i--s--b · 4 years
#funfacts #theyogawithin #upanishads #vedas #learningbasics #learnbasics #yogaeverydamnday #mylifemyyoga #spirituality #indianculture #motivation #idoyogaathome #aryans
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i--s--b · 4 years
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i--s--b · 4 years
The 8 Limbs of Yoga
“Yoga is seeing life the way it is. – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”
      I.         Introduction
The word “Yoga” comes from “Yuj”which is a Sanskrit word meaning “yoking” or “union”. Therefore, yoga is all about fusion of mind, body, emotions, soul and spirit. Ashtanga or Raja Yoga or simply Eight Limbs [Ashta (eight) + anga (limbs)] of yoga are the eight steps to be followed towards a meaningful and purposeful life, hence, attaining a state of “purusha” or pure being. It is a method of practical spirituality which acts as a prescription for self-discipline, ethical and moral conduct, healthy lifestyle and acknowledging the spiritual aspects of the world around us. It acts as a means to progressive unification of consciousness and progressive purification of a human being. 
Practicing the eight limbs can help us in better and deeper understanding of insights and intuition; nurture our inner calm balance to combat the outside circumstances and expand strength and resilience.
     II.         First Stage: YAMA or Discipline
This stage sets the ethical standards of integrity, our own behaviour and conduct. It deals with self-control and has 5 moral obligations.
a)     Ahimsa or Non-violence – Our intentions, words and actions are scrutinized through the lens of compassion and self-awareness. Non-violence does not mean that one becomes an easy meat but to be benevolent and well equipped to deal with foxy schemes of the outside world. This also means that while practicing yoga asanas, one is respecting his/her bodily limitations and is patient and persistent in achieving a particular posture without getting frustrated.
b)     Satya or Truthfulness – This talk about being truthful, dedicated, devoted and enthusiastic in whatever you do. It increases one’s authenticity and genuineness.
c)     Asteya or Non-stealing – This means appreciating the concept of give-and-receive. We must not steal, cheat or be envious of others’ goodwill, affection, attention, property, money or goods.
d)     Brahmacharya or Chastity – Understanding the things which adds up or drains out your vital energies and finally abstaining from them. A model approach to this concept is doing things in moderation and ensuring loyalty and fidelity in relationships.
e)     Aparigraha or Greed lessness/ Detachment – A yogi must not be greedy to collect the postures; his main motive should be to attain perfection with constant practice. One must also practice detachment or letting go off things and accepting the changes.
  III.         Second Stage: NIYAM or Restraint
a)     Saucha or Cleanliness – Maintaining the cleanliness of body, mind and soul by following simple practices like keeping the immediate environment tidy and clean, bathing, following proper diet etc.
b)     Santosha or Contentment – Contentment means appreciation and gratitude for everything you have. Accepting the things around and concentrating on the good elements.
c)     Tapas or Self Discipline – Tapas means to glow, shine, change and transform. It is practicing the art of channelizing our energies in the right direction.
d)     Svadhaya or Self-study – It means self-studying, self-realization, self-awareness, self-inquiry and self-reflection. One has to be committed to the process of learning.
e)     Ishvara Pranidhana or Surrender – It is devotion and dedication to the supreme power. It is a powerful state where the mind is courageous enough to let go the selfish desires and ego.
   IV.         Third Stage: ASANA or Posture
The Asana or posture should be Sthira (steady, strong, compact, static and courageous) and Sukham (comfortable, joyful, good, gentle and virtuous). Practicing Asanas makes the body master the art of sitting in meditation for long periods. It increases our concentration and discipline. We are familiar with a lot of asanas already as we have been practicing the basic Hatha yoga.
a)     Forward Bends – They are a give a good stretching to the hamstrings and calve muscles, improved digestion, relieves stress, anxiety, headache and insomnia.
b)     Back Bends – They stretch the chest and lungs, stimulate thyroid and pituitary glands, therapeutic to asthma, back pain, infertility and also strengthen the arms, legs, abdomen and spine.
c)     Balance Postures – Improve the balance of the body, strengthens legs and ankles.
d)     Twists – They provide a gentle massage to the abdominal muscles and organs, stimulate brain, relieve back pains and hip pain and strengthen the spine.
e)     Inversions – They are good for digestion, therapeutic for asthma, infertility and insomnia, relieve the symptoms of menopause and calm the mind, thereby reducing stress.
     V.         Fourth Stage: PRANAYAMA or Breath Control
Pran means life or vital energy and Yama means control, therefore Pranayama means conscious awareness of breath or control of breath. By working on the way we breath, we can mould our minds. E.g. Ujjayi Breath or Victorious breath is a combination of both asana and pranayama; Nadi shodhan pranayama, Kapalbhati etc.
The first four stages were focussing on the body, breath and improving our personality. Now moving towards our inner selves, we have the next 4 limbs as follows.
   VI.         Fifth Stage: Pratayahar or Sense-withdrawal
Pratayahar teaches us to draw our sense inwards and be aware of our internal landscape. When we are in Savasana, we are silently observing how intensely we have worked out, how our body is reacting to reacting to the sounds, air around, temperature etc around but we do not respond. In such a position we are not asleep but our subconscious mind is still functional; it is a state of conscious sleep. It is simply heightening one’s inner awareness.
The last 3 limbs are interconnected and aim at reaching the highest level of oneself.
VII.         Sixth Stage: DHARNA or Concentration
Dha means holding and Ana means something else or other; therefore, Dharana is fixing our minds to a particular point which can be either our chakaras or some outside object. It quietens and calms the mind.
VIII.         Seventh Stage: DHYANA or Meditation
It is a deep state of meditation without the object of focus.
   IX.         Eighth Stage: SAMADHI or Ecstasy
Union of true self is samadhi. It is a state of hyper conscious with no-thought and no-mind that leads to true spiritual freedom.
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i--s--b · 4 years
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A man without patience is like a lamp without oil #lamp #patience #iphonex #iphonexphotography
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i--s--b · 4 years
Well the movie shikara has nothing to do with the sufferings of Kashmiri pandits. It’s a sweet little love story based out of the Kashmiri plot. If you are looking for the real atrocities the KPs have gone through, then this movie is not the one. Instead of “shikara - an untold story of Kashmiri pandits “ - it should be names as “shikara - a love story of Kashmiri pandits “.
We should be obliged to Vidhu Vinod Chopra to make mockery out of the emotions of every Indian who was expecting to see the reality and the acts of brutality KPs have gone through. He has carefully maintained the level of so called “secularism” and “diplomacy” of which Hindus are paying the price in their own motherland. The movie simply did not connect on the emotional front. The only thing on which we should give credit to VV Chopra is that shikara happens to be the first movie on this crucial topic. Hoping to see the truth in the upcoming movies.
#shikara #vidhuvinodchopra #kashmiripandits
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i--s--b · 4 years
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#travel at your own pace - you will #arrive #goadiaries #goa #iphonex #iphonexphotography #nofilters #portraitphotography #turtle https://www.instagram.com/p/B7BberPltdOX1xqSqceIBK4wbGlHEH4-sUIZtk0/?igshid=18duyfuwqg7r0
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i--s--b · 4 years
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#dreamer #dreams #portraitphotography #iphonex #iphonexphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/B6gPLFzlbY7sOEgwtJLf-btu9qUe8d31p2Yhkc0/?igshid=6utnhxzda34g
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i--s--b · 4 years
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#happiness is the #best #makeup #iphonexphotography #iphonex #portraitphotography #merrychristmas https://www.instagram.com/p/B6gIQIGlwLr-fv4PJIrBFUtEqINsJvS5pY06XA0/?igshid=vb7jqdt6jdks
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i--s--b · 5 years
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The moon is a loyal companion.
It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human.
Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.
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i--s--b · 5 years
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All things beautiful that give you peace are worth chasing. Everything else isn't.”
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i--s--b · 5 years
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Some where in the middle of tranquility!!
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i--s--b · 5 years
Wo Raat Bhi Kuch Ajeeb Thi
Wo raat bhi luch ajeeb thi
jo baaton baaton mein nikal gai
na tune kuch kaha 
na maine kuch suna
bas sannato mein nikal gai
wo raat bhi kuch ajeeb thi
jo baaton baaton mein nikal gai
dil ki hum kuch kar na paye
pata na chala kahan jaye
aansuyo se bhara tha wo call 
par keh na paye koi bol
wo raat bhi kuch ajeeb thi
jo baaton baaton mein nikal gai
kisse ban kar reh gaye wo pal
sab ho chuka hai beeta hua kal
kaise bhula du tujhe
bas yahi na sujhe mujhe
wo raat bhi kuch ajeeb thi
jo baaton baaton mein nikal gai
continue this poem and mail to [email protected]
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i--s--b · 5 years
So it happened like this - I and my husband had not gone for a holiday for 6 months now and we were very desperate for it. Suddenly it came to our mind to visit JimCorbett. We stay at Dehradun so its like 6 hours from our place. This resort was suggested by father's friend. Since it was a sudden plan so we were not expecting much of it. We just wanted a room to spend the night. But the moment we reached there, we were actually amazed by the kind of ambiance this resort offered. So they have a number of cottages with 2 rooms on each floor (ground floor and first floor) with a living room and kitchen area. The rooms are well maintained, clean with garden area for each cottage. There is greenery all around. We reached there on a Sunday around 4 pm and were allocated room within 5 mins. We checked in and went for Spa #Tatava. The staff there - Mr. Artish and the massager- is convivial. The rates are nominal. After we were done with  #spa, we went for #dinner. The dining area is a huge lawn with #restaurant on one and river #kosi flowing on the other side. Our waiter was Mr. Yogesh Nainwal who was very cordial and served us extra snacks as we were enjoying our beers ;). The dinner and breakfast are included in the room package. They have a variety of dishes in the buffet. The next morning was our jungle safari. From the hotel, the safari gate was 20 km away. We had to start at 5:30 am. The hotel makes arrangements for your early morning tea and biscuits. The #safari happens in a modified jeep with an open roof and trust me early in the morning - having cold breeze hitting your face while you drive down - is an amazing feeling. Our driver was Mr. Alam and the guide was Mr. Anil Chuadhary (who joined us at the gates of #JimCorbett). They have immense and deep knowledge about the Jungle and the wildlife. The jungle is huge and it's refreshing to hear localities talking about tigers and their stories. Overall it was a noce experience and a refreshing one indeed.  Thanks, Mr. Jeena for all the arrangements. 
Do let me know about your stay. Mail me at [email protected]
You can go through the below link for more reference. 
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i--s--b · 5 years
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i--s--b · 5 years
2 stories to begin with -
1. Nokia refused Android
2. Yahoo refused Google
Story Over :
Lessons Learnt
1. Take risks
2. Embrace changes
3. If you refuse to change with time, you might perish
Ok 2 More stories -
1. Facebook takes over whatsapp and instagram
2. Flipkart takes over Myntra and flipkart owned Myntra takes
over jabong & now Flipkart is taken over by Walmart
Story Over
Lessons learnt
1. Become so powerful that your competitors become your
2. Reach the top position and then eliminate the competition
3. Keep innovating
2 More stories -
1. Colonel sanders founded KFC at the age of 65
2. Jack Ma, who coudnt get job in KFC, founded Ali baba
Story over
Lessons learnt
1. Age is just a number
2. Only those who keep trying succeeds
Last but not the least
1. Lamborghini was founded as result of revenge of a tractor
owner who was insulted by Enzy Ferrari, the founder of ferrari
Story Over
Lessons learnt
1. Never underestimate anyone, ever!!
2. Success is the best revenge
Just keep working hard!!
Invest your time wisely!!
Do what pleases you!
Dont be afraid to fail.
#entrepreneur #talk #founders #moment #indian #inspiration #strong #vg #socialimpact #coffee #day #fail #body #need #alibaba #india #hope #innovation #black #cafe #yahoo #flipkart
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i--s--b · 5 years
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i--s--b · 5 years
Bravery is learned and like anything learned, it just needs to be practiced
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