The Ending We Deserve Finale
She jolted awake to find that her parents were in her room, trying to shake her awake. 
She recalled the horrors of her dream: Adrien dying in front of her, the miraculous ladybugs failing to bring him back, the crushing hopeless feeling she got after she lost him.
Marinette took one look at her parents sorrowful eyes before launching into their arms. 
Her mother rubbed soothing circles on her back and her father sang a calming lullaby. Within minutes, they had Marinette from full on hysterics to tiny hiccups. 
“Was it the nightmare again, sweetie?” Sabine asked.
Marinette didn’t have the strength to answer, she merely nodded her head.
“I’m so sorry sweetie. I wish I knew what to do.”
“This is enough, mom.” Marinette replied. “I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“Marinette, don’t ever be sorry for that,” Tom said. “It’s what we're here for. We are your parents after all.”
She squeezed her parents tighter. “Thank you.”
“We love you, Marinette. And when you are ready to talk we are here for you.” Tom furrowed his brow.
Marinette knew her parents wanted to know what it was that plagued her dreams. They knew that it had something to do with the day they took down Hawkmoth, but she couldn’t voice how much the dream actually scared her. It hit too close to what really happened that day. She felt like she was close to being able to tell them what was haunting her, but her just wasn’t ready for that yet. She opened her mouth to explain to her parents, but was cut off by her mom raising her hand in the air. “Marinette if you aren’t ready, you aren’t ready. We aren’t going to push you on this.”
Tears started to fill the corners of her eyes again, but she choked them back. Marinette was truly blessed to have such wonderful parents. “I love you guys.” She hugged her parents once again, but even there love and comfort wouldn’t be enough to get her to go back to sleep tonight. And it was a school night, so she desperately needed sleep so she wouldn’t be even later than normal. “I know it’s late, but he always keeps his window open, so can I go see him?”
Her parents shared a knowing look together and sighed. They knew what it was like to be in love, and they also knew the comfort being around your loved one could bring after a tragic event. Tom and Sabine knew almost better than anyone, as would any former Ladybug and Chat Noir. 
Sabine placed a hand on her daughter’s leg. “Of course you can go see him. Although, I suspect you would have gone regardless, so how about we just go ahead and say that anytime you need to see him: don’t ask, just go.”
“Really?!” Marinette’s eyes were as wide as saucers. “Wow, okay. You guys really are the best.” She hugged her parents once more, just to make sure they understood how grateful she was before saying the magic words. “Tikki! Spots on!”
Marinette didn’t hesitate as she jumped out to the balcony and swung away into the Parisian night. 
Tom placed a hand on his chest as he was filled with nostalgia. What are the odds his daughter would be his successor? He smiled at all the memories of his poor attempts to gain Sabine’s affection, countless nights on patrol, and fighting crime. He also knew the huge responsibility his daughter carried on her shoulders, but Tom believed in Marinette. He knew she would do whatever it takes to protect the city; she was by far the best Ladybug he had ever seen. 
Marinette wasted no time swinging across the city. She had done this many times over the past few months, she knew the fastest way to the Agreste Mansion by heart. She flew through the city, eager to see Adrien, even though she had just seen him at school this afternoon. She knew the pain of losing him all too well and Marinette wouldn’t take his presence in her life for granted any longer. 
When Marinette arrived, she quickly detransformed. Adrien sat up and wiped his eyes groggily. “Mari? Is that you?”
“Yeah,” she said somewhat shyly, “Sorry about the late hour, but I had the nightmare again. The one where you were gone.” She bit her lip, trying to hold back tears once again. “And I just needed to see you.”
Adrien gave her a small smile and gestured to the open side of the bed. Marinette climbed in right beside him and immediately snuggled right into his side. 
He was here. This was real. He was alive and breathing.
Adrien wrapped his arms around his lady. “I’ll always be right here.”
“Adrien?” Marinette asked as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
“I don’t know what I would do without you.” She had never said anything more true in her life.  Marinette pressed her face into his chest, taking in his scent and counting his breaths. She was so lucky the stunt she pulled with the miraculous ladybugs worked. Tikki gave her the worst scolding she had ever received in her life afterwards, but she was so thankful Adrien was alive she didn’t even care. 
She knew that was why the dreams bothered her so much. The dreams showed her what could have gone wrong if she wasn’t as strong of a miraculous user. Or, at least, that is what Master Fu told her. He explained that the stronger you were, the stronger your powers were. If she wasn’t as “powerful” as she was, Adrien would have died that day, and it would have been her fault. But if she was really that powerful, she would have been able to stop Hawkmoth before he hurt Chat. 
She snuggled further into Adrien’s chest, just savoring that he was even there at all. He rubbed her back, and as if he was reading her mind, he said to her. “Hey, hey hey. Mari, look at me.” He tilted her chin up to make her meet his eyes. “It was my choice. And I don’t regret it. I would do it again too. I would rather die than see you get hurt because I love you.” 
“Adrien, I don’t deserve you.”
Adrien’s eyes shot open. “Mari, please don’t ever say that. We deserve this. We deserve each other. We deserve a happy ending. Don’t forget that you saved me, Mari. I am alive because of you.” He hugged her tight. “It was just a dream. I am here, and I will always be here.”
The tears Marinette had been holding back all night finally broke through. “Thank you, Adrien. For understanding and for loving me despite my mess. I meant it earlier. I really don’t know what I would do without you.”
He ran his fingers through her hair, “Anytime, Princess. Anytime.” He stifled a yawn as he looked at the clock. “Well, as much as I love these late night convos. It is 2:46, and we do have school tomorrow. So how about some shut eye?” 
Adrien had said it in such a way, Marinette knew that even though he was tired, if she still needed to talk he would stay up for her. That showed her that he truly did love her more than words ever would. And fortunately for him, he had already put her demons to rest. 
Marinette smiled to herself. “Okay, good night Adrien.
“Good night, Mari.” He kissed her forehead once more. 
“I love you.” “I love you too.”
Marinette fell asleep to the sound of Adrien’s healthy, steady heartbeat; it was the soundest she had slept in a long time.
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The Ending We Deserve Pt. 3
“Tikki?” Marinette cried, “Tikki, where are you? You can come out now. We won.”
Marinette checked where she last saw the kwami, but she was gone. And she couldn’t have picked a worse time to disappear. 
“Marinette?” her kwami answered, “We really won?” 
“Yes, but I’m not sure it was worth it… And where were you?”
“I flew to your bakery, to get cookies for my strength so I could transform you again. But by the time I got back you already cataclysmed Hawkmoth’s miraculous. I’m so proud of you Marinette!” Tikki gave her owner a quick hug before pulling back, another question already pouring out of her mouth. “Why wasn’t Chat using his own miraculous?”
Marinette bit her lip, trying to keep the tears at bay. “He got-” Marinette, wiped at her eyes. “He was hurt really bad during the fight and couldn’t hold his transformation.” She shook her head in an attempt to clear her cloudy thoughts. She was still so shocked about all the events of the day. Chat being Adrien, Hawkmoth being Gabriel Agrest, Hawkmoth’s defeat, and Chat… dying. 
She couldn’t put it off any longer. If there was a chance to bring him back, she needed to know. “Tikki?” She asked tentatively. 
“Yes, Marinette?”
“Can the miraculous ladybugs really bring someone back to life if they were hurt during a fight with other miraculous users?”
Tikki furrowed her brow. “Marinette, you have to understand this is a very dangero-”
“Can they heal someone or not, Tikki?!” Marinette yelled. She immediately regretted it after seeing the look on her kwami’s face. “Oh Tikki, I’m sorry. But I need to know, please.” Marinette was ready to get on her knees and beg for her best friend, her partner. After everything Chat had done for her, she owed him this. She would rip the world apart to get him back. Ladybug needed her Chaton, and she would do anything to make sure he was back where he belonged. 
Marinette looked at Tikki, tears filling her desperate eyes once again. “I don’t know.” Tikki whispered so softly Marinette almost missed it. 
“What do you mean, ‘you don’t know’?” A malicious venom seeped into Marinette’s voice. 
Tikki didn’t shy away, “It means what I said. I. Don’t. Know. It has never been done before. If a person died during an akuma attack, yes, the ladybugs would heal them. But if this was done separate from an akuma attack, I don’t know what would happen.” Tikki took a long look at Marinette, wondering what had caused her owner to ask these questions and act so uncivil. “Chat didn’t just get hurt, did he?”
Marinette didn't respond. She couldn’t. She felt like if she said it aloud again, any hope she had left would crumble beneath her feet. 
Tikki started to argue. “Marinette! You can’t tamper with things you don’t understand!”
“No, Tikki! I do understand. I understand that if I just let him die, I will lose not only my partner, but my best friend and love of my life! I will lose both Chat and Adrien, and I can’t let that happen. I need them both too much.” Marinette took a deep breath. “I couldn’t stand being on this earth without either one of them, and now that I know they are both the same person, it hurts even worse because it's double the loss. I am going to do this, Tikki. I have to try.”
“Don’t Marinette me, Tikki! I am doing this whether you like it or not. I’m sorry.” Marinette wondered momentarily if Tikki would ever forgive her. “Tikki, spots on!”
Ladybug didn’t hesitate to run to where Adrien was laid. “Please work please work please work please work.” She repeated the mantra to herself over and over until she stood beside her fallen partner. “Okay, here goes nothing.”
She called for her lucky charm. It was a broken mirror. She didn’t bother to stop and think about what it meant. She didn’t have time. Every moment wasted was a moment Adrien might not come back to her. She threw the object into the air. “Miraculous Ladybug!” 
Even after all these years, the marvel of the magical ladybugs still amazed Marinette. She watched in wonder as they repaired overturned cars, shattered windows, and crumbling buildings. She held her breath as they neared the Eiffel tower… and disappeared. 
Weird. Marinette thought that they would swarm over Adrien. She nealt by him, waiting for him to take another breath.
But she waited. 
And waited.
And waited. 
She sat there for hours waiting, hoping that the universe was playing a joke on her. A sick, twisted, disgusting joke, but a joke nevertheless, and that Adrien would still sit up and breathe and talk to her and walk away from this mess like it was no big deal.
But he didn’t.
He didn’t move, didn’t breathe. He didn’t jump up and say “April fools!”.  He just laid there, still and unmoving. 
Marinette didn’t know when she released her transformation; she didn’t care if all of Paris knew who she was. All she knew was Adrien was… gone. 
She cried for her lost partner, the time they never got, for the beautiful future she saw. She cried until she couldn’t cry anymore. 
The sun had started to set over the Parisian sky, Marinette distantly felt hands on her arms. The hands stood her up and started to move her away from Adrien. She instantly fought them. Why would they take her away? She can’t leave Chat, not after everything he did for her. She fought and kicked and screamed. 
“Marinette.” she heard a voice distantly call her name. 
No no no no no. They would not take her away!
“Marinette.” The voice called louder.
She needed Chat. How could they not understand that Ladybug needs him!
“Marinette!” The hands were shaking her. “MARINETTE!!”
She collapsed into a puddle of sobs. 
“Marinette, please wake up!”
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The Ending We Deserve Pt.2
So many things happened at once.
Marinette ran toward Hawkmoth.
Hawkmoth drew his weapon.
Chat took the opening Marinette provided him, and launched himself at Hawkmoth.
Hawkmoth easily sidestepped Marinette’s attack and slashed his sword, but not at Marinette. 
No, he completely ignored Marinette and anticipated the attack from behind, dealing Chat Noir a deep cut that went from his left shoulder to his stomach. 
“NO!” Marinette screamed, running back toward her fallen partner. She dropped to her knees, assessing the damage. The cut was deep, way too deep for him to survive unless he got immediate medical attention or the miraculous ladybugs cured him. And one of those options wouldn’t work because Tikki was too weak, and the other wouldn’t work because she was too weak to carry him, AND Hawkmoth would strike her down before she made it two steps. 
But none of that stopped her from pressing her hands to the wound, trying to slow the bleeding. 
Chat was sputtering and gasping for air. “No, no, no.” His eyes were fluttering, open and shut, like he was struggling to stay awake. “Chat, you have to stay with me! Please don’t leave.”
Chat weakly moved his hand and placed it over Marinette’s. “Take him out, Mari.” he whispered as he took in a deep shuddering breath, “Do whatever needs to be done.”
“No, Chat.” Tears were running down her face in rivers. “I’m not doing this without you.”
“You have to, Milady.” He looked into her eyes. “I believe in you.” He pressed a chaste kiss to the back of her hand. Chat placed his hand on her cheek and met her eyes. “Do whatever needs to be done,” he repeated, before taking another deep breath. “I’m sorry, Marinette.” Another breath. 
He took a long, sorrowful look at his ring, hoping that his lady caught on to what he was thinking. “Plagg, claws out.”
“NO!” Marinette screamed. She knew without the magic of the miraculous that his wounds would be fatal. Plagg was the only thing that was keeping him alive, and he gave him up. She squeezed his hand, drawing his attention back to her. “Why? Why would you do that?”
He gave her a small smile. “You’re Ladybug. Figure it out.” He closed his eyes and whispered one last time. “I believe in you.”
“Chat?” She shook his shoulders. 
No response. 
“Adrien!” She shook him again, “C’mon! You have to help me! I can’t do this without you I can’t. I can’t.” She sobbed on his still chest. 
She turned towards Hawkmoth, tears running down her face. “You monster!” She sneered, “How could you do this to your own son? He loved you! No matter what crap you put him through, he loved you! Even when you forbid him from going out with friends or when you would schedule photoshoots everyday, he would still try to be his best. And he did it for you! God knows he could’ve slacked off and quit, but he tried his best to make sure you were proud of him. And this-” she gestured at Adrien, “is how you repay him. He was nothing but an amazing son for you and you ki-” she choked on the word. “You killed him.”
She looked at Adrien’s limp body, at their intertwined hands. She thought of the time they wouldn’t have with each other. The days that are lost. She could imagine it now, the life she would have with him.
Adrien would ask her to be his girlfriend and those would be the happiest years of her life. They would both go to the same college in Paris, she would pursue her career in fashion and he would work to get a teaching degree, all while still fighting crime as Ladybug and Chat Noir. Right after graduation, he would drop on one knee and propose. While planning their wedding, Mari accepted an internship for the Elite Model Management Co. designing clothes, while Adrien applied to teach 3rd grade at the local elementary school. The happy couple would decide to get married in August. It would be the most perfect day, when she walked down the aisle, Adrien burst into tears. He was blubbering so much he could barely say his vows. The newlyweds decided they could go on a honeymoon because they knew their team could handle them being gone for a few days. They went to New York and saw the skyscrapers, Broadway shows, and baseball games. (Apparently, the Americans really loved baseball.) Soon after their honeymoon, they would adopt a hamster. They would live just a few blocks from her parents, so when they eventually had kids (3 adorable children: Emma, Louis, and Hugo.) her parents could come visit them whenever and vise versa. They would be a family. They would be happy. 
And now, that won’t happen. 
Hawkmoth had destroyed every possibility for that to happen.
Marinette looked back down at the boy who she loved, at her hand which was still grasping his, even though he no longer squeezed back. His ring had a glare shining off of it. She closed her eyes unable to look at it from the light and the memories that surrounded it. 
Her eyes flung open. 
His ring would still work. Plagg was still somewhere around here. A plan started formulating in her head. She looked back down at her kitty. I hope you knew what you were doing, she thought. 
She slid the ring off of Adrien’s hand and onto her own slim finger as she stood. “I am going to make you pay for what you did to him,” She growled. “I will tear down your empire, brick by brick. I will destroy everything you have ever stood for.” Hawkmoth backed up slowly, showing the slightest sign of fear in his eyes. 
“Plagg,” Marinette whispered, “Claws out!”
The transformation overtook her as she charged toward Hawkmoth. She stumbled at first, but the magic of the miraculous helped contain the pain in her leg. Lord knows she would need all the extra strength available to defeat this villian.
It was a strenuous fight. Whenever Ladynoir would land a punch, Hawkmoth would land two. For every strike she would dodge, he would pull a sneakier move. While she would land a good hit every once and awhile, she knew she would not win this fight hand-to-hand. Even with the suit dulling her injuries, Marinette’s energy was fading fast. 
Soon, she found herself backed up against the Eiffel Tower, in a similar position Chat was in not even thirty minutes ago. She was running out of ideas. She was running out of hope. But most importantly, she was running out of time. 
“Well, well, well,” Hawkmoth gave her the cliche slow-villain-clap. “How the tables have turned, huh? Today is the day that I will finally have my victory. I will finally have my life, my family back.”
“Your family?” Ladynoir scoffed, “YOU JUST KILLED ADRIEN! You will never have your family back! The wish only allows ONE wish. You can’t bring both back.”
Hawkmoth laughed. “Ladybug, er, Ladynoir, whatever ridiculous name you want to call yourself, it doesn’t matter.” The villain tapped his cane on the ground, in a chiding manner. “Do you really think I wouldn’t have a contingency plan in place? I knew it was likely that he wouldn’t make it out of this duel alive. Why do you think I haven’t taken your kwami from her hiding spot? Shut your mouth and don’t look so shocked. I spotted her while you were busy mourning over my son.” He clicked his tongue. “Not to worry though. He will be alright soon enough. Once you use the Miraculous Ladybug’s he will be healed. But I want you to be the one who gets the kwami. I just feel like then your surrender would be complete. Then, after you heal my son, you will of course hand your miraculous over to me.” He slammed a hand into the Eiffel Tower, just to the left of Marinette’s head. “I will finally get what I deserve. And after I get them back, I will reveal your identity and take  your miraculous to make sure you can never try to take away what I have rightfully earned. I will ruin your chances at ever making a career in fashion. I will leave horrible reviews at your family bakery. I will make it so you never have a chance with Adrien. I will make your life a living hell, just as mine has been since I lost my Emilie. You will feel my every pain and heartbreak. You will wish you never crossed me, Marinette Dupian-
Marinette smiled, channelling every bit of Chat Noir she could muster. “That was quite the speech. Did you write that beforehand? Practice in the mirror a bit?” When Hawkmoth didn’t respond, she just shrugged. “Well, at least you were right about one thing.” She looked at the man who killed her partner and first love, who manipulated hundreds of citizens, who never truly cared about Adrien, right in the eye. “You will get what you deserve.” 
Hawkmoth didn’t register what she meant until she already whispered the only word that could defeat him now. “Cataclysm!”
As much as she would have liked to, she didn’t go for the kill. Her hand shot straight for the butterfly brooch that was pinned to his chest. It was the only way for her to truly end the horrors he had wrought upon her city for years. When her fingertips brushed the miraculous, it immediately turned black and started to crumble. 
Hawkmoth recoiled in horror. “No, no, NO! What have you done!” He tried grabbing at the ashes of the broken miraculous to no avail. His transformation let go; Gabriel Agreste sat there, hugging his knees, cursing Ladybug and everything she stood for. 
“Plagg, claws in.” Marinette dropped to her knees, exhaustion hitting her like a train.
 Marinette called for the police. They came quickly and arrested Gabriel, or did they? It was a blur for Marinette. She couldn’t remember how much time had passed. All she could think about was the loss of her partner. She couldn’t just believe he was gone. She wouldn’t accept it. An idea hit her like a train. She already had the black cat miraculous, if she could just find Tikki and complete the merge— No. She shut down that thought before it went any further. That would make her just as bad as Hawkmoth, worse even. 
But, Hawkmoth did mention something about the ladybug miraculous healing Adrien. She didn’t know if it would truly work, but it was worth a shot.
She ran to where Adrien’s body was laying placed a quick kiss on his forehead and the ring back on his finger. “I hope this works.” 
And she took off to find her missing kwami.
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The Ending We Deserve Pt. I
Okay, so here is a fanfic I’ve been working on for months (and it’s not really that long lol). I’ll release it in three-ish parts.  Anyways, hope y’all enjoy!
Ladybug pried her eyes open after taking an especially hard hit from Hawkmoth. She still couldn’t believe that he was actually Gabriel Agreste, and to think that she was so close to figuring out his identity years ago. She wondered how Adrien was handling it. A secret that big has got to rattle a person. Ladybug couldn’t help but admire him for his bravery and wit. How many people would bother to leak a note exposing their father’s evil activities. She was extremely glad Chat Noir was around when Adrien had finished the note. Even though now she could barely open her eyes let alone fight a villain. 
Ladybug gritted her teeth, they were so close to finishing it once and for all, she could push through this. The miraculous ladybugs would heal her anyways, she just needed to get through these next few minutes. Ladybug took a deep, steadying breath and forced herself to open her eyes and stand up. She looked around to see where Chat was so she could join the fight again. 
There. By the Eiffel Tower. “I’m coming, Kitty,” she whispered with determination. They couldn’t be more than 200 feet away, she could easily run over there in ten seconds. 
And so she took off. She was barely ten feet from where she started, but she was already winded. She shook it off and pumped her arms harder. Wait, her bare arms. She stopped completely. Ladybug, no Marinette, looked down at herself. She was wearing flats and jeans. 
“Oh no, no, no, no, no.” She patted herself down. Where was her suit? Where was Tikki?! “Tikki? Tikki!” She limped back to where she woke up. “Tikki?” 
“Marinette?” her kwami called in a weak voice.
Where is she where is she where is
Marinette kneeled down next to her kwami. “Tikki. I-”
“Marinette there’s no time! I’m too weak to help in the fight. We need to retreat.”
“But Hawkmoth is right there!”
“Marinette,” her kwami pleaded, “We can’t help. People have seen your detransformation. It’s best if we come back another day when it can be a fair fight.”
Marinette picked up her friend, “You’re right, Tikki. There’s no way we can win and I can’t risk losing you.” She turned back to where Chat was fighting Hawkmoth. “But first, I need to help my partner.” She set Tikki where she would be safe. Then, she made her plan. 
If she could sneak around the back and hide behind one of the legs of the tower, she could cause a distraction and give Chat enough time to disable Hawkmoth. It wasn’t the perfect plan but it was better than nothing. 
Marinette took off, running as fast as her beat-up body would allow her, and she squatted under the Tower. “Okay, phase one: complete. Now I just need to think of a distraction.” She tapped her chin. Aha! Of course. 
At this point Hawkmoth had cornered Chat against the leg opposite to her and began his speech of gloating and supposed victory. “Did you really think you could take me on, one-on-one, and walk away from this Chat Noir?” Hawkmoth spread his arms and gestured to the area around them. “Ladybug has abandoned you. She left you while she went to go lick her own wounds, leaving you as good as dead. It’s hopeless for you. You cannot win. Surrender your miraculous, and I will spare you.”
Chat Noir spat at Hawkmoth's feet. “I will never give in. Ladybug will be back. And when she gets here, whether she comes back today or next week, we will take your miraculous, Gabriel Agreste.”
Hawkmoth didn’t even blink at the revelation of what Chat knew, he merely chuckled darkly. “Oh, no. You have figured out my secret identity. It must be the end of the world.” He tapped his chin, mocking Chat with every movement. “I wonder if Ladybug still would have bailed on you if she knew who you were, Adrien.”
Adrien’s eyes widened and he staggered back until he was flat against the Eiffel Tower.
Marinette slapped a hand over her mouth to keep her from making any noise. Adrien. She has been fighting side-by-side with the love of her life for years and rejected him multiple times! This is a DISASTER! Although, now all the coincidences that happened with Chat and Adrien finally make sense. Especially how Adrien was able to contact Chat about the tip. How could she have been so blind?!
“What? You-you knew?” He whispered in disbelief.
Hawkmoth only laughed horribly again. “Did you take me for a fool, child? Of course I knew. It took me a few years to really convince myself it was you after the Gorzilla incident. Now, son. Let’s talk. I’ll give you your miraculous back, eventually. I just need it to make the wish.”
“What wish?”
“Well, when you merge the miracu-”
“I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE CAT AND LADYBUG MIRACULOUS ARE MERGED, FATHER.” Chat spat the last word like a curse. “I meant, what is your wish” “Dear Adrien, I was so sure you knew by now. I would use the wish to bring back your mother.”
Chat stared at his father, his mouth was agape. 
“No cheers of celebration then, son?” Hawkmoth scoffed, “I thought you would be happy, you are going to get your mother back. Just give me your miraculous, Adrien, and I will be one step closer. Or,” Hawkmoth’s face twisted into a cruel smile. “I will let you keep your miraculous and you can get Ladybug’s from her, then you can deliver both to me at once.”
Chat didn’t respond to his father. Instead, his eyes drifted from Hawkmoth to where Marinette was hiding. She could see his lips form a word. “No.” She couldn’t tell if he was talking to Hawkmoth or to her.
“I have given you every chance to join me. I will only ask you one more time. Look around, son! She isn’t coming back. Ladybug has left you. Join me, Adrien, or face the consequences!”
“Clearly, you underestimate me, Hawkmoth.” Marinette said from her hiding spot.
Hawkmoth sputtered, “Ladybug?”
“In the flesh. Now, leave my partner alone. And go ahead and surrender your miraculous while you’re at it.”
“Don’t be so naive, Ladybug. Come out from wherever you’re hiding and face me.”
Marinette sent up a prayer to whatever god that would listen. “Let Chat understand what I’m about to do.” 
And she stepped out from behind the tower. 
“Here I am.” She looked Hawkmoth dead in the eye. “Do your worst.”
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I need more blogs to follow so please reblog this if you post about books and/or TV Shows (it doesn’t matter if we like the same things because even if we don’t i’m always looking for more interesting stuff to obsess about!)
Bonus if you’re into: the grishaverse, the folk of the air series, the raven cycle, fantasy and YA books in general, marvel and the MCU, and all kinds of tv shows bc the list would be too long
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 I AM A SLUT FOR RUHN DAANAN! that is all. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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Crescent City
There is too much to say so I will highlight some of my favorite things. ((SPOILERS AHEAD))
*Bryce and Hunt taking pictures of each other.
*Bryce defending Danika’s legacy and going to the mat for her over and over.
*Hunt and Bryce slowly realizing how they feel for each other.
*Bryce not wanting to hurt Ruhn’s feelings about being Starborn
*Hunt willing to sacrifice his life for Bryce.
*Ruhn being a good older brother and willing to do anything for Bryce.
*Tharion being a shameless flirt.
*Casual mentions of other books that were important in the ACOTAR and TOG series. (The Book of Breathings and The Walking Dead.)
*When the Prime called Bryce “a true wolf.” legit my heart melted.
*Hunt making Bryce breakfast because bless her soul she can’t cook.
*When Bryce washed Hunt’s hair after he came home when he killed those guys. Sweetheart is right. 
*Danika giving up what was left of her so Bryce could Ascend. legit that’s true friendship right there. and I may have cried. haha.
*And then at the end when Bryce said she forgave Ruhn and gave him a giant hug when she saw him after she Ascended.
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Sorcery of Thorns
Okay, so I’m going to keep this one pretty short. 
Due to the coronavirus, have been able to do some of the reading on my TBR list and this was one of them! I really liked Elisabeth. She was another strong female lead who never gave up despite the worst odds. Also, I know this happens in a lot of books, but I like how she found love in one of the oddest places and she wasn’t even looking for it. Elisabeth is also wicked smart. (Spoiler) The part when her and Nathaniel were about to kiss, then she realizes that something is off. Or even at the very beginning, when she put two-and-two together about how Warden Finch was in love with the Director. 
Now for Nathaniel. Boy, do I love him. We stan a bi-king. He funny and smart and sarcastic and loyal to a fault, just the right recipe for any YA reader to fall in love with. Not to mention that he is described as handsome. Also, we got the enemies to friends to lovers trope that I would DIE for. (There is so much more to say about him, but I said I would keep it short.)
I reallyyyyyy want to know exactly how ornery and sneaky Katrien is and how she pulled up that dirt on Finch. 
All I will say about Silas is that HE IS A CINNAMON ROLL (who will kill you) AND HE MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!
I really loved the way Margaret Rogerson wrote the characters. This was such an interesting story, really I don’t think there is anything quite like it. I couldn’t put the book down and accidentally stayed up until 3 a.m. reading it. So I would definitely recommend this book, 9/10.
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Serpent and Dove
Holy cow. This book was AMAZING! I checked it out expecting it to be good because I saw that SJM had reviewed it and loved it, so I was like “Well, if she thinks it’s good, then it’s gotta be okay.” AND OMG DID THAT BOOK BLOW AWAY ALL MY EXPECTATIONS!!!! 
I immediately fell in love with Lou. Any bomb-freaking-powerhouse of a female automatically owns my heart. All the time, growing up as a girl in Western Oklahoma, I see how unequally women are treated; we are always pushed to the back burner if a man is doing the same thing. One example, my hometown is super big into baseball and basketball. Not softball. (Which is the “girl sport”.) My softball team is constantly ridiculed by the baseball boys because our sport is “easy” and “Anyone can hit that giant yellow ball! Baseballs are way smaller than that. Plus, your pitchers throw it way slower.” ect. ect. If given the choice our fans would choose to watch either of our boys teams in basketball or baseball, and that’s obvious. Their crowds are always bigger and louder. 
Now, I say all of that to say that when I see a proud, dominant, swaggering, female character (Aelin, Lou, Feyre, Jude, and Alina just to name a few off the top of my head), it makes my heart swell with pride. I see them being hardcore and powerful, they know exactly what their worth is. These characters created a taboo around their name’s and will be damned if they let ANYONE push them to the side. And Lou is exactly that. She is so clever and sarcastic; her tongue could shred people to ribbons. She doesn’t take crap from anybody. Did I mention how smart she is? Getting married to her sworn enemy so she can basically hide in plain sight? Pure genius! All I’m saying is that if Lou wasn’t already married, I would make her MY wife. Sorry Reid. haha.
I’ll just say it. I am a SLUT for and enemies-to-lovers trope. I love finding the little moments when you see the characters falling in love with each other just a little at a time. That’s all I’m going to say about this because I could go on and on about this for days. 
Also, a thing that I am seeing more and more of is morally grey characters. AND I LOVE IT! Nobody is truly good, just as nobody is completely evil. Everyone is capable of doing either, but it’s the choices we make that define us. I love seeing these types of characters because it makes them feel more human, more relatable. 
Let’s talk about Reid for a second. He gives me Matthias Hevlar vibes BIG TIME! (I think he also has some Cardan energy going on there too.)“My wife” this or “my wife” that, I love him and he must be protected at all costs. Bless this man who doesn’t curse but f****** loves his wife. I’m really excited to see how his character adapts to his newfound magic and if he will learn to use it. Also, I want to see him get over his fear and prejudice of witches now that he is one. haha. Anyway, I love Reid, and I’m excited to see how he develops in Blood and Honey.
I see a bit of a love triangle forming with Coco, Beau, and Ansel. On one hand you have Ansel, who is very sweet and loyal. He has a great heart. But then there is Beau, who is witty and gives off sexy vibes. He seems like a good guy. And Coco, well, she is so vibrant and fierce and somewhat unpredictable, who knows who she’ll end up with. You know what, I’m going to call it now and say that she ends up with BOTH of them in some very tangled and very dramatic three way relationship. 
I highly recommend this book. If you like Sarah J. Maas, Leigh Bardugo, or Holly Black style books, Serpent and Dove is a great match. I’m just saying that soon this book will soon be on my shelf and now I will begin eagerly counting down the days until Blood and Honey. (and probably reading fanfiction for my book hangover.)
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