#AND the plato who also plays Macavity???
ima-ghost-art · 9 months
Bomba and Plato (separately, not as a ship) for the "songs from other musicals" meme
Ooo!!! This one was fun!!
Bombalurina would be "Bring On The Men" from Jekyll & Hyde theres just something about lucy in this song that screams Bomba!!
And Plato would be either "Shes Too Far Above Me" from half a sixpence (you cabt tell me that sound isnt Platoria codded) OR (since its usually platos actor to play Macavity aswell!!) He could ALSO be "Confrontation" from Jekyll & Hyde
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jellicle-chants · 28 days
Guess what I just found in my drafts that I meant to publish like... a year ago 🥴🙃🥲 Anyway, have some details about my CATS Speakeasy AU! I'm really hoping to get back around to this in more detail sometime soonish, so better to study up now...
Munk is the adopted son of Old Deut, who raised many such foundlings and in general created a safe place for anyone who didn't have one. In the narrative of the AU, he's trying to solve one of Macavity's plots (probably some kind of kidnapping situation). He also takes care of Jemima, who was left on his doorstep in an echo of his own origin. Plato tags along as his apprentice, although he's not often helpful with his two younger brothers, Tumblebrutus and Pouncival, getting in his way.
The titular speakeasy, The Smitten Kitten, is co-run by Deme and Bomba, as a way to get back on their feet after escaping from Macavity (along with Alonzo, who plays piano). Tugger is also here, doing miscellaneous jobs and generally being an obnoxious flirt. Romances are undefined as of now but definitely happen.
Bustopher Jones is a British expat who moved to the US with his housekeeper (and requited crush) Jennyanydots, in a misguided attempt to straighten out his godchildren/wards, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer. It does not go well, especially when Munk needs to call on the twins' troublemaking abilities to infiltrate Macavity's lair.
Some other things I've worked out, but haven't managed to integrate into the main plot yet:
Jellylorum and Asparagus (Gus Jr) run a struggling off-Broadway theatre started by their father. In between shows, they rent out the stage to Cassandra and Misto, who alternate their acts, and a spare dressing room to Coricopat and Tantomile. The twins, Cass, and Misto all met in the circus, but split off because of mistreatment and nonpayment. Victoria joined Misto's act after failing to find work as a ballet dancer elsewhere, and the two now brand themselves as siblings. The group don't mean to take advantage of the siblings, but attendance is inconsistent, to say the least. Of course, Jelly and Gus Jr would never kick them out — they know their father would loathe to see the building closed even temporarily.
Skimbleshanks is a trolley driver. (I know this entry is comically short compared to the last one, but I imagine he'd just pop up occasionally throughout the story. Sometimes simpler is better.)
I really want to fit Algernonny (my OC) in here somewhere, but I haven't settled on anything yet. Maybe he drives a bookmobile??
Olivetti (my other OC) is a bit easier to place, since he'd be a reporter, but I'm not sure what effect he'd have on the story at large.
Some relationships (familial, platonic, and romantic) I want to emphasize:
None of Munk/Tugger/Mac are related, nor are any of them directly related to Old Deut. In my eyes, Macavity has always worked better as an entity lurking in the shadows than someone who is well-known and emotionally tied to the other characters.
Re: the Smitten Kitten bunch, I haven't untangled who I want them and Munk to end up with (or maybe they just all end up together?). There will definitely be some one-sided Platugger flirting because I can. (Algie/Alonzo is also a done deal, but that doesn't mean Alonzo doesn't get to participate here too.)
I haven't decided whether I go the Victeazer or Tantoteazer route yet. I'm leaning towards Mistojerrie though as a new thing for me.
Asparagus and Skimbleshanks will end up being a thing, because I can't get enough of them two <3
I haven't decided if I want Jenny to be Plato (etc.)'s mom. It would be easier to tie that household into the main goings-on that way, but also (if you couldn't tell) I'm trying to improvise on a lot of these characters and come up with new relations -- at least for the ones for whom I don't already have a ship I'm attached to.\
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1940S CATS HUMAN AU??? Pls say more right now! Mechanic is such a Plato job I love it!
So I have, like, the skeleton concerning this AU, but I have recently been really into human!AUs that are closer to the time period that the original poems were written. I'm afraid I don't have a *lot* but the idea is vaguely shaped in my head.
Basically, I really only have thoughts regarding Macavity's circle, and it's not quite a *happy* one persay (also takes a lot of liberties by playing it fast and loose with historical accuracy): not exactly full blown organized mob, but skirting the edges. Demeter, a former entertainer, being a "mob wife" who got in her position by biting off just a bit more than she could chew and paying the price for it; Alonzo having long standing ties since he was a dumber and more desperate young kid who is trapped where he is and sees no real way out of it, jumps from blue collar job to blue collar job after (bonus: he's in love with the boss's wife which is extra funTM for him); Plato is Macavity's son from a previous marriage and got most of his jobs due to Alonzo's good graces of trying to keep him away from everything. Bombalurina was an artist (a singer, dancer and photographer) now informant who used to have a *thing* with Macavity, but ended up marrying another guy in his circle (who died at some point) to keep her tabs open and keep close after he married Demeter. Jerrie and Teazer are underlings and petty thieves (actually extremely brilliant ones who have gotten away with entite safes) who, again, are just on the fringes and not quite aware of the level of severity they're involved in (Teazer moreso than Jerrie), but are nonetheless in initiation periods. Etc. Etc.
Victoria in my mind is the daughter of a billionaire (likely very prestigious familial name, generational wealth, managed through the Great Depression pretty much unscathed); think like debutante level of wealth. She plays the piano and is just coming into her own in the world.
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millenari · 2 months
I promise I will shut up about the Broadway Revival sometime soon but thinking about it again, I do think that if it were just bad, I wouldn’t pay any attention to it at all.
Like… I don’t really clown much on the West End Revival. I mean, yes, the three big changes in that production I know off the top of my head are A) Rap!Tugger, which most everyone hated, B) Growltiger costumes, which most everyone didn’t care about, and C) Sexy!Griz, which most everyone either hated intimately or didn’t care about. But even so, nobody really dissects the West End Revival the way we do the Bway Revival. And part of that may have to do with less accessible boots, but I’ve seen (probably) most of the West End Revival footage that exists and yet it’s the Bway Revival that gets my goat.
And, yes, the Gillian Lynne snub element of the Bway choreo definitely plays a big part in that.
But also… the Bway Revival is sometimes really good? The West End Revival just... *is*. It’s a 98 clone with slightly different (and generally disliked) costumes. If it weren’t for the sort-of-racist and unbearably cringe Rap!Tugger, I don’t think this production would get much attention within the fandom at all (despite doing really well financially), because that’s all it really is: a perfectly serviceable 98 clone.
(And that’s not a bad thing. I like 98. I like the West End Revival. It’s a good production with skilled performers, chunks of it are on yt check it out.)
But the Bway Revival changes don't universally suck. There are elements (lots of elements!) of the Bway Revival I adore and I genuinely think are better than the original. Everything to do with Macavity, imo, is just brilliant. The old Macavity fight choreo had this kind of cool abstract tribal vibe to it, but the new choreo looks violent. It also looks more catlike; Munk and Mac crouch low to the ground like hunched-up cats, they circle each other, and the hits actually look like they connect at the right angles. The goofier parts (the mutual ass-slap, the playing tug-of-war with Demeter, the piggyback ride) are removed so it feels more serious: Munk actually looks nervous or frightened sometimes despite not backing down, and it looks like the background cats might be being controlled (which explains why few cats try and help Munk during the fight until the end). Not even to touch upon the lighting and music.
Revival!Macavity’s style of movement is super unique and recognizable too, Daniel Gaymon’s Macavity is amazing, I love how the way he moves sometimes makes him look possessed by something (also his Plato was adorable, He Has The Range Darling). His costume is cool on its own, (I don't love the old Macavity design, which simultaneously makes him look more like a tiger and also a little boy wearing pajamas rather than a housecat) but I love how the little mane-like collar and wig curls makes him look like Tugger & I love the parallels between the two that this production emphasizes. Tugger, the tribe’s most popular cat & pride and joy, versus Macavity, the outcast. Tugger, who everyone wants, versus Macavity, who can’t seem to acquire the one cat he wants.
Plus Macavity’s mind control? In the classic Mac freezes the cats; in the Bway Revival he forces them to dance. In the show where dancing together is a symbol of togetherness and community.  In the show where characters frequently imitate each other to indicate closeness or admiration. In the show where you spend like 5 minutes watching Grizabella the Outcast Cat fail to dance along with the others, Macavity forces the others to dance with him. NO NOTES WHATSOEVER.
And the extra lore and worldbuilding they add to the magic element? I don’t love the Macavity Interlude, but “He hypnotizes with his eyes/His head moves like a snake” in combination with the fact that it seems like Macavity needs eye contact to control other cats? Plus how Tugger, Munk, and Deuteronomy all seem to be immune to his powers to a degree?
This element isn’t really in the boot on yt but in later performances there’s a bit at the end of the fight where Macavity, (on the top of the car) visibly tries to use his powers on the gathered cats, and when he fails he looks down at his hands and then scrambles to grab the jumper cables. The idea that he has some kind of ‘magic meter’ that he is capable of using up somehow? Potentially explaining why he went the subtle route and tries to impersonate Deut rather than go in guns blazing for Demeter?
THE WAY DEMETER REACHES FOR HIM WHEN HE FIRST GRABS HER? The way she looks like she’s flailing and trying to get away from him the second time, after the fight? Tantomile jumping between Demeter and Mac the second he lets go of her?
It’s so good. Those changes make me go insane. Because they’re deliberate, and pointed, and they add things to the story, build upon the story, and add more depth to the story. They’re also just cool and fun to look at and play around with. That’s the thing that gets me about the Bway Revival, because they were capable of making insightful and meaningful changes that genuinely elevated the source material in really cool ways.
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junkyard-gifs · 1 year
The kittens of the City Springs 2023 production
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(X X)
So, this production had four characters billed only as 'ensemble', played by musical theatre students. They were only in some numbers (notably the opening and the ball), though for a lot of therest of Act I they hung out around the edges to watch and interact in the best tradition of swing cats, and they went home at interval. (Munkustrap presumably found a babysitter for the kittens.) They also played with the audience in the auditorium before the show. Here they are!
(Note: all four are over 18. All images here are posted publically on their instas, or are part of official promomaterial from the theatre company.)
Elizabeth Windley, whose older sister played Sillabub, played a kitten who looks like a smaller version of Etcetera in the same production—though her muzzle and collar are reminiscent of a Jemima. She seems to refer to her kitten as 'Minnie'!
Here she is with Etcetera (Ryley Perry) and Sillabub (Olivia Windley) (X).
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Jayla Lopez plays a kitten who's black and white in a similar pattern to Cassandra's markings. (Her wig is essentially the same as Misto's ensemble wig. Casslonzo daughter? Cassoffelees? Alonzoffelees? Headcanons are free!)
Between Tantomile (Grace Arnold) and Victoria (Caitlin Bond) (X); and with Cassandra (Erin Rawlings) (X):
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Zach Feeney's kitten has some resemblance to Mungojerrie, with the sharp blacks and oranges in the wig, and some to Electra with the floofy red fur on a dark-coloured unitard. Here behind Tugger (Spencer Dean) (X):
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And Trevor Groce blessed us with many impish in-costume selfies of his little kitty! I'm honestly getting Tumblebrutus vibes so, since Tumble didn't exist in this production (Plato was a tumbler, though, so we got a very flippy Macavity), Trevor's kitten can be Tumblebrutus in my heart (X X).
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Kittens in the pyramid: Elizabeth and Trevor, next to Jellylorum (Meredith Crain) (X)!
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And bonus: here they all are with Jacob Brent (X)!
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greenelectricsky · 6 months
OK, so we have overture ended and curtain falls on the scene. Munku and others appear one by one and sing their lines. Some of cats get curtain and take it away, what was cute. Of course everyone tries to get who is who, because non-replica and it's not so obvious. Vibrant colours, hypnotizing moves, smiles aimed at the audience. Actors work hard, it is a very energetic piece.
Naming of cats is magical. They have pieces of mirror, reflecting light on the audience. Cats move them all the time, and slowly start putting them into the mirror frame. They look into that, but what do they see? Their third name? Themselves as we see them? Themselves as they are? So many metaphors and meanings!
Victoria's solo is rather short but still graceful, ending with Alonzo's singing. As I said, Misto doesn't say a word and I mistake him with Alonzo, also because of that moment. ;)
Jennyanydot's number was really cool and probably the most accurate I've seen. Mice was cleaning the scene together with other cats, and she let them go only, when there wasn't even one spot! Jeanny had beautiful violet colours on herself. And that fluffy coat!!! Yup, Jennyanydot is on the left!
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Tugger's song (on the right). I absolutely loved the big heart shaped lollipop as his guitar when he played in a frame of old broken telly! And in general a little different music here, more rocklike than usual. But he still was a full package, like always. With fangirls and fanboys doing everything to be with their idol for a short moment at last.
Later we had Grizabella. There was an absolutely wonderful moment when she walked in and everything seemed to be in slow motion!!! I think she was less ashamed of herself than usual but the rest of the cats were also more alarmed by her, closer to her, ready to strike in every moment.
Bustopher Jones appeared on the balcony, proud and round as usual. Cats were absolutely amazed by him, listening closely to every word. I loved the idea of soup tureen, smoking everywhere. I'm not a fan of that one moment when one of the cats (Victor? if I remember correctly) was hit by Bustopher for eating his soup and loudly burped. But I'm not a fan of that kind of humour in general...
Then Demeter shouted "Macavity" and before everyone ran away some girls singed a few lines of Macavity's song. It was very interesting and very very disturbing! Creepy even.
And now Mungojerrie & Rumpleteazer! We have one of the girls, pushing a big safe. It was again more energetic, more interactions like pushing, pulling tails, gigging and all. Sisters or lovers? Vibes were both again. Here is one thing also, in Polish libretto we have boy and a girl singing this song and I have no idea why it wasn't changed, as we had two girls. Maybe it was impossible to change and sound good? Or maybe the whole song should be translated anew and there wasn't enough time? Thais or that way, it was strange to me...
Tugger and Munku's duet was wonderful as always, again with more playful energy than usual.
Here should be Pekes and Pollicles but nope.
Again Demeter warns everyone of Macavity and we have another group dance! And I don't remember Victoria's and Plato solo. Or it wasn't there or it could be Victoria and Alonzo again... Still, big bravo to dancers - they were amazing again.
Grizabella with Memory. I'm not a fan so well, it was memorable but that's all.
Jemima had a beautiful voice in the next song but it was her only one big moment.
And then Gus! Again the song is funny, Jellylorum does what she can and we have a red velvet curtain behind them. Gus becomes a... Rumpus Cat! Gus is a little pinkish - light lilac when young Gus is vibrant purple, with black-yellow cape. Pekes and Pellicles was sang by Munkustrap and Rumpus, which is great. But my favourite moment is when Old D. also sings and Rumpus is tapping his foot, clearly unhappy by this intrusion. And when Old D. finally gets it he is cutely embarrassed! It was so sweet and playful - old cat, and behave almost like a kitten! Also I'm sure I heard fragments of music from Growltiger in that number! I don't know how they do that but it was there for sure!
Skimbleshanks is the first and only number when Skimble actually dances. I don't know if it was an informed decision or maybe the actor wasn't in the best form, but still he usually was somewhere on the balcony or staircases, sometimes hanging with Munku or others. The choreography was wonderful! We didn't get a full train but it was funnier that way.
Oh and now Macavity!!! He is beautiful! And those nimble moves. And Old D. was kidnapped not with the net or something but Macavity's shadows hid him under a carton box! The box stays during Macavity's song.
Girls were utterly amazing in that. Some burlesque, some creepy vibes, old cans as stools... Sooooooooooooo coool!!!!!!!!!!!
When cats finally noticed the box and wanted to open it, looking - because of Old D's smell - their leader and they are frightened seeing there Macavity! Demeter tries to warn them but nobody listens to her!
Then is a fight - Alonzo is defeated fast and brutally, Macavity tries to kill him all the time. Demeter is covering poor tom with her own body and Munkustrap fights with Mac with swords from fish's bones. Like I said earlier, it was a little stiff but the idea was so so greeeeaaat! And when Munkustrap is seriously wounded and has no more strength to fight any longer Demeter, furious and frightened at the same time throws herself on Macavity, finally defeating him!!!!!
It's Misto turn! He is in the middle of the picture! We have fireworks, mute voo doo magician with top hat and a staff!! So graceful, so elegant and also mysterious, wild and nimble. Also we get some magic tricks with cloth, staff and flowers! Tugger tries to get attention but Misto is unresponsive to maine coon's charms. And believe me, Tugger does his best!
Old D. appears without any cloth and volunteers! It was nice!
And we have Memory in full blast! Grizabella wants to touch Jemima, who hides in Munkustrap's arms. He is very protective about her. Memory was performed incredibly, actresses give everything!
And finally it's Demeter who touches Grizabella!!! It is a really very emotional and beautiful moment, the actresses made it really touching! Again funny moment, when Munku also wants to touch Grizabella but Tugger is like "nope" and throws himself at Munku and pushes him away with quite a force! Their faces!
Windows disappeared, we have a full moon, Grizabella is going to a Heaviside layer and we have the last song. And Macavity!!!!! When all are near Old D. red magician appears on left balcony and slowly creep along it, then down on the staircase and behind everyone! The audience can easily spot him but cats have no idea he is here. He ran away in the moment when Old D. Sing you shouldn't shoo a cat. Everyone scattered in that moment on the scene and Macavity disappeared on the right side of the scene. And when the rest sing he steals something from the scene all the time. Wool ball, some cans... It's adorable!
Bows! Emotions! Truly magical night!
And a last part of my rambling! Ships!
1. Alonzo and Victoria.
2. Munkustrap and Mungojerrie & Rumpleteazer - I don't know if it was both of them or only one but they were quite clingy to Munku.
3. Munkustrap and Alonzo - boys were hanging together quite often on the scene or balconies, looking at each other, touching and smiling.
4. Tugger and Alonzo - in Tugger's number we had that one delicious moment when Alonzo was dancing, happy and all and suddenly a wild Tugger appeared behind him and caught him. And Alonzo was surprised but liked it very much!
5. Munkustrap and Tugger - it was a funny dynamic, when in one moment they were hissing at each other and in second they were totally in sync, smiling at each other and looking adorably. Also they often looked at each other even without interactions.
6. Alonzo and Demeter - she was protecting him with her own body against Macavity's attacks, covering him
7. Munkustrap and Bombalurina - when Demeter was with Alonzo, Munkustrap was cheered on by Bombalurina, so both fighters had a girl with them.
8. Macavity and Demeter - yup, Bombalurina was clearly secondary in that version, Macavity carved for Demeter and only for her.
9. Bombalurina and Tugger - well, of course it was there, especially in Tugger's number, but probably only there.
10. Tugger and Misto - Misto was more occupied showing off his acrobatic skills than flirting, but Tugger was tireless in his advances, moving in the most sinful ways in the whole spectacle.
11. Mungojerrie & Rumpleteazer and Coricopat & Tantomile - they often played together and had an absolutely adorable moment, when girls were on the balcony and boys layed on the floor below them and all four were exchanging paws, meows and silly faces.
12. Munkustrap and Skimbleshanks - yes, you could see them together a few times!
13. Bustopher Jones and Jeannyanydot! Confirmed if full force!
14. Bombalurina and Demeter - of course it was in Macavity's song!
14. The rest - I didn't see every interaction between everyone because it was impossible, also I don't remember everything so it is very very possible that if you like some ship it was there!
And this is the end of my rambling about a show. Probably it will be a little more in April if I muster enough time to see it again, because I'll be hyped again, but nothing as massive as this time, I promise!
Also because I can be back to rambling about my OCs ;)
Lovies! <3
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flame-x · 2 years
A list of named swings and such
So. I know one of these already exists. BUT. I'm doing another. because i can
Old London Swings (pre-Revival, mostly late 80s and the 90s) Greycat/Hysperia/NBQ (nameless brown queen)- Greycat was sometimes known as NBQ, it depended on her costume, which ranged from grey to tan. Hysperia is a different cat who has sometimes been called NBQ by fans even though she isn't Greycat/NBQ AJ- "Almost Jemima". Female kitten Tabbygirl- more mature queen (usually covered adult roles) Patches- male kitten, often resembles Admetus Calico- male or female Caramel- male, looks very similar to Victor Victor- originated here but used in productions worldwide
Post-revival London Swings Electra (also Lightning Ellectra) George Pouncival Victor
Early Broadway Swings (80s and 90s) Spike- young male George- young male AJ- young female Greycat- female Carbucketty- male kitten, later cut when Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer became actual cats and not trash puppets Babygriz's design was also used as a swing
US Tour Swing Spike- different design. male.
China 2012 Grumbuskin Jemima Oliva Murad Quaxo Noilly Prat Latter four have since been used in other productions
Gothenburg 2006 Isis Ramses Garbo Shakespeare Tintomara Agustus Moses Savannah
Warsaw 2004 Fraszka Fantasia Sierściuch Zyleta/Kocik Le Miau Angelika Mamrotka Turbo Ptys Menello Bianco Kara Kotek
Tecklenburg 2015 Rocketta Eris Barnaby Buttons Bonzo Mab
Thunerseespiele 2017 Ishtar Luna Roxy
2009 Italian Tour Caligola Paride
Helsinki 1986 Aprilli Gilbert Lilli Marina Meijuli Grumbuskin/Rokkonen Russu Sibylla
Oslo 1985 Kvesesta Potefar Godnattakatt
The Named Swings Some of these are full ensemble characters in certain productions but when other productions cut that character or use an alternative, that name is often used for a swing. Admetus- when he's replaced by Plato, Admetus is sometimes used by a male/female swing Augustus Autumn Bill Bailey Carbucketty Electra Etcetera Exotica- first used to create a cameo for Femi Taylor (who played Tantomile in the OLC I'm pretty sure) in the 1998 film but has since been used for swings in large productions George- male kitten Jemima- female kitten Jonathan- male Murad- young male Noilly Prat- young female Olivia- young female Peter Quaxo- young male Victor- kind of an elderly male? his performer usually covers the older roles like Gus and Old Deuteronomy There's also a swing Babygriz in the current UK Tour
And now the mindfuck that is alternatives: Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus- Bill Bailey originated in the original London production. Tumblebrutus was used instead of him on Broadway and in the 1998 film (the latter to maintain international something or other). In the 98 film it was Bill Bailey under the name Tumblebrutus. Carbucketty/Pouncival- Carbucketty originated in the original London production. As with Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus, Pouncival was used instead of his London counterpart on Broadway and in the 1998 film. In the 98 film it was Carbucketty under the name Pouncival. Pouncival/George- the 2014 London Palladium production included a third male kitten aside from Carbucketty and Bil Bailey named Pouncival, who's design was actually much closer to the original London George character than to Carbucketty.
Quaxo/Mistoffelees- Big mindfuck! In UK-style productions, the performer is credited as Quaxo up until his song, where he is revealed to be The Magical Mr. Mistoffelees. This is usually explained as Mr. Mistoffelees being Quaxo's stage name. However, in some productions they're completely different cats, with Quaxo using a totally different design. Also, as Quaxo/Misto used to dance a tap dance duel against Jennyanydots while dressed as the lead beetle. Because of this, all pre-revival London productions attached the name Quaxo to the lead tap dancing beetle regardles of whether or not it was played by Mistoffelees. Plato/Admetus- Even bigger mindfuck! Admetus was the original double for Macavity in London and I think London-based prodctions still use Admetus. Plato is the Broadway version of the same cat. The Plato you see in the 1998 film is the Admetus design. Plato's design originally had a lot of brown and grey but since the 98 film, which used the Admetus design, you get a lot of "Admetus costume and makeup but named Plato". In productions where Plato is the Macavity double, the name Admetus is sometimes used for a swing (this is common in Australian-style productions) Admetus/George- This one is purely to do with the 98 film. Frank Thompson was credited with playing the Rumpus Cat and Admetus. Fans assumed the cat who was actually using the George design was Admetus, but it is unknown if the renaling of the George design to Admetus was intentional or not. Jemima/Sillabub- Jemima originated from the original London production but was renamed Sillabub in the US and in US-based prosuctions to avoid any negative racial connotations. Since then, the name Sillabub is used more often outside of Europe, though in productions where Sillabub is used as the principle version, the name Jemima is sometimes used for a female swing. Jemima is a named swing in the China 2012 and Shiki productions.
Other names There are two names in Old Possum's that haven't been used in any production (that I know of): James and Cat Morgan. Then there's Socrates, who is exclusive to the 2019 film.
So! That's that! Wow this got long and kinda detailed. If you've any questions/additions/whatever, send them in an ask and I'll do my best to answer.
There are many, many, more unnamed swings, but this is a compiled list of named swings.
I got the majority of my information from the wiki and also from this post by @/theimpossiblescheme.
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kittycast-archive · 1 year
Kitty Cast: Where Are They Now?
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Taylor James Rosenberger
Taylor played Coricopat in the Cats National Tour from its relaunch in September 2021 to the conclusion of the first season on June 26th, 2022. He also understudied Munkustrap, Plato/Macavity, and Rum Tum Tugger, but only got to go on as Munkustrap during the 2021-2022 season.
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Where is he now?
Just last week Taylor departed the Cats tour for the second time, after having rejoined the cast as a swing in late February 2023. During this second run he performed as Plato/Macavity, Alonzo, Munkstrap, and reprised his role of Coricopat!
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Has he done anything else?
He has also done dance work for Vogue World in New York Fashion Week and is also a professional photographer. Follow his photography at taylorjamesphoto on Instagram.
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white-cat-of-doom · 2 years
Hi! Just curious, do you know whether any Alonzos have played Macavity?
Hopefully I understand your question correctly.
As a casted role, none that I am aware of. Typically, it is/was Alonzo/Rumpus Cat as it is Admetus or Plato/Macavity(/and sometimes Rumpus Cat). As well, Alonzo is usually featured in the Macavity fight, so I cannot think of any production that had him doubled as Macavity.
There have been split tracks where an Alonzo performer covered Macavity for a show or two, for instance Tom Broderick in Cast 5 of the Oasis of the Seas.
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These are very uncommon occurences, relying more on necessity to keep the show going if the usual Plato/Admetus performer was out of the show for whatever reason.
If you are asking if an Alonzo performer has also a some point been a Macavity performer (and by extension Admetus/Plato), then yes, there are several performers who have played both. Tom Broderick above being an example, as he also in Cast 6 as a replacement Plato.
The person comes to mind first for me is Bradley Andrew Delarosbel, who is playing Alonzo/Rumpus Cat in the upcoming Korea Tour, and who played Admetus/Macavity in the 2018 cast of UK Tour 2016 and also the Taiwan leg of Asia Tour 2020 earlier this year.
There are of course many Alonzo performers who also covered Plato/Admetus and would play Macavity when covering. For example, Ahmad Simmons in the 2016 Broadway Revival.
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emmikay · 2 years
You feel like the right person to send this to.
Cats AU where they don't know each other irl and the Junkyard is tumblr.
(this spawned from someone calling Tumblr a junkyard so obviously I thought of cats)
While thinking of this I also thought of a discord AU:
Old D is the server creator who logs on once a year.
Munkustrap is the main mod, naturally
For some reason Tugger is a mod and nobody knows why
Jenny, Jelly, Skimble and Bustopher have their own locked channel called #wine-aunts
Misto hacked into his permissions and is a wild card who plays around with his roles as he wishes, to everyone (save Tugger)'s dismay
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer have been kicked out of the server too many times to count. Somehow they always get back in.
Demeter is also a mod and people ship them with Munkustrap (in this AU I think of them as non-binary)
Bombalurina flirts with everyone. She's probably the one who invites M&R back in every time.
Macavity was a mod in the past but isn't anymore after doing... something (idk)
The kittens:
The girls
Electra is very prim and proper. Types everything like a normal sentence, adds punctuation and everything
Etcetera, on the contrary, shortens everything and uses letter emojis like UwU and ;w;
Victoria is kind of a mix. She uses normal emojis and types using some abbreviations , doesn't add too much punctuation
The boys
Pouncival answers to everything with GIFs. Every. Single. Thing.
Tumblebrutus tries to get into the channels for the adults by copying their username, pfp, typing style and everything. Does not work. (Did work one (1) time and he never lets anyone forget it)
Plato has no idea how he got here but it's fine with him
Coricopat and Tantomile read every single message and are the only ones who are truly up to speed on everything
Okay, that's really, really funny. Had me giggling all the way through.
Also, it would be funny to play around with character's locations. Like the reason Jenny keeps the 'sleeps all day, is busy all night' thing from the musical is because she lives on the other side of the world, so most of her activity is at like 3am.
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ima-ghost-art · 1 year
This is a sorta master list of my Cats Oc’s so far!!
(this is all set about a year after the current Jellicle ball for age reference)
Bellona Jones (Bustopher's sister and mother of the monochrome siblings and Ex Jellicle protector), Merlinite (Bellona's mate and father of the monochrome siblings, a magical cat who joined the junkyard as a favour to old Deuteronomy before having to leave with his wife for safety when she first became expecting)  (both deceased)     
Magnolia and Magdalene (Merlinite’s sisters who both live in the care of some nuns at a convent, both love their nibbling's very much and try to visit the three often after the death of their brother and sister-in-law!) 
Lyre-Bone (Daughter of Griddlebone and Apollo and current open partner/ unofficial mate of Macavity and mother of 2 of his kittens)                                     
Apollo (father of Lyre and used to live in an Opera house) (deceased)
Tililith (friend of Mungojerrie, mother of Macavity’s twins) (deceased)
Mollycoddle (mother of Jennyanydots, Jellylorum, and Griddlebone, was the Jellicle choice the year before Grizabella) (deceased)
Old Jillymonty (Leader of the street cats tribe. She lives in a bookshop and is about the same age as Old Duet, they are also good friends and have knitting dates together every fortnight!!)
Pippa (Jillymonty’s granddaughter and protector of the street cat tribe who has a big ass crush on their tribe’s storyteller)
Knoxly (Storyteller for the Street Cat tribe, hopelessly in love with Pippa but he is too shy to tell her) 
(Old Jilly definitely knows of the two’s affections for one another and finds it quite amusing watching it play out. She can’t wait to bless them as mates when they finally pluck up the courage to admit their feelings!)
Pennyfathing (He is a member of the Hidden Paw and ex-friend of the Jones family) (status unknown)
Kismet (They are a member of the Street Cat tribe as Pippa’s second in command and becomes the mate of Etcetera and parent to their daughter!!)
(I’m not adding Plato Jem or Admetus to this list since they are all cannon cats in at least one Cats stage show but just know they are there!!)
Alibi (daughter of Mac and Lyre and second oldest of Macavity’s kittens! She is a Magical cat with abilities similar to her father and Mistoffelees, her biggest trick is being able to teleport herself and others, however, using her powers comes with her body overheating exponentially (which can be really dangerous) and a chronic feeling of fire and soot in the back of her throat. she manages to keep the side effects of her powers hidden from the tribe (except Electra who finds out on accident) for most of her time there, Sadly she is the first Jellicle choice after Old Deuteronomy) (yes I accidentally wrote her entire life story shut up I love her)
Lucideus (eldest of her and her twin sister and daughter of Mac and Tililith. She is really close with her two younger siblings as well as Hiraeth (who is technically her nephew but they sick with calling themselves best friends lol) Like her Grandmother Grizabella and Tribe idle Bombalurina, Luci strives to be the next glamor cat, and often is found dancing while Hiraeth sings for her!!)
Tilibubble (younger of the twins and also the daughter of Mac and Tililith, she is closest with her fellow youngest siblings, Hiraeth and later on Russet! Tili was born mute, but surprisingly she finds it can be a great help (but also sometimes a big pain) at her job as when she’s old enough she trains under her Uncle Munkustrap and Brother Plato to be a Protector!)
Eglantine (Middle sister of the Somali cat trio that gets lowkey adopted by Tantomile and Rumpleteazer! She is a magical cat who later gets mentored by both the Physic twins, Mistoffelees and Alibi) (She also finds Hiraeth can be a terrible bore but she also can’t help but enjoy his company)  
Hiraeth Jones (Eldest son of Victoria and Plato!! He is fully blind due to an attack from a member of the Hidden Paw a few weeks after his birth. He is the next flirt of the junkyard and a great singer too!) (he may also have a crush on the newest magical cat in town tho)
Atlas Jones (one of Victoria and Platos triplets and probably the most protective of his siblings and cousins (like both plato and vicky in my hcs) he trains under Munk Alonzo and Cass to become a protector he is also aroace!!)
Diotima Jones (also a Platoria triplet!! She comes across very pessimistic and often very blunt (like her favourite uncle Misto) but she is also a hopeless romantic with a very detailed outlook on love! She also adores to dance with her mother and her auntie Jemima!!)
Aristotle Jones (final platoria triplet!! Ari is a mini Bustopher just with his uncle Alonzo patches!! Hes just a big friendly outgoing guy and loves to gossip with Jennyanydots! Like his triplet he also becomes a protector!!)
MollyMay Jones (May is the youngest of Victoria and Platos kittens and she is probably the most curious of the bunch! She is the reincarnation of Platos mother, and when she was born plato was shocked in that realization and it took time to come to terms with it. MollyMay is also the only one of Platos kids to not meet her aunt Alibi)
Azalea (Eglantines sister!! Aza is the oldest and she is also trans! She loves her siblings a lot and is very thankful for the Jellicle's but she also longs for a life on stage, she loves sitting with Jellylorum and learning about Gus (who was the last years Jellicle choice she didn’t get to meet) Later in life she fulfils her dreams and becomes the next theatre cat!)
Russet (Russ is the youngest of his siblings but definitely the most outgoing! Sadly he is the reason they had to leave their human family as he was born with no front legs (arms?) and was rejected by both their parents and their humans. His sisters didn’t want to leave him so they took him and ran away, bumping into Rumpleteazer who then gave them a home with her and her mate!!)
Oopsie Daisy (Daughter of Etcetera and Kismet!! absolute ray of sunshine like her mother, and just as big of a fan girl! The moment she’s able to speak, she had already appointed herself as Hiraeth’s biggest fan!!) (when she’s older she likes to spend her time split between her parent’s tribes!!)
These are the seven kittens Tugger talks about in his song about Misto!! They are normally under the care of Pippa but one day they ran off and she came to ask the aid of the mystical Mistoffelees to help her pull them from a magical Top Hat the group had gotten stuck in!!
Dapple doo (oldest and a bit of a ring leader)
Checker, Morrison, and Chip Butty (Chaos Triplets who all admire Tumble Brutus and Pouncival the moment they meet them!!)                                      
Dylula (magical cat in training and has Sass that will leave you crying)              
James (somehow has the best aim for kicking you in the back of the knees)        
And finally Piccadilly! (youngest and has the pickpocketing skills that would leave even Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer impressed!!)
WOW, this ended up way longer than planned but tbh this is here to help me keep track of all my OCs XD
At least half of these were created to help add more to cannon characters’ backstories, or to help be NPCs for a Cats DnD campaign I dream of running!! There are a couple other OCs i could of added too but i think im going to keep them as a surprise for now!
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storyweaverofgondor · 2 years
What if Amblimation had made cats as an animated film ? if it did, which voice actor would fit the role of cats?
I think that, while i would have adored the animated Cats film, I'm actually glad they didn't make it. *Ducks a shoe* I know! I know! Let me explain! The thing about Cats is, it's NOT a kids show. It's not cute little kitty-cats singing cute little songs and a wholesome feel good plot. It's a bunch of Cats who are ALL just a bit terrifying and creepy, Very Sexy with lots of sexual undertones and the weighty topic of forgiveness and rebirth wrapped in a package of a bunch of gorgeous and talented artists giving it their all. THAT is Cats. For the animated movie to be good? it wouldn't have taken much. But for it to be Cats? That would have taken a lightning strike of good fortune. Also, the issue with a movie of Cats will always be the romance. In stage Cats anybody can be with anybody else and every ship has evidence to support it. In a film you are restricted to whatever the writers and directer decide. As someone who does not ship Tuggoffelees romantically and who knows everyone who would make a Cats animated film would push that pairing to the forefront, i can say quite strongly that an animated film wouldn't get an automatic YES! from me. All ships would have to be STRONGLY SUGGESTED BUT NOT DEFINITE, every single one. Which would not be easy in a plot based story.
That being said i do have some ideas on casting.
Old Deuteronomy: Brain Blessed or Ken Page. Old D needs an actor with a VOICE and someone who understands the role. Both these men qualify.
Bombalurina: Beyonce. I have said it before and i will say it again. I think Beyonce should have been Bomba in the 2019 movie and i think she should be Bomba in the animated.
Demeter: Jodi Benson. Jodi is an animated film veteran and i think she would get the right nuances for Demeter.
Jennyanydots: Carol Channing. i know this might seem an odd choice but i think Carol would have been a great voice for Jenny.
Cassandra: Earha Kitt. She played Catwoman, she would have made an awesome Cass. Nuff said.
Brenden Fraiser. I don't know who but in an animated cats i think he should voice a character. I don't know if he can sing but it a common practice with animated movie to have a different person be the singing voice. I could see him as Munk, Alonzo or Tugger.
Macavity: Jeremy Irons. Nuff said.
Growltiger: Mark Hamil. He would be perfect.
Griddlebone: Carol Burnett. I accept no criticism on this.
Gus: Ian McKellen. Already perfect casting. Christopher Lee and Patrick Stewart would also be good.
Grizabella: Elaine Paige or Judi Dench. We don't need to find a new Griz. These two would be great.
Munkustrap: Viggo Mortenson. Yes, i would cast Araborn as the voice as Munk. Yes, this does have everything to do with my LOTR AU. This is an imaginary casting and i can do what i want! :D
Quaxo/Mistoffelees: Scott Weinger. The voice of my favorite Disney prince as my favorite tomcat. <3
Electra: Billie Eilish. The vibes match for me.
Victoria: Francesca Hayward. She was an amazing Victoria.
Skimbleshanks: Steven Mcrae. Also a great Skimble. Imagine them using his dancing as an animation guide!
Plato/Admetus: Laurie Davidson. Nuff said. It would be perfect!
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bomba and jemima for the bingo ask
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they got done dirty by the fans - In a plethora of ways, tbh. Not just past fans either, though that was *quite* the cesspool of character interpretation being "that lady" who got in the way of tuggoffelees lmao. I feel like a lot of fans are...afraid? of interpreting her as more than one of her designated portrayals and character traits, and her involvement with Macavity is *also* often very downplayed.
Also in a very *specific* way, the way that some fans are so nasty to Marlene Danielle!Bombalurina reeks of *something* but I can't quite put my finger on it (jk I know exactly what it is).
they got done dirty by the creators - Making her makeup just sexy cat lady with a red lip is already cowardly Karen Dawson and co., tbh, but Bombalurina inspired the name of a band called "Bombalurina" that ALW formed and they are responsible for this monstrosity here and if that isn't done dirty in her poor name, idk what is.
Also the 2019 Taylor Swift...thing. But to be *fair* I knew that was going to be a disaster when they announced it initially (Popstars in musicals - especially the *big budget productions* that everyone is going to see - grind my gears I'm sorry), so I wasn't even surprised.
wasted potential - Again, a lot of what I initially said - Bombalurina is complex and multifacted and she *can* be played in so many different ways and they all have a space at the table. I feel like a lot of her relationships with other cats like Plato (Broadway Plato) or Bustopher or Alonzo or Munk or Jenny (and the animosity she has towards Grizabella being *palpable*) and even *Tugger* etc. are often brushed to the side as well, and that's also kinda a waste.
they work better as part of a dynamic - Again again *again* not *better* persay, but what is a Bombalurina without Demeter and vice versa? They're like spiritual extensions of one another.
FREE SPACE - Bring back dynamic Bomba makeup and the *red red* of her costume; let her have lines on her face! Let her have prominent whisker marks! Bold colour blocks! Please I'm so done with same face syndrome.
i like them but i don't really think about them much - Not in that I wouldn't *like* to, it's just that again I feel like she's better off in someone else's hands other than mine. I just work here.
i'm obsessed with her character arc - Jemima teaches the lesson; Jemima is the healing hand. She's the kitten who is the first to accept Deuteronomy's teaching and she's the first one to stand up. Love that for her.
ADOPTION PAPERS - Smoll baby child
they work better as part of a dynamic - AGAIN i won't repeat that, but Victoria and Jemima were supposed to be the same cat; they *are* essentially two halves of the same cat. That dynamic is very important.
what's wrong with them (affectionate) - Weird!girl Jemima whose eyes turn black and her head rotates *slightly* too far and who *actually* stares full into your soul and pulls out every single little thread until you're crying in front of her >>>>>
not enough screen time - Okay actually she does get a lot of screen time but ALSO consider she is baby.
they've never done anything wrong in their life <3 - releasing spiders in her house to give them a tour isn't wrong, it's polite. Reading people's minds and telling their crushes "I know who LIKES you" isn't wrong it's helpful! She's playing matchmaker!
This is the best character in the work - One of Jemima's roles is to be spiritual successor to Grizabella, a primary character. We reflect the lives of the old in the eyes of the young and that's a prime example there.
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jelliclekay · 2 years
now that its been a couple weeks to think, what are some standouts from the current tour cast?
Oooo what a good question!
Let me say this: Everyone in this cast is fantastic. All the new performers are incredible and all the returning cast members are really putting in their all. I don't have a complaint about any of them. Also I got to talk and meet almost all of them after the shows and they were so sweet.
Some standouts though:
Erica Lee as Bombalurina... I know I've raved about her MANY times but I am still not over her. I did not come back from all the shows expecting Erica to end up as my favorite Bombalurina, but here we are. She did Cats on Oasis so she has experience with the show already and it SHOWS in her performance. She moves so fluidly on stage and her VOICE. UGH HER VOICE. It's so unique, I literally blue-screened when I heard her perform Macavity for the first time. Erica Bombalurina is absolutely my new face and voice claim for Bombalurina, I cannot imagine any other voice for her anymore. Also the way she performs Macavity aligns so well with my own personal headcanons for Bomba's relationship with Macavity and Demeter. I'm really hoping Erica stays in the Junkyard for awhile because I can't imagine seeing any other Bombalurina (though I did see Ellie Bombalurina one show and she also did fantastic!)
Hank Santos as Tugger. Obviously I knew I was going to like him, but WOW, he is so Tugger? He plays Tugger more on the sexy, suave side, which I usually prefer my Tugger portrayals compared to the silly, vain Tuggers. Hank also has so many interactions with the audience? Like, he was constantly winking and making "call me" signs at the audience (a few times at me, which almost killed me outright). At one of the shows too he even took a woman's phone during the curtain calls and took a selfie with it (And he also apparently did the same thing at a show in Canada so I guess that's just a thing he's doing now which like. Total Tugger behavior). Also his voice is just so Good ugh. Absolutely in my top 3 Tuggers up there with John Partridge and Dominik Hees.
Kade Wright as Munkustrap. Okay I LOVE Kade!Munk. Kade is a fantastic actor, and that really comes out in his performance. I've never been more invested in the Mac fights until watching Kade, because he REALLY plays up Munk getting his ass beat and he really makes you feel like Munk is genuinely being hurt during the fight. I already much prefer the Broadway Revival Mac fight compared to the og fight because it actually feels like a fight, and Kade Munk and the entire cast really make the Mac fight feel so intense. Also Kade is just really sweet and I enjoy his voice a lot.
Ugh and so many others. Yuka Victoria is adorable and her moments with Samuel Plato are the cutest things in the world. Taryn Rumpleteazer is really good and she makes an awesome partner with Brian Jerrie (who is fucking INCREDIBLE as Jerrie and I'm so glad he is the principal Jerrie now). Brendan Tumble is super cute and also wow that boy can FLIP.
I just love this cast so much and even if you don't think you're a fan of the Broadway Revival, if you have the chance to see this cast for yourself. They are all so phenomenal.
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rainbowratsstuff · 1 year
Sense u seem to enjoy wings of fire u got any ideas for cats characters designed as dragons? Or ideas on what some of the cats tribe would be?
This is going to be a bit of a long one as I spent probably too long thinking about this, it's almost turned into a whole AU, but here we go.
Munkustrap, Macavity and Tugger would be mudwings. That might seem like an odd choice but I chose this because of a particular story idea I really want to see. Munk, Mac and Tugger would all be in a mudwing sibling group with Macavity as their big wings. But then Macavity turns against everyone. What would happen to a mudwing sibling group if one of them turned evil? Especially the big wings. I just think this would be so interesting.
Alonzo and Gilbert would be icewings. I think they have personalities that work perfectly for the icewing ranking system. Alonzo would be a lower ranked icewing who is insecure and worried about having a low rank. Even thinking about whether he would consider the diamond trial. Gilbert would be the highest ranked icewing with Griddlebone as the queen who he would do anything for. He does almost anything to avoid losing his top rank. Alonzo is envious of him.
Mistoffelees, Victoria, Bustopher, Exotica (her name would be changed but just so everyone knows who I'm talking about), Coricopat and Tantomile would be nightwings. (Its just too perfect for Misto to be a nightwing. The colour scheme alone with the black and stars on the inside of thier wings 😍) Bustopher is a nightwing withought powers and when his nephew and niece's parents died he took their eggs away from the tribe to where Exotica (she has mind reading and vague prophecy visions) is living with her dragonets, Cori and Tanto. Mistoffelees is hatched with mindreading and animus powers, whereas Victoria has mind reading and the gift of prophecy. Cori and Tanto only have mind reading but they have developed it to become really advanced, they can hear thoughts from really far away. I also like the idea of Misto and Vic talking to each other through mind reading, especially around dragons they dont know.
Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer, Jennyanydots, Jellylorum and Gus would be sandwings. Jenny doing a good job managing her way around the Scorpion Den, while also having to look out for her children, who definitely would be theives and con artists. Just trying not to let their mum see. But it's not like Jenny doesn't know, she just likes to make them think she doesn't know ;) . Jelly could be Jennys close friend who's trying to keep her old father Gus alive despite how difficult things are getting. Maybe M and R try to steal to help them too.
Etcetera, Pouncival and Plato would be rainwings. These guys are mostly happy go lucky and just want to have fun. I think they'd fit in really well with the relaxing low stress life of rainwings. Plus they'd love to change colour when ever they want. But I think Plato might try exploring outside the rainforest. Like one of the very few who's actually curious what's going on out there. Also he would definitely be protective over the little ones. They may not know who their parents are but he'll be their big brother for them.
Skimbleshanks, Cassandra and Tumblebrutus would be skywings. I don't have as much reasoning for these guys as the others. It's mostly just a feeling I get. I think Tumble would be trained up for fighting like in the dragonet play area but when he's older he doesn't really want to fight, especially seeing what happens in the arena. Skimbleshanks I think would use those powerful wings to go on long journeys to scout out other places for the queen but maybe also secretly looking for a better place for Tumble. Cass is hoping to take the throne and stop getting these kids into needless violence and give Skimble the safe place he's looking for. Maybe Tumble is also her son here.
Demeter, Bombalurina and Jemima would be seawings. I love the idea of Demeter leaving and coming back to her sister, who's now the Queen, for protection with her animus dragonet Jemima (probably a hybrid if I want to go with Jem being Macs child).
Thats my ideas right now. I'm not sure what to do with Griz and Deut. I have this idea of Griz being the mudwing Queen and maybe feeling responsible for Mac and running away or something, leaving Deut to take care of the kingdom? Since I have Griddlebone as the icewing Queen. I should probably have Growltiger somewhere but I'm not sure where, maybe she double crossed him and stoll treasurer from him? But I'm not sure what type he should be.
But maybe I'm getting too much into this. It was a fun idea to consider. Thank you ^^
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greenelectricsky · 6 months
06.12 - stars! ✨💫🌟⭐✨🌟💫
Alonzo: You did all of that... For me?
Macavity: Yes.
Alonzo: It's... Thank you.
They sit together in their den, looking at the ceiling covered with shining stars, eating treats and cuddling. And all of this because Alonzo said some time ago, he would love to watch the stars for their anniversary, but today the sky was clouded and heavy freezing rain covered everything.
Jennyanydot: So, let's check. Kittens are:
Clean? Not exactly. (Some of them are just dirty after playing outside)
Fed? More or less. (About the third part of the food is on them not in them.)
In beds? ... Well... (Most of them are piled together on pillows and blankets.)
They heard their bedtime story? Somehow... yes. (He rather sang to them various crazy songs created in the heat of the moment.)
They are happy? Yes.
Jennyanydot: It's... Not bad...
Mirage, with a shy voice: Star for trying, maybe? Please?
(Mirage is my oc. He lives in an esoteric shop, but he and his owner are very down to earth and rather cynical about it. Also, he isn't best with kids, because he is a rather good uncle than a competent parent. But he tires!)
Etcetera, Jemima, Electra, Sillabub, Pouncival, Plato, Tumblebrutus, Admetus, Bill Bailey, George, Carbucketty, after Tugger's song: TUGGER! TUGGER! TUGGER!
Rum Tum Tugger: Who is your handsome idol?!?
Cats: Tugger!
Rum Tum Tugger: Who is your favourite singer?!?
Cats: Tugger!!!
Rum Tum Tugger: Who is your rockstar star?!?!?!
Cats: TUGGER!!!!!!!
Rum Tum Tugger: Yep, it's me!
Skimbleshanks to Munkustrap and Jenny: If he is a star maybe we should put him on top of the Christmas tree?
Munkustrap: Your fur reminds me of stars, you know?
Skimbleshanks: How? Stars are silver, only sun is gold.
Munkustrap, laughing: I don't believe it, but I'll cite Tugger "Sun is a star, right?"
(I'm not sorry, I just couldn't help myself ;) )
Alonzo and Munkustrap baking gingerbreads. Suddenly Skimbleshanks run in with something in his hand.
Skimbleshanks: I got it! I got it!
Alonzo: Oh, thanks Cat! You are a treasure, love!
Munkustrap: Perfect, darling. Now please, sit down, rest a moment with tea and finish decorate those troublemakers...
Skimbleshanks put a jar with little sugar stars on the table. They can't leave christmas tree cookies without stars at the tops, right?
Tugger loved to catch all of those little, shiny, colorful stars marring his lover's black as deepest night fur. He could chase them with his lips, tongue and teeth, leaving wet, hot tracks on that lithe, sensitive body.
Rum Tum Tugger: You are so beautiful, handsome... So perfect, so hot...
He said between licks and bites.
Mistoffelees, moaning deeply: Tugger... Please!
Rum Tum Tugger: Oh, no, darling, first I need to chase and catch all of those little beauties and then tell you more how extraordinary you are...
Misto's fur burst with thousands new stars from anticipation.
<prev next>
Rim Tum Tugger, gigging: Oh, you're not making it easy for any of us...
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