psychedeliclulu · 2 months
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Yu in P4D is so important to me.
It makes you understand how he has completely moved away from perfection to embrace his preferences and his sillier sides.
He just wants to have fun 🤭💖 ✨
Canonically Yu is the most talented character (also to contrast Adachi lack of natural talent ), it's a plot point, so good that he makes Yosuke jealous throughout the story. He could have been the best dancer, even the best dancing protagonist...and instead Funky moves 🕺🏻🪩✨!!
I love him 😂😂😂!
I love his silly and slightly vintage moves😁
His partners dance with others🥺💖✨
The Dancing games show many small details of the characters and the bonds they have with each other and I like how it perfectly shows Yu's evolution 😌🫶🏻🤍✨
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ceritaapaaja · 26 days
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[Bagian dari perjalanan]
Bertemu mereka adalah sebuah berkah tersendiri buatku. Banyak hal yang aku dapatkan dari mereka - pelajaran, pengalaman, kebersamaan, kekompakan, dan masih banyak lagi. Aku yang awalnya bukan siapa-siapa mereka bener-bener dirangkul dan alhamdulillah bisa akrab. Mereka nggak pandang bulu, berusaha menghargai dan mengapresiasi satu sama lain, berusaha saling support. Terimakasih banyak yaaa atas setiap kebaikan kalian kepadaku. Semoga selalu diberikan kesehatan dan dilancarkan segala urusannya. Semoga segala kebaikan, keberkahan, dan kemudahan senantiasa menyertai setiap langkah kalian ✨
Dan aku juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih banyak untuk Pak Alfandi dan Bu Har yang sudah berkenan memfasilitasi dan selalu mendukung kami, tanpa beliau-beliau kami juga nggak bisa seperti ini 🥺 Semoga silaturahmi seperti ini terus terjalin dengan baik 🤲🏻💖🫶
In frame : Masih belum fullteam, kurang 2 lagi.
● Boyolali, 11-12 Mei 2024
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louiseffetin · 1 year
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Eu estive ausente aqui no tumblr por um pequeno tempo por assuntos fora daqui e pelo desânimo que senti por conta do favoritismo que infelizmente ainda existe.
Mas isso é uma notinha de agradecimento!!! Eu gostaria de verdade de lhes agradecer, pois mesmo não estando tão presente, vocês me presentearam com esse carinho, eu agradeço a todos que me acompanham e gostam do meu conteúdo, sou grato de coração. 🥺🤲🏻💖
Vou deixar aqui alguns dos blogs que mais admiro e minhas inspirações. ✨
@max1mus , @ph4sies , @harumi-web , @nick-web , @dakorai , @s-telar , @s-cupid , @cott3ge , @n-ebullosa , @devil1sh , @thom-web, @croissantis , @baesol , @thom-web , @renneh.
Há mais pessoas, mas no momento não lembro. 🤲🏻❤️
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loomontoia · 2 months
I want to squeeze your art of the young widow sisters like aCK🥺💖
Thye look so cute i- 🥹🤲🏻✨
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sparfloxacin · 8 months
heyyyyy are you feeling any better yet? 🥺 if not (or even if yes), here's one beautiful angel (and one Dark Lord) to distract you 💖
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I'm actually about to cry over how beautiful and ethereal and angelic he looks here 😭✨
(againnnn sorry for internet crimes and not crediting the owner of the pic, but it's a perfect picture of a perfect angel so congrats to whoever they might be 🤧)
hellooooo 💗 feeling better already but I will gladly take this distraction, thank you 💞
look at him!! he just like… exists? and looks that beautiful 🤧
this also reminded me of one of my all time favourite pictures:
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babyjakes · 7 months
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile 🥰🤲🏻✨🩷💕💖
right back at you brandy bby!!! 🥺💜☁️✨
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eulalielatibule · 7 months
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile 🥰🤲🏻✨🩷💕💖
🥹🥺 thank you bby I think YOU'RE wonderful!!!
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kpophubb · 1 year
Morning hon,
Wahhhhh u make my day yesterday such a blast
I’ll be honest I was “daydreaming” about the poem & 🌹🤭🤭🤭 Soooo cute pls ….yeah 💓thank you giving me this fantasy & letting me to picture this 🙈🌹💓🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧
The party <> yes yes Guy is totally welcomed , tbh he was my first bias and I feel like if I would be someone from txt I would be Beomgyu 😅😂 he’s even same personality with me (before ) but I always fell for ENFJ man 🥰 I feel like they r just so funny , and I remember looong time ago before mbti thing there was this test “who’s your type” and my was like adventurer and I think it’s exactly enfj
also I love the way you talk (WayV just entered the room ) the first paragraph omg🥰🥰🥰🥰 you know how good it feels to be on a same page with someone , thank you for this ❤️
my NY resolutions Ah I feel so dumb-ish.. I was trying to sit down yesterday & think about them , journal you know but here still haven’t … thank you for sharing yours 🥺🌟 those are good ones 🌟🌟
as for Heath & body / dream body smth u hv mention we could do something together Cz it feels like it is my resolution from year to year 🔁🙈🙊
thank you for caring about me💞
I watched very interesting movie yesterday “Megan” I feel like when I was a kid I also wanted a toy like that , and I see many writers use this as a plot and I think there is a movie or something but adult-ish ver with like doll robot boyfriend/ girlfriend . Have you seen any ? I can’t remember the names :/
My day is a total disaster nothing I was expecting earlier .
It’s just mind blowing . The worst place I have been to in my entire life. It’s like you want to have a good experience, pay money for it and got shit treatment , I’m still here and I’m so bored 🥱 I wanna be saved 😂😭🤭😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Good evening baby love 🥺🖤🫶🏻
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I’m very sorry for replying so late,, as you might have seen me talking in the other asks I’m very sick atm. <|3
Hehe im glad I could make your day! 💖🤲🏻 I love imagining kpop scenarios too..esp when it’s with a friend with a different bias so I imagine us to be on this double date thing lol..😭😍
haha aww..you find the way I talk adorable? Now that makes me feel shy 🙈👉🏻👈🏻 I’m also glad we share the same enfj personality cause understanding is so so important in every sort of relationship and us experiencing same kinda emotions makes us bond deeper !
It’s okay hun, I’ll wait to hear your new year resolutions! <3 and mhm, I like exercising a lot? It’s not like I ever wear any revealing clothes, I’m that girl you see who always wears baggy clothes and likes being more “cool” than “cute” ahah😭💔?? I like doing it for me. I love how it brings me confidence and makes me feel active and improves my mental health and confidence. I struggled a lot w body image insecurities when I was younger, so instead of mopping about it, I took the problem in my hand and decided to solve it by doing sth about it. After all, at the end you only got you. ✨
I’m not a very movie person …¿ I’m very sorry if I come off as boring but </3 I don’t really watch a lot of movies or tv series. Right now I’m watching a Netflix show called “Ginny & Georgia” and it seems fun!🤩
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dalkyeom · 1 year
yayyy omg fandom ocs are so fun it’s funny bc each fandom oc I make just becomes like a regular oc for me after time 😭😭😭 I did want to make a genshin oc eventually bc I used to have some but I kinda scrapped them after a while bc I wasn’t really feeling them anymore 😔 also hhh the image of you holding my ocs is so wholesome 🥹🥹🥹 hmm little preview 🤔 a lot of them have abilities because they’re espers hehe so powers!! ✨✨✨ I’ll probs go in depth more once I start posting >:) 🤫🤫🤫
also yeah the story was super cool I loved the Diamond and Pearl clans a lot tbh 🥺✨ and just the overall feel of then game was cozy and almost whimsical which makes sense since many felt like it was a pkmn botw
also mood nap time is always important gl gl with your zine work!! <333 I mainly hung out and went shopping with my mom which we both agreed was exhausting 😭😭😂😂 but it was worth it to get a couple things haha I’m gonna relax and watch fullmetal alchemist so overall good day
HELPPP SAME! It’s like after some time (when you’re not active in the fandom anymore) you’re collecting regular ocs like thanos 😂
genshin ocs are so fun! I think they become more fleshed out if you have someone to make headcanons/interactions with. Mine was more of a traveler oc who became an npc/playable genshin oc pipeline after giving her some backstory. It’s ok to scrap tho sometimes you’re just not feeling them and that’s alright 😌 you can recycle/reuse initial ideas for new ocs hehe
The preview 👀 am excited bc most of my main ocs have some power involved too so bddbd 👀 interaction lore 👀🤲🏻
I really feel like the lore and world building in Arceus is so interesting, I’m really excited to play it soon 🥺 sometimes, I feel like recent entries lack this depth or inspired storylines so the whole isekai/ time traveling aspect is so intriguing. I think the last title game I felt this much enthusiasm for was either diapearl or black/white bc recently I just feel like collecting pkmn > be interested in the story 😭
Thank you!! Amg the sugar crash this month is really making me sleep more so I’m hoping to get more done 😂 HHH FULLMETAL 😭 a childhood classic! I hope you were able to rest well yesterday, Izzy 💖💖
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psychedeliclulu · 10 months
Adult Yu Narukami my beloved ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ💖
Blatantly Inspired by the Magnificent Incredible fic 'In Limbo' by nanisorero (miriam_lee) ✨✨✨
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paleangels13 · 2 years
Tagged by @mondscheinprinzessin and @rosalba-robi 💖
rules: list your top 5 favorites of your fics, what they're about, and why you're proud of them, then tag some fic authors to do the same!
I won't tag anyone because I don't know who's done it by now and who hasn't ^^"
Baby, if I let you in, I know I'll be falling
This is basically just about Aleksi visiting Robin for a hook up but there is a very obvious hint at idiots in love at the end ^-^
It was the first fic I wrote after I think 2 or 3 years and started my whole journey as a writer in this fandom so it holds a very special place in my heart ☺️ I also found my amazing beta-reader (@bc-sideblog) thanks to this fic and I wouldn't want to miss her 🥺🥺❤️ there is a whole universe created around this story btw, I just need to write it down eventually... Maybe ✨
Sharing is caring
Well, this is omegaverse and besically it's about Joonas getting into his heat on the tourbus and the others (all alphas) helping him get through it. There is some tenderness and actual love going on in the last part so it has some sweetness and feelings to it 🥺👀
This was the second biggest fic I've ever written and it was so, so much work which I totally underestimated but I'm super proud about actually finishing it and yeah. Also went completely out of my comfort zone with this because I never planned on writing omegaverse... :) (also btw really like the difference between each of the guys with Joonas and especially the interaction between Joonas and Niko in the end!)
After the battle
Fantasy au with the boy being... Well, who knows ✨👀 Tommi is a werebear but that's the only thing that's very safe just from reading the story :D And aside from that it's about them being involved in a battle where one of them gets injured and doesn't come back to their safe house immediately so there is some drama and angst in this.
I just really love this AU and I definitely want to explore this some more! I like the way I wrote this not jumping straight to the point but rather giving more and more hints throughout the story ^^" I was super fun to write and I love the whole group-dynamic in this 🥰
More beautiful than the night sky on New Year's Eve
Robin invites Aleksi to a NYE party and they have some stuff to talk about with some realization hitting in (cute ending!)
First fully "fluffy" fic I ever (?) wrote and I like the setting a lot and it's idiots in love and dude you two are so stupid 😭🤲🏻 please just get your shit together everyone can see you're on love 😔
When he comes home... (/the whole Toxic Series in general)
Well the one I specifically mentioned is what it says in the title... Aleksi coming home to Joonas and Rilla. It just isn't a happy reunion.
I like the atmosphere in this one I think? Like nothing actually happens but it's still super obvious that something is incredibly wrong and also Rilla 🥺 being there comforting Joonas and probably being the main reason why nothing happens 🥺
About the series in general I can just say that I'm kinda proud of the whole atmosphere I created in each of the 3 stories so far and idk... I really went out of my comfort zone with this one when it comes to actually writing something in this direction down and not just having the idea but being too...scared? of actually putting it into a fic. But I also had a hard time writing the first part because I didn't want to go into too much detail about what's happening but also didn't want to skip it all together so I had to find something in the middle which was tough. There is at least one more (maybe two) part coming for that one in case anyone cares 😅🙈
Bonus: I can feel you looking at me
Aleksi and Olli work at a...bar. And finally Aleksi gathers the courage to talk to Olli about some things he had noticed during the past few weeks (idiots in love but with a little...twist..??)
I like this and I can't tell y'all why. I just do. Also got to write this into a little different setting thanks to a certain someone but you'll get to read that in the next few days (I hope) 🥰
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louiseffetin · 1 year
gente que blog mais lindo 😯😯😯
Obrigado, florzinha ☹️✨🤲🏻 O seu é uma gracinha também!!! 🥺✋🏻💖
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dengesizkafamm · 1 year
En yakın arkadaşına yaşadığın şeyleri anlatmak yerine hissettiğin şeyleri anlatmak ve onun seni anlaması ❤️‍🔥💖🤌🏻✨🥺🤲🏻💛🍯🤍🌸💕💓💞💚💘
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caguaydreams · 2 years
I finished Diamond Is Unbreakable and I am CRYING here. Beautiful shit... I'm gonna ramble in the tags here for a bit
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YOUR HONOUR: THEY!!!!!!! 🥺🍂💙💞💛🤧❤️🧡😭🥺❣️💛✨🤲🏻💕🧡💗🥺💖💓✨🍂🤧🤍💚💕💜😭🤲🏻🍂❤️💚💛🍂🥺💙 @spacezeros @aliceoseman
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opal-stars · 2 years
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“Would you kiss me?”
Happy birthday Charlie Spring!!! You deserve the world 🥺🤲🏻💖🍂✨
And congratulations on finding your soulmate at 14…… I’m not jealous at all! 🙂🙂🙂🙂
instagram • @opal.stars
@aliceoseman @spacezeros @chronicintrovert
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