#Cristina Ramos
dearsims4 · 5 months
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Childhood memories! Benjamin Ramos in 1944.
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omglaurashutup · 1 month
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Keyla on season 3, episode 1.
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malecelebinfemdom · 4 months
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Portuguese model Francisco Rosa and other boys at Susana Dias' mercy
Revista Cristina
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conandaily2022 · 7 months
13 sexiest Miss Grand International 2023 candidates
The Miss Grand International 2023 coronation ceremony will be held at the Phú Thọ Indoor Stadium in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on October 25, 2023. It is the 11th edition of the international beauty pageant based in Bangkok, Thailand. On October 25, 2022, Isabella Menin of Brazil was crowned Miss Grand International 2022 at the Sentul International Convention Center, in West Java, Indonesia.…
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imninahchan · 1 month
passa a lista dos livros br nina! e obrigada pelas recomendações musicais ♡
demorei a responder porque eu ia voltar ao gabinete em que ajudo na faculdade e separar algumas das obras que mais me marcaram de alguma forma e que eu recomendo pra você em vários sentidos, seja formar pensamento crítico ou simplesmente consumir entretenimento.
Sonetos, florbela esplanca
Olhos d'água, canção para ninar menino, conceição evaristo (a maior que temos hoje, minha amg fez um artigo sobre ela
O avesso da pele, jefferson tenório (recentemente estão tentando tombar e nós já sabemos pq, então leia
A teus pés, ana cristina cesar (minha mais recentemente e melhor descoberta
O cortiço, aluísio azevedo
Noite na taverna, álvares de azevedo (meu primeiro contato foi pq um dos personagens tinha meu sobrenome
Memórias póstumas de Brás cubas, machado de assis (ou pode ser dom casmurro, ou qualquer outra dele
Os escravos, castro alves
Capitães de areia, jorge amado
As meninas, Ciranda de pedra, lydgia fagundes telles
Quarto de despejo, carolina maria de jesus
Vidas Secas, graciliano ramos
Úrsula, maria firmina dos reis
Laços De Família, clarice lispector
A Obscena Senhora D, hilda hilst
Torto Arado, de itamar vieira junior
As Metamorfoses, murilo mendes (recomendando o kingo pq ele dá o nome ao centro acadêmico do meu curso e tem um museu pra ele na cidade onde eu moro não o conhecia sou da roça
Nihonjin, de oscar nakasato
Cidade de Deus, de paulo lins
Citando apenas nomes pra você ler qualquer coisa delas porque eu não soube escolher: adélia prado, cora coralina.
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ma-pi-ma · 1 year
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Devota come un ramo curvato da molte nevi allegra come falò per colline d'oblio, su acutissime lamine in bianca maglia di ortiche, ti insegnerò, mia anima, questo passo d'addio… 
Cristina Campo, da Passo d’addio, All’Insegna del Pesce d’Oro, 1956
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Hoje, dia 28 de setembro, a equipe da Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) Jardim Jovaia realizou uma tarde com a  importante ação voltada para a saúde mental no Jardim Testae.
O evento ocorreu na Igreja de Deus em Cristo Unindo Nossas Forças, localizada no Jardim Testae. A equipe envolvida na iniciativa contou com os servidores Miguel da Silva, enfermeira Kelly Cristina Sellan, auxiliar de enfermagem Sirlene Portilho e a Dra. Adriana Amâncio ACS's. Além disso, estiveram presentes os Agentes Comunitários de Saúde  Solange Paiva de Morais, Thielle Galdino dos Santos, Débora Priscila de Moraes e Sérgio Ramos de Morais Junior. Como anfitriões, o Pastor José Ferreira da Silva e sua esposa, a Missionária Maria José, que apoiaram a ação.
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Discovery of relativistic jets blowing bubbles in the central region of the Teacup Galaxy When matter falls into supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies, it unleashes enormous amounts of energy and is called an active galactic nuclei (or AGN). A fraction of AGN release part of this energy as jets that are detectable in radio wavelengths that travel at velocities close to light speed. While the jet travels across the galaxy, it collides with the clouds and gas around it and in some cases may push this material away in the form of winds. However, which conditions preferentially trigger these winds to blow out the gas from galaxies are still poorly understood. The effect of jets impacting the content of the galaxies, like the stars, dust, and gas, plays an important role in how galaxies evolve in the Universe. The most powerful radio jets, hosted in ´radio-loud’ galaxies, are responsible for drastically changing the fate of galaxies because they heat the gas, preventing new star formation and galaxy growth. Computer simulations of relativistic jets piercing into disky galaxies predict that jets alter the shape of the surrounding gas by blowing bubbles as they penetrate further into the galaxy. One of the key elements in the simulations that make the jets efficient in driving winds is the angle between the gaseous disk and the jet’s direction of propagation. Surprisingly, less powerful jets, like the ones in ‘radio-quiet’ galaxies, are able to inflict more damage on the surrounding medium than the very powerful ones. An international scientific team, led by the IAC researcher Anelise Audibert, discovered an ideal case in which to study the interaction of the radio jet with the cold gas around a massive quasar: the Teacup galaxy. The Teacup is a radio-quiet quasar located 1.3 billion light years from us and its nickname comes from the expanding bubbles seen in the optical and radio images, one of which is shaped like the handle of a teacup.. In addition, the central region (around 3300 light-years in size) harbors a compact and young radio jet that has a small inclination relative to the galaxy disk. Effects on star formation Using observations performed in the Chilean desert with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the team was able to characterize with an unprecedented level of detail the cold, dense gas in the central part of the Teacup. In particular, they detected the emission of carbon monoxide molecules that can only exist under certain conditions of density and temperature. Based on these observations, the team found that the compact jet, despiteits low power, is not only clearly disrupting the distribution of the gas and heating it, but also accelerating it in an unusual way. The team expected to detect extreme conditions in the impacted regions along the jet, but when they analyzed the observations, they found that the cold gas is more turbulent and warmer in the directions perpendicular to the jet propagation. “This is caused by the shocks induced by the jet-driven bubble, which heats up and blows the gas in its lateral expansion”, explains A. Audibert “Supported by the comparison with computer simulations, we believe that the orientation between the cold gas disk and the jet is a crucial factor in efficiently driving these lateral winds”, she adds. “It was previously believed that low-power jets had a negligible impact on the galaxy, but works like ours show that, even in the case of radio-quiet galaxies, jets can redistribute and disrupt the surrounding gas, and this will have an impact on the galaxy's ability to form new stars”, says Cristina Ramos Almeida, an IAC researcher and co-author of the study. The next step is to observe a larger sample of radio-quiet quasars with MEGARA, an instrument installed on the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC or Grantecan). The observations will help us to understand the impact of the jets on the more tenuous and hot gas, and to measure changes in star formation caused by winds. This is one of the goals of the QSOFEED project, developed by an international team led by C. Ramos Almeida at the IAC, whose aim is to discover how winds from supermassive black holes affect the galaxies that host them. IMAGE.....The compact radio jet in the center of the Teacup galaxy blows a lateral turbulent wind in the cold dense gas, as predicted by the simulations. CREDIT HST/ ALMA/ VLA/ M. Meenakshi/ D. Mukherjee/ A. Audibert
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volevoimparareavolare · 10 months
Imparai così dall'imperfezione
degli alberi nel tarmi ramo sottile
e spigoloso per tendere
alla verità della luce.
-Giovanna Cristina Vivinetto
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euemeuslivros · 9 months
Preciso de alguns croissants para me dar sorte…
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Título: Presa com Você Autora: Ali Hazelwood Classificação: +18 Avaliação: ★★★★★
Presa com Você é o segundo conto da série Odeio te Amar. Uma história que segue o mesmo padrão de romance entre ‘rivais’ agora acompanhado Sadie em um cenário completamente diferente. Reforço aqui a importância de ler as histórias na sequência indicada para evitar pequenos spoilers, ou seja, começando com Sob o Mesmo Teto, seguindo para Presa com Você e finalizando com Abaixo de Zero.
Nesse segundo conto acompanhamos a relação conturbada de Sadie e Erik. Ambos trabalham no ramo da engenharia civil e após algumas infelizes coincidências mal resolvidas Sadie passa a odiar Erik com todas as suas forças, até mesmo falar com ele é algo difícil. No que depender dela, os dois estão fadados a permanecerem o mais longe possível um do outro, mas as coisas mudam quando de repente os dois se veem presos em um elevador quebrado. Sadie parece estar convencida de que a verdade é uma só enquanto Erik tenta se desculpar sem sequer saber direito o que fez de errado… Será que algumas horas em um elevador parado serão o suficiente para fazer com que eles se reaproximem?
A cada história que eu leio me sinto cada vez mais imersa e apaixonada tanto pela narrativa quanto pelos personagens escritos por essa autora. A princípio fiquei receosa, temos três amigas das áreas de STEM (ciência, tecnologia, engenharia e matemática) logo imaginei que seriam personagens e contos repetitivos, sem muita criatividade ou diferenças marcantes. Fico feliz em poder dizer que me enganei.
Uma leitura tranquila, gostosa e curtinha para aqueles dias em que até mesmo 100 páginas parecem ser muito. Os personagens são encantadores, acredito que se pedissem as mulheres para descreverem um homem perfeito elas acabariam descrevendo um personagem masculino escrito por Ali Hazelwood. 
Resenha por: Martha Cristina IG: @eu.e.meus.livros
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Slightly changed common forenames
Aaron Ada Adam Adrian Adrienne Agnes Alan Albert Alberta Alberto Alex Alexander Alexandra Alexis Alfred Alfredo Alice Alicia Alison Allan Allen Allison Alma Alvin Alyssa Amanda Amber Amelia Amy Ana Andre Andrea Andrew Andy Angel Angela Angelica Angelina Angie Anita Ann Anna Anne Annette Annie Antoinette Antonia Antonio Antóny April Arlene Armando Arnold Artúr Ashley Audrey Barbara Barry Beatrice Becky Belinda Ben Benjamin Bernadette Bernard Bernice Bertá Bessie Beth Betsy Betty Betány Beulah Beverly Bill Billie Billy Blanca Blancé Bob Bobbie Bobby Bonnie Brad Bradley Brandi Brandon Brandy Brenda Brent Brett Brian Bridget Brittany Brooke Bruce Bryan Byron Calvin Camille Candace Candice Carl Carla Carlos Carmen Carol Carole Caroline Carolyn Carrie Casey Cassandra Cathy Catérine Cecelia Cecil Cecilia Celia Chris Christian Christie Christina Christine Christopér Christy Cindy Claire Clara Clarence Claude Claudia Clayton Clifford Clifton Clinton Clyde Cody Colleen Connie Constance Cora Corey Cory Courtney Craig Cristina Crystal Curtis Cyntûa Cád Cárlene Cárles Cárlie Cárlotte Célsea Céryl Céster Daisy Dale Dan Dana Daniel Danielle Danny Darla Darlene Darrell Darren Darryl Daryl Dave David Dawn Dean Deanna Debbie Deborah Debra Delia Della Delores Denise Dennis Derek Derrick Desiree Diana Diane Dianna Dianne Dixie Dolores Don Donald Donna Dora Doreen Doris Dorothy Douglas Duane Dustin Dwayne Dwight Earl Ebony Eddie Edgar Edith Edna Eduardo Edward Edwin Eileen Elaine Eleanor Elena Elisa Elizabeth Ella Ellen Elmer Eloise Elsa Elsie Elvira Emily Emma Enrique Eric Erica Erik Erika Erin Erma Ernest Ernestine Essie Estelle Estér Etél Eugene Eula Eunice Eva Evelyn Everett Faith Fannie Faye Felicia Felix Fernando Flora Florence Floyd Frances Francis Francisco Frank Franklin Fred Freda Freddie Frederick Gabriel Gail Gary Gayle Gene Geneva Genevieve George Georgia Gerald Geraldine Gertrude Gilbert Gina Ginger Gladys Glen Glenda Glenn Gloria Gordon Grace Greg Gregory Gretcén Guadalupe Guy Gwen Gwendolyn Ian Ida Inez Irene Iris Irma Isaac Isabel Ivan Jack Jackie Jacob Jacqueline Jacquelyn Jaime James Jamie Jan Jana Jane Janet Janice Janie Janis Jared Jasmine Jason Javier Jay Jean Jeanette Jeanne Jeannette Jeannie Jeff Jeffery Jeffrey Jenna Jennie Jennifer Jenny Jeremy Jerome Jerry Jesse Jessica Jessie Jesus Jill Jim Jimmie Jimmy Jo Joan Joann Joanna Joanne Jodi Jody Joe Joel John Johnnie Johnny Jon Jonatán Jordan Jorge Jose Josefina Joseph Josepûne Josúa Joy Joyce Joánna Juan Juana Juanita Judith Judy Julia Julian Julie Julio June Justin Kara Karen Kari Karl Karla Kate Kathleen Kathryn Kathy Katie Katrina Katérine Kay Kayla Keith Kelley Kelli Kellie Kelly Ken Kendra Kenneth Kent Kerry Kevin Kim Kimberly Kirk Krista Kristen Kristi Kristie Kristin Kristina Kristine Kristy Krystal Kurt Kyle Lana Lance Larry Latoya Laura Lauren Laurie Laverne Lawrence Leah Lee Leigh Lela Lena Leo Leon Leona Leonard Leroy Leslie Lester Leticia Lewis Lila Lillian Lillie Linda Lindsay Lindsey Lisa Lloyd Lois Lola Lonnie Lora Lorena Lorene Loretta Lori Lorraine Louis Louise Lucia Lucille Lucy Luis Lula Luz Lydia Lynda Lynette Lynn Lynne Mabel Mable Madeline Mae Maggie Mamie Mandy Manuel Marc Marcella Marcia Marcus Margaret Margarita Margie Marguerite Maria Marian Marianne Marie Marilyn Mario Marion Marjorie Mark Marlene Marsá Marsáll Marta Martin Martá Marvin Mary Maryann Mattie Mattéw Matéw Maureen Maurice Max Maxine May Megan Megán Melanie Melba Melinda Melissa Melody Melvin Mercedes Meredith Micáel Micéal Micéle Micélle Miguel Mike Mildred Milton Mindy Minnie Miranda Miriam Misty Mitcéll Molly Mona Monica Monique Morris Muriel Myra Myrtle
Nadine Nancy Naomi Natalie Natasá Natán Natániel Neil Nellie Nelson Nettie Nicole Nicólas Nicóle Nina Nora Norma Norman Olga Olive Olivia Ollie Opal Ora Oscar Pam Pamela Pat Patricia Patrick Patsy Patti Patty Paul Paula Paulette Pauline Pearl Pedro Peggy Penny Perry Peter Phyllis Priscilla Pûlip Pûllip Racáel Racél Rafael Ralph Ramon Ramona Randall Randy Raquel Raul Ray Raymond Rebecca Regina Reginald Rene Renee Ricardo Rick Ricky Ricárd Rita Robert Roberta Roberto Robin Robyn Rocélle Rodney Roger Roland Ron Ronald Ronnie Rosa Rosalie Rose Rosemarie Rosemary Rosie Ross Roxanne Roy Ruben Ruby Russell Ruth Ryan Rónda Sabrina Sadie Sally Salvador Sam Samantá Samuel Sandra Sandy Sara Sarah Scott Sean Sergio Seth Sidney Silvia Sonia Sonja Sonya Sopûa Sopûe Stacey Stacy Stanley Stella Stepánie Stepén Steve Steven Sue Susan Susie Suzanne Sylvia Sáne Sánnon Sári Sáron Sáwn Sáwna Séila Sélia Sélley Sélly Séri Sérri Sérry Séryl Sûrley Tabitá Tamara Tami Tammy Tanya Tara Tasá Ted Teresa Teri Terrance Terrence Terri Terry Tiffany Tim Timothy Tina Todd Tom Tommy Toni Tony Tonya Tracey Traci Tracy Travis Tricia Troy Tyler Tyrone Télma Téodore Téresa Tómas Valerie Vanessa Velma Vera Verna Vernon Veronica Vicki Vickie Vicky Victor Victoria Vincent Viola Violet Virgil Virginia Vivian Wade Wallace Walter Wanda Warren Wayne Wendy Wesley Willard William Willie Wilma Winifred Wûtney Yolanda Yvette Yvonne Zacáry Ánnah Árold Árriet Árry Árvey Áttie Ázel Éatér Éctor Éidi Élen Énrietta Énry Érbert Érman Ólly Ópe Óward Úgh Ûlda
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dearsims4 · 8 months
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Birth of Benjamin Ramos in 1943.
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aguacerotropical · 1 year
I sing again, leaving death behind, to take part in the horrible tenderness of love, that now arrives when life is late, to be innocent of future wars. I come again to the eternal night of expectation, to the sacred prejudice of a unique man, when I’ve made peace treaties in the remote sunsets of solitude. I return to the world as I depart, having birthed another phantom, a dweller of nebulous coasts, a brief enemy of metaphors. And you are here. Promising love beyond this century. Delivering the thirsty rains of summer. The most accurate painter of human walls. Animal of another space unbound. So many clocks devoid of hours are enticing us, such a great urge, unquenched, is pressing us, so much hope is only an initiation into the slow funeral of our perfect joy. Our time is scant, and so our things: a stained carpet, two glasses without memories, a black telephone, a hiding place, a key to light that locks in sadness and a recent past that now rejects us. Walking hand in hand and lost we’re perplexed again that so much love exists.
Manuel Ramos Otero (1948-1990), translated from Spanish by Cristina Pérez Díaz
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25 February 2012 | Iñaki Urdangarín, the husband of Infanta Cristina, speaks to the media as he arrives at the courthouse of Palma de Mallorca to give evidence during the 'Palma Arena trial' in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. The son-in-law of King Juan Carlos of Spain, Inaki Urdangarin, Duke of Palma will testify in court over allegations that he misused millions of euros of public funds, allocated to organise sports and tourism events, during his time a chairman of a non-profit foundation from 2004 to 2006. Public prosecutors suspect the non-profit foundation named 'Instituo Noos', headed by Urdangarin, of siphoning away funds from public contracts awarded to companies run by Urdangarin and his business partners. (c) David Ramos/Getty Images
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Astra Kilby is the most sought after musician beyond Metropolis West. When she's not playing yet another show, he's patrolling the outposts with the Ultras, a rebel group dedicated to stopping the Correctors from taking over. Audition day has come up for her and Katz Delany's new band, and it's time for them to find a new sound--and a new name for themselves.
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javisuzumiya02 · 2 years
Does Lincoln 1120 have sex with these female?
Those who got pregnant
Lori Loud
Leni Loud
Luna Loud
Luan Loud
Lynn Loud Jr.
Stella Zhau
Girl Jordan
Ronnie Anne Santiago
Sid Chang
Carlota Casagrande
Adelaide Chang
Becky (from The Casagrandes)
Beatrix Yates
Belle Yates
Carol Pingrey
Becky (from The Loud House)
Sam Sharp
Margo Roberts
Paula Price
Maria Santiago
Becca Chang
Judy Zhau
Agnes Johnson
Katherine Mulligan
Carly Miller
Thicc QT
Ms. DiMartino
Ms. Lauren
Ms. Shrinivas
Nurse Patty
Miss Allegra
Mrs. Salter
Principal Ramirez
Principal Rivers
Kate Bernardo
Mrs. Flores
Alisa Barela
La Tormenta
Those who did not get pregnant because they are underage
Lucy Loud
Lana Loud
Lola Loud
Lisa Loud
Lance St. Clair
Beau Yates
Meli Ramos
Lindsey Sweetwater
Darcy Hermandollar
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