#*Regulus gets the mark and does indeed kill people*
pet-genius · 3 years
The Death Eaters as a Cult - Part 3
Follow up to this and this. Trigger warning: Cult abuse.
Draco is vulnerable to being recruited simply because he’s Draco - his father is a Death Eater, and he's eager to prove himself to the master he grew up believing in. I’m not usually sympathetic to Draco, but this line makes me feel for him:
“everyone thinks he’s so smart, wonderful Potter with his scar and his broomstick —”
“You have told me this at least a dozen times already,” said Mr. Malfoy, with a quelling look at his son. “And I would remind you that it is not — prudent — to appear less than fond of Harry Potter, not when most of our kind regard him as the hero who made the Dark Lord disappear.”
This makes it clear that he’s been indoctrinated from a young age into a fringe belief (his belief in the Dark Lord, not in blood supremacy - that’s mainstream), and into hiding it, even after the cult disbanded. This contributed to a sense of isolation from mainstream society, and for someone like Draco, exacerbated his existing condescension and entitlement. The same must be true for Crabbe and Goyle, who on top of being children, are stupid and lacking in critical thinking skills, which means an escape was nearly impossible for them, and indeed, Crabbe died, and who knows if Goyle was clever enough to stay out of Azkaban.
Throughout HBP, Draco goes from boastful to scared for his life.
From DLA:
“What say you, Draco?” asked Voldemort, and though his voice was quiet, it carried clearly through the catcalls and jeers. “Will you babysit the cubs?”
The hilarity mounted; Draco Malfoy looked in terror at his father, who was staring down into his own lap, then caught his mother’s eye. She shook her head almost imperceptibly, then resumed her own deadpan stare at the opposite wall.
Once on top, now the Malfoys are too scared to make eye contact with anyone and protest at their humiliation. Draco is looking to his parents for protection, but they know they can’t provide it, even though Narcissa is trying.
Regulus was in a similar situation to Draco - I think he felt pressured to prove himself after the bitter disappointment Sirius had been. He and Draco were marked before they were of age, whatever being of age means in the wizarding world - meaning Voldemort was not above using minors. He also used children: the Daily Prophet writes that the Ministry has captured a nine year old child who had been Imperiused into murdering his family.
Snape’s vulnerability is glaring. In a nutshell, his extreme poverty and the neglect and abuse played a part in his decision to join the Death Eaters, and there’s a reason why Lucius is seen patting him on the back as soon as he is sorted. Perhaps the policy was to groom all newcomers. Like Barty, he might have looked for a father figure. Harry notices the many similarities between Snape and Voldemort (and himself), and these are all things Voldemort must have used on young Snape as well.
Snape is an example of how disposable Voldemort’s followers were, to him - he sent him to Hogwarts to get the cursed DADA job, meaning he was willing to let a potentially horrible fate befall Snape within the year. Even after Snape ascended to #2 by killing Dumbledore (on Voldemort’s order, no less), Voldemort killed him to gain mastery of the wand Snape became master of by doing Voldemort’s bidding.
Snape also explains the Dark Mark
“There,” said Snape harshly. “There. The Dark Mark. It is not as clear as it was an hour or so ago, when it burned black, but you can still see it. Every Death Eater had the sign burned into him by the Dark Lord. It was a means of distinguishing one another, and his means of summoning us to him. When he touched the Mark of any Death Eater, we were to Disapparate, and Apparate, instantly, at his side.”
A famous cult in my country did this: The leader made his followers tattoo pictures of him and his name on their body. It’s this association that originally made me think of the Death Eaters as a cult. Voldemort branded his followers like cattle, and he expected them to drop everything they’re doing to run to him whenever he wants.
Snape was constantly tested, too. He was assigned a servant he despised, for one, and tasked with killing Dumbledore. Even after he had accomplished that, Voldemort did not fully trust him:
“Yaxley. Snape,” said a high, clear voice from the head of the table. “You are very nearly late.”
This is a threat, since they’re not actually late; I think it’s meant as a “hey, remember when I tortured you once for being late?” It is followed by:
“Saturday... at nightfall,” repeated Voldemort. His red eyes fastened upon Snape’s black ones with such intensity that some of the watchers looked away, apparently fearful that they themselves be scorched by the ferocity of the gaze. Snape, however, looked calmly back into Voldemort’s face and, after a moment or two, Voldemort’s lipless mouth curved into something like a smile.
Voldemort is using Legilimency - he still does not trust Snape, he still needs to interrogate him so carefully that the others are afraid to look.
Next, there is this:
“Do you recognize our guest, Severus?” asked Voldemort. Snape raised his eyes to the upside-down face. All of the Death Eaters were looking up at the captive now, as though they had been given permission to show curiosity.
That the Death Eaters all knew not to look up at the gruesome sight without permission, goes to show, again, how fun it must have been to be a Death Eater. In general, I think the best way to read “Dark Lord Ascending” is to pay attention to where people are looking, and how - it’s important in general, but especially in this chapter.
Lucius is an anomaly. It’s very hard to picture him kneeling, and there is no obvious reason why he should forfeit his dignity. Cults don’t typically target the elite, and in this, the Death Eaters are a bit strange, unless Lucius was also recruited at a young, impressionable age. This can be resolved if you consider that Voldemort is the Heir of Slytherin, and unlike cult leaders, he really is super-powerful, and the person with the most potential to achieve political goals the Malfoy family is interested in.
Privileged as he was, even Lucius had vulnerabilities, and Voldemort was a Legilimens, meaning it was very easy for him to tell what they were.
This is how he treats Lucius in DLA:
“As I was saying,” continued Voldemort, looking again at the tense faces of his followers, “I understand better now. I shall need, for instance, to borrow a wand from one of you before I go to kill Potter.”
The faces around him displayed nothing but shock; he might have announced that he wanted to borrow one of their arms.
“No volunteers?” said Voldemort. “Let’s see... Lucius, I see no reason for you to have a wand anymore.”
How… emasculating.
Lucius Malfoy looked up [so he was looking down until then]. His skin appeared yellowish and waxy in the firelight, and his eyes were sunken and shadowed. When he spoke, his voice was hoarse.
“My Lord?”
Lucius looks like he’s been through a lot. Also, since this scene takes place in the middle of July, why is there a fire? I’m theorizing that it’s for Nagini, or perhaps Voldemort is cold-blooded now, but in any case, he doesn’t care about the others’ comfort level. Maybe he even wants them to sweat.
“Your wand, Lucius. I require your wand.”
Malfoy glanced sideways at his wife. She was staring straight ahead, quite as pale as he was, [...] At her touch, Malfoy put his hand into his robes, withdrew a wand, and passed it along to Voldemort.
Voldemort is making Lucius give him the wand himself, to reinforce his submission - he could have used magic.
“Give you my wand, Lucius? My wand?”
Some of the throng sniggered.
“I have given you your liberty, Lucius, is that not enough for you?”
Indeed, Voldemort has given Lucius his (questionable) liberty, but again, he is expecting gratitude for something Lucius would have had in the first place, were it not for him: Lucius was imprisoned because he was caught at the Department of Mysteries fighting for Voldemort.
“But I have noticed that you and your family seem less than happy of late.... What is it about my presence in your home that displeases you, Lucius?”
“Nothing — nothing, my Lord!”
“Such lies, Lucius...”
The soft voice seemed to hiss on even after the cruel mouth had stopped moving.
“Why do the Malfoys look so unhappy with their lot? Is my return, my rise to power, not the very thing they professed to desire for so many years?”
“Of course, my Lord,” said Lucius Malfoy. His hand shook as he wiped sweat from his upper lip. “We did desire it — we do.”
Remember the fire? Do you notice Lucius sweating? His hand shaking? See how terrified he is, and how awful it must be to be forced to state how much he loves being treated like that?
To Malfoy’s left, his wife made an odd, stiff nod, her eyes averted from Voldemort and the snake. To his right, his son, Draco, who had been gazing up at the inert body overhead, glanced quickly at Voldemort and away again, terrified to make eye contact.
This is what has become of the once mighty Malfoy family.
Legilimency is important - because it means Voldemort typically could spot the mere thought of defection, and manipulate it out of the offender or outright kill them. The DEs know he can read minds, and so averting your eyes could be seen as admitting to a lie, unless you avert your eyes regularly. Breaking eye contact is a gesture of submission, and if one’s body is forced into it enough, it becomes ingrained. Every mention of eye contact in Dark Lord Ascending reinforces that. Their body language in that chapter also shows how controlled they are. I believe Death Eaters are learning to occlude involuntarily, to deceive themselves into only having permissible thoughts and feelings, to ensure their own survival. This makes it impossible to escape.
Finally, there’s JKR’s statement that Snape was the only DE who could produce a Patronus. This can't be because he's not evil (Umbridge can produce a Patronus), and it can't be because he's the only DE who is more powerful than 13 year old Harry. I think it’s because they were not allowed to - I think a spell that requires you to think genuinely happy thoughts would have reminded Death Eaters that their happiness does not come from Voldemort. The rigid mind control screams "cult" to me, and I think it's a much more interesting take on them than "bunch of plot-stupid people who had somehow managed to terrorize the wizarding world despite being incompetent".
Hope you now feel the same and thanks for reading this thesis <3
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remywrites5 · 4 years
A pirate au with Jegulus would be sooo fun!!! Would you do that please? Thank you💕
           Regulus Black stood on the deck of the ship and looked out at the horizon, sighing wistfully. It had been a year since he’d joined Her Majesty’s navy in a hopeless attempt to track down his brother and the love of his life. James. As he clutched the railing he recalled nights together and whispered promises about the future. James and Sirius had joined the navy to answer their unquenchable need for adventure. That had been three years ago and they had no been heard of since. There was talk of their vessel having been set upon by pirates and having sunk to the bottom of the sea.
           Still, Regulus couldn’t help keeping a small fire alight inside him that hoped that perhaps one of them had survived. Although after a year of searching, that fire was starting to get very dim indeed.
           He was just about to turn away when something caught his eye. In the distance he could see a ship. A ship that wasn’t flying any colours.
           “Pirates!” Regulus shouted, alerting the crew to the imminent danger. “Pirates incoming!”
           There was a flurry of motion as everyone got to their stations. Regulus went up to the helm and grabbed the telescope in order to see better. “What is it?” Mulciber asked him as he manned the helm. “Are you sure it’s pirates?”
           “It’s pirates,” Reg confirmed, sliding the telescope closed. “Stay the course. The wind is on our side but they’re coming in fast.” He patted Mulciber on the back and then rushed below decks. “Load the canons! They’ll be setting upon us sooner rather than later!”
           The men rushed around him, sliding cannonballs into the canons and preparing for the attack. Regulus could feel his heart racing away in his chest. Unlike Sirius and James, he’d never been one for adventure and this feeling made him more queasy than elated. Still, perhaps if he couldn’t find his brother and his love, he could at least get a bit of revenge for their deaths.
           The pirates came in range and the firing began. They were hopelessly outgunned and Regulus saw more than one good man fall. Pulling out his pistol and his sword, Regulus went back up on deck and prepared to be boarded. The pirates came swinging in on ropes and overtook those willing to fight. Regulus noted with a bit of surprise that none of them were being killed, simply overpowered.
           Regulus saw a figure swinging over from the pirate ship. He aimed carefully and was about to shoot when the figure came more clearly into view. Regulus immediately dropped his pistol out of shock as none other than James Potter came dropping gracefully onto the deck of the ship.
           “Regulus?” James said, spotting him and taking a step in his direction.
           Clenching his jaw, Regulus tightened his hand on his sword and attacked. James was clearly caught off guard as Regulus thrust his blade towards him. Giving a surprised shout, James grabbed his own sword and they clashed against each other.
           “Regulus, it’s me! It’s James!” James said, only using defensive moves as Regulus swung his sword wildly at the man he loved. His hair was much longer than it had been, curling around his ears, and his face now sported a beard and mustache. He looked every bit the part of a pirate and Regulus found himself hating him.
           “I don’t know anyone by the name,” Regulus growled out, not backing down as they fought across the deck, weaving around the ropes and people in their way as they continued to duel.
           Regulus had James cornered at the front of the ship when a pistol went off behind him. He stopped immediately and turned to find his brother in the middle of the ship, his pistol raised above his head. “Stop it now, Reg,” Sirius said, his eyes soft and sad. “Don’t make me shoot you.”
           Regulus dropped his sword and put his hands up in surrender. James sheathed his sword and walked closer to Regulus. “Reg, I – “
           “Don’t.” Regulus glared at him and James physically crumpled, his shoulders slumping forward at being rebuked.
           “Now then, my crew and I are going to have a look through your ship and take anything we likes the look of,” Sirius called out, commanding everyone’s attention. “As long as no one does anything stupid, we will leave you to your ship and no one will get hurt.”
           Sirius took a group below deck as they began to ransack the ship. The rest stayed, keeping their guns trained on the soldiers. Regulus could still feel James’ eyes boring into him but he refused to look at him in return. “Reg, please let me explain.”
           “There is nothing to explain,” Regulus said, haughtily, turning his nose up. “You have chosen the life of a pirate. A life without honour. Therefore any promises made to me now mean absolutely nothing to you.”
           “Reg, of course they do – “
           “I don’t want to hear it,” Regulus hissed, wheeling around to face James. “Three. Years. I’ve been waiting for you for three years and all this time you have been off playing pirate with Sirius. You make me sick.”
           Regulus spun around and went below deck to where Sirius was picking through their stuff. “I want you off this ship immediately.”
           “No offense, brother mine, but you’re not exactly in a state to be making demands of anybody,” Sirius said, pilfering through their food supplies, taking an apple and biting into it.
           “You cannot leave my crew with nothing to eat,” Regulus informed him, his hands curling into fists.
           “We won’t take all of it,” Sirius assured him, grabbing a basket and beginning to fill it. “Just enough to tide us over until we make port again.”
           “You are unbelievable,” Regulus said, shaking his head at his own flesh and blood. “You would leave me and my men to starve.”
           “Oh please,” Sirius said, rolling his eyes. “First of all, the queen gives you more than enough money to buy supplies for three years. You will hardly miss the small amount we take. Second, you will be coming with us anyway so it doesn’t much matter what we leave behind.”
           Regulus glowered and crossed his arms over his chest. “So I am to be your prisoner then?”
           “Of course not,” James spoke up, dropping down from the ladder. “More like our guest.”
           “I don’t want that,” Regulus said, looking pointedly between Sirius and James. “That means if you are to take me then it will be as your prisoner.”
           “So be it,” Sirius said with a shrug. “James, get some rope.”
           “Sirius,” James admonished him. He reached out and grabbed Regulus by the arm, pulling Reg to him. “Please. Come with us.”
           Regulus ripped his arm out of James hold. “I am not yours anymore, James Potter. You do not get to just bat your eyelashes at me and expect me to obey.”
           Sirius and James exchanged a look and James sighed heavily. “Sorry about this love.” He hit Regulus over the back of his head with the hilt of his sword and a moment later everything went dark.
           Regulus awoke some time later to the familiar churning of the ocean in a strange bed. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking around the darkness of the room for anything familiar. It was small quarters, a bed and a dresser with a small desk strewn with maps and papers. Regulus lit a candle and examined them. There were marking all over the map and it didn’t take him long to discover what they signified. It was all the places his ship had made port. James and Sirius had been tracking him.
           “Reg?” James called out, knocking at the door. “I can see the light. Are you awake? And perhaps not quite so angry with me?”
           “I am awake,” Regulus replied, pushing the map away and looking at the papers beneath it. “I cannot promise anything on the second part.”
           “Are you armed?”
           “You know very well that I am not.”
           Regulus recognized his own handwriting on one of the pages and lifted it up. It was one of the letters Regulus had sent to James during his time in the navy before James had gone missing. He had never received a reply and had assumed like everything else it had been lost to the sea. The paper was well worn, the creases in it nearly tearing the paper from being folded and unfolded several times. Reg’s cheeks burned as he read the words he had written to James. What sentimental nonsense.
           The door creaked open and James entered cautiously. “Are you ready to talk to me or should I come back later?”
           “Talk,” Regulus said coldly. “I believe you have some explaining to do.”
           James sighed and scratched his head. “So where would you like me to begin?”
           “How about you begin by explaining to me how you became a pirate?” Regulus said, dropping the letter back onto the desk and sitting down at the adjoining chair. He put the candle down, not trusting himself to hold it steady.
           James crossed the room and went to sit on the bed. “Well… the thing about that is Sirius and I didn’t much care for the navy. We hated taking orders and having to do what we were told. The sailing part of it was nice but we hated all the rest. Then we made port in Tortuga and Sirius fell in love with a pirate named Remus in the week we were there. Idiot was going to run away and become a pirate and well I couldn’t let him do it alone. Besides, the way Remus explained it being a pirate was a lot more fun. We both snuck away under the cover of darkness when The Gryffindor was leaving and joined the crew.”
           Regulus frowned. “You two idiots became pirates because Sirius fell in love?”
           James smirked. “I mean sort of?” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Also it was a much better adventure than being in the navy.”
           “I cannot believe you!” Regulus said, jumping to his feet and beginning to pace. “You threw everything away to go gallivanting around with Sirius! Over some pirate he had known for a week!”
           “To be fair they are married now,” James interjected.
           “Ship captains can perform marriages and well Sirius is the captain now,” James explained, trying and failing to ease the blow.
           “How in the hell did he become Captain after just three years?” Regulus shouted incredulously, throwing his hands up in the air.
           “Well Captain Dumbledore was very old,” James explained, watching Reg continue to pace. “He took a real shine to Sirius and basically made him his apprentice, then his first mate. When Dumbledore died Sirius became the captain.”
           Regulus was seething with hurt and anger. “James, if you don’t tell Sirius to drop me off at the nearest bit of land I swear I will jump ship and swim there myself.”
           James got to his feet and walked over to Regulus. When he got too close Regulus took a step back. “I can’t do that.”
           “Yes you can.”
           “You don’t know how much I’ve missed you, Reg,” James murmured softly, reaching out and cupping Reg’s face in his hands.
           Regulus shoved him away roughly. “James Potter you let me off this ship!”
           “It is the middle of the night and we are in the middle of the bloody ocean!” James shouted back in frustration. “What do you want me to do?”
           “Then I wish for you to get out!”
           James looked ready to argue, opening his mouth to say something more.
           James huffed in annoyance. “As you wish,” he said, striding from the room and slamming the door shut after him. Regulus reached out for the nearest piece of furniture on shaky legs and collapsed onto the bed. He curled in on himself and began to silently cry.
           When he awoke in the morning, Regulus debated staying in his quarters or going outside to venture around the ship. Eventually his stomach won out, growling loudly and making its protests known. It was a beautiful day, the sun shining bright and the deck was surprisingly empty.
           “They are all below having breakfast,” Sirius called out from the helm.
           Regulus sighed and went to join his brother. He sat on the edge of the boat and watched his brother look more comfortable than he had ever seen him. He looked free, the wind in his hair and his relaxed stance at the helm. Reg almost envied him.
           “So you spoke to James?”
           Regulus snorted. “If you can call it that. Shouted is more like it.”
           “We came back to England, you know,” Sirius told him conversationally. “It was dangerous and Remus warned me against it. James was miserable though and you know I would do anything for him. So a year ago we risked everything to go back to England to find you.”
           “I was already gone.”
           “Indeed,” Sirius said, tilting his face up towards the sun. “I wasn’t even sure if you would come with us anyway. This doesn’t exactly seem like the kind of life for you. But Jamie needed you so we went. He found out you had joined the navy and has spent every moment since them trying to track you down.”
           Regulus crossed his arms over his chest. “That still leaves two years of me thinking you were both dead at the bottom of the sea.”
           Sirius put a rope around the wheel to stop it moving and came to sit by Reg. “It took two years for me to become the captain,” Sirius explained softly, putting his arm around Reg. “As much as Dumbledore liked me, he never would have made the crossing to England. We came for you as soon as we could.”
           “Do you expect me to forgive him?’ Regulus asked, leaning forward and burying his face in his hands. “He left me! Then I spent three years thinking he must be dead but letting myself hope that somehow he had survived. I thought at least if he was gone then he had died for something noble.”
           “You would prefer him dead as a solider than alive as a pirate?” Sirius asked, unable to keep the hurt out of his voice.
           “I just…this is a lot to take in,” Regulus admitted, dropping his hands down to his lap. “I joined the navy to search for him and now that I’ve found him I’m just so angry with him.”
           Sirius laughed and squeezed Reg gently. “Go easy on him,” he said. “He may be a scallywag but he loves you.”
           “A scallywag?” Regulus echoed, his eyebrow raised.
           “Pirate term,” Sirius said with a shrug. “Now go on down to breakfast.”
           “Fine,” Regulus said, standing up. He tugged his fingers through his hair, attempting to make himself look presentable. He was just about to go below was James’ head appeared, walking up the ladder carrying a tray of food. “Oh, James.”
           “Reg,” James said, expertly balancing the tray as he came up. “I thought you might still be sleeping so I was going to bring you breakfast.”
           “Thank you,” Regulus said, taking the tray from him. They stood together awkwardly as the sun beat down and the sea gently rocked them. “That was very considerate of you.”
           James exhaled loudly and shoved his hands in his pockets. They both stood there awkwardly, both of them glancing at the other and then looking away. “It’s a gorgeous day,” James finally spoke up, breaking the silence.
           “ – I still love you,” Regulus said at the same time.
           “You do?” James asked, biting his bottom lip. “I worried your feelings had changed. Three years is a long time.”
           “It is a long time,” Regulus agreed with a solemn nod. “I think I have waited long enough, James.”
           “You think you could love a pirate?” James asked, taking his hat off and placing it on Regulus’ head.
           Regulus dumped the tray overboard in favor of grabbing James and kissing him hungrily. “I think I could love you no matter what. Just never leave me again.”
           “I won’t,” James promised, wrapping Reg up in his arms. “You realize this means turning pirate yourself then.”
           “It doesn’t sound terribly difficult,” Regulus reasoned, surging up to kiss James again. “After all you and Sirius accomplished it. Besides, I already look good in the hat.”
           “You do at that,” James agreed with a soft chuckle. “You know I could convince Sirius to perform a wedding ceremony. If that was something you were interested in perhaps tonight we could have him officiate something for us. What do you say, Reg, do you want to be my husband?”
           Regulus smiled and let his hand slide over James’ cheek, feeling the roughness of his beard. He had to admit it was kind of growing on him. He thought about how long he had waited and hoped to be exactly here. It might have been his entire life. “I do.”
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eclipsing-maestro · 4 years
LFRP // Vitale
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Name: Urashiki “Vitale Maestro”
The Basics ––– –
Age: 28 ( 100,000 years old more or less from being frozen in time )
Birthday: 12/16
Race: Xaela, Drahn (OtherWorld); Ghost
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital Status: Married
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Jet-Black; White Highlights
Eyes: Ghost White; Black Sclera; Indigo Blue Limbal Rings
Height: 158.5cm
Build: Well-Toned; Mild Physically Fit
Distinguishing Marks: Dark Scales, Tribal Tattoo from Chest to Toe, Body Scars from Chest to Toe
Common Accessories: Omega Ring, Edencall Earring, Edensgate Choker, Bandages covering both her entire arms and legs
Personal ––– –
Profession: Assassin ( in a personal black ops business )
Hobbies: Card Games, Chess, Sketching, Sleeping
Languages: Common, Ascian/Amaurotine Tongue, Mute-Sign Language
Residence: ?????
Birthplace: Caelum Isle; The Forgotten 
Religion: Black/Dark Flood/Yamikozui ( An Ancestral Clan of an Humanoid Alien Race that once descended from a differently distant universe 100,000 years ago )
Patron Deity: N/A
Fears: Forgotten from Existence
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: Regulus “Jowell Maestro” ( Childhood Friend / Happily Married )
Children: N/A
Parents: Professor Madotsuki (Biological Mother); Kisame Yamikozui (Biological Father); Count Edmont de Fortemps ( Father Figure )
Siblings: Sorakage “Shizana Maestro + Mediseo “Mickael Maestro ( Twin Sisters; Triplets )
Other Relatives: Overture ( True Ancestor; Reflected True Self )
Pets: Tobi ( Owl ); Woosh ( Ferret ) 
Traits ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal   / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful  
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit:  N/A
Drugs: N/A
Alcohol: Moderately
RP Hooks ––– –
Hidden Wanderer: Vitale wanderers in unfamiliar, quiet areas, or she tends to blend in the crowd to not be seen. She minds her own business but the only thing roaming about is the ominous vibe around her. She is known to be a natural-born killer and still lingers as a public enemy to society. Though her whereabouts has reached to a minimum, maybe forgotten, she roams around like a phantom unseen or just a dust in the wind. What would you do if you come across this timescape phantom? Is it worth knowing, ignore, or come across her as an enemy or make a friend out of this mute ghostly Xaela.
Redemption: Despite traveling to other worlds, Vitale is on a road to redemption. Her sins of Wrath has caused her to be absorbed in vengeance, for she has not lived a good life. She’s been sacrificed, betrayed, heartbroken, scarred, taking scars, mentally broke down and even at points where she almost lost her life. This however did change her ego where she sees that the entire world has no faith in good, and she became a vile demon by heart, responsible for genocides and chaos throughout Hydaelyns realm, since she grew up majorly than her own universe. Time has passed for her, the daemon within she finally awakens and finally accepts, and now she wishes to redeem and make amends. She is aware of her unforgiving actions, maybe her unforgiving existence, but even through that blank expression on her face and the oblivion vibe she carries, she continues to walk the road as a Samurai, and a Specter... a ghost. Though there is many more secrets about her still hidden, she wouldn’t mind joining other Warriors or fighters out there to at least be of aid in their stories. Aiding the stories of others, that she believes, is an objective to her road of redemption. Putting aside the ravenous will she once bared, but she is a Chaotic Neautral. She may be of a free agent of sorts, but she does have a free will, it’s up to you if you wish to trust her.
Slayer Missions: Vitale usually takes jobs for certain clients for assassinations or termination. Any other mission would suffice if its in usage of her skills and supernaturality. Would you be willing to offer yourself to help her with her mission, or be on your way? She knows what missions to take, what is right or wrong in her belief, or what is necessary. Or if you need assistance and hire a partner for support, usually she’ll be in the shadows if you are in need of assistance. Quiet as she may be, she’ll help you get the job done. 
The First: She's usually from The First when she was introduced. but there is more to her than what little is known. Mainly inhabiting the Crystarium, or pulling pranks to the citizens of Eulmore to kill time with her Clownish hobby. Shes not much to interact nor the social type, so her making the first move is partially inevitable. She walks around Norvrandt just to take in the sky and surrounding, and mostly she would be roaming in the Tempest all the time for “personal, yet reflecting reasons” in order to giver herself a place to think and have time for herself understanding the world itself, before and after. 
Far East: Always love Far Eastern stories or events. Would be fine if it was Hingashi, Othard, Doma, or the Azim Steppe! It’s funny too for me mostly because despite Vitale being a Xaela, know that she is not of the Steppe (just like how she’s mistaken for being a dude cus I made her a hecking tomboy FFFFF), but it is understandable that it does confuse the very eye, since she is from another universe. It does indeed confuse a lot of people but ever so, your muse always has the privilege to ask who Vitale really is, or just say what tribe of the Steppe she’s in an her answer will just be “I’m not from here” LOL but not that Far Eastern settings, but even the aesthetics too. Either a dark theme also! A huge nerd when it comes to Ninjas and Samurais and everything else. Vitale is a Wandering Samurai, a Ronin, so she always uses a katana but she also has her Dark Knight aspects mixed with her Samurai ways, so not just a katana, but just the way of the blade in general.
Contact Information  ––– –
Discord, Tumblr DM, In-Game (mainly Aether, and Crystal) (tumblr DM if you want discord)/ Whatever is relevant 
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quartusbellum-blog · 5 years
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NICKY for the role of  NARCISSA MALFOY, using the faceclaim SARAH GADON.
Reading this application was delightful. You’ve given Narcissa such a strong voice. It’s clear from your app that we’re going to get the ruthless Narcissa we see in the books and so much more! This app is chock full of detail. You’ve considered so many angles of this character and the skeleton which I am extremely eager to see explored on the dash! Welcome, Nicky!
ooc details
Name: Nicky
Age: 32
Pronouns: she/her
Activity Level: medium; I have other writing projects I am going to (hopefully) be working on, but I should be online at least briefly most every day, moreso later in the week/weekend than the beginning.
Other: None, but I really do mean it when I say you can absolutely make use of Narcissa for plots and events and stuff, even the nasty ones! I’m not precious about my characters lol.
Acknowledgement: I absolutely acknowledge and indeed look forward to it all. I am happy to have Narcissa damaged or to have her damage others throughout, and if a tempting plot presents itself, even to have her killed; I will happily app someone else in the aftermath of her (no doubt bloody) demise!
                                                  ჻ ჻ ჻ ჻
general ic details
Name: Narcissa Carina Malfoy née Black; nickname “Cissy” but only by those who are family, close friends, or who knew her well in school or childhood before Hogwarts.
Age: 25; born May 20, 1955 (if I did the math right lol)
Ships: I am a huge fan of lucissa which is obviously canon here in that they are married, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re in a loving relationship. I have played a great many permutations of the Malfoys’ marriage before and am happy to do so again should whomever apps Lucius prefer not to have a lovey-dovey partnership (or should our takes on the characters simply fail to mesh suitably for that). I do believe that the current set-up with the Silent Daggers requires them to at least be friends and partners who have some level of trust in one another, but whether there’s romance there or not is something to be determined when/if a Lucius player arrives, and I’m good either way!
There are no other ships for Narcissa that I am going to be actively seeking out, but I’m in no way opposed to playing others should they emerge over the course of the game, whether as group affairs with her husband included, acceptable affairs on the side, or not-so-acceptable liaisons or outright betrayals. Narcissa is someone who very much ranks purity (and prettiness) above something as minor as gender (so pansexual, not that she probably knows the label or would use it if she did–”tawdry labels are for idiot muggles, darling, intelligent people don’t bother”) and she’s a shallow, selfish woman, but she wouldn’t be the first Black sister to have her heart betray her… Also, pre-Lucius relationships? Definitely yeah let’s headcanon the shit out of that backstory goodness.
Gender/Pronouns: cisfemale, she/her
Face Claim: 1ST CHOICE: Sarah Gadon SECOND CHOICE:  Imogen Poots
                                                  ჻ ჻ ჻ ჻
bio questions
Please note, while this game is “canon” up until the start of the Wizarding War it does not stay canon and it’s quite divergent at the start of the game.
The third and final of the three Black sisters, Narcissa was one last try for a male heir – and she was, obviously, a failure. (She didn’t even merit a family name – not that she’s bitter for not having been named for the stars too, of course not.) That’s the only thing in her life she’s willing to accept failure for, however. Perhaps knowing that she was an unnecessary spare is what drove her towards being such a perfectionist: perfect hair, perfect robes, perfect smile, perfect wandwork, perfect marks, perfect husband…perfect son. The first few years of Narcissa’s life was one steady climb towards the ideal future she had been raised to claim, from her sorting into Slytherin (where else!) to her appointment as prefect to her position as Seeker on the house Quidditch team to her excellent N.E.W.T.s scores all the way through to her marriage to the beautiful and perfectly pure, perfectly socially-positioned Lucius Malfoy…save for one unfortunate hiccup: Andromeda.
Still, one sister is better than none, and at least Narcissa still had someone to stand beside her at her wedding – and a husband who was gracious enough not to think that her former sister’s choices muddied her purity. There were those who whispered otherwise (there are always those who whisper otherwise) especially when little (former) cousin Sirius followed in similar footsteps, but Narcissa kept her head up and clawed her way back to perfection without them. Let the dregs be cast-off and discarded, forgotten; she and Bellatrix and Regulus were doing just fine. Better than fine, in fact; they were going to be heroes, going to be victors. They were going to make the whole world perfect, at long long last. No, Narcissa never went so far as to take the Dark Mark herself – but she was certainly proud to be married to a man who did, proud to have a sister and cousin who bore it (albeit a little worried about Regulus; he’d always been so sensitive as a child, was he really up for this?) and was thrilled to do her part in service to the Dark Lord. She toyed with the idea of stepping into the inner circle many times – certainly the Dark Lord would have welcomed her, given her connections and lineage! – but ultimately it was just a bit too much commitment. She and Lucius were starting a family, after all; better that one of them have a little less time invested in the struggle so they would have more to spare for the eventual heir. Lucius could win them their glory; Narcissa would lay the foundation on which that glory would one day be spent.
When the Dark Lord finally claimed his victory, it seemed like the perfect time to start their perfect family and it didn’t take long for a pregnancy to take root (never mind all those times they’d tried before and couldn’t manage; obviously her womb was just waiting for the perfect time). For an all-too-brief period it seemed like all was well, all was perfect…but it wasn’t. As the flush of victory faded, the reality that it was his victory – not theirs – set in, and set in hard. After everything they had done for the Dark Lord, everything they had sacrificed, everything they had been promised – there was nothing. No glories, no fortunes, no perfect future. After Andromeda and Sirius this was one betrayal too many and with a baby on the way something had to be done. They were Malfoys, Blacks; they deserved better. Their child deserved better. But Voldemort had made one mistake when he had called them all his servants: he had thought that meant they would be as loyal and harmless as House Elves. Foolish man, forgetting that they were wix – wand-carriers, not creatures – and their loyalty had been purchased, not bred; if he failed to carry out his end of the bargain, then the bargain was defunct. And there is no one more dangerous than a Black betrayed…except perhaps for a Malfoy.
Their determination for retribution didn’t mean she and Lucius weren’t still frightened of the Dark Lord, of course; they would be fools not to be, and neither Narcissa nor her husband were fools. But they were well-versed in old magicks and experimental spells, and clever enough to know that merely marking someone was not enough to ensure their loyalty (they themselves were proof of that weren’t they?) but there were other spells and curses that could. It would require the direst of secrecy, the most careful of planning…but they would do it. They would destroy the Dark Lord and claim their true place at the head of wizarding society. And if there were a few more sacrifices yet along the way, well…they would survive those, too.
The fact that one of those sacrifices had nearly been Narcissa’s very life had not been anticipated, but she survived – and perhaps even more importantly, the baby lived too, although Narcissa spent the rest of her pregnancy fretting about what effect her transformation might have on the child in her womb. Fortunately Draco was born with no complications (at least, none that they’ve seen yet) although it was deemed necessary to hire a wet-nurse nanny (not something traditionally done in the Black family, who prefer that their children be nourished only by their own pure bodies, but there was no way of knowing whether Narcissa would be able to give the boy what he needed now) who was passed-off as a decision of fashion and indolence. Narcissa tried not to let it bother her that she couldn’t be mother enough to provide everything her son needed herself (she failed) and took comfort in the fact that at least no one outside the family knew her blood was now tainted – not even dear Bellatrix. There was no knowing how she might react to the news…especially given what’s happened now to Regulus.
He didn’t take the transformation as well as she did, perhaps given the lack of support around him at the time (he didn’t have a few pints generously donated by a doting husband to carry him through that first night, after all) or perhaps there were other circumstances involved in his condition…or maybe he’d always just been a little bit weaker, more inclined toward melodrama. It was hard to say, especially given how secretive he acted about the whole thing – but at least she can trust him to be discreet about her condition. Even if he wasn’t relying on her to keep news of his whereabouts secret from Bellatrix and the Dark Lord, she’d be able to rely on Regulus – and Narcissa wishes she could do more for him, to help him adjust to their shared misfortune…but there’s only so much time in a day (or night).
Narcissa has to concentrate on other things right now: in addition to Draco (her primary focus and motivating factor in all things now) she had the Silent Daggers to found and control, a task admittedly made easier now that she had access to a very particular sort of blood-based magic…not that any of their allies needed to know that. (Conveniently their not-knowing will make it even harder for any of them to break the binding spell should they be tempted to try…and conveniently even if her secret does come out, none of them can turn their backs on her now that they’ve been pledged, cut, and bound to the Silent Daggers.) Perhaps it’s just as well she has that nanny to help with the baby…but she’ll never, ever admit that to anyone else – maybe not even to Lucius. Of course, the fact that Draco would be killed as punishment if the Dark Lord ever discovers her and Lucius’s treason looms over her every moment like a bleak black shadow…so it’s a good thing she’s learning to avoid the light.
                                                  ჻ ჻ ჻ ჻
my character is:
Please Describe a Belief your character has that is wrong. It can be something we, as players, know is wrong (ex. prejudice against werewolves ).  Alternatively: How is your character lying to themselves (and how is is it shown externally).
Narcissa is wrong about a lot of things in this world. One of the biggest, though, has to be her subconscious conviction that her sister would never hurt her. She might have thought better of this whole Silent Daggers thing if not for that delusion – might have been too frightened, too prudent, to take such a reckless risk if she had really believed that Bellatrix would tear the skin from her bones (and that of her child) on the Dark Lord’s command. Narcissa claims to be sensible and realistic in her assessment of Bellatrix, claims that she knows that they’ll come to blows over it eventually…and she does believe that but in her heart of hearts, she doesn’t believe Bella would ever really hurt her. Not badly, not in a way that lasts. Not fatally. And maybe she’s right that the revelation of her vampiric taint wouldn’t be enough to inspire Bellatrix to hurt her; maybe she’s right that her sister would forgive Narcissa for the impurity she didn’t ask for…but betraying Voldemort? Bellatrix would kill her for that…and Narcissa can’t bring herself to believe it. One would think that after Andromeda, she would have no illusions about Bellatrix’s ruthlessness or fanatical loyalty left – but Bellatrix didn’t kill Andromeda either (although she ranted about doing so often enough). Of course, she probably expected Andromeda to come to her senses and come back (certainly Narcissa did) up until the birth of the child (and maybe even a year or two after that – motherhood among the mud? Really!?) and she was quite busy fighting the Dark Lord’s war at the time, far too busy to indulge herself by hunting down their sister…and now Andromeda, wherever she is, is far enough away to be safe (presumably). But Cissy has yet to realize that Andromda isn’t the only one who will need to run, if and when Bellatrix ever finds out what she’s done…
Please Provide a description of either Your Character’s Job (what do they do? how do they feel about it? Do they have any goals or dreams beyond this job) and/or Address the differences between what your character is currently doing and what they would prefer to do?
Celebration, that’s what Narcissa should be doing right now – reveling in their victory, relaxing now that the fighting is over. But it’s not. And if the Dark Lord is left in charge, it never will be. Their grand revolution of purity doesn’t seem to have been his end goal the way it was theirs; or perhaps he just doesn’t know how to let go. Regardless, the rewards that were promised his servants have not come to pass – and they’ve come to realize that servant of the Dark Lord has more in common with the servitude of a House Elf than it does the honor and privilege they were led to believe such a position signified. So instead of resting on her and Lucius’s laurels and smoothing down the last few sharp edges of the world into the perfect future her son deserves, she’s plotting treason.
As joint founder and head of the Silent Daggers, Narcissa is a little more squeamish than her husband about how far into the mud they’re willing to reach if necessary (the Malfoys have always been more pragmatic than the Blacks) but she’ll grit her teeth and force a smile for the filth if that’s what it takes to build a better world for dear Draco. The only problem is the worry teasing at the back of her mind: if the Malfoys turned on the Dark Lord for not keeping his promises, doesn’t that mean they’ll have to keep whatever promises they make to the mud in order to defeat him, or risk the very same thing happening to them? That’s a concern to be dealt with after victory is achieved, though – not today. For today she can shove it to the back of her mind and do her part spreading whispers and recruiting allies and accruing information…and, sometimes, making use of all those things to hurt the Dark Lord they once obeyed so loyally. Bellatrix is another problem for the future – but deep down, Narcissa knows that if (when) it comes down to choosing between her son and her sister…well, she’s already survived the loss of a sister once. She can do it again if she has to, for Draco’s sake.
ooc questions
Writing Sample:
Narcissa forced herself to stand calmly, to keep her eyes from settling on the silver bowl – or more importantly, to stop herself from licking her lips. It was strange how quickly she had adapted to the taste of blood, salty and bitter and somehow more delicious than any lavender cream pastry or herb-crusted quail. It was something she tried not to dwell on – and definitely not something that she could let on about here and now, when they were about to bind the first of the Silent Daggers (what a charming name; Lucius always was so good with words) and take this movement against the Dark Lord from tenuous disgruntlement to active rebellion.
Revealing that half of the couple behind said movement now had vampiric blood in her once-pure veins would have put rather a damper on things, and the baby growing in her belly (unharmed by her recent transformation, she had to hope) needed this. It was their only to build their child the future they deserved…
And if that meant Narcissa had to use her newfound affinity for blood to forcibly bind friends and allies to their cause, so be it. Truth be told it was a convenient tragedy, at least; the spells to hold the tongues and treachery of the Silent Daggers in check would be so much stronger now than they would have been before her brief, bloody death. Not that any of them knew they were binding themselves with vampire blood…but it was too late for any of them to back out now anyway. The time for qualms had come and gone.
Lucius wrapped-up his little speech (if she hadn’t helped him practice it for the past three days, she would have been as enthralled as the rest of the audience, but repetition could make even his dulcet tones run dull) and Narcissa stepped forward with the blade they had spent the last month bespelling. It tingled in her hand and she didn’t know if that was a result of the spells sunk so heavy in its gleaming metal or merely her own anticipation.
The first cut she made was to Lucius’s arm – unlike the Dark Lord, neither Malfoy would hold themselves aloof and above the rest of the Silent Daggers (not so obviously as by keeping their own arms unmarked, at least; obviously they were in charge but it was less obnoxious than it was with the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters) and it was only appropriate that they go first – and the last would be to hers. That was part of the binding spell, using her vampire blood to anchor the magic, although to the others they had merely presented it as appropriately symbolic that the Malfoys should both begin and end the evening’s loyalty pledge.
One by one, they came up to her and bled into the silver bowl; one by one, they presented their arms – marked and unmarked – for her blade, and she fought the urge to salivate at each hot red slash across their skin. No healing spells would be cast until the whole group was done (small, but soon to grow – Narcissa was sure of it) and the spell finalized so they stepped back wincing or stoic as their natures dictated, gripping bloodied arms in bare fingers or pressing handkerchiefs to the warm, delicious wounds.
Narcissa’s stomach grumbled and she nearly dropped the knife, cutting a bit deeper than before with the sudden rush of nerves. She smiled at Marcus and he stepped back without seeming to notice; perhaps for him, pain was still a comfort that let him know he was alive – or something that felt like a bond to his lost family. (Of all the people here tonight, Marcus was one of the last she would have wanted to admit her condition to.) Perhaps he just considered himself too new to their company to complain, or thought she had gored him so deeply on purpose as mute commentary on the necessity of his loyalty now…
A few more tantalizing slices and she was handing the knief to her husband to do the final cut. They raised their wands in unison and the others held their bleeding arms out, showing all eyes that the cuts were true and strong, ruby droplets falling steadily on the stone cellar floor. The words of the spell – some spoken, some not – rose in a cadence as harsh and hollow as the grasping hands of the wind. The blade glowed, the blood boiled, their wounds flashed hot and bright as fire – and it was done. The Silent Daggers were formed, their secrets bound by blood and magic.
Murmured sounds of healing spells rose around the room, interspersed with stilted banter and quiet muttering. It was always awkward, ending a group ritual; magic was not cast like that often, and it always felt somehow artificial or overdone. Narcissa closed her eyes and allowed herself to lick her lips, just once, as though to wet them after the extended bout of spellcasting. She opened them again when she felt Lucius’s fingers on her arm.
“Shall we retire to the study for icebrandy and gin?” Lucius suggested, the room going quiet in response to his brisk and jovial tone. “I mean, I suppose we could have the rest of the meeting down here too, but that seems so unnecessarily bleak to me…”
Laughter, both from amusement and relief, rose in response. “You’ll see to things down here?” Lucius asked her, leaning in close and speaking softly. Narcissa nodded and stepped back, smiling at the others as they filed out past her. She would join the party in a few moments, once everything down here was securely put away and the bespelled blood safely stored for later additions to the alliance.
And if she licked up a few stray drops here and there, well, who would ever know?
Please share three things you’d like to explore. This could be a character changing sides, darker themes, or basic fiction tropes.
Narcissa As Vampire: What does that mean for her physically? (How fortunate that she’s always been the sort to favor parasols and broad-brimmed hats in summer sunlight for the sake of her complexion – and how fortunate that she’s always been so pale! no one will ever notice a difference!) What does that mean for her magically? (She was always such a strong witch; surely she hasn’t lost that power, not with Black blood flowing in her now-tainted veins?) Where does she get the blood she needs to eat? (Is it always pure or is she reduced sometimes to drinking–ugh–muddy blood? Or is that a hardship, or is it easy for her to think of Muggles as food? Does Lucius ever donate to the cause?) What does it mean for Draco? (He wasn’t hurt by it, he can’t have been…he just can’t! Can he?) What does it mean for her internal assessment of purity…or to Lucius? (He says he still loves her just the same, but does he mean it?)  Is it a weapon she’s willing to use in their war, or something she’s too ashamed (or afraid) of to risk unsheathing under all but the most dire of circumstances? (True, she used it for the blood-binding, but was that a one-off exception or the start of a trend?) And so on and so on… For that matter, how did she become a vampire? I kept that deliberately vague in her bio because I’m hoping to explore something there involving other player(s) – maybe it was Regulus who was turned first, and he turned Cissy to save her after she was injured? Maybe that vial of blood around his neck came from a not-quite-disowned relative of theirs who’d fallen to the fangs years ago, and Narcissa made use of the same old relation when she was dying? Maybe it was someone in the Radical Alliance (willingly or unwillingly) who turned her as a favor or to pay a debt, or maybe it was vampires who hurt her in the first place and it was Lucius interrupting before they could finish the attack that led to her being turned instead of merely killed…. There are a lot of different ways to run with her “condition,” both in how it happened and how it affects her now, and my only regret is in knowing that I can’t do all of them at once!
Recruitment: It was Narcissa (and her particular familiarity with blood) who came up with the little trick with the knives and the blood to make sure no one could betray them in the first place, but a revolution can’t be run with only a handful of allies – nor without a few disposable tools. Since Narcissa is generally seen (by fools) as the most “harmless” of any of the Blacks and Malfoys, she uses her unassailable social position to whisper and toy and tempt others, sometimes tricking them into doing what the Silent Daggers need and sometimes adding them to her quiver of allies (with a prudent slash of red to make sure they stay there). It makes her someone who can cross the lines of allegiance for interactions more easily than most other characters, too, which should be interesting! And honestly just the chance to have Narcissa be an active part of the fight (if a subtle, secret one) is exciting, since she’s so often reduced to a wallflower (or worse, a reluctant participant who lacks her family’s blood-supremacist convictions) in these sort of games. I’m really looking forward to getting blood on her hands here – both metaphorical and literal! Narcissa is canonically ruthless…so I’m excited for a game where she actually gets to act like it.
Blood-Status & Family: Narcissa is a blood-supremacist. She always has been, always will be. Being turned – being tainted – hasn’t changed how she thinks of Mudbloods nor of animals like werewolves and Muggles…but vampires were always more fashionable, weren’t they? Of course they were. Besides, she might be a vampire but she’s a vampire with Black blood in her veins – that has to still count for something, especially when it comes to a creature for whom blood is so crucial! Yes, she’s still part of the elite even if she does have fangs…and that means she still looks down on everyone who isn’t. (It’s a delicate balance in her head, but one necessary to maintain for her own sense of self to remain steady.) But now she’s turned her back on Voldemort, she might have to ally herself with those who aren’t worthy…and that’s fine, those sort of deals are necessary in a war. But as she’s learned from having the promises she was made broken by the Dark Lord, those “necessary alliances” can’t be simply discarded after the war is won. Not unless you want a new rebellion on your hands. Which means that anything she or Lucius promise to any piece of filth whose allegiance they want to secure, they’ll have to follow through on in the end…which means she might have to get her hands dirty. Is she prepared to do that? Is she prepared…perhaps…to talk to her former cousin? Or worse – her lost sister!? (I know there’s no Andromeda in the game right now, but that doesn’t mean Narcissa can’t entertain the idea of having to face and deal with her – nor for that matter, the idea of having to deal with Bellatrix discovering her secret. Those possibilities will be relevant to her, even though they aren’t going to be applicable in the game as playable plotpoints. Sirius and Regulus, on the other hand – if either or both of those characters get picked up, then those confrontations should be lots of fun from very different angles: Sirius the disgraced, cast-out cousin who betrayed the family but who might be a useful tool in the fight against the Dark Lord…Regulus the “good boy” who got lost, who now shares a certain proclivity for blood and fangs but much more openly than she; much less stable than she too, given how and when he developed the condition…but he’s still her precious little cousin. And he’s no more tainted than her, even if he’s having a few more problems adjusting…but will she accept that, or ignore his issues because it means acknowledging her own lack of perfection though acknowledging his? Should be fun!)
BONUS: The Diary! I’m assuming (hoping!) this is going to come up as a plotpoint eventually, and I’m psyched for it. I’m also psyched for exploring how Narcissa will react to the revelation of Voldemort using Horcruxes – because we know they’re generally regarded as well beyond the pale by most of the magical community, so will Narcissa likewise be disgusted? Or will her upbringing as a Black (notoriously more comfortable with certain types of magic, it appears) and/or her current position as a member of the Silent Daggers make her more pragmatic about the idea? I don’t know, I think it will depend on how the news leaks out (if it does; maybe they’ll find a way to use and/or destroy the diary without ever learning exactly what it is idk) but either way it’s going to be interesting to play with.
I have very, very rarely had the privilege of being in a game where both Malfoys are taken characters. Thus I have approached Narcissa’s development largely from the premise of her being on her own and I’ve just gone ahead and stated things as established history that would be better discussed in tandem with Lucius’s player. If there does end up being an app for Lucius I will (after I finish dancing with delight) be very very happy to revise and amend all of this to mesh with their player’s ideas. (Likewise with any eventual Bellatrix or Andromeda players – or for that matter, any family details overlapping with Sirius and Regulus!) I genuinely really enjoy group world building! So please, fellow or potential players: view this as an outline for Narcissa, not as a headcanon that’s set in stone. I’m happy to tweak and twist and rearrange, so don’t hesitate to fling your ideas my way!
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