#Bumblebee Bat
loveisinthebat · 3 months
The smallest
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happyheidi · 2 years
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Meet the Bumblebee bat (aka Kitti’s Hognosed Bat): the smallest bat in the world 🦇
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Kitti's Hog-nosed bat, via
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jan 7 - bumblebee bat
the world’s smallest mammal (in body length)! its so TINY!!! the name comes from it being… the size of a bumblebee! but with big ol noses and ears. they live in caves in western thailand, living in groups of a hundred or more. thankfully it is not endangered currently.
they are crepuscular and spend lots of time hovering and foraging, and are not social. it does not have a major role in the environment, because there is not a large amount of them, but they help control insect populations.
there is not enough known about them i think, because of tourism and their roosts being disturbed. let them chill guys… but another cool thing about them is that they call very fast, over 200 times a second! they have higher frequencies than bats across the border.
you can hold them… in your hand… so little…
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rating: 10/10. if i’m not supposed to interact with wild animals then why are they so CUTE
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bucksangel · 1 year
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everyone say ‘i love you’ to the bumblebee bat
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cypherdecypher · 2 years
Animal of the Day!
Kitti’s Hog-nosed Bat (Craseonycteris thonglongyai)
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(Photo from The Ethogram)
Conservation Status- Near Threatened
Habitat- Western Thailand; Myanmar
Size (Weight/Length)- 2 g; 33 mm
Diet- Small, flying insects
Cool Facts- Also called the bumblebee bat, the Kitti’s hog-nosed bat is the smallest species of bat and the smallest mammal. They live in small colonies in even smaller caves where they sleep during the day and hunt at dawn and dusk. Surprisingly, these bats are only active for about an hour a day and only fly within a kilometer of their home cave. Even a slight breeze or rain can end a hunt early. Despite living in colonies of 100 bats, they like their space and tend to not roost near each other when sleeping. 
Rating- 11/10 (Gently holds.)
Animtober- Bat (The smallest of all the bats.)
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littlepawz · 1 year
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It’s a hummingbird! it’s a bumblebee! Nope, it’s actually a  Kitti’s hog-nosed bat. Just take a good look at it: it’s a bat. A teensy, weensy, teeny tiny bat.
The world’s smallest bat (and debatably the world’s smallest mammal) is Informally known as the bumblebee bat because it is about the size of a large bumblebee (it weighs in at just two grams — about the weight of two Skittles). 
This incredibly tiny creature (even smaller than the average thumb) can be found in only two countries - Thailand and Myanmar. Unfortunately, unless great care is taken, this cute little creature may soon become endangered. 
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reanimated-alice · 1 year
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This is known as a bumblebee bat. It’s found in Thailand and Myanmar. It is only 1.2 cm/0.5 in long. HOW AM I JUST FINDING OUT ABOUT THIS CREATURE!!!
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fakemovieposters · 3 months
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Fake Films Presents- Bats!
Strange creatures have appeared in the town of Ellion! None have ever seen anything similar! These tiny creatures swarm like bees, yet appear to be bats. What are these bizarre animals? Are they insects, mammals, or perhaps something not of this world? Find out in…Bats!
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gessshoku · 1 year
Inktober Day 24: Bat Gess!!
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Tee hee, this is my costume for school today!! I figured it was simple enough to doodle!
It was a bit rushed but I think it’s pretty cute! A lot of ppl are calling me cute and aaahhhhh… AARRGHHHH ATTENTION- I’ve been patted and hugged so much, I don’t mind I’m just not used to it
Then my friend is like “Did your mom buy you this costume when you were little? Cause you’re small so it fits” … she bought the costume last week…
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spookymultimedia · 2 years
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loveisinthebat · 6 months
Gayboy Micro-est
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batsylabs · 2 years
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There’s been a lot of misconception and mislabelled images around the internet in regards to kitti’s hog-nosed bat (Craseonycteris thonglongyai, also known as the bumblebee bat; the smallest mammal in the world) and I figured I’d help educate and hopefully fix the algorithm a little by providing some actual images of them for you all to enjoy. They are just the cutest 💕
Below the break is some nerdier stuff about identification if that’s what you’re into!
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This little fellow is an infant vesper bat (Vespertillionidae). Vesper bats are the most widespread family in Chiroptera and likely the ones you see outside your window every night! The sparse fur on this little fella is a pretty good indicator of a baby bat (do note, however, that Chiroptera is a very diverse order and there are quite a few exceptions to this), and pairing that with its protruding nostrils as opposed to the flat nose of a Kitti’s gives it away. Here are some more images of baby vesper bats.
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Very adorable and very tiny regardless!
Kitti’s hog-nosed bat is the sole species in the family Craseonycteridae. They’re found only in southeast Asia. Because of this, they’re pretty unique bats. Their most distinctive trait is definitely their hog noses (flat with forward-facing nostrils, no leaf!), giving their heads an almost rectangular appearance. Additionally, they do not have tails; just the membrane. Lastly, unlike the majority of vesper bats, their ears are pointy! This is something harder to see in some images ‘cause bats love to wriggle and bend their ears but it’s something to consider.
Hope you found this post helpful! I absolutely love the attention this little dude gets. Many species of bats are endangered so we all appreciate the support. Stay batty /|\^. .^/|\
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n1ghtm4r3-eyes · 1 year
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chickenshittle · 2 months
I've said it once (not on this blog) but I'll say it again:
I need the "terrifying", bloodsucking creature turning into a pathetic little guy.
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carameane · 3 months
This is me btw :3 if u even care.. ^_^
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