fiveten · 7 years
Station II
II : For That Someone
Friday has come and you were really excited to go to Tokyo. You met up with Yuta in the central train station. Yuta wore a black jacket on top of his white shirt and black jeans that matched his white sneakers.
"Ohayo, Y/N. Shall we go?" He said as you both walked towards the gates. "Okay, it will take us an hour or less to get there. So, we'll first head to the resort since this train stops there. We'll drop our bags then head to the city itself.".
You nodded and Yuta handed you sheets of paper which he wrote on. The text featured all the train stations and what you can do there. Of course, you were going to visit Shibuya.
The train ride was quiet. Non of you talked to each other because Yuta was asleep the whole trip. When the train arrived you were in awe of how the station looked like. It was really pretty. You could see the resort on your right.
"Let's drop our bags." Yuta said.
Everything in the hotel was Disney. After dropping off your bags, you headed to the train station to head into the city. The first destination was Shibuya.
Yuta took you to many shops in Shibuya. He even bought you anything you'd point at. Even if you insisted him not to, he still bought it for you.
"Let's go to Tokyo Station. Character street is quite popular over there." He said.
The malls were usually located underground in Japan, mostly in subways. But Tokyo was different the malls were below the subway.
Yuta took you to the Pokemon center where he bought some stuff for himself. Then he dragged you to the Moonmin shop, then to the Jump Shop, and lastly the Tomica shop. He played around at the shops a lot which made you giggle.
After shopping you headed to Ramen street and ate dinner. Yuta was smiling at you when you were eating your ramen.
"What are you smiling at?" You asked.
"You look so cute when you struggle with sipping the noodles." He said as he giggled a bit.
You rolled your eyes at him and continued eating. After dinner you walked around for a while before going back to the hotel. Yuta suddenly held your hands and you felt heat rush to your cheeks even if the air was cold.
When the lights were already out, you headed back to the hotel. You were so excited for tomorrow since you were finally going to a Disney theme park.
When your alarm beeped, Yuta was already done taking a bath. You blushed at what you were seeing at the moment. Yuta was facing the closet shirtless as he dried his hair.
"I'll use the bathroom now." You said as you grabbed your clothes and towel while restraining to look at him.
When you were all set, you headed out but before that you had breakfast in the hotel. Their food was delicious, especially the Tamago.
"DisneySea or Disneyland first?" He asked. A train goes around the whole resort and stops at certain points.
"DisneySea. I heard it's better there." You replied. Both of you waited for the train to arrive since it was on the other side of the resort unlike Disneyland, it's literally outside the hotel.
Once you were there, you pulled Yuta to the first ride there which was Journey to the Center of the Earth. Yuta's hair was a mess after the ride which made him look cute.
"You screamed." You said laughing at him as he ruffled his hair.
"I did not." He replied.
"You did. Just look at your photo." You said as you showed him the photo you bought. Yuta playfully rolled his eyes and grabbed the photo from you.
"You're right. I look like an idiot here." He said as he laughed.
Then you headed to the next rides which you mostly enjoyed while Yuta was quite terrified. He was not a big fan of rides that included drops.
"Hey, I'm tired let's go back to the hotel." You said. You finished early and decided to stay at the hotel to rest since you were going to Disneyland tomorrow.
Yuta was the first to wake up the following morning. He woke you up and told you that he already ordered breakfast.
You washed up and got ready to head out. Yuta sat on his bed as he tapped on his tablet.
"Ready to go?" He said as he put it in his bag.
You nodded and you both headed to the restaurant. The food served was delicious. Yuta bought you some ice cream as desert and continued to Disneyland.
The sun was still low which was perfect. It wasn't too hot nor too cold. Once you entered the park you felt Yuta intertwine his hands with yours. Heat suddenly rushed to your cheeks and you hoped he doesn't notice.
"Is there something wrong?" He asked you.
"N-nothing." You said.
"I'm holding your hand because there's a guy looking at you." He replied pulling you a bit closer to him.
You didn't reply back because you were shy. 'Is he jealous' is all you could think about. Yuta has never done that to you before so everything was all new.
The first ride you went to was Space Mountain. It was your favorite ride at Disneyland. Yuta loved it too. He thinks it was way better than the ones at Disney Sea.
Both of you took photos with the cast members whenever they were going for pictures.
"You two are such a perfect couple." One of the cast members said. You blushed at her words wondering if Yuta heard that.
After that the last ride was Haunted Mansion. Your friends told you that it was not as scary so you and Yuta went together. As the brave girl you are you promised yourself not to get scared but you ended up clinging onto Yuta's arm for dear life which resulted in him calling you cute.
"Let's call it a day." You said. Yuta furrowed his brows.
"Wait. We gotta watch the fireworks. It's really pretty." He said. You agreed and just took pictures all around the park until it was almost time.
Yuta dragged you in front of the carousel which was beautifully lit up. He stopped walking and held both of your hands. The way he looked at you was different, it was in a loving way, a look a friend wouldn't give you.
"Y/N, I've been wanting to tell you something for a very long time. Remember that time we've met at a train station back then? I found out my former girlfriend cheated on me because I walked in on them. I was so sad that I thought of suicide while I was on the train but not until you came. You gave me a warm can of hot chocolate and said something cute.".
"If a person is sad, you should give them a hot beverage to make them feel better?" You said.
"Exactly. But that's not the point, I'm so glad to meet you again in the arcade that one fateful day. I fell in love with you right after. You were just so kind, so delicate." He said.
"What are you trying to say?" You asked.
Yuta placed his hand on your cheek, "I love you, Y/N. Will you love me back?".
Without saying a word you kissed him. He immediately kissed back. It felt like a fairytale. You kissed in front of the carousel which was lit up. You pulled away when you were out of breath and looked directly at his eyes. You could tell that he was so happy.
"Happy Birthday Y/N." He pecked your lips and headed to the front of the castle to watch the fireworks.
this was fun to write
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fiveten · 7 years
A/N; This was written during my one week stay in Japan. I was able to visit many beautiful places and learned to love the country itself which inspired me to write this story.
I : I’m Waiting
The cold air hit your cheek when the train from the other line passed. You were heading back to Osaka from your home in Kyoto. The only way back was by taking the JR lines. The JR trains don't travel underground which is why you hated taking those trains during winter.
Once the train have arrived, you stepped inside and looked for a seat by the window. Even with your scarf it was still cold.
A couple was sat in front of you. The girl had her head resting on the boy’s shoulder as he stroked her hair. You sighed and wondered when will you ever love somebody.
The train stopped and announced that it was the end of the line for those heading to Osaka. You went down and sat at the waiting area. Good thing a heater was open if not your hands would've froze.
You were dozing off when a person suddenly sat beside you. He wore a hood so you couldn't see his face. You took a good look at him since he probably wouldn't be able to see you. He gripped a crumpled box of chocolates in his hand and a red rose. Today was white day as you remembered and he was probably rejected by a girl.
Sooner or later the train had arrived. He stood up before you and you saw him throw the items in a trash bin.
He sat a few rows away from you when you were on the train. It was awfully quiet. Just the sound of the train tracks and the heater was heard. Soon, you could hear the person crying silently. You couldn't do anything about it since he was a stranger. Coincidentally, he went down the same stop as you did. An idea suddenly popped into your head, you ran to the nearest vending machine and bought hot cocoa. You looked for him and saw that he was heading the opposite direction as you are. Without hesitating you ran after him.
"Excuse me," you said as you tapped his shoulder.
The boy took off his hood and boy was he good looking. How could a girl turn him down?
"What do you want?" He said.
"I heard that if a person is sad, you should give them a hot beverage to make them feel better." You shyly said.
He gave you a faint smile and grabbed the drink from your hands, "Thank you.".
"You're welcome." You replied. You turned away from him and began walking the other direction. For some reason, your heart fluttered when he smiled.
It was Valentines day. The subways were decorated with hearts all over the place. You were headed to your apartment in the outskirts of city since it was Saturday the following morning. Your friends had boyfriends so you went out by yourself. You decided to drop by the arcade since it was one of your favorite places to go to after school.
The Initial D racing game was one of your favorites. Winning against your friends was easy. You quickly jogged to one of the unoccupied ones and inserted coins in the coin slot. The machines were usually connected to one another so you battled with strangers too.
Player 2 has joined the session
The game informed. You looked over to where the player was and he looked familiar to you.
The game began counting down so you quickly picked a car. The race went well at first until you reached the midpoint. The boy got some tricks up his sleeve, he made you crash into another car which pissed you off. You never lost in this game. Just as he planned, you lost. You didn't expect that you were going to be this pissed but you were.
"Nice game." The boy said as he stood up and grabbed his backpack.
"Wait!" A little voice behind your head told you to call him. "Have we met before?".
"I don't know. You do look familiar." He said as he took a step closer to you.
"I think we met at the train station about a year ago." You said.
"White day? I don't want to remember. How about we meet again here tomorrow after school? I need to get home, I still have homework to do." He said. He exchanged emails with you then left.
(A/N: In Japan, they use emails not SIM cards since the whole city has wifi.)
The next day you were itching for school to end. You were meeting with the boy at the arcade. Once the school bell rang you ran to the nearest subway station. On the way, you bought some Takoyaki for him.
You stood at the front of the entrance. It was still winter and February is the coldest month, you shivered whenever the wind blew. You took your flip phone out and texted him. He hasn't given you his name so you didn't know what to put as his contact name.
"Hey," you were startled when he suddenly appeared beside you. "I bought you a cup of hot chocolate." He smiled at you.
"Thank you. I bought you Takoyaki, I'm sorry if it's cold." You said as you held out the plastic bag to him with both of your hands.
"It's okay. It's not your fault." He said as he took it from you. "I'm Nakamoto Yuta, and you are?".
"Y/L/N Y/F/N.".
(A/N: Y/L/N = Your Last Name, Y/F/N = Your First Name. Also last names go first before the first name in Japan.)
"What a beautiful name." He said. "Let's get indoors, what about a cafe?".
"Sure." He took you to Café Shibuya and ordered some cakes.
You both talked to each other and got to know each other better within that day but he said he wanted to meet up with you everyday after school which made you even more delighted.
After your hang out you both parted ways. For some reason, Yuta was really fun to be with. He was a humorous guy but he knew his boundaries which is one thing you liked about him.
"Let me walk you home?" He asked when you exited the café.
"Oh no. I can go home by myself. Besides, I'm headed the other direction." You said. Yuta was indeed a sweet guy.
"Okay, see you tomorrow then!" He said.
The following days were fun. He helped you with your homework whenever you didn't get it. Both of you would also meet up outside the school during lunch to give each other a bento since you learned that your schools were near each other.
"Why do you always go out during lunch?" Your friend asked.
You chewed on a stick of string cheese. The teacher didn't really care about students eating in his class. "I give someone a bento.".
"Is it your boyfriend?".
"What? No! I don't have a boyfriend." You said hiding your pink cheeks from your friend.
"You're lying. Or maybe you like him." She said smiling at you.
"Shut up! Sensei is coming." You said trying to get your act together. She got you real good. You do like Yuta. He was the perfect boy for someone shy like you. Someone who's outgoing and playful like Yuta balances you out.
But even if you did like him he might not feel the same. So, you kept quiet never told anyone that you like him. The bell rang and you headed out the school. You left your ID with the school guard and wrote on the logbook.
"Y/N!" Yuta shouted as he waved at you from the other side of the street. You happily walked to the other side and handed him the bento which was wrapped with a red handkerchief with little Charmanders in different poses. "Cute. I hope you like yours.".
Yours was wrapped in a yellow handkerchief with Winnie the Pooh all over it. When you reached your classroom, your friend had already connected her table with yours.
"That handkerchief is nice." She complimented.
"I know. I guess Yuta noticed that I liked Disney." You replied.
"How sweet of him." You friend gave you a funny look.
"What's with that look?" You questioned.
"You love him. And he loves you back. Why don't you confess?" She said.
"What if he loves someone else? Besides, we study in different schools. I don't know what's happening over there." You said dramatically looking out the window.
You opened the bento and saw a note inside that said "Meet me at the Disney Store after school.". You smiled and began eating your lunch. Yuta cooked Chicken Teriyaki really well.
After classes, you headed to the subways and headed for the Disney Store. Yuta was dismissed a few minutes early so you figured that he was probably there already.
When you arrived Yuta was waiting for you with his hands behind his back.
"What do you have there?" You said crossing your arms.
"Surprise!" He said as he held out a stuffed toy of Winnie the Pooh with a tube of lip tint that had Marie as the design.
"Thank you! You've given me too much today." You said, shyly taking the gifts from him.
"There's one more surprise." He opened his bag and pulled out an envelope. "Open it.".
You were curious to see what it had inside so you quickly but gently opened it. You gasped when you pulled out the tickets to Tokyo Disney Resort.
"Do you like it?" He asked.
"I love it! When are we going?" You asked as you hugged him.
"This weekend. We'll travel Friday morning by bullet train. Did you forget it's your birthday?" He asked you.
"I did. How did you know? I never told you." Your parents were out of town because of their jobs so you lived alone.
"I have a friend who's friends with your best friend and I managed to ask." He replied.
"Thank you." You said.
After that you both headed home. You were so excited for Friday to come. As usual you did your homework first when you get home then cook your dinner right after. You smiled to yourself when you tasted how good your cooking was today.
After you were done you prepared for bed. It was quite chilly that night. So, you wrapped yourself with a blanket. Before you slept, you hugged the Winnie the Pooh plushie Yuta gave you.
part 2 will be up soon ^^
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fiveten · 7 years
What Comes Around
A/N: Justin swears here and im sorry for that
Japan, the land of the rising sun. One of the most beautiful places in Asia. But also one of the most mysterious cities. Tokyo may seem to be a busy city, but at night Tokyo becomes a hunting ground for cutthroats. This is Justin's very first mission after begging his team to let him do fieldwork.
The boy was hunting down a guy named Choi Minki. He was a son of one of the richest families in Korea and he is here in Japan for a meeting with a partner company, taking the place of his father.
"There are lots of people in that event, are you sure you can do this?" Kenta said through the jellybean earpiece Justin was wearing. The Japanese boy was a friend of theirs. Their teams used to work together not until Kenta decided to work in Japan instead.
"At first you send me here and now you're doubting me. Why not send Donghan instead?" Justin complained. Kenta might just get on his last nerve.
"Because Donghan is back in Korea for another mission." Kenta replied.
"What about the others? They're doing nothing." Justin replied with a sly smirk.
"They're all doing something! Now just shut up and do your work." Kenta snapped. Justin knew he was pissed since he could hear the boy mutter somethings in Japanese.
"Alright. I'll shut up now." Justin chuckled before fixing his tie.
When the subway doors opened he made his way to the building across the street where the event was held. There, Taehyun was waiting for him with a brief case.
"What're you doing here?" Justin asked as he smiled at the shorter boy.
"I've been told there are metal detectors in there so I came with a plastic gun instead." He said giving Justin the brief case.
"Complete with silencer?" He asked.
"Of course. Now go get him." Taehyun smirked.
Justin smirked back and walked in the building. A metal detector was by the door along side a table. The guards asked him to step aside to check what was in the briefcase. Of course, the gun wouldn't be in plain sight but it was in a hidden compartment. The guard nodded and shooed him away without thoroughly checking the case.
"These guys are seriously dumb. They just look and send you off." Justin said.
"Don't you like that? It makes your job easier." Kenta replied as he tapped a finger on his desk.
"Well, I wanted some fun but anyways, where is he?" Justin replied as he stopped in the middle of the room, examining his surroundings, calculating the fastest escape route incase he gets caught.
"He's at the 5th floor right now, lounge 10. The event is in the function room to your left. I bet you could pretend to be one of his bodyguards by taking one of em down who's heading to the men's restroom right now." Kenta said.
Justin looked to his right and saw the person Kenta was talking about. He followed him into the men's restroom before locking the door behind him. He entered one of the stalls before taking his gun out and placing it behind him, leaving the briefcase.
"So, what are you here for." Justin asked as he washed his hands. The guard was right beside him.
"None of your business." The guard replied grumpily.
"Okay. Well, I'm here for Choi Minki. I heard he was in town and I just needed to see him." Justin said with a cute smile.
When the man looked at him dead in the eye as if he was about to punch him, Justin pushed the man towards a stall, kicking his hind legs to make him fall.
"Goodnight." He said as he pulled the trigger against the man's head.
"Nice job. Who knew you'd be able to handle a big guy with your skinny little body." Kenta teased.
"Shut up. I doubt you'd be able to do it." Justin replied as he placed his gun behind his back. He could hear Hyunbin and Sanggyun laughing behind his earpiece.
Justin proceeded to the 5th floor as he took the bodyguard's key card. He watched as the other men walked around the floor, keeping an eye on their prized boy. He knew he needed a way to divert their attention and the control room was the perfect place.
Every floor had a control room at least since it was some kind of convention center. Justin looked at the floor map and found out the control room was just 2 lounges away from where Choi Minki was.
He made his way to the door of the control room. Justin checked his surroundings if anyone was watching. A surveillance camera was watching, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and covered it. Knowing that doors would be locked Justin studied how to pick all kinds of locks. Luckily, the control room had a simple lock on it which he was able to figure out quickly.
"Kenta, if I hook you up to the server will you be able to control it?" Justin asked.
"Taedong can. I'm all eyes and ears here." He said as he laid back.
"Hyung?" He said.
"On it." Taedong replied as he quickly tapped on the keyboard. "Got it. Cameras down on your signal.".
Justin left the control room to head to Choi Minki's lounge. A bodyguard was stationed outside his lounge. Justin needed a quick plan to get him to leave and to his luck he knew exactly what to say.
"Hey, they found a briefcase in the men's bathroom. They want you to check it out." Justin said.
"Right now?".
"Yeah, right now." He replied. The guard hurried down stairs. "Stupid. He didn't even check if I had an ID.".
The room required a key card. Justin tapped the card against sensor which opened the door. And there he was, a million dollars of cash right before his eyes.
"Why'd you come in here?" Minki asked as he looked at him confused.
"Sir, there is suspicious activity going on down stairs and I was asked to keep an eye on you." Justin politely responded.
Minki nodded and continued to drink his wine. Justin once again studied his surroundings to see if he could take advantage of anything in the room. An empty wine bottle which I can use to hit his head and there's a fire escape right outside the window. Justin thought. He carefully went behind as to not look suspicious.
"You scared me! I didn't know you were behind me." Minki said.
Justin sighed and stood behind him as if nothing happened. This guy was a real scaredy cat. He got his hands on the bottle neck. When he felt it was time he hit Choi Minki on the head with the bottle causing it to break into pieces. But to his luck, the guard came rushing back into the lounge.
"What do you think you're doing!" The guard said as he saw a knocked out Choi Minki.
Justin didn't say a word. He went after the guard since he knows he only has one bullet left and he's not wasting it on this guy. Justin attempted to head lock the guard but instead he got stabbed at the side with a knife. He felt the guard twist the knife against his side.
"That fucking hurt." He hissed. Justin knew a technique JungJung had thought him which could instantly kill a person. He held onto the guards head tighter and when he felt the guard weaken a little he twisted his head, instantly killing him.
"Are you okay? I heard you curse." Kenta asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just got stabbed. It's nothing too serious though.". Justin panted. Blood was dripping out of the wound but he still had a mission to finish.
Choi Minki was awake once the fun was over, leaving him alone with Justin.
"W-who are you? Don't kill me please." Minki begged.
Justin smirked and took the pistol from the guard he killed, "After getting stabbed by one of your men, you think I'm going to let this pass?".
"Y-you should! If you k-kill me you'll be in a heap of trouble." Minki said as he wiped the blood off his forehead with his hand.
Justin didn't say a word. Instead he shot Minki on the leg making him cry out in pain. The boy shouted for help but of course no one would be able to hear that.
"Remember, you rented a sound proof room. Not even the sound of a gunshot can be heard outside." Justin said.
Minki continued to shout for help. Justin smirked and pulled put the special gun he brought. He loaded it with the last bullet and shot Minki right in the middle of his forehead.
Justin suddenly felt the pain of the stab he received on his side. He hissed at the sharp feeling. Slowly, he made his way out of the room, trying to keep his wound hidden behind his black blazer.
"A black van will be waiting for you at the entrance. We'll meet you there." Kenta said.
"Got it." Justin grunted. He left no trace not even a bullet in the room for him to be untracked.
When he reached the first floor guards were scattered everywhere. Searching for Justin. He knew there was a vent that led to the back of the building near the men's restroom.
"Kenta, change of plans meet me at the back of the building. There are guards searching." He said as he quickly walked towards that area.
Luckily, the vents were hidden in plain sight and was big enough for him to fit in. Justin unscrewed the opening to the vents, slowly placing the heavy metal bars on the floor. He crawled through the vents as quietly as possible.
When he finally reached the back he waited for the black van behind the dumpster to avoid getting caught by lingering guards. The van arrived immediately after the guards left the back. Yongguk helped Justin to get in the van.
"Is he okay?" Sanggyun asked as he tried to look at him using the mirror.
"He's bleeding heavily. Didn't you think this through?" Yongguk asked as he grabbed a first aid kit from below the backseat.
"I thought I could take him." Justin grunted at the pain.
Yongguk did his best to keep the blood from oozing out of his side. When they finally reached HQ, Sanggyun and Yongguk carried Justin out the van and onto an operating table.
Yongguk was a trained surgeon he knew what he was doing, "The wound is quite deep but not fatal but since you lost a ton of blood it's now fatal.".
"You're bad at delivering good news, aren't you?" Justin weakly said.
"Don't talk." Yongguk commanded as he quickly disinfected his wound then stitching him up.
It's been a week since his mission and his wound still hurt like hell.
"Could you do things a little bit more slowly?" JungJung asked as he watched a pained Justin trying to get up from his bed.
"I can't I'll be wasting my day if I do so." Justin replied.
JungJung sighed and stood up to help Justin get off the bed.
"Be more careful." JungJung said as he pecked him on the lips.
Justin smiled and thanked him before slowly walked off to the kitchen. Hyeongseop was already up and about on his PC.
"What are you doing so early?" Justin said as he rubbed his eyes.
"I'm trying to buy us some new weapons. JungJung complained that the silencer was broken." Hyeongseop replied without taking his eyes off the monitor.
Justin shrugged and made himself a cup of hot chocolate. He sat on the living room couch and turned on the TV. The first thing he saw was the news about Choi Minki. A sinister smile appeared on his face as the reporter proclaimed that they caught the murderer.
"Aren't you a sneaky little killer." Seunghyuk said as he sat beside the boy.
"I sure am." Justin chuckled.
It was his first mission but he enjoyed it even if he did get hurt. Well, you could say that it was part of the job.
How was that?
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fiveten · 7 years
school has started and sadly my writing needs to come to a halt :(
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fiveten · 7 years
Just like old times (Jaehyun x reader)
Warnings: mentions of past suicide attempt
The last time you saw him was your middle school graduation. He wore a huge smile on his face as he held the bouquet of flowers in his hands. As his closest friend, it was normal for you to walk up to him but today you hesitated.
It suddenly felt like something was going to change and you were right, something did change. The following year he was gone without a word. No call, no text, no nothing. It pained you to know he was gone. You thought you were never going to see him again but here you are, standing face to face under a tree in one of the coldest days of winter.
“Hey. Do you still remember me?” He said, letting out little clouds of his breath.
“I do. H-how’ve you been lately?” You replied, lowering your head to keep your neck warm.
“Fine. I’ve been studying well. How about you? What are you studying?” He replied.
“Multi Media Arts. And you?”.
“Performing Arts.” He replied. You suddenly remembered that Jaehyun wanted to be an idol.
“Let’s go somewhere warm and besides, this huge gap between us is making me feel awkward.” He said grabbing your hand and dragging you along with him. For some reason, your heart fluttered at the sudden action.
Jaehyun took you to his favorite coffee shop not too far from the university. The warmth felt good especially when you finally held the warm beverage he bought for you.
It’s been a while since you met. You forgot how to speak to him even. It made you wonder if he was still the same Jaehyun you knew back then, the one who’d only speak if spoken to. Jaehyun returned to your table with a tray. He bought some donuts for the both of you.
“It’s been so long.” He said sipping on his cup of hot chocolate.
“I know. Have you been accepted into a company?” You asked. Maybe by now he was accepted, just by looking at his appearance people should be recruiting him now.
“Not yet. I’m waiting for the right moment.” He replied.
You were shocked to hear his response, “You have to audition now. It’s now or never.”.
Jaehyun was really musically talented besides his charming looks. He’d drag you to the music room after school just to sing you songs and play some instruments. He is bilingual too which was beneficial for him to connect with people beyond Korea.
“Could we meet each other tonight? I have something to say.” He said.
“Why not say it now?”.
“I want it to be just like old times. Like when we met at Han River whenever I texted you that I couldn’t sleep.” Jaehyun replied.
“You idiot. Always making me anticipate.” You said. He got your number before you parted ways outside the coffee shop.
Jaehyun was always your closest friend. He loved your company and so did you. You were both inseparable, somewhat like siblings. But deep down you’d feel butterflies in your stomach when he smiled or laughed. It made your heart flutter when he’s happy.
You kept those feelings to yourself. You thought it was best, scared that you’d ruin your friendship if you told him how you truly feel. When your phone vibrated you knew it was Jaehyun. You texted him that you were on your way without truly knowing where he was.
But your instincts were telling you he was at that convenience store you’d always hang out at. The autumn wind blew softly, regretting not bringing your jacket with you. You quickly entered the convenience store saw a black mop of hair behind an isle.
“Jaehyun?” He turned around with a huge smile on his face.
“I thought you wouldn’t come.” He said.
“Why wouldn’t I?” You placed a hand on your hip.
“Because everyone is busy. We’re in college, we don’t have that much time.” He replied grabbing a bag of honey butter chips.
“But it’s you. I have to make time for you.” You replied.
Jaehyun showed a faint smile and went to the counter to pay for what he bought. Both of you went outside and sat at a bench facing the river. The other side of the city was lit up. It is true that Seoul never sleeps.
“So, just like old times.” You said.
Jaehyun didn’t reply. He stood up, leaned on the railing and just stared at the water. He remembered when he came there alone, standing on the edge of the bridge thinking if he should let go. But then you came right before he did.
The worried look on your face made him stay. Deep down he knew he loved you too, he’s just denying it. Upon looking at you he hoped over the railing to the safer side and walked up to you.
“What were you doing? If you died I wouldn’t know what to do. I’ll probably die out of sadness.” You said as you began hitting him.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know what I was thinking.” He said hugging you tightly.
He smiled to himself and regretted not telling you he left. It was one of the most painful things he’s done.
“Hey, I think you have something to say.” You said poking his side, receiving a soft gasp from him.
“I don’t know how you’d feel about this but I just wanna tell you that I like you.” Jaehyun looked into your confused eyes.
All this time he shared the same feelings for you, “I like you too.”.
p>“Then is it okay if I do this?” He kissed you, cupping your cheeks with his huge hands. When he pulled away, you panted then smiled up at him. He leaned down to peck your lips once more, “I love you so much.”.
A/N: I didn't know how to end it so here it is.
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fiveten · 7 years
Around (Assassin! JungJung)
A/N: I'll be using JungJung instead of Zhengting cuz more fans know his stage name rather than his real name.
Warnings: Violence
It was just a cool night in Seoul. The usual Friday party going on in clubs all over town. JungJung walked around looking for a certain person. In times like this his job is harder than ever before. He had a call earlier saying they wanted the man dead by tonight. He sighed before hanging up. His plans for tonight was to rest and watch some lame TV but either way it was still a boring night. The yellow hoodie he was wearing and the black backpack made him seem like a normal person, not to mention he looked like a college student.
"His name is Hong Eunki. He's in a near by strip club. I bet you could spot it by now." Hyeongseop said. The jellybean earpiece was difficult to spot and quite uncomfortable too.
"Got it. A strip club once again." He muttered under his breath.
The club was packed and had way too many drunk people. JungJung scrunched his nose whenever someone got too close to him.
"I swear I hate clubs if someone touches me my gun is just a few meters away from my crotch." JungJung said as he was desperately trying to get out of the horny crowd.
"Try not kill someone your not supposed to." Hyeongseop said. "Anyway, he's up stairs. He's also alone, Jung.".
"Found him." JungJung safely got to the 2nd floor of the club and saw the person he was after drinking alone.
For a boy he was always called handsome, someone other boys would crush on. Mission that involved charming other people was easy. JungJung easily slid beside Eunki before starting a conversation with the man.
"Aren't you a little too drunk." JungJung stated.
Eunki stared at him before replying back, "Maybe. Life's tough these days and sometimes you gotta loosen up.".
"Well, what brings you here?" JungJung studied the boy's movements. He seemed like a well behaved person from a not so rich family but he's got some problems under his nose too.
"I'm just tired I guess. But would you like to go somewhere more private?" The boy asked as he placed his drink on a near by coffee table.
"Gladly." JungJung followed the boy down stairs to one of the private rooms. "And this is when you say goodbye." He spoke to the person behind his earpiece.
"Why? I'd love to watch how you do your dirty work." Hyeongseop said with a smirk on his face.
"Just do it. Don't even try to find a reflection to bounce off on." He said before shutting the door to the room. JungJung set his bag on the chair as Eunki sat on the bed that was situated in the middle of the room.
"So, let's talk about you. What are you doing here?" He asked, looking at JungJung up and down.
"I don't really know. My friends called me but they were no where to be found. Then I saw you all alone and thought you needed some company." He stood closer to where Eunki was.
The boy slowly stood up from his comfortable position. He looked at JungJung dead in the eye as he placed on a hand on his cheek. JungJung had closed the gap between them. Eunki kissed back ever so deliciously.
This is one of the moments when JungJung decides whether he should have some fun at least or just finish it off fast. Since he had an impatient client he would rather finish fast even if he would like to have some fun. When he pushed Eunki against the edge of the bed he pulled out his gun without breaking the kiss.
"I'm sorry.".
"What?" He pulled the trigger, shooting him behind his head.
"Good thing I always bring a towel and some extra clothes." JungJung wiped off the blood that splattered on his face. "What's the deal with this one anyway?".
"Well, that's not for us to know. Anyway, clean up and head back before midnight." Hyeongseop leisurely sipped on his coffee as he watched his computer screen display the room JungJung was in. "You've been working out pretty well.".
"Why won't I? It's part of the job." He fished his extra clothes from his bag before heading out.
JungJung's job wasn't legal but it did pay high. He could've been an idol with his good looks and flexibility but instead he chose to work in the dark. Fame was never something he wanted.
He arrived at the base an hour before the deadline. The team welcomed him back with a hug. JungJung set his bag on the couch and watched as the team waited for one more arrival.
"Nice job. I envy you for doing fieldwork." Seunghyuk said as he sat beside him.
"It's not fun when they fight back though." He recalled that time when someone stabbed his leg and it was all bloody. It was the worst job he's ever taken.
"Euiwoong-ah, we need to buy a new silencer." JungJung placed his gun on the table where Euiwoong was and was surprised when the team suddenly cheered.
The team cheered when they heard the doors to the base close. He was here. Their youngest member is back from his job.
"Is it bad that I liked it?" Justin asked as he placed all his bags on the floor.
"Welcome back, Minghao." JungJung hugged the younger boy. It was his first fieldwork and it's nice too see him still in one piece.
"Okay, that Minki guy is a rich boy who gets startled so easily. I had to increase my patience for this which was not that bad, I didn't know I could hold out for that long." He said as he shrugged. "Anyway, I bought some things from Japan. I hope you'll like them.".
Justin was quite young for all this but it didn't stop him from trying some fieldwork. JungJung had encouraged him to do so since Justin was quite experienced. The boys headed to their own rooms. Euiwoong and Hyengseop together, Seunghyuk alone, and JungJung and Justin in one room.
"So, how was Tokyo?" JungJung asked as he shed off his shirt to changed into some comfortable clothes.
"Nice city. Nice food. Nice everything." Justin lied down on his bed and scrolled through his phone.
"Better than China?" He asked.
"Definitely." Justin shifted to face JungJung's bed which was at the other side of the room.
"So, how was the mission?" He settled himself on the bed with one of his elbows propping up his head.
"I don't know. It was fun I guess. I got stabbed on my side but I'm fine. Anyway, playing around with Minki was fun. He was scared easily so killing him was quite a hassle since every second or so he'd call some bodyguards." Justin said. He let go of his phone and lied back down.
"Aren't you still hurt?" He asked. JungJung was concerned for the younger boy.
"Not much." Justin pulled up his shirt to show him the gauze on his side. "What about you? How was your mission?".
"I hate strip clubs as you already know. I also had to kiss the boy and he tasted like chocolate vodka.".
JungJung sighed and lied back down. For some reason he enjoyed that mission. And just like that, he fell asleep, wondering what his next task would be.
A/N: And this is when I apologize for killing Eunki :((
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fiveten · 7 years
I will post more from my drabble dump tomorrow :)
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fiveten · 7 years
あなた誰 ? (Yuta x reader)
A/N: this was based on Kimi no Nawa. You don't really have to watch it to understand this. This is also quite lenghty and I appologise for grammatical errors if ever I missed some.
Sometimes you'd wake up with tears streaming down your face, unable to remember your dream. It was all new to you, were you the only one experiencing this or was it normal for teens your age? You don't know.
The sound of your phone woke you up making you fall off your bed. You groaned and patted the part of your head that collided with the floor. You sat on the floor for a little while, hearing your own voice call out to an unfamiliar name.
"Yuta-kun?" You said, his name felt so unfamiliar on your lips. Who was he? Why was his name popping into your head?
It's been years since you've had the strange dreams. You used to hate it but now you're craving it somehow. A boy always kept appearing in your dreams, you weren't seeing him but instead you are him, in his body, living his life.
Memories about those dreams were nearly forgotten. Just pieces of them such as places and names could still be remembered but the whole dream was just lost. Those dreams began to vanish when you entered your senior year. It was as if the boy in your dream had a life too and he was also busy. You missed those times you woke up with writings all over your body. Phrases like;
'Who are you?'
'What happened today?'
'Did you do something weird?'
Were written either on your skin or a notebook that remained open on your desk. When you figured that it couldn't be a dream anymore, you established some rules with the boy. Both of you made sure to leave feedback of what happened during the day on your phone's notes.
But even if you leave notes on each others body, once you erase his name he is almost gone. There was no way to remember his name besides looking your notes. You tried saying his name over and over again but after a few seconds his name was just forgotten.
You placed your contact number on his phone and he did the same to you and for some reason you couldn't contact each other. When you finally decided you wanted to meet him, you skipped school and went to Osaka.
When you arrived at the main station you tried contacting him but no one was picking up. That's when you decided to walk around the city, assuming that if you see each other you'd immediately know.
Osaka was a beautiful city. It was something new to your eyes. Dotonbori was one of the liveliest places you've been to. With the little money you brought, you bought some Takoyaki to satisfy your hunger. It was the best tasting Takoyaki you've eaten.
After your short break you resumed walking. Your feet hurt but you wanted to meet him, wondering what he'll feel about it. Would he be glad or would be think you're annoying? You have to find out.
The day was coming to an end and you haven't found him. Maybe today was not the right day. You thought. You headed to the train station and waited for the next JR train to arrive. The sky looked different in Osaka. It looked duller than back home.
When the train finally arrived, you saw him. You weren't sure but it looked like Yuta. You made your way to his car and went in front of him.
"Yuta-kun? Yuta-kun." You said before he looked at you. He was so handsome, his facial features were so perfect. Kind eyes, pointy nose, and soft lips. He looked unreal, like a manga character. "Do you remember me?".
"Who are you?" His words made you blush in embarrassment and also that he was so close to you.
"Never mind." You said facing the other way.
The doors opened and the people behind you pushed you out. You were quite disappointed that he couldn't remember you but non the less happy with seeing him in person.
"Hey! What's your name?" Yuta shouted, trying to reach out to you beyond the people who exited the train.
"My name is Y/N! Don't forget me!" You shouted back. You removed the blue and white traditional bracelet you were wearing and threw it to him.
Yuta caught it and when he did, he fastened it on his wrist. He examined the bracelet closely. It was made from the finest cloth in all of Japan, something someone from a prestigious family would own.
The following morning Yuta woke up with tears streaming down his face. But he wasn't sad about anything. He didn't even dream about anything.
"Why am I crying?" He said as he wiped the tears off his face.
He couldn't remember anything from his dream not until he felt the bracelet on his wrist. He examined it, trying to recall where he got it from.
"Y/N?" All he could remember was your name. "Who is she? Is this hers?" He asked himself.
As for you, you also woke up in tears too. You pondered if Yuta was also experiencing the same thing. And that moment was the last time you experienced a switch.
It's been years and every time you woke up it always felt like something was missing from you. It felt like some part of your life was taken away so suddenly. You recently moved to Tokyo. All your belongings were being placed inside your new apartment. Boxes of all your important things were being placed in the living room.
After the movers emptied out their truck you payed them their fee and left. You carried the boxes that contained all your bedroom needs to your room while the others were left at the living room.
While unpacking you discovered a notebook which you owned ever since High School. It was like a diary that had many drawings in it but you know the drawings aren't yours, simply because you don't draw well. So, you shrugged and set it aside for you to read after unpacking to avoid getting carried away.
When the sun set it was time to call it a day. Most of your things were unpacked so it's time that you rest. You didn't have anything to cook so you decided to go out to buy some food. You dressed yourself in a simple yellow shirt paired with jeans and your black jacket topping it off.
You bought some Takoyaki and Chicken Karaage for take out and headed home right after. You set the table for yourself and began eating the food you bought. It tasted so good after working your butt off on unpacking. When you finished, you decided to do the dishes tomorrow instead since you were tired.
The bedroom was all set and you gladly let yourself sink into the mattress of your bed. You sighed as you turned to your side. The notebook sat at the beside table, you sat up and held it with both of your hands as you examined it. The blue cover was chipping off slowly from time.
The first thing you saw on front page was a name. Nakamoto Yuta. His name was written in black ink which covered the whole page. When you turned to the next page all you saw was nothing but a date and his name. Confused, you turned to the other pages and saw the same thing. But at the very end it said; Let's meet in Tokyo.
It confused you more because you didn't know who he was. It was as if he'd been part of your life before. Maybe this was a step to what you were looking for. The past years had been weird for you, it always felt like you were looking for a person or place.
You shrugged it off when you felt your eyelids become heavy. You immediately fell asleep once your head touched the soft pillows. You don't dream when you sleep but this time you did. And what a weird dream it was.
You were walking around Tokyo with an umbrella above your head since it was snowing heavily. When you walked on a bridge, you heard the sound of a bell softly ring. You stopped in your tracks to see a man walking away from you. You were somewhat drawing to him but you hesitated and kept walking away.
Then you were suddenly in a subway station. What was odd was that you could smell bread, and scent wasn't a part of dreams. The place looked familiar to you. You boarded the train once it arrived. There were a lot of people at this hour so you had to squeeze yourself in.
It was 3 stops away from your destination and every time the train stopped you accidentally bumped the boy in front of you. He looked awfully familiar and right at that moment you heard a bell ring, just like the one on the bridge.
"Yuta-kun!" You woke up from your sleep, saying his name over and over again. It's been a while and tears were streaming down your face. You wiped it off with the back off your hand.
Today was an unusually windy day. Unpacking was set aside since you were going to your college to register. You dressed yourself in warmer clothes, grabbed your backpack and you were headed out. The university wasn't too far from where you were staying.
Dozens of people were walking around the subway station at this hour. Strangely, you heard a bell ring, just like the one in your dream. You looked to the right and saw him staring at you. Your eyes widened when you realized it was really him. A wall divided you and you were staring at each other through the transparent glass that acted as a design.
Without hesitation, you ran towards the exit of the station. All those years of searching must come to an end. You ran to the gates of the university knowing that it's the mid point of the other side of the station.
You froze when you saw him appear around the corner. He was panting and so were you. You looked down at your feet and started walking towards him. A bell rang once again when you passed one another, it felt painful this time. You were about to turn to the corner when you heard him speak.
"Haven't we met before." He said, you stopped on your tracks, trying to hold back your tears. But you couldn't, you let it go.
"I thought so too." You said as you wiped away your tears to face him.
"Is your name Y/N?" He asked walking a bit closer to you.
"Yes, and you are Yuta." You replied walking towards him too.
Yuta was crying too. He hugged you and that was when you knew you found him, the person you were looking for.
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fiveten · 7 years
항상 당신과 함께 (Taeil x reader)
A/N: This is pretty short but I hope you enjoy it still
You were sitting on the balcony of your apartment. All you could do was look at the stars, waiting for him to come home. It's been weeks since you haven't seen each other. You missed him. You missed waking up next to him, seeing him peacefully asleep with his arm draped your stomach, keeping you closer to him.
The busy city of Seoul shined below your shared apartment. The sounds of cars, chatter, and even animals could be heard. The cool air hit your skin lightly in which you slightly shivered. It relived you to know that somewhere in this city, he was working hard.
You were amazed at him for dropping college for his dream of becoming a singer. That was why you loved him. While you were reminiscing those days before he was an idol, you were slowly falling as sleep.
Taeil unlocked the door to your shared apartment hoping you didn't stay waiting for him. He quietly checked your bedroom and found no one in there. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion. He checked back at the living room again but you weren't there.
He called your name but no one was responding. He looked everywhere but you weren't home. When he was about to call you, he saw that the balcony was open, it was only covered with the curtains.
He stepped outside and saw you leaning on the balcony's railing, peacefully asleep. He smiled to himself and slowly lifted you up bridal style. Taeil carried you to your bedroom and lowered you onto the soft mattress. He lied down beside you and kissed your cheek.
"I missed you so much."
He said. Taeil had so many things to tell you.
"I'm sorry if you had to stay up at night waiting for me even if I didn't come home."
"I'm sorry for not being like most guys who'd always be with their loved ones."
"I'm sorry for not being able to kiss you and hug you most nights."
Taeil wasn't aware that you were listening to him. You opened your eyes and turned to look at him. He smiled at you and kissed you. Taeil tasted of chocolate, one of the little things you missed about him.
"Wherever you go I'll be right here waiting for you. Every single sunset. Every single time." You said smiling up at him.
"I love you so much." He said.
"I love you too." Once again, you closed the gap between you two before falling asleep in his arms.
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fiveten · 7 years
Switch (no pairing)
A/N: I wrote this a long long time ago but decided to post it just now in Tumblr since I didn't have time to fix my blog. This is also cross posted on AO3
Warnings: Major Character death
It was a warm afternoon in Cheongdam-dong. Taeyong, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Johnny, and Ten were heading to Incheon airport for the SM Rookies show in Bangkok. Taeyong was very excited to board the van when he spotted the go pros in the back seat. Jaehyun climbed in after him, almost bumping his head against the camera at his side. After that Doyoung, Ten and Johnny climbed in the front seat, in awe of the many go pros attached all over the seats.
"Sawadeekap! We are heading to Bangkok, Thailand!" Ten enthusiastically said. He waved at the camera along with the other members.
Once they left the building Ten started talking about Bangkok since they asked if he missed being at home. Of course he did, it's been a year since he'd seen his family. Who knows what his younger sister had been doing. What if their family dog died and no one bothered to tell him because it would break his heart. Questions like those kept running through his mind.
"Hey, let's listen to Taeil hyung's song. You know, to calm us down." Doyoug said as he pulled out his phone and grabbed the aux cord from the noona in the front seat. "Listen and download Taeil hyungs song. You won't regret it.".
"What's with the sudden advertisement?" Johnny said as he laughed. Doyoung shrugged and sank back down on his seat, softly singing to tune.
Ten looked out the window and noticed how packed the highway was. Cars and trucks were either traveling to the provinces or to Incheon airport. The cityscape was long gone, all Ten could see was rice paddies and lines of trees with healthy green leaves. Upon looking at the scenery before him he thought of something he wanted to do with the members. He wanted to take them to his school. His school was quite big and he wanted to show the members where he studied, where he probably ran around shouting 'I will become a Kpop idol and become the best dancer ever!'.
"Okay, here is your schedule for tomorrow. Take a good look at it because you might finish early and might want to do some extra activities." They handed them a piece of paper. When Ten held it he felt the paper cut his finger. He squeezed the area to see if there was a wound and indeed there was.
"You've got a paper cut. Noona, do we have a first aid kit?" Doyoung said as he took the paper away from Ten's hand. Doyoung grabbed the first aid kit from the noona's hand and immediately treated Ten's wound. "Tell me if it hurts.".
Ten watched as Doyoung wiped the blood of off his finger. The red liquid seeped into the white tissue paper. Doyoung put alcohol on the tissue then onto the bandage and placed it on his finger. Ten winced at the stinging pain he felt. Doyoung mouthed a sorry and returned the first aid kit.
"I feel weird." Johnny said. All the members looked at him weirdly, waiting for him to continue talking. "I just saw a motorbike accident, and now Ten got cut. Today just feels off.".
"Maybe it's just a coincidence." Taeyong said, trying to lighten up the mood. They all nodded and relaxed in their seats. When it was too quiet Doyoung began singing Switch. Soon Jaehyun joined in until everyone was singing. But Ten wasn't paying attention to them. He was constantly looking out the window, trying to see if there was something that could calm him down. The paper cut he got earlier made him feel uneasy.
"How far are we from the airport?" Ten asked the driver. They were at another tollgate.
"One more hour. This is the last tollgate we'll be passing." The driver said.
Ten closed his eyes and slept. During his sleep he could hear tires screeching and the sound of metal being crushed. Gravity felt weird. It's only a dream. He thought. When he opened his eyes he saw the van had toppled over. He looked to his side and saw Doyoung pleading for help. Ten looked at where his hand was and saw scrap metal from the van pierce his stomach. He tried to look away from all the misery he was seeing but when he looked to the other side, Johnny was unconscious. Blood was dripping out of his temple.
The car was at its side by now. Ten was about to move to see if the driver was conscious but he felt a sharp pain on his leg. There was debris from the wrecked car crushing his leg. Ten couldn't help but whimper, feeling his bones get crushed every time he moved. He looked everywhere, his eyes darting from left to right, looking for a sign of help. Instead, he saw his friends at the backseat. Both were unconscious and bleeding. All of it seemed unreal. So, he closed his eyes and thought that if he slept, it will all go away. They'll be in the airport when he wakes up. But that isn't how it went.
Ten woke up on a stretcher. An oxygen mask was placed over his mouth. He could hear sirens and people crying. His vision was blurry but he could make out the figure placed beside him. It was Jaehyun, his skin was paler than ever. His lips were colorless, and his face looked so peaceful as if nothing bad had happened to them. He moved his hand and felt another person beside him. Ten used all his strength to move his head towards the other side. He couldn't seem to figure put who was beside him. But whoever it is was clearly dead. He didn't have an oxygen mask on and had a lot of blood lost from his head. Before Ten could hold whoever's hand that was to say goodbye he was lifted up and placed in the ambulance.
"He's conscious. Let's get him to the hospital. Quickly!" One of the medical staff said as he hooked him up to a new oxygen tank.
Ten couldn't tell how long it was until he reached the hospital. The bright lights above blinded him. The people around him were panicking, checking every inch of his body for life threatening wounds, and also talking to him to keep him awake. But then he feels tired, his body was going to give up on him anytime now. The nurse beside him was telling him to hold on but he couldn't. He closed his eyes and hoped that everything will be okay.
"Okay, here is your schedule for tomorrow. Take a good look at it because you might finish early and might want to do some extra activities." They handed them a piece of paper. When Ten held it he felt the paper cut his finger. His brows knitted together and for some reason he's seen it happen before.
"You've got a paper cut. Noona, do we have a first aid kit?" Doyoung said as he took the paper away from his hand, "Tell me if it hurts.".
For a moment Ten sat there in confusion, "Did I doze off when I was looking out the window?" He asked.
"You were. You were actually nodding off." Doyoung said as he tried to stifle his giggles.
Ten thought about it for a moment. Without hesitating, he asked the driver to turn the van around. For some reason, the accident he saw in his dream appeared on the daily news the next day. It was like turning on a light switch.
A/N: HAHAHAHAH I love my own plot twist :3
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fiveten · 7 years
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— 【EXO-CBX 】for Nylon Japan
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fiveten · 7 years
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f1 drivers + helmet colors
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fiveten · 7 years
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Jungwoo n’ Lucas SR17B💜💛
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fiveten · 7 years
White butterflies are asscoiated to death but it means purity so maybe it is a reminder that Winwin shouldn't dream to be in the modern world because the power he possess is quite strong and near the of the Without You MV we see people taking a test while some black liquid is being injected into them it could mean that people already know of their existance and they would want to do the same since it is a way of having an endless life
Jaehyun was checking on them and he was also wondering why he couldn't see Taeil with Doyoung and the girl. He now takes time to recall his dream since he forgot. Just fragments of his dream come back to him which is the images I talked about in the previous paragraph.Taeil also left not just because he didn't like seeing Doyoung and girl but because he also saw the images Jaehyun has seen but he's seen more. So he wakes up and finds Winwin to tell him what he saw. Soon, Doyoung will know about it too so he wakes up too.
NCT U teasers/MVs could be connected to one another
“Hatred that will not go away and dreams that torture me.” A little boy is stuck in the desert. He is helpless and alone. That little boy soon meets a girl who helps him. He feels safe with her but she suddenly disappears which makes him sad but then water finally appeared he was finally contented because he’ll be able to live but of course he is in a desert, he is alone and couldn’t find a way out so he decides to sleep. And when he slept he learns that he can control his dreams, he can decide whether or not he wants to make up that is also why he saw the girl, he was dreaming when he met her but he wasn’t able to control it yet so he woke up.
“Mindlessly going around until I close my eyes
I’m doubting this moment, between dreams and reality.” Since he is in his dream state, he decided to go live in China in his dream. He grew up alone so he worked in a tea house as a teen, living there as he paid off his dues. But after his shifts, he takes time to reflect. He remembers his memories and begins to dance. But before he danced, a white butterfly landed on the teapot which could symbolize death but I don’t think there are any signs of death. So the boy decides to sleep and creates a dream within a dream which is set in Seoul where he is living in the city this time. That boy is Winwin. He is the little boy in the desert.
“In this cold world, I’m closing my eyes
Laying down in bed, covering my ears.” There will be a time skip and it will jump to the 7th Sense teaser where we will see Taeyong who just woke up. He woke up in a typical house which is commonly seen in movies where the setting is at desert areas. It shows that Taeyong is involved with Winwin. Later on he is seen in an abandoned building along with Hansol, Ten, Mark, and Jaehyun. The abandoned building is probably a hideout since at the beginning, the windows are lit by light which are probably search lights. They are probably a team, Winwin is helping them enter their dream state too.
Another time skip will happen. Everyone has completed their dream state training. They also meet new people who are Doyoung and Taeil. Both were friends since they were young. They also had a female friend they had liked who unfortunately passed away. Because of this the two beg Winwin to teach them how to enter the dream state so that they could be with their dead friend in their dreams. Soon, they were able to enter their dream state too. Doyoung had liked their friend so much that Taeil didn’t want to confess because he will break his friend’s heart. The children seen talking in then Without You MV are Taeil and his friend. They’ve been friends ever since, Doyoung just came along the way.
“In the same dream I hear a familiar song that calls to me It connects us.” & “Each day repeats but it’s okay.” When they enter the dream state, they learn to share it since Winwin had thought them to do that. Doyoung was so happy to see their friend again that he insist that they stay for a while. From time to time, Jaehyun checks on them but later on he notices that Taeil isn’t happy anymore. That is why he is seen reflecting on what he was seeing since he contributed to teaching them how to enter their dream states. Soon, Taeil can’t stand seeing them together anymore, he probably finds it hard to express his feelings so he decides to leave. He jumps out the window and wakes up.
“I’m only filled with late self-guilt.” At some point in the MV, Doyoung is seen alone with a gloomy facial expression. Maybe he found out about Taeil and now he’s guilty. But during that time Winwin and Taeil meet in a train. They probably talked and Taeil says that what Winwin did was a mistake, it was a mistake to teach them how to connect.
“Your dreams are being read
 It’s being awakened from a deep sleep
 My seventh sense.” I’ll end it here I’ll wait for Dream in a Dream to be released since the info in the previous MVs/teasers aren’t sufficient enough to support this theory.
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fiveten · 7 years
NCT U teasers/MVs could be connected to one another
"Hatred that will not go away and dreams that torture me." A little boy is stuck in the desert. He is helpless and alone. That little boy soon meets a girl who helps him. He feels safe with her but she suddenly disappears which makes him sad but then water finally appeared he was finally contented because he'll be able to live but of course he is in a desert, he is alone and couldn't find a way out so he decides to sleep. And when he slept he learns that he can control his dreams, he can decide whether or not he wants to make up that is also why he saw the girl, he was dreaming when he met her but he wasn't able to control it yet so he woke up.
"Mindlessly going around until I close my eyes
I’m doubting this moment, between dreams and reality." Since he is in his dream state, he decided to go live in China in his dream. He grew up alone so he worked in a tea house as a teen, living there as he paid off his dues. But after his shifts, he takes time to reflect. He remembers his memories and begins to dance. But before he danced, a white butterfly landed on the teapot which could symbolize death but I don't think there are any signs of death. So the boy decides to sleep and creates a dream within a dream which is set in Seoul where he is living in the city this time. That boy is Winwin. He is the little boy in the desert.
"In this cold world, I’m closing my eyes
Laying down in bed, covering my ears." There will be a time skip and it will jump to the 7th Sense teaser where we will see Taeyong who just woke up. He woke up in a typical house which is commonly seen in movies where the setting is at desert areas. It shows that Taeyong is involved with Winwin. Later on he is seen in an abandoned building along with Hansol, Ten, Mark, and Jaehyun. The abandoned building is probably a hideout since at the beginning, the windows are lit by light which are probably search lights. They are probably a team, Winwin is helping them enter their dream state too.
Another time skip will happen. Everyone has completed their dream state training. They also meet new people who are Doyoung and Taeil. Both were friends since they were young. They also had a female friend they had liked who unfortunately passed away. Because of this the two beg Winwin to teach them how to enter the dream state so that they could be with their dead friend in their dreams. Soon, they were able to enter their dream state too. Doyoung had liked their friend so much that Taeil didn't want to confess because he will break his friend's heart. The children seen talking in then Without You MV are Taeil and his friend. They've been friends ever since, Doyoung just came along the way.
"In the same dream I hear a familiar song that calls to me It connects us." & "Each day repeats but it’s okay." When they enter the dream state, they learn to share it since Winwin had thought them to do that. Doyoung was so happy to see their friend again that he insist that they stay for a while. From time to time, Jaehyun checks on them but later on he notices that Taeil isn't happy anymore. That is why he is seen reflecting on what he was seeing since he contributed to teaching them how to enter their dream states. Soon, Taeil can't stand seeing them together anymore, he probably finds it hard to express his feelings so he decides to leave. He jumps out the window and wakes up.
"I'm only filled with late self-guilt." At some point in the MV, Doyoung is seen alone with a gloomy facial expression. Maybe he found out about Taeil and now he's guilty. But during that time Winwin and Taeil meet in a train. They probably talked and Taeil says that what Winwin did was a mistake, it was a mistake to teach them how to connect.
"Your dreams are being read
 It’s being awakened from a deep sleep
 My seventh sense." I'll end it here I'll wait for Dream in a Dream to be released since the info in the previous MVs/teasers aren't sufficient enough to support this theory.
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fiveten · 7 years
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fiveten · 7 years
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