malibubarbiebabe · 1 year
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You guys should read my books on Wattpad
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malibubarbiebabe · 1 year
Ok soooo I was dating this girl
Yes ik crazy right?
Anyways she was my first REAL relationship. I fell for her quick asf and I thought she did too.. every time we were together we would listen to music, watch movie, and stay up till like 2 AM just talking. I was head over heels. 
 We had been together for almost a year when I got a text from her on inst. It said something like “I don’t wanna be that person yadda yadda yadda but I think we need to break up and I don’t want to say it’s not you it’s me but that’s exactly what it is” 
I cried for about 30 mins outside, in the cold. I couldn’t sleep for DAYS and I was very depressed. I shut everyone out and didn’t talk much and I really still don’t. Every time someone asked me out I declined because of the fact that I was afraid they would leave.
One day a while later someone in one of my classes asked for my discord, which normally I would have not answered cause when me and her were together I didn’t really talk to ANYONE else cause I didn’t think I needed to. But I gave it to them and one thing led to another we have this little friend group now.
I have a crush on one of the guys in the server and I think he likes me too. We do play Fortnite every now and then and i hope it goes somewhere.
The point is don’t dwell on past relationships because there might be something just as good if not better right in front of you.
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malibubarbiebabe · 1 year
I’m back
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malibubarbiebabe · 2 years
Mha Headcannons (Himiko Toga)
First of all she LOVES to drink your blood and turn into you. She says it makes her look sexy.
She’s VERY possessive of you and her friends. If anyone even looks at you to hard she’ll try to kill them.
You guys met at a party and bonded over your love of rock music. The song that brought you together was “I’m not a vampire” By Falling in reverse.
She always watches scary movies with you even if you’re as scary as I am. She like it when you scream and cuddle up with her.
She always picks you up when you’re down literally and figuratively. If you start crying she’ll try to make you smile with big hugs.
When you’re sitting down anywhere she just calmly walks over to you and sits on your lap. She doesn’t say a word.
You guys take A LOT of pictures together. She has like 3 hard drives full of pictures.
You guys get up at about 2:30 AM to sneak into the mall and get new clothes for dates and hangouts.
LAST ONE: She calls you a bunch of different nicknames. Her favorite one is “Blood bunny”.
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malibubarbiebabe · 2 years
Mha Headcannons (Hanto Sero pt2 Spicy vrs)
First of all he obviously has a bondage kink. He never fails to tie your hands up when doing the deed.
I feel like he’s a straight up person and whenever he’s in the mood in public he’ll make you sit on his lap so you know how hard he is.
He 100% dirty talks to you in Spanish when you’re in public. It makes you embarrassed and he likes it.
When a someone tries to hit on you he just pulls your shirt down slightly just enough so they can see your hickeys. He’s not ashamed.
He gets high every now and then and it always makes him in the mood.
If he’s in the mood but you’re not he’ll do ANYTHING to try and seduce you into giving in.
He will degrade you in Spanish. But he’ll also call you “Mi amor” when you’re done.
Be prepared for 3-5 rounds. He will not stop until he has his full release.
Whenever he’s on the verge he’ll curse in spanish which is HAWT.
LAST ONE: If he catches Mineta looking at you to much he will just walk over to you and grab your butt. No hesitation or shame.
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malibubarbiebabe · 2 years
Mha Headcannons (Hanta Sero)
I feel like he LOVES cuddles in warm cuddly blankets. It’s a must have when it comes to naps and sleep.
He has a random dancing mode where he just grabs you and dances with you at random moments. He likes to hum music that he likes while you’re dancing.
He teaches you Spanish in his spare time which makes you feel really special. You guys talk about people in Spanish sometimes like about how rude Bakugo was or how much of a prev Mineta is. When you mess up he finds it cute because you get all frustrated. (We all know you’re adorable especially when you get mad).
If you guys are fighting he’ll tie you up so you can’t storm out. He’ll pretty much try to work it out with you until you stop fighting.
He’ll definitely tease you about how much taller than you he is. (If he is taller than you Ik he’s taller than me I’m 5′3).
People expect him to get super jealous when you hang out with the Bakusquad but he doesn’t. He knows that you won’t do anything because he trusts you.
LAST ONE FOR NOW: Fridays are his days. You spend all day with him on Fridays. Their known as “Hang days”.
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malibubarbiebabe · 2 years
In the making of my OC’s new villain outfit 
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malibubarbiebabe · 2 years
Mha Headcanons (Shoto)
I have been waiting for this one
Shoto is defiantly more of a homebody. He doesn’t like going outside because of the possibility that he will bump into Endeavor.
I feel like it would take some time for him to open up to you. But once he does he will trust you with his life.
The poor thing doesn’t know how to deal with you being sad so he’ll just sit next to you and pat your head. It does end up working.
If you tell a joke that he’ll try his HARDEST to stay serious but he’ll end up laughing which is adorable.
He’s overly protective of you. Like he watches over you 24/7.
At first he is too nervous to sleep with you but once he does he won’t be able to sleep without you in his arms.
He’s very insecure about his scar but when you hold his face you but it softly which he likes.
He has tried to use slang a lot but doesn’t really understand it so he ends up failing.
He doesn’t really like matching outfits but if you get him a matching hoodie then he’ll go over the moon.
You once bought him a “Endeavor sucks” hoodie and he loved it. Now it’s his favorite hoodie.
LAST ONE FOR NOW: He talks about you all the time to Deku. You and Deku find that adorable.
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malibubarbiebabe · 2 years
The purge
Ok is it just me or does anyone else have the idea that a REAL purge minus the murder part would be pretty cool??
Like it’s just like the purge, ALL illegal things are legal except murder which is still illegal. 
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malibubarbiebabe · 2 years
Mha Headcannons (Kyoka Jiro)
Your tomboy-ish girlfriend is HERE
You obviously met her at a concert. Probably a rock concert at that.
You guys always go for music dates or go dancing. Even though neither of you can dance.
She’s SUPER protective over you and doesn’t let anyone touch or even look at you too hard. You like it but sometimes if feels like a little tooo much.
She always lets you borrow her clothes because she like you in them. She often tells you “It looks better on you than it does me.
She always sleeps on her back to that you can lay on her stomach and cuddle. She would often roll over on you which she finds hilarious.
You guys don’t really buy luxury clothes. You both think their pointless. What’s the point of paying a couple of hundred dollars for something that you are only going to wear once?
She has obviously taught you to play at least ONE instrument. She finds it her duty as a music lover.
Instead of holding hands you cross your ankles when sitting and interlock your thumbs when walking around in public.
She is an amazing secret keeper. if you tell her something she will not tell a single soul.
She often lets you do her makeup even though she doesn’t really wear it. You’re the ONLY person that can though.
LAST ONE: She always pokes you with her earphones. It means she wants attention. You would be sitting there on your phone and not paying her attention so she would poke your hand or your leg to get you to look at her.
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malibubarbiebabe · 2 years
Mha Headcannons (Deku)
It’s the sweet broccoli baby’s turn.
First of all he is a MAJOR matching outfits guy. Every time you go shopping he picks out at LEAST 3 matching outfits.
He loves to let you do his hair. He sits there while you braid or put bows on his hair. After you’re done he would look at it and praise how good it looks.
He loves cuddling. Any chance he gets he cuddles you. you normally don’t mind until he won’t let you go for work. Then it’s a problem.
Every time you wear one of his shirts or hoodies he goes crazy. He thinks it’s cute. Unless of course you touch one of his all might hoodie them he has a problem with it.
Whenever you are on patrol and people come up to you to get autographs he gets a little bit jealous. Especially if they are obviously flirting.
He love Love LOVES when you make him home cooked meals. He loves your cooking he says it makes him feel “Safe”.
If your sad or something he’ll always find a way to take your mind off of the situation wether it’s taking you out or just staying in and watching movies.
LAST ONE: You guys always volunteer to babysit Eri. You see it as a way to get used to there being a kid around. He loves kids.
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malibubarbiebabe · 2 years
Mha Headcannons pt3(Eijiro Kirishima pt2)
ready for round 2 of Red Riot? This is going to be a more spicy subject headcannon.
If it’s your first time, he would be very gentle. He would put your comfort and enjoyment before his own. If you finished but he didn’t and you didn’t want or couldn’t continue he would just smile it off and take care of it himself.
He would push you to have a safe word and if he even thought you were uncomfortable he would make you say it. You would always feel bad about stopping him but he really didn’t mind as long as you were happy.
He’s the adventurous type that would try different positions and ways with you. He’s a top but he wouldn’t mind switching it up every now and then.
If you are like me and act like a freak online but are really a proper person(Don’t know pronouns) who hasn’t even had sex yet, I do think he would respect your choices. 
He would ask permission before even telling his friends about you guys. he would say you are best friends until you are ready.
He defiantly had a few shark onesies, plushies, and underwear. he thinks their cute no matter what anyone says.
He’s the type that would love to have matching outfits for special occasions like Christmas party or even just a regular date night at home.
He would let you do his makeup because he loves how much you love it. 
he thinks your focused face is adorable. he copies it just to annoy you sometimes.
LAST ONE whenever he is on patrol he would be on facetime with you 24/7 unless he gets into a fight. He doesn't want you to see him get hurt. He cares too much about you for that.
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malibubarbiebabe · 2 years
Any thoughts on multilingual bakugou?
watching japanese shows with him with english subtitles. him being allowed to only half pay attention because he can listen to what’s being said. when he reads the subtitles too he’d be like, “he didn’t say that, he actually meant—,” he just sounds all smart and knowledgable and SHIT LIKE THIS WOULD TURN ME TF ON LOL
him reading books in japanese and not having a clue what anything says. always bothering him asking what it’s about. when he cuddles you when he’s reading and you’re barely even able to read japanese (and you can’t understand it at all), so when you open your eyes from your half nap you point at random words, “man. dog. house.” and he’d always find it cute lol, whispering in your ear what’s happening.
also going to his fave japanese restaurant wherever you live and he always talks to them in japanese but does the ordering in english so you understand too. but when the waiter asks you in japanese what you’d like, bakugou goes to translate but you can already assume what he’s saying. so you point and try to pronounce things. it’s also because there’s romanisation under the characters. and both bkg and the waiter smiles at you trying. he even asks if you want a drink and you understand drink so you reply with what you’d like in english lmao AND AFTERWARDS bkg would be playing with your feet under the table like, “you’re so fuckin cute.” ALWAYS thinks you’re cute when you try with his language. “also it sounded like you said grass and rice.” because the words sound similar and you’re mortified.
his iphone is in japanese. you can never read his notifications even if you wanted to LMAO unless someone texts him in english of course.
and then with him knowing other languages it would be so entertaining in public when he hears people talking about him or you loudly. in line with you buying some clothes and he mumbles to you, “those two ladies are saying we’re a very attractive couple. sayin we’d have pretty babies.” “what??? who???” and he nudges his head in their direction, “right behind us. talkin in spanish.”
also i’d like to hear him talk mandarin or a chinese dialect. i think that would have me like oooooooooo
and i always think it’s old ladies making loud comments in their own language assuming people don’t understand them lol “he is so big? such a big guy!” and he just turns around and glares at them. “you’re chinese?” they ask in mandarin and he replies back in the same language, “no.” and you standing next to him looking at the encounter like ??????
and HIM CATCHING PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT YOU ALL THE TIME !!!! you waiting on a bench with all the shopping bags while he goes and gets your bubble tea or coffee. two guys standing there talking french or arabic or something. they’re both talking about going over and talking to you, that you’ve probably got a boyfriend but could maybe still get your instagram or something. and bakugou listens to the whole conversation, glancing over at you looking out the window then at your phone. “yeah don’t do that.” he says in whatever language they were speaking and they freeze. “what?” “she’s got a boyfriend and no she won’t give you her instagram.” and just the way bakugou looks he’s scary lol so they aren’t trying to argue with him. one does ask, “are you the boyfriend then?” and bakugou glares, “yes. fuck off.”
and he’d stomp back to you with your drink sliding it over to you with a kiss to the top of your head. and he’d sit opposite you with his arms crossed. “what’s up?”
“those two guys were planning on getting your instagram? didn’t know i understood french.”
“ooo you little eavesdropper.”
“not eavesdropping when they’re talkin so fuckin loud.”
“what else they say?”
katsuki frowns and pouts, “you enjoy other men talking about you?”
“it’s nice to know people think i’m pretty,” you shrug.
“i tell you you’re pretty all the time?!”
“i know and i love you so much,” you hush him, grabbing his chin from across the table to kiss his face. you thrust your drink at him, “wanna try?”
he does, then grimaces, “too sweet.”
LASTLY BEING AROUND when his mother is arguing with him. all you understand is when she says KATSUKI and he says MOTHER. sitting with your hands in your lap because you can’t make out how serious it is either when you can’t see their faces with them being in the other room. or maybe it’s your first couple times meeting his mother so you don’t realise this is common between them. when bkg comes back to get you you’re like “is everything okay? should i go?” and he shrugs, “nah she’s just pissed i forget to buy onions.”
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malibubarbiebabe · 2 years
Mha headcannons pt3(Eijiro Kirishima pt1)
Ok so he will have 2 or maybe more parts to his because he’s a sweet angel.
Anyways I defiantly think if you’re sad he’ll cuddle you. he probably won’t let you go until he makes you laugh. OR until you say you can’t breath. He hates it when you’re sad or upset.
When you’re walking anywhere whether it’s home or if you’re going somewhere he’ll ALWAYS hold your hand. He wants people to know that you’re taken. 
On date nights he’s always going above and beyond. Not just opening doors for you but also taking you to the most expensive place he could find AND insisting that he pays. If you try to pay He will probably SNATCH the money out of your hand and say something like “It makes me look more manly if I pay” 
He’ll defiantly show you off to all of his friends. Even if you got to the same school. in the same class. With the same people.
If you’re ever nervous he’ll make you sit on his lap while he rubs your head to calm you down. even though it get embarrassing in public I’m sure you don’t mind.
LAST ONE. Whenever it’s that time of the month he’ll do anything he can to help you out. He’ll cuddle you but will have a pillow in between you so you don’t bleed on him. he’ll try to go out and buy you tampons but he always gets embarrassed going into the store.
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malibubarbiebabe · 2 years
Ok Guys SOOOOOO I was thinking that since I still have school😭 I will probably start a Head cannon schedule. I don’t know exactly what days but I think I’m going to post AT LEAST 2 days a week. Sadly though I will not be online on weekends because of family reasons🤷🏽‍♀️
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malibubarbiebabe · 2 years
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Ok but it took HOURS😭
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malibubarbiebabe · 2 years
Mha headcannons pt2(Denki Kaminari)
I’m back Dolls
Anyways I think here are some Sparky boi⚡
I feel like he’s such a soft person. he’s very caring and affectionate. If you ever get sad or upset he’ll hug you and tell you that everything will be ok. Seeing you cry would probably make him cry too.
His love language is DEFFINATLY touch. He’ll always just hold your hand out of nowhere or scoot so close to you that your shoulders are touching. it’s obviously adorable.
He’s for sure bad at expressing his emotions but when he does it’s flowing like a water fall. If he were the one to confess to YOU he would most likely have been pushed by Kirishima (Probably my next head cannon) because he wanted to do it a while ago but never had the courage.
Whenever he short circuits he gets extra clingy. He’ll want cuddles 24/7. if you’re even gone for 1 SECOND he’ll start yelling at you in gibberish. You’d always laugh but that would make him more mad.
people always call him the dumbest person at UA. You always hated it but he would say it’s fine. but you would catch him crying or just sad a lot to which he says it’s nothing. You have to practically pry it out of him.
LAST ONE. You knew that he had a thing for Jiro and you had the suspicion that he also liked Shinsou. You weren't upset by this if fact you agreed that when ever he wants to try with either of them you would back off. it hurt but it was the right thing to do.
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