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loveofthesin · 6 months
MEDIA: Happy birthday, Charger Block! via X
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raw-wheat-hoards · 2 years
intro (kinda)
main is @raw-wheat
this blog is mainly for aesthetics and also saving labels that we want to add to our hoards (here)
working on adding image descriptions for everything
banner here
icon here
0 notes
cheritzteam · 11 months
[MM] Announcement on Mystic Messenger 7th Anniversary Event, 2023
Hello, this is Cheritz.
How was your June with the twins?  
The twins had a great time reading your childhood stories.
They also said they were happy to have someone special celebrate their birthday with them again this year :)
It's July, where half the year is gone and the second half starts. 
Do you remember what special anniversary is coming up?
It's July 9th,
We sincerely hope that you've had a happy and enjoyable seven years of sharing stories with the members on Mystic Messenger.
We hope you'll stay with us for many more years to come! 
So, are you ready to join us for our 7th anniversary celebration?
Check out the announcement below to learn more! 😉
< ① 7th Anniversary of Mystic Messenger : Mystic Wedding Day >
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The theme of this year's RFA party is "Wedding"!
Maybe it's just the mood, but it seems like the members are more eager than usual.
Please come prepared with a nice outfit that fits the dress code!
Upload a post on social media using the hashtag #MM_My_WeddingLook sharing the wedding look you want to wear in the template provided! Don’t miss out on the chance to be one of the 15 lucky participants who will receive 50 hourglasses⌛ as a prize♥
Also, upload a post on social media using the hashtag #MM_Happy_7thanniv to celebrate Mystic Messenger’s 7th anniversary and try your chances at winning 50 ⌛ hourglasses as a prize>ㅁ<)9
< ② Game-Access Event >
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If you access the game during the event below, you'll see a commemorative title image for Mystic Messenger’s 7th anniversary! Enjoy the game with the new title image and celebrate the 7th anniversary together.
Title Illustration : July 6th(Thur) - July 19th(Wed) (KST)
< ③ Mystic Messenger L-shaped Folder Ver.10 Released! >
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July 6th, celebrating our 7th Anniversary, L-shaped Folder Ver.10 will be released!
Don’t miss out on the chance to see our special birthday illustrations and seasonal illustrations in larger size as real life merchandise! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
< L-shaped Folder Ver.10 >
2022 Valentine Day
2022 Yoosung★’s Birthday
2022 ZEN’s Birthday
2022 Children’s Day
2022 707&Saeran’s Birthday
6th Anniversary
2022 Summer
Detailed notice will be uploaded at Cheritz Market after release.
Also, to celebrate our 7th anniversary, we are offering a 15% discount on emoticon cushions on Cheritz Market!
If you have been hesitating to purchase them, please don’t miss your chance★.
Cheritz Market discounted period : July 6th (Wed) 2PM - July 13th (Wed) 2PM (KST)
Link to Cheritz Market : http://shop.cheritz.com 
Did you enjoy the announcement of 7th Anniversary events?
We would like to express our gratitude in advance for joining the special wedding day held to celebrate 7 years with RFA.
We hope you'll stay with Mystic Messenger for many more years to come! 
Thank you!
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cacodaemonia · 11 months
Fan Artist Emoji Asks
Big thanks to @nottheweirdest, who created the Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask and gave me permission to use that as a template for a visual artist version! This ask game is for visual artists, and while the questions most often ask about drawing or sketching, just substitute your preferred medium.
😅 What's a sketch or finished image you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between characters that never fails to put you in your feels when you draw it?
🤡 What sketch or detail in an image have you drawn that made you laugh?
😈 Have you ever created an image or added some detail just to be playfully mean to the viewer?
👀 Do you have someone who you can go to when you need another set of eyes on an image?
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your images? Themes, feels, scenes, color palettes, etc.
🎢 Which of your images would you call your wildest ride?
✨ Give you and your art a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
💋 Drawing characters smooching—do you enjoy it or hate it?
🎶 Do you listen to music/podcasts/audiobooks/podfics while you draw? What have you been listening to lately?
🛠 What traditional media or digital programs do you use to draw?
⛔ Do you have an image you started but scrapped?
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you make fan art?
🍦 What's the sweetest image you've created so far?
🍷 Do you drink and draw?
🍆 Do you draw spicy stuff? If so, what's your favorite nsfw image?
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to draw?
💖 What made you start drawing? 
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
❌ What's something you would never draw?
💲 Would you ever open commissions? 
🧐 Do you spend much time researching and finding references for your images?
🏆 What's your most popular image? 
🎃 Do you create images for certain holidays? What is your favorite holiday-inspired image?
🎯 Has anyone ever guessed a handy trick or shortcut you used in an image? Care to share which?
📖 How do you feel about fics based on you art?
📈 How many fan art images have you created?
🤔 Do you plan out things like values, colors, and composition or fly by the seat of your pants?
🎨 Tell me about an upcoming wip, please!
🤗 What advice would you give to new fan artists who are just getting started?
🤩 Who is your favorite character to draw? 
💞 Who is your comfort character? Not necessarily your favorite to draw, but one that always makes you feel a little better.
🧠 When drawing [character name], what about them is hardest to draw? (askers, don't forget to specify the character!)
🤲 Would you please share a wip? Maybe a sketch or a small preview of an image?
😬 Which of your images would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon? 
🎉 What leads you to consider an image a success?
✅ What's something that appears in your images over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
🖼️ Would you ever want to turn making art into a career?
⌛ How long does it take you to complete a sketch versus a finished image?
🤯 What's an aspect of images with which you struggle (ex. human figures, backgrounds, hands, animals, cars, etc.)?
💔 Is there an image of yours that broke your heart?
💥 How do you feel about criticism? 
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your art?
🥰 How do you feel about viewer interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your images?
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daryfromthefuture · 1 year
⚡back to the future ask game!
decided to make this litte ask game for y'all fellow bttf fans! have fun :D
📽️what is your favorite way of seeing the trilogy and who do you like watching it with?
🕰️if you were to insert yourself into the trilogy, what year would you come from?
💵what is a piece of bttf merch that you really really want (but can't afford)?
😊if you could be best friends with one of the characters, who would you choose and why?
🎞️if you could change one scene from any of the movies, which one would you change and how?
🎮what is your favorite bttf extended media (the game, comics, musical etc.)?
🎵if you have listened to the musical soundtrack, which song is your favorite and why?
✒️you are hired to write/draw a new bttf comic, and it can be about whatever you want. what in the bttf universe would you want to expand on?
👀share a random headcanon you have about your favorite character!
💢which one of the characters would you want to punt into the sun the most? (feel free to include the new characters from the expanded media as well, there are certainly a few of them who would deserve it)
🎼if you have one, share a song that you associate with your favorite character!
❓what is one question you would love to ask bob gale?
❤️this is probably a hard question to answer, but what is your favorite aspect about the bttf trilogy/franchise?
💭share a favorite memory related to back to the future!
⌛choose a timespan in the trilogy that wasn't shown on screen (e.g. the time between november 5 and the monday where marty goes to the school to introduce his parents). how would you have filled that moment out?
➡️what is your favorite side character in the trilogy and why?
🐶einstein or copernicus? (you MUST choose >:) )
🎸what is your favorite piece of movie soundtrack? (can be orchestral or any other!)
🛹skateboard or hoverboard?
🧒what is your favorite marty outfit?
👨‍🔬what is your favorite doc outfit?
🎭what bttf cosplay do you want to own?
🏅rank the movies in the trilogy (if possible)!
🎥what character in the movies would you like to play if you had the chance to?
🚗what is your favorite version of the delorean? part 1, part 2 or part 3?
📄what is your favorite scene in the trilogy?
✍️if you have read any of the alternate screenplays, what is a scene you wish would have made it into the movies?
🏡what filming location do you want to visit the most?
🎢what bttf attraction do you wish universal had, or do you want them to just bring back the bttf ride? or maybe both?
⏲️what time period would you want marty to travel to and what would you want him to do? for fun or for something serious?
💫if you have any bttf related wips, here's the oppurtunity to ramble about them!
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belovedstill · 9 months
emoji writing prompts
(inspired by this post)
96 prompts up to your interpretation. take literally, reverse, mix and match! (works well with taking ask suggestions, using random number generators, or rolling dice)
1-6 genre or tone:
🥰 fluff
💔 angst | sad ending | angst with a happy ending
🔞 smut | explicit | suggestive
🔍 mystery
🎃 spooky | horror
😎 crack | humor | meme inspired
+ 1-90 prompts:
🌸 hanahaki | pining | mutual pining
⌛ time travel | reincarnation | time loop | time is running out | immortality | time hijinks | this time they will do it right (do they?)
✉ epistolary | chat fic | letters | postservice au
🧙‍♂️ magic | urban magic | fantasy | be careful what you wish for
☕ coffee shop | restaurant | food industry
🩹 hurt/comfort | fix-it fic
💭 mind-melt | mind-reading | telepathy
🏳‍🌈 queer | queerer | unique queer experience relevant to exactly one person
🌊 merfolk au | stranded on an abandoned island | pirates
🍀 everything goes right | luck doesn't exist but somebody really does make it seem like it does
🥀 unrequited love | dealing with loss | grief
📆 slice of life
📦 delivery | package sent to the wrong address | swapped luggage/suitcase | there's some kind of mix-up happening | move in
🎬 celebrity | actor | PR hell | youtuber | streamer au
💻 internet | social media | bloggers | fandom au | two customers with radically different reviews on a product and they take it personally
🔪 revenge | murder | assassin
📞 wrong number | wrong address | wrong person | customer service | tech support | long distance
🩺 doctor | sick fic
⚽ sports | team | competition | challenge | dare
💍 engagement | marriage | arranged marriage | marriage of convenience | accidentally married | poorly-timed proposal
💋 first kiss | first relationship | first romantic experience | teaching one another how to Romance
👑 royalty | nobility | servant | butler | unequal power dynamic | undying loyalty
🎨 any artist au
🎁 gifts | surprise | keepsake | christmas | holiday | birthday
🤰 pregnancy | mpreg | alternative offspring acquisition options
👶 baby | kidfic | de-aged | age regression | accidental kid acquisition | single parent(s)
👥 resurrection | came back wrong | dark alternate character | came back right but everything else is changed
🦋 butterfly effect - change a seemingly insignificant detail in source material and write how it affects the story
🐾 pet au | animal transformation | pet acquisition | animal-to-human transformation | object-to-human transformation | object-to-animal transformation (you get the drift)
👻 ghost | afterlife | paranormal | supernatural | modern supernatural | mixed supernatural genes
😈 demon | a different kind of hell | pact | soul as acceptable transaction payment | the villain's in charge now
🤡 idiots in love | platonic buffoons | only one brain cell among them | they're so stupid
🏳️ surrender | hope | bargaining
❔ oblivious | didn't know they were dating | mistaken identity | amnesia | nobody remembers them
🛡️ protect | guardian | bodyguard | rescue
💼 office | workplace
✂️ separation, chosen or forced | abandoned | cutting ties
🎓 school | university | academic professions | mentor
🏠 domestic | roommates | neighbours
🧩 soulmates (ideas) | platonic soulmates | destined to be enemies | 3+ soulmates
🏖️ beach episode | change of scenery | more than 'a lot' self-indulgent
🏩 pwp | escort | sex worker | stripper | sugar relationship
🤝 found family | putting differences aside to work together
🧬 appearance/body/behaviour modification | shrunk down | made bigger
💾 found a lost disc/usb drive/notebook/diary | lost phone | decades-old journal/letters found among the belongings of a person who's no longer there
⚖️ getting justice, one way or another | rebellion | protest | doing the dirty work so others can thrive | balance | lawyers au
⚙️ android | futuristic | science fiction | physical workers | making it work
👁 obsession | abduction | kept captive | hostage | stalker | drugged | private detective au
⚠️ make it as messed up as you want | forbidden | taboo
🕳️ something is missing | unsettling | out of the corner of the eye | nearly, almost, not quite | not enough
🤞 must pretend | spy | secret identity | identity reveal | undercover | fake dating | secret relationship | fake-married | fake [insert role] | essentially, they must pretend to be somebody they're not/to be in a dynamic they're not
✨ under a spell | truth compulsion | forced to say the opposite of what they mean | a curse made them do x
🐌 slowburn | sped-up slow burn | over the years
🧸 childhood friends (to a dynamic of choice) | separated in childhood, reunited in adulthood
⚔ enemies (to a dynamic of choice) | meddling enemies | rivals (to a dynamic of choice)
🔁 transmigration | isekai | swapped places | role reversal | body swap
🔀 crossover | fusion | characters from X piece of media put in the world of the last piece of media you've enjoyed | make it your favourite piece of media from your childhood
⁉ miscommunication | misunderstanding | wrong place, wrong time
🔆 harem | reverse harem | poly relationship
🛏 bedsharing | accidentally falling asleep on one another | passing out | dream-sharing | invite to stay over
🔮 fairytale | mythology | folklore | legend | prophecy
😶 love triangle | two-person relationship/love triangle (they know each other as two people) | one-night stand turns out to be the new boss/professor/awkward dynamic
🔒 forced proximity | locked in a room | trapped together | handcuffed together | snowed in
🤲 huddling for warmth | sharing body heat | touch starved
💬 rumours | lies | misconceptions and dealing with them
💥 set off the (conflict) bomb | right before the blow-up | argument | fight | pranks
✊ superheroes and supervillains | superpowers | the chosen one(s) | deemed to be the cursed/unlucky one
🔥 rebirth | sacrifice | sacrifice of something other than their life | destruction | letting go | ritual | change
💁‍♀️ spite fic (write literally anything you like that fandom/somebody else complained about that you disagree with) aka "they're wrong and i'm going to keep having fun"
#️⃣ love at second/third/nth sight | meet ugly | annoyed at first sight | reluctant
🖤 blind date goes right | blind date goes wrong | stood up | matchmaker
🚗 travelling together | commute | road trip | hitchiking
❕ confession | interrupted confession | confessing when it doesn't matter anymore
🚫 getting what they want but not in the way they want it | not like this
🖊 doomed from the start | it was always going to end like this | it didn't have to end this way
🐱‍👤 did a crime on accident | did a crime very much not on accident
👭 doppelgangers, lookalikes | twins | they meet their alternate self from an alternate word/different time
👂 as they go through their day, they hear a voice and it's strangely familiar (oh no) | the voice in their head actually has their best interest in mind | two souls trapped in one body fighting for control
❌ the plot is trying to incite an event for them but they refuse to have any part in it and they will outrun it
🍸 alcohol/substance use | in vino veritas | choices were made and all that's left is regrets | choices were made and there are some gains actually | remembers nothing of what they did while drunk (others may be kind enough to spare no detail)
👍 support group | dealing with issues | compromise
82. 👪 meet the family | meet the friends 83. 💰 CEO | rich x ordinary | two different worlds collide 84. 🌠 rarepair! | rarer! | unlikely friends 85. ⚡ The Realisation | oh moment | oh no moment | learning something crucial yet horrifying they wish they could forget | the antagonist was right after all 86. 0️⃣ last day alive | apocalypse | they truly only have each other left 87. ✔ it was somebody's plan all along | they sure were aware the whole time it was somebody's plan all along | scheme | trap | gotcha | test 88. 🎲 choose an action for character to take and roll d20 - that's how well it goes, write it 89. ➕ anything at all inspired by an emoji not from this list sent in an ask or randomly generated 90. ® get a string of 3+ random emojis from an emoji generator (e.g. this one or this one or any other) and write a story based on them
if you're disappointed that a prompt you wanted to find isn't on the list, take it as a sign to write it 👀
and if none of these spark creativity, check out Hatch's Plot Bank with 2300+ plot ideas
screenshots of the emojis under the cut
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nekrophoria · 6 months
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I was tagged by the lovely @nocturnalazure. Thank you <3
OC Obscure Associations - Lyall
Animal: Wolf
Colors: Grey
Month: February
Songs: Here
Number: 1
Plants: Succulents
Smells: Cold smoke, earth and burnt rubber
Gemstone: Pyrite
Time of Day: Early Morning when it's still dark
Season: Winter
Places: Abandoned Houses
Food: Clear Soup
Drinks: Gin or Vodka
Element: Water
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Seasonings: Bayleaf
Sky: Cloudy
Weather: Snow
Magical Power: Mind Reading
Weapons: Bare hands and guns
Social Media: None
Make-up Product: None
Candy: Licorice
Method of Long Distance Travel: Walking
Art Style: Classicism
Fear: Death, God and everything in between
Mythological Creature: Wulver or Faoladh
Piece of Stationary: Envelope
Three Emojis: ⌛💊🐺
Celestial Body: Rogue Planet
Tagging @drawing-way-outside-the-lines, @veone, @rebouks and @wolfavens! (No pressure as always)
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cheritzteam-es · 11 months
[MM] Announcement on Mystic Messenger 7th Anniversary Event, 2023
Hello, this is Cheritz.
How was your June with the twins?  
The twins had a great time reading your childhood stories.
They also said they were happy to have someone special celebrate their birthday with them again this year :)
It's July, where half the year is gone and the second half starts. 
Do you remember what special anniversary is coming up?
It's July 9th,
We sincerely hope that you've had a happy and enjoyable seven years of sharing stories with the members on Mystic Messenger.
We hope you'll stay with us for many more years to come! 
So, are you ready to join us for our 7th anniversary celebration?
Check out the announcement below to learn more! 😉
< ① 7th Anniversary of Mystic Messenger : Mystic Wedding Day >
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The theme of this year's RFA party is "Wedding"!
Maybe it's just the mood, but it seems like the members are more eager than usual.
Please come prepared with a nice outfit that fits the dress code!
Upload a post on social media using the hashtag #MM_My_WeddingLook sharing the wedding look you want to wear in the template provided! Don’t miss out on the chance to be one of the 15 lucky participants who will receive 50 hourglasses⌛ as a prize♥
Also, upload a post on social media using the hashtag #MM_Happy_7thanniv to celebrate Mystic Messenger’s 7th anniversary and try your chances at winning 50 ⌛ hourglasses as a prize>ㅁ<)9
< ② Game-Access Event >
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If you access the game during the event below, you'll see a commemorative title image for Mystic Messenger’s 7th anniversary! Enjoy the game with the new title image and celebrate the 7th anniversary together.
Title Illustration : July 6th(Thur) - July 19th(Wed) (KST)
< ③ Mystic Messenger L-shaped Folder Ver.10 Released! >
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July 6th, celebrating our 7th Anniversary, L-shaped Folder Ver.10 will be released!
Don’t miss out on the chance to see our special birthday illustrations and seasonal illustrations in larger size as real life merchandise! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
< L-shaped Folder Ver.10 >
2022 Valentine Day
2022 Yoosung★’s Birthday
2022 ZEN’s Birthday
2022 Children’s Day
2022 707&Saeran’s Birthday
6th Anniversary
2022 Summer
Detailed notice will be uploaded at Cheritz Market after release.
Also, to celebrate our 7th anniversary, we are offering a 15% discount on emoticon cushions on Cheritz Market!
If you have been hesitating to purchase them, please don’t miss your chance★.
Cheritz Market discounted period : July 6th (Wed) 2PM - July 13th (Wed) 2PM (KST)
Link to Cheritz Market : http://shop.cheritz.com 
Did you enjoy the announcement of 7th Anniversary events?
We would like to express our gratitude in advance for joining the special wedding day held to celebrate 7 years with RFA.
We hope you'll stay with Mystic Messenger for many more years to come! 
Thank you!
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knightstarj · 6 months
*Stares at you with my big eyes of doom*
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-Basic information-
☀ Refer to me as: Jay or Kronos
☁ Pronouns: He/They/Any (Except She/Her)
❄ Age Range: Young adult
🌈 Extra: I am bisexual, aro and somewhere on the ace spectrum possibly??, poly, a pagan, and physical and mentally disabled (fucked up joints, POTS, autism and DID)
🍎 Fandoms: Currently mainly HSR, Malevolent and TPP, oh and I am also in few other fandoms too, just don't expect me to post about them too much (Arthuriana, Witcher, Ace Attorney, TMA, WANT, PJO, etc)
🍊 Music/Bands: Crywank, The Amazing Devil, The Crane Wives, Will Wood, James Marriott, Panucci's Pizza and The Mechanisms
🍋 Favorite color: Blue and Purple
🍇 Extra: I am a writer and an artist, I like video games and my special interests are Arthuriana, mythology and energy drinks
-My favorite people-
🪐 Little Shit (my sibling) @plutotries
🕺🏻Rat Floridaman (my partner) @reegis
⚖️ Boundaries: Don't interact with me if you are against my beliefs, fandoms, ships etc. Don't be a creep, don't contact me out of nowhere, and etc ALSO PRO MEDIA CENSORSHIP DNI
🔍 Other blogs: Currently only @starknightdraws
⌛ Other stuff: I will block you if you annoy me or if you are an asshole.
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sircrocodilezine · 10 months
[Scales of Gold - Mod Apps Open!]
The time has come ⌛ Our mod applications are now open!
We are looking for Formatting, Finance, and Social Media Mods!
If you would like to join our Administration Team, the application along with guidelines can be found here: https://forms.gle/SZ4W3aT6wogiV9XYA
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Thank you for the boost! 🐊 @opfandombase 🐊 @anizines 🐊
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silurisanguine · 3 months
Thanks for the asks @staticpallour! Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately? I listen to a lot of music, I'm not a fan of silence (mainly because I have tinnitus which can be distracting!). But, when writing, it is always instrumental music that sets the right vibe. If it isn't an OST from the fandom I'm writing for, I'll pick music that would fit a soundtrack of the scene. Say if I am writing an action scene I will pick dark ebm like Mateo Tura or Castle-Vania. A more emotional scene could see me listening to Hybrid's instrumental work. Do any irl people know you write fanfic? Plenty of people know I think as i share links to my fics on most of my social media. I also discuss my work with online friends. IRL people as in flesh and blood in the same room as me? My partner knows and often asks how I'm doing, though he is often amused at the fact I write NSFW, though he says I do it well! His parents know i write, but not what i write! Friends also know but they dont understand i cannot make money from fan-writing, even though they often ask why I don't! What made you start writing? I get an idea in my head of what if this happened and need to write it down! Often it is to fix or add to canon lore in a fandom. How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter? There is no set time. Sometimes i can write out chapter after chapter as my muse inspires me and other times she abandons me for weeks or months on end. Often it coincides with my health issues, brain-fog and fatigue can effect my creativity greatly.
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loveofthesin · 5 months
MEDIA: high.gif
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kirchefuchs · 11 months
oh no, poor cameranon!! we should probably figure out how to get them out of there soon- if any horror media's right, they could end up stuck in it. and you probably wouldn't want cameranon turning into a pokemon or something. -⌛
"The longer this goes on the more I think exorcism is the best option here......"
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"Thing is: I don't know a lick of any sort of exorcism rituals....."
*he bites his sucker, breaking it*
*he proceeds to crunch on the little bits of candy*
-Ceres Coelacanth
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cheritzteam · 10 months
[MM] Announcement on Mystic Messenger August Summer Event, 2023
Hello, this is Cheritz.
Did you enjoy the Mystic Messenger 7th Anniversary event? 
Thank you again for joining us this year♥
Rumor has it that members are still losing sleep over the 7th anniversary party wedding look you worked so hard to create...
After the long afterglow of the wedding party, we have another fun summer event for you!
Why not beat the heat with Mystic Messenger Summer Event?
Check out the announcement below for more details! 😉
< ① Summer Event : August Festival >
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High temperatures are making for some sweltering weather, 
What do you think of when you think of summer?
The Sea, Pool, Watermelon, Sunshine etc. … 
Summer also means tons of summer festivals, many of which are water or music related.
Festivals with upbeat songs and delicious food just seem to get us in the mood for summer.
This summer, Mint Eye has a special plan to attract new believers.
It's all about mesmerizing people with "music"! Σ(0ㅁ0
A full-fledged Mint Eye Idol Project!
Stage planner, will you answer Ray's call for help?
Share your favorite song that will capture people's hearts on social media (Twitter, Tumblr or Instagram) with the hashtag #MM_MintEye_Festival and you'll be entered into a drawing to win ⌛150 hourglasses!
We'll also be offering discounts on select items at the market. 
If you've been hesitating to buy something, this is your chance★!
Cheritz Market discounted period : August 17th(Thur) 2PM ~ August 24th(Thur) 2PM
< ② Game-Access Event >
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If you log into the game during the event below, you'll see the Mystic Messenger Summer title image! Enjoy the new title image and have a happy summer.
And don't miss the surprise access reward >_< !!
Title Illustration : August 17th(Thur) ~ August 30th(Wed)
Summer Access Reward : August 21st(Mon) ~ August 23rd(Wed)
Did you enjoy the announcement of August events?
We hope your summer with Mystic Messenger is happy!
Thank you!
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lavenderpanic · 5 months
some more writer asks :)
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
from this ask game
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Don't obsessively focus on things like hits or how popular your fic is. Write what you enjoy and I promiseeeee there are people who will find it. Ao3 is a lot different from popular social medias in that there is no algorithm, there really isn't much of an element of luck or whatever. Write what you like, tag appropriately, advertise a bit on tumblr, and enjoy yourself. People will find your work. Don't compare.
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
God I wish I could be a thriller/horror/mystery writer but that's still a bit out of my grasp. Action, too, I'm very bad at pacing fight scenes and battles and whatever. I'm also not inclined towards fantasy but also I just don't enjoy fantasy all that much so that's probably why lmao.
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rosietrace · 1 year
𝆺𝅥𝅯 Melodic Misconceptions 𝄡
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Synopsis: Victoria Shard was a former member of the popular idol group [ Poisoner ] from NRC corporations. After discourse with her group leader, Victoria decided it was best for her to leave and pursue her solo career in a record label run by her parents.
It had been half a year since her separation from her old group, and Victoria had never been more successful. But now she has a new problem. She must return to NRC corporations in order to mentor the seven idol groups.
Ellis Clawthorne is a member of [ (Co)-connect ] the most recent group under NRC'S belt. With no experience as an idol, Ellis must persevere in order to succeed and pursue her dreams.
Will both girls be able to adapt to their current situations?
Main tags: twst oc, twisted wonderland oc, twst au, idol au, social media au
{ If you wish for your oc to be included, please tell me ^^ }
Disclaimer: The original idea for this AU is credited to @starry-night-rose , I was not the one who came up with the idea
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Idol Groups: NRC Corp.
{ Hearts & Roses } , Heartslabyul division ❣️
{ King's Roar } , Savanaclaw division ♌
{ Ocean M4fia } , Octavinelle division 🐚
{ Serpentime } , Scarabia division ⌛
{ Poisoner } , Pomefiore division 👑
{ Tartarus } , Ignihyde division 💀
{ (!)nsomniac } , Diasomnia division 🐉
{ (Co)-connect } , Ramshackle division 🎤
✨Group Aesthetics (excluding (Co)-connect)✨
Character group positions
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[ OC Idol profiles ]
Sumeragi Yuuta, Aijin [ (Co)-connect ] 👑
Victoria Shard, Shōri [ Soloist ] 💎
Zenith Devi, (?)carus [ Producer ] 💚
Freyah De La Rose, Valentina [ H & R ] 🌹
Nyx Leech, Nyxie [ Soloist ] 🌊
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Album Debut: Visionary Melody
[ 𝄋 More will be added in the future ]
Track 01: Introductions [ (Co)-connect ]
[ 01 Second Edition: Idol Miscellany ]
Track 02: Decisions
Track 03: Mentor buddies but not really
Track 04: Corporate Slaves
Track 05: Seven divisions, one wildcard
Track 06: Ellis🩰
Comeback Album: Queen of nothing
Track 07: NXDE
Track 08: Yuuta accidentally unalives Mayuu also idol x actor???
Track 09: Y/N, Aguri Harper
Track 10: Unwanted Words
Track 11: Comfort from others
Track 12: Business & production
Track 13: Young and beautiful 1/?
Track 14: Young and beautiful 2/?
Track 15: Young and beautiful 3/?
Track 16: Young and beautiful 4/4
Track 17: They only want you when you're seventeen
Track 18: Filler 101 for empty brains /j
Track 19: Filler yet again but there's Yuren so 👁️👁️
Track 20: Is it a date or...?
Track 21: They only want you when you're seventeen 2/2
Track 22: Koral Larrane, introduction
Track 23: Filler reporting for duty! Ew the new managers are here 🤢
Track 24: Unwanted interactions
Track 25: Management, crushes, and a tidbit of Yu(u)ren
Track 26: Omg a cliffhanger?!?
Second comeback: Musicals and chaotic MVs galore!
Track 27: Haha.... Surprise bitches(affectionate)
Track 29: Impossible potential
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