Drop the battles you’re holding so close to yourself. Not every battle is worth the fight.
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You keep on making excuses for the shortcomings of those you love, until you arrive at the end of line and realise that you’ve run out of excuses.
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For some people, your life is merely a joke to crack over a cup of tea.
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"Do you know why you pretend to be the bad guy?"
“—Because you think it's far easier for you, if people hated you right from the start, than to have your heartbroken, later; from experiencing their rejection, just because you had failed to meet their expectations—"
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You put knife in people’s hands yourself and get suprised when they use it on you.
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Just keep putting one foot after the other. Baby steps. You’ll get there one day. InshaAllah.
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Often times, the things you desperately wished and prayed for; usually come to you, when you’re too exhausted and drained from fighting for them, for so long.
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It’s easier to be happy in other people’s happiness and not feel a sense of deprivation, when you have your own happiness to celebrate.
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Sometimes, it gets so quiet around you, that you almost begin to feel the silence seeping in to your very existence.
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Sometimes—doing nothing is the best course of action.
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How can you miss someone you don’t know? Someone you’ve never met before—Yet, your heart just aches from the memories of that soul you just—‘know’—Somewhere, somehow in your heart!
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If you change nothing, then nothing is going to change.
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In the end, it all comes down to who you WANT to stay in your life. That’s the only one who you put in effort for. With everyone else, you get used to living without, after a while passes.
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Everyone is working for their own sef-interest. It’s only but a natural human instinct. Learn when to prioritise yourself and when to put others interest over yours.
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Life isn’t about grand gestures. Happiness exists in little moments. Seek those precious moments and appreciate them. You’ll achieve contentment.
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When you can’t control ‘something’, then that ‘something’ will control you.
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Perfection is a delusion. Things will always be a little broken. There will always exist that unknown heaviness in the corners of your heart, from the burden of all that you lost. But if you peer a little carefully, through those broken shards of life, you might be able to catch a glimpse of something beautiful shaping up.
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