#Belvedere Torso
cupio-disssolvi · 2 years
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The Belvedere Torso, Apollonious of Athens, 1st century BC
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masculinityofalways · 2 years
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Belvedere Torso
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fabiansteinhauer · 11 days
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Bild- und Rechtswissenschaft
In Anteaesthetics: Black Aesthesis and the Critique of Form, Rizvana Bradley begins from the proposition that blackness cannot be represented in modernity's aesthetic regime, but is nevertheless foundational to every representation. Troubling the idea that the aesthetic is sheltered from the antiblack terror that lies just beyond its sanctuary, Bradley insists that blackness cannot make a home within the aesthetic, yet is held as its threshold and aporia. The book problematizes the phenomenological and ontological conceits that underwrite the visual, sensual, and abstract logics of modernity.
Moving across multiple histories and geographies, artistic mediums and forms, from nineteenth-century painting and early cinema, to the contemporary text-based works, video installations, and digital art of Glenn Ligon, Mickalene Thomas, and Sondra Perry, Bradley inaugurates a new method for interpretation—an ante-formalism which demonstrates how black art engages in the recursive deconstruction of the aesthetic forms that remain foundational to modernity. Foregrounding the negativity of black art, Bradley shows how each of these artists disclose the racialized contours of the body, form, and medium, even interrogating the form that is the world itself. Drawing from black critical theory, Continental philosophy, film and media studies, art history, and black feminist thought, Bradley explores artistic practices that inhabit the negative underside of form. Ultimately, Anteaesthetics asks us to think philosophically with black art, and with the philosophical invention black art necessarily undertakes.
Gründliche Linien, gründliche Farben, gründliche Ästhetik: Rizvana Bradely ist eine der Autorinnen, die an die dogmatische und normative Herkunft der Ästhetik aus den ordnenden, sortierenden und urteilenden Institutionen, aus der Teilung der niederen und höheren Sinne und aus ziehenden Erscheinungen oder erscheinenden Zügen, d.h. auch aus Trakten und Trachten erinnert. Schwarz ist bei Bradley Farbe/ Farbläche und Körper/Kontur, kommt dazu auch begrifflich abstrakt als Schwarzheit vor und ist dann auch eine Formel für etwas, durch das Passion und Aktion geht. Schwarz hat etwas erlitten und kann agieren. Trakt und Tracht, das sind Engramme, verleibte Mahle. Ich paraphrasiere Bradley nicht, ich übersetze ihren Text aus einer frühen und ersten, vielleicht verfälschenden Lektüre heraus.
Schwarzheit [Blackness] sei grundlegend für jede Repräsentation lautet einer der Thesen, die als Grundsatz juridisch und instituierend formuliert ist. Die Ästhetik wird nicht juridisch, sie wird nicht verechtlicht, sie wird nicht dogmatisch. Da kommt sie her. Repräsentation wird nicht korporatistisch, wird nicht inkorporierend, wird keine Korporation: Das kommt sie her.
Der Begriff des Bildregimes ist eine barock oder aber lungenhaft atmende, nämlich kontrahierende und distrahierende Tautologie. Die zwei Worte, die in einem Moment auseinandergehen, um im nächsten Moment sich zusammenziehen zu können, aber nur, damit sie dann wiederum auseinandergehen können (und so weiter bis zum Ende der Illusion des Überlebens), das ist doppelgemoppelt, damit es vorerst besser hält.
Bild ist Recht: Soweit ein Bild regt, soweit also durch ein Bild Regung geht, soweit regiert es auch. Soweit reicht es, soweit reigt es, tanzt, lässt die Füße springen und protokolliert, soweit zieht es, soweit regiert es, soweit regnet es und rechnet, zählt, misst und billigt es: soweit geht etwas durch, soweit passiert es. Manche behaupten, die Idee der Grundlage und des Bestandes sei nicht aus der Lunge heraus, sondern aus dem Takt des Herzschlages, dem Muskel der Blutpumpe geboren, darum glaubten die Menschen für's Erste an das Erste, also wegen des deutlich wahrnehmbachen POCH.
Bradley spricht darüber, wie heute in manchen Szenen Leute mit der Teilung der Geschlechter und mit der Unterscheidung zwischen Allem und Nichts umgehen, warum sie glauben, etwas zu dekonstruieren, Negativität greifen oder sogar stellvertreten zu können. Die Teilung der Geschlechter, für die sich Bradley besonders interessiert ist den Dogmen des Rassismus assoziiert, dabei besonders dem Dogma des Schwarzen und seiner Frontstellung zum Dogma des Weißen. Das Cover ihres Buches zeigt einen Torso in braunen Farben. Weiss und schwarz sind institutionelle Trakte/ Trachten. So weit zu gehen und zu behaupten, sie kämen als farbliche Körper in der Natur nicht vor, will ich nicht sagen, weil ich zum Dogma der großen Trennung nicht beitragen will. Aber sie entwickeln sich besonders gut in Bereichen, in den schwarz und weiß als zwei klar getrennte Schichten auftauchen, also zum Beispiel in den Kanzleikulturen, ihrer Studio- und Bürokratie. Dort, wo man die Schwarz- und Weißheit schwarz auf weiss hat. Bradleys Text ist akademisch, Universität und Akademie ist kein Biotop, das ist ein Epistemotop. An wem haftet das moderne Subjekt? An dürftigen Passagen bei Hegel. Na dann.
Bradley inauguriert, wir hören gespannt zu, oder?
Forschungszentrum Historische Geisteswissenschaften
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Campus Westend, Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1,  60323 Frankfurt am Main, Raum IG 4.152
24.04.2024, 18 Uhr
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b--art · 1 month
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I wanted to show the Belvedere Torso charcoal I did in college :)
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oceancentury · 3 months
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Joseph Highmore (1692 - 1780); Studies of a standing male, the Belvedere Torso and the Farnese Hercules.
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girlhaggard · 2 months
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thinking about the belvedere torso again …..
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akkar2 · 1 year
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The Belvedere Torso (1st-century BC?)
Source: Wikipedia
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michelangelob · 3 months
La Scultura del giorno: il Torso del Belvedere dei Musei Vaticani
La scultura del giorno che vi propongo oggi è lo straordinario Torso del Belvedere ubicato nel Museo Pio Clementino dei Musei Vaticani. Questo capolavoro fu molto studiato nel Rinascimento e fece scuola, influenzando gli artisti a me contemporanei e i posteri. La sua perfezione anatomica così come la sua incompiutezza fu per me grande fonte di ispirazione. Basta pensare alle pose e alla…
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homomenhommes · 5 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … December 9
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1608 – John Milton, English poet, born (d.1674); No one can say for sure whether Milton was Gay, but the author of Paradise Lost was known to his Cambridge classmates as "the lady of Christ's" and was portrayed as a repressed homosexual in Robert Graves' novel Wife to Mr. Milton.
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1717 – Johann Joachim Winckelmann German art historian and archaeologist, born (d.1768); Winckelmann was a pioneering Hellenist who first articulated the difference between Greek, Greco-Roman and Roman art. and "the prophet and founding hero of modern archaeology."
From 1743 to 1748, he was the deputy headmaster of the gymnasium of Seehausen in the Altmark. His means were insufficient: his salary was so low that he had to rely on his students' parents for free meals. He was thus obliged to accept a tutorship near Magdeburg. While tutor for the powerful Lamprecht family, he fell into unrequited love with the handsome Lamprecht son. This was one of a series of such loves throughout his life.His enthusiasm for the male form excited Winckelmann's budding admiration of ancient Greek and Roman sculpture and he decided to go to Rome to study. Winckelmann arrived in Rome in November 1755. His first task there was to describe the statues in the Cortile del Belvedere—the Apollo Belvedere, the Laocoön, the so-called Antinous, and the Belvedere Torso—which represented to him the "utmost perfection of ancient sculpture."
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Laocoön and His Sons
Originally, Winckelmann planned to stay in Italy only two years, but the outbreak of the Seven Years' War (1756-1763) changed his plans. He was named librarian to Cardinal Passionei, who was impressed by Winckelmann's beautiful Greek writing. Winckelmann also became librarian to Cardinal Archinto, and received much kindness from Cardinal Passionei. After their deaths, Winckelmann was hired as librarian in the house of Alessandro Cardinal Albani, who was forming his magnificent collection of antiquities in the villa at Porta Salaria.
With the aid of his new friend and lover, the painter Anton Raphael Mengs (1728-79), with whom he first lived in Rome, Winckelmann devoted himself to the study of Roman antiquities and gradually acquired an unrivalled knowledge of ancient art. Winckelmann's method of careful observation allowed him to identify Roman copies of Greek art, something that was unusual at that time—Roman culture was considered the ultimate achievement of Antiquity. His friend Mengs became the channel through which Winkelmann's ideas were realized in art and spread around Europe.
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1904 – Anthony Santasiere (d.1977) was an American chess master and chess writer, who also wrote extensively on non-chess topics. Santasiere was a middle school mathematics teacher by profession. Santasiere won the 1945 U.S. Open Chess Championship, four New York State championships, and six Marshall Chess Club championships. He competed in four U.S. Chess Championships, with his best finish being a tie for third in 1946. He was a chess organizer.
Santasiere, of French and Italian ancestry, was born and raised in New York City, the 12th of 13 children, and grew up in extreme poverty. He graduated from City College with a degree in mathematics. His studies there were financed by Alrick Man, a wealthy chess enthusiast who had served as president of the Marshall Chess Club. Santasiere represented CCNY in intercollegiate chess. Following graduation, beginning in 1927, Santasiere taught mathematics at the Angelo Patri Middle School in the Bronx, and held that position until he retired to south Florida in 1965.
Santasiere wrote extensively on chess in the magazine American Chess Bulletin, from 1930 to 1963; he served as Games Editor, working with Editor Hermann Helms. The chess opening Santasiere's Folly (1.Nf3 d5 2.b4), was originated and developed by him, and is named for him. Santasiere was also an expert in the Reti Opening, the King's Gambit, and the Vienna Game.
He was an enthusiastic amateur painter, painting over 400 oil paintings, and a prolific poet and creative writer on non-chess topics. He played piano, and was a keen chef who frequently hosted dinner parties. He organized many small-size Master events in his apartment in New York.
In 1965, he retired to south Florida, where he continued to play tournament chess for a while, and won several local tournaments. A gay man, he lived with a younger man, Hector; friend Arnold Denker recalls a loving but turbulent relationship between those two, characterizing them as "Felix and Oscar". On his death Santasiere left his estate to his partner.
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1950 – British singer, songwriter and guitarist Joan Armatrading is a three-time Grammy Award-nominee and has been nominated twice for BRIT Awards as Best Female Artist. She also received an Ivor Novello Award for Outstanding Contemporary Song Collection in 1996. In a recording career spanning almost 40 years she has released a total of 17 studio albums, as well as several live albums and compilations.
Armatrading is reluctant to discuss her personal life in interviews. However, in April 2011, it was reported that Armatrading and her girlfriend Maggie Butler were planning to enter a civil partnership on 2 May 2011, in the Shetland Isles.
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1975 – Reporter Lynn Rosellini of the Washington Star began a series of articles about homosexuality in sports, which said "some of the biggest names in football are homosexual or bisexual."
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1985 – The New York City Department of Health closes the New St. Marks Baths. The New St. Marks Baths was a gay bathhouse at 6 St. Marks Place in the East Village of Manhattan, New York City from 1979 to 1985. It claimed to be the largest gay bath house in the world. The Saint Marks Baths opened in the location in 1913. Through the 1950s it operated as a Turkish bath catering to immigrants on New York’s Lower East Side. In the 1950s it began to have a homosexual clientele at night. In the 1960s it became exclusively gay. On December 9, 1985 the City began the process of closing the baths.
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2005 – "Brokeback Mountain" is released to limited audiences in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. The film, a neo-American western romantic drama directed by Ang Lee, focuses on a love story between two men that stretches over decades, and survives in a time and place in which the two men’s feelings for each other were utterly taboo. The film stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger, and goes on to win several Golden Globe Awards and Academy Awards.
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Special 8 Photo-Folio
A series of 8 photobooks, each released on the members’ birthdays. They made two reaction films (#1, #2), where the members watch the final result.
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Me, Myself, and Jung Kook ‘Time Difference’
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Release date: 1st September 2022
First tweet
Concept Film
Production Film
Preview Photos 1
Preview Photos 2
Naver post
Photoshoot Sketch
According to the notice, “The concept of the photobook expressing the “Time Difference” between the day and night, shows how a human becomes vulnerable to the sunlight (Day) the moment he turns into a vampire but also how he becomes a complete vampire in a pitch black darkness (Night) with his inner self expressing hunger and thirst for power unlike his all the more attractive and beautiful appearance.”
At the start of the Concept Film, you can see the painting Horse with a saddle by Abraham van Calraet behind Jung Kook. It belongs to this set that was also used in the MV “Ghost” by Dreamnote and in an Instagram post from Kwak Dongyeon.
The exterior scenes were filmed at Byukchoji Gardens (cr. btsmap1)
Me, Myself, and RM ‘Entirety’
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Release date: 12th September 2022
First tweet
Preview Photos (CALM, MONO, WILD)
Photo Select Sketch
Photoshoot Sketch
Naver post
According to the notice, “”Entirety” uncovers who Kim Namjoon really is and who RM really is. The photobook will show the calm and relaxed side of Kim Namjoon and the powerful, charismatic and wild side of RM on stages. It expresses many other sides of him as both a young man and an artist, along with his deep thoughts between the two, revealing RM’s view of his true self as an artist.”
The pictures were taken at the Daegu Indang Museum during the exhibition about Lee Bae, at the gas station from the Four Aces Movie Ranch, and in Lacy Park (cr. btsmap1).
Me, Myself, and Jimin ‘ID : Chaos’
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Release date: 13th October 2022
Mood Sampler
Concept Film 1
Preview Photos 1
Concept Film 2
Preview Photos 2
Naver post
Photoshoot Sketch
According to the notice, “This photobook created based on Jimin’s own ideas, unveils different moods Jimin creates from the same costumes, the strength Jimin has discovered in himself, the meaning of light in his confusing consciousness, the moment Jimin’s inner self and persona finally met and his chaotic and finally, an immature journey to finding the true “me”.”
Jimin explained that the theme of the book is persona and that his white outfit aims to show his raw self.
On the “Color ; Freedom” set, you can spot an Apollo Belvedere head. One already appeared during the “Blood, Sweat & tears” performance at M Countdown on the 13th of October 2016 (so Jimin’s birthday).
On the “Black ; Come face to face” set, it’s a Diana of Versailles bust that was broken and reassembled with the kintsugi technique (an unbroken one was seen in the WINGS Short Film #7 AWAKE).
For the “White ; Intactly” part, Jimin and all the mannequins wear masks reminding of the Jackalope, a mythical jackrabbit with antelope horns.
Every time, Jimin has several tattoos on his arms and torso:
“tailor of chaos”
“Filter”: the title of Jimin’s solo song in Map Of The Soul : 7
Us, Ourselves, and BTS ‘WE’
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Release date: 11th January 2022
First tweet
Concept Film Short ver.
Self Camera
K-retro Sports Day
Notice #1, notice #2
Pre-making Film
Preview image for ARMY
Concept Film Full Ver.
Naver post
Photoshoot Sketch
This book was not released for the group’s birthday (namely June 13) but on the 11th of January 2023 so the 3500th day since BTS debuted.
According to the notice, “this photo-folio is a quintessentially BTS collection that brings together the seven members’ ideas and catalogs their memories together as a group. This photo-folio is a visualization of the past and the present of BTS!”
They filmed the K-retro Sports Day part at the now closed 지평초등학교-일신분교장터 (Jipyeong Elementary School-Ilshin Branch Market, it seems to have been renovated to be turned into a camping site and a filming location).
Here’s a translation of what’s written on the blackboard. The boys added things such as “RM”, “BTS”, “ARMY”, “I love you” and “BTS ♡ ARMY”:
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The Self Camera theme slightly reminds of the VCRs for 花樣年華 on Stage: Epilogue while the K-retro Sports Day theme is similar to the concept they had for the 2017 Season’s Greetings.As for the part in the photobooth, a similar scene happens in “RUN” but the hat and scarf they wear is actually a nod to what Jin, j-hope and V wore during the 3rd muster while they performed chipmunk versions of their songs.
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Me, Myself, and Jin ‘Sea of JIN island’
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Release date: 4th December 2022
Concept Film
Preview Photos 1
Preview Photos 2
Production Film
Naver post
Making Film
According to the notice, “based on Jin’s ideas, the Photo-Folio showing new, unusual sides of him consists of three different concepts of diverse emotions felt at the sea. Jin expressed fear of being an alien as the pirate in darkness, and portrayed a dignified captain proud of his small boat under the rising sun together with a brave fisherman whose life is at the sea.”
The photoshoot took place here, at the port of Geumjin.
Jin wrote the song “Super Tuna” during this shooting.
Me, Myself, and V ‘Veautiful days’
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Release date: 30th December 2022
Insert Image
Mood Sampler #1
Mood Sampler #2
Concept Film
Preview Photos 1
Preview Photos 2
Production Film
Naver post
Photoshoot Sketch
V’s Instagram post #1, #2
According to the notice, "the Photo-Folio derived from V’s idea portrays a day in the life of a 19th century British gentleman reinterpreted through his taste. A horseback riding lesson to start off the day, a calm afternoon tea in the solar, resting outdoors and a trip to tend to himself. Following the four chapters as if watching a silent film, you will get a glimpse of a glamorously recreated day in the life of a 19th century gentleman.”
A part of the photo shoot happened at 사진정원/Graphygarden (Instagram) and the rest was at the Sono Felice Equestrian Club (website).
Me, Myself, and j-hope ‘All New Hope’
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Release date: 18th February 2023
Production Film
Concept Image 1
Silhouette Photos
Concept Film
Preview Photos 1
Preview Photos 2
Concept Image 2
Photoshoot Sketch
Naver post
j-hope’s Instagram post
According to the notice, “based on j-hope’s idea, ‘All New Hope’ was created focusing on an ambiguous interpretation of meeting a new hope and shedding light on the unseen aspects of j-hope.Through the contrast between light and dark, it embodies a fragile, risky existence breaking away from himself and being reborn as an irreplaceably strong existence after meeting a new hope.”
It seems the photoshoot happened at the same place where they filmed “Permission to Dance” (src btsmap1 Insta story) in Eurwang-dong
Me, Myself, and SUGA ‘Wholly or Whole me’
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Release date: 9th March 2023
Hint image 1
Hint Skit
SUGA’s Instagram posts: #1, #2
Concept Film Short ver.
Preview image 1
Preview image 2
Preview image 3
Pre-production Making Film
Naver post
Concept Film Full ver.
Photoshoot Sketch
According to the notice, “SUGA of BTS living a glamorous life on stage. The time arranged for SUGA, who believes the best moment he could go back to being no one other than his whole self as Min Yoongi is when he’s out camping on his own.A camping trip to enjoy freedom in nature away from everyday life. A journey in search of his whole self in vast nature. A comfortable time at his haven filled with things he likes. Plus, SUGA’s on/off the record pictures he took by himself with a film camera! Find and see SUGA in the way he wanted to express himself.”
Some of the pictures were taken at Lone Pine in California (src btsmap1, see the “Yoongi, California” on this map for detailed locations), notably here (cover) and here (Hint skit at 0:08).
SUGA drives a white Land Rover Defender 90 V8 from the early 1990s with a “SUGA 13-0613″ plate, a nod to the group’s debut date. His co-star is a dog named Shelby.
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jarl-of-nordland · 1 year
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The Belvedere Torso
The Belvedere Torso is a fragment of a marble statue about 5.2 feet tall dating to about 1st century BCE. Originally thought to be an original, it’s been proposed the statue itself is a copy of another dating back another century earlier.
The statue depicts a male nude figure, contorted and seated on a lion skin. Because of the skin it’s been widely assumed the statue depicts Hercules, although the Vatican Museums maintains it is Ajax the Great in the act of contemplating suicide after loosing Achilles’ armor to Odysseus. At the base it is signed: “Apollonios, son of Nestor, Athenian”. Apollonios is not mentioned anywhere else.
The statue is well known for its influence on Renaissance and Baroque artists, especially Michelangelo.
Apollonios, son of Nestor, Athenian. 1st century BCE. Museo Pio-Clementino.
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arthist0rian · 2 years
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Le Radeau de la Méduse, 1819, Oil on canvas, 491x716 cm, Paris, musèe du Louvre
Theodore Gèricault was a french painter, from the Romanticism movement.
From a wealthy family, in 1798 he moved to Paris where he attended the atelier of Vernet and then Guèrin, but his training and stile was heavily influenced by Gros and the study at the Louvre of Flemish, XVIII century Dutch and Venetian painting. In 1816 he traveled to Italy, where the study of the works of Raphael, Michelangelo and caravaggio greatly influenced his mature style.
Back in Paris after the italian grand tour he met Delacoix. One of his last travel was in Englan, in 1821, where he learned about the free, non academic painting of Constable and Lawrence. With this knowledge he contributed to the overcoming of the academic tradition in France.
In addiction to his production of studies, painting and lithographs, he modeled some interesting figures in wax.
The painting: Le Radeau de la Mèduse
Painted in 1818, was presented at the salon in 1819, a controversy painting, for the fusion made with romantic dramatic intensity between classical composition and dynamic rapresentation of reality.
The subject of the painting was a rather dramatic event in the history of the french navy. In 1816 the Meduse, a frigate, set sail from the cost of France to reach Senegal. Arriving in sight of Cap Blanc, the inexperience of the captain prevented the recognition of a infamous, but rather known sandy bank off the coast of Mauritania. So the ship tilted to one side, the captain and all the equip tried to save the ship, but every attempt failed. The only thing remained to do was to abandon the ship and reach the cost of mauritania. With only 6 lifeboats they had to set up a makeshift raft. On it boarden 149 man and 1 woman. It's a dark story what happen next, fights boke out, there were suicides, murders, desperation and cannibalism. After 13 days adrift finally what remained of the draft was spotted, of the 150 people, only 15 were found alive, wich five of them died during the night of the rescue.
In 1817 two survivors wrote a book telling what happened during those 13 days in the ocean.
And here it's were we start talking about the painting.
Gericault decided to paint all the shades of physical pain, moral anguish in the mass of people on the raft, from the father in foregroud, intoxicated by the pain of losing his son, to the men who are trying to make themself more visible to the ship in the backgorund. The gugantic dimensions and the epic style were finally used to rapresent the sufference of normal people. The scene is a romantic metaphore of human life, in perpetual struggle with adversity and destiny divided between despair and hope, life and death.
The scene is constructed onto diagonal lines with two arriving ponts, one is the raft shaft, the other the shirt blowing in the wind. Theres a muvement, a vertical tension to the horizont. The wind blow in the opposite direction, moving the raft away from salvation. The red accents of the light onto varius object make the drammatic scene more dramatic.
The painting is romantic in his intent and subject, but his form is classic, the drawings define the bodies, the chiaroscuro define the dinamic. The bodies are like heroes and atlethes, organaized in a piramid structure, at the point of the pyramid theres a body that remainds of the belvedere torso, an antient statue very known during the neoclassicism period.
When i was 13 i read about this event, without realizing it, one of my favorite book is Ocean sea by Alessandro baricco, an italian wrtiter, who described what happened on the raft in the middle of the book. Five years forward i was studing art and i came across this bauty, and i hiperfixated on it (as one does) and now the book, wich already was one of my favorite just made more sense.
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la-terre-vaine-2 · 1 year
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Villa Medici -- calco del Torso del Belvedere (originale ai Musei Vaticani)
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Cristina Landi, Il torso del Belvedere dal Cours de dessin di Charles Bargue, 2010, Grafite su carta, Serie "Classicità", Firenze. Cristina Landi, the Belvedere Torso by Charles Bargue Cours de dessin, 2010, Graphite on paper, Series "Classicism", Florence.
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ateneanike · 2 years
Torso de Belvedere, Museos Vaticanos. Estatua del escultor Apolonio de Atenas.
No se sabe con seguridad a quién representa pero la torsión de su cuerpo y la maravillosa representación de su anatomía, la encumbró como modelo a seguir para escultores posteriores como Miguel Ángel.
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barbarellasmokes · 2 years
I’ve talked about what I do but I’ve never shared pictures with you guys. So here is my favorite project to date - a replica of the Torso de Belvedere by Apollonius of Athens
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