fuck-customers · 1 day
I've had grown adult customers on two seperate occasions throw tantrums and walk out of the restaurant I work at because I couldn't serve them alcohol if they didn't have any ID on them.
Like dude listen I get it. You're 50 years old you should be able to get a beer. But this is a legal requirement in our country and if I serve you without you having proper ID, then I could get fined several thousand dollars and I do not give enough of a fuck about you to risk that.
Also, how do you have no ID?? Where's your driver's license? Your health care card?? Did you drive here without your wallet??? Did you walk here without your wallet???? Like the laws genuinely aren't picky, I just need one piece of photo ID and anything else that's got your name on it. People are always prepared with ID if they want a birthday discount, but evidently not if they want alcohol.
I will say though, I do get a lot of customers who're super chill with the ID requirement. I had to ID a guy born in the 1940's and he found it hilarious. Most people that're well over fourty think it's really funny. I just still can't get over those who make a whole scene because I can't serve them alcohol without identification on them.
I don't know if the laws are different in the US, but I'm in Canada, and I'm pretty sure the the last time it happened the guy was american. As a side note, he was stunned we didn't have beer on tap. We're a family breakfast restaurant buddy, you're lucky we have alcohol at all.
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animestsstuff2 · 2 days
YandereProHero Bakugou x quirkless reader
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I keep thinking of like yandere Bakugou with a quirkless reader, like someone he just became infatuated with and picked the perfect time to take them.
Content warning: kidnapping, implied non-con, yandereBakugou, quirkless reader, tied up, isolation, deprivation.
ProHeroBakugou, who entered the cafe you worked at one day looking to get an iced caramel coffee. His mood immediately changing when you greeted him with the brightest smile. He began coming in everytime (sometimes twice) when he was patrolling your area
ProHeroBakugou, who seen your cafe on the news as being involved in a battle. Bakugou who left his sidekicks, blasting through the sky and to the devastated area where the pros fought the villain.
ProHeroBakugou, who found you among the debris, swept your unconscious body up and took you to his apartment. ‘ProHero’ bakugou who clicked the cuff around your ankle as you stirred on the bed. A few superficial cuts littered your face and arms.
Bakugou, who greeted you with a grin when you awoke. Your eyes widening as panic settled in your chest, seeing the chain attached to your ankle as your breaths picked up and you tugged desperately at it. Your eyes whipping to meet his red ones as he grabbed your cheek. A caring smile on his face as he stared at your horror stricken self
YandereBakugou, who grew angry at your constant yelling and cursing at him, missing the sweet smiles and giggles you’d throw at him, instead you would throw anything you could grab, including the plates full of food at him. Bakugou who was believed you just needed time and patience (one he had very little of)
YandereBakugou, who realised hitting you was a guaranteed way to shut you up but the silence was more unnerving than the yelling. Bakugou who crawled into bed immediately after, wrapping his arms around your waist as his body settled itself between your legs. “C’mon doll, you were misbehavin’ you know I don’t wanna hurt you, c’mere gimme a hug”
YandereBakugou, who ignored any and all your protests when it came to physical touch. He would cuddle you in bed and the erection that pressed against your ass made you nauseous even worse was when he showered you, still being forced on a chain. This time it was connected to him. His hands running all over your body as he resisted bending you over the sink.
YandereBakugou, who began letting you have more freedom, allowing you into the living room and kitchen. He made sure all the knives were kept out of reach. A smile on his face after he convinced forced you to cook him dinner “gonna get a coffee machine too, so you can make me somethin’ sweet huh pet?”
YandereBakugou, who dragged you by your hair through the house after he came home one day to you picking at the balcony door lock. Bakugou who allowed you to roam the house whilst he was gone believing you loved him now and wouldn’t leave him.
YandereBakugou, who opened the cupboard door to see your wide wet eyes meet his. Your words muffled by the cloth gag, hands and legs rubbing against the rope that bound them. Bakugou who almost fell off balance when you practically jumped on him after being untied, fresh tears rolling down your face “m’sorry, p-please, dont leave me alone again” Bakugou who only rolled his eyes at your dramatics, it was only, what, two days?
YandereBakugou, who smiled down at you greeting him at the front door, adorned in one of his shirts as he smelled the meal you cooked from the kitchen. Bakugou who finally made you into his perfect partner no more fighting or protesting when he pulled your panties off. You just took it like a good girl “my good girl hmm”
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necro-acid · 1 day
typical dancing with death
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criminalmindswife · 2 days
TW!! mention/talk about SA/assault
i just saw a post about someone suggesting we bring up the rumor of Matthew assaulting a 16-year-old girl again and i absolutely need to talk about this. ps this happened a couple years ago if the information is correct
first of all, the girl who claimed he assaulted her, she’s also claimed multiple celebrities have done the same thing. which i’m not saying it’s not believable but it gets to the point where it’s kind of strange how all these famous celebrities are doing this?
second of all, yes everyone is capable of doing something like that and unfortunately even the kindest people turn out to be ‘bad guys/women’. but even the girl who claimed it even said she said it for clout and/or attention.
so please for the love of god stop spreading this nasty ass rumor!!
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gluestickyy64 · 1 day
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magnoliataylorr · 2 days
William Afton NonCon
It was a late, Friday afternoon, and you and your dad were expecting his old friend, William Afton, to show up to the house at any moment now. 
Your dad told you that William was having troubles with his wife, and that he needed a place to stay for the weekend. And since you remember William being one of the sweetest, funniest guys you had ever met when you were just a kid, you were happy to make him feel at home. 
But you hadn’t seen him in years, so a part of you was a little nervous too. 
It wasn’t long before you heard a knock on the door from your room. It was getting dark, so you were just lounging around in a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. You decided to change just to look a little more presentable, putting on a pair of low rise carpenter jeans and a fitted, off the shoulder long sleeve. A little sliver of your mid-drift was exposed but your outfit was still fairly modest. 
As you emerged from upstairs, you saw him. Tall and thin, William stood at at least 6’3, basically towering over your dad. His hair was dark and perfectly styled, he even snaked a few fingers through it as he spoke to your dad. 
You stopped in your tracks, taking in his appearance. You had never noticed how attractive he was. It intimidated you. 
“Oh, here she is!” Your dad chirped. William turned around so you could now see his face. Wow. His jawline was sharp, almost as if it could cut glass, and his cheekbones were high. His nose was straight and defined, and his eyebrows were thick and low, almost menacing. His silver eyes bored into yours as he stared at you, before flashing a charming smile that sent butterflies swimming in your stomach. 
“Well, look at you,” he said, his voice calm and collected, “You’re all grown up now!” 
You laughed nervously, intimidated by his appearance. “Hi Mr. Afton!” You finally managed to spit out words. 
He laughed, shaking his head. “Nonsense,” he teased, “Call me William.” 
“O-Okay William!” You exclaimed, gulping. You hated yourself for being attracted to a man so much older than you, but how couldn’t you be? 
“I was just telling William that we’re about to eat dinner,” your dad said, “You feel like ordering in?” He asked. 
You shrugged. “Sure, anything sounds good,” you answer. You felt William eyes still burning holes into you. You couldn’t lie to yourself — It made you a little uncomfortable. 
Your dad ended up ordering some Chinese food, a classic that you and your dad order quite frequently, and soon headed to the bathroom, leaving you and William alone in the kitchen. 
“So, tell me, what does a girl like you do for fun?” William asked you, leaning over the island counter, eyes piercing through your soul. 
Your heart raced. Something about him made you extremely nervous. “Uhm, well,” you started, racking your brain, “I like to play soccer, I play varsity at my school.” 
William smirked. “Varsity, huh? How old are you now, anyway?” 
“I just turned seventeen,” you answered. 
“Huh,” William huffed, looking you up and down. It made your body shiver in discomfort. Whether it was his smug look or attractive appearance or even both, something about William made you extremely on edge. “You look much older than seventeen,” he chuckled. “You must have all the boys at school fighting for your attention, hm?” 
You blushed, looking down with an awkward laugh. “No,” you mumbled. 
“Oh, really?” He questioned, his expression still smug, “No boyfriend?”
You shook your head, feeling humiliated. Was he trying to embarrass you? William opened his mouth to say something else, but quickly stopped himself when your dad walked in. 
“So, William, what’s new? Haven’t seen you in what feels like years!” Your dad said. 
William and your dad began talking, and you figured you could leave them alone until dinner came. As you retreated from the kitchen, William’s eyes locked with yours, and he gave you a small smirk before looking back at your dad and continuing their conversation. 
You went back up to your room and quickly put on a sweatshirt. The way William was looking at you made you feel like you were basically naked. You figured that most of his time here you would either spend in your room or outside the house. Even though you were wildly attracted to William, he somehow managed to make you feel very unsafe. 
It was only a matter of time before the food showed up. Your went back downstairs and made yourself a plate, attempting to go back up to your room. But your dad insisted you stay. 
“Don’t be rude,” he told you, “We have a guest.” 
You paused, looking over at William who smirked at you. You forced a smile and gulped, sitting down next to your dad and across from William. 
The three of you made conversation, and you tried your best to ignore William’s stares. He brushed his foot up against your calf a few times, but you chose to ignore that too. You quickly finished your food and asked to be excused to finish your homework, even though you had already finished it earlier. 
Your dad excused you and you went back up to your room. You chilled in there for a little bit before taking a shower and changing into your pajamas. Usually it got very hot in your room at night, so your pjs were very exposing. But it didn’t matter to you, you were only sleeping anyway. 
A few hours passed until you finally fell asleep. But right downstairs, William was still wide awake. Your dad had gone to bed earlier too, but William couldn’t stop thinking about you. He had already gone to the bathroom to touch himself while thinking of you, but it just wasn’t enough. 
So he creeped upstairs, navigating the way towards your bedroom. He slowly opened your door and peeked through. His pants tightened at the sight of you sprawled out, asleep, wearing a loose tank top that had ridden up, exposing a little bit of your tummy, and a pair of boy shorts. 
His jaw clenched. Your body squirmed a little, you were dreaming. He grinned at the sight; You looked absolutely perfect. 
Without another thought, William stepped into your room, closing the door behind him and locking it. His heart raced with excitement as he approached your bed, staring down at your body. The covers were completely off, exposing you fully. 
“You poor thing,” he mumbled to himself, slowly climbing onto the bed over you. His hands explored your thighs, tracing his fingers gently against your soft skin. You shivered in your sleep, which only added to William’s arousal.                                  
He groaned to himself a little as he carefully adjusted himself against you, slowly grinding his clothed hard on against your crotch. He slipped his hand under your back and pulled you closer to his chest as he grinded into you further. 
He sniffed your hair, inhaling your sweet scent. He moaned a little, not caring if you woke up or not. If anything, he wanted you to wake up. 
His hand roamed over to the zipper of his pants. He effortlessly took them off, releasing you from his grip and sliding his hand down his pants, taking in your tiny frame. He found you so sexy, so helpless, so small. 
He stroked his dick a few times, mumbling your name to himself. God, the things he wanted to do to you. 
As he touched himself, his free hand tugged at your boy shorts, pulling them down and exposing your pussy. 
How perfect. You were all shaved too. 
William chuckled to himself, just as impressed as he was excited. He lined himself up with you, brushing some hair out of your face to take in your beauty. 
You were almost too good to be true. You were made just for him. It’s a shame he hadn’t gotten the chance to do this before, but better late than never. 
Slowly, he slipped himself inside of you.
“Wake up, princess,” he groaned in your ear as he began to fuck you slowly. 
Your eyes fluttered open, and he grinned, quickly taking your wrists in his hands and pinning you down so you couldn’t escape. 
“W-What—“ You were confused at first, but then you realized what was happening. “N-No, William, please stop—“ 
“Fuck, say my name again,” he muttered, his grip tightening onto you even more. 
“N-No, please! Dad! Da—“ 
He quickly covered your mouth with his hand, shaking his head with a few clicks of his tongue. “Oh, no no no,” he taunted, licking his lips, “Your father’s sound asleep. You’re stuck with me, sweetheart.” 
You sobbed into his hand, which only pleased him further. Fear gripped you more and more as the minutes passed, and he groaned into your ear, mumbling your name. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he moaned to himself, then looked you right in the eyes. “You must be so scared, huh?” He grinned, his eyes flashing a wicked glint. 
You shook your head, eyes wide with terror as he continued to fuck you slowly. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, shaking his head, “You’re so much better than my wife.” 
You continued to sob, mind reeling. You were still in utter shock. You just wanted it to be over, but he was going so slow that you figured he had barely even started. 
His head dipped into the curve of your neck, planting a few soft kisses. “You’re my special little girl,” he whispered, his hot breath on your skin sending shivers down your spine. 
The more he fucked you the less your body tensed, and you eventually gave up the fight. 
He chuckled. “Giving up so soon, hm?” He teased, his hand leaving your mouth and moving down to grope your chest. “Not even gonna call out for your daddy to save you?” 
You just laid there and let it happen. You figured it was helpless to scream for help. Your dad’s room was all the way downstairs and he was a deep sleeper. There wasn’t a chance you’d be saved anyways. 
When William realized that you had truly given up, he let out another laugh, speeding up the pace. 
“That’s a good girl,” he groaned, “You make it so easy for me.” 
The arousal was beginning to set in, which you hated but you were almost thankful in a way. At least it was some form of lubricant to ease the pain. 
But your tears still wouldn’t quit. You closed your eyes, not wanting to see his face. But he didn’t like that. 
“Open your eyes sweetie,” he whispered, but you refused, shutting them tighter. “C’mon, open your eyes for me. I shouldn’t have to ask twice.” 
So you obliged. You opened your eyes, and he grinned, licking the tears off your cheeks. 
“You know, I could fuck you for hours,” he told you, his grip of your breast tightening. “A tight little thing like you must a virgin.” 
You stayed quiet. You hoped this was a nightmare but you knew it wasn’t. You just wanted to hold onto some kind of hope that this couldn’t be real. 
You could feel him getting closer and closer to finishing, and in a way you were grateful. At least it was almost over. 
“I’m getting real close sweetie,” he panted, almost sounding humorous, “Just a little bit longer. You can handle me for a little bit longer, can’t you?” He taunted, his hands brushing up and down your waist and stomach. 
You shook your head, but he just laughed. 
“Awe,” he pouted, “That’s just too bad.” 
He groaned in pleasure as he fucked you harder and harder before finishing inside you. He collapsed on top of you, holding you down while breathing heavily. 
“Fuck that was good,” he mumbled, groping your breasts once more. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve fantasized about that.” 
You laid there, shaking, mind reeling with shock. 
“W-Why?” You finally say, letting out another sob. 
He grinned, brushing your hair out of your face. “Because,” he said, “Why not?” 
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peachyyladye · 12 hours
no way pinterest showed me this right after I said I needed some motivation lol
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vivitalks · 1 day
something about how the memory malia lands on when she's trying to find the most meaningful memory she has of stiles is from a moment when he promised to come back for her. not the actual coming back, but the saying that he would.
malia was a coyote for eight years. her coyote instincts tell her that when a pack member is weak or injured, you leave them behind. but even when malia is weak and injured, even when she's a liability, stiles says he'll be back. stiles would never leave her. not in the way scott wouldn't leave her, because scott wouldn't leave anyone, but the fact that stiles won't leave malia, specifically, despite injury and perceived uselessness, because he cares about her, and because she is worth coming back for.
and in 6a, when stiles is taken, that's what malia remembers. that he said he would come back. that he would never leave her behind. it was true then. so it has to be true now.
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voidic3ntity · 2 days
constantly searching for any remnants of the vague stability:
the stability that you stole from me in the days of my youth;
I miss being fifteen & I miss being naive, before the torture,
before the gravity of disorder set in & my mind went cold.
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(TW - Repeated Child Abuse, dissociation, mental illness, mentioned death!)
Endos dni!
This, is a Nightmare sans that came to me in a dream, where he was a system. So, I've built upon it!
After suffering such... extreme, abuse from thr villagers, again and again and again. He was near always.. dissociated, at such a young age...
In this AU, dream didn't exist. Nightmare was the only guardian of both light and darkness, positive and negative.
However Dream, is one of Nightmare's headmates. He has, the following:
Night (AKA passive) - Host.
Dream - Little.
Guardian (AKA older dream) - Caregiver, protector.
(Corrupted) Nightmare - Persecutor, trauma holder, protector.
Shattered - Persecutor, gatekeeper.
Dream was the first headmate that Night was aware of, Dream often co-fronted or was co-conscious after a back run in with the villagers, and basically Night would begin dissociating and kinda... forget. He knows the villagers are bad, but he doesn't think they're nearly as dangerous as they are.
Eventually the bad sanses, lead by Killer after the death of their Nightmare, find this guy in an AU- and uhh adopt Systemare!
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rixcals · 3 days
When he wants to check my phone because he thinks I’m cheating but I just have all my stats and thinspo on it 😬
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animal-crossing · 1 year
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dd-writes · 3 months
Oh you want attention??? How about I bend you over and eat you out nice and slow from behind?? Would that help?
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necro-acid · 1 day
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..I can only imagine how dumb stimpy will be when high
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noonesgaylikegatson · 8 months
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Some messages left by queer Palestinians who face annihilation by the Israeli government in their retaliation against Hamas. The Israeli government has dropped thousand of bombs, leveled streets, cut off water, gas, and electricity, bombed hospitals, ambulances, mandated evacuation and then bomb evacuees. Innocent people are dying in the mass.
There is no need for this government to employ these acts of collective punishment. The same logic that is used to condemn the acts of Hamas, should be used to condemn the actions of the Israeli government. No one deserves to slaughtered and dehumanized.
And keep in mind, that this terror is not unusual for the Palestinian people, and this is another horrific event in a decades long oppression and apartheid.
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