#15x7 last call
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Supernatural 15x7 - "Last Call" (2019)
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THE WINCHESTERS -> 1x11 ❝ you've got a friend ❞ SUPERNATURAL -> 15x7 ❝ last call ❞
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okimargarvez · 9 months
13x3- detailed ramblings
In this episode we have two scenes, both with another person (Spencer and JJ). We have also a little shade.
Scene 1-
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So, here we are. Luke, Penelope and Spencer are on the elevator. The doors open. The little genius is a little behind them. Like they were a couple. Luke asks “So what is the Linda problem?” looking only at Garcia. Why he has to, since there are two people with you and not only the blonde?
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The camera moves on the left. We see Penelope replying “See, I am telling you, Spence, no one knows what the Linda problem is except for me and you.” without even looking at someone, but adressing only Reid.
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While she is still saying "me and you", the camera moves again on Luke. His gaze is just... too intense. Without a reason. Then he underlines that “I don't even know a Linda.”, like he wants to make it clear he doesn't know many girls.
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Spencer explains the Linda problem. While the three walk, Luke and Pen are always close, until they reach the desk area. Luke sits on his, while the geniuses standing in front of him. He says “I don't know. I mean, Linda doesn't sound like much of a problem.” with sarcasm.
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Then Spencer tests Luke: “Let me ask you this…”. We can see Pen looking at him, waiting for his answer. Luke seems enjoying the situation, looking back at her.
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But she replies “Do not look at me. I have been telling him this is going to sail right over the gentle minds at his seminar.”. And this is the moment when he decides to play seriously. Because he is smart (as Spencer believed, he is about to say it) and wants to prove it to her. He wants to be admired by her.
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You can understand how much important is this chance for him, by the fact he stutters a bit, like when he is nervous (especially with Garcia). “Wait, I got it." he looks at her just a second, then focuses on Reid. "Probability. Which means that Linda is a bank teller.” Reid is not surprised, but proud of him: “Very good, and I expected as much…”. Spencer tells him his idea, Luke asks him “And you want to challenge these assumptions at your new seminar.”. Reid is quick to reply “Absolutely.”
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And then, Luke chooses his side. His expression in the first pic is just priceless. He looks at her and uses his flirty tone. “Garcia's right. That's way too esoteric.”
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She is happy. She smiles, not looking at him but Spencer, saying “I told you." Then she turns on Luke, using her own flirty tone and the fact the subject is just not romantic at all, it makes the whole thing even hotter: "Look, just say, when you assume you make an ass of u and me, because then you can say "ass" in a classroom. Huh?”. And it's not just what she says, but the way she moves her face, especially her lips.
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We see Luke reaction, that is eloquent. He makes first his "I adore you" face, then turns on Spencer with a big smile that says "I'm so proud of this woman", like he was involved (wait, it's not so?).
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And Penelope seems proud of herself too.
Scene 2. Actually is not a scene but just a moment that has to be mentioned for accuracy. The team is talking with Garcia about the case.
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At one point, Luke says “I mean, you know that these guys met and hung out with the one they were expecting”, and she replies “Uh, true, and I know we don’t have a reliable timeline for either of these crimes, but from what I can tell, Dasha was the last person to see both of these men alive”.
Scene 3.
JJ and Luke calling Pen.
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She answers saying “Cool hand Luke, what you need?”. We have to say that her tone, her voice is normal, without flirting shades. But she calls him by his name plus a new surname. A weird surname.
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He appreciates. He struggles to be professional, you can see his smirk. And JJ who is looking carefully. He replies “Wow, I like the way that sounds, Garcia. You feeling ok?” but his tone is flirty.
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Penelope is incredulous. She makes her typical "What the fuck are you saying" face (same in 15x7). Then she explains: “I am naturally magnanimous in word and deed...".
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We see Luke and JJ faces while she keeps talking. "...and when it comes your way, bask in it." Luke just can't keep his mouth closed. Garcia then concludes "What do you want?”. He has to back serious and finally explains “Listen, JJ and I, we need to run background checks on all the male members of the Desmond family. We were told that they're deceased, but we need verification.”. The camera shows us Penelope emphatically nodding while we hear Luke voice. She says “So cyber grave-digging, look for zombies. Got you.”
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JJ adds “You can start by double-checking a death certificate for Conrad Desmond sometime in '99.” And then, it happens. Penelope says one of her joke. “I am the genie in genealogy. Just rub my lamp.". She made something similar at least once with Morgan. It was flirting. And even this time it's flirting. And it's also a hot, maybe also hard, joke. But. But, on the other side, there is Luke. So, she takes a step back. She takes back her words. She regrets it. "That came out wrong. Goodbye.”
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As always, the range of Luke expression is just fabulous. He just says “Wow.”
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JJ turns to him and asks “What did you do to her?”. Luke opens his mouth but doesn't reply. His face, however, is so talkative.
Analysis of garvez scenes
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freackthejester · 8 months
So here is a solid argument for Sam knows Dean is gay, and is supportive.
We know that have the brother mirror and parallel each other is the easiest Aplot/Bplot set up that there is. So in 15x7 Last Call (The Lee episode) There is some stupid orerachiving plot shit when Cas interupts Sam and Eilleen Having horrible straight people tension, and the metting of hands is so meaningful while Dean is out here slutting around holding hands with all the guys.
So When Cass mentioned that using The Equalizer, when Sam shot Chuck am shot a bit of his soul into God and then we immediately cut to Dean being gay somewhere.
The Dots. I'm connecting them.
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thechildofstark · 3 years
Webbchester AU Ideas <3
Now, I know that everyone on this site fucking loves Destiel (been there, done that, went to hell, got the t-shirt) and so do I a whole damn lot.
That being said, we have been fucking sleeping on the Dean/Lee potential. Y’all know Lee? From 15x7 Last Call? Owns the Karaoke bar with the bisexual lighting? Hunted with Dean when they were younger? Yeah. That Lee.
So. We have two flavours available to us. Let’s start with the more exotic:
OPTION 1: Full Canon Divergent AU From Season One. From what we know Lee and Dean ran together during Stanford Era before John broke them up :( but surely it can’t have been that long? Maybe they’re still in touch? Dean wouldn’t go to Lee directly instead of Sam at the start of the series, but they could very well be within shouting distance of each other. I’m not sure what would be funnier, Lee and Dean breaking into Sam’s apartment from day one and all doing off on an adventure together, or Dean and Sam doing it a la canon and then meeting Lee half way through. Either way, Sam’s reaction would be priceless. Not to mention the possibilities for playing around with canon plot points when there’s a whole extra person in the mix.
OPTION 2: Diverges from Season Fifteen, Happy Ending Fix-It, You Know The Drill. Basically the same as Last Call. They meet, they talk, they sing. Drinks are drunk, asses are slapped, arseholes are defenestrated, and a good time was had by all. The twist? Lee isn’t the bad guy! That’s it. Dean gets to see that leaving the life is actually possible and start’s working at Swayze’s. They wrap up the Main Plot without to much hassle. They sing the Dukes of Hazard theme. They kiss. The End.
That’s pretty much it. We can have a canon arcing complete rewrite that could impact reality as we know it or a cute single ep fix-it. So, pretty much every ship/plot point in SPN, amirite?
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Honestly I just want to do a lil further exploration with what is (I think?) Dean’s only (basically) canon (human) boyfriend - without it ending in tears. 
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thesassywallflower · 4 years
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“Never gotten a standing ovation before…”
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bat-union · 4 years
“I like this you, Castiel, it’s very....Russian” 
Say the writers knowing full well Misha is Russian. 
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thespnproject · 4 years
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Last Call
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How do you split triplets evenly between 2 guys?
I know how, but not in any way I think the writers want me to
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transcendentmoth · 4 years
Last Call Hot Take
When Dean and Leo are talking about their shared exploits in front of Hot Server Lady, they’re bullshitting. 
Dean: They were twins
Leo: Nah, they were triplets
Dean: oh right, I mean triplets
Leo: And we split them evenly! 
Leo is embellishing the story (bullshitting) to imply that he actually got two out of the three ‘hot triplets’. Imagine that his ‘split them evenly’ was in quotations; he’s clearly taking a friendly jab at Dean with his bullshitting.
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Supernatural 15x7 - "Last Call" (2019)
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profoundandfree · 4 years
So Last Call..
Anyone want to explain why Dean never mentions Lee? Clearly they were close and Lee was even close with John. So why doesn't Dean ever talk about him?
Did something happen between them that John didn't approve of? Did they just fall off each other's radars in true hunter fashion? I want answers dammit!
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okimargarvez · 1 year
Names & surnames - graphs
This time I want to analyze the ways Penelope and Luke call each other, using the graphs, just because I like it and I pay for the original Microsoft 365 Office, so why not? N.B.: I will consider only the moments when they are both present, with few exceptions.
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As you can see, Penelope likes to call him by his name and Newbie (but also with a lot of different surnames...), a little less by his last name, and rarely with his full name.
Episodes *Luke: 12x17, 13x3, 13x12, 14x6, 14x8; 15x3; 16x1 (3); 16x6, 16x10; *Alvez: 12x1; 12x5; 12x21, 14x14; 15x4; 16x9; *Luke Alvez: 15x7, 15x10; *Newbie & surnames: 12x1 (tall dark & blandsome), 12x3, 12x7 (new guy), 12x8 (2), 12x10, 12x14, 12x15, 12x16 (El Nuevo. Hunky Newster. New kid); 13x3 (Cool Hand); 13x10 (sir), 14x11 (bro), 15x7, 15x8, 16x1 (sir, luddist), 16x8 (my liege).
But it's interesting to consider the thing in terms of time (season).
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Because, for example, her favorite way to call him, in S14, when they are "friends", is just Luke. She used it just once, in S12, two in S13 (one with a surname, Cool Hand Luke, and another with Lisa). Just one time even in S15, while 3 in S16, but in fact the times are 5, because in the first episode of CME, she called him Luke three times.
Penelope calls Luke "Alvez" six times, considered all the seasons. Half of them in S12. Not so weird, because she was in the "I need to know you better - but I'm not sure I want it" phase.
Just in S15 she calls him using his full name, and in both occasions, it's not in a serious way, but as a joke or flirting.
We already talk enough (really? Not sure) about "Newbie". When he asked her to find new material (12x16) she stopped to used it, until last episodes of S15, but without the same "energy". The other surnames are just too special to ruin them with an analysis.
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It's clear that the most used is just Garcia. The reason is simple: Luke calls her in that way when they are talking about work, with or without other members of BAU, especially in the first seasons. But he likes the sound of her name on his lips, he did it six times. He called her with full name only two times, in the "middle" seasons. Luke has less creativity than her, because he created just four surnames in e episodes at all.
Episodes *Penelope: 12x17, 13x12, 15x7, 16x1, 16x4, 16x10 (2); *Garcia: 12x1, 12x2, 12x3, 12x5, 12x8, 12x13, 12x14, 12x16, 12x21, 13x2, 13x3, 13x4, 13x5, 13x8, 13x9, 13x11, 13x12, 13x18, 13x20, 14x3, 14x6, 14x8, 14x12, 14x14, 14x15, 15x7, 16x4 (2); *Penelope Garcia: 13x12, 14x6; *Other: 12x1 (chica, queen of ice); 12x5 (queen of moderation), 12x14 (hotshot).
As we did with Luke, it's interesting to take a look of the thing during the seasons.
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We already said that: Luke likes to pronounce her name, but he did it almost once for season, with the expection of S15, when he never said it, and the last (CME), when he used it 3 (4) times. It's the same than for Penelope, it's clear that after their date, something changed, between them, and it reflects also on the way they call each other.
Garcia is the most used, for working reason, but, as you can see, it decreases gradually, season by season. In the last, CME, it's just a quarter of the total, while in S12 was almost three-quarter.
Luke called her by her full name just two times, and both before Lisa.
Lastly, he used different way to call Penelope, i.e., surnames, only in S12, and always as an alternative way of flirting.
N.B.: this post will be updated when we have new season (at the end of it) & new material.
All my ramblings
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mattholicguilt · 3 years
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15x7 "last call"
I'm figuring out that season 15 might have just been a very long joke
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Even though that fucked-up-plate-of-horse-diarrhea of a finale absolutely burned not just me, but hundreds of thousands of fans, I still find myself rewatching some of my favourite episodes.
For example, tonight I watched:
The French Mistake, 6x15
Tombstone, 13x6
Last Call, 15x7
Fuck this show. I love it and hate it so much it's infuriating.
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katistry · 3 years
if 15x7 last call was the finale dean would have died getting impaled on a broken beer bottle
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