#1d boys
tomlinsins · 2 months
me whenever the 1d boys interact
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ifellforittwice · 11 months
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Yeah. Niall Horan really does fall in love in the only valid way for a man to fall in love: madly, completely, almost pathetically 🤧
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ohforfucksssake · 1 year
the fact that we can measure the level of harry's happiness by "did he kiss a man there or not?"
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sagephoria · 1 year
Harry Styles thanked each One Direction member tonight.
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No matter what drama they went through and no matter what happened while they were a group, he still spent a big part of his life with these boys.
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No matter what life throws at us, even the people who hurt us help us grow and learn more about ourselves. No matter how distant people become, they once were once in the same boat.
I hope nobody’s crying as hard as I am rn😭✌🏻
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susshirestaurant · 1 year
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that-1d-blogger · 1 month
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Plot - Zayn and Zuri have been in love for 6 years and plan on a romantic date to celebrate their anniversary. Tragedy strikes when they get into a car accident , where Zayn loses his memories of her . Little do they know amnesia is not the only thing they should be worried about as there’s another problem around the corner, will they be able to deal through this together or would it be too late ?
Malik as Zayn Malik
Yara Shahidi as Zuri Simmons
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Zuri smoothed her hands over the silky fabric of her little black dress, taking a deep breath to steady her nerving flutters. Tonight marked sixth year since her first fateful date with Zayn — a magical evening that had kicked off the most passionate, all-consuming relationship of her life. She could still vividly recall the very first moment she had laid eyes on him at a bustling downtown cafe while out with friends one night.
Her heart had nearly stopped when she looked over and saw him sitting at a table by himself, hunched over a book with his thick raven locks tumbling across his furrowed brow. Even in his scholarly repose, there was something magnetic about him that drew Zuri's gaze like a tractor beam. Before she could think twice about what she was doing, she found herself drifting across the cafe towards his secluded table.
"Is anyone sitting here?" She had asked breathlessly, gesturing towards the empty chair across from him.
Zayn glanced up at her, his warm brandy eyes locking onto hers with a look of faint surprise. Then his full lips curved into the smallest of smiles, making Zuri's knees go weak.
"Not at all. Please, have a seat."
The two fell into easy conversation as the hours ticked by, feeling more and more like kindred spirits with each passing moment. They discovered they had both recently graduated from the local university - Zayn with a business degree and Zuri with a degree in marketing. They shared a wicked sense of humor and fondness for old movies and vinyl records. 
By the time the cafe was announcing last call, Zuri and Zayn were still ensconced in their corner, completely oblivious to the world around them. They had been so engrossed in swapping stories and jokes that the energy between them had steadily electrified into crackling chemistry.
"I've really enjoyed talking to you tonight," Zayn admitted warmly as they finally gathered their belongings to leave.
"Me too," Zuri replied, unable to keep the hopeful lilt out of her voice. "Maybe...we could do it again sometime? Like on an actual date?'
The slow, sensuous smile that curved Zayn's lips in response made Zuri's heart cartwheel behind her ribs. "I'd love that."
That first date had stretched into an entire blissful weekend they never wanted to end, and kickstarted a whirlwind romance that quickly deepened into something profound. Time  flowed like water leading upto now six years , Zuri and Zayn were hopelessly, deliriously in love - the kind of all-consuming love that makes you feel like you're hurtling through the stratosphere.
When Zuri had awoken that morning of their six-year anniversary, she had felt a overwhelming sense of peace and contentment wash over her. This was it, the partner and life she was destined for all along. She craved cherishing every single moment with Zayn, past and future.
Now, as she stood in front of her bathroom mirror making the final touches to her makeup and hair for their celebratory date night, Zuri wondered what wonderful surprise her soulmate had cooked up this time. After half a year together, she knew Zayn thrived on keeping the spark between them constantly stoked by planning romantic adventures and escapades.
Her reverie was interrupted by a knock at her apartment door. With one last assessing glance in the mirror, Zuri turned and made her way through her living room, a fresh bouquet of butterflies taking wing in her stomach.
When she opened the door, her breath hitched at the sight of Zayn looking effortlessly gorgeous in a charcoal grey suit. His hazel brown bedroom eyes smoldered as his gaze roamed hungrily over her form, and she felt a familiar tingle of heated awareness fizzing through her veins.
"Wow...you look incredible," Zayn rasped in reverent tones, reaching for her hand to draw her against his firm chest. "Happy anniversary, my love."
"Happy anniversary," Zuri whispered back, rising up on her tiptoes to slant her mouth hungrily across his in a searing kiss. Zayn eagerly deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue in to duel with hers in a passionate tango that had her head spinning.
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Finally he drew back, his lips quirked in an amused grin. "Easy, tiger. If we keep this up, we may never leave the apartment." His fingers lightly traced the curve of her cheek. "I actually have a full evening planned out for us. Starting off with dinner at that new Italian place Downtown you've been wanting to try."
Zuri blinked at him, dazed. Leave the apartment? She had honestly forgotten about anything existing outside their heated bubble of desire. Forcing herself to take a steadying breath, she looped her arm through his. "That sounds perfect. Lead the way, handsome."
The lovebirds strolled out of the apartment hand-in-hand, twin smiles of beatific contentment on their faces. Since Zuri only lived a few blocks from the restaurant district, they decided to enjoy the mild summer evening by walking. They strolled leisurely down the sidewalk, exchanging besotted looks and hushed whispers as the streetlamps began to flicker on around them.
Zuri tried prying details about the rest of Zayn's grand master plan for their evening out of him. But he just grinned enigmatically and shook his head.
"You'll just have to wait and see, love," he demurred, as they got in his black car and started driving
Zuri was practically bursting with giddy anticipation. She latched her fingers to Zayn's free hand as he kissed her knuckles and kept driving with his right one.
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"So where are you whisking me off to next, mystery man?" She purred in her huskiest tone, playing with his fingers
"Patience," Zayn chuckled in reply. "You'll find out soon enough." He flashed her a quick wink before turning the car in corner onto a quiet side street.
That was when a deafening screech of squealing tires and crunching metal drowned out her giggles of protest.
Pain. Bright white flashes of agony exploding through her body, starburst flares of jagged shards ripping through muscle and bone. Zuri couldn't process anything beyond all-consuming waves of torment paralyzing her from head to toe.
Slowly, excruciatingly, fragments of awareness began filtering through the searing haze. The acrid stench of burnt rubber and twisted, smoking car wreckage...anguished moans carried on the night breeze...crimson rivulets snaking over shattered glass and steel...
When Zuri finally managed to pry her eyes open again, it was to a vision of hell itself stretched out before her. One scorching look around and all the breath whooshed out of her lungs.
Zayn's car...or what was left of it lay a mangled, incinerated wreck of crumpled metal and shredded tires mere yards away. The entire front end had embedded itself into the sturdy brick wall of the movie theater they had been passing. Her frantic eyes flicked down to the driver's side interior, splintered wood and jagged slivers of glass protruding every which way.
"Oh god..." The gut-wrenching moan tore from her throat before she could stop it. There he was, her heart and reason for living. Zayn's body was slumped grotesquely over the steering wheel, frighteningly twisted and unnaturally still. A trickle of crimson blood oozed sluggishly from the gaping gash across his temple before tracing a gruesome path down the side of his pale, lifeless face.
Panic and horror seized Zuri's chest like an icy vice, squeezing all air and rational thought from her body. This couldn't be happening. Not to them, not to  Zayn
Blind instinct propelled her forward at that moment, dragging her broken body inch by agonizing inch across the shattered glass and debris littering the pavement until she reached the driver's side door. Nothing, not even the searing screams of her battered muscles or the growing swell of sticky crimson leaking from her various lacerations, could deter her from that single-minded mission.
"Zayn...baby, open your eyes," she was sobbing, pawing frantically at whatever fragments of him she could reach through the decimated driver's side window. She stroked his matted hair, his pallid cheek, desperate for any signs of life or awareness from the man she loved more than her own. "Please, please look at me. Don't you leave me..."
Her beseeching wails mingled with the rising chorus of distant sirens, both sounds grating like nails across her frayed psyche. Nothing made sense beyond the prone, lifeless form of her soulmate crumpled mere inches away yet utterly beyond her reach. The other car was just as shattered with no signs of life from the driver but her main focus was on Zayn
Somewhere through the deafening haze of her hysteria, blaring sirens and panicked shouts of onlookers grew closer until Zuri suddenly found herself swarmed by paramedics. Strong, calloused hands were tugging her away from the wreckage, coaxing her onto a gurney as she thrashed and wailed like a madwoman.
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"It's okay ma'am, we're medics...we're here to help..."
"No, no! You have to save him! Save Zayn!"
She continued fighting and screaming until a sharp prick in her arm zapped her into a drowsy lull, her eyelids fluttering as she succumbed to the pull of unconsciousness. Her last fleeting thought before surrendering to the murky void was a haunting image of Zayn's lifeless expression peering back at her, an eerie look of hollow emptiness in those eyes that had always gazed at her with such depth of love and desire.
The next few days passed in a blur. Zuri drifted in and out of consciousness, her entire world narrowed into a hazy tunnel of fragmented memories and visceral pain. Beeping monitors and antiseptic odors...nurse's murmurs and the squeak of rubber soled shoes across tiled floors...the stabbing sting of needles being shoved into her arm...Zayn's name ripped from her throat over and over like a guttural mantra...
How she ended up here, alone in a private hospital room with cool white sheets tucked around her aching body, she couldn't say for certain. One fact remained seared into the forefront of her agony-laced mind, however: Zayn had been ripped away from her, possibly forever. Everything after that fateful car crash was shrouded in darkness.
Zuri felt like she was subsisting in a living purgatory. Any memories she managed to dredge up from before the accident were tainted with despair, forever stamped by the violent crack of twisting metal and her beloved's lifeless eyes. As the fog began to gradually clear, a cold numbness swiftly took its place...akin to frostbite creeping through her veins.
The only flicker of light in her dismal tunnel vision was provided by the small crew of solemn-faced visitors who rotated through her bedside at all hours. They were kind, gentle souls - surrounding her with murmurings of comfort and reassurance even as they wore matching haggard expressions of weariness. Each one looked as shell-shocked and shattered as Zuri felt.
Trisha..that was Zayn's mother. Zuri couldn't account for how she knew that deeply buried detail, only that the petite brunette woman somehow summoned the strength to be a constant, steadying presence at her bedside through each fitful, screaming night. 
"It will be okay, sweetheart," Trish would whisper through her own tears, smoothing Zuri's tangled hair away from her sweat-drenched forehead. "We'll get through this together, I promise."
Then there was Doniya, Zayn's older sister, who brought a quiet resilience to the room along with an endless supply of fresh tears to shed for her little brother. She never spoke much, opting to simply squeeze Zuri's hand or rest her head in silent solidarity on the edge of the mattress. Only the profound, shared devastation reflected in her dark, soulful eyes connected the two women.
The one time Doniya did open her mouth was to choke out two words that sliced through Zuri like a serrated blade: "He's alive..."
Those two words, more than anything over the past endless span of pain and oblivion, shattered Zuri's cocoon of numbness in an instant. Suddenly, it all came roaring back in one torrential rush — the sickening crunch of metal...Zayn's sightless chocolate gaze through the shattered windshield...her own frantic screams tearing from her throat as she clawed through the wreckage for him.
He's alive... Those blessed syllables repeated themselves jubilantly on a loop inside Zuri's head. Relief blossomed in her chest like a glorious sunrise after the bleakest of midnights, immediately galvanizing her to action.
Before she could so much as force the question of 'How?' from her cracked lips, Doniya seemed to sense the desperation behind her expression and took mercy on her.
"The doctors...they were able to revive him after the accident," she confided in a scratchy whisper, eyes glimmering both with renewed slivers of hope and deep, penetrating sorrow. "But Zuri...they said he suffered severe head trauma that caused swelling and bleeding in his brain. He's stable for now, but..."
She trailed off then, too overcome to continue. But Zuri understood all the same. She felt a violent shudder ripple through her body at the unvarnished truth laid before her.
Zayn was alive, yes. But at what devastating cost? What if his beautiful, sparkling mind had been shattered beyond repair by the impact? Zuri had always cherished his keen intellect and captivating charisma just as much as his smoldering good looks. Without those brilliant flashes of wit and insight, that intoxicating self-possession that had drawn her to him from day one...would he even be the same man she had fallen so madly in love with?
A strangled sob ripped itself from the depths of her soul at that haunting thought. She squeezed her eyes shut, feeling the first tears since the accident searing scorching paths down her bruised cheeks. Gentle arms enveloped her then, holding her trembling body against a warm, comforting embrace as she finally let the floodgates burst open. She cried with deep, wracking gasps of both profound heartbreak and faint yet emphatic relief.
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In a twisted instant, Zuri had been granted a terrifying epiphany: she was only at the advent of a storm unlike any she'd ever weathered. The battle to reclaim her beloved's life and essence was just beginning.
Over the next few days, Zuri's spirits seesawed between despair and tentative hope while she awaited any word on Zayn's condition. The minutes, hours, and days seemed to bleed together in a murky haze of monotonous hospital routine. 
Trish and other family members sat their solemn vigils at her bedside, filling her in with sporadic dribbles of piecemeal information regarding Zayn's fluctuating state. While he remained comatose and unresponsive, the neurosurgeons were cautiously optimistic the head swelling had stabilized and they had managed to halt the internal bleeding. Only time would tell what, if any, lingering effects the trauma had inflicted.
Part 2
Part 3 coming soon
If u like this, check out my work here
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rinrink0kun · 1 year
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bciwasinlove · 2 years
I was recently dming a mutual [shoutout to juliet] about the xfactor twitter posting "new 1D footage" of all the boys auditions and even though louis video was posted much later than the others the louis tweet had the most likes and it got me thinking.
I truly believe louis has gained almost as many hard-core "I truly care about him" stans as H. Yes H may seem like he has gained way more stans during haitus than the rest but a third of his newer fanbase aren't stans. Their a "for the moment" local fan bc he is popular right now so they won't be here long term. They aren't the ones to keep up with where he is every month, or buy harry related things to wear out in public or know when something like music was leaked early. They are simply here as a local fan bc he's the mainstream hot boy right now.
Once again H does have a large new fanbase but I do think louis may have just as many CORE stans [not local fans] but stans as him. H looks like he has WAY more than the others bc he does these stadium concerts but local fans will buy tickets as much as core stans simply bc it's a fun thing to do and post on SM. But when it comes to any of the boys online fan interactions [where you see all the committed stans] louis has such a high engagement it's crazy.
Louis can makes a tweet just asking how we are doing and it gets 500 thousand likes. Some major artists don't even get that many likes on a tweet announcing new music! If there is any of those "vote for your fav" things involving radio stations louis gets WAY more votes than any other artist with only b** coming close in votes. His online fan engagement is incredibly high and truly shows he has way more core stans than people realize.
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brainlobeo · 1 year
My heart!!
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lidiasloca · 1 year
Saturdays and DLIBYH by louis tomlinson
These lyrics and their change of message have broken my heart.
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Don't let it break your heart, Louis Tomlinson (WALLS)
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Saturdays, Louis Tomlinson (FAITH IN THE FUTURE)
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ifellforittwice · 1 year
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Devastatingly beautiful 💙💛🤎
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obviosly1d · 1 year
Please donate
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guys louis was spotted in melbourne a couple days ago!!! which was exactly when harry was there for tour 👀👀💙💚
(pics are posted on twitter!!)
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susshirestaurant · 1 year
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blackwidow-1107 · 1 year
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