chiefbelieverllama · 1 year
下午茶文化的由來 製作美味小點心4
#7、取三分之一的蛋白加入乳酪蛋黃糊中攪拌均勻#8、再將剩下的蛋白全部與蛋黃糊混合均勻#9、加入玫瑰花瓣,用刮刀攪均即可#烘烤:隔水烘烤(下層烤盤加熱水,烤網放在中下層)180度上下火先烤20分鐘,轉160度上下火烘烤40分鐘即可#注意:烤好的蛋糕倒扣放涼脫模#可哥冰激淩;春藥 春藥效果 春藥副作用 春藥哪裡買 春藥是什麼 春藥成分 媚藥 乖乖水 春藥坊 催情迷幻催情 外用春藥 日本春藥 RUSH 壯陽助勃  老中醫#——很多女生應該會喜歡這一款冰激淩。#原料:4個蛋黃,80克糖,400毫升牛奶,半瓶藍莓醬,2大勺桃醬,15毫升可哥粉,咖啡甘露酒5ml,400毫升淡奶油#做法#1、先做蛋奶漿:蛋黃和白糖混合均勻,加入牛奶混合均勻,用小火慢慢加熱,全程不停攪拌,千萬別心急,不要讓漿水沸騰。 漿水濃厚(勺子背後能掛厚漿,指甲劃過後不會立即消失),#2、將做好的蛋奶漿分成兩部分,一部分趁熱直接加入可哥粉,攪拌均勻,放涼后加入咖啡甘露酒7、取三分之一的蛋白加入乳酪蛋黃糊中攪拌均勻#2、將做好的蛋奶漿分成兩部分,一部分趁熱直接加入可哥粉,攪拌均勻,放涼后加入咖啡甘露酒攪勻。#3、淡奶油打至濕性發泡,分成兩部分,分別將以上兩種涼透的蛋奶漿加入其中攪勻。#4、將果醬加入沒加可哥粉的混合物中拌勻。。韓國奇力片  鱷魚增大軟膏  黑馬Dark Hors  美國BIG PENIS 孟婆湯  極樂水 Hulk綠巨人 RISE防爆玩家 英國Golden拳交 美國增大丸 黃金瑪#5、裝盒入冰箱冷凍,每隔一小時取出攪拌一次,這樣攪拌三次,再凍三小時即可取出食用 。 蔬菜水果匹薩#——記得第一次接觸披薩時,我就對它研究了一番,外國人額,不會包餃子元宵之類帶餡的食品,統統把餡放在表面。 介紹一款水果匹薩,補充維生素呀,還不長胖。 當然,大家想吃別的#介紹了這麼多的美味小點心的製作方法,不知道你現在還是否安耐得住心裡的小激動。 為身邊的他做一款自己親手製作的小點心,會讓他在工作之餘感受到家的溫暖。#攪勻。
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harunakanko · 2 years
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2022/08/23 #高崎市榛名湖 #榛名観光ボート #カフェ水月 #ワカサギ釣り #9月1日解禁 #試し釣り #釣果700匹 https://www.instagram.com/p/ChlmPelJ-_R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pitatmatsydo6 · 2 years
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■水廻り設備も一新のリノベーション!お手入れ不要で新生活が始められます♪ ■全室採光で明るく風通しの良い3LDK!対面カウンターキッチンや追焚、浴室換気等設備充実! ■2WAYのウォークインクローゼット等収納豊富!家中スッキリ保てます(^_-)-☆ ■駐車場あります!一住戸につき一台無償です(^O^)/ ■総戸数150戸のビッグコミュニティ!キッズルームやバスケットコートなど共用施設も充実しています♪ ■保育園・小学校・中学校近隣!子育てにも好適の立地です(^^♪ お問い合わせはもちろん、その他ご質問等も大歓迎です。ぜひお気軽にスタッフにお問い合わせくださいませ。 物件概要 マンション名 クレストフォルム松戸ウッドスクエア 所在地 松戸市小山 交通 常磐線「松戸」駅徒歩19分 引渡時期 相談 専有面積 77.49m² 建物構造 鉄筋コンクリート造10階建て 所在階 9階部分 築年月 2001年8月築 新築・中古 中古 間取り 3LDK 間取り詳細 現況 空家 土地権利 所有権 用途地域1/2 準工業地域/ 駐車場 敷地内にあり (自走式駐車場1住戸につき1台無償) 管理形態 全部委託 管理費 15,100円/月 その他費用 取引態様 媒介 内装リフォーム年月 2022年8月 建具・収納交換、シューズボックス交換、防水パン交換、スイッチ・コンセント交換、照明器具新規取付、ダウンライト新規設置、カーテンレール交換、ハウスクリーニング等 外装リフォーム年月 小学校区 小学校区:松戸市立南部小学校 距離:350m 中学校区 中学校区:松戸市立第二中学校 距離:600m 設備 都市ガス  東京電力  公営水道  排水(下水) #松戸 #松戸マンション #クレストフォルム松戸ウッドスクエア #松戸駅 #3LDK #9階部分 #ペット2匹飼育可能 #眺望良好 #リノベーションマンション #駐車場1台無償 #不動産 #不動産業 #不動産仲介 #不動産仲介業 #不動産売買 #不動産相談 #不動産購入 #マイホーム #マイホーム計画 #マイホーム購入 #マイホーム計画中の人と繋がりたい #マイホーム検討中の方と繋がりたい #店舗駐車場あり #松戸不動産 #ピタットハウス #ピタットハウス松戸 #ピタットハウス松戸6号店 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfTJ2DsrKhI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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1980fx · 2 years
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2022:05/01 #MiyazakiYohei #miya #miyamask #dad #boy #cat #girl #ghost #tall #子どもふたりと猫1匹分 #art #drawings #draw #drawingeveryday #1日1枚 #ドローイング https://www.instagram.com/p/CdApJoDPvrB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kmnmscat · 9 months
ドラゴン→デストラ その2
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ari0921 · 9 months
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gilgalahad · 2 months
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rabbitboy · 3 months
2024年、私たちは自然界の驚異的な一幕を目撃することになるでしょう。 アメリカ合衆国では今年、13年と17年のサイクルを持つ2種類の周期ゼミ( 学名:Magicicada spp .)が同時に羽化すると考えられています。 素数周期で大量発生するセミは「素数セミ」と呼ばれしばしば話題になりますが、2024年に予想される素数セミの出現数は羽化周期が重なるせいで「1兆匹」以上に達する可能性があるとのこと。 同じ現象が最後に起こったのは今から200年以上前の1803年でした。 次にこの現象が起こるのは2245年と予想されており、今現在生きているひとにとって、おそらくこれが唯一の機会となるでしょう。
生存戦略に素数を取り込んだ「素数セミ」の羽化周期が重なり今年”1兆匹”が一斉羽化する! - ナゾロジー
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singari66 · 10 months
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高校1~3年生、首の後ろと背中の上あたりとスカートの中にメスの蛸さんが3匹住んでいます 仲はいいです
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kyuushi · 4 months
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I present (🎁) the character relationship chart from the first official fanbook! Big thanks to Pancake from the Kyuushi Discord server for the scans 🫶
The translation, cleaning, and typesetting were all done by me so please forgive any messiness & mistakes. But I'm always very open to feedback so feel free to reach out, especially if you notice tl issues!
Please don't repost the image around. You can just share the link to this post! (If I end up needing to make corrections, I will cry if an old incorrect version is floating around somewhere!!)
↓Some extra notes below the cut↓
I originally wanted to post this along with a more accessible version (aka text version) but unfortunately that would be a ton of extra work and I have other projects I'd like to spend my time on instead. I'm also not really knowledgeable about that stuff to begin with so I'm not sure what kind of format would be best for screen readers or other accessibility aids. If anyone else would like to take up the mantle and create a text version, please message me!
Translation Notes:
Mippiki: Written "3人と1匹" but read as "みっぴき," this word is very important to the Kyuushi fandom! It describes the main characters living in the office- Rona, Draluc, Hinaichi, and John. "Mi" comes from 3 and "ippiki" is how you would count 1 small animal, an armadillo in this case.
Sagyou's "hah? to respect ratio": The "hah?" here is like an exasperated sound he's making. In Japanese it was one of these babies: ぁ゙. So his frustration to respect ratio is 9 to 1.
Calling someone a typhoon/hurricane: I think this is probably self explanatory but since I don't think this is a common expression in English, I'll explain a bit. Basically it's likening someone to the chaos and power of a storm.
Shot's "filthy cool": In Japanese this is "ヨゴレかっこいい." I can't find instances of this phrase being used outside of Kyuushi so this seems to be a Bonnoki original? I've seen others tl this some different ways but I tried to make it sound kinda cool in English, though it also kinda makes no sense lol, sorry.
Tabiko being in the "vampires" section: Just in case anyone is confused, Tabiko is definitely a human. I think there just wasn't space to stick her anywhere else.
Manner calling Satetsu "big bro": "兄イ" in Japanese. I think most people recognize words like "onii-san" and "aniki" at this point but I'm not sure about just "anii" (also big brother) so I decided to tl it here. As you may have guessed, this is not him literally trying to adopt Satetsu as his brother, but rather a term of respect (albeit a teasing one). Satetsu is uncomfortable being called this, mostly because it reminds him of his embarrassing delinquent past.
Nagiri's nickname for John: I chose to keep this as "Maru" ("丸," literally "circle") just because I think it sounds like a cute nickname lol.
Fiasco calling Manner "spoiled rich boy": Originally "ボンボン" in Japanese. You might have heard a character called "bon" or even this kinda insulting version, "bonbon," before. It describes a young man from a rich family. I added "spoiled" because I thought it sounded too much like a complement just to call him "genius rich boy," even with "damn" in front 😂
Nuyan: John's "nu" combined with a dog's "wan" (bark). Remember that time Yomo hypnotized John into acting like a dog? That John never fully recovered from? Yeah.
As I said please do let me know if you spot any mistakes or have any questions or comments. You can even ask if you're just confused about who certain characters are or what the relationship arrow is indicating! Kyuushi has a ton of characters and they can be difficult to keep track of, especially for the English fandom which doesn't have access to all the materials.
Thanks if you actually read all of these walls of text 🫡
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linghxr · 2 months
10 traditional characters that I didn't know existed
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In 2023 I started learning to write traditional characters by hand, so I've been paying extra attention to differences between traditional and simplified forms. In some cases, I didn't even realize the traditional and simplified forms were different!
Here are 10 sets of simplified and traditional characters with subtle differences, 8 of which I only discovered recently. Definitions are adapted from MDBG.
(1)抛 | 拋 pāo
The difference is SO subtle with this one. I have to hold the screen 3 inches from my face to see it. The simplified version has 7 strokes, but the traditional version has 8.
抛 | 拋 pāo - to throw / to toss / to fling / to cast / to abandon
抛弃 | 拋棄 pāoqì - to abandon / to discard / to renounce / to dump (sb) 抛开 | 拋開 pāokāi - to throw out / to get rid of 抛物线 | 拋物線 pāowùxiàn - parabola
(2)滚 | 滾 gǔn
I actually prefer the traditional version, particularly when I'm writing by hand. When I write the simplified version, the 衣 strokes on the bottom always looks awkward under 公 to me.
滚 | 滾 gǔn - to boil / to roll / to take a hike / get lost!
摇滚 | 搖滾 yáogǔn - rock 'n' roll (music) / to rock / to fall off 滚开 | 滾開 gǔnkāi - to boil (of liquid) / boiling hot / Get out! / Go away! 滚烫 | 滾燙 gǔntàng - boiling / scalding 打滚 | 打滾 dǎgǔn - to roll about
(3)匀 | 勻 yún
I think these look pretty much the same when handwritten, but on the computer they are distinct. I definitely prefer how the simplified one looks.
匀 | 勻 yún - even / well-distributed / uniform / to distribute evenly / to share
均匀 | 均勻 jūnyún - even / well-distributed / homogeneous / well-proportioned (figure, body etc)
(4)叙 | 敘 xù
叙 | 敘 xù - to narrate / to chat
叙述 | 敘述 xùshù - to relate (a story or information) / to tell or talk about / to recount / narration / telling / narrative / account 叙事 | 敘事 xùshì - narrative
(5)奥 | 奧 ào
奥 | 奧 ào - obscure / mysterious
It really bugs me that 奥 has a different traditional form, but 澳 (as in 澳门 Macao) does not!
深奥 | 深奧 shēn'ào - profound / abstruse / recondite / profoundly 奥运会 | 奧運會 Àoyùnhuì - Olympic Games; the Olympics (abbr. for 奥林匹克运动会 | 奧林匹克運動會) 奥利给 | 奧利給 àolìgěi - come on, you can do it!
(6)厨 | 廚 chú
厨 | 廚 chú - kitchen
厨房 | 廚房 chúfáng - kitchen 厨师 | 廚師 chúshī - cook / chef 厨艺 | 廚藝 chúyì - cooking skills / culinary talent
Other similar cases: 厮 | 廝 sī - (bound form) together; each other / (bound form) male servant / (bound form) dude; so-and-so 厢 | 廂 xiāng - box (in theater) / side room / side 厦 | 廈 shà - tall building / mansion / rear annex / lean-to / also pr. xià
(7)刹 | 剎 chà/shā
Whether the bottom looks like 朩 or 木 seems to be somewhat stylistic and can vary by font. But the little 点 is a consistent difference.
刹 | 剎 chà - used to transcribe several words originally from Sanskrit
刹那 | 剎那 chànà - an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split second; the twinkling of an eye
刹 | 剎 shā - to brake
刹车 | 剎車 shāchē - to brake (when driving) / to stop / to switch off / to check (bad habits) / a brake
(8)侣 | 侶 lǚ
侣 | 侶 lǚ - companion
伴侣 | 伴侶 bànlǚ - companion / mate / partner 情侣 | 情侶 qínglǚ - sweethearts / lovers
Other similar cases: 宫 | 宮 gōng - palace / temple / castration (as corporal punishment) / first note in pentatonic scale 吕 | 呂 lǚ - pitchpipe, pitch standard, one of the twelve semitones in the traditional tone system / surname Lǚ
(9)别 | 別 bié
I've known about the traditional form of this character for a while now, but to be honest, it still looks like 别 written incorrectly to me...sorry.
别 | 別 bié - to leave; to part (from) / (literary) to differentiate; to distinguish / (bound form) other; another; different / don't …! / to fasten with a pin or clip / to stick in; to insert (in order to hinder movement) / (noun suffix) category
差别 | 差別 chābié - difference; distinction; disparity 分别 | 分別 fēnbié - to part; to leave each other / to distinguish; to tell apart / difference; distinction / in different ways; differently / separately; individually 区别 | 區別 qūbié - difference / to distinguish / to discriminate / to make a distinction 性别 | 性別 xìngbié - gender / sex 个别 | 個別 gèbié - individually; one by one / just one or two; exceptional; rare
(10)丢 | 丟 diū
OK, I literally just realized there are separate simplified and traditional forms for this character while working on this post 😭 I feel utterly betrayed.
丢 | 丟 diū - to lose / to put aside / to throw
丢脸 | 丟臉 diūliǎn - to lose face / humiliation 丢人 | 丟人 diūrén - to lose face 丢掉 | 丟掉 diūdiào - to lose / to throw away / to discard / to cast away 丢失 | 丟失 diūshī - to lose; to misplace 跟丢 | 跟丟 gēndiū - to lose track of
See similar posts: Characters I used to write incorrectly Characters that look TOO similar Traditional characters that haunt me
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koch-snowflake-blog · 3 months
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雪平 莉左(ゆきひら りさ、1994年〈平成6年〉6月17日- )は、日本のグラビアアイドル、タレント、ラウンドガール、モデル、元レースクイーン。愛知県豊田市出身。旧名義は葉月 えみり(はづき えみり)。スカイハイプロモーションズを経て(詳細は後述)、2023年現在はプラチナムプロダクション所属。
別名義 葉月えみり(旧芸名)
愛称 えみりん(旧芸名当時)
生年月日 1994年6月17日
出身地 愛知県豊田市
血液型 AB型
身長 / 体重 164 cm / ― kg
スリーサイズ 88 - 57 - 87 cm
カップサイズ F
靴のサイズ 24cm
ゴルフについては、2022年時点のベストスコアは96。2018年に雑誌(『GOLF TODAY』)の仕事でコンペに参加する際に練習したことから趣味となったが、負けず嫌いの性格ゆえに当時は週に3回くらい練習に通い、スコアが1年で100を切れたという
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asksythe · 11 months
Hi! I was looking into some stuff and came across a post talking about WWX’s arrogance. It was about WWX’s character and how the fandom insists that his arrogance was one of his main flaws when that’s not true and so on. Then I saw some people saying that arrogance is not inherently bad in Chinese novels and that I might have to do with the way the novel was translated.
I was just wondering if you had some insight on this. Thanks!
On some level, it can be considered a translation issue. But the real reason why WWX's characters, as well as countless other details in MDZS specifically (and Chinese novels broadly speaking), tend to be misunderstood on such a massive scale is... cross-cultural value mismatch.
Consider this:
1/ There is a tendency in the international fanbase to judge WWX (and other characters) on a modern Western moral standard. I don't have to tell you how illogical this is. Imagine if you come into the world of Game of Thrones and start spouting 21st-century judgment. You are likely to become human shishkebabs in less than five minutes. Most people who watch Game of Thrones or read the book understand that's not something you do unless you are a moron or looking to start shit. But for some reason, this is not the case for the MDZS fandom (and many other Chinese media fandoms out there). I'm not sure why this is the case. It might be because of the cultural distance making people not really realize they are coming into an entirely different world, and then they forget to check their modern expectations at the door. Like how tourists become obnoxious when they come to a foreign country, expecting the foreign country to cater to their whims.
I've once seen someone made an addition on TV Tropes saying WWX is a mass murderer that never got punished for his crime. I... I don't know what to say to that really. My expectation is that the person who wrote that is someone under 30, never left America, and never served in the military. For somebody who has never had this kind of experience, no amount of words will explain to them that for major parts of the world and for the vast majority of mankind's history, you have to be able to kill to survive. In fact, for most of our history, killers are our heroes. War is a reality that we live in. The ones who survive are the ones who win wars, the really accomplished killers.
2/ MDZS was not written for an international audience. That is to say, it's written with the expectation that it doesn't have to explain its intricacies and tropes to its intended readers. Because its readers already know. MDZS is xianxia danmei. Danmei has only had about 2 decades of modern history. But xianxia as a genre has stretched back millennia. Its tropes are very set. Chinese (and Sinosphere) readers don't need an explanation because we grow up consuming this kind of stories.
We don't need to be told in plain words to know WWX's only crime is to be possession of the Yin Tiger Tally, and the Jin's scheme is the real reason behind his tragedy. Because it's such a standard trope in our culture that there are millennia-old proverbs about it.
匹夫无罪,怀璧其罪 - pǐ fū wú zuì,huái bì qí zuì. Lit. The commoner is innocent, but his possession of treasure is a sin.
We don't need to be told that it doesn't matter if WWX goes along with the cultivation world's ceaseless demands (keep Suibian with him, consult more with Jiang Cheng before he does things) to know that none of that matters. Because none of those are actual rules, just trivial bullshit made up and used to socially isolate WWX and manipulate the public opinion against him. WWX's true crime is that he is alone. He is an orphan. No one will stand up for him. And unlike his big mouth, he's a real softie. Because if he wasn't then all of them would be dead ten times over with the kind of martial power WWX possess. Only WWX's good heart holds him back from really using his ability. Therefore, you can spit on him, you can cut him, you can trample on him without fearing retaliations.
Nie Mingjue has no sword. Ain't nobody try to lip him about it. Yu Furen has no sword. She uses a whip. Ain't nobody lip her about it.
WWX's undead cultivation is also not really the problem. That kind of cultivation is vanilla as girl scout's cookies. It's only made out that way because it's a method of cultivation that is very easy to learn and does not require enormous resources (i.e. caste issue, not class, caste) to cultivate. Which means it's a method that can be practiced far and wide by poor commoners. Which means it's an infringement on the cultivator House's power and financial base. That's its real crime. Not all that justice bullshit.
For many international fans out there, MDZS is their introduction to danmei (and xianxia). So they come in not knowing these things. They don't see the caste issues, the tragedy, the difference of philosophies and choices between WWX and JC. Their conclusion is built on ignorance and misunderstanding.
It doesn't help that most know little to nothing about Chinese culture which is a high-context culture, the polar opposite of most Western cultures (low-context culture). Something that may seem small and insignificant for a Western reader base can be a really big deal for the Chinese reader base, because it's inbuilt in five thousand years of history and culture. Like why Jin Guangyao buried his mother's corpse in the Guanyin temple and why he needed to reclaim it and take it with him when he tried to flee to Japan.
So it's no surprise there is such a massive divide in fandom opinion.
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lastscenecom · 4 months
狩りの達人の名をほしいままにしているのが、トンボです。 その狩りの成功率は最高で97%に達し、1日に数百匹の蚊を仕留めることが可能とのこと。 トンボの強みは並外れた視力で、トンボやその仲間が持つ複眼はほぼ360度の視界を誇り、脳は視覚情報を極めて高速に処理して獲物が次の瞬間にはどこにいるのかを予測することができます。 また、トンボは前後の翅を独立して動かせるので飛行が巧みで、後ろ向きに飛ぶことさえ可能です。
生物学者が選ぶ「最も狩りが上手な動物」と「最も狩りが下手くそな動物」とは? - GIGAZINE
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hiromusicarts-blog · 11 months
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ばぁさん家の猫    1/12
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nihongoseito · 1 year
quantifier floating and differential object marking in japanese!! (??)
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ok ok ok before you say sasha, not everyone has multiple degrees in linguistics, let ME just say, i bet you already know something about what i’m going to talk about here! so don’t be scared!! 全然怖くないから行こう!!
what is quantifier floating?
well, before we get to quantifier floating, let’s take a short detour to quantifiers themselves. you probably already know what these are even if you don’t know this particular name for them: it’s words like 二人 (ふたり), 1匹 (いっぴき), and 5冊 (ごさつ). you may have also heard these words referred to by the name classifiers (especially if you’ve studied a language like mandarin before). anyway, quantifiers are just words that specify an amount of something—in english, they’re words like “some” or “every.” easy!
ok, so what is japanese quantifier floating? compare these two sentences:
if you had to guess, in which one of these sentences is 二人 “floating”? the first one, right? it’s just sort of sitting between を and the verb without any particle indicating what it’s doing there. so this is the phenomenon known as quantifier floating, and there is actually a slight difference between a floating quantifier and a quantifier attached pre-nominally with の, like in the second sentence.
what is differential object marking?
do you speak any spanish? how about hebrew? in these languages and others, there is a grammatical strategy available to speakers that allows them to distinguish between any old noun and nouns that are personally known or familiar to them. compare these two spanish sentences:
busco un profesor de japonés. = i’m looking for a japanese professor.
busco a un profesor de japonés. = i’m looking for this japanese professor...
in sentence 2, the preposition a has been inserted before the object un profesor, ‘a teacher.’ the function of this preposition is to indicate that the speaker already knows this particular professor, almost like saying “i’m looking for my japanese professor.” sentence 1, on the other hand, has no such implication, and the sense is that you are looking for just any professor who would be able to teach you japanese. so, there’s the difference: familiar nouns get “differentially marked” in object position in these kinds of languages.
what do these things have to do with each other in japanese?
now, you probably already know that japanese does not have the kind of differential object marking used in spanish, mostly because there are no articles, definite or indefinite, in japanese. so why am i bringing it up? as it turns out, even though there is no grammatical differential object marking in japanese, there are still strategies available to get a similar semantic idea across. let’s return to the first two example sentences and now translate them:
先生を二人探しています。 = i’m looking for two teachers.
二人の先生を探しています。 = i’m looking for these two teachers...
notice the difference? in japanese, when a quantifier is not floated (i.e., when it’s attached pre-nominally with の), it gives the implication that the speaker is already familiar with the noun being quantified. in other words, quantifier floating reduces quantifiers to their most basic function: as a marker of amount. in sentence 1, it doesn’t really matter who the two teachers are—the speaker is probably just looking to hire any two teachers, so long as they can teach the necessary subject. but in sentence 2, the implication is that the speaker is looking for two particular teachers, maybe who co-teach a class together or who always get coffee after school together. so, while this is not differential object marking in the strict, grammatical sense, japanese uses this quantifier-placement strategy to produce a similar semantic result.
and there you have it!! that wasn’t actually that scary, right? linguistics is not as crazy as everyone says it is, we just have a “terminology problem” that makes stuff sound 10x more complicated than it really is. (seriously, this is an actual issue in the field. people can’t understand each other bc they were trained on different sets of terminology lol. #academia)
anyways, i hope this was clear and helpful, and feel free to send me any asks about grammar or semantics or whatever!! 週末を楽しんでね!!✌️
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