#tw: surviving a mental illness
4spooniesupport · 9 months
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"yes im so fine"
*researches whether i can get my hands on ipecac*
#tw ed#obligatory MASSIVE do not do this#straight up poison that can kill you from one (1) time#used to be used to induce vomiting#directly the cause of death of karen carpenter and countless others#i wont i swear i wont#but i still researched it bc i was curious#tbh there are easier ways of poisoing oneself than semi illegal drugs#also if yall remember the post about a poison i own: i did more reseach and while that amount would probably kill me w no medical#intervention; it would take just under three times as much to be absolutely certain of hitting the toxic dose (calculated quantity per kg#of the top end of a given range. so it could kill me but if i was gonna go out that way id want about three times as much to be sure.)#honestly surprised ive never heard of any deaths from it. the most likely way to survive would be to throw it up i think#(or present to hospital and take charcoal or smth)#honestly though. my research says loss of consciousness and required intubation within half an hour in case studies#hence if you werent in reach of medical attention youd probably collapse an die#and i am very deliberately NOT mentioning what it is bc of how toxic it is#ive thought of combining it and another method to be absolutely sure but eh#honestly if it DIDNT work it sounds straight up embarrassing to admit to people tho thats one of the things stopping me#but literally a dose in a child requiring intubation and kid ended up in a coma recovered w no ill effects.#thats the dream yk. try and succeed and youre free; try and fail and you see no ill effects.#but yeah i wouldnt try w only the amount i have.#so im safe#....rereading the above. okay i might be a little mentally ill lol#but i am safe and absolutely nobody call the cops on me.#im fine.#tw suicide#puddleglum hours#nobody worry abt me ok. im fine.#just thinking silly lil thoughts like usual :)#EDIT: just occurred to me that using this poison could make it not look like a suicide
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Know what would be pretty fucking awesome????? Having a brain that doesn't think about dying when a minor problem or argument happens
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trans-axolotl · 4 months
currently creating curriculum that i'm going to use for a training session on harm reduction for self harm and i am excited!!!
just going to be sharing it to train a small group of medics rn before sharing any parts of it publicly, but would love to get feedback from people.
what questions do you have about harm reduction for self harm?
If you're someone who practices harm reduction for self harm, what do you think is most important for people to know? any tips and tricks you want to share?
can absolutely answer through anon asks for privacy if wanted <3
thank you in advance!
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am I really out here on this new depressive episode suddenly harbouring guilt over murder cases and my own grief at losing two people I knew in childhood 11 and a half years apart from each other. this is how it's manifesting. I literally can not control what happened when things were nowhere near me and when I was a literal child or not even born. does anybody get that weird kind of survivor's guilt about stuff like this. please tell me. I'm having mental illnesses over this.
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unknown-drug · 8 months
It all started when I finally wanted to BE and not just exist... But now, I gotta survive this shit to be FREE at last. It's just a little longer..
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seeking-phantoms · 1 month
If you are In a relationship that is toxic and the individual is a**sive in any way and you need out but don’t know what to do, read:
“How to do No Contact Like a Boss” by Kim Saeed
Download a sample first from Amazon to see if it will help you. And if that first paragraph resonates with you, buy the ebook to help you.
If you think you need out, most likely you do. I’m not a therapist but someone who is in the middle of the storm currently and finding the help that I need to make the best choice for me and my recovery and mental health.
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etteraths · 5 months
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bichenistraumatised · 6 months
I see people my age moving forward in life & how I've been still stuck in same place for years. I am such a disappointment to everyone and myself. Like why am i even living? I can't even call it living. It's just surviving, going from one day to another. I don't wanna k word myself anymore but i don't have strength to live anymore either
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punkstylerecovery · 9 months
Maybe it's just me being a suicidal punk but I actually find the fact I can kill myself comforting. Like, as long as I don't get too weird with the whole 'what if something comes afterwards' shit, the fact that if I can't see any option other than enduring some miserable ass shit I can just kill myself is such a deep comfort I can't exactly explain it.
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scarefox · 7 months
Ok, I gotta vent anyways. Didn't want to post this but I have to let it out
TW: car accident, money problems, dysfunctional family 🙃
My brother had a car accident yesterday night. Wild animal appeared on the road, car malfunctioned and send them upside down in a ditch. Everyone is alive and ok. He just has some minor injuries. But his car is trash. He got it secondhand just 1 month ago after he got his drivers license....
Our parents are so not helpful. Dad makes everything worse with his blame game and being an ass about everything. Mom is spiraling in anxiety and seeks help from me (because she doesn't get it from dad who acts like nothing happened and it's everyone's fault). I tried to talk with mom to calm her down, assuring her that everything will be fine and it's not her who is the issue in this family, but dad who projects his issues on everyone else. But I can not fully openly talk about this stuff with her because it's linked to my own mental issues I have with this family.
Long story short. At least my brother is now looking for therapy. Seems like the hospital advised him. So that's good at least. Because he would need therapy (and a check for neurodivergence) since ages. Everyone in this damn family needs therapy but nobody wants to hear that. Ironically my brother is the most optimistic one still atm. Thinking he will get it all managed with a lawyer and help from his friends. And he just gets a new car after 2 months fulltime working... bro
Meanwhile the financial support I am getting (which I applied months ago) is not paying as much as I need (because of my freelance job). But at the same time they don't allow me to earn more than 150€ on top of what they give me, or else they take that away from the support money again. WHICH IS BULLSHIT?? How is that supposed to go when I have like 1030€ bills per month but I can only get like 900€ per month?!!? Germany at it's finest... So yea I am applying for stupid logistics and office temp jobs again.
And therapy for myself. Gotta pull through this time with the therapy search. It's just damn hard to find something here.
And I had to cancle my sport till I get the finances sorted out. But my coach gives me one month training for free. Since I supported her during lockdown. So that's nice at least.
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joonipertree · 1 year
One year anniversary of my attempt and I wanna thank Mikey and Mitchy cuz
one year ago I saw the bonten panel where mikey asked for help and I made it into a phone cover so I can look at it when I wanted to die.
tokrev became my comfort, mikey became an anchor I held onto on my darkest nights.
forever grateful for the way I saw how mikey treated people and how people treated mikey and came to accept how dysfunctional my relationship with my (now ex) best friend was. Forever grateful that I held onto him through the worst month of my life.
Most of all, when i was stuck in the feeling of being a bad person and needing to punish myself
that I thought of mitchy and mikey...thought ab how I wished I had a crybaby hero and promptly decided to be my own cry baby hero, resulting in me going to therapy and getting the help I need
grateful for my mikey plushie I took with me to therapy appointments tor comfort
grateful that I loved myself enough to find him in the dark
I love myself so much
for seeing a boy with eyes as dead as mine
and deciding to hold on bc I wasn't ready to give up on life.
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splittingpotenzial · 2 years
You manipulated, gaslighted and lied to me
and i was fighting for us.....
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paniniqueen · 2 years
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“It’s easy to forget that your bedroom is not the world”
Clementine van Radics // Annie Remich //Juansen Dizon, I Am The Architect of My Own Destruction // unknown // Kait Rokowski, “A Good Day” // John Green, The Anthropocene Reviewed // Lora Mathis // Vincent Giarrano // Jeremy Lipking // Schuyler Peck, The Greatest Act of Self-Love isn’t Always Pretty
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beritall · 1 year
Alcoholism you say? No ma'am I am diligently training myself to obtain immunity when the next zombie apocalypse arrives. Nothing left here my zombros.
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adhbabey · 2 years
Psychopathy is a thing tho. It is separate from ASPD and psychosis. It is not technically a diagnosis, it is currently considered a "personality construct". Sociopath is less an official term these days than psychopath, which is whatever but while there is significant overlap between ASPD and psychopathy, they are not necessarily the same thing. Someone could have one or both but they have different criteria. And psychosis is another thing entirely. There are also two types of psychopathy, factor 1 and factor 2. Factor 2 tends to line up more with ASPD or what some would call a sociopath. There's also a thing called pseudopsychopathy, typically associated with damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex.
I agree that it is problematic that police procedurals/true crime shows and movies heavily associate psychopathy and personality disorders with violent crime. However, criminal offenders, violent or otherwise, often do have (usually undiagnosed and untreated) mental disorders or are neurodivergent.
People try so hard to separate personality disorders and psychotic disorders from violence and crime that they forget that criminals are still people with their own psychopathology that may or may not impact their criminal behavior. There is no single thing that determines someones choices, but it is disingenuous to say that someone's psychopathology has no effect at all.
One thing, psychosis is not a disorder, it's a symptom of many disorders. Psychosis is when you experience delusions and hallucinations, similar to a hypnotic trance, and is often caused by triggers, such as unreality. "Psychotic" people refer to those with psychosis.
Psychopathy, however, is not in the DSM, and is not a thing, just something we made up to assign to people who are "evil". Here is a good article on it. It's not real in the case that it's a "mental disorder". Sure, it exists as something in criminal psychology, but it's not an actual thing that actually applies to anyone, just something we apply to people that we deem as bad.
People with ASPD are those who have no affective empathy, they cannot experience other people's emotions as their own, and can struggle to understand their own emotions as a part of that. There are many people who are compassionate and kind, with little to no affective empathy, that shouldn't make them villains. As well as, people who mirror others is a common human experience, even with animals, that's normal and not weird. People with ASPD need your support and kindness, trying to convince me of the goodness of criminal psychology doesn't help victims. My blog is here to support all disabled and neurodivergent and mentally ill people, those with ASPD are a part of that. They're not scary at all.
I need you to understand this is not about me discounting the work that doctors do, but the way in which this information is used. This is only used to further demonize those with mental illnesses and disorders, I hope you understand. Think about stuff like profiling or body analysis, or how mental institutions once held both criminals and those who were mentally ill. This information doesn't exist in a vacuum, it's always meant to hurt someone else.
I think that these traits and symptoms associated with criminals is a bad thing. It's like the prison industrial complex, something used to put marginalized people in prison, so they can't fight back. It's not just people of color, it's all marginalized people, disabled people are one of them. Disabled people already barely have any autonomy, so any disabled people that are deemed as dangerous are locked up, what do you think about that? It's real, these things happen all the time.
Do you know like, other disorders that are associated with "damage to the prefrontal cortex", ADHD. I don't think like,, there's much to say on the research of "psychopaths" when it's not even in the manual of mental disorders, and it's often associated with an actual disorder and a symptom of several disorders. But that one disorder isn't even the same, it's deemed as a different thing all together. I honestly think a lot of this is bullshit, and only further causes harm to those of us who are disabled.
Do you even know that most people with personality disorders cannot seek treatment because it's so demonized? That they get turned away or have their disabilities erased, because there is so much shame and hatred surrounding these disorders. Did you even know that some people have medication forced on them because they have a "dangerous" mental illness? I'm not surprised if you haven't. I'm not surprised with the amount of ableism in this world. People with stigmatized disorders are the victims, not neurotypical abled people.
I won't change your mind, clearly. But I want more people to reconsider the information that they are given to, on a silver platter, by the police. Ask yourself why is that information handed to you, so freely? Why is it so easy to believe? How easy is it to just blame someone for the world's problems, and not on the system that created such horrible things? This is not a mistake, I need you to understand that much.
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