basilwrites · 6 years
Gandalf: Hey Aragorn, now that we’ve caught Gollum, who should hold on to him.
Aragorn: I was thinking the wood elves.
Gandalf: You mean the ones that let a hobbit and 13 starving dwarves escape?
Aragorn: yeah.
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basilwrites · 6 years
21st-century kitchen appliances are intolerably complicated. Baking is plebian and old-fashioned to begin with. Shampoo bottle labels are deceptive. At any rate, none of this is Cavendish’s fault.
Full text below the cut.
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basilwrites · 6 years
me, reading my own wips: oh wow i hope the author finishes this
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basilwrites · 6 years
“You’re not doing enough.” Says my brain.
“Okay, how much is enough then?” I ask, desperate.
“Idk but you’re not doing it.” My brain replies, sipping orange juice out of a wine glass.
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basilwrites · 6 years
English is that one ancient house that’s had like a dozen add on expansions, none of which match, places where teenagers accidentally broke walls fighting and they were just like, “I guess we’ll just make it a door, then,” all those weird hidden passages to hide treasures and Jews and escaped slaves, formal dining rooms that no one is allowed to mess with, is probably haunted, because no one can figure out where some of those renovations came from, and the maps are all cursed so that you can only find your way through experience. But the owners are fairly wealthy and have a lot of parties, so it’s your job to understand what the heck is going on when you visit (and you will almost certainly need to visit).
It is my terrible trash language and I love it so much.
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basilwrites · 6 years
Things Bilbo Baggins hates:
chipped glasses
cracked plates
blunt knives
bent forks
Things Bilbo Baggins seems okay with:
coming up with riddles to save his life
stealing from elves for a month to survive
killing deadly spiders while singing about it
stealing from dragons
hiding a precious stone from the king
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basilwrites · 7 years
tfw when you write the last scene of an original story and it’s crackling with energy but it’s also the only scene you’ve written and you have no idea if you’ll ever have the motivation to go back and write any of the scenes that come before it
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basilwrites · 7 years
friend: are you ok?
me: Samwise Gamgee was a simple gardener who was violently ripped from his comfortable life in the Shire, who braved orcs, spiders, balrogs and treacherous conditions just for the sake of his best friend. It wasn't his duty to drop everything and follow Frodo to the ends of the earth to save Arda, nor was it his responsibility to ensure the destruction of the ring. Although he doesn't seem like the bravest Hobbit, it turns out he was stronger than Frodo in some ways. He had to see his best friend fight for not only his morality but his life, all because of the ring. He was the one who stopped Frodo from putting the ring on, from ruining everything and becoming corrupt, just like its previous wearer. He volunteered himself to go to Mount Doom after he thought the journey would be done in Rivendell. He thought he could go home to his Rosie Cotton and live a peaceful life, but instead he gave it up for Frodo. Samwise Gamgee had to suffer through Gollum manipulating his friend and himself. Frodo sided with Gollum towards the end, shunning Sam and telling him to go home, to forget all about his sacrifices, and the months of fighting, climbing, walking, and falling he did, all for Frodo, the very Hobbit who abandoned him out of jealousy, anger, and mental illness caused by the ring. What was once a happy Hobbit merrily drinking and dancing at Bilbo's birthday party was now reduced to a shell of his former self, and for Samwise to see that must have been heartbreaking. All the time and effort he put into helping Frodo had been lost. But Sam never gave up. He went back for his friend and when he thought Shelob had killed him, he cursed himself for not staying. He rescued Frodo from orcs and made sure they could cross safely across Mordor to Mount Doom. When they arrived and Frodo was no longer competent due to the ring's power, he carried him. He had hope that this final act of strength and love, to bring Frodo to the door of Mount Doom, would save the world. And when Frodo chose not to throw the ring into the fire, the devastation of failure was written all over Sam's face. Everything he gave up in the Shire was lost once again in that moment of defeat. Finally, after the ring was destroyed and Gollum was killed, he saved Frodo once again, asking Frodo not to sacrifice himself, to take his hand and never let go. And when they sat on the rocks of Mount Doom, lava rising around them, death imminent, Samwise the Brave finally got his best friend back, and after everything they had been through, there was no one he would rather be with than his Frodo.
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basilwrites · 7 years
Me: *gets story idea*
Me: This is so obvious and clever it practically writes itself!
Narrator: It did not write itself.
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basilwrites · 7 years
finding a good song
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finding a good song that fits your ocs/story
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basilwrites · 7 years
Nobody does anything perfect on their first try. That’s why there’s editing and revising. Don’t worry about what’s gone wrong– just get the story down. 
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basilwrites · 7 years
What Fanfic Writers Are Like
Readers: We'd really like an update.
Writers: Yeah me too.
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basilwrites · 7 years
me: alrighty brain. time to work on my story!!
brain: *boards plane with suitcases* see you in hawaii
me: aw man
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basilwrites · 7 years
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Hey, all! Utilizing my amazing procrastination talents, I have taken until the very last hour of a contest I’m entering to finish my story! It’s a Milo Murphy’s Law fanfic called Expect the Exceptional, and it’s my entry for @/Fanfic’s Lucky FriYAY contest on Wattpad!
Here’s the link, if anyone wanted to read it!
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basilwrites · 7 years
Here's a link to my account, if anyone's interested!
So far I've posted fanfiction for Odd Squad and WordGirl, with some Milo Murphy's Law stories on the way!
(I also have a book of writing prompts and a book where I post art, story synopses, and other randomness, but I don't know if those count as stories. 😝)
I have FanFiction.net too; but nothing's posted there. ...Yet. ;D
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basilwrites · 7 years
Hey guys!
Hi! Basil Grey here. I’m starting a writing blog! I’ll be reblogging tips, tricks, prompts, miscellaneous funny writing-related comics and textposts, and updates for my stories!
Who knows, there might even be a few sneak peeks and previews… ;D
I write mostly fanfiction (primarily for Odd Squad and WordGirl!), and I love writing oneshots and coming up with OCs! I’m working on a few original stories too, which should be up eventually!
Find me on Wattpad @/BasilGrey and on Fanfiction @/Basil Grey! (Haven’t posted anything to FF yet, but I’m planning to soon!)
I'm still learning how to write, so the writing-related content here will be mostly for my reference. However, I'm hoping it'll come in handy for some of my fellow budding writers!
Welcome, and thanks for checking out my blog!
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