing fine. I mean good! Everything is great! How are you?” Clary failed at her mission not to blush, but attempted to keep her cool in the way of body language, leisurely leaning against the counter.
Maia laughed, turning her visual attention to the drink she had in her hand, picking up chocolate syrup to drizzle into it. “I’m doing great, too. Well, now that you’re here.” Her voice was sweet, and slightly confident.
At this point, Magnus had begun shaking his head, laughing. Clary swatted at his arm, trying to get him to stop. “What is your problem?” She whispered.
“That is so clearly flirting, I just don’t know how you can possibly misread that.”
Clary just rolled her eyes. “It is not.”
Magnus coughed. “Yes it is.”
Clary turned towards the counter. “Are you flirting with me?” She blurted out.
Maia was standing there, full attention on Clary with both of her ordered drinks in her hand. She looked confused more than anything.
Clary mentally kicked herself for completely ruining this situation. She could never come back here now. She would never have any drink here again, she would never see Maia again, she will just take her shame and shove it into another coffee shop, somewhere free from future embarrassment.
“I thought my flirting was obvious.”
Now Clary was the confused one. Simon was right all along? They had really been flirting the whole time?
“No-- not to me.” Clary said, trying to pull any memories of Maia flirting with her from her brain.
Maia looked kind of concerned now, her eyes becoming somber. “Does that mean you weren’t flirting with me?”
“No! I definitely was,” Clary clarified, smiling.
Maia grinned. “So, do you want to go for dinner tonight? I get off at 5.”
Clary swallowed. “Dinner as in…. A date?”
Magnus audibly groaned, both hands running down his face.
Maia laughed, shaking her head. “YES. A date.”
Clary also laughed at herself, feeling completely clueless. “Well, in that case, I will come by around 5.” She grabbed her drinks and walked away, elbowing Magnus when he started laughing again.
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unabashedly-here · 7 years
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Part 1,  Part 2,  Part 3,  Part 4,  Part 5
After making a complete fool out of yourself in front of Peter, you tried to convince yourself that it’s better that you would never see him again. He was in Queens and you didn’t even live in the city anymore. That evening, Tony told you that he decided not to become an Avenger yet, just like you thought. Pepper, who was still slightly mad at Tony’s assumption that Peter would agree, was actually joining you two for dinner in a restaurant by the facility. Ever since Tony appointed her as CEO, you rarely saw her.
There was very little conversation, but you presumed that both of them were tired after distracting the reporters from the identity of the youngest Avenger. What you didn’t know was that Tony had confided what Peter had said to Pepper. He was more than willing to let the boy do it alone without his help, but Pepper wanted to at least sway you to forgive him. “How is that boy at Midtown you were talking about last time?” she suddenly asked, “Peter?”
You looked at her strangely, not noticing Tony’s warning glance to her. “Yeah? He just turned down being an Avenger about six hours ago?” 
Pepper nodded at the information as if it was new to her. She desperately wished she could learn how to get information out of teenagers. It didn’t help that Pepper hasn’t seen you for quite some time. She could handle the difficulties that her job presented her on a daily basis. This should be easy. Glancing at Tony, Pepper decided if she didn’t want to appear dense, she’d have to confess a lie. “I just wanted to know why he would turn it down. Not many teenagers would.”
Rolling his eyes, Tony interjected, “Some kids aren’t ready for the responsibility.” Before you could say anything, he continued, “Y/N, I was looking into high schools in the area. Homeschooling is always an option.” Tony knew what topic would get you distracted, but, evidently, it wasn’t enough to distract you from Peter.
“I prefer the high school experience,” you stated before switching the topic, “If anything, Peter could handle the responsibility. It’s his ambition. He claims that he would be okay with missing high school to become an Avenger, but he realized how much he’d miss out on when presented with the choice.” You took a sip of water, hoping that neither saw how well you actually knew Peter. Dinner came shortly after and the conversation flowed smoothly after.
By Monday, Tony found you a great school in the area and made sure that every record they had concerning you had Y/L/N instead of Stark. You had your first day there on Wednesday, meaning you had to get all your books and supplies. It was less interesting as Midtown, but it was just as challenging.
On Saturday, you began helping your dad in his lab. He was only repairing a faulty piece of machinery, but it was nice to be included. Tony hasn’t been traveling since he took Peter’s suit away(which he told you that he returned to Peter) so it was nice to spend some time with him. It was late when you made it back to your room, but, even in the darkness, you saw something hanging from your ceiling.
When you turned on the light, you recognized the web fluid that Peter was always perfecting. He had attached your favorite candy to your ceiling. There was a note with his distinctive handwriting on it. Are you made of beryllium, gold, and titanium? You must be since you are BeAuTi-ful. The stupid science pun made you roll your eyes slightly and you noticed more words on the back of the paper. P.S. Don’t touch the web. It’ll dissolve in two hours. This was scrawled, as if he thought of it last minute.
You went to your window, wondering if this meant he was here. There was no one by your window, which you suspected. Peter wouldn’t have left a note if he planned on confronting you. The candy was swinging slightly and you held onto it, careful not to touch the web fluid. A faint smile was on your lips, until you recalled why you were upset with him. Despite the deliciousness of the candy, you were not easily swayed by sugar.
Another week had passed until Peter had left another gift. That time, it was a bouquet of various flowers hanging from the ceiling. Are you a singularity? Not only are you attractive, but the closer I get to you, the faster time seems to slip away. You snorted at that one and placed it aside. Tony, who had just walked into your room to check what you wanted for dinner, looked at the setup with shock. After reading the note, he mentioned amusedly, “Nothing says teenage romance like physics puns.”
“Are you just letting this go?” You asked hesitantly.
“Y/N, you’re a teenage girl,” Tony stated from the doorway, “I’ve come to terms that teenage boys will want to date you. Besides, you could do worse than the Spider kid. You knew him before I did.” He laughed a bit at your shocked expression. “Don’t think I don’t remember when you had a crush on Capsicle and suddenly forgot about him when you got your tutor.” Your cheeks turned red at the mention, since Steve was now, despite the tensions between your father and him, like your uncle.
Peter had come to your room, once a week, leaving different notes and gifts each time. You thought about trying to catch him in the act, but the kid was sneaky and the cameras just happen to malfunction whenever he’s there, as you suspect to be Tony’s doing. You met up with Michelle occasionally, who’d mention Peter and how abnormally casual he’s been lately. Of course, she’s not watching him, or anything, as Michelle claims quickly after.
After the mixtape that you found webbed to your wall, along with the note, I’m so strongly attracted to you, scientists will have to discover a fifth fundamental force, you decided that it was time to see Peter for the first time in a month and a half to talk about the little issue of breaking into your room.
After convincing Tony to let you take a half day of school on Monday, you were driven to Midtown just in time for the end of last period. You thanked Happy and reassured him that you wouldn’t be long. He sighed a bit, reminding you to text him if anything changes. Happy was a little overprotective, but it was slightly endearing. You waved before entering the familiar front doors of your old high school.
For the next fifteen minutes, you stood in the hallway, hoping that no teacher would notice you or recognize that you didn’t go to the school anymore. You were impatiently waiting by Peter’s locker with your arms crossed. The final bell rang, signaling the wave of students anxious to leave. No one seemed to notice you, which didn’t bother you too terribly.
Ned saw you before you could see either of them. He quickly nudged Peter who looked up with a surprised expression. He turned back to Ned. “I’ll meet you in a few minutes.”
“But I want to talk to Y/N as well,” he pointed out, “Plus, we were going to hang out before you go off to your ‘Stark Internship’.”
Peter looked at him with pleading eyes. “I’ll be out in a few minutes and you might be able to talk to her.” He looked at you, standing by his locker with no discernible emotions to judge. “Depending on if she’s mad at me.” Sighing, Ned headed towards his locker without Peter.
So many thoughts were running through Peter's mind as he approached his locker. Sure, it was easy to appear confident in those little notes he gave you, but he has been so nervous that he hasn't heard anything from you since he started leaving the little gifts. Peter thought you would have texted him to give him some sort of insight about how you felt, but he had heard nothing.
When you looked up, you looked at him and said with exaggerated shock, "A mixtape? Really?"
Peter shrugged slightly with his head tilted. "It requires more effort and thought than a Spotify playlist. Aunt May helped me." Sticking his hands in his pockets, Peter looked at you with hopeful eyes. "Have you listened to it?"
"Unfortunately, I don't live in the 80s, so I haven't had the chance yet." You tried not to smile, but Peter caught you smile a bit. "The science puns as well? Didn't think you were pushing it?"
"I could try American History. I'm not as well versed as I am in Physics, so bear with me." Peter willed himself to say it without stuttering. "If you ask Thomas Paine, he'll tell that dating me is Common Sense." While he saw you smile clearly at that, he noticed some distance between the two of you. Not willing to look into your eyes, Peter looked down. "I'm really sorry, Y/N. I did something stupid that got you in trouble. I betrayed your trust in me. I can understand if you wanted to move on and forget about me." Grinning half heartedly, he mentioned, "I wouldn't be too hard to forget, especially for you."
"Especially for me?" You echoed.
In the mostly empty hallway, Peter shrugged, still adorning a fake smile while admitting his insecurities. "Y/N Stark. You've met most of the Avengers. People would love to be your friend or more. I'm just Peter Parker, some guy trying to desperately cling onto something I threw away. I'm not nearly important enough."
"Peter, if I wanted people to be my friends, why didn't I tell everyone I was a Stark before I did? If I was unsatisfied with being friends with "some guy", why did I try my hardest to keep my friendship with him?" You asked him rhetorically. Looking down at your hands, you sighed. "It hurt when you lied. I thought Tony was lying actually."
Gathering all of his confidence took a few seconds. If he could be Spiderman, he could do this. Just a step. Peter took one step closer to you and gently placed his hand on your cheek. Flustered, you looked up. "I'm truly sorry."
You nodded. "I know." Leaning in closer, you were shocked to see Peter pull back. When he saw your look of confusion, Peter chuckled a bit. "I've been imagining that moment for too long now to kiss you in a hallway. When I kiss you, I want it to be more romantic than this."
"I would kiss you anywhere, Peter. It wouldn't matter to me." Since it obviously mattered to him, you didn't press the object any further.
The next time the two of you had a free day together, he took you to a little Italian restaurant, close to his apartment. It wasn't until the two of you left the restaurant did Peter pull you close to him. You could feel him smiling against your lips and wanted to laugh. Was under the stars romantic enough for the hopeless romantic?
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peakyblinders1919 · 7 years
Bullets Pt. 7
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|pt. 1| |pt. 2| |pt. 3| |pt. 4| |pt. 5| |pt. 6|
The tension in the air could have been cut with a knife, Tommy and Polly prolonging the stare. They couldn’t see the figure’s eyes, but they were sure he was staring back. He didn’t move and neither had they, until Tommy put his arm out slightly, motioning his men to come closer and they did, his eyes still refusing to move.
“We’re here to see Ruby’s father” Tommy was the first to speak, feeling Polly stiffen beside him at his words. The silence prevailed. Elouise’s heart was about to beat out her chest as she watched from a distance, her hands clammy around the gun, her grip loosening. She knew this definitely wasn’t the plan and she couldn’t bare to consider things had gone wrong already. Her breath caught in her throat when she finally heard the man in the shadows speak.
“Well I guess that would be me.” The figure stepped forward non-chantilly, running his dirty fingers through his thick beard as he rocked on his heels, “Not brought your fucking caravans with you today eh? I would of liked to have seen that, yeah. Now that, that would have been a sight.”
Still, no one moved, nor spoke a word. “Guess you’re here about my little gifts I sent to you all ey, you like em? Nice weren’t they, took a lot of time those did, fucking beauties.”
He stepped from the shadows, his multiple chains jangled round his neck, “To be honest mate, thought I’d be seeing you fucking sooner, not like you to take this long showing up Tom.”
Elouise felt the wave flood over her body, the lump rising in her throat feeling physically sick as she looked around at the men desperately for answers. This greeting seemed far too much on a friendly basis for her liking. The only person matching her expression was John, his brows knotted together, face screwed up in confusion as he watched a few of the men around him begin to lower their weapons and relax. The confusion only grew when Tommy did the same, a small smirk playing on his lips as he swung his gun to his side and reached into his pocket for his cigarettes, lighting one swiftly. John’s mouth hung open at the scene, cursing under his breath as a sign he didn’t have the slightest clue what was happening. His eyes shot to Arthur when he spoke.
“Fuck sake”
Arthur let out a great sigh, throwing his gun to the floor and running his fingers through his greasy hair. Tommy didn’t let his eyes leave the man in front of him, he could feel Polly’s had moved though now boring into the side of his head, the same questions on her lips that were on nearly everyone else’s. He took another long drag of his cigarette, letting out a long sigh that could be heard by all, unsure whether this was a sigh of relief or understanding. He threw the cigarette to the floor, running his tongue along his lips before he spoke.
“Ah, Mr. Solomons, good to see you.”
"Ah, yes well... I wish I could say the same." Alfie started rather calmly, taking small steps towards Tommy. "I do, I really do, but you brought this upon yourselves' yeah?" He said, now only a few inches separating the men. "Now...WHERE IS THE MAN WHO KNOCKED UP MY BEAUTIFUL RUBY?" He shouted, looking around at all the men on the sidelines, now cowering with their guns in their hands as they watched Alfie lose control. No one dared to move, Alfie growing uneasy. Tommy's eyes flickered to Michael, and he was about to step forward when Elouise grabbed his arm stopping him in the shadows as Alfie still couldn't see them.
"You don't have to." She begged, looking pleadingly into his eyes. He just bit his lip and shook his head, looking at her. The truth was out right, so why was Michael still willing to cover for John? The loud, unruly chuckle that escaped Alfie's lips then caused the couple to turn around slowly. They were amazed to see John standing next to Tommy, starring Alfie down.
"Right Johnny boy, stop fucking playing around. Where's the one you guys call Michael, huh? The new cousin of yours from the country? I'd like to meet him." Elouise's breath caught in her throat as she heard his name leave his mouth and Michael hung his head, sighing.
"I love you." He whispered, right before emerging from his safe spot on the side of the house and strutting up to join Tommy, John, and Polly.
“There he is little twinkle toes, ain’t you cute” Alfie smiled to himself, a crazed glimmer in his eye as he stared Michael up and down. John tipped his head back, scrunching up his eyes as he cursed Michael in his head for stepping forward, but there was nothing he could do now. When he looked back to Alfie he followed his eyeline, landing on Michael’s blank silence. Alfie’s turned up smile still plastered on his face. 
“I’m gonna fucking kill you mate, you know that?” Just as Alfie was about to step forward, Tommy and John moving closer to Michael in turn, her voice called out from behind the mass out men.
She couldn’t be seen yet, but her voice was distinctive to everyone’s ears, their eyes roaming around to find her. She managed to barge her way through the peaky men, her fiery red hair the first thing to come into view.
“Hello my little angel!” Alfie cried throwing his arms open wide for her to join him. His voice’s sudden change in octave left everyone bemused, Tommy stood staring at the exchange with one eyebrow raised. All Ruby did in return was roll her eyes, a look of disgust left on her face as her eyebrows furrowed.
“What the hell is going on?” 
Alfie, either completely oblivious to his daughters avoidance of him or choosing to ignore it, began to explain to her. “Well you see, your little friends here have come to pay me a visit. Isn’t that lovely eh, look that’s your favourite one over there” he pointed towards Michael, that same chilling smile still on his lips as he glanced from him to his daughter. “But you see me, me I don’t have favourites. In fact, right now, I hate them all.” The smile suddenly disappeared from his lips and he nodded his head slowly, his eyes roaming across all of them as he studied their faces.
"You know what Mr. Solomons," Tommy's voice cut through, causing everyone to shift their attention from Alfie to Tommy as he neatly folded his hands in front of him. "I don't really think you hate all of my men. I mean, I know you don't, not when my men are the ones who stick their heads on the line to ship your stock overseas." He said, standing tall in front of Alfie as his face dropped for just a moment. Everyone watched Tommy use his charisma and power to effortlessly smooth talk them all out of the situation at hand. "No, you're only mad at a few of us, the one's whose name's you put onto bullets, yeah? So why don't you talk to us and keep everyone else out of it?"
“Bullets?” Ruby spoke, looking to her father for answers. 
“Well you see darling, I couldn’t let them do this to you and get away with it could I? So I just sent them a few little ones each yeah, names on them and everything. I fucking went to town, you should be flattered mate,” he raised his eyebrows nodding towards Tommy who stared back, emotionless.
Ruby took in a deep breath about to scream at her father for getting involved and making the situation worse when the events of the day unfolded in her mind, a smile forming on her lips that caught everyone off guard, some what scarier than her father who stood beside her, towering above them.
“Well, if we’re talking about bullets with names on them. That one over there had a little surprise for me earlier. Tried to shoot my fucking head off with a bullet she made especially for me” she pointed towards Elouise who stood alone at the back of the crowd. Elouise would have usually wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole in a situation like this, but looking at that girl with the smug smile on her face, even after knowing she had nothing to do with Michael, still riled her up. Causing her to roll her eyes which Alfie noted. There was a silence among the group as they glanced around, unsure of what to say or do. Polly looked towards Elouise with sorry eyes, guilt pouring from them as though she felt responsible for her in this situation. Michael’s eyes closed while he composed himself, wanting his anger to subside. Alfie starred towards Elouise for a long while, not a single blink.
“Come here” his voice came out high pitched, as though he was talking to a naughty child. Elouise reluctantly stepped out from the shadows and walked straight to Michael’s side, trying her hardest to avoid the fear that ate her up inside from showing on her face. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” Alfie grimaced, his mouth contorting as he looked from Elouise to Michael. “Right, everyone get the fuck inside” he cried turning around and walking up the steps, towards the door of his house. He couldn’t be bothered to turn and check whether anyone was following him, too sure of himself that they would be.
 That's why he was surprised to see they hadn't moved an inch once he reached the door, the five of them in the same spots as before. A wicked smile crossed Alfie's face, turning back to them. "Aw come on. You show up at my house and now you can't be bothered to come in when I offer?"
 Everyone remained silent, all turning to look at Tommy for orders. Going into the house or not, either would most likely result in a not so happy ending. When no one said anything or moved still, Arthur appeared as if from thin air, his gun still in hand.
 "Tommy, you can't go in there. We won't have eyes on you." Arthur stated, sending everyone on edge again.
 "Don't worry Arthur, we're armed, we'll be fine." Tommy whispered for only them to hear.
 "So we're going in?" Elouise spat.
 Michael reached for her hand but refrained, remembering the show he had to put on for the man who stood in the doorway preceding over them like some kind of omniscient being. He crossed his arms and watched them squirm. No one watched as he called his men from inside the house.
 "Yes Lou, we're going in. We'll try to make him play nicely."
 "And when he doesn't?" Polly spat, crossing his arms.
 "We'll be ready Pol, but we won't need to be."
 "Right come on I'm tired of fucking waiting for you Shelby's. Let’s go."
 Tommy nodded, sending the others towards Alfie first so he could turn towards Arthur, putting a brotherly hand on his shoulder.
 "The plan stays the same Arthur, you hear anything, you fight." Arthur nodded after a moment and Tommy joined the others, walking up the steps.
 But Alfie put a hand out to stop him. "No funny business Shelby. Just in case," he said, flicking his hand and signalling his men out to stand in front of his house. All men then cocked their guns and pointed them at the ready.
Once inside the house they were all crammed into what seemed to be the kitchen area, the first room they entered as they walked through the door. They were greeted by Ollie who was already sat at the table waiting, Alfie joining him followed by Ruby. They stood staring at each other from across the table, Tommy ensuring they stuck close to the door, just incase.
“Well then Tom I think you better start speaking eh, before I ram my fucking gun down this little weasels throat.” Alfie lifted his arm slightly waving his gun towards Michael’s face, his hand flopping as though the action itself was too much effort for him. Tommy cleared his throat and took out his cigarettes, getting ready to light one when he saw Alfie’s eyebrows raise.
“Can i sm-”
 Alfie cut him off with a deadpan expression on his face. Tommy stared for a few moments before obeying Alfies wishes and slipping the cigarette back in his jacket pocket. Now folding his hands together across his body, he leaned backwards slightly as though bored of the situation.
“We continue business as usual. We ship your stock overseas meaning you don’t have to do the dirty work yourself and we also pay a monthly sum towards the care of the child for your daughter, leaving my cousin Michael out of it.” Tommy spoke in a monotone voice, staring at Alfie, unsure of what type of response he was about to receive as he hadn’t moved a muscle.
“Not fucking happening mate” Alfie leant back in his chair, throwing his arms into the air, “fucking ridiculous.”
"Listen, you need my men, and you need them alive if you want to turn a profit Mr. Solomons. That includes Michael. We're being rather gracious, we're willing to hand over any amount of money your daughter will need to raise the child. You'd bee dumb not to take the offer." Tommy finished calmly, folding his arms again and ignoring the looks and huffs from the people around him, but more importantly the look on Alfie's face and the gun he used to scratch his beard.
 "Right, we'll that's where you're fucking wrong Shelby. I think I'll take my chances losing business with you just so I can right your wrong. Sorry mate, but he's not getting out of here alive." He said, fire in his eyes as his finger returned the safety. Everyone tensed up, except for Tommy. No one was dying under his watch, not today.
He lunged forward to grab the gun from Alfie’s hand but it was too late, the bullet soared past his head straight towards Michael. Tommy turned, one hand still on Alfie’s gun. It seemed as though everything was going in slow motion, he could see the bullet clear as day flying through the air but he could also see Michael’s quick reflexes jumping into place as he began to get ready to dive to the side. His eyes fixated on Michael’s movements intently, hoping and praying he would move in time but his view was suddenly blocked. It took a few moment for his senses to kick in and realise what he was looking at, but he soon realised it was John’s body jumping in front of Michael, an involuntary cry leaving his mouth. He watched the bullet skim John’s arm as Michael landed in a heap on the floor, but his eye line was drawn away from the trail of the bullet when a second gun fired almost instantly after, coming from behind both men This was more powerful, a flash of light came, the shrill noise of the gunfire alerted his mind and sent a wave of shock through his body, kicking him into action. He swung his arm back hitting Alfie’s face with a crack, causing him to throw his hands up in defence. He turned back to face the chaos that had just unfolded, seeming as though it went on for minutes rather than seconds. His breathing was heavy and flustered as he surveyed the room. Bullet shells, smoke, blood, lots of blood. His wide eyes fixated in front of him now, his lifeless eyes with the trauma ridden glimmer. Staring right at Elouise, who stared back with those same eyes. That glimmer and lifelessness that occupied his since killing in the war, that glimmer and lifelessness that she should have never been gifted. Yet she had been, now when she stood there with two hands still on the gun held out straight in front of her now aiming towards Tommy. He held his hands up and walked towards her slowly, her eyes didn’t follow him they just stared blankly into the distance, hands shaking.
Every loud cry from people in the room became a distant whisper as impending fear settled all around her. It was so heavy it drowned her, pushing on her chest until she stopped breathing. She dropped to the floor, grasping at her chest with the gun still firmly in her hands, as if it would get air to her lungs. She looked all around the room, at everything she had caused and it pushed harder, the guilt, the pain and fear, and it was impossible for her to breathe. She gasped for air but it wasn't working, only working harder to make her panic. 
“Elouise!” Michael shouted as he crossed the room, only now drawing everyone else's attention to her in the corner. He knelt before her, both hands placed on either side of her face. He ran his thumb up and down her cheek as he locked eyes with hers. He nodded and whispered for her to breath as he always did, guiding her with his own calculated inhales and exhales. She still trembled under him. “Focus on me, love.”  He said and she nodded, trying with all her might. She stared into his green eyes, imitating his breathing until it was back to normal.
 She squeezed her eyes shut as he pulled her to his chest, trying to keep from crying and not wanting to see the damage she’d done. “I was aiming for him,” was all she managed to say, holding a limp arm up towards Alfie. She succumbed to trembling sobs overtaking her body when she set her eyes upon what she had caused as the scene unfolded. She lunged forward into Michael’s arms, and if only for a second the world was still. Quiet. Everything was alright before it wasn’t again.
“QUICK. GET HIM UP!” Tommy yelled and life sprung the room to action once again as everyone moved. An unconscious Alfie slumped over the table, and a growing pool of blood on the floor.
“What was that?” Arthur called as he heard the muffled noise of the shots going off inside, sending shivers down his spin. He looked at all his men in line with him and nodded, releasing a shower of gunfire on Alfie’s men, taking them by surprise. Total chaos ensued, screams mixed with a deafening melody of ringing gunshots from the Peaky Men and Alfie Solomon’s boys as they tried to fight for life. A few shots connected, a few men from both side falling to the floor but nothing was fatal. Arthur and a few men pressed on, trying to get close to the door and into the house, but just as they were about to enter, the doors swung open. And just as suddenly as everything started, everything came to a stop. The area was washed in complete silence as everyone turned to look at who was coming out. Elouise came first, crying into Polly’s shoulder who tried to comfort her. “I didn’t mean to Pol, I swear I didn’t.” She cried. 
“I know, he’s going to be fine Lou.” She said, looking up and making eye contact with a worried Arthur. She shook her head, leading Elouise to a car parked on the side of the house. Once Elouise was in Polly swung the back door open and ran back towards the doorway. Their collective hearts pulsated to a momentary stop when the men emerged, seeing John slumped in between Tommy and Michael, who struggled to keep him upright.
And alive.
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kiibx · 7 years
What’s that? Completely break my own heart? WHY SURE- :D So while I can add in a hyper pupper without much issue, a depressed pupper is a bit harder… And I kindda dialed it back on his replies because I honestly have no idea how he’d really react to this, or what he’d say, or if he’d pick up on what she’s hiding. I mean, part of me feels like he’d stop fighting her and trying to distance himself so much from her after this but I’m not sure? @w@ Anyway ONTO THE HEARTACHE-
“Go back to the dorms, Aoi.”
“Mm-mm. My place is right here beside you.”
“Why stay? It’s my fault… It’s better if you just go back, before you get hurt, too.”
Aoi lifted her face from her knees, peering over them at the teen fishing not more than five feet away from her. She couldn’t admit that his words had stung… What good would telling him that do? He was already emotionally distant, only letting her stay close by because she’d fought him on the matter; telling him how badly his request for her to leave his side stung was jut something that’d make him feel worse, and that was the last thing she wanted.
But she also couldn’t make herself scoot forward and snuggle into his side like usual, either. It hadn’t been that long since his battle with Yubel had resolved, a nasty fight that’d claimed the lives of nearly everyone, and especially those he held close to his heart. Just thinking of dying again terrified her… Going down calling out for him, reaching out, hoping he’d save her…
The familiar nightmares crept into the back of her mind, prompting the raven to shake her head quickly, pigtails flying with the movement. Thinking of those wasn’t going to help Jaden either!
So what would?
Aoi refocused her gaze on her best friend’s back, studying his hair, his form, everything she could about him for the umpteenth time since their return to their own dimension. His shoulders were slumped more than usual, fishing pole slightly visible from where she sat. His hair was even longer now; she still remembered the bubbly, happy boy all too well, letting her play with the then shorter strands because she’d been stressed out and kept fiddling with both it and his uniform jacket in an attempt to relax herself. Not that she minded longer hair on him, but that was neither here nor there.
This wasn’t her best friend. The Jaden she knew was a hyperactive puppy, always pulling her around the campus and through their various adventures by the hand. Winning her over with a simple smile that always left her more than willing to jump on board with anything he had in mind. A brave, impulsive kid who’d do anything for his friends-
Only… This was her pup now, wasn’t it? He’d done some horrible things, even she knew that. Things that would weigh on anybody’s soul. Not a single one of their group had come back from the other dimension unscathed, but it was Jaden who’d lost almost everything. Seen his friends die, found out who he truly was, killed others and couldn’t stop himself… She couldn’t blame him for breaking apart. Even the hardest heart would crumble under everything he’d lived through there.
So why did she stay? Even Chazz took the distance in stride; she was the only one to actively stick beside him as much as he’d allow her to, smiling like nothing had happened. She’d thought maybe acting like they used to might help… But in reality, she wasn’t the same Aoi anymore, either. She missed the adventures and the fun they’d had, but there was so much more to life now- so much more they had on the line every day. Three years ago, she’d only been interested in dueling, fashion, and getting closer to her best friends, but now…
Scooting across the rocky cliff, Aoi settled in beside him, keeping her eyes focused on the sea around their temporary home of the Academy’s island. Surprisingly, he didn’t pull away, but a glance from the corner of her eyes confirmed he wasn’t looking at her either… Fine by her. He didn’t need to be looking for this, just keep his ears open. “I wonder what kind of fish we have around here. I caught one two years ago, remember? I still don’t know what it was.”
No reply, the charmer duelist biting the tip of her tongue. This might be harder than she thought… How could she.. Ah, right-!
After a bit of reaching and fussing, she stuck a card underneath her friend’s nose, right in his line of sight and winning a confused blink. So he was listening – Good! “You gave me this, remember? Neos Alius- I’ve treasured him ever since you did.”
“…I’m not in the mood to duel, Aoi. Don’t… Don’t show me that.”
“I don’t want to duel you.” Good gods, no – Not after the hell he’d been forced to live through. But though she understood, she refused to stop, reaching behind him to flip open his own deck case and pluck another familiar card from it to show him, holding it side by side with Neos Alius. “Eria, the Water Charmer. Even if you don’t play her, she’s in your deck. A card I gave you, right?”
Finally, those familiar honey eyes glanced to her, though he barely lifted his head. The agony and distance in them killed her; just how far had he fallen while she’d tried to figure herself, and their new lives, out? “You asked me why I stay, Jay. Can’t you see my reason? It’s right here. You’ve treasured Eria as much as I treasure Neos Alius. I gave you Eria because I wanted to be beside you, supporting you, even if it wasn’t physically, though I never expected you to put her in your deck- The fact you did…”
“…Do you have to talk about dueling?”
“That’s not my point. I stay because… Because you’re my best friend. Because you mean the world to me. Because I’ll never let you fall – I swear to you, I’m always going to be right here beside you. I always have been through Eria. I don’t care if I get hurt-”
“I do!”
His grip tightened on the pole, tone briefly turning harsh, full of pain and fear. This time, she wasn’t about to shy away, slowly reaching a hand out to lay it atop his, lips curling into a soft smile. “I know you do. And I won’t get hurt, Jaden. But I’m also not going to leave you. For the last three years, you’ve been my sun, making my every day and my entire world brighter. I never expected to make such a wonderful friend here… And in three years, I got to know you. The Jaden in here - “ a pause to scoot forward slightly, just enough to press the fingertips of her other hand to his chest, over his heart, cards set down on her lap, “-and I got to know him really well. You let me in deep, Pup. So deep I stopped looking for the exit a long time ago. What happened there, everything you did… It wasn’t you. It wasn’t your fault.”
Another pause, his gaze turning down to their hands with it. “So there’s no way I’m going to step aside and leave you alone. As deep as you let me into your heart, you’re as much, if not deeper, into mine. You make my life complete, Jaden Yuki. You’re my closest friend. The only one I understand more than myself.”
Lifting her hand from his chest, she slipped it under his chin, gently guiding his head up and to the side, so she could meet his eyes with a warm gaze of her own. “If you fall, I will catch you. If I can’t stop you, I’ll cushion the blow, so you never hit rock bottom. If you crack, I’ll be here to fill it in. If you want silence, I’ll give you silence. But above all else, I will never leave you alone, do you hear me? I don’t care how long and twisted the road you walk is, I am going to walk it with you. You will never, ever be alone again, I vow that here and now on my very soul. No matter what happens I’m with you.”
“…Why do this?”
“Because you’re my best friend, and you mean the world to me.”
Because I love you. Four words that went completely unsaid, but no longer made the raven nervous. No longer did she feel that flustered need to bury the odd, growing feeling she had towards him, though she knew better than to say anything, especially when she was sure it was leaking into her words. But in love with him or not, it didn’t matter; she absolutely refused to leave the side of a man who’d never left hers and made her every day worthwhile.
Instead, she tilted her head, gently bumping her forehead against his. She loved him. He was in no place to hear it, and she doubted he ever would be, though she couldn’t deny it… But could drag a rock over it and leave it buried for the time being. As long as he let her stand beside him, she’d be content. “Like Eria to Neos Alius, I’ll always be at your side, for the good and the bad.”
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prettyboy-jimin · 7 years
Kiss Me
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader
Genre: So much fluff
Warnings: --
Word Count: 3.4k
Summary:  “I’ve got a friend tonight who flew all the way from South Korea! Kim Namjoon where you at, brother?!”
Or where Namjoon surprises you at an Ed Sheeran concert
// I didn’t have Wi-Fi while writing this so most of it is, unfortunately, pure assumption. I’m sorry :< I finished this at 2am lol
The soothing sounds of the piano drifted through your ears, you always loved music but never knew how to create it for yourself. You didn’t know how to recreate the comfort it would give you when you were sad, you never had the proper words to sing when you were happy. Making it was never your thing, it was more of your boyfriend Namjoon’s kind. But that didn’t stop you from enjoying and loving it. You couldn’t create your own, so you loved the music that others created for their hearts to be expressed through and for yours to be touched. So you found yourself here, on a vacation in Europe, at an Ed Sheeran concert.
You and Namjoon had been planning this trip for months on end to celebrate your fourth anniversary, and so far it had been absolutely flawless. You toured and enjoyed the sights Vienna had to offer, your feet died during the four hour walk around Prague and learning about all its history, your heart and lips swollen at the sight of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and finally just appreciating the vibe that Amsterdam had to offer. Namjoon was a cheesy man, a fact you hadn’t known before you got together, but as soon as you said yes to become his girlfriend; it was an endless shower of bouquets and chocolates and disgustingly sweet compliments when you woke up every morning. You got him to stop with a stern talk six months into your relationship, telling him how he shouldn’t be spending so much hard earned money on you when you were already happy being with him as is. Namjoon understood where you were coming from and ceased his extravagant efforts. Well… he didn’t stop per se, he toned it down. And you knew that you couldn’t do anything about it. So you left him be. Namjoon wasn’t always good at expressing how he felt, so he’d rather show you. Despite his high IQ and mental talent, Namjoon was just a man. Who got nervous and blushed a lot and half the time didn’t know what to say in front of you. Most of the time, it’s half the reason why you fell in love with him in the first place.
When you both heard that your favourite artist, Ed Sheeran, would be having a concert in Amsterdam the same time you’d be there. Namjoon jumped at the opportunity. You told him not to buy the tickets, since the entire European trip was already so expensive but Namjoon wasn’t having any of it. Your heart soared, but you also couldn’t help the sick feeling in your gut about Namjoon thinking that you were only with him for his money. You weren’t. You loved Namjoon but sometimes he was just too persuasive for you to stop; always insisting on spoiling you with expensive clothes and crazy trips to places you’d never even thought of going to. These thoughts made you conscious. Yet as soon as Namjoon would beam his smile at you, encase you into a warm hug or kiss you softly, those thoughts would immediately dissipate and you’d forget all about them. For a while.
You dressed warm for the concert, Amsterdam was just as cold as Korea but you weren’t used to its strong winds. As you threw on your coat, and Namjoon his boots, he got a call. He asked you to give him a minute, and he walked into the bedroom of the suite he had booked you two. Another unnecessary purchase that Namjoon made. You were double checking your make up in the hallway mirror when Namjoon emerged again, his face distorted into disappointment, guilt and anger all mixed into his sharp features. Apparently, the rest of their members were called in from their staycation for an important meeting. It was one in the afternoon back in Seoul, six in the evening for you and Namjoon in Amsterdam. The scheduled meeting would be at three o’clock South Korea time which meant that Namjoon wouldn’t be able to go with you to the concert.
“Jagi, I’m so sorry. I had no idea about this.” He apologized, approaching you and resting his hands on your waist, attempting to comfort you since he didn’t know how you would take the disappointment.
“I’ve been with you for four years, Joon.” You smiled as you rested your hands on the bend of his elbows, sad since it meant that both of you would have to stay in and miss out on Ed but you tried to show him that it didn’t matter that much. “I’m more than used to you being called by your job. I don’t mind.”
Namjoon worried his lip between his teeth, unconvinced and thinking hard about what he was about to do.
“You’re not staying here with me.” He breathed, kissing your forehead firmly.
“You’re not going to stay here with me and play sad Ed Sheeran songs, I’m going to feel guilty.” Namjoon laughed, pulling back slightly to look at your adorable confused face. “I’ll bring you there, stay as long as I can and come back for the meeting they called us all for.”
“You’re going to skype meeting again? What if you end up sleeping later than I do?”
It wasn’t the first time Namjoon had a skype meeting, obviously, but you hated them more for the fact that he didn’t get proper rest due to the different time zones.
“Calm down mom, I’ll be fine.” He joked, kissing your cheek and detaching himself from you. He collected the suite’s keys from the coffee table in the living room and reached for his black mask. “C’mon, you don’t want to be late do you?”
And that’s exactly what you weren’t. You weren’t as early as the very dedicated fans who had been waiting for hours but you didn’t find a tough crowd when you had arrived at the venue. The gates had opened early due to Ed’s request, in order for his fans to be able to rest and find themselves comfortable inside rather than out.
Namjoon pulled you to him and kissed you softly, a European strangers whooping and cheering for you two somewhere in the distance. You both smiled into the kiss and pulled away. Namjoon’s thumb stroked the swell of your cheek as your eyes closed and you leaned into his touch. You’ve told him more times than you could count that you love it when he stroked your cheek, and ever since then Namjoon had been saving those gestures for times when he really wanted you to know that he loved you. But even if he never did you wanted him to do, you’d still be very much aware of how much the awkward boy loved you. He never failed you, at least you never counted anything as him failing you. It wasn’t his fault that duty called even when he was on break.
“I love you, Y/N” he whispered, smiling so genuinely and looking you in your eyes that it made your heart hurt.
“I love you more, Namjoon.”
He smiled wider, and tucked your hair behind your ear, your eyes never leaving his face.
“I have to go, I want to get back to the hotel and dress better for the call.” He said, an unsure pout replacing his smile that was there merely a few seconds ago. You told him alright, and that you would be okay, promising you would call him if the concert started before his meeting did. With a final kiss goodbye, you made your way to the end of the smooth moving VIP line, turning back occasionally to slip Namjoon a few I love yous and I promise I’ll calls and he only nodded with a smile.
And now, here you were, directly in front of the man you thought made the most beautiful music, second to the love of your life who couldn’t be here for you to tease. But it’s okay.
Ed had always been a one man band, using his recorder to replay his beatboxing and guitar adlibs as well his harmonies. You always found it amazing. His song ‘How Would You Feel (Paean)’ didn’t top the charts but his entire album had made the top sixteen on billboard, which made it mandatory for him to perform all his best hits. The pre-recorded piano instrumental of the song soothed you and your anxiety about being here alone, you’d never tell Namjoon about it though. He would probably never leave you alone from thereon out.
I’ll be taking my time, spending my life, falling deeper in love with you.
The words you always wanted to tell Namjoon. That you would always be willing to wait for him to do what he needed until he came back and you could be together. Your exes also had their fair share of being stolen away to work, but they had never tried to make it up to you; they took advantage of how understanding you were. Namjoon never did that, he always felt guilty even after a short call about a reminder. He said that his time with you should never be stained by work, that every moment he spent with you had to be purely yours and not his job’s. This made you trust him more, it made you fall in love with him even more than you already were because Namjoon showed you something you barely saw in people; effort and consistency. He was always trying his hardest to show you he loved you, even after the countless times you told him you see it. He was consistent regardless.
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath, you heard it ‘Darling, you look perfect tonight’
Namjoon had always been insecure of you finding someone better than him, someone dashing when he wasn’t, someone who was effortlessly attractive where Namjoon always had to try harder than most. It took a long time before Namjoon was comfortable with himself having you. No longer carrying the weight of guilt on his shoulders for tying you down. Namjoon was perfect to you, he always had been and always will be. Yes, he wasn’t most people’s type of face but you never saw anything lacking with him. In fact, you often felt that you were the one who didn’t deserve Namjoon. He was a good, hardworking person in and out and you always found yourself staring at his face. Half the time kidding him about how he was prettier than you, the other half wondering to yourself how you got so lucky to find someone like him.
And before I love someone else, I’ve got to love myself
Before you met Namjoon, you ex had left you in pretty bad shape. He abused you verbally and mentally; making you think that you would never be good enough for anyone to stay and that one day you would find him and beg him to be with you again. But you had Jin, an old friend you always knew you could turn to. And where you looked for Jin, he wasn’t there, instead you found Namjoon. Namjoon who was understanding and caring for someone he didn’t even know. Namjoon who listened once, and from thereon out became your confidant; another person you entrusted your life to. Namjoon had also struggled with loving himself, never thinking he was enough for someone to stay. Funny how those were the exact words your ex had told you. Namjoon helped you find the pieces of yourself that you lost, and you helped hold him together. You taught each other that loving yourself first was the only love you ever needed; but along the way, you had also fallen in love with each other. And you were finally, truly, happy together.
Ed finished his last song and the crowd cheered their heads off as confetti fell from the ceiling. You screamed as loud as you could with them while Ed tried to wipe the giant smile off of his face. He bowed numerous times beside the mic he stood behind for the past hour and a half, waiting for the audience to calm. Once you all did, he spoke again.
“I actually have one more song, a personal favour from someone.”
The crowd screamed, they loved how Ed always had something a little extra up his sleeve.
“And I’ve got a friend tonight who flew all the way from South Korea! Kim Namjoon where you at, brother?!”
Your eyes went wide and your jaw dropped as your boyfriend’s name left Ed’s lips, the red head’s smile only growing bigger when the man you loved stepped on stage from the side and approached Ed for a hug. The crowd screamed even louder, well aware of Namjoon’s reputation with BTS and his IQ ranking in Korea. You were still speechless as he detached from your idol to give the audience a bashful smile and small wave, the Englishman only laughing by his side.
“So Namjoon, let me ask, why did you want me to perform this song specifically?” Ed asked, but his tone only proved that he already knew the reason why, he was just trying to get Namjoon to tell the people in the venue himself.
“Well, Ed, this song of yours is very close to my heart, alongside someone who taught me things I thought I could never learn,” Namjoon said “the lyrics really speak of a message that I can’t say myself half the time and I just hope that if you perform it; the woman I love would understand what I want to tell her.”
Namjoon earned a thousand coos from the crowd, you even heard someone sniffling from somewhere behind you but you couldn’t bring yourself to turn around and rip your eyes away from your boyfriend on stage.
“And you asked me to perform a song from my album, plus”
“That’s right. Kiss Me”
The crowd went wild.
“Woah, easy now”
Namjoon laughed, as did everyone around you but your state of shock only proved you motionless. That song was the first song you introduced Namjoon to before he even knew who Ed was. You told him that it spoke to you on a different level and that it told you a story of real love wanting to be proven. But that was six years ago, two years before you and Namjoon had gotten together.
“He remembered.” You whispered to yourself, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
Ed started the guitar’s intro, as Namjoon seemed to be scanning the crowd. He was looking for you. Ed’s audience raised their hands in the air and slowly waved them from side to side, all except you. You were eyeing your devious boyfriend from where he stood until his gaze met yours, a smile breaking onto his face as he approached you. He asked the guard to help you over the railing and onto the stage. The people around you gasped and cheered, screaming happy chants for you and yelling about your relationship being goals. Namjoon reached his hand out to you as you stepped up, Ed smiling as he sang the lyrics to the chorus. Namjoon slipped an arm around your waist, his left hand finding your right and entwining them together as you began to waltz slowly. As he rested his forehead on yours, it felt like you were the only two people there. It felt like you were back home, you had Ed playing on the stereo and both of you were dressed in your pajamas, dancing around like crazy people.
You had a million questions running through your mind that you wanted to ask Namjoon. Didn’t he have a meeting? Was the meeting fake? Was this the meeting? How long had he known Ed? Why didn’t he tell you? How long had he been planning this? Was Ed the one who called him earlier?
You wanted to be angry at him for lying to you, but you were ecstatic that he was here, with you, on stage, at an Ed Sheeran concert. It was like a fairytale come true.
So many thoughts clouded your mind, but as Namjoon spoke your head suddenly cleared and was filled with nothing.
“Marry me.” He whispered to you, forehead still on yours and eyes still closed.
You pulled your body away from his, eyes wide with shock as Namjoon gave you a small smile and got down on one knee. Ed had stopped playing the guitar, swinging the instrument behind him, he grabbed the wireless microphone and held it to Namjoon’s mouth. Namjoon laughed at his English friend and blushed but the singer only smiled. The crowd screamed like mad people and went deadly silent afterwards, waiting for what was to happen next.
“Settle down with me, Y/N. Cover me up, cuddle me in. Lie down with me and hold me in your arms.” He recited, making Ed laugh slightly. “Six years ago, you came to me crying with a broken heart, needing a friend—not to fix it— to listen to you. When I needed a hug, you gave me one. And that was the beginning of what he have now. Yes, we were only friends; but we were friends who helped each other grow taller, stronger, we grew into better people because of each other. I’m a better person because of you” the crowd interrupted with an outrageous “Aaawww” and you couldn’t help but laugh despite your clogged nose and teary eyes, but Namjoon kept on.
“You taught me how to love myself, and you always put me first. Thank you.” Namjoon was down one knee, but his hands held yours in between you. “Thank you for loving me just as I am, not for anything that I’ve given you but for who I am to you. Thank you for loving me, my friends, and my family. Thank you for being the first woman in my life to show me what real love is and what it feels like. So Y/N, I’m asking you, to allow me to say, that I want you to be the only woman in my life to show me what real love is, and what it feels like.”
Namjoon let go of your hands, they flew instantly to your face to stifle your gasp as he produced a small black box. The audience screamed again, you had almost forgotten where you were. Plump tears fell down your cheeks, you choked back a sob as you could see Namjoon’s eyes beginning to tear up. Ed still held the mic in place, his smile and gaze shifting between you and Namjoon.
“Will you marry me? And let me love you for the rest of my life? Even after that?” Namjoon asked, opening the box to reveal a silver ring. It didn’t have a diamond, but it circled around like vines and had hand-crafted roses between the spaces. You could barely see anything through the tears that refused to stop rising. You could hear the faint chants of the audience, cheering you on to say yes, even though they were probably screaming their lungs dry. But it didn’t matter.
What mattered was Namjoon, your best friend and love of your life, down on one knee in front of you, asking you to conquer forever with him.
You couldn’t say anything, unable to find your voice as you nodded your head rapidly. Namjoon enveloped you in a tight hug, his lips finding yours as his hands attached themselves to your face, yours finding the sides of his coat. The venue erupted in cheers and screamed, and you could hear Ed’s guitar play the instrumental to “Here Comes the Bride”, making you and Namjoon break apart in laughter.
Later that night, you slept peacefully tangled in Namjoon’s arms just like you had every night for the past four years, but this time, he wasn’t just your boyfriend anymore.
He was your fiancé.
He was the love of your life and even after that.
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