#you are precious
emilysdiaryofficial · 8 months
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For all the Poyo-tato's 💕
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poetrybyonur · 3 months
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Time is precious. We are all only given a numbered amount of time on this earth. When you give your time to someone, that’s time you’ll never get back. Which is why, when I give of my time, it is a precious gift. I will gift it to those whom I feel are precious to me. I will never not have time for people who are important to me.
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hektor-world · 28 days
Like Luck , you are rare
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positivelypositive · 10 months
explaining yourself...
...to everyone is not necessary.
it's good to question yourself. do they trust you? are they capable of trusting you? do they try to see the good in you?
those who don't want to understand you, never will.
be mindful of who you invest time in. it's precious ✨
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cluster-b-culture-is · 9 months
Cluster B culture is desperately wanting to be in a relationship even though you're aroace because you want someone to love and protect you just to prove that you're something that can be loved and something worth protecting. I want someone to see me as something precious because nobody ever has
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scarlettblack24 · 1 year
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Still sexy 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not wrong 😗
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sweeetnothingss · 2 years
hi, I hope this message finds you well 💌
and if you aren't at your best, that's okay too. I'm sending you a warm hug, some delicious cookies and a comforting blanket to wrap yourself with while you watch that show again.
if you are a little bit like me, you spend your hours doubting your worth, making pointers in your head, of the things, your habits, your words and your actions, that make you unlovable. you doubt yourself so much that you think atleast ten times before talking to a friend or a stranger and still end up saying the "wrong" thing. and you regret every word that comes out of your mouth. "no, this is dumb, what did i do, I shouldn't be allowed to talk to anyone, I'm so dumb." you replay every word of the conversation you have. and cry. and disappear.
if you relate to this, i am so sorry. i know it's difficult to say nice things to ourselves. having faith and believing in "you deserve people who are good to you. you deserve happiness." is hard work for us.
here are some reminders for you. i want you to read these words and I want you to trust me when I say:
you are enough. your existence is not a mistake. no, you didn't say the wrong thing. it's okay. your friends don't hate you. they don't look down upon you. the hateful and mean words that you have to hear from the people around you, are never true. please try not to let their words get the best of you. you are not unworthy of love because people make you feel unwelcomed. you are allowed to make mistakes. your mistakes don't define you. you're not your thoughts. no one hates you. you don't have to give an explanation to anyone. there's nothing you need to prove. you are adorable. just as you are. you deserve care and attention. love and affection don't need to be earned. what you think matters. you matter. the unkind words thrown your way aren't true. you are not a burden. don't be scared of loosing people. it's okay to be imperfect and making mistakes is natural. it happens with everyone. it's not your fault. it's okay to mess up or be wrong sometimes. what's important is what you learn. rest. they won't abandon you. you don't deserve the harshness you're met with on a daily basis. you are not weak. being in touch with your feelings and emotions doesn't make you "too sensitive" and weak. it's okay. you can cry. let it out. you didn't give birth to the hate growing within other people. you haven't disappointed anyone. your choices, your interests and the quirks that make you "you" are amazing. really. I love you. you're beautiful. you'll find love. your existence isn't embarrassing or annoying. your presence is appreciated here. i want to hear your jokes. especially the lame ones. you don't ruin everyone's mood. you shouldn't doubt your own value if people make you feel left out. I'm sorry. you can say no if you don't want to do something. the world won't fall apart. they won't dislike you. don't be bothered about the people who dislike you. and I'm sorry that some people find it really difficult to accept a no. I'm super proud of you for trying. always. i want to hear your stories. I want to hear the details of your day. i want to hear you. i want to see the light in your eyes when you talk about the things that you love. you still have time to develop new skills. pick up your old hobbies. try new things. you are talented. you are not boring. you are loved. you are loved. you are loved. you are not alone. you belong here. YOU ARE NOT DUMB. you are not invisible. even if you wish to be, or feel like you are, i want to let you know that I see you and i appreciate you. don't be so hard on yourself, please?
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dksw0rld · 2 years
Get To KNOW Yourself
You know the saying “he/she knows me better than I know myself”? As sweet as that is, NOBODY should know you better than you know yourself (besides the Creator). Getting to know yourself on an intimate level will aid you in your journey to becoming a high level woman / aid your glow up and aid you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle - which is essential to being a high value woman.
A lot of us walk around and don’t have a clue about who we really are, what truly lifts us up, what affects us negatively and positively, etc. and that needs to change for a multitude of reasons. Let me explain some:
1. Knowing what drains or fills you up is EXTREMELY important!!! I cannot stress this point enough. If you don’t know yourself on a spiritual, intimate level, you will never know this. For example, I know myself intimately enough to know that hip-hop/rap impacts me and my spirit negatively, Every time I listened to it (in the past because I don’t anymore for this reason), I (AKA my spirit) felt so heavy afterwards. If you don’t notice things like this about yourself, your soul is constantly under attack because you’re feeding it things it doesn’t agree with, which also means you’re walking around drained all the time. Hence why it is SO important to slow down, check in with yourself and truly notice how you feel regularly.
2. Knowing your inner biome. This is also another important one. For the love of all things good, please start to notice how your body reacts to the foods you put in it. Like please I’m begging you. A lot of us have different food sensitivities that we don’t even know about because we neglect slowing down and getting to know ourselves! This is also why it’s important to not eat fast. After you eat, especially when eating foods you don’t eat regularly and/or new foods, take some time to notice how you feel afterwards. Do you feel tired/sluggish? Energized? Is your stomach upset? Do you have to go to the bathroom almost immediately afterwards? Are you noticing a few extra pimples on your face? If you answer yes to the more negative questions then maybe you should be avoiding those foods after speaking to your doctor about it to confirm. And yes, even healthier foods can irritate your gut. Knowing this and eating accordingly will also help your energy levels, weight loss / maintenance and even your skin.
3. Knowing yourself sexually is extremely important before getting involved with anyone else sexually. You need to know how to please yourself sexually. If you don’t know what turns you on, gives you an orgasm, etc. theenn how is anyone else going to know? I’m sorry to tell you that most partners are not sex gods. They’re most likely not going to automatically know exactly what feels good for you or how to give you a soul snatching orgasm. Teaching your partner how to pleasure you is way better anyways for obvious reasons. And if your partner isn’t willing to learn your body in order to make intercourse better for you then you have no business even associating with them! Ok I’m getting off topic. Point is, you should know what gets you off and what doesn’t. Intercourse ain’t just for the pleasure of men ladies but of course BE RESPONSIBLE. Your body is precious and NOT for every man that shows you affection or attention. You should also be checking in with yourself AFTER intercourse. Notice how you feel after having intercourse. Do you feel satisfied / fulfilled? Do you feel appreciated and seen? Do you feel weird? If you finish and feel sad, bad, ashamed or anything of that nature, #1 know that you are not a bad person because you had intercourse, our sensual urges are completely normal, #2 reflect on if that person is good for you and your spirit, #3 cleanse yourself energetically. At the end of the day, intercourse is an exchange of energy. If you finish and feel weird, then this is a good tell that person was not right for you energetically. #4 reflect on why you had intercourse with this person. Are you trying to fill a void? Are you having intercourse just because you can? If the answer is yes to these, it may be best to take a break from intercourse until you heal that void. Do you see why it is so important to know yourself?
4. Knowing your boundaries COMPLETELY. I say completely because most of us know our boundaries for the most part but we don’t know why we have those specific ones, what happens to us internally when we stick to our boundaries and when we don’t, and we barely ever realize when we need to tweak our boundaries to fit our growth until something happens. Sit with yourself, put clear and firm boundaries in place for EVERY aspect of your life, reflect on why you feel you need those specific boundaries, and reflect on how you would feel when you stick to them and when you don’t. Trust me when I say it’s necessary. We are not rugs for everyone and anyone to step on. We know exactly who we are, and we need to be able to immediately recognize when our boundaries are not being respected or when they are!! and/or needs are not being met.
These are extremely important things to know about yourself but there are way more things as well. It is important for so so many reasons. Another main reason being you need to be so secure in yourself that no one else can shake you or knock you down. Stop walking around carrying extra unnecessary baggage because you don’t know YOU. If you start doing these and other practices of getting to truly and intimately know yourself, I promise you will see a huge difference in your life. 
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euesworld · 2 years
"There's no better way to pass the time than with you by my side, I love you more than anything.."
I love you more than elephants, even though they are so precious - eUë
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notyourflowerywriter · 10 months
Hey summer boy! You've really managed to pull me out of the chilly winter. I'm eternally grateful to you for existing and being the superhero that you certainly are. I can't fathom how many hearts you have healed with your unmatched ability to make each one of us feel seen and loved. Your eyes are gorgeous like that of a child who is ready to receive life as it unfolds, with a burning desire for loving others and receiving it at the same time. You are a creative force in my life, who makes my days brighter and nights more starry. I feel that you are a dreamer who "never wants to let go" and who sings "I'm lost in my imagination". Your aura is beaming out multicolored rays, once again reinstilling in me the once lost radiance. Thank you summer boy.
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hamabee · 7 months
I miss you
I miss you my lovely lovely shells who probably sent this many years ago I miss you too <3
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Vitelotte has a Mage/Tank build~ Baby slime is in good hands
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Shout out for all people who write about Spencer Reid and somehow manage to make him even more lovable
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hektor-world · 23 days
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kittycatlukey · 2 years
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And it will always work out. Everything will work out in your favor. Remember that. Remember that you have a purpose; you will find it if you seek it. If you haven’t found it yet, don’t give up. Everyone has a purpose, whether it’s a career, a hobby, being a parent, or not being a parent at all, etc. Purpose is unique to everyone; find your path, even if it’s different from others. Additionally, your purpose could shift or even completely change all throughout your lifetime as a result of your growth and your forevermore evolving priorities. And keep this in mind: you matter, regardless of whether you have found your purpose yet or not. Keep fighting, even if you don’t feel like it. You can do anything you set your mind to. Anything. You’re strong, you’re brave, you’re loved, you’re important, and you’re deserving of the life you want to live. ❤️
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I used to see my body like the ocean, my heart like an oyster and the Beloved like a pearl.
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