knotenletterpress · 1 year
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・ 新作のお知らせ🪨 レターセット【石文】 便箋6枚・封筒3枚・シール3枚 大昔、人々がまだ文字を知らなかった時代、自分の気持ちをあらわすのにぴったりな石を相手に送って気持ちを伝えたという石文(いしぶみ)に思いをめぐらせて作ったレターセット。素朴な風合いの便箋に、表情豊かな石たちを刷りました。季節を問わずお使いいただけます。 ・便箋6枚(2種×各3枚) ・封筒3枚(同柄で色違い ライナーグレイ2枚、ウッドブラウン1枚) ・封緘シール3種 明日・明後日浅草で開催の紙博in東京 @kamihaku2023 にお持ちします✉️ #石 #石ころ #石ひろい #stone #ビーチコーミング #beachcombing #活版印刷 #活版 #letterpress #knoten #knotenletterpress #緑青社 #紙博 #台東館 #浅草 #手紙舎 #手紙社 #tegamisha https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp4vxfgveYl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nocogou · 1 year
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「紙博 & 布博 in 京都」オープンしました! 本日は17時まで みやこめっせにてお待ちしております☺︎ 【紙博 & 布博 in 京都】 [日程]2023年4月22日(土)、23日(日) [時間]10:00〜17:00 [会場]京都市勧業館みやこめっせ 第3展示場 [入場料] プレミアムチケット 1,200円 スタンダードチケット 1,000円 手紙社の部員限定・デジタルチケット 1,000円 当日販売チケット 1,200円 ※公式サイトにてチケット販売中! ※小学生以下無料 https://kamihaku.jp/202304kyoto/ #nocogou #ノコゴウ #テキスタイル #オリジナルテキスタイル #textile #textiles #fabric #布 #生地 #雑貨 #布雑貨 #布小物 #手仕事#手紙社 #手紙舎 #布博 #手芸 #nunohaku #handcraft #紙博 (みやこめっせ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrUaqUhPmp6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hiromisroom · 1 year
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昨日は #紙博 に行ってきました! いつもより購入品は少なめだけど、大満足💟 楽しかったー! 可愛いショップカードもGET おやつはお友達からの誕プレ🎁 #サブレミシェル のエジプト缶! これは私の趣味をわかってくれてる心の友ならではのプレゼントでとっても嬉しかった💟 #かわいい缶 大好き! ありがとう😍 ✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️ 今日も文法動画を中心にのんびり勉強します! 部屋の掃除もしたい🧹 ☑︎英文法(アプリ) ☑︎ディクテーション ☑︎英語日記 #英語学習 #studygram #studytips #studynotes #TOEIC勉強法 #studygrammer #studynote #studying #studymotivation #toeic勉強 #英語勉強中の人と繋がりたい #toeic勉強垢  #やり直し英語 #studyplanner #studyplanning #英語の勉強 #iPad勉強法 #英語勉強 #英語ノート #ふせんノート #大人の勉強垢 #勉強机 #勉強垢 #手帳 #ロルバーン #rollbahn https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9BI1UJHZU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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suzukimoeko · 2 years
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月刊手紙舎9月号に参加します。新しい自分がみつかる秋冬の装い、というコーナーのなかで、suzukimoekoは布の耳飾りをご用意してます。本日よりプレビューが始まりましたので、是非チェックしてみてください!オンライン購入は9/1〜9/7限定です。よろしくお願いします。 #Repost @tegamisha with @use.repost ・・・ 【「月刊手紙舎」秋のはじまりを彩るアクセサリー】 suzukimoeko(@mmmoekoo)さんが用意してくれたのは、絵具で着彩されたキャンバス布を重ね合わせて作られたイヤリングとピアス各10種類。秋の気配を感じる季節に取り入れたい、くすんだ色合いや渋いトーンの作品も登場!  気持ちまで華やかにしてくれる耳飾りやブローチを身に着けて、秋のはじまりを迎えてみませんか? ▶︎詳細は「@tegamisha」プロフィールのURL→「月刊手紙舎」公式サイトへ! ▶︎販売されるアイテムを事前にチェックできる“プレビュー”は8月31日(水)9:00まで! 販売は9月1日(木)12:00スタート! ーーーーー 【「月刊手紙舎」2022年9月号 概要】 ▽開設期間(ショッピング可能な間) 9月1日(木)12:00〜7日(水)24:00 ※「手紙社の部員」先行販売日は8月31日(水)10:00〜24:00 ▽ショッププレビュー期間 8月28日(日)12:00〜8月31日(水)9:00 ◎巻頭特集「紙博」 ◎大特集「新しい自分が見つかる秋冬の装い」 ▽今月のone-man show! ・TAG STATIONERY(文具・雑貨) ・KIYATA(木工) #suzukimoeko#today002g#紙博#手紙社#手紙舎#月刊手紙舎#オンラインイベント#オンラインショップ#アクセサリー#ブローチ#イヤリング#ピアス#秋#秋の装い#tegamisha https://www.instagram.com/p/Chy1SxivbU3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pukkoyawn · 2 years
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紙博in TOKYO vol.5 行ってきました。 久しぶりに好きなもの・かわいいものに興奮して散財してきました。 1枚目の画像は切手のこびと@kobito_stamps さんのスタンプとシール!どツボ!かわいい! #紙博 #紙博in東京 #文房具 #stationery #クリエイター #creator #illustration #イラスト #イラストグラム #procreate #artstudio #paper #イベント #event #スマホイラスト #イラストグッズ #stamp #はんこ #かわいい #展示会 # 購入品 #haul #diary #日記 https://www.instagram.com/p/Che6xGYBVdM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yyh4ever · 5 months
Yoshihiro Togashi Handwritten Letter
Togashi sent a handwritten letter to the idol Yumiko Seki, answering 11 questions. The letter was read aloud in the Iwakura and Yoshizumi's Show, on TV Asahi, on November 14th and 21st, 2023.
There's already a translation of the Q&A by the hunter fandom (please read it), but I want to share my favorite parts and maybe some interesting info that was said during the TV program. You can watch the full version on bilibili. The whole film studio was decorated with Hunter x Hunter manuscripts and figures, and BGM from both versions of the anime was played during the broadcast.
The MCs of the show are two female comedians, Yoshizumi and Iwakura. The guests were Yumiko Seki (former Sakurazaka46); singer Toshiya Miyata (Kis-My-Ft2), a huge Hunter x Hunter fan; and the comedian Shintaro Morimoto (TONTSUKATAN) who read Togashi's letter and served as moderator.
At the beginning of the show, Seki-san revealed she met Togashi in a Sakurazaka46 live concert.
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Everyone was shocked to learn she met him face-to-face!
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Then, Seki-san showed an autographed shikishi Togashi-sensei gave her when she graduated from Sakurazaka46. (T/N: She announced her graduation on December 13, 2022, and graduated on April 30, 2023 at the Sakurazaka46 3rd TOUR 2023).
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Killua: "Graduation is the starting line!!"
It's interesting to add that Killua is Seki's favorite character and orange & white were her penlight colors, also her favorite colors. That's why Togashi drew Killua holding a bouquet of orange and white flowers.
Miyata joked that he will make sure that everyone knows he loves Hunter x Hunter by the time he graduates from Kis-My-Ft2 boy band. Morimoto told him "don't graduate just to get a shikishi" (LOL).
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By the way, Miyata loves Kurapika, so I hope Togashi gives him a Kurapika shikishi one day :P
Here's Togashi's huge letter!
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Before reading sensei's answers, they anticipated the huge success of the show, and came up with the hashtag #冨樫先生からのお手紙 (letter from Togashi-sensei).
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It was a success indeed, trending all over social media.
Then, Morimoto started to read the Q&A.
The second question was about the Hunter x Hunter character setting. Before reading the answer, they showed a Togashi's memo containing a detailed timeline of each character that he uses in order to develop the story without creating any contradictions. There's a timeline of the Chimera Ant Arc, and a table of the princes' entourage, allowing Togashi to distinguish them. He even drew characters that didn't appear.
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Miyata left his seat and came closer to the monitor, so he could see the memo better. He's a crazy HxH stan just like us.
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This material is actually from Jump Ryu's booklet (2016). You can also watch the Jump Ryu video with subs on YouTube, where Togashi explains better how this character table works.
Here's the part of the answer Togashi talks about Killua's inspirations. I am a huge fan of MDP Psycho!
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The author of "Toy-y", Atsushi Kamijo, thanked Togashi on his Twitter. He also wrote that he loves Level-E.
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When answering question 4, we found out Togashi-sensei watched Sakurazaka46 New Year's special feature in 2021, when Seki-san asked for the complete set of Hunter × Hunter.
But, because Togashi-sensei is such an introvert, he thought he would make her feel uncomfortable by actually sending it. It took him two years to finally decide to send it.
Miyata laughed so hard, saying: "Togashi-sensei is such an otaku!!" (LOL)
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Seki-san confirmed Togashi really sent the Hunter × Hunter set to her ^^
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The 5th question was about Togashi's favorite nen ability. Seki-san and Miyata also shared their favorite type of nen.
Seki-san loves Killua, thus she likes transmutation. She also likes Hisoka's analysis about nen, and thinks Killua fits his description about transmuters perfectly.
As for Miyata, he loves Kurapika, therefore he likes the conjurer type. He remembered that in order to conjurer chains, Kurapika had to imagine, touch, draw, and even licked real chains.
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He was curious if Goreinu, a character that appears in Greed Island, had to do something similar and touch gorillas in order to be able to materialize them.
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Miyata is a crazy HxH fan, he came up with many curious tidbits and did a deep analysis of the series. It's not confirmed in the manga or any databook if Goreinu is really a conjurer, but I really liked his point of view.
Question 7 about Meruem's final moments was really touching. After hearing Miyata's explanation about Meruem and Kogumi, Iwakura almost started crying.
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Tears rolled down her cheeks when she saw the double spread of Meruem's final moments.
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The funny thing is, at the beginning of the show, she told us she had only read the first chapter.
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So, Morimoto joked: "Why did you have to stop at volume 1!!?" XD
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Morimoto also revealed that Togashi-sensei's favorite scene is Meruem and Kogumi double spread.
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Question 8, what does Togashi do on his days off? Morimoto asked Seki-san's opinion. She imagines Togashi having mandarin oranges on a kotatsu table, and talking to cats on the porch.
T/N: Eating oranges while sitting around a kotatsu table is a japanese tradition during the winter.
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Togashi didn't mention anything like that in his answer, but there's an interview with Naoko Takeuchi (WITH magazine, May 2022) where she says, "We have been married for over 20 years. Although we have small fights sometimes, my husband is extremely kind and quiet, like a hermit (...) The house we have lived for 20 years is also a place of healing. Sometimes we have meals or tea in the garden". So, I can totally picture Togashi-sensei eating oranges in the winter and talking to cats.
Togashi-sensei stated he is the type of person who always has sound playing while he is working, just like Yoshizumi-san. She was happy she was acknowledged in his letter!
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The question 9 was about manga that Togashi-sensei found interesting recently. Miyata remembered that Togashi had wrote a recommendation on the obi of Kimestu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) volume 4, praising the series. I had completely forgotten Togashi loves Demon Slayer!
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In his letter, Togashi-sensei wrote he couldn't give the name of the series he's currently into, since he would get criticized. But he left some clues. Yoshimizu said the crazy amount of ッッッ (small tsu) used in his answer was maybe a keyword, and that the fans would probably figure it out. She had no idea what manga he was talking about, though.
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Togashi-sensei also wrote this manga is a true story published in 2023. So, many fans came up with the Autobiography of Keisuke Itagaki (author of Grappler Baki): an autobiographical manga depicting the harsh life experienced by Keisuke Itagaki in the "JGSDF 1st Airborne Brigade" that consumed his youth!
I started reading it, and the author really loves to use "ッッッ" at the end of the sentences. I don't think it's the kind of content I would recommend to an idol like Seki-san. Anyway, I don't know whether that's the correct answer or not, but it seems so.
The manga that Togashi-sensei ended up recommending was "Oi! Tombo". It has been serialized in Weekly Golf Digest since 2014. An anime is also scheduled to premiere in 2024. I was happy to see that the Golf Digest X Account mentioned his letter!
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Seki-san was introduced to an unexpected golf manga, but she immediately became interested, saying, "I really want to read it'' and "I want to buy it right away.'' I guess we all felt that way. I'm definitely watching the anime!
The 10th question was about the ending! The reaction of the guests and MCs when Morimoto read there's an Ending D in case Togashi-sensei dies was priceless.
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Before Morimoto could read the "Ending D", Miyata recalled he went to watch the Hunter × Hunter movie "Phantom Rouge", and received a copy of Volume 0. He grabbed it, and showed the Q&A with Togashi-sensei, highlighting Question 4: What will end up happening to Kurapika and the Phantom Troupe? A: "They will all die."
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He was really looking forward to knowing the ending of Hunter × Hunter, but not this one (LOL). Morimoto and Miyata were too nervous, they took a sip to calm down before reading the "Ending D Pattern".
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The final question was about the amount of text in volume 37. Miyata commenting that his answer also had an incredible amount of text made me laugh so hard. It was a huge answer indeed.
Togashi's last words were:
"Words are da best!" (Words rule/Nothing can beat words/Only words wins/ whatever sounds better in english).
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Everyone laughed so hard, because this is actually a slang used by young people or fandom to say someone or something is the best. He wrote the letter in polite japanese, it was fun he ended it with a slang. By the way, Togashi-sensei loves slang, specially fandom unique vocabulary, as he usually uses it Hunter x Hunter. He's a fan of Keyakizaka46/Sakurazaka46 after all.
Miyata was excited to hear that Togashi-sensei himself is "bugged", which makes him want to continue reading HxH even more. One thing that caught Miyata's attention during this final question was the part Togashi-sensei mentioned he needs to settle many issues during the voyage of the Black Whale ship. Actually, the word "settlement" (解決) captured the attention of many fans, as they posted a lot about that on social media.
Miyata thought about people on board the ship whose fates needs a resolution. He wondered if this was about Kurapika and The Phantom Troupe since the conditions to what Togashi-sensei said in volume 0 (everyone's gonna die) are right there to happen soon.
He showed his Volume 0 again. LOL, I hope Togashi-sensei was just joking.
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Of course, let's not forget that are many other unfinished business that needs a solution in this arc, we have a whole succession to the throne war in motion. But, Miyata was really hyped about Kurapika and volume 0.
The show ended with a big thanks and bow to Togashi-sensei!
Miyata said he has been reading HxH for more than 20 years, since he was in elementary school. No matter how old he is, he still gets excited about it! He loves Hunter × Hunter!
Morimoto asked Seki-san to say some final words to Togashi-sensei. Besides showing all her love for Hunter × Hunter, Seki-san was really cute and asked Togashi-sensei to take really good care of his health!
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That's it, sorry for being like Togashi-sensei and writing too much. Although my posts are more about Yu Yu Haksuho, I feel I needed to address his letter too. I didn't take the Ending D too serious, since it was discarded. However, I think it was a cute closing to HxH. Like Miyata-said, everything went back to the beginning, The Whale Island where it all started.
I just want Togashi-sensei to live long and write his favorite ending!
There were other interesting parts, like Seki-san telling Togashi-sensei to make a DVD BOX of the TV show. In the end, everyone wanted to make one ^^ (me too). It is a really precious letter. I hope Seki-san frames it and make an altar :P
Thank you very much, Togashi-sensei!
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xinu1941-1966 · 10 months
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illustration:ますむらひろし(増村博)Hiroshi masumura
新評 1975-11 流三界短編の挿絵
1973 ガロ(青林堂)表紙/鈴木翁二 構成/林静一 
ガロ GARO ますむらひろし 増村博 hiroshi MASUMURA manga art 松本隆 微熱少年 ヨネザアド アタゴオル ファンタジーゾーン
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a-adachi · 2 years
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作品名稱:XNR_1960 尺寸:75 x 95 x 270 毫米 材料:雜誌(LIFE 雜誌,1960,美國)、紙 創作年份:2022 素材為1960年9月26日的LIFE雜誌,文章內容與時尚相關,使用Jacqueline Kennedy等,主題為1960年製造的概念車“Plymouth XNR” ●ART Taichung 台中芸術博覧会 VIP:2022 / 7 / 14(四)15:00 - 19:00 会期:2022 / 7 / 15(五)- 17(日) 時間:12:00 - 19:00(7 / 17 至 18:00) 会場:台中林酒店 (台中市西屯區朝富路99號) ⭐︎ 我們正在917房間的“透視藝術空間”展出。 WEB:https://2022.art-taipei.com/taichung/tw/ #contemporaryart #台中藝術博覽會 #ARTTaichung #magazine #アーティスト #artist #sculpture #當代藝術 #報紙 #artwork #newspaper #紙 #現代アート #美術 #conceptualart #XNR #足立篤史 #atsushiadachi #概念車 #newspaperart #japaneseartist #PlymouthXNR #台中 #雜誌 #Taichung #当代艺术 #예술 #藝術家 #台中林酒店 #透視藝術空間 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfde7U6vk5Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bearbench · 2 months
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ant-n2 · 1 year
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文具女子博in大阪2023 2023.04.20 (木)~2023.04.23 (日) 大阪南港ATCホール 10:00~17:00(最終入場16:30) ※最終日は16:00まで(最終入場15:30) ※再入場不可 こちらも初出展です! 2つとも大きいイベント出るのが 久々で体力もつかなー??? がんばりまーす! おしゃれ紙いっぱーい 持っていきますね🥰 ぜひお越しくださいませー! お会いできるのを 楽しみにしています🎶 #文具女子博in大阪2023 #antantant #ants_hm #文具 #紙雑貨 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpbu11WpUui/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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knotenletterpress · 1 year
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・ 新作の月夜の切手シールには、山々や湖、羊など、これまでの作品に登場したモチーフが潜んでいます。シール単体で使っていただくのはもちろん、「冬の湖」「月の満ち欠け」「羊を飼う」など、物語がつながりそうなポストカード、封筒と一緒に使っていただいても、月夜の世界がひろがりおすすめです🌖 今週末の紙博in東京 @kamihaku2023 にはこれまでのものも沢山お持ちしますので、ぜひお手にとっていろいろな組み合わせをお楽しみくださいね🌲🚣🦢🐑 切手風シール4面【月夜】 湖/まきば/海辺/木立 #月夜 #moonlitnight #月の満ち欠け #phasesofthemoon #moonphases #羊 #ひつじ #sheep #白鳥 #swan #活版印刷 #活版 #letterpress #knoten #knotenletterpress #緑青社 #紙博 #台東館 #浅草 #手紙舎 #手紙社 #tegamisha https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2hgA3PJUK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nocogou · 1 year
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京都で4年ぶりに開催される「紙博 & 布博 in 京都」いよいよ明日から! 前日搬入をして来ました 会場はかわいい布もの紙もので埋め尽くされていましたよ☺︎ 初日22日(土)は10時から お得な前売りチケットの他に 会場で購入できる当日チケットもございます。 皆さまのお越しをお待ちしてます♪ 【紙博 & 布博 in 京都】 [日程]2023年4月22日(土)、23日(日) [時間]10:00〜17:00 [会場]京都市勧業館みやこめっせ 第3展示場 [入場料] プレミアムチケット 1,200円 スタンダードチケット 1,000円 手紙社の部員限定・デジタルチケット 1,000円 当日販売チケット 1,200円 ※公式サイトにてチケット販売中! ※小学生以下無料 https://kamihaku.jp/202304kyoto/ #nocogou #ノコゴウ #テキスタイル #オリジナルテキスタイル #textile #textiles #fabric #布 #生地 #雑貨 #布雑貨 #布小物 #手仕事#手紙社 #手紙舎 #布博 #手芸 #nunohaku #handcraft #紙博 (みやこめっせ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrTUWDvPsnt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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momapatchwork · 1 year
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うめだ阪急9階で開催中の 文具の博覧会に、 MOMA MONSTER 3/6まで出店中です。(※最終日は18時まで) 毎日商品追加して、 SHIRO YAGI HOUSEの裏手でお待ちしてまーす🙌 阪急文具の博覧会2023 #阪急文具の博覧会 #文具の博覧会 #阪急百貨店 #阪急うめだ本店 #文具博 #阪急 #うめはん #hankyu #hankyuevent #うめだスーク #スーク文具 #スーク文具店 #文具女子 #文具 #メッセージカード #紙雑貨 #インク #スタンプ #MOMAPATCHWORK #MOMAMONSTER #madebyTeddy #imakokeshi百貨店 #ぬいぐるみバッグ #メッセージドール  (阪急百貨店 阪急うめだ本店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpWEjkPy9VH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reflections-in-t · 1 year
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. . 中谷宇吉郎の最晩年の研究地、グリーンランドの北緯78°の極地から運ばれた60トンの石が埋め尽くす雪の科学館、中庭 . そこに湧き上がる中谷芙二子による霧の彫刻作品 《グリーンランド氷河の原#47704》 . 特殊なノズルから高圧力で水を噴出させ、人工的な「霧」を大量に発生させて制作するインスタレーション . 静かな日には「氷河の原」を下って庭を白く覆い尽くし、風の吹く日にはブリザードのように舞い上がる、霧 . 中に入ってカメラのレンズを濡らした経験(京都で)があるので距離をおいての観賞だったけれど、やはりこころ躍る体験 . . #雪の科学館 #中谷芙二子 #霧の彫刻 #大阪万博ペプシ館1970 #テートモダン #ラヴィレット公園Paris #国営昭和記念公園 #大地の芸術祭越後妻有 #ビルバオグッゲンハイム #横浜トリエンナーレ #FJグラスハウス #姫路城 #銀座メゾンエルメス #京都北河原団地跡地 #長野県立美術館常設 #中谷宇吉郎 #雪は天から送られてきた手紙 #磯崎新 #加賀市 #加賀片山津温泉 #柴山潟 #NakayaFujiko #NakayaUkichiro #MuseumofSnowandIce #青春18きっぷ #LeicaC #ライカc #LeicaC112 . . https://www.instagram.com/p/CmdvkjvPw-r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jackgreen7777 · 1 year
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2022年 11月 步學關西古都 激安大和鑑賞 八瀨逍遙風雅有情《琉璃光院》 昂首期盼已久,國際旅行終於解隔了。 話不多說,先衝一波了。疫情肆虐多年,國際局勢千變萬化,不知道這三年來觀光旅遊變成什麼樣子了。 第一站,就保守的選日本觀光大城,大阪吧。 因應日幣重貶,再加上生活飲食日常用品重疊率很高,此次的日本行是經濟與安全雙重考量的最適合國。 不過這次的旅行是與家人同行,除了長輩還有未滿一歲的嬰兒,行程自然不能堆太滿。 基本上,就是一天一到兩個景點,很多時間都在輪流顧小孩以及解決基本生理需求。 行程如下: 一、道頓掘 溫泉 二、京都琉璃光院 清水寺看夕陽 三、環球影城 四、神戶姬路城 五、大阪城西之園水上巴士泡湯 六、動物園大阪歷史博物館 七、黑門市場臨空城outlets 此次的疫後首波國外旅程,我最大的感觸是,雖然觀光產業不到疫情前的巔峰,但已經慢慢復甦了。 此次短暫的日本七天試水溫,證明市場已經準備好,開始四處旅行了,30天半年的旅行可以開始著手進行了。 接下來,韓國、泰國抑或更遠的歐美各國,機票住宿買起來! 讓我們相約在優美的加拿大,相遇在浪漫的土耳其。 #世界遺產 #大阪 #京都 #姬路城 #天守閣 #清水寺 #大阪歷史博物館 #黑門市場 #臨空ルーキーズ #大阪環球影城 #文青 #男紙 #旅遊日記 #流浪 #攝影 #旅 #旅行教會我的事 #詩人 #旅遊攻略 #夢想 #冒險 #傻帽 #敦益 #travel #life #Diary #tourism #JackGreen #jackgreen77777 #TravelWin旅行家(在 京都八瀬大原瑠璃光院) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClxI-flPR3z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nissyart · 1 year
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10月9日10日に #熊本AMUプラザ #くま博2022 のワークショップで制作し、昨日まで展示されていた #くまもん ハートを一枚一枚剥がしてそれを使って #熊本大学病院 にて18日から大きなハートを制作します。 ハートの収穫。 後に自分がこのハートたちを使って制作するのだから、自分で切り取るのが一番。 ということで日帰り熊本です。 去年の #JR博多駅 #AMUプラザ博多 での一年を通してのハートPRがこうして熊本での制作に繋がっている。 九州に感謝です! #heart #ハート #maste #maskingtape #mt #カモ井加工紙 #マステ #マスキングテープ #株式会社マークス  @marks_tokyo @mt_masking_tape @amu_kumamoto @kumamoto_kumahaku #旅するハートストリート #ハートストリート #koichinishimura #ホスピタルアート #熊本市 (アミュプラザくまもと) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckhh9lPLDkV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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