#(which you guys can guess since i already use 2 characters from it as faceclaims for ocs XDD)
|| since there's barely any Sam content to icon........i decided to give him an alt faceclaim in addition to what I could collect from the manga XDD
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What do you guys think.?? Does it work??
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starsmuserainbow · 4 years
So, okay, finally finished what I’ve been working on. In case you’d like to know what it was, it’ll be shown in this post, though for now, here’s a summary and a cut because this’ll be long, and have some images too.
In short: I have picked a few possible faces that I might pick as (real life-) Faceclaims for my muses. Not that I intend to use them much or at all, but I thought it’d be nice to at least for once try and see which faces I would be picking if I were interested in doing so.
I would appreciate hearing other’s thoughts on the matter, though if you don’t want to, that’s okay too of course.
Once more - this post is long, and has a batch of images.
Like said before the cut - this whole thing is not about anything that’ll be a prominent thing on my blogs. I did this mostly for the sake of being able to compare it better, and thought it’d be nice to share it and maybe even get some other opinions.
I’m not gonna name the faces I picked, because I don’t need it to show up in any search and I also don’t see a need for it. If you want to say something to a specific one, you can always go by the order that they’re appearing in this post or, like, describe something of the pose or the picture or whatever. (Example of the first option here, like, ‘I like Starfire #1′ or the likes.)
These edits are not done that well, some at parts a little better or worse than others. I just did them because I was hoping to be able to decide better when the colors actually fit. After each pic, I will list some of my thoughts, probably some pros and cons of the face, that I see, too.
Okay, with that said, on we go!
First off:
I actually had a lot of difficulty to find anyone for her that I’d even consider, more so than for most others. Maybe I’m just feeling too attached to her, but I think I’m just in general having a biiiiiiig difficulty to attach animated/drawn characters to people.
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I did this one a little earlier than when I actually looked through databases for FCs - she here was my choice because on some other pics she has a really wide smile, which is like mandatory for Starfire to have. I didn’t find a good enough pic of her with her smile though, so I took this one and made it instead, and, idk.
+ wide smile + eyes are not too small-ish
- feels kinda too old for my liking? - not that long hair - I think I checked where she appears in and there’s no appearance, look-wise, anywhere that I could use
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Two pics here, glued together so it doesn’t take up too much space, and as you can see I’m not all too constant with colors. And with one of those I actually recolored the dress and her necklace to, to more Starfire-y colors, but yes, you can see that.
+ princess-y attire + better hair-length
- I think where these pics are from is an older thing so the quality probably is bad - I don’t really like her smile all that much if I’m honest
While the next two still are Starfire, they are also Blackfire (you’ll see), so I’m gonna call the next part:
Starfire & Blackfire!
So, if you know the cartoon, you know that in there, Blackfire is basically a recoloring of Starfire. With those next two, I tried just that too, just, with different pictures of the actress.
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Saw her in something I started to watch, and thought she might work for Starfire. And since I felt that she could work that way too, I did a Blackfire-version too.
+ She’s black, which I know many people feel like is a must for an actress for Starfire, or probably any tamaranean. For me personally, though, that doesn’t really matter, I’d recolor whoever I pick into orange skin anyway. + She can at least kinda fit for both parts, as you can see
- I might end up connecting her to that thing I started watching too much, I tend to do that and it’ll be hard to really feel her as my muses then - dark/black hair is a hassle to recolor into something even faintly as bright red as I’d need it for Starfire
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I knew her name still from FC ideas, or fancasts or however it’s called, that people did a longer time ago. I looked her up, and picked some pictures to use.
+ eyes nicely big-enough + expressive face + the hair is long enough to work + the pic I did for Blackfire totally - yes, simply because of it being done in/surroundedby nature - reminds me of the Poison Ivy I once did stuff with both on Starfire and Blackfire, I miss those interactions (or the mun/muse) a lot and just absolutely love that the pic feels like a little like a hinted remembrance for those
- She is, or was, a pretty common pick for stuff in general I think? - I don’t think I found a specific appearance of hers that could work well for my purposes
And that’s done too. Now, which you can probably expect to come next:
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Found her only through a database, just like with Starfire #2 and probably most that are still going to follow, and I felt like her features worked kinda at least.
+ Features (face, eyes etc) kinda work for Blackfire + She’s black, for the reason for this being a + see above
- she’s a model; meaning I can’t exactly pick a movie or w/e and have the same looks in all scenes of those to use - dark/black hair, like said, is a hassle to recolor properly as you can see
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This was a name I found on someone’s fancasts, and I looked through the appearances of the actress to find sometihng that could work. And I only just now realize that on the right pic, I made the hair too blue-ish, but oh well.
+ Her face and eyes kinda work + the clothes (at least in those two pics) are things I could see Blackfire at least accept wearing
- black hair - the eyes are a little small - the medium this appearance is from is old I think, which means bad quality of pics
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I think she’s from a rather well known thing, but I myself don’t know about that so at least I don’t have the problem of associating her to that role.
+ Face and eyes work, at least in these two pics + Clothes work for Blackfire + Her hair is more ‘sleek’ than some of the others in the pics I found, meaning not as many sticking-out hairs to recolor
- In some pics of her I could absolutely not see Blackfire, so I guess it depends a lot on the pose or expression which might mean she’s not that good a fit after all - Comes from a rather well-known thing so even if I myself don’t connect her to it, many others might and I know that when I feel like that I can’t enjoy the FC as much
To finish with the royal siblings, next comes:
Okay, before I get to the pics, lemme just say that oh boy. I seem to have a very mixed idea for him, or maybe that came to be from how I tried to not take someone too old-ish for when Ry’s supposed to be younger than Starfire and Blackfire. Well, you’ll see what I mean - on we go.
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I had the idea of this guy saved for a while already before actually looking for FCs, mostly because the hair just fits pretty well and at that time I looked more for that than an actual face I could accept.
+ the hairstyle fits well + the face is kinda ‘long-ish’ which I feel would be a good thing for Wildfire
- I don’t like his face that much, at least not for Wildfire - He doesn’t quite ‘feel’ right
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Something very different from the one above, as you probably noticed. This is one of 3 somewhat younger ones I picked, because like said earlier he kinda should be a bit younger than Starfire and Blackfire.
+ hair is okay-ish + medieval-ish attire probably could work well for mimicking Wildfire’s usual clothing
- He’s only in an episode or so playing this role, I think the role has like 3 different actors or so over the time whenever he appears as young - This is one of like two or so pics in total I found of his appearing and idk, on both he doesn’t quite feel right, a little too ‘stiff’ or ‘serious’ idk (though I guess Wildfire is that too at times, idk it’s just hard to explain)
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Another one of the younger-ish picks.
+ I like the hair + I think I’m good with his face
- idk how big or small his appearance here is - picture search for the actor’s name is kinda confusing me because on some I think ‘yeah he’s a good fit’ but on some I think ‘what? how could I pick that, no’
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Yes yes, I know, those are many, and I’m sorry. I just couldn’t quite decide and made a few. Besides, it isn’t really that much more than for Starfire or Blackfire when you count those that I did both with too.
+ face can work I think + looks younger
- the hair isn’t quite as long-ish as I’d like it for Wildfire - I don’t think I could find any appearance of him in shows etc that I really could use, look-wise
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And the last one for him.
+ face is ‘long-ish’, which I kinda feel helps + I like his face better than #1
- the first pic looks like he’s a good fit, but on the one on the right it doesn’t quite feel that much like a fit - I’m not sure if he’s from too known stuff as well
Next up:
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This is not really meant as honest consideration, she is feeling too old for what I’d like to see in Starlight - but I had to do an edit of this pic because this kind of blue is totally what Starlight will love to wear eventually (always with other colors too but, yeah) and so I think this one could actually work for a older-ish Starlight, like teenage or something a little further than that
(Also I just need to say that this is probably the best likeness to how I actually imagine Starlight’s hair that I managed to create)
+ hair was nice to recolor + I like her face
- (feeling) too old for how Starlight is at the moment - I think she too comes from a well-known thing
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Please ignore how much I failed at the hair here.
+ the face kinda works + she already has a colorful streak or two in her hair, which could be useful
- from an old thing I think - I’m not sure if I’m completely happy with her face-features
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While I do know the show she’s from, it’s luckily been too long since I watched it for me to actually feel her that connected to the role there. Also obviously I did her hair too rainbow-y here, but, yeah, it does well enough for the idea.
+ I like her face + I’m pretty sure she wears some really nice colorful things throughout the show, and even changes style eventually which means a nice variation
- From a well-known thing - I think by now she is a singer of sorts so maybe too many can’t quite connect her to something else
Okay, since I didn’t do Galfore (honestly I don’t think I could ever find someone fitting even only somewhat), there’s only one left, so you can probably guess who comes now:
It was a little surprising that I had a rather quick time at finding possibilities for him, and while I’m not 100% sold on either of them, I feel like it was the easiest for him out of all my muses.
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I’m running out of things to say to each pic before doing the pro and contra thing.
+ ‘square-y’ face in the way I feel I’d need it + ‘small’ eyes, as in narrowed a bit
- the hair isn’t quite perfect since Moonshot has a bit longer of a hair and more... more messy - I don’t like his face in some of the pics a picture-search gives me
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And another one.
+ face and eyes again fit to what I’d be looking for + a good amount of the pics of a picture-search actually are ones I can see working
- I think he’s from something well-known again - and again the hair with the same reasoning as above, but tbh I don’t think I even can find anyone completely fitting anyway
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I feel like the options I have for Moonshot are all rather similar. Oh well. I mean, that’s kinda the point, right?
+ face works I think + many pics of the result are ones I can see work
- comes from a rather popular thing as far as I can tell - in some angles, or maybe simply at another time of the actor’s life idk, the face doesn’t look that fitting anymore
And that’s it! I kinda doubt anyone actually looks as far as here, though if you do, thank you!
I’d appreciate hearing opinions, if you can see any of them work or not and maybe why. You could even name me other options if you want to.
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lokilickedme · 5 years
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(Okay, I’m going to do this in probably 3 parts because it’s long)
So The Department sorta happened because I wanted to get back into a regular weekly-updating online fic because, frankly, two reasons:
1) I’m worn out/exhausted/a bit burned out from working on novels and very little of anything else for the last year and a half, and
2) I crave/need the instant validation of the comment section at AO3, which you don’t get when you write a book :/
So I called a break, put away my manuscripts for a couple months, and am just indulging in some fun writing for a little while.  And since I wanted something new (sorry WIPs, your time will come again) this is what we ended up with.
I don’t remember exactly what made me go with the police department premise.  The potential for assholery and rampant egomania, most likely?  Well, you know I love that shit when it hides something slightly more noble underneath...and I think I wanted a big ensemble cast because I just adore the dynamics that can occur in groups of disparate personalities who have known each other for a long time.  That way they interact when they know each others’ secrets and there’s that one person new to the group who isn’t in on any of the jokes?  Good stuff right there.
I do remember that the first ideas for this story came to me during the Professor Jeff’s Super Science Show at the library (yeah your guess is as good as mine on that but it happens literally every time).  But if I’m being honest, I’d say it probably had more to do with Benny Hill than anything.  I have this bad habit of sitting on the couch with my laptop on my knees, headphones on, head back, inventing scenes in my head that go along with whatever music I’m listening to.  I’ve got this one insane playlist full of goofy tunes my 7-year old has requested for staging Thomas The Tank Engine crash scenes (don’t ask) and on this particular night that’s what I was listening to because why not.  On that playlist is a 30-minute loop of the Benny Hill Theme.  And all I could see in my head was a foot chase on ice and snow between a female officer, an out of shape Chief of police, a giraffe-legged office assistant, and a probably methed-up wannabe criminal who didn’t actually do anything major but was running anyway because he was bored.  It struck me funny and I toyed with the idea of sticking it into something I already had started, because I do love me some chaotic slapstick.
So the next day I’m driving the boys home from the Super Science Show and I’ve been playing around with it in my head again, and it’s taking shape into something that I know I’m going to have to work with.  We pass the Pupuseria Virolena Salvadoran restaurant downtown, and I start laughing because I’m suddenly hearing David Tennant trying to say that in his Scottish accent.
On the spot I named him Hawk and made him Captain.  And now we have one of our characters, and by the time we pull up in our driveway ten minutes later I’ve got stuff needing to be written down right now.
(the rest is under the cut for length)
Chapter 1 - Prologue - Your Boatload of Bad Decisions Has Left The Harbor
I was so anxious to get into the story but it needed an introduction, or else Greta being in this podunk town wouldn’t have any weight.  So we’re introduced to our heroine, who isn’t so much a heroine as just a decent if slightly too self confident special division officer who had some bad luck.  It’s not elaborated on yet in the story, though it’s heavily referenced multiple times that she disobeyed an order and made the decision to continue a high speed pursuit that had been called off by her superior officer, the above-mentioned Captain Hawkins, whom Greta has something of a relationship with (yeah they’re screwing, what of it).  And in the wake of that decision, Greta’s partner is killed and she’s brought up on charges, suspended, ordered to counseling, and finally shipped off to a small town in Minnesota so she can keep working while her final fate is decided by an investigative committee back in LA.
The opening chase scene was written from things I learned when I was a kid and my dad did vehicle tweaks for the Fort Worth police department from his auto shop.  The officers used to hang out drinking Cokes and telling stories while dad made (possibly illegal) modifications to their cars.  I was there a lot, sitting under his work bench with my books and pencils, listening to everything and remembering it all.  And I thought it was so damn cool.  So here we are.  What else was I gonna do with that information?  Might as well put it to use if it’s gonna be taking up real estate in my head for all these years.
For the record, I really liked Greta’s partner Joe and hated to kill him - but we needed a catalyst, and the cheerful best friend who sings Italian arias during chases while joyfully blasting out windshields is always gonna be the loser in the goner lottery.  For once the male hero dies to further the female lead’s storyline.
Heh, take that Marvel.
Anyway, sorry Joe.  There will be more about you in later chapters, so...gone but not forgotten.
Chapter 2 - Minnewhatever
This part starts out with the last bit of backstory we need to proceed.  Hawk sending Greta off to Minnesota, a place whose name she never does remember or say correctly.  She doesn’t figure she’s actually going to be there long enough to bother learning it, but Hawk informs her that her exile is likely to last at least a year, and he gives her very little reassurance that she won’t be serving every minute of her sentence.
Greta’s feeling a little betrayed here.  She and Hawk have been sort of a thing for a while, friends and colleagues and lovers, but he’s washing his hands of the entire situation and she’s left angry and a bit bereft.  But she still figures he’ll do something to get her out of it, if she’s patient and behaves herself in the new place.
Fast forward to day one in Weemeetwa.  While drowning her aggravation in a bottle of the good stuff, Greta meets her first new acquaintance and decides to just go with the cranky fuck-it attitude that she’s been harboring since the incident, gets shitfaced, and goes home with the guy.  This might have been a dual-purpose shag; Greta’s still feeling betrayed and abandoned by Hawk, so it’s a screw-you that he’ll never find out about - but that doesn’t stop it from feeling good in a vengeful sort of way.  Plus it’s cold and she’s alone and the guy - Andy, a tall sweet longhaired cutiepie with an Irish accent - is all too willing to buy her a drink and take her home for some cuddles.
In the morning Greta wakes up in a strange place full of groaning regret and ends up giving Andy a ride to the station.  She doesn’t count on seeing him again, so there’s no breath wasted on goodbyes.
Chapter 3 -  A Logging Truck, A Mountain, and A Blonde Walk Into A Bar
Now we meet most of the department.  Creeley, a gruff roughhouser with a rude streak forty miles wide, Sarah, the only other female in the department and possibly the only person alive who can keep the boys under control, Kevin, the quiet dispatch agent with an impressive mountain impersonation skill, and finally (for the moment) Chief, the slightly too good-looking and highly put-upon boss of them all.
I knew I wanted Tom Hiddleston to play Chief Tommy Davis.  This is Kong Skull Island-era Hiddleston crossed with The Night Manager, with a handful of extra pounds around the middle and a frustrated sigh that goes on forever.  He’s meant to be an ex hockey player who was waylaid on his way to the major leagues, so he’s strong and sturdy, but an injury benched him years ago and a career in small-town law enforcement has put him a bit to pasture.  Middle aged, somewhere between 40 and 45.  He’s got some stuff in his past but he’s happy now, for the most part, just living his life watching over the town.
Jason Momoa is Bobby Creeley, for obvious reasons.  I knew I wanted a rowdy, rude, loudmouthed team member that’s always crossing everyone, but who everyone knows will be there no matter what if anything goes down.  He’s instantly Greta’s nemesis from the moment she walks in the door.  Gigantic and shaggy with a permanently amused nature and a fear of literally nothing, he’s simultaneously everyone’s best friend and worst enemy.
Sarah Lancashire has been finding her way into a lot of my fics lately as side characters, so it’s no surprise she ended up here as Sarah Pearl.  Steely, tough, and highly immune to the idiocy around her, Sarah is the worn out voice of common sense that the department is running perilously short on.  She’s also my first and foremost girl crush, and I’ll admit right now that I wrote an AU ending almost immediately that involved Sarah and Greta ending up together.  It would be natural to assume Sarah would fall into the default role of mom to the group, but there’s a whole lot of oh hell nope wrapped around that trope.  She would set them all on fire if anyone would let her have some matches, but Chief made a rule against that a long damn time ago.
Dave Bautista has been hanging around the back door of my muse stable for the longest, just minding his own business and waiting his turn, but I never really had any place to stick him.  Well Drax, your time has come baby.  I chose him to play Kevin Saylor based on his GoTG scene in which he tries to convince the crew he’s invisible.  And that’s Kevin, in a nutshell.  Huge and intimidating but quiet and intensely matter-of-fact in manner, he’s in charge of dispatch and immediately inspires Greta’s hatred of using the radio.
My first (and really only) faceclaim for Greta Morley was Zoe Saldana, but I waffled briefly for a couple of weeks, trying to cater to a few readers who told me they wanted to imagine themselves in the role.  I planned to stick with that, and I tried, I promise I did.  But every time Greta opened her mouth I heard Zoe, and by the time she went on her less than fleet-footed pursuit of Wilson with the longsuffering Andy by her side, she was locked in.  Greta’s harboring some serious regret and raw emotional wounds from her not too distant past, and some time out in the American Midwest should be a much needed recovery sabbatical.  Should be.  But isn’t gonna.
Speaking of Andy...Andrew Hozier-Byrne was and is the only person I ever considered for the role of Andy Burns.  Too tall, too clumsy, too cute, too sweet, just a whole bunch of too everything - he was perfect for the role and I may or may not have written it exclusively for him.  Okay yeah, I wrote it exclusively for him.  Andy’s the local cryptid, nobody really knows a lot about him.  He may or may not be a drug dealer.  He may or may not be officially employed by the police department.  He may or may not be Irish or hypoglycemic or a blackout drunk or as goofy as he seems.  Nobody really knows, and to be honest nobody really cares, because if you need it done Andy can do it...if he can remember you asked him to do it.
So Greta has arrived, for better or for worse.  Cree immediately starts in with the sexist remarks and butchering her name, a favor she returns by embarking on what will become a neverending trail of obliterated mis-renderings of the town’s name.  Creeley and Kevin kick off another of many running gags by arguing over whether or not anyone knew she was coming, and before things can get too stupid, Chief makes his first appearance.
And now things start to get interesting.
To be continued at chapter 4, Randy Andy and The Chief of Weemeetwa
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riftmeanewverse · 5 years
NAME : Ana NICKNAME :   annachibi FACECLAIM :  none PRONOUNS :  she/they HEIGHT :  5′6″ BIRTHDAY :  april 22nd AESTHETIC : bluey-purple & rainbow. overalls. baggy t-shirts. smiles. sitting in strange positions. sunsets. chillwave & synthpop. LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO :  Moonrunner by Droid Bishop FAVOURITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN : Sorren, Hopper, & Russel
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE : Since I talked about Hopper last time, I’ll talk about Sorren and Russel this time. So they originally came from message board RPs years ago. I was on a board run by a couple of friends and of course as I got to know them I started blabbing on about Rufus Sewell (who was the fc for the OC I had made there - Rhys, a grumpy half-selkie chain-smoker, kinda a proto-Sorren in a way). I became known for it, as I tend to do lol. So when they started up a new board with a medieval-ish original fantasy setting and I let them know that I would come along, they made a “canon” for me with Rufus as the fc and had him be “morally ambiguous” as per my request when I found out they were doing it. Basically, he had a few connections to other characters, a couple lines about his basic personality, and a last name. The rest was all up to me. In fact, I can actually grab the blurb yeah here it is:
“though technically more like an older brother than a father to his adopted sons, baron radvhet is a confusing man. one may think his intentions are good, but the next they believe him to be evil. he's raised the boys well to follow in his footsteps. the rest of his history and personality are UP TO THE PLAYER.” 
So yeah, that was it. I was honestly just inspired by Rufus’s acting and the depth he brings to even small roles. I think at the time I was mostly thinking about his Agamemnon and Tom Builder. I tried to make him... not really evil, but “ruthless” was a word that came up a lot. He had opinions and prejudices that were honestly xenophobic, but he sorta had to be that way in order to justify the role he played in his country’s court. I never got to play it out, but he tortured spies to extract information and dealt with poisons. At the same time, he had this side to him that really wanted to be a good father to his sons, despite the fact that he had a difficult time connecting with them emotionally. It was a real challenge to balance those two sides of him. At the heart of both of them was a fierce loyalty to country and family. And then, of course, that loyalty became challenged when he found out that the king was not the good man he thought he was...
Shit, I’m supposed to just be talking about inspirations, not going on a whole meta. XD Anyway, yeah, the other players loved him and sorta looked at him like a dad at first because I started off with a thread with one of his sons, so then I tried to switch it up and change their minds by having him get really angry with someone who accused his son of something (which he totally did, but Sorren didn’t know that) and getting into a sword fight over it at a peace conference which then basically turned into the beginning of a war. Sorren wasn’t bothered because he figured it had only been a matter of time before war broke out anyway so why not get it over with, but yeah... I don’t think I ever quite succeeded in getting them to think he was Not Good, but they did then consider him a badass lmao
So at that point, everybody on the board basically had this idea of Rufus tied to his usual kind of badass gruff characters, and when the creators of the board started up yet a new one (this time a boarding school with teachers) I wanted to turn the tables on their perception of Rufus completely. So I came up with Russel, based somewhat on Rufus’s character in Uncorked, the dorky, excitable, sweet cinnamon roll of an English teacher. I actually put a lot of myself in him, from his backstory to his interests. A lot of the other characters on the site had crazy names like Andromeda or yknow those kinds of names that sound cool but you don’t ever meet anyone named that in real life? So I tried to give Russel a really normal-sounding name along with the rest of him. I dunno, I just wanted to prove that 1. Rufus Sewell could be used as a fc for a total dork too, and 2. “regular people” characters without super tragic backstories are also interesting and likable!
So yeah, that’s how those two came about. I ended up changing Russel’s fc when I saw Hugh Dancy in Hannibal.
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVOURITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE :  Sorren has sometimes taken on less of a morally ambiguous role since I made him, partly because it requires a good bit of plotting out beforehand and partly because I realized that no matter how “evil” I made him, there would always be someone who would see his motivations or his other "good” actions and overlook it in favor of thinking of him as a good guy, unfortunately. So if I want him to be confronted or punished or called out by other characters, I pretty much have to explicitly tell people that’s what I want, which kinda takes some of the fun out of it. WOW OKAY this was about my favorite aspects I am so off track omg! But that I guess used to be my favorite aspect of him, and now it’s... I dunno, it’s hard to choose, and it changes depending on my mood and what I want to emphasize. I guess I love that he’s just so multifaceted. I’ve had him such a long time and gotten to play with him so much that I know him like the back of my hand.
For Russel, it used to be that he was so “normal” in a sea full of OCs with heterochromatic eyes, tragic backstories, legendary weaponry, etc etc. I still do like that about him, because it really lets his quirks and his personality shine when he doesn’t have any of that fancy stuff to hide behind. He’s such a dork, and he has this depressive streak that can make him mopey and annoying, but I kinda love that about him too. He’s just so real, I guess. He’s a good person but he has his flaws, too. They’re nothing huge like being a torturer, but they’re there and he is always learning and trying to be a better person, even if nobody says he needs to work at that.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING : Music, usually. Heck, I went off on a complete tangent and Russel came out full force because I found a song that made me think of his ex lol! When I write sad stuff, I usually try to find a song that will epitomize the mood I’m going for and listen to it on repeat while I’m writing. But my fcs can also inspire me, as I detailed above with Rufus. Okay, I say fcs but it’s usually Rufus. Rufus Sewell is my gatdang inspiration. There, I said it. The man is an amazing actor and plays such a wide variety of roles that I find myself thinking of gestures or expressions or ways of speaking that he’s done on camera and going “okay now how do I put that in words?” I do that with the others too, particularly David Harbour, but yeah.
FAVOURITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS : I love it when characters get to really connect with each other and emotions come out in their actions or words. I play characters who may not always say what they’re feeling, but if they’re feeling something, it’ll come out in other ways. Russel gets excited and happy about things. Sorren gets sad or defensive or evasive. Making him uncomfortable is hella fun. Hopper is also like that but I love how touchy-feely he is by nature, so I enjoy putting him in situations where he can express that. And I’ll mention my angry girl Phoenix on my sideblog because she is a bundle of emotion and I heckin love it. But yeah, make them feel something! Angst, fluff, humor, it can all lead to that.
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE :  HONESTLY I don’t know if it’s that I’m really active and reach out to people a lot or if Stranger Things and Hopper are just really popular or what, but I have a lot of threads. Don’t get me wrong, I love having something to reply to all the time, but it’s kind of a double-edged sword? Which kinda sucks because I actually want to RP with a ton more people than I already am?? THE STRUGGLE
TAGGED  BY : @aspecialprovidence
tagging: @tenacitybred @ambersrpblog @goxinsane @lovclyiism @playboytm @ridingwheeler @astra11 @mindslayed I’ve already done this once before so I don’t wanna re-tag people but also if you’re reading this and you wanna, do it!!
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2 and 12
Wow, this took an eternity. I’m sorry. I wrote so much and had to delete most of it again because it was ridiculously long.
2. Where did you find inspiration for your muse?
Short answer: Everywhere.
Long answer:
When watching the Sabaody arc I kinda wanted to see a marine’s reaction to learning about the slavery and other… bad things. I mean, they surely don’t tell every new recruit what’s up. That would be counterproductive for their reputation, as many people probably join thinking they’ll do good in the world.
As we didn’t get any marine’s reaction I created my own: A naiive female marine that was supposed to be devastated be learning that she spent her whole life dedicated to serve people that were even worse than the monsters (read: pirates) she had fought before.
I made her a captain. But I wanted her to have tight bonds with her whole crew. Since I couldn’t make as many individual characters as there are people in a marine captains crew I pulled the idea of a small special unit out of my ass and thought about what kind of jobs were necessary on a ship. Ironically the most helpful page was one that explained how pirate crews are build.
After I decided on which jobs would be occupied, I started fleshing out the characters occupying these. Going into detail for everyone would take to much time and space, so I’ll just list the most important influences.
1. Captain, Ránar: The name is taken from norse mythology, and morphed to not be Rana anymore, since someone else already has an OC called that. The way she will go is inspired by Madsen’s Kapitän (See next question).
For the others I used patterns: Family name taken from some sea bird, first name having a meaning including water (except Don and Lani). I know, it’s not very creative but they were only meant as placeholders in the beginning but then grew on me.
Another pattern: Faces taken from some German musicians, since I guessed those weren’t used by anyone yet. NOTE: After working on them for a while they barely resemble their faceclaims anymore, so I don’t know if I can even still use the term faceclaim. But I figured it might be interesting to see where they came from.
2. First mate, Don(val) Bekassin: He is just called Don, after an older Character of mine. His Sarkasm stems from my favourite character and main spurce of entertainment of a bookseries I read: Abu Dun. He was also supposed to have very dark skin and exaggerated in size, as that character, but those characteristics then went to Toja. His family name is just Bekassine minus the “e”. Faceclaim: Adel Tawil (link)
3. Quartermaster, Nero Turnstone: I honestly don’t know, what inspired him. I guess he is what I think of the “hero saving damsel in distress” trope. Except that he never get’s the chance to be that hero and his opinion on just being strong is enough to slay the dragon (or rather defeat the oponent) won’t get him very far. His stubborness and attitude towards defeat is inspired by Equilibrium’s Unbesiegt (See next question). “Nero” is greek for water, “turnstone” a bird and his faceclaim is Peter Fox (link).
4. Ship’s doctor, Kanja Mornell: He is heavily inspired by a real live doctor I had the misfortune to meet and the XXL-East Frisian (a TV-famous guy, nicknamed bone crusher, like Kanja). Bone crusher (German: Knochenbrecher) is actually the old East Frisian term for an orthopedist for horses. The show followed him around helping horses. It often looked rough, but it was effective. The reallife doctor was feared among the people of my home town before he retired. The hopital was drastically understaffed so, if you had to do an post-operation check up you were send to him. He was unsensitive, rough, didn’t care if you were in pain because of how he treated you, just explained why and that it would soon be over. He was a former field’s doctor and people think that’s were he got his roughness from. Going there was a nightmare. When people neded to have an operation they didn’t say “I hope everything will turn out fine”, they said “I hope I don’t need check ups afterwards”… Kanja is hindi for born in the water, Mornell comes from Mornellregenpfeifer, the German name for Dotterel , his faceclaim is Lasterbalk (link)
5. Cook, Kelvin Ostrero: I wanted a scary looking chemist as a cook. His fighting style is inspired by Honey Lemon from big hero six. Kelvin is scottish for small water, Ostrero is a bird, his faceclaim is Alec Völkel (link).
6. Navigator 1, Lani Plover:
7. Navigator 2, Mari Plover: I wanted an amazing Navigator but was afraid he would overshadow Nami, so I devided the talent onto two Navigators that act as a unit since birth: twins. One can “read” the sky and air, the other can “read” the waters. Their background is inspired by Roman policy to demand the sons of Germanic tribe leaders as a security to keep the borders peaceful. In exchange those sons were treated as Roman citizens including military training and such. Lani is hawaiian for sky, Mari is taken from mare, Italinan for sea. (Ringed) Plover is a bird and their faceclaim is Julien Bam (link) who is rather a youtuber but he also makes music, so I let it count.
8. Gunner, Sorav Skua: He is my answere to the question: What would happen if a Kuja Pirate were to bear a son. And what would happen if that woman died someday, after teaching her son some haki. That’s basically his backstory very simplyfied. Sorav is kurdish for red water, Skua is a bird, His face claim is Samy Deluxe (link).
9. Lookout, Narius Vanell: Inspired by the concept of a “Spielmann” (translation says minstrel, but translating back it’s different). Basically a medivial folk musician or band travelling around through towns and medivial markets drinking and sleeping around and simply enjoying life. But turned gay and added some elegance and dignity. Narius also stems from the greek word for water (like Nero), Vanell is from Vanellus Vanellus, the latin name for an arefria, his face claim is Blumio (link).
10. Helmsman, Avin Triel: As mentioned in my drawtober thingies, he is basically a mix of Till Eulenspiegel, a legendary prankster, and Klaus Störtebeker, a legendary pirate. Avin is a mix of Avid, kurdish for “like water” and Avina, old high German for “the great fighter”. Triel is the German word for curlew. His faceclaim is Maximilian Schlichter (link).
11. Ship wright, Toja Lobat: As mentioned before, part of his character stems from a character I like. Mainly his statue (which I exaggerated even more), his skin colour and his soft heart. All in all he’s just a big softy with too much strength. And he’s afraid of hights because I found the thought of someone who towers over most people to be afraid of hights hilerious. Toja is “native american” (the page didn’t specify which language exactly) for flowing water. Lobat comes from Phalaropus Lobatus, latin for red-necked phalarope. His face claim is Chima (link).
12. Bosun, Yuval Avosett: No real inspiration. I wanted someone weird. That’s him. Whenever I come up with an idea for something that would be considered weird behaviour I ask myself, if I can see him doing it. If yes, it becomes part of his character. Yuval is hebrew for source of water. Avosett comes from Recurvirostra Avosetta, latin for Avocet. His face claim is Niel Mitra (link).
12. Share a song that matches with your muse!
I have only really found two so far:
Unbesiegt  by Equilibrium (link) for Nero
Kapitän by Madsen (link) for Ránar
both are German, but I’m sure there are translations somewhere out there.
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srawesleyghuewrites · 5 years
Back To You - Chapter 7
Tumblr media
Series: Back To You(Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6)
For desktop users: masterlist
For mobile users: mobile masterlist
Pairing: Drake x MC(Anna Grey)
Faceclaim: Daniel di Tomasso as Drake Walker, Elizabeth Olsen as Anna Grey and Paul Wesley as King Liam
Book: The Royal Romance
Word Count: ~ 1700
Rating:  M for language
Drake and Anna finally face her decision and all the consequences that follow.
Author’s Note:
HEY EVERYBODY!!! I’VE MISSED YOU GUYS AND TUMBLR SOOOO MUCH IT’S NOT EVEN POSSIBLE... I’ve been away from tumblr for quite a while now, because I’ve been studying and writing like a mad woman but now along with THE ROYAL HEIR, I’M BACK!!!!!!!!!
And so is my good old Back To You fanfic, I’ve finished writing and now I’ll start posting again. It’s a lot of angst until the very end(which might me angst too???) and I hope you all like it, keep reading and comenting about that.
I’m really glad to be back and very excited to be a part of this wonderfull comunity agaaaain. So, grab your tissues and read along!
Let me know if you wanna be in or out of the tag list and I appreciate feedback!(And I’m not sure the tags are working so always check my blog for updates):
@debramcg1106 @simplyaiden-blog @lizeboredom @writtenbycandy @drakewalkerwhipped@naomisveil @nazarihoe @taliahunt @cocomaxley @mymandrake @the-everlasting-dream @honeylightningambition @walkerismychoice @drakewalkerstan@trueauthor @innerpostmentality  @liam-rhys @agent-zephyrkah  @her-imperial-hangman-s  @wolfsterrr @bluediamondsapphire @glorious-fandoms  @desperue @bellamystorms@journeytohomesworld @fanfictionrecommendations-com @liamxs-world @easyobsession @nikkis1983 @tacohead13 @findingdrake @beautifulobsessionforpink @jenp02cutie-blog  @confessionsofabrokegirl @mrsnazario1223 @trr-fangirl @littleredroseonthevalley@darley1101  @moodygrip @missevabean  @pilitella  @littlewonderbear  @queen-maximoff  @puppymaster101   @clarissafics  @boneandfur  @countrymusicandncis-blog  @damienazariostan   @mpbeaumont  @christopher-powell  @bella-ca @asprankle  @sue9659​  @american-duchess​   @parkerattano​  @ads0036  @personthatlovesshippings​   @eileendannie​
Disclaimer: The characters don’t belong to me(except for Anna Grey),  I just borrow them from Pixelberry!
The consequences are brutal
We never got it right
Playing and replaying old conversations
Overthinking every word and I hate it
'Cause it's not me ('cause it's not me)
“Liam proposed.”
“An-n-nd I sa-aid no.”
The words are as blurry as her vision and Anna’s not sure why the tears are building up, maybe because that’s the first time she told this to someone or because she’s finally confessing just how deep her feelings for him go, either way her hands are starting to sweat. And the time it takes for him to express any reaction is torture, like there’s an ocean of possibilities hanging in those inches between them. She can see her future, their future being decided and it scares her every bone.
On the other side, Drake’s brain is still trying to make sense of what she just told him. Running through many different scenarios where this is a dream, a prank, if Anna is having a delusional moment or maybe if she’s really telling him the truth and she doesn’t wanna marry Liam, but Maxwell or Hana. He’s well aware of how everybody has fallen for her graces and though he doesn’t think anything happened between them, it’s way more possible than what he wishes for it to mean: that she’s not marrying Liam because she loves him and wants to be with him.
She tries to recompose herself, breathing deep and letting the air leave her lungs along with all the hesitation from before. The decision was already made and now Anna has to own it, so she repeats the sentence in a firm tone, her green eyes filled with tears now have a gleam of confidence:
“Liam proposed to me, and I said no.”
He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. It doesn’t make any sense and he barely knows what to think, even less what to say. Anna’s already growing impatient, after everything she had to go in order to get this moment and when everything’s finally arranged Drake simply freezes. She takes a step closer to him, her hand coming up to caress his arm to get his attention and it works because his dark irises shift to her fingertips touching him. However he just stands there, looking at her little affectionate move until Grey finally breaks the silence and speaks again.
“It would be nice if you said something right about…” She pretends to check a clock on her wrist “ now.”
“Wh… why?”
“You know why.”
Another step towards him and now she’s standing so close he could easily wrap his arms around her, which is why she moved at all. There’s the hint of a smile on her lips, a provocative one, hope that this will answer his unfounded question. Why the hell would she say no to Liam and then come tell him? For Anna seems pretty obvious, meanwhile Drake struggles not to get distracted with her proximity. He needs her to tell him.
“I need you to tell me Grey.”
She takes his face in her hands, forcing his eyes to find hers, both of them with sparkly tears building up. From this close she can see the how tense he’s by the way his breathing catches every now and then and he can see the loving smile that takes place on her lips. Soon touching his in a gentle kiss.
“Because I love you.”
He doesn't have time to smile and answer because somebody knocks on the door and they both jump, wondering who could that be when the sweet voice of Hana is heard in a whisper:
“Anna, Liam is looking for you and he said it was important. Sorry to disturb.”
Hana hates the fact that he has to do this, but the worry in Liam’s voice and his commendatory tone left her no choice. Maybe he was just hurt from the rejection, or maybe it was something actually serious, anyway she wouldn’t risk it.
On the other side of the door Anna and Drake exchange a look. His is a sad one, like the moment they just lived escaped through his fingers too fast and there’s nothing he can do about it. Hers is an apologetic one, hope written all over her features as she takes one last look at him before opening the door to find not only Hana but Liam standing next to them.
Hana doesn't seem to notice the king right away, not understanding the shocked look in their eyes until a deep voice comes from behind her:
“I was just coming to tell Hana it wasn't so urgent, but I guess I'm too late.”
The words cut through the air like a sharp knife, hurting more than just one heart as the guilt appears in both Anna and Drake’s faces, and the pain in Liam’s. Finding them getting out of a bedroom together definitely wasn’t on his plans and it feels like a punch to the gut, though, with his many years of training if there’s one thing he’s learned is to recompose quickly.
“Well, I was waiting to explain to you how we’re going to present you officially as a Duchess but that can wait, for I know you two have other matters to discuss.”
“Our conversation can wait too Liam, don’t worry. I’ll leave you to it.”
Drake motions to leave, however the King stops him by putting a hand on his chest,  staring at his best friend’s eyes with a mix of anger and sorrow. He got the girl of his dreams, he’s been winning her heart during the moments Liam couldn’t be there, and as happy he wants to feel for them nothing could hurt so much as the way Anna’s still staring intently at Drake, not him.
“Please Drake, I didn’t intend to disturb your moment so do not let me. Lady Hana, shall we go? I’m afraid Maxwell might do something dangerous without any supervision around.”
Hana quickly nods, a relieved smile crossing her face as she interlaces her arm with Liam’s. They engage in a conversation about the young Beaumont and leave Anna and Drake alone together with a polite wave.
The second they cross the hallway, getting out of their sight, Anna closes the door behind her attracting Drake’s attention. He looks at her through the could of pain, guilt, shame since he knows Liam to well to realize how badly they’ve hurt him.
“Did you told him about us?”
“Yes. Would you prefer I lied?”
“I don’t know Grey. All I know is that your decision crushed him.”
He brings his hands to his face in a desperate act to calm himself down from the mess they made. Now that she’s not caressing him anymore and the memories of Liam’s devastated expression just a few moments ago keep coming to him, there’s no more comfort to linger on. And Anna’s not giving him anything until he’s done with the bullshit, which is why she answers in a rispid tone.
“I’m not here to talk about him.”
“How can we not? What else is there to talk about?”
“Us Drake! We have to talk about us.”
“But Liam…”
“Why? Why do you still fight this like hell? Why do you put him between us?”
“Answer me.”
Her angry tone is evident and suddenly everything feels too big right now. That’s why he doesn’t even think before blurting out:
“I don’t put him between us, that was all you.”
“Oh you want to play that game huh? Yeah Drake, I was the one who got involved with the two of you at the same time and I was the one who made Liam fall in love with me but I said no, alright? I said no to him and took him out of the equation, because it wasn’t fair to anybody. And you’re the one who doesn’t let him go.”
Anna lets out a gasp and then a dry laugh, thinking about how stupid she’s for still being there trying to make him understand that they’re free to be together. She’s not sure that this is still what he wants, the thought makes her shake her head ‘no’ to stay there and she starts to walk away from him.
Until he stops her by holding her arm gently, Drake’s eyes finally facing hers after she told him ‘I love you’ and for a moment she believes everything will fall into place. Little did she know that Drake was still confused about the situation, about how anyone would ever reject Liam to be with him, he’s still looking for a hidden reason. And being tired of the subjectivity of their talk, he decides to go straight to the point:
“Why didn’t you say yes?”
“I already told you that Drake.”
Being Liam’s shadow is a habit as old as himself, and a very hard one to turn away from so Drake can’t help but compare everything about both of them and everytime he does that, someone chooses Liam over him. It’s the obvious choice, the only choice.
“But why? It doesn’t make sense. He wants to pamper you, take you on fancy romantic dates, be the perfect gentleman. Fuck, he wants to marry you Grey, to give you a castle, a title, a crown, a whole fucking kingdom. He wants to give you a future, he can give you a future. He wants to. Liam wants everything with you.”
“And you can’t… or you don’t want to?”
Drake doesn’t know the answer, he has no idea if he’s ready to give her a whole future or if the future he can give her will be enough. The little box in his pocket makes all the situation harder, after everything he still believes she would be happier with Liam. That she should be happier with Liam and that he’s just standing in the middle, being something to distract Grey from her real destiny and love.
To Anna, his silence is answer enough and she doesn’t wait the tears forming in her eyes to fall before unhooking her arm from his hand and walking away. From not just the moment, or the fight, or Drake, but from all what they could’ve been.
To be continued...
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hyba · 5 years
T A G : Owl’s Character Development Game!
This is so cool!!! I’m so happy for the tag, @owl-writes! Thank you :D 
If you haven’t already, please check out @owl-writes‘s original tag game creation post here. 
My Character: Vadra (from The Pirates of Sissa)
Vadra is one of the MCs in The Pirates of Sissa. He’s a Commander in the Sissan Army and constantly trying to bring an end to pirate raids. After a series of unfortunate events, his life becomes tied to Sahra’s, and together they must work together to find an end to the conflict while avoiding more loss of life
(Visual description to be found at #2.)
#1 - Tell us, in one sentence, what your character’s ultimate goal is.
Vadra wants to put an end to the conflict between the pirates and the Sissans. 
#2 - What actor would could you envision playing your character in a movie? (faceclaim)
This is really tough - I can’t find a single actor who really looks like the Vadra in my head!! I’d love suggestions. The only defining features I’ve assigned to him are curly black hair, dark eyes, and tanned skin. I don’t do so good with physical descriptions ^^’
#3 - What is their theme song?
Another difficult one! I’m trying to create a playlist for my fantasy WIPs, but a lot of my music taste is quite modern and doesn’t fit with the whole atmosphere of my book. 
Still, looking past that, I guess I would say:
#4 - Which character trope do they fit the best?
Vadra might fit into the Jerk with a Heart of Gold trope, but that lasts all of two seconds at the start of the book, so I don’t think it’s a good fit. Warrior’s not so good, either. Hmm...
What’s the trope for very moral, very righteous characters? The kind that are loyal to a fault? The kind of guy that can talk his way out of anything? 
That’s Vadra. Give or take a few more things. 
#5 - Are they physically fit? What sport would they play?
Yeah, Vadra’s pretty fit. He has to be, since it’s a bit of a requirement given his position. He already does horseback riding. I guess he’d play football (soccer). I imagine he’s pretty good at hand-to-hand combat, too, so he’d be pretty good at martial arts.
#6 - What is their spirit animal?
At the risk of being completely cliche, off the top of my head: Lion. 
Or perhaps a black leopard instead? Yes, maybe that.
How about their Hogwarts house?
Hmm... It’s been a long time since I’ve watched or read HP, but I guess either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. Definitely not a Hufflepuff - although, now that I think about it... Or Slytherin, really. Slytherin gets a bad name as a house, but its traits aren’t necessarily bad. 
Honestly, he could fit into either. And I am a fickle person who finds the answer in everything. 
What is their greatest character flaw? How does it affect their journey?
Vadra’s loyalty and desire to do the right thing will probably get him into more trouble than he thinks, especially where it concerns Sahra. His hatred of the pirates will also play a huge role in how he not only behaves, but the decisions he makes along the way. 
What scene with them are you looking forward to writing the most?
There’s this scene that started the ENTIRE book, one between these two characters that despised each other completely while still somehow simultaneously liking and respecting each other, and how painful that was for both of them.  
A lot has changed about those characters, and one of them is Vadra. 
But even with its tweaks and minor adjustments, that scene is one of the most important scenes in the book, and I want to get to it. 
Have they undergone any emotional trauma? How does it affect them/their choices?
Trauma is the reason Vadra has chosen this line of work in the first place. It’s actually why he is an ardent hater of the pirates. There’s a lot going on in his mind - unresolved emotions from said trauma - and it really affects how he behaves towards Sahra and the whole search for peace.
Do they use magic? What type is it and why is this the magic you chose for them?
None of my characters use magic in this series - yet. There is this mysterious witch that shows up for like five seconds and disappears in one of the books - and even that I’m thinking I won’t keep. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t any magic in the book.
But, as far as Vadra is concerned, no magic use whatsoever.
Yay! That was so fun to do! I’d love to do it again, so please don’t hesitate to tag me back if you wish :D
I’m going to tag @rebelwritingwild, @tea-and-pirates, @trickster-writes, @coloursintheblur, @awritinglen, and @silveredgedwriting. Please feel free to ignore, and as always, HAVE FUN!! 
I’m going to go ahead and say that if you really want to jump in and do it, I’m tagging you, too - yes, you!!
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berdbrainx · 5 years
Send a pen and I’ll talk about my OCs!! | Accepting!
((oh boy that’s a lot lmao :’) i do have slightly more than 17 ocs though so i can talk about a whole bunch of them!
1. first of all, there’s Vincent. he’s probably the reason i have somewhat of a handle on roleplaying berdly in the first place, bc he’s a Huge Jerkwad and actually is more of a narcissist than berdly is, if you can believe that? he’s diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder though, so that’s a pretty fair reason why imo. 
vincent is from london too so uh,,, because i sometimes channel his vibes to rp berdly, i just Cannot Stop reading some of berdly’s dialogue with a british accent and it’s horrible because me @ myself: that’s not his voiceclaim lmao :’) 
anyways, vincent is also pretty smart like berdly, but with anything other than academic stuff, he’s actually a Total Idiot lmao. another way he and berdly are pretty different is that, uh, berdly can actually feel empathy and will feel bad about his actions if pushed enough. vincent on the other hand will not care At All about how much his actions hurt the other person not really because of his npd but because he’s just that much of an Asshole mcjerkface. also he’s a ghost who died in his late teens, like about 3 other of my ocs who i’ll talk about soon lol
i’ll talk about the rest of them under the cut because i feel like this’ll probably get pretty long!!
2. okay, so next one i’ll talk about is probably Cheryl. she’s a human high schooler though, who goes to the same school the Ghost Boys go to, which is a school referred to by the students as St. Lawrence. and she’s one of the other people i think about when trying to rp berdly. she’s also very smart, and uses sarcasm so much. however, she’s actually a really nice person. she only really reserves being a little shit to her tight-knit group of close friends, in the school band and stuff (she plays clarinet in band!!). she’s mostly pretty quiet and minds her own business otherwise. so in other words, berdly is basically vincent’s assholishness + cheryl’s sarcasm + both of them being smart.
3. i guess i’ll just say random facts about different ocs now, so it won’t get too long lol. Vinnie is a total sweetheart who keeps forgetting he’s a ghost. but he loves bendy straws and kool-aid, and he tends to say a weird combination of modern + outdated slang all the time.
4. Devon secretly really likes cute things, even though he’s emo af. and he’s also a huge pushover nerd, who got adopted into Cheryl’s group of friends because they just,,, they’re rambunctious kids who see a loner and they immediately absorb them into their group with the power of friendship and inclusion
5. Flint’s actual name is Devon, but I already had a devon so i thought it would be confusing,,,,, so i gave him a nickname lol. it fits a lot though, because he’s sort of a pyromaniac. so yeah. “flint” :’) he’s a ghost with questionable morals, and is definitely part of the rowdy group of friends in The Band Squad, so yep. he plays percussion in band, but really because of all the free time he has in his afterlife, he could,,,,,, play any instrument in the band if he wants to. also: he’s usually my faceclaim when i type out of character posts on my various blogs!!
6. i’m out of Ghost Boys to talk about, so i guess i’ll talk about the other band kids. Daniel is a percussionist who was actually based off, like,,,,, two people in my band when i was in high school! one was this really cool guy in the grade above me who played trumpet, and the other was another cool percussionist in the grade below who was,,,, actually responsible for his appearance and personality so i’d say he’s mostly based off the younger kid
7. Aaron is a trumpet player who was mostly based off that trumpet player from the above point, and his friend who was also a trumpet player. those two had a pretty great friendship, so i just. made daniel and aaron have that sort of friendship too lol
8. Lori plays the tenor sax, kinda like me, and she’s the only one out of the friend group who can drive apparently :’) she can also play the bass guitar and stuff
9. Cody is an alto sax player, and has sort of a rivalry with Lori. they both say they don’t like each other but everyone knows they’re best friends and possibly crushing on each other too lol. he’s also pretty short, and lori makes fun of him a lot for it, just cause they’re close enough that she’s allowed to do that
10. Elaine is a flute player who’s really sweet, and kind of the mom friend of the group. she isn’t as close with everyone like the others are with each other, though, but they all love her anyway because she’s just. so precious and caring all the time
11. Julia is a girl who goes to “the rich school” and she sort of just happened to make friends with the band kids one day due to their shared love of memes. she’s cheryl’s girlfriend now, and she plays clarinet in her school’s orchestra, and trombone in jazz band. she sometimes ditches responsibilities for her school, just to hang out with the kids from St. Lawrence. she’s also one of Flint’s best friends now
12. Blake is a person who is actually not in high school for once, and they’re in their early 20s. they really like animals, and they tend to act a little obnoxious around friends, but they’re usually pretty quiet around strangers. they’re also albino, and are somewhat self conscious about it since they used to get teased about it.
13. Liam is also an oc who actually doesn’t go to St. Lawrence either! he’s a mage in the dragonfable world, and he’s pretty much a huge troublemaker, who loves to mess with people. he laughs whenever anyone calls him a hero, because if anything, he’s incredibly chaotic neutral and doesn’t care that much about saving people unless it’s fun
14. Kroft is a tiefling wizard, and he tends to be really positive. he’s also really impulsive and says/does things without thinking about it. he’s actually an academic genius, and can retain So much knowledge even if he was only told once, or looked at a book once. he also likes going to bed early, and waking up really early in the morning just because the sunrise looks neat!
15. gonna talk about more Rich School Kids. Brian is pretty much really cold and analytical, actually pretty similar to vincent/cheryl/berdly in a way, only if you,,,,, completely sucked the emotion out of them lmao. he’s also a manipulative person, so that’s kinda Bad, but he ends up getting together with Tristan and Learns How To Deal With Feelings And Being Nice lol. he plays percussion in orchestra, and is,, sort of obsessed with organization
16. Tristan is a guy who’s really nice, but quiet. quiet as in, he’s selectively mute. and when he does talk, he ends up sounding really soft-spoken and monotone. he was actually the one to ask out brian first though :’) he also really likes flowers tbh!
17. last one and i guess i’ll talk about Martin. he’s a guy from the 1920s who went to St. Lawrence and eventually befriended Devon during that time. he was really impulsive and outspoken, which pretty much almost gave Devon several heart attacks because you just Don’t Do Those Things in the specific way that martin does it, especially in those years. like, uh, mooning the police during an activist rally. they both loved each other, but because Devon was too afraid to actually be in a relationship with him, even if they kept it a secret, they never ended up in a relationship at all other than being “best friends”. surprisingly, martin lived a healthy long life despite doing Things that would have got him killed several times in his youth))
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shattered-rp-blog · 6 years
Congratulations, Zack!
You’ve been accepted as Peter Parker, welcome to the family! I’m kinda crying because I love this boy and we’re quite happy to see how you’re fleshing him out. As for the question about his student status, since the RPG timeline begins in September 2016 it’s safe to say he has just started college, which is why we wanted him aged up a little bit to 18. Still just a boy! Please send in your account in the next 48 hours and make sure you go through our checklist!
Name: Zack
Preferred Pronouns: him, he, his
Age (You must be 18 or older to participate): 25
Timezone: UTC-Eastern
Availability (with a short explanation): I work usually in the mornings and at least 2 night shifts per week. It’ll get sporadic around the holidays, but I can use my phone to meet any quotas.
Do you have any triggers? None that I’m aware of besides the usual top worst… ones… of all time. I could’ve worded that better.
IC Full Name: Peter Parker
Alias: Spider-man
Affiliation: Approved Hero
Age (16+): 18
Faceclaim: Tom Holland
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Character quote: “When you can do the things that I can, but you don’t, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.”
Why do you want to play this character? (Write as much or as little as you like and fangirl as much or as little as you like): I’ve always felt a weird connection to Peter, as I assume most people do. He does the right thing even if it means missing out on the date he managed to barely get, or the Math test he was supposed to study for. Sacrificing his time and self for the greater good, to help people in need, and- as a kid to even now- I always think about him in every aspect of who I can be in daily life. Always loved the 90’s animated series when I was a little kid. I think I read Ultimate Spider-Man volume 1 over four-five times in one day because I enjoyed it so much as a teenager. Once I got into college, I ended up reading all the older issues in those big compendiums, it had an impact because Peter was also in college and dealing with the stress of balancing his double life. Peter Parker has always been a part of me in multiple capacities and I guess that’s why I’m very excited to play him.
Peter Benjamin Parker is a hard working student who appears to be struggling more than the average teenager. Even before researching colleges, maintaining Advanced Placement grades, and school proms were ever in the picture, Peter has barely kept afloat. Not to mention the fact he doesn’t have many friends, doesn’t seem to fit into any clique, and misses most days in the various clubs he’s supposed to be in. Balancing the life of a high school student was already so difficult even before he became a social outcast. It seemed to only get tougher when you added the factor of his after school “activities” that weren’t really sanctioned by Midtown High’s school board.
Accommodated by his only living relative, Aunt May, Peter enjoys a pretty peaceful lifestyle. It isn’t the most lavish nor is it exactly easy going, but his Aunt does her best to make it home, so Peter makes sure to do what he can around the house. May cares about him as if she were his actual mother, instilling valuable nuggets of wisdom and trying her best to be a cool Aunt without also being too lenient on him. Lately, she feels as if Peter is slipping away from her, readying himself for college and the dreaded “moving out”.
Spider-man is a pretty well known superhero at this point, for better or worse. Not many people swing around the streets of New York without getting noticed. Like that naked cowboy guitar guy or those weird dudes in the discount costumes of cartoon characters in Times Square (you know the ones), Spider-Man has simply become another red and blue staple of the city he protects. Swinging through to stop buses from crushing people on Youtube, aiding the children as well as the elderly in the simplest of tasks on Snapchat, and even seen on the side of the streets chit chatting with the homeless after buying them a sandwich from the local shops. The peoples he’s helped regard him as a hero while the ones who think him a menace have a much different story where Spidey wasn’t exactly in the right in his assumptions. It’s a mixed bag but Peter sticks to his morals and upbringing to stay sane.
All things considered, Peter was growing pretty content with doing small, good deeds around the city. Even if nobody knew it was him, even if he didn’t get credit for the amazingly impossible feats. Sure, he could join the football or wrestling teams, using his power for selfish gain, but then people would get hurt. Innocent people. And he couldn’t let that happen, Peter wanted to do good, he wanted to save people when nobody else could. After all, with great power, came a greater responsibility to keep that power in check. At least, that was what his Uncle Ben had taught him.
“Small time hero for the little guy” is how Peter often referred to himself, but that kind of thinking ended once the Accords came down. It caused him to become much more cautious when suiting up, not wanting to get caught for fear of it somehow getting back to Aunt May. His diminishing playground became much larger once a certain genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist came around his small apartment in Queens. Tony Stark arrived to give Peter an opportunity of a lifetime: An internship under Stark himself. Although it was a fabrication created by Stark to help avoid suspicion of the teenager’s super heroics after school hours, it also gave him the opportunity to keep an eye on the spider-boy. The investor’s offer was simple: Peter joins the latest roster of the Avengers and is allowed to continue operating without being strangled by the Accords.
Stark’s deal came packaged with one final surprise for the wall crawling teen: his very own costume designed by his new mentor. With this brand new suit Peter felt as though he had finally made it to the big leagues.
Ships: Any, not really picky. (but let’s be real, if either Gwen or MJ show up it’s a given he’ll lean towards either one).
Para sample (in character): (Removed for privacy)
Additional (optional): I know it says he’s planning on University, but I was just wondering if you wanted him as a graduate already or preparing for graduation? Either way, willing to work with either.
Wanted connections: Tony Stark, Aunt May, any of his classmates (if ever introduced), that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.
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