letters-to-rosie · 16 days
on today's episode of trying to be materialist about Arcane
I feel like... where are people's jobs. like what is the basic structure of labor because it's sorta just gestured at
it's weird because it's not like there's feudalism or some other society-structuring axis of power. it's mostly haves and have nots, but like, the whole world of work is kinda hiding. like even a montage of a factory would be cool in my book, to satisfy my curiosity... economic things get talked about.... but hmmmmmmmmm
anyway I say all this to say that I wanna know what the chembarons do and if they own factories and how thorough Silco's takeover was because like yeah it's unclear. because fighting against them takes on a different character if they're like running the whole thing versus slightly chipping at topside's ownership pie
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vithcy · 1 year
why is Vi so fucking hot are you kidding meeeeeeee
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i dont know any of the new tank mythics
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zaunseye · 4 months
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Satisfaction was all too often earned through pain and frustration. He knew this well after Vander, and even more so after the trouble with the Firelights. He had expected confrontations and scuffles along the way to securing his empire of shimmer within Zaun, but he hadn't expected such a large fly to nestle itself into his ointment. Time after time again, he had faced reports of failed deliveries and disrupted smuggling plans. It was enough to give anyone a headache, even him. Eventually, he was certain, the satisfaction of capturing their troublesome leader would be his.
And he wasn't mistaken. All it would take was some time and escalation.
What he had not expected was their level of resourcefulness. Not only had they discovered one of his shimmer plants, they had found out which days he went to inspect it. He had been flanked by two of his best men as he walked through the manufacturing lines, paying little attention to the underage workers moving and processing his drugs. They were all parts of the grand machine fueling Zaun's soon-to-come independence. Their parents should have been proud, if any of them had parents at all. Then, amongst the crowds of juvenile faces, he spotted a mask.
Before his men could react, they were set upon by at least a dozen of the Firelights, mounted atop their hoverboards and armed with blunt objects like pipes, nail-spiked planks, and dulled blades. While his men set to protecting him, they were easily taken down by crystal bombs, pinning them to the metal grate flooring of the catwalks. Silco, now left to defend himself, reached for his knife and shouted an order to activate the chemtank guards.
It was chaos. Firelights swarmed about him, all of them ready to take their swings. A few hits landed, with one particularly painful strike to his shoulder with a nail-ridden wooden board. He was able to pay that back in kind by slashing the neck of its wielder. As soon as the chemtank guards were activated by a child worker, the fight was his. He watched as they leapt from wall to wall, picking the Firelights down one by one with brutal efficiency.
Out of all of them, only one was left, battered, bruised, and bloodied from the battle. It was time to gather information, then. He gave the signal of a whistle and snap of his fingers, and the programmed obedience of the chemtank guards kicked in. They stopped their attack, hauntingly shifting to a more idle state as he approached the downed firelight. "Well, well. Aren't you a strong one." He knelt down on one knee to peer down at him. His eyes grew wide when he recognized the mask from descriptions. "Ahhh, so you must be the leader of this little group. I have so many questions to ask you." A smile grew on his slim lips.
Satisfaction through pain and frustration.
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sanctum-of-ramshackle · 11 months
If this happened during Chapter 6
[Synopsis]: Imagine this scene from Arcane is used during Chapter 6 where MC/Yuu, Epel and Rook were rescuing the Overblotted victims while fighting against the Charons.
[(A/N)]: SPOILERS! If you haven’t watched Arcane or played through TWST Chapter 6, please check them out before reviewing this clip.
[BGM]: Miyavi & PVRIS - Snakes
Vi = MC/Yuu, welding gauntlets
Jayce = Epel/Rook, with a giant hammer that can blast energy beams
Chemtanks = S.T.Y.X. Charons
I swear to god, we need more badass MC/Yuu/[Reader] because I like a self-insert concept/fanfic where we can actually fight back and stand up for ourselves.
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space-blue · 9 months
Another very interesting What If scenario that's been haunting me: what if Jinx didn't misunderstand Silco's speech at Vander's statue? Either she reached him before he got there and he was able to explain to her the situation with Jayce, OR she did listen to his speech but it was much clearer (instead of speaking in his usual Silco way, he just straight up says "I'm never giving up my darling Jinx lol" leaving no room for misinterpretation).
Keep in mind, at this point Jinx has already kidnapped Caitlyn and Vi is currently going on a rampage through Zaun fighting Chemtanks. Vi has not reached Sevika yet, as in the show Vi only reaches Sevika after Jinx has already kidnapped and tied up Silco. So at this point, with Silco revealing his loyalty to Jinx and swearing to her that he will not give her up to Jayce, how will Jinx proceed? How will Silco proceed?
Will Jinx present Fishbones to Silco? Will he regroup with Sevika and maybe try to parlay with Jayce again? And if Jayce refuses to compromise on Jinx, then Silco chooses war right? He'd probably lie to Sevika about Jinx being the issue, he'd probably claim that Jayce refused his terms on sovereignty and access to the Hexgates...
Will Jinx still interrupt Vi's rampage and kidnap her to bring her to the warehouse? At this point, Silco's loyalty to her has been confirmed, so she wouldn't need to bring him. It would only be Vi and Cait at the dinner party as only Vi's loyalty to Jinx is still under question (the last time Jinx saw her, Vi left the bridge with Caitlyn).
Theorize away Bluedaddysgirl!
So, I'm a little limited here by the fact you want me to theorized based on canon, but canon wants and needs Jinx's tragedy to realise itself. Everything goes towards it, the ugly inescapability of it.
If I were to give you what I want, it wouldn't be 'what happens if—' but instead me spitballing fic setup ideas.
And TBH there's a clear issue that's easily addressed is Silco and Jinx talk things out :
Silco could send Jinx to capture her sister to 'talk reason into her', while he goes and does the obvious thing : find a blue haired girl who looks vaguely like Jinx, promise to pay her more money she ever dreamt of, and to care for her family while she does a little spin in Stillwater. Yeah, it'll suck, but Silco can promise to smuggle her out in a few months or a year.
Also Jinx's heart to heart with Vi and Cait may look a lot different if she's not struggling as much with shimmer. She may not set up the table for a "choice" if she's already chosen to be Jinx and Silco's daughter. And this especially if Silco gets to dote on her/be emotional in that moment that he was dead worried after the operation, that he's unsure what Singed did to her and wants to know how she's feeling. Basically all the stress of thinking her dead coming down in an intimate setting and dispelling any doubt Jinx may have that this guy loves her.
I think Jinx would still want to go through with challenging Vi with Cait. She wants her sister back. But the idea may be less hinged around 'we go together' and more 'Vi gets to stay with us'.
I wonder if Silco would let her do it? Or would let her harm Cait. She's too valuable, and at a crucial time like this, her death would bring everything down. I think he could talk sense into Jinx. At least if she gets to 'keep Vi', things would be different. Because where would Vi go? To Piltover?
Besides, Cait wouldn't be able to free herself from her bonds because Jinx wouldn't be distracted by Silco's end of the table. She'd be solely focused on them. Again, assuming the voices aren't that bad, because a lot of her stress was vented out during the emotional conversation with Silco. She'd feel secure in him (who would sacrifice everything for her), and having Vi at her mercy, she'd feel in control.
I know this sounds dark, but I definitely believe that Jinx would feel more in control because Vi is bound and can be "kept". She won't leave with the enforcer lady, because Jinx controls who goes where.
Would be interesting if Silco is so caught up in the dilemma presented by Jayce's terms that Jinx is the one who comes up with the idea of giving them a fake girl. Bonus points if the blue haired girl has to have Jinx's braids weaved in as extentions, and Jinx dyes her hair pink and looks EERILY like Vi.
Extra spook points if she does all that after capturing Vi and Cait, but before confronting them.
It would make sense that Silco immediately goes to Jayce to surrender fake Jinx, so Cait isn't around to ID her. The girl could be all theatrics and 'How can you do this to me?!' and Jayce this big gullible goof ball would not look past any of it. He and Silco would sign off on a program to dismantle shimmer factories, which of course doesn't mention or encompass Singed's lab.
Of course the biggest deal is returning the gemstone, which I don't think Silco could do. He could, however, if he has time, or extra cunning, present Jayce with a blown-up wreck of a fishbone prototype, and shards of broken gemstone.... Assuming any could be combed out of the wreckage of the cannery, it'd be perfect to hand them out as like "the weapon was destroyed in the struggle".
Or he could always lie, and when Jayce asks a flustered "and you expect me to believe that??", Silco could retort that the weapon would be no use to him if Jayce and the Council don't believe they have it. After all the Council has been making this entire ruckus on the assumption alone that they had the gem and may weaponise it. Hidden, secret weapons are of no use to Silco as leverage. His goal isn't to destroy Piltover, but to be free of them — which this deal guarantees — and to grow economically and make good deals — which threatening with secret nukes would make difficult.
Jayce would reluctantly believe him, with maybe some caveat like "If anyone in Zaun so much as sneezes...." And Silco could be like yes, yes, whatever.
The beauty of hextech is that the gems power anything. Some seem to be embedded inside the weapon, like in his hammer, but in fishbones, it's put in and out. Silco could have Jinx devise something incredibly powerful and useful to Zaun and power it with the gem, and have fishbones be a last recourse solution.
If Viktor heard of Silco trying to create pure air or clean water in Zaun via a hextech purifying system, you bet he'd be all over this to help. This is what he wanted initially right? To help people?
Anyway, the issue with Jinx is that we don't know if the monsterification is temporary (while she has shimmer in her system, the same way it was only for a while in the first arc) or forever.
Assuming she can "come down", then having a longer conversation with Vi after she's calmed down may be a little more productive. But more importantly, if the deal is struck, Vi would only need to witness this to know that Silco fought for the type of rights she's always wanted, and actually achieved it in the mess of things.
Oops, awkward... When the guy you hate is kinda right... and kinda wins your people's freedom... And kinda lets you walk around, so long as you promise to not harm is beloved kid or try to take her away... Which you couldn't do anyway cuz you're a penniless ex-con 2 days out.
Sevika, having not been beaten to a pulp, would probably be a lot more amenable, in this situation. Picture her tasked to escort Cait back upside safe and sound. But now imagine her in a great mood knowing their hard work paid off and Jinx being insane the past 2-3 days was fucking worth it, because now this... finally, Zaun. Finally, freedom from Pilties.
Imagine her, a true believer in Silco's cause, a loyal soldier for a decade or more, talking to Cait as they walk? Explaining what life was like for her here. How long they've worked for this peace. Imagine Cait asking about shimmer and getting good, actual answers. Cait understanding it was a tool used to unify the powers that be in Zaun and keep infighting down to try and achieve freedom, so that the violence and pollution that destroys and keeps Zaun down can finally be corrected? Imagine Sevika making a whole lot of sense, and Cait not appreciating the means, but appreciating the goal?
How things would get recontextualised... Imagine Sevika asking her to please stay out of it (don't makes a fuss about the jailed "Jinx" for example), but that she's welcome to come hang out if she thinks she can be useful. Sevika respects strength, and Cait is a cool head version of Jinx when it comes to shooting. And of course, having a Councilor's daughter in your good graces would be a massive plus.
Cait might ask if she can see Vi again, and Sevika would say whatever, but let the sisters get used to each other, and that she can't promise Jinx won't kill her if she shows up again, but Vi is a free woman and she can do whatever she wants.
Not antagonising Silco and Jinx would then become a necessary part of getting to see Vi.
Silco becoming a Councilor would be a very important change that would allow Vi to see Cait in that setting, assuming she's able to mend her relationship with him—and he certainly couldn't ever bring Jinx along.
Silco then finally meeting Mel would be the development that solidifies Zaun's position. I think politically they'd hit it off, and Mel would be a very important ally for Silco to have on the council (besides Jayce, who can't be shown to have been wrong on his deal), because the more money-greedy Councilors are bound to regret their decision the minute their factories start costing them more money or get nationalised from under them lmao.
It would be good timing for an external enemy to remind them of who they are, and that they stand more of a chance together, but I think Silco would have to be very careful that a war/preparation for war doesn't undermine the independence with efforts being 'delayed' and Zaunite factories being co-opted and such.
Was that enough what if ramblings?
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embershroud108 · 1 year
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jynxd · 4 months
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This was one of the most important mission the firelights had yet. Because unlike those planned attacks on the shipments, this took more time and effort. Unlike the shipment targeting there would be the risk of ChemTank guards. All they planned on doing was hitting the big shimmer supply, which was the big tank located on the bottom of the level of the factory.
To do that they would use much of their crystal bombs as they could and keep anyone from reaching the alarms. They had mapped the area out already, taken note where the buttons for the alarms were. Once they had that, they were finally ready to go. Yet he neither of them were stupid, they knew the risk that was going to come with going, as such Ekko had asked Scar to stay home. In case things went south, he didn't want him in harms way, didn't want Trinket to lose two fathers.
Infiltrating with a handful of Firelight's were easy. They'd all dressed to blend in, hoods covering their masks that concealed their faces. So far there were no guards in sight, much to their relief. Once Ekko took note of the large shimmer filled tank on the lower floor, and surveyed the area it was go time. He gave a simple nod to the Firelight's, issuing a silent command to go in for the attack.
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However there was a kid that had been a little too fast to the button. Already the guards were out charging at them. Luckily they were armed with weapons just in case things went awry, new explosives that were to be used specifically on them. They instantly clung to some of the ChemTanks shattering their helmets.
Down below the shimmer tank was barely taking any damage. "Come on, hurry up and destroy it before more guards come!" Ekko ordered out as he barely dodged the slash from one of the guards. However it did manage to grab onto his leg and knock him down onto the cat walk. It was then that he swore he could see cobalt locks as the ChemTank was going in for a strike, which he rolled the way out of.
"Change of plans, get out of here everyone, now!!" He was hoping he'd seen things but he couldn't risk it. @shimmerbeasts
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independentzaun · 1 year
Teach Piltover fear
(Open starter cause why not.) Sevika was in her booth in a corner of the Last Drop having a few drinks. She wasn’t completely gone, and very rarely ever got to that point anymore however she was nicely intoxicated. In that particular state there were certain subjects best not brought up, and one of them was Piltover. It was even worse to bring up Piltover’s enforcers, and the bridge, and Piltover’s strength in anyway that might invite discussion as to how to get past those things. Who exactly had said what was hard to tell, and had likely came from another table entirely however Sevika had caught the murmur and for some reason her brain just wouldn't let go of it.
Tilting her head back she downed the last of her drink and waved at the bartender for a refill before speaking. “Fucking Piltover. Think they are so fucking safe, and strong up there. Bridge will keep them safe, and if anything happens ohhhh of course they would know about it in time to close the bridge and set up a barricade. Pompous fucking stuck up bastards wouldn't know a real fight if it came to them, and it should come to them. It wouldn’t be hard. It really wouldn't be, and it’d serve them right after how they utterly destroyed our home and land with their greed and then still wont let us be free the fucking…”
A waitress came up placing a drink down and Sevika leaned back offering a smile. “Thanks, hey nice hair you do something different with it? You got that haircut you were talking about? Thought so, good for you. Looks good.” Drink sipped, and as the woman left with a little smile feeling good about her haircut Sevika’s eyes went stone cold as she leaned towards the person she was talking to.
“Have you ever seen what someone fully hopped up on Shimmer can do? Turns them into a monster. I’ve seen people transform to be bigger than me, and stronger if I didn’t have my arm pushing shimmer into me. Most people can’t do a damn thing against someone fully hopped up. They are just too fast, and too strong. They can follow simple orders though. You get forty people up in Piltover just trickle them in over the day each with a vial of shimmer right? After that, the last airship transfer of the day between Zaun and Piltover? You stack twenty people in the cargo bay, and pay off the inspectors so they don’t go looking. Night comes over everything, and boom!" Sevika slammed her hand down against the table. “You’ve got forty shimmer fueled monsters in all separate areas of Piltover. Doesn’t matter where they go or what they hit. Chaos, death, fire, blood. The enforcers don’t know where to go, or what to do. You wait ten, fifteen minutes let people figure out they have to deal with that threat right? That’s when the twenty in the airship emerge. Shimmered up, angry, resentful, young enough to think they are still immortal and they start hunting enforcers. Not just pure chaos no, they start hunting the enforcers who most of the time can’t even land a shot on a Shimmer Fighter whose fully hopped up and it’s a slaughter. That’s not the end though.” Tapping her talons against the table she pointed them at her companion.
“Twenty chemtanks. Those beasts move so fast, and hard that with the blades they have attached to their arms as a weapon almost no one can fight them except for someone like me or Vi or maybe that bitch Caitlyn if she had the chance to aim properly. Twenty of them, and another twenty Shimmer Fighters. Right across that fucking bridge which won’t have anyone holding it. Them? They burn down the council chambers, and every other building important to Piltover the way they burned our land until it was so polluted and toxin ridden it was useless to them. Hundred fighters, one night of fire and blood and violence and Piltover would learn to fear us.” Waving a hand Sevika leaned back and scoffed. “That’s not even half the things we could do. They have a zoo up there with big animals. Spike the animals water with shimmer and let them go. If shimmer can make a rat kill and eat a cat imagine what some of the big animals up there would do. Their hexgate is so important, and they wont let us have an equal share despite the fact Piltover wouldn't even exist without our minerals and resources alright fine. Break it. Explosives at the foundations and bring it down. Those crystals are supposed to be stable now right? So fuck em. Give me one night and I could turn Piltover into a war zone. Give me a week?… Piltover wouldn't exist anymore at least not in anyway the world would recognize.”
There was a particular note in Sevika’s voice as though this wasn’t just a joke, and that hinted at the idea she’d been thinking about this for at least a couple of years now. Relaxing back into her seat she licked at her lips shaking her head and let out a dark little chuckle. “Let them see what hardship really is. What it’s like when the monsters show up, and the fire starts and there’s just screaming and blood and crying. Faceless and…” For a moment Sevika had sounded like she was speaking of something quite personal before she stopped and took a breath. Waving a hand dismissively she laughed, and shrugged. “Joking, of course. Joking. It’s not like we’d ever really do that. I mean… if we were going to we already would have… Whatever.” A sip of her drink and Sevika laid her head back for a second staring at the ceiling as her mechanical hand rested at the table with her talons slowly opening and closing over and over again before she pulled her attention back into the moment. “How about a card game?”
By Stone and Void she wanted to watch Piltover burn.
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sky-ham · 2 years
do you think they’ll bring in Corina the C storyline in season 2 of Arcane?? She’s so pretty in LoR and her taunt to Cait ‘the look on your face is as pretty as my flowers’ makes me want to see them spar! (it also fuels my Corina as Caits toxic ex in caitvi fics agenda)
I think one great thing about the show is that I've no idea what's going to happen next. The one thing I'm sure of is the appearance of Warwick, but other than that the Archives do point out some crumbs regarding the chembarons. For example, Caitlyn discovered that Renni (the one who whose son was hit by Jayce during the factory raid) had an experimental chemtank suit. She and Finn appeared more than the others, so she might still have a part to play.
As for Corina, in LoR she was undercover among the Wardens before Cait caught her. If she appears it might be an origin story of how she ended up there, but knowingthat she's a chembaron would probably make that some sort of cliffhanger, and I don't think we'll get a timeskip (or if we do, it'll be at the end and not be enough to cover that part of LoR). In any case we don't know how many seasons we'll have in Piltover & Zaun, so we'll have to see.
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squid--inc · 9 months
I'm rewatching the scene in arcane where jayce and vi are up against the fucking chemtanks, and like, that some heavy plot armour bullshit, okay?
these things, that are canonically faster than you can blink, dressed up in extreme armour, and enhanced (albeit in a toxic way) and they slaughter every well trained guard like they're nothing.
a) that first attack onslaught, they would have killed jayce no problem
b) in the fight itself, both are using heavy slow weapons, and Vi herself is unfamiliar with hers (as evident by her fight with sevika later), so while they could probably destroy the chemtanks upon getting to actually hit them, these things should be fast enough that thats not a problem, plus they were, at least by my observation, able to jump from platform to platform, so throwing literally 3:1 at a time would end the show there.
c) neither of them even have armour, so, like, one welll placed shot (anywheres from behind, legs, etc) would take them down, and either make them an easy kill, or they'd be dead outright. there was even a fairly large space between them if you're going by the logic the had their backs to eachother.
d) there's no way they tired out that easy, and of they're as ruthless as we're taught to think, there should have been no hesitation to take jayce out, no menacing approach. that's purely aesthetic, or padding for plot armour.
like, I absolutely love the show, but that's hella plot armour, and they'd both be dead. like, this for sure an opinion piece, so maybe I'm completely wrong, but I don't actually get how they survived other than pure luck. which I suppose, is a core component of the show.
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tykobrian · 2 years
Zaunites stop fighting each other challenge Arcane Season 2 onwards
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aforrestofstuff · 2 years
What’s y’all’s favorite fight scene in Arcane? Mine’s probably a tie between Jayce and Vi vs. the Chemtanks and Ekko vs. Jinx.
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fireflies-are-tasty · 2 years
So, turns out, the mecha suit that Silco's "minions" wear, is the turbo chemtank:
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bargalaxies · 2 years
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Vi vs. Chemtanks
Arcane [1.08] Oil and Water
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divinegrey · 2 years
𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚎 / 𝚟𝚒 𝚡 𝚏!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
this is the last of my prompts :)
arcane masterlist
prompt: vi x fem!reader for a reader with a visible scar. i have obvious facial scarring and i rarely find fics that have scarred!readers so i’ve been throwing it around as a suggestion! [requested by @hauntedclaudio]
words: 1023
warnings: blood, flirty vi
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In Zaun, scars aren’t designed to be shamed. No, unlike Piltover— the city that demands perfection at every turn, in every crevice— scars in Zaun are the exact opposite. They’re signs of power. A symbol of pride to be worn without a goddamn care.
You earned your scar. You took a goddamn sword to the face and lived to tell the story. No amount of makeup could ever disguise the mark the sword left behind, but why would you want to? That’s your scar. People in Zaun take one look at you and they know not to fuck with you.
It’s a badge of honor, but it’s also a story. One told repeatedly every time someone asks. Sometimes, you change it up— nobody really knows the truth of what happened to your face, but they don’t need to know. Some of them don’t want to know, because if you can survive that, then there’s no telling what you’re capable of.
In all honesty? The only person who does know the complete, one hundred percent accurate story of how you got your scar is your girlfriend, the infamous daughter of the former Hound of the Underground, Vi. It was something you told her over drinks one night in your bedroom, the cold glass of whiskey in your hand and a wild smile on your face as you described every moment.
Vi has scars of her own. None as massive and pronounced like your own, but she understands. She loves your scar and you love hers.
“Did you run into a wall today?” You ask, watching her come in from the door. She cracks her neck from side to side, the heavy THUNK of her Atlas Gauntlets landing on the ground beside the couch. You’ve upgraded since you started dating her— moved from a ratty, one-bedroom apartment in the slums of Zaun to somewhere on the surface. Not in Piltover— you’d rather be dead before ever setting foot in that damned part of town— but you’re somewhere nicer.
Someplace that Vi deserves to be.
“Got fucked by Sevika’s chemtanks,” Vi says, wiping away from blood on her face. You notice it starts bleeding even more, a heavy cut on her cheek. You sigh, placing your gun and oil rag on the dining room table to walk to the bathroom for the first aid kit.
“She’s still deploying them?”
“Yeah. Fuckin’ hell, it feels like she has hundreds,” Vi says as you return to the living room. You snap your fingers at her so she takes a seat in the chair you were in, and you sit opposite of her. Ever since Silco’s death, Sevika rose up and took over his operations; with less efficiency, you’ll say that, but nonetheless, she’s proving to be a bit of a problem in the past months.
“We’ll find where she keeps those things,” you say, dabbing some alcohol onto a clean rag to clean up her cheek. You click your tongue. “This is a deep cut. Gonna need some stitches for this one, babe.”
“Think it’ll scar?” Vi asks with a slight upturn of her lips as you fetch the sutures and needle. You raise your eyebrow at her.
“Not if you take care of it,” you say, inching closer to thread the needle through her skin after disinfecting the area. You hold her chin firmly to look her in her grey eyes. “Don’t purposefully not take care of it, Vi.”
“But I want a cool scar like you,” Vi grumbles. You snort.
“It’s only this fucked up because I couldn’t get proper stitches,” you remark. “Your little lip scar is plenty cute enough already.”
Vi huffs. “Yours is so cool, though!”
“It’s a scar, Vi.”
“Do you know how hot you look, though?” Vi insists, She winces when you put the needle into her skin and through the other side, tying another stitch together before moving on to the next one. You just glance at her with a slightly interested look, and she goes on. “Like, babe, you walk into the room, and everybody’s got their eyes on you. You’re so beautiful it’s insane.”
“Shut your mouth,” you say. Your cheeks feel a little hot.
Vi grins at you, but you pat her cheek to get her to relax so you can finish stitching up the wound. You lay a bandage flat across it and lay a gentle kiss on it.
“There you go. All better,” you say, shutting the metal tin of medical supplies shut— Caitlyn is a godsend. Knew to send a fully stocked one home with Vi one afternoon and you can’t count the number of times it has come in handy, for both you and Vi. You sigh, taking VI’s hands into your lap. “Thank you for the compliments, babe, but just let this one heal. I promise the next one I’ll consider letting you let it scar, okay?”
Vi puts her hand on your chin, pulling you in for a kiss. She’s smiling into it, but you can still feel the scar on her lip as clearly as you always have. There’s a different, rougher feeling in the divot where skin used to be. You like kissing her more because of it. You won’t deny the thought of her having that scar along her cheek would be nice, but she deserves a better story than being fucked over by one of Sevika’s chemtanks.
She has more scars than you do. You wouldn’t mind any more, but you’d like to at least prevent that if you can.
“Love you, babe,” you whisper.
“Love you more,” Vi says. “Thanks for patching me up, doc.”
“And as your doctor, I recommend that you come and get some rest,” you remark, winking softly and taking her hands to pull her up to her feet. Vi takes after the innuendo immediately, a smile drifting to her face. She pulls off her jacket and throws it on the chair table, leaning down to promptly scoop you off your feet.
You sigh, letting yourself hang off her shoulder. She does this every time.
You won’t get sick of it anytime soon.
A/N: thank you for the prompt! very lovely to write <3
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