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This Week in Review
May 21 – June 4
Season 2: Episode 17 – Sympathy for the Goddess
When the man who had the final piece of the Flaming Sword is murdered and the piece goes missing, Mom joins Chloe and Lucifer on the case to track down the killer. But when Lucifer gets sidelined, Maze recruits him to help save Dr. Linda's endangered career and confronts him about the secrets he's been keeping
It is interesting to see that Charlotte’s true identity has not been fully revealed to Lucifer. T would have made things so much easier if it had. However, Chloe hardly believes that Lucifer is who he says he is, so how would she believe that Charlotte is actually Lucifer’s mother, and God’s ex. The troubles they go through to get the final piece of the sword seemed to be plot points to prolong the season, but they were interesting ones, that enveloped the character of Charlotte, even before Lucifer’s mother took over her body. It will be interesting to see if they finally make it to Heaven in the season finale.
Season 2: Episode 18 – The Good the Bad and the Crispy
After Charlotte accidentally charbroils a man to death in self-defense, Lucifer must try and keep Chloe from figuring out the truth. Lucifer puts Maze in charge of finding Charlotte and Amenadiel, who have both gone missing in light of recent circumstances, while he finds a permanent solution for the ticking-time-bomb he calls Mom
This finale was a bit of a letdown. We could have done without Amenadiel’s conflict of duty since he found out he was the “father’s favorite”. Charlotte shows her true colors when she finally meets up with Chloe on the pier. While Lucifer tries to save Chloe from the hell that is his own mother, he forgets about the actual murder case, and the danger to them all. Maze finds Linda after Charlotte had tortured answers out of her. It took Amenadiel’s strength and power to help bring her back. Finally Lucifer convinces his mother to do the right thing and enter into another universe… what is with these season finales ending with alternate dimensions. First Supernatural and now Lucifer? Interesting. And then we had that final scene where Lucifer discovers himself with the wings. It will be interesting to see what they will do in season 3.
Season 3: Episode 8 - Eat a Kinevel
Liv shares the brain of a former daredevil with her new boyfriend, and the experience brings them closer. Blaine is back to his old ways. Meanwhile, Ravi makes progress in his new research. Finally, a discovery is made that could put Major in grave danger.
It was a lot of fun to see Liv as a thrill-seeking daredevil, pranking everyone in sight. It was a lot of fun to see the actress play against Clive’s very straight faced character. It must have been difficult not to crack a smile during some of the interrogation scenes. Major suddenly discovers that being human makes him not a part of the zombie crowd anymore, but in the human world, he is still named the Chaos Killer. He is in a kind of Limbo, and it seems difficult for him to cope. Ravi shows some bravery when he decides to go to the party and pose as a zombie-hating human, to get intel on the “enemy”. It will be interesting to see just what they are planning. I do enjoy that we get a half and half kind of story in this show. We get the crime investigation, but we also get the zombie stories. We also see the new owner of the zombie corporation… and he looks scary.
Season 3: Episode 9 – Twenty-Sided Die
When a Dungeon Master is killed, Liv and Clive discover he was up to more than just playing in his mother's basement. Meanwhile, Blaine's experiment does not go as planned. Lastly, Ravi finds stumbles across some new information that could prove deadly.
All the nerds of the world unite… how great was it to see Liv as a DM? It was interesting to see all the characters of the D&D group as they went through the investigation. I was glad that none of them were actually the killer. To be honest though, the actual investigation being taken over by the FBI was intriguing, but not as intriguing as the attempt at getting Liv to have a vision. When she got together with Ravi, Peyton, Clive and Major, the least interested person to play was Clive. But when they got into the game and Liv finally had the vision, it was Clive who was eager to finish the campaign. It just goes to show you that there is a hidden nerd in all of us. The discovery that Ravi found at the end of the episode is devastating indeed, and could mean the end of the secret of zombies in Seattle.
Season 3 Episode 10 – Return of the Dead Guy
Peyton and Liv find themselves on a surprising wild goose chase. Ravi is terrified when the zombie truth hunters' plans are revealed. Elsewhere, Major finds comfort in an unexpected - and perhaps unwelcome - friend.
The 100
Season 4: Episode 13 – Praimfeya
It's a race against the end of the world as Praimfaya arrives forcing our heroes to make impossible decisions to ensure their survival.
It is sad that the show doesn’t really kick us in the feels because we expected deaths. We almost knew that Abby would sacrifice herself, and that Clarke would end up staying behind. And of course in true fashion of The 100, nothing goes according to plan. The crew was supposed to pick up Raven… they didn’t. They were supposed to get her back to the bunker … they didn’t. Instead they actually flew the rocket back to the Arc in space, in the hopes that they could live for 5 years. And then the twist at the end when Clarke sees that ship returning … but it is not the rocket that took her friends to the skies. Of course we leave on a cliff hanger, and we have to wait until season 5 to find out.
 Doctor Who
Season 10: Episode 7 – The Pyramid at the End of the World
An 'ancient' pyramid appears overnight. Every clock in the world begins counting down to the Earth's destruction. Three opposing armies lie ready to annihilate each other. An alien race stands ready to offer humanity a deal that could save them, but enslave them. It is a terrifying race against time to save the world. Will the Doctor be forced to accept their help?
How interesting it was of the alien race to give us the red herring of the three armies ready to fight. Making the Doctor, the world leaders, even the audience think that this was the way the world would end, when really it was something minute in a lab. We truly see the humane side of Bill when she finally gives into the Mons and accepts their help. But not for herself, not for humanity, but or the Doctor. This is a mistake she’ll have to pay for in time, but at least we found a way for the Doctor to get his sight back. But what was the cost to the world, to be enslaved by the alien race.
Season 10: Episode 8 – The Lie of the Land
Earth has been invaded and Bill is living alone, an isolated figure surviving in occupied Britain. The Doctor is imprisoned and appears to be on the side of the enemy, flooding the airwaves with fake news. Bill and Nardole must embark on a deadly mission to rescue the Doctor and lead the resistance against the new regime, whatever the cost.
How interesting it was to see the Doctor’s rescue from the Monks. There was one issue though. The Doctor has been known for his distaste for guns, and yet, pushes Bill to shoot him, in order to prove that she was not taken over by the Monks. This contradicts everything about the Doctor’s opinions about guns altogether. But because it helped the situation along, and the only way for him to be certain, I suppose it can slide this time. And we get a good conversation with Missy this time, the quirks of the character coming through beautifully. Such an interesting and malicious character, that I hope we get more and more of her. The idea that Bill’s imagined presence of her mother was enough to block the Monks’ signal getting through to the human race, was a little bit clichéd, but it worked for the episode. But how frightening was it when we actually thought the Doctor had given into the monks as well? It will be interesting to see what happens next.
Season 10: Episode 9 – The Empress of Mars
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SuperHero Low-Down
May 21 – 28
 Because all of our favorite heroes are hanging up their hoods, capes, and cowls for a few months, this will be the last post of the SuperHero Low-Down until next season. Please keep an eye out for our other weekly posts.
Season 2: Episode 22 – Nevertheless, She Persisted
Supergirl challenges Rhea to battle to save National City. Meanwhile, Superman returns and Cat Grant offers Supergirl some sage advice.
Of course for the season finale we get the Man and Woman of Steel, but did we really need for Kara to be a better champion than Kal? Although it was a good premise for this episode, we all knew that Kara would have to make that sacrifice. First her conversation with Kal about having everything she wanted, and then the device that Leena and her mother had developed. All things were pointing for an ending that would kick us in the feels. The show really kept with its traditions with Cat Grant being Kara’s voice of reason in the end. Her praise of Kara’s writing seemed to really touch the young reporter. This episode kicked us in the feels, but Oliver Queen said it once before, the hero doesn’t always get the girl…or guy in this instance. It was not an amazing season finale, the couple thing at the end, everyone happy except for Kara was a bit clichéd, but it was a good finale as far as Supergirl is concerned. It is intriguing to see what exactly was sent to Earth in the last few days of Krypton’s existence. I suppose we’ll have to wait until next season. And is this really the end for Mon-El? Or do you think we’ll see him again?
Season 3 Episode 23 – Finish Line
With nothing left to lose, Barry takes on Savitar in an epic conclusion to season three.
What a twist with H.R.’s sacrifice. The bond the character of Harrison Wells always seems to have with Cisco is usually one-sided, with Wells being the mentor and the student being Cisco. But in this situation, it was Cisco who seemed to have given H.R. the strength to do what was needed. As far as season finales go, this was very predictable. Of course they had to do the fake-out of Iris dying in the previous episode, to kick us in the feels and to give something for next season. Let’s hope that the bad guy in the next season is not another speedster, because it seems that’s all The Flash has been dealing with. It would be interesting to see something else come about. Killer Frost’s transition to her new identity was touching, and it gives us all hope that she may be able to return to the team at some point. It seems like the team is breaking down by the end of the season. Let us hope this is a temporary thing. But now we need to wait another 6 months before finding out.
Season 5: Episode 23 – Lian Yu
The battle between Oliver and Adrian Chase culminates in a final epic battle on Lian Yu. After recent events, Oliver decides to recruit a group of unlikely allies — Slade, Nyssa, Merlyn, and Digger Harkness — to defeat Chase. However, Chase has his own army – Black Siren, Evelyn Sharp, and Talia al Ghu
And bring on the all-out battle back on the island of Lian Yu. We finally see the flashbacks come full circle with Oliver’s time spent on the Island and now here we are again, and meeting up with some old faces, such as Slade Wilson and Malcolm Merlin. It was really great to see merlin make the final sacrifice and do something good for his daughter for a change. It was in perfect Thea and Malcolm tradition that she would not allow him to save her, and that he had to do it by force. And of course, who could not forget the best way to end the episode, to do a Supernatural-type ending and destroy everything, leaving us on a perfect cliff-hanger, wondering if everyone is alive or dead. This season finale was by far the best out of the superhero shows this season. Very well done Arrow, and we cannot wait to see you come back and answer so many questions.
Until Next Season...
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May 7 - 21
Season 2: Episode 20 – City of Lost Children
When an alien attacks National City, Supergirl and the DEO learn the alien is a Phorian, an otherwise peaceful race with telekinetic powers. Guardian gets a lead on the Phorian’s address but instead of finding the culprit, he finds a very scared boy named Marcus. Marcus will only trust James so it is up to Guardian to stop the attacks on the city. Rhea’s plan escalates.
In this episode, we learned that you don’t need to be a superhero to be a hero. James had to take off his mask before the boy would trust him to speak to him. This is a reminder to all of us that we can make a difference in peoples’ lives, and that we are not dependent on others to save the world for us.  Having said that I wouldn’t say no to a superhero saving my butt once in a while. This was one of those feel-good episodes, where an alien race was thought to be dangerous is just afraid and alone.
Season 2: Episode 21 – Resist
Supergirl grapples with whether or not to obey the President's orders regarding Rhea's latest actions. Meanwhile, Cat Grant returns to National City.
Welcome back Cat Grant! When the president and Rhea were squaring off, it was really fun to see Cat’s speech towards Rhea, and then finally her again inspiring Supergirl, as well as the people of National City to fight back. It made us long for the days that Cat was a regular on this show. The fight to defy the orders of the president was somewhat obvious; we almost knew that was going to happen. We knew that someone was going to be stuck on the ship, and the order would come that it needed to be destroyed, no matter what. And of course the Danvers sisters would defy orders and do “the right thing”. I’m curious to see is Leena is going to be penalized for the situation, considering she is a Luthor. I will be interesting to see the finale and the aftermath of the situation.
Season 2: Episode 22 – Nevertheless, She Persisted
Supergirl challenges Rhea to battle to save National City. Meanwhile, Superman returns and Cat Grant offers Supergirl some sage advice.
Season 3: Episode 21 – Cause and Effect
Barry takes drastic measures to stop Savitar. Meanwhile, H.R. continues to push Tracy Brand to design the trap for Savitar and Killer Frost returns with an interesting proposal.
It was a lot of fun to see Barry without his memories. His freedom of conscience was something that Iris wished she could keep just a little while longer. But as time goes on, it is noticed that the Flash is really needed. Sadly the team had to turn to Killer Frost to help them get the memories back. She agrees because the same amnesia was happening to Savitar. Sadly, this lead to a very emotional moment between Cisco and Killer Frost, as he discovered that his friend was no longer there. I think this episode provided some comic relief because the next two episodes would be very heavy ones.
Season 3: Episode 22 - Infantino Street
With only 24 hours left until Savitar murders Iris, Barry struggles to save the woman he loves and makes the choice to use any means necessary to do so. Realizing he has one option left to save her, The Flash turns to Captain Cold for help.
It is amazing what we will do for the ones we love. Some people would lie, cheat, steal… but Barry Allan would side with a criminal and break into a government facility to take the one thing that would possibly save Iris. It was good to see Snart again, in all of his bad-ass awesomeness. I really thought, all season long, that he was going to save her. So many thought that Barry would find a way to beat Savitar and keep him from killing Iris. But the feels were kicked hard as we watched the future unfold before our eyes, and Barry was just as helpless to save her now as he was in his visit to the future. However, this will probably lead to him traveling through time again to try to save her somehow. It will be interesting to see if the future we saw in 2024 will be an accurate depiction of what really happens.
Season 3 Episodes 23 – Finish Line
With nothing left to lose, Barry takes on Savitar in an epic conclusion to season three.
Season 5: Episode 21 – Honor Thy Fathers
Oliver returns to the mayor’s office and faces one of his most pressing issues yet – the forced release of dozens of violent criminals prosecuted by Adrian Chase. Meanwhile, a crate is delivered to Oliver’s office containing a mysterious corpse encased in concrete.
The first thing noticed was that when the crate arrived, Oliver almost had to be forced to wait for the bomb squad to come in and make sure it was safe. Oliver is nothing if not stubborn. We also get Thea back in this episode, as she and her brother have to come to grips with the kind of man their father was. Now this begs the question. Given the people that Thea and Oliver are, serving violence in order to maintain justice in their city, did they come by it honestly from their father? Violent behavior is not necessarily inherited, but learned. But that tendency could have been inherent. Coming to grips with different aspects of their father, Thea and Oliver seem to finally have grown up and become adults, independent of the burdens and no longer have to live with the crimes of their parents.
Season 5: Episode 22 – Missing
Black Siren returns to help Chase. Felicity organizes a birthday party for Oliver while Lance is furious after Rene misses the custody hearing for his daughter.
A lot happened in this episode. Rene seems to have just skipped out on his daughter’s hearing, when really he had been taken. After Oliver had to release so many violent criminals, Black Siren and friends start to take Tam Arrow’s members hostage. This leads Oliver to ask for help from Merlin himself, as much as he despises him… and then he asks the help of Merlin’s former nemesis. Oliver knows that it will take a lot of effort to take down the enemy and to get his friends back. And, as they descend to Lian Yu for the final battle, Oliver recruits the assistance of an old friend/enemy from way back, Slade Wilson. Let the final battle begin.
Season 5: Episode 23 – Lian Yu
The battle between Oliver and Adrian Chase culminates in a final epic battle on Lian Yu. After recent events, Oliver decides to recruit a group of unlikely allies — Slade, Nyssa, Merlyn, and Digger Harkness — to defeat Chase. However, Chase has his own army – Black Siren, Evelyn Sharp, and Talia al Ghu
Until Next Time...
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SuperHero Low-Down
April 23 – May 7
Season 2: Episode 18 – Ace Reporter
Lena’s ex-boyfriend, Jack Spheer, comes to National City to unveil his big breakthrough in nano-technology, which has the potential to eradicate all diseases. Lena asks Kara to attend Jack’s conference with her for support. When Kara sees Snapper in attendance she’s inspired to tap back into her reporter skills and questions Jack on his discovery, which ultimately leads to a bigger investigation that puts everyone in danger.
So, who else had a hard time seeing Jack Spheer as anyone except for Ravi from IZombie? The actor did well at playing a character we were uncertain of. His confidence and suave behavior with Lena, suggested that he may have been the villain. But in episodes such as this, we all know there is a twist involved. Apart from the cameo from our favourite ME from IZombie, this episode was one of Kara getting her old job back, and the audience learning that there is always more than meets the eyes of a perfect miracle cure. It makes you wonder what kinds of things are being hidden in other medical breakthroughs. Though I doubt that we need to worry too much about nano-bots. And we have some foreshadowing at the end of the episode that makes us eager for next week’s episode.
Season 2: Episode 19 – Alex
Alex is kidnapped and the kidnapper threatens to kill her unless Supergirl releases a notorious criminal from prison. Supergirl and Maggie have always had different approaches to apprehending criminals but this time they must work together to save Alex. Meanwhile, Rhea has an interesting proposal for Lena.
Was this really an episode of “who loves Alex more” situation? And then realizing they needed to work together in order to save Alex? Really that’s what happened in this episode in a nutshell. Alex getting kidnapped was interesting, but we all knew she would survive. We knew that Kara going off to save her was going to backfire and that Maggie was going to be right. And then Maggie doing something reckless was going to blow up in her face. This was a very predictable episode. I wish they had spent more time developing the story between Lena and Rhea. It looked like foreshadowing, but it would have been interesting to see a bit more development on that story line. Hopefully we see more of that next week.
Season 2: Episode 20 – City of Lost Children
When an alien attacks National City, Supergirl and the DEO learn the alien is a Phorian, an otherwise peaceful race with telekinetic powers. Guardian gets a lead on the Phorian’s address but instead of finding the culprit, he finds a very scared boy named Marcus. Marcus will only trust James so it is up to Guardian to stop the attacks on the city. Rhea’s plan escalates.
Season 3: Episode 19 – The Once and Future Flash
Barry travels to the future to find out Savitar’s still unknown identity in the hopes of saving Iris. Upon his arrival in 2024, Barry encounters future versions of his Team Flash friends, who, following the death of Iris, have become very different people, profoundly impacted by their showdown with Savitar. It will be up to Barry to infuse a sense of hope back into the team, as he proves to be the hero his future friends have been waiting for. Meanwhile, back in 2017, the hunt for Killer Frost continues.
It was really interesting to see 2024, and the different directions the team had gone in after Iris’ death. This episode was pretty much filler, but it was a good filler episode, so we can forgive the story for that. Barry takes all that time and effort to go into the future, just to discover that Killer Frost is going to team up with Savitar and that even in the future, Barry did not know who he was. But it was interesting to see the future characters, and we got a lead on another person who could help trap Savitar in the speed force. The one issue with this episode was Barry’s staying in the future to set things right with the team. It made no sense that he did this. If he was going to go back and save Iris, thus defeating that timeline, why bother setting things right anyways? The reason why the team broke up and everyone went to do their own depressing things, was because Barry failed in saving Iris, and so, if he alters the timeline, none of these events would have happened. It could be argued that what if Barry doesn’t save Iris, now he actually saved the future timeline, but it felt like a filler episode.
Season 3: Episode 20 – I Know Who You Are
Barry and the team meet Tracy Brand, a scientist, who may be the key to stopping Savitar. Unfortunately, Killer Frost is also after Tracy so Team Flash must battle their old friend, which proves to be particularly difficult for Cisco. Joe and Cecile’s relationship takes a big turn.
Really? That’s who Savitar is? We have had hints all season long but … really? The twisted part of the story with Tracy Brand was interesting. They had the name of the person who could help them… only she hasn’t discovered how to help them. H.R.’s rapport with her was certainly a bit of comic relief. It was good to have that because we had to watch the heart breaking moments of Cisco trying and failing to fight his best friend. How difficult could that be, fighting your best friend. You know that you have to do the right thing, but that could mean killing them? Our hearts go out to Cisco this week.
Season 3: Episode 21 – Cause and Effect
Barry takes drastic measures to stop Savitar. Meanwhile, H.R. continues to push Tracy Brand to design the trap for Savitar and Killer Frost returns with an interesting proposal.
Season 5: Episode 19 – Dangerous Liaisons
Oliver, Team Arrow, ARGUS and the SCPD kick off a citywide manhunt for Adrian Chase. Helix tells Felicity they have a way to find Chase but they will need something big, and illegal, from her in return.
Wow talk about crossing lines in this episode. There was actually a point in time when Team Arrow was about to face off against Felicity and Helix. And with the lengths that ARGUS was willing to go, it seems like nothing had changed wince Amanda Waller was head of the organization. This was a very action-packed episode, and had us all on the edge of our seats, and let us all wait for the aftermath of everyone’s decisions. It was difficult to see Felicity basically get told by Oliver that he could not forgive her for this… or Diggle saying the same thing to his wife. But it seems that Helix saved Felicity from her own darkness, seeing her too close to Team Arrow, and asking her to leave. This was probably the best thing that could happen to her. Talk about getting in over her head.
Season 5: Episode 20 – Underneath
Things get intense when Oliver and Felicity are trapped in the bunker together. Meanwhile, Lyla and Diggle deal with their marital issues.
It seems this episode was about trust issues. Lyla and Diggle were talking about trusting one another with their secrets and trusting that they can make the right decision when the time came. Felicity and Oliver’s being trapped in the bunker allowed them to sort out their issues both as a couple, and as partners on the team. It was heartbreaking to watch Oliver break down and tell Felicity about Chase’s torture and what he learned about himself. It also taught Felicity about who she wanted to be, or rather, who she did not want to be. We learn that Oliver does in fact trust her, and who knows, this could lead to Olicity again, or it could give both characters a chance to grow on their own. This would have been considered a filler episode, as everything was contained in one episode, and got wrapped up nicely at the end. But it was an entertaining one at that.
Season 5: Episode 21 – Honor Thy Fathers
Oliver returns to the mayor’s office and faces one of his most pressing issues yet – the forced release of dozens of violent criminals prosecuted by Adrian Chase. Meanwhile, a crate is delivered to Oliver’s office containing a mysterious corpse encased in concrete.
  Until Next time...
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This Week in Review
April 23 – May 7
Once Upon a Time
Season 6: Episode 18 – Where Bluebirds Fly
In flashback, Zelena befriends a young woodcutter who has been cursed and turns to her for help finding a new heart. Zelena is forced to choose between keeping her powers and her friendship with him. Meanwhile, in Storybrooke, Zelena decides to take on the Black Fairy and put a stop to her, once and for all, against Regina's wishes, and the Charmings disagree over Emma and Hook's wedding plans.
So this was more of a Zelena proving herself episode. She keeps trying to do the “right” thing and ends up messing it up even more. She tried taking on the Black Fairy, and yet made it worse and made her more powerful. The backstory of her with the tin man was mostly exposition to get the heart she needed. When she completely screwed up, it seemed like she would actually go back to Oz. But then she decided against it and sacrificed something she cared about dearly in order to save everyone. It would have been a fitting ending for Zelena, as it feels like the writers have had little to do with her character lately. But her giving up her magic seemed to help with the heroes’ plan. Now… if only they can figure out how to get the heart back from the Black Fairy.
Season 6: Episode 19 – The Black Fairy
In flashback, after Rumple’s mother, Fiona, learns from his fairy godmother that his destiny is prophesized, she does everything in her power to keep it from happening. Ultimately, Fiona will have to make a decision that will change the course of both their lives forever. Meanwhile in Storybrooke, Rumple faces a similar dilemma.
So we get the backstory to Rumple’s mother. And of course she’s a misunderstood character. Can’t we ever get a character that is just inherently bad and doesn’t have connections to everyone? I suppose that wouldn’t make for good drama. The prophecy about the evil being born the same winter as her son… I think it is safe to say it was not a shock when we discovered it was her. This episode would have been better placed earlier in the season. Giving us a bit of backstory before we saw the evil of the Black Fairy. It would have allowed the audience to sympathise with her a little bit more. The final scene with Gold was both intriguing and heartbreaking at the same time. We love Rumple as a villain, but at the same time, don’t we love him as one of the heroes? With the final battle approaching, it will be interesting to see who will be on whose side.
Season 6: Episode 20 – The Song in Your Heart
In flashback, Snow and Charming make a special wish that Emma will be protected. The result of their wish has the whole kingdom bursting into song which infuriates the Evil Queen. Meanwhile in Storybrooke, the Black Fairy announces her plans to unleash another curse on the town while Emma and Hook prepare for their wedding.
Season 2: Episode 14 – Candy Morningstar
Two weeks after Chloe’s near death, Lucifer has gone off the grid, cutting off all contact from his family and the police department. He materializes just in time to help solve an up-and-coming guitarist’s murder and introduces the department to a ditzy stripper named Candy, a mysterious new woman in his life. While Lucifer’s mom desperately tries to contact her son, Chloe tries to push him away. Lucifer must find a way to prove himself in order to be invited back onto the team.
Welcome back Lucifer. And Mrs. Morningstar. It was interesting to see Chloe jealous, but uncertain why she felt this way. The arrival of Candy was Lucifer’s way to deal with the fact that his father was the one who put Chloe in his path to begin with. But it was all too good to be true. Of course it was not as it seemed. Watching the family and the department run around in circles trying to figure out what Lucifer had planned was almost as good as Candy discovering different things during the murder investigation. It was entertaining to watch this episode, and the little bits of comic relief were perfectly placed.
Season 2: Episode 15 – Deceptive Little Parasite
When it is discovered that the flaming sword is the only hope for the family returning home safely, the pressure is on for Lucifer to control what he has never been able to control before – his emotions – in order to ignite it. Meanwhile, Chloe wants to air some emotions of her own, but when a therapist and head of admissions at a prestigious private school turns up dead, the team must get to the bottom of it
Season 3: Episode 4 – Wag the Tongue Slowly
Clive’s patience is tested when Liv consumes the brain of a murder victim who had the reputation of being the ultimate office gossip. Meanwhile, Blaine and Peyton continue to grow closer as they wait to see if Ravi is able to reverse the effects of the cure. Lastly, Major is one step away from fulfilling a promise.
Sadly this is the episode where we see the serum for the cure not working. Blaine does not regain his memories, which for him is a good thing, but for Major it is a bad thing. Major is dying due to the cure, and his only chance is to take the serum. And if he does, he’ll forget everything. Peyton is put in the middle of the dilemma, because she really likes the new version of Blaine, and would be able to forgive his past deeds. But in doing so, without the memories coming back, a friend of hers could die.
Season 3: Episode 5 – Spanking the Zombie
When Liv consumes the brains of a dominatrix, her bossy and controlling personality makes everyone a little uncomfortable, especially Clive. Meanwhile, Blaine and Peyton have a heart-to-heart.
You have to love dominatrix Liv; she took on that role very well. It was a bit difficult for Clive to keep her in line, but luckily he now knows that she is a zombie, and can just explain the kind of brain she had eaten. And fair warning, the final scene with Liv and Major certainly kicked me in the feels, and made me hope that he keeps his memories. They seem like the couple that could never get together properly, but the one we all want to see end up happily ever after. But, because it is television, we’ll have to wait for a very long time, or never, to get it.
Season 3: Episode 6 – Some Like it Hot Mess
To help Clive solve the murder of an irresponsible narcissist, Liv consumes her brain and literally becomes a hot mess. Meanwhile, Peyton learns some shocking news. Lastly, Ravi experiences a major setback.
Season 12: Episode 19 – The Future
Sam comes up with a way to stop Lucifer’s baby but Castiel has something else in mind for Kelly. Dean is furious when he finds out someone stole the colt. Kelly makes a bold choice about the baby’s future.
Poor Castiel, always trying to do the right thing, but in the wrong ways, and always getting crap from Dean about it. But this seemed different. Castiel wanted to take the baby to heaven to kill it, Sam and Dean wanted to try something to take away the baby’s powers given to him by Lucifer, and Kelly wants to have her baby with all his powers. It seems that the baby was already beginning to protect Kelly from certain dangers, and so protecting himself. It is certain that Kelly will die in giving birth to her new son, but she is aware of this. By the end, Castiel makes yet another decision that leaves us with dropped jaws, and he swears to protect Kelly and her unborn child, to be born with all his powers. But, thanks to the fight with the prince of hell, the Colt is now broken and they have no way of fighting the next battle.
Season 12: Episode 20 – Twigs and Twine and Tasha Banes
Alicia Banes calls Mary for help after her mother, Tasha, goes missing. Sam answers Mary’s phone and he and Dean head out to help Alicia and her twin brother, Max, find their mother who was hunting a powerful witch. Meanwhile, Mary starts to have some doubts about the British Men of Letters.
The case with Alicia and her brother was interesting enough; it is always interesting when old characters make reappearance on a show. We also learn how Sam and Dean don’t allow others to do what they have done. They have sacrificed and broken the rules for each other so many times it’s almost comical when they die, but they will not allow others to do that for the ones they love. It could be viewed as a holier than thou situation, or they could be doing it to protect others. They know the consequences if something goes wrong, and they seek to protect everyone. But while all of this is going, it’s hitting the fan with the British Men of Letters. Mary starts digging into the truth and this episode really starts to kick off and set up for the next few episodes of the season.
Season 12: Episode 21 – There’s Something About Mary
Sam and Dean are alarmed when they learn hunters are being killed by suspicious “accidents” all over the country. They decide it is best to find Mary and make sure she’s safe. Meanwhile, Toni is back in the states and she and Mary face off.
Doctor Who
Season 10: Episode 3 – Thin Ice
The Doctor and Bill visit London during the last of the River Thames frost fairs in February 1814. They soon discover that there is something under the ice which is causing people to disappear.
Bill really shines in this episode as she sows her humanity towards the children on the ice. She shows her compassion and her generosity and helps the Doctor to see it as well. How many of you were expecting to see another version of the Doctor and River Song when he took her to the Frost Fairs in 1814. This episode must have occurred after that event because of the thaw. So, River Song’s birthday must be in January. It would have been interesting to see a glimpse of River’s hair or perhaps they walk past another TARDIS, just as a shout out to the viewers. But alas, this was a Doctor and Bill episode. This companion is really starting to grow on me.
Season 10: Episode 4 – Knock Knock
Bill is moving in with some friends and they’ve found the perfect house – so what if it’s strangely cheap to rent, and the landlord is a little creepy? The wind blows, the floorboards creak, and the Doctor thinks something is very wrong. What lurks in the strange tower at the heart of the building – and why can’t they find any way to enter it?
Things with Bill seem a little different from other companions. With the others, the transition between their personal life and their life with the Doctor seemed more narrated. But with Bill, it seems like we just jump into the thick of it. This works for this character. It worked when she was introduced, her character, her interests, and now this situation. The house was creepy up until the point we discovered what exactly it was. The idea that the house was eating people was really fun; it reminded me of a movie I saw once. The twist at the end seemed to be given away far sooner than the characters caught onto it, about who the woman was. In the final few moments when the Doctor enters the vault, it is uncertain who is inside, playing the piano. But given the tune they were playing, it is highly possible that it would have been the Master or Missy, depending on the regeneration that the character is in. I’m curious to hear your thoughts on this subject.
Season 10: Episode 5 – Oxygen
The Doctor, Bill and Nardole answer a distress call in deep space, and find themselves trapped on board space station Chasm Forge. All but four of the crew have been murdered – and the dead are still walking! In a future where oxygen is sold by the breath, and space suits are valued more highly than their occupants, the TARDIS crew battle for survival against the darkest evil of all…
 Please be advised that the comic book shows will have their own weekly post this season, just changing things up a bit. Please keep an eye out for the Superhero Low-Down
If there are any shows that you think we should check out or that we have missed, please send us a private message or leave a comment below.
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March 19 – April 16
Once Upon a Time
Season 6: Episode 16 – Mother’s Little Helper
Gold and Belle convince Emma to help Gideon, explaining that together they can stop the Black Fairy. Henry experiences a disorienting shift in his powers that forces Regina to seek counsel from the previous Author. Meanwhile, in Fairy Tale Land, Hook attempts to win the assistance of an old adversary by betting his most prized possession on a game of cards. And, in a flashback, the Black Fairy tortures young Gideon in hopes of molding him into the perfect apprentice.
Belle will never give up on anyone, will she? She always sees the good in a person no matter what. That is one of her endearing qualities, but it seems that Gideon is beyond hope. However, there seems to be more to his story, and it will be interesting to see where his loyalties lie in the end. Henry’s shift in power seems to be a simple way of speeding up the plot to bring us the “final chapter”. Is this an indication that this may be the last season of Once Upon a Time? There have been several talks about renewing the show for a seventh season, as well as discussions of some of the key actors’ contracts being finished this season. It will be interesting to see what changes may come if the show is renewed.
Season 6: Episode 17 – Awake
Still trapped in Neverland, Hook aligns himself with Tiger Lily, hoping to find a way back to Emma. Back in Storybook, Regina works to break the sleeping curse that David and Snow are under, and Gold denies The Black Fairy, which brings the two of them to a fearsome impasse. In flashbacks, we learn what Snow and Charming sacrificed in order for Emma to fulfill her destiny as the Savior.
This episode was mainly a way to bring the Black Fairy to Storybrooke and let everyone know of her existence, bring Snow and David back from their curse, teach the town what they gave up, bring Hook back, and show that Gideon was under the control of the Black Fairy. It was a lot of exposition, but not a lot of tension or action. The history between Tiger Lily and the Black Fairy was not very necessary, but it did give an explanation as to why she had the wand. The events of the episode unfolded in a way that made the episode entertaining, but it was mostly just exposition and a way to move the story forward.
Season 6: Episode 18 – Where Bluebirds Fly
In flashback, Zelena befriends a young woodcutter who has been cursed and turns to her for help finding a new heart. Zelena is forced to choose between keeping her powers and her friendship with him. Meanwhile, in Storybrooke, Zelena decides to take on the Black Fairy and put a stop to her, once and for all, against Regina's wishes, and the Charmings disagree over Emma and Hook's wedding plans.
Season 3: Episode 1 – Heaven just got a Little Smoother
Liv has discovered there are more zombies living in Seattle than she previously believed. In fact, there’s a private military contractor employing a small zombie army, and that army is preparing for the day humans learn of their existence. Major was exonerated for the crimes of the Chaos Killer, but is still considered a pariah. He manages to land a job with the one and only place that will hire him. Meanwhile, Blaine is accused of lying.
Welcome back to our favorite brain eater. It is interesting that IZombie is starting to take a turn towards the True Blood approach. However, they understand that if they reveal themselves as zombies to the human world, there may be some backlash from the humans. And they are right… humans would see them as brain-eating monsters, and probably fight back. The possibility of coexisting seems to be on the horizon, but it is far away. Blaine’s memory loss continues to baffle everyone. Knowing his character and his history, it is possible he could be lying to exonerate himself, or he could actually be suffering memory loss. It all makes Ravi’s research more difficult, because even he doesn’t know what to believe. It will be interesting to see how this season pans out, and what actually does happen when zombies reveal themselves. Could it be like True Blood all over again?
Season 3: Episode 2 – Zombie Knows Best
When Liv, Clive and Ravi arrive at the scene to investigate a fatal car accident, they begin to suspect foul play was involved. Both starving, Liv and Major consume the brains of the accident victims, a well-meaning father and his angsty teenage daughter. Meanwhile, when Clive is brought in for questioning about a family that was murdered, he’s forced to reveal his past history with them. Lastly, Peyton extends an olive branch to Ravi, and Major hits a road block in his search for Natalie.
One of the really good things about this show is the actors’ abilities to behave differently than the character originally is. This is seen in both the behaviors of Major and Liv this episode. We see Liv take on the persona of many people throughout the seasons, as she consumes many different brains. But to see Major doing the same was entertaining. Of course he would have to take the teenage daughter brain and add some comedy to the situation. All in all it made the episode a bit lighter than it would have been. And given Clive’s revealed dark history, we needed that comic relief.
Season 3: Episode 3 – Eat, Pray, Liv
To help Clive solve the murder of a lifestyle guru, Liv consumes his brain and takes on his Zen approach to life. Ravi’s old boss, Katty Kupps, is getting closer to discovering the truth while also getting closer to Ravi. Meanwhile, Blaine and Peyton continue their budding friendship, much to Ravi’s dismay. Lastly, Major is struggling a bit at his new job.
The crime in this episode was somewhat the back story of the situation. The main thing is that Ravi has a serum that might cure the “zombie’ issue, but it needs to be tested. Blaine is asked to help out, but does not want to remember his old life. However, now that Major is starting to feel the symptoms and side effects, we’re running out of time. This causes Ravi, probably for the first time, to lose his temper. It was interesting to see such a tense moment being handled by guru Liv, who was trying to find her sense of zen amidst all the fighting between the others. This was not a turning point episode, but it was certainly a good one to watch. And we got to hear some nice singing from Blaine.
Season 3: Episode 4 – Wag the Tongue Slowly
Clive’s patience is tested when Liv consumes the brain of a murder victim who had the reputation of being the ultimate office gossip. Meanwhile, Blaine and Peyton continue to grow closer as they wait to see if Ravi is able to reverse the effects of the cure. Lastly, Major is one step away from fulfilling a promise.
Season 12: Episode 17 – The British Invasion
Sam and Dean get a lead on Kelly Kline’s whereabouts. Mick drops by the bunker unexpectedly and decides to join the hunt.
It was very entertaining to see Dean’s reaction to Mick’s joining them on the hunt. The comment about “Hogwarts” was a perfect fit in with the two Winchesters and with the situation. As they go racing off to discuss things with Kelly, but they realize she has more company than they expected. Mick tries his best to work with the boys, but he just doesn’t quite get how they do things, and is constantly bothered by “the code” getting in the way of his own morals. It was sad to see his punishment, he was starting to grow on me, and it reveals just how ruthless the British Men of Letters can be. It could be interesting to see what fate lies in store for the Wnchesters.
Season 12: Episode 18 – The Memory Remains
Sam and Dean investigate a missing person’s case in a small town. The lead witness tells the Winchesters the attacker was a man with the head of a goat. Sam and Dean aren’t sure what to believe but when the witness goes missing they realize the town is hiding a dark secret.
This was an interesting episode; the boys went up against a god that was being fed by the townsfolk. The episode was somewhat uneventful, but had its own twists. We thought it was one person, but then it turned out to be another. Then we thought it was just humans killing humans, but then we discover there was more to the story, including a god that received offerings of human lives. But little do the Winchesters know, while they were off on this job that the Men of Letters sent them on, they were being hunted themselves. While they were being watched they spoke of legacies and had a very touching moment. Several of us ran quickly to Google to see if this was the final season of the show, because of their “legacy” talk and the scene with the initials. It was a sad moment, and either spoke of ending, or gave dark foreshadow for what is to come. What does the Men of Letters have in store for these two? Will they both survive? It will be intense, that’s for certain.
Season 12: Episode 19 – The Future
Sam comes up with a way to stop Lucifer’s baby but Castiel has something else in mind for Kelly. Dean is furious when he finds out someone stole the colt. Kelly makes a bold choice about the baby’s future.
The 100
Season 4: Episode 8 – God Complex
After a disappointing discovery, Clarke and Abby question how far they're willing to go. Meanwhile, Jaha finds a lead to the mysterious Second Dawn.
It is amazing the lengths you will go to in order to survive. And the things you will justify yourself for. Clarke had to face some of the same things she destroyed Mount Weather for in this episode, watching a man die screaming in agony, and then decide who she would test next. It was difficult to watch her and Abby discuss the situation, and realize that they would have to find a way to live with themselves after. We all knew that Clarke would make that final sacrifice, especially after what Murphy said to her. It seems that Jaha may have found the secret to the salvation of humanity. But something tells me that it will not be enough, or the different clans will not be able to get along long enough to work together. It is one thing to find a solution or a cure… it is another thing to gain the trust of everyone to ensure they get it.
Season 4: Episode 9 - DNR
Jasper and Bellamy go on a quest. Meanwhile, Clarke struggles to keep the peace after word of Jaha's discovery spreads.
 Doctor Who
Season 10: Episode 1 – The Pilot
A chance encounter with a girl with a star in her eye leads to a terrifying chase across time and space. Bill’s mind is opened to a Universe that is bigger and more exciting than she could possibly have imagined - but who is the Doctor, and what is his secret mission with Nardole on Earth?
Welcome back Doctor! And Welcome Aboard Bill! This was an interesting introduction to a new companion, as well as a new season of the show. We get the notion that the Doctor has given the TARDIS speech so many times he almost expects the comments. But Bill keeps veering in directions he can’t imagine.. like the TARDIS being like a kitchen. The story about the girl with the star in her eye was sweet and interesting enough. It was not an alien trying to attack the Earth; it was a simple mistake and lesson to be learned. The entirety of the episode was Bill learning about the Doctor, in her own quirky way. I do believe, upon first meeting this companion, I liked her straight away. It seems that we will have a lot more comedy with this season than we had in previous ones. Nicely done and welcome back.
Season 10: Episode 2 – Smile
In the far future, at the edge of the galaxy, there is a gleaming, perfect city. This brand new human settlement is said to hold the secret of human happiness - but the only smiles the Doctor and Bill can find are on a pile of grinning skulls. Something is alive in the walls, and the emojibots are watching from the shadows, as the Doctor and Bill trying to unravel a terrifying mystery..
Who ever thought Emojis would be terrifying? This episode is another example of how the things we as humans create will eventually turn on us. The emojibots were created to make a perfect world where people would be happy, but what happens if they are not? We also see the development of Bill and the Doctor’s new found friendship as they traverse this new city. She is smarter and more analytic than she lets on straight away, and it seems this impresses the Doctor. And of course, she never does as she is told… in true companion fashion. It was interesting to see how the Doctor tested her from time to time, during the scene with the map for example. This episode was creepy in its own way, but entertaining at other times. This companion is growing on me more and more.
Season 10: Episode 3 – Thin Ice
   Please be advised that the comic book shows will have their own weekly post this season, just changing things up a bit. Please keep an eye out for the Superhero Low-Down
If there are any shows that you think we should check out or that we have missed, please send us a private message or leave a comment below.
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SuperHero Low-Down
March 19 – April 16
Season 2: Episode 16 – Star-Crossed (Part 1)
A new villain comes to National City, putting Supergirl on high alert. Meanwhile, Winn's girlfriend, Lyra, gets Winn in trouble with the law. Maggie attempts to help Winn but old loyalties get in the way. The Music Meister attacks Supergirl.
What is the rule that is always broken in television? Do not keep secrets, do not lie… they always come out in the end. This episode is based around Kara’s discovery of who Mon-El really is, and her reaction to it all. Of course she is upset about his true identity and finds she cannot handle the truth. In his defense though, would she have given him half a chance to prove himself or change had he told her who he was in the beginning? It is somewhat a catch 22 in this situation. If he had told her in the beginning, her hatred for his planet and his race would have influenced her decision. But now that she knows of his identity and that he lied, she is even angrier. He was doomed from the start no matter his decision. The ending scene was very interesting and made the audience excited for the musical crossover with The Flash. That was certainly a treat.
Season 2: Episode 17 – Distant Sun
A large bounty is put out on Supergirl and aliens from far and near attack National City intent on taking out the woman of steel. Alex and Maggie run into Maggie’s ex-girlfriend, Emily, who is in town for a week. Hank gets an interesting order from President Marsdin.
First of all, the sub-plot with Alex and Maggie and Maggie’s ex, did not have to be in this episode. Yes t is good to ad personal plots to a story, but there was so much going on this episode, that it did not need to be put in. But having said that, it was interesting how Alex shrugged off Maggie’s past and said that she loved that Maggie wasn’t so perfect after all. That shows signs of a really lasting relationship. Having said that… this was a great episode. We see Mon-El actually making a decision regarding Kara, and we also see that she believes in him more than she thought she did. This brings them closer together and we see just how different Mon-El is from his parents after all. It will be interesting to see just what the consequences Hank will face for defying the President’s orders, and it was also interesting to see the final reveal of the episode. This should lead up to a really great season ending when the show comes back. All in all, this was a good episode, it touched on personal feelings, personal relationships, and for the most part had happy endings. But it also gave us some foreshadow for the future.
NEXT WEEK (2 week Break)
Season 2: Episode 18 – Ace Reporter
Lena’s ex-boyfriend, Jack Spheer, comes to National City to unveil his big breakthrough in nano-technology, which has the potential to eradicate all diseases. Lena asks Kara to attend Jack’s conference with her for support. When Kara sees Snapper in attendance she’s inspired to tap back into her reporter skills and questions Jack on his discovery, which ultimately leads to a bigger investigation that puts everyone in danger.
Season 3: Episode 17 – Duet (Part 2)
Barry and team are surprised when Mon-El and Hank Henshaw arrive on their Earth carrying a comatose Supergirl who was whammied by the Music Meister. Unable to wake her up, they turn to Team Flash to save her. However, the Music Meister surprises The Flash and puts him in a similar coma, one that Team Flash can't cure. Kara and Barry wake up without their powers in an alternate reality where life is like a musical and the only way to escape is by following the script, complete with singing and dancing, to the end. This episode began in Supergirl S02E16.
What a cute crossover. This episode really fit well with Barry and Kara. It would not have worked for the Legends or for Oliver. Though we got some musical cameos from Malcolm Merlin and from Professor Stein. It really was just a fun way to cross over the two shows, but it gave us some depth. It helped to fix relationship problems in both shows that needed a quick fix as opposed to drawing things out completely. And as they said a few times in the episode “things are much easier in a musical” The troubles they had in the musical were compelling and interesting to see Iris and Mon-El as a couple. There was also an odd call back to early seasons of Arrow, as Mon-El was Merlin’s son, and his name was Tommy. It was an interesting wink to the past, and could it also be a hint for the future? That could be interesting. And as much as all the songs were catchy, who else was humming “I’m your Super friend” for a few hours after the episode was over. This was a really fun episode, and we got to see a lot of the cast from both shows exercise their musical talents… who knew Cisco could sing like that. It is odd to look at this week’s episode of Supergirl and the Flash, and then the heavy episode of Arrow. It would be interesting to see if this was done purposely, so the entire week was not heavy.
Season 3: Episode 18 – Abra Kadabra
The Flash battles Abra Kadabra, a villain from Earth-19, who makes him a tempting offer – release him and Abra Kadara will reveal Savitar’s true identity. Desperate to save Iris, Barry considers taking the deal but Gypsy breaches in to capture the villain for her own reasons and during the melee, Abra Kadabra manages to escape. Barry is furious that Gypsy interfered but Gypsy refuses to back down, forcing Cisco to take sides. Julian is still a bit cold towards Caitlin but when she is severely injured in a battle with Gypsy, he rushes to her side.
Talk about heartless. Abra Kadabra not only gives Barry an offer that he could not take without suffering heavy guilt, but the speech about “now I get to kill her too” at the end was horrible. It really made you nod when Gypsy took him away for his execution. Poor Cisco, he can never catch a break when it comes to women. He was really into Gypsy, but we know his loyalties must lie with his friends, and the way she reacted, that was too much for him. The way that Julian and Caitlin were cold towards each other, we knew something was going to happen. And then when they started to rekindle their relationship, we knew the reveal was just waiting around the corner. The minute she said “I would rather die than take off my necklace” we all knew that Julian would not let her die, and that things would get a little “frosty” by the end of the episode. So now we have the impending doom of Iris on our hands, and Killer Frost’s return. It will be interesting to see what will come of all of this in the weeks to come.
NEXT WEEK (2 week break)
Season 3: Episode 19 – The Once and Future Flash
Barry travels to the future to find out Savitar’s still unknown identity in the hopes of saving Iris. Upon his arrival in 2024, Barry encounters future versions of his Team Flash friends, who, following the death of Iris, have become very different people, profoundly impacted by their showdown with Savitar. It will be up to Barry to infuse a sense of hope back into the team, as he proves to be hero his future friends have been waiting for. Meanwhile, back in 2017, the hunt for Killer Frost continues.
Season 2: Episode 15 – Fellowship of the Spear
The Legends must devise a plan to retrieve the last remaining fragments of the Spear of Destiny from the Legion of Doom. They find themselves in France at the height of World War I faced with the knowledge that they must destroy the mystical object. They enlist the help of a soldier by the name of John Ronald Reuel Tolkin and find that the Spear is leading them into the heart of the war. Meanwhile, the team must all resist the temptation of the Spear, and the return of a former teammate.
Is this show trying to say that J.R.R. Tolkin got the idea for Lord of the Rings from the Legends? That was completely brilliant. The Ring Easter eggs were far too many to remember. One being that Rory’s heat blast was able to reveal writing on the spear, or that it had a lure to everyone to use it. It would have been perfect if someone like Ray called the spear “my precious” but it would have been too on the nose. This episode was not only entertaining for the Tolkin moments, but we also see that the Legends are not heroes, as they let the spear of destiny slip into the hands of the Legion of Doom. As the credits roll the audience gets a bad feeling for the following week’s episode, and we wonder how the Legends will come out of this situation.
Season 2: Episode 16 – Doomworld
After obtaining the Spear of Destiny, the Legion of Doom rewrites reality, leaving the Legends changed, perhaps forever. Frightfully, the Legends’ and the world’s hopes rest with Rory, but being the “hero” is not easy for him. Meanwhile, there is tension within the Legion of Doom and the reason why the Spear of Destiny needs to be destroyed is revealed.
And everything has gone to hell. It was interesting to see how the Legion of Doom had changed things. Luckily hey were not that different from the ‘normal’ world, except for no one knowing who they were. It was a little nerve wracking that it was up to Rory to save everyone. It made things difficult though, as he was the one who betrayed them in the first place. It makes things challenging, such as trusting Rory, considering he was the reason the Legion got the spear in the first place. It was ironic that out of all the Legends, Stein was the one who put up the most resistance to the memory retrieval. Though it was entertaining to see him as a lackie for the Legion, we were almost heartbroken to see him trying to thwart the Legends. This seems like the first half of the 2-part season finale, and you start to wonder how they are going to get out of this. Also, Rip making cakes was very entertaining, but really what do you do when you’ve given up hope? Luckily Gideon was there to slap him across the face.
Season 2: Episode 17 – Aruba
As the Legends are about to take off for their next destination, a massive timequake rocks the ship. In order to try and fix what has happened, they are forced to break the one cardinal rule of time travel. But if they are able to destroy the spear, they will face the ultimate consequence.
Every time travel show talks about the cardinal rule… do not go back in your own timeline. Each mythology has its own consequences and reasons why, but the main point is… don’t do it. In Legends of Tomorrow, we have something called a time quake, and they cause some major damage. In this season finale we see the Legends go back to World War 1 and try to intervene with their other selves and destroy the spear before the Legion gets it. But they are trying to do it without interacting with their other selves. But… in true Legends fashion, they fail miserably. Although technically they are aboritions, it was heartbreaking when tragedy struck part of the team. And all Rory wanted to do was go to Aruba for some drinks. It was interesting that when the two teams of Legends meet up, the former version assumed that the current versions were the Legion in disguise. Sara’s line of “ok, who’s wearing me” was certainly chuckle-worthy. This season finale was really well-done, well-paced, and well-written. It makes you beg for the next season to come back very soon.
Season 5: Episode 17 – Kapiushon
Prometheus goes to great lengths to break Oliver. Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Anatoly becomes worried about Oliver’s increasingly violent tendencies, which come to a head in a brutal confrontation.
This episode did a great job tying together the past and the present, with one final message to Oliver. It is the confession we waited the whole episode for him to give to Chase, and to admit to himself. How heartbreaking was it when he came back to the team and just looked completely defeated. It is difficult to see a hero fall, but one as strong as Oliver, defeated by his own truth… that was very difficult to see. It was also interesting to see that this episode was solely surrounded around Oliver, not the Green Arrow, not the team, but Oliver himself. It was a way to show who and what he really is. Or at least according to Chase. It was so heart-wrenching to see him broken and defeated. It really was a change of pace from the Supergirl / Flash crossover this week. It almost balanced out the silliness of the other shows with the seriousness and tragedy of this episode.
Season 5: Episode 18 – Disbanded
Diggle and Felicity are shocked by Oliver’s decision to call on the Bratva to help take down Prometheus. Concerned the Bratva may overstep, Diggle has a hard conversation with Oliver about what happens if things go south. Meanwhile, Felicity learns something shocking at Helix.
Could you imagine staring at your enemy in the eye and having to be polite to him, even though he just finished torturing you for six days? It showed strength, but also defeat in Oliver to have to do this with Chase. We have seen him beaten before, we have seen him injured and mutilated before. But this was the first time we saw Oliver mentally defeated. He wanted to end everything, disband the team and let Chase get away with his torture, all because he took the burden of it all on himself. Luckily for Oliver, Diggle is not ready to step aside, and neither is Felicity. This episode was really well-done, tying the past and the present together, also showing the more human side of Oliver… showing that he can have flaws too. It also reminded us that Diggle has been there with Oliver right from the start, he’s been around since Oliver started the crusade, and is not willing to give up without a fight. In the end Oliver sees reason. Though, it is thanks to Felicity who “discovers” the video footage of Chase as Prometheus. It looks as though we have a happy ending coming, but we all know this is Arrow, and we’re not happy unless something is going wrong. Only time will tell.
NEXT WEEK (2 week break)
Season 5: Episode 19 – Dangerous Liaisons
Oliver, Team Arrow, ARGUS and the SCPD kick off a citywide manhunt for Adrian Chase. Helix tells Felicity they have a way to find Chase but they will need something big, and illegal, from her in return.
Until Next time...
Thanks for watching
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March 12 0 19
Once Upon a Time
Season 6: Episode 12 – Murder Most Foul
Before Hook takes the next step in his relationship with Emma, he wants to make sure David sees him as more than just a pirate. So when David asks Hook to help him uncover the truth about his father’s death, Hook agrees. Meanwhile, Regina works to assimilate Robin to life in Storybrooke, but soon discovers he has a dark side that makes the task much more complicated than she anticipated.
This felt like more of a filler episode to move the plot along. We see Regina and Robin working through his anger towards Nottingham, and dealing with what is real and what isn’t. But she also sees that this is not the Robin she once knew, and that Snow was right all along. With Hook and David, we tie up a loose end that wasn’t much of a loose end to begin with, David’s father’s death. When David tries to fight King George, Hook comes in and convinces him otherwise. In doing this, he also convinces David that he is more than just the Pirate. However, when we see the pages in the book that August found, what does Hook do? Hides them from everyone. This may or may not come up again in the future, but it was such a small plot device that this episode could have been brushed over in about five minutes next episode. But they can’t all be amazingly epic sword fights or love. Here’s hoping.
Season 6: Episode 13 – Ill-Boding Patterns
When Gideon resumes his mission to kill Emma and become the Savior, Mr. Gold steps in to ensure that the use of dark magic does not poison his son. Meanwhile, Robin proves willing to ally himself with anyone offering the possibility of escape from Regina and Storybrooke. Hook gathers the courage to come clean to Emma, but not before she discovers he's been keeping a secret. And in a flashback to Fairy Tale Land, the legendary folk hero Beowulf sets his sights on Rumplestiltskin after the Dark One uses his powers to defeat the ogres and win the war for humanity.
NEXT WEEK (2 week break)
Season 12: Episode 16 – Ladies Drink Free
Sam and Dean let Mick Davies tag along on a case as they search for a werewolf. The three men run into Claire Novak, also working the hunt. However, the reunion is short lived after Claire is bitten and the brothers race to find a way to help her before she turns
The 100
Season 4: Episode 6 – We Will Rise
Clarke and Roan must work together in hostile territory in order to deliver an invaluable asset to Abby and her team.
Roan proves himself a viable ally in this episode. As he says in a discussion with several others “Clarke is the only one not in it for just her own people”. This is a great observation of the coalition. Each and every clan is in it for themselves, except for Clarke, who wants to make sure that everyone escapes and survives the radiation. Roan’s recognition of this is what makes him a good king and a great ally. We also see how Raven’s brain damage is affecting her and yet she is hiding it from Abby. Now what is the rule when we keep secrets in television shows? They always come out. This may come out next week as Raven passes out at the end, saved and caught by Murphy, who she had just berated for being selfish and who she told she hates. Things might come to a head next episode, but at least we had the rocket working and Raven found a way to create the solution to the radiation. But will it be accepted by everyone? We see just how far Octavia has come from being the girl who hid in the floor all those seasons ago. Cain had to talk her out of executing a man and relinquishing her weapon. We are reminded that she is still a child when she breaks down, remembering Lincoln. We are reminded in this moment that these survivors, most of them are still adolescents, going through enough issues of growing up, let alone making serious decisions that will affect every last surviving human on earth. This is shaping up to be a great season.
Season 4: Episode 7 – Gimme Shelter
Clarke’s arrival on the island quickly takes a turn for the worse. Meanwhile, Bellamy tries to avoid further tragedy in Arkadia.
 Please be advised that the comic book shows will have their own weekly post this season, just changing things up a bit. Please keep an eye out for the Superhero Low-Down
If there are any shows that you think we should check out or that we have missed, please send us a private message or leave a comment below.
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Iron Fist Season 1
(mild spoiler warning)
 Iron Fist was released on Netflix this past weekend meaning we now have all 4 heroes of the Defenders in place and ready for action. But how did it stack up? Iron Fist has been copping some flack by the critics saying that it could have been so much better than it was, and to be honest, they were right to a degree. Iron Fist was in no way terrible, but it was nowhere near as good as it could have been. But let’s have a quick look at where it went wrong and also what it did right.
The Good Stuff.
Danny Rand: The main character himself was done well in terms of establishing his character. We can see and empathise with his view on life. He is in no way perfect but that is definitely a good thing for us (personally, I hate perfect heroes). Most of all though is that he is a believable hero.
Ward Meachum: Ward was a really well done character in this show. His character arc was complex and yet not too over the top. The fact that you can’t just guess where he will end up shows this.
Madame Gao: Now Madame Gao has of course already graced our screens during Daredevil so she is no stranger to us but her role in Iron Fist is a bigger then it was in DD and we see a lot more of her. Wai Ching Ho, the actress who plays Madame Gao, really knows how to make a little old lady scary as hell.
The Mysticism: The other Marvel Netflix shows all show people with both remarkable talent and abilities and people with kick ass powers and so on but Iron Fist has introduced some Mysticism that works perfectly with the tone of all these shows.
The not so good stuff
Pacing: This is a similar problem that we had with Luke Cage, the story itself is not too bad, but they don’t spend enough time on the stuff that matters. The first half of the series just drags out and then we have too much happening in the back half of the series.
Big Bad (sort of): The hand being the Big Bad is great, and so is Madame Gao as the bad guy so to speak but later on in the series she is taken out of the action way to easily and then we have Bakuto just appear and take over. This was frustrating because between the both of them as well as Harold plotting away and the setup for Davos/Steel Serpent for season 2, we had too many bad guys to focus on.
Atmosphere: One thing that Luke Cage did really well was the atmosphere. The music and the way it was integrated with the series were really well done. Daredevil also did well in this respect with the dark scenes and tones. Jessica Jones had the whole tortured soul thing going on and then you have Iron Fist. It was something I really missed while watching the show.
So while the series does have some problems, it is on the whole still a good show and I now really can’t wait to see how well Danny Rand, Matt Murdoch, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones work together when the get together later this year for the defenders. The 4 of them together will make a very formidable team and it should be one show that really kicks ass.
Iron Fist might not be the best of the Netflix shows but he does make a great addition and I do recommend watching it. So grab the remote, order pizza and settle in for a night (or 2) of some decent Kung Fu action.
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February 26 - March 12
Emerald City
Season 1 Episode 10 – No Place Like Home
Tip and West arrive in Emerald City seeking vengeance. With a renewed confidence, Dorothy faces off against the Wizard and fights to save Oz from his oppressive reign. Meanwhile, Glinda brings her power to the battlefield as the threat of the Beast Forever looms.
It seems everyone has shown up for this season finale. The Wizard, the giants, Dorothy, and Glinda all end up on the same battlefield. Meanwhile, as the Wizard has gone to Ev, West arrives to Emerald City with Tip, who is now Ozma, and takes the throne. Ozma seems quite the just and righteous leader. Not wanting to kill or be as bad as the Wizard, but still seeking revenge for her family. It was interesting with the cowardly lion and how he was created. It is sad that this was the end of this season, but with the ending to this episode, the door was left open for a second season. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for a return to Oz.
 Once Upon a Time
Season 6: Episode 11 – Tougher than the Rest
With Snow still asleep in Storybrooke, David and Hook race to stop Gideon before he can confront Emma. Gideon makes a startling confession to Belle and Gold about his whereabouts while he was missing. Meanwhile, Regina struggles with the realization that everyone, perhaps even Robin, is better off in the alternate world where the Evil Queen was defeated. And when Emma inspires a familiar face to help her and Regina return home, she discovers the power to change her fate.
Gideon’s plan is to kill Emma to take the power of the Savior in order to save his land. This is an interesting and somewhat noble reason to want to kill her, but… wouldn’t it be easier to come to Emma and ask her to help save his land? Considering who his parents are? But that wouldn’t make for good dramatics. Regna’s discovery of Robin in the alternate world was sweet, but almost too sweet. When she discovered that she could change her fate, it was almost too good to be true to bring him back. Sometimes they should just allow a character to stay dead. But we now have everyone back in Storybrooke, we have met the hooded man, so what will happen next week? It will be curious to see Belle and Gold working together to try to save / help their son.
Season 6: Episode 12 – Murder Most Foul
Before Hook takes the next step in his relationship with Emma, he wants to make sure David sees him as more than just a pirate. So when David asks Hook to help him uncover the truth about his father’s death, Hook agrees. Meanwhile, Regina works to acclimate Robin to life in Storybrooke, but soon discovers he has a dark side that makes the task much more complicated than she anticipated.
Season 12: Episode 14 – The Raid
A chance to take out a nest of vampires backfires when the alpha-vamp shows up and turns the tables on Mary and The British Men of Letters, who are doing their best to recruit Sam and Dean.
Talk about kicking you in the feels. It was sad for some time, but I think the worst was when Dean called his mother “Mary”. It was such a blow to her you could see it on her face. And wow, did the Brits screw up their recruitment. Though it sounds like Sam was convinced to join. Even though everything screwed up, they managed to kill an alpha vampire. So perhaps it could work. It was interesting how they were able to get everyone all together, and it was Sam who took charge when all hell broke loose. This was an interesting story arch to get the boys and Mary on the same page and working with the Brits.
Season 12: Episode 15 – Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
An attack by an invisible hellhound at a campsite leads Sam and Dean to investigate the mysterious circumstances. Meanwhile, two of Crowley’s own personal demons uncover what he has been hiding. Castiel gets a lead on Kelly Kline
Talk about a dog gone rogue. The hellhound that could not be held on a leash. It was interesting to see the Winchesters working with Crowley again, including the Crowley repeating Dean Game. Who was able to spot the nod to The Walking Dead in this episode? It seemed too easy that Lucifer got out of his chains, and we really got to see Crowley being evil again. This is what a lot of people missed. In the past he seems to have been getting softer, and this episode gave us a bit of a look at how he used to be. Here’s hoping we get more of that side of him. The story with the girl and her boyfriend was a bit unnecessary, but it gave the episode depth. We’ll miss you boys
NEXT WEEK (3 week break)
Season 12: Episode 16 – Ladies Drink Free
Sam and Dean let Mick Davies tag along on a case as they search for a werewolf. The three men run into Claire Novak, also working the hunt. However, the reunion is short lived after Claire is bitten and the brothers race to find a way to help her before she turns
The 100
Season 4: Episode 5 – The Tinder Box
Clarke makes a desperate plea with a former allied force in an attempt to avoid a war and ensure the survival of her people.
And everything blows up in our face, literally. The looming war with Ice Nation was tense enough as it is, but when one of SkyKru’s soldiers goes after the king, we get some real nail-biting tension. It seemed that was the only problem, but then when the man who saved Octavia made his move, we were all shocked. I was waiting for Ice Nation to blame SkyKru for it, but it seemed that everyone was watching it with a look of lost hope. This was a great way to unite everyone to look for the other solution to the impending radiation. It should be interesting to see what happens in the weeks to come.
Season 4: Episode 6 – We Will Rise
Clarke and Roan must work together in hostile territory in order to deliver an invaluable asset to Abby and her team.
 Please be advised that the comic book shows will have their own weekly post this season, just changing things up a bit. Please keep an eye out for the Superhero Low-Down
If there are any shows that you think we should check out or that we have missed, please send us a private message or leave a comment below.
 Until Next Time...
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February 26 - March 12
Season 2: Episode 14 - HOmecoming
When Jeremiah Danvers is rescued from Cadmus, Alex and Kara are thrilled to have their father back. The Danvers' arrange a family dinner to celebrate but things go awry when a suspicious Mon-El starts to question Jeremiah about his sudden return.
So how many people were actually surprised by the twist of this episode. Sadly they made it very obvious as to what was going to happen and we had to watch the Danvers girls get their hearts broken. This added to the buildup for next week’s episode when Jeremiah stole the files revealing the aliens on Earth. It was almost a lesson in; if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. That may be cynical a way of looking at the world, but in the world of television, it usually comes with a price. This episode helped to move the story along, but did not leave much for the audience to guess about.
Season 2: Episode 15 - Exodus
As Alex searches for Jeremiah and Kara investigates a series of alien kidnappings, the sisters realize they must break the rules to foil a new Cadmus plot. In an effort to get Snapper to run a story that would help her stop Cadmus, Kara agrees to set up an interview between Snapper and Supergirl.
Talk about the Danvers’ sisters justifying breaking the rules. But there seemed to be no consequences for Alex. It was almost as if it was expected and things were fine. Kara at least lost her job, but she seemed alright with that. So what message is this giving the audience? It is ok to break the rules so long as it’s for a good cause? Probably not a good thing for a superhero show to be portraying. Though having said that, what does Oliver do on a regular basis? The periodical round-up of aliens from Cadmus was heartbreaking to watch. It makes you think of another time when people of different race or ethnic background were segregated and persecuted for who they were. It was also heartbreaking with the Danvers’ sisters nearing the end, with the ship. It was hard to tell whether or not they would actually make it through. We have a week break until the next episode. All in all, this was a good way to push Cadmus’ portrayal of how far they would go. And it is also a bit of a reveal that Lena Luthor is quite possibly as innocent as she says she is, but there are those in Lex Corp who are not as loyal to her as we thought. That should come up in later episodes.
NEXT WEEK (1 week break)
Season 2: Episode 16 - Star-Crossed (Part 1)
A new villain comes to National City, putting Supergirl on high alert. Meanwhile, Winn's girlfriend, Lyra, gets Winn in trouble with the law. Maggie attempts to help Winn but old loyalties get in the way. The Music Meister attacks Supergirl.
Season 3: Episode 14 - Attack on Central City
When Grodd and his army of gorillas bring the battle to Earth-1, The Flash and team must find a way to stop them before they destroy Central City. Gypsy returns to join the fight. Jesse Quick decides she wants to stay with Wally on Earth-1
It was really intriguing to see Harry and H.R. interacting, they really brought some comedy to the show. Seeing Gypsy again was great, especially her interactions with Cisco. Poor guy always goes for the bad girls. It will be interesting to have Jesse on the show again as a regular. As for the story, it was interesting, but didn’t really grab me. Some people adore the Grodd episodes, but they tend to bore me. It is just my opinion, but it seems for the time being, they have changed the future for Iris. Though, Barry’s decision not to check the timeline makes you wonder if they actually did it.
Season 3: Episode 15 - The Wrath of Savitar
While training with Barry, Wally starts to have visions of Savitar, which he hides from the team. A dangerous secret threatens Barry and Iris’ happiness.
Never Keep Secrets, especially in television. This episode demonstrates that several times, with the engagement, with Wally’s visions, and with the Philosopher’s stone.  There is no point in keeping them because they always come out in the end. It almost becomes cringe-worthy to see a character hiding something from someone because it will all come out. Having said that, this was a great episode for development of Wally’s character, as well as for Julian. We learn of his fears of Savitar. Unknowingly, Wally makes such a sacrifice in releasing Savitar and we get a very emotional ending to this episode. The hardest person to see react was Joe. Here is hoping that things pick up.
Season 3: Episode 16 - Into the Speed Force
Desperate to stop Savitar and save his friends, Barry turns to the speed force for answers. H.R. gives Jesse some advice
Season 2: Episode 13 - Land of the Lost
After capturing Rip, he forces the Waverider to crash, leaving the Legends stuck 70 million years in the past. Ray leads Amaya and Nate to recover a vital piece of the ship. In an effort to get the “good” Rip back, Rory suggests they enter Rip’s mind, but what Sara and Jaxx discover in his subconscious is not pleasant and they must fight evil versions of themselves. Meanwhile, Nate and Amaya continue to get closer, but it could cause serious ramifications
Welcome to Jurassic Park… I mean welcome back Legends. It was interesting that we had two stories in one episode, with the trio out in the wild with dinosaurs, and then Sarah and the team working to bring back Rip’s mind. It was interesting to see Gideon as a human, and the way Rip portrayed everyone in his mind. It was a really well-done episode and a really great way to bring Rip back to the Waverider. We also get a glimpse into cause and effect with some of the legends. Some are insignificant to the timeline and that is why they were recruited, but others, such as Amaya, must return to their timelines in order to be the cause of important parts of history. This reminds us of the dangers of time travel. All in all, this was a great episode. It was very interested to see inside Rip’s mind, and the fabricated people he had wandering about. But it is good to have him back as Captain Hunter.
Season 2: Episode 14 - Moonshot
When the Legends track Commander Steel to NASA Headquarters in 1970, they learn where Nate’s grandfather hid the last fragment of the Spear of Destiny. The team notices a time aberration during the Apollo 13 mission and believes that the Legion of Doom might be involved. As the Legends journey into space to intercept Apollo 13, the Waverider suffers massive internal damage and Ray’s life is left in jeopardy when he is stranded on the moon. Meanwhile, tension grows between Rip and Sara as to who is the leader of the team.
season 5: Episode 15 - Fighting Fire With Fire
Oliver faces his biggest challenge yet as mayor. Felicity continues down her dark path with Helix. After Vigilante attacks Oliver while he’s acting as the mayor, Diggle leads the team in a mission to stop Vigilante once and for all.
So once again the Green Arrow has been thrown under the bus. But this was a good move on Oliver’s part. The speech he gave as mayor was really well-done and gave a good reason for covering up the Arrow’s murder of a detective. Felicity takes a turn to the “dark side” when she decides to join up with Helix, and isn’t very quiet about it. After the things she had done in the last few episodes, this turn was expected. The work she did with Thea and then the work in Russia, tells us that she is capable of some very dark things, and I think we are about to see a new side to Felicity’s character.
Season 5: Episode 16 - Checkmate
Oliver gets closer to the truth about Prometheus. Meanwhile, Helix refuses to continue helping Felicity until she does a favor for them
Season 1: Episode 4 - Chapter 4
David's in trouble, while his friends search for answers
Wow, talk about a trip into the psychology of memory. This show is somewhat difficult to follow at times, but as a psychology graduate, I find it rather fascinating. I wish I could jump into my memories and watch them unfold like they do here with David. It is interesting to see certain facts about his life change, like not having a dog, or is it Bennie or Lennie that is his friend. We learn a bit about David’s history and that he is not as innocent as we thought in the beginning. All of this, along with some fascinating characters, made this a very well-done episode.
Season 1: Episode 5 – Chapter 5
David faces a new threat
This show gets weirder and weirder, but in such an amazingly good way. We really start to see the blur between the mutant abilities and the schizophrenic symptoms in this episode. The idea that David is Benny, Lennie, King, and whatever that last one was, is extremely interesting, but creepy at the same time. It will be interesting to watch this season over again once it is finished. It will be interesting to see the things again once we know the answers. As I said, this is a weird show, but entertaining as hell.
Season 1: Episode 6 – Chapter 6
David goes back to where it all started.
Drops on Netflix March 17, 2016
Until next time...
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Star Wars: how to improve on the existing story
 Creating an Iconic piece of Cinema.
It’s amazing how something that started as a low budget movie that was thought at the time to be doomed to fail has become such a massive franchise. We now have 2 complete trilogies with the 3rd being made as we speak, 2 cartoon series (Clone Wars and Rebels), a comic series and of course books as well. This expands if you include the legends material as well, so it is also a franchise that has not one but 2 stories about what happened after Return of the Jedi.
But while the stories in all these mediums are rightfully iconic, especially the movies, they are not without their problems. The Prequel Trilogy has been copping flak ever since The Phantom Menace was released back in 1999 and Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith have not done much better. But while the Original Trilogy may be considered to be light years ahead of the Prequel Trilogy, it is not without its own problems, and I’m not talking about the changes that George Lucas has made over the years either.
Problems and the delicate art of Repair.
The problem with trying to repair such an iconic piece of cinema is quite simply how can you fix something like Star Wars without changing the actual movies. The changes that George Lucas made annoyed the audience more than anything and while some of the changes that have been made, such as putting in Ian McDiarmid’s version of Palpatine in The Empire Strikes Back, were definitely for the better, on the whole most of the old fans were annoyed that the films they had loved and watched since they were kids had been tampered with. So while it’s not preferable to change the actual movies themselves, how can we fix the series without changing the story?
The answer as I am sure some of you have guessed is with the spin off movies. So far we have only had Rogue One and of course we have the Han Solo movie coming out late 2018 as well. In my opinion, if they do these spin off movies right, they could fix a lot of problems that the other main episode movies have. Take Rogue one for instance, (Spoiler Warning!) this movie managed to take a flaw that has existed in A New Hope since its release in 1977, the fact that there is a ventilation shaft that goes directly to the main reactor of the Death Star (I mean, Seriously? Did we really buy that?) And turn it into an intentional hidden flaw that was put in the Death Star for the very reason of having the Rebels blow it up. 40 years of laughing at how stupid this idea was and all of a sudden, it’s a major plot point for a movie and done in such a way that it now makes complete sense. And if Rogue One can do this, then what else can be done?
So what exactly can we fix?
Before we look at what we can fix though, let’s have a look at what exactly is broken. The Prequel Trilogy is going to immediately going to come to people’s minds with this but if you look at the movies objectively, the storyline itself is not actually a bad one. The main problems are more with dialogue than anything else. But a story about how Palpatine managed to take down the Jedi, turn their most promising Jedi against them and get himself elected Emperor, all by initiating a war, is actually when you think about it a great story. Could it be better? Maybe. Could it have been done better? Definitely. But what can a spin-off movie do to improve on these movies? The Original Trilogy is not without its flaws either. The proposed Boba Fett movie could easily fix up the flaw of his demise in Return of the Jedi and add more to the character himself. You could also have a movie based on Biggs Darklighter and how he managed to switch sides from the Empire to the Rebellion. A movie showing why the Empire decided to build the second Death Star and how it was done so much quicker than the first could be done as well. (Rogue 2 maybe?) So much more can be done to expand on the Star Wars universe and if they can fix things along the way, so much the better.
What Spin-off movies do we need?
If we are looking to use a Spin-off movie to improve something in the main saga, the first thing we need to do is look at what we want to expand upon. With Rogue One they expand more on A New Hope and more specifically the story of the Death Star itself. This allowed them to fix the flaw of the ventilation shaft without actually changing anything major. A simple solution to a simple problem. The other movies need to do a similar thing. We don’t want a movie to be released just to fix a problem, it’s something that needs to be done as part of a larger plot. One movie that people have been asking for is an Obi Wan movie, and if we look at when we last saw Obi Wan in Revenge of the Sith compared to when Luke meets him in A New Hope, you can tell that something has gone down between him and Owen Lars. I know some of the comic material that has now been released deals with some of this but a movie could bring it to the larger audience. It could also help with other plot threads to the Sequel Trilogy, especially if certain theories happen to be true. The plot of the movie could easily be used to set up events for Luke that we don’t see coming and fill in gaps in the story between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Another idea for a Spin-Off movie is one based off Palpatine himself. How was he found? What happened during his early years and training? Most of this is actually in the book Darth Plagueis, but as that book is part of legends, the studio has a chance to re-do the story all over again.
What Stories for what Mediums?
Being that Star Wars has stories on multiple mediums, what stories should be on what mediums? My thinking is that that books and comics should continue the main story that is not covered in movies. So what happens between episodes for the main characters. This means that we have an expansion of the story without alienating the fans that don’t read the books or comics. Another idea is showing a story in one of the movies from a different point of view. For example, imagine having a Spin-off movie based on the Knights of Ren, you could have the movie itself seen from Snoke or Kylo Ren’s point of view and then a book set during the same time period from Luke’s point of view. The other mediums used (and this includes any TV shows) should always be secondary to the movies.
The Possibilities
There are endless possibilities with what can be done with the spin off movies, and they can come from every era of the Star Wars universe. Movies can be done showing the massive wars between the Sith and the Jedi. We could see a movie where the prophesy of the chosen one is first spoken. After the Sequel Trilogy is finished they could do a movie based on Luke’s original Jedi students and/or Snoke himself. There is so much that can be done. But I like the idea that Lucasfilm can use the Spin-off movies to fix a poorly thought out plot point from a previous movie as well as expand on something that was previously glossed over. They did both of these things with Rogue One and watching it really enhances the watching of A New Hope. I don’t see why more movies could not be made to enhance the stories of the other episodes.
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February 5 - 11
Emerald City
Season 1: Episode 7 - They Came First
The Wizard launches an assault on a village as his power is threatened and he enlists West to help. Dorothy and Lucas fight to keep Silvie safe as they journey north to seek Glinda's assistance. After suffering a great loss, Langwidere grapples with her new authority as her relationship with Jack continues to become complicated.
So we see what a snake the wizard can really be in this episode. Without giving anything away, West really gets the short end of the stick, and perhaps the Wizard has made an enemy in this episode. How many people wanted to slap Jack when he stopped Langwidere from taking her mask off? It begs the question as to why she wears it in the first place. Perhaps this is a mystery being kept for a further episode. Let’s hope they do reveal something soon. The end of this episode was heart breaking. Some say they saw it coming, while others, like me, were a bit shocked. Poor Dorothy. But then they just left it there for us to wait for next week’s episode. I hope they solve whatever issues may arise, and that Dorothy maintains the backbone she has.
Season 1: Episode 8 - Lions in Winter
When Dorothy and Lucas arrive at Glinda's castle she reclaims something for which she has been searching. The Wizard heads to the Kingdom of Ev to build his weapons arsenal. Meanwhile, West uses some dangerous magic to help Tip reconnect with her past. In the Kingdom of Ev, Jack struggles to find his place in Langwidere's life.
Season 12: Episode 11 - Regarding Dean
Sam enlists Rowena’s help to track down an old world, powerful family of witches after Dean gets hit by a spell that is rapidly erasing his memory.
What a performance from Ackles, it is not every day that we can take a tragic moment and make it hilariously entertaining. This episode had it all; laughter, tears, concern, and even regret. As Dean’s memory started to fade, watching himself in the mirror, trying to remember who he was, we all just wanted to hug him. Ackles really did an amazing job in this role. And then the scenes with Rowena, the almost flirting, was more than hilarious, and certainly worthwhile. Sam’s awkwardness at it all made it even better. It was a bit of a filler episode as far as story goes, but it was a really well-done episode indeed. Keep up the good work boys.
Season 12: Episode 12 - Stuck in the Middle (With You)
Mary asks Sam, Dean and Castiel for help on a case she’s working but neglects to mention the British Men of Letters are involved. When Mary is double crossed, everything is revealed.
The 100
Season 4: Episode 2 - Heavy Lies the Crown
The burden of leading weighs heavily upon Clarke and Bellamy when different challenges force them to determine who will live and die
We really see the tables turned in this episode. At the beginning of the series we saw 100 youths sent to Earth because the rest would die if they did not. Now Clarke and Bellamy are facing the same kinds of choices. It is a way of learning a new kind of respect for those who made the decisions before. There was a short discussion with the former Chancellor about that very subject in this episode. It is almost like now that Clarke has to make the decisions; she understands why she was sent to Earth in the first place. It makes you wonder, if you were in that position, what would you do? Clarke’s decision to tell everyone about their finite time on Earth was probably a wise one; they now have more people to help, but will it eventually cause panic? This should be interesting.
Season 4: Episode 3 -
aha leads Clarke and Bellamy down a road to possible salvation while tensions rise in Arkadia and Polis.
Please be advised that the comic book shows will have their own weekly post this season, just changing things up a bit. Please keep an eye out for the Superhero Low-Down
If there are any shows that you think we should check out or that we have missed, please send us a private message or leave a comment below.
That’s all for this week
Until next time... Thanks for wathing
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February 5 - 11
Season 2: Episode 11 - The Martian Chronicles
Armek, a White Martian, descends on National City intent on taking M’gann back to Mars to face her punishment as a traitor. Hank and Supergirl determine the best way to keep M’gann safe is to bring her to the DEO. However, when it is revealed that Armek shape-shifted into M’gann and is now loose in the building, the team realize he could be disguised as any one of them.
Talk about mistaken identity. This episode really took the disguise situation to new levels. The team thought they could figure out who was being disguised by asking personal questions until Hank revealed that the shape-shifter would know everything about them. Sadly Armek did not keep the team guessing long enough, when he took on each different shape. It would have been interesting to see them have to work it out a bit better. We also see some character development for Hank, as well as Kara and Alex. Poor Kara, always too little too late when it comes to the men. Hopefully she’ll figure things out. And how many people are now interested in seeing a series based on Hank’s backstory, the Martian Chronicles. That would be interesting, to see the battles that took place. We always get hints of what it was like, but wouldn’t it be interesting to see something about it? Until they do, we get a great character, and that lead to a great episode surrounding him and M’gann.
Season 2: Episode 12 - Luthors
After Metallo breaks out of prison and frees Lillian Luthor, the police blame Lena for his escape and arrest her. Despite overwhelming evidence, Kara refuses to believe her friend is guilty and fights to clear Lena’s name. Flashbacks reveal how Lena came to be a Luthor. Meanwhile, Alex and Maggie celebrate their first Valentine’s Day together.
Season 3: Episode 12 - Untouchable
Barry and the team at S.T.A.R. Labs work together to bring down Clive Yorkin, a criminal meta-human who is methodically killing people by causing them to decompose at an accelerated rate. Joe becomes his next target but it’s Iris who is caught in the crossfire. The Flash mentors Kid Flash and begins to elevate the newer speedster’s training to another level.
What a great title for this episode, both for the power of the meta-human, and for the victims he attacks. They were a part of Flashpoint. We finally see Julian come into his own as he talks Katlyn down from losing control in helping Iris. Barry’s form of teaching Wally how to be a speedster seems to be failing, but he learns the more hands-on approach to the situation. This is how he is going to get Wally to save Iris in the future. The way of killing seemed challenging and interesting in the same sense. It seemed almost impossible to take him down, but Wally came to the rescue and saved the day.
NEXT WEEK (1 week break)
Season 3: Episode 13 - Attack on Gorilla City
When Jesse Quick informs the team that her father has been abducted, Barry, Caitlin, Cisco and Julian voyage to Earth-2 on a rescue mission to save Harry from Gorilla City. As they trek through the forest, Barry and the team are immediately captured and brought to Grodd. Grodd tells them he needs their help to stop Solovar, the leader of Gorilla City, as Solovar wants to invade Earth-1. Meanwhile, back on Earth-1, Jesse and Kid Flash hit the streets to stop a metahuman that can control gravity, with H.R. and Joe guiding them from S.T.A.R. Labs.
Season 2: Episode 11 - Turncoat
When The Legends find a new Time Aberration they learn they must travel to the winter of 1776 to protect George Washington and the American Revolutionary War. Unfortunately, things don’t go as planned, forcing Sara to send out Nate and Amaya to help. Meanwhile, Jax and Stein who are busy protecting the incapacitated Waverider from their new enemy, are forced to step into roles that they don’t think they are prepared for.
This was certainly a Mick Rory episode. Right from the introduction, which was priceless, we knew it was going to be centered around his character and that it was going to be good. The thought of him giving advice to “Georgie” was interesting, funny, but also very deep for someone like Mick. The irony that he became one of the forefathers and that there was a statue in his honor in Washington, that was the icing on the cake. We got some good storytelling as the members of Fire Storm found themselves in new roles as ship’s captain and as surgeon this episode. The parts with Rip were heartbreaking because we loved the connection he had with our Legends, and to see him look at them without any emotion, is sad. Hopefully the Legends can restore Rip’s proper memories once more and bring our captain back to the Waverider. But all in all, Rory stole this episode, and it really made it an amazing one to watch.
NEXT WEEK (1 week break)
Season 2: Episode 12 - Camelot 3000
The Legends continue their quest to hunt down the Spear of Destiny before the pieces fall into the hands of the Legion of Doom. The Legends discover that pieces of the Spear are each being guarded in different time periods by members of the JSA. Their first stop is the future where they find Dr. Mid-Nite which eventually leads them to the past and King Arthur’s Camelot, where Stargirl is protecting her piece of the Spear. In order to protect the Spear shard from the now-evil Rip Hunter, the Legends must join forces with the Knights of the Round Table.
Season 5: Episode 12 - Bratva
A mission takes Oliver, Felicity and team to Russia where they meet up with Oliver’s old friend, Anatoly. Meanwhile, fresh out of rehab, Lance returns to the mayor’s office ready to get back to work. However, when Susan asks for an interview with Lance to discuss his addiction, he balks and it’s up to Rene to help keep things on track.
We see that Oliver’s worries may be coming true as Diggle beats on a prisoner in order to get answers, and we see Felicity go all kinds of bad ass. It would be interesting to see her go a little darer than her usual self, but this was almost scary. It was completely out of character, but the way she explained it, it seems like she had done this before. As Oliver had gone back to the Bratva for help, it seemed that everyone was going back to old habits in this episode. Gaining what they needed, but losing a piece of themselves in Russia at the same time. The situation with Lance was touching, how he learned that he didn’t have to forget about his daughter’s death, but to learn to live with what it meant now. We really got some insight to his pain, and anyone who has ever lost someone that close to them, would know what he was going through. Time does not help us to forget those we have lost; it helps us live with them not being here anymore. We will never forget the Black Canary.
Season 5: Episode 13 - Spectre of the Gun
A traumatic attack on City Hall triggers painful memories for Rene about his family. Flashbacks reveal how Rene went from simple family man to a hero named Wild Dog. Meanwhile, Oliver must deal with the perpetrator behind the attack and realizes the best way to do so is as Mayor Queen instead of the Green Arrow. Tensions run high in the Arrow bunker.
Season 1: Episode 1 - Chapter 1
In the series opener, David considers whether the voices he hears might be real.
Wow what an opener. This was such a confusing episode, but in such a great way. The depiction of auditory and visual hallucinations was perfect; they captured the idea of mental health really well. The fact that it had the audience guessing most of the time as to whether people were real or not was amazing. You start to wonder if there ever was a hospital at all. I really hope that this level of accuracy is brought with the show throughout the series. Perhaps not as confusing as the first episode was, but certainly the kind of energy it brought. Well come, I was hooked within the first few minutes, and now I can’t wait for more.
Season 1: Episode 2 - Chapter 2
David reflects on his past with the help of new friends.
That it for this week, Until next time...
Thanks for watching
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January 29 - February 5
Emerald City
Season 1: Episode 6 - Beautiful Wickedness
Dorothy's confrontation with the Wizard brings her closer to discovering the truth about her past. Lucas goes to great lengths to recover his memory, even if it means allying with West. The Wizard enacts his plan with Langwidere to prepare for the battle to come.
This episode shows us just how manipulative the Wizard can be, turning a bad situation into a good one. We often do not know what to make of him as he befriends Dorothy, but then using her offer of peace to arm his people with a deadly weapon for the upcoming war. The most touching moment of this episode had to have been when Tip was reunited with Jack, and she saw what had happened to him. We do not know really how to take it, because they were such good friends in the past. The part with the old king and the dog could have been left out, but it added a bit of character to him. Langwidere is by far the most mysterious character in this series, and it is curious as to why she wears a mask. I am hoping it is something spectacular. And we have yet to find our cowardly lion. It is curious to see who it might be. All in all, this was a touching episode and a turning point for our story.
Season 1: Episode 7 - They Came First
The Wizard launches an assault on a village as his power is threatened and he enlists West to help. Dorothy and Lucas fight to keep Silvie safe as they journey north to seek Glinda's assistance. After suffering a great loss, Langwidere grapples with her new authority as her relationship with Jack continues to become complicated.
Season 2: Episode 13 - A Good Day To Die
Lucifer must find the antidote to the Professor's poison before it kills Chloe. He travels to hell to find the Professor's soul and get him to turn over the antidote. While he's there, he is forced to confront his guilt about Uriel's death. Mom heads to hell to get Lucifer back, but Lucifer still feels betrayed by his parents because of something he discovers.
What an interesting mid-season finale. We see some very interesting combinations of characters from Dan and Ella, diving more into her backstory, to Amenadiel and Trixie having a bit of a heart-to-heart about why there are bad people in the world. The depiction of hell is interesting itself. People seem to have their own cells which are their own personal versions of hell. The story itself was interesting, be careful of your feelings of guilt, because they could easily be your downfall when visiting Hell. The whole idea of both Lucifer and Charlotte dying and being brought back by an AED defibrillator was a bit far-fetched, but in a show such as this, we need to stretch our boundaries of belief. It left us with a sad feeling in our hearts, but hoping that things will improve when the season picks up again.
Season 12; Episode 10 - Lily Sunder has Some Regrets
Lily Sunder steeps herself in black magic, honing her powers for over a century, waiting to exact revenge on a band of angels that murdered her family. Sam and Dean must work quickly to stop Castiel from becoming her next victim.
It seems that Castiel’s past has caught up to him. We are reminded of the kind of angel he used to be, before he met Sam and Dean. It is interesting to see how he was in the past and how he is today. Really, this was an episode about him. It is also an episode about not blindly following orders, but checking all the facts before making a decision that will ruin lives. It is also about forgiveness. After last week’s episode where Castiel made a life-changing decision with Billie, it was difficult for Dean to forgive him, until he saw it in someone else. The banter in the car was chuckle-worthy, we see Castiel more human than ever when he is emotional. The twist about who the antagonist was is interesting, though it seems like it was expected. But the reveal is heartbreaking. All in all, a great episode, and it feels nice sometimes for the Winchesters to step aside and let Castiel have an episode for a change.
Season 12: Episode 11 - Regarding Dean
Sam enlists Rowena’s help to track down an old world, powerful family of witches after Dean gets hit by a spell that is rapidly erasing his memory.
The 100
Season 4: Episode 1 - Echoes
Clarke and her friends struggle with how to proceed after the fate of the world is revealed.
Welcome back to The 100. And in true fashion of the show, it starts with action, or potential action. We thought we would lose Clarke in the first episode, but she manages to find a way to talk herself out of it. Thankfully her mother was able to save the king and the Commander’s coalition, including Skykru, was upheld. But now they have a new problem. As Abby says in this episode “And the youth have inherited the Earth, but have six months to save it”. The decision to hold off on telling everyone about the radiation that will wipe out the Earth’s population was a wise decision. Though it makes you wonder how many times in reality have people withheld that kind of information to prevent wide-spread panic. That is something to ponder on. It also gives the show a span of 6 months to work with, but as Raven says, they will feel it much sooner. It will be interesting to see where this season takes us. For now, this was a good start to the season.
Season 4: Episode 2 - Heavy Lies the Crown
The burden of leading weighs heavily upon Clarke and Bellamy when different challenges force them to determine who will live and die
Please be advised that the comic book shows will have their own weekly post this season, just changing things up a bit. Please keep an eye out for the Superhero Low-Down
If there are any shows that you think we should check out or that we have missed, please send us a private message or leave a comment below.
Until Next Time ...
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January 29 - February 5
Season 2: Episode 10 - We Can Be Heroes
After Livewire seemingly breaks out of prison, Supergirl is intent on recapturing her. After training Mon-El, Supergirl takes him with her when she sees Livewire attack the NCPD but things go awry when Mon-El puts Supergirl before the citizens of National City. Meanwhile, James decides to come clean with Kara and M’Gann, has a psychic attack, and collapses into a coma.
This episode teaches us a lot about the assumptions we make about heroes and vilains. Livewire’s “escape” is assumed to be her own fault, until we discover that it was another’s plan to do it. Supergirl makes the same assumption and seeks to catch her, when really; it is Livewire who was the victim of another’s plot. It also calls into question, what makes a hero, and who decides who can become one or not. We see the contrast between Mon El and Guardian. Mon El, having powers, made curtail mistakes, but because he has superpowers, Kara seemed to ignore them. Meanwhile, Guardian has no superpowers, but wishes to help, and does in fact help. Despite the heart that he has in the idea of helping the innocent and saving people, Kara denied him the right to be a superhero. It almost gave Kara a form of a god complex. In this theory, she could decide who became a hero and who could not. But who decides if Supergirl is doing the right thing? This does beg the question, do we need some kind of regulatory body to govern superheroes. And then we get into the Batman V Superman / Civil War area of the debate. All in all, this was a good episode for the morality of what a superhero is, and who gets to decide it. Not to mention, it was good to see Livewire back in action. Supergirl needs a nemesis, and Livewire is just quirky enough to be that.
Season 2: Episode 11 - The Martian Chronicles
Armek, a White Martian, descends on National City intent on taking M’gann back to Mars to face her punishment as a traitor. Hank and Supergirl determine the best way to keep M’gann safe is to bring her to the DEO. However, when it is revealed that Armek shape-shifted into M’gann and is now loose in the building, the team realize he could be disguised as any one of them.
Season 3: Episode 11 - Dead or Alive
H.R.’s past catches up with him when a bounty hunter with vibe powers named Gypsy arrives in Central City to bring him back to Earth-19 to stand trial for his crime. It turns out inter-dimensional travel is illegal on their Earth. H.R. surrenders but when Barry and Cisco find out that H.R.’s only hope would be to challenge Gypsy to a fight to the death, they intercede and Cisco offers to fight Gypsy instead.
This was such a great Cisco-based episode. He was allowed to develop himself and come into his own powers. We also see ow much he respected Harrison Wells in the past, and how much he was willing to risk for H.R. The fight was really nicely done, jumping from dimension to dimension, even making an appearance in National City. The way he kept trying to flirt with Gypsy when she was threatening him, really gave it the Cisco flare. For the longest time we continue to forget that Cisco has powers too, and now it appears they are much stronger than we had ever thought. We also get a bit of H.R.’s backstory and a bit of insight as to his life on earth-19. Barry discovers just how valuable Wally is, when he discovers at the end that it is not Flash who will save Iris, but the Kid Flash. A nod is given to Smallville at the beginning of the episode, as the cheerleader outfits worn by the civilians that Barry and Wally save, were also worn by the cheerleaders in Smallville throughout the series. This episode was not a huge plot-driven episode for the Flash, but as far as Cisco is concerned, this was amazing.
Season 3: Episode 12 - Untouchable
Barry and the team at S.T.A.R. Labs work together to bring down Clive Yorkin, a criminal meta-human who is methodically killing people by causing them to decompose at an accelerated rate. Joe becomes his next target but it’s Iris who is caught in the crossfire. The Flash mentors Kid Flash and begins to elevate the newer speedster’s training to another level.
Season 2: Episode 10 - The Legion of Doom
The Legends are determined to find and rescue Rip, but first must focus on locating the Spear of Destiny. Stein thinks he has the perfect person to help but knows involving her will be risky. Meanwhile, Malcom Merlyn and Damien Darhk realize that Thawne is pitting them against each other.
What a change in episodes; we got to see more of the “bad guy” side of things. We watch as Thawne dominates Merlyn and Darhk throughout the episode, until Rip… who is not Rip, manipulates them into turning on Thawne. Even though he could not remember who he was, he still acted brave and like the time master he was. On the side of the Legends, they work hard at trying to figure out who the new speedster is, and we learn that we should never trust Rory with a secret. Stein’s daughter discovering what she really was is kind of a cliché. When it comes to television shows, we all know that if there is a secret being kept, especially a big one, eventually it is going to come out. This is true of all secrets in these shows. So the minute someone says “let’s keep this from …“ you know it’s going to come out eventually. Luckily Stein is good at making saves. Not a great episode as far as the Legends go, but for the Legion of Doom, it was a very good episode, and the last few seconds of the episode, make us eager for next week.
Season 2: Episode 11 - Turncoat
When The Legends find a new Time Aberration they learn they must travel to the winter of 1776 to protect George Washington and the American Revolutionary War. Unfortunately, things don’t go as planned, forcing Sara to send out Nate and Amaya to help. Meanwhile, Jax and Stein who are busy protecting the incapacitated Waverider from their new enemy, are forced to step into roles that they don’t think they are prepared for.
Swason 5: Episode 11 - Second Chances
In his quest to take down Kovar, Oliver gets help from a surprising source – Talia al Ghul. However, when she reveals what she wants from him in exchange, Oliver isn’t sure he can accept her help. Felicity attempts to hack the NSA to help free Diggle but when her online efforts are flagged, she faces off against an unknown adversary. Meanwhile, Curtis tells the team about a female vigilante, Tina Boland, he uncovered online who has been wreaking havoc all over the country.
Well this episode was full of several different stories. First off we have Oliver meeting with Talia al Ghul, and considering the title of the next episode, I think we are about to find out why we keep getting flashbacks to his time spent in Russia. Then we have the situation with the NSA and Diggle. He was facing a court-martial and most likely death if a certain file as not discovered and exposed. This is where Felicity comes in, or should we call her Ghost Fox Goddess? Through her amazing hacking skills, it seems her past is catching up with her, and could lead her down a dark path. Perhaps this is the direction that the show is taking with Felicity’s character. If so, it sounds amazing. She has always been a little too nice, it would be interesting to see what happens if Felicity goes dark. And then we have the story of Oliver trying to find someone to wear the mantle of the Black Canary. Tina Boland’s story ties Arrow and The Flash together, as her story as a meta started when the particle accelerator exploded. They really hit the nail on the head with her capabilities, and even her real name. Without spoiling anything, I’ll just say that I had to pause and say “really DC Comics?” but this is being somewhat true to the comics, as this character was actually the original Black Canary before Laurel took the mantle. But all in all, this was a great episode to get some really good storytelling in, some good action, and even some foreshadowing for the episodes to come.
Season 5: Episode 12 - Bratva
A mission takes Oliver, Felicity and team to Russia where they meet up with Oliver’s old friend, Anatoly. Meanwhile, fresh out of rehab, Lance returns to the mayor’s office ready to get back to work. However, when Susan asks for an interview with Lance to discuss his addiction, he balks and it’s up to Rene to help keep things on track.
Until Next Time ...
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January 22 - 28
Season 2: Episode 9 - Supergirl Lives
When Kara investigates the story of a missing woman, she and Mon-El end up being thrust through a portal to another planet where the downtrodden are sold as slaves. The title of the episode is a nod to the script Smith wrote for the unproduced film Superman Lives.
Welcome back Supergirl. Kevin Smith’s episode was perfectly well-done for the beginning to the second half of the season. I particularly enjoyed the Stargate and the “I am not a red shirt” references from Winn, giving a nod to the rest of us nerds out there. The story itself was more about Mon-El discovering the kind of man he wants to be, but we had some great story development from everyone, including Alex’s sub-plot with her girlfriend. It seemed that everyone had a part to play in this episode, with some really thought provoking questions, great action, and just that right amount of comedy to keep Supergirl light. It really is good to have the Girl of Steel back.
Season 2: Episode 10 - We Can Be Heroes
After Livewire seemingly breaks out of prison, Supergirl is intent on recapturing her. After training Mon-El, Supergirl takes him with her when she sees Livewire attack the NCPD but things go awry when Mon-El puts Supergirl before the citizens of National City. Meanwhile, James decides to come clean with Kara and M’Gann, has a psychic attack, and collapses into a coma.
Season 3: Episode 10 - Borrowing Problems from the Future
Barry is tormented by his vision of the future where Iris is murdered by Savitar. When a criminal named Plunder shows up in Central City, Barry recalls the villain’s presence in his vision of the future and fears that if he catches Plunder, it will cement Iris’ fate. Confused about Barry’s hesitation to stop Plunder, Wally decides to step in as Kid Flash. Caitlin offers Julian a job
This mid-season starter really begged the question about knowing the future. If we know an event is going to happen, is there any point in changing events that led up to it? Or if we change those events, is that what lead to the inevitable future anyways? All of these things come up in this episode as Barry struggles with what he saw happening to Iris. We also see Wally showing his true colors as Kid Flash in this episode, as he proves himself fully to Barry, and becomes a member of the team. We also get an unexpected new member of the team which adds to some entertaining dialogue. And who felt bad for H.R. in this episode. Yes we have to focus on saving people and all that, but he is really trying to help keep Star Labs open. Poor guy
Season 3: Episode 11 - Dead or Alive
H.R.’s past catches up with him when a bounty hunter with vibe powers named Gypsy arrives in Central City to bring him back to Earth-19 to stand trial for his crime. It turns out inter-dimensional travel is illegal on their Earth. H.R. surrenders but when Barry and Cisco find out that H.R.’s only hope would be to challenge Gypsy to a fight to the death, they intercede and Cisco offers to fight Gypsy instead.
Season 2: Episode 9 - Raiders of the Lost Art
When Damien Darhk and Malcolm Merlyn try to capture Rip Hunter in 1967, they create an Aberration big enough to draw the attention of the Legends. However, when the team arrives they discover that Rip has no memories of his past due to “time drift” and is just a graduate film student. After trying to convince Rip of who he was, they discover that he possesses an incredibly powerful artifact known as the Spear of Destiny, which the Legion of Doom is after. Ray and Nate realize that the Aberration has also affected them personally making it difficult to help the team. Meanwhile, Rory asks Stein for help and makes him promise to keep it a secret from the team.
First off the bit between Rory and Stein was priceless. An almost unlikely pair of this group to speak to one another, and when they did, it made things very interesting. The Abbaration they speak of… as George Lucas not creating films. So because he never made Star Wars, Ray never gets interested in science, and Nate never gets interested in history because Lucas does not create Indiana Jones. Not only was this a lot of fun to watch them interact with Lucas as a film student, but the nods to Star Wars and to Indiana Jones, were expected, but amazingly integrated into the show. The issue of Rip Hunter’s memory not being what it should, will hopefully be resolved in the next couple episodes. It is such a change to see him not only American, but he lacks the confidence that Rip once had, and therefore is a completely different character. This was a great start to the second half of this season.
Season 2: Episode 10 - The Legion of Doom
The Legends are determined to find and rescue Rip, but first must focus on locating the Spear of Destiny. Stein thinks he has the perfect person to help but knows involving her will be risky. Meanwhile, Malcom Merlyn and Damien Darhk realize that Thawne is pitting them against each other.
Season 5: Episode 10 - Who are You?
Worried that Prometheus is right and he is truly a killer at heart, Oliver looks for any ray of hope and finds it in what seems to be the miraculous return of Laurel Lance. However, Felicity, still reeling from Detective Malone’s murder, is bent on revenge – she wants to stop Prometheus at any cost. While in prison, Diggle fights for his life.
Welcome back Arrow and … Laurel? This episode almost had fans excited about Laurel’s return, and had they kept it up a little longer, it would have ben believable. The tie-in to The Flash, and to Legends of Tomorrow, was really well-done here. It really showed to unify the shows in the same universe. Felicity and Oliver show their struggle as they try to define what their relationship means now. Many people forget that they were once a couple and are now trying to re-define what they mean to one another. This was a very emotion-heavy episode, including the situation with Mr. Terrific and how he is dealing with the separation from his husband. Diggle’s situation brings the world of the DC universe into the real world. We see DA’s working with legal matters to save a military prisoner from almost certain death. And oh how he did it well. But perhaps there is more to this DA than meets the eyes. It should be interesting to see how next week’s episode continues the story, and the hunt for the new Black Canary begins.
Season 5: Episode 11 - Second Chances
In his quest to take down Kovar, Oliver gets help from a surprising source – Talia al Ghul. However, when she reveals what she wants from him in exchange, Oliver isn’t sure he can accept her help. Felicity attempts to hack the NSA to help free Diggle but when her online efforts are flagged, she faces off against an unknown adversary. Meanwhile, Curtis tells the team about a female vigilante, Tina Boland, he uncovered online who has been wreaking havoc all over the country.
If there are any shows that you think we should check out or that we have missed, please send us a private message or leave a comment below.
Please also keep an eye out for the weekly review: This Week in Review., for any non-superhero shows.
Until Next Time...
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