#★: peng!!
star-sim · 2 months
VANYA 😭😭😭😭😭
so ur a ugly cute type of person 🤓☝️
i can’t imagine liking a guy 5’10 bc i am 5’3 AND A HALF don’t forget the half. how tall ru girl 😭😭 but also tall guys to me r like Umm our height difference is probably insane and it’ll look weird .. no thanks 😛
ur better than him 🙏
when he's a little ugly when he looks like he negotiated his way onto earth when i feel my blood boil with disgust every time i look at his face WHEN HES HIDEOUS 😍😍😍😍😍
okay... maybe i'm going a little too far....
ok but the thing w me is that i'm 4'11 so every guy above 5'1 is automatically hot, even the short kings
though i would NEVER be in an extreme height difference relationship tho... i know a girl that's 4'9 and her bf is 6'0 and every time i see them my smile slowly fades bc it looks like a CASE
u r correct i 100% better than him... he has a 1.2 gpa good lord
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copyhanni · 28 days
hi !! i just saw were moots now :3
omg yes hi !! hru ? ><
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zhoufeis · 1 year
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endless gifsets of cdrama ladies ★ [50/?]
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scorbleeo · 1 year
Drama Review: Oh No! Here Comes Trouble (不良執念清除師)
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Source: Google Images
Pu Yi Yong is a typical high school student. When he unexpectedly gains superpowers after waking up from a car accident, his previously uneventful life is suddenly not so ordinary anymore.
Source: MyDramaList (2023)
I've Missed Loving Taiwan Dramas
Not gonna lie, I watched Oh No! Here Comes Trouble for the two main male leads, that 'it's not BL but the bromance is strong' bit. I began the drama right as the final episode dropped and I really did not have high hopes for it (I haven't had high hopes in Taiwan dramas in recent years). As I literally picked this drama up only for the reason I mentioned earlier, I had no idea what I was getting into. Yes, I knew it had supernatural elements but that was all.
So imagine my delighted surprise when I was placed on one of the most emotional roller coaster ride throughout all 12 episodes of Oh No! Here Comes Trouble. I can be creeped out one second and laughing at the next second. Or, I could be laughing and tearing up sadly at the same time. Dramas that can bring me on such a wild emotional journey have a very special place in my heart, they automatically become better in my eyes because the mood/energy/vibe is not stagnant.
It isn't just the writing that wowed me. I have watched plenty of dramas or TV shows with similar concept like portraying sub-stories as the plot-catalyst for the show as a whole. The stories in Oh No! Here Comes Trouble are not earth-shattering nor gut wrenching or the best lessons one will learn. They touch on obsession and very often, the media does not focus on this side of obsession so despite the simplicity, the stories were beautifully crafted and executed.
Of course, I cannot write this review and not talk about the acting. We all know Tseng Jing Hua and Vivian Sung's (though she has only taken very average roles for now) acting is top tier so I am not going to go on about them. As a matter of fact, the entire cast consisted of familiar veteran faces, obviously the acting would be good. It was Peng Cian You that really pulled me into the drama. All three main leads perfectly portrayed their characters but because I did not know Peng initially, his performance stunned me so much especially during the CPR scene – that was not an actor playing the role of Cao Guang Yan, it was Guang Yan embodying Peng completely.
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I grew up watching Taiwan dramas and for years now, I haven't had hope for them at all. Sure, I still give some a chance but I was always disappointed. Watching Oh No! Here Comes Trouble gives me hope for future Taiwan dramas but I'm a realist so I know one show will not save the whole country's industry. It's just, if you know how Taiwan drama humour was like 15 to 20 years ago, you will be able to see it in this drama. Oh No! Here Comes Trouble is not exactly nostalgic but it can bring on a new wave and I am here for it.
P.S.: Season 2 when?
Rating: ★★★★★
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bubbletecito · 6 months
𓆝 ! — Xiao Zhang.
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Autor : Wu Zhe
Capítulos : 101 capítulos + 3 extras
Género : Vida estudiantil, conflictos familiares, amistad, moderno, romance.
Mi calificación : ★★★★☆
Le gustan las pirtuletas. No lo llames pollo. Muy feroz pero también llorón. Recógelo y devuélveselo a Lin Wuyu.
Tenía ganas de una lectura ligera escolar y de romance que me ayudara a sanar el corazón y esta fue la novela ideal para hacerlo. Hace bastante estaba entusiasmado con leer algo de Wu Zhe y esta fue la primera novela que me motivó, especialmente por los artes que tiene que son preciosos.
Nos presenta a dos chicos de personalidades totalmente diferentes y que en un inicio no imaginaron que podrían volverse amigos. Ding Ji, un chico especializado en la lectura de la fortuna con excelente memoria y capacidad de análisis, y Lin Wuyu, el conocido Dios del estudio, siempre el primer lugar, se conocen en un parque y el primer pensamiento de Lin Wuyu sobre Ding Ji es que ¡definitivamente es un estadador! No imaginaron que terminarían apoyándose mutuamente para salir adelante ante sus conflictos.
El desarrollo de su relación romántica es algo hermoso de ver, partiendo por el inicio de su amistad y como poco a poco van tomando confianza, hasta el momento de darse cuenta de sus sentimientos románticos. Lin Wuyu salió del clóset en el primer capítulo, pero no fue el mismo caso para Ding Ji que ni si quiera antes se había enamorado. Esta historia tiene una de las confesiones más humanas y sinceras que he conocido, mostrándonos todas las etapas del proceso, desde el miedo, la incertidumbre a la esperanza y el cariño. El miedo de nunca haber experimentando sentimientos de ese tipo y cómo ir enfrentándolo poco a poco, ya sea la misma situación de empezar la relación o el contar a la familia.
No solo muestra un vínculo romántico de gran desarrollo, también nos presenta conflictos familiares desde temas del abandono a la manipulación emocional, la soledad y la independiendencia a temprana edad. ¡En esta historia odiarás a todos los padres! Pero si tienes algo contra la verdadera familia de Ding Ji (sus abuelos y tía) tendrás que meterte conmigo.
El apoyo y el amor incondicional, el dolor y el rechazo, la compañía y la soledad, esperanza y crecimiento. Todas esas son cosas que vas a encontrar aquí.
La lectura se siente ligera y refrescante, tiene muchos momentos en que sonreirás y reirás como bobo, pero también en que llorarás y sentirás impotencia. Ellos muestran una forma de amor genuina y especial, del paso a paso. Te juro que subirán tus expectativas del amor cuando hayas terminado de leerla.
No solo la familia es importante, sino que además la amistad y compañerismo, todos los personajes secundarios tienen algo especial y es asombroso el avance de amistad entre Lin Wuyu y Xu Tianbo (su mejor amigo e interés romántico inicialmente), o el nivel de apoyo entre Ding Ji y Peng Peng.
Si estás en el mundo del danmei seguramente leíste cosas que te destrozaron cada parte de ti, ¡pero no te preocupes! Xiao Zhang toma cada trocito de tu corazón y lo repara. ♡
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wifiwuxians · 1 year
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a special revival AU instalment this time! this one was made after the August 12 Wen Chao Birthday celebration, since he doesn't have a canon birthday, his fans decided to use He Peng's birthday to celebrate. i established december 13th as my Chao Birthday a while back, and august 12th is already wen qing's birthday, but i wanted to acknowledge it: especially because of this lovely art by @meiilansnotebook which this comic is based around!
more from this AU:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ID under cut again for size!
[id: a partially-colored comic of xue yang and wen chao set in the revival AU continuity. in it, wen chao is gifted a new pair of robes.
in the first panel, xue yang is leading wen chao somewhere by holding his hands over his eyes. he is smiling widely and saying 'Aaalmost...', to which a flustered wen chao replies 'You could've just told me to close my eyes...'. he walks around with some uncertainty, with his arms out.
the second panel is a closeup of wen chao, finally able to see, looking shocked and dazed by what he sees. off-screen, xue yang says 'There.' little sparkles appear beside wen chao's face.
the third panel is a floating set of green robes with a red rose design. rose petals flutter around it for dramatic effect.
the fourth panel depicts a back and forth between wen chao, who is holding up the robes, and xue yang, who is seen from behind. transcript: XUE YANG: Happy birthday. WEN CHAO: It's not my b- XUE YANG: Yes it is. WEN CHAO: No it's my cous- XUE YANG: PUT IT ON.
in the fifth panel, wen chao is showing off his new outfit with a wide, delighted smile. he looks genuinely elated to suit the clothing. in a floating bubble to his left, a little xue yang is giving him a happy thumbs up. this panel is in full color.
the final panel is a small drawing of wen chao kissing a surprised xue yang's cheek. it is also fully colored. glowing lights float around them, and there is a red heart above their heads. /end id]
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cerasus--flores · 2 years
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♡ Ash
Mecha - @sea-of-dandelions
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Curse
Mecha - @gaybunnygirl
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Lane
Psychic - @heyitslanesl
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Ven
Quantum - @venvens
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Yoonie
Imaginary - @raincxtter
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Roc
Biologic - @rocwylde
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Max
Imaginary - @dredgefuldaytoyoutoo
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Lili
Biologic - @lilikags
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Catte
Psychic - @catcze
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ A-U
Quantum - @anominous-user
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Cloud
Quantum - @cloudisyelling
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Heaven
Imaginary - @reminiscenttwilight
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Astria
Imaginary - @astrxealis
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Cal
Imaginary - @cxlrosii
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Skua
Psychic - @caracalia
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Peng
Imaginary - @redpeng
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Scorpion
Biologic - @zertecs
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Almond
Mecha - @almond-adeptus
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Tired
Psychic - @tiredsleep
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Mocha
Quantum - @mocha-bunbun
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Leona
Imaginary - @kosmiq-melodies
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Atlas
Biologic - @k-kazvha
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Sunny
Mecha - @solaaresque
★ - SSS - LV. 80
♡ Ganji
Psychic - @case-electris
★ - SSS - LV. 80
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yourleftknuckle · 1 year
SERIOUS lmk season 4 spoilers 💔💔
I didn’t take many screenshots cause I’m ngl the entire time I was in a state of shock and trauma but lord have MERCY RHAT WAS HEAVVVYYYY
ok so first of all I was kinda right about Mk and his trauma junk,,,,.BUT THE ANGST WAS CRAZY! VERY. VERY. CRAZY.
Also I hope hope hope MK is ok he literally deserves the world I want to swoop him away and keep him hidden he’s so amazing I LOVE MK LEGO MONKEY KID!!!!!!! And his friendship with Mel is adorable my god 😭😭😭I LOVE THEM. ALL OF THEM!!!!
When I said in a previous post that I wanted Mk’s trauma to be addressed I don’t mean whatever the fuck they did,,,, I ment licensed therapist.,, NOT FORCED CONFRONTATION❓❓ also at first I thought ink Mk was like azure being a manipulative blue bitch but it HELD THE STAFF..? so that was DEFINITELY some typa Mk
There’s sp so so much I have to say omg you wouldn’t BELIVE it,, yall r gonna be so sick of me
Also controversial opinion but FUUUUUCCKKKK PENG!! THAT SNARKY ASS BIRD I HOPE THAT BITCH GETS HIT BY A CAR!!!!!!!! And if that car don’t take him out I will.
Also I’ll be back tomorrow but I’m TIRED! just you wait,,,,I’ll be posting ESSAYS
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cucikarpetprambanan · 5 months
Cuci Karpet Bulu KLIK https://wa.me/+62821-3484-8838, Cuci Karpet Express di Prambanan, Laundry Karpet Express di Prambanan, Laundry Karpet Express Terdekat di Prambanan, Jasa Cuci Karpet di Prambanan, Jasa Cuci Karpet Terdekat di Prambanan
Kamila Laundry Jl.Werkudara, Tundan, Purwomartani Kalasan, Sleman Yogyakarta 55571 ( Dekat SD Temanggal) No.Hp : 0821-3484-8838
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jasacucikarpett · 6 months
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Cuci Karpet Bulu KLIK https://wa.me/+62821-3484-8838, Cuci Karpet Express, Laundry Karpet Express, Laundry Karpet Express Terdekat, Jasa Cuci Karpet, Jasa Cuci Karpet Terdekat
Kamila Laundry Jl.Werkudara, Tundan, Purwomartani Kalasan, Sleman Yogyakarta 55571 ( Dekat SD Temanggal) No.Hp : 085244514241
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aaronstveit · 2 years
read in 2022
i’m starting this super late but howdy!! here is my reading thread for 2022 (inspired by a few mutuals <3) you can find my goodreads here and my askbox is always open if you have any questions about these books!
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie (★★★★★)
Crooked House by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson (★★★☆☆)
I Am Not Your Final Girl by Claire C. Holland (★★★☆☆)
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng (★★★★★)
Final Girls by Riley Sager (★☆☆☆☆)
A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro (★★★★★)
The Last of August by Brittany Cavallaro (★★★★☆)
The Case For Jamie by Brittany Cavallaro (★★★★☆)
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston (★★★★��)
A Question of Holmes by Brittany Cavallaro (★★★★★)
Under Lock & Skeleton Key by Gigi Pandian (★★☆☆☆)
The Nation Must Awake: My Witness to the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 by Mary E. Jones Parrish
Cherish Farrah by Bethany C. Morrow (★★★★☆)
Portrait of a Thief by Grace D. Li (★★★★★)
A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf (★★★★☆)
You’ll Be the Death of Me by Karen M. McManus (★★★☆☆)
The Cousins by Karen M. McManus (★★★☆☆)
The Hobbit, or There and Back Again by J.R.R. Tolkien (★★★★★)
When No One Is Watching by Alyssa Cole (★★★★☆)
Heartstopper Volume One by Alice Oseman (★★★★☆)
Heartstopper Volume Two by Alice Oseman (★★★★☆)
The Night Shift by Alex Finlay (★★★☆☆)
Heartstopper Volume Three by Alice Oseman (★★★★☆)
To Break a Covenant by Alison Ames (★★★★☆)
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien (★★★★☆)
Heartstopper Volume Four by Alice Oseman (★★★★★)
Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto (★★★★★)
Four Aunties and a Wedding by Jesse Q. Sutanto (★★★★☆)
The Girls Are Never Gone by Sarah Glenn Marsh (★★★☆☆)
Cover Story by Susan Rigetti (★★★★☆)
On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta (★★★★☆)
Sadie by Courtney Summers (★★★★☆)
Book Lovers by Emily Henry (★★★★★)
Queen of the Tiles by Hanna Alkaf (★★★★☆)
A Thousand Mornings by Mary Oliver (★★★★☆)
My Darkest Dearest by Kayla Cottingham (★★★☆☆)
The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien (★★★★☆)
Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand (★★★★★)
Love From A to Z by S.K. Ali (★★★★★)
Our Violent Ends by Chloe Gong (★★★★★)
Some Kind of Happiness by Claire Legrand (★★★★☆)
The Secret of the Old Clock by Carolyn Keene* (★★★★☆)
The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd (★★★★☆)
The Agathas by Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson (★★★★☆)
Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall (★★★★☆)
Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson (★★★★☆)
The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien (★★★★★)
Peril at End House by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
Lord Edgware Dies by Agatha Christie (★★★☆☆)
The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket (★★★★☆)
The Reptile Room by Lemony Snicket (★★★★☆)
The Wide Window by Lemony Snicket (★★★☆☆)
The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket (★★★☆☆)
The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket (★★★★☆)
The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket (★★★★☆)
The Vile Village by Lemony Snicket (★★★★☆)
The Hostile Hospital by Lemony Snicket (★★★★☆)
The Carnivorous Carnival by Lemony Snicket (★★★★☆)
The Slippery Slope by Lemony Snicket (★★★★☆)
The Grim Grotto by Lemony Snicket (★★★★☆)
The Penultimate Peril by Lemony Snicket (★★★★☆)
Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie (★★★★★)
The End by Lemony Snicket (★★★★☆)
The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix (★☆☆☆☆)
The Woman in the Library by Sulari Gentill (★★★★☆)
Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The Obsession by Jesse Q. Sutanto (★★★★☆)
Dog Songs by Mary Oliver (★★★★★)
Finlay Donovan Is Killing It by Elle Cosimano (★★★☆☆)
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier (★★★★★)
56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard (★★★★☆)
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater* (★★★★★)
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (★★★★☆)
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (★★★★☆)
If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho by Sappho (translated by Anne Carson) (★★★★★)
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater* (★★★★★)
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland (★★★★☆)
Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll (★★★★☆)
The Gathering Dark: An Anthology of Folk Horror by assorted authors (★★★★☆)
The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson (★★★★☆)
This Wicked Fate by Kalynn Bayron (★★★☆☆)
I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy (★★★★★)
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (★★★★☆)
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater* (★★★★★)
Working on a Song: The Lyrics of HADESTOWN by Anaïs Mitchell (★★★★★)
They Never Learn by Layne Fargo (★★★☆☆)
Tweet Cute by Emma Lord (★★★★☆)
Greywaren by Maggie Stiefvater (★★★★★)
Slasher Girls & Monster Boys by assorted authors (★★★☆☆)
Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson (★★★★☆)
The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater* (★★★★★)
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater (★★★★★)
Poirot Investigates by Agatha Christie (★★★☆☆)
Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo (★★★★☆)
Luck of the Titanic by Stacey Lee (★★★☆☆)
Orpheus Girl by Brynne Rebele-Henry (★★★★☆)
I’m the Girl by Courtney Summers (★★★★☆)
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (★★★★★)
Five Survive by Holly Jackson (★★★☆☆)
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (★★★★★)
The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie (★★★☆☆)
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (★★★★☆)
Stardust by Neil Gaiman (★★★★☆)
Opal by Maggie Stiefvater* (★★★★★)
Note: * marks a reread.
#text#personal post#reading thread#OKAY so my thoughts on these first twelve books#roger ackroyd: i loved it!! i can definitely see why it's considered the greatest mystery of all time!!#and i guessed the killer so i am Very Happy<3#crooked house: it was pretty good! i enjoyed it and agatha christie is always a quick read#agggtm: i was underwhelmed? i'm a bit older than the intended audience so i don't wanna be mean about it but i was a bit disappointed#i really liked pipravi though <3333#i am not your final girl: it was okay! poetry isn't super my thing but i like horror so it wasn't bad!#lfe: SO GOOD. i can't believe it took me so long to finish but i really liked it!! i loved the time we got to spend with every character an#how the story was like the unwinding of a thread#final girls: the worst. oh my god. don't get me started. i have So Many Problems i couldn't type them all out here if i tried#a study in charlotte: I LOVED IT !!! the case was really fascinating and the characters are my ANGELS#the last of august: i had a good time but it made no sense<3 i was just there for charlotte and jamie and i can't complain!#the case for jamie: charlottejamie angst era so true....... probably the most boring but provided much needed character development!#their eyes were watching good: really really good! definitely a classic for a reason. i higly recommend.#a question of holmes: zero plot just vibes and i loved it! domestic charlottejamie is my everything <33333#under lock & skeleton key: not my favorite... i loved the concept but the execution was lacking? had some fun parts but mostly fell flat
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star-sim · 2 months
SPIDERHOON ?!/?2$:&/ im so ready. i love spiderman aus so bad i reread those like lightwork
is irl boy doing good or so i need to jump him still??
irl boy we gotta give him a name…. let’s call him strawberry
strawberry is such a baddie and he’s doing okay rn….. some things throw me off but it’s literally just his emoji use and i think he’s legitimately just silly like that. no need to jump him…. for now….. 🤫
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despairots · 2 years
So, can i request a little headcanon? (again, about m!chara x herrscherr!m!reader) how would chara(and mb someother characters from glitchtale, u can chose who it might be) react that reader had at least 3 theme music? when he was normal (moonlike smile from genshin), when he was possessed by herrscher (chaos shrine from dissidia final fantasy) and the last one is when he gain full control of his powers (clash on the big bridge ff5 by GaMetal)
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𖥦 ˖⁩ ࣪ ִֶָ chara and his family reaction to herrscher!m!reader having 3 theme music <3
★ ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ ) › male!chara x herrscher && male!reader — headcanons, theme music, short 😰
i’m sorry if this isn’t what you wanted but i’m assuming you wanted chara (and his family) reaction to reader’s theme music as in a video or something like that(?) as in like those gacha videos where they react to certain videos but i gotta went with them listening to the music, AGAIN I’M SORRY IF THIS ISN’T WANT YOU WANTED ;-; I TRIED MY BEST
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moonlike smile from genshin!
chara and his family had no idea on why they were being told to come into a random room to react to you (?)
chara’s like getting overprotective on why people would make things about you.
chara and his families first reaction to you just being normal and nothing to worry about was like “is the music telling us something about [name]’s childhood?”
it was like the theme music was telling them your past, it was like the song was telling your story.
obviously, they did not know you had a normal childhood about being just a typical human.
“[name] has theme music 😱😱 omfg”
the theme music is just presenting that you were a normal human before.
not some megalomaniac.
who do they think you are?
they KNOW that the herrscher inside you wants power and chaos over everyone and you.
chaos shrine from dissidia final fantasy!
chara and his family could only listen to the music, knowing what it was telling them.
it was hunger, a deathly thirst of chaos.
of course they knew about your herrscher, they just didn’t know it was hungry for chaos. power.
it was like a deadly deal with the devil.
even though the music SOUNDS upbeat, they KNOW.
clearly, the herrscher is one chaos and power obsessed.
the music matches perfectly 🤧
sometimes they could see what’s happening when the herrscher possesses over you.
it’s like the herrscher is destroying everything in their path.
at some point, in the slightest corner of the music they could see you watching everything with empty, emotionless even, eyes.
at the end, they could hear you finally gaining hope when you see the slightest change of your herrscher.
as in they growing weak or tired ever hour that passes.
all they know is that when you got possessed.
they knew that hungry herrscher also has theme music 🙂
SPOILER ( you die 🤭 )
clash on the big bridge by final fantasy v!
dude, they know you came back as a badass.
they just know when they played it.
chara and his family were laughing together, they were amused.
they experienced and saw it. front. row. seat.
not only do they know you have full control over your herrscher but they also know you’ve listened to these songs.
i also wanna say you and your herrscher are besties 😋🫰
you beated hate because you and your herrscher came back as completely badasses 😰
not only that but you were way to powerful after you learned how to control and tame your herrscher.
they become one with YOU.
you came back to life 🥶
with a new ass look.
and new ass powers.
you just came back with full control over your power.
chara and his family wede surprised to say the least that the theme music just perfectly matches with ever piece of your life.
when they came back home, they did and when i mean they did praise you with leaving you confused.
they left nervously, leaving chara with you too explain to which he did.
making you flustered after he said that he was so lucky to have a boy like you.
after that y’all cuddled.
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sorry if this isn’t what you wanted 😰 you can correct me ;-;
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zhoufeis · 2 years
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endless gifsets of cdrama ladies ★ [28/?]
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lynihana · 3 years
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+ PAIRINGS. Various!Tokyo revengers × reader.
+ WARNINGS. Cursing. harassment. cyber bullying.
+ GENRE. Smau. Series. Crack. Fluff. Angst.
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Kung saan may sariling harem si y/n
★ Chapter 1 "Ang Ate ni Lyn"
★ Chapter 2 "Yung Naninigarilyo sa Kanto"
★ Chapter 3 “Ang kalat na kalat na storya sa school”
★ CHAPTER 4 “Penge sagut pls”
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sir-huffman · 3 years
— instructions: create a playlist that encompasses your muse using only the letters of your url. ( multi-muse — specify which muse(s) each song makes you think of. ) repost, do not reblog.
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𝐒 tarlight - Unlike Pluto ★
𝐈 Remember - Les Friction
𝐑 emembrance - cover by Selphius -
𝐇 eart Made of Stone - the Tech Thieves
𝐔 sseewa ( Piano Ver. ) by Ado
𝐅 arewell ( Remastered ) - Arkadiusz Reikowski ft. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
𝐅 orlorn Child of Archaic Winds ( Dvalin’s Nest ) - Yu-Peng Chen ★
𝐌 r. Sandman - cover by SYML
𝐀 nd So My Heart Became a Void - Ursine Vulpine ft. Annaca
𝐍 ever to Return - Darren Knobb ft. Ashley Barrett
— ★ the songs that I truly and almost exclusively attribute to Huffman
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