#1279 feet
blueiskewl · 2 months
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The Long-Lost Top Half of an Enormous Ramses II Statue Found
A German researcher found the lower section of the Egyptian pharaoh’s likeness nearly 100 years ago.
Archaeologists in Egypt have uncovered the upper half of a towering statue of Ramses II, cracking a century-long mystery. Found in the ancient city of Hermopolis (now Ashmunein), the 12.5-foot-tall limestone fragment lines up perfectly with the lower section of a sculpture discovered nearby in 1930.
The ancient statue depicts Ramses in a seated position, adorned with a crown and a headdress topped with a cobra, according to a statement from the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. The dual crown indicates Ramses’ simultaneous authority over the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt, while the cobra represents royalty, writes the National’s Kamal Tabikha.
The upper area of the back column of the statue is etched with hieroglyphs that list Ramses’ many titles, glorifying the king as “one of ancient Egypt’s most powerful pharaohs,” says Bassem Jihad, head of the excavation team, in the statement, per a translation by Reuters.
Preliminary scans have confirmed that the carved limestone block is a continuation of the lower section of the statue, which was found in the same area in 1930 by German archaeologist Günther Roeder. With its halves combined, the statue would have loomed at a height of nearly 23 feet.
As the third pharaoh of Egypt’s 19th dynasty, Ramses ruled over a sprawling empire that stretched from modern-day Sudan to Syria. During his reign—which spanned 1279 to 1213 B.C.E., making it the second-longest of any Egyptian monarch—he ushered the kingdom into a golden age of power and wealth. Known as Ramses the Great, the pharaoh’s legacy was cemented by a slew of monuments and statues constructed in his name, both during and after his reign.
The joint Egyptian and American dig team originally began its exploration of the Ashmunein area with the goal of discovering a religious complex from Egypt’s New Kingdom era (1550 to 1070 B.C.E.). Though the researchers ultimately stumbled onto something entirely different, they remained pleased with their results.
“Though we have not found the complex we were initially looking for, a statue of such importance is a sign that we are digging in the right place,” Adel Okasha, an antiquities official who oversaw the dig, tells the National.
Next, the team will create a model envisioning what the statue looked like in antiquity, when it was fully intact.
“Not only is it a wonderful opportunity to have a whole other massive statue of the famed king, it also adds to our general understanding and fills gaps in our data on the large corpus of Ramses II’s statuary,” Salima Ikram, an Egyptologist at the American University in Cairo, tells the National. “Through each discovery, we have been able to trace changes in the style during the course of his very long reign.”
By Catherine Duncan.
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laneynoir · 1 year
@legoriel-fan this is the one inspired by that link you tagged me in, so I blame you.
Legolas x reader: Not All Come Back.
Word count: 1279 (pretty short, oops)
He understands.
Finally he understands. What causes his fathers protective nature, the reason for his closing the borders of his kingdom. Why King Thranduil keeps those he cares for so close, so protected.
It has taken this. No arrows fire from Legolas' bow, as foes and friend alike make a barrier between himself and you, you who are locked in combat with a troll that is at least six times the size of yourself.
You take it down, but not without a sickening crack from your leg, broken by a final sweep from the horrid creature's mace.
Legolas cries you name, but despite his elven strength he cannot clear a path to your side. He is forced to pull his daggers free, slaying many, but not enough. Never enough.
You are unbable to stand, and glancing at your leg provides a hopeless sight. Not bothering to stiffle the sound of pain that escapes, you drag yourself against the troll and pull free your belt of knives.
Each throw finds a target, but there are only so many of the weapons, and the enemies are endless. Legolas fights against the tide as you loose the last knife. An orc steps close, jagged dagger in hand and malicious smirk on it's face.
Legolas is pressed in from all sides, silver in his hands flashing on auto pilot, he cannit move.
He can only watch.
The orc stomps on the already shattered leg and your body wrenches in pain. You lash out with a half spear from the ground, the orc dodges to the side, but to late and his side is slashed open.
Ripping the weapon from your grasp, it mimicks the movement, cutting your stomach open. It's other hand still holds the knife, which he applies to your face; slicing from right below your hairline, through your brow and down to your chin.
Back. He's been pushed further away, the tide of battle will not allow him closer, but he needs to, he needs to get to you. The accursed orc kicks you, hitting the wound. You roll a few feet before landing, absolutly still.
The Eagles have come, but Legolas does not notice. The majestic birds however, do notice the sound that next escapes the fair prince's body; it is the sound of a shattered heart, breaking the body.
And Legolas understands.
Suddenly by his side is a red haired windmill of fury and determination. Axe hewing oponents with a will, Gimli shouting in Khuzdul.
When a small area is cleared, the dwarf kneels, Legolas taking only a moment to see the idea. Once he does, he feels enough love for the dwarven race to orchestrating an epic balled in their honor, maybe thirteen of them.
"You are mad," Legolas says placing a foot into the double hold of Gimli's hands. "But bright stars I am as well. Away!"
And on his shout, he is launched into the air. The weight of elves is very little, and coupled with the strength of a dwarf the effort is more than sufficient to send Legolas tweanty feet into the air.
Drawing the bow of Lothlórien the orc falls dead before it can touch you again, the next two orcs follow their fellow to deaths door before Legolas touches the ground, a third joins quickly.
You lie still as a corpse, and for a time he thinks that is all he protects. That is all he can see, your face mangled and bloodied so that he cannt even discern your features, but at last his quick eyes catch the shallow choke of breath. 
Hope renewed -though still shallow- he stand by your body until the ground shakes and the forces of Mordor retreat. Until the Eagles collect the hobbits. Until Aragorn is running to Legolas, and a short while later you also are in the sky.
Though there is little chance that you will live, he sees the dispare in Aragorn's eyes.
He cannot leave.
Four weeks you have laid in the bed in comatose state, no recogniton for anything, the only sighn of life is your now steady heartbeat, and steady rise and fall of your chest.
The wound on your side misty healed, and all cuts and bruises have now faded, but your face...
Wraped in bandage, skin reknit by nothing less than magic and the work of a wizard, an elven lord, and, to Legolas relief, an Elvenking. At the three week mark, Legolas asks if there is a way to wake you preemptively.
"Not that I see. And indeed the pain of healing would be... Highly unfortunate. Unconsciousness is, in this case, a blessing." Legolas nodds wairaly at Elrond's words, but does not look away from you. Elrond sighs and leaves the room.
Elves can go long without sleep, but this is far to long, and though Elrond worries after the moral stansing of such a plan, Thranduil is not above drugging his own son.
"Four weeks Elrond,"
"Yes Thranduil I know, however-"
The king waves a gracefully impatient hand. "Four weeks my son has gone without proper nourishment, and no rest to think of. I will not tolerate my son's ill health because of your stubbornness."
Elrond rubbs his temples, Thranduil's voice carries still the tone of a King, but there is such worry beneath the surface that the effect is somewhat lessened. "Alright, I concede, " at the last Elvenking's smug look Elrond scowls. "I still remember exactly how to do so. After all I've had practice. Your famil2u is rather self destructive under mourning, Mellon"
A tilt of the head. "Your administering the tonic after my Maereth passed is exactly what gives me this idea. Legolas is far to muvh like me for anyone's comfort, and I cannot loose him," the piercing blue eyes make contact with Elrond's, they glisten. "Not to the loss of his love, and especially if there still is hope still."
A short while later, when a caring Sam apears with a cup of tea, Legolas has not the heart to turn him away. Elrond smirks despite himself when Thranduil moves his son over to the cot in the corner, covering him gently.
Though Legolas is decidedly displeased when he wakes, he is eventually convinced to take at least a two-hour rest each day, or the threat of removing him from your side will be carried through.
As fate -and the author- would have it, when Legolas has finally layed his head down to sleep (on his own, no more druging thank you father) he hears a movement from the the bed on which you lay.
He's never moved so quickly as this moment, kneeling beside you he grasps your hand, staring anxiously.
He moves his head in a movement of affirmation. "Yes Meleth, it is me."
You sit up, and Legolas startled as you rub your eyes vigorously. "Y/n, don't, you are unjured still!" Your breath has vecome eratic, and worried he calls for the guard outsude the door to fetch Elrond.
He snatches your hands away from your face befire you can open the healing wounds. Whispering your name brings yoyr attention back to him.
"Legolas, I cannot see. I cannot see anything."
His heart stops for a moment, before, "Worry not, it is dark still I'm sure your eyesight will be fine my love. It us only temporary."
Elrond arives, immediately checking over your person. When he places a hand in your forehead, tilting your head back, his face is grave. It is not much larer when he leaves, unable to do anything.
You are permenantly blind.
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ridiculoussquid · 4 months
A King is a King
A White Calf gift for @babe-bombadil for the @whiteoliphaunt Exchange 2023! Happy New Year!
Rating: G
Characters: Thorin, Fíli, Kíli, Dís
Length: 1279
Warnings: None
Summary: Thorin tells his nephews a bedtime story about the Elvenking despite Dís advising him not to. He is less than thrilled with the consequences…
This is also on AO3, in case you prefer to read it there:
“Are you sure they are old enough for this kind of story?” Dís asked quietly. “I don’t want the boys to get nightmares.”
“I’m no longer a baby!” Fíli protested. “Of course I’m old enough to hear it!”
“So am I!” Kíli exclaimed, scared to be left out. “I can even tie my own boot laces!”
Dís raised an eyebrow, remembering how she had needed nearly half an hour today to get him out of his boots due to his completely knotted and tangled shoelaces.
“I’m sure they’re old enough for this story,” Thorin said. “And they do need to hear about certain things sooner or later.”
“Fine, if you are sure. But you will be the one to make them hot milk and sit with them if they do get nightmares. And from now on, you will be in charge of assisting Kíli with his boots if he needs help.”
“I won’t need help!” Kíli insisted.
“Alright, it’s a deal,” Thorin said solemnly, extending his hand pompously.
Dís rolled her eyes but shook it.
“Can we hear the story now?” Fíli asked, bouncing his leg and braiding the edge of his blanket.
“Of course,” Thorin said, settling down on a chair between the beds of his nephews.
“A long, long time ago, when the mountains were younger, the moon was brighter and the kingdom of the Lonely Mountain thrived, there lived an evil Elvenking in a dark forest. He was ancient, and he thought himself wise and just, but the truth was that he was cruel and thought only of his own advantage.”
The candle flickered, bathing the room in warm light. Thorin enjoyed watching the emotions flicker across his nephews’ enraptured faces as he told the story.
A few days later, Thorin returned from the forge, his feet crunching as he walked through the thick snow that was still falling. As he approached their dwelling, he heard the sound of his nephews discussing something in terse murmurs, a sure sign that they were about to start arguing.
“I’m older, I get to decide!” Fíli was saying.
“Get to decide what?” Thorin asked, stepping through the gate.
“Uncle Thorin!” Kíli came running and threw his arms around Thorin.
“You’re back!” Fíli said, hopping down from a boulder that lay close to the entrance to their dwelling.
“I am indeed. And maybe I can help you settle whatever you were discussing.”
Fíli looked sceptical before his face lit up. “You can play him! You’re the tallest person in the settlement!”
Kíli nodded. “Yes! The tallest person in the entire Blue Mountains! And then I won’t have to play him.”
“Who do I have to play?” Thorin asked, rather amused at being able to solve the whole affair so easily.
“The evil Elvenking!” Kíli crowed. “We’re going to play the story you told us!”
Thorin choked on his own spit. “Or I could play… I don’t know… King Thrór? Or perhaps a dwarven warrior… or a man from Dale.”
“No, I’m going to play King Thrór. We need someone to play the Elvenking,” Fíli said.
“And I’m King Girion!”
“We could play something different,” Thorin tried to suggest. “Perhaps how Durin led the first dwarves into battle?”
The dwarflings both groaned.
“We play that all the time!” Kíli protested.
“We want to play the new story!” Fíli said.
Thorin looked longingly at the door to the dwelling and was surprised to see Dís standing there.
“Look, there’s your Amad! We should probably help her get dinner ready.”
Dís shook her head. “Don’t worry about that, the stew just has to simmer a while longer. You go ahead and play.”
“But perhaps I could watch the stew, and you join your sons,” Thorin attempted desperately.
Kíli looked his mother up and down sceptically. “No. She doesn’t fit.”
Fíli nodded. “Amad isn’t elf-like enough.”
“But I am?!”
Fíli nodded earnestly. “You’re tall. And fairly skinny, for a grown-up. You have less beard than Amad too. You’ll make a great Elvenking!”
Thorin spluttered.
“I told you not to tell them that story. Now you get to deal with the consequences,” Dís said in a far sweeter tone than the words merited. “Have fun!”
Thorin sighed, accepting his fate. “So, what do I have to do?”
 “You need a crown!” Fíli decided.
“Yes! The leaf crown!” Kíli agreed.
They hurried to gather some oak twigs that still had the brown autumn leaves attached, and Thorin showed them how to braid them into a crown. Soon, Thorin had two leaf crowns sitting upon his head, adorned with additional leaves stuck in where the twigs were too sparse where leaves had fallen off while being braided.
“Now you’re a very pretty Elvenking!” Kíli proclaimed. “And you can fight us.”
“He needs something to ride on first,” Fíli realized.
“We could get one of the goats from the stable,” Kíli pondered.
“I doubt they would enjoy that,” Thorin interjected. “They aren’t battle goats, they’re milk goats.”
“We could build a snow oliphaunt for you.”
“The Elvenking rides an elk, not an oliphaunt,” Fíli said.
“It was an elk,” Thorin agreed. “But building it out of snow is a great idea, Kili. We could use this boulder as the body, then we don’t have to build as much and I can sit on it.”
Thorin showed them how to roll the snow into balls and helped them push them towards the boulder. He kept having to set his crowns back onto his head since they had a tendency of slipping down. Together, they shaped the head and an awkward approximation of the legs. And if the elk was indistinguishable from an oliphaunt in the end, well, it was the process that counted.
Fíli found Thorin a long stick that doubled as both sceptre and sword. Then, Thorin had to mount his white oliphaunt-elk and declare war on all dwarves that had ever lived.
The improvised sword-fighting that followed soon turned into a full-blown snowball fight, which in turn developed into wrestling in the snow. Alliances were forgotten, leaf crowns fell off, braids unravelled and dwarflings giggled.
Thorin suspected that Dís had already been watching them for a long time before she called them in for dinner with a grin on her face.
It took Thorin quite a while to undo Kíli’s snow-caked shoelaces and wrestle off his boots, but even that only dampened the floor and not their moods.
Thorin woke up with a start. He was drenched with sweat, and he could still smell the flames and see the Elvenking’s sneering face in front of his eyes.
He took a deep breath, sat up and lit a candle. Dís was right. He really shouldn’t have told his nephews that story.
Tiptoeing as quietly as possible, Thorin made his way to the door to his nephews’ room. Fíli was sleeping deep and peacefully. Kíli on the other hand was twitching in his sleep. Thorin was worried for a moment.
“Got you,” Kíli mumbled in his sleep and giggled.
Thorin smiled. It seemed his nephews were made of harder stuff than he was.
“Is everything alright?” Dís asked quietly behind him.
“I had a nightmare, that’s all. Everything is fine with the boys.”
“I told you not to tell that story,” Dís said with a wry grin. “I said I wouldn’t be heating up any milk, but I’ll keep you company while you do so yourself.”
Thorin grinned. “My sister is always a woman of principles, isn’t she?”
Dís gave his shoulder a light shove. “You’re lucky to have me.”
Thorin followed her into the kitchen and silently agreed. He really was lucky to have her and his nephews.
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egyptologylessons · 1 year
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Granodiorite Statue of Ramesses II The king 𓇓𓏏𓈖 “nsw” is depicted in all his majesty. He wears the khepresh crown 𓆣𓂋𓈙𓋙 “ḫprš” and holds the heka sceptre 𓋾𓏘𓄿 “ḥq3” against his chest. His transparent pleated ceremonial dress reveals his muscled body 𓄡𓏏𓏤 “ẖ.t”. Under his sandals 𓍿𓃀𓏏𓋸𓋸 “tjbw.ty” he tramples the Nine Bows 𓌔𓏏𓐂 “psḏ.t”, symbols of the enemies 𓐍𓆑𓏏𓏭𓀏 “ḫfty” of Egypt. On the sides of the throne 𓊨𓏏𓉗 “3s.t” is carved the sema-tawy 𓋍, the knotted heraldic plants of Upper and Lower Egypt representing the union of the Two Lands 𓇾𓇾 “t3wy”. Dynastic continuity is expressed by the figures of his wife Nefertari (𓏏𓅐𓄤𓇋𓏏𓂋𓏭𓈘𓏏) “nfr-tı͗-rı͗-mrı͗.t-mwt” ‘Beautiful Companion, Beloved of Mut’ and his son Amunherkhepeshef on either side of his legs. The long reign of Ramesses lI (𓇳𓏤𓄟𓋴𓇓) “rˁ-msi-sw” ‘Him, Born of Ra’ probably witnessed a stylistic evolution of the royal portrait. The statue 𓂙𓏏𓏭𓀾 “ḫnty” probably belongs to the beginning of the reign of Ramesses I. In any case, it can be no later than the first half of the reign, due to the presence of Queen Nefertari, who died in year 30, This statue is one of the symbols of the @museoegizio In a letter that he wrote during his stay in Turin in 1824, Champollion describes with enthusiasm "the beauty and the admirable perfection of this colossal figure (….): for six whole months I have seen it every day, and always I have the impression of seeing it for the first time. The head is divine, the feet and hands are admirable, the body is voluptuous; I call it the Egyptian Apollo of the Belvedere... in short, I am in love with it”. Granodiorite. New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, reign of Ramesses II (1279-1213 BC) Karnak, temple of Amon Drovetti Collection (1824). 📸 Richard Mortel - Flickr (Thank you) 𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬 @egyptologylessons 𓋹𓊽𓋴𓆖𓎛𓇳𓎛 © 𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁 #Ancientegypt #ägypten #egyptology #egypte #egitto #埃及 #مصر #egipto #이집트 #ramsesiii #egyptianstatue #granodiorite #pharaoh #turinmuseum https://www.instagram.com/p/CpilESKuK63/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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meret118 · 1 month
The large stone piece is about 12.5 feet (3.8 meters) tall and depicts Ramesses II (reign circa 1279 to 1213 B.C.) wearing a double crown and a headdress topped with a royal cobra, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said in an Arabic language statement. The back of the statue has hieroglyphs that state the various titles of the king. These titles help to glorify Ramesses II, according to the statement.
The lower part of the statue was found in 1930 by German archaeologist Günther Roeder. The original statue, when the lower and upper parts were together, would have stood about 23 feet (7 m) tall, the statement said.
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sofreddie · 2 years
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Summary: Sam comes home from work and his wife is ready to help him unwind.
Characters: Producer!Sam x Wife!Reader
Warnings: Smut (Unprotected Sex), Fluff, Praise Kink, Breeding Kink
AU: Producer Sam (@spnaubingo)
SWB: Praise Kink (@samwinchesterbingo)
Fluff: Praise Kink (@anyfandomfluffbingo)
Kink: Breeding Kink (@anyfandomkinkbingo)
WC: 1279
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Sam sighed as he walked through the front door of his comfortable home. It was late and he tried to be quiet in case his wife was already asleep. Being a producer had him working crazy hours and when shit went wrong - like it did today - it caused even longer hours.
He deposited the items from his pockets on the table by the door, hanging his suit jacket and loosening his tie as he kicked off his shoes. He hated having to suit up all the time, but it was an unfortunate requirement of his position. It certainly helped that his wife seemed to like the look as well.
As he unbuttoned the collar of his shirt, his attention was drawn across the room by the clearing of a throat. He stood tall, his arms dropping to his sides at the sight of Y/N. She leaned casually against the archway, a sexy little lace number barely covering her as she held a fresh martini in her hand.
She sauntered towards him on bare feet, taking him by the hand and leading him into the living room. Sam quickly removed his tie and overshirt, leaving him in a white under-tee and his slacks. Y/N gently pushed him to fall to sit on the couch, straddling his lap as she handed him the martini.
"You look stressed," she commented, pecking his lips before burying her face in his neck.
One of his arms wrapped around her with a sigh, the other sipping at the drink. It was times like these that he felt so damn lucky to call her his.
"Production got set back, costing thousands, all because of a damn typo," Sam groaned, downing his drink and setting the glass to the sides, bringing both arms down around Y/N.
"So you're gonna be busy the next few days," she pouted, running a finger down his chest.
"I know you hate the hours," Sam groaned, sinking further into the couch, hating seeing her pout.
"Shh," she urged, a finger over his lips before she removed it to kiss him soundly. "Just wanna take care of you," she insisted, kissing along his jaw and down his throat, "Help you relax. You do so much. For me. For everyone," she continued, kissing down his chest and attempting to wriggle from his hold to continue her path downwards.
Sam groaned, reluctantly releasing his hold on her, watching as she slid off his lap and to her knees on the ground. Her hands slid of his thighs, her thumbs cupping and teasing his already growing erection, bypassing it entirely to carefully unfasten his slacks.
She smirked as she slid her fingers under the waistband of his boxers, sliding them and his slacks down and off in one go. Sam helped, whipping off his shirt and leaving him completely bare for her. He loved the way she devoured him with her eyes, pure adoration and love as she took in every detail of him like it was the first time.
"So perfect, Sam," Y/N praised, Sam's eyes fluttering in response.
He loved when she praised him, especially when he had a day as he'd had. She always seemed to know just what he needed, how, and when.
"You're the perfect one," he mumbled back in response.
She leaned up, kissing him sweetly as she wrapped a hand around his half-hard cock. Sam moaned, tilting his head to kiss her deeper, introducing his tongue as he grew hard fast under her touch. She never failed to rile him up, even after all their years together.
"Wanna take care of you since you'll be so busy," she teased, her mouth ghosting along his shaft. He bucked his hips and she chuckled, flashing him a menacing grin.
"You're such a tease," Sam complained but remained obedient to her desires.
"Do you not want my mouth, Sam?"
"Want you to get naked and get your ass up here," he moaned, his hand bunching in her hair but not pulling her any which way.
She stood up before him and Sam jumped into action, leaning forward to strip her bare and kissing her everywhere he could reach. She ran her finger through his hair, making him moan and nuzzle into her stomach. When she tugged lightly he moaned, leaning back into the couch and bringing her with him.
His strong arms wrapped around her, finding their usual home in her soft curves. Her warm skin against his, her damp folds against his hard cock. She smelled divine and Sam couldn't get enough of her.
"Want you just like this," Y/N moaned, slowly grinding against Sam.
"Yeah?" he asked as he kissed along her neck, his hand still bunched in her hair, "Want me bare?"
They had talked about it, of course, having been married for so long already. But they hadn't yet taken that step to have unprotected sex, to make it happen.
Y/N shuddered at his suggestion, her hands bunching in his hair and tugging as she ground a little harder and faster.
"Yes," she hissed, "Want you to give me a baby, Sam."
With one arm wrapped around her hips, Sam lifted her enough for him to guide himself inside, slowly lowering her down over him until her thighs met his once more. They both sighed at the connection, their foreheads resting together as they adjusted.
"Feel so good, Sam," Y/N praised as she began moving up and down, "So big and hard," she moaned, tugging on his hair once more.
Sam gasped as she moved, always feeling like she was made to take him. His hands squeezed her hips, watching where they connected as she rode him with purpose.
"So good, baby," Sam groaned, his head thrown back against the couch as she increased her pace, "Not gonna last."
"Me either," she agreed.
"Go on then," Sam smirked, his hands helping guide her on his cock, "Come for me, use me to get yourself off."
"Fuck, Sam," Y/N rode him harder, his words igniting something within her. She gave all she had, feeling him climb with her. When his mouth encased a nipple and his thumb found her clit, she was gone for, coming hard around his shaft.
Sam growled, his arms wrapping around her as he spun with her, dropping her back to the couch. One hand on her lower back to tilt her hips, Sam pounded into her with abandon, eagerly seeking his own end.
Y/N wasn't sure if she was having a second orgasm, or if the first was still carrying on as she floated in absolute bliss.
"I'm gonna cum," Sam warned, wanting so very much to fill her with his child, but wanting to be sure she was truly ready.
"Come inside of me, Sam, please," she begged, her eyes locked on his. Sam groaned and nodded, thrusting a few more times before his mouth dropped open in a silent scream.
He buried his face in her throat as he came, his hips pumping to ride out his high as hers began to edge off. He pulled out of her carefully, his gaze automatically seeking out her folds and his cum dribbling forth from within.
"Filled me so good," Y/N praised, stretching like a cat, causing more of his cum to ooze forth.
"You're so beautiful," Sam happily sighed, leaning forward to kiss her with all the love he had, "So sexy and amazing. I'm so fucking lucky."
Y/N giggled as Sam kissed down her neck, nipping and praising her along the way. She hoped they'd be expecting soon, and all Sam's hard work would pay off for their future, as a family.
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Sam Winchester:
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bronze water vessel in the form of a goose, inlaid in geometric patterns with gold and silver. malachite on the soles of the feet. song dynasty (960-1279) imitation of late zhou period style.
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phlebaswrites · 1 year
The Arrow Does Not Dream
The world doesn't need a hero.
It needs a professional.
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Naruto, crossover with The Witcher Relationship: Gen, Senju Tobirama & Uchiha Izuna Word Count: 1279 (Complete)
Entry for @izunaweek​
Day 1 - February 4: Susanoo | Ghost | Witcher AU
The title, summary, and chapter titles are all allusions to quotes from The Witcher. The title in particular is part of a quote from Sword of Destiny and something Geralt says to Ciri.
It is easy to kill with a bow, girl. How easy it is to release the bowstring and think, it is not I, it is the arrow. The blood of that boy is not on my hands. The arrow killed him, not I. But the arrow does not dream anything in the night.
Tobirama strides through the dirty streets, the soles of his shoes making no sound on the cobblestones.
He keeps his head down, relying on the rest of his senses to alert him to any danger, but knows that it's unlikely. The pendant that declares his vocation hangs around his neck, a visible announcement, and people cross the street to avoid him. Treatment like this is the reason some Witchers become bitter, feeling that the hands of the world have been turned against their kind, but Tobirama has never been one of them.
He can't describe it as his calling - not when he never had a chance to choose and his feet were set on this path from the moment he was able to crawl - but he's always viewed hunting monsters not just as a job but a duty.
He has these skills, these abilities, and they were hard won.
Not to make use of them would be a desecration of all the lives that have brought him to this point, and to abandon innocents to death would be the true crime.
So he'll take the inflated prices designed to send him away, the fear, the wariness of people who only see the monster within him.
It's not as if they're wrong after all.
They just don't know there are monsters far greater than he.
Read the rest on AO3.
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sweetnanauwu · 1 year
I dare you to rate your tickle spots
Oh god
1. Tails (that's for rp lmao) - 1279284292/10 *it's a deadly sensitive spot*
2. Hips - 12749414/10 (yep)
3. Pawbs or feet - 1274092/10 (im deadly sensitive everywhere im reality)
4. Whole back including shoulder blades - 127399/10
5. Bellybutton - 12779/10
6. Ribs - 1279/10
Not to mention that's just my worst spots.
Everywhere else is like 1270/10
I'm insanely sensitive
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xtruss · 1 year
China’s Greatest Naval Explorer Sailed His Treasure Fleets as Far as East Africa
Spreading Chinese goods and prestige, Zheng He commanded seven voyages that established China as Asia's strongest naval power in the 1400s.
— By Dolors Folch | 7 May 2020
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Against a backdrop of the mighty treasure ships under his command, Zheng He stands dressed in white in Hongnian Zhang’s modern oil painting of China’s greatest naval hero. The two main goods traded during his seven great voyages (1405-1433) were silk and porcelain. Photograph By Hong Nian Zhang
Perhaps it is odd that China’s greatest seafarer was raised in the mountains. The future admiral Zheng He was born around 1371 to a family of prosperous Muslims. Then known as Ma He, he spent his childhood in Mongol-controlled, landlocked Yunnan Province, located several months’ journey from the closest port. When Ma He was about 10 years old, Chinese forces invaded and overthrew the Mongols; his father was killed, and Ma He was taken prisoner. It marked the beginning of a remarkable journey of shifting identities that this remarkable man would navigate.
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Sponsor to Zheng He, the Ming emperor Yongle—pictured in a 20th-century illustration— moved his capital to Beijing and built the Forbidden City, seat of imperial power. Photograph By AKG, Album
Many young boys taken from the province were ritually castrated and then brought to serve in the court of Zhu Di, the future Ming emperor or Yongle. Over the next decade, Ma He would distinguish himself in the prince’s service and rise to become one of his most trusted advisers. Skilled in the arts of war, strategy, and diplomacy, the young man cut an imposing figure: Some described him as seven feet tall with a deep, booming voice. Ma He burnished his reputation as a military commander with his feats at the battle of Zhenglunba, near Beijing. After Zhu Di became the Yongle emperor in 1402, Ma He was renamed Zheng He in honour of that battle. He continued to serve alongside the emperor and became the commander of China’s most important asset: its great naval fleet, which he would command seven times.
China on the High Seas
Zheng He’s voyages followed in the wake of many centuries of Chinese seamanship. Chinese ships had set sail from the ports near present-day Shanghai, crossing the East China Sea, bound for Japan. The vessels’ cargo included material goods, such as rice, tea, and bronze, as well as intellectual ones: a writing system, the art of calligraphy, Confucianism, and Buddhism.
As far back as the 11th century, multi-sailed Chinese junks boasted fixed rudders and watertight compartments—an innovation that allowed partially damaged ships to be repaired at sea. Chinese sailors were using compasses to navigate their way across the South China Sea. Setting off from the coast of eastern China with colossal cargoes, they soon ventured farther afield, crossing the Strait of Malacca while seeking to rival the Arab ships that dominated the trade routes in luxury goods across the Indian Ocean—or the Western Ocean, as the Chinese called it.
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A port map from Zheng He's travels details features that served to position his ships. Photograph By White Images, Scala, Florence
While a well-equipped navy had been built up during the early years of the Song dynasty (960- 1279), it was in the 12th century that the Chinese became a truly formidable naval power. The Song lost control of northern China in 1127, and with it, access to the Silk Road and the wealth of Persia and the Islamic world. The forced withdrawal to the south prompted a new capital to be established at Hangzhou, a port strategically situated at the mouth of the Qiantang River, and which Marco Polo described in the course of his famous adventures in the 1200s. (See pictures from along Marco Polo's journey through Asia.)
For centuries, the Song had been embroiled in battles along inland waterways and had become indisputable masters of river navigation. Now, they applied their experience to building up a naval fleet. Alas, the Song’s newfound naval mastery was not enough to withstand the invasion of the mighty Mongol emperor Kublai Khan. Kublai Khan achieved what Genghis could not: conquering China.
The Mongols and the Ming
Having toppled the Song and ascended to the Chinese imperial throne in 1279, Kublai built up a truly fearsome naval force. Millions of trees were planted and new shipyards created. Soon, Kublai commanded a force numbering thousands of ships, which he deployed to attack Japan, Vietnam, and Java. And while these naval offensives failed to gain territory, China did win control over the sea-lanes from Japan to Southeast Asia. The Mongols gave a new preeminence to merchants, and maritime trade flourished as never before.
On land, however, they failed to establish a settled form of government and win the allegiance of the peoples they had conquered. In 1368, after decades of internal rebellion throughout China, the Mongol dynasty fell and was replaced by the Ming (meaning “bright”) dynasty. Its first emperor, Hongwu, was as determined as the Mongol and Song emperors before him to maintain China as a naval power. However, the new emperor limited overseas contact to naval ambassadors who were charged with securing tribute from an increasingly long list of China’s vassal states, among them, Brunei, Cambodia, Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines, thus ensuring that lucrative profits did not fall into private hands. Hongwu also decreed that no oceangoing vessels could have more than three masts, a dictate punishable by death.
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Ming vase from 1431, of the type traded during Zheng He’s seven voyages. Photograph By Granger, AGE Fotostock
Yongle was the third Ming emperor, and he took this restrictive maritime policy even further, banning private trade while pushing hard for Chinese control of the southern seas and the Indian Ocean. The beginning of his reign saw the conquest of Vietnam and the foundation of Malacca as a new sultanate controlling the entry point to the Indian Ocean, a supremely strategic location for China to control. In order to dominate the trade routes that united China with Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean, the emperor decided to assemble an impressive fleet, whose huge treasure ships could have as many masts as necessary. The man he chose as its commander was Zheng He.
Epic Voyages
Although he is often described as an explorer, Zheng He did not set out primarily on voyages of discovery. During the Song dynasty, the Chinese had already reached as far as India, the Persian Gulf, and Africa. Rather, his voyages were designed as a display of Chinese might, as well as a way of rekindling trade with vassal states and guaranteeing the flow of vital provisions, including medicines, pepper, sulfur, tin, and horses.
The fleets that Zheng He commanded on his seven great expeditions between 1405 and 1433 were suitably ostentatious. On the first voyage, the fleet numbered 255 ships, 62 of which were vast treasure ships, or baochuan. There were also mid-size ships such as the machuan, used for transporting horses, and a multitude of other vessels carrying soldiers, sailors, and assorted personnel. Some 600 officials made the voyage, among them doctors, astrologers, and cartographers.
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This version of the “Kangnido Map” is a 1470 copy of an original produced in Korea shortly before Zheng He’s first voyage in 1405. It shows the extent of geographical information compiled by cartographers of the Chinese court during the 1300s. Photograph By AKG, Album
The ships left Nanjing (Nanking), Hangzhou, and other major ports, from there veering south to Fujian, where they swelled their crews with expert sailors. They then made a show of force by anchoring in Quy Nhon, Vietnam, which China had recently conquered. None of the seven expeditions headed north; most made their way to Java and Sumatra, resting for a spell in Malacca, where they waited for the winter monsoon winds that blow toward the west.
They then proceeded to Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka) and Calicut in southern India, where the first three expeditions terminated. The fourth expedition reached Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, and the final voyages expanded westward, entering the waters of the Red Sea, then turning and sailing as far as Kenya, and perhaps farther still. A caption on a copy of the Fra Mauro map—the original, now lost, was completed in Venice in 1459, more than 25 years after Zheng He’s final voyage—implies that Chinese ships rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1420 before being forced to turn back for lack of wind.
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Treasure ships were the largest vessels in Zheng He’s fleet. A description of them appears in adventure novel by Luo Maodeng, The Three-Treasure Eunuch’s Travels to the Western Ocean (1597). The author writes that the ships had nine masts and measured 460 feet long and 180 feet wide. It is hard to believe that the ships would have been quite so vast. Authorities on Zheng He’s maritime expeditions believe the vessels more likely had five or six masts and measured 250 to 300 feet long. Photograph By Sol 90, Album
Chinese ships had always been noted for their size. More than a century before Zheng He, explorer Marco Polo described their awesome dimensions: Between four and six masts, a crew of up to 300 sailors, 60 cabins, and a deck for the merchants. Chinese vessels with five masts are shown on the 14th-century “Catalan Atlas” from the island of Mallorca. Still, claims in a 1597 adventure tale that Zheng He’s treasure ships reached 460 feet long do sound exaggerated. Most marine archaeological finds suggest that Chinese ships of the 14th and 15th centuries usually were not longer than 100 feet. Even so, a recent discovery by archaeologists of a 36-foot-long rudder raises the possibility that some ships may have been as large as claimed.
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At the Tay Kak Sie Chinese Taoist temple in Semarang on the island of Java, Indonesia, a statue of Zheng He shows how far his legacy stretches across Asia. Photograph By Arterra Picture, Alamy, ACI
End of an Odyssey
Zheng He’s voyages ended abruptly in 1433 on the command of Emperor Xuande. Historians have long speculated as to why the Ming would have abandoned the naval power that China had nurtured since the Song. The problems were certainly not economic: China was collecting enormous tax revenues, and the voyages likely cost a fraction of that income.
The problem, it seems, was political. The Ming victory over the Mongols caused the empire’s focus to shift from the ports of the south to deal with tensions in the north. The voyages were also viewed with suspicion by the very powerful bureaucratic class, who worried about the influence of the military. This fear had reared its head before: In 1424, between the sixth and seventh voyages, the expedition program was briefly suspended, and Zheng He was temporarily appointed defender of the co-capital Nanjing, where he oversaw construction of the famous Bao’en Pagoda, built with porcelain bricks.
The great admiral died either during, or shortly after, the seventh and last of the historic expeditions, and with the great mariner’s death his fleet was largely dismantled. China’s naval power would recede until the 21st century. With the nation’s current resurgence, it is no surprise that the figure of Zheng He stands once again at the center of China’s maritime ambitions. Today the country’s highly disputed “nine-dash line”— which China claims demarcates its control of the South China Sea—almost exactly maps the route taken six centuries ago by Zheng He and his remarkable fleet.
Dolors Folch is Professor Emeritus of Chinese History at the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.
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raqisreadinghole · 2 years
Baseball Babe: Ch.3
Pairings: Bruce Yamada x fem!oc, Robin Arellano x platonic!fem!oc, Finney Blake x platonic!fem!oc
Warnings: cursing, baseball inaccuracies
Word count: 1279
Summary: While Bruce is used to the girls practically falling at his feet, he is challenged when one is not. At the ripe age of 13, Bruce Yamada, for the first time, is confused. Why isn’t she in love with him? Why wasn’t she kissing the ground he walked on? Bruce, for once, finds himself taking interest in someone. Someone, who also happens to play his favorite sport.  
a/n: Chapter 3!! I won’t lie I was struggling to write the beginning of this, so if it’s a bit awkward, you’ll know why. However I like the ending of this one and I’m really excited to write the next chapter.
Ch.1 !! Ch.2 !! Ch.4 !! Ch.5 !!
September 11, 1978
That was all that Bruce had on his paper. Mainly because he had been staring at Jamie. The whole class period. Well, it was more like longing glances? Bruce didn’t know. Despite this, and the amount of times he’d made eye contact with her, he was still debating whether he should speak to her or not. Maybe just a bit of small talk. Right?
Bruce was brought out of his thoughts by the ringing of the bell. With a deep sigh, he bent down to put his folder back into his backpack. However, not before noticing his pen rolling to a stop next to a pair of Reeboks. Her Reeboks.
He watched as she picked up the pen, before quickly turning her head from left to right, looking for the owner.
Well, he wanted to talk to her, right?
Jamie was stood, talking to one of the girls in her science group project, attempting to finalize ideas, before she noticed the blue pen sat beside her shoe. She waved goodbye to the girl while simultaneously bending down to pick up the pen, quickly looking for the owner. That’s when Jamie noticed the boy walking up to her. 
Bruce? That was his name right? Bruce Yamada? She remembered it because of that one time her history teacher had called it out repeatedly. She recalled looking around before settling her eyes on the fateful boy who had just recognized the calling of his name.
Bruce walked up to Jamie, mentally preparing himself to either talk normally to the eye-catching girl, or embarrass his ass. Whichever came first. 
“Oh, is this your pen?” she asked.
“Yeah sorry about that. It kind of just rolled...” Bruce replied, smiling and scratching the nape of his neck in nervousness. 
She smiled back, “It’s alright, it happens. Well, I’ve got to go to practice, but blue’s a good color, right Bruce?” With that, she left him there, walking out the door.
Bruce’s mouth hung open. She knew his name. SHE KNEW HIS FUCKING NAME! This was monumental. This was a beginning, a starting point. For Bruce, this was hope. And she liked blue. Wait, did she say practice? SHE’S ATHLETIC-
“Don’t leave your mouth open too long, a fly might get stuck in there”, Robin laughed, patting Bruce’s shoulder before walking out and following Jamie. Leaving Bruce to close his mouth in a bit of embarrassment.
Jamie had been pulled aside at practice by one of the coaches, for what reason, she didn’t know.
“Look, I think we both know that there is this certain pressure present due to your gender”, her coach started. Jamie nodded along in agreement. “However, we put you on this team because we saw how you can really benefit the team and from the team. We as coaches, decided to put the difficulties this might give us aside, because you’re a really good player Jamie. I just wanted you to know that we believe in you. I’ll always be here if you need support”, he smiled patting her shoulder in an attempt to get her back out to practice. 
If Jamie was honest, she was surprised to be here right now. So, the fact that the coaches saw her talent and wanted to utilize it was even more surprising. Jamie smiled back, murmuring a ‘thank you’ in gratitude before jogging back onto the field to Finney. 
“Jamie you’re friends with Robin Arellano, right?” 
“Yeah, what makes you ask?” 
“Well, I was just asking because I’m going to his house later to help with math. You know how he is with math, I just wanted to extend the invitation.” 
“That’d be cool, what time do you think you’ll be done tutoring?” she asked.
“Probably around 6:30, it shouldn’t be too long.” 
“Alright, I’ll be there around 7, then.”
As practice progressed, Jamie found herself in enjoyment. It was fun, just like your sport should be. She and Finney cracked a lot of jokes, telling stories about siblings and laughing at their stupidity. It was safe to say that the loud laughter was heard late into 9 o’clock at Robin’s house that night, before Jamie and Finney had decided to head their separate ways.
The rest of the week had flown by fast, at least for Jamie it did. Bruce on the other hand, well it was a bit rough around the edges, but it was more than decent. In fact it might be his best week so far. With failed and successful attempts at talking with Jamie, to the feeling of the outcome of said attempts being exposed at baseball practice later. Bruce was just ready for the week to be done. In spite of this, he didn’t want the blissful talking with Jamie everyday to end just yet. Though, despite his earlier failed attempts, Bruce and Jamie had begun to grow the habit of waiting for and walking with each other after class. Throughout the past three days, Bruce and Jamie had found they really enjoyed talking to one another. They both learned little bits and pieces about each other and Jamie took note that Bruce played baseball for the Optometrists. 
“We have our next class together, right?” Bruce asked. He had been waiting for Jamie to finish packing up. 
“Yeah, has your group started the project yet?” She inquired as they walked down the hall to their science class.
“We have, but we didn’t get very far,” he chuckles. “Did yours?”
“We finished actually,” she smiled, chuckling with him. “We just need to finalize details. What did you relate to science for the project?” 
“My group did baseball since we all play for the Optometrists.”
“That’s cool! I didn’t know you played.”
“Well the more you know.” he said, she rolled her eyes at him.
At this point, they’d already entered the classroom, but continued to talk since the bell hadn’t rung yet. Majority of the class had taken notice of the pair, including the teacher, who decided to make them lab partners later on. The class had exchanged knowing glances and looks with one another as the pair joked and laughed animatedly together before turning to sit in their assigned seats.
“Hey! Let’s go Brucey-Bear”, Jamie had said in a sickeningly sweet high-pitched voice, impersonating the girls fawning over Bruce by the door.
Bruce rolled his eyes but laughed, “Oh my god, my dear Jamie, they’ve got you! Now you’ll be falling at my feet too!” He dramatically clutched his chest over his heart to give the impression that her use of the nickname hurt him. To be fair he’d rather her be in love with him as much as he is with her, but Jamie being head over heels for him would have to suffice for now. 
She shoved him, laughing at his antics, “Are we sure about that?” She smirked, pure joy and amusement in her eyes. She was teasing him, he knew that. Even then, he couldn’t help the giddy joyous feeling that made warmth spread throughout his body knowing he was the cause of her of her gorgeous laugh. 
Helping him out of his seat, they walked through the crowd of jealous girls, laughing while Jamie tried to shove Bruce off of her because he was trying to show her how “head over heels for him she was”. She could feel the stares of the girls they’d left in the classroom, their jealousy practically pouring out of their bodies. The hard glares burned into the back of her head. She didn’t care though. Bruce made her happy, and those girls would have no negative effect on her happiness. 
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nowoolallowed · 2 months
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Yuny and His Wife Renenutet - Met Museum Collection
Inventory Number: 15.2.1 New Kingdom, Ramesside, Dynasty 19, ca. 1294–1279 B.C. Location Information: From Egypt, Middle Egypt, Asyut (Assiut, Siut; Lykopolis), Tomb of Amenhotep, Necropolis Cliff tomb, Medjdeni, Khashaba excavations, 1913
Other Photos:
Jorge Elías @ Flickr | Margaret Lucy Patterson @ Flickr
These figures represent Yuny seated next to his wife Renenutet. Yuny, who lived in the city of Asyut, was a chief royal scribe and holder of many other offices, perhaps including that of physician.
Additional inscriptions on the base of the statue further elaborate Yuny's responsibilities. On the center fold of Yuny's pleated skirt is an inscription that reads: "May everything that comes forth upon the offering table of [the god] . . . and all pure food that comes forth from the Great Enclosure [the temple complex at Heliopolis] be for the chief scribe, royal scribe of letters, Yuny, justified."
Appropriate to their high secular and religious positions, Yuny and Renenutet wear the elaborate wigs and fine linen attire fashionable in their time. Renenutet is adorned with a lotus fillet and a necklace called a broad collar. The beads are in the shape of nefer hieroglyphs (meaning "good" or "beautiful"), offering vases, and floral petals. Traces of black remain on the wigs. The couple sit together on a bench with elegantly carved lion-paw feet.
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How Much Do You Know About The Lantern Festival?
The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. It is the first full moon of the new year, symbolizing unity and perfection.
The Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD), Buddhism flourished all over China. One emperor heard that Buddhism monks would watch sarira, or remains from the cremation of Buddha's body, and light laterns to worship buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so he ordered to light laterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on this day. Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among common people and its influence expanded from the Central Plains to the whole China.
In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged. On the night, except for magnificent lanterns, fireworks form a beautiful scene. Most families spare some fireworks from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival. Some local governments will even organize a fireworks party. On the night when the first full moon enters the New Year, people become really intoxicated by the imposing fireworks and bright moon in the sky.
★ Eating Tangyuan/Yuanxiao People will eat yuanxiao (or rice dumplings) on the Lantern Festival, so it is aslo called the "Yuanxiao Festival", Yuanxiao also has another name, Tangyuan. It is small dumpling balls made of glutionous rice with rose petals, sesame, bean paste, walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar and edible oil as filling. Tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed. It tastes sweet and has the meaning of reunion. So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family.
★ Guessing Lantern Riddles "Guessing lantern riddles" is an essential part of the Festival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer. If they are right, they will get a small gift. The activity emerged during people's enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.
★ Lion Dance According to ancient custom, the lion is a symbol of boldness and strength that can protect people, so by performing the lion dance, everyone prays for an auspicious and happy life.
★ Walking on Stilts Walking on stilts, another folk art, traces its origins to the Spring and Autumn period (770BC-476BC). Performers not only walk on stilts by binding them to their feet, but also do some breathtakingly difficult moves. As actors impersonate different characters like monks, clowns, and fishermen and perform vivid and humorous acts, the art amuses many people.
★ Lighting lanterns Decorating and hanging lanterns is the main tradition of the festival, with lanterns big and small hung around households, parks, streets and other public spaces. Red lanterns of various shape and type will attract countless visitors to watch.
So, how did you celebrate this Lantern Festival? Did you eat Yuanxiao/Tangyuan? Would you like to celebrate it if you get a chance? Visit https://www.morningstartranslation.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-chinese-traditions/ to know more
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creatiview · 1 year
[ad_1] Written by Amarachi OrieMia Alberti, CNNArcheologists have uncovered what may be the oldest mummy ever found in Egypt. The 4,300-year-old mummy was a rich, important 35-year-old man called Djed Sepsh, archaeologist Zahi Hawass, Egypt's former antiquities minister, told CNN Friday. "It is the oldest mummy, complete and covered in gold, ever found in Egypt," he said, adding that it was "the most amazing discovery."Hawass said he and a team of 10 assistants discovered the mummified man 20 meters (66 feet) underground at the Gisr el-Mudir enclosure, in the shadow of the ancient Step Pyramid of Djoser in the village of Saqqara. Archeologist Zahi Hawass and 10 assistants found the 4,300-year-old mummy. Credit: Omar Zoheiry/picture alliance/Getty ImagesThe mummy was in a 25-tonne stone coffin -- with the lid alone weighing five tonnes -- in one of the shafts the team entered, according to Hawass.He said when the team opened the lid, they found the "oldest, most beautiful mummy covered in layers of gold, with a band on the head and a bracelet on the chest, which indicates this was a rich man." An array of Old Kingdom artifacts were discovered at the site. Credit: Amr Nabil/APAmong the many other Old Kingdom artifacts discovered were two tombs, Hawass said, one of which dated back to the reign of King Unas during the Fifth Dynasty, between 2494 and 2487 BC.Three statues representing one person were also found in a shaft, and nine other statues were found behind a false door. The statues are important because they give us "knowledge for the first time about art in the Old Kingdom. It includes double statues, single statues, servant statues, all type of different statues," the archeologist said.Nine statues were found behind a false door last week. Credit: Fadel Dawod/Getty ImagesAnother stone coffin similar to the one with the mummified wealthy man was also unearthed and will be opened next week. Hawass said the discovery means the cemetery was for very important people, "second after the King".The Step Pyramid was the first pyramid that the ancient Egyptians ever built, between 2667 and 2648 BC during the early Third Dynasty, and is the oldest known ancient Egyptian stone structure, according to the country's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.Saqqara, a vast necropolis about 32 kilometers (20 miles) south of Cairo, has been the site of many astonishing discoveries, including the funeral temple of Queen Nearit -- wife of King Teti, the first king of the sixth dynasty of the Old Kingdom -- in 2021.In the same year, archeologists discovered the tomb of the chief treasurer to King Ramses II, who ruled Egypt between 1279 to 1213 BC, at the site. A large trove of ancient bronze statues and sarcophagi was also unearthed there in May last year. [ad_2] Source link
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Jackson Heights October 2022 Real Estate Statistics
Jackson Heights October 2022 Real Estate Statistics
A total of 5 homes SOLD in Jackson Heights this month: – The highest priced home SOLD in Jackson Heights this month was a 4 bed, 3 bath, 1682 square foot home for $458,000. – The lowest priced home SOLD was a 3 bed, 2 bath, 1079 square foot home for $304,500 – The average home sold was priced at $371,080 for 4 beds, 2 baths, and 1279 square feet.    CLICK HERE! to view all current Jackson…
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Hi! Do you think you could write a story where the avengers bring up how evenly matched Natasha and Yelena are and how whenever they train or wrestle, it always ends in a tie? Maybe the sisters create a competition to break that tie by having a tickle fight. Then the most chaotic, wild tickle fight ensues. Thanks!
Hi anon! Thank you for this super fun request! I threw in another small prompt that someone else requested so I hope that's okay! Happy reading :)
Word Count: 1279
It was a peaceful afternoon at the Avengers compound. Most of them were spread out in the living room, side conversations taking place amongst them. Soon, most of the conversations had died down, and there was a silence that needed to be filled. Wanda decided to take on that task.
“Hey, have any of you guys ever noticed when Natasha and Yelena wrestle or spar, it always ends up in a tie?” Wanda asked the group.
Slowly, everyone’s attention was gained, as they all realized that she was right. There was never really a clear winner. They were both so skilled in their own ways, making for great competition against each other.
“Huh. I actually never realized that, but now that you bring it up, yeah you’re right,” Steve said thoughtfully.
“Given that they trained in similar ways, it figures that they’re evenly matched,” Clint added.
Natasha turned towards her baby sister, not with a look of annoyance or anger, but a look full of pride. She was glad her sister and herself were evenly matched. That meant that her sister was fully capable of being a strong Avenger, and she wanted nothing more than that. However, she was not met with the same look.
Yelena turned to face her older sister, a grin on her face growing like a wildfire. Yelena was always super competitive, so she was already planning a way to prove that she would win every time.
The room became silent again, as they could see the two girls, each trying to scheme something against each other.
“How about a friendly competition to settle it?” Yelena asked slowly.
“Oh really? A friendly competition? What did you have in mind?” Natasha asked, raising one eyebrow.
“This,” Yelena said, as she tackled her sister to the couch, taking the redhead by surprise.
Yelena wasted no time, digging into her sister’s sides, as the redhead burst out into laughter.
“YELEHEHEHNA STAHAHAP IHIHT,” Natasha laughed out, trying to push her sister’s hands away.
“This will prove that I’ll win every competition, and this is payback for every time you’ve tickled me!” The blonde cried out victoriously, already assuming that she won. What she forgot was that she didn’t pin her sister’s arms. She was too eager to get into torturing her sister that she had forgotten a small, yet important detail.
Natasha was struggling through her laughter to find an opening. Yelena moved her hands up to her sister’s ribs, which then gave the redhead her opening.
Natasha reached up, all while laughing and squirming hysterically, and began to wiggle her fingers inside of Yelena’s armpits, causing the blonde to shriek and clamp her arms down. The blonde had fallen backwards in an attempt to get away and protect herself, but Natasha just followed her.
“No! Get off of me! Please!” Yelena cried, struggling with laughter as Natasha just continued to dig into her underarms.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO,” Yelena cried out helplessly.
“What were you saying earlier about winning every competition? It looks like you’re losing right now,” Natasha questioned teasingly.
The blonde was now attempting to reach for Natasha’s feet, but was struggling to get anywhere near them.
“Don’t even think about it, you little turd,” Natasha warned, as she began to scribble into her sister’s stomach.
“All you have to say is that I win, and I’ll stop,” Natasha said with a smirk.
Throughout the midst of all her squirming and flailing, Yelena had managed to catch Natasha’s hands by chance. The blonde wasted no time throwing the redhead off of her waist, now sitting on her lower leg area and scribbling into Natasha’s sensitive feet.
“NOHOHO NOHOHOT THEHEHERE,” Natasha cried out.
“Who’s losing now?” Yelena asked mischievously.
Natasha couldn’t respond now, as she was now laughing too hard. Yelena kept up her relentless pace, now sure that she was going to win.
All that came out was a loud squeal, as Yelena began to lightly rake underneath her toes.
“QUHIHIHIT IHIHIT IHIHT TIHIHCKLES TOHOHO MUHUHCH,” Natasha begged, attempting to curl up her toes.
“That’s the point, you idiot,” Yelena said back playfully.
All the other Avengers were too invested in the tickle fight to see who would win to say anything. They also did not want to risk saying the wrong thing and having the two sisters turn against them.
The blonde knew her sister was tough and wasn’t going to break very easily. So instead, she went up to tickle under her chin, hoping that it would annoy her enough for her to give up.
Yelena slowly wiggled her nails underneath the redhead’s chin, causing her to squirm and flinch at the light touch.
“Yohohohou ahahare sohohohoho mehehehan,” Natasha giggled out, trying to shove her hands away.
The blonde could tell that her sister was annoyed by this light tickling, and once again got her hopes up that she would win.
However, within seconds, Natasha pulled a move on her that she had never seen before. It was also executed at the speed of light so Yelena had no idea what had just happened.
Yelena’s eyes widened with fear, as Natasha was now about to wreck her feet.
“Oh little one, nice try. I think you forgot that your feet are way more ticklish than mine,” Natasha said calmly.
“Any last words?” Natasha asked with a smirk.
“WAIT NATASHA NOHOHOHO WAIHAHAIT NOHOHOHO AHAHAHAHAHAHA,” Yelena screamed out, unable to stand the sensation she was feeling right now.
The blonde was hysterically laughing, all while trying to sit up and tickle her sister’s ribs. However, Natasha could feel the blonde attempting to do so.
Natasha reached back, all while still tickling her feet with one hand, and used the other to squeeze her inner thigh, causing the blonde to fall back with more hysterical laughter. The two places being tickled at the same time was just too much for her to handle.
“OHOHOHKAY IHIHIH GIHIHIHVE YOHOHOU WIHIHIHIN,” Yelena cried out, willing to do anything to get her sister to stop tickling her.
Natasha climbed off of her sister victoriously, announcing to all the other Avengers that she won.
Yelena huffed in defeat, annoyed by the fact that she had started the competition thinking she would win, but was in fact defeated by her older sister.
“Oh sweet girl. When will you learn your lesson. I’m your older sister, which means I will always win,” Natasha said teasingly.
Yelena just rolled her eyes in response.
“It also doesn’t help that you’re so much more ticklish than I am,” Natasha added with a smirk.
“Oh shut up! We get it, you won,” the blonde responded, now embarrassed that she got fully wrecked in front of all the other Avengers.
Natasha then wrapped her little sister in a tight hug.
“Little one, I think it’s cute how ticklish you are,” Natasha said, still adding insult to injury. Out of love, of course.
Yelena just poked her sister in the ribs, causing the redhead to yelp, as the other Avengers laughed at her reaction.
Natasha glared at them, causing them to gulp nervously. She then turned towards her sister.
“Really? After how badly I wrecked you, you’re still trying to provoke me?” Natasha asked, threateningly wiggling her fingers towards Yelena’s stomach.
“No! No no no! I didn’t mean it!” Yelena cried out, already flinching and squirming away from her sister.
“Well you did poke me, so you obviously meant it,” Natasha said, now giving her sister round two of another brutal wrecking.
Yelena was once again lost in laughter, as her older sister just had to prove that she won, once and for all.
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