notreadytofail · 5 years
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July Moodchart!
Ik this isn’t really studyblr related but I recently got a bullet journal and decided to do a drawing for my mood chart! I hope it’s not too bad, July 1st and 2nd are the eyes so far.
I hope everyone’s had an amazing June ❤️❤️
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notreadytofail · 5 years
I’ve been out of school for two weeks now, and that’s about as long as I could go without getting antsy. During any break I always find myself not knowing what to do, so I’ve decided to try and get a general overview of next semester’s classes. 
Before that though, I received my report card for last quarter! Keep in mind, I spent 3/4′s of my junior year in an online school which negatively affected my grades, and when I transferred back to a normal school I had been told I’d most likely need summer school and/or to repeat my junior year. 
My final grades: 
US History: 100
Pre-Calculus: 80
Personal Fitness: 88
AP English 3: 91
Physics: 73
My final exams: 
US History: Exempt 
Pre-Calculus: 80
Personal Fitness: 100
AP English: 93
Physics: 97 
I’m so thankful that I got the opportunity to transfer, and that I took it seriously. I know I could’ve done much better, but I’m glad that I am both spending summer out of school and I am a senior. I’m thankful that I was also able to document some of the things I did on here, and for the inspiration and motivation I received!
Remember to acknowledge your hard work and be proud of how far you’ve gone. 
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notreadytofail · 5 years
3 Weeks Left
Technically it’s less than 3 weeks but still! We’re so close to the end of the school year, and even though I recently transferred to a normal high school it feels like it’s way too soon!
Next Tuesday is my first final, which is for Physics. It’s going to be split into two days, then Thursday is my actual Physics ‘final’ which will be a CBA. Whichever I do better in will be my grade for the final! Next Friday will be my Physical Fitness and AP English finals. Then that following week is everything else!
So far this week I have:
Finished all my late precal assignments
Wrote a Synthesis Essay for AP English
Created a review for my US History final
Critiqued my own College essay assignment for AP Eng.
Began reviewing Physics with an AP Physics book
Played way too much Sims 4
My last braincell:
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notreadytofail · 5 years
One Test Down
Yesterday I finally did my STAAR for US History and I feel really confident about it! I’m pretty sure I missed a specific question because I mixed up two separate events, but besides that I gave it my all and hopefully I get a score that reflects that! 💜💜
After the test I’ve been having to quickly adjust back to focusing on all of my classes since I did prioritize US History for the test. I have a lot of Precal hw to catch up on and a test over our current unit tomorrow so wish me luck!!
We’re almost in summer! Good luck to everyone prepping for finals 💜
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notreadytofail · 5 years
Hi guys! I’ve been gone for nearly two weeks and I’m so so sorry about that! I hit a couple of days where I wasn’t as productive as I felt I should be, so I just didn’t post. On days I was really productive I still didn’t post bc of the guilt of randomly stopping the challenge.
Moving forwards I think I might just give updates on my productivity, share any cool pictures I might’ve taken, and list my achievements! So no more productivity challenge since I’ve got basically a month left before summer starts. Summer I might try to learn either Korean or Spanish to stay productive and not get restless. 
I hope everyone has a great day and remember to take care of yourselves! 
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notreadytofail · 5 years
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(8/100 Days of Productivity)
Good afternoon!! I hope everyone had a good Monday! Mine went well for the most part, I received a bad grade on an AP practice packet for AP English and even though I’m not taking the AP test I want to do my best for more advanced tests in the future. Also I received last Friday my essay over The American Dream back, and I got an 80! I would’ve gotten a higher grade if I managed my time better but it’s a start ❤️
Also I wanted to sort of show what I’ve been doing recently, which is making a to do list in my journal during the school day, and marking down important dates like tests and quizzes! I write it down then transfer most of it onto my weekly planner which I put on my pin board (? Idk what it’s called).
Today I:
Finished my Precal hw
Did a physics practice over circuits
Finally drew a unit circle with all the radians
Reviewed for my US History test Wednesday
Binge watched Detroit: Become Human djdjdj shhh
Probably not as productive as most people were today and that’s okay! It was more of a relaxed day once I got home.
Last but not least I’d like to thank everyone whose ever liked or reblogged one of my posts! It really brightens my day so much and motivates me when I have a bad day so thank you so much 💜💜💜
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notreadytofail · 5 years
i’m back!
i have been somewhat active over the past few months but my original content and actual dedication to this blog has dwindled significantly due to final exams that ended in march (i have never been happier to see the back of certain subjects).
now, the pressure is much less and the existential crises are limited so i’m hoping to get back on track with posts and updating this blog.
it won’t be changing much but it will become a partial lawblr because i will be giving a law aptitude test at the end of two years and it requires a lot of very hard work. moreover, i’ll be studying subjects i genuinely enjoy having dropped the more tedious ones and that will probably motivate me to be more regular than i have been.
if you’re an active studyblr, i’d love it if you reblogged/signal boosted this so i have you on my dash. i will be unfollowing some of the inactive blogs and cleaning up my feed now that i have the time and the willingness.
have a great day, everyone!
lots of love, geets.
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notreadytofail · 5 years
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(7/100 Days of Productivity)
I haven’t posted in two days mostly because the only productive thing I was doing was cleaning. I cleaned practically my entire house for a sleepover yesterday.
Earlier in the morning my friends left so I took the opportunity to actually do something productive after being lazy yesterday!
Today I:
Did another two precal assignments
Finished up my last 3 mindmaps over my STAAR review!
Finished two parts of my Senior Project (prepares juniors for college applications)
Went over my Physics Project I was assigned Friday
I’m not excited about my Physic Project, it’s over using wind for energy and it seems interesting but it’s with a group of people who didn’t help me at all in our last project. It’s a presentation and I think making a circuit with Wind power and I’m probably gonna have to do it all. At least I’ll be able to make sure it’s done well!
I really hope everyone’s had a nice weekend and enjoy the rest of this Sunday! 💜💜
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notreadytofail · 5 years
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(6/100 Days of Productivity)
My notes are really messy in this one sorry djdjdj
It’s almost Friday! So closeee- today I was really productive in terms of Precal late assignments! Nothing too interesting happened today, except for the fact that at lunch every day for almost a week I’ve played uno with my friends, and I still haven’t won a round. Yikes.
Today I:
Finished a part of my Senior Project
Did 3 late precal assignments!!!
Took a test in physics
The Senior Project is basically something to prepare me for applying to Colleges next year and I’ve already got a 4 year college in mind but my moms urging me to do community college first.
I was somehow able to do 3 of my precal assignments in the span of 3 class periods, (Physical education and my two credit recovery classes) and honestly. SHOOK.
Btw no one told me the Physics test was actually today- salt aside.
I hope everyone had an amazing Thursday! Now all that’s left is Friday and we’re free ❤️❤️❤️
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notreadytofail · 5 years
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(5/100 Days of Productivity)
Nothing really happened today, except I got basically all my hw done at school. But legit in personal fitness class I just do precal or any other homework.
Today I:
Finished my precal hw
Analyzed 3 chapters of The Great Gatsby
Bought a new notebook and cute mechanical pencil
Thats legit it, I’m gonna be shook whenever I suddenly have a million things to do in an hour. I was supposed to go to the library today but I’m gonna go maybe Saturday.
Ooo I’ve been waking up around 5 am now so I might give updates on how that’s going as well.
I’m sorry I don’t have much to update today!
Hope everyone’s day went well! We’re so close to Friday and the weekend!
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notreadytofail · 5 years
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(4/100 Days of Productivity)
Today wasn’t the best day, and that’s okay! I had my precal test and honestly it couldn’t have gone worse. When we receive that grade I’m going to be upset all over again but I’ve just gotta focus on making it up and doing even better on the next one!
Anyways today there was finals for some classes so one of the buildings (my hs has two diff buildings) was used for testing while everyone else was stuck into the main building. It didn’t change my schedule too much except for credit recovery we were placed in the library and I absolutely loved being in there! It was just so nice and I was able to do a chapter and a half of the Great Gatsby!
Today I:
Took notes in US History and AP English
Bombed a precal test
Completed two chapters of The Great Gatsby
Finished my physics review
Raged at Kahoot during Physics
I hope everyone had an amazing Tuesday! If your day wasn’t that great it’s okay! Just take it one moment at a time and don’t put too much pressure on yourself 💜💜
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notreadytofail · 5 years
What I’m planning to do this summer! I think I’m gonna learn Korean since a lot of my friends are learning it as well 💜
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This summer if you have the time off maybe try picking up a completely new language! The challenge lasts for however long your summer break lasts and you;
1) pick a completely new language you’ve never studied before
2) make a realistic goal for what you want to achieve out of this time (e.g. reading a beginning book in your target language, maybe having a short conversation with a native/advanced speaker, finishing a Duolingo tree etc)
3) commit to practicing it for a allotted time everyday (it could be 20 minutes to 2hrs everyday what matters is that you stick w/ it!)
4) immerse yourself in that language; listen to music and podcasts, watch movies and tv in your target language, change your tech to the target language-really surround yourself w/ the language
If you decide to take on this challenge make an intro post describing;
 who you are
 your target language
why you are choosing that language
what your goal is
how long you have for break/summer
tag it with #summer language challenge
Then every week
post abt something related to your target language (e.g. good movie you watched, cool words, accomplishments you made, vocab you learned etc)
post something in your target language (it can be anything)
progress on your goal(s)
tag it with #summer language challenge
At the end of your break make a post abt how you did. Hopefully you’ll have exceeded your expectations and gotten a solid foundation in your target language while having a series of posts that document your journey!
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notreadytofail · 5 years
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(3/100 Days Of Productivity)
So I see these types of posts often whenever I’m scrolling through Tumblr (which is anytime I’m not studying tbh) And I decided to give it a go! I basically documented my day using Snapchat!
Something really cool happened today in first period!! It’s US History and I absolutely love anything involving history, and I showed my teacher my mindmaps I worked on over the weekend and the review packet I received during a US History Camp session (It was busy work bc ACTs were that day) and she absolutely loved it! She borrowed my packet to copy so she can give it to the other students and might even use my mindmaps as reference dkdkkdkdkdfk I’m shook.
Today I:
Finished my precal hw
Analyzed a chapter in the Great Gatsby
Took a quiz over chapters 1-4 of the Great Gatsby (hoping I did decently)
Started on my Physics review
I plan to:
Look over the Precal review for the test tomorrow
Analyze another chapter of Gatsby
Finish my physics review (test Friday)
Complete my physics hw
Start a draft for a studyblr intro finally (oof)
Oh! Btw the YouTube channel in the back of my 3rd pic is Oh No Nina I believe, she’s honestly amazing to watch while studying, her ‘not really studying with Nina’ is amazing ❤️❤️
I hope everyone’s day went well! Don’t forget to take breaks and take care of yourself 💜
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notreadytofail · 5 years
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Little stationary haul
I got a set of 5 midliners and uniball pens! 💜💜
I’m honestly in love with midliners and I didn’t even know they sold them at Walmart! I’m excited to use them for analyzing my book for AP English and my random notes!!
I hope everyone had an amazing Sunday and good luck in school tomorrow! 💙💙💙
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notreadytofail · 5 years
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(2/100 Days of Productivity)
So besides doing my precal homework and finishing a chapter of the Great Gatsby I was able to finish everything on my to do list!
I probably timed this really badly since I’ve been sick since Friday and it’s gotten worse but it be like that.
Today I plan to:
Visit my grandparents
Play badminton hopefully
Read two chapters of The Great Gatsby
Precal hw
Start Precal review
Do another 3 mindmaps for STAAR review
I really can’t afford to fail this Precal test on Tuesday so like- I gotta actually do this review.
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notreadytofail · 5 years
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(1/100 Days of Productivity)
Even though it’s the weekend I still just want to get a head start on reviewing for my US History STAAR by trying out mind maps for the first time!
It’s my first day of this 100 day challenge and school will probably end before the end of it but I’m gonna give it my best shot!
Today I plan to:
Complete at least 6 mind maps from the STAAR review packet
Finish 1 precal hw assignment
Clean my bedroom
Email my counselor
Read 1 chapter of The Great Gatsby
I hope I can complete everything and that everyone has a great day! ❤️
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