#Charles Stanley
prreskaa · 10 months
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tetha1950 · 3 months
No más vacío...
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¿Está usted inquieto y anhela algo que no puede identificar? Pase tiempo con Dios.
Salmo 16.11
En una obra póstuma titulada Pensées, (la palabra francesa que significa “pensamientos”) el filósofo religioso y matemático Blaise Pascal hablaba del hambre que siente la humanidad y que no puede saciarse con el esfuerzo humano. Vale la pena leer el pasaje, así que hagámoslo juntos.
Pascal escribió: “¿Qué otra cosa proclama este anhelo y esta impotencia, sino que hubo una vez en el hombre una verdadera felicidad, de la que ahora solo quedan la huella y el rastro vacíos? Intenta en vano llenarlo con todo lo que le rodea... aunque nadie puede ayudarlo, ya que tal abismo solo se puede llenar con lo infinito e inmutable; en otras palabras, con Dios mismo”.
Hay una razón por la que la vida se siente vacía: Dios nos creó con un anhelo que solo Él puede satisfacer. No podemos sentirnos realizados sin experimentar el amor transformador e incondicional del Padre celestial. Cristo dijo: “Yo he venido para que tengan vida, y para que la tengan en abundancia” (Jn 10.10). En otras palabras, Dios quiere que nos sintamos llenos, pero eso solo puede suceder a través de una relación con Él.
Podemos conocer el gozo y el contentamiento cuando buscamos a Dios por encima de todo. Ore para que Él le guíe, y pídale que llene su vida como solo Él puede hacerlo (Sal 63.1-5).
(Ps. Charles Stanley).
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andallshallbewell · 1 year
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walkswithmyfather · 5 months
From the Pastor’s Heart
“What a wonderful time of year! For those of us who are alive in Christ, the very air sparkles with excitement as we look forward to celebrating the birth of our Savior and King. We hope you’ll enjoy reading these seasonal words from Dr. Stanley below.
Let’s reflect with him on the true identity of our wonderful Lord.
The most important question every person must answer is: “Who is Jesus?”
When He was with His disciples, He asked this same question: “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” (Matt. 16:13). They gave Him several opinions they’d heard—all of which were wrong. So He then asked, “But who do you yourselves say that I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (vv. 15-17). Jesus said the future apostle was blessed because God alone, not human reasoning, had revealed the correct answer to him.
I want to give you a glimpse of the real Jesus, not based on man’s opinions, but on God’s Word.”
[You can read the rest at the link above.]
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Dr. Charles Stanley Singing "It is Well With My Soul" along with a brief teaching on "prayer"
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valentineish · 1 year
In light of televangelist Charles Stanley's death, I felt we should all take a moment to reflect on his life and influence.
The following retrospective includes some great newspaper scans documenting Stanley's cultural impact. This includes his participation in segregation into the 1970's, his role in the politcization of U.S. Evangelicals, and support of Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign.
Ah, but who could forget Mr. Stanley's most infamous stance?
The Rev. Charles Stanley, president of the 14.3 million-member Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, was reported by the San Francisco Examiner on Friday as saying that AIDS ″is God indicating his displeasure and his attitude toward that form of lifestyle, which we in this country are about to accept.″
I feel the executive director of SOJOURN best encapsulated Charles Stanley's influence and legacy back in 2015:
"Charles Stanley has, for many decades, made virulent comments about gay people that have been incredibly damaging," said Rebecca Stapel-Wax, executive director of the Southern Jewish Resource Network for Gender and Sexual Diversity (SOJOURN), an Atlanta-based nonprofit that promotes understanding, acceptance and inclusion of gender and sexual orientation. "He has a pulpit that is gigantic and therefore, has the power to influence so many. As we all know, when people are alienated from their family, friends, community and faith, especially faith, they can be self-destructive or just not reach their potential as a human being."
May we never forget figures like this lest their mantel be inherited by another.
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christianhomemaker · 1 year
Many people have a passing familiarity with the events of Easter and yet are hazy when it comes to the details. But it’s essential for us to have a solid grasp on what we believe. Then we will be able to share it with others on this Good Friday or whenever the opportunity arises (1 Peter 3:14-15; 2 Timothy 4:2-5).
Here are five words we can explain to anyone who is curious about our faith:
1. Redeemed. Jesus’ shed blood liberates all who believe in Him (1 Peter 1:18-19). This means we are freed from a life of slavery to sin.
2. Forgiven. The wrongs of our past, present, and future are totally washed away (Ephesians 1:7-8).
3. Justified. Everyone who trusts in Jesus is declared no longer guilty (Romans 5:8-9).
4. Reconciled. We are brought into relationship with God (Colossians 1:19-22).
5. Sanctified. The lifelong process of becoming more Christlike began as soon as we trusted in the Savior (Hebrews 13:12).
These five terms help tell the story of our faith. Meditate upon the verses listed here and ask God to write them on your heart.
Charles Stanley
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musingongoodness · 2 months
Devotional: Jesus Is Interruptible
Choose to see interruptions as opportunities to love like Jesus.
John 9:1-7
In our passage today, the Lord was on His way somewhere but stopped to heal a blind man. He could easily have passed by—Jesus was a busy man, after all. But He allowed Himself to be interrupted, and one person’s life was forever changed.
“I am the Light of the world,” Jesus said before applying mud to the man’s sightless eyes (v. 5). The thought of putting mud in a blind man’s eyes to clear his vision might seem strange to us today. However, Jewish onlookers may have recognized this as a medical practice of the day. It’s even possible they interpreted it as a new act of creation, since mud could have reminded them of God forming Adam from the dust of the earth. If such scriptural imagery was, in fact, Jesus’ intention, it would convey that He truly was the Word who was with God in the beginning—one with God Himself.
Whatever the reason for this unusual-sounding treatment, we know that dirt and saliva became holy instruments in Jesus’ healing hands. So let’s consider what God might be doing in our midst and pray for His direction as we seek to love others through our time and attention. It’s exciting to realize that if we’re willing to alter our plans, we may become vessels of His healing work.
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focr · 2 months
Rely on God’s power instead of our own abilities
When we rely on God’s power instead of our own abilities, He produces supernatural boldness in us. Even in the midst of difficulty, we can live with confidence because the indwelling Spirit of the living God enables us to follow Him. He directs and strengthens us in every situation as we humble ourselves in dependence upon Him.
Are you facing situations that make you feel inadequate? Instead of shrinking back, consider them as opportunities to put your confidence in the Lord. You can trust the One who is your Creator, Redeemer, and Friend.
~ Charles Stanley
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tiand · 6 months
"Quote Of The Day" November 3, 2023
“Wisdom is the capacity to see things from God’s viewpoint.” — Charles Stanley
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tetha1950 · 7 months
Lo que no se hizo...
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Cuando Dios le pida que haga lo imposible, confíe en Él y recuerde que está con usted en cada paso del camino.
Génesis 22.1-18
El pasaje de hoy cuenta la asombrosa historia de un padre al que se le pide que sacrifique a su amado y esperado hijo. Pero un detalle importante (y quizás pasado por alto) de esta historia es lo que no se hizo.
Note que, desde el principio mismo, Abraham no regateó con Dios para que se compadeciera de Isaac, aunque habría sido una acción perfectamente aceptable según nuestra perspectiva humana. La Biblia solo nos dice que “se levantó muy de mañana”, y Abraham se puso a trabajar para realizar cada paso de la terrible tarea (Gn 22.3).
Fue Abraham quien preparó el altar, quien ató a su hijo y quien empuñó el cuchillo. En ninguna parte de este proceso —que debió ser angustioso— se dice que se demoró, esperando que el Señor cambiara de opinión. ¿Por qué razón? Porque confiaba en Dios, tanto que estuvo dispuesto a llevar a cabo lo impensable.
No fue hasta que comenzó la acción del sacrificio, cuando el ángel lo llamó y le fue proporcionado un carnero, que Abraham conoció el alivio (Gn 22.12). Tanto por lo que hizo como por lo que se abstuvo de hacer, Abraham nos enseña algo tanto sobre la obediencia como sobre la amorosa naturaleza de nuestro Dios.
(Ps. Charles Stanley).
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madewithonerib · 11 months
3.] Now how do we do that?
The basis of that is what I want us to discuss primarily —so back to Colossians.
Colossians 3:1-3 Therefore, since you have been raised with CHRIST—strive for the things above, where CHRIST is seated at the right hand of GOD. ² Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. ³ For you died, & your life is now hidden with CHRIST in GOD.
Colossians 3, & notice what he says he says:
  We are to set our mind on the things of GOD   things of CHRIST are those things which are   Heavenly & not things that are Earth
—that does not mean that you're not to think about your job/relationship/family/responsibilities does not mean that.
But it means earthly things.
Those things that fall into 2-3 categories:
   sensuality, materialism, secularism & all the    rest ungodliness antichrist philosophies and    attitudes & anti-god actions in a person's life
So question is how do we control our life in these situations? Well let's talk about the possibility of it & I want to explain something that Paul said:
Listen carefully, in the Romans 6-8 he explains this [I do not have time to read them all, but to explain what I want to say about these particular passages]
But what I want to give you first of all is:
[1] The basis of the possibility of us being able       to control our thoughts & if you'll notice       what he says in this CH..
      HE says if you've been raised up with CHRIST       keep seeking things above. Now what does       that mean?
      Here's what it means when you trusted JESUS       CHRIST as your personal SAVIOUR, what you       did is you placed your trust in JESUS's death       at Calvary WHO bore your sin/iniquity & your       wickedness/vileness on the Cross and GOD       punished HIM for your sinfulness & made it       possible for you to be forgiven
      Because HE is your substitute
      Now when you & I become a child of GOD, we       become identified with JESUS that is we're now       one of HIS followers.
We can never be who we were, we don't want to be who we were. Now we have a new position & a new possession.
Now since JESUS CHRIST has come into our life, HE is the ONE WHO says I am abiding in you, and you are abiding in ME.
HE said to HIS Disciples in a very critical time:
  I'm going to send the HOLY SPIRIT & HE'll   be in you & with you & upon you forever that   is the HOLY SPIRIT comes into our life to do   & to enable us to live out the Christian Life
  So that is HIS primary responsibility.
  We can't do it in our own strength so HE   sends HIM for the rest of eternity HE is   living on the inside of us.
Now as a result of that we are identified with HIM.
How to Control Your Thought Life | Charles Stanley [Colossians 3:1-3]
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Who Was Charles Stanley? Was He A Christian?
Charles Stanley was a Southern Baptist Pastor. No Christian should ever have a problem defending their Faith. So do not attack me for Asking, was Charles Stanley a Christian. I will firmly say that Charles Stanley was not a Christian. He was a False Teacher. As a Southern Baptist he held to every False Teaching taught by the Southern Baptists. More on this Later. Below is a brief Bio of Charles…
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Descendants of Alfred the Great
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musingongoodness · 2 months
Sermon Notes: How does God build a life message Charles Stanley
Reading and Studying the Scriptures
Researching the lives of God's great Saints (Abraham, Joseph Daniel and David; about life, How God operates in human life)
Realization of God's goal in your life (Be like Christ)
Reviewing God's pattern of operation in your life
Reaching out to serve others (be available and serve)
Radical abandonment to the will of God
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