#Dai Atlas
tonikkyn · 13 days
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Dai Atlas :
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hozcar · 3 months
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A funny story about this drawing is that in the middle of the process I got mad-sick, I had dengue and ended up in the hospital for days because of two seizures. When I came back, I finished this piece, so now that I look at it I always think about that!
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PLS Dai Atlas E4 + Hellbat A2
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@soyaniss IM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
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cyber-streak-2 · 3 months
*Pre-war Cybertron*
Shockwave: There’s something about Proteus I don’t like.
Dai Atlas: Is it that he’s the worst person ever?
Shockwave: That’s it.
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bassomega · 8 months
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this one's been living in my head rent-free for awhile now
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compaculaaa · 1 year
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2/5 Christmas illust
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dainzlef · 1 year
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an idea from my friend
Before sleep: properly lying (both, of course)
After sleep: *feet on Dai's faceplate
Drift is a nice kid, just have a VERY bad sleeping position XD
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tiny-tf-faces · 5 months
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mostly-him · 1 year
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More doodle commissions made 😁
1 doodle tfs expression for 2 coffees!!
(Link to my Ko-fi in the post pinned at the top of my blog 😋)
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transformers-mosaic · 11 days
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Transformers: Multiverse #19 - "Drifted"
Originally posted on April 30th, 2013
Story - Wout Jut Art - Hosanna Lau Colours - Brandy Dixon Letters, Edits - HdE Edits - Zac DeBoard
deviantART | BotTalk
wada sez: On deviantART, Wout Jut said: “I really wanted to make a comic about evil Drift. I suprised that there are so few fan-stories about him ( I found only one!).” Shattered Glass Drift had a somewhat storied conceptual history, with his final official characterisation being just Deadpool. HdE has appropriately given him Deadpool’s yellow speech bubbles. This strip gives him a new backstory adapting the pacifist Circle of Light from IDW’s Drift miniseries; here, they seem a bit more violent. The mirror-universe color schemes for Wing and Dai Atlas have been invented by Dixon. See below for clean colors, and check back tomorrow for another of Jut’s Shattered Glass strips.
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tonikkyn · 23 days
Believe or die
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 9 months
Infodumping in style
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tigressaofkanjis · 1 month
Transformers: Lost World - All Leaders + Their Weaknesses
Miner – Can dig in the ground for deep planted materials and break Energon 
Farm Skill – Digs soil and can overturn used spots. Can craft and break down materials.
Gatherer – Can hold excess supplies and materials and can retrieve items for you out in the field 
Farm Skill – Taking ready crops and organizing them, feeding animals 
Infiltrator – Can cut down trees, vines, and ice for materials or to unblock paths. Can climb cliffs and to higher areas. 
Farm Skill - Tidying up the farm, animal stalls and the Transformer stables, keeping the area and its inhabitants mess-free and happy, and can also plant seeds.  The more Transformers and animals you have, the easier it is for your farm to become disheveled, and all your Companions will grow upset over time. 
Scout – Can sense nearby hotspots of energy and alert to items in the wild 
Farm Skill – Retrieves water for crops or animals in their station 
Wrecker – Can demolish rocks and heavy-duty minerals, unblocking paths as well. Can climb cliffs and to higher areas. 
Farm Skill – Crafting or breaking down materials for crafting is their best use though they can also dig soil and patrol the farm’s boundaries for extra tidiness 
Healer – Can heal any Transformer you take with you as well as yourself to a degree 
Farm Skill – Tendering to planted crops or animals, keeps them healthy when you are away 
Combatant – The best for fighting other Transformers to subdue and tame them as well as great warriors for challenges and battles. Can climb cliffs and to higher areas. 
Farm Skill – Transformers can get bored, but their favorite pastime is friendly battle. Keeping a Combatant to maintain hobby stations will keep your friends happy. 
Leader – Jack of all trades, can do almost everything on and off the farm. Certain leaders lack one skill compared to other leaders though so be mindful where you place them. 
Farm Skill – Practically everything. 
All Leader Class Transformers have to be fought to tame. And once acquired, they can perform any job the others can...except one. Depending on the Leader, their skills vary.
35. Grimlock - While he excels in combat and most chores, Grimlock is a very weak Healer type. He doesn't do well in trimming crops to maintain health and providing direct care for creatures.
36. Predaking - He cannot be a Scout. Finding items aren't exactly what he cares to do but using water on crops and to replenish animal's water buckets is very hard with half his abilities relying on fire.
50. Ramhorn - Ramhorn has immense difficulties with being an Infiltrator. He has neither the patience or the specialty to deal with vines and trees as well as cleaning up messes. He would rather make messes than clean them.
51. Ravage - Stubborn-headed, yes, but his size does limit him to what he can do. Ravage cannot be a Wrecker class as giant obstacles are a bit too strong for him. He also is better at rearranging crafted items than actually dealing with them.
85. Optimus Prime - Excels in everything except being a Miner. He doesn't have the strongest knowledge of unearthing materials nor digging plots for crops.
86. Megatron - Megatron may be the head honcho of the Decepticons but he isn't going to do everything. Megatron has quite the difficulties with being an Infiltrator. He doesn't deal with mediocre blocked paths nor dealing with a messy camp. He'll leave those chores for other bots.
94. Elita One - Elita has no patience for being a Healer. She sent bots to the infirmary during the war; that's the only relationship she has in terms of medical and natural care.
100. Ultra Magnus - High and mighty Ultra has a lack of association with being a Scout as he isn't the best at tracking things nor retrieving water.
101. Motormaster - He boasts a lot but sucks at being a direct Combatant unless he's cornered. And he doesn't care for seeing to keeping his peers happy in friendly battle.
115. Sky Garry - Good Garry is a star example of a bot except as a Miner. He prefers the sky, hence his name, rather than sticking to the ground and certainly digging in it.
116. Slipstream - Her intelligence rivals many and she finds that while in no sense weak, she doesn't deal with obstacles a Wrecker would. She's also not a great craftsman, preferring to draw up the schematics than physically do them.
134. Tidal Wave - A great behemoth of a Transformer, he is a terrible Scout. A little too big to recognize materials and hidden things from his height, he'll leave the watering and seeking tasks to bots better suited for it.
135. Omega Supreme - The sentinel of Iacon, Omega is a kind soul deep down and surprisingly doesn't like to be a Combatant. He would rather farm than harm. He can also do his chores faster, covering the maximum amount of ground work than most others.
136. Astrotrain - The dark train is an irate fellow who despises being a lackey often times so getting him to be an Infiltrator is most difficult. If he can't crush it underfoot, he doesn't care about doing it.
141. Tarn - He doesn't much care for keeping animals much so it's best not to entrust him with feeding them as a Gatherer. He also doesn't care about collecting supplies out in the wild. If you want your stuff, it's more or less up to you to get them.
166. Nemesis Prime - Nemesis (no, not the ship) is spiteful and won't respond to being a Healer. If they aren't dying, there's no need to fix them. Enough said.
173. Dai Atlas - While he is a good Councilmember, Dai Atlas doesn't do well as a Wrecker. He prefers to fix things than break them. He had no problems with animals though.
175. Sentinel Prime - The cocky Prime has one weakness and that is being a Miner. Grunt work more like to him. He will take out large obstacles, but he won't touch honest ground work.
176. Star Saber - He excels in being a strong Autobot but he is not great at being a Gatherer. It's not that he's forgetful or ignorant, he just isn't used to having to gather supplies and feed animals. Maybe he will want to learn someday.
186. Galvatron - The follower of Unicron holds not a lot of regard for life, especially organic life. So, his weakest point is the chores of a Healer. One day, he may come off his high horse and tend to the animals and crops properly but until then, don't leave them unattended in his care please.
187. Prima - A sweet soul throughout, Prima is a natural caring bot but he is not good at being a Scout. He has a million and one things on his mind, tracking items and keeping water for your animals and crops aren't exactly high on his priorities list.
188. Vector Prime - Vector is a lover, not a fighter. He will not indulge himself or others in battle as a Combatant unless in an emergency. Ironically, he has quite the power behind his attacks. he just doesn't utilize them.
189. Micronus Prime - If it can't be levitated, he doesn't deal with it. Micronus will care for all life but has no regard for heavy-duty tasks or things that require patience like crafting. So, you won't find him as a Wrecker anytime soon.
190. Solus Prime - Solus is the best craftsman in the galaxy. Maybe that's a little dramatic but she is the creator of many artifacts and relics you may find. But she is not the best Infiltrator. She makes messes but she has trouble keeping her own station clear much less your camp, and slicing through little annoyances is not what her talent calls for.
191. Liege Maximo - Liege has many things, including a Glitch-Mouse up his aft, but he doesn't deal with being a Miner. He has far too many other chores he would prefer than digging around for useless things.
192. Megatronus Prime - The angry Prime is not good at being a Healer though he may try. Despite his dark nature, he doesn't always act as he looks, but he understands that taking general care of animals and crops are just not in the cards for him.
193. Quintus Prime - Quintus is a terrible Combatant. He can create and destroy but physical fighting he lacks solely because he's not used to it. Fighting Unicron was one thing, other Transformers the same size and possibly with the same level of powers is quite different.
194. Amalgamous Prime - With a horrible sense of perception among all his quirks, Amalgamous doesn't like being a Scout. Getting him to find your car keys would somehow leave your house burning down. He's just not good at it.
195. Alchemist Prime - As a natural soothsayer of the barkeeping world, Alchemist adores animals but his greatest weakness is actually being a Gatherer. he can talk for days but can be easily distracted and forget that while everything needs a drink, they also need to eat.
196. Nexus Prime - Nexus doesn't like to be responsible for others' idiotic decisions so naturally, he makes a terrible Healer. He will fight but he won't aid you as you die. That's a you problem.
197. Onyx Prime - The Beastmaster of the Predacon race understands and loves creatures great and small, but he is not the best Wrecker. He would rather let those more capable with brute strength made for it go ahead and do what they need to. He'll keep with the animals and crops.
198. Alpha Trion - Alpha Trion is a master librarian but he is not the strongest Combatant in the field. He would rather read and take care of life than fight it. While not a pacifist per say, he's definitely not someone you would take into battle a lot.
199. Unicron - The dark god holds a deep hatred for many things, but he lacks most as a Healer. His blood with siphon life in direct exposure, so how would he even begin to help them even if he wanted to?
200. Primus - A sacred soul and the leader of Cybertron overall, Primus is the bearer of life itself. While not heavily responsible for organic existence, they are a valiant and benevolent kindred breed. But if Primus were to be not as good as others in one specific field, they are a bit perplexed by the skill of being a Miner. Digging is not something they have had a lot of practice with given their normal size.
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littledoujireviews · 2 months
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It arrived a few minutes ago 🛍️📚♥️🤖 2 books Dai Atlas x Wing ➕ Drift central book and anthology✨
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compaculaaa · 2 years
Be so cute if Sparkling Prowl won’t share with his father but if Optimus wants a bite maybe he’ll share while Dai Atlas is pouting. Yoketron is holding his laughter while Alpha Trion pouts too
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it’s important to share with friends 💕
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As patient as Yoketron is, he can’t hold back his laughter seeing his husband and bestie pouting like spoilt sparklings lol
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jade-eclipse-li · 3 months
Drift, is there any way you can use your Great Sword to forge. Like a PSYCHIC LINK wity DAI ATLAS’S GREAT SWORD?
Deadlock alert!
Oh! Of COURSE! I’ll do that right after i’ve chopped tour tiny little video camera head off, you SARCASTIC piece of-
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