#you got this !!!
thathandsomeghost · 23 hours
It’s ok to have days where you aren’t in the mood, you’re struggling or it’s just been a tough day. Not every day is a tickle day, but, every day needs to have self care in it! You’re the one living your life! Even if it’s just a simple thing like making a meal you like or watching a show you enjoy before bed.
Go drink some water and eat some food, rest up and take on tomorrow with your head held high.
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doodlinge · 17 hours
my writing tips, that i think people will find useful:
- write dialogue first and THEN make a scene around it.
i like to do this sometimes for multiple reasons. first, if you’re in a flow of good ideas, getting dialogue done will be a future GAME CHANGER. you don’t have to be stuck fussing over little word choices because you just do it when you have a good idea, and it works! fuss over it now, save time for descriptions later. second, the characters you’re writing usuuallly wont be able to read eachother’s minds. we people do everything by communication and talking! so, map out what you want your scene to look like through dialogue! i like to do mine as a screenplay or movie script, so that way i can ensure that the characters are speaking Like Real People (tm). and THEN I READ IT OUTLOUD >:)
- map out your chapters before you start to write. seriously, do it.
so, personally, my favorite part of fanfiction and writing is the planning stage. and i like doing it on paper, but we’ll get into that after this. first, you get the idea, the spark in your brain that could make an AMAZING story, comic, or au. that’s the general premise to work off of! write that down, if you need. next, do a VERY rough draft of what you want to happen—specifically, the 3 main points of your story: the beginning event, the middle event or climax, and the ending event, or your point A, B, and C. work off of and build up (or build down) from each of these core events of your story, planning the small events that lead up to The Big Guy (or B). these ideas or premises for each leading event can and probably will be VERY, VERY rough, but once you’ve got the rough idea of what will probably happen done, you can get to work on MORE PLANNING (sorry guys. learn to enjoy it)
- PLANNING PART TWO BABY WOOO (plan out your chapters. and if it doesnt work when you’re writing it, that’s okay!)
this is what you will do before you write your chapters, that works for me way better than just going in with no plan. personally, when i started to write the fic i’m currently writing, i mapped out all the rough details that i want to happen in the climax chapter of my story, because most people find the middle the hardest part. since i already had an rough idea of what would have happened before the climax with my previous planning stage, i already was able to connect how all of the buildup would lead into the climax of the story pretty easily. every action in your story will have a consequence, big or small, and that all will lead up to your protagonist bursting into tears or the main couple confessing their love or the final, epic battle between the protagonist and antagonist! if, when you’re writing, the rough idea you had just isn’t working out, you can either a: redo it completely if it’s a huge problem, or b (my favorite): work around it in the moment and improvise. i ended up making my fic’s climax way better just because of the extra scenes i added in while writing, but since i had my original plan to work off of, everything was a lot easier.
- make every scene with a motive to accomplish
most people know this one, but i thought it was good to add in. whether it’s to flesh out the world around your characters with fun and shenanigans or to give the audience a little more insight into a character who will be useful in the future, every scene and every chapter should have a purpose. when people act, they also like to give their characters motivations, and for a while, i wasn’t sure how that could connect. however, now i understand. let’s say a character is trying to motivate another one to be brave and face their fears, but character a is actually only interested in their own interests. character a’s motivation is to be self-serving—they’re not as concerned with helping character b, but instead, they want to help themself. this shows a lot about character a! when you have a purpose for every story beat and a motive for each character, it can help you flesh out the character much better.
- show don’t tell (and what i interpret that as)
okay, so for a while, i had NO idea what show don’t tell even meant. i LOVE writing about my character’s thoughts, their interests, their perspectives on what’s going on around them. character analysis is one of the best parts, for me! but there are ways to show what a character is thinking without the use of heavy description. for example, take this part from the fic i’m currently working on right now:
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the character i’m writing for had not mentioned her mom the entire chapter, but when you go back and analyze her character throughout it, you can see major hints that part of why she who she is stems from her trauma with her mother. when she connects to an older adult female figure and feels understood, the issues she has are shown and not told, clear as day. by using dialogue and trusting your audience to connect the dots about your characters, you can make a better-written story! remember motivations; sometimes, characters don’t even know they have the motivations that they do, and the audience has to figure it out based on context clues. leave room for intrigue and mystery! think; if you were this character in this situation feeling the way they felt, what would you do? what would you say? why would you say it, and what would that reveal about you?
- write one story beat per day and WRITE ON PAPER
the word count, for me, doesn’t matter. if the quality of your writing is good, and the pacing gives audiences room to breathe, then that’s enough! quality over quantity, in my opinion. if you’re not up for writing, PLAN CHAPTERS! plan scenes, plan events! plan dialogue, make it fun! that is writing too. for me, when i have the planning done, i go with the One Story Beat Per Day Rule. if you get one small event done each time you write, you’ll be finishing The Big Event you wanted to accomplish in no time. and if you’re in the middle of a big story beat and you just need a break, i’d say to take one…. and later, come back with a notebook and a pen and think. paper has helped me write better because the flow of thought just keeps going when i’m focused, and i think it might work for a lot of people.
writing and finishing stuff is really, really hard. but if you get one small thing done for the characters in your story, comic or au each day… you’ll eventually have an amazing, finished story. make it fun for yourself. listen to music, act out the scripts, use color theory, analyze your characters and don’t make it a chore! every small step contributes to getting to the top. make something you will love to write, and that you will love to read. make something for yourself, because in the end, if you enjoy it, the audiences will enjoy it.
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sunlitsoil · 2 months
there is always tomorrow
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zebulontheplanet · 1 year
You. Are. worthy.
Even if you never drive. Even if you need help with basic tasks. Even if you need help with hygiene. Even if you’ll never work. Even if you’ll need help for the rest of your life. You’re. Still. Worthy.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re useless, or that you don’t deserve certain things. You’re amazing, and I see you.
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thepeacefulgarden · 11 months
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dumblr · 7 months
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Alright fellow writers. Confession time.
Rules on "writing" for this poll:
no it doesn't matter what you write or how many words you write.
Worldbuilding, brainstorming, drafting, and editing all count as writing.
yes you're allowed to write something and then come back and vote on this.
yes adding one single word to your wip counts as writing.
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thatmemeguy89 · 4 months
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You got this
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thelatestkate · 1 year
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Shop , Patreon , Books and Cards , Mailing List
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clairesstudycorner · 6 months
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"The key to success is to start before you're ready"
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dnd-apothecary · 7 months
the horrors are never-ending
(the horrors are laundry)
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positivelypositive · 5 months
here to remind you...
...that you've got this.
you've always come out stronger after facing tough times. that doesn't mean that it's been easy. but it means that you're capable.
that you'll come through. that you'll make it. you're strong. i believe in you ✨
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thatstolenpayal · 2 months
40 reasons to live:
your favourite food
soft rain
journaling your soul out
vanilla scent
chocolate ice cream
hair wash days
a good result after toil
the winter sun
the cool breeze over your sweaty skin
seeing yourself in the mirror after crying
gossip sessions with your girlies
when a 'he' gives you butterflies
sleeping in august wrapped up in a blanket
the sound of the waves
kisses on the cheek
building sand castles
a long bath
movie nights
mandir/dargah/gurudwara/church, etc places of worship
bollywood movies
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lydiaortega1996 · 5 months
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annadoucettemusic · 1 year
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Wishing you a fantastic Sunday 💛💛
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