starnelian-blog · 6 years
Google thinks I'm in Kokkola. I'm approx. 200 miles from Kokkola. Far out, man.
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
What’s with the sudden influx of anime tiddies in my feed? Someone been digging the second-rate weeb merch bin and throwing them results unfiltered on my eyes?
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
Granny shouted at me because I told her I ate a few live crickets for shits anfd giggles on my trip to the forest (there’s a moose watching plain grassfield in there, and it’s teeming with crickets and grasshoppers). She said I’m going mental, I replied “like I’ve ever been not mental.” I’m 19, and I know my edible insects from dangerous ones, and crickets, they’re quite nutritious. The taste is somewhat grass, I’d imagine it’s because of their diet, but they would probably be really really good fried with some salt and soy sauce.
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
I just ate a whole 90 gram slab of chocolate because I am so pissed at a dead philosopher.
Who pissed me off? René goddamn Descartes. Why do I resolve it with chocolate? No reason in particular. I just like to eat some chocolate before going on a walk to think, and this is a ten-mile walk subject. What in Descartes pissed me off? You see, I’m taking a fifteen lessons in three weeks intense course on history of philosophy, and, while the philosophers before Descartes have had their... fallacies, and some of them have believed in god/s and in since disproven scientific models, their reasoning and logical process mirrored against what knowledge they had of the world back then, is something I can follow and conclude their reasoning to be sound. Not so with Descartes. Descartes’ foremost pièce de résistance is that the only thing we can be 100% sure of is that we’re thinking, which sounds like a sound and logical premise. However, the next thing he followed up with is, according to my teacher, that “perfection” can be imagined, therefore it exists, and it’s called God, therefore, God exists. Maybe my brain’s been sitting in the modern secular sauces for too long, but, to me, that is not sound logic. Since God, by it’s definition, and without taking a stand on whether it actually exists or not, is something perfect, beyond human comprehension, isn’t trying to prove it by a human idea of perfection a self-fulfilling prophecy? Furthermore, it shouldn’t be anywhere near the topmost almost-certainty to try and understand the narrator that creates us, which is a magnitude above us and probably facetious beyond our understanding, when we could create a narration ourselves, and therefore, demonstrate the omnipotent (God) by becoming omnipotent (to the people and narratives we create, and are thus a magnitude above). And that’s why, everyone, I’m mad at Descartes: he, from what I gather, didn’t even try to approach the problem this way around, a far more logical and more “absolutely certain” way.
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
Fuck this hot-ass humid sweather
Hot weather = nice
Humid weather = ok
This hot-ass humid weather sweather = not ok
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
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Tumblr ads, everyone. Noninformative and nonsensical.
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
Ads were trying to sell me cannabis seeds. I'm just your friendly neighborhood weirdo trying to look at doll pics online, I most certainly don't do weed or even vape. This is the first time I've seen an ad tryna sell me something illegal (since cashing in on lame formulaic porn is legal, just creatively and morally really, REALLY bankrupt).
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
Saw Infinity War, and man does the ballsack chin bad guy's reasoning suck balls
∞ War spoilers ahead, be warned. An ok movie, certainly looked expensive, but man does the reasoning behind Thanos’ plan suck balls. Details and merciless picking apart of it below:
The gist of my reasoning is, if you have became death, destroyer of worlds practically omnipotent, there is, from a pure logic standpoint, literally a billion smarter things to do than obliterate half of all life. Instead of making finite resources be enough by erasing the excess population (who will, if Thanos’ logic is to be believed, multiply like rabbits and require another genocide in a few generations anyway), why not create more resources? Clean the air by disappearating pollution? Fund science? Donate to Planned Parenthood? Terraform uninhabitable planets? Create more universe? Solve the goddamn entropy, that caused all scarcity in the 1st place? Nah man, you didn’t think about how much good and actually worth of worship the stones’ power could let you be. You just wanted to win the dick-measuring contest, be king of the hill and one-up Hitler in being a Nazi. Thanos never gave a flying fuck about anything else, and that’s the final truth about it.
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
Sorry 4 spam, but not risking it. 
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
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Cut is healing ok… the harder part was dodging involuntary time in mental ward (“I cut myself on accident. With a broken bottle. I definitely didn’t slit my wrist with a shaving razor on purpose. Yeah, my records do indicate I self-harmed, and that’s true, but look, I am not amateur enough to cut the wrong side of the wrist.”) Also, I take back agreeing with what the Joker said about Family Guy since I watched a few eps of it, and they were hella offensive but funny. Let’s agree instead with “another shitty song winning the Eurovision for fuck’s sake!”
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
Soo... I currently have a two-inch cut on my wrist that I got on May Day while volunteering picking bottles. Nothing unusual with that: I have a tendency to unintentionally injure myself quite often. The weird thing is, if I believed in God, I'd be pretty freaked out. Under the band-aid and the bandage I put on top to keep the band-aid in place, there's a faded quote I wrote to remember. The quote was said by the Joker in some DC animation abridged series I watched recently. The quote? "But, personally, I think God is the ultimate comedian. I mean, murder, war, racism, tsunamis, another season of Family Guy for fuck's sake!"
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
nvrmnd bus is here, it's warm inside
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
The bus is l8 änd it is cold ask me smth
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
“Hey what if communism was a bunch of gross bugs“
Grow up mate. No need to read into a horror story so much you think it’s offending your precious little economic system. To quote @ksylofonimandariini ‘s wise words:  “If one article of literal thousands isn’t exactly to my tastes that means the whole thing is overrun with leftist-marxist-communist-low tee-beta-cuck-cockroaches” or, in mine, you’re sounding like a high school literature teacher who thinks every word is an allegory to Jesus, Campbell and/or Hitler and you don’t deserve the essay laudaturs if you don’t think and eloquently detail it as such.
The SCP wiki is now largely contributed to by communists and communist-adjacents. The content they produce is low-quality and much of it revolves around a group named for and regarding line-toeing ironycel internet funnyman bullshit. 
“I prefer the articles in this cluster because of their 
C H A R A C T E R 
F O C U S ” 
Said no human being who ever wrote a good SCP. 99% of the site has been sturgeoned straight down the shitter.
This happened for the same reason Ancapistan, the facebook group, is now an absolutely intolerable marxist circlejerk. If you allow a communist to approach a position of power, he will use it to allow his friends into positions of power, and they will continue this until the group in question is untenable. This principle of cockroaches flooding in the moment a gap in security appears is why you have to draw the line at allowing 0 (that’s zero) communists into anything fun.
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
Does anyone know how to make foreign eBay sites automatically swap the currency to my local one?
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
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Going through my google searches, have a tag cloud. Hope Tumblr doesn’t flush the picture quality down the toilet like it often does. 
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starnelian-blog · 6 years
It’s ma birthday, we gonna party... and all that jazz, you know how the song goes, it’s my birthday, anyway. Turning 19, hi-hip-fucking-hooray.
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